Page created by Shawn Smith
Goldcrest Gazette                                                     MARCH 2021

905-791-8558                                                       CELEBRATE PEEL LUNCHROOM SUPERVISOR
P r i n c i p a l : E r l a J a c k e tt                           APPRECIATION DAY ON MARCH 5
V i c e P r i n c i p a l : J e n n i fe r S t e v e n s o n
Superintendent: Ozma Masood, NFO 905 -451-2862                     In 2017, the board of trustees declared the first Friday in
e x t. 4 2 3 2                                                     March as Lunchroom Supervisors Appreciation Day. This
Trustee: Carrie Andrews CBO 647-473-1858                           year, the recognition day falls on Friday, March 5, 2021.
                                                                   Take this opportunity to thank the important work of
                                                                   lunchroom supervisors, and their support and
                                                                   commitment to helping to ensure that students are safe
                                                                   and secure.

                                                                   ELEMENTARY FAMILY INFORMATION ABOUT
                                                                   ENHANCED SCREENING AND MASKING
Hello Goldcrest Families,
                                                                   During the week of Feb. 16, under the direction of Peel
   We trust that all our families are keeping healthy and
                                                                   Public Health, the Peel District School Board began the
safe as we continue to follow public health orders to
                                                                   process of enhanced screening for returning elementary
confine ourselves to only essential movement and
                                                                   students and active screening for all staff. Each
interactions outside our homes.
                                                                   elementary student has been provided a "Peel Public
  The second school term began mid-February following
                                                                   Health Screening Tool".
a brief delay in distribution of first term Report Cards due
to Board wide technical issues that also prevented
                                                                   Action for parents/guardians:
creating and posting a February Newsletter. Despite the
lockdown and technology challenges in January and early
                                                                      From home, daily, parents/guardians must carefully
February, Goldcrest teachers kept students engaged in
                                                                       go over all questions shared on the Peel Public
learning through virtual learning environments. Thank
                                                                       Health Screening Tool.
you all for your patience and support as we continue to
persevere in unprecedented times!                                     If your child has no symptoms and you have
    Stay safe and be well,                                             answered no" to all questions, you can send them to
                            Mrs. E. Jackett, Principal                 school.
                                                                      If you answered 'yes' to any of the questions, please
SCHOOL HOURS                                                           keep your child at home, self-isolate and notify the
8:35 – Yard supervision begins                                         school about the absence via School Messenger. If
8:50 – Instructional day begins                                        necessary, seek guidance from a health professional.
10:40 – 11:20 – Recess/Nutrition break
12:40 – 1:20 – Recess/Nutrition break                              Mandatory masking: Under the direction of Peel Public
3:10 – Instructional day ends                                      Health, we have implemented mandatory masking for
3:25 – Yard supervision ends                                       students in junior and senior Kindergarten. In addition,
                                                                   ALL students are required to wear masks outdoors during
IMPORTANT DATES IN MARCH                                           nutrition breaks, as well as during arrival and departure.
March 5 – Lunchroom Supervisor Appreciation                        In addition to the existing safety protocols, this step is
*Spring Break has been deferred to April                           necessary to prevent transmission of COVID-19 for all
                                                                   students and staff when in-person learning resumes.

Goldcrest Gazette                                                         MARCH 2021

Parents/guardians may wish to provide their children with         closures or cancellations have been announced by 6:15
an additional mask(s) to ensure that they have a dry              a.m., buses are running and schools are open.
mask when needed.
                                                                  How to find out if schools are closed or buses are
CHANGES TO INCLEMENT WEATHER DAYS TO                              cancelled:
KEEP SCHOOLS SAFE                                                  Peel District School Board’s Facebook, Twitter and
                                                                     Instagram social media accounts.
This year, we have adjusted school routines in many                Student Transportation of Peel Region website:
ways to help reduce the spread of COVID-19 and support     
the health and safety of our students, staff members and           Peel District School Board’s website:
families. As we enter the winter months, we have made       Subscribe to receive email
some important changes for days when buses are                       alerts.
cancelled and/or school buildings are closed due to                School websites
extreme weather conditions.                                        905-890-1010 or 1-800-668-1146
Bus cancellation days                                             Speak to your principal to learn more. For more
                                                                  information and to view translations of this document, visit
This school year, when buses are cancelled for part or all
of Peel region, school buildings will also be closed to all
students in affected municipalities. Please do not send           REPORT YOUR CHILD’S IMMUNIZATIONS TO THE
your child to school on these days. Instead, students will        REGION OF PEEL ONLINE
learn at home through live, online classes, where
possible. Students already enrolled in online learning will       When registering for school for the first time, parents and
continue with their regular school routines. Contact your         guardians are required to provide up-to-date
child's educator and/or principal for more information.           immunization information for their children. This includes
When buses are cancelled, child care programs will                registering for kindergarten.
remain open. Contact your child care provider for details.
                                                                  You can update your child’s immunizations online. The
Full board closure days                                           online immunization tool allows you to attach a photo of
                                                                  the immunization record. When reporting online, an
In the very rare instance that it is unsafe to open schools       Ontario Health Card is required.
due to severe inclement weather, we will announce that
school buildings and board offices are closed to all              Report immunizations online at:
students and staff for the day. On these days, students 
who would typically attend school in person will learn at
home through live, online classes, where possible.                After you report your immunizations online you will be
Students already enrolled in the online learning will             given a reference number. Keep this number for your
continue with their regular school routines. All in-person        records. You will need to give this number to your child’s
activities at board offices and schools, including child          school when registering.
care, will be cancelled.
                                                                  If you do not have online access or your child does not
Communication to families                                         have an Ontario Health Card, take a copy of the
                                                                  immunization record to the school. Make sure your child’s
During inclement weather days, the decision to close              name and date of birth are visible on the record.
schools or cancel buses will be shared by 6:15 a.m. If no
Goldcrest Gazette                                                           MARCH 2021

Call Peel Public Health at 905-799-7700 if your child does         Proof of custody – children must live with their parent(s)
not have an immunization record or if you have any                 unless provided documentation supports an alternate
questions about immunization exemptions.                           living arrangement.

For more information, visit             Proof of immunization – proof that your child has been


We inspire success, confidence and hope in each
student…and it all starts in kindergarten! If your child was
born in 2017, they can start kindergarten in September

Starting January 1, 2021, families can register online for         WELLNESS WEDNESDAYS - VIRTUAL CLASSROOM
the 2021-22 school year by visiting                                WELLNESS SESSIONS BEGIN MARCH 3
                                                                   While we all are doing the best we can in our given
Documents required for registration                                circumstances, we all hope to do better. One small step
                                                                   to better well-being is an explicit daily focus to stop,
Families will be required to upload scanned copies of the          pause and embrace practices we know are good for our
following documents while completing online registration.          mental health.

Proof of child's age and legal name (one of the following)         As we continue to navigate the 2020-21 school year, we
                                                                   invite classrooms to join us as we spend time focusing on
   Birth Certificate/Birth Registration Card                      well-being during #WellnessWednesdayPDSB sessions
   Citizenship Card / Certificate / Passport / Permanent          for virtual and in-person classrooms.
    Resident Card / Confirmation of Permanent Residence
   Certificate of Indian Status                                   Beginning March 3, classrooms will have the opportunity
   Refugee/Convention Refugee Permit                              to take a wellness break and join a 30-minute virtual
   Current proof of address (one of the following)                session to focus on the four pillars of well-being: physical,
   Agreement of Purchase and Sale of House                        cognitive, social and emotional. The virtual sessions will
   Latest Municipal Tax Assessment (MPAC) / Tax Bill              include:
   Phone / Cable/ Internet Bill
   Utility Bill (water, hydro, gas)                               ● exploring nature with outdoor education
                                                                   ● mindfulness and movement
   Bank Statement / Letter from Financial Institution /
                                                                   ● inspiration stories
    Credit Card Statement
                                                                   ● unlearn and spoken word
   Government forms (e.g. Canada Post, Service
                                                                   ● music and music therapy
    Canada documents)
                                                                   ● movement games/bag of tricks
                                                                   ● arts and creative expression
Proof of Citizenship/Immigration Status (if applicable)
                                                                   ● dance and fun

Goldcrest Gazette                                                           MARCH 2021

We know well-being is a “positive sense of self, spirit and       Be sure to contact your healthcare provider to book an
belonging that we feel when our cognitive, emotional,             appointment, as walk-ins are not accepted due to COVID-
social and physical needs are met. It is supported through        19 safety measures.
equity and respect for our diverse identities and
strengths.”                                                       Keep children home when they’re sick: If your child
                                                                  develops flu-like signs and symptoms (fever, cough, sore
The Peel board is committed to the promotion of mental            throat, body aches, headache, chills and fatigue), keep
health and well-being for students and staff. As we               them home from school. Contact your health care
continually adapt school delivery and navigate the 2020-          provider if symptoms are severe.
21 school year, well-being remains a core element of
school operations. Addressing this for all effectively and        Practice good hygiene: Help your child get into the habit
equitably will require us to work together and support            of covering their nose and mouth with a tissue when they
each other.                                                       cough or sneeze and throw tissues in the trash. Cough or
                                                                  sneeze into a sleeve or elbow, if they don’t have a tissue.
#WellnessWednesdayPDSB is one way to support                      They should also avoid touching their eyes, nose or
positive mental health and well-being practices in our            mouth. This is how germs are spread.
schools and workplaces. Each week, throughout March
and April, there will be a choice of three sessions, a            Wash your hands: Encourage your child to wash their
weekly theme and open to all grade levels.                        hands often with soap and water or use hand sanitizer,
                                                                  especially after they cough or sneeze.
PREVENT THE FLU AMIDST A PANDEMIC                                 For more information, call Peel Public Health at 905-799-
                                                                  7700 or visit
It’s flu season and we want to make sure students stay as
healthy as possible. Getting the flu shot this year is more       KEEP YOUR CHILD’S EYES HEALTHY
important than ever, in order to reduce the chance of
having an illness that can be confused for COVID-19.              Did you know that vision problems in children often go
Influenza (flu) spreads easily from one person to another         unnoticed because kids don’t know any different? As
and Peel Public Health has some tips to help reduce the           many as 10 percent of preschoolers will have vision
risk of catching the flu and spreading it.                        difficulties that can affect the development of their sight if
                                                                  not treated. However, if caught by the age of 5, treatment
Get your annual flu shot: The flu shot is your best               will be most effective.
defense against the flu. The flu virus changes frequently
so you need to get the vaccine every Fall. There are              The Region of Peel recommends regular eye exams for
many locations across Peel where you can get your flu             your child to help find eye problems early and get the
shots by appointment only:                                        right treatment.

    ● Family Doctors’ offices                                     The best way to ensure good eye health is to have your
    ● Walk-in clinics                                             child’s eyes checked by an optometrist. Yearly eye exams
    ● Pharmacies                                                  for children 19 and under are covered by OHIP.

Remember to physically distance and wear a mask at the            What to expect at your child’s eye exam
clinic to help protect yourself and others.
                                                                  An optometrist will complete:

Goldcrest Gazette                                                        MARCH 2021

    ●   General vision testing in both eyes.
    ●   Eye muscle testing.
    ●   Eye coordination testing.
    ●   A general health assessment of the front and
        back of the eyes.

If needed, the optometrist will write a prescription for
glasses for your child.
For information on overall vision health, common signs of
a possible eye problem and the programs available to you         During this Pandemic many people are experiencing
within Peel, visit               stress and feelings of anxiety. Uncertainty is all around
                                                                 us, and each person’s tolerance for it is different.
CHILD’S LEARNING                                                 Here are some ways to support your children with
                                                                 feelings of increased stress and anxiety
At the Peel board, our mission is to inspire success,            Take time to practice positive wellbeing strategies
confidence and hope in each child. There is no doubt that        that benefit you and your family. These strategies are
families play a vital role in helping us achieve this            things you intentionally do to help you feel well and
goal. As our partner in education, we hope you'll stay           happy. These can look different for each person and
connected to your child's learning throughout his or her         each family. However, we know that well being is
entire school experience.                                        improved by movement, taking time to connect with each
                                                                 other, focusing on gratitude and giving back to our
Visit to               community in some way.
explore all resources available to parents. There you will
find easy-to-navigate buttons that connect families to tip       Help children identify and actively deal with their
sheets and web pages on a number of different topics,            emotions: Children, even teens, don’t always know what
including math, homework, special education, EQAO and            they are feeling or the reason behind their feelings. You
mental health.                                                   may notice the feelings more in their behavior or in the
                                                                 tone of their voice. Minimizing these feelings and telling
                                                                 our children to be ‘brave’, or ‘don’t worry’, results in
                                                                 suppressing these emotions: further increasing stress and
                                                                 anxiety and vulnerability to depression. Instead, help
                                                                 them connect their behaviors and emotions by exploring
                                                                 what they might mean. eg. “I notice your tummy hurts
                                                                 when you have to talk on-line, you seem worried about
                                                                 it...” or “ what’s up, how are you feeling?”

                                                                 Set clear expectations and encourage children to face
                                                                 their fears: It can be very tempting as parents to try to
                                                                 remove stressors that seem to be causing our children’s
                                                                 anxiety or to lower our expectations. Anxious feelings can
                                                                 lead to avoidance which may decrease the feeling of
                                                                 anxiety in the short term but lead to more difficulties and
                                                                 increased anxiety over time. The best way to help
                                                                 children with anxious feelings is to help them, step by
Goldcrest Gazette                    MARCH 2021

step, to learn to tolerate their anxiety and function as well
as they can, even when they’re anxious.

Provide routines to increase a sense of predictability:
Creating routines can increase your child’s feeling of
safety and reduce their overall anxiety. Setting schedules,
where possible, for eating, school work, self-care and
family activities can be helpful. Engaging your children in
creating these schedules and posting them can give them
a greater sense of control. It often takes time to establish
and maintain a routine but it can reduce overall stress
and increase focus and wellbeing.

If you’re concerned about your child’s mental health, or
have questions about how to talk to your child about
difficult topics, visit for
further information and links to school and community
resources. The PDSB Mental Health Resource Team is
made up of registered psychologists and social workers.
Follow them on Twitter @MHRTPeel to join the
#WELLinPEEL conversation.

Visit School Mental Health Ontario to find strategies for
identifying emotions and practices for reducing stress that
you can try with your family. See to learn more about

Goldcrest Gazette   MARCH 2021

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