The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...

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The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...
                                                                                         Our environment     10
                                                                                   Rotary's Volunteer Expo   12
                                                                                              Polio update   20
                                                                                       Champions Awards      28

The Official Magazine of Rotary International in Great Britain & Ireland                      June/July 2019

                                                                           FROM SOURCE TO SEA        4

                                                                     The fight against
                                                                      plastic pollution
The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...
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The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...

4                                                                                                                    28
REGULARS                                                COVER STORY                            FEATURES
Rotary Great Britain                                         From source to sea                Tackling plastic pollution                 4
& Ireland President                        8        Rotary's fight against plastic pollution   War against plastic                        6
Talk from the Top                        14
                                                                                               Caring about our environment           10
And Finally…                             50
                                                                                               Volunteer Expo                         12
                                                                                               Meet the new Rotary President          16
                                                                                               Life saving technology                 18
                                                                                               Polio update                           20
                                                                                               Rotary Young Citizen Awards            24

                                                                                               Champions Awards                       28

 Dave King                                                                    EVEN MORE ONLINE

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The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...

                                 Rotary tackles
              plastic pollution
                  Volunteers in Wales, and along the route of the River Severn, are taking
               a stand against plastic pollution which has brought together communities.

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The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...
                                                                                                                 Welsh beach clean

        T’S a blustery Sunday morning in                                                                Philip said: “The success so far is
        early March, and Philip Stallard is                                                       incredible. I’ve been told off by parents who
        braced against the elements as he                                                         say, ‘We can’t even get on the beach now
        surveys a lonely, rocky beach in                                                          without the kids doing a litter pick first,
        West Wales.                                                                               what’s going on? You’ve changed everything
      This remote location has become one                                                         about how they see litter’.
of the battlegrounds for Philip’s campaign                                                              “Now, no kids in the schools I have
against plastic pollution.                                                                        spoken to will go on the beach without
      This morning, a group of volunteers                                                         bringing litter off the beach.”
are preparing to wage war with their trusted                                                            The top enemy is plastics. However, to
litter-pickers and plastic sacks.                                                                 most, plastic is a useful material.
      The town was quiet, but the ocean                                                                 Researchers have discovered that over
roared in agony as it washed up assorted                                                          40% of plastic produced is packaging, so it
debris; used fishing equipment, plastic                                                           is used once and then discarded.
bottles, empty sun cream containers and                                                                 And eight million tonnes of plastic
flip-flops, as well as many other items.                                                          enters the oceans every year - equivalent to
      Beaches across these isles are becoming                                                     five shopping bags sitting on every foot of
a living horror story that many are failing       collected a stunning 580 kg of litter from      coastline around the world.
to address.                                       streets, parks, estates and the river in the          Plastic is at the fingertips of many all
      Philip, who works as the Countryside        town. All of this could potentially end up      day long; water bottles, your computer
Access Volunteer Coordinator for Powys            in the sea but has now been put safe from       mouse and keyboard. The amount is
County Council, says he is seriously              causing harm. A complete motorbike was          unimaginable.
concerned about the pollution plaguing            also pulled from the Severn.                          Recent research has shown that the
our waterways.                                         The source of the River Severn is in       toxins inside plastic are affecting both
      He aims to change this hand-in-hand         a deep, blanket-peat bog on the slopes of       animal and human health conditions.
with Rotary.                                      Plynlimon, 800 metres outside Hafren                  Philip explained: “There is a very good
      Philip said: “We find hypodermic            Forest’s boundary, and close to the Powys       chance that we are breathing it (toxins)
needles, an awful lot of dog mess, in bags        town of Llanidloes.                             in, it is falling on us within the rain,
and out, none of that is pleasant, and                 From there, Britain's longest river runs   affecting our crops, let alone fish stocks and
broken glass. However, the most dangerous         for 220 miles from the Welsh mountains,         everything else.”
thing is the plastic.”                            through the beautiful Shropshire and                  This is one of many reasons he is
      To combat this, Philip and Llanidloes       Worcestershire countryside, and down to         pushing for a change in the use of plastic
Rotary established the environmental              the flatlands of the Severn estuary.            within planet Earth.
campaign ‘Sending a Message in a Bottle’.                                                               During the clean-up in Aberystwyth,
      The project includes beach cleans, litter                                                   different Rotary clubs arrived promptly,
picks and raising the problem of plastic                                                          along with Rotaractors and other
pollution. Running for just over a year now,                                                      community warriors.
the initiative is starting to accelerate.
                                                   “Beaches across these isles                          Volunteer Cat explained why she enjoys
      Philip is taking this project from             are becoming a living                        attending events like this.
‘source-to-sea’ and hopes to get more                                                                   She said: “As I was picking up rubbish
clubs involved, especially in counties              horror story that many                        that humans have put into the sea, I also
along the route of the River Severn;                 are failing to address.”                     collect natural things like pieces of wood,
Powys, Shropshire, Worcestershire and                                                             and shells and any interesting drift that’s
Gloucestershire.                                                                                  come out of the sea.
      Philip realised clearing communities             Recently, Llanidloes Co-op boosted the           “You can make something beautiful
along the source of the ocean plastic will        project by donating three thousand bags         from something natural.”
decrease plastic pollution in the sea.            which are to be given to youngsters in the            Each beach clean is always a success,
      He said: “We can pick up litter on          towns along the Severn during the ‘Sending      bags are filled to the brim of random items
beaches forever, but if we go back to the         a Message in a Bottle’ launch phase.            – such as gloves and old paint cans.
source and stop it, then I believe everything          With a few fabric pens, the creative             Philip hopes to roll the campaign
will change.”                                     minds of the young people decorated the         across more clubs, after already reaching
      Clubs such as Newtown and Welshpool         bags depicting the animals they wanted          out to Rotary members in Powys. l
Rotary also clambered on board for a              to protect.
campaign inspired by David Attenborough’s              By striking at the hearts and minds
television documentary, ‘Blue Planet II’.         of environmentally-aware youngsters,
      Shocked by the reality Philip, along        Philip knew that this is the best way of the          To join Philip Stallard and his team of
with Newtown Rotary and many other                campaign getting traction.                            volunteers, visit the website:
volunteers, were stung into action and                 And it is working.                                                                                                                                           Rotary // 5
The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...
        Special feature


We are all responsible
With the problem of plastic pollution high on the environmental
agenda, Rotary is taking action to clean up our communities.

                CCORDING to Plastic             sharing useful time together.
                Oceans UK, we manufacture             “My thoughts, and the thoughts of my       FACT FILE
                over 300 million tonnes         fellow District Governors, is why don’t we
                of plastic every single year.   do something together?                           PLASTIC POLLUTION
                That is the equivalent to the         “If we can mobilise clubs on one day
weight of the entire adult population of        and get them all to arrange a beach or river     • We manufacture over 300 million
the planet.                                     clean or a litter pick in their communities it      tonnes of plastic a year. Around half of
     On Saturday, June 8th, Rotary clubs                                                            what is produced is single-use plastic
                                                will show people Rotary’s commitment to
and groups across Great Britain and Ireland     the environment.                                 • Around 8-12 million tonnes of plastic
are being encouraged to take action and               “It is also a great opportunity to get        ends up in our oceans every year
host local events as part of a Rotary GBI       our RotaKids, Interact and Rotaract clubs        • It is estimated that 75% of seabirds
mass beach and river clean day.                 involved as we know that young people are           in the world have ingested plastic at
     Steve Martin, District Governor for        incredibly passionate about this cause.             some time and that figure is only likely
North and Mid Wales, South Lancashire,                “Clubs are already contacting me and          to increase.
Merseyside and Cheshire, explained              telling me of other environmental groups
why Rotary is perfectly placed to make a                                                         • Every day approximately 8 million
                                                they are teaming up with and they are               pieces of plastic pollution find their
difference.                                     recruiting members of their community               way into our oceans.
     He said: “Many clubs are becoming          to help.” l
more and more aware of the plastic that is                                                       • There may now be around 5.25
ending up in our seas and rivers, causing                                                           trillion macro and microplastic pieces
so much damage to our environment and                                                               floating in the open ocean.
wildlife.                                                                                        • 100,000 marine mammals and turtles
     “We know that lots of clubs do                   For more details,                             and 1 million sea birds are killed by
community litter picks and beach clean                contact Steve Martin:                         marine plastic pollution annually.
exercises and they are a really good way of 

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The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...
         Rotary GBI President

                 Rotary GBI President
                 Debbie Hodge

Helping to make the world
a better place

               HE crocuses have bloomed,          fetes, from plant sales to cake bakes, from         All this I have witnessed, and it
               we have filled our plates and at   clothing banks to reading programmes.         reminds us why we are involved with
               the Showcase in Nottingham              Clubs have been bringing people          Rotary – we are in it because it gives us
               we have been reminded that,        together, bridging the gaps in local          an opportunity to be a philanthropist, to
               while we are nearly there,         community provision, building                 support an entrepreneur, to shape the way
polio has not yet gone.                           partnerships that enable others to join in    our society will work through supporting
     If we are to keep our promise to the         with meeting needs locally, nationally and    the development of young people today.
children of the world, then we need to be         internationally, giving those who are often         It gives us an opportunity to connect
asking hard questions of those who are            neglected in society both a voice, and a      across boundaries, be that of race, gender,
spending our money as to how they are             purpose.                                      ethnicity, religion or age.
changing the plans to meet the problems                                                               In the Rotary world every individual
that are preventing us from reaching the                                                        has something to offer and every individual
finish line.                                       “As this Rotary year ends I                  is a person of worth, deserving of care and
     But on my travels this year I have been                                                    compassion.
encouraged by the innovative ways clubs           ask you one question – what                         With these ideals, we have been the
are raising awareness and funds – and the         have you done to make you                     inspiration that has changed lives, changed
People of Action Polio Awards have been                                                         communities and changed our world – let
a great way of doing just that – giving
                                                   feel proud to be part of this                us continue to be that inspiration as we
recognition to the awardees for their               amazing organisation?”                      connect across the globe to make the world
contribution to a polio-free world, and                                                         a better place. l
reminding us all that there is still work
to do.
     In my job with health care chaplains,
I am fortunate to work with those of many
faiths and beliefs.
     When we come together, we celebrate
our uniqueness, but we also share and
champion that which we hold together –
the valuing of human life, the compassion
for those in need and the shared agenda of
building communities of hope and love.
     This is one example of the ‘peace-filled’
picture of faith and belief – a picture that
the world needs to see and experience, as
we have been reminded by the attacks in
Sri Lanka: a picture that is exemplified in
Rotary’s work for peace and goodwill across
the globe.
     As this Rotary year ends I ask you one
question – what have you done to make
you feel proud to be part of this amazing
     From memory cafés, to inter-
generational events, from cream teas to
sports days, from bridge evenings to village

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The fight against plastic pollution - 4 INSIDE THIS ISSUE - Rotary International in Great Britain ...
         Environmental Sustainability

               Why caring about
         the environment matters
                                           In this country and abroad, Rotary clubs are engaged in a series of
                                       environmental projects. John Sayer, the Environmental Sustainability
                                                    Group Secretary explains how we can all become involved.

              HANKS to David                                                                     an enhanced environment for insect life.
              Attenborough with his 'Blue                                                             On average, a reduction of 28 days
              Planet' television series
                                                    “Measurements are                            per year collecting firewood means that
              and, more recently, Greta           under way to establish                         the predominantly young women who
              Thunberg, the 16-year-old                                                          perform this duty now have more time to
Swedish climate activist, the public has         the carbon footprint of a                       go to school, work in their market gardens
once again become very concerned with           selection of our conferences                     or undertake more productive tasks.
                                                                                                      An added benefit is that having
environmental matters.
     Rotary in Great Britain &                         and meetings.”                            a chimney in the kitchen reduces the
Ireland established its Environmental                                                            amount of smoke in that environment
Sustainability Group over 20 years ago,                                                          with consequent benefits to health.
with the express purpose of raising the                                                               Although this year’s winning project
profile of environmental issues within the      The Rodney Huggins                               has an international theme, previous years
organisation and to encourage Rotarians         Environment Award                                have seen domestic projects recognised,
to take action to address environmental         Every year, the group manages the Rodney         such as the Tiverton Hospital Wildlife
sustainability.                                 Huggins Environment Award which is               Garden in 2018, a project organised by Exe
     But what is environmental                  open to Rotary clubs, or associated school       Valley (Tiverton) Rotary.
sustainability? A brief definition is that it   and youth groups, through Rotary GBI to               They started their project in April
requires that the demands placed on the         demonstrate their environmental projects         2005 when they designed and created a
environment today can be met without            and be recognised for those achievements.        wildlife garden in the newly-built Tiverton
reducing the environment’s capacity to               The winner this year was Abingdon           Hospital.
allow all people to live well, both now and     Vesper Rotary with its project protecting             The garden measures approximately
in the future.                                  the environment in rural Mubende in              40 metres x 10 metres and is separated
     The Rotary GBI Group has recently          Uganda by using fuel saving stoves.              from the adjacent sports field by a stretch
introduced a suggested environmental                 In Uganda, 85% of the population            of Devon bank. It is next to medical wards
policy for Rotary clubs and districts to        cook using wood or charcoal and this             whose windows overlook the area.
adopt, if they wish, to demonstrate their       rises to 100% in rural areas, usually on              The area has been planted with trees
environmental objectives.                       open stone fires. The project has reduced        and flower beds, containing a mixture
     There have been several successful         households’ consumption of wood by 66%,          of native plants, wild flowers and herbs
initiatives over the past 20 years and here     which has cut the rate of loss of trees in the   known to be attractive to wildlife.
are just a few:                                 local environment, protected soil erosion,            There are nest boxes and other
                                                retained rainwater in the soil and provided      suitable habitats to attract wildlife in

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                                                                                                                Special feature

general. A well-illustrated and informative
signboard welcomes visitors and explains
the importance of maintaining wildlife
areas in our increasingly pressurised
                                               REDUCING OUR CARBON FOOTPRINT
                                               It is generally recognised that we need to reduce our carbon emissions significantly
                                               if we are to pass on a world to future generations which is sustainable, and the group
Encouraging young people’s interest            has a number of initiatives under way to meet this requirement:
in the environment
The group has developed a relationship         Understanding the carbon footprint             to live a life which is carbon neutral.
with the National Association for              of Rotary activities: Measurements                   Each person normally generates
Environmental Education which has              are under way to establish the                 about 12 to 14 tonnes a year and, with
started a pilot project in ‘The Heart of       carbon footprint of a selection of our         careful planning and changes in lifestyle,
England’ Rotary District with a focus on       conferences and meetings. Once we              this can, in many cases, be reduced to
plastic pollution, its causes and effects on   have this data, we can identify just how       about eight tonnes. One way to become
wildlife.                                      we can reduce the size of our carbon           carbon neutral is to plant trees.
     The entries will all be displayed at      footprint. Interestingly a Rotary District           Depending on their variety it
an exhibition in Coventry for the final six    in Africa is also involved in this activity.   requires between five and 12 trees to
months of 2019 with the aim of raising                                                        offset one tonne of carbon dioxide,
awareness of plastic pollution.                Zero carbon initiative: There is a             though it is estimated that the planting
     The group has also developed a new        responsibility on every one of us to           of British native hardwood trees would
youth competition for the next academic        become carbon neutral. There are many          require about 10 trees per tonne of
year, encouraging schoolchildren of all        ways to reduce our carbon emissions,           carbon dioxide. l
ages to focus on the theme of ‘waste           however, it is virtually impossible for us
minimisation’. l                                                                                                                Rotary // 11
        Special feature

                                                               JAMES BOLTON

               Volunteer Expo has landed
                      Rotary is launching a brand new, national event to
                    connect volunteers, organisations and the charity sector.

                 LMOST 20 million UK            inviting the public and the charity sector    significant pieces of research from each
                 adults got involved in some    to engage with our organisation in a way      organisation this year.
                 form of volunteering in the    they’ve never done before.                         Rotary’s annual State of the Nation
                 last 12 months.                      “For charities and community-interest   report recently found that almost half
                       The impact that          groups, this event provides a fabulous        of Britons admitted feeling lonely, with
volunteers have on our society is truly         opportunity to recruit volunteers, share      television, social media and even smart
incredible.                                     their story and promote the vital work        speakers providing ‘superficial’ alternatives
     And in 2020, Rotary is bringing to life    they’re doing. We would encourage them        to face-to-face interaction.
an event that will inspire a whole set of new   to visit our website and take a look at our        NCVO’s 'Time Well Spent' report
volunteers to get involved and invigorate       exhibition packages.                          found that nine in 10 volunteers said they
existing volunteers with a programme full             “Rotary members are some of the most    had met new people through volunteering
of things to learn, see and do.                 passionate volunteers around, and of course   and nearly eight in 10 said it had improved
     The event will be taking place May 1st-    we’re excited to welcome them along too.”     their mental health and well-being.
3rd, 2020 at the NEC in Birmingham.                   The event will include over 100              Sir Stuart Etherington, Chief Executive
     Amanda Watkin, General Secretary           fascinating exhibitors, leading speakers      of NCVO, said: “It’s a real honour to be
of Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland,         sessions, intimate seminar workshops and      partnering with Rotary Great Britain and
explained the decision to launch the new        opportunities take part in interactive on-    Ireland and to be a part of Volunteer Expo.
event.                                          site volunteering activities.                      “Rotary is a tremendous force for
     “We’re thrilled to be bringing Volunteer         As part of the event, Rotary has        good in helping people connect with their
Expo to life in 2020.                           partnered with the National Council for       communities and empowering them to
     “We know that volunteering plays a         Voluntary Organisations (NCVO), who will      make a difference.
huge part in our society and transforms         join Volunteer Expo as the event’s official        We look forward to supporting the
the lives of millions of people around the      charity partner.                              event to further increase the impact
country every single year.                            Both Rotary and NCVO have each          volunteering has in our communities.” l
     “For Rotary, this is an exciting           been at the heart of promoting voluntary
progression away from our previous annual       social action for over 100 years and this           To find out more visit:
conference format into a large-scale Expo,      partnership comes on the back of two      

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Latest news
Talk from the top…                                                                                from the top of the Rotary tree

                Barry Rassin                                     Brenda Cressey                                      Brian Stoyel
                Rotary President 2018/19                         The Rotary                                          RI Director 2017-19
                                                                 Foundation Trustees

A      S I look back on all the things I have
       seen and the people I have met since
becoming president of Rotary International
                                                  A      S thousands of Rotarians around the
                                                         world board flights to Hamburg for
                                                  the Rotary International Convention in just
                                                                                                    H      OW time flies! Two years ago, I was
                                                                                                           excited and apprehensive of taking on
                                                                                                    the role of Director.
last July, I am certain of this: Rotary’s         a few days, someone in line might see one of            Two years later I tell you it is an
capacity to transform lives for the better        our pins or a Rotary tag on our luggage and       unbelievable experience, especially having had
is unparalleled. Our impact is far beyond         ask, “are you a Rotarian?”                        the opportunity of serving two outstanding
anything I could have imagined when I first             After we answer with an enthusiastic        Rotary International Presidents: Ian Riseley;
became a Rotarian.                                “yes,” there’s much more to say about             and Barry Rassin. Level-headed, personable
      I think about the Rotarians I met           how we, as people of action, are making           everyday Rotarians eager for change with an
in Pakistan, who partnered with Coca-             the world a better place — through our            admiration for our Rotary membership and
Cola to improve sanitation in Karachi’s           connections within clubs and through              engagement throughout the world in our
neighbourhoods while supporting polio             the transformative power of The Rotary            Areas of Focus. Two individuals who speak
eradication efforts.                              Foundation.                                       their mind and listen to you the members, if
      I think about the Puerto Rican                    We can talk about how Rotary                only we had more like them in our clubs.
Rotarians who are helping entire                  implements projects that will help                      I have been extremely fortunate: my
communities rebuild their lives after             communities long after we’re all gone.            term of office has coincided with a Council
Hurricane Maria. I think about the German               We can describe how clubs in one            on Legislation. Serving on the advisory
Rotaractors who are working to save bees —        country pool funds with those from another        committee for the last 12 months realising
whose role as pollinators is so important to      to make communities healthier, more               the amount of work started just under three
our planet — from extinction.                     prosperous, and better educated.                  years ago, receiving enactments, resolutions,
      I think about the six Rotarians and               We can share how our clubs partnered        advising, editing, combining, realising and
Rotaractors who were honoured as People           with global health leaders to bring the           explaining cultural differences culminating in
of Action: Young Innovators at Rotary Day         scourge of polio to its knees.                    the actual meeting.
at the United Nations in Nairobi, Kenya,                And we can proudly note that much of              To hear 538 delegates discussing, cajoling
in November for their work to create novel        the good that Rotary does now and will do         support, admitting defeat and then dining
solutions to tough challenges.                    in the future is because of the Foundation        together in the evening.
      It seems like only yesterday that I stood   and its promise to transform gifts into                 As always enactment results can be –
on a stage in San Diego and asked you to          projects that change lives.                       as expected, disillusioning, disappointing,
Be the Inspiration in your clubs, in your               As we gather in Hamburg to mark             narrow-minded - most of the 47 passed out of
communities, and in the world.                    another successful Rotary year, we have           the 117 published were exciting and promising
      Your response was an inspiration to me.     much to celebrate.                                for the furtherance of our great organisation.
      You are paving the way for Rotaractors            At publication time, we had approved              The most enlightening must be the
to become our future leaders, helping start       1,078 global grant applications, with total       admittance of Rotaract clubs to Rotary
new Rotaract clubs and working to include         funding of $76.5 million.                         International membership.
Rotaractors in Rotary events and projects in            Last July, we launched the community              Finally, recognition of Rotaract being
your communities.                                 assessment component as a requirement for         an important member of the Rotary family,
      You are working hard to eradicate polio,    all global grant or vocational training team      still with its own constitution but embracing
participating in 4,200 events in more than        applications as part of our commitment to         members of Rotaract as our partners in
100 countries for World Polio Day.                sustainability.                                   service, not as Rotarians but partners.
      And you are carrying out transformative           That approach also informs why we                 I hope you will be one of the first to
projects that will create lasting change in       established the Rotary Disaster Response          welcome their opinions and invite them onto
your communities and in the world.                Fund and Grant this year, which allows            all your district committees.
      This year, I also saw how Rotary’s work     distribution of grants up to $25,000 for                These young people are the lifeblood,
to build peace is bearing fruit. The 98 Rotary    worldwide Rotarian disaster response.             make sure their transfusion into your Rotary
Peace Fellows studying at our peace centres             We also saw the Rotary Peace Centres        is truly memorable and life changing.
will soon graduate, joining more than 1,200       significantly grow and increase their impact.           I have been asked what now? Less
others in applying their conflict resolution             From among record numbers of               emails! More gardening, finishing the pond,
skills to problems that need solutions.           applicants in 2019, around 100 Peace              dog walking, getting the model railway set up
      Soon it will be time for Esther and me      Fellows will be chosen, and once they             for the grandchildren! Helping with Rotary
to return home to Nassau.                         graduate, they will join more than 1,200          Jaipur Limb, Donations Trust, Expo, REMIT,
      When we get there, I will look out          others in applying their conflict resolution      Rotary and Music philately, local Abbeyfield
on the vast sea that surrounds our island,        skills to global problems.                        Trust, seeing the grandchildren and late at
and it will remind me of Rotary’s limitless             We are committed to strengthening           night playing my piano and other instruments
possibilities, and of the amazing future that     and growing the Foundation for the future.        solely to send the family to sleep!
awaits us beyond the horizon. I look forward            We thank you for your generosity and              At the end of the day thank you for the
to sailing there with you. l                      for all you do in Rotary. l                       wonderful Opportunity to Serve. l

14 // Rotary                                                                                                              
                Special feature              Rotary // 15
        Donna Wallbank

                                                                                                                          DAVE KING

             Hairdresser Donna
       refuses to be on the fringe
                      Meet Donna Wallbank, who in July becomes the new President of Great Britain
                      & Ireland. The hairdresser from South Wales is looking forward to her new role.

                     ALK into the Gwent                                                   friends.”
                     market town of                                                            So why does that perception exist?
                     Brynmawr in South                                                    Donna believes it is because Rotary
                     Wales, and you’re          “Unless we change in                      remains one of life’s best kept secrets, and
                     greeted by a mustard-
coloured pub, The Talisman, facing the
                                             clubs, districts and at this                 we don’t publicise ourselves within our
                                                                                          communities enough.
war memorial in Market Square.                level by making what we                          She explained. “We have to be more
     Just four doors down is the hair and                                                 outward-facing. One of Rotary’s big things
beauty salon, Kutz N Kurlz – two places      do more bite-size, then we                   is that we keep secret what we are, or what
inextricably linked to the life of Donna     are not going to encourage                   we have done.
                                                                                               “I’m not suggesting that if we gave
Wallbank, the next President of Rotary in
Great Britain & Ireland (RIBI).                working people to come                     Mrs Jones £200 because she was on her
     For rugby-mad Donna, Kutz N Kurlz                                                    heels that we should advertise that.
is her business, which was established in
                                              forward to take up roles.”                       “But I am saying if we have just
1990, and the 19th century The Talisman,                                                  presented a disabled boy with a new trike
which was once a grand hotel serving a            She had also been invited to join the   and the parents are happy with that, then
town steeped in coal mining, is where her    Lions Club which she felt was a more         we should celebrate the event.
Rotary journey began in 1997.                natural fit for her.                              "People can see we are people of
     “I had gone to lunch at The Talisman         But once she found what Rotary was      action, we are in the community and
on a Tuesday where Rotary met, and a lady    all about – the four-way test, what the      understand what we are doing and why we
came down from the restaurant,” explained    organisation stood for, and the adage of     are doing it.
Donna.                                       ‘service above self ’ – she was hooked.           “I think the things we do, which are
     “Enquiringly, I asked: ‘What are you         Donna explained: “When I first went     outward-facing, bring a massive change
doing upstairs with all of those men?’ She   to Rotary I was scared, because to me they   to the perception of who we are, what we
explained that Rotary wasn’t just men, it    were posh people and I wasn’t.               are and how we are welcoming to people
was duel gender - and she was a member.           "In my head, the Lions were working     from diverse parts of our communities,
     "I was a community-minded person        class people. Brynmawr Rotary wasn’t         including the hairdresser.
and she suggested: ‘Why don’t you come       what I thought it was going to be.                “Who would have really believed
along next week?’ So I did.”                      "They are lovely people, and all        that a hairdresser was going to lead the
     Donna was 34-years-old at the time.     of them have gone on to become great         association?”

16 // Rotary                                                                                                  
                                                                                                              Special feature

     One key thread of Donna’s presidency          And perhaps this is a door being left    forward to take up roles.
will be continuity from the work of her       open towards establishing more e-clubs.            “If what we show, and I mean this
presidential predecessors, including               “Fellowship is a bit of an old word,     with the greatest respect, retired people
developing the mental health agenda.          but Rotary is about friendships, enjoyment    as RIBI President all the time, that is not
     And with the inevitable elephant         and fun, networking and that hand of          going to encourage a younger demographic
in the room of lowering the average age       help, which is vitally important.             to come forward.”
of Rotary clubs, she has a keen eye on             "We all want to be part of something,”        As for being a woman – the third
the power of networking as a means of         she added.                                    female RIBI President in four years – it
membership growth.                                 Donna, who has been married to           makes no difference. Donna refuses to
     After all, wasn’t that what drew         Steve for 36 years, has three children        wear a ‘Women in Rotary’ pin because she
Chicago solicitor, Paul Harris, the founder   (one of whom Shane, 33, was President         believes it is irrelevant.
of Rotary 114 years ago, into creating the    of Brynmawr Rotary last year), six                 “I believe I have this role because
organisation?                                 grandchildren, a tank of marine fish and a    people voted for me because they knew I
     Rotary should be looking to young        parrot - still intends to carry on working    could do the role through my track record
professionals who are new to business,        during her year-long tenure as president,     to deliver.
sole traders and even home-workers who        though it is going to require juggling.            “They didn’t vote for me, I hope,
can use the organisation as a means of             She firmly believes that Rotary as an    because I wore high heels and a dress.
networking, explained Donna.                  organisation has to become more flexible           “When I am doing Rotary, I am a
     It’s also a means to meet the social     to enable those who are working to come       Rotarian, not a woman in Rotary.
responsibility which each of us strives to    forward to take up roles.                          "You don’t have a badge which says ‘I
do.                                                “Unless we change in clubs, districts    am a man in Rotary’. We shouldn’t push it
     There are many business clubs out        and at this level, by making what we do       on gender. We say we want diversity, but
there, but Rotary is an affordable and        more bite-size, then we are not going         then we are pushing separation.” l
focused option, she argued.                   to encourage working people to come                                                                                                             Rotary // 17
         Life-saving technology

Life-saving technology
funded by Rotary
                HE Lister Hospital in
                Stevenage is now the owner of
                a brand new fibroscan device
                which will be crucial in the
                battle to combat liver disease.
      The fibroscan is a type of ultrasound
which can measure the degree of
inflammation in the liver.
      It is a simple, painless test which
uses high-frequency sound waves, and for
doctors, it is a vital piece of equipment to
detect liver disease early.
      Now, thanks to funding from Rotary
clubs in Hertfordshire, Buckinghamshire
and Bedfordshire, together with a generous
donation from The Rotary Foundation, this
technology is now available to the East and
North Hertfordshire NHS Trust.
      The hepatology service at the Trust
provides inpatient and outpatient liver
services to a population of 600,000 people.
      Because of the prevalence of liver               Money was needed from abroad to                “We were truly amazed at the speed
disease and the need to act swiftly, the          meet the Global Grant requirement of 30%      with which this purchase went through and
Lister Hospital developed a five-year             of the money coming from outside the host     overwhelmed with the generosity of all the
strategy to provide an improved hepatology        country.                                      local Rotary clubs that contributed to the
service. And this was built around the need            Debbie also mentioned how Global         purchase.
to have a fibroscan device.                       Grants in your own country are very                 “The kit we now have will make a big
      Lack of trained staff was another issue.    worthwhile, showing how Foundation            difference to patient care and Rotary can
      All it took to meet the problem was         money is well spent, and which is doing       be proud of how their support will help the
a single phone call to Ron Gibson from            good in the world.                            local population. You do wonderful work.”
Potters Bar Rotary and, four months                    Dr Simon Greenfield, Clinical Director         Nick Carver, Chief Executive of the
later, thanks to the work of the Rotary           for gastroenterology and hepatology with      East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust,
District team, £50,000 was found to pay           the East and North Hertfordshire NHS          said that the provision of the fibroscan
for the fibroscan, the XL Probe, training,        Trust, said he was delighted with the         would not have been possible without
installation, and part of the maintenance.        purchase of the liver fibroscan.              Rotary’s help.
      The money came from a Rotary                     He said: “The equipment means                  He said: “Thanks to this new
Foundation Global Grant, set up by the            that many patients will no longer need to     service, our patients will be able to have
Bedfordshire, Buckinghamshire and                 undergo a painful liver biopsy in order to    examinations locally to check for early liver
Hertfordshire District 1260 Foundation            diagnose liver scarring.                      scarring.
Committee.                                             “When looking to purchase this kit             “The test is quick, efficient and pain-
      Rotary in Great Britain & Ireland           we made a departmental decision to seek       free, so it will make a great impact to our
President, Debbie Hodge, attended the             charitable support just last summer.          patients’ overall care and experience.
presentation of the device.                            “It took me only one phone call to Ron         “We can’t thank the Rotary clubs
      There, she described the work of The        Gibson to get the ball rolling.               enough for their ongoing support and for all
Rotary Foundation and mentioned what                   “Ron was immediately very                the incredible work they put back into our
Rotary can achieve when working together.         enthusiastic about the potential purchase     community.
      Forty clubs had provided funds, with        and there rapidly followed a meeting with           “It is a pleasure to work in partnership
other money coming from District 1230             him and Paul Denton, District 1260 Global     with them.” l
in Scotland, District 3036 in India, and          Grants Chair and Dave Ford District
District 9675 from Sydney, Australia.             Governor to discuss our proposals.

18 // Rotary                                                                                                             Rotary // 19
Be the inspiration for a
        polio-free world
         Judith Diment is a member of the International PolioPlus Committee and a key
        campaigner in the bid to eradicate polio. She writes how, although the world is close
                 to wiping out the disease, it still requires one major, final push.

                                                HERE are many challenges          by an independent team in
                                                on the last mile to eradicating   Afghanistan, Pakistan and Nigeria,
                                                polio and the Global Polio        with recommendations made by the
                                                Eradication Initiative (GPEI)     Independent Monitoring Board.
                                                is ramping up activities to            These recommendations have
                                  meet those challenges.                          been incorporated into ‘The Polio
                                       Nigeria has had no cases of the wild       Endgame Strategy 2019-2023
                                  polio virus since August 2016, and India        Eradication, Integration, Containment
                                  has just celebrated five years of being         and Certification’ which highlights the
                                  certified polio-free.                           activities that need to continue, changes
                                       Disappointingly, in Afghanistan and        that need implementing, and innovations
                                  Pakistan, there were more polio cases in        which will be introduced to get to
                                  2018 than 2017, with 33 cases in total; and     zero cases.
                                  the GPEI programme has been extended                 The strategy was presented at the
                                  through to 2023.                                World Health Assembly in May 2018. The
                                       Last year, major reviews of                programme is funded through to 2019 and
                                  the programme were undertaken                   $3.2 billion must be raised to fund

20 // Rotary                                                                                        
                                                                                                                      Polio update

the programme to 2023.                                “Eradication is an all-or-nothing                If we are to join Barry Rassin’s desire
      In an extraordinary joint statement        approach. We either eradicate, or we do         to Be the Inspiration for a polio-free world
made by the chairs of the independent,           not. And the truth is, everything is in place   then we must continue to support our
advisory and oversight committees of the         for success to be achieved.                     GPEI partners and Rotary colleagues in
GPEI, they urged everyone to ensure polio             “The Endgame Plan through 2013-            Afghanistan, Nigeria and Pakistan who are
will finally be assigned to the history books    2018 has brought us to the brink of being       doing outstanding work with dedication
by 2023.                                         polio-free. And the Strategic Plan 2019-        and persistence, often in difficult
      They made an impassioned plea to           2023 aims to build on the lessons learned       circumstances.
everyone to dedicate themselves to one           since 2013.                                           The money we raise through Rotary
clear objective: to reach that very last child        “Its aim is to increase performance        provides essential grants to WHO and
with polio vaccine.                              everywhere, including using the proven          Unicef to fund technical assistance
      Bill Gates echoed this in an interview     tools of eradication and building blocks        staff, vaccinators, social mobilisation;
with Reuters when he said: “Eradicating          that have been established, while using         transportation – trucks, cars, bikes, boats
the disease - something that has only            opportunities to innovate using local           and donkeys, and communication tools –
ever been achieved with one other human          knowledge and insights to overcome              radio and bill board advertising, leaflets,
disease, smallpox - is proving a long and        obstacles that in the past have seemed          caps, tabards, purple pens.
challenging task.                                insurmountable.                                       We distribute $150 million a year in
      “We've got to get Afghanistan and                                                          grants, including $50 million raised by
Pakistan to zero, we need government                                                             Rotary and the $100 million match from
donors to stay committed.                                                                        the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation.
      "The success of the fight against polio    “Eradicating the disease                              We can’t lose sight of the goal, we
and its near-eradication has been a global,                                                      must remain focused and honour Rotary’s
collective effort between governments, civil       - something that has                          promise to the children of the world. l
society organisations, health workers, and
activists. We must stay committed.”
                                                 only ever been achieved
      For Rotarians, this means going the         with one other human
extra mile with fund-raising, volunteering
and advocacy.                                     disease, smallpox - is
      Children are missing out on
vaccination for various reasons including           proving a long and
lack of infrastructure, remote locations,
population movement, conflict and
                                                     challenging task.”
insecurity, resistance to vaccination,
misinformation and vaccination fatigue.                “The key is to optimise all these
      In Afghanistan, Taliban leaders are        approaches, and if the plan is fully
hindering global efforts to end polio by         financed and implemented at all levels, a
preventing house to house vaccinations.          lasting polio-free world will be secured for
      Political instability and elections also   all future generations to come.
play their part. Fortunately, in Pakistan              “We commit to making it our
the new Prime Minister, Imran Khan,              overriding objective to find and reach          Tayyaba Gul, from Islamabad
is committed to eradicating polio and            that last unvaccinated child before the         (Metropolitan) Rotary in Pakistan,
chaired a meeting of the National Polio          poliovirus does. We will give the poliovirus    runs a Rotary-funded health centre
Committee.                                       nowhere to hide.”                               in Nowshera, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa
       In January, Dr Tedros Adhanom                   Rotary International President, Barry     province, where her team of female
Ghebreyesus, Director-General of                 Rassin, agrees, pointing out how every          vaccinators aim to close the cultural gap
the World Health Organization,                   Thursday morning he receives an email           that pushes up refusal rates.
visited Pakistan and Afghanistan and             from the WHO with an update on polio                 The group works in
commented: “We witnessed first-hand              eradication.                                    neighbourhoods within tribal border
the tremendous efforts being undertaken                He explained: “Every week, when that      regions among ethnic Afghan refugees.
to interrupt the remaining chains of wild        email appears in my inbox, my heart seems             Its aim is to convince mothers that
polio transmission there.                        to stop for just a moment until I read the      polio immunisations are a normal part
      “I have rarely been so impressed by        first few lines – and learn whether a child     of postnatal care.
public health efforts being undertaken           was paralysed by wild poliovirus that week.          “I just contribute my part as
as in these two areas, as both countries               “When I open that Thursday email, I       a Rotarian. I’m happy to work in
work hand-in-hand to tackle this joint           don't wonder what number I'll see.              remote areas, especially with women,
epidemiological block, as both countries               "I wonder, was a child paralysed this     motivating them to play their role in
engage and mobilise all levels of public and     week or not? We are so close to eradication     society,” Gul says.
civil society to support this effort.            – but there is work left to do.”                                                                                                                    Rotary // 21

         Jersey the largest of the Channel Islands, is a unique meetings and events destination,
           delivering outstanding and innovative events in a beautiful setting and offering
             extraordinary opportunities for hosting your corporate meeting or conference.

             ERSEY is an inspirational            beaches, superb gastronomy, chic                 CITG responded to the brief with
             island, where lush country lanes     shopping, any number of historical and      the offer of producing a brochure with a
             meet magnificent cliff top views     heritage sites, the world renowned Jersey   package price to cover, transport to the
             and the sea is never more than       Zoo, La Mare Wine Estate, the War           island, accommodation and on island
             a short distance away. An island     Tunnels to name just a few.                 transfers. CITG negotiated seat rates by
  that’s alive with adventure and energy,              You won’t find a more inspiring,       air and sea, accommodation tariffs and
  packed with exciting things to discover         welcoming and rewarding location,           allocations and on island transfer prices.
  and activities to enjoy.                        whether it be for a small meeting,               The brochure was distributed at the
       The island has a wide range of styles      incentive programme or larger event.        2017 conference held in Southampton
  and sizes of venue to host outstanding               C. I. Travel Group (CITG) is a long-   where CITG was also represented.
  and sometimes even unique events.               established destination management and           As a result, just short of 600
  Historic fortifications, charming seaside       travel company, licensed and bonded with    delegates attended the Jersey conference
  or countryside sites to modern conference       ABTA and holding an ATOL issued by          in October, with many electing to stay for
  venues. Facilities are excellent and they all   the CAA, meaning that all monies paid to    longer and enjoy Jersey’s facilities.
  come with the warmest of welcomes.              them are fully protected at all times.           CITG managed all individual
       Getting to the island is really very            CITG has a dedicated team providing    bookings for the event including travel,
  easy since it enjoys excellent connectivity     unrivalled knowledge, experience            accommodation and transfers.
  by both air and sea. There are daily            and expertise in event facilitation,             In addition they provided on-
  flights from more than 20 airports across       and being based on the island have          the-ground support throughout the
  the UK and Europe, including up to 12           excellent commercial relationships with     entire conference, assisting the Rotary
  daily flights from the London region;           all the accommodation providers, on         conference committee in delivering a
  the majority of flights take less than 60       island logistics suppliers and transport    hugely successful event.
  minutes. Regular car carrying fast ferry        operators.                                       District Governor, Allan Smith, was
  sailings also operate from Poole, plus a             In the early part of 2016, Rotary      delighted with the conference.
  traditional ferry from Portsmouth.              District 1110 (Hampshire, Isle of Wight          He said:“CI Travel’s performance in
       There is a diverse range of                & Channel Islands) decided that they        bringing the majority of delegates to our
  accommodation on the island offering a          wished to hold their annual conference      conference was exemplary.
  choice of two to five star-graded hotels,       in Jersey in October 2018 and CITG               “Their team showed great
  international brands such as Radisson           was asked to meet with the organising       professionalism in this considerable task,
  Blu and Premier Inn and a number of             committee.                                  from the most attractive brochure, right
  smaller guest house-style properties.                The initial brief was for 600 plus     through the booking process.
       Each one in its own right provides a       delegates flying from Southampton, or            "The delegates were very
  unique, welcoming experience.                   travelling by sea from Poole and bringing   complimentary on the greeting they
       The larger four and five-star grades       their own car.                              received and the transfers to the hotels.
  often have their own in-house meeting                Conference meetings would take               “One of our major concerns was the
  and conference facilities.                      place at Jersey’s largest conference and    coaching of delegates to Fort Regent and
       Jersey has so much to offer even           event centre, Fort Regent, over a three-    the various functions. We need not have
  the most discerning visitor, wonderful          day period.                                 been worried, it went without a hitch.” l

  22 // Rotary                                                                                                   
the perfect place for
your Rotary conference.
        Young Citizen Awards

                                                                EVE CONWAY

                 Truly remarkable
  Incredible young people from across Great Britain and Ireland were recognised with Rotary Young
 Citizen Awards, the first-ever Rotary Young Citizen Peacemaker Award and the Rotary Young Citizen
          WheelPower Sports Award at the Rotary Conference and Showcase in Nottingham.

Rotary Young Citizen Peacemaker Award

                 GROUP of Irish pupils, aged
                 15 and 16, who are peace
                 advocates at Coláiste Mhuire
                 Buttevant School in County
                 Cork, have scooped the
first-ever Rotary Young Citizen Peacemaker
Award for their inspirational work tackling
difficulties affecting fellow students.
      The Peace Advocates surveyed all
pupils in their school to find out what they
were concerned about and discovered issues
where they needed support. The issues
included online safety, phone and gaming
overuse leading to sleep deprivation,
anxiety, low self-esteem and depression.
      The Peace Advocacy Group raised the
survey’s results with the school principal
who organised workshops with a forensic           Coláiste Mhuire Buttevant School in County Cork won the Rotary Young Citizen Peacemaker Award
psychologist carrying out sessions with
students and also parents.                       “It is an honour for all 157 Peace Advocates      President Debbie Hodge said: “The Peace
      The group is now in the process of         in Coláiste Mhuire to be nominated by             Advocates are a real inspiration to us all
training all second year students and their      Rotary as the first recipients of the new         with the important work they are carrying
teachers with the aim to have all students in    Rotary Young Citizen Peacemaker                   out, which they have initiated themselves,
the school trained to be fully qualified Peace   Award 2019.                                       to help other students at their school deal
Advocates by 2020.                                     “Our Peace Programme, founded by            with their concerns.”
      They are also organising a Pride Day at    Jean Best, focuses on one’s quality of life, in        Five Peace Advocates travelled to
the school where pupils can celebrate their      our communities, our homes, our schools           the Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland
diversity, taking pride in their uniqueness,     and in ourselves.                                 Showcase in Nottingham last month to
diverse cultures, sporting communities, etc.           “We use the skills of purposeful            receive a trophy and £500 to go towards
      Mallow Rotary Club was so impressed        listening and collaborative conversation to       their chosen project or good cause from
with the work of the Peace Advocacy Group        recognise, enable and empower our fellow          BBC TV Presenter Ellie Crisell. They were
that it put them forward for the Rotary          students and ourselves to believe in the          David Higgins, Paul O’Keeffe, Eoin O’Brien,
Young Citizen Peacemaker Award. The              expertise of the young to help each other         Zoe Crowley and Aoibhe Jones.
new award reflects Rotary’s area of focus on     and resolve conflict.                                  The Peace Advocates were trained by
Peace and Conflict Prevention/Resolution.              “Winning this award has been a              Rotarians Keith and Jean Best, who run
      The Peace Advocates say they are           lovely acknowledgement of our efforts and         The Peace Project, supported by Rotary in
delighted to be the first recipients of this     commitment to the Peace Programme.”               Great Britain and Ireland, and launched in
new award. In a statement, the group said:             Rotary in Great Britain and Ireland         schools in Scotland.

24 // Rotary                                                                                                           
©Andrew Fairclough Photography
                                                                                       Anastasia Blease in action in a wheelchair basketball game

Rotary Young Citizen WheelPower Sports Award
Anastasia Blease - 14                          15s team every year since she was nine,
Nominated by Flint                             winning silver as Vice-Captain for the last
                                               two years in the Lord’s Taverners Junior
& Holywell Rotary                              Championships. The schoolgirl, who                    “I want to be an
WHEELCHAIR basketball player                   plays for North Wales Knights, is hoping
Anastasia from Carmel, near Holywell in        to one day represent Great Britain in the          inspiration to younger
Wales, was born with spina bifida. She
is fast becoming a sporting hero after
                                               Paralympics.                                      people and I like to show
                                                    She says: "I want to be an inspiration
returning home with a gold medal from the      to younger people and I like to show them        them that they can achieve
European Championships in France with
Team GB's Junior Women under-24s.
                                               that they can achieve anything they want."
                                                    The Rotary Young Citizen WheelPower
                                                                                                   anything they want.”
      She is the youngest player currently     Sports Award is jointly sponsored by Rotary
selected for the squad and only began          International in Great Britain & Ireland
playing six years ago aged eight.              and the UK wheelchair sports charity,
      Anastasia has played for Wales’ under-   WheelPower.

Rotary Young Citizen Award
Kira Noble - 15                                and training of medical professionals            as well as raising awareness of her condition
Nominated by Leith Rotary                      to save lives. She launched a Childhood          through social media.
                                               Cancer campaign and joined forces with                Scans in January 2019 revealed that
NICKNAMED ‘Kira the Machine’, the
                                               an Edinburgh mum whose son died of               Kira's cancer has continued to grow and
Edinburgh schoolgirl has courageously
                                               leukaemia.                                       progress further despite PBT in the US.
faced the rare and aggressive cancer
                                                    Despite 20 rounds of chemotherapy,          Kira herself has taken the decision to try
neuroblastoma since she was 11-years-old.
                                               conventional radiotherapy and additional         an experimental drug which is an ALK
      She has now been told that her cancer
                                               Proton Beam Therapy (PBT) to her                 inhibitor.
is incurable.
                                               abdominal area and four major abdominal               Reacting to the news, she said: "I don't
     After doctors failed to initially
                                               surgeries, Kira's cancer has returned three      like being negative because it isn't going to
recognise she had the condition, Kira
                                               times. Whilst in hospital, she offers support    get me anywhere."
has campaigned for more awareness
                                               to other cancer sufferers and their families,                                                                                                                     Rotary // 25
        Special feature

                                     Plastic Warrior, Emily Stevenson - Nominated by Rotary in the SW Peninsula (Devon, Cornwall and Isles of Scilly)

                                                                                                     passion for what is fair and a desire to help
                                                                                                     people who she believes aren’t as fortunate
    “I am so proud of the work I have done so far, but it is                                         as her.
  absolutely only just the beginning. With this recognition                                               This is against a backdrop of personal
                                                                                                     struggle since she is on the pathway for an
from Rotary, it only empowers me to work harder for longer                                           Autism Spectrum Disorder assessment.
   to protect the environment against the plight of plastic.”                                             When Alana was six, she decided she
                                                                                                     wanted to do something for charity, so she
                                                                                                     set up her first charity cake stall, which has
                                                 pledged that by 2025 they will make all             now become an annual event.
Emily Stevenson - 21                             packaging 100% recyclable, compostable or                She raises money for a girl at her
Nominated by Rotary in the SW                    biodegradable.                                      school with cerebral palsy, helping to fund
                                                      After spending time with Emily and             her therapy and specialist equipment, plus
Peninsula (Devon, Cornwall                       the Beach Guardian project in 2018, Nissan          supporting the Sheffield Hospitals Charity,
and Isles of Scilly)                             now give all their employees worldwide              as well as other charities.
‘PLASTICS WARRIOR’ Emily Stevenson               two days of volunteering time each year, as               In 2017, Alana’s Caring Cakes were
is being recognised for her mission to end       well as offering support to beach cleaning          born. Alana’s Caring Cakes are free of
single-use plastic.                              groups worldwide and increasing the                 charge and anybody can nominate someone
     Emily, who grew up and lives on the         recycled plastic content in their vehicles.         to receive one of Alana’s special cakes.
north coast of Cornwall, has been picking             They also developed a two-minute film               Key is surprising the individual who
up plastic from beaches for over half her life   about Beach Guardian’s work.                        has been nominated.
She set up the Beach Guardian project in              Emily said: “I am so proud of the work              Alana has delivered to people in care
Cornwall and has also worked with Nissan         I have done so far, but it is absolutely only       homes, those undergoing chemotherapy,
as part of her beach cleaning campaign.          just the beginning. With this recognition           hospice staff who had cared for somebody
     The former marine biology student           from Rotary, it only empowers me to                 who had recently died, people caring for
from Trevone Bay wants to stop plastic           work harder for longer to protect the               family members with a terminal illness
from ending up on beaches worldwide.             environment against the plight of plastic.”         and those who go the extra mile for special
     She has received a letter of thanks from                                                        friends.
Sir David Attenborough.                                                                                   Alana views what she does as being
     Emily attracted international media         Alana Habergham-Rice - 11                           nothing special as she feels everybody
attention when she wore a dress made             Nominated by Rotherham Rotary                       should do nice things for people.
from discarded Walkers crisp packets to          ALANA Habergham-Rice, aged 11,                           She said: “It just makes me really
her graduation ceremony at Plymouth              nominated by Rotherham Rotary                       happy that I can do something to make
University. Since then, Walkers has                 Alana from Rotherham is driven by a              their time when it’s tough, better!”

26 // Rotary                                                                                                                
You can also read