ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property

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ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property
iLearn Superannuation Property
Retire with Property
ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property
ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property

Superannuation Property   The Australian Superannuation scheme has been a core focus
is an industry leader     of our government and finance sectors for generations, now the
                          benefits of having a safe retirement through tax-free income is
in end-to-end solutions
                          available with direct property.
for the purchase of
direct property inside
                          A self-managed superannuation fund (SMSF) is one of the options
your superannuation       that gives you the biggest amount of independence. Naturally, the
fund.                     option comes with some risks and you need to understand the
                          pros, the cons and the little details that will make all the difference.
We know that you are
an active individual      Superannuation Property decided to share some of the biggest
                          SMSF secrets and tips that will let you achieve success on your own.
and you are results-
                          The detailed, step-by-step guide we have developed for you will
                          take confusion out of the equation.

This e-book is created
to give you all the
answers without
wasting your time.
The information
is structured and
straightforward so that
you can get the most
out of it.

ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property
“The starting point of all achievement is desire. Keep this constantly in mind.
     Weak desire brings weak results, just as small fire makes a small amount of heat”

                                                                        - Napoleon Hill

ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property

Having somebody else   SMSFs have gained popularity lately, becoming the single biggest
manage a super fund    asset class in Australia. 2013 statistics show that the number of
                       self-managed super funds in Australia registered each week is over
for you gives you
                       1000 per week.
freedom but it is
also connected to
                       A self-managed super fund is defined as a fund established by
responsibilities you   one to four people for the sole purpose of providing retirement
need to understand.    benefits. The members are also trustees of the fund, which means
                       that they exercise full control over the investment and they are
                       responsible for investment decisions. Members have a lot of
                       freedom but they will also have to accept regulatory responsibility
                       that would otherwise be the duty of the existing noted super fund.

ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property
important note

Even if they have        A SMSF in Australia needs to address a number of ATO
tons of experience,      requirements. The conditions are strictly defined as follows:

financial institutions
                         • The SMSF should have at least one and no more than four
will fail to offer a
personalised approach.
                         •   Each trustee or director also has to be a fund member.
                         •   Each member of the SMSF should also be a trustee or a director.
Taking control and       •   Members of the fund cannot be employees of each other.
being in charge          •   The members are fully responsible for the SMSF and the manner
will let you access          in which it meets strict requirements and regulations.
a wider range of
                         The self-managed fund brings various advantages that a
opportunities,even the
                         fund managed by a financial institution will be incapable of
ones that financial
                         providing. Some of the most important benefits include:
institutions fail to
mention.                 • Financial independence and 100 percent control over
                         •   Participation of more than one family member in the fund.
                         •   Income security during retirement or permanent work inability.
                         •   Flexibility and freedom to make your own decisions.
                         •   Low taxation rates.

ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property
ILearn Superannuation property - Retire with Property
steps to SMSF

You will need to follow   Setting up the SMSF involves the following steps:
a number of important
                          1. Establishing the SMSF trust.
steps in order to do it
                          2. Obtaining your tax file number and your Australian business
the right way.
                          3. Working on your investment strategy.
Once again – remember     4. Opening your fund’s bank account.
that a SMSF will
require both time and     * The steps are included as described by the Australian Taxation
effort on your behalf.    Office.

                          In more practical terms, you will have to do the following:
Talk to a financial
consultant to have all
                          • Make sure that you understand all of your obligations and
of the details figured
                             responsibilities. This preparatory step is very important when it
out in advance.              comes to ensuring the smooth functioning of the SMSF in the
                          • Choose the members. There can be up to three other people
                             involved in a SMSF. Typically, most people choose members of
                             their family but you have lots of freedom and flexibility.
                          • Select a trust deed. The trust deed should be chosen with the
                             intention of maximising the SMSF potential.
                          • Put your documentation in order. This is important in legal and
                             regulatory terms.
                          • Get insurances that will be owned by the SMSF.
                          • Let your current employer know that you have set up a SMSF.
                             Typically, you will have to provide your employer with a letter
                             of compliance and a letter that lists the manners in which
                             contributions can be made to the SMSF.
                          • Work on your investment strategy and begin implementing it.

Frequently asked questions:

Can I buy property using my       to make as much money as           remain within the investment
superannuation?                   possible, so looking for savings   objectives outlined within the
Yes. You are able to purchase     with property managers is          investment strategy to ensure
residential investment and        important.                         that it remains compliant.
commercial property (such                                            The investment strategy
as shops, business premises,      Why use an SMSF to                 can be updated over time
offices and factories) within     purchase property?                 to encompass a member’s
a Self Managed Super Fund         SMSF’s give you the ability        changing investment needs.
(SMSF).                           to access a lump sum of
                                  money to use as a deposit
                                                                     Can my superannuation
How much superannuation           for a property purchase.
                                                                     fund pay for personal
do I need to get started?         Superannuation Guarantee
This is dependent on the          contributions of 9% can be
cost of the investment            used to cover any negative         Yes. You are able to house Life,

property being purchased.         cash flow effects with the fund    Total and Permanent Disability

Establishment costs, a            meaning that properties can        and Income Protection

minimum deposit of 20%,           usually be purchased and           insurance easily within an SMSF

purchase costs and a reserve      held without any effect on         ensuring the trust deed allows

of 1 years negative cash          personal cash flow. It can be      for it. The premiums can be

flow is needed. Take into         more tax advantageous to           paid from the fund balance

consideration you are able        purchase property within the       and members are able to make

to combine up to 4 individual     Superannuation environment.        pre tax contributions to the

member’s superannuation into                                         fund to offset the effect of

an SMSF to increase the capital   Why set-up a SMSF?                 these premiums. Thus making

available.                                                           Superannuation an excellent
                                  The investment flexibility
                                                                     way to house personal
                                  gained from the SMSF
What is an SMSF?                                                     insurances.
                                  structure for member’s
                                                                     Link to SPF for further advice.
SMSF’s allow people to have       retirement funds is the number
greater control over the          one reason for its rapidly
                                                                     What are the benefits of
investment of their Funds         growing popularity. Greater
                                                                     owning property inside
for retirement. This kind         control over investments is also
                                                                     super for my retirement?
of flexibility has seen over      very important to Trustees.
450,000 established and over                                         During pension phase, trustees

$15 billion invested in direct    Why do I need an                   have the opportunity to benefit

property.                         Investment strategy when           from tax-free income from

                                  establishing my SMSF?              property rental income. No
                                                                     capital gains tax on the sale
                                  An investment strategy
Can I use a property                                                 of a property asset during
                                  is required by law when
manager to manage the                                                pension phase, which can help
                                  establishing an SMSF. The
property?                                                            investors save hundreds of
                                  investment Strategy outlines
                                                                     thousands of dollars.
Yes. All expenses including       the member’s tolerance for
property management fees,         investment risk and investment
                                                                     What are my out of pocket
remember the idea of a SMSF       objectives. The fund must

expenses to get started?            classes.                          the fund is now taxed at 0%
                                                                      and Capital Gains Tax (CGT)
When establishing a SMSF, all
                                    What other assets can my          is also decreased to 0%. This
costs are incurred by the new
                                    superannuation purchase?          means that you are able to sell
SMSF, which means that there
                                                                      properties in Pension Phase
are no out of pocket expenses       • Shares (Australian and
                                                                      and pay NO CGT. This can
to the members of the fund.             International)
                                                                      save hundreds of thousands
                                    •   Listed Property Trusts
                                                                      of dollars tax for a member
How big is this SMSF                •   Direct Property
                                                                      which all goes towards a more
industry? What are other            •   Fixed Interest
                                                                      comfortable retirement.
Australians doing?                  •   Cash and Deposits

The SMSF industry is now the
                                    •   Managed Funds

biggest asset class in Australia.
                                    •   Art/Collectibles

Australians have currently
invested over $450 Billion into     What legislation do I need
SMSF’s.                             to be aware of?
Source: ATO
                                    SMSF are governed by the
Can I contribute money
                                    Australian Tax Office and are
from my personal income to
                                    regulated by the SIS Act.
my SMSF?

Yes. A member can contribute        Should I buy a property in
money from their personal           my personal name or within
income to grow the SMSF or          an SMSF?
cover expenses. Typical the
                                    If you would like to understand
ATO provides guidelines as to
                                    the difference between
how much money a member
                                    these structures, consult a
can contribute to an SMSF
                                    Superannuation Property
                                    expert today. Enquire here.
Should I buy shares with
my superannuation or
                                    What is Pension Phase?
                                    When a member attains
Under superannuation law,
                                    preservation age (currently
members don’t have to invest
                                    between 55-57 dependent on
in any one asset. This means
                                    age) they are able to amend
you can invest in shares,
                                    the trust deed to change their
property or a combination of
                                    benefit to Pension Phase.
both. Superannuation Law
                                    Pension Phase means a few
allows members to diversify
                                    changes for the member and
the portfolio into multiple asset
                                    their Superannuation. They
classes, not just shares and
                                    must now draw an income
property. It would be prudent
                                    from their SMSF and the tax
to consider having a diverse
                                    rates within their fund change.
portfolio across multiple asset
                                    Investment Income within

The Link Between Property & SMSF

Since 2007, the year      Self managed super fund property investment can involve both
when taxation changes     residential and commercial real estate. Several important rules
                          affect the property purchase:
were made to allow SMSF
property purchases,
                          • The property cannot be the residence of a fund member.
SMSF investing in
                          • The property cannot be used as a vacation house.
property has seen         • The property should be purchased solely for investment
tremendous growth.           purposes.
Various factors led to
this development.         Establishing a connection between SMSF and property can be great
                          for beginners in the niche. Most people own at least one house or
                          apartment and they have better understanding of the real estate
                          sector than of the financial and the investment world.

                          Why is residential property so great for a SMSF?

                          Here is a list of the most important reasons to consider a
                          Superannuation Property:

                          • No out of pocket expenses
                          • Build a retirement income through direct property.
                          • Secure a safe-long term investment.


Investment in property is one of the most attractive and viable
options for investors. Still, you need to understand the strategy and
the steps involved in making it happen.

We are ready to share our experience and the insider’s information
that we have collected through our professional operations. The
right property investment strategy will provide you with taxation
benefits, the security of your investment and with long-term money
making opportunities.

Remember that buying property through a SMSF can be more
profitable than purchasing it as an individual. The market has
different regulations for individuals and for funds. The latter will
benefit from such disparities.

Follow these steps when investing in residential property through a

1. Seek professional assistance. We can help you come up with the
   right property investment strategy.
2. Set up a Security Trust on behalf of your SMSF. You will need it to
   provide loan guarantee and to buy/hold the property.
3. Talk to your broker about qualifying for a loan.
4. Buy and hold your property through the Security Trust.
5. Repay your loan and once you are done, transfer the property
   from the Security Trust to the SMSF.

Frequently asked questions:

Can I buy property using my       What happens if I can’t            Who should I ask for advice
superannuation?                   pay the loan for my                when buying property with
                                  superannuation property?           my superannuation?
Yes. You are able to purchase
residential investment and        Loans for Superannuation           There are multiple advisors an
commercial property (such         Property are non-recourse, this    investor should consult when
as shops, business premises,      means that the lender is only      buying property, they include:
offices and factories) within     able to take the property and
a Self Managed Super Fund         has no right to the remaining      •   Finance Broker
(SMSF).                           assets or funds in your SMSF.      •   Financial Planner
                                                                     •   Accountant
What are the potential tax        How does borrowing to              •   Property Advisor
benefits of owning property       buy a property inside              •   Solicitor (Property)
inside my superannuation?         superannuation affect my
                                  personal portfolio?                Or you could talk to
Within the Superannuation
                                                                     Superannuation Property who
environment rental income         Buying property inside
                                                                     provides all of these services.
from investment properties        superannuation could have
                                                                     Enquire Here
is taxed at 15%. This rate also   an impact on your personal
applies for Capital Gains tax     portfolio if you are required to
                                                                     Can I use a property
in the first year of ownership,   contribute more money into
                                                                     manager to manage the
after which it drops to 10% and   the SMSF to cover expenses.
no capital gains tax is payable   It’s extremely important
on the sale of a property in      that members choose the            Yes. All expenses including
pension phase.                    right property to match your       property management fees,
                                  SMSF capacity (income and          remember the idea of a SMSF
Can I borrow to purchase          expenses). Members can             to make as much money as
property with my                  avoid this by simply buying        possible, so looking for savings
superannuation?                   an investment property that        with property managers is
                                  doesn’t cost the members           important.
Yes. Most banks provide
                                  more then what the SMSF is
loans to SMSF’s to purchase
                                  earning.                           Why do I need a corporate
investment properties of up to
                                                                     trustee when buying
80% of the property value.
                                  What is a bare trust?              property?

Who pays the mortgage?            A Bare trust is a trust where      You don’t necessarily need a
And other expenses of the         the beneficiaries are absolutely   corporate trustee when buying
property?                         entitled to the assets within.     property, however using a
                                  For example, a bare trust holds    corporate trustee is more
The SMSF covers interest,
                                  an investment property on          often then not favored by
maintenance, insurance, rates,
                                  behalf of the SMSF Trustee’s;      the lenders, plus a corporate
body corporate fees, property
                                  the bare trust can only transfer   trustee provides members with
management and any other
                                  ownership of the investment        added asset protection. Risk
associated property expenses.
                                  property when the debt             avoidance strategy should be
These expenses will usually be
                                  (mortgage) is paid off.            a number one priority when
deductible to the fund.
                                                                     buying property with your

superannuation.                  Can I claim depreciation             Are there any disadvantages
                                 inside a SMSF?                       to owning a property
Can I buy a property before                                           through a SMSF?
                                 Yes. Standard deductions
my SMSF is set-up?                                                    The answer will depend on the
                                 such as deprecation are
                                                                      circumstances of the fund and
No. You can not purchase a       allowable inside an SMSF.
                                                                      the members.
property before you have all     Consult Superannuation
the correct SMSF documents       Property expert for a property
                                                                      With certain exceptions
in place. Superannuation         depreciation schedule.
                                                                      preserved superannuation
Property can provide you all
                                                                      benefits must remain in the
the compliant documentation      What are the asset
                                                                      super system until members
to ensure you set-up a SMSF      protection advantages of
                                                                      permanently retire after
correctly in 24 hours.           owning property in a SMSF?
                                                                      reaching their “preservation
                                 Assets held in a super fund are      age” (currently 55) or turn 65.
Who pays the deposit when
                                 legally inaccessible to trustees
buying my next investment
                                 in bankruptcy provided               The locking of benefits into
                                 contributions or asset transfers     superannuation could be
The SMSF pays all deposits on    were not made with the “main         seen as an advantage or
investment property. No out of   purpose” of avoiding creditors.      disadvantage by some fund
pocket expense are required.     That makes super a prized            members.
                                 method of asset protection,
Who can rent my                  particularly as there is no dollar   A factor to consider is that
superannuation property?         limit on the protection.             many high-income earners
The only rule when renting an                                         gain valuable tax benefits by
                                 Many small-medium business           negatively gearing properties in
investment property owned
                                 owners for instance place their      their own names.
buy an SMSF is you cannot
                                 business premises in a SMSF
rent the property to a related
                                 partly as an asset-protection        That is because the shortfall
party. This means a member’s
                                 strategy.                            between rent and deductible
relative, or spouse.
                                                                      costs (mainly interest) is
                                 Take the example of husband-         deductible against other
How much will the bank
                                 and-wife business partners           personal income.
lend me to buy a property
                                 who own business premises in
with my SMSF?
                                 their own names. Depending           What are the advantages of
Generally, banks will lend       on the circumstances (including      gearing property through a
between 70% and 80% of the       any professional advice              SMSF?
property value. Each loan is     received) the couple may
assessed on a case-by-case                                            First, a SMSF can buy an asset
                                 decide to sell the property to
basis and you should consult                                          which may otherwise be
                                 their SMSF at market value or
a Superannuation Property                                             unobtainable given the fund’s
                                 make an in-specie contribution
finance specialist for more                                           total asset value and its level of
                                 of the property to the fund.
information on your borrowing                                         contributions.
                                 (See the next point.)
capacity. Enquire here.                                               Second, capital gains are
                                                                      multiplied if a geared property

rises in value.                      interest payments to the date      nothing in the legislation
Third, borrowing to invest may       of the default. As well the        to stop a lender seeking to
enable a SMSF to hold a more         lender can deduct its costs of     enforce personal guarantees in
widely diversified portfolio than    selling the geared property and    the event of a default.
would have been possible if          discharging the loan before
all or most of its savings were      paying whatever is left to the     Is my SMSF allowed to spend
spent buying a single property.      fund.                              its entire savings on a single
Fourth, the capital gains are                                           investment property?
concessionally-taxed or tax-         That means a fund which
                                                                        Superannuation law does not
free (if the fund disposes of        spends all or most of its assets
                                                                        prohibit a fund from owning
the property when its assets         to pay initial loan installments
                                                                        just one asset. Some fund
are backing the payment of a         could be wiped out in a worst
                                                                        trustees specifically decide
superannuation pension).             case scenario.
                                                                        to have SMSF portfolios
                                                                        dominated by a single
What are the disadvantages           Astute SMSF trustees would
                                                                        property asset, perhaps after
of gearing property through          not borrow to invest in
                                                                        considering the diversification
a SMSF?                              property or any other assets
                                                                        of their other super and non-
                                     without understanding the
Gearing magnifies any gains                                             super investments. SMSFs
but it magnifies any losses.                                            are required to have written
Gearing is detrimental for a                                            investment strategies
                                     A danger is that fund trustees
fund unless the property’s
                                     may gain a false sense of
value increases.                                                        Despite the requirement that
                                     security because a super fund
Further, a geared SMSF                                                  fund trustees must consider
                                     is barred from providing any of
faces the challenge of trying                                           diversification when preparing
                                     its other assets as security for
to ensure there is enough                                               an investment strategy they are
                                     a loan.
cash flow from earnings and                                             not required by law to diversify.
member contributions to
                                     This provision will not
service the property loan.                                              Financial planners and
                                     necessarily protect a heavily
                                                                        superannuation specialists
                                     geared fund from losing much
Superannuation and financial                                            typically urge fund trustees
                                     of its members’ retirement
planning specialists warn that                                          to recognise the possible
                                     savings if a property
the halving of the standard                                             consequences if their
                                     investment turns bad and loan
concessional contributions                                              retirement savings are overly
                                     repayments are not met.
for members over 50 to an                                               dependent on the profitability
indexed $25,000 a year from                                             of a single high-cost asset.
                                     Why should SMSF members
2012 - 13 will inhibit the ability
                                     be cautious about giving
for some SMSFs to meet loan                                             What are the advantages
                                     personal guarantees for
obligations.                                                            of my SMSF owning my
                                     property loans?
                                                                        business premises?
What happens if my SMSF              Although SMSFs are prohibited
                                                                        Small-medium business
defaults on an investment            from providing other fund
                                                                        owners commonly arrange
loan?                                assets as security for an
                                                                        for their SMSFs to hold their
                                     investment loan there is
The fund can lose capital and                                           business premises for a

range of reasons including tax      Depending on the                    struggle to meet loan
effectiveness, asset protection     circumstances that could            installments on a geared
and succession planning for         provide valuable security for       property and that could lead to
family businesses.                  the family business.                a forced sale.

A family business, for              What are the disadvantages          Another consideration is how
instance, would have to pay a       of my SMSF owning my                the tax office – in its role as
commercial, arms’ length rent       business premises?                  regulator of self-managed
to the family’s SMSF. In turn the                                       super – may react to a fund’s
                                    Conflicting loyalties and
fund would pay concessional                                             failure to collect overdue
                                    pressures may arise if your
tax on the rent and typically                                           rent from the fund members’
                                    business strikes financial
benefit from many of the                                                business.
                                    problems and fails to pay its
usual tax breaks available
to landlords – including tax                                            One of the toughest actions
deductions for interest on a                                            that the regulator can enforce
                                    On one side the family
property loan.                                                          under the Superannuation
                                    business may require the
                                                                        Industry (Supervision) Act is
                                    premises to keep operating in
Some fund trustees would gain                                           to remove a fund’s complying
                                    the expectation that profits will
a feeling of security because                                           status.
their family business, not some
other unrelated, perhaps little
                                    On the other side the fund’s        How much tax do I need
known business, is the tenant.
                                    trustees – who are the same         to pay on property inside
                                    people as the business owners       superannuation?
Founders of a family business
                                    in these circumstances – are
– such as married or de facto
                                                                                                            Property Owner

                                    legally obliged to maintain the     Tax Payable on   Individual   Company    Superfund   Super Pension

couples – sometimes hold the
                                    fund with the sole purpose of
                                                                        Rental Income    Up to 45%1   30%        Up to 15%   Nil

premises of the family business                                         Capital Gains2
                                                                                         Up to
                                                                                                      30%        Up to 15%   Nil
                                    providing member retirement                          22.5% 1

in a two-person SMSF initially                                          1
                                                                         . Ignores the Medicare levy
                                    benefits.                           2.
                                                                           Assumes the asset has been held for 12 months or more

for retirement saving, tax and
                                    Under superannuation
asset protection reasons.                                               Can I transfer my existing
                                    law fund members must
As the founders approach                                                investment properties into
                                    be trustees of the fund or
retirement they may decide                                              my superannuation fund?
                                    directors of its corporate
to allow their adult children to
                                    trustee.                            Only if they are business real
become fund members.
                                                                        or commercial properties.
                                    Much of the fund’s financial        No residential investment
Thanks in part to the adult
                                    wellbeing may depend on             properties currently owned
children’s super contributions
                                    regular payment of rent –           by a member or related party
such a fund might eventually be
                                    particularly if a heavily geared    may be transferred into an
in a financial position to retain
                                    property is the fund’s sole or      SMSF. Residential investment
ownership of the business
                                    dominant asset.                     properties may not be rented
premises for future generations
                                                                        to a member or related party
while paying the founders’
                                    If your business is unable          either.
retirement benefits.
                                    to pay rent your fund may

final SMSF Checklist

We hope that we have     Before you get started, you can use the following checklist to
managed to address       determine your level of readiness and confidence with a self-
                         managed investment option.
your biggest concerns
and the most ambiguous
                         Can you give a positive answer to all of these questions? If you can,
issues. super fund
                         you are definitely ready to begin investing and take control of your
                         own self-managed

                         1. Are you 100 percent certain that the SMSF is the right option for
                            your retirement?
                         2. Have you done enough research?
                         3. Are you ready to name the other members of the SMSF?
                         4. Are you familiar with the laws and the regulations in the sector?
                         5. Do you know the steps that you will have to undertake in order
                            to set up SMSF?
                         6. Do you know how to work on your investment strategy and
                            where to seek advice?
                         7. Are you ready to deal with paperwork and all the obligations of a
                         8. Have you researched property investment opportunities?
                         9. Are you aware of the risks and possible shortcomings of SMSF?
                         10. Do you have an emergency plan for situations that may be out of
                            your control?
                         11. Do you understand the SMSF, its functioning and processes?

                         We hope that you have answered with 11 yes’s! If you have some
                         uncertainties and fears, please do give us a call! We can help you
                         create your investment strategy and we will work together to
                         discover the option that will work best for you and your family.

                         Expert assistance and our experience in the niche can be key to
                         determining the success of your super fund. We are ready to offer

Retire with Property
1300 U Retire

Level 1, 18 Masters Street,
Newstead, Qld, 4006

GPO Box 2291 Brisbane
QLD 4001

Level 3, 30 Collins St,
Melbourne VIC 3000

Level 3, 60 Moncur St,
Woollahara NSW 2025
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