Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow

Page created by Dale Ellis
Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
Trafalgar Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow.

  Under the Patronage of the Catholic Archbishop of Dublin

Information Booklet 2017-2018
                    Revised April 2017

   Please keep this book for future reference
Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
Information Booklet
St. Brigid’s – Contact Details                                                             1
1.1 Our Pupils - our priority                                                               1
1.2 St. Brigid’s National School - our vision, mission & values                             1
1.3 The Ethos of St. Brigid’s                                                               1
1.4 The aims of St. Brigid’s                                                                2
1.5 Admission                                                                               2
2. ORGANISATION - Information you frequently need.                                           3
2.1 School Hours                                                                             3
2.2 Access to St. Brigid’s                                                                   3
2.3 Punctuality                                                                              3
2.4 Where children assemble in the mornings                                                  4
2.5 Where children assemble on wet mornings                                                  4
2.6 Supervision                                                                              4
2.7 Reminders to parents                                                                     4
2.8 Collecting children                                                                      4
2.9 School uniform/ shoes/ tracksuits- Schoolwear House/ jewellery/ valuables                5
2.10 Classrooms                                                                              6
2.11 Assignment of children to classes/ Junior Infants/ other classes/ Principal responsible 6
2.12 Children’s Birthdays                                                                    7
2.13 Book Lists/ orders                                                                      7
2.14 Book Rental Scheme                                                                      7
2.15 Department of Education and Science Book Grant                                          7
2.16 Secondary School Enrolment                                                              7
3. HEALTHY EATING                                                                           7
3.1 Lunch-time                                                                              7
3.2 Allergies                                                                               8
4. CURRICULUM                                                                               8
4.1 The Primary School Curriculum                                                           8
4.2 Religious Education Classes                                                             8
4.3 Physical Education                                                                      8
4.4 Special Needs Education                                                                 8
4.5 Homework                                                                                8
4.6 Assessment                                                                              9
4.7 Standardised Tests                                                                      9
5. COMMUNICATION AND PARTENT/TEACHER MEETINGS                                              11
5.1 Rationale of review                                                                    11
5.2 Clarity in order to maintain and enhance partnership                                   12
5.3 Effective Communication                                                                12
5.4 Formal Parent-teacher Meetings                                                         13
5.5 When written notes from Parents are required                                           13
5.6 Messages                                                                               13
5.7 Admitting parents/visitors to the school                                               13
5.8 An appointment is essential                                                            13
5.9 If you have a concern or query                                                         14
5.10 With whom should parents make an appointment?                                         14
5.11 Authorization of Board of Management to defer a meeting                               14
5.12 Maintaining and improving communication                                               14
5.13 Other relevant Policies
Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
6. ATTENDANCE                                                           14
7. SCHOOL CALENDAR                                                      15
8. GREEN SCHOOL                                                         15
9. AFTER SCHOOL ACTIVITIES                                              15
10 HEALTH AND SAFETY                                                    16
10.1 Emergency exits                                                    16
10.2 Exiting the hall                                                   16
10.3 Church                                                             16
10.4 Traffic                                                            16
10.5 School traffic wardens                                             17
10.6 Fire drill                                                         17
10.7 Sick bay and first aid                                             17
10.8 Medication                                                         17
10.9 Primary school Garda programme                                     17
11.CODE OF BEHAVIOUR                                                    18
Rationale of Code                                                       18
Relationship of Code                                                    19
Aims		                                                                  19
Content		                                                               19
11.1 Behaviour and learning                                             20
11.2. Standards of Behaviour expected in School                         20
11.3. Whole school approach                                             21
11.4. Positive strategies                                               21
11.5. School rules                                                      22
11.6. Rewards and sanctions                                             22
11.7. Notification of pupil's absence                                   24
11.8. Reference to other policies                                       24
11.9. Implementation date                                               24
11.10 Ratification and Communication                                    25
12. DUTY OF CARE                                                        25
13. CHILD PROTECTION POLICY                                             25
13(a) - Garda Vetting                                                   26
13(b) - Cyber Safety                                                    26
14. COMPLAINTS PROCEDURE                                                27
15. TRUSTEES & MANAGEMENT                                               28
15.1 The Patron, the Trustees, the Parish and the Board of Management   28
15.2 Members of the Board of Management 2011 - 2015                     28
15.3 School Chaplain                                                    28
16. PARENTS' ASSOCIATION 							                                        29
16.1 Parents involvement in the school 						                           29
16.2 Coffee morning								                                             29
16.3 Various roles 								                                             29
16.4 Parents' Association Constitution 						                           31
17. BACKGROUND INFORMATION						                                        33
17.1 Foundress of Sisters of the Holy Faith Margaret Aylward            33
17.2 St. Brigid’s National School since 1906                            36
17.3 Our Patron Saint                                                   36
18. APPENDIX                                                            37
18.1 Appendix 1- Benefits of Reading                                    37
18.2 Appendix 2 (a) - St. Brigid's School Pledge                        37
18.3 Appendix 3 Pupils at the Centre of St. Brigid's                    38
Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
This information booklet provides essential information in relation to our school. Should you require
clarification on any element, please contact the school principal who will be happy to discuss and clarify
your queries. The information was revised in April 2017.
School name: St. Brigid’s N.S.
School address: Trafalgar Road, Greystones, Co. Wicklow
Telephone: 01-287-6113
E-mail address:

Please note there is only one official St. Brigid's website. School management does not use Facebook
or Instagram as a means of communication. Some teachers use apps / blogs/ email as a means
of communicating with parents of own class. The class teacher will advise.

St. Brigid’s N.S - Welcome
Parents a big welcome to you and to your child/children. St. Brigid’s Board of Management and
staff look forward to working in partnership with you. We welcome and need your involvement,
comments and suggestions. We invite you to be actively involved in your child's school.

1.1 Your child/ren, our Pupils, their learning and welfare in a caring environment is our priority.
    St Brigid’s exists to promote the full and harmonious development of each child. This is done by
    helping your child/children learn in a caring environment. We wish each child to focus on his/her
    learning and reach his/her potential. We want to devote all school time to teaching and learning and,
    of course, we hope that all the boys and girls will be happy in school. Children will be more interested
    in learning if you show an interest in their school lives, therefore, it would be very beneficial if you
    would ask your child, ‘What did you learn today?’

1.2 St Brigid’s N.S.
Our Vision
Our vision is to continue to be an inclusive, nurturing, educating community that fosters the development
of each child.

Our Mission
Our mission is to enable each child to learn and develop to his/her full potential in a happy, safe, stimulating,
Christian learning environment. St. Brigid’s strives to promote the full and harmonious development of
each child.

Our Values
We cherish each child. We live and promote Christian values especially respect, fairness, co-operation,
responsibility, kindness, care, trust, self esteem and partnership.
Our Motto
Mol an óige agus tiocfaidh sí.

1.3 The ethos of St Brigid’s
•   The school models and transmits a philosophy of life inspired by belief in God and in the life, death
Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
and resurrection of Jesus Christ.
•      The policies, practices and attitudes of St Brigid’s are inspired by Gospel values.

•      Religious education is provided in accordance with the doctrine of the Catholic Church.
•      Prayer is a feature of each day. In co-operation with parents, priests of the parish and with
       parish personnel, children are prepared for the sacraments of reconciliation, communion
       and confirmation.
•      Parental involvement is encouraged and appreciated.
•      A spirit of mutual respect is promoted.
•      Pupils are shown, by example and teaching, to appreciate and respect people of different religious
       affiliations and nationalities.
•      The principal, teachers and support staff aim to make the school a centre of excellence in which
       high professional standards are maintained and where pupils learn in a happy, safe and
       stimulating environment.
•      Parents, teachers and management support and collaborate with one another as partners in
       leading the children to the fullness of their potential at the different stages of their school career.
•      All members of the school team are held in high esteem and equal respect. Personal and
       professional development is encouraged.
•      All partners of the school community contribute to the positive ethos of St. Brigid’s.

1.4 The aims of St Brigid’s
•      To provide a welcoming, safe, happy, comfortable and stimulating learning environment.
•      To facilitate each child to live a full life as a child.
•      The school strives to promote the full and harmonious development of all aspects of each child,
       including his/her relationship with God, with other people and with the environment.
•      To provide a broad and balanced curriculum for each child, according to the Department of
       Education and Science Primary School Curriculum and Catholic Religious Education Programme.
•      To enable each child to have access to the full curriculum.
•      To help each child achieve his/her potential.
•      To help each child develop his/her relationship with God. To enable all the children to have an
       appropriate knowledge of the Roman Catholic religion and to understand how their faith is
       meant to influence their lives and how their lives influences their faith.
•      To foster and nourish a strong sense of self-worth in each child.
•      The school aims to foster a sense of community between management, teachers, parents, pupils
       and a sense of belonging to the wider community.

1.5 Admission
Junior Infants
Applications for Junior Infant classes are made on a standard application form on an advertised date, well in
advance of each school year.

Priority is given to siblings of children already attending St Brigid’s, to children who are resident in the Parish
of Holy Rosary & St. Kilian at the time of enrolment and admission and to children of current staff who
have reached their 4th birthday by 30th April of year of entry. Age criteria will be applied when applications

Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
exceed the number of places available.

Other standards
Applications to other standards should be made to the school through the school secretary.

2.       ORGANISATION - Information you frequently need.
2.1     School hours 9.00 a.m. – 2.40 p.m.
Official opening time is 9.00 a.m. However to facilitate children who need to be dropped off earlier, gates are
opened at 8.50 a.m. During this time 8.50 -9.00 am children chat in their line.

For safety reasons:
•        children should not be at the school gate before 8.50 am
•        children should not come into Convent grounds before 8.50 am
•        children should not be in school grounds before 8.50 am.
Pupils are supervised and covered by School Insurance only during official hours 9.00 am – 2.40 pm and for
activities after school sanctioned by the Board of Management.
  8.50 am                  School gates open
  9.00 am                  Supervision begins
  9.00 am                  Bell rings/children line up/children collected from yard by class teachers
                           Sos/Morning break for ten minutes 'Little Break' is Fruit/Vegetable Break
  10.35                    Junior Classes
  10.50                    Senior Classes
  12.30 pm                 Lón/ Lunch break for thirty minutes
     1.40 pm               School day ends for Junior and Senior Infants
     2.40 pm               School day ends for First to Sixth classes

2.2 Access to St Brigid’s
There are two entrances into the school grounds. One at Trafalgar Road, and one at Kimberley Road. There is
a Traffic Warden at school entrance Trafalgar Road.
•       Parents should not park or drive into the convent grounds to drop off or collect their children.
•       Convent gate is closed at 8.50 a.m. after teachers have come in. Please note children should not come
        in through Convent grounds before 8.50 a.m. because teachers are driving in.

For Safety Reasons
The Trafalgar Road gate is closed at 9.30 a.m. (please note that this gate is not locked). The Kimberley Road
gate is locked at 9.30 a.m.

For the first two weeks of the school year both gates will be reopened at 11.50 a.m. (for Junior Infants)and will
be closed again at 12.15 p.m. From the beginning of the 3rd week of September both gates will be reopened at
1.30 p.m. and closed at 1.55 p.m. Both gates are opened again at 2.30 p.m. Both gates are locked at 4.10 p.m.

Please note: Greystones is now metered with frequent visits from Traffic Wardens.

2.3      Punctuality
•        Parents are asked to ensure that their children arrive in the school yard in time for the bell at 9.00 a.m.
•        Children are not permitted to go to their classroom until they are accompanied by their teacher.
•        A note is always required to explain a child’s late arrival.

Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
•      Any child who comes to school after 9.00 a.m. is considered late.
•      Please collect your child on time as it is unfair to keep children waiting.

2.4 Where children assemble in the mornings
When the bell rings at 9.00 a.m. children assemble in class groups in the big yard. Each teacher will accompany
the children, in their class group, from yard to classroom.

2.5 Where children assemble on Wet Mornings between 8.50 a.m. and 9.00 a.m.
On wet mornings, children are allowed into the school at 8.50 a.m. However, parents are asked not to come
into the school hall as this causes congestion and overcrowding. In the interest of safety, it is very important
not to stand in the school entrance area. Children in Junior Infants, Senior Infants and Rooms 19, 20 assemble
in the hall. Children in classrooms on the top and middle lobbies should go to their classrooms. Children in
Rooms 14, 15, 16, 17 also go to their classrooms.

2.6 Supervision
Supervision is provided only during official school hours and activities after school sanctioned by Board of
•      9.00 a.m.–1.40 p.m. (for Junior and Senior Infants)
•      9.00a.m.–2.40 p.m. (for First to Sixth classes).

Pupils are supervised and covered by school insurance only during official school hours and for after-school
activities that have been sanctioned by the Board of Management. The Board of Management cannot accept
responsibility for children who arrive before the official opening time of 9.00 a.m. or who remain on the school
premises after the official closing time at 2.40 p.m. Children enrolled in after school activities organised by the
school are insured for the duration of that activity.

2.7 Reminders to parents
Parents of Junior Infant children may accompany their children to the classroom for the first couple of
weeks. From the beginning of fourth week of September please encourage your child to say “goodbye”
to you in the yard and allow him/her to come in their class line independently when the teacher comes
out to the yard to collect class.

Parents of children in other years should not accompany their children to the classroom. We want to
start work promptly and also want to encourage children to grow in independence.

Please do not bring buggies or pushchairs into the school building. Please leave them in the schoolyard.

In the interest of children’s safety dogs should not be brought into the school grounds or tied to the
school gates.

2.8 Collecting children
Children must remain on the school premises until dismissal time. Children may not leave the school except
with the written request of their parents/guardians and permission of the principal.
•      Please collect your child/children on time.
•      Please wait in the yard well away from school doors for your child/children to be brought out by
       their teacher.
•      Please keep doorways clear.
•      When you have collected your child/children, please keep them with you. Children are not allowed to
       climb on gates/railings, run up and down steps or play in garden/pebbled areas while parents chat.
•      For safety reasons, every child must leave the classroom at dismissal time. Children must not return to

Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
their classroom for any reason after their class has been dismissed.
•       Children should wait for their siblings and friends in the yard well away from school doors. They
        should not go to different lobbies to meet siblings.
2.8 (a) Where to meet your child at the end of the school day
Junior and Senior Infants
Junior Infant & Senior Infant teachers will bring the children to meet you as follows:
•       Rooms 1 and 2 exit by the double doors at the main entrance into big school yard.
•      Rooms 3 and 4 exit by the double doors at main entrance into small yard (by the secretary’s office)

All other classes
•       Rooms 5, 6, 7 and 8, exit by the single side door into small yard.
•      Rooms 9, 10, 11 and 12 exit by the double doors at the main entrance into bigger yard
•      Room 14, 15, 16 and 17 exit into Kimberly Road lane
•      Rooms 19 and Room 20 exit smaller yard.

2.9 The school uniform
Children must:
•      Wear their school uniform everyday except when they have P.E. or after school physical activity.
•      Wear tracksuit only for P.E. and for after school physical activities organised by the school.

         GIRLS 							                                              BOYS
         Green tartan school pinafore				                           Grey trousers
         Green cardigan						                                       Green jumper
         White shirt							                                         White shirt
         Green tie							                                           Green tie
         White, dark green or navy socks /tights 			                Grey Socks
         Optional kilt for fifth and sixth class girls with
         green v-necked jumper

Shoes (Girls and Boys)
•      Please wear sensible shoes (preferably black/navy if possible).
       Laces must be tied. If children cannot tie laces Velcro is recommended.
•      High-heeled/and platform shoes are not allowed.
•      For PE suitable rubber-soled shoes are required.

•      Green tracksuit and white polo shirt for boys and girls.
•      Green shorts (optional - during official Summer time).
•      Tracksuits are worn on PE days, for some school outings and for school activities as directed by the
        teacher. Tracksuit may be worn for after school physical activities which are organised by the school.
•      No hoodies when in school / or school grounds

All uniform items are available from Schoolwear House at the Tesco Shopping Centre, Greystones
(Phone 287 3420).

Information Booklet 2017-2018 - Revised April 2017 Please keep this book for future reference - St. Brigid's Greystones Co. Wicklow
All belongings must be clearly marked with your child’s name and room number.

•      One pair of studs may be worn in pierced ears.
•      One finger ring is allowed.
•      No nail varnish, false nails, make-up, hair colour or hair extensions are allowed.
•      Long hair must be in a plait/ponytail or bun.

Children should not bring valuables to school. The school cannot accept responsibility for any valuables
brought into school.

Mobile Phones: Mobile phones must always be powered off and kept in child’s school bag.
All other communication devices are forbidden.

2.10 Classrooms
Our School is in 3 separate blocks.
There are 12 Mainstream Classrooms, a General Purpose Hall, Staff Room, Learning Support Room and 2
Offices in the main school.
There are 4 Mainstream Classrooms in Seomraí Bhríd Uí Bheirne.
There are 2 Classrooms in S.N.P. and 1 Mainstream Classroom adjoining S.N.P. Room 20 is in the corner
beside S.N.P.

2.11 The assignment of children to classes
In order to devote the whole of the school year to teaching and learning, classes for the following year will
generally be assigned end of June.

The principal is responsible for the grouping of children into classes.
Sometimes children are grouped into new classes for September after serious consideration, consultation with
class teachers and parents, and a review of their progress and behaviour. We try to ensure that a child will have
at least one friend in the new class. Usually, approximately half the children in the regrouped class will be
children from their previous class. Children will rarely continue right through the school with all the children
with whom they started in Junior Infants.

Why regroup children?
The regrouping of children is done for educational and social reasons and to maintain a good learning
environment and positive atmosphere.
•      Children have been regrouped into different classes over the years in St Brigid’s.
•      In our experience, regrouping of children has been beneficial for them.
•      The vast majority of children who have been regrouped speak positively of the experience.
•      Naturally at the beginning of the year, the children may miss friends from their previous class but parents
       and teachers find ways to help them adjust to being with other children, to make new friends, and to
       retain their ‘old’ friends.

The following criteria are used when regrouping children into classes.
•      Friendship.
•      Gender balance.

•      Behaviour.
•      Ability / Talent mix
2.12 Composite/Mixed classes
If we have a composite (or mixed class), children are generally assigned to such classes on the basis of
alphabetical order.

2.13 Children’s birthdays
Celebration is a healthy and necessary part of life.
Children’s birthdays are usually celebrated in school by singing ‘Happy Birthday’ in the school yard before
returning to their classrooms.
Parents are asked not to give out birthday invitations in school even if every child in the class is invited.
Some parents, in their great generosity, send in sweets and cakes to share around the class on their child’s
birthday. For a number of reasons some parents object to their children receiving sweets/cakes. Please do not
send sweets/cakes to the class for your child’s birthday.

2.14 Book lists / orders
Book lists are posted out to all pupils with their school report in June. (A copy of all book lists are given to
Michael Doherty, Main Street, Bray. Mr. Doherty also operates a website – – you
can also place your order in the Village Bookshop Greystones.)

2.15 Book rental scheme
St Brigid’s operates a book rental scheme for all pupils, whereby pupils can rent textbooks. However,
workbooks are not available to rent.

2.16 Department of Education and Science book grant
The Department of Education and Science gives a book grant to the school of approximately €11 per pupil
based on the total enrolment on 30th September of the previous year. The Department intends this to be used
to establish and maintain a book rental system for all the children.

2.17 Secondary School Enrolment
It is essential that parents contact the secondary school of their choice to enquire about the terms and conditions
of enrolment. There is no automatic entry to any secondary school from St. Brigid’s National School. The
school complies with legislation requiring it to pass on information regarding a child’s educational progress
to his/her next school. When enrolling your child in secondary school please inform the school if he/she has
any particular learning needs or disability.

3.1 Lunch-time
•     At St Brigid’s we encourage healthy eating. We recommend water, milk, sandwiches, vegetables and
      fruit. (Sweets, biscuits, chocolate, cereal bars with chocolate, popcorn, crisps, chewing gum, lollipops
      and nuts are not allowed.)
•     Sos beag is ‘fruit/vegetable break.’
•     Children are asked to use a reusable beaker and lunch box to minimise waste. Glass bottles are not allowed.
•     Cling film and tin foil are not allowed as they are difficult to recycle.
•     Children are asked to put peels in the compost bin.
•     Children are asked to take home any wrappings/cartons they may have.
•     Lunch time is from 12.30 p.m. to 1.00 p.m. Lunches are eaten in classroom for 15 minutes.
•     Children are asked to remain seated in his/her place during this period.

•       Children are asked not to bring food or drink into the yard at 12.30 - 1.00.
•       On returning to the classroom after lunch, children are asked to begin silent reading immediately and
        continue until 1.15 p.m.
3.2 Allergies
If your child is not allowed to eat a particular food, please ensure that your child understands this. Also, please
inform the school in writing of any food your child is not allowed to eat or of any other things to which your
child is allergic.

4.1 The primary school curriculum
The full Department of Education and Skills Primary School Curriculum and Revised Language Curriculum
are implemented throughout the school. The Religious Education Programme – 'Grow in Love' is taught in
all classes Junior Infants – 4th. Alive O is taught in 5th & 6th.
The following subjects are taught:
Religious Education (Roman Catholic)           Social, Environmental & Scientific Education (SESE)
Language: Irish (Gaeilge), English		           Arts Education: Music, Visual Arts, Drama
Mathematics					                               (Recorder is taught to all pupils from Second to sixth classes)
Physical Education				                         Social, Personal and Health Education (S.P.H.E.)
						                                         including Stay Safe, R.S.E., Walk Tall Programme.

If you as parents/guardians have queries about any aspect of S.P.H.E. please contact class teacher or school

4.2 Religious education classes
Religious Education at St Brigid’s is taught in both a formal and informal way. A thirty-minute Religious
Education class is given each day. In partnership with parents, priests of the parish and parish personnel,
children are prepared for the sacraments of Reconciliation, Communion and Confirmation.

Pupils of all religious faiths and none are equally respected.

4.3 Physical education
A specialist PE teacher begins lessons during the third week of September. Suitable plain rubber soled runners
are needed for PE.

4.4 Special Needs Education
St Brigid’s aims to provide a curriculum that will enable each pupil to reach his/her potential. Classroom
teachers assess and monitor the progress of children in their care.

In addition to mainstream class teachers St. Brigid’s has been allocated a number of Special Education
Needs teachers in preparation for the introduction of the Department of Education and Skills New Model
of Educational Support in September 2017. Many of the recommendations included in the new model are
already being implemented in St. Brigid’s. Mainstream teachers and Special Education Needs teachers
provide blocks of intensive teaching and learning in Maths and English in Junior Classes so that the boys and
girls will have a solid foundation for learning in English and Maths. These blocks of teaching and learning
are called ‘Intensive Prevention’.

Educational support is also provided through Team Teaching in middle and senior classes.

Following consultation with parents and having received their consent some children who fulfil certain criteria
may be withdrawn from class for individual or group work with a learning support teacher.

Children who have been allocated Resource Hours prior to January 2017 will continue to receive their

4.5 Homework
Junior and Senior Infants
Homework is given at the discretion of the teacher and is usually based around reading activities, e.g. learning
nursery rhymes, practising words, listening to stories, etc.
First Class to Sixth Class
All pupils from First to Sixth class are required to have a homework diary that parents are asked to
sign each night.

Homework is given to children from Monday to Thursday. The main objectives of giving homework are:

•      to help children to revise class work;
•      to encourage children develop the habit of independent study;
•      to form the basis for future study;
•      So that parents can see how well children are doing.
•      to provide opportunities for parents to be actively involved in their child’s learning.
Homework is not normally given on Fridays except in Sixth Class or if a child has not fulfilled his/her
homework requirements during the week.

In general, the time a child spends on homework is as follows.
First Class    20 minutes
Second Class 20–30 minutes
Third Class    30–35 minutes
Fourth Class 40–45 minutes
Fifth Class    45–60 minutes
Sixth Class    1 hour–1 hour 15 minutes
Pupils are allowed to leave the books that they do not require for homework in school, as long as they are
stored neatly. The school does not accept responsibility for pupils’ books left in school overnight. Please note
our school insurance does not cover personal belongings/ books left in school

4.6 Assessment
The importance of assessment within the school is recognised and a wide variety of formats both formal
and informal are being used. A key part of assessment is teacher observation. Some children may need an
assessment with a specialist. A psychologist from National Educational Psychological Services (N.E.P.S)
assesses a small number of children each year. Parents sometimes have their child assessed through the H.S.E
or with a private specialist. Parents are asked to give a copy of such an assessment to the Principal, so that
relevant recommendations of the specialist can be implemented by the child’s teachers and if appropriate, an
application can be made to the Special Education Needs Organiser (S.E.N.O) for SNA access.

4.7 Standardised tests

Schools are required to administer standardised tests during your child’s primary education in First or Second
Class, in Fourth or Fifth Class and in Sixth Class. In St Brigid’s we use them every year from Senior Infants
to Sixth Class.

Standardised tests are a small part of the ongoing assessment that takes place daily throughout your child’s
primary schooling. When used in combination with information from other formal and informal assessment
methods, standardised test results contribute to the accuracy of a teacher’s monitoring of your child.
As with the other tests your child does in school, his/her result on a standardised test can be affected by how
he/she feels on the test day or by worry or excitement about a home or school event. This means that each test
result is an indication of your child’s achievement in English reading or Maths on that particular day.

Caution is advised against over reliance upon a single test score. A standardised test may measure a child’s
performance in a particular test on a certain day, but this is not, on its own, a measure of a child’s ability.
Below are the answers to some common questions parents have.

What is a standardised test?
A standardised test is used to measure a child’s achievement in English Reading and Maths compared to other
children throughout the country at the same class/age level. The English test gives information about how
well your child can understand what he/she has read. However, this test does not gather information on your
child’s written or spoken English. The Maths test finds out how well your child can use numbers for different
purposes and solve Maths problems.

Are standardised tests the same as intelligence tests?
No. Standardised tests are not intelligence tests.

For what are the results of the standardised tests used?
•     To help assess your child’s standard of English Reading and Maths.
•      To report to you as a parent on your child’s achievement in English Reading and Maths.
•      To help your child’s teacher plan for further learning across the curriculum because your child’s
       achievement in English Reading and Maths is important for all his/her learning.
•      To help find out if your child has learning difficulties in English Reading or Maths so that the school
       can put appropriate supports in place for your child.
•      To help find out if your child is a high achiever in English Reading or Maths so that appropriate
       learning experiences can be provided for him/her.

When are standardised tests administered?
•     For Senior Infants, at the end of the second term.
•      For all other classes during the month of May.

How will I know what the scores mean?
Your child’s STen scores will be given to you in your child’s summer reports.

Understanding Sten scores
STen scores range from 1 to 10. The table below shows what the different STen scores tell you about your
child’s achievement in English reading and Maths.

Sten score		           What the score means           Proportion of children who get this score
8-10			                Well above average		           1/6
7			                   Above average 		               1/6
5-6			                 Average 			                    1/3
4			                   Below average			               1/6
1-3			                 Well below average		           1/6

If your child’s STen score is 5 or 6, you will know that his/her performance on the test is average. About one
third of children in Ireland have Sten scores in this band. You can see from the table that there are also Sten
scores above and below the average.

A Sten score of 1, 2 or 3 suggests that your child may have difficulties in English Reading or Maths, though
one test score by itself does not give a complete picture of your child’s learning in these areas. Your child’s
class teacher, in consultation with yourself and some other teachers, may decide that your child would benefit
from extra support with reading and Maths. This support may be given by the learning support teacher or the
class teacher. Your child’s teacher will discuss this with you.

Percentile rank
A pupil’s percentile rank indicates that his or her standing in relation to other pupils in the norm group (the
representative national sample of pupils at a particular class level on whom the test was standardised). A
pupil achieving a percentile rank of 66 did as well as or better than 66 per cent of pupils in the norm group,
and, by inference, the population which the norm group represents.

If my child’s score is high, what does this tell me?
A high score on the test may suggest that your child is a high achiever in English Reading or Maths. As with
low scores, one high score is not enough to confirm this. Your child’s teacher will use information from other
classroom assessments to understand more clearly how well your child is doing in English Reading and Maths.

Should I share the score with my child?
You know your child best. No matter what your child’s score is, you play an important role in encouraging
your child to do his/her best, and in helping your child with English Reading and Maths. If the score is low
and your child needs extra help with English Reading or Maths, it may be helpful to talk to him/her about this
and to see the help in a positive way.

Helping my child to enjoy school and succeed in learning
Using standardised tests to gather information on your child’s achievement in English Reading and Maths can
play a vital part in supporting your child’s learning. Ultimately, this support can help your child enjoy school
and make the most of the many opportunities to learn, created by you and by your child’s teachers.
You may find the DVD for parents “The What, Why and How of Children’s Learning in Primary School”
helpful in talking to your child about working with the learning support teacher. If you don’t have a copy of
the DVD, you can view it on the internet from the NCCA website homepage at (Click on the
button for Primary School Curriculum: Information for Parents.)

Good communication is the key to good relations between teachers and parents. During school year 2013/14
the Board of Management reviewed our arrangements for communication and parent teacher meetings in order
to provide clarity for parents/guardians and teachers. This policy states best practice long established in St
Brigid’s. BOM, Principal, Teaching Staff and Parents Association contributed to this review. This is a draft
policy and the Board welcomes further comments.
5.1 Rationale of review
“Bearing in mind that communication between home and school should be frequent, open and positive, Boards
in consultation with the principal and staff of the school should promote good practice for the conduct of
communication between home and school (Circular 40/97) Schools are obliged to offer at least one parent/
teacher meeting per school year (Circular 14/04) and to provide a written report at the end of the school year
(Circular 56/11).
The Board of Management
   •   recognises the right / need of parents to discuss their child’s progress and welfare with their child’s
   •   specifically wishes to clarify arrangements for parent teacher meetings
   •   wishes to ensure that parent teacher meetings are effective
   •   wishes to prevent interruptions to teachers during preparation/ teaching time
   •   recognises its duty ‘To provide a safe place of work for employees’ (Cir 40/97)
   •   wishes ‘To take measures to prevent or minimise the risk of assaults to teachers or other staff employed
       in the school (Circular 40/97)

5.2 Clarity in order to maintain and enhance partnership
The Board of Management and Staff of St Brigid’s are proud of our tradition of good working relationships and
partnership with pupils and parents / guardians. The welfare, education, safety and happiness of our pupils is
the priority of all partners in the school community. The Board of Management and Staff greatly value parental
partnership, co-operation and support. All are committed to continuing good relationships and partnership. In
order to maintain and enhance the partnership between parents and teachers clarity regarding arrangements for
good communication is essential.

5.3 Effective Communication
Effective communication is always based on respect, trust, openness. (Circular 40/97) and acknowledgement
of different roles.

The following methods of communication are used
   •   From First Class, the homework notebook is used as a method of communication between teacher and
   •   School newsletters are issued during the year to inform parents about school activities and update
   •   Emails are sent to parents.
   •   Text-a-Parent is used for urgent/short messages.
   •   Information is posted on the school website.
   •   Formal parent-teacher meetings are held once per year. (1st to 6th Classes in Nov. JI/SI In Jan/Feb)
   •   If necessary another parent teacher meeting can be arranged by phoning the school office or by writing
       a message in your child’s homework note book.
   •   Teachers sometimes contact parents particularly if concerned about a child’s academic progress,
       behaviour or social development.
   •   A written report of each child’s progress is posted to his/her home address in mid June each year. (If
       parents/guardians have any queries regarding their child’s end of year report Teachers will be available
       by prior arrangement for a short meeting to clarify the query regarding a child’s end of year report)

•   Parents are asked to give their mobile and work phone numbers and the phone number of another
          person who can be contacted in an emergency to the school office.
      •   Please check your child’s school bag for notes.

5.4       Formal Parent-teacher Meetings
      •   Junior and Senior Infants Meetings will take place before or after class from mid-January to mid-
      •   Parent-Teacher Meeting for First to Sixth Classes during November.
      •   Morning meetings: 8.35 a.m. to 8.45 a.m. (P/T meetings must finish by 8.45 a.m. as classrooms must
          be ready for classes at 8.50 on wet mornings)
      •   Afternoon meetings: 2.45 p.m. to 4.00 p.m.
      •   On the second last Thursday of November, Parent/Teacher meetings may continue until 5.45 p.m.

5.5 When written notes from Parents are required
A written explanation is required from a parent/guardian to explain the following.
      •   A child’s absence from school.
      •   A child’s late arrival to school for any reason.
      •   If a child has to leave school early for any reason. Children should not leave school early except for
          medical / dental / educational specialist appointments. A copy of your child’s appointment letter is
          (A note should be left with the secretary at least one day before your child will be arriving late for
          school, be leaving early or be absent from school for any reason. If a child has to leave school early
          parent/guardian must collect child at secretary’s office where the child must be signed out.)
      •   If someone different is collecting a Junior & Senior Infant e.g. if they are going on a play date.
      •   If you are requesting a meeting with teacher or principal
      •   If you are concerned for your child
      •   Why homework was not completed
      •   If a child needs to stay in sickbay during lunch time or
      •   If somebody different is collecting a junior or senior infant e.g. if going on a play date.

5.6 Messages
Parents/Guardians who wish to leave a message with a child during the school day are requested to leave it
at the secretary’s office so as not to interrupt a class. Please help your child to pack his/her school bag and
prepare lunch the previous night in order to minimize the need to have forgotten items delivered to your child
during the school day. While we are happy to oblige in an emergency, we do not want to spend undue amounts
of time running these errands during the school day.

5.7 Admitting parents/visitors to the school
Cir40/97 gives direction about Admitting Visitors / Parents to the School and states the following:
      •   Parents who wish to have a consultation with a class teacher should make a prior appointment with the
          relevant teacher by phoning the school office or through the child’s home work notebook.
      •   “The practice of parents approaching classrooms directly during teaching time” is not permitted.
          Specifically, access to teachers is on an “appointment only” basis.

Parents/ visitors to the school please check in at school office always.
All parents/ guardians and visitors to the school must report to the school office. Parents/ Guardians or visitors
should not go directly to any classroom or area of the school during the school day unless previously arranged
with the principal.

5.8 An appointment is essential
A parent who wishes to arrange a meeting with a teacher or the principal is requested to make an appointment
by contacting the school secretary by phone or email or through the child’s homework notebook indicating
the reason for the meeting. Please ask your child to make sure teacher sees this note. Occasionally a second
member of staff may attend meeting. (A teacher is responsible for his/her class from 9.00am – 2.40 pm and,
therefore does not have time to engage in anything more than a greeting with parents, unless you have an

5.9 If you have a concern or query.
Parents if you have a concern, query or change in home circumstances which may affect your child please
inform relevant person in school.

5.10 With whom should parents make an appointment?
If your concern /query relates to your child’s work/ progress please discuss your concern with your child’s
class teacher. if your query relates to general school policy please discuss this with the principal.

5.11 Authorization of Board of Management to defer a meeting
The Board authorises a teacher, other school employee, parent/guardian to leave/defer a meeting which she/
he feels is intimidating, aggressive, inappropriate or personal. The teacher/school employee/parent/guardian
should report in writing his/her experience to the Chairperson of the Board within four days of the meeting.

5.12 Maintaining and improving communication
The Board invites your comments/suggestions regarding communication.

5.13 Other relevant Policies – please see Complaints Procedure
This Communications Policy will be reviewed.
This draft was approved by BOM on 13th May 2014

It is vital for your child’s life skill’s training and for his/her success at St Brigid’s that her/his attendance is
both regular and punctual. You should ensure that your child remains in school for the full day and that family
trips are organised to coincide with the school holidays. (Dental appointments during school hours seem to
be unavoidable. )

The school is legally required to notify the National Educational Welfare Board if your child has missed
twenty days or more in the course of any one school year or if the principal/ class teacher is concerned about
your child’s attendance.

At the end of each term, children with full attendance will be acknowledged and complimented. Children with
full attendance for the year will receive a certificate on the last day of summer term and children who are only
short of full attendance by one, two or three days are also acknowledged.

Please do not promise your child that he/she may come home from school if he/she is unwell. Your child
should not come to school if he/she is sick. A number of children come to school & request to go home as
early as 9.15 am. This is very disruptive to the class. If your child is sick please keep him/her at home to
allow him/her to recover quickly & to avoid passing on the illness to other children & staff. Please be assured
if your child becomes ill in school we will phone you.

The school calendar is issued in April by email and also with your child’s school report in June and gives
advance notice of all holidays. Please retain the calendar and refer to it during the school year.

St. Brigid’s is a Green School. We have been awarded five Green Flags.
1st Green Flag for Litter & Waste Management			                       Awarded in 2005
2nd Green Flag for Energy Awareness & Conservation 		                 Awarded in 2007
3rd Green Flag for Water - its Uses & Conservation 		                 Awarded in 2009
4th Green Flag for Sustainable Transport 				                         Awarded in 2011
5th Green Flag for Bio-diversity					                                 Awarded in 2014
6th Green Flag for Global Citizenship - Litter and Waste

A variety of after-school activities are available to the children in St Brigid’s for example
•      Swimming, from Junior infants to Sixth
•      Short tennis, from Senior Infants to Second Class.
•      Athletics, from Junior Infants to Sixth Class.
•      Basketball, from Third to Sixth Class.
•      Hurling and Football, from Third to Sixth Class.
•      Junior Theatre Group, for Third and Fourth Class.
•      Senior Theatre Group, for Fifth and Sixth Class.
•      Homework Club by invitation
•      Art, Third to Sixth Class
•      Science Club, First to Sixth Class
•      Guitar, First to Sixth Class
•      Yoga, Third to Sixth Class
•      Mandarin, Senior Infants to Fifth Class
Classes in these activities take place after school hours and details will be available in June. All classes are
provided by suitably qualified personnel.
Please note the following.

   •   Our duty of care ends at 1.40p.m. /2.40p.m. when children are dismissed from school. Our duty of
       care is extended to 3.45p.m./ 4.00 p.m.(depending on the after school activity) when children undertake
       Board of Management-approved activities in school or on school grounds. It is the responsibility of
        parents to ensure that children are collected on time from after-school activities.
   •   It is also the responsibility of parents to ensure that children who have enrolled for an after-school
       activity on the school grounds turn up for the activity and remain on the school grounds until the
       activity is finished. If children enrol for an activity at another location, e.g. Kilian House, Eire Óg,
       Shoreline or the athletics grounds, it is the responsibility of parents to bring their children to the
       correct location, supervise them and collect them on time.
Only children who enrol for an after-school activity may stay at school for that activity. A child participating

in after-school activities may not leave the school grounds before or during the activity, e.g. between 2.40p.m.
and 3.45/4.00 p.m.(depending on the after school activity).
Short tennis
A parent must accompany any child who does short tennis after school on Tuesdays to Kilian House Family
Centre. Children are not to be left unsupervised /unaccompanied while waiting for their coaching session. The
school has no responsibility for supervision before, during or after short tennis in Kilian House. Please note
that Kilian House does not provide supervision. The short tennis coach is fully occupied coaching and cannot
attend to children waiting for the next class. It has been brought to the principal’s attention that some children
are running on the stairs outside the centre and/or running in the car park while waiting – this is something
that is of great concern.
Swimming lessons at Shoreline Leisure, Greystones are organised by the Parents’ Association and take place
from 3.00p.m.–3.30p.m. on Wednesday and Thursday afternoons. Children attending swimming lessons must
be accompanied and supervised by parents at all times while at Shoreline Leisure Pool.

Athletics programme is held in Charlesland Sports & Recreation Park on Thursday afternoons from 3p.m. - 4
p.m. for 1st & 2nd classes and from 4 p.m. - 5 p.m. for all classes. Children are given the opportunity to learn
sporting and athletics skills from experienced trainers with their classmates in an excellent facility at a low
cost group rate. Parents are asked to volunteer one hour of their time per term to help supervise at the venue.

10.1 Emergency exit
The single side door near the Trafalgar Road gate is an emergency exit and is connected to the School alarm.
A code is used to open this door at 9.00a.m., for break times and when children are being collected by parents
at the end of the school day. Children on the middle lobby enter or exit by this door. Apart from the above
times, this door is closed for security reasons. In an emergency, this door is opened from the inside by pushing
the green bar – this will activate the alarm.
Children and adults are asked to use the main entrance when entering or exiting the school during the
school day.

10.2 Exiting the hall following assemblies
The most senior class will leave the hall first, followed by all other classes. Classes from rooms 14, 15, 16, 17,
19, 20 exit by emergency door in the hall.

10.3 Church
When in the church, children are asked to genuflect together in their own seat before leaving.
For Carol Services and other such occasions, children on the right side of the church will exit by the door
of the right-side chapel. Children on the left side of the church will exit by the door on the left side chapel.
Children in the main aisle of the church will exit through the main doors of the church.
10.4 Traffic
The advice from Greystones Community Garda (2006) regarding traffic problem near school is that the
children’s safety is paramount.
 • Parents should walk children to school if at all possible.
 • Parents should try to reduce traffic, the greater the traffic the greater the likelihood of accidents.
 • Parents should remember that the school gates do not open until 8.50a.m.
 • Gardaí will not allow parents stop on Trafalgar Road as there are double yellow lines.
 • Parents should park and drop children at the Kimberley Road entrance.
• Parents should remember those using the footpaths when they park and should never park on the footpaths.
 • Parents should allow children from First Class upwards to walk into the school yard by themselves.

10.5 School traffic wardens
Children are asked to cross the roads only with the school traffic wardens who are on duty on Church Road
and on Trafalgar Road. School traffic wardens are on duty
On Church Rd. 8.30am – 9.10am /2.35pm – 3.00pm (Pedestrian Crossing)
On Trafalgar Rd. 8.25am – 9.40am / 1.40pm – 1.55pm / 2.40pm – 2.55pm (Outside of school/ Pedestrian

10.6 Fire drill
The fire drill is practised during school hours each term.

If fire alarm rings during morning assembly time, 8.50 – 9.00 a.m. pupils remain in their line. Pupils do not
approach the building. Adults/teachers will leave the building and come out to classes in yard.

If fire alarm rings during dismissal time existing fire drill procedures will be used to evacuate the building.

If fire alarm rings during after school activities person in charge of particular activity will evacuate own group.

10.7 Sickbay and first aid
First aid arrangements are in place to care for children who sustain minor injuries in the playground. All
children are expected to go out to play in the yard. In exceptional circumstances children who are feeling
unwell or with a written request from a parent are allowed to stay in the bottom lobby for the duration of play
time. If a child becomes unwell at school, his/her teacher may refer him/her to the principal for permission to
stay in during break time.

10.8 Medication
If at all possible, please organise for your child to take medication at home. In the interest of the safety of every
child, children may not keep medication of any kind in his/her school bag. If a child has to take medication in
school on a long-term basis, parents must seek the approval of the Board of Management to allow the child
to take the medication in school. Please ensure that your child’s name and instructions for use are clearly and
securely marked on his/her medication before it is handed into the secretary. Parents should fill in form if you
child has a chronic condition.

10.9 Primary School Garda Programme
3 Visits for the 5th and 6th Classes
• The role of the Gardaí
• Bullying
• Stranger Danger
• Cycle Safety
• Personal Safety
• Vandalism
Junior Infants to 4th Class
• Cycle Safety
• Stranger Danger


St. Brigid’s National School Code of Behaviour

  Indroductory Statement
This policy was formulated by the staff, pupils, parents and BOM of St. Brigid’s N.S. Greystones.


Our motto – Mol an Óige agus tiocfaidh sí
Rationale of the code of behaviour
  • Our code of behaviour is based on respect for oneself and others.
  •    We acknowledge the individuality of each child.
  •    We recognise the variety of differences which exist between children and the need to accommodate
       these differences.
  •    We foster an atmosphere where each child can learn.
  •    We expect each child to respect the rights of others and to play his/her part in making the school a safe
       and happy place to learn.
  •    Teachers, the Board of Management, parents and support staff all work in partnership to ensure that all
       school hours are devoted to teaching and learning.
  •    Each teacher has responsibility for the maintenance of discipline within his/her classroom while
       sharing a common responsibility for good order within the school premises. The overall responsibility
       for discipline within the school rests with the principal.
  •    We acknowledge that good behaviour, especially in Junior and Senior Infants, flows from a desire to
       please and is based on the relationship between the child and teacher. As girls and boys grow older, we
       recognise that good behaviour is based on mutual respect, a sense of motivation and purposeful
  •    We acknowledge that communication, co-operation and positive relationships between parents,
       teachers and others in the school contribute enormously to good behaviour.
  •    We acknowledge that vigilant supervision and acknowledgement of good behaviour are vital.
  •    Children will be reminded monthly, and as the need arises, about the school’s rules.
  •    A record of unacceptable behaviour is kept by class teacher.

It was necessary to revise the Code of Behaviour of St. Brigid’s N.S. because:
  •    It is an area of concern identified by the school community.
  •    The existing policy is due for review.
  •    To ensure an orderly climate for learning in the school.
  •    It is a requirement under DES Circular 20/90 on School Discipline.
  •    It is a requirement under the Education Welfare Act, 2000, Section 23.

Relationship of the Code of Behaviour to Characteristic spirit of the school

In St. Brigid’s N.S. we strive for co-operation between staff and pupils on a daily basis. Our mission is
to enable each child to learn and develop to his/her full potential in a happy, safe and Christian learning
environment. Through this mission statement and school values we aim to provide a caring, harmonious
environment which aims to nurture the potential of everyone in the whole school community. We hope that
this Code of Behaviour based on the principles of respect, responsibility, self-discipline, health and safety,
co-operation, and the importance of learning will continue to develop positive relationships which exist in the
school and act as a framework for good behaviour.


   •   To ensure an educational environment that is guided by our mission statement
   •   To foster and maintain good relationships, partnership and communication in the whole school
       environment including staff, parents and pupils
   •   To create a positive atmosphere of respect, responsibility, tolerance and consideration for others.
   •   To promote positive behaviour and self-discipline, recognising the differences between children and
       the need to accommodate these differences
   •   To ensure the safety and well being of all members of the school community
   •   To support parents and pupils in understanding school procedures that form part of the Code of
       Behaviour and to seek their co-operation in the application of these procedures.
   •   To ensure that the school rules, rewards and sanctions are implemented in a fair and consistent manner
       throughout the whole school.

  Content of the policy

   The policy is addressed under the following headings:
   11.1.       Behaviour and learning
   11.2        Standards of behaviour expected in the school
       •       What behaviour is unacceptable?
   11.3 Whole school approach to promoting positive behaviour
       •       Staff
       •       Board of Management
       •       Parents
       •       Pupils
   11.4        Positive strategies for managing behaviour
       •       Classroom
       •       Playground
       •       Other areas of the school
   11.5        School Rules
       •       We have basic rules to help protect your rights and to encourage responsibility
       •       Why are school rules needed?

11.6             Rewards and sanctions
         •         Rewards and acknowledgement of good behaviour
         •         Strategies for dealing with unacceptable behaviour

  11.7             Procedure for notification of a pupil’s absence from school

  11.8             Reference to other policies

  11.9             Implementation Date

  11.10            Ratification and Communication

 11.1          Behaviour and Learning

         A child’s good behaviour, co-operation and concentration have a very positive impact on his/her own
         and others’ learning and progress. Unfortunately the reverse is also true.
         We are continuously monitoring the children’s behaviour. We do our best to prevent any incidences of
         misbehaviour/bullying while children are in our care. However as you will appreciate, it is not possible
         for us to deal with incidences which may arise when children are outside our care.
         When there are concerns regarding a child’s emotional, social well being and development, these
         concerns will be discussed with the child’s parent(s)/ guardian(s) and, sometimes, assessment may be
         The purpose of the Code of Behaviour and Anti-Bullying Code is to foster and maintain good
         relationships and a happy learning atmosphere.

 11.2          Standards of Behaviour expected in the school

The Education Welfare Act, Section 23, states that the Code of Behaviour shall specify ‘The standards of
behaviour that shall be observed by each student attending the school’.
  What is expected of the boys and girls?
  All children are expected to:
     •       Behave in a responsible manner, to show courtesy, consideration and respect for others;
     •       Work diligently, make good use of their time and to refrain from interrupting others at work
     •       Be well-behaved, have good manners and obey all teachers and school rules;
     •       Have good attendance, punctuality and be proud to wear the school uniform;
     •       Come to school well prepared and take responsibility for their own learning.

  What behaviour is unacceptable?
  It is unacceptable for children to behave in a way that indicates a lack of respect:
    •        For themselves, e.g. doing something dangerous and not giving of their best
    •        For others, e.g. unkind, disruptive, aggressive or bullying behaviour
    •        For adults, e.g. lack of courtesy; and
    •        For property and the environment, e.g. deliberately breaking things

You can also read