Page created by Derek Weber
  Roads                         REALTOR                                             ®
                                                             VOLUME 42, ISSUE 5 • MAY 2021

                                     TAKING THE

                                 LEAD Lead GenerationTips
                                         and Strategies

10   10 tips: Old School lead
     generation is new again    24   Memorial Day and our
                                     military community     34   Real estate and the
                                                                 post-COVID market
Dedicated to coming through
      for you and your buyers
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2   Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
CONTENTS                                                                  Hampton
                                                                            Roads     REALTOR ®
FEATURES                                   IN EVERY ISSUE                       Hampton Roads REALTORS® Association

7    Changes coming to how, when           4      From the Chair               Chairman of the Board: Tanya Monroe

     state and localities vote                                                 Chairman-Elect: Barbara Sgueglia
                                           5      A Picture is Worth
8    Good advice and an “after-                   1,000 Words                  Vice-Chairman Finance: Jeremy Caleb Johnson

     action” report for our industry       6      CEO Corner
                                                                               Immediate Past Chair: Cindy Hawks White

                                                                               Executive Committee: Margaret Richardson, Remona
10   10 tips: Old School lead              9      That's Who We R REALTOR®     Murmillo, Sherri Thaxton
     generation is new again                      Spotlight
11   Keeping your cool (and ethics)        13     Affiliate Spotlight
     in a hot market                                                           Leigh Anne Parks                Christie Woytowitz
                                           14     Motivational Corner
                                                                               Lee Cross                       Betsy Hughes
12   Taking the lead: Lead-
                                           17     HRRPAC Spotlight             Ken Boyer                       David Tunnicliffe
     generation tips and
     strategies                            26     Legal Corner                 Jimmy Jackson                   Monique McClellan

                                                                               Emil Nazaryan                   Nelene Gibbs
16   PAC Q&A with Virginia                 29     Thank you to our 2021        Jennifer Cool                   Lee Halyard
     REALTORS®’ Kathy Felton                      HRRA Partners
                                                                               Jon McAchran                    Alan Thompson

17   A very special opportunity            39     Welcome New Members          Linda Harrison

18   HRRA Green Up Day!

19   Forbearance, foreclosure
                                                                                      Hampton Roads REALTOR® Magazine
     and the housing shortage
                                                                               This magazine is published 11 times per year by the
20   REALTORS® Have a Heart for            Wells Fargo Home Mortgage – 2       Hampton Roads REALTORS® Association, Inc. (HRRA), 638
     Ronald McDonald House                                                     Independence Parkway, Suite 100, Chesapeake, VA 23320.
                                           Hanger Law – 7
22   Building relationships with
     our legislators                       Fulton Mortgage – 7                 HRRA reserves the right to edit or refuse all submissions for

                                           Movement Mortgage – 13              publication. HRRA reserves the right to receive royalties from
23   Automated vs. in-person
                                                                               some programs and services. Views and advertising expressed
     showings, Part II                     Old Republic Home Protection – 13   in this magazine are not necessarily those of, nor endorsed by,

24   IN BRIEF: Big news,                   Atlantic Coast Mortgage – 15        HRRA. The Hampton Roads REALTOR® was created for the

     small bites                                                               members of HRRA by BIZPORT.
                                           Home Clean Heroes – 25
28   Lead generation: the make or
                                           TowneBank – 27                      Editor: Victoria Hecht,
     break of your career
                                                                               Advertising Sales: Misty Pritchett,
                                           Taskativity – 28
30   Transfer on Death Deeds:                                                  Design/Layout: BIZPORT
     A solution to Virginia’s              Sasser Construction – 32            Copyright © Hampton Roads REALTORS® Association; all
     default rules
                                           Titlequest – 40                     rights reserved.

31   Don’t let your clients get
     underwater without flood

32   Leads for free?

33   Condotels could be your new
     way of vacationing

34   Real estate and the post-
     COVID market

36   Turning leads into clients and
     clients into relationships for life

37   A health care choice you didn’t
     know about for REALTORS®
                                                                                       Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021                         3

NAR “Profile” provides great
research for lead generation
                                   nderstanding the National Association of          fore selling, very similar to 2019. Eighty-nine (89) per-
                                   REALTORS® (NAR) “The Profile of Home              cent of home sellers worked with a real estate agent to
                                   Buyers and Sellers” should be a part of           sell their home. Sixty-nine (69) percent of sellers were
                          developing your lead generation strategies for success.    very satisfied with the selling process.
                          NAR conducts this annual report, which provides                 Home Selling and Real Estate Professionals:
                          insights into the needs of our clients.                    Sixty-seven (67) percent of sellers found their agent
                               Here’s some vital information I am sharing              through a referral from a friend, neighbor, or rela-
                          information. It is directly gathered from                             tive or used an agent they had worked with
                          the NAR website. Knowledge is power!                                       before to buy or sell a home. Seventy-
                               What do consumers want                                                   seven (77) percent of recent sellers
Tanya Monroe, CRB,        when choosing a real estate                      In my opinion,                 contacted only one agent before
                          professional? How do home                                                         finding the right agent they
C-RETS, PMN, GRI,                                                 looking at lead generation
                          buyers begin the process of                                                         worked with to sell their home.
                          searching for a home? Why do             by referral is a great lead                 Ninety-one (91) percent of
AHWD, SFR, C2Ex           some sellers choose to forego             source. It simply makes                     sellers listed their homes on
                          the assistance of an agent?                sense since most of the                    the Multiple Listing Service
                               The answers to these                                                             (MLS), which is the number
2021 HRRA
                                                                   buyers or sellers find their
Chairman of the           questions, along with other                                                           one source for sellers to list
                          findings in this report, will         agent through a referral from                   their home.
                          help real estate professionals        a friend, neighbor or relative,                  The typical seller has rec-
                          better      understand      the         or used an agent they had                    ommended      their agent once
                          housing market and provide                                                          since selling their home. Twen-
                                                                   worked with before to buy
                          the information necessary to                                                      ty-seven (27) percent of sellers
                          address the needs of America’s                  or sell a home.                 recommended their agent four or
                          real estate consumers. This report                                            more times since selling their home.
                          provides a wealth of data/information.                                     Eighty-nine percent said that they
                               Here are NAR 2020 “Profile of                                    would definitely (74 percent) or probably (15
                          Home Buyers and Sellers” highlights:                         percent) recommend their agent for future services.
                               Buyers needed the help of a real estate profes-            For Sale by Owner (FSBO) Sellers: Only eight
                          sional to help them find the right home for them,          (8) percent of recent home sales were FSBO sales this
                          negotiate terms of sale, and help with price negotia-      year. This remains close to the lowest share recorded
                          tions. Eighty-eight (88) percent of buyers used            since this report started in 1981. FSBOs typically sell
                          an agent to help them purchase a home. Sell-               for less than the selling price of other homes; FSBO
                          ers, as well, turned to professionals to help market       homes sold at a median of $217,900 last year (up from
                          their home to potential buyers, price their home com-      last year), and significantly lower than the median of
                          petitively, and sell within a specific timeframe. The      agent-assisted homes at $242,300.
                          use of agent to sell the home reached historical                Based on this data/information, I think there
                          highs of eighty-nine (89) percent. However, the            should be a continued focus by our members to utilize
                          percentage that maintained a client relation-              tools/systems on how to build business by referral.
                          ship after the transaction is low, twenty-six (26)              In my opinion, looking at lead generation by re-
                          percent. While the NAR survey asked about iBuyer           ferral is a great lead source. It simply makes sense
                          options, less than one (1) percent of sellers used these   since most of the buyers or sellers find their agent
                          online-only programs. Only eight (8) percent of sellers    through a referral from a friend, neighbor or relative,
                          sold via For Sale-By-Owner (FSBO).                         or used an agent they had worked with before to buy
                               Financing the Home Purchase: Eighty-seven             or sell a home.
                          percent of recent buyers financed their home pur-               We as members should consistently stand in
                          chase. Those who financed their home purchase typi-        touch with our relationship base as part of our lead
                          cally financed Eighty-eight (88) percent.                  generation strategies.
                               Buyers continue to see purchasing a home as a              The full NAR report is available at https://www.
                          good financial investment. Eighty-three (83) percent
                          reported they view a home purchase as a good invest-       highlights-from-the-profile-of-home-buyers-and-sell-
                          ment.                                                      ers. ⌂
                               Home Sellers and their Selling Experience:
                          Sellers typically lived in their home for 10 years be-

4       Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
A Picture is Worth 1,000 Words
Grow your knowledge, build relationships with HRRA

As we edge closer to a return to normalcy (the pandemic’s not over yet!), we’re pleased to continue offering a bustling schedule of
HRRA activities by Zoom, with some in-person activities now in the mix, too. Here is what’s planned so far for HRRA’s May Zoom and
in-person gatherings:

• VRLTA Seminar by Zoom with attorney Chip Dicks, presented by the Property Management and Leasing Council,
  9 a.m.-noon May 4; cost is $95 for members. Go here for full details and to register.
• Government Affairs Committee by Zoom, 1 p.m. Thursday, May 4
• Owners/Manager Council by Zoom, 3 p.m. Tuesday, May 11
• REALTOR®/Lawyer Committee by Zoom, 1 p.m. Thursday, May 13
• Affiliates Council by Zoom, 9:30 a.m. Friday, May 14
• Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist Bill Dedman explores “Long Island Divided” by Zoom, presented by the Diversity,
  Equity and Inclusion Committee, 1-2:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 18; cost is free to members. Log in here to register and for full details.
  (See Page 17, too.)
• Mini Golf Tourney at Jungle Golf, Virginia Beach, presented by the Affiliates Council to benefit CHKD and scholarship
  fund in memory of Preston Midgett, followed by a networking event at The Shack. Jungle Golf, 4-6 p.m. Wednesday,
  May 19; The Shack, 6-8 p.m. Full details and registration are available here.

As a reminder, to register for events see your weekly eREALTOR newsletter, delivered Tuesdays, or visit HRRA’s “Events” tab (and/or
watch postings) on the Facebook page,, or see the calendar at for registrations. See you
on Zoom (and in person), HRRA! – Victoria Hecht, Vice President of Communications, Public Relations and Media Relations

                                                                                                  Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021     5

People-to-people lead generation
works wonders in technological times

                                   hen we think about lead generation our             a designation was $33,500 and the median income of
                                   minds most often go straight to technology,        those with at least one designation was $61,100: a dif-
                                   either predictive analysis platforms or            ference of $27,600!” (NAR, 2021).
                       something as basic as Zillow or ZIP code               If you are not quite ready to invest in your training
                       leads.                                                         one thing that you can do is take the C2EX designation.
                           However, there is a powerful lead generation tool          This is the only FREE designation and it does signal
                       out there that costs you nothing. In fact, it is included in   to your peers that you are committed to excellence. An
                       your HRRA dues. It’s good old-fashioned, belly-to-belly,       extra perk? It counts towards your mandatory Code of
Dr. Dawn Kennedy,
                       handshake-to-handshake networking.                             Ethics (COE) training requirement.
                           Most successful REALTORS® tend to list and sell in             This is a Code of Ethics triennial year, which means
                       the areas where they have high knowledge and                     ALL members (with the exception of NAR Emeritus

                       geographic competence. By mixing with                                    members) must complete a Code of Ethics
                       other successful REALTORS , the  ®
                                                                                                     course before the Dec. 31 deadline. If you
                       new REALTOR® may generate                 There is a         haven’t taken the course yet, you can
                       business.                              powerful lead           take it for free (it does not count
                            One of the perks for be-
                                                        generation tool out there towards your CE license require-
                       longing to a National As-                                         ment) right here. Not sure if you
                       sociation of REALTORS        ®  that costs you nothing. In         did or did not take the course
                       (NAR) designation group         fact, it is included in your       in the last three years? You can
                       such as GREEN or AHWD,          HRRA dues. It’s good old-          check your status right here!
                       or an NAR-related group          fashioned, belly-to-belly,           Finally, an often-overlooked
                       such as Certified Residen-                                        lead generation tool provided by
                       tial Specialist (CRS) or Wom-                                   your association is the opportuni-
                       en's Council of REALTORS         ®       handshake            ty to become involved in community
                       (WCR), is that these groups have         networking.        projects. Here you can meet potential
                       a strong referral network.                                                  home buyers and sellers, network with
                           A REALTOR      ®
                                              in South Carolina                               legislators and form long-term relationships
                       who is a member of WCR is far more likely to re-               with people outside of your original sphere.
                       fer a South Carolina client to another WCR member.                 As HRRA continues to expand its offerings there
                       Why? That’s simple: TRUST! Successful REALTORS®                will be more and more opportunities to get involved
                       know that this person has dedicated time and money to          in your communities. Working side by side with your
                       improve their game, to educate themselves. They know           neighbors shows them that you are committed to the
                       that this fellow REALTOR is striving to meet a higher
                                                                                      success of the neighborhood and may result in leads.
                       standard of service delivery.                                      Technology is wonderful, but it is not a substitute
                           If there is any doubt check out these statistics:          for human connection. Technology-driven leads can be
                       “REALTORS® who earn professional designations have             elusive and time consuming. People-to-people leads will
                       a distinct competitive edge as a result of their increased     return rewards time and time again.
                       expertise and marketability. Based on 2013 NAR sur-                Happy selling! ⌂
                       vey data, the median income of REALTORS without  ®

6    Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
Changes coming to how, when state
and localities vote

                                hanges are coming to local elections in Virginia in          While Spruill’s bill would impact the entire state of
                                2022 and will impact several localities in Hampton      Virginia, Del. Kelly Converse-Fowler of Virginia Beach
                                Roads. Two bills that passed the Virginia General       introduced a bill that would restructure how Virginia
                        Assembly this year will have an impact on our local elections.  Beach voters select their council and school board members.
                             The first bill is one sponsored by Chesapeake Sen. Lionel  Currently, voters in Virginia Beach have a unique system of
                        Spruill that will change municipal elections traditionally held having council and school board members represent districts,
                        in May to the first Tuesday in November.                        even though they are elected at large.
                             The main reason for changing election day                                 Fowler’s bill was recently signed into law by
                        was to increase participation. May elections                                   Gov. Ralph Northam and will take effect Jan.
                        typically have a lower turnout, sometimes                                           1, 2022. The bill would replace the current
                        with less than 25% of register voters                                                   system that has been in place for over
Kimberly Plourde                                                           The main reason for
                        participating. By moving the                                                              50 years and allows voters in the city
                        elections to November, supporters            changing election day was                      to vote for all council members,
Chair, Government
                        of the bill believe it will increase           to increase participation.                     even though seven of the 11
Affairs Committee
                        participation.                              May elections typically have                       represent specific districts.
                             An added benefit will be                                                                      Fowler claimed this approach
                                                                     a lower turnout, sometimes
                        the cost savings associated with                                                                to voting disenfranchised voters
                        holding only one election. In               with less than 25% of register                      because a candidate could have
                        some localities this will save up               voters participating. By                        the support of the majority of
                        to $150,000 in costs for the voter              moving the elections to                        voters in their district but still
                        registrars office to manage a May                                                             lose the election. Under the new
                                                                     November, supporters of the
                        election day.                                                                                law voters will only elect two or
                             While the vote in the House              bill believe it will increase                three council members and school
                        of Delegates narrowly passed, in the                   participation.                    board members every other year,
                        Senate it required Lt. Gov. Justin Fairfax                                           unless council asks the General Assembly
                        to break a tie and pass the bill.                                                to switch them to an all-at-large system.
                             Prior to the passage of this law, cities could                                  About the same time the governor was
                        change their election dates if they wanted to by amending       signing this legislation into law, a federal judge was declaring
                        the city charter, which required General Assembly approval,     Virginia Beach’s system of voting illegal and directing them
                        or through local ordinance by a simple majority vote of the     to stop using the existing at-large voting system.
                        council.                                                             Members of the Virginia Beach City Council will be
                             With the passage of this law, the only option localities   reviewing the judges ruling with the city attorney in a closed
                        will have now is the option to change the election from even    session, but regardless of what legal actions the city may
                        numbered years to odd numbered years. This would mean           pursue.
                        local elections could occur in years that did not have a             There are various points of view on council about the
                        Congressional or Presidential election.                         law and how it was presented, but one thing they all agree
                             Cities in Hampton Roads that will be impacted include      on is the need to educate the residents of their city on the
                        Chesapeake and Norfolk. Virginia Beach, Portsmouth and          changes. ⌂
                        Suffolk already hold local elections in November.

                                                                                     If you are BUYING, BUILDING or REFINANCING contact:

                                                                                        Nate Brown                    Pam Martin                       Kimberly Vap
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                                                                                         757.692.1641                 757.321.6311                       757.544.8934
            Trusted Real Estate Attorneys                                             Mike Grunwald              Matt DesRoches                         Marion Uzzle
                                                                                         NMLS #: 607860                NMLS #: 659388                      NMLS #: 211283
           Real Estate Closings          Title Issues                                    757.761.8156                 757.651.6288                        757.729.7373
           Loan Refinancing              Investors
           Short Sale Negotiation        Contracts
           Landlord/Tenant Disputes      Zoning and Land Use                      757-351-1510                                        
                                                                                                    Fulton Bank, N.A. Member FDIC. Subject to credit approval.

                                                                                                                      Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021                     7
                                                                                                             Fulton Bank
Good advice and an “after-
action” report for our industry

                                     emorial Day is the time we in America honor        clients in the best direction for them.
                                     those men and women who died while serving             In the military we always had service rivalries, i.e.
                                     in the U.S. military. It was originally known as   Army vs. Navy, Navy vs. Marines, and everybody vs. Air
                        Decoration Day, and it originated in the years following        Force. But one thing was for sure: When you were out
                        the Civil War and didn’t become an official holiday until       there in battle or on an operation, you were all on the
                        1971.                                                           same team, and each did their part to the best of their
                             Unofficially,     Memorial   Day    marks    the                  ability to insure the success of the mission and
                        beginning of the summer season. We in                                            wellbeing of all involved.
Alan Thompson,
                        Hampton Roads, know all too well                                                         We need to remember this in our
CRS, GRI                the sacrifices that our military and           Let’s apply that                         business today. It is a tough market.
                        their families make to serve and                                                           Whether you have submitted that
Chair, Resale Council   protect us all.
                                                                    same idea to our real                           fourth offer for your buyers or
                             We also know how much                  estate industry. As we                           are reviewing those 18 offers
                        the military, defense industry                begin our summer                                for your sellers, it can feel like
                        and their related businesses                                                                  a battle. Our business attracts
                        mean to our economy. I know
                                                                  season, let’s take a little                         some     highly      competitive
                        that when I was in the military            time to have an “after-                            people, and we are often in the
                        there      was    an   After-Action
                                                                   action report” on what                            mode of trying to “win” for our
                        Report after every operation                                                                clients.
                        or mission to look at what went                 is happening                                   Let’s just take some time to
                        wrong. That way we could correct                   in 2021.                            remember that, ultimately, we are
                        it before next time. The report also                                                all on the same team of trying to bring
                        examined what we did well so that we could                                   together two parties to get a transaction
                        share with others and keep as part of our operations.              closed. We need to remember that markets go up and
                             Let’s apply that same idea to our real estate industry.    down. There are experienced agents and newbies, and
                        As we begin our summer season, let’s take a little time         there are clients who are wanting to move to their dream
                        to have an “after-action report” on what is happening in        homes and some being forced to move for reasons beyond
                        2021.                                                           their control.
                             After 30-plus years in real estate, I can truly say that       Regardless of whether you win the deal or lose for
                        this is a crazy market. We have more REALTORS® than             the fourth time, whether you just received more than you
                        we have active listings and more than double the number         ever thought you would for your home or just lost the
                        of licensees as active listings! I assure you that those who    deal because of a low appraisal, remember this in your
                        are having record years are also working record hours to        dealings: Be nice.
                        do that.                                                            Whether this crazy market is your last one, your
                             I just reviewed an article where a couple of years ago     first one or somewhere in between, the most important
                        we thought we had low inventory, and it is roughly 40% of       thing to remember is that, as competitive as we are, we
                        that now. Buyer’s agents and their clients feel as if they      ultimately want the same thing: happy clients.
                        can’t rest. They are scared to miss a new listing, and they         Memorial Day this year will occur on Monday, May
                        are taking risk by waiving inspections and guaranteeing         31. At 3 p.m. local time, there is a national moment of
                        purchase prices over the appraisal value.                       remembrance for those who gave all with the ultimate
                             It’s not easy for listing agents either.                   sacrifice. Let’s all take the time to remember them. Real
                             They are having to work to justify their commissions,      estate is not so hard after all.   ⌂
                        review and negotiate multiple offers, and guide their

8     Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
“That’s Who We R”                                                                     Katie
REALTOR® Spotlight                                                                    Verhalen

WHO: Katie Verhalen, associate broker     achieve success together. I have always     without much recognition. They are
with Judy Reed Realty                     believed when you are on your ladder        guiding me through this process. I
                                          of success, you should turn around and      urge my fellow REALTORS® who have
HRRA MEMBER SINCE: Off and on             help the next person up. I am honored       been on the sidelines thus far to GET
since 2011                                to be a part of this community.             INVOLVED. You do not have to know
                                                                                      what you are doing. Staff will help you,
REALTOR® ACTIVITIES/                      FAVORITE REALTOR® BENEFIT:                  and you will be better for it. We are
ACCOLADES: Chair, “That’s Who             Absolutely the education and                getting ready to launch a new feature
We R” Advisory Group; REALTOR/            national marketing tools. Having            for the That’s Who We R Advisory
Lawyer Committee member; Circle of        been a member of HRRA on and off            Group, “The Ambassador Program”.
Excellence (COE) 2020 Extra Large         throughout my career, I have realized       This will help people who do not have
Team Platinum Award; COE 2019             how important being educated and            much time to be able to commit to get
Large Team Diamond Award; COE             growing in my real estate knowledge is      involved but as a lead by example role.
2018 Extra Large Team Platinum            important to business and ultimately        We are really excited and going to do
Award; COE 2017 Extra Large Team          helps me deliver the best service to        some amazing things.
Platinum Award                            my clients. I also love the Circle of
                                          Excellence awards gala and having one       I AM PROUD TO CALL MYSELF A
COMMUNITY INVOLVEMENT:                    night to dedicate to the hard work and      REALTOR® BECAUSE: I want my
Being a part of my community and          success of our team as I celebrate with     clients to recognize I am a part of the
giving back is very important to me.      my real estate friends.                     best of the best. I am a member of the
I’ve been involved with Children’s                                                    best professional organization in my
Miracle Network Hospital fundraising                                                  field that provides support, education
for years. I also support Seton House     MOST MEMORABLE HRRA                         and training. “I am one®, because
fundraisers any chance I get. Alongside   MOMENT: My most memorable HRRA              That’s Who We R!”
my twin brother, Mike Semmendinger,       moment is recent. I received a phone
and his nonprofit Military Mobility,      call from Chairman of the Board Tanya
we are focused on giving back to the      Monroe asking me to become the 2021         BEST PIECE OF ADVICE FOR
military community. It’s a program        chairperson for our That’s Who We           FELLOW REALTORS®: Always do the
that focuses on resiliency training for   R Advisory Group. I was absolutely          right thing. You will never regret it.
veterans. It puts them back into a team   honored, scared and excited to be           Remember, we are in this together, not
environment and lets them know they       asked. Having newly been involved           against each other. Have respect for
are not alone. Judy Reed Realty is a      with HRRA I never dreamed I’d be            your fellow agents. Never stop learning
founding sponsor of this organization     asked to head a committee so soon.          and growing. Be a part of something
that Mike has brought very close to all   Being a naturally born cheerleader, I       bigger than just yourself. You will stop
of our hearts.                            excitedly accepted and cannot wait to       chasing the commission check and start
                                          take on the challenge pom-poms first!       a business.
I CHOSE TO BECOME A REALTOR®              When I first joined the That’s Who We
BECAUSE: : I want to be involved and      R Advisory Group at the beginning of
be the BEST at what I do. If I don’t      this year I was not exactly sure what
know the answer, I have an entire         we were tasked with accomplishing. I
community of support, education and       have learned it is our goal to spread the
help. Selling homes is tough and unlike   word about the National Association
any other career. It is amazing to have   of REALTORS®’ national advertising
the support of my fellow REALTORS®,       campaign and marketing tools. In
plus continued education and              getting to know the HRRA staff up
marketing tools I have learned from       close and personal, it is incredible
the “That’s Who We R” campaign. I love    to me how much they do for our
being on a team and helping my team       community of REALTORS® every day

                                                                                           Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021     9
10 tips: Old School lead
generation is new again

                               ntrepreneur, author, motivational speaker              future sellers. It's OK iif the seller thinks the goal
                               and social media influencer Gary Vaynerchuk            is to sell their house. We'll keep your secret.
                               once tweeted, “As our world goes all ‘Jetsons’    2.   "I Need" postcards/letters: As in the ones you
                       the opportunity for people and businesses is to go all         mail. I attended a Rick Deluca seminar years ago
                       ‘Flintstones’ .... #oldschoolvalues”                           where he introduced this strategy. If you have a
                                                                                      buyer looking for a four-bedroom in Cox School
                       That’s Old School. I hear you.                                   District, reach out to potential sellers the old-
                                                                                                 fashioned way.
                       Not sexy.                                                                      3.         Door knocking: Yep. I
Carolyn Ricketts
                       Not cutting edge.
                                                               New approaches                            said it. In a YPN Article. If you
                                                                                                           are looking for a way to connect
Committee Member,
                       Not innovative.                       focus on likes, brand                           with homeowners in a specific
Young Professionals    Not "on-brand" for YPN,                 recognition, click                              neighborhood, there is no
Network (YPN)          our Young Professionals
                                                                rates and online                                better way than to get out
                                                                                                                and meet the neighbors.
                                                               engagement. Old                                  4.        Circle prospecting:
                       Too much of a snooze
                       for you?                               school allows us to                               Did you do a great job for a

                       Maybe. But perhaps the
                                                            connect and to create                              buyer or seller recently? Reach
                                                                                                              out to potential buyers and sellers
                       Old School approach brings                  and nurture                              in the same geographic area.
                       something to the party that is             relationships.                         5.     Conscious         uncouplers:
                       worth a look.                                                                  Divorce has been an unpleasant
                       It's tried and true.                                                       reality since 1857. The pandemic has led
                                                                                          to a spike in splits. Who would have thought
                       It's timeless.                                                 that spending uninterrupted time with one's
                       And you know what? It's an inexpensive addition to             spouse would expose irreconcilable differences?
                       the high-tech, new stuff you've been doing.                    Establishing yourself as a resource for this
                                                                                      population could lead to future business.
                       New approaches focus on likes, brand recognition,
                                                                                 6.   Expired listings: The key here is to call the
                       click rates and online engagement.
                                                                                      "stale" list. The properties that expired a while
                       Old school allows us to connect and to create and              ago. Let other agents fight over the just expired
                       nurture relationships.                                         list- you call the folks who no one else is connecting
                       New approaches give easily calculated return on
                                                                                 7.   Check-in phone calls with your database/
                       investment and surgical precision.
                                                                                      sphere of influence: Be genuine. Ask how they
                       Old School is personal.                                        are doing and offer something of value like a home
                                                                                      warranty seasonal maintenance checklist.
                                                                                 8.   Meet your buyers’ friends: When you've
                       Here are 10 Old School lead generation
                                                                                      done an exceptional job for a buyer, host a
                       techniques to add to your business plan.
                                                                                      housewarming party for them. Invite their
                                                                                      family, friends and new neighbors. They will
                       1.   Open houses: Your goal from these events (which
                                                                                      love the party, and you'll expand your circle.
                            have become almost State Fair-like in attendance)
                            is to meet potential buyers (for any property) and
                                                                                                                   (continued on page 27...)

10     Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
Keeping your cool (and ethics)
in a hot market

                               ow are things going with you and your business            Article 1: When representing a client as an agent,
                               in this hot real estate market? No doubt you         REALTORS® pledge to protect and promote the interests
                               are extremely busy, and that’s just fine! In         of our client. This obligation to the client is primary, but
                      writing this article, I’d like to start by asking YOU a few   it does not relieve us of our obligations to treat all parties
                      questions?                                                    honestly.
                                                                                    • SOP 1-3. In attempting to secure a listing, shall not
                      •   If you are a listing agent, what is the maximum                deliberately mislead the owner as to market value.
                          number of offers that you have received and                        •          SOP 1-6. Shall submit offers and
                          processed before your seller accepted                                     counter-offers objectively and as quickly as
                          one? I’ve heard 105 offers in one                                             possible.
Clyde Cooper Jr.,
                          week from a Professionals                                                        • SOP 1-7. When acting as listing
                          Standards Committee member
                                                       is in this type                         brokers,    REALTORS®          shall
Chair, Professional
                          in Texas.                             of market that we                              continue to submit to the
Standards Committee   •   As a buyer’s agent, how                may start taking                               seller/landlord all offers and
                          many offers did you                                                                    counter-offers until closing
                          receive, process and
                                                              shortcuts and failing                              or execution of a lease unless
                          present to your client               to do these correct                               the seller/landlord has waived
                          before having one finally            actions in an effort                             this obligation In Writing.
                          accepted by the seller?
                      •   And finally, as a property
                                                              to achieve our goals                               Article 3: REALTORS® shall
                          manager, how many of your               for our clients.                           cooperate with other brokers
                          landlords have decided to                                                        except when cooperation is not in the
                          sell their properties rather than                                            client’s best interest. The obligation to
                          maintaining them as rentals?                                            cooperate does not include the obligation to
                                                                                         share commission, fees, or to otherwise compensate
                           You may wonder, “Why is he asking these questions?”      another broker.
                      The simple answer is, I am having fun! Seriously, we are      • SOP 3-6. When seeking information from another
                      all extremely busy in this hot market, and it’s expected          REALTOR concerning property under a management
                      to get even hotter, therefore you would think everyone            or listing agreement, REALTORS® shall disclose
                      would be happy, right?                                            their REALTOR status and whether their interest is
                           However, this hot market is causing stress and               personal or on behalf of a client and, if on behalf of a
                      frustration for many buyers, agents and tenants, and              client, their relationship with the client.
                      we all know this to be true! However, it is in this type of   • SOP 3-11. May not refuse to cooperate on the basis of
                      market that we may start taking shortcuts and failing to          a broker’s race, color religion, sex, handicap, familial
                      do these correct actions in an effort to achieve our goals        status, national origin, sexual orientation, or gender
                      for our clients.                                                  identity.
                           Moreover, as REALTORS® that’s precisely where
                      the Preamble and the Code of Ethics come in! They help             I sincerely wish that everyone would conduct a self-
                      us to do the right thing and stay out of trouble while        examination and take just a few minutes each week to
                      maintaining and improving the standards of our calling.       read one Article in the Code of Ethics, including any
                           Therefore, here are a few spotlighted articles of the    Standard of Practice. This would be most beneficial for
                      Code of Ethics (and Standard of Practices) to consider        you! Remember, it’s the life blood of a REALTOR®! Thank
                      as reminders in practicing our talents and coping in this     you for your time. ⌂
                      sizzling real estate market.

                                                                                                     Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021        11
Taking the lead: Lead-
generation tips and strategies

                                 o remain competitive in your business, you need       •   Instagram: Instagram is known for stunning
                                 to take a look at whether your old strategies             photographs and behind-the-scenes stories. It is also
                                 are steering you towards or away from revenue             a great platform to use to generate leads. Basically,
                         success.                                                          you post beautiful pictures to lure people into your
                              Sixty-one percent of marketers have trouble                  page and keep them there by posting stories of your
                         generating leads, and 40% of people in sales have trouble         day-to-day operations. It would help if you also
                         converting leads.                                                 utilized hashtags to help your posts reach more
                              One of the problems is that the consumer                            people interested in that subject.
                         is constantly changing the way they                                           • LinkedIn: Many companies see as

Courtney LaLonde         look for companies to work with, but                                             much as 80% of their leads come from
                         your marketing strategy stays                                                       LinkedIn. It is a more professional
                         the same. Let’s look at some           percent of                                     network       where      businesses
Vice Chair, Affiliates
                         strategies that are working
                         today that you can implement
                                                             marketers have                                     interact with other businesses.
                                                                                                                  You also have the opportunity
                         to grow your business.            trouble generating                                     to work with lead-generating

                                                             leads, and 40%                                       companies who will manage
                                                                                                                  your business account to
                             Blogging is one of the         of people in sales                                    generate and capture leads
                         most effective low-cost, lead-
                         generating activities. There are
                                                               have trouble                                      through the platform.
                                                                                                                       Regardless of the social
                         many blogging tips and tricks to       converting                                     media platform you decide to
                         help you reach more clients. Most
                         consumers find blogs through a
                                                                   leads.                                    use, it is essential to interact with
                                                                                                          potential clients in a meaningful and
                         google search or even on social media                                        genuine way.
                         while seeking answers to a specific question.                              They want to see you as a person first and
                              Suppose you have a blog that is aesthetically            your business service second.
                         pleasing and full of information. In that case, people will
                         keep coming back and eventually contact you when they
                                                                                            There is nothing more powerful than a good, old
                         are ready to make a purchase.
                                                                                       word-of-mouth referral. Statistics show that referrals
                                                                                       are the most effective marketing tool. If you already have
                         Social media
                                                                                       a solid client base, you need to ask them to refer you to
                              By now, we should all be aware of the power that
                                                                                       their friends, family, coworkers, and anyone else they
                         social media holds. Statistics show that the average
                                                                                       can think of.
                         person spends two hours per day on social media. It can
                                                                                            If they are so kind as to give you a referral, think of
                         be challenging to create a marketing strategy on social
                                                                                       a way to thank them for showing your appreciation and
                         media with so many platforms.
                                                                                       also to make them feel incentivized to send more clients
                              Still, the secret here is to develop meaningful
                                                                                       your way.
                         relationships by interacting on a genuine level. The way
                         you interact with people varies based on which platform       Capture and convert!
                         you are using. Let’s look at each:                                 Regardless of how you generate your leads, be it
                         •     Facebook: Join or create a Facebook group to            blogging, social media, referrals, or something else, you
                              discuss topics and ideas with your audience.             will also need to convert the lead. The easiest way to do
                              Establish yourself as the group’s subject matter         this is to ask for the sale.
                              expert in your field while also being yourself.               If you have been genuine, have a good sales
                              People use social media to interact with people,         reputation, and have provided quality information, this
                              not robots – so it is important to be yourself!          should be no problem. ⌂

12        Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
Affiliate Spotlight: Mango Drive PhotographyGET TO

Company: Mango Drive Photography
Territory: Hampton Roads, Eastern Shore, Northeastern North Carolina
Company: and 757-348-1135
Year company established: 2018
HRRA Affiliate member since: 2021
Company specialties: Media services, including photography, videography,
drone, 3D tours, and graphic design for residential and commercial real
estate, architects, builders and designers.
Why we joined HRRA: Real estate is a collaborative field. I understand that
your success means my success, and I see HRRA as an opportunity to give
back to and assist this community of agents.
Why we got into this business: After over 10 years in real estate and
new construction marketing, I finally figured out what I loved most about
it: the photography. I would follow photographers around just to watch their
process. When my husband bought me my first camera I started taking
pictures of every building and room I could find. After a couple years I turned
that hobby into a business because I realized I am completely myself when
I'm behind a camera.
Why we love doing what we do: I love to create images and videos that move people to act.
I know photos alone don't sell homes. Agents do. But with 98% of buyers starting their home
search online, good photography can make an agent's job easier which is my ultimate goal.
Our favorite satisfied-customer story: My favorite satisfied customer stories are when I get
texts from agents that tell me the multiple showings and offers they've received on their listings
in a short period of time.
Most memorable HRRA moment: Can't wait to make some memories.
Best piece of advice to REALTORS®: Even with the lack of inventory and market time being
short, quality photography and videography is still a necessary component to listing a home.
Professional photos hook buyers online and can increase the sales price. Most importantly in my
opinion though it reflects highly on you as the REALTOR® to have a portfolio of professionally
represented listings, which might even help you win more listings.
The one thing we want REALTORS® to know about our industry is: rofessional real
estate photography can help sell homes 32% faster and with a 47% higher asking price than
homes without.

HRRA’s Affiliate Spotlight is a monthly feature offering a closer look at the association’s Affiliate members.

                                                                                  Mary Garner DeVoe
                                                                                  Account Executive
                                                                                  T: 800.282.7131 Ext. 1296
                                                                                  C: 804.453.8757

                                                                                                      Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021   13

Overcoming limiting self-beliefs

                                 re   you   happy,     energetic   and   vibrant   cobweb. You became unconscious that these are merely
                                 100% of the time? If not, there is a reason       programmed thoughts, and you lost touch with your
                                 for it.                                           true self.
                            There’s something within blocking the access to            Now you are going to ask me, “What does this
                       ever-present field of happiness. What is it? To find out,   have to do with being happy? Life happens regardless
                       merely ask yourself what causes you worry, what are         of what I think of myself.” True or false? Not only do
                       you afraid of, what are you lacking? Are                                 your thoughts about yourself define your
                       you worried about money? Health?                                             reality, but they create your reality.
Emil Nazaryan
                       A relationship issue? Lack of                                                    Every thought and feeling you

At-Large Member,
                       confidence to go for what you
                                                                If you persevere,                         have ever encountered has led
                       want? Do you think you’re not                                                          you to where you are in your
                                                                  it’s absolutely
HRRA Board of
Directors              as smart or capable as others?                                                          life today.
                            Answers will flow to                 impossible not                                 Now comes the question that
                       your mind. Those answers,                                                               will change your life: Are you
                       or rather those thoughts, are
                                                                to arrive at your                              those thoughts? Who are
                       in truth the blocks to your             new self, your true                             you?
                       happiness. They are your self-
                       limiting beliefs.
                                                                self, and remain                                Pause for a second. Stop all
                                                                                                          thoughts, sit silent and just be.
                            Let’s take a moment and                     there.                          Feel a soft, sweet breeze passing
                       see how and when they came into                                               through your entire body, leaving the
                       existence. When you were born, you had                                    unmistakable stamp of its origin: a warm
                       no such beliefs. You had no such thoughts. In fact,             smile on your face. You smile, then smile wider,
                       the first year you had no thoughts at all. You just were,   and you feel a flow of radiant, vibrant, bright energy
                       and that was more than enough.                              throughout your body and mind.
                            That’s why your every smile and every laughter             It feels like someone is tickling the top of your
                       was a source of inexplicable joy for your parents and       brain, which creates a sensation of pure happiness.
                       others around you. Your happiness was pure, genuine         All of a sudden you get a sense of dropping a heavy
                       and therefore contagious.                                   baggage off your shoulders, the baggage that you’ve
                            So, what happened? Over the years that pure being      been carrying for years.
                       that you are got programmed by the environment.                 This leads to feelings of relief, lightness and peace.
                       Depending on how and where you were raised, your            You feel like a happy, weightless feather dancing with
                       entire belief system was shaped, one belief at a time.      the wind, unconcerned where it takes you because
                       Like a cobweb, thoughts of lack, inadequacy and fear        you are fully enjoying the dance. Light. Relaxation.
                       were woven over that pure little being.                     Serenity. Freedom.
                            Of course, this wasn’t done intentionally to               Congratulations! You just got a glimpse of your
                       hurt you but because the environment didn’t know            true self. That free, eternal, ever-present, all-powerful
                       any better. As you grew through the teenage years           spirit is who you are. Your origin is divine and therefore
                       into adulthood, the cobweb had gotten so thick that         so are you. All else is the cobweb, which you are not.
                       your self-identity shifted from the pure being to this

                                                                                                                  (continued on next page...)
14      Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
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      leverage their home investment to their benefit.                                                                     

                                                                                                             Jessica Tallett                          CONTACT US TODAY!
                                                                                                             VP, Sr. Loan Officer           
                                                                                                             NMLS ID #1284708
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                                                                                                                                                      Virginia Beach, VA 23451

  Atlantic Coast Mortgage, LLC is an Equal Housing Lender | Branch NMLS ID # 1820274 | Company NMLS ID #643114 ( This is an advertisement and is not a
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(continued from previous page)

    So, now that you have cracked the shell of the cobweb and                                               Read them, listen to them, feel them, live them, act them
found that the real you is still there, how can you go about                                          every day.
reprogramming yourself? It has taken a long time to weave that                                              They may feel as a nonsense to the mind in the beginning. But
web, and it can’t be undone overnight.                                                                don’t worry. The mind is the cobweb. You are not the mind; you are
    But it most certainly can be undone. Let’s see how.                                               not the cobweb. As time goes on these affirmations are going to feel
    First, you have to determine which thoughts affect your                                           true and become true. Don’t stop affirming them.
happiness the most, at least in your mind. Write down top 10                                                Also, be sure to dedicate at least a few minutes daily to silent
thoughts that you think hinder your happiness and expansion. On                                       contemplation. This is crucial as it brings you back closer and
a different piece of paper add their total opposites.                                                 closer to your true self. Whether it takes months or years will
                                                                                                      depend on your earnestness, intensity and faith.
For example:                                                                                                If you persevere, it’s absolutely impossible not to arrive at
• “I don’t have enough money” - “I have an abundance of money”                                        your new self, your true self, and remain there.
• “I have health issues” - “I am whole and perfect”                                                         But it’s not going to end there.
• “I’m not smart enough” - “I have infinite potential”                                                      Know that if you are able to accomplish this, what you have
• “I’m not pretty” - “I am beautiful the way I am”                                                    really done is you have allowed divine hands to start carrying you,
• “I’m not strong” - “I’m powerful because of my source”                                              guiding you, showing you the way. And you have done so merely
                                                                                                      by removing the resistance, the cobweb that had been weaving up
    Next, burn, tear up or toss the first piece of paper as a symbolic                                since childhood. Then you yourself will become a tall, powerful
gesture of letting go of your old “self.” On the flip side, you may                                   beacon, and you will shine your loving light brightly on this
want to frame your new affirmations and keep them front and                                           beautiful world.         ⌂
center where you can’t avoid seeing them throughout the day.
                                                                                                                                             Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021            15
PAC Q&A with Virginia
REALTORS®’ Kathy Felton
                                     or years I have been working with the Virginia           Question: Why is it important that we meet the goals in
                                     REALTORS® to achieve our goals for the Hamp-             Virginia that NAR sets?
                                     ton Roads REALTORS        ®
                                                                   Political Action Com-      Answer: “One reason is the sense of pride it provides,”
                            mittee (HRRPAC). Virginia REALTORS® establishes our               Felton said. “As REALTORS® in Virginia we always excel
                            goals based on what the National Association of REAL-             at the things we do professionally and within our associa-
                            TORS® (NAR) develops for the state.                               tions. The more money we raise, the more effective advo-
                                The goals for the year are established in the early part of   cacy is at all three levels – local, state, and national.”
                            the year, and then we develop a fundraising plan for the year.
                                Taking the lead, I work with other members in our             Question: Why do you love what you do?
                            association to execute the plan and achieve our goal. While       Answer: “I love my job because I was a REALTOR® for a
Mary Ross Ellsworth
                            we have always worked with REALTORS®, this year we                long time, and I realized after coming to Virginia REAL-
                            are expanding our collaboration, and I wanted to let you          TORS® that there is a lot of information we (REALTORS®)
Chair, HRRPAC               know a little bit about the person I have worked with over        didn’t know about advocacy and what is done on our be-
Fundraising                 the years from REALTORS®.                                         half,” Felton said. “I also love making connections with
Committee                       Kathy Felton is the development director for the              people and working with members all around the state in
                            Virginia REALTORS® Political Action Committee. Those              the local associations. I am relationship person, so having
                            masks last year that you got for your RPAC contribution           the opportunity to have more relationships is always a win
                            were one of her many creative initiatives to help us achieve      for me.”
                            our goals.
                                Prior to becoming the director, Kathy was one of us for       Question: What is the main point you would communi-
                            11 years, selling real estate in the Colonial Heights, Hopewell   cate about RPAC to new members?
                            and Chesterfield area. She also served a term as president of     Answer: “An RPAC contribution is truly one of the most
                            the Southside Virginia Association of REALTORS .    ®
                                                                                              important things they can do for their business,” Fel-
                                In my discussions with Kathy, I have come to learn            ton said. “Advocacy is strictly about their business, their
                            that she not only understands the challenges we face in           clients, their customers, and issues impacting property
                                                           our day-to-day business, but       rights,” Felton said. “These are the everyday things that
                                                           she can also link those issues     impact their ability to do what they do. Legislators and
                                                           with our advocacy programs.        pollical leaders value the opinions that is communicated
                                                           I thought I would share a lit-     through the advocacy teams.
                                                           tle of our recent conversation          “Here’s an example, real estate transactions are an
                                                           with you.                          easy target for government to use to generate new fees or
                                                                                              taxes. This is one area where our state advocacy teams
                                                           Question: Why is it impor-         work to discourage new fees or taxes from being instituted.
                                                           tant for HRRPAC to meet                 “In some cases, the advocacy team cannot eliminate
                                                           the goals set forth by Virginia    the new tax, but it can lobby to have it at a reduced rate
                                                           REALTORS®?                         from the initially proposed rate.”
                                                           Answer: “It is important for            Successfully advocating for legislation, defeating leg-
                                                           HRRPAC to meet the goals,          islation, or reducing the impact of a proposed law that
                                                           because it enables HRRA to         impacts our day-to-day business are all reasons that we
                                                           be effective in their local ad-    should support HRRPAC.
                                                           vocacy efforts,” Felton said.           If you have not made your contribution for this year,
                                                           “Forty-percent of every dollar     please contact our staff liaison, Gretchen Heal, at 757-473-
                                                           raised goes directly to local      9700, ext. 1008, or and she will process
                                                           advocacy efforts.”                 your payment for you. ⌂
                      Kathy Felton

16      Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
HRRPAC                                                                                    Contributor

                            Advocacy topics that interest me:                      Why I give to HRRPAC: More than ever, we
                            Government                                             need voices to fight for our owners.

                            REALTOR® activities/accolades:                         Why donating to HRRPAC is important:
                            Distinguished Property Manager Award for               We need to support our REALTORS® who fight
                            over 10 years                                          for our rights as well as those of our owners.
Vickie Hudson,              Community involvement: Member
CPM, property
manager and associate       of Advisory Committee for Centura College
broker, Gifford
Management Group

Member since: 2007             Want to learn more and become a HRRPAC contributor like Vickie?
Contributor level: Fair                      Visit to get started.

      Your Voice in Politics.                                           

   A very special opportunity
   Join us by Zoom from 1 - 2:30 p.m. Tuesday, May 18
   as our HRRA Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Committee hosts Pulitzer Prize-winning journalist and author Bill Dedman for an
   exploration of Newsday's groundbreaking investigation of Long Island real estate agents and brokerages, "Long Island Divided."

   This is an exceptional opportunity from HRRA to learn more about the three-year Newsday probe into discrimination and Fair
   Housing violations by real estate professionals on Long Island, New York.

   Register for this Zoom by going to and logging into the member portal. This event is free to HRRA members.
   You will receive the Zoom link info after registering.

   Don’t miss this opportunity. Register today!
   Thank you to sponsors Atlantic Bay Mortgage Group, Atlantic Coast Mortgage and Prosper Insurance.

                                                                                                  Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021   17
18   Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
Forbearance, foreclosure and
the housing shortage

                           t’s no secret there is a severe housing shortage.         have six more months to stay put before their bill comes
                              The causes of it are complex, including the rise of    due.
                           millennials purchasing at higher numbers (without               So, it is up to us, the industry professionals who
                      vacating a house for a new one they are not freeing up         have a unique insight to the business and enjoy talking
                      inventory) all the way to a feedback loop of people seeing     about real estate. It is our job to educate our circles – your
                      prices sky high and waiting for another “correction” (we       friends, family and colleagues who don’t read HRRA’s
                      don’t like to use the word crash) before they sell their       monthly magazine and miss out on information like this!
                      house and upgrade/downgrade.                                         We are charged with letting people know that if they
                           But in this article I want to explore one item in         are behind with no immediate way of getting caught up,
                      particular – how forbearance is driving up prices                        selling may be the best way forward – not just for
Junior Gunter,
                      by artificially decreasing supply.                                               the market, but for their personal finances.
NMLS# 883774
                           Without wading into politics, in                                                         Going through a foreclosure
                      a normal time if you can't afford                                                       can have devastating effects on

Mortgage Loan
                      to make your housing payment,               We are charged with                           your credit and keep you from
                      you typically move into a place                                                            buying for a certain time in the
Consultant, Caliber                                            letting people know that
                      with a lower rent or mortgage                                                                future (your loan programs
Home Loans
                      payment. However, we are not
                                                              if they are behind with no                            – VA, conventional, FHA all
                      living in normal times.                 immediate          way      of   getting              have varying guidance on the
                           First, in a White House              caught up, selling may                              wait periods). It is also detri-
                      press release dated Febru-               be the best way forward                             mental to your neighbors by
                      ary 2021, there are currently
                                                                – not just for the market,                        severely decreasing their prop-
                      10.7 million adults who rent                                                               erty values.
                      are behind on payments – a rate
                                                                  but    for   their  personal                        For those who say, “Well, as
                      of nearly 15%. For homeowners,                         finances.                       long as the government allows me
                      10 million people are currently behind                                              to miss my payments, why worry?”, it
                      on their mortgages with approximately 5%                                       is worth keeping in mind is that nearly ev-
                      being severely behind (90-plus days late or in loan                   eryone escrows their taxes and insurance through
                      modification programs).i With this magnitude of people         their mortgage. With 5%-6% not paying their monthly
                      not making payments, the government and real estate            bill, that means often these people are not putting money
                      industry is understandably worried.                            into their escrow account and will likely be in for a very
                           Second, the cost of a foreclosure in a 2008 study from    rude awakening when their annual hazard insurance
                      the Joint Economic Committee of Congress found the av-         premium comes due, or their real estate tax bill.
                      erage foreclosure costs $95,205, while preventing a fore-            So, in short, new inventory is going to hit the market
                      closure runs $4,000. (The homeowner has a typical loss         either due to a wave of foreclosures, or it is going to hit
                      of $8,800 which includes loss of equity in the property,       the market due to people finally realizing they need to
                      moving expenses, and perhaps some legal fees). Accord-         sell their home because they are unable to afford their
                      ingly, nearly $3.3 trillion was lost in home equity during     current situation.
                      the 2008 housing meltdown.                                           The former will benefit the larger number of people,
                           What solution has the government come up with?            while the latter will hurt nearly every aspect of our econ-
                      They have extended the forbearance allowance for anyone        omy. But the one certain thing is the government cannot
                      until June 30, with the possibility of extensions through      continue to allow this problem to fester any longer by al-
                      December. People who are behind on their mortgage,             lowing people to neglect their obligations. ⌂
                      whether through loss of income or willingly not paying,

                                                                                                        Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021       19
REALTORS® Have a Heart for
Ronald McDonald House

                                 RRA’s REALTORS® Have a Heart volunteers         HRRA Green Up Day on June 1 and how members
                                 had a perfect spring day April 6 to tackle      can encourage their friends, family and neighbors
                                 exterior sprucing up at the Ronald McDonald     to get involved, go to
                       House. It also marked the fifth anniversary of HRRA’s     uploads/2021/04/Green-Up-Day-1.pdf, or see the flyer
                       partnership with the Norfolk-based charity, which         in this issue.)
                       provides housing for up to 1,000 families annually so         As part of the spring spruce-up, three dozen HRRA
                       they can stay close to their hospitalized child.          volunteers pitched in at the Ronald McDonald House
                            REALTORS® Have a Heart is a program of HRRA’s        to seal both sides of a 125-foot-long fence, paint outdoor
Victoria Hecht
                       Community Involvement Advisory Group, which                  railings, weed and plant flowers. HRRA Affiliates

Vice President of
                       plans and organizes association volunteer                              member Conley’s Carpet Care Plus power
Communications,        events at charities and nonprofits                                          washed the fence prior to the one-day
Public Relations and   across The 757 to give back to the                                             event. After their day volunteering,
Media Relations        community HRRA serves.                    As part of the spring      volunteers broke bread picnic
                            Past REALTORS® Have a               spruce-up, three dozen       style, enjoying boxed meals
                       Heart activities have included                                          provided by Affiliate member
                                                              HRRA volunteers pitched
                       summer      beach      cleanups                                         Achosa Home Warranty.
                       during Save the Bay Day;
                                                             in at the Ronald McDonald           “We are so proud to be able
                       landscaping      and      other         House to seal both sides         to continue our support of
                       projects at the Virginia Zoo;           of a 125-foot-long fence,       the Ronald McDonald House
                       grounds/maintenance projects             paint outdoor railings,        all these years. The Hampton
                       at Camp Hope Haven; winter                                            Roads REALTORS® Association
                                                                    weed and plant
                       cleanups at Edmarc Hospice for                                       and our Affiliates came out in
                       Children; food distribution and                  flowers.         full force this April to complete
                       pantry organization at the Judeo-                                           some labor-intensive projects. Thank
                       Christian Outreach Center; warehouse                                   you to all our volunteers for showing up!
                       and food pantry projects for the Union Mission and          REALTORS® Have a Heart is growing,” said Sherry
                       Habitat for Humanity; grounds and maintenance             Snyder, HRRA’s REALTORS® Have a Heart chair. ⌂
                       projects for Camp Hope Haven; and assisting in home
                       construction during Habitat for Humanity of South
                       Hampton Roads “Blitz Build” and “Women Build”
                       projects, among others.
                            The program has also completely rehabbed
                       the homes of a Gold Star Mom and a Navy veteran.
                       Additionally, REALTORS® Have a Heart’s door-to-
                       door “bucket brigade” relief effort helped hundreds
                       of Virginia Beach homeowners impacted by massive
                       flooding following Hurricane Matthew.
                            The Ronald McDonald has been one the recipient
                       organizations of HRRA’s REALTORS® Have a Heart
                       volunteer program since its launch. Events are held six
                       times annually, although two bonus events are planned
                       this year. (For info on the upcoming community-wide

20      Hampton Roads REALTOR® • May 2021
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