IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council

Page created by Clifton Wallace
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council

                                                                 IN THIS EDITION:
                                                                 Spotlight on Darebin Libraries
                                                                 page 4

                                                                 Save hundreds off your
                                                                 energy bill with Solar Savers
                                                                 page 5

From toddler age to twilight years, Darebin Libraries offer      Playgroups – not just for kids!
something for every age group and interest.                      page 7
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council
YOUR COUNCILLORS                                                                          Rucker Ward

       Kim Le Cerf (Mayor)                       Trent McCarthy                         Susan Rennie   
    T 8470 8500 | M 0419 750 457                  M 0419 750 604                       M 0419 750 035

Cr Kim Le Cerf                          Cr Trent McCarthy                     Cr Susan Rennie

Darebin is home to many                 Council’s Solar Saver program         Darebin is a great place to live
outstanding creatives and I was         has provided huge benefits to         because there is always so much
delighted to recently award one         Darebin homeowners in recent          going on. If you are not sure
of them the prestigious, national       years but until now renters have      where to begin, try our fabulous
2017 Darebin Art Prize. Claire          been left out. I’m thrilled that      free libraries. They have books
Lambe’s entry was selected from         phase two of Darebin’s Solar          and magazines but also author
more than 700 works submitted           Saver is expanding the award-         talks, workshops and other
from artists from all over Australia.   winning program to any Darebin        activities. We are particularly
The standard of work was                resident – homeowners and             encouraging people who haven’t
exceptional. You can vote for your      renters – so that many more           visited a library in a while
favourite work in the People’s          residents can reduce their power      (perhaps even never!) to come
Choice Award at Bundoora                bills. The Solar Saver program is     on in. To make it even easier, we
Homestead until the exhibition          a great option for most               are opening Preston library until
closes on 4 March.                      households and I encourage you        10pm on Thursday nights.
                                        to investigate whether it’s
In October, Council lodged              suitable for your home.               For families with young children,
a joint submission to the                                                     playgroups are fun and
Australian Electoral Commission         Do you love the holidays but not      supportive. Parents and carers
together with Wurundjeri Tribe          the waste? It’s one of the most       share information and ideas and
Land and Compensation Cultural          wasteful times of the year but it     make new friends. I’m still in
Heritage Council Aboriginal             needn’t be. My family will be         touch with the parents I met on
Corporation and Yarra City              taking the challenge to cut           joining a group 12 years ago
Council supporting a name change        down on what we toss out,             when my eldest daughter was
for the Federal Electorate of           especially after Christmas. I         born! Darebin also has
Batman to Simon Wonga. We               especially like the idea of getting   Supported Playgroups which
see supporting a name change            creative in the kitchen on            mix play with advice and
as an important step towards            National Leftovers Day on             support to new parents.
achieving a shared, inclusive and       Boxing Day to make sure
reconciled national identity.           leftovers don’t go to waste.          The Get Active in Darebin
                                                                              Program can help you stay fit
Council’s new animal welfare            If you like movies and the            and healthy in the New Year.
facility in Epping is now open.         outdoors, don’t forget to pencil      The summer program starts in
The centre provides shelter             into your calendar the Mayer          early February and is a great
and adoption services for lost          Park Open Air Cinema                  way to enjoy the outdoors and
and abandoned animals.                  screenings in Thornbury – more        some of Darebin’s beautiful
If you’d like to provide a caring       details are inside. Entry is free     parks and recreation reserves.
home to an abandoned animal,            and the events include market         Find out more inside!
consider adopting a pet from            stalls and food trucks.
the centre, which is located at
20 Companion Place.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council


I am honoured to be serving
the Darebin community as              NEW WEBSITE KEEPS COUNCIL TO ACCOUNT
Mayor for a second term and
look forward to continuing
to work closely with you on           We’ve recently launched a new interactive website that’s
many important issues.                packed with information, images and videos and clearly
                                      sets out Council’s vision and plan for the future.
We have an ambitious plan for this
City over the next four years to      Its simple design means you             It’s one of the ways we are
address the challenges that our       can easily navigate through the         enhancing Council’s transparency
city and community face, most         website to the topics that interest     and accountability so you can
notably in relation to climate        you and find out what Council           keep track of our progress
change, population growth and         promises to deliver on those issues.    and performance.
growing inequality. Our Council
Plan 2017-2021 sets out how we        Performance reports will be
will tackle these issues and work     uploaded to the website each                To visit the website go to
with the community to make            quarter so that you can see how    or call
                                      we are meeting our commitments              8470 8888 for more information.
positive change in Darebin.
We have developed an interactive      and providing value to Darebin.
website that clearly sets out what
we aim to achieve and have
developed an action plan that
explains how we will get there.
                                      DAREBIN RECOGNISED FOR STRENGTHENING
Please explore the website and tell
                                      OUR MULTICULTURAL COMMUNITY
us what you think.

I was disappointed, along with
                                      Council recently received recognition for its outstanding
community members, with VCAT’s
                                      contribution to multicultural Victoria at Victoria’s Multicultural
decision in late October regarding
                                      Awards for Excellence.
Preston Market, which has given       The high commendation for the
the go-ahead to development           Government and Civic Leadership
at the market site. The market is     Award was presented in recognition
an important community asset          of Council’s interfaith and intercultural
- we will continue to advocate        programs and initiatives.
on behalf of the community to
protect it and we’ll work with the    The Government and Civic Leadership
Victorian Planning Authority to       Award recognises government
develop a masterplan for the site.    bodies for major initiatives that           The Darebin Intercultural
                                      have strengthened multiculturalism          Centre is a dedicated space
Inside you’ll see some highlights     in their communities.                       for intercultural activities
from Council’s recently released                                                  and celebrations. If you’d
annual report for 2016-2017. It’s     Some of Darebin’s key interfaith            like to receive the centre’s
been a busy and productive year.      and intercultural programs include the      email newsletter, visit
                                      Social Inclusion Victorian Interfaith
I wish everyone a safe                Networks Conference 2016,
and happy 2018!                       Interfaith Harmony Week events              The awards were presented
                                      at the Darebin Intercultural Centre,        by the Victorian Multicultural
Cr Kim Le Cerf                        interfaith tours and the Say No to          Commission on behalf of the
Mayor                                 Racism bystander program.                   Victorian Government.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council

    DAREBIN                           How did we perform this year?
                                      The Council elections held on 22 October
    Darebin Council has               2016 ushered in a new era for Darebin.
    committed to reducing             For the first time in Council’s history, a
    the impact of crashes             majority of women Councillors were elected.
    on our roads, and one
    way of achieving this is          The new Council declared a state of climate
    through the speed                 emergency at their first meeting. They did
    reduction program.                this because they recognised the need to
                                      restore a safe climate – at emergency speed –
    So far, a total of 16 Darebin
                                      to reduce the effects of climate change.
    roads have been reduced
    from 60 kilometres per hour       After months of consulting with almost 1,000
    to 50 kilometres per hour,        residents, businesses and other stakeholders,
    and the reduction in crashes      the Council Plan 2017-2021 was adopted and
    is already evident.               came into effect on 1 July 2017.

    An analysis of VicRoads
    crash data shows that since       Annual Report 2016/17 Highlights
    the speed limit reductions,       •   The Get Active in Darebin program, which offers a range of free
    there have been 36 less crashes       community-based exercise sessions and low-cost social sport
    per year on the 21 kilometres         opportunities, was attended by 1,200 people.
    of roads, with 11 less crashes
    resulting in hospitalisation,     •   More than 2,000 trees were planted in streets across Darebin and
    and an average of 1.5 lives           2,400 plants and trees were given to residents and community groups.
    saved per year.
                                      •   Council hosted 45 business events, which were attended by
                                          almost 1,900 people.
    In working towards a zero toll
    on our roads, the evidence
    shows that Council’s target       The statistics below are taken from the Annual Report
    of reducing the speed limit to    highlighting our performance in 2016/2017.
    40 kilometres per hour across
    30 per cent of the municipality   Percentage success rate for bins collected on scheduled day                      99.9%
    is definitely a step in the       Investment in infrastructure (roads, drains and bridges)                        $7.84M
    right direction.
                                      Total number of planning permits processed                                        1,402

    Council will soon be inviting     Kilometres of sealed local roads swept                                         6,120km
    feedback for the Safe Travel      English as a Second Language classes offered at the
    Strategy 2018-2028.               Intercultural Centre
                                      Volume of recyclables collected                                        14,034 tonnes
                                      Length of off-road shared bicycle paths                                         30.6km
                                      Number of active library members                                                23,266
                                      Box office sales at arts and entertainment venues                             $1,171,915
                                      Telephone enquiries resolved at first point of call
                                      by Customer Service
                                      Community satisfaction rating out of 100 with Council’s overall
                                      performance (metropolitan Melbourne average overall satisfaction was 65.3)
                                      Community grants and other contributions                                     $1,535,000
                                      Percentage of sports grounds delivered ready
                                      for competition use on time
                                      Community satisfaction rating for overall
                                      environmental performance

                                              Council’s Annual Report 2016/2017 is now available to view and
                                              download at or call 8470 8888
                                              to request a copy by post.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council

                                                                               ADVOCATING FOR
                                                                               OUR COMMUNITY

                                                                               Council is committed to
                                                                               securing funding for projects
                                                                               that deliver important social,
                                                                               economic and environmental
                                                                               benefits for our community.
                                                                               In the lead up to the Northcote
                                                                               by-election, Council met with
                                                                               candidates and local and state
                                                                               MPs to advocate on behalf of
                                                                               the community about important
                                                                               local issues.

                                                                               Top priorities included:
                                                                               • funding a multi sports stadium
                                                                               		 for Darebin to increase female
                                                                               		 participation in sport

                                                                               •    improving the Victorian
SPOTLIGHT ON DAREBIN LIBRARIES                                                 		   Government’s Public Housing
                                                                               		   Renewal Program to increase and
Libraries are so much more than a place to borrow books.                       		   improve the provision of quality
                                                                               		   housing for the most vulnerable
The summer holidays are a great          Borrow an iPad or laptop              		   members of our community
time to discover your local library.     You can now borrow an iPad or
Did you know that your library           laptop to use in the library at       •    removing three additional
membership also gives you access         Reservoir. All you need is your       		   level crossings in Preston
to free wifi, local and family history   membership card to borrow a           		   which cause traffic congestion,
resources, as well as movies, music,     device and settle into a comfy        		   accidents and limit how
newspapers and magazines –               chair in the library.                 		   frequently rail services run
including many items in a range
of languages.                            What’s coming up?                      •    reducing gambling harm caused
                                         #resolvetoread                        		    by the $84 million lost by the
Not only can you borrow to your                                                		    Darebin community every year
                                         A book-a-day recommendation
heart’s content, every month                                                   		    through electronic gambling
                                         throughout January to kick start
there are events and workshops
                                         your summer reading.
scheduled ranging from author                                                   •    taking urgent action on Climate
talks and art exhibitions to                                                   		    Emergency – we want the state
                                         Pop into one of the libraries or
computer skills classes, programs                                              		    government to follow our lead
                                         keep your eye on the daily posts
for kids of all ages and much more.                                            		    and declare a climate emergency
                                         and discover 31 of the best books     		    and take urgent action now.
The best thing about all of this is
                                         from 2017.
it’s completely free! If you haven’t                                           These are important issues that
been to a library in a while, now is                                           we can’t resolve on our own.
                                         Find a library near you
a great time to rediscover all the                                             We will continue to seek support
library has to offer.                    There are four libraries in Darebin   and funding from other levels of
                                         – Preston, Northcote, Fairfield and   government to improve our City.
What’s new at the libraries?             Reservoir. To find one near you
Libraries After Dark
                                         or call 1300 655 355.
Preston Library is now open until
10pm on Thursday nights. Come
                                           Sign up to the Whats On Darebin
and find something interesting
                                           Libraries eNewsletter for all
to do. There’ll be regular free            the latest events and features.
events including live music, movie         To subscribe visit
screenings, craft circles and more.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council


    Have you been thinking about
    installing solar panels?
    Well now is the perfect time.
    Following the success of the first
    round of the Solar Saver program,
    Council is investing a further $10
    million to help an additional 2,000
    households install solar panels
    over the next two years.

    Initially Solar Saver was only open
    to pensioners and low-income
    households, but in a bid to double
    the amount of solar power
    generated in Darebin, Council
    has opened the program to
    all residents, whether you’re a
    home owner or renter.

    Kingsbury resident, Mai has
    started to reap the rewards
    after having solar installed on
    her house during the first phase
    of Solar Saver.

    “We are really happy with our
    solar system. We’re saving on our
    energy bills and it means we don’t
    need to worry so much,” said Mai.

    “The cost of installing solar means
    it’s not even a possibility for many
                                           The Solar Saver program is         What makes the program even
    low income families, so this help
                                           one of the ways Council is         more appealing now is the
    from Council to cover the initial
                                           responding to the Climate          increased feed-in tariff. This is
    outlay is such a good idea.”
                                           Emergency and helping residents    the payment households receive
                                           save money while cutting           for any power that is fed back
    Under the program, Council
                                           greenhouse emissions.              into the grid. As of 1 July 2017,
    pays the upfront costs of your
                                                                              the State Government raised the
    solar system and then you
                                           We have done all the ground        minimum tariff from 5.8 cents
    (or your landlord) will pay a
                                           work for residents by choosing     per kilowatt hour to 11.3 cents -
    small additional charge on
                                           a reliable supplier with quality   meaning even low-energy users
    each quarterly rates payment
                                           systems and extended warranties    can pay back the cost of a solar
    until the full cost is repaid.
                                           and we’ve been able to get the     system faster, making it even
                                           panels at great prices.            more worthwhile and affordable.
    Participants have up to 10
    years to make the repayments.
                                           Depending on factors including     The Solar Saver program is a
    Some residents will be eligible
                                           your power usage, you can          great option for most households
    for zero interest. The program
                                           expect to save at least $200       so why not investigate its
    will give more people access to
                                           a year for a small system and      potential for your home?
    solar and will help landlords, real
    estate agents and renters to work      with a larger system you could
                                                                              To find out more and register your
    together to share the benefits.        possibly save up to $1000 a        interest visit
                                           year on your energy bills.         or phone 8470 8888.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council

                                                                             NEW ANIMAL
                                                                             WELFARE FACILITY

                                                                             The new Epping Animal
                                                                             Welfare Facility is now open.
                                                                             The centre provides shelter,
                                                                             accommodation and adoption
                                                                             services for lost and abandoned
VCAT GIVES THE GO-AHEAD FOR PRESTON                                          animals whose owners can’t
MARKET DEVELOPMENT                                                           be identified.

                                                                             It has a permanent onsite veterinary
On 27 October, the Victorian             We will work constructively with    service to care for injured or ill
and Civil Administration Tribunal        the Victorian Planning Authority    animals and to provide vaccination
(VCAT) made a decision regarding         to deliver the best outcome         and de-sexing services for unclaimed
Preston Market, which will allow         possible for our community, over    animals so they can be adopted.
development at the market site,          the two years they have been
including two 10-storey and one          given to update the master plan     The facility was developed in
14-storey residential apartment          for the Preston Market site.        partnership between the Cities of
building; plus additional retail space                                       Whittlesea, Moreland and Darebin
including the relocation of the                                              and is managed and operated by
Aldi Supermarket to Murray Road.                                             the RSPCA (Royal Society for the
                                                                             Prevention of Cruelty to Animals).
Council is disappointed that
its position to refuse the planning                                          Darebin residents who have lost
application was not supported                                                their pet or would like to adopt
by VCAT and we will continue                                                 a pet should contact the Epping
to advocate on behalf of the                                                 Animal Welfare Facility on 8401 6600.
community for an outcome that               You can download VCAT’s
                                            decision regarding the Preston
supports a strong and viable                Market at        The centre is located at
fresh food market.                                                           20 Companion Place, Epping.


Last year Council received 1,246 complaints about abandoned and wrecked vehicles.
If you notice a vehicle on your street      A council officer will inspect   Did you know?
that has not been moved for a while         the vehicle, and may place an    You can donate unwanted
and you are not sure who owns it,           Unregistered or Abandoned        vehicles to Kids Undercover,
have a chat with your neighbours.           Vehicle Notice on the vehicle    a not-for-profit organisation
Someone may have friends or family          in an attempt to contact         dedicated to preventing youth
staying with them.                          the owner.                       homelessness. Visit
                                                                             to find out more.
If your neighbours also don’t know who      If the vehicle is not moved,
the vehicle belongs to, you can check       it can be impounded. If it is
                                                                               To report an abandoned vehicle
its registration status on the VicRoads     not claimed after seven days,      contact Council on 8470 8888 or
website. You can contact Council to         it will be sold, donated,          email
report an abandoned vehicle.                or destroyed.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council

                                                                                 DAREBIN’S FIRST
                                                                                 OCTOPUS SCHOOL

                                                                                 Reservoir West Primary School
                                                                                 was selected to pilot the
                                                                                 Octopus School Program
                                                                                 in 2018.
                                                                                 Darebin Council will work closely
                                                                                 with the school in 2018 to develop
                                                                                 a range of programs and
                                                                                 infrastructure projects to create
                                                                                 a safe school precinct that makes
                                                                                 it easy for students and families
                                                                                 to walk and cycle to school.
                                                                                 The types of new programs and
                                                                                 projects could range from safer
                                                                                 and better crossing points on
                                                                                 walking and cycling routes, to
                                                                                 classroom active travel count
                                                                                 competitions. Congratulations
                                                                                 Reservoir West Primary School!

                                                                                   For more information and safe
                                                                                   travel tips for school children visit

    PLAYGROUPS –                       Playgroups usually meet once
    NOT JUST FOR KIDS!                 a week (during school terms)
                                       in a range of locations across
                                       Darebin, including parks, with            KINDERGARTEN
    With over 60 playgroups in         most being free or low cost               ENROLMENTS FOR 2019
    Darebin, you are bound to          to attend.
    find something perfect for
    your family.                       You may also be eligible to               Applications for the first
                                       attend one of Council’s six               round of pre-kindergarten and
    Playgroups offer a supportive      Supported Playgroups, funded
                                                                                 kindergarten for 2019 open on
    environment for children to have                                             1 February until 30 April 2018.
                                       by State Government and
    fun and develop social skills by   facilitated by qualified Council          Applications received after 30 April
    learning through play. They are    staff. Supported Playgroups               will still be accepted, but will be
    also an opportunity for parents    combine play with useful                  treated as late applications.
    and carers to make new friends     parenting skills and advice for
    and share ideas and information.   additional parenting support.             To enrol in a funded kindergarten
                                                                                 program, your child must be at least
    Thornbury mum, Ali said her        To find out if your family is eligible,   four years old by 30 April 2019.
    daughter Ivy looks forward to      call 8470 8920 or email
    playgroup every week.    
                                                                                   Application forms will be
                                                                                   available from 1 February at
    “She really enjoys going to                                                    Council Customer Service Centres,
    playgroup each week and playing      For more information or to find           early childhood services, maternal
    with the other children. It’s a      a playgroup near you, visit               and child health centres and
                                            can be downloaded from
    change of scene from home
                                         or contact our Playgroups Officer
    and there are a lot of different     on 8470 8347.                             or call 8470 8888.
    toys to play with,” said Ali.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council


On a sunny Saturday in
October, 350 local residents
attended Darebin Council’s
Family Fun Day at the former
Ruthven Primary School site
in Reservoir.
The event was a combination of
celebration and workshops, with
residents providing feedback and
ideas on how they’d like to see         Council, with guidance from a
their neighbourhood’s newest            specially formed Community
open space used.                        Reference Group, will create
                                        a master plan for the former
Last year Council purchased the         Ruthven Primary School, looking
former school from the Victorian        at improving access to the site,            To view the progress
Government, along with part             landscaping and environmental               of the project, go to
of the old Lakeside Secondary           considerations as well as open              or call 8470 8381.
College in Reservoir.                   space and early learning uses.

                                        TRANSPORT AND HOME

                                        Are you a Darebin resident
                                        over 65 years of age who is
                                        eligible for the Commonwealth
                                        Home Support Program*?
                                        If so, you can access Council’s
GET ACTIVE IN DAREBIN                   community transport and home
                                        maintenance services, which help
Stretch, breathe and dance              the community to remain safe,
your way through 2018.                  connected and independent in
                                                                                 If you need help and you want to
                                        their own home.
Have you ever wanted to try Pilates?                                             enquire about costs or book home
Or perhaps you’ve wondered what                                                  maintenance services call 8470 8445.
Qi Gong is? Council’s Get Active in     Community transport
Darebin program is an opportunity       Do you need help to get to the           Smoke Detector Battery Register
to enjoy the outdoors while taking      local shops, medical appointments
part in free fitness activities and                                              The Smoke Detector Battery
                                        or social activities? Council provides
low cost social sports.                                                          Register is a new free service.
                                        transport with friendly, trusted
                                                                                 Twice a year, we’ll call to remind
                                        drivers. Pre-book on 8470 8292
Come along and try something new                                                 you to replace the batteries in your
                                        for door to door service within
and meet new people. What’s                                                      smoke alarm or we can arrange
                                        Darebin. Cost: $4.40.
stopping you? We would love to see                                               for a home maintenance officer
you there. The summer timetable                                                  to change the batteries for you.
will launch in early February.          Home maintenance                         Call 8470 8445 to register.
                                        and modification
All classes are presented by
qualified professionals.                Home maintenance officers
                                        carry out all kinds of repairs
 Look out for the program online,       from fixing doors, locks and                *To find out if you are eligible
 visit     hinges to unblocking drains                 for the Commonwealth Home
 For more information, call 8470 8888                                               Support Program, contact
 or email
                                        or even changing a light bulb.              My Aged Care on 1800 200 422.
IN THIS EDITION: Darebin City Council


    Bundoora Homestead Art Centre recently announced
    local artist Claire Lambe as the winner of the 2017 Darebin
    Art Prize for her striking work, She never speaks about herself,
    she could be anything.
    Artists from across Australia           The panel also congratulated
    presented their work in this            Anna Finlayson, Joshua Petherick
    major exhibition which included         and Matthew Greaves whose work
    a $10,000 acquisitive prize and         was highly commended.
    $1,000 People’s Choice Award.
                                            You can view the free exhibition
    The Darebin Art Prize is a              until 4 March and vote for your
    biennial multi-medium award             favourite artwork in the $1,000
    for excellence in contemporary          People’s Choice Award.
    visual art.
                                            The Homestead also has a café
    The judging panel included              offering coffee, lunch and snacks.
    Professor of Art and Performance
    at Deakin University David Cross,       Bundoora Homestead Art Centre             For more information visit
    artist Lou Hubbard and Curator          is open from Wednesdays to                or call 9496 1060.
    of Bundoora Homestead Art               Sundays and is located at 7
    Centre Claire Watson.                   Prospect Hill Drive, Bundoora.


    Council has lodged a written submission to The Australian                    The Wurundjeri Council has given
    Electoral Commission (AEC) on behalf of the Wurundjeri Tribe                 its support to the name change
    Land and Compensation Cultural Heritage Council Aboriginal                   and affirmed the name Gumbri,
    Corporation (Wurundjeri Council), and Yarra City Council,                    who was a descendant of Be Be
    supporting a name change for the Federal Electorate of                       Jern and the great niece of William
    Batman to Simon Wonga.                                                       Barak. Council formally endorsed
                                                                                 the recommended name of Gumbri
    The Wurundjeri Council said the         We see supporting a name change      in July 2017. The statutory process
    renaming of the Federal Electorate      as an important step towards         is now underway and if a name
    of Batman to Simon Wonga would          achieving a shared, inclusive and    change is endorsed by Council,
    mean a lot to the Traditional Owners    reconciled national identity.        a proposal to rename Batman
    of the region, the Wurundjeri people,                                        Park will be submitted to the
    as well as the local Aboriginal         Batman Park renaming
                                                                                 Geographical Names Board
    community. Simon Wonga was              Last year, hundreds of Darebin       for consideration.
    a Wurundjeri Elder and became           residents participated in
    Ngurungaeta (leader) of the             consultations and community          If a name change is approved, we
    Woi wurrung clans following the         conversations with Elders from       will engage with the community
    death of his father Billibellary.       the Wurundjeri Council to guide      early in 2018 about the next stage
    Together with his cousin William        Council in the renaming of           of the park renaming.
    Barak (who succeeded Simon              Batman Park in Northcote.
    Wonga as Ngurungaeta), they             An overwhelming majority             These projects are in the spirit of
    established Coranderrk Aboriginal       of participants supported a          reconciliation and recognition of
    Station (1863 – 1924), current          name change.                         the Traditional Owners of the land
    day Healesville.                                                             on which the City of Darebin is
                                            At the time of print, Council is     built, the Wurundjeri people of
    The submission has been made
                                            to consider a recommendation         the Kulin nation.
    during the AEC’s seven yearly
                                            from the Place Naming Committee
    review of the federal electorate                                             If you’d like more information, visit
                                            which was formed to guide
    redistribution process. The results                                
                                            the statutory process for the        for updates or call 8470 8888.
    will be publically announced by
                                            renaming of Batman Park.
    the AEC.

For more information about community events call 8470 8888 or go to


Screenings on                                               The Liquid Zone returns to Reservoir Leisure
January 13, February 3, February 24                         Centre these summer holidays.
and March 17 2018
                                                            This inflatable pool party takes place on the first
Mayer Park, Normanby Avenue, Thornbury                      four Wednesdays in January from 12:30 – 3:30pm.
                                                            Normal entry prices apply. If you’re in Darebin’s
Join the community for a great night of movies
                                                            south, head to Northcote Aquatic and Recreation
and a picnic under the stars.                               Centre for a cool dip the indoor and outdoor pools.
Music and face painting from 6.00pm.
                                                            Reservoir Leisure Centre,
Movie begins at sunset (approximately 8.30pm).
                                                            2a Cuthbert Road, Reservoir
Bring along your rug and picnic chairs. Dogs allowed. or phone 9496 1050.
Food and drinks available for purchase.
                                                            Northcote Aquatic and Recreation Centre,
Visit @friendsofmayerpark3071 on Facebook                   180 Victoria Road, Northcote
for event updates and movie details.               or phone 9486 7200.

                                          SHOP LOCAL AND WIN
                                          THIS CHRISTMAS

                                          Look out for our nine
                                          reindeers this festive season,
                                          post a photo of your reindeer
                                          to #darebinxmas using
                                          Facebook, Instagram or
                                          Twitter and you will go into
                                          the draw to win $1000 in
                                          local shopping vouchers.
NIGHT MARKET                              The reindeers are dotted throughout Darebin’s shopping precincts.
                                          Visit to download a map and
                                          for more information. Entries close 20 December.
Northcote Town Hall’s much
loved Kris Kringle Night Market
returns this December with
over 60 stalls selling locally
designed and handcrafted items.           RECOGNISING COMMUNITY CONTRIBUTIONS
The market features the very best
local artisans and craftspeople           The Darebin Community Awards recognise the achievement
selling fashion, textiles, kids’ items,   of our community members who have made an outstanding
homewares, jewellery, skin products,      contribution to the Darebin community, recognising Citizen
candles, prints, woodcrafts,              of the Year, Young Person of the Year and Community
ceramics, and much more.                  Group of the Year.

Thursdays 14 and 21 December              In collaboration with the Darebin Aboriginal Advisory Committee,
5.30pm to 10.00pm                         Darebin has introduced two new categories within the Awards that
Northcote Town Hall                       recognise and celebrate the achievements of Aboriginal and Torres
(189 High Street, Northcote)              Strait Islander people who live, work, study or volunteer in Darebin.

                                          If you know someone or a community group who you think should
 More information      be recognised for their contribution, consider nominating them for
 or call 9481 9500.                       an award. Nominations open February 2018. For more information
                                          call 8470 8551 or email


     These holidays take some time to be mindful of how                                FREE
     you can reduce waste - it’s easier than you think.                                CHRISTMAS
     There are many ways to keep your bins from overfilling before                     TREE
     collection day. Think outside the box with our top three hints to                 COLLECTION
     reduce waste these holidays:

     Love your leftovers                       Avoid buying too much                   If you prefer a real Christmas
     Boxing Day is National Leftovers Day.     Be unique and buy second-hand or        tree but don’t know how you’d
     Get creative in the kitchen and try       make your Christmas gifts by hand.      dispose of it - we can help!
     some new recipes using your               Other great options are experiences,
                                                                                       Council provides a free Christmas
     Christmas Day leftovers.                  time together, vouchers or tickets.
                                                                                       tree kerbside collection during
                                                                                       January. Call Customer Service on
     For a festive feast that keeps on         Re-use last year’s wrapping paper
                                                                                       8470 8888 to book a collection.
     giving, freeze food that won’t last,      for presents or use alternatives like
     then re-heat it at a later date.          newspaper, magazines, comics,           Alternatively you can drop off real
                                               material or even tea towels!            Christmas trees free-of-charge
     Encourage friends and family to                                                   during January to the Darebin
     bring containers to take extra food       Recycling                               Resource Recovery Centre at
     home too! Meal-planning and using         Recycle all cardboard, hard plastic     Kurnai Avenue, Reservoir.
     shopping lists this holiday season        packaging and wrapping paper from
     will also help avoid food waste –         presents. See
     and don’t forget to compost!              /recycling for advice on what can go    HOLIDAY SEASON –
                                               in your recycling bin. Remember to      OPENING HOURS
     Check                  squeeze, squash and flatten to fit
     for more tips and tricks.                 more in.
                                                                                       Council’s Customer Service Centres
                                                                                       at Preston, Reservoir and Northcote
                                                                                       will be closed from midday
                                                                                       on Friday 22 December until
     RECYCLE RIGHT IN 2018                                                             Wednesday 27 December 2017.

                                                                                       For any urgent council-related
     Your 2018 Recycling Calendar                                                      emergencies during the period,
     is now available online.                                                          please phone (03) 8470 8889.

     It includes helpful information                                                   Bin collection changes during the
     about recycling and green                                                         holiday season
     waste recycling bin collection                                                    For two weeks from 25 December,
     days, what you can recycle at                                                     all resident bins will be collected one
     home and other recycling                      Download the calendar at            day later than the normal schedule.
     options in Darebin.                 
                                                   or call 8470 8888 if you need
                                                   Council to print you a copy.
                                                                                       Bins will not be collected on
                                                                                       Christmas Day or New Year’s Day.

          /darebincitycouncil                /cityofdarebin                  /darebincitycouncil              /darebincouncil

       CITY OF
                                       National Relay Service          Speak your language
      274 Gower Street, Preston        If you are deaf, or have a      T 8470 8470
      PO Box 91, Preston, Vic 3072     hearing or speech impairment,
      T 8470 8888 F 8470 8877          contact us through the
      E     National Relay Service.     
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