News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association

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News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
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                                COVID-19: Leading                       A Closer Look at
                                   the Good Fight                     COVID-19 Vaccines
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
                                                   CON T E N T S
Vol. 53 No. 1 2021
                                                   04 The Editor’s Musings
                                                      Dr Tina Tan
Dr Tina Tan
                                                   05 COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight
Deputy Editor
                                                      Dr Ganesh Kudva
Dr Chie Zhi Ying
Editorial Advisors
A/Prof Daniel Fung
A/Prof Cuthbert Teo
                                                   President's Forum
Dr Toh Han Chong                                   08 A New Year, A New Hope
                                                      Dr Tan Yia Swam
Dr Ganesh Kudva
Dr Lim Ing Haan
Dr Jipson Quah                                     Council News
Dr Tan Tze Lee                                     11 Highlights from the
Dr Jimmy Teo
                                                      Honorary Secretary                 16 A Closer Look at
Dr Alex Wong
                                                      Dr Ng Chew Lip                        COVID-19 Vaccines
EX-OFFICIOS                                                                                 Dr Leong Hoe Nam
Dr Tan Yia Swam                                    12 Healthcare Humanity Awards:
Dr Ng Chew Lip
                                                      Celebrating the Winners            18 Medicine and the Law: New
EDITORIAL                                             Dr Tina Tan                           Section 37 on Standard of Care
OFFICE                                                                                      for Medical Advice
Senior Manager                                                                              Mr Eric Tin and Dr Alex Cheng Wei Ray
Sarah Lim                                          Insight
Assistant Manager                                  14 Combating the COVID-19 Threat
Sylvia Thay                                           Prof Leo Yee Sin and               Opinion
                                                      Adj A/Prof Matthias Paul Toh       22 Clinical Care Lessons: Making of
Editorial Executive
Daryl Lai                                                                                   the Mobile Swab Station
                                                                                            Dr Ivan Low
Li Li Loy                                                                                24 Combating a Viral Stigma
Tel: (65) 6540 9174                                                                         Dr Deborah Ng
Allan Kuek
Tel: (65) 6540 9175
Email:                                                                    Doctors in Training
PUBLISHER                                                                                26 COVID-19: Reflections on the Cusp
Singapore Medical Association                                                               of Clinical Years
2985 Jalan Bukit Merah                                                                      Cheong Yu Qian, Nicole Yong and
#02-2C, SMF Building                                                                        Woon Chang Yi
Singapore 159457
Tel: (65) 6223 1264
Fax: (65) 6252 9693
Email:                                                                   AIC Says
URL:                                                              28 Protecting Seniors Against
UEN No.: S61SS0168E
                                                                                            Influenza and Pneumococcal
DESIGN AGENCY                                                                               Disease
Oxygen Studio Designs Pte Ltd
                                                                                            Agency for Integrated Care
Sun Rise Printing &
Supplies Pte Ltd                                                                         Indulge
                                                                                         30 Tourism in Our Own Backyard
                                                                                            Dr Chie Zhi Ying
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necessarily represent those of the editorial
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News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association

                      Dr Tina Tan
                                                                 one-year milestone since the first         own personal critique that “things
                                                                 COVID-19 case hit our shores and           could have been done better”, it is
            Editor                                               turned our world upside down. How          extremely hard to argue that any of
                                                                 much our world has changed! It is          us could have done better with the
              Dr Tan is a psychiatrist with the                  hence a good opportunity to look           mammoth undertaking of bringing
              Better Life Psychological Medicine                 back on 2020 and ask: “What has this       the virus under control, especially
              Clinic, and a visiting consultant at the           year-long battle against the pandemic      under the same circumstances.
              Institute of Mental Health. She is also            taught us? And how can we use these            This issue also features Dr Ivan
              an alumnus of Duke-NUS Medical                     lessons moving forward?”                   Low’s experience in designing and
              School. Between work and family                       I’m hoping that by now we               implementing the Mobile Swabbing
              life, she squeezes time out for her                are safely into Phase 3, with              Station, which made waves during
              favourite pastimes – reading a good                vaccines being given based on              Singapore’s deluge of infections
              (fiction) book and writing.                        the Government’s prioritisation            in the dormitories. In addition, I’m
                                                                 strategy, though we know how               honoured to have Prof Leo Yee
                                                                 fluid the situation can be. While          Sin and Adj A/Prof Matthias Toh’s
                     I was getting lunch the other day           vaccines are game changers, they           reflections on COVID-19. Incidentally,
                     when I heard a pleasant and chirpy          aren’t exactly silver bullets, despite     did you know that Prof Leo is on the
                     recording over the mall’s speakers          the world spending most of 2020            BBC 100 Women 2020 list, right next to
                     reminding shoppers to sanitise our          holding its breath for them. It’s          Michelle Yeoh?
                     hands, use TraceTogether and keep to        also particularly interesting to me           Lastly, for those of us who have
                     safe distancing rules. It felt like I was   that the COVID-19 vaccines make            had to forego our annual year-end
                     in one of those sci-fi movies where,        use of mRNA technology. In that            vacation and are feeling a little bored
                     to set the scene for audiences, the         vein, do read Dr Leong Hoe Nam’s           and claustrophobic, do have a read
                     introduction features announcements         commentary on the use of vaccines          of Dr Chie Zhi Ying’s “travel” article,
                     to the population as they went about        against COVID-19.                          where she takes us on an adventure
                     their daily business (cue eerie post-          One of our missions at SMA News is      right here in Singapore.
                     apocalyptic music). I also happened         to diligently record as much as we can
                     to spot a group of Safe Distancing                                                       Let us soldier on and face what
                                                                 about how COVID-19 has impacted            2021 has in store for us. Take care,
                     Ambassadors getting ready to fan out        our lives and changed our practices
                     through the mall on their “patrols”.                                                   everyone.
                                                                 for the benefit of future generations
                     This is our present, and likely our         to come, just as our predecessors
                     future for the near-term. All these         did for SARS. On that note, we wish
                     were unheard of one year ago.               to acknowledge the Ministry of
                         By the time this issue is out, and      Health for their efforts in this time of
                     in the hands (or devices) of readers,       national (and international) crisis. No
                     Singapore would have crossed the            matter our political differences, or our

             04 JAN 2021 SMA News
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
Leading the

Good Fight
Text by Dr Ganesh Kudva, Editorial Board Member
Photos by, MINDEF, Changi General Hospital, National Healthcare Group,
National University Health System, Sengkang Community Hospital and Singapore General Hospital

 The text is concise but clear – the case       respiratory symptoms under the Swab            Perhaps the greatest testament to
 tally for the day, followed by a breakdown     and Send Home scheme. This readily         MOH’s efforts in fighting COVID-19 is
 according to the source of infection, and      accessible and aggressive testing          where Singapore is now. The battle
 a rare instance when a nil return is greatly   strategy allowed for cases to be picked    is far from over, but as it stands, our
 welcomed. This clear and factual text is       up and isolated, and thus mitigated        case numbers are low, and community
 an embodiment of Singapore’s strategy          viral spread. MOH’s intensive contact      spread is minimal. We are now on
 in fighting the menace of COVID-19, an         tracing policy also won it many global     the cusp of a national vaccination
 effort which has been led by the Ministry      plaudits. As February turned to March,     programme, with vaccinations slated
 of Health (MOH).                                                                          to be provided to all Singaporeans free
                                                Singapore seemed to have turned the
                                                                                           of charge. While many societies have
    One of the first countries outside of       corner in its pandemic fight.
                                                                                           spoken of virus containment and herd
 China to have been hit, Singapore has             However, COVID-19 is an insidious       immunity, Singapore has instead aimed
 been imperilled by this contagion since        thing, and before long, the virus began    for total viral elimination, and the fact
 end-January 2020. There was much               spreading within densely populated         that this remains very much a possibility
 anxiety early on, but MOH’s efforts to         foreign worker dormitories. With           speaks volumes of the impressive
 ensure clear lines of communication            hundreds of cases being charted each       efforts made by Singaporeans, and its
 to healthcare professionals and to the         day, it was a truly trying time for the    leader – the Ministry of Health, during
 broader public ensured that accurate           country. What followed next was an         this healthcare crisis.
 information was made readily available,        impressive coordinated effort to stem
 and fake news and hyperbole were kept
                                                the spread of the virus – by having even    Dr Ganesh is an associate consultant at the
 at bay. The escalation of the Disease                                                      Institute of Mental Health. He is passionate
                                                more aggressive testing, sequestering
 Outbreak Response System Condition                                                         about mental health and public policy. In
                                                those who had been exposed or               his free time, he avidly follows his favourite
 to Orange in February, after community
                                                who tested positive, treating the ill       team, Liverpool FC, and travels when he can.
 spread was detected, was in step with
                                                in secure facilities, and introducing       Each country he visits makes him realise how
 measures to channel more resources
                                                whole-country efforts to check any viral    alike we all are to each other and how much
 into the fight to contain the virus’ spread                                                more united mankind should be.
                                                spread. There was also a requisitioning
 and to allow for greater protection of
                                                of public facilities and healthcare
 vulnerable groups.
                                                staff to manage the thousands who
    Simultaneously, testing capabilities        were ill. With these intensive efforts,
 were ramped up. Certain Public Health          culminating in the two-month long
 Preparedness Clinics and GPs allowed           circuit breaker, Singapore was able to
 for testing of those with acute                bring the virus under control.

                                                                                                                   JAN 2021 SMA News 05
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
^ KTPH staff contact tracing

                                                                                                                                      ^ SAF personnel packing masks
                                            < SAF personnel loading up vans
                                            with packed masks to be delivered to
                                            community centres and clubs

 ^ The community isolation facility at the Singapore Expo
 can house up to 1,800 patients
                                                                < SAF Medical Corps personnel           ^ v NUHS personnel setting up Big Box community care facility
                                                                sanitising their equipment outside
                                                                the community isolation facility at
                                                                the Singapore Expo

                                                                           ^ NHG personnel donning

                                                                       personal protective equipment
                                                                                 for dorm operations

 JAN                                                    FEB                                             MAR
 23         First confirmed case. MOH started               1    Mask Go Where launched                     4     Duke-NUS and Arcturus Therapeutics
            contact tracing                                                                                       partner to develop COVID-19 vaccine
                                                            4    First COVID-19 cluster identified at
   WhatsApp started                              Yong Thai Hang Medical Hall             13       Additional precautionary measures
            COVID-19 updates                                                                                      implemented, including travel advisories
                                                        7        DORSCON level raised to Orange
                                                                                                                  and Stay-Home Notices
            MOH launched website on
                                                       12        Cluster at Seletar Aerospace Heights
            COVID-19 Local Situation
                                                                 construction site identified            17       Singaporean students studying overseas
 30      SAF deployed 1,500 NSFs                                                                                  encouraged to return home
         for mask packing                              14          Activation of PHPCs announced
                                                                                                         20       TraceTogether app launched
                                                                   Flu Go Where launched
                                                                                                         21       First 2 deaths reported
                                                       25        Serological test establishes link
                                                                 between clusters                        24       D’resort NTUC converted into
                                                                                                                  isolation facility
                                                       28        Special bonus for HCWs working with
                                                                 COVID-19 patients announced as a        30       Clap for #SGUnited to show appreciation
                                                                 show of appreciation                             for front-line HCWs
06 JAN 2021 SMA News
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
< CGH staff updates the situation
                                                                                    report board on patients unable to
                                                                                    self-isolate while awaiting their swab
                                                                                    test results

                                                                                          > SGH staff performing a swab

^ SKCH nurse clinician conducting N95
mask fittings

^ Woodlands Health Campus staff serve at the
community care facility@Expo
> Exercises with migrant workers at swab
isolation facility
v Prep work to support operations at dormitories                                    v Contact tracing operations at Mandai Hill Camp

        APR                                                   JUL                                                DEC
           5     S11 and Westlite Toh Guan Dormitory          24   Rapid antibody test kit developed by            14        Authorisation granted by HSA for
                 quarantined due to increasing                     A*Star and MP Biomedicals Asia Pacific                    Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine
                 number of cases
                                                                                                                   19        MOH started conducting joint
                 Circuit breaker began
                 MOH deployed medical teams from
                                                              AUG                                                            webinars on Vaccination Strategy with
                                                                                                                             professional medical bodies
                 hospitals/polyclinics to all dormitories                                                          21        First batch of vaccines arrived

        23       SafeEntry implemented in hotspots,
                                                               7   All dormitories completed testing                         in Singapore
                                                                   for COVID-19
                 essential services, selected public venues                                                        28        Phase 3 began
        28       6 SAF camps converted into community
                 recovery facilities began taking             NOV                                                  30        Staff from NCID first to be vaccinated

                 in patients
                                                              25   No locally transmitted or dormitory
                                                                   cases reported for 15 days

                                                                                                                                               JAN 2021 SMA News 07
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association

                            A New Year,
                              A New hope
                                                                             Text by Dr Tan Yia Swam

                     As we welcome 2021, I see the year             to 1,000 participants. I urge all doctors to    Integrated Shield Plan (IP) has fair and
                     heralding new hope and new beginnings.         stay vigilant in the use of vaccines and        adequate coverage.
                     I’m referring, of course, to the COVID-19      report adverse reactions, if any, as they          The SMA Council has also been
                     vaccines that have been developed              arise. This should be done without vaccine      increasing our efforts to engage more
                     and are being administered to various          panic, but with reasonable caution as in        sectors of our profession. I would like to
                     populations around the world. In time,         the use of any new medication. Each of us       highlight some of these efforts and express
                     this should bring us closer to the world       serves as a leader to our community and         my thanks and deepest appreciation for
                     we knew, but perhaps with increased            circle of influence, as others look to us for   the people involved.
                     sensitivity and respect for Mother Earth       guidance.
                     and the ecosystem we live in.1                                                                    Dr Ng Chew Lip, Dr Benny Loo,
                                                                       Meanwhile, we must all continue to           Dr Lim Kheng Choon and Dr Ivan Low have
                                                                    practise other basic precautions which          reached out to the medical students (local
                     Our role as community leaders                  have been shown to be effective: good           and overseas) and doctors in training. There
                     The world suffered together in 2020,           hand hygiene, avoiding crowded places           were several meetings via Zoom, including
                     with the global pandemic having                and mask-wearing.                               the setting up of a Telegram network to
                     unprecedented effects on our economy,                                                          modernise our mode of engagement.
                     healthcare, travel, and even restrictions on   Continued engagement
                                                                                                                       Dr Ng Chee Kwan and Dr Wong Chiang
                     personal behaviour.                            The SMA Council has continued to                Yin have been instrumental in representing
                        Where then is the balance between           collaborate very closely with our sister        the rights and needs of doctors in the
                     individual rights and autonomy, and the        professional bodies – the Academy of            private sector.
                     needs of society and the greater good?2        Medicine, Singapore and College of
                     Debates arose over the use of masks,           Family Physicians Singapore – in matters           Dr Lee Pheng Soon, the current
                     number of people that can gather, need for     of professionalism, development and             Executive Director of the SMA Centre
                     vaccination, and access to limited resources   COVID-19 support. Together, we have             for Medical Ethics and Professionalism,
                     such as ventilators, test kits and vaccines.   also been working closely with MOH on           has developed additional courses and
                     As individuals, it behoves us to remain        the management of private healthcare            updated existing ones in the development
                     educated and updated on the information        costs, insurance coverage, and third-           of ethics training.
                     and data available to make informed            party administrator practices. The                 Dr Tina Tan and Dr Chie Zhi Ying head
                     decisions. As professional leaders, we must    issues are complex and involve multiple         the SMA News and have maintained
                     engage with various stakeholders, and          stakeholders. This is a massive ongoing         a great selection of vibrant articles
                     intelligently discuss the pros and cons of     project and I urge everyone to take note        and kept us up-to-date with the rapid
                     the various strategies to achieve maximum      and be involved in these discussions.           changes in COVID-19-related matters
                     good for our society.                              While it might seem like only the           over the past year.
                         The Ministry of Health (MOH) reached       private sector is affected, we are all part        I am also thankful to the various
                     out to the professional medical bodies to      of the Singapore healthcare system, and         Council doctors who further represent
                     co-host webinars on Singapore’s COVID-19       we need to look after all our patients, be      our profession in various committees,3
                     vaccination strategy. The first session was    they “private” or “public”. Not forgetting      and all our volunteers who have given
                     rolled out on 19 December 2020 with SMA.       that we will all be patients someday and        their time to be involved in SMA’s work
                     Attendance was overwhelming, with close        I, for one, would want to know that my          and committees.

                    08 JAN 2021 SMA News
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
pressure on doctors
                                                                        that were eventually
                                                                                                     1. Schuijers L. COVID-19 is an opportunity to reset
                                                                        implemented by the
                                                                                                     our environmental future. Available at: https://bit.
                                                                        respective entities.         ly/3nFnUAt.
                                                                            The SMA has also         2. Bayer R. The continuing tensions between
                                                                        continued to advocate        individual rights and public health. Talking point on
                                                                        for doctors and patients     public health versus civil liberties. EMBO Rep 2007;
                                                                        in addressing unfair
                                                                       practices by managed care     3. Singapore Medical Association. Committee
                                                                                                     chairpersons and SMA representatives 2020-2021.
#SGArtforHCW                                                           companies and third-party     Available at:
                                                                       administrators,11 exclusion
                                                                                                     4. Chia GS. Reflections on MOH’s recent salary
    Growth and support                                of coverage for diagnostic endoscopies         revision. SMA News 2012; 44(7):28-9.
                                                      under some IPs12 and stepped in
    I was rather disheartened last December                                                          5. Singapore Medical Association. SARS Outbreak –
                                                      when Members complained about
    to see the usual group of year-end                                                               SMA Acts. SMA News 2003; 35(3):1.
                                                      their particulars being listed without
    resignations from SMA Membership.                                                                6. Singapore Medical Association. News from SMA
                                                      permission on the DoctorxDentist
    Whenever this happens, the reasons                                                               Council. SMA News 2008; 40(12):12-5.
                                                      website.13 The SMA does not only speak
    given are similar: “I do not see any point. I                                                    7. Inland Revenue Authority of Singapore. Useful tax
                                                      up for the private sector, or younger
    do not have any benefits”. I wish Members                                                        pointers for medical practitioners. SMA News 2014;
                                                      doctors, or a specific group. Ultimately,      46(3):22-4.
    would share with us what constitutes
                                                      as medical professionals, we all share a
    “benefits”, to you.                                                                              8. Lim KC. Highlights from the Honorary Secretary.
                                                      common goal and a responsibility to our        SMA News 2020; 52(2):12.
       Members can attend continuing                  patients, and to honour our profession –
                                                                                                     9. Lim KC. Highlights from the Honorary Secretary.
    medical education (CME) activities at no          For Doctors, For Patients.                     SMA News 2020; 52(5):10.
    cost, and enjoy special rates for classified
                                                         In the past year, the COVID-19 support      10. Singapore Medical Association. SMA’s footprint
    ads and training for clinic assistants.
                                                      that the SMA secretariat and Council has       during the COVID-19 Outbreak. Available at: https://
       Over the years, our membership                 provided for our Members (and even   
    team has also sourced for many lifestyle          non-members) was immense, considering          11.Singapore Medical Association. Position
    perks and discounts from restaurants              that we are a non-governmental and             Statements/Advisories. Available at: https://bit.
    and merchants for our Members. On less                                                           ly/2uQEfIO.
                                                      non-profit organisation. I am especially
    tangible benefits – and really, what being        grateful for the many new friends and          12. Ng CL. Highlights from the Honorary Secretary.
                                                      the show of support from doctors who           SMA News 2020; 52(10):12.
    an SMA Member means – the SMA has
    championed various causes over the                appreciate what we do. Your support            13. Ng CL. Highlights from the Honorary Secretary.
                                                      means a lot to me and the Council, as we       SMA News 2020; 52(12):10.
    years: junior doctors’ remuneration,4
    SARS support,5 Guideline on Fees,6 taxes          continue to represent you.
    for doctors,7 etc. At the beginning of the            Friends and Members of the SMA, I
    current pandemic, the SMA organised               call on your support in the year ahead,                  Dr Tan is a mother to three
    sales of N95 and surgical masks,8 as well         as we take on the challenges of tackling                 kids, wife to a surgeon; a
    as a hand sanitiser distribution exercise         increasing healthcare costs, adapting to                 daughter and a daughter-
    for Members.9 The SMA also spoke                  changes in the new disciplinary process                  in-law. She trained as
    up for doctors on CME requirements                of the Singapore Medical Council, and
                                                                                                               a general surgeon,
    and childcare arrangements,10 and                                                                          and entered private
                                                      in the teaching and development of                       practice just over a year
    suggested measures to alleviate                   professionalism and medical ethics.                      ago, focusing on breast
                                                                                                               surgery. She treasures her
                                                          Help us to help you; invite your                     friends and wishes to have
                                                      friends to sign up as Members. The larger                more time for her diverse
                                                      our representation, the stronger our                     interests: cooking, eating,
                                                      collective voice.                                        music, drawing, writing,
                                                                                                               photography and comedy.

                                                               Hand sanitiser distribution
                                           sk sales
                            d su rg ical ma                                                                                       JAN 2021 SMA News 09
                    N95 a n
News - COVID-19: Leading the Good Fight - Singapore Medical Association
council news
                                 From the Honorary Secretary
                                                   Report by Dr Ng Chew Lip

SMA-Ministry of Health webinar                                    Dr Ng is an ENT consultant in public
on COVID-19 Vaccine                                               service. After a day of doctoring and
                                                                  cajoling his two princesses at home to
                                                                  finish their food, his idea of relaxation is
SMA and the Ministry of Health (MOH) co-organised a               watching a drama serial with his lovely
webinar for doctors on 19 December 2020 to update the             wife and occasionally throwing some
profession on Singapore’s latest plans for the                    paint on a canvas.
COVID-19 vaccine.
   About 1,000 participants attended the webinar, posing
many thoughtful questions that elicited detailed responses       Realignment framework for businesses
from the panellists. The MOH is preparing a Frequently           impacted by COVID-19
Asked Questions document on COVID-19 vaccination,
which will be disseminated to doctors soon.                      Small businesses and individuals who have been
                                                                 significantly impacted by COVID-19 and need to review
   Panellists included:                                          their business models and contractual obligations will
                                                                 benefit from the Re-Align Framework, which commenced
   A/Prof Kenneth Mak                                            on 15 January 2021.
   Director of Medical Services, MOH                               For more details, please refer to the Ministry of Law
                                                                 website at
   A/Prof Benjamin Ong
   Chairman, Expert Committee on
   COVID-19 Vaccination
                                                                 SMJ social media updates and podcasts

                                                                 The Singapore Medical Journal (SMJ) recently established
   Prof Tan Chorh Chuan
                                                                 a presence on social media platforms, including LinkedIn,
   Chief Health Scientist, MOH                                   Facebook and Twitter, to enhance the reach of the works
                                                                 of scholarship in the journal. A new podcast project has
   Dr Wycliffe Wei                                               also been launched, in which authors are invited to share
                                                                 insights on their published articles in a bite-sized format.
   Senior Resident, Communicable                                 So far, five episodes have been produced. The podcasts
   Diseases Division, MOH                                        are available at We
                                                                 encourage Members to follow the SMJ on social media,
   A/Prof Lim Poh Lian                                           and to stay abreast of the latest research.
   Member, Expert Committee on
   COVID-19 Vaccination
                                                                 SMA staff retreat
   Dr Tan Yia Swam
   President, SMA                                                An online retreat session was organised for the SMA
                                                                 secretariat on 12 December 2020. Staff present reviewed
                                                                 the accomplishments over the past three years, and
   Adj Prof Tan Sze Wee                                          discussed and set goals for the coming year. The
   Council Member, SMA                                           secretariat’s focus remains on serving SMA Members.
                                                                 Several Council members also joined the retreat to provide
                                                                 additional feedback and to get to know the staff better.

                                                                                                                 JAN 2021 SMA News 11
council news

                      CELEBRATING THE WINNERS
                      Text by Dr Tina Tan

                For those of us who worked through the         the better. These folks saw something         that while humans can’t accomplish
                SARS outbreak in 2003, there are often         that could be done better, and rather than    something as show-stopping and eye-
                sad and traumatic memories. Yet, one of        complain about it, they sacrificed their      catching as the X-Men, the results are
                the bright spots from back then was the        time and effort to research, strategise and   stunning all the same.”
                setting up of The Courage Fund, which          implement changes. In other words, they
                                                                                                                A big congratulations to the award
                helped support those affected by SARS.         were the change they wanted to be.
                                                                                                             winners, and to their predecessors
                An offshoot of The Courage Fund’s legacy          I’ll admit I’m not much of a change-       who enabled these awards to come
                is the Healthcare Humanity Awards.             maker. But stories like those of the award    into existence.
                These awards are given out to those in         winners’ inspire me to continue the daily
                the healthcare profession who stand            grind of my work, knowing that in every
                out because of their dedication and the        setting, there is someone out there going
                values they impart through their work.         against the flow (or perhaps just kicking
                Incidentally, for those who may have                                                              Dr Tan is a psychiatrist with
                                                               up some turbulence), for the betterment
                                                                                                                  the Better Life Psychological
                missed it, SMA News interviewed former         of our patients and society as a whole.            Medicine Clinic, and a visiting
                SMA President Prof Low Cheng Hock                                                                 consultant at the Institute of
                                                                  This theme will be especially relevant
                earlier this year, where he talked about                                                          Mental Health. She is also an
                                                               this year, when times are challenging
                his involvement with The Courage Fund                                                             alumnus of Duke-NUS Medical
                                                               for everyone involved. Each year’s                 School. Between work and
                                                               winners were selected from nominations             family life, she squeezes time
                   Fast forward 17 years to 2020 and the       submitted the year before. Can you                 out for her favourite pastimes –
                COVID-19 pandemic, I was privileged to         imagine the stories we’ll get to hear from         reading a good (fiction) book
                attend the Healthcare Humanity Awards          this year’s winners? I am sincerely looking        and writing.
                ceremony on 8 December on behalf of            forward to that.
                SMA. In usual fashion, it was held virtually      “I wish I had superpowers,” said my
                due to COVID-19-related restrictions.          eldest, after we had watched part of
                Despite the virtual awards ceremony not        X-Men: First Class together. How would
                being quite the same as a live show, I found   you respond if your kids made the
                myself drawn to the featured stories of        same comment?
                the award winners. Some of the doctor
                                                                  I shan’t reveal my off-the-cuff answer
                recipients included Dr Jamie Phang,
                                                               (because I honestly don’t remember
                Dr Joanna Chan, Dr Dennis Chia and
                                                               what it was). But here is what my ideal,
                Prof Lim Poh Lian.                             mummy-scores-points answer would
                   There is a common theme running             have been: “Humans can do a lot of
                through their stories: a drive to benefit      remarkable and amazing things when
                patients by changing the status quo for        challenged. Perhaps the difference is

               12 JAN 2021 SMA News

                                                                         COMBATING THE

                                                                                     Text by Prof Leo Yee Sin and Adj A/Prof Matthias Paul Toh

           At the time of writing, Singapore has         mild and recovering COVID-19 patients.     tracing, testing and isolation. To sum it
           been battling with SARS-CoV-2, the            This meant that we could preserve          up, community efforts plus the political
           aetiologic agent of COVID-19, for             precious hospital resources for the more   will to keep the virus under check has
           almost 11 months. What is Singapore’s         serious cases that might require oxygen    brought us to where we are today.
           scorecard on the global scale? Could          supplementation and intensive care.
           we have done anything differently? In an
                                                            Third, Singapore adopted the            The difference between SARS
           earlier article published in SMC News, Prof
                                                         whole-of-healthcare and whole-of-          and COVID-19
           Leo reflected on COVID-19 in Singapore
                                                         government response. With foresight,       Would SARS-CoV-2 be eradicated
           and highlighted several key elements
                                                         the Multi-Ministry Task Force was set      like SARS was in 2003? Despite both
           that placed our nation in its current
                                                         up before Singapore received its first     being zoonotic coronaviruses, there
           state of low community transmission
                                                         imported case to direct the national       are several major differences that
           and modest mortality rate.
                                                         whole-of-government response to            make eradication highly unlikely. In
              This article revisits some of the key      the COVID-19 outbreak. This allowed        2003, SARS rarely showed up without
           elements in disease prevention and            high-level decision-making with            symptoms and the virus replicated
           control in Singapore during the past year.    coordinated and consistent messaging       in the lower respiratory tract with
                                                         and implementation of public policies.     increased infectivity during the second
           Singapore’s effective response                   Fourth, the establishment of a
                                                                                                    week of illness or pneumonia phase.
                                                                                                    Fever, a symptom easily recognised
           First, owing to past experiences with         collaborative research platform with
                                                                                                    at the onset of illness, provided easy
           SARS and other infectious disease             central coordination from the NCID.
                                                                                                    identification of close contacts for
           outbreaks, Singapore was in a state of        Patient samples supported viral
                                                                                                    quick isolation. Healthcare workers
           readiness before COVID-19 hit our shores      isolation and the development of a
                                                                                                    faced a high risk of infection which
           and fortuitously, the new state-of-the-art    local serology test kit that detects
                                                                                                    was mitigated by appropriate personal
           National Centre for Infectious Diseases       neutralising antibodies – the first
                                                                                                    protective equipment. In 2020, this
           (NCID) building had been officially           of its kind to be licensed by the
                                                                                                    novel SARS-CoV-2 behaves very
           opened for four months.                       US Food and Drug Administration.
                                                                                                    differently. Viral transmission occurs
              Second, the healthcare system was          Having a longitudinal research cohort
                                                                                                    early during the pre-symptomatic
           flexible enough to respond swiftly            allowed disease characterisation and       phase and asymptomatic cases have
           to the unprecedented challenges               discovery of viral shedding patterns       been reported to be approximately
           of COVID-19 that spread with light-           to provide evidence-based preventive       20% to 40%, or higher. Often, these
           ning speed, reaching a peak of                measures. Participation in international   transmissions occur in the community,
           1,426 incident cases on 20 April              therapeutic trials gave access to new      particularly among households where
           2020. The Singapore Expo and other            antiviral and therapeutic agents.          safe distancing and universal masking
           large facilities were repurposed as             Last but not least, a robust public      are difficult to adhere to. All odds stack
           Community Care Facilities for managing        health system in surveillance, contact     up against eradicating SARS-CoV-2.

          14 JAN 2021 SMA News
The journey continues                       and South America confirmed that             presents unexpectedly with dire
                                            reinfection is an entity to watch out for.   consequences. Once again, COVID-19
Eleven months into the COVID-19
                                            However, the true incidence and disease      has taught us, loudly and clearly, that
battle, Singapore has managed to
                                            severity remain largely uncertain, given     to win the battle we need a well-
maintain a low level of fewer than
                                            that SARS-CoV-2 is likely to stay with       coordinated and whole-of-healthcare
20 daily new cases for more than
                                            possible repeated recurrences.               response, not by infectious diseases
ten weeks, of which most were
                                               In a short period after the               alone as a medical discipline or restricted
imported. As of 1 December 2020,
                                            emergence of SARS-CoV-2, three               to one institution or healthcare cluster.
there were 31 cases in community
                                                                                         We need to venture beyond Singapore’s
care facilities and 29 in acute care        vaccine developers published near
                                                                                         shores, to be well-connected within
settings with the majority in NCID.         perfect efficacy reports of over 90%.
                                                                                         the region and internationally for
Healthcare is progressively returning       Two of these utilise new technology
                                                                                         self-defence against invisible invading
to pre-COVID-19 levels. However,            using mRNA to elicit humoral and
                                                                                         microbes. Only as a united human race
this is nowhere near the end of the         cellular immunity and the third is a
                                                                                         will we have the chance of winning
COVID-19 pandemic. Cases continue           platform vaccine technology using
                                                                                         against the invisible microbes.
to soar in many parts of the world. The     a chimpanzee adenovirus to deliver
US reported cumulative 13,920,038           virus materials. Although none of
cases, including 274,332 deaths as of 1     these have been published in medical
December 2020. Resurgences are also         journals, the eagerness of the global           Prof Leo is an adult infectious
experienced in Asia involving countries     community to implement large-scale              disease specialist. She has led her
                                                                                            team through multiple outbreaks
that had done well to control COVID-        vaccination programmes is palpable,
                                                                                            in Singapore. Most recently she has
19 earlier in the year, including South     particularly under the immense                  successfully managed Singapore’s
Korea, Japan and Hong Kong.                 pressure of COVID-19. A successful              first imported case of the monkeypox
                                            vaccine may be the ultimate game                in May 2019 and is currently leading
    Singapore, like many other countries,                                                   her team at the National Centre for
                                            changer but it is unlikely to bring us
is eager to open our economy and                                                            Infectious Diseases in managing the
                                            back to the pre-COVID-19 era, as the
boost international trade and                                                               ongoing COVID-19 pandemic.
                                            effectiveness of the vaccine is yet to
tourism. A risk-based approach has
                                            be studied. Although it appears safe
been taken, and close surveillance
                                            immediately post-vaccination in about
and monitoring are needed, along
                                            200,000 trial recipients, mechanisms
with the agility to adjust restrictive
                                            to systematically monitor longer term
preventive measures. Singapore has
                                            safety remain a critical component.
2,295 cumulative community cases
detected as of 1 December 2020. The            Given that SARS-CoV-2 is likely
seroprevalence studies in Singapore         to be present in the long-term and
suggested an extremely low prevalence       possibly have repeated occurrences
                                            in the human population, its longer             Adj A/Prof Toh has a special interest
(below 1%) that supported the limited
                                                                                            in disease prevention and control,
community transmission observed, but        term trajectory and viral evolution             health promotion and primary care.
more importantly pointed to a large         akin to the influenza virus will need to        At the National Centre for Infectious
population susceptible to COVID-19.         be included in the respiratory illness          Diseases, he coordinates public
There is no room for complacency in         surveillance system. 2020 also saw              health operations for contact tracing
                                            a dual epidemic of COVID-19 and                 and leads the epidemiology team to
sustaining preventive measures and
                                                                                            provide insights on the global and
keeping the system ready to handle          dengue. At its current state, NCID has          local situation for communicable
potential surges of cases.                  fully deployed its inherent human               diseases, and is actively doing so
                                            resources, thus the beefing up of surge         during this COVID-19 pandemic.
   Human coronaviruses are known to
                                            capacity and capability is of urgent and
have short-lasting immunity, leading
                                            paramount importance.
to reinfection. In August, Hong Kong
published the first case of a returning
resident who was infected by two            Final thoughts
different strains of SARS-CoV-2 four        A novel infectious disease of public
months apart. Several subsequent            health importance does not respect
reinfection cases reported in Europe        geographical boundaries and often

                                                                                                                 JAN 2021 SMA News 15

                  A Closer Look at
                    Vaccines                                                                 Text by Dr Leong Hoe Nam

          Vaccines have only been second to           Harnessing new technology:                      Median onset was day two and three,
          water in saving lives. They successfully    mRNA vaccines                                   with median duration of one day.
          eradicated wild-type smallpox,                                                              Significant adverse events reported
                                                      Pfizer-BioNTech’s mRNA COVID-19 vaccine
          leaving only remnants in two secured                                                        include lymphadenopathy (0.3%)
                                                      (BNT162b2) requires a cold chain of -70
          laboratories in the world. Can a vaccine    degrees Celsius during transport. At -20        and Bell’s palsy (two patients out of
          overcome the COVID-19 pandemic that         degrees Celsius, the vaccine is stable for      20,000 subjects), which occurred three
          has killed more than 1.7 million people?    two weeks. In a typical clinic’s refrigerator   and nine days after the second dose
          Despite the unprecedented colossal          of 2 to 8 degrees Celsius, it may be stored     and with resolution of symptoms.
          research in this new evolving disease, we   for 120 hours (five days). Each multi-dose      Thirteen hypersensitivity reactions
          expect only more questions, doubts and      vial holds five doses, with possible extra      were reported versus six in placebo.
          perhaps dismay.                             doses (a sixth or seventh dose) in some         The literature suggests that this
              In a world’s first, we have two mRNA    vials. Vaccines must be reconstituted in        was due to polyethylene glycol. The
          vaccines approved by the US Food            sterile normal saline. Each dose is 0.3 ml      media has reported allergies in at
          and Drug Administration (FDA) for           administered intramuscularly, and extra         least two healthcare workers (with
          use in humans. The technology was           doses are still valid and encouraged for        known multiple drug allergies),
          first shown successfully in mice in         use. All doses should be administered           and one anaphylactoid reaction in
          1990.1 Since then, significant leaps in     within six hours. The vaccine efficacy          someone without prior allergies.
          technology have enabled its effective       in preventing confirmed disease was             Recommendations now are for those
          use with good immune response. Phase        94.8% (95% confidence interval 90.3%            with multiple drug allergies to avoid
          I and II trials of mRNA vaccines have       to 97.6%)2 after seven days of the              vaccination, and to observe an individual
          been done in humans for HIV, rabies         second dose. There were nine cases in           for 30 minutes after the vaccination.
          and influenza, with good tolerability.      the vaccine arm, and 172 in the placebo
                                                                                                          The Health Sciences Authority of
          At the end of 2020, mRNA vaccines           arm. For severe disease, efficacy was
                                                                                                      Singapore (HSA) has approved the
          were proven highly effective (>94.5%)       66.3% (95% confidence interval -125%
                                                                                                      Pfizer-BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine under
          against the new COVID-19 virus with         to 96.3%). There were only one case in
                                                      vaccine arm and three cases in placebo,         the Pandemic Special Access Route for
          a two-dose regimen. Emergency                                                               active immunisation against COVID-19
          use approval was granted in several         hence the wide confidence interval.
                                                                                                      in individuals over 16 years of age.
          countries, and the UK and US have              Solicited local reactions are common
          started vaccinating their citizens within   with 96% of them being mild to                     Moderna’s investigational COVID-19
          the same month. Unlike popular culture,     moderate. The symptoms reported                 vaccine (mRNA-1273) was approved
          current science does not support the        include injection site reactions (84.1%),       by FDA on 18 December 2020, but
          incorporation of the mRNA vaccine           fatigue (62.9%), headache (55.1%),              has not been approved by HSA at the
          into human chromosomes. The mRNA            muscle pain (38.3%), chills (31.9%),            time of writing. FDA assessed efficacy
          are short-lived, cannot be transported      joint pain (23.6%), diarrhoea (15.7%),          and safety data from about 30,000
          into the nucleus and lack the reverse       fever (14.2%) and vomiting (2.0%).              participants, randomised in a 1:1 ratio
          transcriptase to integrate into human       These symptoms were more than                   of vaccine to placebo.3 Efficacy in
          chromosomal DNA.                            the typical vaccination at any clinic.          preventing confirmed COVID-19 cases

          16 JAN 2021 SMA News
occurring at least 14 days after the         human adenovirus 26 for the latter. The         against the current vaccines, one can
second dose of the vaccine was 94.5%         overall efficacy for ChAdOx1 nCoV-19            easily imagine that the multitude of
(95% confidence interval 86.5% to            was 70%, ranging from 62% to 90% with           infected cases forms an easy substrate
97.8%) with five COVID-19 cases in the       different dosing regimens. Ad26.COV2.S          for a mutant virus to evolve against the
vaccine group and 90 COVID-19 cases          has just completed recruitment of the           tide of the vaccinated strain as countries
in the placebo group. The secondary          Phase III trial with no reported results        start vaccination. To be successful,
analysis suggested effectiveness in          yet. Both vaccines had a temporary halt         vaccination must continue with
preventing severe COVID-19 (zero             in their Phase III trials because of safety     virus curtailment strategies like safe
versus 11 cases in the vaccine and           concerns, but were continued with their         distancing and mask-wearing.
treatment group, respectively).              safety board approvals later.                      With the evidence before us, it is
                                                Duke-NUS Medical School’s                    now for us to recommend the approved
   The vaccine tolerability was similar
                                             collaboration with Arcturus Therapeutics        COVID-19 vaccines for use in our
to BNT162b2. The most common
                                             has led to the development of the               patients. May the vaccine give us
solicited adverse reactions associated
                                             mRNA-based Lunar-COV19 vaccine.                 the much needed boost in our fight
with mRNA-1273 were injection site
                                             Phase III trials began in December 2020.        against COVID-19.
pain (91.6%), fatigue (68.5%), headache
                                             Unlike BNT162b2 and mRNA-1273,
(63.0%), muscle pain (59.6%), joint
                                             Lunar-COV19 uses replicating mRNA
pain (44.8%), and chills (43.4%). Severe
                                             technology, requiring only one dose,            References
adverse reactions occurred in 0.2% to
                                             stored as a freeze-dried powder. We             1. Wolff JA, Malone RW, Williams P, et al. Direct
9.7% of participants, usually after the
                                             anticipate the results in early 2021.           gene transfer into mouse muscle in vivo. Science
second dose. The vaccine had other
                                                                                             1990; 247(4949 Pt 1):1465-8.
adverse events of lymphadenopathy               There are at least 60 to 80 other
(21.4%) and Bell’s palsy (three reports      vaccine candidates, but many of them            2. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Pfizer-
                                                                                             BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine (BNT162, PF-07302048)
in the vaccine group, and one in the         will not survive the competition. CSL
                                                                                             vaccines and related biological products advisory
placebo group).                              was one such company. Though the                committee briefing document. Available at: https://
                                             vaccine had good immunological        
A traditional candidate                      response, it caused false positive HIV          3. U.S. Food and Drug Administration. Vaccines
                                             results, making it impractical.                 and related biological products Advisory
CoronaVac, a COVID-19 vaccine by                                                             Committee meeting. Available at: https://bit.
Sinovac Life Sciences, Beijing, China        Vaccine concerns                                ly/3hjzuPu. Accessed 25 December 2020.
uses a chemically inactivated SARS-                                                          4. Zhang YJ, Zeng G, Pan HW, et al. Safety,
CoV-2 (CN02 strain) in pre-filled            Despite the rapid development of the            tolerability, and immunogenicity of an
syringes. They have published Phase          vaccines from the expected eight to ten         inactivated SARS-CoV-2 vaccine in healthy adults
I/II safety immunogenicity data.4 Two        years to under a year, Singapore’s HSA          aged 18-59 years: a randomised, double-blind,
                                             adopted the same criteria for approval as       placebo-controlled, phase 1/2 clinical trial.
doses are required over a 21-day                                                             Lancet Infect Dis 2020. Available at: https://bit.
                                             with any other vaccine. These conditions
period. Seroconversion rates were at                                                         ly/2LJU7sL [Epub ahead of print].
                                             were met by Pfizer-BioNTech. What was
least 93% in the Phase I/II trials, with
                                             lacking was the long-term safety data. A
the media reporting similar results in       minimum of 3,000 subjects followed up
Phase III trials. Final results on vaccine   for at least six months is typically required           Dr Leong is an infectious
efficacy have not been reported but          to adequately characterise uncommon                     disease physician in private
are eagerly awaited. Unlike the other        adverse events.                                         practice. He is happily
vaccines, China reported that 1 million                                                              married to a paediatrician
                                                Singapore has the benefit of observing               with three wonderful
doses of vaccines (combined numbers                                                                  children. He is passionate on
                                             the effects of the vaccine on early adopting
from Sinovac Life Sciences and                                                                       vaccination and education.
                                             countries. At the time of writing, at least
Sinopharm subsidiary China National                                                                  A change in the world must
                                             1 million doses were administered in the                first begin with the broken
Biotec Group) have been given under
                                             US, and 600,000 in the UK. With time, any               vessel he sees in the mirror.
emergency use. United Arab Emirates          serious adverse events would be identified.
and Bahrain have similarly approved
the vaccine under emergency use.                 Vaccination is also a race against
                                             the mutating virus, with two reported
                                             significant mutations in 2020 alone
Other notable vaccine
                                             (D614G in March 2020 and B117
                                             in September 2020), conferring it
Other vaccines of deserved mention           transmission advantages. The B117
include Oxford-AstraZeneca (ChAdOx1          mutation has allowed it to evade some
nCoV-19) and Johnson and Johnson             neutralising antibodies developed as
(Ad26.COV2.S). Both use an adenovirus,       treatment against COVID-19. Though
of chimpanzee origin for the former and      there is no evidence of mutated strains

                                                                                                                        JAN 2021 SMA News 17
Medicine and the Law:

            New Section 37 on

             Standard of Care
           for Medical Advice

          Text by Eric Tin and
          Dr Alex Cheng Wei Ray

          On 6 October 2020, the Singapore                Under the Bolam part of the test, a             The Court’s shift towards a more
          Parliament passed the Civil Law              doctor is not liable in negligence if he can    “patient-centric” approach follows from
          (Amendment) Bill (No. 33 of 2020)1 which     demonstrate that there is a respectable         developments in the UK in the case
          will come into effect imminently. The Bill   and responsible body of medical opinion         of Montgomery v Lanarkshire Health
          introduced a new Section 37 in the Civil     that accepts his practice as proper.4           Board.8 In Montgomery, it was held that
          Law Act (CLA) to legislate the standard of      The Bolitho addendum essentially             when seeking consent to treatment, the
          care that healthcare professionals have      provides that the medical opinion adduced       question of whether the information
          to meet in giving medical advice to their    must satisfy the threshold test of logic.       given to a patient is adequate is judged
          patients, which has hitherto been based                                                      from the perspective of a reasonable
          on common law (ie, judge-made law               The first subtle sign that the Singapore     person in the patient’s position. Doctors
          as decided in court cases). The Bill does    Courts may eventually depart from the
                                                                                                       have a duty to take reasonable care
          not deal with, and does not affect the       BB test for medical advice was around
                                                                                                       to ensure that patients are aware of
          existing common law on the standard of       2012. Then-Judge of Appeal Justice
                                                                                                       “material risks”. The test of materiality
          care for diagnosis and treatment carried     Chao Hick Tin, in his extra-curial speech
                                                                                                       is whether, in the circumstances of the
          out. We will provide a brief background      on informed consent delivered at the
                                                                                                       particular case, a reasonable person in
          of the law pre-Section 37, followed by       5th Chao Tze Cheng Memorial Lecture
                                                                                                       the patient’s position would be likely
          a commentary on the new Section 37,          on 6 October 2012, made the following
                                                                                                       to attach significance to the risk, or the
          drawing substantially from its legislative   prophetic remarks:
                                                                                                       doctor is or should reasonably be aware
          intention as discussed in Parliament.           “If I were to be asked to give a one liner   that the particular patient would be likely
                                                       advice, my answer will be this: Putting         to attach significance to it.8
          The Bolam-Bolitho test                       yourself in the shoes of the patient, what
                                                       would you have liked to know from the               Under our local MM test, a doctor’s
          A key aspect of medical advice is                                                            duty to advise requires that he/she
                                                       doctor? You are unlikely to fall foul of
          informed consent, which generally refers                                                     disclose to a patient information that is
                                                       professional and legal norms if this is
          to the process by which a healthcare                                                         relevant and material when giving them
                                                       your motto.”5
          provider advises a patient on the risks,                                                     medical advice. The Court assesses what
          complications, benefits and alternatives                                                     is relevant and material information from
                                                       The modified Montgomery test
          of a medical procedure or intervention.                                                      the perspective of the patient. The MM
          The patient must be competent to make        Five years later, in 2017, a five-member        test was borne out of the observation
          a voluntary decision as to whether to        Court of Appeal held in the landmark            that the BB test did not sufficiently
          undergo the procedure or intervention.2      case of Hii Chii Kok v Ooi Peng Jin London      give effect to the principle of patient
                                                       Lucien6 that while the applicable standard      autonomy and was regarded as too
             By way of background, Singapore           of care for diagnosis and treatment
          Courts have been following and applying                                                      “doctor-centric”.
                                                       continues to be the BB test,6 as laid down
          the Bolam-Bolitho (BB) test in respect of    in Gunapathy,7 a new legal test was                A doctor would fall below this
          standard of care for medical diagnosis,      minted for determining whether a doctor         standard of care if he possessed
          advice and treatment. The 2002 Court of      was negligent in advising the patient.          information that is important or
          Appeal case of Khoo James v Gunapathy3       This came to be known as the modified           reasonably relevant and material to
          endorsed this two-part test.                 Montgomery (MM) test.                           the patient, and failed to inform the

          18 JAN 2021 SMA News
patient without any justification. The        dump” which tends to cause the patient          The general feedback was that
justifications for non-disclosure include     to be more confused and less able to         “Many doctors grew uncertain as to
waiver by the patient, emergency              make a proper decision.                      what might be required of them when
treatment and therapeutic privilege.             Another oft-cited criticism is that       they saw a patient, advised a patient,
                                              the MM test itself does not include the      took informed consent as well as have
   Whether a risk has to be disclosed
                                              element of a reality check, save that it     serious concerns as to whether the
depends on the severity of the potential                                                   rigour of the SMC system was sufficient
injury and its likelihood.9 In particular,    suggests that expert opinion could be
                                                                                           to see through the case to get a clear,
a patient should have the freedom to          taken into account when appropriate.
                                                                                           consistent, and certain outcome.”12
make an informed choice about their           The test of materiality is solely from
                                              the patient’s perspective and does not          The Workgroup in particular found
medical treatment, consistent with the
                                              take into account what is actually being     that many doctors perceived the
ethical tenet of patient autonomy.
                                              practised on the ground. In medical          MM test as bringing in an element
   According to the MM test, the              practice, the three aspects of diagnosis,    of variability and hence uncertainty
doctor only has to tell the patient           advice and treatment can sometimes           as to what each patient might want
about reasonable alternatives, but            overlap, making it hard to clearly apply     to know, since what is relevant and
the sufficiency of the advice and             the test.                                    material is said to be assessed from the
information will not depend solely                                                         patient’s perspective.
on the views of other respectable
doctors. Furthermore, a doctor must
                                              Workgroup recommendations                       After extensive consultation
disclose information that he knows or         Two years after Hii Chi Kok was decided      with stakeholders of the healthcare
ought reasonably to know would be             came the highly publicised Singapore         sector, the Workgroup made three
important to that particular patient.9        Medical Council (SMC) case of SMC            recommendations in relation to
                                              v Dr Lim Lian Arn11 in 2019. In brief,       informed consent:13
   Medical professionals are therefore
expected to involve their patients            SMC prosecuted Dr Lim for failing to         1. Provide a clear legal standard for
to a greater extent when advising             advise a patient of the possible risks          medical professionals’ duty to advise,
possible therapies or discussing              and complications associated with a             which is one that is patient-centric
treatment plans. Care should also be          hydrocortisone and lignocaine injection.        but ultimately based on the opinion
taken to record the patient’s particular      The Disciplinary Tribunal accepted Dr           of a responsible body of doctors.
concerns, and what medical advice and         Lim’s plea of guilt and imposed the          2. Revise the SMC’s Ethical Code and
information had been imparted to the          maximum fine of $100,000 as sought by           Ethical Guidelines 2016 edition
patient as a result.                          his counsel, while SMC sought a five-           (ECEG) on informed consent down
                                              month suspension term. On appeal by             to basic irreducible principles, with
   However, a key concern with the MM         the SMC, following strong reactions
test is that it would result in “defensive                                                    helpful illustrations to guide doctors
                                              from the medical community, the                 on how these principles apply.
medicine”, whereby doctors dump
                                              Court of Three Judges set aside Dr
excessive amounts of information onto                                                      3. Develop nationally agreed specialty-
                                              Lim’s conviction.
patients in order to avoid negligence                                                         specific guidelines to deal with
claims or complaints.9 Doctors are               While Dr Lim’s case does not engage          standard commonplace procedures
fearful of needing to “read their patient’s   the interpretation of the MM test, it           in each specialty.
mind” to predict concerns that were not       catalysed further discussions on the MM
divulged by the patient at the clinic in      test during the town halls conducted by         The overall intention is not for
order not to be considered negligent.10       the Workgroup to Review the Taking of        the guidelines to be prescriptive,
This is notwithstanding that the Court        Informed Consent and SMC Disciplinary        but to serve as a source of reference
of Appeal made clear in Hii Chii Kok9         Process, which was formed by the Ministry    or as a baseline. In summary, these
that the doctor’s duty to advise is not       of Health in March 2019 to look into these   recommendations aim to restore the
satisfied by conducting an “information       areas after Dr Lim’s case was reported.12    doctor-patient relationship, promote
                                                                                           patients’ interests and reverse the trend

“ inTheitsvalue
                                                                                           of defensive medical practice.

                 of Section 37 lies                                                        Rationale for Section 37

           spirit of bringing peer                                                         Section 37 is essentially the statutory
                                                                                           embodiment of the Workgroup’s first

    professional opinion back as a                                                         recommendation, combining aspects of
                                                                                           the BB and MM tests.

    gatekeeper while giving effect                                                            Section 37 is intended to set a clear
                                                                                           standard for healthcare professionals’
      to patient autonomy in the                                                 “         duty in giving medical advice to their
                                                                                           patients, to enhance decision-making
       realm of medical advice.                                                            and outcomes for the patient, rebuild
                                                                                           trust between doctors and patients, and
                                                                                           prevent defensive practices.

                                                                                                                  JAN 2021 SMA News 19
At one level, Section 37 aims to             A legally disabled person is some-         Material information
 remove the dichotomy that one has             one who does not have the mental             Material information may relate to
 to be either patient-centric or doctor-       competence to make a decision for            specific concerns or queries that the
 centric, rendering the patient and            himself or herself. For example, a parent    patient expressly communicates in
 doctor constantly pitted against one          would be responsible for making a            relation to undergoing the treatment or
 another in a zero-sum game. A legal           decision on behalf of his infant child.      the medical advice, such as an expressed
 test which coheres with a patient and                                                      question, query or some discussion
 his/her doctor jointly managing his/          Standard of care for medical advice          raised by the patient and if the doctors
 her medical outcome is felt to be the         The Section 37 test provides that a          are asked specific questions, that
 better way forward.12                         healthcare professional will meet the        becomes something he has to explain.
    At another level, it seeks to balance      standard of care in giving medical              Material information may also relate
 preserving the principle of patient           advice to a patient where two                to specific concerns or queries which the
 autonomy and upholding the principle          conditions are satisfied.12                  patient does not expressly communicate,
 of self-regulation in the medical                Firstly, he acts in a manner which is     but which ought to be apparent from
 profession, by providing that regard                                                       the medical records of the patient
                                               accepted by the medical opinion of a
 should be had to what peer healthcare                                                      which the healthcare professional has
                                               respectable body of such healthcare
 professionals say as to the appropriate                                                    reasonable access to, and also ought to
                                               professionals as reasonable professional
 standard of care in giving a patient                                                       reasonably review.
                                               practice in the circumstances (peer
 information. The Courts will continue         professional opinion).                          In relation to information that ought
 to have oversight, by ensuring that the                                                    to be apparent from medical records,
 views of peer healthcare professionals           Second, this peer professional opinion    this is not intended to impose an
 pass muster when it comes to logic            has to be logical, in that it has compared   obligation on healthcare professionals
 and reasonableness.                           and weighed the risks and benefits of        to review and go back into reviewing
                                               the conduct in question and arrived at a     substantial volumes of medical records,
    In concept, Section 37 is not a
                                               defensible conclusion that is internally     or voluminous medical history on the
 fundamental shift in direction. The
                                               consistent and does not ignore known         National Electronic Health Record in
 underlying principles would be
                                               medical facts and formulation.               order to try and work out or ferret out
 familiar to doctors and lawyers alike,
                                                                                            concerns or queries that the patient
 and they are ones which are currently            These two conditions essentially
                                                                                            might have.
 established in law.                           incorporate the same legal principles
                                               that were used to assess healthcare              The litmus test is that of
 What Section 37 does not change               professionals’ conduct using the BB test.    reasonableness, both in terms of
                                                                                            what the healthcare professional has
 Section 37 does not alter the burden of       Three Limbs of peer professional             reasonable access to, and also whether
 proof in a medical negligence claim. The      opinion                                      in the circumstance of the case, the
 claimant patient continues to bear the                                                     discussion with the patient or the
 burden of proving his/her case on the         There are three limbs under which
                                                                                            context in which the patient is seeing
 civil standard of balance of probabilities.   the peer professional opinion must
                                                                                            the doctor creates a scenario where
                                               assess the information given by
    Section 37 also does not change the                                                     the doctor ought reasonably to review
                                               healthcare professionals:12                  these past records. What is reasonable
 test for medical diagnosis and treatment,
 which continues to be the BB test.               In the First Limb, the healthcare         is a matter to be assessed in the
                                               professional must give his patient           context of each case, and it is not
                                               information that a “typical” patient         possible to define upfront at the start
 Unpacking the new Section 37
                                               would reasonably require to make an          all the categories in a closed fashion
 The following section draws                   informed decision about whether to           of information that will be regarded as
 substantially from Section 37’s               undergo treatment or follow a particular     reasonable or not reasonable.
 legislative intention as discussed in         piece of medical advice. This provides          A factor that would go into the
 Parliament, and as reported in the            for what a doctor might do to a typical      assessment of what is reasonable is the
 Ministry of Health’s news highlights.         patient that is judged by what his or her    age of the medical records in question.
                                               peers would regard.                          In general, the older the medical records
 Scope of Section 37
                                                                                            are, the less likely it would be that it
 Section 37 applies not only in respect           In the Second Limb, the healthcare
                                                                                            would be reasonable to expect the
 of medical advice given to patients,          professional must give his patient           healthcare professional to review them.
 but also medical advice given to a            information that he knows or reasonably      But if something is flagged out in the
 person who is responsible for making a        should know is material to that “specific”   old medical record which suggests
 decision about undergoing a treatment         patient, for the purposes of making the      a need to make a train of enquiry, it
 or following a particular piece of medical    same informed decision as in the First       would make it harder for the healthcare
 advice on behalf of someone else, that        Limb. It requires the professional to also   professional to say that it is not some-
 someone else being a patient who is           think about what might be material           thing that he ought not to look at in
 legally disabled.                             information to this patient.                 context of this treatment.

20 JAN 2021 SMA News
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