Papakura Courier - Papakura! Look out for your new red top rubbish bin this April - Neighbourly

Page created by Greg Townsend
Local board’s                      New street
                              spending plans                     named after
                              for year P5                        Jonah P7

Papakura Courier
Wednesday, March 28, 2018             YOUR PLACE, YOUR PAPER

                              Papakura! Look out for your
                            new red top rubbish bin this April

       Find out more at
Papakura! Look out for your
new red top rubbish bin.
Papakura, as an Auckland Council customer you’ll be getting your new
red top rubbish bin in April, if it hasn’t arrived already. Keep it handy
and keep using rubbish bags until the collection service switches over
to bins from 21 May.
Bins keep our streets cleaner and safer for everyone. And they could keep
extra money in your pocket.
Your new rubbish collection starts 21 May 2018
You will soon be able to use the new pay-as-you throw, bin and tag rubbish collection
service. No long-term contracts or recurring direct debits. You can save money by
having less waste collected, less often.

Here’s how it works
1. Buy a tag from your supermarket checkout.
2. When your rubbish bin is full, take your bin to the kerbside
   by 7am on your usual collection day and attach the tag to
   the left hand bin handle so our collectors can see them.
3. Our trucks will collect rubbish bins with a tag on that day.

   The 3 bin system is a signiicant step towards achieving a future of zero
   waste. By placing food scraps in your new food waste bin weekly, recycling
   every fortnight and putting your new rubbish bin out only when it’s full (with
   a pre-paid tag) we’ll reduce the amount of waste going to landill.

  For more information visit
Local board's                                                                                                                New street
                                                       spending plans                                                                                                               named after
                                                       for year P5                                                                                                                  Jonah P7

Papakura Courier
 Wednesday, March 28, 2018                                                      YOUR PLACE, YOUR PAPER

One of New Zealand’s favourite children’s TV programmes What Now is broadcasting live from Pulman Arena and Park in Takanini, on Easter Sunday morning, April 1, from 8am.                                              SUPPLIED

What Now’s heading south
LIU CHEN                                Easter Sunday, April 1.                 on the road and deepen its engage-                               Auckland suburbs offers a great               helping us do just that.
                                            There will be games, cultural       ment with the audience from com-                                 snapshot on the rich diversity of                ‘‘Let’s show that out south we
On Sunday mornings, young ones          performances,        martial     arts   munities to create more shareable                                NZ life,’’ Williams says.                     really know how to be creative,
tune into What Now. It’s been that      demonstrations, prizes and lots of      content, and is looking forward to                                   Pulman Arena and Park gen-                have fun and enjoy the many
way for almost four decades, pro-       gunge and foam, and people are          broadcasting in the area.                                        eral manager Noeline Hodgins                  challenges we are sure that What
viding many with fond childhood         welcome to watch how live TV is            ‘‘I really encourage the good                                 says it’s wonderful it has been               Now will provide.’’
memories.                               made.                                   people of Takanini to round up                                   chosen to host the live telecast                 The tour started in February
   After 37 years of being a studio-        Children might get a chance to      the family and come be a part of                                 and it will be fantastic for the              in Mt Wellington, and will cover
based television show, it’s now         be on TV, and meet presenters           What Now history,’’ Williams                                     community to be part of the show.             40 towns in 40 weeks. The Naval
moving its entertaining crew and        Chris, Ronnie and Erin for              says.                                                                ‘‘There will be very few people           Base sports field at Devonport is
machines to outside locations on a      autographs and photos after the            With the new format, the pro-                                 in NZ who do not know of What                 the next location for What Now
live broadcasting tour around           show. Netball player Fa’amu             gramme also hopes to celebrate                                   Now and have not included it as a             after Pulman Park.
Auckland.                               Ioane of the Northern Stars is also     the people and the unique culture                                consistent part of their lives,’’             ❚ What Now broadcasts live from
   Pulman Arena and Park in             joining in.                             of a different area, with every epi-                             Hodgins says.                                 the community on Sundays,
Takanini, South Auckland, is the            Co-producer of What Now,            sode featuring a community good                                      ‘‘The Papakura district is a              8-10am on TVNZ 2, and all shows
next destination, with the two          Morgan Williams, says the team          sort, called a Boomin’ Human.                                    wonderful place to celebrate fam-             are available on TVNZ On
hours of fun starting from 8am on       felt it’s important to take the show       ‘‘The population of many                                      ilies and kids and What Now is                Demand.

                                                                  Hot Cross Buns                               Pams Family Bags                                      Tegel Frozen Drumsticks            Pams Frozen Mixed
                                                                      6 Pack                                      140 - 260g                                                 5kg Bag                      Vege/Peas 1kg
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                                                                  2       89
                                                                           Each                                   5            00
                                                                                                                                                                      19           89
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              PAK’nSAVE PAPAKURA 331-345 Great South Road, Papakura                Specials only apply at this store. Valid Monday 26 March – Sunday 1 April 2018.
4   PAPAKURA COURIER, MARCH 28, 2018                                                                                                                                         

YOUR LOCAL NEWS                                                                                                            YOUR LOCALNEWS

                                                        1. ST MARY’S GALA

                                        to do list
                                                        St Mary’s Catholic School’s annual

                                                        gala is on April 8, 10.30am-2pm. Join
                                                        the fun of an auction, raffles, games     1
                                                        and a range of food, at 54 Clark
THE                                                     Road, Papakura.
EDITOR                                                  2. WHAT NOW, NOW
                                                        Children’s TV show What Now is on                                                                     Meet the Team
                                                        tour, and Papakura is on its map.                                                                     TARANNUM SHAIKH
I hope you’ve picked up on the                          With it comes the Big Top and crazy                                                                   Reporter
fact that two new taxes have been                       gunge games. Be part of the telecast                                                        
agreed to this past fortnight; the                      at Pulman Park, April, 7.30-10.30am.                                                                  027 201 5956
clean water tax, which will be
applied to the always ever-                             3. SPORTING GOOD FUN
increasing household and                                Every Thursday at Ray Small Park,
business rates; and the regional                        Auckland Council hosts a free after-                                                                 CONTENTS
fuel tax that will hit all motorists
in the pockets from July 1. For
                                                        school sports session from
                                                        3.30-4.30pm. Try a new sport and
                                                                                                  2                            3                             3-12 News; 8 Conversations
                                                                                                                                                             10-11 What’s On
business owners, they’re getting                        learn some new skills.                                                                               13 Big Crossword
stung twice on the latter, those                                                                                                                             14, 15, 16 Sport
with private and company                                4. PARENT WASTE FREE                                                                                 16 Puzzles
vehicles. Stories will run on those                     Kate Meads travels the country
topics in coming editions and are                       taking waste free workshops, and on                                                                  MISSED DELIVERY?
on It’s                       April 10 she will be at the Old Central                                                              Didn’t get a paper, register
great that Auckland over the past                       School Hall on Wood Street,                                                                 Or see
16 years has been finally getting                       7-9.30pm. Call 0800 289 849.                                                                         e-editions
on with the job of delivering the
infrastructure projects a city of its                   5. A BROADCAST FUTURE
                                                                                                  4                            5                             papakuracourier

size and quickly-growing                                Grab one of 50 limited tickets to a                                                                  NZ PRESS COUNCIL
population requires, but the                            korero with John Campbell and                                                                        This paper adheres to the principles
public service (council,                                Carol Hirschfeld on April 12 from                                                                    of the NZ Press Council. To find out
government) and elected                                 7.30-10pm at Hawkins Theatre. Call                                                                   more or complain
members must always remember                            0800 289 849 for tickets.                                                                  
to measure how hard the costs are
stretching the households’ and
businesses’ ability to pay more          CONTACT US
taxes. Happy Easter, God bless.          OFFICE AND ENQUIRIES: 09 272 7017. NEWS DIRECTOR: PJ (Phil) Taylor 027 839 4517 or DELIVERY ISSUES: 09 525 2022,
And don’t forget to turn back the or 09 525 2100. ADVERTISING: Jodi McMurtrie or 027 565 8638.
clocks on Sunday morning, to end         WHAT’S ON: Go to to submit your event. MAIL: P.O. Box 76-400, Manukau. AUDITED CIRCULATION: 26,943 (ABC for the 12 months to
this golden run we’ve had on
Daylight Saving. Enjoy your sleep        December 31, 2017). Delivered each Wednesday (RD areas Thursday) to the wonderful communities of: Alfriston, Ardmore, Brookby, Clevedon, Conifer Grove,
in. Go Joe Parker! (The Julie            Drury township, Hunua, Karaka, Karaka Lakes, Kawakawa Bay, Opaheke, Orere Point, Pahurehure, Papakura, Ponga, Red Hill, Takanini. Includes Papakura RD
Ruin, I’m Done, 2016) - PJ Taylor        2, 3, 4, 5. Manurewa RD1. Papakura RD 1 (Karaka only).

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                                                                                                      RENT TONIGHT AT STUFFPIX.CO.NZ

        New Year, New Job?
        With 16,000 New Zealand jobs and counting,
        Adzuna is the perfect place to start your job search.                                                                                                                                                                                            MARCH 28, 2018, PAPAKURA COURIER 5

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             In brief
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FINANCIAL EFFICIENCIES
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Counties Manukau District Health
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Board (CMDHB) is asking its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             service users, as well as staff and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             stakeholders for feedback to help
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             improve its services. It hopes to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             identify financial saving
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             opportunities that focus on
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             quality and efficiency, enabling it
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             to achieve a sustainable break-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             even budget in three years. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             part of CMDHB’s Financial Turn
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Around Programme launched in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             January. The CMDHB delivers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             care to more than 550,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             people and says it needs to think
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             and act differently with
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             increasing demand, growing
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             strain on resources and a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             financial deficit. People can send
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             their ideas or suggestions on how
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             should it save money, improve
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             efficiency, reduce waste, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             improve the value of its
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             investments to the email

                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FUNDS FOR CYCLING
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             The second round of Auckland
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Transport’s Community Bike
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Fund is open for applications. The
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             fund can be used for events,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             activities, training programmes,
The Papakura Local Board has been publicly consulting on its proposed annual plan budget since the end of February.                                                                                           SUPPLIED       and the development of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             resources and information for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             specific communities to

Identifying $19.9m of priorities
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             encourage bike riding in
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Auckland. AT says the first round
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             attracted a wide range of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             applications, and it has funded
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             groups wanting to establish bike
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             libraries, organisations wanting to
IMOGEN NEALE                                              taonga (treasures) and heritage                                   by Newmarket.                                     Centres that are part of the pro-              bring cycling to older people, and
                                                          buildings.                                                            Catchpole says residents have              gramme can sell a ‘‘non-strategic                 groups hosting bike rides for new
Solar panels, safety, identifying                         ❚ Establishing a heritage trail.                                  given ‘‘strong feedback’’ that                 asset’’ and use the capital to fund               cyclists. The maximum grant
wahi tapu taonga, heritage build-                         ❚ Extending use of the outside                                    transport, specifically congestion,            local regeneration and redevelop-                 amount per application is $5000.
ings and a park and ride. These                           pool at Massey Park Pool by                                       is a priority matter.                          ment. Centres that are not part of                Round two applications close on
are some of the priorities for                            investing in solar panels and a                                       ‘‘We have heard that message               the programme, such as Papa-                      April 5. Visit
Papakura as proposed by the local                         cover.                                                            loud and clear and when built, the             kura, do not get to recycle the
board.                                                    According to council documents,                                   new park-and-ride facility will                capital. Instead it goes into the                 NEW 111 SYSTEM
   The items were put forward in                          in 2018/19, council plans on                                      provide for another 300 parking                council’s consolidated funds.                     Improvements to the St John 111
Auckland Council’s recent AK                              investing $7.6 million in Papa-                                   spaces on top of the 310 spaces                   Newman says the resolution                     ambulance call system are now
Have Your Say campaign. From                              kura to renew and develop assets,                                 currently available.’’                         he’s fought for, ‘‘reopens the                    fully embedded. With the 111
February 28 until 8pm tonight,                            and $12.3m to maintain and oper-                                      Catchpole says the project has             debate and allows the Manurewa                    Clinical Hub system, St John can
council has sought feedback from                          ate them, ‘‘as well as prioritise                                 also been prioritised by Auckland              and Papakura Local Boards to                      assess whether a caller needs an
Aucklanders on its 10-year budget                         other local initiatives you have                                  Transport in its 10-year budget.               commence negotiation with                         ambulance urgently. If yes, the
and draft Auckland Plan 2050.                             told us are important’’.                                              ‘‘However, there is currently a            Panuku and bring this back to the                 charity will send one as soon as
   For Papakura this is:                                     The money is allocated depen-                                  $2.5m funding gap.’’                           table’’.                                          possible; if an urgent ambulance
❚ Advocating for the Governing                            dent on a number of factors                                           His comments come as                          It’s understood local assets that              response is not required, St John
Body to fund a budget shortfall for                       including population, geographic                                  Manurewa-Papakura councillor                   could be up for sale include the                  registered nurses and
a new park and ride at Papakura                           area and proposed projects.                                       Daniel Newman has successfully                 Papakura Village Green which                      paramedics will determine the
station.                                                     Local board chairman Brent                                     campaigned to have a resolution                encompasses a popular play-                       best treatment for the patient. By
❚ Working with the Papakura                               Catchpole says building a multi-                                  passed requesting the council’s                ground, the Papakura Service                      triaging and helping assess
Business Association.                                     storey park-and-ride facility near                                urban regeneration agency,                     Centre and Centennial Restroom.                   patients before they arrive at
❚ Police and community groups to                          the Papakura train station is the                                 Panuku, to ‘‘consider additional                  Last year a council historic                   hospitals, St John helps reduce
improve safety perceptions in                             board’s key advocacy project.                                     centres and areas for inclusion in             heritage evaluation found the                     presentations to emergency
Papakura town centre.                                        ‘‘The Papakura train station is                                the overall Transform, Unlock                  Centennial Building, which also                   departments and ensure hospital
❚ Funding the removal and man-                            the third busiest station on the                                  and Support Programme, includ-                 once served as Plunket rooms,                     staff are providing urgent care to
agement of mangroves.                                     Rapid Transit Network, with                                       ing consideration of Manurewa,                 had ‘‘considerable local historical               those needing it most.
❚ Identifying wahi tapu (sacred)                          Britomart being the first followed                                Takanini and Papakura’’.                       significance’’.

 SC                                    SIMPLY                                                                Facilities Manager
                                                                                              A vacancy exists for an experienced Facilities Manager to oversee

                                                                                              the day to day management of Cornwall Park, one of Auckland’s
                                                                                              iconic landmarks.
                                                                                              Reporting to the Park Director you will manage a team dedicated to
 Simply Cremations Funeral Services     FUNERAL SERVICES                                      maintaining the Park to a high standard, with particular attention to
                                                                                              public safety and enjoyment at all times.
 Our Funeral Packages can vary but below is our Simple                                                                                                                    At our practice we offer a wide range of dental
                                                                                              As Facilities Manager you will lead the Health and Safety Committee
 Cremation Package:
                                                                                              for the Park and ensure the implementation of the recently adopted          treatment options, covering all aspects of general
 • Our professional fee for a Simple Cremation                                                Risk Manager system.                                                        dentistry to specialised treatment involving crowns,
 • Removal of your loved one to our premises                                                  We are seeking someone with strong communication skills                     bridges and implant treatments.
 • Direct Casket                                                                              coupled with extensive experience in contract management and
 • Cremation charges                                                                          staff supervision. A real ‘can do’ attitude will be essential. It is also   We have our own registered technician who works
 • Registering the death with Department of Internal Affairs                                  essential you have formal qualifications in Horticulture and/or Parks        as part of our team. You can be assured that all our
 • Medical documentation                                                                      & Recreation Management (or similar). A background that includes            technical work is done here in New Zealand so we
                                                                                              Project Management would be an advantage but not essential.
 • Death Certificate comp
                                                                                              The Trust Board is offering a competitive salary package to the
                                                                                                                                                                          control the quality of all aspects of our treatment.
                                      Carla Vaetoe and                                        successful applicant.
                                      Gayle Melrose                                           The role comes with the provision of a house adjoining the park,
                                                                                              so this is a fabulous lifestyle opportunity, without the rising burden
                                      For professional care and service                       of accommodation costs experienced in central Auckland. A vehicle
                                                                                              is also provided with the role.
                                      Family Owned & Operated                                 This is a broad role which is fully detailed in a Position Description
                                                                                              obtainable on request.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Ph 09 298 3502
    Cnr Wairere Drive-formally Avalon Dr,                                                     Please contact                                                                                                                     Suite 3, 319-323 Great South
          Hamilton (same location)                                                            Michael Martin                                                                                                                     Road Papakura, Auckland
                                                                                              Telephone: 09 309 3691 or Email:                                                          
 07 849 2139 | 021 240 0026 | Fax 07 849 2140
                                                                                                                                 FLEET RECRUITMENT

                                                                                                                          New Zealand owned and independent
                                                                                                                          PO Box 5265, Auckland New Zealand
     email:                                                                                                                                                                                                                  AU-7802959AB
6   PAPAKURA COURIER, MARCH 28, 2018                                                                                                                               

Papakura food
bins mark start
of zero waste
TARANNUM SHAIKH                          Gillbanks and her family have
                                      been composting for years and
Papakura is paving the way for        says the new system will assist in
the rest of Auckland to work          desposing of things like meat,
towards a zero-waste lifestyle.       dairy products and onions.
   The first stage in the new            ‘‘Meat and dairy usually sits in
three-bin system has launched,        our freezer and then put in a rub-
with new bins for food waste and      bish bag on rubbish day, but we
rubbish adding on to the              only put out our rubbish bag once
recyclables bin.                      a month,’’ she says.
   Six-litre food waste caddies          ‘‘So that’s taking up space in
and 23-litre food waste bins have     our freezer. But by having this
been delivered to Papakura            [new system], our meat and stuff
dwellings, and collections of the     can go in there and go out every
food waste bins have started.         week.
   Food waste caddies can be used        ‘‘That’s giving us more freezer
to collect food scraps in kitchens    space for more food to fit in. It’s
before being emptied into the         definitely going to be helpful.’’
larger bins.                             She says the 120-litre bin due to
   It’s all in a bid to encourage     arrive soon will be plenty for her-
household waste minimisation          self, her husband and two young
and to reduce the health and          children.
safety risk associated with the old      ‘‘It’s going to be more than
rubbish bag collections.              enough. By doing the recycling,
   Manurewa-Papakura council-         us composting and the soft plas-
lor Daniel Newman says Auck-          tics at the supermarket, we put
land Council is focused on its        out one rubbish bag every three to
vision of zero-waste to landfill by   four weeks,’’ Gillbanks says.
2040.                                    ‘‘By not having the food, the
   ‘‘I’m committed to ensuring        rubbish bin’s not going to start       Avid composter Nadia Gillbanks in her flourishing Papakura garden.                          TARANNUM SHAIKH / STUFF
Papakura       households     have    stinking. So if we go three months
wheelie bins in accordance with       without putting out rubbish, it’s      your food waste you’d scrap it          tive organisation in Auckland.         services aiming to commence in
that vision.’’                        not going to matter because it’s       straight into the bin. You’re just         ‘‘If you’re keen to learn to com-   mid-May.
   The new system isn’t just help-    not going to smell.’’                  having to put it into a different       post there are things out there        ❚ For more information on the
ful for eco-friendly novices, for        She believes the three-bin sys-     container.’’                            that can teach you how to do it.’’     new three-bin system, visit http:/
composters such as Nadia              tem is even easier for those who          She encourages people to look           Deliveries of the red-lidded        /
Gillbanks are eager to encourage      don’t compost already.                 into the composting initiative,         120-litre rubbish bins for general     papakura-new-3-bin-service/
their fellow residents.                  ‘‘Usually when you scrap off        starting with the Compost Collec-       waste are under way, with              what-you-need-to-know.

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       *Ter                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               MARCH 28, 2018, PAPAKURA COURIER 7

Rugby legend
close to home
IMOGEN NEALE AND PJ TAYLOR            ‘‘We wanted to keep
The late great All Blacks rugby       it low key. ’’
left-winger Jonah Lomu has had a      Chris Johnston
street named after him.
    The road, Jonah Lomu Drive,       the nearby Wesley College as a
was recently blessed at a quiet       secondary school student.
ceremony attended by his family           Paerata Rise is being devel-
members.                              oped by Grafton Downs and
    The first street to be named in   executive director Chris Johnston
a new residential development         says a street sign for Jonah Lomu
area in Paerata, it was blessed by    Drive is yet to be put up as it is
a Methodist Church minister,          still a closed construction site.     The late Jonah Lomu’s wife Nadine and sons walk along the new street that will take his name.    PHOTOS SUPPLIED
kaumatua and members of                   ‘‘It’s important in Methodist
Tainui.                               Church protocols to have a bless-        Johnston says ‘‘we wanted to
    Jonah Lomu Drive is in the        ing,’’ Johnston says.                 keep it low key. They walked us
Paerata Rise development which            ‘‘We’re about to build a boule-   down Jonah Lomu Drive to a
will be home to more than 4500        vard of show homes, so the proto-     point in the middle of the road.
houses in the future.                 col is we needed to have a blessing      ‘‘The reverend did a blessing, I
    Lomu, a father of two, died in    of the place where the show           did a speech. [Then] we went up to
2015 aged 40 after ongoing compli-    homes are about to be built.’’        Wesley College’s dining room and
cations with his kidneys and              He says the street sign will be   had afternoon tea.’’
suffering from the rare condition     unveiled at the opening of the           Johnston says it was a very
Nephrotic syndrome.                   show homes in early December.         special occasion and to look up
    The Franklin Local Board              Lomu’s mother Hepi and            and see Lomu’s name on the col-
approved the street name of           brother John were at the street       lege’s honour’s board ‘‘five
Jonah Lomu Drive in May last          opening, along with his wife          times’’, and to see he was sports                                                               The procession
year. It’s one of 14 roads to be      Nadine, his two children, and         dux three years in a row.                                                                       included Jonah’s
created for stages one to three in    Nadine’s parents, Johnston says,         ‘‘I think he was in the First XV                                                             brother John and
the Wesley Town Special Housing       adding the family ‘‘gave us           as a fourth former.’’                                                                           mother, Hepi
Area.                                 approval’’ to have his name              Lomu played 63 tests for New
    Lomu attended and boarded at      adorning Jonah Lomu Drive.            Zealand, scoring 37 tries.
8    PAPAKURA COURIER, MARCH 28, 2018                                                                                                                                               

Conversations                                                                                                                     GET IN TOUCH ONLINE

                      ‘‘Questions have to be asked about                                                                          ‘‘We all want the airport to be successful.
      we              massive projects with implications on                                          you                          This, however, is a vain and grandiose
     say              people's health and well-being.’’                                              say                          project with no merit." ’’
                                                                                                                                  Julian Goodchild

THERE’S A PRICE TO BE PAID             as in the summer they won’t be                                                             all flights into Auckland.
FOR A SECOND AIRPORT                   able to have their windows and                                                                 What it already has with the            ONLINE CHATTER
RUNWAY                                 doors open.                                                                                previous decision doubles its               The page 5 story on March 14
I want to draw attention to the           The airport company seems                                                               capacity and is a lot less invasive         in the Papakura Courier about
proposal for a second runway at        unconcerned about this.                                                                    and detrimental to the                      the closure of the famous El
Auckland Airport.                         Emissions over densely                                                                  environment and people’s health.            Paso Takeaway and Dairy in
   I worked for NAC and then for       populated areas have not even                                                                  This preposterous new                   Karaka had a large response
Air New Zealand for 32 years and       been factored in.                                                                          proposal is a regurgitated old one          from readers, including Selina
held a senior position there.             The relevant point to this                                                              from every angle.                           Hira, who wrote: ‘‘We used to
   When the proposal for a second      whole debate, as it was                                                                        The cost of this proposed new           stop there for flounder and
runway came up about 17 years          previously, is the capacity of this                                                        runway is astronomical, and the             chips... yummy! The burgers and
ago, I was spokesman for a group       present airport runway to do its                                                           cost of this will be passed onto            chips were pretty good too.
called RAAN (Residents Against         job into the future.                                                                       airlines with increased landing             Thanks for the memories and
Aircraft Noise).                          We all want the airport to be                                                           charges.                                    beautiful kai. Certainly will be
   This new and recent proposal        successful. This, however, is a                                                                They will, of course, put their         missed.’’
is what the airport company            vain and grandiose project with                                                            fares up to cover it.
wanted then and failed to achieve.     no merit.                                                                                      That makes us less competitive
   The cost of providing this             Gatwick Airport near London,                                                            and attractive as a destination.
runway is astronomical.                in England, has only one runway          Does Auckland Airport need a                          Nothing the airport company
   No consideration has been           but, significantly, over double the      second long runway? JASON DORDAY                  wants to do adds up.
given to the health of those in or     annual passenger traffic of                                                                    It will try and justify the                     HAVE YOUR SAY
near the flight paths, especially in   Auckland.                                of planes will come in anyway.                    unjustifiable for sure.                              The editor reserves the
the South Auckland region.                Auckland’s growth figures                 The airport company already                       If it has money to throw                        right to abridge or
   This route goes over the            don’t even reach those of Gatwick        has the right to a smaller shorter                around, how about investing in a                   withhold any
Omana Road side of Papatoetoe,         by 2044.                                 runway.                                           train to the airport and a second         correspondence without
Otara, and into the burgeoning            The Auckland figures are                  When the decision was made 17                 lane from the east, including a           explanation. Letters should be no
suburb of Flat Bush and areas          highly speculative as I believe          years ago it wasn’t what it                       bridge.                                   longer than 250 words. Letters may
around.                                travel experts say there is going to     wanted, but it was explained to it                    There is a lot that can be done       be referred to others for right of
   Residents will experience           be a considerable slowing of             that the second shorter runway                    if Auckland Airport goes ahead            reply before publication. Email
extreme noise and pollution.           growth.                                  would take all the domestic                       with the decision made 17 years  Mail: Papakura Courier,
   The airport company in its             This project will not provide         traffic, plus smaller trans-Tasman                ago, which it never got around to         PO Box 76-400, Manukau 2241.
own briefing papers has said that      any extra jobs apart from in             flights.                                          implementing.
people should put in heat pumps,       construction, as the same number             This accounts for over half of                ❚ Julian Goodchild

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                                     See in-store

                                                                                                                                                  26th March to 1st April 2018

                                  Fresh NZ Skin On                                                            Chilean Red/Green Seedless Grapes
                                Chicken Breast Fillets

     $ 99
                                                                                 $ 99
                                                                                     5           kg
                                                                                                                                                         $ 00
                                                                                                                                                             1        ea

                                                                                                                                                       Schweppes Flavours
                                                                                                                                                         Soft Drink 1.5L
                                                                                                                                                          (Excludes Mixers)

                          Alpine Mild/Colby/Edam Cheese 1kg                                                                                                                    Olivani Olive Oil Spread 500g
                                                                                       2 for

     $ 99
                                                                                     5        50                                                           3
                                                                                                                                                        $ 99

                                                                                  Nature’s Fresh
                                                                                   Bread 700g

                             Fresh NZ Lamb Loin Chops                                                                 Fresh Cut Broccoli                                        Sanitarium Weet-Bix 750g

        1999         kg
                                                                                  $ 99
                                                                                       1       ea                                                          4
                                                                                                                                                        $ 49

          4 for

        5       00                                                               $ 99
                                                                                     3           ea                                                        4
                                                                                                                                                        $ 49

  Wattie’s Baked Beans/                                                       Keri Fruit Drink/Juice                                                   Whittaker’s Share
    Spaghetti 420g                                                                    2.4-3L                                                             Pack 12 Pack/
        (Excludes Meat)
                                                                                                                                                      Chocolate Block 250g

      Owned & operated                        SuperValue Takanini, Papakura. See in-store for Easter holiday hours.
                                                                                                                                                  For inspiration visit
      by locals                               While stocks last at SuperValue Takanini and Papakura only.
                                              We reserve the right to limit quantities. Trade not supplied.                                                           |
10     PAPAKURA COURIER, MARCH 28, 2018                                                                                                                                         

What’s On                                                                                                    Wh
                                                                                                             W hat’
                                                                                                             on nea
                                                                                                              y u

THURS MAR 29                             Beaufords in Totara Park to promote
                                                                                                                                                                      Event listings
Play Housie: At the Papakura RSA,        and organise Rotary service project.
40 Elliot St, every Thursday night at    TUES APR 3                                                                                                                   For What’s On submissions, please
7.30pm. You don’t need to be a                                                                                                                                        visit: Fill out the
member to play, get a group              Device Help Hour: Meets at
                                         Pakuranga Library from 11am-noon.                                                                                            short online form with the details of
together and give it a go. Phone 09                                                                                                                                   your event, provide a description
298 5091 to find out more details.       Bring your smartphones and iPads
                                         and learn how to get the best out of                                                                                         and click ‘Submit Event’ to send it
                                                                                                                                                                      straight to the paper. However, for
SAT MAR 31                               your device! Come along to this
                                                                                                                                                                      regular reoccurring listings please
Karaka Bowling Club: Hosts               casual workshop, ask questions, and
outdoor bowls every Thursday and         pick up some tips and tricks to make
Saturday at 9.15am. Anyone wishing       the most of your device.
to learn more about the game is                                                                                                                                       Music and Movement: Meets
welcome, coaching is free, no            THURS APR 5                                                                                                                  every Thursday morning at Harvest
obligation to become a member.           Mainly Music: For preschoolers                                                                                               Christian Church, 3 Beach Road for a
Casual wear permitted but wear flat-     and their caregivers. Interact with                                                                                          fun interactive session of dance,
soled sandshoes. Phone Bob on 09         your children through music,10am                                                                                             story time, and morning tea for
298 0750 or Don on 09 294 8794.          at 163 Dominion Rd. $3 per family.                                                                                           preschoolers and caregivers. Starts
Easter Storytime: Join us at             Phone 09 297 2040 for details.                                                                                               at 9.30-11am. $2 per child. Everyone
Papakura Library from 10.30 to                                                                                                                                        is welcome. Phone 09 299 9394.
11.15am for The super cool story of
                                         EVENTS, ACTIVITIES                       Manukau Tramping Club holds a tramp most weekends for those interested in           Come, play, stay: Park Estate
Jesus presented by Harvest               Mental well-being group: Suffer          fitness or just wanting to have a good time exercising. MARION VAN DIJK / STUFF     Kindergarten invites parents and
Christian Church and from 11.15 to       from loneliness, anxiety, depression                                                                                         children every Wednesday from
noon for the Easter bunny story time     or shyness? Join these friendly          Andrews Presbyterian Church, 150         CV’s, how to write covering letters,       9-11am at 38 Park Estate Rd. Parents
and paint your own Easter eggs.          meetings or visit        Great South Rd on the first              job searching, interview skills and        are invited to come and play with
                                         to find out more. Meets weekly on a      Wednesday of the month at 10am           knowing today’s career realities. Call     their children. Meet the teachers,
SUN APR 1                                Monday, 10am, Seventh Day                for morning tea and a chat. Guest        CAB 09 576 8331 or email                   experience what we have to offer.
Manukau Tramping Club:                   Adventist Church, 16 Puhinui Rd,         speaker or entertainment. Monthly to book.              Church service: Enjoy mid-week
Manukau Tramping Club holds a            Papatoetoe. Phone or text Sandy 021      bus trips to interesting places. New     Papakura Salvation Army: Meets             service at Crossroads Methodist
tramp most weekends. Visit               049 1360 for more information.           members welcome. Call Betty 09           every Wednesday from 10am to               Church, 25 Broadway, every            Papakura Garden Club: Meets              299 7224 or email     midday at 87-91 Clevedon Rd. Make          Wednesday 7-8pm, except school
for details of upcoming tramps. For      every third Tuesday of each month        CAB: Citizens Advice Bureau              new friends, enjoy friendly                holidays. Those attending can listen
details, phone Geoff 021 456 837.        at 1pm at Radio Hall, Wellington Park.   Pakuranga hosts a free Careers           conversations. Help in vegetable           to old hymns and music, attend a
                                         Visitors are welcome. Phone Pauline      Clinic weekly on a Friday. Our           garden, tea and light snack provided.      bible reading, pray, take part in
MON APR 2                                09 296 2562 for more details.            employment consultant gives career       No cover charge. Everyone is               voluntary communion, and have
Manurewa-Takanini Rotary Club:           60s Up South Auckland: Social            guidance, counselling and advice.        welcome. Phone 09 299 6791 for             time to individually think about their
Meets on Mondays, 6pm at                 club for over 60s meets at St            Information includes optimising          additional information.                    life. Phone 09 298 4695 for details.

                  PART TIME
               PAPER RUNNERS

     ... to deliver community newspapers in and around your area.
                  The papers are delivered to your home.
                                                                                                   News, reviews and street barbecues
         No experience necessary. Must be at least 11 years old.                                                 See it all on your local noticeboard
      Apply online:
              Phone: 09 525 2022


                                                                                                                                                     Fruit World &
                                                                                                                                                   The Mad Butcher         Southgate
               Cnr Great South Rd                                                                                                                                      Cnr Great South Rd
                 & Walters Road                                                                                                                                         & Walters Road
                    Takanini                                                                                                                                                Takanini
                Ph (09) 299 3328                              Best of Fresh for Less                                                                                  Ph (09) 299 3328

                             Avocados                           Easy Peel Mandarins                          Royal Gala Apples                                  Large Celery

                   3.99                 bag of   3              4.99
                                                                                                        ia   $
                                                                                                              1.79               1½kg
                                                                                                                                 bag                  2.99
                          Fresh Lettuce                               Fresh Leeks                                Fresh Spinach                    2 Litre Cow & Gate Milk
                    1.99                    ea
                                                               1.99                 bunch
                                                                                                              2.49               bag
                                                                                                                                                     5.90 2                 for
                  Normal opening hours 7.30am to 7pm – All specials available until closing time Sun 1st April or while stock lasts                                                                                                                                     MARCH 28, 2018, PAPAKURA COURIER 11

What’s On
                                                                                                                           Family and friends are welcome.                 Papakura Plunket playgroup:
                                                                                                                           Masonic Lodge.                                  Come along to a friendly warm
EVENTS, ACTIVITIES                                                                                                         Embroiderers: Counties                          environment with your children
Disabled support: Disability                                                                                               Embroiderers Guild meets on the                 aged 0-5yrs. Activities, snacks and
support group meets at Clendon                                                                                             first Thursday of each month                    fun provided. Tuesday to Friday
Recreation Centre in Weymouth.                                                                                             9.30am-12.30pm and third Tuesday                9.30-1.30 school terms. At the Red
Helping disabled to reach goals in                                                                                         7.15- 9.15pm at Old Central School,             Hill Community Centre, 163
the community and independence.                                                                                            corner Great South Rd and Wood St.              Dominion Rd Papakura.
Phone Kyle 09 268 7489.                                                                                                    Also meets second Thursday                      Papakura Art Group: Meets every
Korowai weaving classes: Meets                                                                                             9.30am-12.30pm and third Thursday               Wednesday from midday to 3.15pm
at Papakura Marae, Hunua Rd. Every                                                                                         9am-1pm, Stitch-in at St Andrews                for lunch and then art at Old Central
Monday from 9am to 2pm, $5 entry.                                                                                          Church, Pukekohe. Phone Judy 09                 School Hall, 57 Wood St. New
Bring your own lunch. Expert tutors                                                                                        263 7355 for more information.                  members welcome. Phone Moira 09
are Christine Smith and Ida White.                                                                                         Games Night: At Papakura Library,               298 0380 to find out more details.
Phone Jill 09 298 3798 for details.                                                                                        first Friday of the month 4-7pm.                The Crossroads Church
Library Service: Papakura Library                                                                                          Bring family and friends along to               Friendship Lounge: Is open
provides a Book a Librarian service.                                                                                       play a range of board games. Use                Wednesday to Friday, 10am-1.30pm
Get help from library staff for up to                                                                                      our selection or bring along a                  at 25 Broadway, Papakura.
60 minutes on anything from                                                                                                favourite game to play. Phone 09                Devonshire teas, muffins etc at
computer help, downloading                                                                                                 978 2665 for further inquiries.                 reasonable prices. Children’s play
E-books, Māori research,                                                                                                  Alfriston Country Market: Is on                 area for preschoolers. All welcome.
genealogical resources and much            Everyone is welcome at Korowai weaving classes at Papakura Marae on             the first Saturday of the month, 9am-           Seniors of Papakura: Weekly get-
more. Phone 09 978 2665.                   Mondays with Ida White and Christine Smith.                         SUPPLIED    noon, Alfriston Hall, corner of Mill            together on Mondays, with mix and
Rhymetime: At Papakura Library. A                                                                                          and Alfriston Rds. Handcrafted gifts,           mingle, entertainment, afternoon tea
fun, free session of songs,                and friendly environment.               Wool needed: Papakura                   plants, new clothing, children’s                and more. New members welcome,
movement and finger rhymes for             Colour Your World: At Papakura          Communicare friendship centre           knitting and refreshments.                      bring a friend. Papakura Senior
pre-schoolers aged 18 months to 3          Library. Colouring in for adults runs   requires wool for the many crafts       Stallholder fees donated to Totara              Citizens’ Club, 8 East St (behind
years.Tuesdays at 10am (term time          every Monday 11am-noon. No cover        their folk do. Anyone who has wool      Hospice South Auckland and                      Postie Plus). Good access parking.
only). Phone 09 978 2665 for details.      charge. Phone 09 978 2665 for           to donate can call into the Baptist     Manurewa Stroke Club. Stall spaces              Wriggle and rhyme: Papakura
Papakura Toastmasters: Meetings            additional information.                 Church Hall, 44 Clevedon Rd, on a       available. Phone Gendy 09 266 5134.             Library, free active movement
are held every second Tuesday,             Al-Anon: Family group meets every       Thursday, 9.15am-12.30pm, or phone      Papakura playcentre: Come along                 sessions to stimulate development
7-9pm at The Gate, 26A Wood St.            Thursday, 7.30pm at Papakura            09 631 5968 to find out more details.   and play with your children in a safe           of both the brain and body for
Guests are welcome to attend, email        Baptist Church, 44 Clevedon Rd.         Papakura Cardiac Club: Anyone           learning environment. Parent-run, all           babies 0-2 years. Fridays 9:10am, for           Support group for family and friends    with a heart related condition can      weather. Open Monday, Wednesday,                10am, 11am. Phone 09 978 2665.
more information. Toastmasters             affected by someone’s drinking          come along and join us every            Thursday and Friday from 9am to                 Breastfeeding: Every Monday 9am-
helps improve communication and            problem. Phone Barbara 09 266           Thursday. We do, gentle exercise        12pm at 15 Opaheke Rd. Phone 09                 12.30pm and Thursday 12.30pm-
leadership skills in a professional, fun   8870 for more information.              and enjoy a chat over morning tea.      299 5214 for additional information.            3.30pm at 163 Dominion Rd.

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                                                      M: 0273 435 555

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                                    It’s not Sunday without it.
12   PAPAKURA COURIER, MARCH 28, 2018                                                                                                                                                                            

Communities farewell mighty Mac
ALAN APTED                             "He was totally
New Zealand and Counties Manu-         dedicated to the
kau rugby royalty and Kiwi mili-
tary veterans said goodbye to
                                       team and they loved
Warwick Lee ‘‘Mac’’ McCallion in       his dedication. They
Papakura last Wednesday.
   More than 400 people packed
                                       loved the man."- Sir
the Papakura RSA clubrooms to          Graham Henry
farewell their rugby teammate,
coach, fellow soldier and friend       spoke included Talaimanu, Brain,
who died on March 14 after a long      Coe and Henry.
battle with cancer.                       ‘‘I respect the hell out of this
   The solemn three-hour service       man,’’ Henry said.
was presided over by McCallion’s          ‘‘He was a very black and
friend, fellow Vietnam War vet-        white guy - there was total clarity.
eran and army chaplin Kevin            There was no bullsh** and the
Herewini.                              players loved that direction.
   Immediate family included his          ‘‘They loved his team first phil-
wife Suzie, brothers Wayne, a fel-     osophy. He was totally dedicated
low member of the SAS, and Mur-        to the team and they loved his
ray, son Dion and his wife Robyn,      dedication.
who came from Perth for the               ‘‘They loved the man. Blues
funeral, children and grand-           and New Zealand rugby have a
children.                              tremendous amount to thank this
   His pall bearers included many      man for,’’ Henry said.
of the biggest player names from          All in attendance were unani-
McCallion’s successful Counties        mous in the respect for
Manukau Steelers team of 1996          McCallion, his no nonsense
and 1997’s National Provincial         approach to rugby and the mental
Championship.                          toughness he instilled in his             McCallion whānau members perform a waiata to farewell their brother, father and cousin Mac McCallion, on March 21.
   They were captain and No. 8         players.                                                                                                                                                                  PHOTOS: RUWADE BRYANT / STUFF
Errol Brain, prop Lee Lidgard,            Talaimanu summed up the
second five-eighths Tony Marsh,        noted hard man best.
lock Jim Coe, winger Joeli Vidiri,        ‘‘The difference between Mac
and long-time friend and fellow        and a terrorist is you could nego-
player and coach Andrew                tiate with terrorists,’’ Talaimanu
Talaimanu. They were among a           said.
host of Steelers who turned up to         But perhaps the most heartfelt
pay their respects.                    of all was that of Amy Cunning-
   The Auckland Blues, who             ham whose father, Garry,
McCallion and former All Blacks        managed the Steelers teams that
coach Sir Graham Henry took to         McCallion coached.
twin Super Rugby titles in 1996           ‘‘I have some unreal childhood
and 1997, were equally well rep-       memories of that time,’’ she said.
resented. They included former            ‘‘I remember Tanya [Jim Coe’s
stars Henry, Sir Michael Jones,        daughter] and I standing on the
Robin Brooke and Eroni Clarke.         scrum machine and felt the surge
   Jones and Clarke presented the      as the forwards hit the machine.
family with an ‘ie toga, a finely         ‘‘I remember singing in the
woven Samoan mat, and a vibrant        changing rooms.
red ulafala (necklace), which             ‘‘They were some of the best
Jones says is only presented to        days of my life.’’
people who are respected and              As things turned out, Cunning-
have huge mana.                        ham was McCallion’s oncology
   Among the Māori All Blacks         nurse who, as was mentioned,
on hand were former All Blacks         went beyond the call of duty to
captain Wayne ‘‘Buck’’ Shelford        nurse a man she had known and
and Jim Love, who travelled from       admired since childhood.
Rotorua for the funeral service.          McCallion was cremated and
   Love, a tough former Marlbor-       his ashes are to be placed along-
ough lock who McCallion                side fellow soldiers at the cem-
captained on the Māori All Blacks     etery for SAS personnel.
tour of the Pacific Islands in 1979,      In his career, he represented
was among a handful who shared         NZ Māori, Counties Manukau,
memories of the man.                   and the Manurewa and Papakura
   ‘‘He was a tough bastard, hard      clubs as a player, and went on to
and physical. He took no s***’’        coach Counties Manukau, the               Former Counties Manukau Steelers captain Errol Brain, right, and Lee Lidgard, centre, lead a heartfelt haka at Mac
   Other rugby identities who          Blues and Fiji.                           McCallion’s funeral at Papakura RSA.

                 READERS’ RAIL TOURS
                                           North Island Journey                                                                                                        South Island Journey
                                                     - Presented by                                                                                                              - Presented by
                                                                                    Hamilton                                             Greymouth      Christchurch

                                                                                                             Gisborne                                Ashburton
                                           Monday, 14 May - Saturday, 26 May      National Park
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                                           Twin share - $5699 GST incl                                      Napier         Te Anau
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                                                                                                                                                            *Airfare and single supplements available

                            The ultimate voyage of New Zealand,                                                                                                        For more information about the tour:
                            via rail, cruise and luxurious coach.                                                                                                          Phone: 0800 0800 99 (free number)
                            Limited bookings available. Secure your seat today.                                                                                            Website:                                                                                                                                   MARCH 28, 2018, PAPAKURA COURIER 13

                Love the Challenge
                Today’s crossword is brought to you by Summerset at Karaka


ACROSS                        DOWN
 1 Sword (7)                   1 Managed (5)
 4 Catch sight of (4,4,2)      2 Put on TV (8)
 9 Plummeting (7)              3 Fan out (6)
13 Animal skin (4)             4 Paddled boat (5)
14 Planet (6)                  5 Too (4)
15 Delicately pretty (6)       6 Give approval to (7)
16 Abbreviate (7)              7 Lives (6)
19 Overwhelmed with grief      8 Go one better (5)
   or shock (10)              10 Nagging pain (4)
20 Logical (8)                11 Maximum size (7)
21 Waste drain (5)            12 Called for (6)
24 Plates (6)                 17 Evaluation (10)
25 Peaceful (6)               18 River edges (5)
27 Coarse fabric (9)          22 Done again (8)
32 Adventure (8)              23 Sparkle (5)
33 Cleric (6)                 24 Invented (7)
34 Yellowish food additive    26 And others (2,2)
   (7)                        28 Surrounded by (7)
38 Wizard (8)                 29 Film holder (6)
39 Watercourse (6)            30 Slight heat (6)
40 Manner of walking (4)      31 Usual (6)
41 Diaphanous (5)             33 Sediment (5)
42 Resided (5)                35 Feel for weapons (5)
45 Quite crazy (2,3,2,1,6)    36 Gratis (4)
52 Ability (5)
55 City transport (5)         43   Capital of Poland (6)
56 Company (4)                44   Young sheep (5)
57 Option (6)                 46   Lose weight (4)
58 Charge less than (a        47   Pungent gas (7)
   competitor) (8)            48   Bow user (6)
61 Root vegetable (7)         49   Ages (5)
62 Except on the condition    50   Taken as true (8)
   that (6)                   51   Tarmac (6)
63 Ready (8)                  52   Pigeonhole (10)
66 Constantly recurring (9)   53   Hankering (4)
68 Impudent (6)               54   Correspondence (7)
69 Greek city (6)             59   Simple song (5)
73 Ski run (5)                60   Feeble (4)
74 Lack of feeling (8)        64   Muzzle (5)
76 Let down (10)              65   Struggled against (8)
81 Theft (7)                  67   Month which was once
82 Type of hat (6)                 the eighth (7)
83 Confront boldly (6)        68   Waterfall (7)
84 Pack away (4)              70   Paid male lover (6)
85 Romanced (7)               71   Sell to the public (6)
86 Questions (10)             72   US state (6)
87 Convulsive shake (7)       75   Run aground (5)          PREVIOUS SOLUTION
                              77   Early Peruvians (5)      ACROSS: 1 Cause, 4 Turn a blind eye to, 14 Heron, 15 Fraud, 16 Commandeer, 17 Yucca, 19 Sap, 20 Fielder, 21 Incentive, 22 Hinges, 25
                              78   Tall building (5)        Stockpile, 27 Hassle, 28 Infant, 33 Clumsiness, 35 Air, 36 Peeled, 37 Stop, 39 Rue, 41 Vinegar, 42 Nuclei, 43 Clearance, 44 Empty, 45 Footwear,
                              79   Accurate (4)             50 Or, 51 Decorate, 55 Alpha, 58 Signified, 59 Tandem, 60 Rampant, 61 Rim, 63 Spin, 64 Saline, 65 Eat, 66 Sunglasses, 68 Dugout, 69 Detail,
                              80   Explosion (4)            71 Midwinter, 76 Cyprus, 77 Bombarded, 79 Feigned, 81 Try, 84 Noisy, 85 Apologetic, 86 Basic, 87 Swing, 88 The show must go on, 89 Study.
                                                            DOWN: 2 Afraid, 3 Skull, 5 Upon, 6 Nominal, 7 Bunker, 8 Inept, 9 Derives, 10 Yo-yo, 11 Tactic, 12 Cross, 13 Snippet, 14 Hanging, 18 Deactivate,
                                                            23 Spiel, 24 Fluency, 26 Tempest, 27 Harrier, 29 Antenna, 30 Albino, 31 Rails, 32 Renege, 34 Smug, 36 Peppy, 38 Piece, 40 Ergo, 45 Fuses,
                                                            46 Ongoing, 47 Waif 48 Animal, 49 Spare, 50 Oatmeal, 52 Challenger, 53 Riposte, 54 Tunnel, 55 Admired, 56 Knots, 57 Hens, 62 Known, 67
                                                            Jumping, 68 Dentist, 70 Avocado, 72 Iceberg, 73 Punish, 74 Arrows, 75 Behind, 76 Cynic, 78 Bloom, 80 Grant, 82 Eyes, 83 Filo.

                                                                                                             In a Summerset village you’ll find                  The Summerset life
                                                                                                             any number of ways to keep the
                                                                                                             mind and body fit and active.                       Summerset at Karaka
                                                                                                                                                                 49 Pararekau Road, Karaka
                                                                                                             The heart of our vibrant community
                                                                                                             is the village centre - a place for
                                                                                                             residents to come together to meet,                 To find out more,
                                                                                                             socialise and play the odd game                     contact Janet Kapoor
                                                                                                                                                                 on 09 950 4580
                                                                                                             of bowls or bridge. And to do a
                                                                                                             crossword or two.

                                                                                                             It’s just one of the reasons our
                                                                                                             residents love the Summerset life.

                                                                                                             Find out more at
14   PAPAKURA COURIER, MARCH 28, 2018                                                                                                                               

Rhodes wins the top cricket player title

Top-order batsman Barry Rhodes
of Pukekohe-Metro has been
Counties Manukau club cricket’s
best player this season.
   The 31-year-old South African
finished first in the player points
race, a competition that awards
points for runs scored, the num-
ber of 50s and 100s made, wickets
taken, the number of five and 10
wicket bags captured, catches
taken and stumpings made.
   It was a late surge by Rhodes
who was lying third, 51 points
behind Henry Gibson (Papakura)                                                                                                                                                  A late season
and 28 behind third-placed Luke                                                                                                                                                 century helped
Williamson (Manukau) in the                                                                                                                                                     Pukekohe-
final weeks of the one-day cham-                                                                                                                                                Metro’s Barry
                                                                                                                                                                                Rhodes win
pionship for the Duthie Cup, that
edged him into top spot.                                                                                                                                                        Manukau club
   Rhodes can thank his 114                                                                                                                                                     cricket’s player
against Waiuku in the second last                                                                                                                                               points race.
round that got home him. It was                                                                                                                                                          SUPPLIED
his second ton of the season. It
took his tally of runs to 440, the
most by any premier batsman.
Williamson, with 404 runs, was
the only other premier player to
pass 400 runs.
   Gibson’s 24 wickets, the most
by a premier player, kept him in      day championship skewed this           resentatives turned out for less       five wickets: 1; catches: 5. Luke         catches: 10; stumpings: 6.
the hunt. He also scored 107 runs     season’s point race.                   than half of the games played.’’       Williamson (Manukau): 614;                Vaughan Blanchard (Papa-
and took six catches. Waiuku’s           ‘‘There was a huge number of           Barry Rhodes (Pukekohe-             runs: 404; 50s: 2; 100s: 2; catches 2.    kura): 489; runs 129; wickets: 16;
Richard Crosby with 19 was next       rained off games this season plus      Metro): 655 points: runs: 440; 50s     Dhruvit Patel (Manukau): 568;             catches: 4. Sam Huriwai
best bowler.                          Counties Manukau representa-           1; 100s 2; wickets: 3; catches: 3.     runs: 233; 50s: 3; wickets: 11.           (Karaka): 461; runs: 166; 50s: 1;
   Counties Manukau Cricket           tive players were only involved in     Henry Gibson (Papakura): 647;          catches: 2. Richard Faust (Papa-          wickets: 10; five wickets: 1;
chief executive Trevor Gill says      Saturday cricket for – wait for it -   runs: 107; wickets: 24; catches: 6.    kura): 506; runs: 386; 50s: 2; 100s: 1;   catches: 2. Richard Crosby
the unusually wet summer and an       just nine Saturdays.                   Ben Reece (Pukekohe-Metro):            catches: 2. Matthew Cole                  (Waiuku): 448; runs 18; wickets:
enforced bye in the five-team two-       ‘‘Counties Manukau’s rep-           643; runs: 213; 50s: 2; wickets: 14:   (Karaka): 496; runs: 261; 50s: 3;         19; five wickets: 1.

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                                                                    *Terms and co                                                                                                                             MARCH 28, 2018, PAPAKURA COURIER              15

Goldsworthy nets NZ top coach award

The best water polo coach in New
Zealand hails from Mountfort
Park Water Polo Club in Manu-
rewa, South Auckland.
   He’s Kurt Goldsworthy, who
was named coach of the year at
the NZ Water Polo’s annual
awards in Auckland last week.
   The win by the Karaka 47-year-
old whose more that 30 years in
the sport includes stints as head
coach of NZ junior and senior
men’s teams, has players, parents
and officials at his Mountfort
Park-based club celebrating.                                                                                                                                                  Another winning
   President Carol McKenzie-Rex                                                                                                                                               moment for New
says Goldsworthy has worked                                                                                                                                                   Zealand coach of
wonders since his appointment as                                                                                                                                              the year Kurt
                                                                                                                                                                              Goldsworthy, of
director of coaching in 2015.
                                                                                                                                                                              the Mountfort
   ‘‘Kurt has been enormous for                                                                                                                                               Park Water Polo
the club. He has improved the                                                                                                                                                 Club.    SUPPLIED
standard of water polo in South
Auckland to the degree where the
club is starting to win medals at
national events, developed and
implemented a coaching pro-
gramme that saw Mountfort Park
win club of the year last year and
make the finals for the award
again this year.
   ‘‘He provides a well-organised      are taking up the sport.                 honoured by the award.                about players’ personal growth.         In Goldsworthy’s opinion, the
sporting     environment      that        ‘‘With Kurt at the helm,                  ‘‘I’m pretty happy with the win   It’s about life skills and making    most important issue facing water
attracts, challenges and develops      Mountfort Park Water Polo Club           because after 30 years in the sport   good decisions.                      polo in Counties Manukau are
players and helped the club mem-       has introduced water polo to over        there are times when one’s suc-           ‘‘Mountfort Park is moving in    facilities.
bership grow 50 per cent in two        20 primary and intermediate              cess is recognised and there are      the right direction. We’re more         ‘‘The region needs a deep water
years.’’                               schools in Counties Manukau.             times when it is not.                 competitive than we’ve ever been     space. We have 10 hours of train-
   McKenzie-Rex says Golds-            Moving into secondary schools                ‘‘I love watching players grow    and I think this win will help       ing a week and we’re having to
worthy is the reason children          will be the next step.’’                 and achieve wonderful results.        attract more members to the club     squeeze more than 160 children
from all over Counties Manukau            Goldsworthy says he feels             It’s more than just the game. It’s    and help it grow.’’                  into the existing pool.

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Humble champ
is deserving of
Joshua’s respect
                                        ‘‘It saddens me
                                        critics claim Joseph
                                        is not world class.’’
                                        he’s a lovely and humble young
     The 19th Warrior                       And thirdly, I’ve met and come
                                        to know his family, and it’s no
                                        surprise to me he’s the man he is.
I’m going to throw a curve ball,            I do not claim boxing expertise,
because you think all the Mad           although I’ve been to my fair
Butcher will have to talk about is      share of bouts. It saddens me
how fabulous his Vodafone               critics claim Joseph is not world
Warriors are.                           class. He already holds one world
   You’d be partly right, because       title, and in any other sport we’d
that’s undoubtedly true.                be celebrating his prowess.
   But first I want to talk about           If you do not have Sky TV,            Joseph Parker training at the David Haye gym in Vauxhall, London, ahead of his world heavyweight boxing title fight on
something that has me very              probably best to consider getting         Easter Sunday morning NZ time.                                                                          MATTHEW IMPEY
excited. This Easter Sunday, our        it and having a few friends
Joseph Parker will fight Anthony        around because I believe Joseph           rugby, but I’d heard tales about                 Warriors game, to be hosted by                      Johnson field goals to snatch a
Joshua in a world heavyweight           does have the ability to become a         Chalky, and what a good guy he                   me.                                                 most unlikely win. That took real
boxing title fight.                     great champion.                           was.                                                 I love Christchurch. The spirit                 grit.
   I’m unashamed to admit I have            And let me tell you I had a              I was hosted by the Crusaders.                of its people has been an inspi-                       Poor Shaun cops more criti-
a soft spot for Joseph, and there       fabulous last weekend in Christ-          After the game I was invited into                ration to me, so being able to do                   cism than a butcher at a veg-
are a number of reasons for that.       church, where I had been invited          the changing room and that was                   something for them was a                            etarian conference, but he won
   First, he’s a good South Auck-       to attend a charity dinner for a          an experience I will never forget.               pleasure.                                           this one for us, albeit it was an
land boy, and I’m all for anyone        rugby identity, always known as              The hospitality and friendli-                     Now, yes, I’m over the moon                     incredible team effort.
who hails from our neighbour-           Chalky, who had sadly died of             ness of the people in Christchurch               after my Vodafone Warriors made                        I’m the first to admit it’s early
hood achieving anything on a            cancer.                                   was fantastic.                                   it three wins from three for the                    days, but if you’re not enjoying
world stage.                                When you give, you get back.             We raised thousands, with a                   first time ever as a season opener,                 the turnaround in fortunes for the
   Secondly, Joseph has been in             I don’t claim to know a lot           group of four All Blacks chipping                beating the Canberra Raiders                        Warriors you must be a hard per-
my own home and I can tell you          about rugby, let alone Canterbury         in to buy a VIP visit to a Vodafone              20-19 with two marvellous Shaun                     son to please.

NEW ZEALAND CROSSWORD                                             THE TOP 10                               SUDOKU                   Fill the grid so every row, column and every 3x3 box contains 1-9
1        2                  3          4         5         6      1. The ski resort of St Moritz
                                                                  LV ORFDWHG LQ ZKLFK FRXQWU\"
                                                                  2. What is a common name
                                                                  IRU WHWDQXV"
7                      8
                                                                  3. %\ ZKDW QDPH LV 5HJ
                   9                                              'ZLJKW IDPRXV ZRUOGZLGH"
                                                                  4. What is the only mammal
10                                                                WKDW FDQ WUXO\ À\"
                                                                  5. Which alphabet is made
                                                 11               IURP MXVW GRWV"
12                                13
                                                                  6. :KR ZURWH WKH ERRN The
                                                                  Hunchback of Notre Dame"
                            14                                    7. Frank Whittle, a pilot and
                                                                  engineer in the Royal Air
              15                                           16     )RUFH PDGH ZKDW LQYHQWLRQ
                                                                  LQ WKH V"
                                                                  8. Joan of Arc is credited
18                                          19                    ZLWK KHOSLQJ OLIW WKH (QJOLVK            1                                                             2
                                                                  VLHJH RI ZKLFK )UHQFK FLW\"
                                                                  9. What is normally the                  JUNIOR CROSSWORD                                                                                     

                                                                  colour of the target ball in                                                                                                                           
20                          21                                    ERZOV"                                   Across                        Down
                                                                  10. :KDW SKUDVH ZDV XVHG                 1. Using your brain           1. Bread cooked                                               

Across                           Down                             at the start of each episode             (8)                           EURZQ 
1. Conceited (7)                 1. Someone reluctant to join     of Monty Python’s Flying                 7. $ QHFNZDUPHU             2. A young child (6)
4. Horse bred to take part in    in, or do their share (colloq)   Circus"                                  8. A roll of tobacco          3. 6WULNH ZLWK WKH IRRW                                             

harness racing (5)               (5)                                                                       that is smoked (5)            (4)                                                            
7/8. 6XႇUDJHWWH ZKR KDV          2. Birthplace of jockeys                                                  9. Taking part in a           4. Time of darkness
been commemorated on $10         Lance O’Sullivan and Shane                                                play (6)                      (5)                                                                 
                                                                  NZ CROSSWORD
notes since 1991 (4,8)           Dye, and Governor-General                                                 10. Come to a halt            5. 0RYLQJ VWDLUZD\
                                                                                                           (4)                           (9)
                                                                  16. Meant, 17. Clue.
10. Pay, reimburse (10)          Patsy Reddy (8)                  Solitude, 12. Adverse, 14. Lancet,
12. Season, tokerau in Maori     3. Globe (6)                     6. Radiate, 9. One-man band, 11.         12. A curved support          6. Spinning                                                  

(6)                              4. Auckland suburb,              Sphere, 4. Papatoetoe, 5. Clad,          under a bridge (4)            aeroplane part (9)
13. Prior (6)                    birthplace of Barry Crump        Down: 1. Piker, 2. Matamata, 3.          14. A type of chimney         11. Tugged (6)
15. Hostility (10)               (10)
                                                                  Emend, 21. Trident.                      on a ship (6)                 13. The capital of                       

18. Dependence (8)               5. Dressed (4)
                                                                  nism, 18. Reliance, 19. Puma, 20.        17. A small oily green        Egypt (5)
19. Large American cat (4)       6. *LYH Rႇ KHDW RU OLJKW 
                                                                  12. Autumn, 13. Before, 15. Antago-      or black fruit from a         15. $ KHDOWK ZRUNHU
                                                                  Kate Sheppard, 10. Remunerate,
                                                                                                           tree (5)                      (5)                                 SUDOKU
20. Make corrections (5)         9. Single-person operation
                                                                                                           18. Big (5)                   16. Close by (4)
                                                                  Across: 1. Pompous, 4. Pacer, 7/8.
21. Three-pronged spear (7)      (3-3,4)
                                 11. Loneliness (8)                                                        19. Breakfast food (8)
                                 12. Unfavourable (7)             TOP 10
                                 14. Surgical knife (6)
                                                                    FRPSOHWHO\ GLႇHUHQW´
                                                                    :KLWH  ³$QG QRZ IRU VRPHWKLQJ       6. Propeller, 11. Pulled, 13. Cairo, 15. Nurse, 16. Near.
                                 16. Intended (5)                   Hugo, 7 Jet engine, 8 Orleans, 9       Down: 1. Toast, 2. Infant, 3. Kick, 4. Night, 5. Escalator,
                                 17. Hint (4)                       John, 4 The bat, 5 Braille, 6 Victor   Porridge.
                                                                     6ZLW]HUODQG  /RFNMDZ  (OWRQ      Stop, 12. Arch, 14. Funnel, 17. Olive, 18. Large, 19.
      ALL PUZZLES © THE PUZZLE COMPANY                                                                     Across: 1. Thinking, 7. Scarf, 8. Cigar, 9. Acting, 10.
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