News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association

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News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
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                                                                     Hospital Denizen
                                                                 to Corporate Citizen

                                                                        a New World
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
                                                 CON T E N T S
Vol. 52 No. 5 2020

EDITORIAL                                        Editorial
                                                 04 The Editors' Musings
Editor                                              Dr Tina Tan and Dr Chie Zhi Ying
Dr Tina Tan
Deputy Editor
Dr Chie Zhi Ying                                 Feature
Editorial Advisors                               05 From Hospital Denizen
A/Prof Daniel Fung                                  to Corporate Citizen
A/Prof Cuthbert Teo
Dr Toh Han Chong                                    – A Personal Journey
                                                    Dr Andrew Green
Dr Ganesh Kudva
Dr Jipson Quah
Dr Tan Tze Lee                                   President's Forum                        24 Standing Together in
Dr Jimmy Teo                                     08 A Time of Change in
Dr Alex Wong                                                                                 the Face of COVID-19
                                                    the World and SMA                        Dr Victoria Leung, Dr Ian Mathews,
EX-OFFICIOS                                         Dr Tan Yia Swam                          Dr Valerie Tay and Dr Yeoh Chuen Jye
Dr Tan Yia Swam
Dr Ng Chew Lip
                                                 Council News                             26 Defending Defensive Medicine
EDITORIAL                                                                                    Dr Chuang Wei Ping
                                                 10 Highlights from the
                                                    Honorary Secretary
Senior Manager
Sarah Lim
                                                    Dr Ng Chew Lip                        Indulge
Assistant Manager
                                                                                          30 Nanjing: A Witness to the
Sylvia Thay
                                                 11 2020 SMA Annual                          Centuries of Change
                                                    General Meeting                          Dr Jimmy Teo
Editorial Executive
                                                    Lee Sze Yong
Daryl Lai

ADVERTISING AND                                  12 Support and Appreciation              AIC Says
PARTNERSHIP                                         for our HCWs                          32 Supporting the Primary Care
Li Li Loy
Tel: (65) 6540 9174                                                                          Sector’s Response to COVID-19
Allan Kuek                                                                                   Agency for Integrated Care
Tel: (65) 6540 9175

Singapore Medical Association
2985 Jalan Bukit Merah
#02-2C, SMF Building
Singapore 159457
Tel: (65) 6223 1264
Fax: (65) 6252 9693
UEN No.: S61SS0168E

Oxygen Studio Designs Pte Ltd
                                                 Doctors in Training
                                                 14 Returning from
PRINTER                                             Abroad as a Junior
Sun Rise Printing &                                 Dr Glenda Chong Sze Ling
Supplies Pte Ltd

                                                 18 Braving a New World
Opinions expressed in SMA News reflect the          Dr Yau Teng Yan, Dr Lee Guo Rui,
views of the individual authors, and do not         Dr Zubin J Daruwalla and Ethan Seow
necessarily represent those of the editorial
board of SMA News or the Singapore Medical
Association (SMA), unless this is clearly        22 Psychological Fallout –
specified. SMA does not, and cannot, accept
any responsibility for the veracity, accuracy
                                                    Doctors in the COVID-19 Pandemic
or completeness of any statement, opinion or        Dr Tina Tan
advice contained in the text or advertisements
published in SMA News. Advertisements of
products and services that appear in SMA News
do not imply endorsement for the products
and services by SMA. All material appearing
in SMA News may not be reproduced on any
platform including electronic or in print, or
transmitted by any means, in whole or in part,
without the prior written permission of the
Editor of SMA News. Requests for reproduction
should be directed to the SMA News editorial
office. Written permission must also be
obtained before any part of SMA News is stored
in any retrieval system of any nature.
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association

                  Dr Tina Tan                             newly elected Council, for their            question. Rather, we showcase what
                                                          support as I take on the role of Editor.    some of our colleagues have done
            Editor                                            There is little point in wishing that   in place of the usual “doctoring”, and
                                                          these transitions had occurred in           their motivations in doing so. We are
              Dr Tan is a consultant at the Institute     more peaceful times, though I remain        grateful for their honest perspectives.
              of Mental Health and has a special          hopeful that by the time this issue is          Last but not least, I’d like to
              interest in geriatic psychiatry. She is     published, the dust of the pandemic         thank Dr Jonathan Tan for his years
              also an alumnus of Duke-NUS Medical         will have settled a little. Instead,        of contribution to SMA News, as he
              School. Between work and family             what I desire is for the newsletter         steps down due to work and family
              life, she squeezes time out for her         to remain relevant, dynamic, and            commitments. We wish him all
              favourite pastimes – reading a good         continue to advocate for all of us as       the best.
              (fiction) book and writing.                 healthcare professionals, and I will
                                                          strive to do that with my colleagues.          With that, thank you all for your
                                                                                                      dedication and hard work. Stay
                                                              In the midst of the organised           safe, everyone.
                 I’d like to welcome Dr Chie Zhi Ying     chaos wreaked by COVID-19, there
                 as Deputy Editor to SMA News, and        is a certain sense of loss that could
                 thank Dr Tan Tze Lee for his previous    cause some of us to reconsider our
                 contributions as Deputy Editor. Next,    choice of medicine as a career. We
                 I wish to extend my appreciation         might ask ourselves – is this where
                 to the SMA News team, my fellow          I’m meant to be? This issue isn’t
                 Editorial Board members, and the         meant to answer that very personal

                  As I’m penning this editorial for       President, as well as to all newly
                  the first time as Deputy Editor, I am   elected SMA Council members.
                  thankful for the support, guidance         It now gives me great pleasure
                  and help that I have received from      to introduce the theme of this issue,
                  the SMA News team and fellow            “A New World: Beyond Doctoring”.
                  Editorial Board members. I would also   We are privileged to have Dr Andrew
                  like to thank our readers for giving
                  me the opportunity to share my
                                                          Green from Takeda Vaccines to
                                                          shed light on his works in the                Dr Chie Zhi Ying
                  thoughts and learn from you all over    pharmaceutical industry and to see
                  the years.                              how “pharmers” contribute behind                                        Deputy Editor
                     Congratulations to Dr Tina Tan       the scenes to the better health of all.
                  on taking over SMA News as Editor          This issue also features doctors           Dr Chie is a family physician working
                  and the team looks forward to           and medical students who have taken           in the National Healthcare Group
                  bringing fresh perspectives and         the leap of faith to venture into fields      Polyclinics. She enjoys freelance
                  issues close to heart to our readers.   beyond doctoring, such as starting            writing and singing. She writes for
                                                          healthcare technology companies.              Lianhe Zaobao, Shin Min Daily News
                     Congratulations also to                                                            and Health No.1. She can be contacted
                  Dr Tan Yia Swam, our ex-Editor,            With that, enjoy the issue,                at
                  on being elected as our new SMA         stay safe and stay healthy.

            04 MAY 2020 SMA News
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
From Hospital Denizen
  to Corporate Citizen
                                       A Personal Journey
                                                  Text by Dr Andrew Green

The unorthodox physician in a               negotiators, teachers, innovators             While the training starts off with basic
public health world                         and so much more – all of which are           clinical rotations like other residencies,
The medical curriculum at large has         traits highly sought after in virtually       the curriculum quickly sets itself apart
always focused on skills to produce         any industry. Yet, a doctor outside of        after two years to concentrate on public
physicians who can deliver care that        clinical practice remains to be rare as       health. Public health does not work
reflects disease knowledge, evidence-       hens’ teeth.                                  by treating one patient at a time but
based treatment and professional                                                          accepts the population in its entirety
                                               I happen to be a hen’s tooth, which
patient communication. However, to                                                        in the “consult room” as its patient. For
                                            is why I was invited to write this article.
believe that these doctor skills are                                                      this, preventive medicine residents are
non-applicable outside of clinical             My journey in medicine has been            formally equipped with epidemiology,
practice is a grave insult to the current   unorthodox, to say the least. Having          biostatistics, ethics, economics,
medical education system that is            completed my medical degree, I was            health policy and management to
based on principles advocated by            accepted into the Preventive Medicine         complement the application of their
Flexner and Osler. Physicians are not       Residency Programme, a national               clinical knowledge into solving the
mere healers; they have been trained        residency programme offered by the            population’s most pressing health
to be distinguished leaders, analysts,      National University Health Systems.           concerns. This is not to say that doctors

                                                                                                               MAY 2020 SMA News 05
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
in other specialties are not equipped          drug that revolutionises medicine.          the dark. To launch a new drug into
  with such skills, nor is it to say that they   Take the Hepatitis C virus (HCV), for       the market, data on the drug’s efficacy,
  do not dabble in public health matters.        example. Prior to 2014, HCV treatment       safety and manufacturing quality must
  They are, and they do. However, their          centred around the use of an                be present. Similarly, to convince payors
  exposure to public health usually              interferon-based regimen which had          that a drug is worth covering, data on
  happens at a much later stage as               poor tolerability and low cure rates.       its value must be generated. Having
  training to become a clinical specialist       The treatment landscape changed             said that, not all data can be translated
  demands years of undivided attention           dramatically with the introduction of a     into good business or clinical insights,
  and dedication to complete.                    new group of oral medications called        let alone positively impact public
     Contrary to popular belief, public          direct-acting antivirals. They were         health. To do so, the data in question
  health is not a domain that is exclusive       highly efficacious, well-tolerated and      must be produced in high quality and
  to governments. Public health is               short in the duration of treatment. The     disseminated in a systematic manner.
  achieved through the collective efforts        cure rates were so encouraging that in      This is medical affair’s cue to enter.
  of organisations in the society, be it         2017, the World Health Organization
  governmental or private, large or small,       set a target to eliminate chronic HCV       Medical affairs,
  commercial or non-profit, clinical or          infection by the year 2030.                 my drug of choice
  otherwise. Humour me please: “If a                 Like it or not, innovative medicines    I joined a leading pharmaceutical
  private company can deal with public           are inextricably linked to the              company last year and landed a
  health problems” and “a physician              pharmaceutical industry. In fact, almost    position in medical affairs. For all
  can play a central role in solving             all the innovative medicines launched       intents and purposes, the medical
  public health problems,” then through          to the market in the last decade were       affairs team functions as custodians of
  simple Socratic deduction, one can             produced by the top pharmaceutical          the company’s scientific and clinical
  safely conclude that “there is room for        companies. This is no coincidence; the      data. The job description came to be as
  physicians in private companies.”              industry makes it a point to commit         the need to separate R&D (the creator
    The next logical question is, of             a large proportion of its revenues on       of data) from commercial functions
                                                 research and development (R&D). To          arose to reduce the commercial
  course, which company?
                                                 put things into perspective, the global     influence on R&D efforts. In the
     I knew medically trained colleagues         annual pharmaceutical R&D spending          pharmaceutical industry, scientific
  who have bravely left medicine for             is expected to reach over USD 200           truth must always prevail, and no
  careers completely unrelated, such as          billion (SGD 283 billion) within the next   misleading claims, especially for
  banking or finance. But for me, I knew         five years. The fruits of this capital-     marketing purposes, should ever be
  I was not ready to completely part             intensive labour are visible in terms of    derived from it. Unfortunately, data
  ways with medicine. Truth be told, I           an increasing number of novel drugs         produced by R&D often come in a
  had to be convinced that whichever             that have become available in the           format that is difficult to interpret:
  new occupation I took up in the                last decade. Making such life-saving        statistics. Coupled with the rate
  private sector would still allow my            drugs available is just one part of the     in which data quickly becomes
  medical knowledge to be applied and            industry’s commitment to public health.     outdated and obsolete, it comes as
  remain up to date. More importantly,           A natural extension of this mission is      no surprise that misinterpretation
  however, I had to be certain that public       the industry’s participation in myriad      (whether intentional or not) frequently
  health would always be an integral             public-health initiatives around the        occurs. With in-depth knowledge
  component of my work. I found both in          world to make essential and innovative      in clinical trials methodology and
  the pharmaceutical industry.                   drugs widely accessible and affordable.     disease understanding, members of
                                                 The pharmaceutical industry genuinely       the medical affairs team are adept
  Pharmaceutical public health                   believes that such a vision is attainable   in translating complex statistics into
  Having been posted to Singapore’s              – one data set at a time.                   medically-accurate implementable
  Health Sciences Authority during                  It is a common misconception to          strategies for the commercial team and
  my senior residency, I had been                think that the pharmaceutical industry’s    the rest of the organisation.
  acquainted with the world of                   strengths lie only in its ability to           The stewardship of data flow to
  pharmaceutical medicine,                       produce pills, tablets, or ointments. The   external stakeholders is also under
  understanding the great impact                 industry is, first and foremost, in the     medical affairs’ oversight. From the
  pharmaceuticals have on people.                business of producing data, for without     point of view of the data lifecycle,
  Every now and then comes a new                 data, every decision made is a stab in      the aim is to enrich and mature a

06 MAY 2020 SMA News
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
product’s data through information              As a career, medical affairs also        the clinical trials aspect of it, while
exchange with healthcare workers,           promises continuous learning, personal       others in healthcare policy or access
policymakers, patients and even             growth and thought leadership. With          to medicine.
caregivers. Throughout the                  sophisticated novel molecules (eg,              If you have a passion for medicine
interactions, a rapport is built, which     gene therapy), new data sources              and bringing life-saving drugs to
culminates in an understanding of           (eg, real-world evidence and big             the right patient at the right time
the clinical needs in the field. This, in   data), tighter market barriers (eg,          while charging a fair price, then
turn, allows the medical affairs team       Health Technology Assessment), and           medical affairs may just be the job
to improve current data or create new       emerging information channels (eg,           for you. All you need is a medical
ones to address these needs. In the         virtual conferences) coming up at            degree and a willingness to learn. A
process, medical affairs often partners     unprecedented rates, learning is a           word of advice: not liking the work
with physicians by supporting their         continuous undertaking. It is to be          in clinical medicine is not a good
research and evidence generation            understood that pharmaceuticals is a         enough reason to join Big Pharma;
efforts. Subsequently, as the data          for-profit industry, and medical affairs     you may not like it here either. The
mature, medical affairs will also                                                        pharmaceutical industry is an entirely
                                            is not exempt from that. Hence, as
be able to stake a bold claim for                                                        different milieu with its own set of
                                            a medically-trained person, a steep
upgrading the physician and patient                                                      challenges and pain points. However,
                                            learning curve is expected in order to
decision-making process. Towards                                                         a career in medical affairs may offer
                                            catch up with critical business skills       fulfillment to many healthcare
policymakers, medical affairs must be       such as strategic planning, finance,
capable of clearly articulating clinical                                                 professionals by enabling them to
                                            regulatory affairs and even legal            respond to public health challenges
and economic value to accelerate            matters. In this industry, excellent         with the ultimate goal of improving
access to treatment in support of           bedside manners are not sought               patient care and outcomes – one
universal healthcare coverage. As you       after but expected. One must be              data set at a time.
can see, medical affairs physicians,
                                            sure that his/her business etiquette,
backed with data as their weapons, act
                                            communication, cultural savviness,           The author would like to express
as agents of change towards a world
                                            conflict resolution and problem-solving      his heartfelt gratitude to Dr Goh
with better drug armamentarium.
                                            skills are in top form. Fortunately, large   Choo Beng for his invaluable inputs
   The spread of data to the outer          pharmaceutical companies make it a           to the writing of this article.
world is an enormous undertaking            point to ensure that formal training
and can be prone to misuse. Medical         resources for both hard and soft skills
affairs activities are thus bound by        are available for their employees.
                                                                                           Dr Green is the Regional
law, as well as industry codes. In
                                                                                           (APAC) Medical Affairs
Singapore, medical affairs activities       How does one get a job in                      Manager of Takeda Vaccines.
are governed by the Health Products         medical affairs?                               He graduated from Duke-NUS
Act, and to a lesser degree, by a set                                                      Medical School in 2012 and
of industry guidelines established          The role of the medical affairs                completed his residency in
by the Singapore Association of             physicians is constantly evolving well         Preventive Medicine in 2018,
                                            beyond the usual support to internal           while also pursuing his MBA.
Pharmaceutical Industries. Similar                                                         He has worked as an associate
to clinical practice, the codes that        regulatory and commercial functions.           consultant at Duke-NUS’ Centre
apply to medical affairs also stem          In the future, collaboration with key          of Regulatory Excellence (CoRE)
from the four pillars of medicine           opinion leaders will extend beyond             and was involved in various
                                            communicating medical evidence to              pharmaceutical-policy projects.
(patient autonomy, beneficence,
                                            also include generating evidence and           He is currently busy with the
non-maleficence and justice) with                                                          launch-preparedness activities
the addition of guidance for the            leading medical education. Increasing          of Takeda’s dengue vaccine.
proper conduct in the marketing and         responsibilities in the various facets
promotion of medicines. A breach            of the industry, such as public health
in the code of conduct may result           initiatives and empowering patient
in monetary and reputational loss.          associations, make the field of medical
Therefore, a physician in medical           affairs a vibrant one. Of course, one is
affairs will need to have a thorough        not expected to master all domains
knowledge of the laws in place and          in medical affairs. As in clinical
to maintain this through professional       medicine, medical affairs physicians
development as updates arise.               also specialise. Some specialise in

                                                                                                               MAY 2020 SMA News 07
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association

                                                                                                                                                                     Illustration: Dr Justinian Zai
                                       A TIME OF
                      CHANGE                                               Text by Dr Tan Yia Swam
                                                                                                              in the
                                                                                                              World and SMA

                     This column in the May 2020 edition           media: fake news, keyboard warriors                  I have made many new friends in these
                     marks the first time I write for SMA News     and armchair experts are everywhere.             groups, and we have shared anecdotes,
                     as President of SMA. I am the first woman     Some countries have increased incidents          complained together and reassured
                     president of SMA, and I am acutely aware      of racism. The COVID-19 pandemic is a            each other. I was especially touched by
                     of the responsibilities, expectations         threat to us all: to life and personal safety,   the individuals who reached out to me
                     and challenges. I am positive about the       to livelihoods in all walks of life.             privately to offer personal assistance, and
                     great potential I see, everywhere. Being         But, not all is lost.                         to volunteer for the various small projects
                     elected to be SMA President is a privilege                                                     I wanted to start. Funnily enough, I realise
                                                                      There is much greater connectivity            that we have never met in person, nor
                     and an honour. I will do my utmost for
                                                                   today. Colleagues reach out across               even video-chatted yet. If the profile
                     doctors and for patients.
                                                                   continents to share scientific information       photo is a childhood photo, or covered
                                                                   and updates, to better enable each other         in personal protective equipment (PPE),
                     COVID-19: a time of change                    to heal their patients. Friends continue to      or of a pet, I don’t even have a face that
                     This marks the fourth month that              catch up remotely. In Singapore, we see          I can visualise. In fact, if your name is a
                     COVID-19 is present in Singapore.             people setting up groups to help those           nickname or initials, I’m sorry, you’ll always
                     COVID-19 has impacted the world and           in need. We have so many volunteer               be “FluffyBunny92” in my mind. (This is
                     brought unprecedented changes to our          groups springing up everywhere.                  a fictional example. Any coincidence to
                     lives. International travel came to a halt;      In our own profession, Facebook,              anyone alive/dead is sheer coincidence!)
                     there’s confusion, worry, and fear over       WhatsApp and Telegram chat groups                   Thank you all, for your friendship. I am
                     falling sick and dying. Struggles over        have allowed doctors (especially                 very glad to know you. I look forward to
                     resources threaten healthcare in every        those in private practice) to keep in            meeting you in person one day, soon.
                     country – personal protective devices,        touch. Hardworking moderators have
                     ventilators and healthcare workers. The       managed the groups – to allow for
                     World Food Project warns of famine in         fruitful discussion, sharing of good
                                                                                                                    SMA now: current changes
                     some countries. Economies move into           information, some humour to de-stress            There are changes within SMA. The
                     recession. Harder times are coming.           and the occasional venting. This level of        Council has been planning to take SMA
                     We see a surge in the abuse of social         support is amazing.                              up yet another notch, to keep abreast

                    08 MAY 2020 SMA News
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
with changes in the way we practise          Giving thanks                                  (ahem, you know who you are) still call
medicine. Broadly, I see three key areas:                                                   me “xiao mei mei” (translate: little girl), I
                                             I want to register my thanks to Dr Noorul
1. Changes in medical advances               Fatha As’art; immediate past President,        have now crossed over to an age where
   How can any doctor know the whole         Dr Lee Yik Voon; and past Presidents           some other xiao mei mei will say, “you
   breadth and depth of all the different    Dr Chong Yeh Woei and A/Prof Chin              were my tutor when I was in M3”. And of
                                             Jing Jih for their years of service and        course, she’s not a little girl either, she is
   specialties? As training programmes
                                             leadership on the SMA Council. Special         a consultant!
   change, and residency has a shorter
   training time compared to the old         thanks and gratitude to Mr Martin Ho,             The age divide is real. Young
   basic specialty training/advanced         Chief Administrator of the SMA                 people think that the old are slow
   specialty training system, how            Secretariat for the past ten years. He         and unchanging. The old think that
   do we better prepare our young            has brought structure and improved             the young are hasty and fickle. The
   doctors? How do we better utilise         the workflow of the organisation – and         “strawberries” are pampered. The
   telemedicine? How do we integrate         this provides a solid foundation for the       “boomers” are over the hill.
   artificial intelligence into our future   changes I hope to bring about.
                                                                                              We should not and must not
   practice safely and meaningfully?            I want to thank the many friends            subscribe to the same biases.
   The SMA Doctors-in-Training               and colleagues who have shared your
                                                                                              I respect and honour the seniors
   Committee and Telemedicine                struggles with me. I hear you; I feel for
                                                                                            who have taught me so much, and
   Workgroup serve to provide some           you. Wherever you are.
                                                                                            done so much for our profession. I will
   guidance on these matters.                   Solo GPs trying to keep your practice       heed your words.
2. Changing medico-legal landscape           going...
                                                                                               As for the doctors younger than me
   Medical practice is getting more             Locum doctors wondering about PPE           and the medical students whom I have
   complex. Treatment options are more       support, locum slots...                        interacted with, thank you for trusting
   varied. Patients have more access                                                        me, and sharing your passionate hopes
                                                Sandwich generation having to look
   to information, whether or not the                                                       and dreams.
                                             after young and old...
   information is accurate or appropriate.
                                                 Junior doctors in restructured hospitals      So what lies ahead?
   A lot more communication is needed
   to address a patient’s concerns and       following rosters and leave restrictions...       The SMA serves as a rallying point
   deliver satisfactory care. Doing the         Senior doctors being burdened by            for all doctors, and maybe even all
   right thing may not be enough             tough decisions…                               healthcare workers. With these many
   anymore. We have to do the right                                                         ongoing changes, there are great
                                                I know how frustrating it is. I             opportunities for growth. I ask for your
   thing, the right way. The SMA Centre      feel your resentment. I feel the
   for Medical Ethics and Professionalism                                                   support. Join the SMA, and join me in
                                             hopelessness. And yet –                        performing more works of service.
   is further developing new modules
   to augment the programmes that               Whatever we do, whether in word
                                             or deed, let us do it for the right               “I alone cannot change the world,
   individual residency programmes
                                             reason and give thanks.                           but I can cast a stone across the
   provide. Some of these will be                                                              waters to create many ripples.”
   suitable, even essential, for doctors         We were called to this profession.            – Unknown
   who are many years past graduation        It is hard, it has always been hard. The
   to be up-to-date with changes in          personal sacrifices we had to make,
   medical law, in applications of the       and will continue to be asked to make.           Dr Tan is a mother to three
                                             You are not alone. Far from it. These            kids, wife to a surgeon; a
   Singapore Medical Council Ethical
                                             are difficult and challenging times for          daughter and a daughter-in-
   Code and Ethical Guidelines.                                                               law. She trained as a general
                                             everyone. Let’s keep our eyes and heart          surgeon, and entered private
3. Changes in people                         focused on WHY we are doing this.                practice a year ago, focusing
   We have four Council doctors who                                                           on breast surgery. She treasures
   have stepped down, and four new
                                             SMA future: being female,                        her friends and wishes to have
   doctors who have come forth to                                                             more time for her diverse
                                             being “young” (relatively)                       interests: cooking, eating,
   serve on the SMA Council. The
   current Chief Administrator who           I’ve been fascinated by research                 music, drawing, writing,
                                             articles on the strengths and                    photography and comedy.
   has been with us for a decade, has
   decided to change his area of work.       weaknesses of female leadership.
   The SMA Secretariat has had many          People’s perception of my relative
   more people joining to better serve       youth is a double-edged sword.
   our Members. I am actively looking           I used to always think of myself as a
   out for more doctor volunteers to         young doctor. I joined Council at age 26.
   join our various committees.              I’m not 26 anymore. While some doctors

                                                                                                                      MAY 2020 SMA News 09
News BEYOND DOCTORING - Singapore Medical Association
council news

                                                                     Report by Dr Ng Chew Lip

                    Dr Ng Chew Lip is an ENT consultant in public                       COVID-19 support measures
                    service. After a day of doctoring and cajoling
                    his two princesses at home to finish their
                    food, his idea of relaxation is watching                            SMA has initiated a series of support measures for
                    a Netflix serial with his lovely wife and                           our Members and extended them to ALL healthcare
                    occasionally throwing some paint on a canvas.                       workers (HCWs).
                                                                                            The Psychological Wellness Support Programme
                                                                                        entails a list of psychologists and GPs who have
                  Closure of SMA secretariat office
                                                                                        stepped forward to provide pro bono or reduced fees
                                                                                        counselling for HCWs during this challenging period.
                  The SMA office has been closed with effect from 7 April 2020, in      A list of helpful expert advice on managing stress and
                  line with the circuit breaker measures during the COVID-19
                                                                                        anxiety has also been uploaded on our website.
                  pandemic. Due to the fluid situation, we will inform our Members
                  on the date the office will be allowed to reopen. Do check our           We have also partnered with the National Gallery,
                  website for the latest updates regarding our opening date. If you     Singapore Arts Museum, Nanyang Academy of Fine
                  require assistance, please contact us at      Arts, Singapore Prison Service and others in the
                  general/contactus.aspx or at our main line 6223 1264.                 creative community for the #SGArtforHCW campaign
                                                                                        to collect artworks to support HCWs. We have received
                  For indemnity matters:                                                400 submissions to date and are currently working
                  MPS: 800 616 7055 (toll-free) /                        on displaying the artworks. Reports on our campaign
                  Income MMI: 6223 1264 /                                have appeared on Channel 8 News & Current Affairs, the
                                                                                        Straits Times and Time Out. Please refer to our Instagram
                  JLT Medefend Scheme: 6411 9002 /                                      page to view the artworks:
                  For membership matters:                                                  For reference, SMA’s resource page on COVID-19 can
                  General:                                        be found at the following link:
                  New sign ups, renewals and Medik Awas: 6540 9193
                                                                                           We would like to take this opportunity to thank our
                  Clinic assistant, update of personal info and                         Members and the greater healthcare community for
                  other general queries: 6540 9194
                                                                                        stepping up during this difficult period. Stay safe.
                  For SMJ matters:
                  All enquiries:                                         “Bring Your Own Bottle”
                  For SMA News matters:                                                 hand sanitiser distribution exercise
                  All enquiries: 6540 9181 /
                                                                                        SMA, in collaboration with our partners College of
                                                                                        Family Physicians Singapore (CFPS) and Singapore
                                                                                        Dental Association (SDA), as well as venue support by
                  Supporting junior doctors in the fight
                                                                                        the Singapore Manufacturing Federation, conducted
                  against COVID-19
                                                                                        the “Bring Your Own Bottle” hand sanitiser distribution
                  The SMA Doctors-in-Training Committee has partnered                   exercise for registered medical/dental clinics and
                  with MOH Holdings (MOHH) and local food and beverage                  CFPS/SDA/SMA members. This took place from 16
                  companies to support junior doctors. We hope that these               March to 20 March 2020 and we received good
                  promotions will help to boost the energy and morale of                responses from clinics and members who came to
                  junior doctors in the nation’s fight against COVID-19. We             collect the complimentary hand sanitiser (5 l per
                  would also like to thank MOHH and the following partners for          registered medical/dental clinic, or 500 ml per CFPS/
                                                                                        SDA/SMA member).
                  their generosity – Mr Bean, Polar Puffs & Cakes, Royal
                  T Group, 4Fingers Crispy Chicken and Strumm’s Holding.                    This event was made possible with the generous
                  Please refer to or visit our Members’          support of the Temasek Foundation. We hope that
                  Facebook group at for more              members who benefitted from this distribution found
                  information on these promotions.                                      it useful.

               10 MAY 2020 SMA News
council news
2020                  SMA Annual General Meeting
                                           Text by Lee Sze Yong, Manager, Council Support

Dr Tan Yia Swam was elected as SMA            the teleconferencing AGM, and referred             Members present affirmed the SMA
President during the SMA Annual               members to the SMA Annual Report                Council’s proposal to elect Prof Chee
General Meeting (AGM) held on                 2019/2020, themed “Go the Distance”.            Yam Cheng and Prof Phua Kong Boo as
19 April 2020.                                                                                SMA Honorary Members. The Honorary
                                                 Next, Honorary Treasurer Dr Ng Chee
   President of the 60th SMA                                                                  Membership will be conferred during the
                                              Kwan presented the 2019 accounts for SMA,
                                                                                              SMA Annual Dinner, tentatively set on
Council, Dr Lee Yik Voon, started the         of which he highlighted an operating deficit
                                                                                              5 September 2020.
proceedings by thanking Members for           of $58K.
attending the AGM via teleconference.                                                            Elections for the 61st SMA Council
                                                 The accounts for SMA Pte Ltd (SMAPL)         were then conducted. Three new council
He highlighted the following during the
President’s message:                          was presented by Adj Prof Tan Sze Wee,          members, Dr Chie Zhi Ying, Dr Ivan
                                              Chairperson of SMAPL. SMAPL’s profit            Low Jinrong and Dr Tan Zhenwen Tina
• SMA will continue to be a strong            and loss statement largely depends              made introductions to the members
  advocate and an active voice for the        on the performance of its investments,          in attendance. The remaining council
  profession and our patients.                managed by UBS. For 2019, SMAPL                 vacancy was filled by Dr Low Tchern
• SMA’s participation in the Ministry of      achieved an unrealised fair value profit        Kuang Lambert. Following which,
  Health (MOH) Workgroup to Review            of about $600K; however, this has been          election for the executive committee
  the Taking of Informed Consent and          superseded by events related to                 was conducted.
  SMC Disciplinary Process – sensible         COVID-19 in 2020.                                  Incoming SMA President Dr Tan Yia
  resolutions can be achieved, with
                                                 Dr Chong Yeh Woei, Chairperson               Swam made an address to Members
  the interests of patients upheld, and
                                              of the SMA Charity Fund (SMACF), then           present, thanking the secretariat and
  challenges faced by doctors taken
                                              presented a report on SMACF, SMA’s              the four outgoing council members and
  into consideration.
                                              independent charity arm. SMACF raised           highlighted plans for SMA going forward.
• COVID-19 – the medical profession has       $2.1 million and awarded 309 bursaries          The role of SMA now, during this time of
  taken great efforts to prepare for the      in 2019. Members present were                   change, is more important than ever.
  next pandemic, and SMA has provided         encouraged to donate to SMACF.                      With that, the AGM was concluded.
  practical support, such as securing
  N95 and surgical masks from MOH for
  sale to doctors in the private sector.                                  61st SMA Council 2020–2021
                                                 President                  Assistant Honorary Secretary    Dr Ivan Low Jinrong
    Dr Lee ended by thanking all SMA             Dr Tan Yia Swam            Dr Benny Loo Kai Guo            Dr Low Tchern Kuang Lambert
volunteers and expressed how it                                                                             A/Prof Nigel Tan Choon Kiat
                                                 1st Vice President         Honorary Treasurer
                                                                                                            Adj Prof Tan Sze Wee
has been a privilege to serve as SMA             Dr Ng Chee Kwan            Dr Lim Kheng Choon
                                                                                                            Dr Tan Tze Lee
President. He also urged all Members to          2nd Vice President         Assistant Honorary Treasurer    Dr Tan Zhenwen Tina
strive forward as one, with a common             Dr Tammy Chan Teng Mui     Dr Chie Zhi Ying                Dr Toh Choon Lai
goal to serve each other and to care for                                    Council Members                 Dr Wong Chiang Yin
                                                 Honorary Secretary
                                                                                                            Dr Wong Tien Hua
patients to the best of their ability.           Dr Ng Chew Lip             Dr Anantham Devanand
                                                                            Dr Daniel Lee Hsien Chieh       Dr Bertha Woon Yng Yng
  Honorary Secretary Dr Lim Kheng                                           Dr Lee Pheng Soon
Choon highlighted the ground rules for
council news

                                             Support and                                        FOR OUR HCWs
                 SMA played its part in the growing COVID-19
                 crisis in its own way! To help front line healthcare
                 workers, SMA procured N95 and surgical masks
                 for sale to Members to ensure they are sufficiently
                 equipped to handle any potential cases. A few
                 weeks later, in collaboration with the Temasek
                 Foundation, SMA was mobilised again to assist
                 with dispensing hand sanitiser for registered
                 medical/dental clinics as well as SMA Members.

                                                                                          The large crowd of HCWs purchasing masks

                                                                   The hand sanitiser distribution setup at the outdoor parapet
                                                                              near the SMF carpark entrance
                     The queue extended all the way
                    outside the SMA secretariat office!

                                            Topping up hand sanitiser for dispensing

                                                                                                            Prepping and mixing the hand sanitiser
               12 MAY 2020 SMA News
In collaboration with the National Gallery Singapore, SMA invited members of the public to show
support for front line healthcare workers (HCWs). Words of encouragement or artwork could
be submitted under the hashtag #SGArtforHCW on Instagram. We’ve collected some of these
heartwarming pieces below for our readers.

      agnestan2004                                                                                                  chinnienemo


Life is all about balance. Be there for others,                                                               This was inspired after I had a training session
but never leave yourself behind. You can’t pour                                                               at work to learn how to don the Powered Air
from an empty cup. Remember to take care                                                                      Purifying Respirator. Drew this as encouragement
of yourself                                          When I think of heroes, the Marvel Avengers            to frontline colleagues and friends. Everyone has
                                                       come to mind. I did a series of how these heroes       a part to play in the fight against COVID-19.
                                                       actually won't be effective in COVID-19, as tribute
                                                       to our real-life frontline healthcare heroes.

The COVID-19 virus mainly infects the lungs and
impairs respiratory function.This artwork is                                                                  Moved by the endless toils of our healthcare
dedicated to all healthcare workers who nurse                                                                 workers. If only everyone saw it this way. To
patients' lungs back to health, just like a gardener   Dandelions are known for healing properties, and
                                                                                                              share and band together to help rather than
nurtures his flora with tender loving care.            ladybugs rid gardens of pests. Like the ladybug
                                                                                                              to hoard and hate.
                                                       clinging to the dandelion, I pray healthcare workers
                                                       would cling on to hope in the storm, and infected
                                                       patients to cling on to healing and not let go.
                                                                                                                                      MAY 2020 SMA News 13

                                                            RE T URNI NG FR O M A BR O AD

                          AS A JUNIOR
                                                 +                                                                     +

                        Dr Chong is a medical officer
                        currently working in Singapore
                                                                      As students, the one thing many       Medical knowledge
                        with an undergraduate degree              of us struggled with was determining
                                                                                                            In the process of rotating through
                        in Anatomy and Biomedical                 the “best time” to return home as an
                                                                                                            different hospitals, I had the privilege
                        Sciences, and postgraduate                overseas doctor. During my time in
                        Doctor of Medicine. She enjoys
                                                                                                            of meeting numerous house and
                                                                  university, I found that I did not have
                        medical missions, baking, and                                                       medical officers, most of whom had
                                                                  the answer to this question. Before
                        being around nature. She hopes                                                      graduated from local universities.
                        to hone her skills as a doctor in         graduation, I actively asked different    They were all brilliant and extremely
                        order to ultimately serve the             people already in the profession, all     capable, rattling off solutions to
                        less privileged and to improve            of whom had (of course!) different        difficult cases from the deep fount
                        global health standards.                  things to say. Some advised me to         of knowledge at their fingertips. It
                                                                  work overseas for a few years before      was easy to compare myself to the
                                                                  coming home, given that working           local graduates and feel that I did
                                                                  overseas would give me a better           not possess the same capabilities.
                                                                  work-life balance – fewer working         This was an anxiety shared by most
                                                                  hours per week, more hand-holding         of us overseas graduates, regardless
                                                                  from senior doctors and fewer hours       of whether we were from the UK,
                                                                  spent on call. However, other seniors     Ireland or Australia. We did not know
                                                                  encouraged me to take a leap of           if our syllabus was as rigorous as the
                                                                  faith and come home as soon as I          one that was taught in Singapore. It
                                                                  graduated, as this would allow me to      was easy to think that, perhaps, we
                                                                  adapt more easily to the Singapore        were not as accomplished or that our
                                                                  medical system. This was valuable         examinations were more lenient.
                                                                  experience that I had already missed
                                                                                                               Thankfully, I discovered over
                        Text and photos by                        out on from studying overseas.
                        Dr Glenda Chong Sze Ling                                                            time that this was a common cause
                                                                     After long hours spent agonising       for concern for all junior doctors,
                                                                  over this decision, I finally made the    regardless of which university they
                         I moved to Perth, Western Australia      decision to return upon graduation.       had graduated from. Having a vast
                         at the age of 17 to study medicine.      Ultimately, I knew I wanted to            amount of knowledge did not ensure
                         Eight years later, I was finally done    complete my specialisation in the         that you magically transformed into
                         with my university education;            country that was closest to my heart,     the best house officer overnight. I
                         having completed Year 12, an             and where my family resided. I also       learnt that it was more important
                         undergraduate degree in Anatomy          knew that the longer I am away from       to be able to manage your primary
                         and Biomedical Sciences and a            my home, the harder it would be to        team’s patients efficiently, speak to
                         postgraduate degree in Doctor of         call it home when I returned.             seniors if medical emergencies arise
                         Medicine. This marked the start of my       That being said, returning home,       and work effectively with other allied
                         return to Singapore and an entirely      especially as a house officer, was        health workers to ensure smooth
                         new life as a junior doctor.             easier said than done.                    recovery and patient discharge. Any

                      14 MAY 2020 SMA News
Now, I am glad to say that my                 Singapore was ranked second in the
                                           mindset has been unequivocally                   world, just behind Hong Kong. Being
                                           changed over the course of this year.            one of the most efficient healthcare
                                           Many other house officers are trained            systems in the world, the pace of
                                           in different countries, such as Australia,       healthcare is definitely much faster
                                           the UK, Ireland, etc, and through                compared to certain other countries,
                                           opportunities that allowed me to                 and most of the international
                                           spend time with them, I realised that            graduates returning from these
                                           most differences are minute. Often               countries often feel the difference.
                                           times, the principle of treatment is             However, as I saw my colleagues,
                                           largely the same, and this did not               seniors and other allied healthcare
                                           affect my ability to practise medicine           workers working hard and setting
                  l Hospital Vascular      here at home.
 Singapore Genera                                                                           a flawless example for me by not
                                                                                            complaining, it made it easier for me
                                           Asking for help                                  to formulate my own strategies on
gaps there may have been in my             With the increasing complexity of                how I could better improve my speed
knowledge were always quickly and          medical cases and the specialisation             and quality of work.
gently met by more senior colleagues,      of care, it is very rare to be treated by            So, after everything – if given the
who were always kind enough to take        just one doctor. As a junior, you will be        same choice – would I still choose to
time to discuss the difficult cases with   inserted into many different teams as            come home? The answer is definitely
me to ensure that my understanding         part of your career. Another concern of
was on a similar level. It was                                                              a resounding yes! In retrospect,
                                           mine was that I would not be able to
imperative to learn from my mistakes                                                        all the things I lost sleep over may
                                           get help when I needed it – the pace
and to ask for help when needed.                                                            have been unfounded and silly.
                                           of healthcare in Singapore seemed
                                                                                            Perhaps the healthcare system here
                                           fast and daunting and I felt that I did
                                                                                            at home was not exactly the same
Differences in guidelines                  not have many seniors I could rely on.
                                                                                            as the one I studied under. But at
                                           I worried that my colleagues would
Before I moved home, I had the                                                              the end of the day, it did not matter
                                           think less of me if I said that I was not
misguided notion that the guidelines       able to accomplish certain tasks alone.          as long as I was willing to embrace
for patient management were very                                                            the differences that arose and learn
disparate in different countries.              Despite my misgivings, I was again           from my mistakes. Working here is no
                                           proven wrong. Help was never far                 easy task, but I have been so blessed
Guidelines are important, especially
                                           away when I needed it, no matter                 to meet and learn from so many
when evidence-based medicine is
                                           how busy or tired the people around              wonderful individuals. Had I chosen
the best form of treatment we can
                                           me were. This often arose through                to stay in Australia, I would not have
give to our patients. For example,
                                           the kindness of my peers or seniors              had this amazing opportunity to
in patients suffering from acute           from different specialties, and nurses
stroke, the dosages of atorvastatin                                                         grow as a doctor.
                                           and colleagues from allied health
used to stabilise the thrombus             departments. With the new mentor
differs in the Asian versus Western        and buddy system that various
population. In particular, a higher        hospitals have embraced, the
dosage of atorvastatin is often used       anxiety that people face in
in Singapore as our population is not      asking for more support has also
as susceptible to transaminitis            been minimised. I was never
as compared to the Western                 placed in a sink or swim situation.
population. In cardiovascular              I learnt that there will be times
medicine, ticagrelor is widely used        when you need help from others,
as a dual anti-platelet medication         but there will also be times when
in Australia; however, in Singapore,       you are best placed to offer help
we use clopidogrel as there are            to others, and by doing so
some controversies regarding the           willingly, you are paying it
efficacy and safety of ticagrelor in       forward to the people around you.
Asian patients. These were just a few
items on the long list of differences,     The pace of healthcare
and I felt that I would have to learn      in Singapore
new protocols suitable to the              In the most recent Bloomberg
Singaporean healthcare system.             Health Care Efficiency Index,            Friendships fo
                                                                                                   rged during
                                                                                                                my National Un
                                                                                           Hospital Intern                       iversity
                                                                                                           al Medicine ro

                                                         A NEW WORLD
          Doctoring is a calling, but there can be times when medical personnel feel called to another mission or direction amid their
          journey. What happens then? Here, SMA News features four authors who have generously shared their journeys as well as advice
          for others who may be facing such a dilemma in life.

          Text by Dr Yau Teng Yan

                                                         to be able to positively impact more         pitches. It was (and still is) a steep
              Dr Yau is a digital health advocate and
                                                         people, and was frustrated that I was        learning curve and there are constantly
              self-professed techie. He is also the
              chief medical officer of Holmusk. He       not able to scale my time up to do so.       new things to learn which keeps me
              believes that one day, technology will     My impact was limited to the number          excited and growing.
              finally fulfil its promise of making our   of patients I could see (or number of
              lives as medical practitioners easier,                                                      The skills and experiences I picked
                                                         CT scans I could read) a day.
              so that we can spend more of our time                                                   up from medical training have helped
              on what matters most – our patients.          This led me to go on a year-long          me immensely in this career detour.
                                                         break from clinical medicine, which          Medical training provided me with
                                                         has since extended to almost six years.      various mental models to use when
                                                         Together with my partner Nawal,              approaching difficult problems – to be
                                                         we started a healthcare technology           systematic and analytical. Ambiguous
                                                         company five years ago where we are          business problems can be approached
                                                         building the world’s largest real-world      in the same way as we doctors
                                                         evidence platform for neuroscience and       approach a diagnostic problem of a
                                                         chronic diseases – to accelerate research    patient with fever of unknown origin
                                                         and development in new therapeutics          or abdominal pain – do a good history
                                                         for various disease areas, including         and examination, conduct relevant
          I have always had a deep interest in           depression, schizophrenia and diabetes.      investigations (gather data), come up
          healthcare. Looking back, I was highly             I did not realise it at that time, but   with a list of differential diagnoses
          inspired by my father, a doctor who is         I was driven by a personal vision. A         (probability analysis), treat, and consider
          still practising. I remember vividly when      vision to use my skills and expertise        other diagnoses if the patient does not
          I first told him that I was going to apply     in a unique way to bring different           respond (adaptability).
          for medical school. He asked if I was          people together to solve complex                 Another important thing I have taken
          absolutely sure about it and whether           healthcare problems. My current              away from medical training is the ability
          I would rather consider other career           work is very cross-functional. I still       to work and perform in highly stressful
          options, and shared that medicine was          use my clinical knowledge to guide           situations. As doctors, we have all had
          a very challenging path. As a teenager I       our teams – to ensure that the work          to go through years of working long
          was stubborn of course and stuck to my         we do and products we create are             irregular hours, rigorous training and
          decision. I have no regrets that I did.        grounded in medical science and are          multiple code blues on a bad night call.
             After housemanship, I spent a good          relevant to the various stakeholders,        This builds in us an inner resilience,
          part of my six years working in the field      especially clinicians. But a larger part     a perseverance which I greatly
          of diagnostic radiology. Radiology was         of my work now involves skills that I        appreciate. It lends us confidence to
          intellectually stimulating investigative       was not taught specifically in medical       handle difficult situations outside of
          work and it was nice to be at the cutting      school – building and managing teams         the hospital. Few things can be more
          edge of technology to support clinical         of people, operational management,           stressful than a patient collapsing on you
          diagnoses. But there came a point              strategic thinking and planning, and         unexpectedly, and everything else seems
          where I felt I wanted more. I wanted           making business presentations and            relatively minor compared to that!

          18 MAY 2020 SMA News
Text by Dr Lee Guo Rui

                                            who come through my clinic as well as         designing a viable business model to
      Dr Lee is the medical director at
                                            managing the day-to-day operations.           fulfil my duties to the company.
      Kai Suites Pte Ltd. He constantly
      pursues challenges and seeks to       I am now thankful I chose the latter.
      offer solutions that help plug the       Over the span of 18 months, a close-       Embracing change
      gaps in the medical landscape.
                                            knit team of doctors and founders grew        The journey from conceptualisation
                                            the group from three clinics to a chain       to the execution of my “hybrid clinics”
                                            of 12, allowing me to hone my skills in       and “nurses on wheels” model was
                                            business management. It was at that           fraught with unexpected turns and
                                            point I was offered a chance to take a dive   surprises. Through this, I understood the
                                            into the fast-paced world of telemedicine     regulatory processes better and made a
                                            and set up a practice of my own.              vast network of like-minded individuals
                                                                                          from all walks of life. I even had the
                                               Telemedicine and last-mile solutions
                                                                                          opportunity to integrate a telemedicine-
                                            for health screening were novel ideas in
In my free time, I occasionally sit back                                                  enabled chronic disease management
                                            2017. These new operational concepts          programme into a life insurance plan
to reminisce the journey that I have        enabled GPs to consult patients via
embarked upon when I entered medical                                                      offered by a leading insurance brand.
                                            a telemedicine application, enabling
school 17 years ago. What first started     the dispensation of electronic medical           Once again, I have embarked on yet
as a passion for the art of medical         certificates and delivery of medications      another exciting new path, introducing
practice evolved over the years into a      to the patients. Mobile phlebotomists         a novel holistic step-down care model
love for the ever-advancing frontiers of    could be scheduled to perform home-           for pre- and postnatal ladies. Carefully
medical technology.                                                                       extracting the essence of seasoned
                                            and office-based health screenings at
                                                                                          specialists in the fields of medicine,
                                            the convenience of patients. Follow-
Venturing beyond my                                                                       nursing, dietetics, hospitality and
                                            ups could then be made via video
comfort zone                                                                              gastronomy, my team has set out to
                                            consultation. This allowed clinic owners
                                                                                          blend age-old traditions of confinement
Three years into my residency training      to open longer hours, tapping on a pool       with outcome-driven practice, offering
with the department of radiology, I was     of doctors to cover them remotely and         peace of mind to parents and
presented an opportunity at managing        also extend their reach to patients across    grandparents alike so they can truly
general practice clinics in the capacity    the island!                                   savour the joy of welcoming a new life
of a medical director. Having nestled          While I was eager to spring into           into their family.
comfortably for over seven years in         action, I was also filled with nervousness       My training from medical school and
the restructured hospitals, it was a        from challenges that faced my team.           radiology has definitely given me an
tough choice between the pursuit of         Introducing these modules into                edge in managing my projects, allowing
cutting-edge diagnostic technology          unchartered waters and applying for           my core offering to always revolve
and the chance to run my own business,      the regulatory sandbox was daunting           around the provision of excellent and
attending to the concerns of patients       enough, let alone the responsibility of       holistic patient care.

Text by Dr Zubin J Daruwalla

                                            Which stage of your medical journey           I have a creative and innovative mindset,
   Dr Daruwalla is the Health Industries
                                            were you at when you made the                 with many of my friends and colleagues
   Leader for PwC Singapore and PwC
   South East Asia Consulting and leads     decision to depart from medicine?             referring to me as a healthcare futurist.
   the healthcare consulting team           What changed your mind?                       What I soon realised however, was that
   in the region, while remaining a                                                       this was often frowned upon by many
   practising clinician with an interest
                                            I left my full-time job in the Department
                                            of Orthopaedic Surgery at the National        (at the time) who did not believe in
   in orthopaedics, and an advisor to                                                     what I did – that we needed to rethink
   a number of start-ups in the digital     University Hospital almost four years
   health and medical education spaces.     ago in July 2016. At the time that I left,    the future of healthcare and health
   A healthcare thought leader and strong   I was going into my final Accreditation       industries. We needed to work towards
   believer in collaboration, he hopes to   Council for Graduate Medical Education        allowing technology to complement
   bridge the gap between the clinical      accredited year of the NUH Orthopaedic        rather than replace our clinical practices.
   and corporate sides of healthcare.                                                     In the private sector however, locally
                                            Residency programme and had
                                            already been awarded the degrees              as well as globally, things had already
                                            of MCh (Orthopaedics) and MMed                started to evolve.
                                            (Orthopaedics) by the Royal College of
                                            Surgeons in Ireland and the National          Why did you decide to enter your
                                            University of Singapore, respectively.        current vocation/field?
                                              Several reasons existed for my              During my residency, I became a
                                            decision to leave. First and foremost,        Clinical Ambassador to Singapore’s first

                                                                                                                MAY 2020 SMA News 19
digital health platform, MyDoc, which           What advice would you offer to               3. Do not expect to parachute into a
 subsequently triggered my passion in            someone considering a non-medical               senior position just because you are a
 digital health. Over time, learning more        path for themselves?                            doctor. The extent of the advantages
 about healthcare technology and how             They say hindsight is twenty-twenty.            of being a doctor is dependent on
 it was transforming patient care for the        Switching careers is daunting, especially       the organisation and role, as well as
 better only got me more excited. This           as practising clinicians. Advice I would        whether your clinical insights and
                                                 give all my doctor friends and colleagues       experience actually add value.
 pull factor, in combination with the
 push factor of several policy changes           considering a switch in their careers to a   4. Decide if you want to give up
 continually shifting the goalposts of           non-medical one would be:                       clinical practice completely. This
 residency programmes in Singapore,              1. Think long and hard on the career            is very important because many
 made me actively explore alternative               switch you are considering. The grass        organisations and roles may or may
 career options that would provide me               is not always greener on the other side      not be able to cater to this.
 opportunities to make a difference                 and all that glitters is definitely not   5. Look for a boss, not a job. This is
 while maintaining some form of                     gold. Why are you looking to leave?          something I would say applies to all
 clinical practice. During the year-long            What are the push and pull factors? Be       jobs and industries. Find a coach, a
                                                    objective and think things through.          mentor. A good one.
 exploration, I saw examples of the bigger
 differences I could make outside the            2. Spend time exploring the options.         6. Dream big and do not let anything
 system, at a population level. This really         Do your homework and understand              anyone says or does hold you down.
 sealed the deal for me.                            what the jobs actually entail and            In the words of William Arthur Ward,
                                                    whether you have the right skillset(s)       “If you can imagine it, you can
    Ultimately, I accepted an offer where           for them. Speak to people in similar         achieve it. If you can dream it, you
 I had the opportunity to build and grow            organisations and roles that you are         can become it.”
 PwC’s Health Industries practice in                considering to get a better grasp and
 Singapore and Southeast Asia.                      understanding of things.

Text by Ethan Seow

                                                 guide them through their toughest times      workplace and found us focusing on the
    Ethan is a TEDx and CreativeMornings
                                                 and I wanted to do that in psychiatry.       fundamentals of the problems – culture.
    speaker, author, entrepreneur and
    ex-medical student from the National            However, returning to medical             That was how I found myself starting a new
    University of Singapore. His love for        school reminded me of the gruelling          project to help people with office politics.
    mental health and developing people has      hours, inability to connect with patients       One of the biggest gifts from
    led him to help companies design their
                                                 because of the rigours of the career, and    medical school was the ability to think
    cultures. He is now on a quest to help
    good employees rise above office politics    conversations I had with doctors who         algorithmically about challenges and
    through his company Undelusional.            burnt out along the way because reality      problems. The diagnostic methodologies
                                                 and expectations did not match. I saw        that I gained from my days in medical
                                                 myself in the burnt-out doctors and          school helped me tremendously in being
                                                 realised I did not want to be one of them.   laser-focused on finding problems in the
                                                                                              company culture.
                                                     Of course, it would have been nice to
                                                 say that I persevered, but the five years        Today, I empower people to rise
                                                 in medical school already took a toll on     above office politics through my platform
                                                 me and drove me to depression. When I        The Office Matters, while consulting for
 Which stage of your medical journey             realised that I did not have the capacity    companies to develop cultures of trust,
 were you at when you made the                   to maintain that passion in me, I left.      initiative and collaboration.
 decision to depart from medicine?               It has since led me to who I am today,
 What changed your mind?                         which I would honestly say I’m proud of.     What advice would you offer to
                                                                                              someone considering a non-medical
 I spent five years in medical school
                                                 Why did you decide to enter your             path for themselves?
 followed by two years on a leave of
 absence, when I ran my own business             current vocation/field?                      Here is my advice that doesn’t look
 and worked part-time as a musician. I           My current work is an extension of           like advice (just like what a therapist
 was prepared to return to school, but as        my love for mental health. Since I left      should do).
 I was about to go in for an extra month         medical school, I focused on building           The most important question I
 before school started, I realised I could       educational and people-centric               asked myself was “who do you want to
 not do it anymore.                              businesses that better mental and            be when you’re 30?” To leave medical
    I entered medical school because of          emotional wellness. Whether it was           school is tremendously difficult because
 psychiatry; I had fallen in love with it as a   through music, education, technology         of the social, emotional and financial
 teenager. I was passionate about mental         or business, my goal was to improve the      sacrifice it would take. But if you look at
 health, psychology and psychiatry because       lives I’ve touched.                          who you want to be in five to six years’
 of my affinity with people with various             I founded my company two years ago       time, you would know what the right
 mental illnesses. I would often support and     to target psychosocial problems in the       choice is – whether medical or not.

20 MAY 2020 SMA News
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