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                                                 WICKLOW                                                                                        WE DELIVER!- for 30 years                               SOUTH EDITION

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                                                                                                                                           CULLEN NOT RUNNING                     FAREWELL ANNIE            YOUNG ENTREPRENEURS
                                                                                                                                                    page 11                            page 12                         page 16
          Tuesday 7th May 2019                      5 Eglinton Road, Bray, Co. Wicklow                          Tel: 01 - 2869111               www.wicklowtimes.net                      E-mail: wicklowed@localtimes.ie

Last week County Wicklow became the first county in Ireland to
declare a climate and biodiversity emergency. Climate activists
packed the public gallery at last week's council meeting which also
saw the launch of the Council's landmark Climate Adaptation
Strategy: however the strategy has been criticised for not
containing enough actions and strategic measures.
   Green Party Councillor       now produced a document       mate change."
Steven Matthews wel-            like this, I am very            The launch of the
comed the Strategy, which       disappointed that we don't    Climate      Adaptation
will now go out on public       see actual actions included   Strategy was accompanied
display, but expressed dis-     in this."                     by the passing of a notice
appointment with the lack          The           Council's    of motion, put forward by
of actions included in it: "I   Environmental Awareness       Cllr Tom Fortune, declar-
hope this isn't just more       Officer, Jim Callery,         ing a climate emergency
words. It needs to be fol-      explained that "most local    and biodiversity emer-
lowed by actions. I read        authorities are putting       gency for Wicklow. The
this strategy document and      together their climate        notice of motion asks the
it's 101 pages and the first    strategies now and the sec-   council to implement the
92 pages describe what          toral strategies are also     'immediate steps' of pub-
climate change is and why       being developed at pre-       lishing a climate action
and how it happened.            sent. We will need to work    plan, and updating and
That's great for back-          together with partners like   publishing a biodiversity
ground reading but there        the OPW, the National         action plan. Cllr Fortune
are ten pages left in the       Parks and Wildlife            praised the efforts by
document that talk about        Service, Irish Rail, the      young people in Wicklow
our strategy. A lot of that     ESB and link up our           in the recent Global
isn't funded and a lot of it    strategies and make sure      Climate strike on March
is aspirational, so while it    that we are all working       15th. He said he recently
gives me hope we have           together to adapt to cli-     spoke with two young cli-

                                                                                               Des Davitt, Niamh Stephenson, and Tom Byrne at the Wicklow RNLI farewell to their beloved lifeboat
                                                                                               Annie Blaker, the last Tyne Class lifeboat in the RNLI's fleet. See story on page 12

                                                                                              mate activists, Shona Edge     and they have both pre-
                                                                                              and Molly Gordon Boles         sented on climate activism
                                                                                              from Temple Carrig             to the entire school assem-
                                                                                              School in Greystones, who      bly."
                                                                                              have been working                 Shona and Molly last
                                                                                              towards raising awareness      week attended the presen-
                                                                                              of the need for urgent         tation of Wicklow County
                                                                                              action.                        Council's Draft Climate
                                                                                                Cllr Fortune said            Action Plan. Shona says
                                                                                              "Despite not being of vot-     "With their close relation-
                                                                                              ing age, Molly and Shona       ship with the community,
                                                                                              were invited to present        Local Authorities can play
                                                                                              their concerns to the Joint    a key role in addressing
                                                                                              Oireachtas Committee on        climate change. They can
                                                                                              Climate Action, with four
                                                                                                                             react faster and more
                                                                                              other schools from around
                                                                                                                             effectively to local climate
                                                                                              Ireland. Molly delivered
                                                                                                                             events than many other
                                                                                              an inspiring speech
                                                                                              penned by herself and          government agencies - as
                                                                                              Shona. After attending a       seen in extreme weather
                                                                                              talk at Temple Carrig          events". Molly said
                                                                                              School with environmen-        "Councillors and the Local
                                                                                              tal scientist Dr Cara          Authorities have a critical
                                                                                              Augustenbourg, Shona           role to play in using their
                                                                                              met         with        Dr     local knowledge of the
                                                                                              Augustenbourg to discuss       environment and working
                                                                                              what their school could do     in partnership to make
                                                                                              to combat climate change.      lasting climate action to
                                                                                              In school, both Molly and      create a safe future for
                                                                                              Shona are active members       generations to come".
                                                                                              of the Action on Climate
                                                                                              Change (ACE) committee              Continued on Page 3
Times    WICKLOW

2 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                              Tuesday 7th May 2019

                                                                                                                              ‘West Wicklow
                                                                                                                            needs this funding’
                                                                                                                         There is a total of €1.6 million in unspent rural funding for Wicklow, according to
                                                                                                                         information gathered by Fianna Fail. The Party's candidate for the Baltinglass
                                                                                                                         Municipal District, John Mullen, says that this is funding that West Wicklow
                                                                                                                         badly needs.
                                                                                                                              Mullen commented           scheme has still nearly a      last two years together,        administration. The gov-
                                                                                                                         "Over €60 million nation-       third of its funds from 2017   over €25m has still not         ernment take more pride in
                                                                                                                         ally is unspent to date on      unspent (€6.8m). Despite       been spent. West Wicklow        making announcements
                                                                                                                         rural schemes from funds        €21.3m being allocated to      badly needs this funding to     than actually delivering for
                                                                                                                         allocated in 2017 and 2018.     the scheme for 2018, only      grow its tourism industry       people in rural parishes
                                                                                                                         These include the Outdoor       €50,000 has issued in actu-    which is only beginning an      nationwide.With the local
                                                                                                                         Recreation Infrastructure       al payments to projects        exciting journey.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        elections approaching, peo-
                                                                                                                         scheme; Town & Village          seven months on from its          "The government is fail-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ple in rural Wicklow will
                                                                                                                         Renewal scheme; CLÁR            launch.                        ing to deliver on an array of
                                                                                                                         and the Local Improvement          "The Outdoor Recreation     rural schemes. The recent       adjudicate on the govern-
                                                                                                                         Scheme (LIS). In Wicklow        Infrastructure scheme is       project expenditure figures     ment's abject record that
                                                                                                                         the total unspent rural fund-   key to developing rural        for the LEADER pro-             prioritises spin over sub-
                                                                                                                         ing is over €1.6million.        recreational facilities, yet   gramme (80% underspend)         stance at every opportuni-
                                                                                                                            "The much-vaunted            half of the 2017 budget is     is a further example of this    ty," concluded John
                                                                                                                         Town & Village Renewal          still unspent. Taking the      out of touch Dublin centric     Mullen.

                                                                                                                            'Sun and Games' for
                                                                                                                         Greystones garden designer
                                                                                                                         Dermot Davis, a garden designer and conservation                                               games are on the clock,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        which is running with my
                                                                                                                         horticulturist from Greystones last week appeared on the                                       theme of 'Sun and Games
 Pictured: Elizabeth Bourke, Ann Healy, and Lucy Carolan are pictured at the Inver Ladies Choir
 annual afternoon tea fundraiser at AGB clubhouse, Ballymoney.
                                                                                                                         RTE Super Garden programme with his garden design                                              '." says Dermot.
                                                                                                                         named 'Sun and Games'.                                                                            "The build was like an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        exam, it was pencils
                                                                                                                           Dermot has had previ-                                        stumbled upon that many
What’s Happening...                                             Greystones Film                                          ous success with his gar-
                                                                                                                         den designs having won
                                                                                                                                                                                        centuries ago in western
                                                                                                                                                                                        Asia the farmers used to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        down after 28 days, and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        walk away. I felt it was a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        pressure build, especially
        Breathing and                                         Club's May Marvels                                         an award of distinction
                                                                                                                         last year in Bloom for a
                                                                                                                                                                                        mix the seeds with bro-
                                                                                                                                                                                        ken eggs before planting,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        in last week. But my fam-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        ily, my fiancee Martha
                                                                                                                                                                                        and hence my lamppost is
      meditation workshop                                    The long-running Greystones Film
                                                                                                                         'Postcard style Garden'.
                                                                                                                           The purpose of the 'Sun                                      emerging from an egg,           and friends gave me a
                                                             Club is hosting two very special                            and Games' design,                                             shaped with white con-          tremendous dig out
There will be a breathing and meditation workshop                                                                        Dermot says, is to                                             crete. I truly believe that I   throughout the process. I
                                                             screenings in May, a freshly-minted                                                                                        am the first to have this       couldn't have asked for
in Bray Library on Tuesday 7th May at 11am. The                                                                          encourage family mem-
topic of the workshop will be 'How to feel good
                                                             Oscar winner debuting alongside an                          bers to engage more in                                         concept as I exhausted all      such a nicer homeowners
and stay grounded'. The workshop will be led by              anniversary screening of perhaps the                        conversation together and                                      research to see was it          family who gave me lots
                                                             finest Irish film of the last 30 years.                     be active in exercise, be                                      done before. For me this        of help and support and
Ejiro Ogbevoen, a psychotherapist.                                                                                       better friends with your                                       feature was key to my
                                                                                                                                                         Dermot Davis                                                   many cups of coffee. And
                                                               First up, it's the sur-        one of the great Irish     family, and spend less                                         design as seeds and eggs        they are extremely
                                                             prise winner of the Best         films of all time. Also    time using social media                                        are fragile and need to be
          Roundwood Parish                                   Animated Feature at              screening on the night     and online games.
                                                                                                                                                         posed elements.
                                                                                                                                                           "The concept and
                                                                                                                                                                                        taken care of, just like our
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        pleased with the finished
                                                             this year's Academy              will be Rue, the short       "It's about how parents                                      families, and to nurture
             Hall events                                     Awards, Spider-Man:              film which won Ashford     and teens can reduce the
                                                                                                                         impact of social media on
                                                                                                                                                         theme just came to me as
                                                                                                                                                         I sat down to read my
                                                                                                                                                                                        our children with sound
                                                                                                                                                                                                                           "I'm very pleased also
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        that a design I previously
                                                             Into The Spider-Verse            teen Sean Treacy the                                       design brief, which was a                                      submitted for BLOOM
The Bridge Club are fundraising for the Friends Of                                            Young Filmmaker Of         youth well-being," says                                          Another key element in
                                                             being a thrilling roller-                                                                   detached house in an                                           2020 has been accepted, I
                                                                                              The Year gong at           Dermot.                                                        the design is a huge cir-
Wicklow Community And Family Services on the                 coaster ride through the                                                                    urban housing estate in                                        will be hoping that it's a
                                                                                                                           Speaking about the                                           cular outdoor clock.
May Bank Holiday Monday 6th at 7.30pm. All                   history of animation as          March's Fresh Film                                         Co. Longford and south                                         complete show-stopper."
                                                                                                                         Super Garden show,                                               "I put the clock in as all
support welcome for a great cause. There will Car            various Peter Parkers            Festival.                                                  facing. I searched about
                                                                                                                         Dermot says "We had
                                                                                                 Admission, as always,                                   Co. Longford, and St.
Boot Sale Sunday 26th May from 11am - 4pm.                   from different dimen-                                       free reign to design any
                                                                                              is €10, which includes                                     Mells Cathedral popped
Indoor and Outdoor spaces available. To book call
Ben 0879627527 / Sandra 0851933688 or email
                                                             sions - and cartoon gen-
                                                             res - come together to,
                                                                                              a free kids snackbox or
                                                                                              an adult popcorn. You
                                                                                                                         style and any concept for
                                                                                                                         the home owners, this is
                                                                                                                                                         up first. So I went with its
                                                                                                                                                         exterior and interior
                                                                                                                                                                                                RNLI Family
                                                                                                                         what the home owners
roundwoodcarboot@gmail.com                                   hey, save the world.
                                                               Taking over The
                                                                                              can grab your tickets on
                                                                                              whaletheatre.ie, or find
                                                                                                                         sign up to, and they have
                                                                                                                         very little say, if any, to
                                                                                                                                                         design lines and started
                                                                                                                                                         sketching my design from               5km Fun Run
          Shankill Library                                   Whale theatre on
                                                             Sunday, May 12th at
                                                                                              out more by emailing       persuade the garden
                                                                                                                                                           "The main feature in           The RNLI is asking the public to come out on
                                                                                              greystonesfilmclub@g       designer to include or                                           Sunday, 19th May and support their Lifeboat vol-
                                                             4pm, this is a rare                                                                         my design is a 'Curved
On Wednesday May 8th as part of Bealtaine,                                                    mail.com.                  exclude any of the pro-
                                                                                                                                                         Street Lamppost '. It rep-       unteers by joining in a Family Fun Run in aid of
                                                             chance to catch this
there will be a 'Felting Workshop' with Miriam               remarkable animated                                                                         resents a seedling emerg-        Wicklow Lifeboats. It will be a great fun event for
Brady in Shankill Library, Library from 10.30am
to 12.30pm at which participants will learn how
to create a personalised felt picture with wool or
                                                             wonder on the big
                                                                                                           BRAY                                          ing from an egg. I initial-
                                                                                                                                                         ly was going to have it
                                                                                                                                                         emerging from a concrete
                                                                                                                                                                                          all the family. Registration is on the day from 9am
                                                                                                                                                                                          at the Murrough Car Park, Wicklow Town.
                                                                                                                                                                                          Entry: €10 for adults, €5 for under 16's, €25 for
                                                               On Wednesday 15th,
silk - no experience need. Booking required. On              at 8pm, writer and co-
                                                                                                                               Vevay Rd, Bray            seed, but then whilst            a family of 4, 10am Start. For details contact:
                                                                                                                                                         researching the true sym-        KBoyle2001@gmail.comor or 086 3817955.
Wednesday May 15th as part of Bealtaine, John                star Mark O'Halloran                                                                        bolism of the seed, I
Carpenter will hold a workshop 'Introduction to              will be coming to
                                                                                                                         • Free Fitting
Drawing' from 10.10am to 12.30pm in which par-
ticipants will receive a introduction to drawing
faces, figures, and perspective. Booking required.
                                                             Greystones for a special
                                                             15th anniversary screen-
                                                             ing of Adam & Paul,
                                                                                                                         • Free Measuring
                                                                                                                                                         CHARLIE KEDDY
To book a place on either course call 01-2827801
or email: shankillib@dlrcoco.ie.
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                                                             breakthrough offering                                       • Free In Home                   VOTE 1 TO HELP STOP
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                                         Shay Fitzmaurice, Managing Editor -
                                         shay@localtimes.ie                                                                Quote                                                 I AM FOR FREE HEALTHCARE
                                         Ian Colgan, News Editor - ian@localtimes.ie
           is published by               Erika Doyle, Features Editor - erika@localtimes.ie
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 Wicklow Times, 5 Eglinton Road, Bray.
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                                                                                                          email: bray@acmeblinds.com                                                VOTE KEDDY
Times    WICKLOW

Tuesday 7th May 2019                                                                                                                                                                                 NEWS 3

Greystones Municipal District rejected its annual revenue budget allocation
at its meeting last Tuesday.
   Greystones has been        everywhere but not the         and a proper budget is     Districts is going up 4%,
allocated € 4 million,        facilities to match the        needed to cope with        Greystones is being
while Bray Municipal          ever-growing popula-           this. I have complained    reduced by 5%! I reject
District has been allo-       tion.                          for years about this       this low expenditure and
cated €9m. This means            "Every year at our          underfunding and it's      all      five       other
that €261 is being spent      Municipal District meet-       now getting worse.         Councillors have also       Pictured: Sarah Kate Deasy, Brianne Greene-Finn and Eibhlin Ui Chonchiabhair are pictured at
per capita in Bray, but       ing we as councillors          While expenditure by all   rejected it."               the Inver Ladies Choir annual afternoon tea fundraiser at AGB clubhouse, Ballymoney.
just €148 per capita in       state how little we get
Greystones. Bray's bud-       but we still pass the
get allocation for 2019       budget. This year we
is a 7% increase from its     deicided not to accept it
2018 allocation, while        as a small stand to say
Greystones is getting         we are not satisfied. In
5% less than it did last      saying this it is still only
year, which has caused        a rubber-stamping exer-
Cllr Derek Mitchell to        cise as the budget was
complain that Bray is         already decided on a
getting a 'deluxe service'    county       level        in
compared                to    November. If we want a
Greystones.                   bigger piece of the pie
   Cathaoirleach       of     next year, we need for-
Greystones Municipal          ward thinking from the
District, Cllr Nicola         District councillors to
Lawless, told Wicklow         act collectively on the
Times "The Budget             main budget and get
every year we get for         what Greystones District
the Greystones District       deserves."
is always less per head          Cllr Derek Mitchell
than some of our other        explained after last
district in the County.       week's meeting that
Greystones District is        "Greystones/Kilcoole
one of the areas the pays     needs to be funded as a
the most in LPT (which        proper urban area and
I don't agree with), also     this budget doesn't come
with the new valuations       near that. For example
from the valuation            Bray, an urban area, gets
office our business on        43% more per resident
the main street are now       to run the area and has
going to be paying            three times more out-
almost 100% more and          door      staff        than
some even 200% which          Greystones. It's getting a
is a disgrace. Greystones     deluxe service compared
District also has a large     to Greystones.
amount of development            "There is a huge
going on but yet we           amount of building
don't seem to get our         going on in Greystones,
fair share of the pot. We     the population is rapidly
have houses popping up        catching up with Bray

Continued from Page 1

   Speaking after last week's meeting Cllr Matthews
said "this is a historic day where we had unanimous
support in our declaration of a Climate and Biodiversity
emergency for Wicklow and on the day we launched
our Climate Adaptation Strategy. Our young generation
have marched and protested and demanded action on
climate change. The strategy document outlines how
every council department must address climate change
in all policies and also provides for a Climate Action
Officer and the formation of a high-level action team
consisting of councillors and senior management. The
public have demanded action and it's now up to the new
council to be brave enough to act."
   Cllr Jennifer Whitmore said the Council will have to
"get a lot more active in ensuring that our natural assets
are being protected. I think we are going to have to
appreciate some areas for just being there, and not put
any additional pressure on them or look to put recre-
ation or tourism or business interests ahead of the value
the natural area has in its own right. That might be a
challenge to us, but it is something that we are going to
have to look at."
Times     WICKLOW

4 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                       Tuesday 7th May 2019

                                                                                                           First to get 'Plain English
                                                                                                          Mark' for an election leaflet
                                                                                                                      A campaign leaflet produced by local election candidate for Bray West, Melanie
                                                                                                                      Corrigan, is the first of its kind to be awarded the Plain English Mark from the
                                                                                                                      National Adult Literacy Agency (NALA).
                                                                                                                         Melanie, who wants to      as they can be. My leaflet   including information           their guidance and advice.
                                                                                                                      'Improve access for           will be going through        from the Government dif-          Melanie finished by
                                                                                                                      everyone in the communi-      every letter box in Bray     ficult to understand.           stating that if elected,
                                                                                                                      ty' as one of her campaign    West and into the hands         Melanie, a first-time        “Accessibility and inclu-
                                                                                                                      priorities, is absolutely     of the 12,000 plus regis-    candidate, commented            sion is something I want
                                                                                                                      delighted to have been        tered voters. It is impor-   that the work NALA does
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to prioritise. Elected
                                                                                                                      awarded the mark for her      tant to me that my mes-      benefits everyone, not just
                                                                                                                      leaflet.                      sage and priorities are                                      representatives are not
                                                                                                                                                                                 those with literacy issues.
 At the ICA Wicklow Federation Arts and Crafts Night at the Woodenbridge Hotel were Mary                                 She said “I have first-    written and presented in     She urges anyone who is         always known for using
 Clarke (Hollywood), Betty Teahan (Wicklow) both Highly commended, and Winner of the Molly                            hand experience of sup-       plain language, so every-    publishing information          plain English but if elect-
 Moore Rose Bowl for Crochet Maura Davis (Delgany) with Federation President Hilda Roche.                             porting members of our        one can understand           for the public to consider      ed this is the sort of thing
 Competitors and supporters attended from 15 Guilds across Wicklow.                                                   community with literacy       them.”                       using their services and        Bray West can expect
                                                                                                                      issues to access local ser-      NALA research has         she thanked NALA for            from me.”
                                                                                                                      vices. I understand the       found that almost 95% of

New FF policy document aims                                                                                           difference it can make to
                                                                                                                      people when the time is
                                                                                                                      taken to ensure that writ-
                                                                                                                                                    Irish adults are in favour
                                                                                                                                                    of plain English. About
                                                                                                                                                    half of them (48%) find

  to ease burden on carers                                                                                            ten documents are as clear

                                                                                                                                Guided Historic Tour
                                                                                                                                                    official     documents,

Fianna Fáil TD Pat Casey has welcomed a new Fianna Fáil policy document aimed at
improving supports for Carers.                                                                                        On Saturday May 11th, Brian White, Chairman of
                                                                                                                      the Bray Cualann Historical Society will lead a 3pm
   It's estimated that by 2030 one in five people in Wicklow will be Carers, however the current support structure    guided tour of the Church of the Most Holy
falls significantly short of what is needed. This document sets out a pathway to improving services and supports.     Redeemer, Bray, to raise funds for the Church and
Deputy Casey commented, "Carers in Wicklow have been completely undervalued by this government, despite               Parish Centre refurbishment.
providing essential supports to their loved ones at a substantially reduced cost to the State. I have been advocat-
ing for better conditions for Carers for years, and we introduced the Nursing Home Support Scheme Bill back in                  Carysfort car boot sale
2016. However Fine Gael rejected it claiming that it would introduce its own homecare policy - three years later
and there is still no sign of one.                                                                                     There will be bargains galore at the Carysfort
   "The delay in supports for Carers is completely unacceptable. I have been meeting with Carers advocacy             National School car boot sale on Saturday 8th June,
groups in Wicklow on a regular basis and Fianna Fáil have published a number of proposals to ensure that              2pm - 5pm. To make a booking please contact Tara
Carers are properly supported".                                                                                       on 0877417052 or the Facebook Page CNS
   These proposals include: 1.) Increasing the time allowed for work study training form 15hrs at present to          Car-Boot Sale. Pricing is as follows: Car €15.00;
18.5hrs per week (including voluntary work); 2.) Increasing the income disregard from €332.50 for a single            Van €20.00; Commercial E30.00. There will also be
person and 665 for a married couple to €450 and €900 per week respectively. This would be done over the               a BBQ and refreshments available.
lifetime of the next Government; 3.) Extending free travel to include children in receipt of Domiciliary Care
Allowance; 4.) Reintroducing the Transport Support Scheme announced in 2013 as a replacement for the                              Older Person's AGM
Mobility Allowance and Motorized Transport Grant; 5.) Extending the number of weeks Carers Benefit is paid
from 104 weeks to 156 weeks.                                                                                          The County Wicklow Older Person's Council AGM
   "These proposals have the potential to improve the lives of Carers across the county. This government has          takes place on the 31st May. There will be great
done nothing to support the vital work that Carers carry out on a daily basis and this cannot be tolerated any        speakers followed by lunch and a tea dance. There
                                                                                                                                                                                 Melanie Corrigan with her campaign leaflet
longer", concluded Deputy Casey.                                                                                      is no admission fee.

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Times    WICKLOW

Tuesday 7th May 2019                                                                                                                                                                                 5

                                                                                                 We’re Back
         ilton's Pharmacy has found a new home on the corner of
         Quinsborough Road and Main Street, Bray after being
         forced to move from their original premises at No. 2
  Main Street, which was damaged by a fire in January.
    Two months later,       reopen and are          mer full-time lectur-   tion in the
  Hilton's Phamracy         excited about the       er    in     Trinity    town, gaining
  was back, reopening       new venture."           College's School of     many loyal
  just a couple of            Karl says he also     Pharmacy,        and    customers
  doors down, with          wishes to thank Paul    President of the        over the years
  the same team of          Burns              of   Irish Pharmacists       who       have
  familiar faces, under     Fitzmaurice's           Union from 2004 to      continued to
  the capable direc-        Pharmacy on the         2006,        opened     come to the
  tion of Lucy White,       Quinsboro Road for      Hilton's Phamracy       new store, a
  stocking the same         all of his help, sup-   on the Main Street      m o d e r n
  quality lines of          port, and practical     in Bray in 1991.        b r i g h t
  products, and using       assistance in getting     Karl says the com-    premises
  the same high-quali-      Hilton's up and run-    munity pharmacy         conveniently
  ty equipment.             ning again follow-      has always been         located at
                                                                            the corner

                                                                            of the Main
             We wish to thank all of our                                    Street and
   customers for their loyalty and we look forward                          Road, still in the

          to serving them in our new store                                  heart of the commu-

                                                                            nity of Bray.            and are stockists of
                                                                              "I'm proud that we     high-end Armani and
    Owner Karl Hilton       ing the fire.           close to his heart      have served the com-     Chanel fragrances,             I’m proud that we have
  says "we wish to            "I knew I'd have      because of the daily    munity of Bray for
  thank all of our cus-     the support of my       interaction with cus-   nearly 30 years,"
                                                                                                     and and La Roche-           served the community of Bray

  tomers for their loy-     colleagues, and I       tomers and patients.    says Karl, and hope-     Posay and Clarins
  alty and we look          was delighted to          Since opening,        fully we will be here    skincare and cosmet-             for nearly 30 years
  forward to serving        have such support       Hilton's Pharmacy       for another 30           ics.
  them in our new           from another com-       has been looking        years."                    As we approach
  store. All of the staff   munity pharmacist       after the local com-      Hilton's offer a       summer, Hilton's
  have worked very          as well," says Karl.    munity and has          wide range of ser-       have you covered
  hard since the fire to      Karl Hilton, a for-   become an institu-      vices, from filling      when it comes stay-
                                                                            prescriptions, giving
                                                                                                     ing safe and healthy
                                                                            valuable and expert
                                                                            over-the-counter         in the sun, with
                                                                            advice,      offering    many skincare prod-
                                                                            medicines to treat       ucts and suncream
                                                                            minor ailments and       lotions to choose
                                                                            minor illnesss, as       from. Also be sure to
                                                                            well as a range of       check out the many
                                                                            toiletries, vitamins,    special offers avail-
                                                                            and alternative reme-
                                                                            dies. The wide range     able in Hilton's
                                                                            of nutritional supple-   Pharmacy.
                                                                            ments on offer             Hilton's Pharmacy
                                                                            comes with the           is open seven days a
                                                                            knowledgeable            week, and for their
                                                                            advice      of     the   customers' conve-
                                                                            Hilton's staff mem-      nience are open late
                                                                            bers who will help       until 8pm from
                                                                            you choose the right
                                                                            one for you.             Monday to Friday.
                                                                              Hilton's also pro-     They are also open
                                                                            vide an annual flu       on Sundays from
 The Hilton's Pharmacy team; Rebecca McGrath, Lucy White Karl Hilton,       vaccination service,     10am to 4:30pm.
 Olga Paz, and Lorraine Watters. Not pictured are Sandra Fitzgerald and                                                      Pictured are Rose Grace and Kate Fitzpatrick at the Cosmetics section
 James Kelly                                                                                                                                                        at the new Hilton’s Pharmacy

                            Hiltons Pharmacy is now located at:
                                     1 Quinsborough Road, Bray
                                              Tel: 01 286 4737                                           www.Hiltons.ie
Times     WICKLOW

6 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                            Tuesday 7th May 2019

                                                                                                           'BRAY TOWN IS
                                                                                                           CLOSING DOWN’
                                                                                                          Bray East Independent local election candidate and barrister Malachaí Duddy has
                                                                                                          identified the role of retail in Bray town centre’s vitality and vibrancy.
                                                                                                             “Retail plays a huge      badly impacted the town        the future. These include       need to support local
                                                                                                          role in Bray town centre’s   with significant deteriora-    undertaking a Bray Town         artists, craft makers, arti-
                                                                                                          vibrancy and vitality”       tion clearly evident by the    Centre Health Check and         sans and entrepreneurs
                                                                                                          according to Malachaí        presence of empty shops,       the creation of a dedicated     and provide them with an
                                                                                                          Duddy, with just over a      abandoned buildings and        Bray Town Local Action          economical opportunity to
                                                                                                          quarter of all commercial    vacant lands. While many       Plan, a non-statutory plan      display and promote their
                                                                                                          units in Bray being in the   businesses were forced to      developed by local people       works and products local-
                                                                                                          retail and wholesale sec-    close, other local retailers   along with community
                                                                                                          tors.                                                                                       ly in short-term pop-up
                                                                                                                                       demonstrated          great    and enterprise groups, the
                                                                                                             He says, “We need to                                                                     style shops.”
                                                                                                                                       resilience under signifi-      purposes of which is to
                                                                                                          support the growth and                                                                        Duddy also believes
                                                                                                                                       cant pressures and often at    identify specific local pro-
                                                                                                          competitiveness of local     a great personal cost, with    jects that will enhance the     that the shop fronts and
                                                                                                          business in the town, and    many traders having to let     quality of the town centre      signage along the Main
                                                                                                          encourage new invest-        go dedicated employees.        environment, strengthen         Street could benefit from
                                                                                                          ment and employment             Duddy says: “We need        the viability of local          an upgrade: “Shop fronts
                                                                                                          opportunities by retail-     to support the revitalisa-     businesses and help to          are often the first impres-
                                                                                                          ers”.                        tion of the local retail and   create a prosperous town        sion of our Main Street
                                                                                                             Duddy says that the       commercial sector, offer-      in which to live, work,         for locals and visitors
                                                                                                          number of vacant com-        ing existing retailers and     socialise and visit.”           alike. We need to make
                                                                                                          mercial premises is an       commercial operators             Duddy adds that such          sure that that image is
                                                                                                          effective indicator of how   within the town support to     projects could be suitable      positive and welcoming.
 Arklow Cathaoirelach Miriam Murphy makes a presentation to Gillian Byrne and Anne Healy of               a town centre economy is     grow, creating new             for funding under various       We need to incentivise
 the Inver Ladies Choir at the Wicklow County Council community awards night in Arklow                    performing. He adds,         employment opportuni-          initiatives such as LEAD-       premises painting and
 Municipal Buildings.                                                                                     “Figures from the final      ties. Bray town centre is      ER and the Town and             shopfront upgrades.
                                                                                                          quarter of 2018 from the     the focus of social, com-      Village Renewal scheme.
                                                                                                          Irish Geodirectory record                                                                     “At present, external
                                                                                                                                       munity and civic life for      He says “We need to
                                                                                                                                                                                                      metal security shutters are
 Diversity needed in Wicklow                                                                              that the national commer-
                                                                                                          cial vacancy rate is
                                                                                                          13.2%, with Bray just
                                                                                                                                          “We now need targeted
                                                                                                                                       actions to support the
                                                                                                                                                                      support a ‘Living over the
                                                                                                                                                                      shop’ type scheme,
                                                                                                                                                                      converting and refurbish-
                                                                                                                                                                                                      visually obtrusive and
                                                                                                                                                                                                      seriously detract from the
                                                                                                                                                                                                      appearance, ambience and
County Council says candidate                                                                             below the national aver-
                                                                                                          age at 12.9%.”
                                                                                                             But he adds that Bray’s
                                                                                                                                       revitalisation of Bray
                                                                                                                                       town centre and its local
                                                                                                                                       neighbourhood shops in
                                                                                                                                                                      ing vacant spaces within
                                                                                                                                                                      the Main Street area to
                                                                                                                                                                      encourage people to live
                                                                                                                                                                                                      perception of safety on
                                                                                                                                                                                                      our Main Street. Financial
                                                                                                          vacancy rate has recently    order to improve the liv-      in the town centre again,       support from Wicklow
Anne Waithira Burke is hoping to provide a much needed                                                    been exacerbated by the      ing and working environ-       which would also assist in      County Council could
                                                                                                          sudden closure of a num-     ment, and increase poten-      the alleviating the local       reverse this trend,” con-
multicultrual aspect to Wicklow County Council.                                                           ber of high profile busi-    tial economic activity into    housing crisis. We also         cluded Duddy.
                                                                                                          nesses on the Main Street
  Anne, who was raised                             Women) and is espe-         housing, integration       and adjacent areas includ-
in Kenya but is now an                             cially active in fighting   and inclusion strate-      ing a fish shop, book-
Irish citizen living in                            for the rights of           gies, and the provision    shop, hairdressers, a
Greystones for the past                            marginalised people         of community facilities.   number of shoe shops and
12 years, says she                                 and     disadvantaged       I want to ensure that      the popular Bombay
wants to lend a voice to                           groups. She says many       developers keep their      Pantry Indian takeaway.
those who do not feel                              people feel removed         promises to provide        Important public realm
represented by the cur-                            from politics, even at a    open spaces and creche     enhancement works were
rent Council, or indeed                            local level, and she is     facilities that are so     conducted on Bray Main
government. Anne told                              encouraging everybody                                  Street in 2013, with new
                                                                               often included in plans
Wicklow Times that                                 to get out and vote and                                paving and lighting,
                                                                               only to be forgotten       wider footpaths and dedi-
building a great future                            make ther voices heard,     about at a later stage."
for Ireland starts at a                                                                                   cated cycle lanes, to cre-
                                                   in the hope for a more        Anne is running for      ate a safer and more
local level, and she                               representaitve council.     the Labour Party in the    accessible and attractive    Malachai Duddy outside a shoe shop in Bray which recently closed down.
hopes to be part of that.                            "My priorities for        Greystones electoral       town centre for all.
  An activist of many       Anne Waithira Burke    Greystones are to have                                                              Duddy says that “We now need targeted actions to support the
                                                                               area.                      However the recession
years, Anne currently                              decent local transport,                                                             revitalisation of Bray town centre and its local neighbourhood shops in
works as the young          for AkiDwa (National   social and affordable                                                               order to improve the living and working environment.”
migrant women leader        Network of Migrant
                                                                                 'Go Ahead bus service
                                                                                  letting people of Bray
                               Cllr S h a y                                      and Enniskerry down'
                                                                                Bray West Labour Party local election
                                                                                candidate Ian McGahon has contacted

                                                                                                                                        Riverview House                    Tel: 01 276 1330 Fax: 01 276 1336
                                                                                the National Transport Authority and                                                       Web: www.benvillerobinson.com
                                                                                                                                        Seapoint Road,
                                                                                Minister Shane Ross to express serious                                                     E-mail: info@benvillerobinson.com
                                                                                                                                        Bray, Co. Wicklow
                                                                                concern about the worsening service
                                                                                for Bray and Enniskerry on the 185
                                  Local election                                Bus route.                                               Accidents / Personal Injuries Claims
                                   candidate for                                   Speaking on the issue McGahon said "Since the          Wills, Probate & Estate Planning
                                                                                185 bus between Bray and Shop River via Palermo
                                 Wicklow East Area                              and Enniskerry changed operators from Dublin                Conveyancing / Probate Law
                                                                                Bus to Go Ahead there have been numerous prob-

                                  Working for the
                                                                                lems with the service such as buses showing up
                                                                                late, buses not showing up, buses being unfamiliar
                                                                                                                                                  General Litigation
                                                                                with the routes, buses crashing in Palermo.
                                  Community                                        "In recent weeks the service has clearly got
                                                                                worse with numerous bus users experiencing
                                                                                                                                          For professional, confidential and expert legal advice, please do not
                                                                                                                                                  hesitate to contact Rory, Brian, Eilish or Clare-Ann.
                                                                                delays of hours every day. It seems that Go Ahead
                                                                                has lost a number of bus drivers in recent weeks                                                          Rory P. Benville B.C.L.
                                                      VOTE                      and they are taking many drivers off the Enniskerry
                                                                                route constantly. The people of Enniskerry in par-
                                                                                                                                                                                     Brian Robinson B.B.L.S., L.L.M.

                                                                                                                                                                                   Eilish Bradshaw B.A., L.L.B., L.L.M.
                    The Crosses, Ballinahinch
                                                      No.                       ticular are being shown complete disrespect and I
                                                                                have written to Minister Ross and the National                                                           Clare-Ann Temple L.L.B.
                                                                                Transport Authority to look at reviewing Go
                         Phone: 087-2347676                                     Aheads contract," concluded McGahon
                                                                                                                                            *In contentious business, a solicitor may not calculate fees or other charges as a
                                                                                                                                                         percentage or proportion of any award or settlement
           Email: shaycullen2014@gmail.com

Tuesday 7th May 2019                     7
Times     WICKLOW

8 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                     Tuesday 7th May 2019

                                                                                                                     'Underspend on LEADER funding
                                                                                                                        is a great opportunity for
                                                                                                                       Wicklow Community Groups'
                                                                                                                     Elaine Willis, Fianna Fáil local election candidate for the Greystones
                                                                                                                     Municipal District has said the LEADER funding is available for Wicklow
                                                                                                                     Community groups and clubs.
                                                                                                                       € 220 million of this      allocated as projects are     the LCDC have recently         Sports Capital Grant,
                                                                                                                     funding has been allocat-    approved.                     run very informative           Creative Wicklow Grant
                                                                                                                     ed to the Local Action         Willis commented,           workshops on funding           Scheme,            Estate
                                                                                                                     Groups (LAGs) through-       "There is a € 250m            opportunities and I would      Development, Town &
                                                                                                                     out the country who deliv-   national allocation for the   encourage community            Village Renewal Scheme,
                                                                                                                     er the LEADER pro-           2014-2020 LEADER pro-         groups to apply for fund-      Community Playgrounds,
                                                                                                                                                  gramme, in Wicklow            ing. The staff, Deirdre
                                                                                                                     gramme. This core fund-                                                                   Healthy Ireland Funding
                                                                                                                                                  alone the total allocation    Whitfield and Richella
                                                                                                                     ing is allocated to the                                                                   and many other cate-
                                                                                                                                                  is €6,336,549. Wicklow        Wood are very helpful
                                                                                                                     LAGs for the full period     has so far approved 36        and welcoming. There are       gories. Monies will be
                                                                                                                     of the programme. The        projects, while there are     lots of different categories   unspent and returned if
                                                                                                                     remaining €30 million is     others that are currently a   to apply for funding.          community groups do not
                                                                                                                     available for thematic       work in progress.             Community facilities,          apply. It is too good an
                                                                                                                     schemes to be delivered at     Willis said, "County        Outdoor         recreation     opportunity to miss", con-
                                                                                                                     a national level and is      Wicklow Partnership &         Infrastructure Scheme,         cluded Willis.

  John clear and John Sillery at the Wicklow RNLI farewell to their beloved lifeboat Annie Blaker,
                                                                                                                      'Rat run' through the Old
  the last Tyne Class lifeboat in the RNLI's fleet. See story on page 12
                                                                                                                        Bray Golf Club lands
   Safety notice to all groups and parties                                                                           Bray Sinn Féin local election candidate Grace McManus has
                                                                                                                     described the new road on the Old Bray Golf Clubs lands that
                                                                                                                                                                                                               the new road. This is a
                                                                                                                                                                                                               bonkers situation and is

involved in the Local and European Elections                                                                         serves the new Ravenswell and Coláiste Ráithín schools as a
                                                                                                                     'rat run' and an accident waiting to happen.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               an accident waiting to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 McManus concluded
ESB Networks is reminding all groups and parties involved in the local and European
                                                                                                                       After being contacted by a number of concerned parents who have children                "Wicklow          County
elections that the erection of posters on ESB electricity poles poses a serious safety risk to ESB                   attending the schools McManus said "Since Coláiste Ráithín and Ravenswell                 Council must immedi-
Networks staff, contractors and members of the public and is strictly prohibited.                                    schools finally opened late last year the new road that serves the schools has            ately start the process
   Dangerous situations have been created in the past by individuals or parties erecting posters on electricity      also been open to the public. Unfortunately some motorists are using the new              of taking this road in
poles. There is a very real danger to life when placing posters on live electricity poles. Posters have caused the   road as a rat run to avoid heavy traffic on the Old Dublin road during morn-              charge so that a speed
pole to catch fire as well as creating blind spots for traffic.                                                      ing and evening rush hour.                                                                limit and traffic calm-
   ESB Networks has been required to interrupt the electricity supply to households and businesses in order to         "Cars are speeding along the new road to avoid tailbacks on Castle St and               ing can be introduced
safely remove these dangerous posters. Posters that are erected on electricity poles will be removed by ESB          the Old Dublin Road. Hundreds of children go to Ravenswell and Coláiste
                                                                                                                                                                                                               and policed. The use of
Networks and the costs incurred may be recovered from the respective Parties and Groups involved.                    Ráithín schools and the current situation is an accident waiting to happen. My
                                                                                                                     colleague Deputy John Brady and I have been in contact with the Council,                  this road as a rat run
   ESB Networks regularly advise the general public to always stay clear of electricity poles and wires through
its TV, Radio and Social Media campaigns. It is important that these messages are taken on board in the interest     Gardaí and the developers in an attempt to try get traffic calming in place.              puts at risk the safety of
of safety.                                                                                                           Unbelievably we have been informed that the road hasn't been taken in charge              hundreds of school chil-
   In the event of a dangerous situation or emergency, the public are reminded to immediately phone ESB              by the council and that it is still a private road, so little or nothing can be           dren and it must stop
Networks emergency service on 1850 372 999 (24 hour/7 day service).                                                  done at this stage.                                                                       and I would appeal to
                                                                                                                       "This means that no speed limit applies and that neither the council nor the            motorists to slow
                                                                                                                     Gardaí have any authority to address the serious issue of speeding cars along             down."

                                                                                                                       Eugene Finnegan, Chairperson of Bray Tourism, Helen O'Sullivan of the Caroline Foundation,
                                                                                                                       and Cllr Pat Vance, Cathaoirleach of of Wicklow County Council launch the Bray Celtic
                                                                                                                       Camino, a route of 30.5k from Bray to St. James Church. You can get your passport stamped at
                                                                                                                       different locations and by finishing the coastal route you will receive a Celtic Camino
                                                                                                                       Compostela for your achievement, from St. James Church office.
Times      WICKLOW

Tuesday 7th May 2019                                                                                                                                                                                                        NEWS 9

'Garda resources are vital to
reducing crime rates in Bray'
Edward Whelan, Fine Gael Local Election Candidate for Bray met with local TD
and Minister Simon Harris last week to discuss issues of crime prevention and
reduction in the area.
  Speaking on the issue,       dramatically reduce crime                                  issue, Minister Simon
Edward Whelan said: "We        and that is why I will be                                  Harris said: "I was really
had a really tough time        campaigning for an                                         pleased to bring Minister
here in Bray in the last 12-   increase in Garda num-                                     for Justice Charlie
18 months with a number        bers in our area if I am                                   Flanagan TD to Bray
of very high-profile and       elected."                                                  Garda Station last year to
distressing crimes. Our           Edward Whelan has                                       meet the team and hear
Gardaí worked extremely        dedicated his life's work
                                                                                          about the challenges faced
hard throughout this time      to serving and protecting
                                                                                          in the community. The
to restore public confi-       the community through
                                                                                          Gardaí were clear that
dence and I think they         his role in the prison ser-
                                                                                          they are very well
must be commended for          vice. He worked through-
their community leader-        out the prison system and                                  supported by the Bray
ship. I am really pleased      was appointed Governor        Edward Whelan                community but they need
that the Gardaí were able      of Mountjoy Prison in                                      better resources. It is real-
to re-establish the Drugs      2012. Mr Whelan contin-       resources on the ground to   ly important that we pro-
Unit this year in response     ued: "As a former prison      deter violence. The Gardaí   vide our gardaí and com-
to the growth in drug          officer and Governor of       need to be supported in      munity with the proper
related crime, however we      Mountjoy, I know too well     their work and that is why   supports and I will contin-     Detective Sergeant Fergus O'Brien with Wicklow State Solicitor Rory Benville at Fergus's
need to see this initiative    the importance of early       I am calling for better      ue to seek increased            retirement party in the Parkview Hotel, Newtownmountkennedy last week.
continued. Increasing the      intervention to prevent       resources including ICT      investment in this area."
number of Gardaí on the        young people falling into     technology, force numbers
                                                             and specialised training."
beat and specialised train-
ing has been proven to
                               a path of criminality. I
                               also know the value of          Commenting on the          Fishermen rescued from burning trawler
                                                                                          Arklow and Wicklow RNLI were involved in the rescue of three fishermen last Thursday evening after
   BirdWatch Ireland events                                                               their 14m trawler caught fire and subsequently sank off the Wicklow coast.
                                                                                             Volunteer lifeboat crew at Arklow and          evacuated on to their life raft and had trans-    "Thankfully, all three fishermen were rescued
  Branch talks are held in the Glenview Hotel on the 2nd Tuesday of every                 Wicklow RNLI were requested to launch             ferred to a nearby vessel. Having assessed the    this evening and we would like to wish them
  month. Admission to indoor meetings is free and open to everyone,
                                                                                          their all-weather lifeboats at 3:46pm follow-     situation, the lifeboat crew proceeded to         all a speedy recovery following what must
  however, BirdWatch Ireland would be very grateful for contributions
                                                                                          ing a Mayday relay broadcast. The crew of         transfer two of the casualties to the lifeboat    have been a frightening experience for them.
  towards covering the cost of the meeting room. Outdoor events are free of
                                                                                          the boat had used an emergency position-          and administer casualty care while a third        We would like to commend the skipper and
  charge and are open to everyone.
                                                                                          indicating radio beacon (EPIRB) to raise the      casualty was airlifted by Rescue 117 and later    his crew for doing the right thing and activat-
    Sunday 12th May: Immerse yourself in one of nature's most evocative sound-            alarm.                                            brought to hospital for further observation.      ing the Epirb when they knew they were in
  scapes on National Dawn Chorus Day. Meet at the front entrance to the ECNR,                Both lifeboats launched immediately while         Wicklow and Arklow RNLI then stood by          difficulty, that was the right thing to do. We
  Sea Road, Newcastle at 5.00am. (Please bring warm and waterproof clothing               the Irish Coast Guard helicopter Rescue 117       as a tug boat with firefighting capabilities      would also like to thank and commend the
  and footwear).                                                                          from Waterford was also tasked and multiple       made efforts to put the fire out but the vessel   crew of the vessels that were in the area and
    Tuesday 14th May: "Can we save the European Turtle Dove?" - a talk by                 vessels in the area responded. Weather condi-     later sank.                                       responded along with ourselves and our col-
  Darren Ellis from BirdWatch Ireland on creating suitable habitats for the               tions at the time were good with a Force 2-3         Arklow RNLI transferred the two casual-        leagues at Wicklow RNLI and in the Irish
  threatened species, Glenview Hotel,14th May at 8pm.                                     westerly wind.                                    ties back to the station where they were made     Coast Guard. It is always sad to see a fishing
    Saturday 22nd June: The annual trip to Kilcoole to see how our colony of                 Once on scene 30 miles east of Arklow, the     comfortable.                                      vessel sink but we are happy that all three
  breeding Little Terns are doing. Meet at railway car park, Kilcoole, at 10am.           crew onboard Arklow RNLI's all-weather               Speaking following the rescue, Arklow          fishermen are safe and recovering from their
                                                                                          lifeboat observed that the three casualties had   RNLI Coxswain Ned Dillon said:                    ordeal this evening."

                                                                                                                          Joe                                                            YVoiOce ULocRally
                                                                                                                          Behan                                                     Independent
          NEW CONSULTANT                                                                                                                                                                 Your
            NEW VENUE                                                                                                                                                               INDEPENDENT
          GROUP RELAUNCH                                                                                                                                                              Candidate
    Monday May 20th @ 5.30pm & 7.30pm
                                                                                                                                                                                     in Bray West
              The Parochial Hall, Tinahealy
                Call Tony: 087 178 5384                                                                                                                           086 8375602
                                                                                                                           EMAIL: joebehan@outlook.ie
Times     WICKLOW

10 NEWS                                                                                                                                                                                                    Tuesday 7th May 2019

                                                                                                                                                    1916 commemorated
                                                                                                                                                      in Kilmacanogue
                                                                                                                                                   During the Easter period the Kilmacanogue 1916
                                                                                                                                                   Commemoration Committee held a wreath laying ceremony in
                                                                                                                                                   the 1916 Garden.
                                                                                                                                                   Proceedings       were        Scór na nÓg champion          Moore of Garden
                                                                                                                                                   chaired by committee          Conor Power sang a            Architecture for all his
                                                                                                                                                   chairman Jason Doyle.         powerful rendition of         work and give a special
                                                                                                                                                   Anne-Marie Lawlor read        Meet Me at the Pillar to      mention to Anthony
                                                                                                                                                   the 1916 proclamation         close proceedings.            O'Grady who ensures
                                                                                                                                                   and Councillor Chris            The committee said it       the grass is cut regularly
                                                                                                                                                   Fox laid a wreath on          was grateful for the          throughout the summer.
                                                                                                                                                   behalf the committee.         attendance of Deputies        It is hoped that com-
                                                                                                                                                   Tommy O'Rourke read           Andrew Doyle, John            memorative events can
                                                                                                                                                   his poem the        Cill      Brady, Pat Casey along-       be built upon in the
                                                                                                                                                   Mocheanóg 1916-2016           side Cllr Dermot Daisy        coming year to will help
                                                                                                                                                   which he wrote on the         O'Brien.                      ensure that the Garden is
                                                                                                                                                   100th anniversary of the        “The committee would        maintained to its present
                                                                                                                                                   1916 rising. Wicklow          like to thank Robert          high stand standard.”

                                                                                                                                                     Anam Cara Wicklow Parents Evening
                                                                                                                                                    Anam Cara Wicklow, the organisation that supports bereaved
                                                                                                                                                    parents in your area, is holding its monthly parent evening on Monday 20th
Cllr Dermot ‘Daisy’ O’Brien, Cllr Christopher Fox, Minister Andrew Doyle, Pat Casey TD and John Brady TD are pictured at                            May at 7:20pm in the Parkview Hotel in Newtownmountkennedy.
the wreath laying ceremony in the 1916 garden in Kilmacanogue.
                                                                                                                                                      This event offers parents a safe and comfortable forum where they can connect
                                                                                                                                                    with other bereaved parents who understand the depth of grief and loss that fol-
                                                                                                                                                    lows after the death of their son or daughter. With Summer approaching, often as

 'Autism class needed in new                                                                                                                        a bereaved parent we are reminded of the passing of time and all the events that
                                                                                                                                                    sadly our son or daughter are not here for, such as summer holidays and family
                                                                                                                                                    gatherings. It is important bereaved parents know there is support and resources

Greystones Secondary School'                                                                                                                          Anam Cara director Valerie O Riordan stressed that this parent evening is open
                                                                                                                                                    to all bereaved parents "regardless of the age your child died, the circumstances
                                                                                                                                                    of their death or whether the death was recent or not. Anam Cara gives bereaved
                                                                                                                                                    mothers and fathers a chance to meet and connect with other bereaved parents in
Social Democrats Spokesperson for                         to a constituent who has     child is disadvantaged         and hope it will cater to     a safe and comfortable setting. Here we can find a level of support and under-
Children, Cllr Jennifer Whitmore has                      autism and who is            due to their level of abili-   children and their educa-     standing that - even with the best will in the world - it can be difficult for family
                                                          hoping       the      new    ties. I am delighted to see    tional needs regardless of    and friends to offer."
called for the inclusion of a post-primary                                             the development of the         ability once the school
                                                          secondary school at                                                                         A mother who attends the Wicklow Group commented " It was the first thing
Autism class in the new secondly school                   Charlesland will include     new secondary school in        opens in 2021," conclud-      that gave us a sort of hope".
planned for Charlesland.                                  a Special Class for          Greystones coming along        ed Cllr Whitmore.               All Anam Cara services are offered free of charge for as long as necessary.
                                                          Autism so that he can
   Speaking on the issue
                                                          attend school nearby.
Whitmore said "While
some children with
autism can be catered in
mainstream classes there
                                                            "With many more
                                                          families moving to
                                                          Greystones following
                                                          new housing develop-
                                                                                            Over 60 bags collected during
are many who will need
extra supports to carry
out their post-primary
education. Unfortunately,
                                                          ments demand will
                                                          continue to rise. We need
                                                          to ensure that the right
                                                                                             litter pick of the Sally Gap
it still stands that sec-                                 educational supports are
ondary school places for                                  put in place for children    The Wicklow Uplands Council's annual litter pick event in April saw over 60 bags collected
                                                          with learning disabilities
children with Autism are
                                                          so that they can learn
                                                                                       by the team of volunteers who tackled a 5km stretch of the scenic Sally Gap Road.
at desperately low levels
in the county with cur-                                   within      their    own       Splitting up into small-     that runs past the           for visitors and recre-       Council adopt a different     cigarette butts were found
                             Cllr. Jennifer Whitmore
rently only 10 in exis-                                   communities.                 er groups along the route,     Coronation Plantation till   ational users and our mes-    section of the uplands        throughout the route and
tence.                                                      "As Social Democrats       they found everything          reaching the well-known      sage is that it should be     each year as part of the      could easily have been
   "The nearest special      and do not cater to chil-    Spokesperson           for
                                                                                       from exhausts, speakers,       Sally Gap crossroads.        enjoyed responsibly."         'Clean up The Uplands'        recycled or disposed of
classes are in Colaiste      dren who want to learn       Children I believe it's
                                                          vitally important that any   carpets and an array of          Speaking after the           "We are grateful to the     initiative.                   correctly.
Chraobh Abhann in            closer to home.
                               "There is a definite       gaps in education provi-     domestic rubbish scat-         event, Brain Dunne,          volunteers who generous-        According to Ian Davis,       "The uplands are an
Kilcoole and North
                             need for such provision      sion are addressed with      tered along the roadside,      Coordinator of Wicklow       ly gave their time to         Project Manager of Pure       important           natural
Wicklow          Educate
Together in Bray and yet     in Greystones. Just the      adequate funding and         drains and adjacent lands.     Uplands Council said         restore this section of the   Project, "The majority of     resource and a key
both are at max capacity     other day I was speaking     staffing to ensure that no     Organised annually in        "Roadside litter is unfor-   uplands to the pristine       the material collected at     tourism attraction, so I
                                                                                       conjunction with Pure          tunately a major chal-       condition it should be        this event was recyclable     commend           Wicklow
                                                                                       Project, An Taisce             lenge in the uplands. The    found in."                    and derived from passing      Uplands Council and the
    'Removal of litter bins in                                                         National Spring Clean
                                                                                       and the National Parks &
                                                                                                                      stunning mountainscape
                                                                                                                      views that surround the
                                                                                                                                                     Forming part of the
                                                                                                                                                   hugely successful Pure
                                                                                                                                                                                 visitors rather than organ-
                                                                                                                                                                                 ised dumping activities.
                                                                                                                                                                                                               team of volunteers for
                                                                                                                                                                                                               their efforts to restore the

  Arklow is counterproductive'                                                         Wildlife Service, the
                                                                                       group cleaned the section
                                                                                                                      Sally Gap Road makes it
                                                                                                                      a very popular destination
                                                                                                                                                   Mile Competition, the
                                                                                                                                                   Wicklow           Uplands
                                                                                                                                                                                 Items such as food and
                                                                                                                                                                                 beverage containers and
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Sally Gap to a litter free
 Arklow Sinn Féin representative and local election candidate John
 Kelly has said that the removal of a large number of litter bins
 from around Arklow is concerning and will lead to littering. He has
 called on the council to ensure that all the bins that have been
 removed to be replaced.
   Kelly said "Over the last few weeks a large number of litter bins have been
 removed from across Arklow. My colleague John Brady and I have been onto
 the council to ensure that the bins will be reinstated in all locations as their
 removal is having a negative impact and this could lead to littering.
   "In a concerning response we got back from the council they have said that
 they are in the process of replacing litter bins in Arklow. However they also say
 that the number of bins in Arklow and their locations will be reduced as part of
 that process. They state that this is due to many being used for the disposal of
 domestic waste."
   Kelly went on to say "Any reduction in the number of litter bins is short sight-
 ed and will cause more littering in the town. The council outdoor staff and the
 Tidy Towns do a great job keeping the town clean.
   Kelly concluded "If the council has concerns about what people are disposing
 in the bins, there are different types of bins that could be used. Some bins have a
 small opening to restrict what can be put in and these should be utilised. We will
 continue to work with the council to ensure that all the bins that have been
 removed will be replaced."                                                            Volunteers at the recent Uplands Council litter pick in the Sally Gap.
Times    WICKLOW

Tuesday 7th May 2019                                                                                                                                                                                            NEWS 11

    Tommy Cullen not
 running in local elections
There was widespread surprise when Councillor Tommy Cullen announced that he
would not be contesting the forthcoming local elections. A consistent poll topper, he
was expected to easily gain re-election.
   Tommy       is     an    ings.                                                     if he felt that there was
Independent County             On Wicklow County                                      a 'wrong' that needed to
Councillor for the con-     Council, Cllr Cullen led                                  be righted he was
stituency of West and       the opposition to the                                     unafraid to take the mat-
South Wicklow having        proposed building of a                                    ter to the courts. He and
started out as a Labour     network of Pylons and                                     two other councillors
Party member where he       Windfarms throughout                                      were thrown off the
was very active being at    South      and     West                                   council by the then
one time the election       Wicklow.                                                  County Manager Eddie
agent for the former           Cllr Cullen's resolu-                                  Sheehy, but he appealed
minister           Liam     tion opposing pylons in                                   the matter to the courts,
Kavanagh.                   Wicklow was success-          Cllr Tommy Cullen           winning a Supreme             Conor Simpson (IDA Mid East Regional Manager), Shane Nolan (IDA), Johann Rosenberg
   He gave a commit-        fully approved by                                         Court decision.               (Oriflame Senior VP), Cllr Pat Vance, and Naoise McCluskey (IDA) are pictured at the 10 year
ment to his constituents    Wicklow         County        care services to West          More recently he was       anniversary celebration of Oriderm Research & Development Centre in Bray Business Park. :
in the 2009 local elec-     Council.     He     also      and South Wicklow. He       involved in a defama-
tions that he would vote    brought about a review        secured the ambulance       tion action against

                                                                                                                        Pedestrians have to
against the introduction    of the council's Wind         base in Baltinglass. He     Eddie Sheehy. Cullen
of a Property Tax on        Farm zoning policy.           served as a member of a     and former councillor
their homes and he kept        He has served as           the Hospital Boards         Barry Nevin sued Mr
his word. He is the only    Chairman of Wicklow           responsible for the         Sheehy in the Circuit
councillor to vote
against the introduction
of the Property Tax in
Wicklow          County
                            County Council and
                            Chaired the important
                            Health Board Care
                            Committee bringing
                                                          building of the new
                                                          Tallaght and Naas hos-
                                                            He also served for
                                                                                      Court arising from an
                                                                                      April 2013 press state-
                                                                                      ment, made by Mr
                                                                                      Sheehy and which they
                                                                                                                       walk on hard shoulder
Council budget meet-        substantial community         many years as Chairman      held defamed them.          Cllr Christopher Fox has requested that the Kilmacanogue Road Safety
                                                          of      the   Council’s        They lost their case     Scheme also include pedestrian safety measures in the form of footpaths.
    Tidy Towns Laragh                                     Housing Committee and
                                                          has served as a director
                                                                                      but won a High Court
                                                                                      appeal and were award-
                                                                                                                    The scheme involves constructing a parallel southbound service road to separate the traffic before the
                                                                                                                  southbound junction, preventing traffic exiting the petrol station to go directly into fast moving traffic.
     and Glendalough                                      of the National Housing
                                                          Finance Agency.
                                                                                      ed € 20,000 each. Ms
                                                                                      Justice Maria Baker
                                                                                                                    However, currently pedestrian safety is not included in the scheme - the contract for which was signed last
                                                                                                                  week - and pedestrians are being forced to walk on the hard shoulder of the N11 to get into Kilmacanogue from
 A clean up around the area will be on May                   He was the Chairman      awarded costs against       the roundabout at the top of the Southern Cross.
 7th. Helpers should meet opposite                        of the ‘Keep the Glen       the council and Mr            Speaking at last week's meeting of Wicklow County Council, Cllr Fox said "I know it wasn't within the remit
 Lynhams at 7pm.                                          Open’ campaign that         Sheehy, which it is         of the scheme but pedestrian safety and footpaths in particular, that are not included in the scheme will have to
                                                          prevented the Dept of       believed the council        be looked at. Currently there are a number of residents in Kilmac who terminate at the bus stop at the Woodies
    The group are encouraging biodiversity in the         Defence closing walk-       will pay in full. Sources   roundabout on the Southern Cross and have to walk along the hard shoulder of the N11 to get back to
 area. Native trees were planted by the students of       ing routes in the Glen of   estimated the costs to be   Kilmacanogue. I note the safety scheme doesn't include a footpath along this stretch of the road.
 Tiny Feet in front of the Brockagh Resource Centre       Imaal to the mountains.     about € 500,000 for           "We will have to find alternative funding and to me, it's simply a must that this pedestrian footpath is
 last week. For more information on how you can             He was vocal and          each side - money that,     provided, because since the 145 bus route stopped travelling to Kilmacanogue, the amount of people who walk
 make a difference by choosing plants, flowers and                                                                along the hard shoulder of the N11 is a disaster waiting to happen."
                                                          committed when ques-        along with the libel
 trees that aid species, animals and habitats native to                                                             Frank Curran, Chief Executive of Wicklow County Council, said he would raise the matter with Transport
                                                          tioning decisions of the    awards, the taxpayer
 the valley go to www.pollintors.ie.                                                                              Infrastructure Ireland (TII) and the roads section of the Council.
                                                          Council Executive and       funded.
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