How to keep your home free from damp and mould - Berneslai Homes

Page created by Eduardo Harrison
Berneslai Homes Factsheet: 45 (Sept17)

How to keep your home free from
damp and mould

There are four main types of dampness that            Penetrating damp
could affect your home:
                                                      This type of dampness only appears on the
•   Rising damp;                                      outer walls (external walls) of a property or, in
•   Penetrating damp;                                 the case of leaking roofs, on ceilings. It only
•   Damp from faulty plumbing; and                    appears because of a fault outside the home,
•   Condensation.                                     such as missing pointing to the brickwork,
                                                      cracked rendering or missing roof tiles. Water
It is important to understand the difference          can pass through these faults.
between the different types so that the
problem can be treated effectively.                   Penetrating damp is far more noticeable after it
                                                      has rained and will normally appear as a well-
Rising damp                                           defined ‘damp patch’ which feels damp to the
Rising damp is caused by water rising from the
ground into the home. The water gets through          Note: Black mould rarely appears on areas of
or around a broken damp-proof course (DPC)            penetrating damp. This is because the affected
or passes through the natural brickwork if the        area is usually too wet. Also, the water contains
property was built without a DPC. (A DPC is           salts picked up when passing through the wall,
a layer of waterproof material put in the walls       which prevent the growth of black mould.
of a building just above ground level. It stops
moisture rising up through the walls.)                Damp from faulty plumbing

Rising damp will only affect cellars and ground-      Water and waste pipes, especially in bathrooms
floor rooms. It will normally rise no more than       and kitchens, can leak from time to time.
12 to 24 inches (300mm to 600mm) above                They can affect ceilings and both external and
ground level, and usually leaves a ‘tide mark’        internal walls. The affected area looks and feels
low down on the wall. You may also notice             damp to the touch and stays damp whatever
white ‘salts’ on the affected areas.                  the weather conditions. A quick examination of
                                                      water and waste pipes inside the property, the
Rising damp will be present all year round but        seals around the bath, shower and sinks, and
is more noticeable in winter. If left untreated, it   any external pipework, such as guttering, will
may cause plaster to crumble and paper to lift        usually find the source of the problem.
in the affected area.
                                                      Note: Black mould rarely appears with this type
Note: Black mould rarely appears where there          of dampness because the area is usually too
is rising damp. This is because rising damp           wet. Also, the chemicals in waste water will
carries salts from the ground, which prevent the      prevent mould from growing.
growth of black mould.
How to keep your home free from damp and mould

If you think you have rising damp, penetrating     Condensation
damp or faulty plumbing, please ring Barnsley
Connects on 01226 787878.                          The amount of condensation in a home
                                                   depends on three things:
Condensation                                       • the amount of water vapour produced in the
Condensation is by far the most common cause       • how cold or warm the home is; and
of dampness, resulting in a large number of        • the amount of ventilation there is.
enquiries or complaints from our tenants and
residents.                                         Simply turning the heating up will not solve the
                                                   problem – it may only reduce condensation
Condensation is caused by water vapour or          temporarily. You need to tackle all three issues
moisture inside the home coming into contact       to reduce the problem.
with a colder surface, such as a window or wall.
The water drops (condensation) then soak into      The first sign of a problem is ‘misting’ and
the wallpaper, paintwork or plaster. In time,      water droplets on windows and other cold
black mould grows on the surface of the damp       surfaces taking a long time to disappear. This
areas.                                             makes the surfaces become damp (this may not
                                                   always be noticeable if you have double-glazed
Condensation arises mainly during the colder       windows). The second indication is patches of
months, whether it is rainy or dry outside. It     black mould growing on the walls and ceilings.
is usually found in the corners of rooms, on
walls that face north, and on or near windows.     Black mould
It is also found in areas where there is little
ventilation and air circulation, such as behind    Mould spores are too small to be seen but
wardrobes and beds, especially when they are       are always present in the atmosphere, both
pushed up against external walls.                  inside and outside homes. They only become
                                                   noticeable when they land on a surface and
Note: Black mould is frequently seen on this       grow. This mainly happens in the cold winter
type of dampness.                                  months. Mould needs pure water to grow, and
                                                   condensation is pure water (unlike rising damp
                                                   and penetrating damp which picks up minerals,
What causes condensation and mould                 salts and soil when it passes through a wall or
growth?                                            floor).

Most homes will be affected by condensation        People often find it difficult to believe that
at some time. However, certain activities can      severe mould can be caused by condensation
increase the problem. Cooking, washing and         and think there is fault that needs to be
drying clothes all produce water vapour that       repaired. This is often not the case.
can only be seen when tiny droplets of water
(condensation) appear on colder surfaces such      For mould to thrive and survive it needs:
as walls, windows, ceilings or mirrors.            • moisture (from condensation);
                                                   • food (such as wallpaper or emulsion paint);
                                                   • a suitable temperature; and
                                                   • oxygen.
How to keep your home free from damp and mould

By dealing with the causes of condensation,       To do this, you may only need to open the
you will automatically deal with the problem of   window slightly or use the ‘trickle vent’ often
mould.                                            found on new uPVC windows. This allows warm
                                                  (but moist) air to escape to the outside and let
What can I do to reduce condensation and          in cool (but dry) air.
mould growth in my home?
                                                  If a room feels stuffy, heavy or smells musty, it is
The below six simple steps can help reduce the    likely that there are high levels of condensation
amount of condensation and black mould in         in that room.
your home:
                                                  • Always open a window or use an extractor
1. Produce less moisture                            fan when using the kitchen or the bathroom,
                                                    and close the doors to prevent moisture
Dry clothes outside. Avoid drying clothes           in the air from spreading to other parts of
indoors whenever possible.                          the home. Continue to ventilate these
If you have to, use a clothes airer in the          rooms for a short time after a shower, a bath
bathroom with the door closed and an                or cooking, and keep the door closed!
extractor fan on or a window open. Vent           • Open bedroom windows for up to an hour
tumble driers to the outside (never into the        as soon as you get up and throw back the
home) or use a condensing drier. Cover pans         sheets or duvets to air the bed and
when cooking and do not leave kettles boiling.      bedding.
Doing this could also help you save on your       • Clear windowsills of clutter that will
energy bills.                                       obstruct the opening of the window or
                                                    restrict the flow of air.
Do not use paraffin or bottled-gas heaters.       • Leave a space between the back of furniture
They produce large amounts of water vapour          and cold walls.
and are very expensive to run!                    • Ventilate cupboards and wardrobes, and
                                                    avoid overfilling them as this prevents air
Do not leave the bath, sink or basin full when      circulating.
you have finished washing. The water will begin   • Do not block chimneys, flues and air vents.
to evaporate and will cause condensation.         • Open the window in the room when you are
                                                    ironing or drying your hair.
2. Remove excess moisture
                                                  4. Heat your home a little more
Wipe the windows and windowsills of your
home every morning to remove condensation.        In cold weather, the best way to keep rooms
This is especially important in the bedroom,      warm and avoid condensation is to have a low
bathroom and kitchen. Just opening the            background heat all day rather than heating
window is not enough.                             rooms in short bursts of high heat when you are
                                                  at home.
3. Ventilate rooms to remove moisture
                                                  Good heating controls on your radiators, room
It is important to remove condensation and        thermostats and a timer will help control the
excess moisture by ventilating rooms. You can     heating throughout your home and manage
ventilate a room without making draughts or       costs.
causing it to become cold.
How to keep your home free from damp and mould

5. Insulate and draught-proof                       Clean the item with a fungicidal wash that
                                                    carries a Health and Safety Executive (HSE)
This will help keep your home warm and save         approval number. Make sure you follow the
money on your heating bills. Most Berneslai         instructions for using it safely. You can buy
Homes properties already have adequate loft         fungicidal wash from many supermarkets, DIY
and cavity-wall insulation.                         stores or painting and decorating shops.

6. Dealing with mould                               Clothes affected by mould should be dry-
                                                    cleaned. You should shampoo any affected
Black mould can grow on walls, ceilings,            carpets.
silicone sealant around windows, bedding,           After treating surfaces to remove mould,
carpets, clothes, leather goods and toys. This      redecorate using a good-quality fungicidal
can be upsetting. It can also be expensive to       paint. If you are wallpapering, add a fungicidal
replace items.                                      additive to the paste.

How can I remove mould?                             Please note: the fungicidal paint or wallpaper
                                                    paste will not be effective if you cover it with
Carefully remove excess mould with a damp           ordinary paint or paper over it with ordinary
cloth or sponge. Throw the cloth or sponge          paste.
away after using it.

  Two people at home for 16
  hours                                       3 pints
  A bath or shower
                                          2 pints

  Drying clothes indoors
                                                                         9 pints
  Cooking and using a kettle
                                                              6 pints
  Washing dishes
                                         2 pints
  Using a bottled gas heater
  for 8 hours                                       4 pints
  Pets - a large dog
                                         2 pints
How to keep your home free from damp and mould

How can my lifestyle help reduce the                Many people who have double-glazing notice
amount of moisture in my home?                      condensation and mould growth that they
                                                    never had with their draughty old window
Our everyday activities add extra moisture to       frames. This is because the natural draughts
the air inside our homes. Even breathing adds       around the windows have been sealed.
some moisture. One person sleeping adds
half a pint of water to the air overnight, and an   However, you could get the necessary
active person adds twice that amount during         ventilation by using trickle vents or opening
the day.                                            windows slightly. Remember – the advice is to
                                                    ventilate for an appropriate period of time, not
The examples below give you some idea of            to leave the windows open all day.
how much extra water you could be adding to
the air in your home each day.

Striking the right balance between warmth
and ventilation is important and can be very
effective. By opening windows or ventilating
your home it may appear that you are losing
some heat, but you are actually allowing warm,
moist air to escape and allowing cool, dry air to
enter your home. It is actually cheaper to heat
cool, dry air than warm, moist air!

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