Housing Allocation Scheme 2018-2022 - Effective 1 May 2018 How the scheme works - Slough Borough ...

Page created by Laurie Howell
Housing Allocation Scheme
                 Effective 1 May 2018

                     scheme works
This booklet is a guide to making an application to
join the housing register in Slough.
It explains what is needed to assess an application,
who can and cannot apply and how offers of
accommodation are made.
It is a summary of the Housing Allocation Scheme
2018-2022. The full version can be viewed on the
website www.slough.gov.uk

Fraud prevention                     Ground 5 in Schedule 2 of the
                                     Housing Act 1985 (as amended by
                                     section 146 of the 1996 Act)
The Housing Act 1996 Section 171
                                     enables a housing authority to
makes it an offence for anyone
                                     seek possession of a tenancy
seeking assistance from a housing
                                     granted as a result of a false
authority under Part 6 of the 1996
                                     statement by the tenants or a
Act to:
                                     person acting as the tenant’s
• knowingly or recklessly give       instigation.
  false information, or
                                     The council will not hesitate to
• knowingly withhold information     prosecute any applicant(s) who
  which the housing authority has    have either been allocated a home
  reasonably required the            or applied for a home by using
  applicant to give.                 false or fraudulent information.
                                     At any point during this process
                                     applicants may be required to
                                     attend council offices to have
                                     photographs taken for
                                     identification purposes.

www.slough.gov.uk                                                       1
Making an                            If you are a Slough Borough
                                     Council or housing association
application                          tenant you must contact your area
                                     housing officer for details of any
The application is to join the       other housing options that may be
housing register for an allocation   available.
of social housing. The application   Only main applicants and those
must be completed in full to be      persons that may reasonably be
accepted.                            expected to reside with the
An offer of accommodation may be     applicant can be included on the
anywhere in the borough, with any    application. Extended families and
social landlord and for any          non-dependant family members
property that meets housing need.    are advised to make separate
Due to the high demand for social    applications. An unborn child does
housing we cannot offer a choice     not count as part of the household.
of area unless there are             The following supporting
exceptional circumstances that       (photocopied) documents must be
would make any offer unsuitable.     submitted with the application.
Being on the housing register does   These documents will be verified if
not always mean that you will get    an offer of accommodation is
an offer of accommodation. The       made.
Homeseekers newsletter gives         • For each person listed on the
more information on the supply         application a birth certificate or
and demand for social housing in       valid passport
                                     • Proof of current and previous
The council aims to assess housing     five years residence
applications within eight weeks.
                                     • Proof of current income and
Applicants must be over 16 years       employment details
of age and eligible within the
                                     • Proof of savings or equity
meaning of the Asylum and
Immigration Act 1996.                • Evidence of training or

2                                                         www.slough.gov.uk
• Proof of immigration status if        • People who need to move on
  subject to immigration control          medical or welfare grounds
                                          (including any grounds relating
• A tenancy agreement if in
                                          to a disability
  rented accommodation
                                        • People who need to move to a
The council will inform the
                                          particular locality in the district
applicant in writing if the
                                          of the authority, where failure to
application has been successful
                                          meet that need would cause
and what priority has been
                                          hardship (to themselves or to
awarded. Applicants will be given
a unique reference number. This
number must be given when               • Unsatisfactory/overcrowded or
making any enquiry to the council         insanitary housing conditions
concerning their application.
                                        If an applicant or any member of
If the application has not been         the household ceases to be eligible
successful the applicant will be        then the application will be
notified in writing as to the           removed from the register.
reasons why.
                                        If an applicant or any member of
                                        the household has a change in
Who can join the                        circumstance then any extra
                                        priority may be removed/added
housing register                        and/or the application removed
                                        from the register.
The law sets out groups of people
                                        If a dependant child is no longer
who are considered to have
                                        dependant then the application
reasonable preference or a need
                                        will be re assessed - this may result
for the allocation of social housing.
                                        in the cancellation of the
• People who are homeless               application. Non dependants are
  (within the meaning of Housing        advised to make their own
  Act 1996)                             application.

www.slough.gov.uk                                                           3
Who cannot join                        • Applicant(s) who have a joint
                                         gross household income
the housing register                     exceeding £55,000
                                       • Applicants or members of their
The council has decided that the         household that have over
following applicant(s) or any            £20,000 in savings, investments
person included on the application       or equity
do not qualify for an allocation of    • Applicants who have refused
housing and cannot join the              one suitable offer of a secure (or
housing register:                        introductory), assured or one of
• Applicants or members of their         an assured short hold tenancy
  household who have not had a         • Applicants, or members of their
  fixed address in the borough of        household, that have any
  Slough for a minimum of five           housing related debt, including
  consecutive years up to and            rent arrears or mortgage
  including the date of the              arrears, in respect of their
  application or the date on which       current property or previous
  a decision is made on the              accommodation
  application whichever is the
                                       • Transfer tenants (from social
  later. Some exceptions to the
                                         housing) who have failed to
  five year qualification are
                                         maintain their homes, have
  detailed in the allocations policy
                                         caused damage to their home or
• Applicants or any member of            have breached the terms of their
  their household who own                tenancy
  property including those who
                                       • Applicants, or members of their
  have gifted property
                                         household who own any
• Those who have been found              property or have exercised a
  guilty of unacceptable                 council Right to Buy scheme
  behaviour serious enough to            within the past 10 years
  make them unsuitable to be a         • Applicants, or members of their
  council or housing association         household who have been
  tenant at the time of the              placed into Slough by any other
  application                            local authority
4                                                          www.slough.gov.uk
How priority is awarded
Applicants on the housing register will be placed into one of three bands.

 Band A             Urgent or exceptional need to move
                    Need move due to reasonable preference and additional
 Band B
 Band C             Need to move due to reasonable preference

 Band A             Urgent preference
 Urgent             Where an applicant, or any member of his or her
 medical            household, has a life threatening illness or disability and
                    the accommodation occupied poses an immediate and
                    exceptional risk of serious harm
 Urgent             Where an applicant or any member of his or her
 welfare            household requires urgent re-housing as a result of
                    violence or threats, including intimidated witnesses and
                    those escaping serious anti-social behaviour or domestic
 Insanitary         Where the local authority has served a demolition or
                    prohibition order under the Housing Health and Safety
                    Rating System where category 1 hazards exist and cannot
                    be rectified and continuing to occupy the accommodation
                    will pose a significant and immediate risk to health
 Exceptional        Special cases that cannot be covered in this scheme
 Severe over Where an applicant is in severely overcrowded
 crowding    accommodation which poses a serious health hazard and
             that housing need cannot be met by other options, such
             as renting in the private sector. The property occupied
             must be insufficient by at least three bedrooms, as per the
             standard that the council uses to allocate property

www.slough.gov.uk                                                                 5
Decants       Slough Borough Council tenants who are required to
                  move due to the redevelopment of their homes or where
                  major works are required
    Succession    Slough Borough Council tenants who have succeeded to a
                  tenancy and the property is too large for their needs
    Homeless      Agreed statutory homeless cases in temporary
                  accommodation where there is an urgent need to free up

    Band B        Additional preference
    Under         Social housing tenants in Slough occupying a home in
    occupation    demand and willing to accept a smaller home
    Foster/       Approved two year record of fostering/adoption by SBC
    Armed         Armed forces applicants with housing need as set out in
    forces        section 166A (3) of the Housing Act 1996 as amended
    Family    Engagement with the council’s troubled families
    programme programme
    Leaving care Leaving residential care
    Care leavers Relevant and eligible children leaving care
    Reasonable    Community contribution: working households - work
    preference:   must be in the UK. Applicants must fulfil a minimum of 16
    working       hours per week if a single applicant or 24 hours per week
                  if a joint applicant. This must also be for a continuous
                  period of six months up to the point of application and
                  the same at the point of offer

6                                                              www.slough.gov.uk
Reasonable         Community contribution: Study or training - must be in
 preference:        the UK, be work related and lead to a recognised
 work               qualification
              Applicants must fulfil a minimum of 16 hours per week if
              a single applicant or 24 hours per week if a joint applicant.
              This must also be for a continuous period of six months
              up to the point of application and the same at the point of
 Reasonable Community contribution: Volunteering - must be on a
 preference: formal basis and for an organisation accredited by the
 volunteering Slough Council for Voluntary Services
                    Applicants must fulfil a minimum of 16 hours per week if
                    a single applicant or 24 hours per week if a joint applicant.
                    This must also be for a continuous period of six months
                    up to the point of application and the same at the point of
 Right to           Social housing tenants exercising the right to move and
 Move               meeting the criteria set out in the allocations policy
 Medical            Where a medical condition or disability is severe and
                    remaining in the accommodation will contribute to a
                    deterioration in health
 Homeless           Qualifying households awarded a reasonable preference
                    under the Housing Act Part V11 s.193(2)
 Key worker         As per council key worker scheme

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Band C      Reasonable preference
    Homeless    Non-qualifying households awarded a reasonable
                preference under the Housing Act Part V11 s.193(2)
    Locality    Some need to move for welfare reasons including the
                need to live in a locality to avoid hardship where no other
                solution is available
    Over        Overcrowding means the property is insufficient by one
    crowding    bedroom of the standard the council uses to allocate
    Sharing     Applicants sharing kitchen, bathroom and toilet facilities
                with a separate household. Applicants who choose to
                sublet their home will not be considered
    Hostel      Applicants living in supported hostel accommodation
    Homeless:   Applicants assessed as non statutory homeless

The housing panel considers              unless the clients GP, consultant or
awarding an urgent preference to         health professional can
those in an urgent housing need          demonstrate, through evidence,
where no other housing solution          that this client can benefit more
can be found.                            than any other.
Applications received through this       The panel may also take qualified
route must demonstrate urgent            medical opinion when required.
need and will not be discussed

8                                                            www.slough.gov.uk
Making an offer                        The council will also make
                                       enquiries with third party
of housing                             organisations to verify the
                                       information on applications.
Offers are made to those who have      References and/or credit checks
been waiting the longest in each       may be sought. Applicants who are
band. Consideration will be given to   unable to provide any information
applicants in higher priority bands.   requested or whose circumstances
                                       have changed will be removed
When a property becomes                from the housing register and/or
available which is particularly        placed in the relevant band.
suitable for an individual applicant
who has specific needs or to           If the council is unable to contact
effectively match available housing    an applicant, using contact details
stock it may be allocated to them      provided, within 24 hours
even if they are not at the top of     (excluding weekends) the
the housing register.                  application will be cancelled. Any
                                       potential offer that may have been
New affordable social housing          made will be counted as a refusal.
developments may require a policy
to enable a balanced and               Applicants nearing the top of the
sustainable community. This local      housing register may be invited to
lettings policy will be aimed at       multiple viewings on vacancies. If
social households opting to            the offer is declined by the first
downsize.                              applicant then it will be offered to
                                       the next person on the list until the
Applicants well positioned for an      property is accepted.
offer of housing may be visited at
home to confirm that the               If an applicant is unable to respond
information given to the council is    to any deadline in accepting an
correct.                               offer then it will count as a refusal.
                                       Second viewings are not normally
Original documents will be verified    considered.
and suitability to be a council or
housing association tenant will be

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The property size that will be      Any applicant who rejects one
allocated for a particular          suitable offer that would have
household will be assessed          reasonably met housing need will
according to the following          be removed from the housing
guidelines and will be based only   register.
on the actual household
                                    An applicant may re apply to join
composition. The council uses the
                                    the register after a minimum
Government’s bedroom standard
                                    period of 24 months. Any future
for housing benefit.
                                    application will be assessed
It is recommended that applicants   according to the eligibility criteria.
confirm any housing benefit
entitlement when accepting a
Applicants are entitled to a        applications
bedroom each for the following
groups:                             The council will periodically ask
                                    that an application is re assessed
• Single or co-habiting couple
                                    to ensure that the eligibility and
• Any child over the age of         qualification criteria are met and
  16 years                          the correct priority band is
• Any two children of the same      awarded.
  sex under the age of 16 years     If a renewal request is not returned
• Any two children any sex aged     within one calendar month then
  under 10                          the application will be cancelled.
                                    No reminder will be sent and any
• A resident care worker            late responses will not be
• A disabled child who cannot       considered.
  share a bedroom

10                                                        www.slough.gov.uk
Changes in                              Appeals
circumstance                            and reviews
The council must be notified if         An applicant can request a review
there are any household changes         of the following
that may affect an application. A       • The assessment of an
new application form must be              application
                                        • The priority awarded or decision
The application will be re assessed       to reduce priority
and any extra priority may be
removed and/or the application          • The cancellation of an
removed from the register.                application

Applicants who fail to notify the       • The suitability of any offer made
council of any changes may be           • The housing panel decision
                                        The senior reviewing officer will
                                        conduct all reviews in relation to
Cancelling                              eligibility to join the housing
                                        register, the assessment of
an application                          applications, the suitability of any
                                        offer made and any other facts
An application will be cancelled        relating to the allocation of
under the following circumstances       accommodation.
• If an applicant is re housed          The request for a review must be
• If an applicant fails to respond to   made within 21 days of the original
  review letters or to officer          decision.
  contact requests                      The service lead for strategic
• If an applicant is no longer          housing services will conduct any
  eligible or qualifies                 review relating to a decision made
                                        by the housing needs panel.
• At an applicant’s request

www.slough.gov.uk                                                          11
The council aims to respond to a
review request within 56 days.
There is no further right to a
review of a decision. If an applicant
remains dissatisfied they may seek
independent legal advice or they
may then take their case to the
Housing Ombudsman. The
council’s formal complaints
process cannot be used to further
challenge a decision already
subject to an independent review.

If an applicant is unhappy about
the service they receive then the
council has a three stage
procedure for dealing with
complaints. Details of the
complaint procedure can be found
on the council website or at the
council offices.
Complaints that are not resolved
using this procedure can be
referred to the Local Government

12                                      www.slough.gov.uk
This document can be made available on
audio tape, braille or in large print, and is
also available on the website where it
can easily be viewed in large print.

Housing Allocation
Housing AllocationScheme
                          2013-2018- How the scheme works

If you would like assistance with the translation of the
information in this document, please ask an English
speaking person to request this by calling 01753 475111.

                   01753 475111

                                                                      01753 475111

                                  01753 475111

                                                      01753 475111

                                                                        01753 475111

Designed and printed by Slough Borough Council | | BH/4641/27-04-18                    www.slough.gov.uk
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