In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021

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In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
In this issue:
              Splash Park summer fun
          Supporting our high streets
News for our tenants and leaseholders

        Residents’ magazine   Summer 2021
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
Welcome to Dacorum Life, packed
full of news and updates from
Dacorum Borough Council. If you
have any feedback about the
magazine or any content you             Page 4
would like to see in future issues      Pride in Dacorum
please get in touch.
                                        Page 6
For even faster news and updates
                                        The future’s looking bright for
why not follow us on social media?
                                        Dacorum business
We’re on all the popular platforms,
including Facebook, Twitter and         Page 8                                                           P4
                                        Keeping our communities connected
Find them all at                        Page 10
                                        Our teams keeping Dacorum clean,
Dacorum Life editorial                  safe and green
                                        Page 12
General enquiries (Customer             Your councillors
01442 228000
                                        Page 14

Council offices
                                        Council in strong position to
                                        support COVID-19 recovery                                        P7
The Forum
Marlowes                                Page 16
Hemel Hempstead                         Climate and Ecological Emergency
HP1 1DN                                 is our priority
You can apply, pay, report and          Page 18                                                          P17
contact us on our website for
                                        Building for the future
a range of services.                      Page 20-23
                                        All the latest information for our
Nice to know                            tenants and leaseholders including
                                        how we can help you downsize
•   Dacorum Life is printed on paper
    produced by well-managed            (page 20) how to apply for a Tenant
    forests.                            Improvement Grant (page 21) and
                                        more about our supported
•   It costs less than 19 pence per     housing schemes (page 22)
    copy to print and distribute.
                                        Page 23
•   Alternative formats are
    available: audio and large print.   Useful contacts

Front cover image:                      Keep connected
Berkhamsted High Street                 You can keep up to date with all the latest council news with
by Martin Rance.                        regular updates straight to your inbox. It’s quick and easy to
                                        sign up to our residents’ email here

2       Dacorum Life                    Find us on Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and Instagram.
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
We’re committed to working in partnership to create a borough which enables the communities of
Dacorum to thrive and prosper, while funding regeneration to attract inward investors.

Welcome to your new-look              We’ve also launched our               Our priorities 2020-2025
residents’ magazine Dacorum Life      LoyalFree place promotion app,
(previously Dacorum Digest).          which offers discounts and                     Ensuring economic
                                      other benefits at participating                growth and prosperity
In this summer edition, you’ll find
                                      businesses to encourage people
the latest news and events from
                                      to shop local (more on page 7).                Building strong and
around your borough as well as
more information on how our key       Moving to the future, we are                   vibrant communities
priorities shape the work we do       involved in exciting projects
as a council.                         regarding planning and                         A clean, safe and
                                      development.                                   enjoyable environment
In September 2019, we added the
Climate and Ecological Emergency      We’re part of the pilot of a new
                                                                                     Ensuring efficient,
as our sixth priority. Find out       local design guide for housing
                                      development and are one of                     effective and modern
more about our pledge to make
                                      14 councils across England                     service delivery
our services carbon neutral by
2030 and for our 10,250 council       given £50,000 each to develop
                                                                                     Climate and
homes to reach net-zero by 2050       new design codes as part of a
                                                                                     ecological emergency
on page 16.                           nationwide testing programme.
                                      The new codes will set out design
Dacorum Life now incorporates                                                        Providing good quality
                                      principles for new development in
the latest news for our tenants                                                      affordable homes, in
                                      Dacorum and will be expected to
and leaseholders, and combining                                                      particular for those
                                      enhance the character of the local
the two publications has helped       area and ensure future design                  most in need
us substantially reduce our carbon    quality - meaning developments
footprint.                            are beautiful, well designed and
It’s been a time of immense           locally led.
change for councils across            And along with 10 other councils,
the country and we’ve been            we’ve been awarded a share of
continuing to support our             a £1.1 million Government grant
community through difficult times     fund to digitally transform the
while delivering essential front      planning process. The new system
line services.                        will use the latest technology
This edition of Dacorum Life          through online maps and data to
highlights the many projects and      make planning proposals more
plans we as a council are involved    accessible and interactive.
in for our residents, communities     Although the impact of
and businesses.                       coronavirus is still with us, there
We’re fully committed to              are great opportunities ahead
supporting our high streets and       for our borough this year. We
local businesses to recover and       are implementing our road to
our teams have been supporting        recovery, and are looking forward
the business community                to the rest of the year with
throughout the pandemic               renewed vigour and hope.
administering grants and offering     Wishing all our residents and         Cllr Andrew Williams
vital advice and support.             businesses a good summer ahead.       Leader of the Council

                                                                 Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                 3
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
                                      New Tap and
                                      Give scheme
                                      As with many other areas, when
                                      you’re out shopping in our town
                                      centres you may be asked for
                                      money by people who appear
                                      to be rough sleepers. While most
                                      are polite, we know that some
                                      people can find being approached
                                      intimidating. There’s also a risk that some donations could be used to
                                      buy items that are harmful to the individual, such as alcohol or drugs.
                                      By giving directly to recognised homeless charities instead, you can
                                      help ensure that your money goes towards providing long-term help
                                      and support to those most in need.
                                      We’re introducing a new Tap and Give scheme, in partnership with
                                      Hemel Hempstead BID Management, which enables shoppers to
Pride in Dacorum                      donate money safely to local homeless charities, using a contactless
Throughout the month of June,         payment card. Donation points are being installed in several locations
the LGBTQI+ inclusive Pride flag      around Hemel Hempstead town centre, including the Marlowes Centre.
was proudly flown above our           The scheme will start as a pilot in Hemel Hempstead town centre, if
offices in Hemel Hempstead.           successful it will be expanded to include other town centres or local
                                      shopping areas in Dacorum.
June is chosen as the month
for national Pride celebrations       We commission and work in partnership with Dacorum Outreach
because it marks the anniversary      Service to actively support and help find suitable accommodation for
                                      rough sleepers in Dacorum. If you’re concerned about a rough sleeper
of the Stonewall protests in New
                                      please email or call 07393 466730.
York City in 1969, a key turning
point for LGBTQI+ rights around       For further information on support for rough sleepers visit our
the world.                            website

Support for businesses                            Dacorum
impacted by COVID-19                              appoints
The Government has provided a package of          new Mayor
measures to support businesses impacted
                                                  Cllr Stewart Riddick was
by the COVID-19 pandemic. For the latest
                                                  appointed the Mayor of
information please visit the Government’s
                                                  Dacorum at the mayor
                                                  making ceremony in May.
                                                  Cllr Riddick has lived in
It has also implemented several grant             Dacorum for 43 years
schemes during the pandemic to support            and has served as a
businesses, which have been administered          councillor since 2015,
by local councils. For further information        representing Bovingdon,
on grants see our website                         Flaunden and Chipperfield, including sitting on                               a number of committees within the council.
                                                  The Mayor’s chosen charity is DENS.

4       Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
Splash Park
                                                                           Our Splash Park reopened in June
                                                                           ready to welcome children for the
The show must go on                                                        summer. Due to current COVID-19
                                                                           restrictions, sessions are
The Old Town Hall is preparing to    leave lockdown we’re confident        limited and need to be booked
reopen its doors in September (if    that with your support the Old        online. The booking system
able to do so safely and in line     Town Hall can once again be a         will be reviewed alongside
with Government advice).             thriving small venue in the           the Government’s decision on
                                     community.                            whether to ease restrictions
Our Hemel theatre has been the
                                                                           further on 19 July.
home of exceptional, exciting        Visit to
and challenging work for over        find out what’s on and sign up        For current information and to
40 years; intended to inspire        to the mailing list to be the first   book, visit
and develop the way you enjoy        to hear about events and other        uk/splash or follow Gadebridge
and participate in the arts. As we   offers.                               Splash Park on Facebook.


        Let the adventures begin
        Our four Hemel Hempstead adventure playgrounds, Adeyfield, Bennetts End,
        Chaulden and Grovehill, are available to hire - ideal for birthday parties, family
        gatherings or school events.
        Our facilities in Adeyfield and Grovehill have had a makeover and now have
        multi-play structures including climbing walls, double tubular slides, water play
        and sand pits as well as floodlit 3G artificial turf pitches and basketball areas.
        To find the latest information on adventure playground openings in line with
        Government guidelines, or to hire the playgrounds or sports areas visit:

                                                                  Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                5
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
Ensuring economic growth and prosperity

The future is looking bright for
Dacorum’s businesses
Focusing on promoting economic growth and prosperity throughout the borough, making Dacorum
a destination for business and supporting our local businesses and high streets
                                    which our Economic Development       businesses appeared in our video
                                    team have supported our local        to promote the reopening of our
                                    businesses, both in terms of         high streets, and talk about the
                                    advice and the administration of     measures that have been put in
                                    grants to help keep them afloat.     place to ensure that visitors can
                                    For further details about the        shop safely. It was wonderful to
                                    current range of support available   see the enthusiasm of business
                                    for businesses see page 4.           owners and showcase the
                                                                         variety of great places to visit in
                                    It was great to see so many of
                                                                         Hemel Hempstead, Berkhamsted
                                    our businesses, including non-
                                                                         and Tring.
                                    essential shops and hospitality
                                    venues with outdoor spaces,          Hemel Hempstead Old Town will
Cllr Alan Anderson                  welcome back customers on            also once again feature in the
Portfolio Holder for Planning       12 April. Our residents responded    Netflix series, After Life, which
and Infrastructure                  fantastically, returning to our      has recently started filming its
                                    high streets to support local        third series, using many locations
The last year or so has been
                                    businesses and take a break          around the High Street.
extremely challenging for our
                                    from online shopping.
local businesses. COVID-19                                               On 17 May, a further lifting of
restrictions and associated         In April, we also launched our new   restrictions meant our hospitality
lockdowns have resulted in many     LoyalFree place promotion app,       venues could serve customers
businesses having to close for      which offers discounts and           inside, and larger groups could
sustained periods of time, or       other benefits at participating      get together outside for a
having to make significant          businesses for shopping local.       long-awaited meal or drink.
changes in the way they operate,    Sign up today to support your
                                                                         As we cautiously progress into
to ensure they meet with            local high street (find out more
                                                                         the future, there are so many
Government safety guidance.         on page 7).
                                                                         reasons for optimism for our local
I am very pleased with the way in   Some familiar faces from local       businesses and our borough.

6       Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
New ways of
Due to the increase in employees
working from home, Maylands
Business Centre is offering free
workspace, providing a number
of desks that can be booked by
the hour, day or week.
Flexidesx is available for those
who may not have enough
                                   Love local with LoyalFree
space to work from home, or        We have recently partnered             So far, more than 100 local
are looking for a relaxed and      with LoyalFree to launch its free      businesses, including shops
professional environment.          loyalty scheme app in Dacorum.         and restaurants, have shared
Parking and catering options                                              promotions through the scheme.
                                   The LoyalFree app is free to           It’s free for businesses to join and
are available on site. As part     download to your smartphone
of the pilot, the facility is                                             new offers are added all the time.
                                   on Google Play or Apple, and
currently free of charge.          provides access to offers, deals,      Love local and help support your
To learn more email business@      competitions, event listings           high streets. or call 01442       and more at participating local        Download the LoyalFree app here
531002.                            businesses in the borough.   

Save the high                      Dacorum’s back
street                             in the spotlight
Are you a high street business     Hemel Hempstead welcomed
in Dacorum? We have a unique,      back film crews in May, for the
fully funded programme of          filming of the popular Netflix
business support to help you to    series After Life, written by and
reopen safely and successfully.    starring Ricky Gervais.
We have a limited number of        Fans of the series will recognise lots of familiar locations, including the
places available for one-to-one    Old Town High Street and Gadebridge Park.
support, plus access to the        Filming has also recently started around Dacorum on the latest series of
platform on a first-come           BBC series Ladhood.
first-served basis. To find out
                                   Dacorum has become increasingly popular as a location for filming,
more please email business@
                                   due to our diverse range of urban and stunning rural areas, and our or visit www.
                                   proximity to London. This has great benefits for our borough, attracting      new business, tourism and star-spotting opportunities.

                                                              Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                    7
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
Building strong and vibrant communities

Keeping our communities connected
Our Communities teams are committed to ensuring our residents have opportunities to thrive,
improve their mental and physical wellbeing and come together to build resilience.

                                   up local contact tracing, isolation   Our Healthy Hub Dacorum is a
                                   checks, investigating workplace       one-stop shop for residents
                                   outbreaks, as well as dealing with    providing guidance on services
                                   business as usual activities such     that support health and wellbeing
                                   as inspections of enviromental        needs. It has been a fantastic
                                   crime, high-risk food business,       support to residents, open
                                   accident investigation, animal        virtually since June 2020 and now
                                   welfare and noise complaints, to      offering physical drop-in sessions.
                                   name but a few. They’ve also been
                                   supporting the Council to ensure      In the coming months, we’ve
                                   that departments, buildings and       events planned including Your
                                   staff are operating in a COVID-       Town run and Fun Palaces, in
Cllr Julie Banks                   secure way. They’ve worked with       October. I’m delighted with the
Portfolio Holder for Community     increased workloads and ever-         refurbishment of two of our
and Regulatory Services            changing environments, and I am       Adventure Playgrounds, which
                                   extremely proud of the way they       have new multi-play structures
Our community is at the heart of   have adapted and played such          and sports pitches – all our
the work we do as a council, and   an important role in steering us      playgrounds are available to
the pandemic has shown how         through this very difficult time.     hire and have proved a lifeline
vital it is to continue to build                                         to parents holding toddler and
strong and vibrant communities     The pandemic has shown
                                                                         youth groups.
across the borough.                how essential our health and
                                   wellbeing is, and our Community       And shows will go on, with the
Our teams have been at the         Partnerships Team has continued       planned reopening of our Old
forefront of the work to support   its important focus on creating       Town Theatre in September.
residents during this time.        physical activity and wellbeing
The Environmental and              activities across the borough,        It’s been a difficult period for so
Community Protection Team has      adapting to virtual online events     many people, but we’re positive
been absolutely key in the work    such as our Wellness Festivals, the   we can move forward together
against COVID-19 in Dacorum.       Wake up and Dance sessions and        with our strong and vibrant
Their role has included heading    the Chatty Café scheme.               communities.

8       Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
Celebrating our
community champions
We recognised the borough’s most       equipment that their grant helped
inspirational community projects       to pay for, to make over 900 face
at our annual community grant          shields for key workers and front-
awards ceremony – held virtually       line staff (pictured).
due to COVID-19 restrictions.
                                       The awards were open to all
From providing PPE for COVID-19        groups which received funding in
key workers, to encouraging us to      2019-20. Community grants are
get up and move, all the winning       for not-for-profit organisations
projects have had a positive           which are based in Dacorum,          Community and voluntary groups
impact on the community.               or working with our residents,       can apply for a grant of up to
Among the winners, were D-Lab,         and are designed to support          £3,000.
based in Berkhamsted, who were         community activities and improve
                                       the health and wellbeing of          Find out more and apply:
able to adapt their focus during
                                       people in the borough.     
lockdown. They used the

                                                         Supporting the
                                                         Armed Forces
                                                         To mark Armed Forces Day on
                                                         Saturday 26 June we awarded
                                                         £500 grants to projects which
                                                         support the Armed Forces
                                                         Among the community projects
                                                         supported were Tring Together to organise a concert
                                                         in the town Memorial Gardens and the Hemel
                                                         Hempstead Rotary Club to organise a visit to the

Looking for an
                                                         National Memorial Arboretum.
                                                         Age UK Dacorum were awarded a grant to organise
adventure?                                               reminiscence sessions; Dacorum Radio organised
                                                         music and podcasts and Viking Community Fitness
Our four Hemel Hempstead adventure playgrounds           organised sports activities aimed at supporting
are available to hire for private parties and group      mental health in Hemel Hempstead.
                                                         As part of the Armed Forces Day event, book-lovers
Our Adeyfield and Grovehill playgrounds also have        were treated to a question and answer session with
new floodlit 3G artificial turf pitches and a multi-     two popular authors.
play basketball area which can be hired for football
                                                         Author Michael Morpurgo linked up with schools as
and sporting needs.
                                                         part of Tring Book Festival, to talk about his new
There’s a range of activities held regularly at the      book Farm Boy, a sequel to War Horse, and answer
playgrounds including toddler and youth groups.          children’s questions.
To find out more about facilities at each                And former RAF Officer John Nichol held a virtual
playground or to hire, visit         event talking and answering questions about his new
adventureplaygrounds                                     book Tornado: In the eye of the storm.

                                                                 Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life               9
In this issue: Splash Park summer fun Supporting our high streets News for our tenants and leaseholders - Residents' magazine Summer 2021
A clean, safe and enjoyable environment

Our teams keeping Dacorum
clean, safe and green
Making the borough a pleasant, more sustainable environment for our residents.
                                      disruption COVID-19 has caused       tonnes of garden waste from
                                      all of our lives.                    landfill, so that it could be
                                                                           recycled into compost instead.
                                      Sustainability is a key priority,
                                      highlighted by a number of           Late last year, we completed a
                                      successful projects. We’ve planted   renovation project to restore
                                      1,300 trees to help create a         the Grade II-listed White Bridge
                                      home for wildlife and preserve       in Gadebridge Park. The historic
                                      biodiversity and we’ve also been     landmark was restored back to its
                                      busy installing bee houses across    former glory after a three-month
                                      the borough. There are 10 new        project which involved restoring
                                      nesting sites including in Hemel’s   and repainting the cast iron work.
                                      Walled Garden and Heath Park,
                                                                           In the coming months, we’ll be
Cllr Graham Barrett                   the Memorial Gardens in Tring
                                                                           working with the Environment
Portfolio Holder for                  and Canal Fields in Berkhamsted.
                                                                           Agency and Affinity Water on
Environmental Services                We’re providing these sites
                                                                           plans to improve the River Gade
                                      to encourage biodiversity for
Each day, we work to keep                                                  through Gadebridge Park. We
                                      solitary bees that don’t live in
Dacorum clean, safe and green.                                             want to improve the river for
                                      hives or produce honey but are
Our dedicated teams clean the                                              wildlife and protect water
                                      excellent pollinators, such as the
streets, cut the grass, look after                                         resources, as well as making it
                                      red mason or leaf cutter bee.
our open spaces and work with                                              easier for local residents and
our Enforcement Officers and the      To mark International Compost        visitors to get closer to the river
Police to tackle problems such as     Awareness Week, we gave away         and enjoy nature.
fly-tipping and graffiti.             free compost thanks to our
                                                                           I am truly thrilled with my new
                                      residents recycling their garden
Thanks to the commitment of our                                            role as Portfolio Holder for
                                      waste including grass cuttings,
workforce we’ve been able to                                               Environmental Services and am
                                      leaves, twigs, flowers and weeds
maintain bin collections across the   in their green-lidded bins. We       looking forward to the
borough despite the massive           were able to divert over 10,500      opportunities ahead.

10      Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
The food recycling is taken to an
                                                                             anaerobic digestion facility in St
                                                                             Albans, where it’s automatically
                                                                             separated from the caddy liners
                                                                             for processing. It’s turned into
                                                                             an extremely effective fertiliser
                                                                             used by local farmers. It also gives
                                                                             off biogas generating heat and
                                                                             electricity which is sold off to the
What happens to my recycling?                                                National Grid to provide power
                                                                             for local homes.
When your mixed recycling and         Back at the depot, the mixed
food waste goes into the back of      recycling is separated and then        Turning our food waste into
our vehicles, it may look like it’s   taken to the MRF in St Albans,         electricity is amazing but the best
all going in the same place but the   where materials are efficiently        thing to do with our food is eat
lorry is divided; 70 per cent for     separated using methods such as        it. Reducing food waste helps the
recycling and 30 per cent for food.   magnets, air jets, light refraction,   environment and saves you time
                                      rotating drums and hand sorting.       and money. Find out more here
If non-recyclable materials are
                                      The materials are checked again
present, we can’t collect it
as contaminated loads at the          and compacted into bales for ease      Some food waste is unavoidable
Materials Recycling Facility (MRF)    of transportation. The majority is     so please put yours in your caddy,
could be rejected and sent to         sold to UK markets including 100       removing all packaging first.
landfill.                             per cent of our plastics.

                                      Litter heroes
                                      Litter has a huge impact on the
                                      environment – it pollutes and
                                      harms wildlife. To tackle this
                                      issue, we backed the Great British
                                      Spring Clean throughout May and
                                      June with hundreds of volunteers
                                      participating in litter picks.
Discounts on                          We support one-off litter picking events by loaning equipment. Nearly
reusable nappies                      3,000 volunteers have taken part since we began eight years ago.
                                      We also run the Street Champions scheme for residents who want to
Environmentally friendly reusable
                                      participate. The scheme now boasts over 250 volunteers. Join up here
nappies can be washed and reused
over and over again. They are as
easy to use as disposables, plus
they come in exciting patterns,
fabrics and colours.
                                      Would you like an extra green bin?
                                      If you regularly create more garden waste than you can fit in your
HERTS Reusable Nappies, which         green bin, our Additional Garden Waste Subscription Service is just
launched last year, teamed up         what you need.
with a host of nappy suppliers to
offer Hertfordshire residents an      Our 2021 subscription gives you the opportunity to buy additional
exclusive 15 per cent discount        240-litre green-lidded bins for £25 each and have them collected on
off a huge range of reusable          your normal garden waste collection day for a seasonal subscription
nappies. To find out more and         fee of £55.
to get started, visit                 For more information, to subscribe or to purchase additional bins visit

                                                                 Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                 11
Your Councillors                                                    Tring West

Cabinet Members
                                                                    and Rural

It is the Cabinet’s responsibility to take day-to-day decisions to
                                                                                 Central                      Ashridge
meet the Council’s priorities. Each of the six members of the Cabinet                         Aldbury and
is responsible for a specific area of our work, called a portfolio:                            Wigginton

Councillor Andrew Williams         Councillor Alan Anderson                                          Northchurch                                  Woodhall
                                                                                    Tring                                                          Farm
Leader of the Council              Portfolio Holder for Planning                                                                            6
                                   and Infrastructure                                                         Berkhamsted Chaulden
Portfolio Holder for Community                                                                                                         5     8 Adeyfield
                                                                                                                 Castle        and
                                   Councillor Julie Banks                                                                                 7         East
Leadership                                                                                            Berkhamsted
                                                                                                                             Warners         1
                                   Portfolio Holder for Community                                          West Berkhamsted            4           Leverstock
Portfolio Holder for Corporate                                                                                                 End
and Contracted Services            and Regulatory Services                       1. Adeyfield West                  East                       3
                                                                                 2. Apsley and Corner Hall                                       Nash
                                   Councillor Graham Barrett                     3. Bennetts End
Councillor Margaret Griffiths      Portfolio Holder for                                                                  Bovingdon,
                                                                                 4. Boxmoor
Deputy Leader of the Council       Environmental Services                        5. Gadebridge                            Flaunden
                                                                                 6. Grovehill                         and Chipperfield
Portfolio Holder for Housing                                                                                                               Langley
                                   Councillor Graeme Elliot                      7. Hemel Hempstead Town
                                   Portfolio Holder for Finance                  8. Highfield
                                   and Resources
Email address format:                                                   Berkhamsted Castle                                          Stephen Claughton
                                                                           The Forum
   Conservatives           Liberal Democrats          Independent          Marlowes
                                                                           Hemel Hempstead                         Bovingdon, Flaunden
Adeyfield East                     Apsley and Corner Hall                  HP1 1DN                                 and Chipperfield
  John Birnie                        Suqlain Mahmood                       07763 043419                              Gbola Adeleke
  The Forum                          65A Seaton Road                       Rick Freedman                             The Forum
  Marlowes                           Hemel Hempstead                                                                 Marlowes
                                                                           10 Princes Close
  Hemel Hempstead                    HP3 9HT                                                                         Hemel Hempstead
  HP1 1DN                            07801 649293                                                                    HP1 1DN
                                                                           HP4 1JS
  07738 398165                                                                                                       01442 240916
                                     Colin Peter                           01442 731130
  Andrew Williams                    2 The Melings                                                                   Graham Barrett
  57 Perry Green                     Hunters Oak                                                                     The Forum
  Hemel Hempstead                    Hemel Hempstead                    Berkhamsted East                             Marlowes
  HP2 7ND                            HP2 7SF                               Garrick Stevens                           Hemel Hempstead
                                     01442 408457                                                                    HP1 1DN
  07879 662924                                                             The Forum
                                                                           Marlowes                                  01442 833400
                                     Babita Sinha
                                                                           Hemel Hempstead                           Stewart Riddick
                                     7 Minoan Drive
Adeyfield West                       Hemel Hempstead
                                                                           HP1 1DN
                                                                                                                     The Forum
  Adrian England                     HP3 9WA                               01442 873196                              Marlowes
  32 Windmill Road                   07809 440793                          07973 828051                              Hemel Hempstead
  Adeyfield                                                                                                          HP1 1DN
                                                                           Nigel Taylor
  Hemel Hempstead                                                                                                    07710 132985
                                                                           2 The Pines
  HP2 4BN                          Ashridge                                Box Lane
  07809 679744                       Terry Douris                          Hemel Hempstead
                                                                           HP3 0DJ
  Ron Tindall                        21 Hunting Gate
                                     Hemel Hempstead                       01442 731783                              William Allen
  2 Slippers Hill
                                     HP2 6NX                                                                         65 St Johns Road
  Hemel Hempstead
                                     01442 402273                                                                    Hemel Hempstead
  HP2 5XT
                                                                        Berkhamsted West                             HP1 1QQ
  07818 580088                                                                                                       01442 254420
                                                                           Sally Symington
                                   Bennetts End                            The Forum                                 Claire Hobson
Aldbury and Wigginton                Sobaan Mahmood                        Marlowes                                  4 Sheridan Close
                                     61 Hobbs Hill Road                    Hemel Hempstead                           Hemel Hempstead
  Phil McDowell
                                     Hemel Hempstead                       HP1 1DN                                   HP1 1XS
  2 New Canal
                                     HP3 9QB                               07816 655500                              07593 005213
  Bulbourne                          07495 174488                          Nicky Woolner                             Liz Uttley
  Tring                              Mark Rogers                           The Forum                                 The Forum
  HP23 4NG                                                                 Marlowes                                  Marlowes
                                     The Forum
  01442 603346                       Marlowes                              Hemel Hempstead                           Hemel Hempstead
                                     Hemel Hempstead                       HP1 1DN                                   HP1 1DN
                                     HP1 1DN                               07941 224815                              07908 509654

12         Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
Chaulden and        Hemel Hempstead      Leverstock Green      Tring East
Warners End         Town                  Hazel Bassadone       Penny Hearn
 Nigel Durrant       Frances Arslan       18 Bartel Close       31 Chiltern Way
 10 Brownlow         59 Ninian Road       Leverstock Green      Tring
 Farm Barns          Grovehill West       Hemel Hempstead       HP23 5LD
 Pouchen End Lane    Hemel Hempstead      HP3 8LX               01442 824949
 Hemel Hempstead     HP2 6LZ              01442 259544
 HP1 2SN
                     Rob Beauchamp        Margaret Griffiths
 Graeme Elliot
                                                               Tring West and Rural
                     32 Codicote Row      The Forum
 29 St Nicholas      Woodhall Farm        Marlowes              Nick Hollinghurst
 Mount               Hemel Hempstead      Hemel Hempstead       Farlands
 Hemel Hempstead     HP2 7JE              HP1 1DN               Tinkers Lane
 HP1 2BB             01442 260901         01442 402275          Wigginton
 01442 240138                                                   Tring
                                          Neil Harden           HP23 6JB
 Fiona Guest
                    Highfield             The Forum             01442 866650
 102 Spring Lane                          Marlowes
 Hemel Hempstead     Sammy Barry-Mears    Hemel Hempstead       Christopher Townsend
 HP1 3QJ             169 Cleves Road      HP1 1DN               8 Aylesbury Road
 01442 249381        Hemel Hempstead      01442 236659          Tring
                     HP2 7PL                                    HP23 4DJ
                     07707 573506
Gadebridge                                                      07754 443083
                                         Nash Mills
 Isy Imarni          Brenda Link
                                          Jan Maddern
 The Forum           200 Jupiter Drive
 Marlowes            Hemel Hempstead      29 Swan Mead         Watling
 Hemel Hempstead     HP2 5NQ              Hemel Hempstead
                                          HP3 9DQ               Herbert Chapman
 HP1 1DN             01442 394922
                                          07711 066696          3 High View
 07961 984182                                                   Markyate
 Pearl Oguchi                                                   Near St Albans
                    Kings Langley                               AL3 8NE
 The Forum                               Northchurch
 Marlowes            Alan Anderson
                                          Lara Pringle          Jane Timmis
 Hemel Hempstead     Leaside
                     Rucklers Lane                              The Granary
 HP1 1DN                                  1 Alma Road
                     Kings Langley                              Cheverells Green
 07912 014850                                                   Markyate
                     WD4 9NQ              Berkhamsted
                                                                AL3 8AA
                     01923 262884         HP4 3RF
Grovehill            Alan Johnson         07977 386541
                                                                07712 050363

 Julie Banks         75 Hempstead Road
 53 Wootton Drive    Kings Langley
                                         Tring Central         Woodhall Farm
 Hemel Hempstead     WD4 8BS
                                                                Rosie Sutton
 HP2 6LA             01923 400104         Sheron Wilkie
 01442 398436                             52 Wingrave Road      67 Northend
                                          Tring                 Hemel Hempstead
 Alex Bhinder                                                   HP3 8TL
                                          HP23 5HE
 53 Wootton Drive                                               07841 128839
                                          01442 384767
 Hemel Hempstead
 HP2 6LA                                  Roxanne Ransley
 01442 398436                             28 Nathaniel Walk
                                          Tring                 7 East Street
 Goverdhan Silwal                                               Hemel Hempstead
                                          HP23 5DG
 19 Washington                            01442 824871          HP2 5BN
 Avenue                                                         07812 837396
 Hemel Hempstead
 HP2 6AA

                                                 Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life            13
Ensuring efficient, effective and modern service delivery

Council in a strong position to
support COVID-19 recovery
Our annual budget and transformation programme supports the delivery of quality services,
investment in making Dacorum the best place to live work and visit, and drives our response to
COVID-19 recovery. Through innovation and the use of technology, we can create services that are
more effective and tailored to the needs of residents. We will continue to reduce costs and improve
standards by ensuring our approach is always underpinned by the latest research and evidence.
                                     page 15, including how to sign up.    our estates, building services
                                                                           and bereavement teams have
                                     Over the same period our
                                                                           continued to deliver effective
                                     Customer Contact Centre received
                                     45,471 calls and responded to         services to customers, our
                                     10,583 emails and 3,921 social        operational sites and commercial
                                     media enquiries. We further           buildings. We have also worked
                                     developed the Council’s Customer      with our commercial partners
                                     Relationship Management solution      to navigate the difficulties for
                                     to ensure customer demand             commercial tenants during this
                                     continues to be met.                  difficult period.

                                     During March, we were able            We will continue to implement
                                     to complete on the sale of the        technologies that provide
Cllr Graeme Elliot                   Maylands Gateway site, which has      efficiency gains, including Robotic
Portfolio Holder for Finance         resulted in the Council receiving     Process Automation and more
and Resources                        its largest capital receipt. In a     agile and remote working for
                                     period of uncertainty, to complete    staff. This will ensure that we
I am very pleased to announce
                                     on this sale at a price agreed        spend money in the most effective
that over the last six months our
                                     prior to pandemic levels is a great   way possible, and ensure that
residents’ portal (MyDacorum)                                              we get a good return from our
has almost doubled in size to over   achievement, and these funds
                                     will assist in financing the wider    public assets. This will reduce
7,000 users. MyDacorum is the                                              bureaucracy and free up staff time
secure, flexible and personalised    council strategies.
                                                                           to focus on what matters most to
way to access your council           Despite the unprecedented             our residents.
services. You can find out more on   challenges of the pandemic,

14      Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
Dacorum Borough Council

                                            Committee Meetings
                                            Full Council                                   Health in Dacorum
                                                                                           Wednesday 29 September

Sign up to
                                            All 51 Council Members attend full Council
                                            meetings, held around seven or eight times     Development Management
                                            a year. They debate and agree decisions on     Committee

MyDacorum                                   behalf of local residents.
                                            Wednesday 14 July
                                                                                           This committee makes decisions on
                                                                                           planning applications.
                                            Wednesday 15 September
MyDacorum is the secure, flexible                                                          Thursday 8 July
                                            Wednesday 17 November
and personalised way to access                                                             Thursday 5 August
your council services. The                  Cabinet Meetings                               Thursday 2 September
residents’ portal is a user-friendly                                                       Thursday 23 September
                                            The Council’s Cabinet has six senior
site that lets you do anything from                                                        Thursday 21 October
                                            Councillors who make key decisions. The
setting up bin collection reminders                                                        Thursday 11 November
                                            Cabinet’s decisions can be ‘called in’ to be
to checking or paying your Council                                                         Other committee meetings
                                            looked at in more detail by an Overview
Tax to Rent Statements and
balances for Housing Tenants (and           and Scrutiny Committee, or may need to         Licensing (Health and Safety
much more).                                 be approved by Full Council.                   and Enforcement)
                                            Tuesday 20 July                                Tuesday 27 July
To sign up go to: www.dacorum.              Tuesday 21 September                           Tuesday 21 September                       Tuesday 19 October                             Tuesday 26 October
                                            Tuesday 23 November                            Tuesday 30 November

                                            Overview and Scrutiny Committees Dacorum Community Safety
                                            These meet regularly to discuss service
                                                                                           See website below for future dates

                                            performance and improvements and to
                                            check the decisions made by the Cabinet.       Standards Committee
                                            They are made up of Council Members from
                                                                                           Thursday 16 September

Have your say
                                            across the political parties and encourage
                                            views from local people, community groups      Audit Committee
                                            and our partner organisations.                 Wednesday 28 July
Want to give us your views on a
                                                                                           Wednesday 8 September
range of council issues?                    Strategic Planning and Environment
                                                                                           Tuesday 9 November
Join our online consultation group and      Wednesday 7 July
                                                                                           Meeting times and agendas are correct
let us have your views via the internet.    Wednesday 22 September
                                                                                           at the time of printing but can change.
The email group is designed to be           Wednesday 20 October
                                                                                           Meeting agendas are published a week
flexible and convenient to you. Once you    Wednesday 24 November                          before the meeting date. You can find
join, you will be invited to take part in
                                            Housing and Community                          the most up to date details, agendas,
online consultations. You won’t have to
                                                                                           minutes and meeting dates on our
participate in every consultation – only    Wednesday 21 July
                                                                                           website at
the ones that you feel relevant to you or   Wednesday 1 September
would like to give us your opinion about.   Wednesday 13 October
To join you must be aged 16 or over, live   Wednesday 10 November
in Dacorum and be able to complete our      Finance and Resources
surveys online.
                                            Tuesday 6 July
Register at
                                            Tuesday 7 September
consultation where you’ll also find more
                                            Tuesday 5 October
information, or email communications@
                                            Tuesday 2 November with any questions.

                                                                             Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                    15
Climate and ecological emergency

Climate and Ecological
Emergency is our priority
We declared a Climate Emergency in 2019 - pledging to make our services carbon neutral by 2030
and for our 10,250 council homes to reach net-zero by 2050.
                                    to become carbon neutral by 2030      fridges and bike projects.
                                    and to support the wider borough      Applications will reopen for
                                    to become net-zero by 2050.           grants later this year.
                                    An extensive tree planting            I’m proud that we are the first
                                    programme has already begun           borough council in the UK to
                                    and wildflower areas created to       achieve a Silver level ‘Carbon
                                    encourage diverse wildlife in our     Literate Organisation’
                                    borough. Wildflower meadows           accreditation. By training over
                                    can contain up to 40 different        60 members of staff – to learn
                                    species per square metre – so         about the science and causes of
                                    it’s really important for our local   climate change, the effect it’s
                                    ecology that we restore areas like    having and the predicted future
                                    this. We’ve been helping you join     impact, as well as exploring the
                                    us in this action by giving away      solutions we can take - we’ve
Cllr Andrew Williams
                                    more than 1,000 free wildflower       demonstrated our substantial
Portfolio Holder for Corporate
                                    seed packets to plant in your         commitment to, and awareness
and Contracted Services and
                                    own gardens, as well as running       of, the impacts of our everyday
Community Leadership                giveaways to schools and local        actions on climate change.
We have added a sixth priority      groups.
                                                                          We’ll be hosting a conference and
to our corporate plan – The         We also launched our new Green        networking event on Wednesday
Climate and Ecological Emergency.   Community Grants, encouraging         3 November at the Forum in
We have calculated both the         local groups to ‘think global,        Hemel Hempstead. Please save
Council and the borough’s carbon    act local’ for the chance to be       the date if you want to learn
emissions, the effects of climate   awarded a pot of up to £2,000.        more about how you can get
change on Dacorum and, more         We funded the seven projects          involved in local projects. More
importantly, are planning what we   with the greatest impacts, which      details will soon be available on
need to do over the next 10 years   included community gardens, 

16      Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
Changing the way we travel
                                    in lowering our emissions to                 driveways but over a third of
                                    net-zero.                                    Dacorum’s households will not
                                                                                 have this option. To support the
                                    From 2030, the sale of new
                                                                                 transition to electric vehicles
                                    petrol and diesel vehicles will
                                                                                 please visit
                                    be banned. We are seeing the
                                                                                 sustainability and take our quick
                                    number of electric vehicle drivers
                                                                                 survey to help us plan where to
                                    growing and it’s a trend that’s
                                                                                 install charging points.
Transport is responsible for a      set to continue. Electric vehicles
massive 43 per cent of Dacorum’s    have zero tailpipe emissions, so             Homecharge scheme
greenhouse gas emissions so         they will drastically reduce our             If you have your own driveway,
we need to make changes to the      emissions and make the air we                you can get up to 75 per cent off
way we travel to help tackle the    breathe cleaner too.                         charge point installation from
climate emergency.                                                               the Electric Vehicle Homecharge
                                    Electric Vehicle Residents’
                                                                                 Scheme. Find out more on www.
Reducing car use, walking and       Survey
cycling more, and using greener     Many residents will be able to               customer-guidance-electric-
public transport, will be crucial   charge electric vehicles on their            vehicle-homecharge-scheme

                                    Understanding our carbon
                                                                                    We (the council)
                                                                                    are directly
                                    The carbon footprint of                         responsible
                                    the entire borough is                           for less than
                                    933,408                                         0.5% of
Home energy                         tonnes of greenhouse
                                    gas emissions1
                                                                                    the boroughs’ greenhouse
                                                                                    gas emissions2
                                                      The borough has
                                                              reduced                              64%       of all
                                                            emissions                              homes in Dacorum
Qualifying homeowners, private                                     by                              have an Energy
renters and landlords can apply                                                                    Performance
for low-cost or free home
improvements through the
                                                                0.6%                               rating of D or
                                                             since 20171                           below3
Government’s Energy Company
Obligation (ECO).
                                     The borough’s greenhouse gas emissions:
To find out where to access your
home’s EPC rating, how to use
less energy and more about the
                                     32.7% from cars, 30% from homes,
different home improvement
grants available, visit
                                     27.3% other emissions                 1        Sources based on 2018 data: 1SCATTER, 2APSE and SCATTER, 3Energy Savings Trust.

                                                                    Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                         17
Providing good quality affordable homes,
                    in particular for those most in need

Building for the future
Our vision is to provide good quality affordable housing, across the borough, particularly for those
most in need
                                     development team in place             ones that were replaced.
                                     who’ve delivered over 300 new
                                                                           Our Strategic Housing Team
                                     council homes at 10 sites across      have continued to provide
                                     the borough. We’re planning to        advice and assistance to those
                                     build a further 400 new council       in housing difficulty throughout
                                     homes between 2020 and 2025.          the crisis, providing help and
                                     We’ve built with our tenants in       support including access to
                                     mind, following principles of good    accommodation. We urge
                                     design and meeting local housing      people not to suffer in silence.
                                     need. The properties range from       If you or someone you care
                                     one-bedroom flats to three-           about is homeless of at risk of
                                     bedroom houses and provide a          homelessness and needs advice
Cllr Margaret Griffiths              range of different housing - from     or support, we can help.
Portfolio Holder for Housing         a homeless hostel and temporary       We have two dedicated Street
We’ve nearly 6,000 applicants        living accommodation to an            Outreach Support workers who
currently waiting for a home or to   apartment development, Magenta        provide support to rough sleepers
be moved on our housing register     Court in Apsley, which has just       in the area. We carry out bi-
and we are building all types of     been shortlisted for a national       monthly rough sleeper counts
homes, houses and flats in a range   development award.                    and provide anyone in need with
of bedroom sizes to accommodate      As well as building for the future,   ongoing support by Dacorum’s
their needs. Around 88 per cent      we are investing in our current       Homeless Prevention Team, the
of applicants (over 5,000) on our    housing stock to make homes           Outreach team and other local
housing register require either      more energy efficient. We have        services such as DENS.
a one or two bedroom property,       delivered window replacements,        I am proud of our dedicated
so many of the new homes we’re       with thermally efficient double       Housing team who have continued
building are designed to meet that   glazed units, new composite           to provide essential services
demand.                              doors, which have an insulated        during exceptionally difficult
Over the past seven years            core and condensing boilers which     circumstances finding new and
we’ve put an award-winning           are much more efficient than the      innovative ways of working.

18      Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
Green homes for Hemel Hempstead
We’ve received full planning
approval to build 58 new homes
in Hemel Hempstead. Called
Mountbatten View, the one and
two bedroom apartments will
be located in three buildings
overlooking Paradise Fields,
just off St Albans Road, near
the town centre.
Apartments will have generous
private balconies, underfloor
heating, high levels of thermal
insulation and heating will be
provided by communal air source
heat pumps.
There will also be a communal
central garden, play area for
families, secure cycle stores,
parking with electric vehicle
charging and courtyards planted
with trees.
                                       homes will be available for social   To find out more about the new
The construction work will start       rent to those on our housing         homes we are building, visit
in early 2022 and all the new          register.                  

New energy-efficient homes
At the start of the year, we let
new homes at Bingham Mews
for the first time – a small
development of three, two-
bedroom energy-efficient houses,
for social rent in the rural area of
Gaddesden Row.
The site is designed to
complement the adjacent housing
association site, bringing much-
needed homes for local residents.
Through these properties, we’re
looking to the future, designing
modern energy-efficient homes
that use the latest low-carbon
technology. The houses have            through an air source heat pump      radiators. Each house also has
modern renewable energy                system providing domestic hot        four photovoltaic solar panels
heating and electric systems.          water, heat to the underfloor        fitted to the roof, which generate
Central heating is provided            heating system and first floor       electricity.

                                                                  Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life              19
News for tenants and leaseholders

                                                                           Housing team
                                                                           is here to help
                                                                           Our Housing Income Officers are
                                                                           on hand to give advice about
                                                                           keeping up to date with your rent
                                                                           If you’re struggling financially and
                                                                           concerned about debt, let your
                                                                           Housing Income Officer know as
                                                                           soon as possible. They’re here to
                                                                           give you useful advice and can
                                                                           help you manage your rent.
                                                                           Catherine Blandford, is one of
                                                                           our Housing Income Officers, who
                                                                           has supported tenants through
                                                                           difficult times when they’ve got

Here to help you move                                                      into rent arrears.
                                                                           She said: “It’s so important to
                                                                           keep talking to us and not avoid
You could qualify for a £1,000 payment if you move to another
                                                                           the issue. We’re here to help if
council home.
                                                                           you’re facing financial difficulties
Perhaps you’re living in a family-   no longer needed, we’ll pay an        and we can support you.”
sized home that’s now too large      extra £1,000 for a move to any        We can also help with Universal
for your needs, or maybe you         unadapted housing, so you could       Credit applications. Universal
need a little support to help you    receive £2,000 altogether.            Credit Officer Anne Perera said:
to continue living independently?                                          “If you’re experiencing any
                                     A smaller home usually means
Our Help to Move payments are        lower rent and reduced bills. We’ll   problems with Universal Credit,
here to help. We pay £500 for        always deduct any rent arrears        please contact me and I can make
anyone giving up bedrooms, plus      before making a Help to Move          sure you’re receiving the correct
£500 for any move from a general     payment, so if you’re struggling      housing costs.”
needs home to supported housing      to pay your rent, you can start       Call 01442 228000 and say the
(more about this on page 22). If     afresh with a clear rent account.     name of the person you would
you have two or more bedrooms                                              like to speak to, or ask for
                                     To find out more visit
and you move to supported                                                  Housing Rent.
housing, this means we’d pay
                                     or speak to your Tenancy
you £1,000.
                                     Management Officer. You can call
If your current home has major       01442 228000 and ask for them
disabled adaptations that are        by name, or ask for Housing.

Breathing Space
The Government has introduced a new debt management scheme called
Breathing Space, which will give those facing financial difficulties
space to receive debt advice, or mental health crisis treatment, without
pressure from creditors or mounting debts. You can find advice and
help on dealing with debt on the Citizens Advice website                    Catherine Blandford

20      Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
develop a rooftop vegetable garden thanks to the
                                                        £700 grant.
                                                        Natalie McCalman, our Improvement and
                                                        Engagement Officer who worked with the residents

Top of the crops
                                                        to apply for the grant, said: “It’s a fantastic project
                                                        and we’ve had lovely comments from members in
                                                        the society who said that the project has helped
The Kylna Veg Growers Society was grown out of          their wellbeing and improved their moods especially
the Tenant Improvement Grant, which is awarded          during these very uncertain times. It has also been a
to projects that will make a real difference to our     great project for children to be involved as they can
tenants and leaseholders and help create strong,        plant their seeds and watch them grow.”
vibrant communities.
                                                        Find out how to apply for a grant on our website
Kylna Court residents have worked together to 

How you        Get involved –
helped improve become a block
our housing    champion
service        If you live in one of our blocks
               of flats, maisonettes or sheltered
Our Housing team is committed         housing schemes you could become
to providing excellent services       a block champion.
to residents. As part of this,        As a volunteer block champion, we
we encourage our tenants and          ask you to let us know of any issues
leaseholders to get involved with     or repairs in your communal areas.
us to give their views and work       You’ll also be asked to complete an
with us to improve our services.      estate inspection survey every four
Our recent impact assessment          to eight weeks and send it through
showcases the impact residents        to us.
have had over 2019-2020.              For more information email
You can view the impact      or call
assessment here                       01442 228000 and ask for Tenant               Involvement.
involved                              Or register an interest at

                                                                Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                21
News for tenants and leaseholders

Supporting your housing needs
If you are 60 or over and are thinking about your current housing situation, have you ever
considered supported housing?
We have a range of properties       received an invitation to view       someone to talk to is something to
across the borough - from           a flat on a certain day at noon,     look forward to.
individual flats and bungalows      signed at 2pm and accepted the
                                                                         “If anyone is thinking about
to designated schemes with a        keys at 4pm.
                                                                         Supported Housing, do contact
number of different communal
                                    “Sadly in early 2016, my dear        Dacorum Borough Council. They
facilities. No matter where you
                                    wife passed away leaving me          are very supportive and will guide
choose to live, you will have the
                                    alone in what should’ve been         you through the process. And if
opportunity to receive support
                                    our golden years. This however       you’re really lucky, you could end
from one of our dedicated
                                    highlighted for me one of the        up sitting on a bench in our lovely
                                    many good reasons for living in      gardens with a glass of wine
The service has been rated as       Supported Housing - the support      whiling away a summer’s day.
outstanding for several years       I received, not just from my
                                                                         For more information call 01442
and we continually strive to help   neighbours, but also from my
                                                                         228000 and ask for Supported
people retain their independence    Supported Housing Officer (SHO).
                                                                         Housing, or visit our website
by offering choice and support.     All schemes, of which there are
                                    33, have support in one form or
Tenant Andrew Roles talks of                                             housing-options
his experience at the Rice Close
scheme in Hemel Hempstead.          “The gardens are tended by a
                                    number of gardeners who keep
I moved to Hemel Hempstead
                                    them looking beautiful and there
14 years ago and lived happily
                                    are plenty of benches to sit, talk
in a small flat in Valley Green.
                                    and put the world to rights.
We decided to apply for
Supported Housing and               “A bonus for me came recently
subsequently received an            by my SHO, who suggested to
application form. Because of an     keep in contact by Zoom. This
applied points system we thought    has quickly become an important
it would be a good few years        part of my week, mainly because I
before we heard. It was therefore   rarely have social visitors and am
much to our surprise, that we       not in a social bubble, so having
                                                                         Andrew Roles

22      Dacorum Life - Summer 2021
Who to contact…
Useful local, county and national numbers, emails and websites.

 Local                              DENS                                 Hertfordshire Domestic
                                    Providing support and advice         Abuse Helpline
                                    for people facing homelessness,      08 088 088 088 (If you are in
Dacorum Borough Council
                                    poverty or social exclusion          immediate danger always dial
Information and advice on council   01442 262274                         999)
services and support available
for residents.                                                           Hertfordshire Adult
01442 228000                        Age UK Dacorum                       Social Services
(main switchboard)                                                       0300 123 4042    Working across Dacorum to                  improve the quality of life for
                                    older people.                         National
Housing repairs for council         01442 259049
tenants                                Visit the Government website for
0800 018 6050                                                            all the latest national updates on
                                    Community Action Dacorum             coronavirus.
24-hour automated                   For information regarding  
payments service                    voluntary services in Dacorum.
0345 370 6070                       01442 253935                         Department for Work
                                 and Pensions (DWP)
Business                                                                 0345 6060 265
For business support and             Countywide                
advice from our Economic
                                    Hertfordshire County Council         work-pensions
Development Team
01442 531002                        The latest information on services
                                                                         NHS (non urgent medical             run by the county council,
                                                                         need) 111         including highways, education/
                                    schools, buses, libraries,
Healthy Hub Dacorum                 recycling centres (tips) and
07929 861102                        adult social care.                   Victim Support           0300 123 4040                        0808 168 9111
Citizens Advice Dacorum
0800 144 8848                       HertsHelp                            Mind               For emotional support or             For information and support
                                    practical help.                      about mental health services.
Local food support helpline         0300 123 4044                        0300 123 3393
(answering service)                
01442 979464                        

If you spot someone sleeping
                                      Active Dacorum
rough or know of someone who          For events and activities
is you can complete a referral        focusing on physical activity,
on the Streetlink website             wellbeing and arts and culture or              in the borough.
contact the outreach team on         Follow on 		    @ActiveDacorum         @Active_Dacorum

                                                               Summer 2021 - Dacorum Life                23
You can also read