How to stay healthy Hygiene Regulations for IPM Conferences - Automotive Procurement Forum

Page created by Kevin Hartman
How to stay healthy Hygiene Regulations for IPM Conferences - Automotive Procurement Forum
How to stay

         Hygiene Regulations
         for IPM Conferences
/September 2020; subject to change                                                          

   /Let’s all stay healthy!

The spread of the coronavirus SARS-CoV-2 has caused a global pandemic, since the start of 2020.

The execution of events requires a specific consideration of the respective format with regard to the required,
reasonable and feasible measures to ensure hygiene standards, preventing Covid-19 infection, and protecting both
employees and participants.

The following hygiene concept, developed by our hygiene officer in cooperation with the venue staff, shows the
currently known risks and the organizer’s extensive measures to prevent infection. The hygiene concept is
continuously adapted to the current coronavirus situation, and the latest official requirements and regulations.

The health of participants and employees is our top priority. Please pay attention to our increased hygiene rules
and take precautions for your own protection and for everybody else’s protection.

The Organizer


This hygiene concept was developed for the event series:

Date:                             Nov 24 – Nov 25, 2020
Number of Participants:           300 PAX
Event Location:                   Forum am Schlosspark, Stuttgarter Str. 33, 71638 Ludwigsburg
Type of Event:                    Business Conference with Exhibition,
                                  Seated Audience, Exhibition
/September 2020; subject to change                                                            

I. Information for Participants

Prior to the Event

Participants receive comprehensive information on safety procedures, hygiene measures and restrictions at the
venue, prior to the event.

   Safety instructions are published on the event website.
   Recommendation for risk groups not to take part in the event.
   Individual e-mail reminders to follow the safety instructions during the conference.

Online Registration / Ticketing

   Every participant is obliged to register online, prior to the event.The digital registration entails GDPR-compliant
   contact data collection of the participants.
   Participants receive their tickets/ booking confirmations by e-mail, prior to the conference.
   In case participants get infected despite the measures taken, all participants who were in contact with the
   infected person will be notified. Participants are only granted access to conference and exhibition after being
   registered at check-in. This ensures that contact persons can be easiliy identified in the event of a coronavirus
   Upon request, this data can be made available to the responsible health department, immediately.


   The Forum am Schlosspark has sufficient parking facilities. 281 places are available in this area.

Coat Checks

   Face masks that cover mouth and nose are mandatory. Service staff is required to also wear protective gloves.
   To avoid queues, there are a number of coat checks.
   The safety distance of 1.5 meters is shown by distance markings.
/September 2020; subject to change                                                           

Access Control

The maximum permissible number of participants (300 PAX) is determined by the official containment regulations
applicable at the time of the event. The conducted admission control provides information on how many people are
on the conference and exhibition floor. It assures that the minimum distance of 1.5 meters can be complied with.

   Participants are greeted by IPM staff wearing face masks and protective gloves at the registration desk.
   At check-in, IPM staff asks all participants about their health condition.
   Trained staff measures the particpants‘ temperature. In case of abnormalities or when somebody shows
   symptons of the coronavirus infection, these persons are excluded from the event, immediately.
   Participants receive a name badge and the conference magazine, only touched by the participant under the
   supervision of the IPM staff at the registration desks.
   Participants are requested to disinfect their hands at check-in, and receive a face mask to cover their mouth
   and nose (OEKO-TEX certified).
   Several registration counters are in operation to avoid queues.
   Participants will be informed about the protection and hygiene regulations by clearly visible
   The access points to the exhibition floor (blocked off by tensators), and the adjoining conference room is
   monitored by trained staff. They overview contactless check-in and check-out. Access is only granted to people
   who can show a personalized name badge from the organizer.

This check-in / check-out procedure ensures strong access control. The organizer knows how many participants
are on the conference and exhibition floor, at all times.


   Participants are informed on hygiene measures and rule of behavior by Grip push messages sent to their mobile
   The following regulations apply to the entire event area. Surfaces with intensive hand contact are regularly
   disinfected and seperately considered in the disinfection plan. A closely timed disinfection cycle is carried out
   over the course of a day (several times a day up to every hour).
   The staff at the booths take care of booth disinfection.
   It is compulsary for booth staff and participants to wear a face mask covering mouth and nose in the
   Tight control on the flow of people by defined one-way streets shown on the floor plan, and indicated by clear
   signs on site. Both, the event organizer and security staff monitor the correct execution.
/September 2020; subject to change                                                             

   lear signs request participants to keep their distance of 1.5 meters to each other, and adhere to the specified
   hygiene regulations.
   There will be plenty of hand sanitizer stations placed clearly visible on the conference and exhibition floor,
   particularly at entrances and exits.
   Special regulations apply at intersections such as the entrance area or the coat checks to avoid queues and
   crowd gatherings. These are, for example, distance markings on the floor. Security service staff reminds
   participants to cover their mouth and nose with face masks.
   Paramedics are always present, during set-up times, the entire duration of the conference, and during
   dismanteling. They deal with medical emergencies at the venue. If necessary, they are supported by the local
   ambulance services.
   The assigned Hygiene Officer is on site at all times, from construction through the entire exhibition time right
   to dismandeling, to make sure that the hygiene regulations are taken seriously.
   All doors remain permantently open – if possible - to reduce hand contact with surfaces. Only fire protection
   doors need to stay closed.

Workshop and Conference Rooms

   Measures such as access control and 1.5 meters safety distance between seats in workshop and conference
   rooms ensure social distancing. It is mandatory for participants to wear face masks covering mouth and nose
   until the moderators give the go ahead to take them off. When the moderators finish the session, they ask the
   participants to put the face masks back on before leaving their seats.
   There is a permanent and numbered seating plan. The name badge of each participant shows the assigned seat
   The ventilation system at the venue extracts the used air and provides for the supply of fresh air.
   Conference equipment such as microphones and headsets are disinfected directly after use with the latest
   disinfektion technology (ProSens UV-C disinfection of the company GoGas). This procedures takes 30 – 45
   The translation devices are equipped with disposable headphones. The receivers are disinfected with UV-C
   technlogy directly after use. UV-C radiation is completely absorbed and reflected by the atmosphere.
   Microorganisms have not developed any natural resistance to UV-C light throughout evolution. UV-C light is
   abolutely reliable in disinfecting and destroying the DNA of bacteria, germs, fungi and viruses.

Breaks and Caterings

It is mandatory to wear face masks to cover mouth and nose in all public areas such as the lobby, lifts, and
corridors. Catering and service staff is obliged to wear a face mask and gloves.
/September 2020; subject to change                                                              

The face masks can be taken off when seated or standing at 1.5m distance to others.

   Participants receive their lunch from a buffet handed out by service staff who is behind protective shields. They
   arrange the food individually according to the hygiene regulations and the requests of each participant.
   During coffee breaks, portioned snacks are provided in single paper bags, a napkin included. The snacks are
   distributed to participants from vendor’s trays or trolleys to avoid queues.
   There will be service stations for cold drinks and coffee at which service staff hands out beverages to

These catering procedures make sure that no queues build up. At intersections, the routes and directions are
regulated by distance markings.

Sanitary Facilities

   Disinfectants are available at all sanitary facilities. It is mandatory for participants to disinfect their hands
   before entering and after leaving the sanitary facilities, in accordance to the displayed disinfection plan.
   The furcaces of the sanitary facilities are cleaned regularly with a RKI listed disinfectant.
   Signs in the sanitary facilities indicate that hands should be cleaned and disinfected. The frequency of cleaning
   and disinfecting public areas, sanitary facilities, handrails, door handles etc. is significantly increased in
   comparison to standard cleaning procedures.
   Every second urinal is blocked to comply with the distance regulation.
   Liquid soap is provided in all sanitary facilities. Only automatic towel dispensers are provided for drying hands.
/September 2020; subject to change                                                           

II. Exhibitor Information

Set-Up and Dismanteling, Installation

Construction and dismanteling work, also parallel work of various trades is rectified as best as possible in terms
of time and location by means of dedicated room and construction plans. This reduces the number of people
working at the same time at certain places within the venue. Complete attendance lists including contact details
are kept to track possible chains of infection. These can subsequently be made available to the health authorities
on request.

The exhibition floor is aired by the existing ventilation system and open doors, during construction and

All persons in the venue are obliged to permanently carry and wear a face mask to cover mouth and nose. It is
compulsory to wear a face mask inside the building.

Booth Construction

When building up the booth, the applicable requirements need to be met. Further measures are as follows:

   The exhibits need to be arranged in such a way that people can keep the safety distance. Sufficiently
   dimensioned meeting areas must be provided.
   Booths with closed meeting rooms and fixed ceilings are to avoid.
   Booths need to be designed in such a way that a minimum distance of 1.5 meters between two people can be
   The face mask can be taken off for chats standing at a table provided the safety distance of 1.5m is ensured.
   The exhibitor has to make sure that no other visitor is entering the booth at the same time, for example, by
   closing the booth off.
   The exhibitor must name a person present at the exhibition stand as contact person for compliance with
   hygiene and distance rules, and for the disinfection of surfaces. Exhibitors are committed to regular hygiene
   measures such as disinfecting exhibits and tables.
   Containers for giveaways, sweets etc. are not permitted if visitors can grab inside themselves.
   To give out food samples to eat or unpackaged cosmetics to test is prohibited.
/September 2020; subject to change                             

III. Contact Information

Please contact the hygiene officer Nyusha Anvari for more information.

Nyusha Anvari
Hygiene Officer/ Event Coordinator

Institut für Produktionsmanagement
Schiffgraben 42
30175 Hannover

Fon +49 511 473147-90
Fax +49 511 473147-91
Cell +49 151 5109 8181
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