CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche

Page created by Troy Nguyen
CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche

            17 – 26 January 2020
Partner Country


The Culture of Agriculture
In Hall 10.2, the youngest member state of the EU will be presenting
its1 wealth of tastes and hospitality, culture and tradition.
CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche
Are you planning to visit Green Week alone, with a friend or family, on the weekend, or after work with colleagues?
This is where you‘ll find all the information you need. Online tickets are currently on sale. Use the contact addresses
below for planning your trip, hotel reservations, and information about events in Berlin.

Green Week dates: 17–26 January 2020                                                     event and for a few days afterwards:
Hours: 10:00–18:00 h                                                                     sucher/AnreiseAufenthalt/.
Open late on Friday, 24 Jan., 10:00–20:00 h                                              Getting there by car
                                                                                         Take the A 10 (Berliner Ring) autobahn and then the A 100, A 111
                                                                                         or A 115 towards the Funkturm interchange. Exit at Messedamm.
One-day pass €15; one-day discount pass (schoolchildren/students)
                                                                                         Use the car parks at the Olympic Stadium. A free shuttle bus travels
€10,Sunday €5; event pass €42;
                                                                                         from there directly to the northern entrance and southern section of
family tickets (2 adults + max. 3 children under the age of 15) €31;
                                                                                         the exhibition grounds. The exhibition grounds are outside the
happy hour ticket (Monday–Friday after 14:00 h, not valid on
                                                                                         low-emission zone. People coming by car via the autobahn and
Saturday and Sunday) €10;
                                                                                         driving directly to the trade show from the Messegelände (exhibition
reduced group rates: €12 per person for groups of 20 or more
                                                                                         grounds)/Messedamm junctions are outside the zone and do not
school groups €4 per person; Sunday pass €12.
                                                                                         require the green sticker.
Online ticket shop                                                                       Getting there with public transport                                                      S-Bahn (suburban railway) S5 to Messe Süd; S-Bahn S5, S7 to West-
MB Capital Services GmbH, Thüringer Allee 12, 14052 Berlin                               kreuz; S-Bahn S41, S42, S46 to Messe Nord; U-Bahn (underground)
Tel.: +49 (0) 30) 47 99 74 84, Fax: (030) 30 69 69 30,                                   U2 to Kaiserdamm or Theodor-Heuss-Platz; bus routes 104, 139,
E-mail:                                                    218, 349 and M49 to Messedamm/ZOB (Central Bus Station).
Hotel reservation and Berlin information
HRS-Hotel Reservation Service, website: visitBerlin,                          Further information is available at or at                                                    Facebook:
Green Week specials                                                                            Twitter:
For people travelling to and from Green Week, Deutsche Bahn and                                YouTube:
Lufthansa are offering discounted travel tickets shortly before the                            Instagram:

                                                                                                                                                              Stand: 2019-10-24, Änderungen vorbehalten.

                                                                                                                              World Tour
                                                                                                                              Landwirtschaft, Garten, Tiere
Published by: Messe Berlin GmbH, Messedamm 22, 14055 Berlin, Emanuel Höger (responsible for content
under German Press Law)       Editors: Ilka Dreimann, Christine Franke, Catrin Hahn, Wolfgang Rogall
Photos: Messe Berlin GmbH, exhibitors (unless otherwise specified)      Publisher: Deutscher Bauernverlag GmbH Berlin
Advertising director: Frank Middendorf      Typesetting/reproduction: MediaSoft GmbH, Berlin
Printing: Möller Druck Berlin

CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche
Green Week • WELCOME

              Marija Vučković, Minister
              of Agriculture of Croatia,
                welcomes Lars Jaeger

The International Green Week Berlin
2020 is about to start. I would like to
cordially invite you, together with the
entire team, to immerse yourself in
this unique world of experience, with
the largest selection of regional deli-
cacies from Germany and internatio-
nal delicacies from around the globe.
You can look forward to Croatia as a

                                             Dear Readers!
partner country, which will present all
the country‘s flavors in Hall 10.2. Expe-
rience the flowering, verdant spring
splendor in the flower hall in January.      Croatia is the newest member country        from Slavonia, the Croatian „granary“
Find out how agriculture is meeting          of the European Union. With its thous-      – it’s used for many baked goods. And
the challenges of the future and how         and-year-old culture & traditions, as       every Slavonian household has its own
the future will taste. Let yourself be       well as all of its natural resources, the   recipe for the sausage specialty “Ku-
surprised by our new Hall 27, where          country has joined this group and can       len” as well as hard cured bacon. The
there will be a complete hectare of          now present the full diversity of its ag-   Neretva Valley and the Neretva Delta
„Country Living „. The Alpine republics      ricultural production and gastronomy.       are among Europe’s most beautiful
are now gathered in Hall 4.2, and the        The tremendous natural and climatic         landscapes, framed by idyllic mandarin
Nordic countries – Scandinavia and the       diversity of the country provides for       orange plantations. Wine gives a spe-
Baltic States – await you in Hall 8.2. On    rich agricultural production - from         cial touch to every Croatian dish – and
the final weekend fans of equestrian         cultivated plants and industrial crops      with around 250 varieties of Croatian
sports really get their money‘s worth        to vineyards to a large selection of        grapes, finding the right wine is never
at HIPPOLOGICA. Around 25 show sta-          continental and Mediterranean fruit         a problem! On the ten days of Green
ges and cooking studios provide fun          and vegetables. Off the Croatian coast      Week you will have the opportunity
infotainment for ten days. The field is      there are 1,244 islands and islets. Ne-     to taste the whole range of Croatia’s
ready – and the seeds have been sown.        arly every inhabited island has its own     flavors. Maybe you would also like to
We look forward to seeing you from           specialty or a product for which it‘s       discover your own favorite specialties
January 17 to 26 in Berlin.                  known: Pag lamb, olive oil from the         on your next holiday? We are looking
                                             islands of Cres, Korcula, Šolta and Ist-    forward to seeing you!
                                             ria, air dried ham (Pršut) or different
                 Lars Jaeger                 types of salt for seasoning meat or              Marija Vučković
            Project Manager, International   fish – to name only a few. Flour comes                          Minister for Agriculture
                       Green Week Berlin                                                                   of the Republic of Croatia

CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche

                                                 1   2
                                                 3   4

View of the Pag peninsula. About 1,200 islands
and islets lie off the Croatian coast.

CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche
Green Week • Partner country

       Country of the 1,000 islands
This year‘s Green Week partner country is Croatia. The youngest EU member state - Croatia joined the
European Union on 1 July 2013 - has a lot to offer in terms of both landscape and culinary delights. In
 order to present all this to the guests of International Green Week, this year the country on the Adri-
                   atic coast will make its most extensive trade fair appearance ever.

1 Fishing and fish processing are im-               he Croatian agriculture and           areas of high-quality agricultural pro-
portant sectors of the economy on                   food industry has a lot to of-        ducts, organic farming and the com-
the long Adriatic coast. Squid and
                                                    fer. The rich tradition is the re-    bination of agriculture and tourism.
tuna - as from this tuna farm - are
popular specialties.                                sult of a variety of natural con-
                                            ditions in a geographically small area,       Link between agriculture and tourism
2 You can stock up on fresh, deli-          as well as various cultural influences to     The focus is on small farms, as they
cious food at the Fresh Market in           which the country has been exposed            dominate Croatia‘s production struc-
Zagreb, at the foot of the cathedral.
                                            throughout history. After joining the         ture and have proven their adaptabi-
3 Winegrowing and production are            European Union in 2013, a number of           lity and survivability over past turbul-
also an important industry. Many            reforms were completed which also             ent years. The Croatian Ministry of
vineyards, like this one, are found in      had a strong impact on the country‘s          Agriculture sees itself as a partner for
the country.
                                            agricultural and fishing sectors. The         producers and potential investors in
4 In Croatia there are over 250             innovations included not only regula-         the development of a modern, tech-
varieties of grapes, so there is so-        tions, norms and trading conditions,          nologically innovative and competitive
mething for every taste.                    but also a new philosophy of agricultu-       agricultural, food and fishing sector.
Photos: Wolfgang Rogall, Berlin Exhibiti-   ral policy that has fundamentally chan-
on Centre                                   ged production conditions in Croatia.         There are close connections to Ger-
                                                                                          many, and not only in diplomatic and
                                            Today Croatia sees its chance in the          economic terms: The majority of for-

                                            common market of the European Uni-            eign tourists who visit Croatia throug-
                                            on. Its strengths lie above all in the        hout the year come from Germany.

                                              NERETVA BRUDET A LA MARE
                                              Eel, mullet and frogs are the              Preparation
                                              main ingredients of Croatia‘s              Put three large tablespoons of
                                              Minister of Agriculture Mari-              olive oil, grated onion, bay leaf
                                              ja‘s favorite dish. One of the             and hot pepper in a saucepan.
                                              secrets of the preparation is              Stir and add two tablespoons
                                              that the pot must be turned                of tomato puree, salt and wa-
                                              during the preparation. A Ne-              ter. Cut the eel into pieces and
                                              retva proverb says: „For every             cook for 25 to 30 minutes.
                                              fish head in the pot you need a
                                              piece of hot pepper.“                      Then add the frogs and vine-
                                                                                         gar and, after two to three
                                               1 kg eel
                                                                                         minutes, the mullet. Cook ever-
                                               300 g mullet                            ything well. Neretva brudet is
                                               16 frogs                                not to be stirred, but the pot
                                               200 g red onions                        must be turned to the left and
                                               tomato puree, bay leaf, salt,           to the right. The dish is served
                                              oil, vinegar and hot paprika               with Palenta (corn semolina).
CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche
Green Week • Partner country

D i d y o u k n o w ?                                                           pacity for increased trade between
                                                                                the two countries in the areas of ag-
                                                                                riculture and food. Not least because
 The medieval city walls of                                                   Croatia has the fastest growing share
Dubrovnik are among the most                                                    of organic land among all EU Member
famous tourist destinations in                                                  States and, as a result, the quantity
the world.                                                                      of organic food is steadily increasing.

 The breeding of the white                                                    50 exhibitors present delicacies
Lipizzaner horse dates back to                                                  As a partner country of this year‘s Green
the 16th century.                                                               Week, Croatia would like to take the
                                                                                opportunity to present its agriculture
 The scarf worn by Croatian
                                                                                and food industry to visitors from Berlin,
soldiers in the 17th century
                                                                                Germany and the whole world on Euro-
became today‘s tie.                                                             pe‘s most important agricultural stage.
 Over 4,000 years ago the
Dalmatian dog breed was bred                                                    The country is represented by about
in Dalmatia.                                                             5      fifty exhibitors - large and small food
                                                                                companies and family farms - who will
 Nikola Tesla, born in 1856 in                                                present gastronomic delicacies such as
Smiljan, Croatia, was a brilliant   The EU is the largest trading partner       air-dried ham (Pršut), kulen, honey, oil,
inventor in the field of electri-   Croatia‘s largest trading partner is        brandy (Rakija), wines and other local
cal engineering.                    the European Union; 65 percent of           products. In a national restaurant in
                                    the country’s trade volume flows into       Hall 10.2, visitors to the fair will have
 Traminer premium wine,           neighboring European countries. Ger-        the opportunity to taste typical Croati-
which was served on the oc-         many is one of the most important           an specialties and traditional Croatian
casion of the coronation cele-      export markets. Almost one tenth of         dishes
brations of Elizabeth II, comes     the agricultural and food products
from the Ilok wine cellars.         exported are heading north, and the
                                    trend keeps rising. Croatia‘s main ex-
 Paški sir is a famous chee-
                                    ports are malt extract, rapeseed, cho-
se, kulen is a traditional meat     colate and tobacco. They alone ac-
delicacy and Pršut is a special     count for more than half of all exports.
smoked ham.
                                    The Croatian Ministry of Agriculture is
                                    convinced that there is yet more ca-

                                                                                5 Air-dried ham is a specialty.

                                                                                6 Meat and sausage products make
                                                                                up a large part of Croatia‘s culinary
                                                                                heritage. Here‘s a delicious sausage

                                                                                7 Street cafés like this one in Zagreb
                                                                                also offer a lot of treats for sweets-

                                                                                8 Tuna steak from the waters of the
                                                                                Adriatic is very popular with gour-

                                                                                9 Fine wines from Croatia: The
                                                                                many grape varieties satisfy wine
                                                                                lovers’ every whim.

                                                                                10 Traditional pan-fried dishes like
                                                                                these should not be missing from
                                                                                any menu.

CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche

                             7   8

                             9   10

                                        Famous Pag cheese comes from
                                      Pag – the cheese owes its taste to
                                       aromatic herbs, sea salt deposits
                                             and special wind currents.
CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche

   Global F
   for Food        0
           ure 202
   16 – 18
                                                                                              International agricultural
                                                                                              trade can make an import-

Trade protects the food supply                                                                ant contribution to world
                                                                                              food supply. This is because
                                                                                              it creates a balance between
The Global Forum for Food and Agriculture (GFFA) is the world‘s leading                       regions with different food
international conference on the future of agriculture and the food indus-                     supplies.
try. Their theme this year is: „Food for all! Trade for a safe, varied and                    Photo: kalyakan –

sustainable diet“.

     rom 16 to 18 January       – How can we har-               be minimized in order         events. In addition to the
     2020, this important       ness trade for agricul-         to ensure sustainability.     Federal Ministry of Food
     conference will take       tural     development?          In the end, it’s essential    and Agriculture (BMEL),
place, and for the twelfth                                      that each link in the food    which is responsible for the
time it will be part of In-     The world’s population          chain makes its contribu-     event, organizers include a
ternational Green Week          is growing rapidly – the        tion to climate protection    number of well-known in-
Berlin. More than 2,000         Food and Agriculture Or-        and conserves resources       ternational organizations
participants from scien-        ganization FAO estimates        such as water and soil.       such as the EU Commis-
ce, business, civil society     that it will rise to ten bil-                                 sion, WTO, FAO and the
and the public, as well as      lion people by 2050. To         At the Forum, these ques-     World Bank.
around 70 agriculture mi-       feed the world‘s growing        tions will be comprehensi-
nisters from all over the       population,       agriculture   vely discussed from various   Further information on
world, will comprehensi-        needs to produce more           points of view in the con-    GFFA 2020 and the possibi-
vely analyze and discuss        food and food losses must       text of numerous public       lity of free online registra-
the opportunities and                                                                         tion can be found online:
challenges of agricultural                                                          
trade during the GFFA. In
particular, these questions
will be in the foreground:                                                                    The Global Forum for Food
                                                                                              and Agriculture encoura-
– What role does trade play                                                                   ges an exchange of ideas:
in the world’s food supply?                                                                   Top representatives of the
– How can we create fair                                                                      agricultural and food indus-
rules for agricultural trade?                                                                 try, agricultural policy and
– How can we make glo-                                                                        non-governmental organiz-
bal supply chains inclusive,                                                                  ations meet in Berlin.
sustainable and secure?                                                                       Photo: BMEL/
CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche
Green Week • AGRARPOLITIcs

                  „YOU DECIDE!“
The consumer has the final say
     In Hall 23a, the Federal Ministry of Food and Agriculture will inform consumers about their
   opportunities to influence and participate in decisions made along the entire value-added chain:
                   Whether in purchasing, handling with foodstuffs or biodiversity.

       t the Federal Ministry
       of Food and Agricul-
       ture, the focus in 2020
will be on consumers and
their opportunities to influ-
ence the entire value-added
chain. The presentation in
Hall 23a covers a broad spec-
trum of decision-making
options: Shopping in the su-
permarket, designing one‘s
own garden, preparing food
and what comes on the ta-
ble. The presentation also                                                               1     2
illustrates how the Federal      1 The special exhibition of the Federal Ministry of Agriculture is always one of the most
Ministry of Food and Agri-       informative exhibition areas of the Green Week.
culture, together with its       2 Federal Minister of Agriculture Julia Klöckner advocates healthy, safe and high-quality
research institutions, creates   food at Green Week.
the framework for conscious
consumer decisions through
political action and research.   ensure good shelf-life. We     ves taste. Even in commu-          app, one of the most po-
                                 use an apple laser to show     nal catering - whether at          pular apps of the federal
You decide when you buy          how we contribute to the       school, at work or in cate-        government. Enter whate-
groceries                        reduction of plastic waste     ring for the elderly - ever-       ver food you have at home
                                 through the research and       yone can influence what            and get tasty recipe sugge-
Find out the effect that         development of packaging       gets put on the table.             stions from the app.
increased animal welfare         alternatives.
in the pigsty has on meat                                       You decide how many groce-         You decide how insect-fri-
prices, and what prices are      You decide what gets put on    ries end up in the trash           endly your garden is
necessary in order to pro-       the table
vide farmers with a sus-                                        Our initiative „Too good           Protection from insects
tainable family income. In       Our research is aimed at       for the bin!“ sensitizes           starts in the garden and on
a virtual supermarket you        reducing the sugar, fat and    people to the sustainable          the balcony. With lots of
can interactively discover       salt content of processed      use of food. Food belongs          flowers and diverse plants,
which official German se-        foods while preserving         on the table and not in the        we give tips on how gar-
als refer to organic quality,    their taste - the so-called    trash. With useful tips we         dens can become more
region origin and protec-        reformulation of foods.        show you how it works.             insect-friendly and how
ted designations of origin.      And you can try it: On a       For example, where food            the balcony in the city can
                                 touch screen, anyone can       can be kept best and lon-          become a micro-biotope.
In addition, food inspec-        make their breakfast he-       gest in the refrigerator.          We have compiled a lot of
tors give tips on how to re-     althier with reformulated                                         additional information and
cognize the quality of fruit     food - and test on the spot    In addition, we have de-           interesting facts and figures
and vegetables and how to        how good the alternati-        veloped the Best-Leftovers         at
CROATIA 2020 TRADE SHOW MAGAZINE - Internationale Grüne Woche
Green Week • AGRARPOLITIcs

Economizing with raw materials
from the field and forest
Visitors to the stand of the Fachagentur
Nachwachsende Rohstoffe e.V. (FNR, the
Agency for Renewable Resources) can ex-
perience modern living which treats nature
and its resources with care. In the bio-eco-
nomy, vegetable raw materials from the
field and the forest replace crude oil & the
like, thus significantly contributing to clima-
te protection and the security of supply.

The FNR illustrates what bio-economy looks
like in practice by means of a fuel-saving
                                                  Photo: Messe Berlin

lightweight vehicle body, made of plant
fibers, which makes a contribution to sus-
tainable mobility. Another example is car
tires – their natural rubber content does
not require the deforestation of tropical

                                                                        One hectare of „Country Living“
rainforests, but the use of domestic arable

                                                                        For the first time, Green Week is also in a new place:
Wood is an important raw material supplier
                                                                        Hall 27 of the exhibition grounds
in the bio-economy. We show how heating
with wood produces much lower, and                                      The southwestern part of the Berlin exhibition grounds on Jafféstrasse extends over one
more environmentally-friendly, emissions.                               hectare. With an area of around 10,000 square meters, new multifunctional Hall 27 is now
The FNR‘s Competence and Information                                    available to Green Week. It is the largest hall on the site and mobile walls can divide it
Center for Forests and Wood (KIWUH)                                     into as many as ten rooms of varying sizes. In addition, there are 5,000 square meters of
presents wood-based products ranging                                    usable space in the three-story entrance hall, including its own foyer and 20 conference
from toothbrushes and T-shirts to modern                                rooms. One big highlight is the 200 square meter roof terrace. The new building is located
wooden buildings. In a hands-on activity                                next to CityCube Berlin. The two covered crossings to Halls 1 and 25 now make it possible
in which visitors match wood samples to                                 to have a complete, indoor tour of the exhibition grounds. The hall, which is marketed
different species of trees, they develop an                             under the name hub27 as a location for trade fairs and exhibitions, events and congresses,
understanding of wood in a very hands-                                  is part of Messe Berlin‘s modernization plan for the next 15 years. In the first phase, the
on way: They learn which tree species are                               halls around the Funkturm are currently being updates to the latest technical standards.
protecting today’s climate – as well as the                             Therefore, they are not available to IGW this year.
forest of the future – and which produce
                                                                        The new hall makes it possible to structure individual exhibition areas better and to
renewable wood materials.
                                                                        bundle them thematically. Under the slogan „Country Living“, the segments „rural de-
                                                                        velopment“, „multi-talented wood“, „renewable resources“, „forest, game, hunting and
                                                                        nature“, „bio-economy“ and „organic farming“ are all involved. Organic farming associ-
                                                                        ations are also represented here.

                                                                        The southwestern part of the exhibition grounds houses the agricultural exhibition areas
                           Ski boots made
                                                                        and the animal sheds. International participations can be found from the northern halls
                           from renewable
                                                                        around the summer garden at Hammarskjöldplatz all the way to the south side of the
                           raw materials -
                                                                        exhibition grounds, i.e. Russia in Hall 2.2. Hall 4.2 will now feature the Alpine Republics,
                           FNR has already
                                                                        Hall 6.2 will predominantly feature Asian and Arab countries, and Hall 8.2 will feature
                           promoted such
                                                                        the Nordic countries, i.e. Scandinavia and the Baltic States. The participation areas of the
                                                                        German federal states are growing once again and, for the first time, you will be able to
                           Photo: Catrin Hahn                           experience them all in a row of eight successive exhibition halls. The eastern part of the
                                                                        exhibition grounds, with the Flower Hall (Hall 9) is dedicated to horticulture.
Green Week • AGRARPOLITIcs

In the combined exhibition „Country
Living“, all the things that are so of-    HALL 27: LAND IN SIGHT
ten missing from media coverage of
rural areas are represented: Clever
                                           A country outing focusing on rural development and hunting, mul-
minds with resourceful ideas, designs      ti-talented wood and renewable raw materials, bio-economy and
for a solidly united and sustainab-        organic farming
le future, committed people, strong
economic regions.

Discuss with the exhibitors what cons-
titutes a good life in the countryside.
What role do civic commitment and
participation, freedom for sustainable
lifestyles and digitalization play? Take
educational trips to places which of-
fer a good life, experience a new look
at traditions and digital solutions for
village life. Take advantage of this
opportunity to find about successful
projects and the challenges and suc-
cess factors of rural development and
to make contacts.

And if you want to know more, stay a
while longer and follow the program
on the Land-Schau stage - an exciting
mix of entertainment, information
and culinary delights.                     Historical parish garden in Starkow (district of North Vorpommern). The parsonage forms
                                           the center of the village with the Gothic brick church, the sexton‘s house, the parish
                                           widow‘s house and the parish barn. This garden is an enchanting place to dream and relax
                                           and is open to all visitors.					                                      Photo: Socio-Agricultural Society
Green Week • AGRARPOLITIcs

                                                                                                         which has been initiated by the Federal
Dialogue among federal ministries                                                                        Ministry of Education and Research
                                                                                                         and „Science in Dialogue“, visitors to
Federal government involved in several exhibition areas                                                  International Green Week can discover
                                                                                                         the solutions that bio-economics has
                                                                                                         to offer for a sustainable society and
                                                                                                         economy. How can we live more sus-
                                                                                                         tainably, conserve resources and at the
                                                                                                         same time maintain our high standard
                                                                                                         of living? The Bio-economy Exhibition
                                                                                                         of Science Year 2020 in Hall 27 pre-
                                                                                                         sents numerous solutions as interactive
                                                                                                         exhibits. It’s really worth a visit! And if
                                                                                                         you want to find out more about the
                                                                                                         bio-economy, take a look at wissen-

                                                                                                         Federal Environment Ministry: Climate pro-
                                                                                                         tection in the agricultural sector, an infor-
                                                                                                         mative environmental obstacle course and a
                                                                                                         climate kitchen for your home

                                                                                                         The Federal Environment Ministry’s
                                                                                                         hands-on exhibition invites visitors to
                                                                                                         Hall 1.2b. How can we ourselves beco-
This year the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ)
                                                                                                         me active, and how can the agricultural
will once again discuss the following topic: Where does our coffee come from?                           sector of the future go hand in hand
Photo: Janine Schmitz/                                                                      with environmental protection? The

German Development Ministry: „Living well                  gether with our partners, we will sur-
– being climate-conscious and fair“                        prise you with new topics, including the
                                                           Green Button, the government seal for
At International Green Week 2020, the                      socially and ecologically produced tex-
Federal Ministry for Economic Coopera-                     tiles. Also our major attractions from
tion and Development (BMZ) will pre-                       recent years which revolve around co-
sent itself with a versatile and colorful                  coa and coffee – such as the chocolate
stand in Hall 1.2b. Under the motto                        fountain - will once again be on display.
„Living well – being climate-conscious                     We offer a diverse program both on
and fair“ we invite you to experience                      stage and in the cooking shows. At the
and discover climate-consciousness. To-                    same time, we also provide information
                                                           on how tropical forests are important
                                                           for the climate, including tastes of pro-
                                                           ducts from sustainable agriculture. A
                                                           special highlight is the Climate Bubble,
                                                           where visitors can experience up close
                                                           how climate change is affecting Afri-         At the stand of the Federal Ministry for
                                                                                                         the Environment, Nature Conservation and
                                                           cans’ lives.                                  Nuclear Safety (BMU), the topics of rural
                                                                                                         infrastructure, sustainability and nature
                                                           Federal Ministry of Education and Research:   protection and species conservation will be
                                                           „Little heroes, big impact“ – a sustainable   presented.                             Photo BMU

                                                           future with the bio-economy!
                                                                                                         major focus of the exhibition stand is a
                                                           Microorganisms which break down               program of events with lectures, talks,
                                                           pollutants, building and insulating ma-       cooking courses and other event for-
                                                           terials from plant fibers or algae-based      mats devoted to climate kitchens for
Federal Research Minister Anja Karliczek                   kerosene substitutes - the bio-economy        the home, alternative concepts to the
visits the pavilions of the Bio-Economy Exhi-
                                                           unites a large variety of bio-based in-       throwaway society, climate protection
bition.                 Photo: BMBF Hans-Joachim Rickel
                                                           novations. Right at the beginning of          in the agricultural sector as well as soil
                                                           “Science Year 2020 – Bio-economics”,          and insect protection.
                  AGRARPOLITIK WELTREISE            Green Week • WORLD CULINARY TOUR

Netherlands                                Latvia


Norway             Switzerland             Sweden

Grüne Woche . AGRARPOLITIK                                        Green Week • WORLD CULINARY TOUR


                                                    Ghana Qatar               Denmark

Bon étit
       esse Berlin hosts people and
       companies from all over the
       world. Every year in January, du-
ring Green Week, the world invites you
to dinner: insect snacks from Finland
or chili sauce from the Swedish buf-
fet of Nobel Prize winners, vanilla and
dried fruit snacks from Madagascar,
wines from the southern hemisphere,
Portuguese Pastel de Nata or Moroc-
can spices. Those who are hungry for
pleasure and/or thirsty for adventure
can go on a discovery tour thought
the international food industry halls.

      roatia: The partner country of this     Azerbaijan
      year‘s International Green Week
      has a lot to offer in culinary terms,
including many cheese and sausage spe-
cialties and more than 250 varieties of

                                              Finland               Belgium

                                                                                      A visit to the digital farm: Experience
                                                                                      agriculture through virtual reality

                                                                                      and agriculture with them and ask
                                                                                      questions about modern agriculture.
                                                                                      Another highlight is a visit to a virtual
                                                                                      farm: Augmented Reality and Virtu-
                                                                                      al Reality, i.e. the computer-aided
                                                                                      expansion of sensory perception,
                                                                                      bring a farm to life. For this multi-
                                                                                      media „Experience Tour of Modern
                                                                                      Agriculture“, a shipping container
                                                                                      was rebuilt in such a way that, for
                                                                                      instance, you can touch the harvest

                              All about
                                                                                      tube of a combine harvester while
                                                                                      an iPad shows you how the tube and
                                                                                      harvester are used in agriculture. An

                                                                                      additional highlight: a card with co-
                                                                                      lored transparencies makes it possible
                                                                                      to switch between the perspectives
                                                                                      of farmer, consumer and industry.
         At the Farm Experience in Hall 3.2, visitors can discover
                                                                                      Climb a tractor, see what it looks like
            what modern agriculture can do for the climate.                           in a pigsty, or watch when calves are
                                                                                      being fed – the Farm Experience in

       griculture plays a key role in cli-   This will show how digitalization via
       mate protection. The effects of       sensor technology or autonomous dri-
       its actions are enormous, but at      ving can contribute to climate protec-
the same time it can do a great deal         tion, how agricultural raw materials
to reduce emissions, bind greenhouse         can provide alternatives to plastic in
gases and counter the consequences           the packaging industry and how plant
of climate change. Visitors to the Farm      breeders can counteract drought in
Experience in Hall 3.2 can discover          Germany by breeding new varieties.
how agriculture takes on responsibi-         In addition, people who produce our
lity in this area and what solutions it      food and are committed to climate
is developing. Together with over 40         protection will be on hand to ans-
partners, the Modern Agriculture Fo-         wer questions: There are 100 “Ag-
rum (FML) offers answers to the ques-        rarScouts” on site, i.e. farmers who
tion of what modern agriculture does         are involved in dialogue with consu-     Hall 3.2 has been a crowd-pleaser at
for climate-friendly food production.        mers. Visitors can discuss nutrition     Green Week for many years. In addi-
                                                                                      tion to interactive stations where you
                                                                                      can experience agriculture up close or
                                                                                      find out about topics such as animal
                                                                                      welfare, environmental protection
                                                                                      and sustainability, there are also di-
                                                                                      scussion events, live demonstrations
                                                                                      and cooking shows on the show stage.

                                                                                      Above: Around 100 AgrarScouts are
                                                                                      available to answer questions during
                                                                                      IGW. On the Event Farm visitors learn
                                                                                      how our food is grown.

                                                       Harvest time on large grain fields.
                                                                                  Photo: DBV
                                                                                                 What will the
                                                                                                 future taste like?
                                                                                                 Searching for trends with
                                                                                                 the food industry

                                                                                                 The food industry trend show is ente-
                                                                                                 ring its third round. The Federation of
                                                                                                 German Food & Drink Industries (BVE)
                                                                                                 and the Food Federation Germany
                                                                                                 (Lebensmittelverband Deutschland)
                                                                                                 are looking for innovations in 2020
                                                                                                 that take account of the diversity of
                                                                                                                          tastes as well as
                                                                                                                          answer questions
TAKING RESPONSIBILITY                                                                                                     regarding sus-
The topics of agriculture and nutrition         and a variety of crop rotations and catch                                 tainability, health
are becoming increasingly important in          crops. Farmers make a substantial cont-          and social responsibility. Together with
society. In addition to food security, issu-    ribution to energy system transformati-          young companies from the food start-
es such as animal welfare, species and cli-     on and climate protection in the field of        up scene, established big players in the
mate protection also play an important          renewable energy. Ten percent of elec-           food industry are asking: „What will
role today. German agriculture is aware         tricity produced today comes from the            the future taste like?” In addition to
of these issues and has been undergo-           agricultural sector: Wind, solar and bio-        Danone, REWE and McDonald‘s, the
ing a change process towards greater            gas plants are important components of           Quality Assurance Association Resour-
sustainability for quite some time. Inves-      the energy revolution. Farmers are thus          ce Chain of PET Beverage Containers
tments are being made to this end, for          making an active contribution to impro-          (Gütegemeinschaft Wertstoffkette
example, in stables which provide more          ving the climate balance. The German             PET-Getränkeverpackungen e.V.) will be
animal welfare. Good animal health is           Farmers‘ Association will also be working        on-site for the first time. In the start-up
the first prerequisite for animal welfa-        intensively on climate protection as part        area, Isaac Nutrition will present food
re, and it’s also crucial for success in ani-   of Green Week. German agriculture is ta-
                                                                                                 made from insects on both weekends.
mal husbandry. Agriculture accounts for         king its share of responsibility and conti-
                                                                                                 Roquette Klötze GmbH presents the
about seven percent of greenhouse gas           nuing to develop in terms of sustainable
                                                                                                 “Powerfood Algae”, the protein- and
emissions, but is more directly affected        management. The next generation of
                                                                                                 nutrient-rich food of the future. The
by climate change than almost any other         well-trained farmers who are growing
                                                                                                 Berlin start-up “Kolonne 0” joins the
sector. This is why the German Farmers‘         up now will show that they have a keen
Association has set climate protection          sense of modern and sustainable agricul-
                                                                                                 health trend and presents first-class
targets for itself in its climate strategy,     ture. Innovations and new methods will           wine specialties, all of which are com-
including a 30 percent reduction in CO2         make it possible to operate successfully         pletely alcohol-free. Knärzje will also be
emissions by 2030. It is focusing on care-      and at the same time to meet the social          poured: The bread-beer is the winner of
ful land management, climate-efficient          requirements of an increasingly sustain-         this year‘s „Too good for the bin“ com-
and water-saving cultivation methods            able agriculture sector.                         petition which
                                                                                                 is focused on
                                                                                                 reducing food
                                                                                                 waste. On the
    WHAT WILL THE                                                                                first two days,

    FUTURE                                                                                       you can also
                                                                                                 taste cake dough at Spooning Cookie.
    TA S T E L I K E ?                                                                           Of course, tastings are not only possib-
                                                                                                 le at the stands but also at the Cook
    HALL 3.2                                                                                     and Talks in the show kitchen. Young
                                                                                                 guests will also have the opportunity to
                                                                                                 go crazy in the show kitchen and beco-
                                                                                                 me „chefs of the future“ as part of the
                                                                                                 Young Generation program.

                                    1    2
                                    3    4

                               In eight        ies
                                     l delicac
                               and spe
                                 from all

                                    6    7

                              from the region
    Green Week 2020 is following the consumer trend and serving regional products more than ever
    before. On the following pages you can whet your appetite and decide which specialties from the
                             German federal states you would like to taste.

   nternational Green Week can be „glo-         3 Creative & sustainable: That’s Berlin           Griesels ice cream. The beauty of this re-
   bal“, but it can also be „regional“. The     In the Berlin Hall, 22a, tradition and start-     gion and the ability to spend holidays on
   participation of the German federal          up culture come together: Long-estab-             a farm here make Hessen a great place to
states is growing and with it the range of      lished Berlin companies such as Curry 36          visit. TV-chef Rainer Neidhart will conjure
delicious products from all corners of Ger-     are represented, as is Kukki Cocktail, a          up dishes in the show kitchen together
many. Consumers rely on regional food           start-up for frozen cocktails, and Naturo-        with rural Hessian women and chefs from
because they have confidence in the local-      polis, an urban farming project. The topic        Wetterau will whip up delicious dishes so
ly produced food and want to support the        of sustainability also plays a central role       visitors can enjoy Hessian culinary delights.
local economy. Here you can get a fore-         at toogoodtogo, a group which works               Come and get a whiff of Hessen air!
taste of what Germany‘s regions have to         to save food from being wasted. So it‘s
offer in eight exhibition halls:                no wonder that Berlin received the title          6 Vintage Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania
                                                „Fairtrade Town“ in 2018. The Berlin Cof-         For the 21st time, the state of Mecklen-
1 Baden-Württemberg is wild about game          fee Roastery (Berliner Kaffeerösterei) will       burg-Western Pomerania welcomes its
Almost 40 percent of Baden-Württem-             celebrate its premiere at the Berlin stand.       guests in Hall 5.2b. Over a space of 1,800
berg is covered by forests, which provide       The company shows how fair conditions             square meters, around 70 exhibitors pre-
habitats for around 50 different tree spe-      lead to top quality. Visitors to the trade        sent products which everyone associates
cies and many native wildlife species. The      show can smell, taste and enjoy top-class         with the country. You can enjoy a smoked
game here is distinctive due to its origina-    coffee in the Berlin Hall.                        fish-praline or a strong „Arktik-Ale“ beer.
lity and fine flavor. Delicious saddle of ve-                                                     But there are also specialties on offer that
nison, wild boar spare ribs and grilled ve-     4 Brandenburg – a new look                        you might not expect, such as sea buckt-
nison make meat lovers‘ mouths water. At        The Brandenburg Hall, 21a, might take             horn marzipan bread or smoked ostrich
the community/shared/joint Baden-Würt-          you by surprise with its completely new           ham. The exhibitors bring many exciting
temberg stand in Hall 5.2b you can look         appearance. The focus remains on many             stories from this beautiful region.
forward to game delicacies.                     small companies who are more or less
                                                well-known. Everyone knows Beelitzer              7 Lower Saxony: Diversity in Germany
2 Bavaria: Good enough to eat!                  asparagus and Spreewald cucumbers, and            Lower Saxony, in the heart of Germany,
The diversity of this German state awaits       since Fontane’s time at the latest, many          is full of culinary and cultural diversity: It
you in the Bavarian Hall, 22b. Bavarian         people have automatically combined Ha-            presents itself in Hall 20 with one of Green
delicacies, traditional customs and the         vel & Zander into Havelzander. But less           Week’s oldest shared/community exhibi-
scenic beauty of this state are presented       known products, such as wines from Mark           tions. Regional specialties with internatio-
over 2,300 square meters. In the original       Brandenburg and sea buckthorn products,
Bavarian beer garden, visitors can invigo-      are also waiting to be discovered. All the
rate themselves with beer and delicacies.       exhibitors in the Brandenburg Hall want            8
From selected cheese specialties, Franco-       to talk to their customers.
nian wine and dumpling dishes to unu-
sual apple balsam vinegar - there is truly      5 How Hessen tastes today
something for every visitor! The Bavarian       MGH has employed a new concept to pre-
State Institute for Winemaking and Hor-         sent goods from the federal state of Hes-
ticulture (Bayerische Landesanstalt für         sen in hall 22a. Hessen takes its visitors into
Weinbau und Gartenbau, or LWG) is pre-          a cider-landscape. There you can let all
senting the „100 Bavarian places of plea-       your senses to enjoy specialties like North
sure“ at a special exhibition area.             Hessian Ahle Wurscht (hard pork sausage),
                                                Pfungstädter beer, Odenwald wine and

nal fame include Osnabrück “Peace Ham”         9 Rhineland-Palatinate: Wine, sparkling         and baking traditions in the new coffee
and Echte Göttinger Stracke, a hearty,         wine & more                                     lounge! If you prefer a hearty meal, you
air-dried Mettwurst (sausage). We also re-     Rhineland-Palatinate presents itself in Hall    can opt for a bratwurst from the Erzgebir-
commend the Schnuckenbräu, a regional          22a as the top wine region. About two           ge (Erz Mountains) or a Saxon „Klitscher“
beer from the Lüneburg Heath, as well as       thirds of all vines in Germany thrive along     (potato pancake), which goes quite well
various traditional spirits specialties from   the Rhine and its tributaries in the six gro-   with a beer from Saxony‘s breweries.
the Wöltingerode monastery distillery in       wing regions of Rheinhessen, Pfalz, Mosel,
the Harz Mountains. And for something          Nahe, Ahr and Mittelrhein. Winegrowing          11 Quality from Saxony-Anhalt
completely new: Try Altländer apple curry      has a unique influence on the cultural          The state between the Altmark and Bur-
sauce with a tasty curry sausage.              landscape here. Racy Riesling enthusiasts       genland has a many-sided presentation in
                                               will find just as much as those who pre-        Hall 23b – with an emphasis on quality.
8 Enjoyable North Rhine-Westphalia             fer fruity wines. Around eight percent of       The winning products of the „Culinary
Under the motto „City, State, River“, food     the wine-growing area is cultivated orga-       Saxony-Anhalt“ competition range from
communities and companies from North           nically. In the wine lounge there are culi-     hearty Halberstadt sausages and the fi-
Rhine-Westphalia will be offering local        nary delicacies from Rhineland-Palatinate       nest organic coffee from the Hannemann
delicacies in Hall 5.2a. This water-rich       which go perfectly with the wine. In the        roasting house to alcoholic delights - such
state produces, among other things,            neighboring WEINWERK, winegrowers               as the beer specialty „Dicke Dörthe“ from
high-quality fish products: Whether cold       from all growing regions in Germany pre-        Schulzen‘s brewery, exquisite wine crea-
smoked, roasted or with a dill crust, the      sent their handcrafted wines & sparkling        tions from the Kloster Pforta winery and
salmon trout’s flavor is captivating. Spring   wines to both wholesalers and the public.       the Freyburg Winegrowers‘ Association.
water from the depths of East Westphalia                                                       And for those who like it colorful, Martin
is a valuable, mineral-rich drink. Water is    10 Enjoy Saxony                                 Kramer is the best choice: The two-time
also the basis for the production of regi-     In 2020, this state will be the entire exhi-    German master in cocktail mixing offers
onal beers. Beetroot-ketchup is another        bition of Hall 21b. Over more than 2,300        his own, exclusive creations alongside tra-
special treat.                                 square meters you will find numerous            ditional drinks
                                               specialties: Discover Saxon coffee culture

                                                                   9    10
                                                                  11 12

12 Diversity from Schleswig-Holstein
In the new Schleswig-Holstein Hall 5.2a,
the atmosphere will take on a maritime air
– and plates will offer delicacies from the
sea. The chefs of the Dehoga district as-
sociations have created many new dishes:
From the typical North German vegetable
stew Schnüsch, with grilled plaice filet, to
Matjes with apple sauce & potatoes and
Baltic cod with an egg coating. There will
also be fried sea trout on horseradish cab-
bage with beetroot and pollack filet with
parsley sauce, boiled potatoes and carrot
salad. Naturally, classics such as Holsteiner
kale with smoked pork, pork cheek, cook-
ed sausage, mustard foam and sweet po-
tatoes are also served

13 Culinary delights from Thuringia
In Germany‘s green heart pleasure can
be experienced almost everywhere: Good
beer, fried sausages, dumplings and
many innovative products characterize
Thuringia. The state will be presenting
its culinary calling card in Hall 20. There
are many specialties like the Thüringer
“Kloßpommes” made from real dumpling
dough. The Ziegenried farm shop offers
cheese, yoghurt and various types of cre-
amy ice cream made from sheep‘s milk, all
of which is made in its own cheese dairy.
Popular Filinchen crispy bread is now avai-
lable in a wide variety of snack combina-
tions, in both sweet and savory flavors.
Green Week • MARKETS

Foodies and gourmets will find a rich selection of trendy food and drinks, as well as unusual culinary
delights, in Market Hall 1.2.

                                                                                               are new food trends to be discovered,
                                                                                               such as superfood barley grass or pro-
                                                                                               tein-rich insect snacks. In the center of
                                                                                               the market hall, the “Naschplatz” invites
                                                                                               you to enjoy and linger.

                                                                                               Organic is more than just a trend
                                                                                               It began as a trend and quickly conque-
                                                                                               red a steadily growing fan community:
                                                                                               Today, organic has become fully estab-
                                                                                               lished in consumers’ everyday lives. This
                                                                                               development is also reflected at Green
                                                                                               Week. Organic products can now be
                                                                                               found at every German state’s stand and
                                                                                               at all international stands. More and
                                                                                               more people are opting for organical-
                                                                                               ly-produced food. Not only is the range
                                                                                               of organic products in stores increasing
                                                                                               – the range of Green Week exhibitors’
                                                                                               products is also growing: Indeed, they
                                                                                               are meeting consumer demand by provi-
The market hall of the Green Week is a meeting point for visitors who are eager to             ding the entire spectrum of organically
experience and experiment.                                                                     produced food. Whether in its own, de-
                                                                                               dicated area in the Market Hall, at the
Handing out Mexican burritos or Ko-           world of street food. Whether hotdog             shared/community national and inter-
rean chicken and pastries - street stalls     wraps from the USA, Italian handmade             national food industry exhibitions or at
and snack bars all over the world offer       pasta, Hungarian Langos or shrimp chips          the organic farming associations in the
handmade snacks which are eaten im-           - the food trucks offer a colorful variety       new exhibition area – Hall 27 – organic is
mediately. Street food is trendy because      of sweet and savory dishes. Exotic drinks        like a green ribbon running through the
it is delicious and reflects the culture of   such as coffee with ouzo, mojito or chee-        Green Week 2020.
its country of origin. Green Week in Mar-     secake-flavored schnapps also promise
ket Hall 1.2 provides an insight into the     new taste experiences. In addition, there

  Organic - innovative, creative, sustainable!
                                              Visitors to the fair can also taste and ex-     stand can enjoy regional organic food and
                                              perience the whole variety of organic pro-      drinks and at the same time quench their
                                              ducts in Hall 27, where - in addition to the    thirst for knowledge: Representatives from
                                              organic farming associations - the Federal      the demonstration farms and organic cities
                                              Program for Organic Farming (Bundespro-         will provide first-hand information on what
                                              gramm Ökologischer Landbau, or BÖLN)            makes organic products so special and
                                              and examples of sustainable agriculture         how organic products can be put used in
                                              will be presented. Under the motto „Orga-       urban and rural areas. The organic-experts
                                              nic - innovative, creative, sustainable“, the   will also report on the latest research fin-
                                              BÖLN offers a colorful mix of tastings and      dings about organic farming and protein
                                              hands-on activities. Visitors to the BÖLN       crops. The culmination will be the 20th an-
                                                                                              niversary of the Federal Organic Agriculture
                                                                                              Competition on 23 January from 9am to
                                              Organic foods have long had an establis-        3pm - with lectures about “innovation-va-
                                              hed place on consumers’ menus                   riety-tradition”.
A variety of fish    PHoto: FIZ

KNOW ABOUT FISH ...                                                                        Fish ta
Now at a new location in Hall 5.2a,          special way with samples of fat-free
                                                                                            Fish and seafood are in high
the Fish Information Center (Fisch-In-       fried pollack or ocean perch filet,
                                                                                           demand in Germany: in 2018, the
formationszentrum e.V., or FIZ) is once      smoked sturgeon or delicacies such as
again going all out. Visitors to this        pickled herring. And those who have
                                                                                           average German consumed 14.4
year‘s trade show can once again see         always wanted to know how fish gets           kg of fish, and a total of € 3.9
what fish, crustaceans and molluscs          into fish sticks will finally get an ans-     billion was spent. For 2019, the
look like in nature, instead of how          wer at the Fish Information Center            industry expects additional increa-
they normally appear, i.e. in fresh-fish     stand.                                        ses for fish and seafood eaten at
counters, freezers or cans. They are sil-                                                  home as well as for out-of-home
ver, red or brown; dotted, spotted or        „Fish is held in very high regard in Ger-     consumption.
striped; with teeth which can be fol-        many,“ says Dr. Matthias Keller. „We
ded down or used to crack shells; with       expect demand to continue to rise in           As in previous years, Alaskan
hinges, swords, fans or spines. From         the future as well, since fish and sea-       pollack is the front-runner in terms
beautiful to frightening, a wide varie-      food are popular foods both for pri-          of consumption, followed by sal-
ty of species roam the seas, rivers and      vate consumption and out-of-home              mon and, for the first time, tuna;
lakes, offering us special taste experi-     consumption. In addition, thanks to
                                                                                           herring was relegated to fourth
ences.                                       its diversity, reliability and flavor, fish
                                             are also a positive contribution to a
                                                                                           place. Shrimp is in fifth place.
„In Germany, most fish products are          balanced diet.“                                The most diligent fish buyers
bought in cans or frozen. And even                                                         live in Hamburg, Schleswig-Hol-
at the dealer‘s fish counter, often only     Further information on fish and sea-
                                                                                           stein and Mecklenburg-Western
the ready-to-cook filets are still on        food and buying sustainable fish can
                                                                                           Pomerania, while in Saarland,
display. We show what the fish looks         be found on the FIZ website (www.
like as a whole, with all its special fea-, as well as on the online       Rhineland-Palatinate and Ba-
tures,“ explains Dr. Matthias Keller,        fish stocks website (www.fischbe-             den-Württemberg people buy the
Managing Director of the Fish Infor- and the aquacul-           least fish.
mation Center, who adds: „And we             ture website (www.aquakulturinfo.
                                                                                            In 2018 demand was particular-
can also explain to visitors how they        de). The trade show presence of the
can tell whether their fish comes from       Fish Information Center is supported          ly high for canned fish and marina-
sustainable fishing or aquaculture.” A       by the European Union, the European           des as well as frozen fish products.
selection of these delicacies can also       Maritime and Fisheries Fund (EMFF),           Products made from crustaceans
be tasted on site: Visitors’ hunger for      the German Federal Government and             and molluscs also sold well.
knowledge can be satisfied in a very         the State of Schleswig-Holstein.

               in all its diversity
 „Flowers - 1000 good reasons“: In the Flower Hall (Hall 9) Landgard shows the blooming,
     creative, useful and beautiful aspects of flowers and plants in a totally new way.

                                             1   2

Green Week • GARdEN
Garden, balcony and terrace accessories:
The Green Week horticultural area offers
a wide range of options for furnishing
and beautifying the home environment -
from seeds to a complete garden house.

    ven though the winter may still be
    cold and grey outside, the Berlin
    Exhibition Grounds are always full
of spring colors. The reason: Landgard
and the initiative „Flowers - 1000 good
reasons“ bring thousands of spring flo-
wers and blooming plants into the In-
ternational Green Week Flower Hall.

Last year flowers took over the city of
the future under the motto „Blooming
City“, whereas Flower Hall 2020 follows
the latest trend towards nature-oriented
design in everything we do. Flowers and
plants return to their ancestral habitats
under the motto „Nature in all its diver-
sity“. With flowers, grasses, shrubs and
woods, a multi-faceted spring landscape
is created as a central design element in
the middle of Hall 9. Walking paths th-
rough the varying designed areas take
visitors away from the hustle and bustle
of the trade show and let them experi-
ence living floral beauty. And, of course,
“do-it-yourself” has become very popu-
lar again. Numerous interactive activities
will once again give visitors the oppor-
tunity to use their creative sides and to
create beautiful things for the home.
Landgard and „Flowers - 1000 good rea-
sons“ invite visitors to get enthusiastic
about flowers and plants in their natural
environment every day – and, once IGW is
over, to take a piece back to wintry Berlin.

„You will be amazed: We want to show
you the entire spectrum of flowers and
plants, tangible, close, sustainable and
beautiful. Without flowers and plants,
we‘d all be dead! In the coming weeks
and months we will keep you informed
about the upcoming events in Berlin,“
says Armin Rehberg, Chairman of Land-
gard eG.

1 Typical Berlin: A buddy bear covered with
2,000 flowers greets visitors to the Flower
Hall (Hall 9)
2 A whiff of spring
3 In creative workshops, visitors can assem-
ble wreaths of flowers
Green Week • MARKETS

                                                   Don‘t out !
Professional                                        miss
                                                      The   2020 Regional Star
Center                                               Milk from the farmer next door or wine from
                                                     the local winegrower - regional products are the
Food trends & industry talk
                                                     latest trend with consumers. In 2020 the trade
The Professional Center is the most                  journal „Lebensmittel Praxis“ and Green Week
important meeting place for the food                 will award the „Regional Star“ prize for the fifth
trade. From 20 to 24 January, industry
                                                     time. Awards go to the best regional concepts from trade, industry and ag-
representatives will be able to get to
know over 200 selected specialties.
                                                     riculture. The prize is awarded in the categories of cooperation, innovation,
The Professional Center offers a plat-               presentation and organization. The award ceremony will take place at Green
form for buyers, distributors, caterers              Week on 21 January. For further information about the event and registration:
and F&B managers who are looking           
for new products and want to get
to know regional and international
specialties. In Marshall House, away
from the hustle and bustle of the trade
show, industry representatives can                A PLATFORM FOR FOOD-STARTUPS
meet, hold technical discussions, get
                                                  On January 22 and 23, 2020, young entrepreneurs from the food
to know new products and make new
business contacts.                                industry will present their ideas

The IFS Focus Day on 20 Ja-                      week
nuary is one of the platform‘s              en

special offers, as certification by                  U
IFS (International Featured Stan-
                                          a       RT

dards) is becoming increasingly

important for food producers.                    ay s 2
On IFS Focus Day, experts will be
on-site to answer questions about
the certification procedure and to
provide assistance.

                                                  Startups network with food retailers and multipliers in the Professional Center

                                                  Green Week will focus on the food star-         big players largely shape the product
                                                  tup scene for the third time with the           range, the food retail trade is also in-
                                                  IGW Startup Days on January 22 and              creasingly relying on innovative, smal-
                                                  23. Start-up companies applied with             ler suppliers. Microbrands are serving
                                                  their products or marketing concepts,           the increased needs of consumers for
                                                  and the best entries were selected for          differences in flavor, product origin,
                                                  the final round in Berlin. The partici-         manufacture and/or compatibility with
                                                  pants can also network with traditio-           health, lifestyle or religious eating hab-
                                                  nal stakeholders from the food trade            its. The Startup Days paint an authentic
Industry representatives meet in Mar-             as well as influencers. With the Startup        picture of the current world of food.
shall House to discover new trends                Days, Messe Berlin takes on current
and exchange ideas.                               food topics and reflects on changes
                                                  in consumer behavior. Although the
Green Week • MARKETS

                                                                                                       When the Wall
                                                                                                       came down
                                                                                                       New blooms after 1989
                                                                                                       It was the craziest start to a Green
                                                                                                       Week since its premiere in 1926: Con-
                                                                                                       voys of Trabi cars and Wartburgs took
                                                                                                       over the parking lots at the end of Ja-
                                                                                                       nuary 1990. The trade show experien-
                                                                                                       ced an unprecedented rush of visitors.
                                                                                                       The fall of the Wall on 9 November
                                                                                                       1989 opened its natural hinterland to
Making school really fun: Practical lessons at Green Week                                              Green Week.
                                                                                                       As was reported by the press, many
                                                                                                       tearful people stood before the halls
CLASS TRIP WITH NUTRITIONAL VALUE                                                                      at the Radio Tower: „I never thought
                                                                                                       I would experience it again. The last
“Green Week Young Generation” with a great variety of activities                                       time I was at the trade show was in
                                                                                                       1959,“ said a visitor from East Berlin.
for schoolchildren
                                                                                                       Nearly 600,000 people - 360,000 of
Green Week is a popular destination for             vities: Children and youths can rattle the         them from the former GDR – crowded
Berlin and Brandenburg school classes of            pots and pans and create the food of               around the exhibition stands. The num-
all ages. Shortly before their mid-year re-         the future, prepare a healthy breakfast            ber of visitors from 1990 is still the
port cards, over 20,000 pupils come to the          or learn from experts how everyone can             highest ever. The crowd was enormous,
trade show to gain practical knowledge              pay more attention to animal welfare               because back in 1990 the exhibition
from experts about nutrition, agriculture           when shopping. More information can be             area of 77,000 square meters was
and horticulture. „Green Week Young                 found at:               not even half the size it is today. The
Generation“ offers a wide range of acti-            sucher/Schuelerprogramm                            motto „Food from Germany - Quality
                                                                                                       knows no borders“ was created at
                                                       Birds of prey - like this falcon - can be       short notice for the presentation of
                                                       admired in the hunting area                     German agricultural products, and
                                                                                                       Federal President Dr. Richard von Weiz-
                                                                                                       säcker, patron at the time, was sure

                                                       Watch out!                                      not to miss it.

                                                       Animals don’t follow
                                                       traffic rules
  Every 2.5 minutes a wildlife accident happens in Germany. Deer are most often involved in ac-
  cidents (41 percent). However, small mammals such as hares, rabbits and foxes, as well as birds,
  register more casualties than previously thought. For the first time, the animal accident register
  (Tierfund-Kataster) makes it possible to standardize recording of wildlife accidents throughout
  Germany. More than 14,000 users report animal accidents via the free app or the www.tier- website. Scientists can use the register to set priorities for making the roads
  safer. In Hall 27, the German Hunting Association (DJV) will present the project about preventing
  wildlife accidents along with the campaign „Animals don’t follow traffic rules“. Partridges,
  skylarks and lapwings are also in trouble: Their habitats and refuge areas are continuing to
  shrink. At its stand in Hall 27, the Hunters‘ Umbrella Organization will provide information about
  the fields and meadows biotope. Hunting diversity is presented over ca. 380 square meters.
  Young and old visitors can stalk imagined prey through a near-natural biotope, meet birds of prey
  and hunting dogs and taste „wild bites“.
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