Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery

Page created by Evelyn Doyle
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Learning together
                          step by step

  Huggies Day Nursery
                 Prospectus 2013

               Huggies Day Nursery
Old Hall Drive, Bradwell, Newcastle, Staffs, ST5 8RQ
                   01782 799440
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Introduction to Huggies Day Nursery

Huggies are a successful small chain of nurseries, we have sites in Bradwell and in
Chell. Our Bradwell site is located within the grounds of Bradwell Hall residential
home, situated just off Old Hall Drive. The Nursery is in a great location and a
short distance from the M6, A34 and A500, making it a popular setting for those
who commute on these routes.

             Bradwell Site

Huggies recognises that choosing a nursery for your child is one of the biggest
decisions you will ever make for your little one and it has to be the right choice. We
aim to create a welcoming, happy and friendly atmosphere from the minute you walk
through our doors, ensuring that both you and your child are made welcome. This
provides a more family and home like environment, allowing children to feel
comfortable in their environment and develop close attachments with staff through
the role of the “key person”.

                                      The Role of the Key Person

                                         “Here at Huggies Day Nursery, we take
                                        the role of the key person very seriously
                                       and believe that it is important for a child
                                          to develop key attachments to the key
                                                   people in their lives.

                                          This enables young children to form
                                         positive, secure relationships within a
                                             safe, stimulant environment.”
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
The Nursery Environment

Duckling’s Room (0-steady on their feet)

Welcome to Duckling’s Room, we have a separate baby room for our little little
one’s. Our baby room can hold up to 15 babies at any one time, on a 1:3 staff to
child ratio. We have cots, bouncers, low rise high chairs and a range of equipment
promoting their sitting, crawling, standing and walking.

          Little Bear Room                                Duckling's Room

Little Bear and Splash Rooms (1-2 years)

Our 1-2 year olds rooms run as two separate rooms as we do not think that having
18, 1-2 year olds in one room would be best suited to this particular age range. Each
room runs and looks very similar. Within these rooms we have sensory tents,
neutral relaxation areas, story corners, wooden role play areas and a vast range of
resources and treasure baskets. As a nursery we appreciate the value that plastic
based toys have, however we encourage as many natural treasure baskets for chil-
dren to explore as possible as these create far more opportunities for play and
exploration and therefore learning.

 Bramwell Room (2-3 years)
                                                           Bramwell Room

 Bramwell has one of the bigger areas in
 the nursery containing up to 26 children
 at any one time, on a 1:4 ratio. The luxury
 of space means that we have established
 the areas of learning in this room in
 preparation for children’s transition to
 pre school. This room includes ICT facili-
 ties, small world, construction, role play,
 book corner, sensory area etc.
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Jolly Tall Room (3-5 years, including 3 and 4 year old funding)

Our newly developed Pre School room is lead by Liz Walker who is working towards
qualifying in June 2013 with Early Years Professional Status, this gives her the
same status as a Nursery Teacher, therefore our pre school provision will be
teacher lead.

It is at this crucial time those foundations of education are being built upon in
preparation for their big transition to school. We support this by offering what we
call “continuous provisions” within the room. These are areas of resources that
reflect the Early Years Foundation Stage Curriculum. These areas include sand,
water, small world, construction, mark making, malleable materials, ICT area,
literacy area, mathematical resourcing and role play.

    Children engage in a structured routine
      accessing a balance of child initiated
   activity and adult lead. Free flow operates
   consistently through these times offering
       children the three most important
  environments, the indoors, the outdoors and
           the emotional environment.

                                                                Jolly Tall Room

                                              Children are offered healthy snacks
                                              followed by unlimited water offered
                                             throughout the day and a hot lunch and
                                             pudding. If your child is here during an
                                             afternoon session they will have a high
                                                    tea, followed by dessert.

                               Liz Walker

                                 Ba hons

                               Early Years
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Huggies Routine—This is an example of a routine

               All routines are flexible to change alongside the children’s interests.

 Routine / Activity                                EYFS
 Children are met off parents and greeted. A       Making Relationships, parents in partner-
 handover of information will be done from         ship links with PSED.
 key person to parent.
 Child initiated commences (9am) while chil-       A Unique Child, Learning and Developing,
 dren are having breakfast. Children have a        covers all 6 areas of learning.
 free choice within our free flow system of
 what they would like to play with and staff
 are on hand to extend there learning. The
 room is set up with the continuous provisions
 set up in the correct areas to enhance learn-
 ing (approx 35min.)
 During child initiated children are asked and     A Unique Child, Positive Relationships,
 encouraged to wash hands and come and have        Enabling Environments, Learning and De-
 some fresh fruit and milk or water at the         velopment can cover all 6 areas of learn-
 snack table. (ongoing for approx 30min on a       ing
 Adult initiated activities are provided where     A Unique Child, Positive Relationships,
 groups of children will do an adult lead activ-   Learning and Development can cover all 6
 ity to promote target children’s next steps.      areas of learning
 (approx 30 mins between all children)
 Children group together to reflect on what        Positive Relationships, Learning and De-
 they have done so far in the day at recall        velopment can cover all 6 areas of learn-
 time. This is followed by a short story,          ing
 rhymes or circle time game of some sort.
 Older children may be encouraged to stay a
 little longer and encouraged towards activi-
 ties incorporating letters and sounds.
 (Approx 2 – 5, 10mins, age pending)
 Children have access to the outdoor areas         Positive Relationships, Learning and De-
 throughout. At this point all children are en-    velopment can cover all 6 areas of learn-
 couraged to go out and play together. This is     ing
 to provide children who haven’t wanted to go
 out with another opportunity to go outside.
 (approx 20 mins)
 The children then wash their hands for lunch      PD
 time where a healthy meal is provided and a
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Huggies Routine—This is an example of a routine

               All routines are flexible to change alongside the children’s interests.

 Routine / Activity                                EYFS
 Children are met off parents and greeted. A       Making Relationships, parents in partner-
 handover of information will be done key per-     ship links with PSED.
 son to parent.
 Child initiated commences (9am) while chil-       A Unique Child, Learning and Developing,
 dren are having breakfast. Children have a        covers all 7 areas of learning.
 free choice within our free flow system of
 what they would like to play with and staff
 are on hand to extend there learning. The
 room is set up with the continuous provisions
 set up in the correct areas to enhance learn-
 ing (approx 35min.)
 During child initiated children are asked and     A Unique Child, Positive Relationships,
 encouraged to wash hands and come and have        Enabling Environments, Learning and De-
 some fresh fruit and milk or water at the         velopment can cover all 6 areas of learn-
 snack table. (ongoing for approx 30min on a       ing
 Adult initiated activities are provided where     A Unique Child, Positive Relationships,
 groups of children will do an adult lead activ-   Learning and Development can cover all 6
 ity to promote target children’s next steps.      areas of learning
 (approx 30 mins between all children)
 Children group together to reflect on what        Positive Relationships, Learning and De-
 they have done so far in the day at recall        velopment can cover all 6 areas of learn-
 time. This is followed by a short story,          ing
 rhymes or circle time game of some sort.
 Older children may be encouraged to stay a
 little longer and encouraged towards activi-
 ties incorporating letters and sounds.
 (Approx 2 – 5, 10mins, age pending)
 Children have access to the outdoor areas         Positive Relationships, Learning and De-
 throughout. At this point all children are en-    velopment can cover all 6 areas of learn-
 couraged to go out and play together. This is     ing
 to provide children who haven’t wanted to go
 out with another opportunity to go outside.
 (approx 20 mins)
 The children then wash their hands for lunch      PD
 time where a healthy meal is provided and a
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Huggies Routine—This is an example of a routine
               All routines are flexible to change alongside the children’s interests.

     Routine / Activity                                EYFS
     Children are met off parents and greeted          Making Relationships, parents in partner-
     and liaised with as they leave. A handover of     ship links with PSED.
     information will be done key person to par-
     Child initiated commences (1pm). Children         A Unique Child, Learning and Developing,
     have a free choice within our free flow           covers all 7 areas of learning.
     [system of what they would like to play with
     and staff are on hand to extend their
     learning. The room is set up with the
     continuous provisions set up in the correct
     areas to [enhance learning (approx 35min.)
     During child initiated children are asked and     A Unique Child, Positive Relationships,
     encouraged to wash hands and come and have        Enabling Environments, Learning and De-
     some fresh fruit and milk or water at the         velopment can cover all 7 areas of learn-
     snack table. (ongoing for approx 30min on a       ing
     Adult initiated activities are provided where     A Unique Child, Positive Relationships,
     groups of children will do an adult lead activ-   Learning and Development can cover all 7
     ity to promote target children’s next steps.      areas of learning
     (aprox 30 mins between all children)

     Children group together to reflect on what        Positive Relationships, Learning and De-
     they have done so far in the day at recall        velopment can cover all 6 areas of learn-
     time. This is followed by a short story,          ing
     rhymes or circle time game of some sort.
     Older children may be encouraged to stay a
     little longer and encouraged towards activi-
     ties incorporating letters and sounds. (Aprox
     2 – 5, 10mins, age pending)
     Children have access to the outdoor areas         Positive Relationships, Learning and De-
     throughout. At this point all children are en-    velopment can cover all 7 areas of learn-
     couraged to go out and play together. This is     ing
     to provide children who haven’t wanted to go
     out with another opportunity to go outside.
     (approx 20 mins)
     The children then wash their hands for tea        PD
     time where a healthy meal is provided.
     Child initiated commences (1pm). Children         A Unique Child, Learning and Developing,
     have a free choice within our free flow sys-      covers all 6 areas of learning.
     tem of what they would like to play with and
     staff are on hand to extend their learning.
     The room is set up with the continuous provi-
     sions set up in the correct areas to enhance
     learning (approx 35min.)
     Children are collected and the key person will    Making Relationships, parents in partner-
     liaise with parents in sharing information.       ship links with PSED.
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Our Mission Statement

                              “Huggies Day Nursery will do
 everything that they possibly can to ensure that solid foundations are built for children
                    and their families that ensure brighter futures.”

Our Child Protection Statement

“We recognise that children come into nursery, each with a different story to tell, differ-
ent experiences to share and from different worlds of diversity. Our staff do their very
 best to ensure that each individual child and their family is welcomed within our setting
                 and that their needs are met to the best of our ability.”

“As a nursery we strive for excellent standards of care and outstanding educational oppor-
tunity, for both our children and their families. Our families have a voice that is heard and
 listened too and we believe that the most effective way to achieving long term goals for
                       children is to support the family as a whole.”

“Huggies endeavour to do the very best to Safeguard any
children, staff and visitors.”

“All staff have a duty of care to respond promptly and
sensitively to any Child Protection and Safeguarding
concerns. Senior staff and management will make a decision
on the relevant actions that are to be taken alongside the Safeguarding Coordinator
(Jemma Ambler / Liz Walker). This may result in reporting concerns to relevant agencies
about a child who is / maybe at risk of harm.”

“We aim to support you in every way possible and will deal with all concerns in a sensitive
and objective manner. Huggies will follow the Staffordshire Safeguarding Board
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Meet the Team

Ducklings Room

                    Laura Evans                     Hayley Stanway

                    Room Leader                     Nursery Nurse

Little Bear Room

      Sarah Munro                  Sam Richardson         Claire Carter
                                                         Nursery Nurse
      Room Leader                  Nursery Nurse

Splash Room

                                                       Julie Marsh
                    Rachel Crane

                                                      Nursery Nurse
                     Room Leader
Huggies Day Nursery Learning together step by step - Prospectus 2013 - Huggies Day Nursery
Meet the Team

Bramwell Room

                      Natalie Cooper                           Sophie Rowley

                      Room Leader                               Room Leader

                                                               Melissa Bromage
  Ann Marie Cassidy                    Hannah Copestick
                                        Nursery Nurse           Nursery Nurse
    Nursery Nurse

Cover Staff

  Julie Weston                   Marie Boulton            Hayley Warburton

  Nursery Nurse                  Nursery Nurse             Nursery Nurse
Meet the Team

Cover Staff

    Joanne Gordon       Chelsie Hughes          Sophie Lunn

    Nursery Nurse       Nursery Nurse          Nursery Nurse

Jolly Tall Room

                          Liz Walker

                    Room Leader / Mat Cover
                        Deputy Manager

                    Early Years Professional

                           (June 13)
Meet the Team

Jolly Tall Room Continued ...

   Laura Starkey           Becky         Laura               Emma
                          Holdcroft                        Drakeford
      Nursery                          Whitehead
  Nurse / Holiday      Nursery Nurse                     Nursery Nurse
  Club Supervisor


  Jemma Ambler          Dawn Machin       Liz Walker                Linda
     Nursery               Deputy       Deputy Manager
     Manager              Manager        (Mat Cover)                Cook
Finance and Payment

Our prices are as follows:

Huggies Price List (Bradwell Site)

Our prices are flat rate and apply to all age bands. All sessions apply to all age bands except for
holiday club, this is 3-11 years only.

B (Breakfast) s (Snack) L (Lunch) T (Tea)

                                                        Times                Price           Meals
  Full Time (Mon – Fri)                       730am – 600pm               £170.00      BSLT
  Full Day                                    730am – 600pm               £41.00       BSLT
  AM Session                                  730am – 1230pm              £23.00       BSL
  AM Extended Session                         730am – 200pm               £25.00       BSL
  PM Session                                  130pm – 600pm               £22.00       T
  PM Extended Session                         1130am – 600pm              £25.00       T
  School Day                                  900am – 300pm               £27.00       SLT
  Holiday Club Full Day                       730am – 600pm               £26.00       BSLT
  Holiday Club AM / PM                        730am – 1230pm / 1230pm     £16.00       BSL / T
                                              – 600pm
  Breakfast Club @ St Chads                   730am – 900am               £5.00        B
  After School Club @ Crackley Bank           300pm – 600pm               £8.20        T

We accept all methods of payment including card, cheque, standing order, cash and childcare

Invoices are released on the 1st of every month or the nearest working day after, payment in full
must be received by the last working day of every month. Failing this late payment charges do apply.

Failing to make payment by the last working day of every month without discussion with the nursery
may result in your child losing their nursery place or being temporarily suspended. After the third
suspension your child will not be able to gain access to any of the Huggies services.

To terminate your child’s place at Huggies we require 4 weeks notice, this can be given by completing
the Notification of Leave form which can be gained from the office.
Huggies Policies and Procedures.

                                                  Additional Needs.

                                                  At Huggies Day Nursery we believe that all
                                                  children regardless of their individual needs
                                                  have the right to a broad, balanced and pur-
                                                  poseful early year’s curriculum, and full access
                                                  to all activities.

                                                  Our intention is to welcome all children to an
                                                  inclusive setting. In order to achieve this we
                                                  aim to identify any difficulties a child might
                                                  have and to work closely with the children,
                                                  their parents or carers and other agencies as

  Behaviour Management Policy.

  Setting boundaries is vital to children’s
  knowledge of what is acceptable and what is
  not. The children will be role modelled the
  standards of behaviours expected of them and
  will be encouraged to adhere to them by staff
  and other children.

  The boundaries set are appropriate to their
  stage of development and their level of
  cognitive development, to ensure the child
  gains an understanding of what is expected of      Equal Opportunities Policy.
                                                     It is the policy of Huggies Day Nursery to
                                                     treat all employees, children and families
                                                     fairly and equally regardless of their
                                                     gender, sexual orientation, marital status,
                                                     race, colour, nationality, ethnic or national
                                                     origin, religion, age, or ability

                                                     The Nursery is committed to the
                                                     implementation of this policy and to action
                                                     strategies to ensure that the policy is, and
                                                     continues to be, fully effective. The overall
                                                     responsibility for the policy lies with the
                                                     manager. However, all staff are required to
                                                     comply with the policy and to act in
                                                     accordance with its objectives so as to
                                                     remove any barriers to equal opportunity.
Huggies Policies and Procedures.

  Raised Temperatures.

  This is a local Policy, in reflection of the Local
  Authority School Health and Safety

  Any child within the nursery who has a
  temperature of 38.1 oc in both ears
  consistently will be recorded on the
  Temperature Monitoring Form. The child will
  have their clothing removed and a cool drink
  given. However if a child begins to shiver or
  become cool to quick, wrap in a thin loose

  If the child shows other symptoms of not
  being well and consistently has a temperature
                                                       Medication Policy.
  of 38.1oC in both ears for more than 30
  minutes, then the child’s parents/carers must
  be called and asked to collect their child from      Any medication brought on site must be
  nursery.                                             signed in by nursery staff and checked by
                                                       a manager on the medication form. For
                                                       children under 2 years all medication must
  Sun Policy.                                          be prescribed and they must have been on
                                                       antibiotics for 24 hours at home, previous
  The dangers of sun exposure are well docu-           to their first dose at nursery.
  mented and recognised by the nursery team.
  In order to protect children from the poten-         We will not administer medication for the
  tial hazards of over exposure to the sun we          first time at nursery, due to allergies.
  will carry out the following;
  Ask that parents provide sun cream of a              Children who may bring in other
  minimum of factor 30 or above, these needs to        medications such as cough mixtures, eye
  be clearly labelled with the child’s name.           drops it must clearly state on the
                                                       packaging that it is appropriate for a child
  Parents supply hats for going outside.               of that age.
  Parents are encouraged to apply sun cream be-
  fore they enter nursery, although this is
  checked by staff on entry. Encourage children        PLEASE DO NOT LEAVE ANY FORM OF
  to drink water frequently throughout the day          MEDICATION IN YOUR CHILDS BAG.
  Ensure shady areas are provided for children
  to play in.                                            WE APPRECIATE NO FOOD ITEMS
                                                         IN BAGS DUE TO CHILDREN WITH
  If over 21oC the children are not allowed out                    ALLERGIES
  between the hours of 11.00AM and 3.00PM, if
  the outside temperature decreases between             WE CANNOT BE HELD RESPONSIBLE
  these hours then children can go outside.                 FOR CHIDLRENS PERSONAL
                                                           BELONGINGS OR CLOTHING.
Starting Nursery ...What Next?

When nursery receive your child’s record pack, your child’s place is safe and secure with us.
We do not ask for any admin charges or deposits.

You and your child will then be invited into take part in some trial sessions until your child
is settled into nursery. Although we allow parents to spend time in the room with their
child, please be aware that eventually staff will ask you to have a coffee in reception so
that we can learn to console the child.

Once the child has settled we will discuss a start date for you little one.

What do i need to pack?.

     Nappy Creams
     Comforter (avoid toys where possible and dummies will only be given when needed.)
     Medication (but please ensure this is not left in your child’s bag)
     Spare set of clothes (can’t promise clothing won’t get marked, no Armani please)
     Sun hat / Warm hat
     Sun cream
     Scarf and Gloves
     Waterproof coat (appropriate seasonal wear)
     Formula Milk


Huggies follow our Nutritional Policy with a keen focus on healthy eating and healthy
lifestyles. We offer a 4 week rotational menu for lunches and high tea, so if your little one
only does one day per week they will not be eating the same foods every week. These menus
change seasonly.

For breakfast we offer a range of cereals including cornflakes, rice crispies, weetabix,
ready brek, shreddies and toast. Mid morning we offer a snack of fresh fruit including
pineapple, apple, pear, mango etc.

Please request copies of the menu’s if you wish from the office.
You can also read