New Court Cautious Fund GBP - Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF - Paris

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New Court Cautious Fund GBP - Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF - Paris
New Court Cautious Fund GBP
Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF

Quarterly Report | Issue 20 | April 2021
Cover: Our office at New Court.   This is not a promotion or solicitation of the Rothschild & Co WM
The site has been home to the     SICAV SIF – New Court Cautious Fund GBP, which is not usually
business in London since 1809.    available to execution only or advisory clients. When certain criteria
                                  are met discretionary portfolios may hold the Fund, but only at
© Philippe Ruault/OMA 2012.       Rothschild & Co’s discretion.
Rothschild & Co                   Values: All data as at 31 st March 2021 (except inflation which is until
Wealth Management                 28 th February 2021 as March 2021 data figures are not yet available).
New Court                         Sources of charts and tables: Rothschild & Co and Bloomberg,
St. Swithin’s Lane                unless otherwise stated. Past performance is not indicative of future
London EC4N 8AL                   performance and investments and the income from them can fall as
+44 20 7280 5000                  well as rise. Fund performance is shown in pounds sterling, after all               fees, in total return, combining income and capital growth. Returns
© 2021 Rothschild & Co            may increase or decrease as a result of currency fluctuations.
Wealth Management                 Please ensure you read the Important Information section at the end
                                  of this document.
Fund manager’s review
                                      Investors generally grew more confident over the quarter as countries rolled out
                                      their vaccination programmes and the outlook for the global economic recovery
                                      brightened, while inflation expectations caused bond yields to spike.

                                      Performance contributions                               Portfolio activity
                                      The portfolio returned +4.2% in the first quarter       In a particularly active quarter, we made several
                                      and has now returned +155.9% (after fees)               key changes, most notably on the ‘diversifying’
                                      since inception (vs. +100.1% for UK inflation           side of the portfolio. In January, we restructured
                                      +2% since inception on 31st December 2003).*            our inflation-linked bond exposure, selling our
                                      This equates to an annualised return of +5.6%           direct investment in US TIPS and replacing this
                                      compared to +4.1% for inflation +2%.**                  with an internally managed implementation
                                                                                              vehicle, providing us with more diversified
                                      Portfolio performance
                                                                                              exposure to inflation-linked assets globally, and
                                      2021 began with strong performance from
                                                                                              the ability to more easily respond to changing
                                      equities and commodities, as the expectation
                                                                                              market conditions. Currently, most of the portfolio
                                      of a full economic recovery continued into the
                                                                                              is invested in medium-term US TIPS, with the
                                      new year. Optimism surrounding COVID-19
                                                                                              remainder invested across Japanese, Canadian
                                      remained the key driver of sentiment as
                                                                                              and Australian inflation-linked bond markets. The
                                      vaccination programmes were announced
                                                                                              vehicle also holds two exchange-traded funds
                                      globally. The promise of massive fiscal stimulus
                                                                                              (ETFs), providing direct exposure to breakeven
                                      in the US (equivalent to almost 8% of GDP) also
                                                                                              rates of inflation in the US and Europe.
                                      added to risk appetite, as did the continued
                                      accommodative policy stance from most central           We also added the One River Dynamic Convexity
                                      banks globally.                                         Fund to the portfolio for additional portfolio
                                                                                              protection. We have known the One River team
                                      Equity markets were led higher by companies
                                                                                              for a number of years, and the Dynamic Convexity
                                      within the financial and energy sectors, as the
                                                                                              Fund is a systematic long-volatility strategy which
                                      value/growth rotation continued unabated. In
                                                                                              invests actively in VIX futures, VIX options and
                                      fact, the first quarter of 2021 was one of the
                                                                                              equity index options. This strategy, alongside the
                                      best on record for ‘value’ stocks relative to
                                                                                              ladder of put warrants and Okura, is intended to
                                      those categorised as ‘growth’ stocks. One of the
                                                                                              offer robust protection in a variety of scenarios.
                                      key drivers of this rotation may have been the
                                                                                              For further protection, we supplemented this with
                                      increase in medium-to-longer-term government
                                                                                              a new position in a resettable Eurostoxx 50 put
                                      bond yields, which have risen in anticipation of
                                                                                              warrant, which was approximately 20% out-of-the-
                                      stronger economic growth. Benefiting from the
                                                                                              money at purchase and has a maturity of one year.
                                      steepening of the yield curve, Wells Fargo shares
                                                                                              Finally, we also added to an existing diversifying
                                      rose +29.9% over the quarter. The removal of
                                                                                              fund – the Abbey Focus Fund – in the same month.
                                      the asset cap, in place since 2018 following the
                                      account opening scandal, also drove this strong         On the ‘return asset’ side of the portfolio, we
* The inception date of the           performance. The other financial names in the           increased our holding in in February
Fund which implements this
strategy was 13th April 2016.
                                      portfolio also performed well, including American       following its listing. We initially received shares
Performance for periods prior to      Express (+17.8%) and Lloyds (+16.7%). However,          as part of a spin-off from Constellation Software,
inception date is the Rothschild
& Co Wealth Management UK             the standout performer this quarter was John            whose European operating unit, TSS, became
Ltd GBP Cautious composite,
adjusted to reflected the Fund’s      Deere, the manufacturer of agricultural and             a standalone entity following its acquisition of
1% annual management charge
and fund operational costs.
                                      forestry-related machinery, gaining over 40%.           Dutch business, Topicus. Overall, we see Topicus.
                                                                                              com as a mini Constellation, but primarily focused
** Annualised figures are             The rise in bond yields meant contributions from our
calculated on a compound basis                                                                on Europe, where we believe there are good
to best represent the results of      fixed income holdings were marginally negative in
staying continuously invested                                                                 opportunities for growth. Constellation Software
                                      aggregate. The biggest detractor was the allocation
from inception of the strategy.                                                               will retain effective control of (owning
                                      to US TIPS, as these assets sold off towards the
Data sources: Rothschild & Co                                                                 the only ‘super voting share’) and we expect it to
and Bloomberg                         end of the period. Nevertheless, elsewhere on
                                                                                              follow Constellation’s operating model and culture.
Holdings are subject to change        the diversifying side of the portfolio, our two trend
without notice. This document
                                      followers, Abbey Capital and CFM, performed             In March, we continued to trim return assets as
does not constitute a personal
recommendation or an offer            well, returning +7.6% and +8.2% respectively. The       equity markets rose, for example trimming John
or invitation to buy or sell
securities or any other banking       commodities exposure within the CFM portfolio was       Deere following its especially strong share price
or investment product. Past                                                                   performance. The other significant change we
performance is not indicative         particularly beneficial as most major commodity
of future performance and
                                      sub-sectors performed well over the quarter.            made was the full sale of the IVI European Fund at
investments and the income
from them can fall as well as rise.                                                           the beginning of the month, to reduce portfolio risk.
                                                                                                  New Court Cautious Fund GBP | April 2021 | Page 3
Fund performance
Since inception, the Fund has outperformed inflation +2%. As at 31st March 2021, the
net asset value per share was £27.31. The Fund size was £80.5 million.

Performance since inception (%)*



    2004             2006             2008            2010             2012            2014             2016            2018             2020

                                     New Court Cautious Fund GBP                  UK Inflation (CPI) +2%

Performance comparison – over time (%)
                                      Q1 2021              2021             2020             2019             2018             2017      inception*
New Court Cautious Fund
                                             4.2              4.2              8.8            10.4             -3.8              4.8          155.9
UK inflation +2%                             0.4              0.4              2.6             3.3              4.1              4.9          100.1
UK inflation                                -0.1             -0.1              0.6             1.3              2.1              2.9            43.2
Global equities                              5.9              5.9            14.2             26.2              -7.7           19.8           289.6
(in local currencies)
Global equities                              3.4              3.4            13.0             21.7             -3.9            13.2            389.7
(in sterling)
UK government bonds                          -7.4             -7.4             8.9              7.2             0.5              2.0           137.1
Sterling cash
Fund holdings
The Fund combines return and diversifying assets which are invested across global
markets. The return assets are held to generate capital growth over the long term;
the diversifying assets are held to protect capital and investment performance,
particularly during difficult markets.

 Return assets (51.0%)                                                                              Diversifying assets (49.0%)

 Companies                          35.5%          Funds                              15.3%         Alternative strategies               6.0%
 Admiral                              2.2%         Albizia ASEAN*                      1.6%         Abbey Capital                        2.3%
 American Express                     3.1%         Bares US Equity                      2.6%        Artemis Volatility Fund               0.7%
 Ashtead Group                        2.6%         Berkshire Hathaway                   2.7%        CFM ISTEC                            1.5%
 Booking Holdings                     0.9%         Vanda**                             1.8%         CFM Trends                           1.5%
 Cable One                            1.3%         Lansdowne Developed                 1.9%
 Charter Communications               1.2%                                                          Portfolio protection                 2.1%
                                                   Phoenix UK                           2.5%
 Comcast                              2.3%                                                          Okura                                1.0%
                                                   Ward Ferry Asian Smaller            2.3%
 Constellation Software               0.8%                                                          One River Dynamic                    1.0%
 Deere                                2.7%
                                                                                                    S&P 500 2700 put
Fund allocations
The Fund is invested across global regions, asset classes and currencies. The fund
manager follows a diversified investment approach and aims to preserve and grow
the real value of the Fund over the longer term.

Fund holdings by asset class                                              Fund holdings by currency

                                                                           0.4%                                                          1.1%
                                                              2.1%         5.3%
6.0%                                                                       0.5%


29.1%                                                         50.8%


            Equities                  Fixed income                                         Pound sterling            Asian + EM
            Cash and                  Alternative strategies                               US dollar                 Yen
            cash equivalents          Portfolio protection                                Euro                       Canadian dollar

Percentages may not sum to 100% due to rounding. The above currency exposure is net of foreign exchange hedges. For the purposes of more
accurately managing currency risk, where appropriate, we reflect the currency exposure of certain funds based on the underlying securities held
within the fund, rather than the denomination of the fund.

Page 6 | New Court Cautious Fund GBP | April 2021
Supporting information
Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF – New Court Cautious Fund GBP
Type of fund                          A sub-fund of a Luxembourg Société d’Investissement à Capital Variable (“SICAV”).
Objective                             The objective of the Fund is to preserve and grow the real value of the Fund over the
                                      long term through a diversified investment approach. The Fund may utilise a wide
                                      range of asset classes in order to achieve its objective. These may include equities,
                                      cash deposits, bonds, warrants, money market instruments, derivatives and forward
                                      transactions, funds (regulated and unregulated), exposure to currencies, commodities
                                      and property.
Launch date                           13th April 2016
Share class                           Income and accumulation. Base currency is pound sterling.
Estimated synthetic OCF*              1.41%. This includes the manager’s fee (1.00%), other fund expenses (0.17%) and third-
                                      party manager fees (0.24%).
Transaction costs**                   0.16%
Pricing                               Valuation day for subscriptions: each business day
                                      Valuation day for redemptions: weekly (Thursday)
                                      Settlement period: T+3
Comparators                           UK CPI +2%. MSCI All Country World in sterling. Bloomberg Barclays Gilts Total Return Index.
                                      Barclays Benchmark Overnight GBP Cash Index.
Tax                                   UK Reporting status is available

* The Ongoing Charges Figure (OCF) as calculated in May 2020. The OCF is the ratio of the Fund’s total disclosable costs (excluding overdraft
interest) to the average net assets of the Fund. It is intended to provide a reliable figure that gives the most accurate measure of what it costs
to invest in the Fund. The Synthetic OCF includes the disclosed ongoing fees of the underlying fund investments weighted on the basis of their
investment proportion in the Fund. From time to time management fees may differ. This will be disclosed and explained to you in good time
before you invest.
** The transaction costs show the most recent transaction figures available.

                                                                                    New Court Cautious Fund GBP | April 2021 | Page 7
At Rothschild & Co Wealth Management we offer an objective long-term
perspective on investing, structuring and safeguarding assets, to preserve
and grow our clients’ wealth.
We provide a comprehensive range of services to some of the world’s
wealthiest and most successful families, entrepreneurs, foundations
and charities.
In an environment where short-term thinking often dominates, our long-
term perspective sets us apart. We believe preservation first is the right
approach to managing wealth.

Important information
Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK Limited offers
                                                                       This document is distributed in the UK by Rothschild & Co Wealth
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                                                                       Rothschild & Co Continuation Holdings AG Group operating/
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                                                                       The Rothschild & Co Group includes the following businesses
The value of investments, and the income from them, can go             (amongst others): Rothschild & Co Wealth Management UK
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returns. Portfolio returns will be considered on a “total return”
                                                                       Investment returns and the principal value of an investment
basis meaning returns are derived from both capital appreciation
                                                                       will fluctuate and may be volatile. An investment in the Fund
or depreciation as reflected in the prices of your portfolio’s
                                                                       involves significant risks, including the risk of loss of capital.
investments and from income received from them by way of
                                                                       The Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF – New Court Cautious Fund
dividends and coupons. Holdings in example or real discretionary
                                                                       GBP is suitable only for sophisticated investors and requires
portfolios shown herein are detailed for illustrative purposes
                                                                       the financial ability and willingness to accept the risks inherent
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                                                                       in an investment in the Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF – New
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                                                                       Court Cautious Fund GBP. No assurance can be given that the
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                                                                       Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF – New Court Cautious Fund GBP’s
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                                                                       Co WM SICAV SIF – New Court Cautious Fund GBP because of,
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prior notice.                                                          Rothschild & Co WM SICAV SIF – New Court Cautious Fund GBP.
                                                                                                                                              R&CO WM/NCCF-GBP/04/21
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