Inside - Associated Humane Societies

Page created by Eddie Palmer
Inside - Associated Humane Societies
Finally free!
After 3 years, our Korean
mastiffs can finally find
loving homes.     Page 12

                                                                                   Inside ...

                                                                       Sponsor Tara in the
                                                                        Wildlife Club - Page 9

                                                                             Happy Endings
                                                                          for our orphans - Pages 6 & 7

Raina                              June                                       Latest Animal
Emaciated, 63 pound Rottweiler
                                                                              News - Pages 2 & 3
                                   Abandoned in large bird cage in
rescued from Irvington streets -   Linden apartment - still so sweet
only wants to cuddle.    Page 13   and yearning for love. Page 13        October 2019
Inside - Associated Humane Societies
GOOD NEWS!                                                                                     ON THE NATIONAL FRONT
                               FOR ANIMALS

                                                                                    The rescue and
                                                                            restoration of the Bald
                                                                           Eagle from extinction is
                                                                                one of the greatest
                                                                           accomplishments of the
                                                                           Endangered Species Act
                                                                                                                   PHOTO COURTESY: ANDY MORFFEW / WIKIPEDIA

                                                                      ENDANGERED SPECIES ACT THREATENED
                                                                      WITH ROLLBACK
                                                                      The Endangered Species Act has long been a bedrock environmental law that
                                                                      has been successful in protecting imperiled wildlife. Many species were brought
                                   PHOTO COURTESY: FARM SANCTUARY     back from the brink of extinction after receiving protection under the
The torture and death of geese for the sole purpose of making foie    Endangered Species Act.
gras has now ended in the Ukraine.                                    The Trump Administration is aimed at a rollback of the ESA – at a time when sci-
The last official foie gras farm in the country will cease to oper-   entists warn that about 1 million species are at risk of extinction. Those who
ate at the beginning of September following an announcement           benefit from the rollbacks include the oil/gas industry, mining industry, logging
by the parent company MHP. The closure of the Snyatynska              industry & the agribusiness industry.
poultry farm comes after an undercover investigation which            “The Endangered Species Act has prevented 99% of species under its care from going
exposed the repugnant conditions that the geese had to                extinct – an astonishing record of success” – Marjorie Mulhall, Legislative Director
endure. After the horrific footage was made public, many top          for Lands, Wildlife & Oceans.
class restaurants removed foie gras from their menus.                 As we go to press, environmental organizations have come together in a
The animal protection group Open Cages is now calling for the         lawsuit to fight these regulations: Included in the lawsuit are: Earthjustice, Center
UK Government to ban all imports & sale of foie gras in the           for Biological Diversity, Defenders of Wildlife, Sierra Club, Natural Resources
country.                                                              Defense Council, National Parks Conservation Association, WildEarth Guardians &
                                                                      HSUS. As of May, one million plant & animal species are at risk of extinction.

TESTING PROCESS                                                       EPA REAUTHORIZES HORRIFIC M-44 SODIUM
Years of negotiations between scientists, pesticide companies, &      CYANIDE DEVICES
government regulators were involved in a controversial one-           The Trump administration has received approval from the U. S. Environmental
year toxicity test conducted on dogs at a Michigan laboratory         Protection Agency & reauthorized the use of sodium cyanide in wildlife killing
where 30 Beagles underwent one-year tests for a pesticide in          devices called M-44s. The “cyanide bombs” have inhumanely & indiscriminately
Brazil. Now Brazil has moved to recognize modern animal test-         killed thousands of animals each year. The EPA opened a public comment peri-
ing alternatives & create a process by which companies can            od, and more than 99% overwhelmingly urged the EPA to ban the M-44. They
request that scientifically unnecessary animal test requirements      have added several use restrictions including elevated warning signs …. none of
be waived. Through efforts of ongoing dialog between the HIS,         the restrictions will prevent killing of non-target wildlife.
health regulatory authorities, etc., the one-year dog toxicity        An animal or person who pulls on a baited M-44 device can be killed or severely
tests of force feeding groups of Beagle dogs a pesticide chemi-       injured. M-44s have temporarily blinded a child & killed 3 family dogs in two
cal every day for an entire year, after which the animals are         incidents in Idaho &Wyoming. Cyanide traps cannot be used safely by anyone
killed & dissected, has ended.                                        anywhere, said a spokesperson for the Center for Biological Diversity. We need a
                                                                      permanent nationwide ban to protect people, pets, & imperiled wildlife from this
Gov. Chris Sununu signed two bills into law to bolster animal
                                                                      CALIFORNIA BECOMES FIRST STATE IN THE NATION
protections in the state & increase penalties for animal cruelty,     TO OUTLAW FUR TRAPPING
including a compulsory minimum 5 year ban on keeping an
animal. House Bill 459 & House Bill 605 prohibit abusers in                                                    California has become the first state in
certain cruelty cases from owning animals in the future. It also                                               the nation to outlaw fur trapping. Gov.
increases penalties for possession or production of materials                                                  Gavin Newsom has signed the Wildlife
involving animal fighting. In addition, the new laws are signed                                                Protection Act of 2019 which will prohibit
to help alleviate animal suffering & speed up adoptions by                                                     the trapping of native animals including
requiring swift hearing of cases after an animal is seized. There                                              grey fox, beaver, coyote, badger and
is a shortened prosecutorial time line, and taxpayers benefit                                                  mink, along with the sale of their pelts –
from a reduction of costs of care of animals.                                                                  which often end up in foreign markets.
                                                                                                               Under the new law, fur dealer and fur
                                                                                                               agent licenses will no longer be issued.

                                                                      Traps such as the Conibear trap above, trap all kinds of animals, whether the intended
2 HUMANE NEWS                           October 2019                  species or dogs, cats, or smaller wildlife like possum and skunk.
Inside - Associated Humane Societies
Federal agents found 70 finches hidden
                                              in hair rollers inside a duffel bag at JFK
                                              International Airport. They’d been smug-
                                                                                           Animals in the NEWS
                                              gled in in toilet paper tubes, in socks –
                                              primarily used for gambling purposes.             FINCHES BEING SMUGGLED INTO U.S.
                                              Birds collected at JFK were immediately                       AT AN ALARMING RATE
                                              turned over to the U. S. Dept. of
                                              Agriculture’s Veterinary Services Office.

                                               Several weeks ago, a flurry of stories
                                               appeared in newspapers & animal wel-
                                               fare groups’ newsletters concerning the
                                               smuggling of finches through interna-
                                               tional airports. It appears that there is no
                                               animal that is safe from the horrors of
                                               people who will use them for their own
                                               pleasure or purse.
                                               In December at JFK International Airport,
                                               a passenger from Guyana had hidden 70
                                               finches in plastic hair rollers. The birds
                                               were discovered by U.S. Customs &
                                               Border Protection and spokesman
                                               Anthony Bucci advises that over the past
                                                                                                           PHOTOS COURTESY: U.S. CUSTOMS AND BORDER PROTECTION
                                               12-18 months, agents in New York have
seized nearly 200 finches.                                                                              The tiny finches are squeezed into rollers for transport.
Twenty-six finches were found stuffed in hair curlers & socks of Victor Benjamin, 72, of
Brooklyn & Insaf Ali, 57, of the Bronx. The most recent apprehension was Francis
Gurahoo, 39, who had 34 live finches & said he planned on selling them for $3,000 each.
Gurahoo was released on a $25,000 bond.
According to an article at, there is a parade of men bootlegging the          At right, finches
Guyanese finches purportedly to sell for use in high-stakes singing contests … but might       removed from
instead have been supplying finch fighters.                                                        curlers and
The scope and breadth of this smuggling operation is a challenging effort and dates back      recovering with
to the 1980’s, documented by a 2008 U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service Investigation. There is      food and water
a 235 report, entitled OPERATION: G-BIRD which details the covert analysis into the            inside carriers
unlawful importation of finches.
For more information on this & other related efforts, contact
They work globally on trade in wildlife animals & plants.

More and more states in the U.S. are defining coercive animal abuse as domestic violence. There are over 108 bills (5 of which are already signed into
law) in 31 states addressing “The Links” between animal abuse and other types of abuse. The FBI has released 2 years of data on the incidence of animal
abuse. If you want to know more, you can subscribe to The LINK-Letter (it’s free!). Send an e-mail to Coordinator Phil Arkow at Tell
him what organization you are with & where you are located. Below are 2 situations that the AHS has been handling:

                                                                                AHS PARTNERS WITH 180 TURNING LIVES AROUND
                                                                                On Aug. 20th, Belle’s owner arrived at the AHS Tinton Falls facility to
                                                                                surrender her dog. Accompanying her was an aide from 180 Turning
                                                                                Lives Around, a Monmouth County non-profit group providing confi-
                                                                                dential support to victims of domestic violence. When the aide came
                                                                                for a wellness check & saw how skinny the dog was, she called shelters
                                                                                in the area. No one would help, but AHS took her in. Belle, at left, was
                                                                                neglected & in an abusive situation at the Neptune residence. She is
                                                                                about a year old, friendly & grateful for any attention she receives. 180
                                                                                Turning Lives Around is searching for volunteers for domestic violence
                                                                                response teams. For more information, e-mail or
                                    732-264-4360, Ext. 4271. File 88727-F (Tinton Falls)

BOYFRIEND DROPS HIS GIRLFRIEND’S DOGS AT AHS    They arrived in a wire cage in an open back pick-up truck at the AHS Tinton Falls animal
                                            shelter. The driver could be seen screaming at the dogs who were silently crouched together. The
                                            driver claimed he was evicted from his Asbury Park residence & had to surrender the two dogs,
                                                                                 which we found to be fictitious. We accepted Blackie, an 8-
                                                                                 year-old & Lulu, her 2-year-old pup, pictured lower left. A
                                                                                 few days later, we received a call from a woman searching
                                                                                 for her dogs. She discovered that the boyfriend brought
                                                                                 them to the AHS due to a domestic abuse situation. The
                                                                                 owner never came in. Blackie and Lulu were adopted out
                                                                                 briefly, and through no fault of their own, returned, as the
                                                                                 adopter worked 10 hours a day & they were too much for
                                                                                 her to handle. They’re looking for a loving, permanent home
                                                                                 together. File 34919-SF & File 34920-SF (Tinton Falls).

Inside - Associated Humane Societies
SOCIETY                    NEWS
               More Society News on Pages 20

Take a chance in our annual sweepstakes and you could win this gor-
geous 2019 Subaru Crosstrek! The beautiful Quartz Blue Pearl SUV is
packed with features (see box at right) and an amazing first prize. Or
win a $2,000 shopping spree at Amazon or the latest iPhone Xs
Max. Please enter and make a difference to the many animals that
are cared for at our Newark, Tinton Falls, and Forked River shelters
and Popcorn Park.                                                                                                                      Mfr. Suggested Retail Price
If you are on our regular mailing list, you already received a sweep-
stakes package in the mail, but extra tickets are always available!                    1st Prize 2019 Subaru Crosstrek 2.0i – Quartz Blue         $27,128.00
If you would like additional tickets, please call (609) 693-1900 or                              Pearl w/Gray Interior; 2.OL H-4 Cyl Continuously
e-mail You can also find them at our three                                  Variable Auto.; AWD; EyeSight-System; Smart
facilities - Forked River, Newark and Tinton Falls.                                              Device Integration; AM/FM/CD/MP3; 6 speakers
                                                                                                 F.O.B., Lester Glenn Subaru, Toms River, NJ
 Take a chance and win one of these exciting prizes -
                                                                                       2nd Prize Amazon Gift Card                                      $2,000.00
      Drawing is Sunday, December 8, 2019!
                                                                                       3rd Prize Apple iPhone Xs Max - 6.5” display; Space            $1,249.00
                                                                                                 Gray finish; 256 Gb; Works w/ your carrier


                                                                                                  CHIPOTLE MEXICAN GRILL HELPS
                                                                                                  FUNDRAISE FOR AHS TINTON FALLS!
                                                                                                        Join us at the Chipotle
                                                                                                      Mexican Grill for a fund
                                                                                                          raiser to support the
                                                                                                           Associated Humane
                                                                                                    Societies Tinton Falls shel-
                                                                                                     ter. On Tuesday, October
                                                                                                   8th from 5 p.m. to 9 p.m.
                                                                                                     Just bring in the flyer, or
                                                                                                        show it on your smart-
                                           Bid on the fabulous Hello Kitty faux                      phone, or tell the cashier
                                           leopard bag filled with goodies, our very                   you are supporting the
                                           popular Lottery Apron (above), or Lenox                                AHS animals.
                                           China Christmas figurines!                                      Chipotle will donate 33% of the proceeds to the AHS!
                                                                                                    Chipotle is located at 186 Highway 35 in Eatontown. Online
This year our Annual Gift Auction                                                                      orders and gift card purchases will not count towards total
for the benefit of AHS/Popcorn                                                                                donated sales, but purchases made with an existing
Park animals will be held at the                                                                                                              gift card will count.
RWJ Barnabas Health Arena, locat-
ed at 1245 Old Freehold Road in
Toms River. The arena is HUGE
and there will be plenty of seating
for everyone!
                                                                                                  MORE VEGAN AND VEGETARIAN
                                                                                                  OPTIONS AT FAST FOOD RESTAURANTS
Tickets are $15 and guests must be at least 18 years old to attend. Doors open at
4 p.m. and the auction starts at 6:30 p.m. Concession stands will be open with plen-              * Kentucky Fried Chicken will soon have a meatless option
ty of food and snacks.                                                                            with the arrival of plant-based faux fried chicken. The com-
                                                                                                  pany has partnered with Beyond Meat to test a vegetarian
Great gifts include a weeklong stay in November at the Quarter House in the rench                 chicken substitute as part of a pilot program. KFC will have
Quarter of New Orleans; a hotel stay in Ocean City, MD; Ripley’s Believe It or Not                on the menu Beyond nuggets & boneless wings.
in NYC; Brunch for 2 at the Smithville Inn – and so many, many more – too numer-
ous to mention here. Come and make this an exciting event!                                        * Burger King has come out with The Impossible Whopper &
                                                                                                  it is just like the classic Whopper but made with an
◆ Tickets will be sold at the ticket booth on the day of the event.                               Impossible patty made from plants. What’s in the patty?
◆ Tickets are also available at AHS/Popcorn Park from 11 am – 5 pm daily prior to                 Mostly soy protein, potato protein, coconut oil, sunflower oil
the 28th.                                                                                         and Heme.

We look forward to seeing you there for a night of fun, prizes, and, of course, help-             * Kellogg has announced a new “Incogmeato” line of prod-
ing the animals!                                                                                  ucts to hit stores in early 2020. There will be an offering of
                                                                                                  vegan products that includes plant-based burger patties,
4 HUMANE NEWS                          October 2019                                               plant-based nuggets, & plant-based tenders.
Inside - Associated Humane Societies
VETERINARIANS COME TO THE RESCUE OF AHS ORPHANS                                                              SOCIETY                        NEWS
                                                                                                                               More Society News on Pages 20
AT OAKHURST VETERINARY HOSPITAL                                                                GUSGUS GETS CONSULTATION EXAM BY
                                                                                              GARDEN STATE VETERINARY SPECIALISTS
                                                      Holly is a sweet
                                                      Labrador mixture
                                                      whose family surren-
                                                      dered her to our             In an extremely protracted ani-
                                                      Tinton Falls facility             mal cruelty case in Newark,
                                                      when they no longer           the AHS had a huge family of
                                                      wanted her. The year              pits that needed a place for
                                                      old lass underwent a         care. While with us, one of the
                                                      medical exam by                female pits had given birth to
                                                      Tinton Falls veteri-            7 pups – and the long-drawn
                                                      narian, Dr. Emily                 out case seemed to have no
                                                      Marion, who quickly              conclusion. The pups waited
                                                      discovered that Holly        and waited while they outgrew
                                                      was suffering with a          puppyhood and staff provided
                                                      salivary mucocoele.                  the special attention they
                                                      This is a condition            needed. The amount of food,
                                                      that develops when               space, care, and socialization
                                                      the salivary gland is           had become a heavy burden.
Dr. Christopher Campbell who performed exten- damaged & leaks                           Finally, a meeting was held          Dr. Ryan Keegan, Cardiologist, at right,
sive surgery on Holly. She’s since been adopted.     saliva under the skin.              with the County Prosecutor         checks Gusgus’ heart, while Intern Dr.
                                                     The treatment for                 and AHS was given the per-           Halper enjoys some affection from the
this condition is removal of the entire salivary gland – an extensive               mission to proceed with adop-                                     patient pup.
and expensive surgery costing well over $2,000. Our staff ran the                                   tion of the pups.
                                      story on our Facebook page to help            All pups were altered – except
                                      raise funds for this necessary sur-               Gusgus. Due to a heart murmur &      the cruelty complaint, we decided to
                                      gery.                                               consult with Dr. Ryan Keegan at    Garden State Veterinary Specialists in
                                      A special thank you to all of our                                                          Tinton Falls. Dr. Keegan said this
                                      kind and compassionate supporters                                                          adorable guy has a grade 2 heart
                                      who helped to raise over $700.00!                                                       murmur & a small leak in the mitral
                                      We then brought Holly to Oakhurst                                                       valve that should be monitored, but
                                      Veterinary Hospital where Dr.                                                         that he may never have a problem at
                                      Christopher Campbell was incredi-                                                          all. The cardiologist felt it will be
                                      bly kind & generous enough to dis-                                                       safe to neuter Gusgus and get him
                                      count the surgery to $580 – just a                                                            adopted into his forever home!
                                      fraction of what the surgery would                                                       Many special thanks to Dr. Keegan,
                                      have cost. Thanks to Dr. Campbell                                                           Dr. Halper, and the Garden State
                                      and his expertise, the surgery was a                                                      Veterinary Specialists staff for their
                                      success!! Within a short time after                                                     special consideration in the reduced
Holly has since been adopted into her recovery, Holly found the fami-                                                                              consultation bill.
her own loving home.                  ly of her dreams & is doing well!!                                                     And Gusgus is available for adoption
                                                                                                                                    at Popcorn Park! File 37122-M

                                                                                                               COMING SOON -
                                                                                          OUR AHS/POPCORN PARK 2020 CALENDAR!
MORE USES                                                                   Our fabulous new calendar is
                                                                         being printed as we go to press
                                            Already in                with the Humane News. Those on
                                            worldwide                 our mailing list will be receiving a
                                            collapse,                    calendar package in the mail in
                                            honeybees are                   late September and it will be
                                            now further                available online and at our three
                                            threatened by                             facilities in October.
                                            the latest                  Thank you to all those who con-
                                            federal assaults              tributed photos of the animals
                                            on their                    you adopted from us/our rescue
                                            populations.                partners - your photos make the
                                                                         calendar so special - and to our
       PHOTO COURTESY: JOSEPH MORRIS/WIKI                                  devoted staff whose beautiful
                                                                      photos show perfectly all the hard
The EPA has announced it is allowing the bee-killing                   work AHS puts into tyhe wellbeing of our animals. They say it takes a village, and more
sulfoxaflor back on the market. The U. S. Dept. of                     than ever, our calendar shows just that. If your photo was not included this year, please
Agriculture has announced it is suspending data                                                              look for our announcements next year and try again!
collection for its annual honeybee survey.
The population of honeybees continues to plummet.                                                                                        5
Inside - Associated Humane Societies
Happy Endings                                                                                                          Some of the special animal cases we
                                                                                                                        receive have been promoted on our
                                                                                                                        website, Facebook, and the HUMANE
                                                                                                                        NEWS. It is a difficult decision when we
                                                                                                                        have so many stories to choose from & we
                                                                                                                        can’t include every one on the Share-A-Pet
FORKED RIVER SHELTER MANAGER & HER MAGNIFICENT 7!                                                                       Thankfully, these special cases are like
                                                                                                                        potato chips … you can’t have just one!
                                                                                                                        Our Forked River Shelter Manager, Tiffany
                                                                                                                        Zinky, shares a home with her husband
                                                                                                                        in Burlington County & they have been a
                                                                                                                        blessing, opening their hearts & home to
                                                                                                                        these special cases.
                                                                                                                        While cleaning out the garage, the Zinkys
                                                                                                                        picked up all of the doggy beds, & left
                                                                                                                        one long one on the floor. Since there
                                                                                                                        was only the long stuffed pillow & the
                                                                                                                        dogs wanted to be with the family – this
                                                                                                                        is where they all gathered. It is a one-
                                                                                                                        shot, one-time photo which will probably
                                                                                                                        never happen again!
                                                                                                                        Enjoying their siesta is Rebel, Reeses,
                                                                                                                        Trinity, the 2-½ legged Rottweiler mix,
                                                                                                                        Mojo, a bitey Chihuahua from a hoarding
                                                                                                                        situation, Whitman, Vinnie Van Gogh is in
                                                                                                       PHOTO SUPPLIED
                                                                                                                        there of course; and Debo, a Mini Pin
All originally from our Newark shelter are, from left to right, Rebel, Reeses, Trinity, Mojo, Whitman, Vinnie and       with neurological issues.
Debo, now all happy together thanks to Tiffany and her husband,

                                                                                                                                          At left, an emaciated
                                                                                                                                          Lyric, tied in an unheat-
                                                                                                                                          ed hallway. This is how
                                                                                                                                          our AHS ACO found

                                                                                                                                          Below, Lyric brought
                                                                                                                                          back to our Newark
                                                                                                                                          shelter. She weighed
                                                                                                                                          only 26 pounds.
                                                                             PHOTO SUPPLIED

Lyric sleeping safe and sound with her new best friend. Finally ... the
peace and love Lyric deserved.

An emaciated, grimy dog was kept tied to a bannister in a
darkened, unheated hallway last December. The AHS Animal
Control Officer was alerted to the situation & brought back
the starving dog to AHS Newark facility for immediate care.
Upon arrival, it was discovered that she had a microchip. We
immediately contacted the owner who traced her back to the
family who lost her in 2011! Her owner had originally
spayed her, so luckily she could not be used as a breeding
machine! The pathetic dog weighed only 26 pounds upon
arrival. Her owner had moved to Florida & due to present
circumstances, was unable to take the dog they had named
“Lyric” who is now about 8 years old. A family member
came to visit her & was shocked at the emaciated, skeletal
dog they now saw before their eyes.                                                                                 Lyric at Christmas - she now weighed 45
The sweet, loving dog was placed on Facebook and in the                                                             pounds, and was hoping her Christmas
HUMANE NEWS, & Lyric has since been adopted to a lov-                                                               wish would be fulfilled for a loving home
ing, forever home – Natasha Tavahen in Oakland, NJ!                                                                 of her own.

6 HUMANE NEWS                            October 2019
Inside - Associated Humane Societies
Happy Endings
                                                                                          AHS RESCUES ABUSED, NEGLECTED POODLE -
                                                                                                NOW IN A LOVING HOME IN TOWACO
                                                                In late March, a good Samaritan obtained this pathetic
                                                                   Poodle from some people in Irvington. The man had
                                                               been searching for his dog & thought this might be his.
                                                                When the man saw the dog, he knew it wasn’t his, but
                                                              the people holding the dog said they were just going to
                                                             put it back on the street. She was wearing a pink harness
                                                             that wasn’t even her size and did not fit her properly. He
Hope was matted to the skin all over her body, but               saw the condition of the dog & brought her to AHS in
under the matted fur of her right ear was a horren-          Newark where we called her “Hope”. She was brought to
dous and longstanding infection that caused her                      the Medical Dept. where they discovered a horridly
constant, extreme pain.                                              painful ear infection. Once she was shaved down &
                                                             cleaned up, she underwent surgery to remove mammary
                                                             tumors, had needed dental work, was spayed, & had her
                                                                  infected ear addressed. It took a little while for the 6-
                                                               year-old lass to recover, & then her story was put up on
                                                             our website ( It was a banner day for Hope
                                                                    when she was adopted to Chuck & Marci Gorman of
                                                                  Towaco! Our thanks to the Gormans for opening their
                                                                    hearts & home to this love-starved, affectionate lass!

                                                                             Hope finally facing a life of love and good care
                                                                                                           with the Gormans.

                                                                          AHS VET AMPUTATES LEG OF NEWARK STRAY WHO HAS
Hope arrived wearing a frayed harness with a well-                            FOUND A LIFETIME OF HAPPINESS IN SPOTSWOOD
worn, chewed muzzle attached to it, giving the
impression that she may have been muzzled often.
In addition to a total lack of medical care, her nails
had clearly not been trimmed in a very long time.

                                                                                               Skippy with new canine companion Tucker, and new mom, Kate. Skippy
                                             With his amputation scar beautifully healed,      has a new name, too - Rhett.
                                             Skippy is happy and clearly is ready to get on
                                             with his life!                               In late May, a Lab/Golden Retriever mix arrived at the Newark shelter
                                                                                          after being found as a stray on 7th Avenue in Newark. The poor guy
                                             must have endured a great deal of pain from a terrible injury to his front leg. The leg was twisted and deformed &
                                             his paw was worn down and swollen with lots of pressure sores. After a thorough medical evaluation and testing, it
                                             was decided to amputate the leg. We call him “Skippy “ and he came through his surgery like a real trooper. He
                                             quickly became acclimated to having three-legs (without any pain or tenderness) and it hasn’t slowed the young
                                             guy down. He was pictured on our website ( and although we received several offers for Skippy, he
                                             was finally adopted to a great home with Kate and James Miller in Spotwood. Skippy now has a new home, a new
Skippy when he arrived at our
                                             name - Rhett - and a loving family. Pictured with Skippy is his canine companion, Tucker.
Newark shelter, with a badly
deformed front leg that he’d clearly
been suffering with for some time.                                                                                              7
Inside - Associated Humane Societies

                                                            Puff is a long-haired girl of about 3 years old that came
                                                            to us with her litter of kittens back in May. All of her lit-
                                                            tle ones have been adopted; now it's Puff's turn to find a
                                                            great home. She's a little shy at first, but just give her
    Sailor Moon is a 1-½ year old lass who is in the        some attention and she turns into a purring puddle of
    Waiting Room, just hoping that a wonderful              mush. Puff seems fine with other cats and is ready for a          Meet Bradley, a very disappointed gent who
    purrrrson will enter the front door & give her          fabulous home of her own. File 38155 SF (Forked River)            needs a little confidence to show what an
    the home that she has been waiting for. Says                                                                              affectionate boy he is. He has been waiting
    Sailor - Halloween is right around the corner and I                                                                       over a month and would sure like to be
    could sit in the front window and watch the ghosts                                                                        sitting atop a pumpkin and waiting for some
    & goblins go by! File 39828-SF (Newark).                                                                                  loving. File 39712-M (Newark).

                                                Harry is just
                                                over a year
                                                old and
                                                would love
                                                to know
                                                what a good
                                                home is all
                                                about. He
                                                was found
                                                as a tiny
                                                baby stray in                                                          Faline is an adorable, 4-month-old little girl that is
                                                the summer                                                             hoping you'll give her a great home. Faline is FIV
                                                of 2018, and                                                           positive, but this is not the scary diagnosis that it
                                                Harry was          Juno is a beautiful stray calico with a             was once thought to be. She can live a long, happy,
                                                quite shy          purrrsonality to match her looks. The               healthy life with FIV, and that's what Faline intends
when he arrived, but you should see him now! He's happy            curious calico is hoping that a loving              to do. She's great with other cats and loves people,
to make new friends and get lots of attention, and he gets         home is just around the corner. Please              and will bring lots of joy into your life. File 39450
along great with other cats too. He's hoping for a good            don’t disappoint this hopeful gal. She’s            SF (Forked River).
family to share his life with. File 33434 NM (Forked River).       already been disappointed with her last
                                                                   home. File 40118-F (Newark).

                                                          Gabriel is an 8-year-old surrender by his owner. Due to a
                                                            problem with one of his eyes, Dr. Woods has removed it
                                                           and he’s doing
                                                          just fine. There
                                                          were no other
                                                             health prob-
                                                             lems & now
                                                          Gabriel is wait-
                                                           ing for you to
                                                               blow your
                                                                horn! File
Four months is a long time to be waiting for a             (Tinton Falls).
second chance at happiness. My previous owner
couldn’t keep me so they brought me here. I’ve been                                                                          Gary is a young gent who has been at AHS for
am tested, neutered & now waiting for a chance at                                                                             several weeks. Quiet & withdrawn, he’s waiting
happiness. File 38362-NM (Tinton Falls).                                                                                     for a gentle hand to show that you would wel-
                                                                                                                             come him into your heart & home. He’s about
                                                                                                                            2 years old, neutered, & hoping you will pay him
8 HUMANE NEWS                            October 2019                                                                                   a visit. File 39812-NM (Tinton Falls).

   Tara welcomes fall with her
   annual pumpkin to play with.
   For a while, it’s a ball to chase,
   then a chew toy, and then a
   snack. Tara arrived with anoth-
   er tiger, a lion and lioness from
   in August 2014 from a facility
   Alabama        which      became
   unable to care for its animals.
   Tara is happy and healthy with
   just some arthritis in one knee,
   which we treat. She’s also a
   sunbather, and as long as the
   sun is shining, you can find Tara
   relaxing in it. As you can see,
   Tara is now marking her 5th
   anniversary at Popcorn Park -
   won’t you help her celebrate
   and be her sponsor?

                                                         Penelope, being a female, is the more muted half of the
                                                         peacock species. Unlike her bright blue and green male
                                                         counterpart, Penelope has no need of being the center
                                                            of attention. She feels there’s a place for good taste,
                                                         and that her beautiful turquoise ruff and tasteful taupes
                                                            and creams speak volumes. Not to mention she’s a
                                                                    real standout in Fall. Won’t you support our
                                                                            lovely Penelope and be her sponsor?

                                                   Aramis is such a cutie, and one
                                                   lucky alpaca. He and many others
                                                   had been abandoned on an alpaca
                                                   farm in the heat of summer.
                                                   Thankfully, news got out and a local
                                                   organization rushed in to save as
                                                   many as they could, then proceeded
                                                   to search for homes. We had a spot
                                                   for Aramis with Patriot, our llama,
                                                   and they soon became best buds.
                                                   However, Aramis would
                                                   still welcome some human         Help support our Popcorn Park residents and join the Wildlife Club! The cost to spon-
                                                   buddies (e.e., sponsors),        sor an animal is only $5/month or $60/year. For an annual sponsorship, you will
                                                   too - he’d be your biggest       receive a color photo and update three times per year, and a membership card
                                                   fan!                             which gives you free admission to Popcorn Park. Whatever length of time you spon-
                                                                                    sor, you will receive these benefits commensurate with the time selected.
                                                                                    You can see all the animals to sponsor in our Wildlife Club booklet (order on page
          PARK WILDLIFE CLUB                                 October 2019           22), or online where you can sponsor at - just click on Wildlife Club.
                                                                                    If you haven’t yet been to Popcorn Park, come down and visit! Our unique sanctuary

          Name of animal(s) sponsored: __________________,                          caters to wildlife, farm animals, exotics, and birds that have been abused, aban-
          ________________, __________________. _________________                   doned, exploited, injured, handicapped, etc.The park is open daily from 11 a.m. until
                                                                                    5 p.m. and 11 am to 2 pm on holidays. Admission fees help support our residents
          NAME __________________________________________________
                                                                                    and are a very modest $7 for adults, $4 for children 3 to 11, and under 3 is free.
          ADDRESS _______________________________________________                   Student groups are $2 per person and free for our military.
          CITY, STATE, ZIP _________________________________________
          # OF ANIMALS _______ X $5.00 each = TOTAL $ ____________
newark                     DOGS

                                                      Are you looking for a happy, friendly, affectionate dog
                                                      who will bond quickly? Your search has ended with
                                                      Sydney. No bones, toys or treats – just to be beside
                                                      the handler was an enjoyable time well spent! File
                                                      39498-M.                                                        We call her Halo because she is such an angel
  Meet Scrappy – an adorable young terrier
                                                                                                                      – sweet, friendly & affectionate. She knows
  who has a loving heart & hopes to find some-
                                                                                                                      how to sit and down,& loves one on one
  one to give it to. The young lass had no tag,
                                                                                                                      attention. She even shared her toy and food
  collar or microchip. What a lifetime of love &
                                                                                                                      bowl when asked. File 39506-F.
  devotion are waiting right here. File 40741-F.

                                                                                                                The 1-year-old mixture had once been someone’s
                                                                                                                adoring and adored pup. Like hundreds in our ken-
                                                                                                                nel, the newness wore off and an unconcerned,
                                                                                                                irresponsible owner allowed him to roam. Finn has
                                                                                                                done nothing wrong but he is paying for the
                                                                                                                wrongdoing of others. File 38890-M.

                                           Here is 2-year-old Magoo who would
                                           excel in a home where he is provid-              Aries is a 3-year-old Pit
                                           ed with some exercise & a little                 mixture who has a calm,
                                           training. He acts like a goofball com-          inner strength about him.
                                           ing out of his kennel & he can be eas-           He has come to a cross-
                                           ily corrected. Magoo just wants to                     roads at AHS with a
                                           know what you want so everyone                        sweet spot in his life.
                                           can be happy with his playful person-               Aries sat & offered his
                                           ality. File 38812-M.                                 paw for a treat … he
                                                                                          loves to play with his toys
                                                                                           & bone for a game of tug
                                                                                           of war. Are you ready for
                                                       One can only look at 1-year-        a lifetime commitment of
                                                       old Elmo who is happy &                     love? File 35986-M.
                                                       ready for his new journey in
                                                       life. His owners could no
                                                       longer care for him so he is
                                                       at AHS. He happily went
                                                       through the paces of his
                                                       evaluation …. then shared
                                                       his toy & bone upon request                                                          If you are searching for a
                                                       and then enjoyed the food                                                            dog who will live up to
                                                       bowl immensely! Life is                                                              your active lifestyle, eeny,
                                                       good for Elmo and he wants                                                           meeny, miny, mo – we
                                                       more! File 40959-M.                                                                  choose Randy! He enjoys
                                                                                                                                            being handled, gets excit-
                                                                                                                                            ed over his toys & bones.
                                                                                                                                            We think Randy didn’t
AT NEWARK                                                                                                                                   have much of a puppy-
124 Evergreen Ave.                                                                                                                          hood … we thinks he’s
                                                                                                                                            ready to enjoy it now. File
Just off Rt. 1 & 9 near Newark International Airport                                                                                        36529-M.

10 HUMANE NEWS                        October 2019
newark                           DOGS

   Cecil is a gregarious guy who is about one year
   old. He’s got a lot of living to do & needs an
   active, energetic family to help him enjoy life.
   He’s been waiting and can’t understand why you
   haven’t come to visit. File 37902-NM.

                                                         Dumpling is a sweet, exhuberant lass who could
                                                         do with a little basic training. She’s good-natured            Petunia is very intelligent & will sit for a treat.
                                                         & will share her food, her toys & her treats …               She loves playing tug of war with her toys & giv-
                                                         and even her heart. File 38549-F.                                 ing you a vocal playtime that is an enjoyable
                                                                                                                       one-on-one exercise. Petunia is a people-pleas-
                                                                                                                           er, so please come & meet her. File 40040-F.
                                                      After 7 years
                                                    with his owner,
                                                       the landlord
                                                  would not allow
                                                 pets. Prince had a
                                                        great home
                                                     where he was
                                                 taught to sit, paw,
                                                 down & roll over
                                                   which he gladly
                                                    performs for a
                                                 treat. His heart is
                                                  aching to be in a
Wally is a 2-year-old mixture who proudly
                                                 home. He had no
performs sit & down commands to show
                                                   interest in toys,
how intelligent he is! He is a happy &
                                                    and taking a walk with evaluators, he showed no interest in
energetic fella who would do great in an
                                                  interacting with dogs he met outside … he preferred explor-
active family home. Stop by to meet this
                                                                          ing his surroundings. File 39408-NM.
handsome boy. File 4042-M.

                                                                                                                 Meet this gorgeous gal, Leara who is a 4-year-old Staffie.
                                                                                                                  Like most dogs that arrive at AHS, they haven’t had the
                                                                                                                   benefit of an enjoyable, loving, trusting relationship. She
                                                                                                               will walk well on a lead & doesn’t now what toys & bones
                                                                                                               are. She had a spartan lifestyle and would react favorably
                                                                                                                            to open arms and an open heart. File 37018-F.

                                                                                                        Ladybelle is about 4 years old & for an unwanted lass, it is
                                                                                                        the sameness day after day, waiting for someone to give her
                                                                                                        a chance to be a devoted & loyal companion. She passed
                                                                                                        her evaluation with high marks. When she saw the toy
                                                                                                        selection, it was her day to dive & she picked out a rope
                                                                                                        toy! It won’t take much to make her happy. File 40470-F.

                                                                            Adoption Center Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
It was quiet time in the Evaluation Room when the                       Phone: (973) 824-7080 E-Mail:
evaluators decided it was needed for Puddin the
Staffie. Her owners were moving & could not bring                                         View More Orphans at
her along & so a little quiet time with the staff was
needed. This senior sweetie gave her heart once ….
                                                                                              or “Like” us on Facebook at AHS-Newark Branch
and she is ready to get acquainted with someone
new so she can give her heart again. File 38990-F.
Mary Jane celebrating her free-
COVER STORIES                              Continued from Page 1
                                                                                     dom, hardly recognizable as the
                                                                                   same dog at the left who came to
                                                                                    us 3 years ago. On the cover are
                                                                                   Donna (at left) and Hooch, all the
                                                                                     picture of health and finally free
                                                                                     to move on with their lives and
LOVING HOMES AFTER 3 YEARS OF WAITING                                                              find loving homes.

                                                                                   vive. The owner was finally con-
                                                                                   vinced to allow the healthy pup-
                                                                                   pies to be adopted out, plus
                                                                                   their mother and two male
                                                                                   adults. However, the owner
                                                                                   remained adamant about want-
                                                                                   ing the last four of the dogs
                                                                                   back, so he could continue
                                                                                   breeding them and reap thou-
                                                                                   sands of dollars.
                                                                                   We sought help repeatedly from the NJ SPCA to move their court case
                                                                                   along to get the four remaining dogs into good homes, but we and the
                                                                                   dogs were let down and ignored just as often. Over three years, court
Chariie when he first came to us,                                                  dates were repeatedly set and adjourned. When the NJ SPCA was disband-
barely able to see due to infections                                               ed, we were really on our own.
and multiple other problems with his                                               During their stay with us, these four dogs were a part of our family, court
eyes. All the mastiffs suffered the same   Mary Jane when she first arrived,
                                                                                   case or not. They had large living quarters, daily walks, and time to run
ocular problems.                           emaciated and infected.
                                                                                   free and exercise very day. They were probably the happiest they've ever
                                                                                   been in their lives. Two of the dogs developed life-threatening conditions -
After three long years of waiting patiently, these four amazing, loving,           Hooch, a testicular infection, and Mary Jane, a pyometra. In both cases,
beautiful, resilient dogs are finally free to seek out the wonderful homes         the owner refused to authorize the surgeries that would save their lives.
they so richly deserve. The court case that necessitated their remaining in        Our vet finally convinced him to allow Hooch’s surgery, but with our calls
our care at AHS/Popcorn Park for over three years is over.                         regarding Mary Jane never returned, her death was imminent. We decid-
On July 1st, 2016, six adult Korean Mastiffs and two puppies were found            ed to go ahead with the surgery on our own and save Mary Jane’s life.
in a yard in Newark, NJ, dehydrated and starving, left in scorching tem-           We are beyond thrilled that these four wonderful mastiffs are now able to
peratures with no food, water or shelter for two full weeks. One of the            find families of their own. Their former owner was charged, and the four
puppies perished. The owner/breeder was away.                                      dogs have been signed over. Donna (6), Mary Jane (7), Charlie (4), and
Due to irresponsible breeding, the dogs all suffered congenital deformi-           Hooch (3-1/2), are now looking for loving, responsible and patient fami-
ties of their eyes, which left many of them barely able to see, as well as         lies to help them transition from a shelter environment to living in a real
severe skin infections. The suffering they endured was horrific, and espe-         home. They all get along with larger dogs but will need a few meet and
cially for one of the dogs, who was pregnant.                                      greets to ensure that another dog is a good fit, and they all need homes
The NJ SPCA ordered us to seize the dogs while they pursued animal cru-            with no small dogs or cats.
elty charges. At AHS/Popcorn Park, they underwent months and months                For the mastiffs’complete story and photos of all four today, please
of medical treatment. Six of the seven required extensive and complicat-           visit our website at or
ed eye surgeries to correct severe entropion and other ocular deformities.         e-mail for a booklet of the entire story.
Shortly after their arrival, Martha, an adult female, gave birth to a litter       If you're interested in adoption, come and meet them at AHS/Popcorn
of puppies. Due to her neglected state, some of the puppies did not sur-           Park, or email for more information.

                                                     It was by accident that this pathetic
                                                     Lhasa Apso was found. A Newark resi-
                                                     dent went into an abandoned apartment
                                                     and found this matted mess waiting to
                                                     be discovered. Inside on the wall some-
                                                     one had written the word “Toby”. The
                                                     finder brought him to the Associated
                                                     Humane Societies … & that is when our
                                                     work began! It took almost a whole day
                                                                                                     A day’s worth of patience on the parts of both Toby and our
                                                     for Sandy the groomer to give this
                                                                                                     Newark groomer, Sandy, revealed a very handsome fellow.
                                                     patient fella a spa day he was worthy of.
                                                     Sandy was gentle, & Toby was calm and
                                                     composed during their hours together!
                                                     Invariably when this long-haired breed is
                                                     abandoned, it is with mats, sores, pulled
                                                     skin, & painful movements. Toby is
                                                     about 4 years old and now that he is
                                                     free of the tight constrictions he suf-
A tangled mass of knotted fur hid a Lhasa Apso       fered, he would love to be pampered
left behind, with only his name on the wall to       with comfort and kindness. File 41083-
give a clue to his past.                             M (Tinton Falls).

12 HUMANE NEWS                             October 2019
COVER STORIES                                  Continued from Page 1
                                                         This was June’s home - a
                                                         cage used for large
                                                         domestic birds, clearly in a
                                                         location nowhere near any                           KEPT IN LARGE BIRD CAGE AND
                                                         human companionship.                            ABANDONED IN LINDEN APARTMENT
                                                           How pitiful are some of the situations in which ani-
                                                           mals are treated! The AHS was contacted when it was
                                                           discovered that there was a dog left abandoned in an
                                                           apartment in Linden. When Animal Control Officer
                                                           David Charles arrived, the Linden Fire Dept was on
                                                           scene to break down the door. It appears that the pit
                                                           bull was left inside of a bird cage. “June” did not have
                                                           much of a life before the AHS came on the scene.
                                                           She is about 5 years old, with horribly cropped ears,
                                                           and appears to have had a few litters of pups. June
                                                           also has what appears to be an old injury to her face,
                                                           leaving part of her lip missing. Despite her miserable,
                                                           spartan lifestyle, she remains a happy, friendly girl
                                                                          deserving of an amazing home where
                                                                          she can be showered with love and
                                                                          kindness to make up for everything she
                                                                          has been through in the past. We are so
                                                                          excited to know that every door that
                                                                          opens for her now will be a wondrous
                                                                          world of happiness. File 40605-F

                                                                            June was underweight and
                                                                            depressed when we brought her                          June clearly had one or more litters of
                                                                            back to our Newark shelter. She                             pups. That part of her life is in the
                                                                            was so grateful for love and affec-                           past, and she looks forward to a
                                                                            tion, and was a happy girl in no time.                                     bright, loving future.

                                                                                  It was none-too-
                                                                                      soon that the
                                                                                   Irvington Police
                                                                                     Dept. notified
                                                                                Humane Societies
                                                                               in Newark to pick
                                                                               up this stray, ema-
                                                                                      ciated female
                                                                                    Rottweiler who
                                                                                 has missed many
                                                                                meals. There were
                                                                                  no identification
                                                                                  tags, licenses, or
Whether on the streets or languishing in someone’s         microchip to help locate an owner.
yard, Raina clearly missed many meals for some time.          The possibilities are endless as to
                                                               how she became lost and on the
                                                                                                              Raina‘s face is filled with sadness, but her easy affection and
                                                            streets, but whatever the answer, it
                                                                                                                             gratitude tell us she has plenty of love to give.
                                                                  has been awhile. Whether she
                                                                 escaped a cruel situation, or was dumped on the street by someone with no compassion, we’ll
                                                                                            never know - just that she needed us and thankfully, was found in time.
                                                           As soon as she arrived at the AHS Newark shelter, she was checked out medically, where we found
                                                           she weighed only 63 pounds. She quickly showed her appreciation of the company of people who
                                                              care plus a never-ending food bowl. We call her “Raina” -- Slavik in origin meaning “Queen”. The
                                                           hopeful Rottweiler took a walk to our Evaluation Room and immediately wanted to cuddle into the
                                                             staff. If they stopped petting her, she gently nudged her head into the staff’s hands for more pets
                                                                   and contact. Despite her starved state, she took treats very gently from our evaluator’s hands.
                                                                  There is a sadness in Raina’s gaze and overall demeanor. Her eyes beg for something she has
                                                             missed for a long time. Raina needs the love, care, and devotion that a truly wonderful home will
                                                                                                     offer in giving her “a new leash on life”. File 41193-F (Newark).

What we also see in Raina’s face is hope ... that with
a loving family, life will be good.                                                                                                           13
forked river                                   DOGS

                                                                                                                       October is a beautiful little pit/hound mix of
                                                                                                                       about 3 years old that came to us as a stray.
                                                          There's just something about Pearl Girl that makes           This fun, sweet little lady is not used to shel-
                                                          you smile when you meet her, probably because she's          ter life so when you come to meet her, you
                                                          always smiling. She's about 7 years old and was in           have to see her outside, away from the hus-
Lilly is a little charmer that is just over a year        such a neglected state when she arrived, but never let       tle and bustle. October turns into a fabu-
old and came to us as a stray. Someone taught             it get her down. She's doing great now, and she is just      lous friend that wants nothing more than to
Lilly excellent manners at some point in her              as sweet as they come. She gets along with dogs, cats,       get attention and play a game of fetch. She's
young life. She's quiet, sweet, good on a leash,          and kids, and is an absolute doll! What more could           good with other dogs, well-behaved, and
housebroken, and gentle, and she's open to                you ask for? File 38270-SF.                                  hoping for a great home! File 40320-SF.
meeting larger dogs. Her tail goes into over-
drive when she meets a new friend and she just                                                       Otto is a marvelous
can't wait to meet you! File 38089-SF.                                                                     mutt of about 6
                                                                                                     years old that really
        Nado is a big, friendly, marvelous mutt of                                                        hopes that you'll
  about 2 years old that would be overjoyed to                                                        see him as so much
      be welcomed into your life. He was found                                                              more than just
      one night, scratching at the door of a local                                                      another black dog
      bank hoping to make a withdrawl of some                                                         waiting for a home.
  snacks and a drink of water. Nado has most-                                                          Otto has so much
     ly Doberman traits but whatever he is, he's                                                      sweetness and per-
   nothing but sweetness and silliness. He gets                                                      sonality, and is such
  along with dogs and people of all ages and he                                                            a good boy. He
    just can't wait to meet you! File 40726-NM.                                                         came in as a stray
                                                                                                         that obviously lived his life in a home. He's easy-going and mel-
                                                                                                      low, housebroken, and he seems fine with most dogs too. There's
                                                                                                                     nothing you won't love about Otto. File 38324-NM.

                                            Coco has such a sad
                                            look about her, and it                                              Sadie is a perfect little dog, that's only 7 months old
                                            sure is understand-                                                 and eager to get into a new home. Sadie's tail was
                                            able. This beautiful                                                broken at some point, but it doesn't stop her from
                                            6-year-old mastiff has                                              wagging it so quickly that she could propel a small
                                            been through two                                                    boat with it when she meets you. She positively
                                            homes already and                                                   loves making friends and is well-behaved and easy
                                            finds herself back in a                                             going. She's dog, cat, and kid-friendly too. What
                                            shelter each time                                                   more could you ask for? File 41147-SF.
                                            through no fault of
                                            her own. She's an
                                            easy-going gal that is
                                            perfectly behaved,
mellow, and a real couch potato. She enjoys meeting larger
dogs but would love a peaceful home where she can lay back,                                                            Teela is a
relax, and enjoy the love a good family. File 22898-SF.                                                             sweet little
                                                                                                                 pittie princess
                                                                                                                 of 3 years old.
                                                                                                                        You will
AT FORKED RIVER                                                                                                 absolutely love
Humane Way at Lacey Road - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.                                                     this compact lit-
                                                                                                             tle wiggle-butt of
Phone (609) 693-1900 E-mail:                                                                  a dog and she's
Exit 74 off Parkway: Turn left & go 7 miles. Make right on Humane Way                                          the type of dog
View more Orphans at                                                     to love you from
                                                                                                              the minute she meets you. Teela is very well-behaved and
or “Like” us - Associated Humane Popcorn Park Shelter on Facebook                                              gets along great with kids, but she needs a cat-free home
                                                                                                              and can be selective with other dogs. She would just love
14 HUMANE NEWS                              October 2019                                                              to become a member of your family! File 39482-SF.
tinton falls                             DOGS

We frequently have dogs and cats 14 years and older
that are surrendered by owners who are moving or
can no longer keep. At the AHS, it is not an automatic
death sentence. For whatever time they have left, we
would love to find them a wonderful home in the             Kaylee is a 6-year-old who was surrendered by her
sunset of their lives. Meet Roxy, a 14-year-old             owner. After a medical check-up, she was found to
Pomeranian who came to us with mammary tumors &             have a skin infection, as well as ear infection. Dr.
dental disease. We’ll fix her up and find a great home      Woods took care of the infections, as well as a              What an adorable fella!!! All ready with his
for her. File 40688-F.                                      growth under the left arm pit. Kaylee was also spayed.       bow tie and ball to go into a lifetime home.
                                                            She has been at AHS since Memorial Day! She surely           He will be bonded with you and give you the
                                                            deserves to have a home where she can be your                loyal and devoted companionship that both
                                                            devoted companion. File 38600-SF.                            you and he would love. File 40417-M.

                                                                                                       A very, very
                                                                                                       lucky Shepherd
                                                                                                       mix was res-
                                                                                                       cued off the
                                                                                                       Garden State
                                                                                                       Parkway in
                                                                                                       County at
                                                                                                       about 9:00 p.m.
                                                                                                       We call him
                                                                                                       Toka no one
                                                                                                       has called or
A very lonely Staffordshire Bull Terrier came in as a                                                  visited to see
stray. There were no tags, no microchip, & now                                                         him and now
Megan is ready to start to enjoy life & love in a new       this handsome guy is ready for adoption. File 39999-M.
home. File 40286-SF.
                                                                                                                                Meet Jax – mostly Border Terrier who
                                                                                                                                 was surrendered by his owner. The 3-
                                                                                                                                    year-old fella is sweet, energetic &
                                                                                                                               compliant! He would make a wonderful
                                                                                                                                 addition to your family. File 40545-M.

                                                                                                     Moo’s story started in Puerto Rico as a stray Sato. He
                                                                                                     was adopted in Puerto Rico but had contracted distem-
                                                                                                     per which was treated while in his new home. Recently,
                                                                                                     the owner surrendered him to AHS. The distemper has
                                                                                                     left the 2-year-old with slight tremors of the leg & paraly-
                                                                                                     sis of the face. The handsome guy is looking for a won-
                                                                                                     derful new family he so richly deserves. File 39622-NM.

                                                                                                                     AT TINTON FALLS
                                                                     2960 Shafto Road, on Route 547 - Open Daily - Noon to 5:00 p.m.
This handsome fella was abandoned at                         Phone (732) 922-0100 Fax: (732) 922-4032 E-Mail:
the community dog park in New
Brunswick. The Labrador/terrier mixture
                                                         2 Miles from Rt. 33-34 Circle, Parkway Exit 102 (So.) Parkway Exit 100B (North)
is a sweet, patient pup who would love to                                      View More Orphans at
find a home where he will be welcomed
& wanted. File 39017-NM.                                                                                              15
environmental news                                                                                                   AROUND THE WORLD

TOKYO OLYMPIC MEDALS TO BE MADE                                                                                                 CANADA
                                                                                                                                Parliament passed an amend-
FROM RECYCLED ELECTRONICS                                                                                                       ment to the Criminal Code that
According to One Green Planet, in 2010, Vancouver, host of the Winter Olympics, reused                                          outlaws all forms of bestiality &
electronics such as TVs, computers, keyboards, etc. to make their medals. Tokyo is now                                          criminalizes additional acts
drawing inspiration from that & making their medals in a similar way. Tokyo announced                 related to animal fighting. The bill now defines the term
that the Tokyo 2020 Medal Project will be collecting “small electronic devices such as                “bestiality” as “any contact for a sexual purpose with an
mobile phones” from all over Japan to produce the Olympic & Paralympic medals. In total,              animal”. According to the Animal Legal and Historical
78,985 tons of devices were collected & from these devices they extracted 100% of the                 Center Website, previously the Supreme Court of Canada
metals required to make the 5,000 medals!                                                             held that bestiality required the act of penetration. A
                                                                                                      new law also requires those convicted of bestiality to
                                                                                                      register as sex offenders on Canada’s national sex
UK CREATES MASSIVE “BLUE BELT” OF PROTECTED                                                           offenders registry. It also prohibits anyone from build-
COASTAL ZONES                                                                                         ing/maintaining an arena for animal fighting & allows
                                                                                                      judges to restrain future ownership of those convicted of
                                                       The United Kingdom has announced               animal abuse for any period the court deems reasonable
                                                       41 new protected ocean zones that              … but at least 5 years in the case of second or subse-
                                                       collectively span twice the length of          quent offenses.
                                                       England – creative a massive “blue
                                                       belt” covering 4,633 square mile               SWITZERLAND
                                                       crucial to Britain’s marine life. The          Delegates at the 18th meeting of the CITES Conference
                                                       sites chosen are important for specif-         of the Parties delivered a crucial victory for African ele-
                                                       ic vulnerable or at-risk species,              phants by voting to end the barbaric practice of remov-
                                                       including stalked jellyfish, short-            ing live elephants from the wild & shipping them to
                                                       snouted seahorses, eider ducks, bask-          zoos & circuses around the globe. This would end the
                                                       ing sharks, & a range of plant life.           export of elephants from Zimbabwe & Botswana to cap-
                                                       The protected zones will be closely            tive facilities outside of Africa, barring exceptional cir-
                 PHOTO COURTESY: ROSS ELLIOT/WIKIPEDIA monitored & managed. Fishing                   cumstances or emergency situations. This would end an
                                                       activities will be heavily restricted or       untold number of baby elephants from being torn from
The common Eider Duck is one of the species that
                                                       even completely banned in those                their mothers, beaten during capture, & conscripted into
the UK’s ocean zones will now protect.
                                                       waters. The UK is protecting over              a lifetime of captivity. Unsatisfied with amendments, the
30% of their ocean. The UK has designated 91 marine conservation zones & is currently                 United States – for the second time in less than two
exploring whether this conservation zone status could be rolled out.                                  weeks –voted against limiting the elephant trade.
                                                                                                      Nations confirmed new protections for dozens of endan-
                                                                                                      gered wildlife species. Giraffes received protection for
HAVE YOU PLANNED AHEAD?                                                                               the first time. Elephant ivory & rhino horns were firmly
                                                                                                      rejected. The mako shark fin trade will be tightened
What Will Happen to Your Pets ...                                                                     under new protections. Parties agreed to give protection
              if you’re no longer able to do so?                                                      to a dozen kinds of tarantulas, otters, pancake tortoises,
                                                                                                      all often sold as pets.

                                                                                   Please help us save lives ...
                                                                                    Yes! I want to support the many life-saving efforts of AHS and
                                                                                    Popcorn Park through a donation of $ _______________________
                                                                                    ❑ Please find my donation enclosed.     ❑ Apply to ResQ Fund
                                                                                    ❑ Please charge my donation to my credit card:
                                                                                    ❑ American Express      ❑ Visa     ❑ MasterCard        ❑ Discover
                           PHOTO : SHUTTERSTOCK
                                                                                    Name on Card: ______________________________ Exp. date: ________
We call them our best friends, yet somehow,
                                                                                    Card# _____________________________________
many of us fail to make arrangements for
them in the event that we become                                                    3/4 digit sec. code: _______
incapacitated or pass away. Oftentimes it
                                                                                    Your signature: ________________________________________________
is assumed that family or friends will take our
beloved pets in, but that is often not the case. You’ll be happy to                 Name: _______________________________________________________
know that the AHS has some options for you, and can put your mind at
ease when considering the future of your devoted companions.                        Address: _____________________________________________________
Please order the newest edition of our brochure on this subject, and
find out what you can do to ensure a loving future for them. Order                  City, State, Zip: _______________________________________________
online, use the coupon on page 22, or call Renee at (609) 693-1900
and request a copy for your peace of mind.                                          Please send all donations to:
                                                                                    Associated Humane Societies/Popcorn Park
                                                                                    PO Box 43
                                                                                    Forked River, NJ 08731-0043                              OCTOBER 2019
16 HUMANE NEWS                         October 2019
                                                                                STYLE ...
                       Gov. Phil Murphy signed into law the pro-                                   without cruelty
                       hibition of leasing of dogs and cats which
                       bans the prefatory practice of leasing dogs
                       & cats. A4552 prohibits pet dealers from             SUNDANCE CATALOG, 350 OTHER BRANDS, BAN MOHAIR
                       entering contracts in which the transfer of
                       ownership of a cat/dog is contingent on                                                         Discussions with PETA were held with the
                       making payments over a period of time                                                           Sundance Catalog on the mohair industry.
                       subsequent to the transfer of possession                                                        The gentle angora goats are easily terri-
unless those payments are on an unsecured loan for the purchase                                                        fied & struggle desperately to escape
of the animal. Leasing was popular with pet dealers to make                                                            from shearing & suffer tremendously
high-priced pups seem more affordable to consumers. Violators                                                          before being violently killed for their
will be subject to penalties of up to $10,000 for a first offense                                                      wool. Sundance Catalog has agreed to
and up to $30,000 for any subsequent offense. Primary sponsors                                                         ban mohair advertising/products from
of the bill were Assemblypersons Armato, Mukerji, Mazzeo,                                                              their catalog. Over 350 brands worldwide
Rooney, Murphy, and Senators Gopal & Corrado.                                                                          have banned this fiber including ASOS,
                                                                                                                       Diane von Furstenberg, H&M, Gap, Nasty
Gov. Phil Murphy signed S3146 into law which establishes that                                                          Gal & Ralph Lauren.
owning, possessing, buying, selling, transferring or manufactur-
ing animal righting paraphernalia for the purpose of engaging in                                                       Angora goats have generally been white;
or otherwise promoting or facilitating the fighting or baiting of a                                                    colored Angoras are becoming more popu-
living animal or creature is a crime of the third degree under                 PHOTO COURTESY: SHARON CHESTNUT/WIKI    lar - both suffer terribly, regardless of color.
N. J. animal cruelty statutes punishable of a term of imprison-
ment of 3-5 years, a fine of up to $15,000 a year, or both. The
legislation further establishes a civil penalty for the aforemen-
tioned offense of no less than $3,000 and no more than $5,000.              CHANEL DEBUTS LEATHER HAT MADE FROM PINEAPPLE
Primary sponsors included Senators Singleton, Addiego, &                    Leading French fashion label Chanel has launched a gold boater hat featuring the
Assemblypersons Murphy, Holley, Benson & Moriarty. According                vegan leather material made from pineapple leather! Chanel is updating its collec-
to Assemblywoman Murphy: “It can be difficult for law enforce-              tions & banned fur & exotic skins last year. Pineapple leather, often sold under the
ment to charge suspects without actually having seen them facili-           Pinatex label, uses the leaves of the pineapple plant to make a durable & sustain-
tate animal fighting. By criminalizing paraphernalia, we will               able texture that mimics the texture & function of animal leather. While the Chanel
make it easier for officers to gather evidence & hold violators             hat is free from leather, it is mixed with felt, which is often sourced from sheep’s
accountable”.                                                               wool. Fashion designer Stella McCartney has recently challenged fashion students
                                                                            to design a wool alternative. Wool is considered a highly unethical textile as farm-
                                                                            ers can use a procedure called mulesing where the skin on the hindquarters of the
                                                                            animal is cut off – often without anesthetic – in an effort to prevent flystrike. The
RATE – MOST NEVER RECOVERED                                                 procedure is painful for the animals & often leads to infection.
Pet theft has increased at an alarming rate with little information
or follow-up as to the voiceless victims. Many are sold, used as bait
in dog fighting, and breeding. Dogs left inside a car for just a very
short time … or leashed in front of a store … or in a yard with an          CANADA GOOSE SITE CHANGES HUMANE CLAIMS
“invisible fence” -- these are thefts of convenience & it is difficult to
track them. In just one day, these are the most recent thefts.              According to the NY POST, Canada Goose
                                                                            of Toronto, Canada has been cited by
NEW YORK CITY                                                               PETA for inhumane treatment of geese &
A border terrier mix was tied up in front of Green Corner Fish &            coyotes. Facing a probe by the Federal
Farmers Market in Williamsburg, & when the 21-year-old film                 Trade Commission over allegations of false
student came out, Theo was gone. Police pulled up surveillance              advertising, Canada Goose has made
video showing 2 men loitering outside. One appears as lookout &             sweeping changes to its website & market-
the other grabs Theo by the neck, dragging him away. NY POST                ing materials. The $900 jackets have been
states it can be seen on their website. As we go to press, Theo             filled with goose down & have coyote fur
has been reunited with his owner. Two men were seen on a                    for hood trim, and their description has
video before taking the dog. A woman contacted the owner and                now been changed to using only coyotes
brought Theo back. So far, no charges have been filed.                      from overpopulated areas where they
                                                                            attack “pets & people”. Canada Goose
NEWARK                                                                      denies PETA’s video capturing practices of
A 3 month old pit bull puppy was stolen from a home on                      cramming geese into cages & even step-
Parkview Terrace & Weequahic Ave. The suspect entered the vic-              ping on them as they pile into corners              PHOTO COURTESY: GAELEN MARSDEN/WIKI

tim’s porch at 8 p.m., unleashed the pup. & walked away with it.            trying to flee. The statement given to the    Canada Goose parkas worn at Observa-
Police obtained photos of the suspect & are seeking the public’s            FTC says they are appalled by the gross       tion Hill, Antarctica. Canada Goose
help in quickly identifying him. Anyone with information can call           mischaracterization of their ethical sourc-   claims it obtains coyotes on fur-trimmed
1-877-NWK-TIPS (1-877-695-8477).                                            ing standards.                                parkas from sources that trap the ani-
                                                                            A February 2019 article in Newsweek           mals ethically.
According to the Missing Pets Bureau, over 60% of pet thefts are            addressed the issue of the use of coyote
never recovered. There are various devices & tools to help make             fur on the hoods of some Canada Goose jackets, and after Canada Goose explained
sure your dog is safe. 1) The Tagg GPS Pet Tracks is a dog/cat col-         its practices, the Newsweek author drew the following conclusion:
lar attachment & is the nation’s leader in GPS Pet Tracking                 "Strip away all the nuance, though, you're still left with one unavoidable fact:
Technology. The GPS tracker sends you a text as soon as your dog            Coyotes have to die to make Canada Goose jackets. And even if that's not an issue
moves out of the predefined zone & thanks to the                            for you, there's no way to know exactly how much the animal suffered in the
iPhone/Android app, you can monitor its exact location on a                 process."
map. 2) The Samsung Smart Cam HD Outdoor Camera is a
weather-resistant camera, offering e-mail & mobile notifications
triggered by the very accurate motion zone detection.                                                                                    17
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