Gillshill Pelican Pre-school Prospectus Where Learning is Child's Play - HU8 OJU Gillshill Pelican Pre-school - The Gillshill Pelican ...

Page created by Samuel Grant
Gillshill Pelican Pre-school Prospectus Where Learning is Child's Play - HU8 OJU Gillshill Pelican Pre-school - The Gillshill Pelican ...
Gillshill Pelican Pre-school
   Gillshill Pelican Pre-school
         Cavendish Road           Where Learning is Child’s Play
             HU8 OJU

Registered Charity No. 1033109

   Telephone: 01482 788170

                                         Registered Charity No.1033109
                                               Ofsted No.509953

      Updated May 2019
Gillshill Pelican Pre-school Prospectus Where Learning is Child's Play - HU8 OJU Gillshill Pelican Pre-school - The Gillshill Pelican ...

                               How we started                                     The group adheres to legislation set out by it’s registering body—Ofsted
                                                                                  and therefore has the required policies and procedures in place. A file
With the support of Mr Lainchbury, Head of Gillshill Primary School, the          containing policies is available for information in the pre-school office.
Pelican public house (hence the name) and many fundraising events raising         Some policies are displayed on the cloakroom walls. A copy of all policies
£5,500, a partly used cloakroom was converted into the original Gillshill         can be made available upon request.
Pelican Pre-school. Our first term was in September 1993. Four years later
in September 1997 we were awarded a National Lottery Charity Board
Grant for £68,589 to buy the site and equip the unit we now occupy.               Complaints Procedure

                                                                                  We aim to bring all concerns about the group to a satisfactory conclusion
                                                                                  for all parties involved. We have a set of procedures to ensure problems
                              About the Group                                     can be resolved quickly and informally.
Our vision:
                                                                                  If you feel you have cause for concern please speak to a member of staff.
At Gillshill Pelican Pre-school we provide a setting in which all children, in-   If you do not feel this is possible you may approach Ofsted directly.
cluding those with Special Educational Needs and Disabilities (SEND) are
supported to reach their full potential in a safe, secure and caring environ-     The address of the regional centre is:
ment. We aim to provide appropriate play and learning opportunities for           Ofsted
each child which takes account of their individual needs and beliefs. Our         Picadilly Gate
ethos is “where learning is child’s play”.                                        Store Street
Staff:                                                                            M1 2WD       Telephone No: 0300 123 1231
All of the staff at the pre-school are highly trained and hold relevant
qualifications in childcare.
All staff working with the children have achieved the Diploma in Pre-school       Please see complete policy displayed in cloakroom.
Practice or other level three qualifications.

A member of staff has achieved a First Class BA Honours Degree in Young
Children’s Learning and Development.

Any new members of staff will be expected to undertake appropriate
training to allow them to reach the required standard.

All members of staff (and students) have a current D B S. All staff are
trained to observe and assess the children in their care using Tapestry
software. These observations and assessments are used to inform each
child’s individual learning plan.
Gillshill Pelican Pre-school Prospectus Where Learning is Child's Play - HU8 OJU Gillshill Pelican Pre-school - The Gillshill Pelican ...
OFSTED Inspection Report
                         12th February 2015

                                                                             The high ratio of staff present at each session is a major strength of
Inspector: Jackie Phillips                                                   the group. There are usually 5 members of staff to the maximum 26
                                                                             children. This gives more opportunity for small group activities.
                                                                             The group operates a Key-person system. This will be explained to you
Extracts from the report:                                                    at the Induction Day.
Overall quality of the provision was judged to be outstanding.               The group also employs administration and domestic staff.
Children’s needs are met to a very high standard as staff are proactive in   Committee:
ensuring they have an excellent knowledge of the individual needs of all
the children in their care. The staff team expertly find out what            Gillshill Pelican Pre-school is a registered charity and is committee
interests and excites the children to learn.                                 run. The group is non-profit making, all funds raised are used for the
                                                                             running and maintenance of the group.
Staff have an excellent understanding of their responsibilities to protect
and Safeguard Children, and of how to support them to learn how to keep      Fundraising is essential for renewing and purchasing equipment. We
themselves safe and healthy.                                                 usually organise two or three events per year.
                                                                             Grants are also applied for on a regular basis.
Partnerships with parents are excellent and the secure relationships that
staff form with parents help children’s learning to be habitually shared     Committee meetings are held every term, the AGM is in October.
between home and the pre-school. The result is that children make rapid      Dates will be published in the newsletters and on the notice board.
progress in their learning.                                                  Please join the committee if you are interested.
The pre-school team has a thorough, and extremely secure, understanding      Early Years Alliance (previously known as the Pre-school Learning
of the requirements of the Early Years Foundation Stage. Staff expertly      Alliance):
use this knowledge to provide children with an exceptional programme for
learning.                                                                    The Alliance was formed in the 1960’s. The aim at that time was to
                                                                             support those running groups and to raise the governments awareness
The staff are continually reflecting on their practice and there is a        of the importance of pre-school provision. Their role has evolved to
strong drive and unwavering commitment to improve and maintain the           promote high quality care and education for pre-school children, offer
exceptionally high standards that are already in place.                      support, advice and information to families and providers and to
                                                                             promote the training opportunities which enable the personal develop-
                                                                             ment of everyone involved.
A copy of the report is available to view in cloakroom or on the Ofsted
website                                                    The pre-school is a member of the Alliance.
Gillshill Pelican Pre-school Prospectus Where Learning is Child's Play - HU8 OJU Gillshill Pelican Pre-school - The Gillshill Pelican ...
Our curriculum

Using guidelines set out by the Department of Education we will plan and pro-
vide a curriculum of the highest quality to help each child progress towards/    Fees
achieve the Early Learning Goals, through the Early Years Foundation Stage.
                                                                                 Up to date information regarding funding and fees will be given to you when
The four principles of the EYFS are:                                             your child is enrolled at the pre-school or upon your request.
A Unique Child; Positive Relationships; Enabling Environments ; Learning and
Development.                                                                     The fee charged at Gillshill Pelican Pre-school reflects the standard of
                                                                                 fully qualified and trained staff employed by the group.
Our curriculum will support and develop each child’s learning in the following

Personal Social and Emotional Development                                        Links with the Primary Schools

We will provide opportunity for each child to become a valued member of the      Your child’s Learning Journey and Early Years Foundation Stage transition
group, thus promoting a strong self image and increase self esteem.              documents will be completed by the key person. The Learning Journey will
                                                                                 be shared with the parents and transition documents will be passed on to
*Making Relationships                                                            your child’s primary school.
We will encourage children to play co-operatively, taking turns with others
and to show sensitivity to others needs and feelings. We will encourage          During the Autumn Term before your child starts school, you will be asked
children to form positive relationships with adults and other children.          to complete a preference form on line for your choice of school. Once your
                                                                                 child has officially been given a place at your chosen school, the head
*Self-Confidence and Self-Awareness                                              teacher will contact you with their arrangement for school.
We will encourage children’s confidence to try new activities and to speak in    If you require any further information you can contact the LEA Admission
a familiar group discussing and sharing their ideas. We will encourage           Team on 01482 613065 or see a member of our staff.
independence to choose resources for their own ideas and activities.

*Managing Feelings and Behaviour                                                 Both Gillshill and Cavendish schools allocate time for us to use their hall for
We will encourage children to talk about how they and others show their          P.E sessions. The teachers from both Foundation Stage classes visit the
feelings, and to talk about their own and others behaviour. They will begin to   pre-school and children from the pre-school visit their new school.
work as part of a group and to follow our routines.                              This ensures a smooth transition between the settings.
                                                                                 The schools also invite us to attend class assemblies and other events.
Physical Development

*Moving and Handling
We will encourage children to move confidently, safely negotiating space.
They will begin to handle tools effectively including pencils for writing.

*Health and Self-Care
We will encourage physical activity and the importance of a healthy diet and
talk about ways to keep safe and healthy. Children will be encouraged to
manage their own personal needs including going to the toilet and dressing
Communication and Language

                                                                         *Listening and Attention
Parents in Partnership                                                   Children will be encouraged to listen in a range of situations. They will begin
                                                                         to listen to stories accurately and respond to what they hear with relevant
At Gillshill Pelican Pre-school we operate an open door policy where     comments. They will give their attention to what others say and respond
parent/carers are made welcome and have the opportunity to       dis-    appropriately.
cuss their child’s progress.                                             Children will be encouraged to follow instructions. They will be able to
                                                                         answer questions about their experiences and respond to stories and events.
Parent/Carers are welcome to join us for Stay and Play sessions.
These will commence in January.                                          *Speaking and Understanding
                                                                         Children will be encouraged to express themselves effectively        and show
We also hold drop in and formal open evenings to discuss your child’s    awareness of listeners needs.
learning journey.
We are now using ParentMail as a way of communicating to our
parent/corers and informing them of up to date information. We           We will use first stage phonics to        introduce the letter sounds and
have a Facebook page and a website.                                      phonemes.

Food                                                                     Mathematics

Please provide your child with a named water bottle which will be        We will encourage children to talk about and recognise numbers, to introduce
made available to your child throughout the session. A drink of milk     shape, space and measurement. To compare quantities and objects, to solve
or water and a healthy snack are provided at each session. If your       problems, create and describe patterns, shapes, size and measurement.
child is staying over lunchtime please provide a healthy packed lunch.
We discourage children bringing in sweets to eat during session.         Understanding the World
We also sample a variety of different foods, types of bread (Divali),
Chinese food (Chinese New Year) and have baking days.                    Children will begin to learn about different cultures and communities around
                                                                         the world. To talk about past and present experiences in their own lives and
Please inform us of any allergies or any other dietary needs at          the lives of family members.
the Induction Day                                                        Children will be encouraged to recognise the range of technology used in
Please list any allergies on the Health Form.                            schools and homes.

Outings                                                                  Expressive Arts and Design

Occasionally, as part of certain topics, we may take the children        Children will begin to use their own ideas, thoughts and feelings through
out of the pre-school premises for a walk around the local area or a     design and technology, music, dance and role-play.
visit to the shops or park. You will be asked to sign a consent form
giving your permission. Parent /carer help is always appreciated for
such events.

For trips further a field parental support is required. Further infor-
mation will be issued at appropriate times.
                        General Information                            If a child attending pre-school requires any medication i.e. an asthma
                                                                       inhaler to be given whilst in our care, prior written consent with full
Session times;                                                         instructions and dosage must be given by the parent/carer.
                                                                       A medical plan will be written.
                        8.45 a.m. to 11.45 a.m.
                       12.45 p.m. to 3.45 p.m.                         If your child has been prescribed a medicine that they need to take
                          Monday to Friday                             during the session we will need the medicine to be in the correct,
                                                                       labelled box with a letter giving us permission to administer it.
  Please ensure that your child arrives at pre-school on
  time, this helps the daily routine.                                  Care in the sun
  Access to Gillshill Pelicans will be by Gillshill Road gates only.   We spend as much time as possible in the garden. We ask that you
                                                                       protect your child from the sun by applying a high factor sunscreen
                                                                       before coming to pre-school and provide a sun hat.
Signing in and out                                                     Clothing
Each child must be signed in and out at the beginning and end of       Please make sure that your child is dressed in suitable clothing — elastic
each session.                                                          waist trousers or shorts are probably best (no long skirts or dresses
Only authorised adults (as stated on the Registration Form) will be    please). This will make going to the toilet easier and be safer for physical
allowed to collect your child. However, if you or another authorised   activities.
adult is unable to collect your child, a letter of consent must be
given to a member of staff, or in the case of emergency, a             Please supply a pair of named sand shoes to change into on arrival.
telephone call (788170) to let us know the name of the person who      You can leave them in a supplied named sandshoe bag in the cloak-
will be collecting your child. ID will be needed.                      room. The sandshoe bags will be the colour of their key worker
                                                                       Aprons are provided for messy activities, however we cannot
To help prevent the spread of infection please keep your child at      guarantee that clothes will not get marked or stained, therefore we
home for at least 48 hours after he/she has been sick or had           ask that you do not dress your child in ‘best’ clothes or clothes that
diarrhoea, even if he/she feels better.                                you will mind being spoiled.
                                                                       WE WILL GET MESSY!!
Please inform us if your child contracts any infectious                Sweatshirts and polo shirts with the Pelican logo are available to
diseases e.g. Measles, Chicken Pox, Impetigo, head lice etc.           purchase and are recommended.
                                                                       PLEASE NAME ALL ITEMS OF CLOTHING INCLUDING
In the event of an outbreak of any infectious disease we will
inform parents and advise that any unprotected children be kept at     COATS AND SHOES.
home.                                                                  Fleeces and waterproofs will be provided for all weathers outdoor play.

In the event of an outbreak of head lice we ask that the whole
family is treated to eliminate any carriers.                           P.E. sessions

Please ring to inform us if your child will be absent.                 From time to time we have P.E. sessions when a change of clothing is
                                                                       required. ( shorts and T-Shirt ). You will be notified via the newsletter
                                                                       and on the notice board in the cloakroom when these sessions will take
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