Page created by Roberto Pratt
NAMPO 2017            FR
                                     16-19 MEI                EE

                                        DECEMBER 2017 • MARCH 2018

                                                    FOCUS ON

                                                  Theuns Britz

                                              SENWES RAKES
                                                 IN AWARDS

    AC van Wyk
Senwes Client bags Grain SA award


Maximum engine power: 165kW | Operating weight: 17 880kg | Standard bucket capacity: 3.1m3

JCB FINANCE OFFERS AVAILABLE                                    Contact your nearest Senwes Equipment whole goods
                                                                   marketer for more information or demonstrations.

Antoon Smalberger, Sales Manager:
Miscellaneous & JCB (082 806 4844)
Phillip Nel: Regional Marketer JCB Agriculture (083 451 3947)
                                                                                                                                                CO N T E N T •• ••

                                                                                                                                            NAMPO 2017
                                                                                                                                             16-19 MEI

                                                             13                                                                                        DESEMBER 2017 • MAART 2018

                                                                                                                                                                    FOKUS OP

                                                                                                                                                                    Theuns Britz
                    4                             12                                                                                                             SENWES RYG
                                                                                                                                                              TOEKENNINGS IN          Bultfontein Boertjie

                                                                                              AC van Wyk                                                                                met tydskrifnavor
                                                                                         Graan SA se Graanprodusent van SA
                                                                                                                                                                                    Senwes-produsente de
                                                                                          KERSFEES         Read the Senwes Scenario in English @                     AgriRewards se voor

                                                                                      ON THE COVER
EDITOR’S LETTER                             TRADE NEWS
 2 South Africa unites for                   6 Aerial imagery to help you             CHRISTMAS JOY!
   producers                                   farm better                            Kernel, Senwes’ mascot helped
                                            10 Agricultural Business Manager:         to bring some joy to the hearts
GENERAL               		                       Gretha Hattingh                        of 590 children during the 10th
 3 Cartoon: Pieter & Tshepo                                                           Senwes Christmas Tree project
                                            11 Solar power at night                   which took place in October. Read
 3 Heard all over                                                                     more about this on page 22.
                                            13 Soil Health and the impacts of
 7 Christmas Messages                          conservation agriculture practices     We focus on AC, Grain SA's Grain
                                     16 Julias Ramohlabi appointed                    Producer of the Year, as well as
MAIN ARTICLE 		 member of PETFAFF                                                     another stalwart producer near
 4 Senwes client bags Grain SA Award
                                                                                      Klerksdorp, Theuns Britz, who
                                     18 Price risk management alternatives
                                                                                      farms just across the Vaal River.
AREA FOCUS 		 for the 2017/2018 marketing
 8 Klerksdorp: a true gem with 180      season                                        The Area Focus is on Klerksdorp
    years history                           29 Certisure can help with your medical   and Senwes head office in
                                               aid and insurance                      Klerksdorp. Senwes was also in
IN THE SPOTLIGHT                                                                      the limelight a number of times
                                            29 Senwes Scenario research leads to      – when it received the IRMSA and
12 Theuns Britz is in control and builds
                                               new magazine                           several others awards.
   his blue-gum tree family
                                            34 Appointing the right person
                                                                                      The Senwes Scenario research has
NEWS                                           for the job
                                                                                      been finalised and our readers
19 Senwes Future Focus looks at closer                                                can look forward to an exciting
   collaboration in rural communities       COLUMNS                                   new edition of Senwes Scenario
                                            24 Safex Scenarios with Susari            in April.
19 More than R2,2 miljoen for Agri
   Securitas Trustfund                      26 Grain Market Prospects

20 Senwes stands tall after receiving       30 Future focus
   IRMSA award                              33 Food for thought                 

20 Draft Taxation Laws Amendment            35 Garden tips
   Bill 2017
22 Senwes and its partners host a           36 Win a copy of Hoop wat
   smashing Christmas tree party
                                               kaalvoet loop                   
22 Senwes publications gets noticed
   at SAPF Awards                           WOMEN
                                            36 Milanie Vosloo
28 Pietsap van Rensburg
   – Mr John Deere
                                                                                          Read the Senwes Scenario online at
                                                                                or download the
                                                                                         Scenario app. ‘Like’ us on Facebook at
                                        Make sure you receive the eScenario       
   DON'T MISS THE NEW                   newsletter bi-monthly for relevant                    and follow us on Twitter at
    SENWES SCENARIO                     company and industry news. Sign in at
     WHICH APPEARS            
        IN APRIL!
                                                                      SENWES Scenario • DEC 2017-MAR 2018                                                                                  1

                                                                                                    editor in chief
                                                                                               Marlon Abrahams
                                                                                                Tel: 018 464 7349

                         South Africa unites                                   

                         for producers
                                                                                                 Aubrey Kruger
                                                                                                Tel: 018 464 7449

       IT CERTAINLY DID NOT                  in one size only, with very long                       advertisements
                                             sleeves. The armband made it
       GO UNNOTICED AND IT                   possible for each person to adjust
                                                                                                  Mariëtte Hugo
                                                                                                Tel: 018 464 7505
       WAS WONDERFUL TO SEE                  the length of his shirt sleeves.    

       HOW PEOPLE CAN UNITE.                 In the Western culture the norm
                                                                                                 design and layout
                                             is to wear black in memory of

                                                                                                  Mercia Venter
                                             the family member, friend or
               lthough Mondays are                                               
                                             acquaintance who died. Armbands
               normally known as blue
                                             later became part of a person's
       Mondays, the Monday of 30                                                                     contributors
                                             rank or to indicate that some-              Marlon Abrahams, ds Carel Botma,
       October 2017 was characterised
                                             one was a member of a specific               Ds Willie Botha, Lucas Coetsee,
       by numerous South Africans
                                             group. During later years the               Carl Kirstein, Carl Fourie, Stephan
       wearing black against the wave
                                             captains of sports teams were              Geldenhuys, Thys Grobbelaar, Jenny
       of crime and violence in our
                                             identified by such bands as well.             Matthews, Susari Geldenhuys,
       country. Large numbers of people,
                                                                                         Senwes Grainlink, Jan Serfontein,
       tractors, harvesters, bakkies and     As far as colours are concerned, it          Johan van den Berg, Petrus van
       other farm implements occupied        is interesting that purple was worn            Staden and Milanie Vosloo.
       the country's roads as a sign of      by women in the 19th centu-
       peaceful unity. Senwes had a          ry after the two-year period of                          subscription
       number of prayer meetings, at         grieving, and before they started                    Marie Erasmus
       head office and at various business   to wear their normal clothes - a                    Tel: 018 464 7568
       units, to pray for God's guidance     type of a transition period. Two                   Faks: 018 464 7772
       through this very difficult ordeal.   synthetic purple colouring agents   
                                             were developed during this time.
       And may I say, it is about time
       for South Africa and the ag-          It is very positive for people to                           Senwes,
       ricultural sector to unite. The       unite, but the reality is that there                      PO Box 31,
       reason why people wore black          still is lot of hard work to be done                     Klerksdorp,
       clothes or even black armbands        to change the situation. If the                              2570
       made me think of the history of       safety of the broader community                       Tel: 018 464 7800
       people wearing black. Centuries       does not improve, the safety of
       ago, women used to wear black         producers will not improve. The                             printing
       after the death of a spouse for a     total community will not be safe                             Typo
       period of up to two years. It is      if the safety of producers does not                   Tel: 011 402 3468
       interesting that armbands came        receive the necessary attention.
       into use at the end of the 19th
       century. Long-sleeved shirts came     Aubrey Kruger

                        Do not miss the new Senwes                                  •    All rights in terms of the content of Senwes
                                                                                         Scenario are reserved in terms of the provisions
                                                                                         of Article 12 (7) of the Copyright Act.
                      Scenario which appears in April                               •    The owner and publisher accept no responsi-
                                                                                         bility for any comments in adverts, promotion
                                   2019!                                                 articles or from contributors.

 2     DEC 2017-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario
                                                                                              T HIS A N D T HAT •• ••
                                         Pieter & Tshepo

Senwes CEO
His message regarding the violence in
South Africa.
“ALL problems in South Africa
does not start with the letter Z,
but it is damn close. Here it goes
about leadership, a void in lead-        but on behalf of all farmers in
ership. What we are seeing now is
                                                                                  “ALL these factors could result in
                                         South Africa, because that is            food shortages and instability over
violence in all its forms - violence     where we apply the money.”               the longer term. I am very aware
against women and children,                                                       of the emotional tension of farm-
violence in townships, violence          JOHAN VAN HUYSSTEEN                      ing communities and Agri SA and
aimed at farming communities,            2017 Free State Young Farmer             its provincial organisations will
violence against town and city                                                    continue to search for solutions to
                                         of the Year
dwellers, violence on trains, in                                                  stop the violent onslaught on our
people's own homes, the aggres-          His message to producers during the      farming communities.”
sive behaviour of people on our          Senwes Future Focus Day at Nampo
roads. All of it emanates from the       Park.                                    BOBBY VAN JAARSVELD
vacuum in which we are living.”
                                         “CONTINUE with what you                  Afrikaans singer
                                         are doing and do it to the best of
                                         your ability. Never stop hoping.         “I will wear black tomorrow (30
Chairman of Agri Securitas               I always say that faith is trust in      October 2017). For every farmer
                                         what you are hoping for. If you          on every farm. For my father and
After donations from various organi­                                              mother, family and friends who
sations, including Senwes, which         lose hope, you will lose your faith.
                                         So, you must remain hopeful,             live and work on farms. For every
amounted to in excess of R2,2 million.                                            murdered person in South Africa
                                         and positive, even if it is difficult.
“I feel small and humble. I have         Do what you are doing, and do            who paid with their blood. For
no other words. My family and            it well.”                                justice. For love. For peace.”
I have also survived and expe-
rienced farm attacks over the            DAN KRIEK
past few months. It is easy to say
                                         Agri SA president and
                                                                                      SENWES INTERIM
thank you, as Chairman of Agri
Securitas. It is quite different         Free State farmer                          RESULTS ANNOUNCED
when you really know what it             About the fact that the country’s         The interim results for the six
is all about. I would like to say        34 000 farmers are struggling against     months ended 31 October 2017
thank you on behalf of every             drought, natural disasters, policy        are available on the Senwes
farmer in the country. Not on            uncertainties and they have to avert      website at
behalf of white or black people,         attacks on their lives.                   Fin2017. The results will also be
                                                                                   announced officially in the Beeld
                                                                                   and Volksblad on 7 December
                                                                                   and will appear in the Farmer's
   (Aug/ Sep 2017): CUM: Marlene Human from Riebeeckstad. (Okt-Nov
                                                                                   Weekly of 22 December.
    2017) Senwes Park T20 cricket: Madelyn Harmzen from Klerksdorp.

                                                                 SENWES Scenario • DEC 2017-MAR 2018                    3

     Senwes Client Bags
     Grain SA Award
     SENWES CLIENT AND                          AC, who was awarded the title     because I think they are doing
                                           of Grain SA’s Farmer of the Year       a good job for agriculture as a
     GRAIN SA GRAIN FARMER                 at a black-tie event on Friday, 13     brand as well as the image of the
     OF THE YEAR, AC VAN                   October at the Theatre on the          farmer. There is a lot of good
                                           Track in Kyalami, ascribes his         energy at Grain SA and I agree
     WYK, SAYS IT’S ALL                    success to “being at the right place   with their approach.”
     ABOUT “THE VALUE YOU                  at the right time.” He represents          At present AC produces
                                           the seventh generation to work         upwards of 40 000 tons of maize
     ADD TO ANYTHING YOU                   the land on the farm Warmhoek          and he says the farm evolved
     DO IN LIFE.                           near Bultfontein, since his ances-     into crop production, “but my
                                           tors began subsistence farming in      grandpa and dad were sheep and
       MARLON ABRAHAMS                     1841. “As far as I understand it,      cattle farmers respectively. Maize
                                           we were Senwes clients from the        has been good to us, from a value

                                           very beginning, and over the years     point of view, the returns have
            nd that’s why we chose         Senwes has proven to be the bet-       been well worth the effort.”
            Senwes. Senwes offers the      ter option,” says AC.                      “I like the quote by business
     best value, whether it’s in the            AC says that while he enjoys      guru Warren Buffet, who said:
     grain area or mechanisation area.     what he calls the “show culture”       ‘find your passion and you’ll never
     Value is not just about money, it’s   it’s not in his nature to enter        work a day in your life’. I knew
     about communication, people,          competitions as such. “I accepted      since I was a kid that I wanted to
     passion and effective business        the nomination from Grain SA           plant and grow things,” says AC.
     principles.”                          to participate in the competition      “I went to the USA to learn to
                                                                                  plant maize. But the ground and
                                                                                  climate are very different, so in
                                                                                  terms of farming practices there
                                                                                  are big differences. The main
                                                                                  thing I took from that experience
                                                                                  was that it taught me about peo-
                                                                                  ple and different cultures and
                                                                                  economies and world markets and
                                                                                  how they operate.”
                                                                                      “Labour management is a
                                                                                  priority for me, the right people,
                                                                                  who are managed the right way
                                                                                  in the right position, can unlock
                                                                                  tremendous potential. You have
                                                                                  to create a win-win environment,
                                                                                  a culture where there’s a place for
                                                                                  everyone and everyone wins.”
                                                                                      Congratulations on your
                                                                                  achievement AC, from everyone
                                                                                  at Senwes.

                                                                                  AC van Wyk receives his certificate from
                                                                                  Sonja Cloete (Senwes Grain Marketing

 4   DEC 2017-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario
Geseënde Kersfees

AAN AL ONS KLANTE... Jul getroue ondersteuning hierdie jaar word
opreg waardeer. Mag die Kersseisoen vol geluk en vrede vir jou en
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         Aerial imagery
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                                                            Aerobotics use aerial imagery to       ing with one of Aerobotics’ service
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  6      health, growth and moisture levels                 Depending on the crop, farm-           track change over time.


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                                                                            CHR ISTMA S ME SSA G E S •• ••

M         att. 9:13 “For I did
          not come to call
the righteous, but sinners, to
                                    baby realised that this would
                                    be her end. A man with a baby
                                    in his arms ran past her, then
                                                                        W          e are
                                                                                   in the
                                                                        midst of another
repentance.”                        suddenly turned back and put        production and
                                    his child in her arms: “This is     planting season and
Christmas goes hand in hand         your child... run for a place on    at the end of 2017 - one of the most
with a number of decisions to       the life boat!”                     challenging seasons to date. Politics,
be made. Where will we be?                                              the economy, volatility, uncertainty
What will we eat? Who will be       What will be your most valu-        and crime are some of the aspects
getting what? With Jingle Bells     able Christmas gift?                with which we were confronted on a
ringing in your ears, it is time                                        daily basis. The reaction of a number
for another year’s frustrating      We are all aware of the fact
                                    that our life journey, like the     of people would more than likely be:
Christmas shopping. You and                                             everything happens for a reason - what
your wife argue long before         Titanic, will sink somewhere.
                                    We also know that not all peo-      will be will be, there is a reason for
the first gift is in the shopping                                       everything! It implies that we will all
trolley.                            ple will be able to find a place
                                    in the life boat of Jesus Christ.   enter an exact, pre-determined and fully
I read the following on social                                          programmed eternity!? I believe that
media and decided to share it       At Christmas God puts His           we will all experience the exact oppo-
with you:                           child in your arms once again       site. God listens and changes situations
                                    and says: “It is yours... run for   when we work hard, analyse thoroughly
Where is your ship of dreams        my life boat!”                      and incessantly pray for His mercy. He
heading?                                                                promises that He will listen to us.
                                    Are you still wondering about
The Titanic was known as the        the gift you should give? Give      I would like to sincerely thank every
ship of dreams, the unsinkable      this message of God’s life boat     customer of the Senwes Group - pro-
ship. Yet, she went to a watery     to someone.                         ducers, traders and processors - you
grave on Sunday, 14 April                                               are the reason for Senwes' strategy. I
1912 within a mere two hours.       My wish for you - may you
                                    find a place on God’s life boat!    wish you all the best for the Christmas
During these two hours a                                                season and new year. We are approach-
number of interesting inci-         I wish you a blessed Christmas      ing it with courage and hope, we are
dents took place. There weren’t     and may 2018 bring you much         positive that enough people in South
enough life boats and when          happiness and joy!                  Africa would like to see the right things
the captain announced                                                   happen!
                                                Danie Minnaar
on a megaphone that                                SENWES               Thank you and all the best to you and
women with babies                                   CHAIRMAN            your loved ones.
would go onto the
life boats first, a                                                     Francois Strydom
woman without a                                                         GROUP CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER

                                                                 SENWES Scenario • DEC 2017-MAR 2018                7
••••      AREA F O C U S

        Klerksdorp                                                                          [ 1837 – 2017 ]
        a true gem with 180 year history
                                                      NO WONDER KLERKSDORP                people know that diamonds were
                                                                                          also mined here.
                                                      IS ON THE TREASURE
                                                      ROUTE ON THE N12 -                  WELL-KNOWN KLERKSDORP
                                                      THIS GEM OF A CITY OF               Famous Klerksdorp inhabitants
                                                      AGRICULTURE AND GOLD                number quite a few. Some of the
                                                                                          better known ones are Archbishop
                                                      CELEBRATES ITS 180TH                and Nobel prize winner Desmond
                                                      BIRTHDAY THIS YEAR.                 Tutu, who was born here in
                                                                                          1931, as well as the 2012 Miss
                                                                                          South Africa, Marilyn Ramos.
                                                         AUBREY KRUGER
                                                                                          Soccer supporters will remember
                                                                                          Philemon Masinga, the player
                                                      THE EARLY YEARS                     who scored the goal against the
                                                      Klerksdorp was founded in 1837      Republic of the Congo, thereby
                                                      by 12 Voortrekker families who      securing Bafana Bafana’s place
                                                      came to live on the banks of the    in their first soccer world cup in
                                                      Schoonspruit. It is the oldest      France. Other well-known people
       The impressive municipal office build-         town north of the Vaal River
       ing was designed by Gerhard Moerdyk
                                                                                          include a number of rugby and
       who also designed the Voortrekker              (Transvaal). The town was named     cricket players. This writer expe­
       Monument.                                      after the first magistrate of the   rienced the rugby games of former
                                                      area, Jacob de Clerq. Gold was      Springbok rugby player Piet van
                                                      discovered almost 50 years later,   Deventer and also attended his
                                                      in 1885-86, which resulted in       funeral in 2013. Cricket player
                                                      Klerksdorp becoming known as        Jacques Faul, former CEO of
                                                      the city of gold. However, few      Cricket SA and current CEO
                                                                                          of the Titans, is another one
                                           The monument is in memory of the women
                                                                                          of the city's export products.
                                           and children who died in the Klerksdorpse      Another cricket player is Marnus
                                           Concentration Camp (1899-1902).                Labuschagne (Australia), who is
                                                                                          well-known for his famous short-
                                                                                          leg catch which got rid of Varun
                                                     The Old
                                                                                          Aaron of India in 2015. Producers
                                                     Church was                           will remember his video on social
                                                     opened in                            media, where he is seen catching
                                                                                          a mealie. Former presenter of
                                                                                          Boer soek ’n Vrou, Elma Postma,
                                                                                          or otherwise known as Dezi of
                                                                                          7de Laan, is also from Klerksdorp,
                                                                                          as well as Jonathan from Radio
                                                                                          Raps, better known as Rikus de
                                                                                          Beer. Eben Dönges, a former
                                                                                          presi­dent, is also from Klerksdorp
                                                                                          - he was succeeded by BJ Vorster.

 8      DEC 2017-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario
                                                                                               A RE A F O CUS •• ••

                                                                              The Hinterland branch in Klerksdorp
                                                                              is at the current site in Margaretha
                                                                              Prinsloostraat since 1996.

                                                                                       Hendrik Potgieter Street - 1837!
                                                                                         The oldest street north of the
                                                                                           Vaal- and Orange rivers

                                                                                             actually refers to the
                                                                                             “gold boom” of the
                                                                                            time and not to a tree
    The fuel station per-
     sonnel! At the back
                                                                                          as such.
   are Valerie Jonathan,                                                                  The remains of the 12
       Shadow Slambee,                                                         Voor­trekker families were rebur-
        Ronald van Wyk,
    Samuel Maleme and
                                                                              ied during the centenary celebra-
    Philimon Motebe. In                                                       tions at the Concentration Camp
front are Happy Leburu,                                                       graveyard in Goue Road.
    Rico van Schalkwyk,
     Samuel Choabi and
                                                                                 The well-known bronze statues
        Glendon Victory.                                                      in front of the municipal offices
                                                                              in the city are the city's symbol
                                                                              and were designed by sculptor
                                                                              Danie de Jager. A number of
SENWES                                  SENWES SILOS IN THE AREA              metal replicas can be seen on the
Head Office turns 40                    Hartbeesfontein silo                  N12 and they represent agricul-
In this first edition of 2018 it        The silo was inaugurated by the       ture and mining, on which the
is worth mentioning that the            Minister of Agriculture, Hendrik      city was built.
Senwes head office will be cele-        Schoeman, on 12 May 1978. The            The cornerstone of the impres-
brating its 40th birthday in 2018.      silo takes in mostly maize, sun-      sive building, which was designed
The building was inaugurated            flower, wheat and soybeans. It has    by the well-known architect
by the Minister of Agriculture at       20 silo bins with a total capacity    Gerhard Moerdyk, was laid in
the time, Hendrik Schoeman, on          of 101 000 tons.                      1949. Moerdyk also designed the
20 October 1978. It replaced the                                              Voortrekker Monument. Dönges
previous head office which was          Vierfontein Silo                      inaugurated the building and
situated in Corrie de Kock Street       The total capacity of the silo is     state president CR Swart inaugu-
and which served as the Senwes          approximately 109 000 tons. In        rated the last part of the building
head office for almost 32 years.        order to be able to accommodate       in 1963.
    It is interesting that Klerksdorp   this year’s harvest, 147 silo bags       The Oukerk (Old Church) has
producers convened a meet-              had to be made available at the       been part of the city for almost
ing to establish an agricultural        silo, which created additional        120 years since it was opened in
co-operative - Senwes (De               capacity of 25 700 tons.              1898.
Centraal Westelijke Co-operatieve                                                The first Klerksdorp newspa-
Landbouw Vereniging) was                INTERESTING FACTS                     per was the Representative (1988),
established under a tree, with the      The oldest street north of the Vaal   which replaced the Klerksdorp
objective of handling the grain of      and Orange Rivers (Transvaal),        Pioneer. The name changed a few
producers.                              Hendrik Potgieter Street, is at the   times and is now known as the
                                        foot of the Oudorp koppie with        Klerksdorp Rekord.
Branch                                  its Telkom tower. The street runs        Klerksdorp also had one of
The Senwes branch has been in           from the Christelike Vereniging       the largest concentration camps
Klerksdorp for many years and           van SA on the one side right to       between 1899 and 1902, during
has been in the East End Plaza in       the N12 on the other side.            the Anglo Boer War.
Margaretha Prinsloo Street since            MG Jansen van Vuuren and
1996. Earl Smiles is the branch         AP Roos discovered gold here          FROM A TOWN TO A CITY
manager and he manages the              in 1885 and 1886 respectively.        The 150 year celebrations were
branch with 50 members of staff.        Boom Street in the city centre                      > CONTINUED ON PAGE 10
                                                              SENWES Scenario • DEC 2017-MAR 2018                         9
••••                             AREA F O C U S

                                 > CONTINUED FROM PAGE 9                                                                                                       In memory of the
                                                                                                                                                               men who died in
                                                                                                                                                               the World Wars,
                                 held in 1987 and many inhabitants joined in the cele­                                                                         1914-1918 as
                                 brations, the writer being one of them as a grade two                                                                         well as 1939-
                                 learner at the time. Even state president PW Botha
                                 attended the event at the Oppenheimer Stadium. Six
                                 years later, in 1993, Klersdorp was declared a city and
                                 freedom of the city was given to another Nobel prize
                                 winner, state president FW de Klerk.

                                 MORE TOWNS IN THE AREA
                                 Orkney was founded in 1940 and was named after the
                                 Orkney Islands, north of Scotland, birth place of gold
                                 pioneer Simon Fraser. Fraser mined gold on the farm                               Harbeesfontein. This little town was founded
                                 Witkoppen. Readers will also remember the town for                                in1955 and Anton Goosen sings about the town
                                 the TV-series and film Orkney Snork Nie. It is interest-                          in his song Geelperskereën.
                                 ing that the exterior of the house used for the series can                           In addition to Goosen’s song, two school songs
                                 still be seen near the golf course, although the series was                       describe the town, the words of the one being:
                                 actually filmed in Gauteng. Oh yes, the writer of the                             “Uit sy aarde diep en ryk, tussen mynhoop en die
                                 series, Willie Esterhuizen, is from Klerksdorp as well.                           lande weiwend graan...”, and the words of the
                                     Stilfontein was founded in 1949 as residential                                other, “Hier in die Wes-Transvaal se velde vier in
                                 area for the three large mines in the region, namely                              suiwer lug so blou.”
                                 the Hartebeesfontein, Buffelsfontein and Stilfontein                                 I cannot described it any better myself - a city
                                 mines. Proverbially the area can be described as the                              experience in a country area.
                                 food basket, spelt as KOSH, which includes the H for

                                                                                                                     Agricultural Business Manager
uppe marketing A17197

                                                                                                                     GRETHA HATTINGH

                                                                                                                     Gretha Hattingh is your faith-
                                                                                                                     ful agricultural business mana­
                                                                                                                     ger and serves Klerksdorp and
                                                       FEESTYD IS                                                        She is experienced in this
                                                      FAMILIETYD!                                                    field and joined Senwes in
                                          Monsanto wens jou en jou geliefdes                                         2009, which means that
                                           ’n feestyd gevul met liefde, lag en                                       Gretha will be celebrating her 8th year here
                                                       saamwees.                                                     on 1 December 2017. Her job title changed
                                                                                                                     from relationship manager to agricultural
                                          Mag elke dag vreugde inhou en die
                                                                                                                     business manager in August this year.
                                          nuwe jaar geseën wees met nuwe
                                            geleenthede en die geesdrif om
                                                                                                                         She cannot emphasise the sustainability
                                           die meeste van elke dag te maak.                                          of the producer enough. She has to be aware
                                           Monsanto sien daarna uit om elke                                          of what is happening in the agricultural
                                         geleentheid saam met jou aan te pak.                                        environment at all times in order to be the
                                                                                                                     Hinterland customer's best partner on the

                                                      Kersfees ... ’n tyd om                                         Producers and customers can contact
                                                       ons seëninge te tel.                                          her at the office in Hartbeesfontein at
                                                                                                                     018 431 0690 of by 072 433 1694.

                        Kontak gerus ons kliëntediens by: 011 790-8200 of
                                                                                                                   10      DEC-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario
                        Monsanto Technology LLC. Monsanto Suid-Afrika (Edms) Bpk, Posbus 69933, Bryanston, 2021.
                                                                                        PRO MO T IO N A L A RT ICL E •• ••

 Solar power at night
   SO YOU HAVE BEEN                         your intended use should be kept
                                            in mind.
   EAGERLY FOLLOWING                           Using the battery daily, ie daily
   THIS SERIES OF ARTICLES                  cycling, versus using the battery as
                                            a back-up during grid failures will
   AND INTERESTED AS YOU                    yield vastly different battery life-
   MAY BE YOU STILL HAVE                    times in terms of years.
                                               The next consideration is tem-
   ONE BURNING QUESTION.                    perature, batteries are very sensitive
   WHAT CAN I DO TO USE                     to high temperatures and every
                                            degree above 25°C greatly reduces
   SOLAR POWER AT NIGHT?                    the battery lifetime.
                                               Newer battery technologies such

                                            as Gel batteries are so called “dry”
           he answer is to incorporate      batteries and require less mainte-
           batteries as part of you solar   nance than traditional Lead-Acid
   system. However, the field of bat-       batteries, they are also more robust
   teries opens up a whole new field        in terms of environmental condi-
   of questions and considerations          tions but require more sophisticat-
   such as:                                 ed charging algorithms.
   • For backup or energy saving               A typical battery inverter oper-
       purposes?                            ates with at 48V DC on the battery
   • Lithium, Lead Acid, Gel or any         side thus if you have four 100Ah
       one of the other options?            12V batteries connected in series
   • How long will they last?               you will reach the required 48V
   • Can I use a 12V battery? Why           level with 100Ah of battery storage
       are there batteries with different   able to deliver 4 800VAh, if for you
       voltages?                            were to use 1 000Ah 2V batteries
                                            you would require 24 cells and the
   If budget is not a consideration         system would be able to deliver
   and you want to impress with the         48 000Vah. Thus, lowering the cell
   latest and greatest then opting for      voltage is a way of increasing the
   the Lithium Ion batteries such as        total battery capacity.
   the Tesla power wall is the way to          Incorporating a well planned
   go. Just keep in mind that battery       battery element can add great value
   lifetime is measured in cycles and       to a solar system by providing addi-
   not years and although Li-Ion bat-       tional night time energy and energy                                               11
   teries generally provide more cycles     security.

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••••   IN T H E SP OTLI GH T

       Theuns Britz is in control and
       builds his blue-gum tree family
       AND BLUE MINIONS SHOW THE                                                   Hendrina and
                                                                                    Theuns Britz
       DIRECTION TO THE FARM                                                        at the huge
                                                                                   blue-gum tree
       BETWEEN KLERKSDORP AND                                                       after which
                                                                                    the farming
       BOTHAVILLE.                                                                   business is

       THE BRITZ FAMILY                       The bride and groom on
       One realises immediately that         the side of the road. Better
       family is of the utmost impor-       known as Mr. and Mrs. Bale.
       tance at Bloekomboom Farming.
       Theuns and his wife Hendrina
       are the perfect example for their    operations and he works on the       intention is to expand the small
       children Theuns Junior, David,       crop and cattle farming side with    livestock component as well. The
       Lizelle and Yolandi. Both will be    Theuns junior.                       area between Klerksdorp and
       turning 60 next year and they will                                        Bothaville is quite unique in that
       be celebrating their 40th wedding    NEW OPPORTUNITIES ARE WHAT           they have sandy, red and clayey
       anniversary. In addition Theuns      THEY THRIVE ON                       soil which, according to Theuns,
       is the senior producer, renovator    New opportunities are what drive     means that almost any crop can
       and even the main chef at their      them. It makes this family even      be cultivated here. With a water
       guest farm, La Rouge. Hendrina,      more unique - as unique as the       table and approximately 600 mm
       who is described as his iron         farm, the guest farm and now also    of rain per season, they are geared
       woman, and Lizelle are in control    the feedlot, which is still in its   for success.
       of the guest farm. Theuns junior,    infancy. It forms part of his view
       who is also the chairman of the      that one should not only depend      BOOM (TREE)
       Manna Study Group, is involved       on one source of income.             The choice of a name for the
       with the crop and cattle farming                                          farming business was done one
       and David, a former rugby play-      FARMING OPERATIONS                   Sunday morning, to lend a single
       er, and his mother, manage the       80% of the farming operations        identity to all the farming com-
       the administrative and financial     focus on maize and the remainder     ponents. It refers to a tree on
       aspects. More recently Theuns’       of the land is used for feed crops   the farm which is approximately
       son-in-law, Shaun Marais, also       and cattle farming. He recently      70 years old. A blue-gum tree
       became involved with the farming     established the feedlot and the      is a strong grower and is well

 12    DEC 2017-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario
                                                                                      IN T HE SPO T L IG HT •• ••

                                                                              The Britz family! At the back are David,
                                                                              Theuns Junior, Janine, Hendrina, Theuns
                                                                              Senior, Lizelle and Shawn. In front are
                                                                              grandchildren Mijané, little Theuns
                                                                              Junior and Leanke. Insert: The other
                                                                              grandchildren Wilandi and Pieter with
                                                                              Theuns Senior and Hendrina.

                                                                                  The cattle faming is only a fraction
                                                                                  of the total farming business and the
                                                                                  feedlot is a new addition.

                                                                              1978 and he uses the services
                                                                              of, inter alia, Senwes Credit. He
                                                                              does most of his purchases at the
anchored - the strong root sys-        LA ROUGE GUEST FARM                    Hinterland branch in Klerksdorp,
tem symbolises the family. The         The name La Rouge Guest Farm           including animal products and
branches of the tree represent the     was chosen because they love red       remedies. He depends on the
diversification and growth of the      and rusty ornaments and because        professional advice of key account
farming operations. The emblem         of the red soil in the area. Theuns    manager at Senwes, Andrew Weber,
of the tree will always be the         also loves a specific red tractor,     and agronomist Willem van Zyl.
emblem of how to go about for          although there are a few green         His father was also a Senwes cus-
his children.                          tractors on the farm as well. The      tomer.
                                       guest house has 47 rooms, which
DECIDE ABOUT WHAT SUITS YOU            can accommodate 100 guests, and        THEUNSES IN ABUNDANCE
His advice is that it is important     two large halls for functions, with    There has been five generations
to determine whether the oppor-        a dome and a chapel. A number          named Theuns (Theunis Fourie
tunities that come your way, are       of celebrities have been married       Britz), namely his late father Tenie,
really meant for you. He warns         on the farm, which include actors      Theuns himself, his son Theuns
that you really have to consider a     Leandie du Randt, Hans Strydom         Junior and grandson Theuns, who
new business venture. “It must be      and Pascal Pienaar, entertainment      all carry the name with pride. He
part of your nature and you have       artists such as Adam Tas and           makes specific mention of the
to like it,” Theuns said passionate-   comedian Andries Vermeulen and         smaller branches, his grandchildren,
ly about the basis on which they       a number of others, as well as         Theuns, Mijané, Léanke, Pieter and
evaluate opportunities. It is also     locals such as Britz family mem-       Wilandi. All descendants of him,
important to have reliable people      bers. A bridal show has also been      the tree.
working for you. Although you          hosted on the farm for the past            There will always be new shoots,
have to pursue perfection, it is not   five years.                            whether family members or ideas,
always possible.                          The “Wenakker” was the brain        and we know that Bloekomboom
    What they are trying to do         child of Lizelle, who is the crea­     Farming will continue to develop.
with all the expansions is to walk     tive one in the family. One of         The latest is a huge bear which will
the extra mile and not to disap-       their most favourite dishes is the     be joining the bridal couple and the
point people. “That something          Wenakker steak and chips.              minions. And although he is still
extra, even if you don't get paid                                             in charge, Theuns has trained all
for it,” Theuns said. So, think        SENWES AND HINTERLAND                  concerned to avoid any confusion
carefully before you make deci-        Theuns delivers his grain at the       should the day come when he is
sions and be sure you can per-         Vierfontein silo, which is a stone’s   no longer here. In the end it is the
severe to see everything through       throw away from the farm. He           grace of God which keeps them
that you embark on.                    has been a Senwes member since         anchored.

                                                              SENWES Scenario • DEC 2017-MAR 2018                         13
••••   T RADE N E W S

       Soil health
          and the impacts of conservation
       INVESTIGATING THE                     fluctuating water tables.                 cy (WUE) compared to the
                                                 A comprehensive investi-              summer cover crops (36.6 vs.
       IMPACTS OF CONSERVA-                  gation based on Conservation              25.9 kg dry matter mm-1 ha-1),
       TION AGRICULTURE PRAC-                Agricultural (CA) principles and          while the monoculture maize
                                             practices was launched in 2016            attained a WUE of 14.3 kg
       TICES ON SOIL HEALTH                  by the Sandy Soil Development             grain mm-1 ha-1.
       AS KEY TO SUSTAINABLE                 Committee to enhance and main-
                                             tain the productivity of these soils   Soil water studies:
       DRY LAND MAIZE PRO-                   in view of national food security.     • The summer cover crop mix-
       DUCTION SYSTEMS ON                    The emphasis will be on: (i) poor         ture led to a build-up of soil
                                             soil health, (ii) soil compaction,        organic carbon (SOC) in the
       SEMI-ARID SANDY SOILS                 (iii) diversifying annual crop-           0-100 mm layer of 0.74% C
       WITH WATER TABLES IN                  ping systems to include legumes,          compared to, for example,
                                             perennial crops and forages in            0.49% C under a grass land.
       THE NORTH-WESTERN                     rotations, (iv) using cover crops      • Between rainfall events, soil
       FREE STATE.                           in conjunction with row crops,            water content (SWC) quickly
                                             (v) integrating livestock with            approached the permanent
          DANIE BEUKES, ANDRÉ NEL            cropping systems (vi) prevalence          wilting point. SWC was much
          GERRIE TRYTSMAN, MARYKE            of crown and root rot, nematode           lower under the summer cover
          CRAVEN, SONIA STEENKAMP            infestation, microbial diversity          crop mixture compared to the
          OWEN RHODE, PETRUS VAN             and activity and (vii) profitability      maize crop immediately after
                                             information of various CA sys-            a rain event. This is probably
                                             tems and practices.                       due to the interception of the

                                                                                       rain by the closed canopy of
               he sandy soils of the
               North-Western Free State      Highlights from the                       the former crops, followed by
       are known for their inherent          first season (2016/17)                    evaporative losses directly from
                                                                                       the crop canopy. A full SWC
       compaction problem, low organic
                                             TRIAL 1: Regenerative CA crop-live-       profile was measured on the
       matter content and low nutrient
                                             stock integrated system with rota-        fallow land before planting of
       and water retention capability.
                                             tions of maize summer-winter diverse      the winter cover crops.
       Research in the 1970’s led to the
                                             ley crops (Danie Crous, Deelpan,       • Leaching of costly and health
       implementation of the rip-on-the-
                                             Kroonstad):                               threatening NO3-N on these
       row (ROR) tillage system, which
                                                                                       sandy soils appears to be a seri-
       comprised various depths of rip-      Growth and yield of crops:
                                                                                       ous problem. Another health
       ping, mostly on the row, in com-      • Dry matter (DM) yields of the
                                                                                       threatening component was
       bination with secondary shallow         summer cover crops ranged
                                                                                       the presence of high concen-
       tillage practices. Actual problems      from 14.5 to 17.1 t ha-1, while
                                                                                       trations NO2 (nitrite). Other
       that still exist are the short-term     DM yields of the winter cover
                                                                                       plant nutrients, such as PO4,
       residual effect of ROR, poor            crops ranged from 11.3 and
                                                                                       K, Ca and Mg, were also pres-
       retention of crop residue, soil         16.1 t ha-1.
                                                                                       ent in both water tables at all
       losses and seedling damage due to     • The winter cover crops gave
                                                                                       dates of sampling.
       wind erosion and the impact of          the highest water use efficien-

 14    DES 2017-MRT 2018 • SENWES Scenario
T RA D E N E W S            •••
                                                                                                                         •• ••

agriculture practices
Root pathogens and soil                     compared to R1703 and               ping for the sustainable cultivation
microbial studies:                          R2356 ha-1 for 20 000 and           of monoculture maize on sandy soils
Being the first season, the                 50 000 plants ha-1 respectively.    (Thabo van Zyl, Doornbult, Kroonstad):
observed trends will serve as base
                                                                                • Grain yield increased linearly
line data for the following seasons.     TRIAL: Interaction of population
                                                                                  with ripping depths from 45 to
                                         density and cultivar as component to
                                                                                  75 cm at a rate of 0.87 t ha-1
TRIAL: Interactions of plant row         the sustainable cultivation of mono-
                                                                                  per 100 mm increase in ripping
width, population density and cultivar   culture maize on sandy soils (Danie
as component to the sustainable          Minnaar, Vlakvlei, Kroonstad):
                                                                                • No significant yield response
cultivation of monoculture maize on
                                         Agronomic observations:                  was found by increasing the
sandy soils (Thabo van Zyl, Doornbult,
                                         • The number of tillers per plant        ripping depth beyond 75 cm.
                                           was not affected by seeding          • The 90 cm ripping yielded a
Agronomic observations:                    density.                               slightly higher margin than the
• Maize in 1.524 m rows had              • Each cultivar had a unique             75 cm ripping. However, the
  2.5 times the number of tillers          yield response to seeding den-         additional capital cost will elim-
  compared to plants in 1.016 m            sity. Optimum population               inate this financial advantage.
  rows.                                    density appeared to be above           It can be concluded that 90 cm
• Maize grain yield was affected           23000 ha-1.                            ripping would not have a finan-
  by both plant population and           • Cultivar 78-87Bt at plant              cial gain over the current farm
  row width. The mean yield of             population of 24 000 plants            practice of ripping to 75 cm
  the 1.016 rows was 1.37 t ha-1           ha-1 gave a slightly higher            depth.
  higher than that of the 1.524            (R12246 ha-1) margin than 26         • Ripping shallower than 75 cm
  m rows. The results on yield             000 plants ha-1 (R12187 ha-1).         will not be economically viable.
  per plant as related to plant            It appeared as if the economic
  population and row width                 optimum population for cul-          IN SUMMARY IT CAN
  indicate that the cultivar dis-          tivar 78-87Bt is 22000-24000         BE CONCLUDED THAT:
  plays tolerance to stress caused         plants ha-1.                         Although it was the first exper-
  by increasing plant densities.         • For cultivar 78-17Bt a plant         imental season, valuable results
• The best margins were realised           population density of 26 000         were obtained that will form the
  with narrow (1.106 m) rows               plants ha-1 yielded a higher         base line for follow-up seasons.
  at high population densities,            (R11443 ha-1) margin than 24         All on-farm trials proved to be
  compared to wider (1.524 m)              000 plants ha-1 (R10891 ha-1).       viable and showed the potential to
  rows. For example, R5082 ha-1          • Comparing the margins of the         contribute to practical conserva-
  and R5153 ha-1 were realised             two cultivars, it can be seen        tion agriculture practices that will
  with narrow rows at popula-              that cultivar 78-87Bt with a         improve soil health as key to sus-
  tion densities of 30 000 and             population of 24 000 plants          tainable dry land maize production
  50 000 plants ha-1, respectively.        ha-1 yielded R803 ha-1 more          systems on semi-arid sandy soils
  With wider rows (1.524 m),               than the 26 000 plants ha-1 of       with water tables in the North-
  the highest margin (R3001                cultivar 78-17Bt.                    Western Free State.
  ha-1) was obtained at a popu-
  lation of 25 000 plants ha-1,          TRIAL: The optimum depth of rip-       *E-mail:

                                                                 SENWES Scenario • DES 2017-MRT 2018                     15
••••   T RADE N E W S

       Julias Ramohlabi
       appointed member of PETFAFF
       Training is his passion
       Developing agriculture is the gain
                                             DEVELOPING AGRICULTURE?
       MAN WITH A TREMEN-                    “My main responsibility within
       DOUS PASSION FOR                      Senwes is to grow the developing
                                             agriculture book and provide
       TRAINING. HE CELEBRATES               access to finance, technical assis-
       A DECADE AT SENWES                    tance (mentoring) and access to
                                             “We are focusing mainly on farm-
       AGRONOMIST IN 2007.                   ers who are planting maize, sun-
                                             flower, soybeans and wheat.”          Agriculture, specifically the MEC
          AUBREY KRUGER                                                            of Agriculture, regarding the
                                             WHAT ARE THE MAIN CHALLENGES          training of farmers and students
                                                                                   in respect of agriculture at large.”

                                             FOR EMERGING FARMERS?
              year later he was promoted     “The main challenges that affect
               to agronomist and he          emerging farmers to access fund-      HOW DO THE TWO POSITIONS RELATE
       served in this capacity until he      ing are: Lack of collateral, a thin   TO EACH OTHER?
       became key account manager in         balance sheet, negative cash flow     “They complement each other
       2015. He is now the manager of        and repayment ability.”               perfectly. I pursue intensive men-
       the developing agriculture section                                          torship to ensure smoother tran-
       and is responsible for the total      HOW DO YOU SEE DEVELOPING AGRI-       sition – the only way to transfer
       portfolio.                            CULTURE IN SOUTH AFRICA?              skills is through training.”
          He was appointed as a member       “There is a good prospect of suc-
       of the Provincial Education and       cess in the developing agriculture,   WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO, AND CHAL-
       Training Forum for Agriculture,       but government and private sector     LENGES FACING SOUTH AFRICAN
       Forestry and Fisheries (PETFAFF)      need to work together.”               AGRICULTURE?
       in the Free State recently, after                                           “I am not a person who likes to
       having been nominated by              WHAT NEEDS TO BE IMPLEMENTED          see boundaries being imposed on
       Senwes.                               IMMEDIATELY?                          me, just give me my freedom and
          He is honoured for having          “The Government should release        I’ll create my own boundaries.
       been nominated and then to be         the title deeds so that the farmers   The agricultural sector in South
       one of the select few to serve        can access funding from financial     Africa is constantly affected by
       on the forum. His immediate           institutions or give credit guaran-   changes in climate, technology
       response was that “it is an oppor-    tees.”                                and policies.”
       tunity to make a meaningful
       contribution towards developing       WHAT ARE YOUR RESPONSIBILITIES        “WHERE CAN PRODUCERS CONTACT
       agriculture and the training of our   AS A MEMBER OF THE TRAINING           YOU?
       farmers”.                             FORUM?                                They can call me directly on 018
          We asked Julias a few more         “My main responsibility will          464 7156, or send an e-mail to
       questions.                            be to advise the Department of

 16    DEC 2017-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario
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••••    T RADE N E W S

       Price risk management alternatives
       for the 2017/18 18 marketing season
       PRICE RISK MANAGEMENT                            FRANS DREYER                              surplus. Weather predictions for the
                                                                                                  coming season look favourable and
       IS ONE OF THE MORE                                                                         intentions to plant indicated that
       WHICH PRODUCERS ARE                          H        edging on the JSE Ag-
                                                             ricultural Commodities
                                                    Market (SAFEX) remains the only
                                                                                                  stock levels will probably remain at
                                                                                                  high levels. USA prices are mostly
                                                                                                  trading in a sideways band, but the
       CONFRONTED WITH EVE­RY                       means of managing the different               rand has the potential to increase
                                                    alternatives and to mitigate count-           export parity levels significantly.
       SEASON. HOWEVER, A PRO-                      er-party risk. It is also important              The detailed article with more
       DUCER HAS TO BE SATIS­                       for producers to understand the               background information regarding
                                                    implications of implementing a                the fundamental factors and po-
       FIED WITH THE REALITY                        hedging strategy in order to avoid            tential price drivers for the coming
       THAT HEDGING DECISIONS                       any future misunderstandings.                 season, can be read at
                                                        Against this background and     
       FOR ANY CROP PLANTED                         with the information at our dis-                 For more information, please
       AND TO BE HARVESTED                          posal four hedging alternatives are           contact your nearest grain market-
                                                    reflected in Table 4. The strategies          ing advisor (procurer). Alternatively
       ARE TAKEN ON THE BASIS                       are proposed, based on the fact               Frans Dreyer - Grain Brokerage
       OF INFORMATION AVAIL-                        that domestic stock is currently              (018 464 7786), Hansie Swanepoel
                                                    more than sufficient and that                 - Market Information (018 464
       ABLE AT THE TIME.                            exports and consumption at the                7575) or Hennie du Plooy – Pro-
                                                    current rate will not decrease the            ducer Marketing (083 388 4968).
       Table: Hedging strategies
        Strategy               Advantage                        Disadvantages              Important to bear in mind
        Minimum prices/        Protects against price           Option costs high -        Market prices move to more than the option pre-
        (Put option)           decreases.                       close to export parity.    mium every season. Should the price increase and
        Low risk                                                                           should there be more certainty about the harvest,
                                                                                           this option could be resold and a portion of the
                                                                                           option premium can be recovered.

        Synthetic minimum      Protects against price decreas- Price increases             Should the market price move to above the call
        price (fixed price     es. Potentially lower option    between the fixed           option level, it would be sensible to reconsider
        contract and buy       cost than minimum price.        price level and the out     the strategy in respect of profit taking by
        call option)                                           the money call option       reselling the call option. This option premium
        Medium risk                                            level cannot be utilised.   profit can then be added to the fixed price level.

        Fixed price            Protects against decreasing      Cannot share in            A fixed price strategy poses definite delivery or
        (high risk)            prices. No option cost.          upward price potential.    expensive buying-out risks. The market usually in-
                                                                                           creases in an aggressive manner when a fundamen-
                                                                                           tal movement takes place, such as a mid-summer
                                                                                           drought in a critical phase of the growing season.
                                                                                           The required production levels may not materialise
                                                                                           in order to deliver against the lower fixed price.

        Senwes Collective      Protects against decreasing      Option costs can be    Utilise upward price potential actively and
        Price contract (CPC)   price movements. Tonnes of       high should the market objectively by means of fixed strategy principles.
        (Low risk)             producers forming part of the    move in a lower or
                               product, are hedged by means     sideways direction
                               of one or more fixed hedging     throughout the season.
                               strategies through the course
                               of the production season.

 18    DEC 2017-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario
                                                                                                            N E W S •• ••

Senwes Future Focus
looks at closer collaboration in rural communities
THE 14TH ANNUAL                      which threatened to
                                     destabilise small rural
SENWES FUTURE FOCUS                  towns like Coligny,
CONFERENCE WAS HELD                  Hartbeesfontein and
AT NAMPO PARK, NEAR                     The panellists
BOTHAVILLE ON 27                     around the table
                                     included: Francois
SEPTEMBER 2017 WHERE                 Strydom, Group CEO
CLOSE TO 600 GUESTS                  Senwes, Roelf Meyer              Senwes recently received a special award from
                                     of In Transformation             Agricultural Writers SA for the groundbreaking
ATTENDED A DISCUSSION                Initiative, Deputy               Nation in Conversation series. The well-known
                                                                      anchor of the show, Theo Vorster (Galileo Capital)
ENTITLED: “HOW CLOSER                Minister Local                   as well as Danie Minnaar (Chairman of the Senwes
                                     Government Andries Nel, Board) accepted the award from Magda du Toit
COOPERATION CAN BE                   Nompumelelo Runji,               (Chairman Agricultural Writers SA).

ESTABLISHED IN RURAL /               Political Analyst and Johan
                                     van Huyssteen, Freestate Young              duce, people don’t eat.”
SUBURBAN COMMUNITIES                 Farmer of the Year.                             To enjoy the full and rivet-
BETWEEN DIFFERENT                       Francois got the ball rolling            ing discussion, please access the
                                     by sharing business’ perspective            Nation in Conversation website
STAKEHOLDER GROUPS”.                 that it’s not all about the profits,        at www.nationinconversation.
                                     “People have a misconception       for full broadcast details.
                                     about business, it’s not about how

                                                                                 Senwes would like to congratu-
        he discussion was filmed     much money we want to make,                 late Nation in Conversation and
        by the respected Agri-chat   we need all the components to               show host Theo Vorster who were
show, Nation in Conversation         be running smoothly for us to be            recognised with a special award
and will be broadcast during the     successful.”                                at the Agricultural Writers SA
series next screening in 2018. The      Johan van Huyssteen said the             Awards evening in Bloemfontein
show is made possible through a      role of the producer was clear              on 12 November 2017. The
sponsorship collaboration between    and unambiguous: “Our role is               award was given in recognition for
Senwes and partners.                 to produce, we are involved with            the ground-breaking show which
    The topic was particularly       the community on the level of the           has taken the Agri-discussion
relevant against the backdrop        meal. We provide food security              from the platteland to mainstream
of the recent protest action         for the nation, if we don’t pro-            South Africa and the consumer.

 R2.266 million was raised from various organisations for the
 Agri Securitas Trustfund during the 2017 Agri SA Congress,
 held in October 2017. Senwes, together with NWK, AFGRI
 and OFM contributed a huge R456 000, with Danie Min-
 naar, Chairman of the Senwes Board, handing over the cheque
 to Japie Grobler, Chairman of the Trustfund. Dirk Kok from
 OFM is in the back.

                                                              SENWES Scenario • DEC 2017-MAR 2018                          19
••••    NUUS

        Senwes stands tall after
        receiving IRMSA award                                                                      Group Risk Manager at
                                                                                                   Senwes, Chris Koch with

                                                                                                      the IRMSA award.
                 n Friday, 3 November             Koch reiterated that the award
                 2017, Senwes received a      was specifically for the residual
       prestigious award at the IRMSA         risk based model and the manner
       (Institute of Risk Management          in which they quantify risk and
       South Africa) Gala Dinner              monitor this on their system. The
       Awards function, which was held        initiative firstly had to display best
       at the Gallagher Convention            practice and secondly had to have
       Centre in Midrand.                     a significant impact on the com-
           IRMSA awarded Senwes               pany or risk management indus-
       as the winner in the category          try. Furthermore the compliance
       of Agriculture, Forestry and           and audit departments are also
       Fisheries after the nomination         currently using Isometrix as their
       from IsoMetrix for an outstanding      solutions partner. Different teams
       risk management initiative with        contributed to the overall success-
       another agri-company, VKB, fin-        ful implementation of the various
       ishing as runner-up.                   IsoMetrix modules which includ-
           Group Risk Manager at              ed, amongst others David Theron
       Senwes, Chris Koch, accepted           (Compliance Officer) and Dirk
       the award from the president of        Opperman (Group Executive -
       IRMSA, Berenice Francis. Upon          Internal Audit and Assurance).           overall risk management maturity
       receiving the award Koch said it is                                             of the group.
       firstly great to receive a nomina-     WHAT DOES THE AWARD MEAN?                   However, the responsibility
       tion and to be announced as the        It is a testimony to the strides         and accountability for risk man-
       winner was an even greater hon-        that we as a company have made           agement reside at all levels of the
       our. He said that Isometrix were       and the opportunities that could         organisation, from its board down
       very involved with Senwes’ Risk        still be used going forward. It          to each business manager and
       Model and what gave Senwes the         shows the adherence and drive            employee. This recognition shows
       edge was that very few companies       towards best practice principles         the diligence and meticulousness
       incorporate or use the residual risk   and highlights the risk-averse cul-      of how Senwes does risk manage-
       based model to the extent that we      ture of Senwes. The award further        ment, which is industry leading
       utilise it.                            indicates an improvement in the          given the award.

       Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2017
       National Treasury makes amend-         ment income exemption is also            the country for a specific period
       ments to our tax legislation each      part of the article.                     of time, according to the current
       and every year, and in this arti-         The remuneration South                income tax act.
       cle we examine the 2017 Draft          African residents earn outside              There is also a discussion of
       Taxation Laws Amendment Bill,          South Africa is fully income tax         the refinement of measures to
       as supplemented by National            exempt, provided they are outside        prevent tax avoidance through the
       Treasury. Please note that as this                                              use of trusts.
       is only draft legislation and may                                                  The complete article is
       change.                                                                         available at:
           The repeal of foreign employ-                                     

 20    DEC 2017-MAR 2018 • SENWES Scenario

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