Indigo on the Ashley -

Page created by Marc Stewart
Indigo on the Ashley -
Indigo on the
HOA Newsletter: P.O. Box 50100, Summerville, SC 29485                                   Winter 2019-2020


  2019 IOA Board
                                   From the Board of Directors
                                   On behalf of the Board of Directors we would like to welcome our new
  Steve Kiser         homeowners and wish everyone a happy and safe 2020. It is great to see
                                   the signs of spring and the beautiful flowers and trees starting to bloom in our
  Vice-President                   neighborhood. You may have noticed the nice trimming of overgrown tree
  Steve Baker                      branches on the roads in Indigo of the Ashley. One of our responsibilities for
                                   enjoying a semitropical environment in IOA is ongoing landscaping upkeep
  Treasurer                        that adds so much value to our neighborhood. With the signs of spring, it
  David MacRae                     becomes important to double check our home exteriors and pressure wash if             needed, upgrade mailboxes, make needed repairs and keep our lawns
                                   looking good. We are thankful for so many of you that are committed to
  Greg Gorsuch                     keeping their properties beautiful. Our goal is to help Indigo on the Ashley                continue to attract home buyers and be the place many people want to call
                                   home. Indigo on the Ashley is a hidden treasure and we are very fortunate to
  Board and ACC Lead               call it home!
  David Jones            We are thankful that Hurricane Dorian was not any worse than it was,
                                   although we did suffer damage to trees and fences and loss of power, we
                                   were certainly fortunate that the damage was not more severe. The pond
 CALENDAR OF                       area suffered several downed trees into the pond which required a
                                   professional tree service to remove. We maintain a reserve fund to ensure
                                   resources are available when needed to keep our community in great shape.

 ANNUAL FEE ASSESSMENT             Also, we now have a web presence, thanks to the volunteer efforts of Dave
                                   Jones, BOD. Our website's URL is
 DUE JANUARY   31 2020
                                   Please visit the website for IOA HOA Covenants & By-Laws, ACC
                                   modification request forms and contact information. If you have suggestions
                                   or comments on the website, please direct them to Dave Jones.
                                   LOOKING FOR VOLUNTEERS!!
 FIRE DEPARTMENT – STATION 13)     The time is fast approaching for our Annual Meeting and there are two term
                                   expirations this year on our Board of Directors: President and Treasurer. We
 TIME: FEBRUARY 2020               would like to encourage each of you to consider volunteering to serve in an
                                   officer position. Our community is so nice because of the time and talent of
 Check website at www.indigo-on-   those volunteering – make it your goal to become involved and help make for date and   things better. Being a board member is a rewarding way to give back to your
 time.                             community and is a great way to meet your neighbors.

                                       IOA HOA Newsletter Page 1
Indigo on the Ashley -
The front entrance: ongoing                                    Neighbors and
problems                                                       Neighborhoods
For many years the property across the street from the         As you read through the newsletter you will see that
Lutheran Church, above the gazebo and including the            Indigo on the Ashley is just one of five homeowner
medium strip has vexed the homeowner associations              associations within the Indigo Fields Subdivision. We
within the Indigo Fields Subdivision. Despite being            have about 80 homes, compared to Indigo Fields (135),
maintained (including insurance, water & electric bills) for   Indigo Pointe (77), Indigo Terrace (29) and The Oaks at
years by the Indigo Fields HOA, they now disavow               Indigo (36). Despite this distinction we are their
knowledge of ownership. This land has been the point of        neighbors and friends. We work in the same places, our
countless arguments and debates. In 2011 Indigo Fields         children go to the same schools, we shop in the same
HOA walked away from an agreement to voluntarily share         stores, are served by the County and municipality in the
in the cost of maintenance and for many years Indigo on        same way. Further we all share the desire for a safe,
the Ashley HOA maintained the land through member              well maintained neighborhood with a good quality of life.
volunteers. Later, an agreement was struck to join             Therefore it seems strange that disputes, as discussed
voluntary contributions of all the HOAs and hire an            above, arise from time to time and seem to take on a life
outside contractor. This agreement fell apart after a          of their own.
contentious disagreement over the the third quarter of
                                                               Our inability to successfully discuss among the HOA's
2017 contribution that was never resolved and Indigo
                                                               various items of dispute has led recently to the
Fields HOA, who was maintaining the contract,
                                                               suggestion that all the HOA's should hire and submit to a
unilaterally increased (by over twice) the amount that
                                                               community management group. These for profit groups
every HOA would contribute. When our HOA questioned
                                                               are paid an annual amount by the participating HOAs to
the need, asked for receipts and did not meet their 23
                                                               maintain common areas, to police homeowner's
hour deadline demand to accept the new fees, Indigo
                                                               compliance with governing ordinances and covenants,
Fields informed us that they are going ahead with a new
                                                               and generally keep the peace amongst neighbors. Indigo
contract without our consent and agreement, yet has
                                                               Fields HOA adopted the Charleston Management Group
been senselessly billing our HOA ever since for
                                                               to govern their neighborhood in the past.
contributions which we never agreed to and cannot afford.
                                                               Given that our HOA by virtue of its non-profit status is
Since then there has been a frigid relationship between
                                                               limited only to monies collected through dues,
our HOA's but our President Steve Kiser has been
                                                               assessments and fines, we are very limited in what we
negotiating and discussing the situation with legal counsel
                                                               can achieve without a direct increase cost to homeowner.
as well as the other HOA's.
                                                               Given the financial problems associated with the storm
The current state of negotiations remains stagnant, with       water retention pond (see below), it might be in our
Indigo Fields refusing to negotiate without Indigo on the      interest to have a management group which would agree
Ashley paying for the (voluntary) "contributions owed by       to handle maintenance and emergencies associated with
them" for services they never agreed to. Indigo on the         the pond (i.e., dredging). There are many downsides to
Ashley, on the other hand, has been hoping to discuss a        management groups, however. Some management
collaborative commitment for maintenance of all common         groups profit directly from fines given to homeowners for
areas, including the shared stormwater retention system,       infractions of rules. This creates, in their self interest, an
by all the HOAs in the subdivision.                            incentive to find infractions.

It has been also suggested that a third party Maintenance      The Board’s hope is that we can find a way to remain
Management Group be retained for this purpose.                 good neighbors in our good neighborhoods. Bring your
                                                               thoughts to the annual meeting.

                                                 IOA HOA Newsletter Page 2
Community Reminders and                                      Stormwater Retention Pond
Neighborhood Tips
                                                             The "pond" that we all enjoy has a curious and clouded
  •   The HOA dues remain at $160.00 this year. Have         history. It was a critical component of the original
      you mailed your check to P.O. Box 50100,               Stromwater Runoff Plan approved for the Indigo Fields
      Summerville, SC 29485?                                 Subdivision (1988), and dug prior to the first house
                                                             being built and is connected to a network of storm water
  •   The City of North Charleston only collects yard
                                                             drains coming from as far away as Berringer Bluff.
      waste in paper bags for curbside pickup. Tree
                                                             Despite its beauty it was designed to ensure that storm
      limbs should be cut down to 4’ length and 6”
                                                             water was safely drained away from homes and streets.
                                                             It was originally owned and maintained by the Indigo
  •   Indigo on the Ashley does not allow overnight          Fields HOA and later transferred in a land deal to
      parking on the street or parking on the lawns.         Charleston Land Group who went on to develop the
      Please remember that in an emergency, vehicles         Indigo on the Ashley Subdivision. Upon completion of
      parked in the street can impede the emergency          the subdivision, the firm "transferred" it to the Indigo on
      vehicles from getting to the emergency. This is        the Ashley HOA as “compensation” for not the promised
      especially important in cul-de-sacs, roads where       building bike and walking trails, a community dock, and
      cars are parked on both sides of the street, and       other amenities it had advertised when selling homes.
      curves. If a parked vehicle is preventing you from     Sadly, little was done for its improvement over the
      safely entering or exiting your driveway, please       years, and it has become a major cost to maintain as
      call the North Charleston Police.                      runoff from streets, in the form of silt, leaves and
  •   Let’s cleanup those tired, sun bleached                garbage have gradually filled the retention area. The
      mailboxes. Remember, mailboxes are required to         average depth of the pond is now one quarter of what it
      be black and of a metal construction, with a green     was when last dredged in 2009, and several areas are
      painted wood post. Ask the HOA for the paint!          only a couple inches deep. While the HOA is diligently
                                                             monitoring the "health" of the retention area, we are
  •   Always consult Covenants and the Architectural         also attempting to obtain contributions from the rest of
      Control Committee prior to making changes to the       Indigo Fields Subdivision whose watershed shares this
      exterior of your property (removing trees, adding      important asset.
      additions, modifying structure).
                                                             We can all help reduce the decline of the capacity of the
  •   Per C&Rs: No commercial vehicles over one (1)          retention area by not using the storm sewers as a
      ton capacity, boats or trailers may be kept, stored    garbage dump (especially for grass clipping and
      or parked either on the street or any lot except       leaves). Also it is reminded that it is potentially unsafe
      within enclosed garages or otherwise fenced or         to swim in the pond both because of chemical runoff
      screened from view from the street. Submit plans       from pesticides and fertilizers but also because of
      for fencing and screening to the ACC for               potentially harmful wildlife.

  •   Your garbage can is not a feature and your
      neighbor only wants to see it once a week!

  •    Suspicious Activity: If a person or vehicle looks
      out of place, call the non-emergency police phone
      number (843) 740-2800.

                                              IOA HOA Newsletter Page 3
trees, trees, trees...                                        HOA Frequently Asked
We are fortunate at Indigo on the Ashley to have many
mature beautiful trees. Unlike many neighborhoods,
there was a conscious effort when building the homes,         --What is an HOA Reserve Fund?
not to clear cut the vegetation. That said, damaged and       HOA fees are usually divided into two parts: One portion
dying trees, especially after a hurricane like Dorian, can    goes toward monthly expenses, and the remaining
be a risk to further property damage. There are a             money goes into a reserve fund, to save for long-term
variety of rules and regulations from both the City, State    foreseeable, planned maintenance and repairs, such as
and HOA that govern removing significant trees. If you        retention pond/drainage repairs. Reserve funds also
are planning to remove trees, it is best to start the         help cover unexpected emergency expenses that arise
process by filling out and submitting an Architectural        when natural disasters or vandals strike. A good
Control Committee (ACC) request form. These are               example of this is when one of the neighborhood signs is
found on our website, or are available from any board         hit by a vehicle.
member. The completed form will be necessary for
submission to the City of North Charleston to obtain a        --What is an assessment?
permit to remove a significant tree, defined by the city      When our community is hit with extreme maintenance
as any healthy existing tree greater than ten (10) inches     expense exceeding our reserve funds, the HOA may
in DBH (diameter breast high). The City of North              require homeowners to pay a special assessment above
Charleston will ask you to mark the trees to be removed       and beyond the annual HOA assessment. Luckily these
and will come to the site to inspect. If the tree falls       assessments are rare and temporary until the reserve
within the critical zone of the Ashley River Scenic           fund is back up to a fully funded level.
Districts further negotiation of the tree’s removal may
                                                              --What happens if I can't pay the HOA dues?
be required. If you are having the trees removed by a
bonded/insured company (highly recommended) they              Most lending institutions take the HOA dues into
can and will advise you on these regulations. All             consideration when they write your mortgage. In other
contracted tree waste must be removed by the tree             words, they evaluate your monthly income compared
service company. North Charleston will not remove it.         with your monthly expenses, and they won't make a loan
For further information on tree removal you should            on the property unless they feel you can safely cover
consult the City of North Charleston's website at:            everything: your mortgage payment, taxes and HOA
information/trees-and-urban-forestry/                         If you are having problems and are unable to pay your
                                                              HOA dues, you might be able to work something out with
For more on the Ashley River Scenic Districts, see:
                                                              the HOA board. Be sure to talk to the HOA Board before        you miss a payment. This will prevent the only option
and-development/permits/dock-permit/                          left to the HOA for back payments: a lien on your
There is a small fee for the tree removal permit. This is     property. Sadly this has happened more than once, and
generally included in the contractors outlined costs.         ultimately will come out at the time you attempt to
                                                              refinance your home or sell it. Paying your dues of $160
There are substantial fines associated with removal of        is far better than facing a lien of thousands, plus interest
trees without a permit by the City of North Charleston.       and legal fees when trying to sell your house.
In extreme cases the HOA can also assess fines for
failure to obtain an ACC permit.                              --Common Areas?

                                                              Please refrain from using our common areas for
                                                              personal disposal of lawn waste, clearing of trees and
                                                              bushes,etc. Not only is this against our covenants, but
                                                              places the HOA in jeopardy of fines from North
                                                              Charleston for homeowners' activities.

                                               IOA HOA Newsletter Page 4
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