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New Civil Engineer
J U N E 201 9

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                                                                MARK HANSFORD

                 ight now you need not look too far for doom and gloom.        central London stations needed major makeovers. Not least London

    R            Indeed, this month’s Inside Track is a wall-to-wall tale of
                 woe with the latest in the Crossrail débâcle (rampant
                 cost increases laid bare) the obvious stand-out story,
                                                                               Bridge with its British Construction Industry Award-winning redevel-
                                                                               opment. The project also untangled complex track layouts with the
                                                                               help of some pretty hefty new infrastructure – notably the Borough
                 but High Speed 2 and Tideway run it close with their          Market Viaduct and Bermondsey Dive Under. And of course, gluing it
own problems with procurement and unforeseen ground conditions.                all together and unlocking extra capacity was a world first – the intro-

   And while it is fair and proper and right that within our industry we       duction of Automatic Train Operation (ATO) overlaid on the European
are open and transparent about the mistakes so that others can learn           Train Control System of signalling.
from them, we must also project confidence to the wider world and sell
these projects. Because if we don’t – who else will?                                  That Network Rail is willing to
   Crossrail may not be open; indeed it may not now be open un-
til March 2021. And it most definitely is no longer the Fifteen Billion               share best practice on what was in
Pound Railway, as the BBC series of the same name liked to call it.
   But it is ultimately just one project (albeit a big one). Let us focus      the end a hugely successful Thameslink
instead on the seven billion pound railway that is Thameslink, which this
month has launched a learning legacy website aimed at aiding engineers         programme is a truly amazing thing
charged with delivering similarly large programmes in the future.
   New Civil Engineer has a long history with Thameslink; we first cov-
ered it in a major way back in Spring 2004 when the £3bn project (as
it was then) became one of 10 we as a magazine elected to champi-                 So yes, like Crossrail, the costs went up. But the project evolved a
on in our “Stop the Cuts” campaign aimed at convincing then chancellor         great deal in that time and now it is a piece of infrastructure invest-
Gordon Brown of the value of infrastructure investment ahead of what was       ment that is genuinely transforming lives.
widely expected to be a savage Autumn Comprehensive Spending Review.              We needed it back in 2004, just like we needed the other nine pro-
   Fast forward 15 years and we are there again: seeking to sustain the        jects on our list. Ultimately, by and large, the government agreed: eight
case for infrastructure investment ahead of what is widely expected            of those 10 projects actually did get approved and have been deliv-
to be another savage Autumn Comprehensive Spending Review. If                  ered. Projects like Crossrail (yes, it was on the list), the East London
rumour is to believed, nothing is sacred; not Highways England’s nor           Line (now London Overground), the M74 widening, the New Tyne Tun-
Network Rail’s five year spending programmes.                                  nel and the New Mersey Gateway.
   That Network Rail is willing to share best practice on what was, in            Now new schemes need to retain government support: projects like
the end, a hugely successful Thameslink programme that has deliv-              Crossrail 2, the Lower Thames Crossing and Northern Powerhouse rail.
ered exactly what it said it would – 24 trains per hour through central           There are also a couple still outstanding from 2004. The A303 Stone-
London boosting capacity and new routes across the South East – is a           henge tunnel was on the list – a scheme that is definitely still in need
truly amazing thing.                                                           of support and positivity. And the other? Well it was High Speed 2. And
   The price tag may have crept up from that initial £3bn to £7bn, but         there’s a scheme that needs positivity on steroids. Over to you.
it is worth recalling just how complex that programme was. Major               l Mark Hansford is New Civil Engineer’s editor

                                                                                                              J U N E 2 019   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER       3
                                         MAGAZINE OF THE INSTITUTION OF CIVIL ENGINEERS

    08 News, Comment                              29 Future
       & Analysis                                    of Skills
    08 The Edit: Canary Wharf to
       Euston rail link proposed

    09 The Edit: Cost cuts for Chelsea
       football stadium

    11    Inside Track: Crossrail overspends

    12 Inside Track: High Speed 2’s Old
       Oak Common job in low bid row

    13 Inside Track: Changes trigger
        Tideway cost increase

    14 Inside Track: Steel and glass towers
       banned by New York mayor

    16 Big Interview: East-West Rail

    18 Your View: Structural tests,
       getting road repairs right

    20 NCE
                                                  The civils industry is changing more rapidly than at any time
                                                   in history. Change is being driven by a government that is
                                                    demanding increased productivity from the sector, with
                                                     technology seen as the major enabler. But what kind of
                                                          people will civil engineering companies need?

                                                  30 What are the immediate and           36 How can civil engineers retain
                                                     medium term skill requirements          their roles in a world beset by cost
                                                     for civil engineering consultants?      pressures, failures and change?
    How the 100 best civil engineering
    companies in the UK are viewed by
    their staff and what it takes to become a
    member of the NCE100 elite

4        NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   |   JUNE 2019
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45 Innovative
   Thinking                                            Live!                                                EDITORIAL TEAM

                                                                                                              EDITORIAL ENQUIRIES

                                                                                                                   Mark Hansford
                                                                                                            (020) 3953 2821 mark.hansford

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                                                                                                               Alexandra Wynne
                                                                                                        (020) 3953 2822 alexandra.wynne

                                                                                                                   Associate Editor
                                                                                                                    Emily Ashwell
                                                                                                            (020) 3953 2094 emily.ashwell

46 A cramped site and load restrictions                   LISTEN                                                    News Editor

   challenged engineers redeveloping an      New Civil Engineer’s all new podcast                                   Rob Horgan
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   Edinburgh department store                         launches 29 May
                                                                         Technical Reporter
52 Why is the industry so slow to adopt                                                                Katherine Smale (020) 3953 2044
   digital inspection technology?
56 SME Interview: Beckett Rankine                                                                              Connor Ibbetson
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New Civil Engineer’s latest McGinley-  
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infrastructure projects

                                                                                       J U N E 2 019    |    NEW CIVIL ENGINEER              5
                                                                ICE VIEWPOINT

                                   Developing better
                                   delivery strategies

                     ith the commentary                          Infrastructure Strategy?” a packed             How do
                     around infrastructure                       room debated next steps, with
                     decision-making in                          everyone eager for the debate                  we spread
                     recent months, it is                        to move on to practical delivery.
                     sometimes easy to                           The UK Government’s Industrial          the benefits of
    forget the major changes over the
    last decade that have improved
                                                                 Strategy has also recognised the
                                                                 foundational nature of infrastructure   mayoral influence
    the system for infrastructure
    prioritisation and planning.              BY ART WE
                                                                 in supporting productivity growth.
                                                                    Another significant change
                                                                                                         to other structures
       Over that period, the most
    notable change has been
                                             W H AT W O U L D
                                                                 was the creation of the Nationally
                                                                 Significant Infrastructure Projects
                                                                                                         in England?
    the creation of the National              MASTER US          (NSIP) regime.
    Infrastructure Commission. This                                 From go-live in 2009, the process    across wider regions, based on more
    went from concept in the 2015                                has helped to speed up the planning     coherent spatial planning.
    Labour Party Manifesto to reality                            process for major infrastructure           These examples demonstrate that
    under George Osborne shortly                                 projects and ensured projects could     there is a good framework on which to
    afterwards, and by 2018, we had a                            proceed with greater legal and          start planning the future. Rather than
    National Infrastructure Assessment.                          political certainty where established   arguing for these things, the debate is
    Significantly, the concept of an                             National Policy Statements exist.       now about how they can evolve, not
    independent advisory board for                               For example, in June 2018, the vote     whether they should be created.
    infrastructure prioritisation has                            by MPs in favour of the Airports            These debates include: How do
    been taken forward by the Scottish                           National Policy Statement paved the     we spread the benefits of mayoral
    and Welsh governments.                                       way for Heathrow to apply for a new     influence to other structures in
       At a recent All-Party                                     runway with greater certainty.          England? What new infrastructure
    Parliamentary Group for                                         Devolution, particularly within      powers need to be devolved to
    Infrastructure event on “what                                England, has played a major role        Scotland, Wales and Northern
    should be the in the National                                too. From 2015, the mayoral concept     Ireland? And do they need to think

                                                                 in England has taken off and slowly     about regional devolution as well?
                                                                 gained the ability to deliver on        Should the NSIP process incorporate
                                                                 infrastructure expectations and         housing or be used for wider multi-
           The mayoral                                           electoral promises, using the power
                                                                 of the podium.
                                                                                                         infrastructure programmes such as
                                                                                                         the development of the Cambridge-
           concept in                                               One noted example is the role        Milton Keynes-Oxford corridor? More

    England has taken
                                                                 Tees Valley mayor Ben Houchen           broadly, is the UK system the best?
                                                                 played in making and winning the           This year, the ICE will be looking
    off and slowly gained                                        case for Teesside International to
                                                                 be taken over and developed by the
                                                                                                         at common and best practice
                                                                                                         across infrastructure prioritisation
    the ability to deliver                                       Tees Valley Combined Authority.
                                                                 Within this space, sub-national
                                                                                                         and planning around the world.
                                                                                                         With a better evidence base of what
    on infrastructure                                            transport bodies have also been
                                                                 established for all parts of England
                                                                                                         works, we can ensure we build upon
                                                                                                         the hard-won gains across the last
    expectations                                                 to focus on transport strategies        10 years.

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          The Edit
                                                                                         NEWS        TRANSPORT
                                                                                                     BL ACKFRIARS
                                                                                       Sign up for   UPGRADE HAD
                                                                                        New Civil    ‘A B Y S M A L’ S A F E T Y
                 THE BIGGEST STORIES OF THE MONTH                                       Engineer’s   AT S TA R T
                   F R O M N E W C I V I L E N G I N E E R .C O M                       Breaking,
                                                                                        Daily and    The safety record at Blackfriars
                                                                                                     station in London during the major
                                                                                       Weekly news   £7bn Thameslink upgrade programme
                                                                                         alerts at   was “pretty abysmal at times”,
                                                                                         newcivil    according to a Network Rail health
                                                                                                     and safety manager. Network Rail
                                                                                        engineer.    senior health and safety manager
                                                                                           com/      Sharon Fink said health and safety
                                                                                                     on the site was often “not good
                                                                                       newsletters   enough” when the four year project
                                                                                                     led by Balfour Beatty began in 2009.
                                                                                                     Fink said that safety on site improved
                                                                                                     when the client and contractor began
                                                                                                     proactively dealing with issues rather
                                                                                                     than continuing a “blame game
                                                                                                     culture”. This is one of the many
                                                                                                     lessons from the Thameslink
                                                                                                     programme now available via the
                                                                                                     project’s Leaving a Legacy website.


                                                                                       KEY STATS     H I G H WAY S E N G L A N D
                                                                                                     ‘ I N D E F I N I T E LY
    Canary Wharf in talks with                                                            £5bn       PA U S E S ’ I I M A J O R
                                                                                                     ROAD SCHEMES
    government about privately
                                                                                         cost of
                                                                                                     Highways England has paused 11

    funded rail link to Euston                                                           Canar y
                                                                                        Wharf to
                                                                                                     major road schemes “indefinitely”,
                                                                                                     because of concerns that they are not
                                                                                                     value for money. The road operator’s
                                                                                       Euston line
                                                                                                     chief executive Jim O’Sullivan
    TRANSPORT                                  Wood Wharf, a new 3,300 home                          confirmed that the 11 schemes would
    A new underground rail line                development to the east of Canary          £15bn      be delayed for up to five years, after
    connecting Euston Station in north         Wharf and due for completion in 2023.                 ruling that investment in the projects
    London to Canary Wharf in east             The new line would run in an 8.5km        Value of    could no longer be justified. Highways
    London is being considered by the          tunnel. It is estimated that it would    Highways     England has yet to name the projects
    government, New Civil Engineer can         cost in excess of £5bn.                               that have been paused, but has

    reveal. The proposal to build the line                                                           confirmed that all 11 were part of the
    was submitted by developer Canary                                                      road      government’s £15bn road investment
    Wharf Group in response to the                                                     investment    strategy which was launched in 2015

                                                       Canary Wharf
    government’s call for ideas for                                                                  and comes to a conclusion in 2020.
    privately financed railway projects.                                                 strategy    Highways England has confirmed that
    Thirty schemes were initially
    submitted to the government, with                  Group claims                                  some upgrades could be scrapped,
                                                                                                     with others pushed into the next
    the list whittled down to 10 in
    December last year. In a letter – seen
                                               that the new stretch                                  funding period, starting in 2020. The
                                                                                                     five-year programme was supposed to
    by New Civil Engineer – Canary Wharf
    Group claims that the new stretch of
                                               of railway would ease                                 upgrade 112 sections of road, including
                                                                                                     placing the A303 in a tunnel close to
    railway would ease congestion on the
    Jubilee Line and ease pressure at
                                               congestion on the                                     Stonehenge and upgrading a third of
                                                                                                     the junctions on the M25. Of the
    Euston following the arrival of High       Jubilee Line and ease                                 original 112 schemes, 29 have been
    Speed 2 railway services from the                                                                finished, 15 are under way and 18 are
    North in 2026. It would also serve         pressure at Euston                                    due to start before the end of the year.

8      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER      |   JUNE 2019

                                                                                                                                      Designers working on
                                                                                                                                      Chelsea Football Club’s
                                                                                                                                      new Stamford Bridge
                                                                                                                                      stadium are trying to
                                                                                                                                      revive the project by
                                                                                                                                      slashing costs by up to
                                                                                                                                      £500M, New Civil
                                                                                                                                      Engineer can reveal.
                                                                                                                                      Sources close to the
                                                                                                                                      project said alternative
                                                                                                                                      sites are being looked at,
                                                                                                                                      after the project halted
                                                                                                                                      last May with costs
                                                                                                                                      soaring to around £1bn.
                                                                                                                                      The preferred option is
                                                                                                                                      to remain at Stamford
                                                                                                                                      Bridge as it has planning

 STRUCTURES                                    BUSINESS                                                        STRUCTURES
 HAMMERSMITH                                   SEVEN FIRMS                                                     L A R G EST U K
 BRIDGE CLOSED                                 PUNISHED FOR                                                    CO N CR ETE R EPAI R
 A F T E R FA U LT S                           H AV I N G L AT E                                               J O B A L MO ST
 DISCOVERED                                    PAY M E N T P R A C T I S E S                                   CO MPL ETE

 Hammersmith Bridge in West London              Balfour Beatty, Costain and Interserve                         The largest concrete repair project
 has been closed indefinitely after             are among seven major construction                             undertaken in the UK is nearing
 “critical faults” were discovered.             firms punished for failing to pay                              completion, Highways England has
 London Borough of Hammersmith and              suppliers on time. John Sisk & Son has                         revealed. Specialist repair teams
 Fulham, which is responsible for the           been stripped of its Prompt Payment                            working on the M5 Oldbury viaduct
 bridge, gave little details except to say      Code accreditation. Balfour Beatty,                            have completed most of the concrete
 the faults were discovered during              Costain, Interserve Construction,                              repairs on top of the northbound
 weekly inspections. The beleaguered            Laing O’Rourke, Engie Services and                             carriageway. Work is being undertaken
 Grade II bridge has long been in need of       Kellogg Brown & Root have all had                              by Bam Nuttall, Morgan Sindall and
 strengthening, but political rows over         their accreditation suspended,                                 VolkerFitzpatrick. It is also the largest
strip ad ideas_Layout
 funding   have delayed1the6/7/18
                              start of11:47
                                       work.AM Page 2
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                                                                                                             J U N E 2 01 9   |     NEW CIVIL ENGINEER             9
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Inside Track
                                          THE BIGGEST ISSUES OF THE MONTH EXPLORED

                                                                                                 Bond Street Station – which is no lon-
                                                                                              ger expected to open at the same time
                                                                                              as the other Central London stations
                                                                                              – is forecast to run £286M over budget,
                                                                                              while significant cost hikes have also
                                                                                              been forecast at Liverpool Street Station
                                                                                              (£227M over budget), Tottenham Court
                                                                                              Road Station (£184M over budget) and
                                                                                              Woolwich Station (£164M over budget).
                                                                                                 New Civil Engineer understands that
                                                                                              these costs include lump-sum agree-
                                                                                              ments made with contractors after it
                                                                                              emerged that Crossrail would miss its
                                                                                              December 2018 opening date.
                                                                                                 These payments were revealed in New
                                                                                              Civil Engineer in March.
                                                                                                 The NAO report comes after a revised
                                                                                              timeline for the project was unveiled,
                                                                                              with the opening scheduled within a six
                                                                                              month window between October 2020
                                                                                              and March 2021.
TRANSPORT                                                                                        Cost hikes on contracts relating to
Crossrail’s rampant cost increases laid bare                                                  tunnelling, shafts and portals have also
                                                                                              been reported. On the Eleanor Street
                                                                                              and Mile End Shaft contract, carried out
Huge cost hikes on Crossrail stations and tunnels                                             by a Costain/Skanska JV, a 454% increase
revealed as revised programme is laid out                                                     has been recorded, with the cost of the
                                                                                              project ballooning from £46M to £255M.
                                                                                                 Big increases have also been revealed
                                                                                              on the western tunnels contract (£259M

                                                                                              over budget), eastern tunnels (£226M
      normous cost increases on every          when the contract was originally award-        over budget) and the station tunnels
      single one of Crossrail’s seven cen-     ed in 2011.                                    east contract (£264M over budget).
      tral London station contracts have         The NAO report concludes: “Whitecha-            There has also been a £633M estimat-
been revealed.                                 pel in particular has seen larger spend        ed cost hike on the Systemwide (tunnel
   Cost hikes of up to 450% of the origi-      than anticipated as a result of difficulties   track and electrical fit-out) contract,
nal target cost have also been reported        building around existing London Under-         which is now expected to cost £956M.
on tunnelling contracts as well as signifi-    ground and Overground lines and station           NAO auditor general Amyas Morse
cant increases in route-wide civil engineer-   architecture.”                                 said that Crossrail Ltd’s “unrealistic” ambi-
ing and systems integration contracts.           A £395M cost increase has also been          tion to stick to a December 2018 opening
   In total, public spending watchdog the      forecast at Farringdon Station, while          date led to “damaging” cost increases.
National Audit Office (NAO) has revealed       Paddington Station is now expected to             “Throughout delivery, and even as
that costs on “36 main works contracts         come in £390M over its original budget.        pressures mounted, Crossrail Ltd clung
on the central section have increased,                                                        to the unrealistic view that it could
including contracts for tunnelling, civil                                                     complete the programme to the origi-
engineering, station construction and                                                         nal timetable, which has had damaging
fit-out, and implementing the systems
required to operate the railway and
                                                499%                                          consequences,” said Morse.
                                                                                                 “The Department for Transport
stations”.                                                                                    and Transport for London (TfL) must
   Work on Whitechapel Station alone
                                                Cost increase at                              support the new Crossrail Ltd executive
is forecast to bust its budget by 499%,
                                                Whitechapel Station                           team to get the railway built without
according to figures released by the                                                          unrealistic cost or time expectations.
National Audit Office (NAO).
   The Whitechapel project – being
                                                 £633M                                           “While we cannot make an overall
                                                                                              assessment of value for money until
carried out by a joint venture including        Cost increase in system                       Crossrail is complete, there have been a
Balfour Beatty, Morgan Sindall and Vinci        wide fit out contract                         number of choices made in the course of
– is now estimated to cost £659M. This                                                        this project that have clearly damaged
is £549M above the forecast £110M cost                                                        public value.”

                                                                                                    J U N E 2 01 9   | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER     11
Inside Track
                                                                                                           Xxxxx xxxx xxxxx

        Crossrail Ltd chief executive Mark          came under fire for “downplaying” risks      HS2

                                                                                                 Old Oak low bid row
     Wild said that he was taking the NAO           about the project during weekly project
     report “very seriously”.                       updates to London Mayor Sadiq Khan,
        He added: “I share the frustration of       according to the London Assembly’s
     Londoners that the huge benefits of the        report Derailed: Getting Crossrail back on
     Elizabeth line are not yet with us. A new      track. The report concludes that Brown       Client accused of accepting
     leadership team and enhanced gover-            should consider stepping down from his
                                                                                                 ‘abnormally low’ bid
     nance structure has been put in place to       role at TfL.
     strengthen the Crossrail programme and            However, Brown claims to have
     put the project back on track.                 the “full support” of London mayor           B Y E M I LY A S H W E L L , R O B H O R G A N
        “The new team has undertaken a              Sadiq Khan.

     detailed audit of the outstanding works           Transport committee deputy chair
     and produced a robust and realistic plan       Caroline Pidgeon said: “Going forward              echtel has claimed that High
     to complete the Elizabeth line and bring       Crossrail, TfL and the mayor must be               Speed 2 (HS2) promoter HS2 Ltd
     the railway into passenger service at the      realistic, pragmatic and honest with               accepted an “abnormally low” bid
     earliest possible date.”                       themselves and Londoners about any           from the winner of its Old Oak Common
        The NAO’s findings about management         issues that occur and deal with them         construction partner contract.
     oversite echo the conclusions of a damn-       accordingly. They should not be afraid          High Court papers obtained by New
     ing London Assembly transport commit-          to face the music if a big stumbling block   Civil Engineer reveal that Bechtel
     tee report published last month.               threatens the timing of delivery.            believes that HS2 Ltd had “clearly
        This concludes that Crossrail bosses           “Crossrail is a huge and complex          reached a conclusion” that the
     failed to understand significant risks         project and it is understandable that not    tender submitted Balfour Beatty Group,
     flagged up in an independent review of         everything will go to plan. However, we      Vinci Construction and Systra joint ven-
     the project carried out by consultant          must leave behind the days of chasing an     ture (BBVS) “was severely under-
     Jacobs for Transport for London.               opening date and focus on the successful     resourced and posed a real risk to the
         TfL commissioner Mike Brown also           delivery of a new line for Londoners.”       safe and timely completion and hando-
                                                                                                 ver of Old Oak Common Station”.
                                                                                                    In addition, it claims that HS2 Ltd
                                                                                                 should have identified the BBVS tender
     CROSSRAIL STATION CONTRACT COST HIKES                                                       as “abnormally low” and excluded it
                                                                                                 from the bid race on that basis.
                                                                                                    But HS2 Ltd, rejects Bechtel’s allega-
                                                   ORIGINAL       FORECAST
                                                                                 COST            tions, saying it has the power to adjust
       STATION              CONTRACTOR             TARGET         COST
                                                                                 INCREASE        the resourcing of the winning tenderer
                                                   COST           (Dec 2018)
                                                                                                 prior to contract award. In particular it
                                                                                 £286M           says that there is no basis for identifying
       Bond Street          Costain / Skanska JV   £126M          £412M                          BBVS’ tender as abnormally low.
                                                                                                    Bechtel lodged a High Court claim
                                                                                                 against HS2 Ltd after losing out on
       Paddington Station   Costain / Skanska JV   £181M          £571M                          the contract to manage construction
                                                                                                 of the £1bn Old Oak Common station in
                                                                                                 west London.
                            Bam Nuttall / Ferro-                                                    The winning bidder was announced
       Farringdon Station   vial Agroman (UK) /    £239M          £634M                          by HS2 Ltd in early February. The
                            Kier Construction JV                                                 Old Oak Common contract remains in
                                                                                                 a stand-still period while Bechtel’s
                                                                                                 challenge is open.
                            Balfour Beatty Civil                                                    HS2 Ltd took the unusual step of
       Whitechapel          Engineering / Morgan                                 £549M           sharing its evaluation of individual and
                                                   £110M          £659M
       Station              Sindall / Vinci Con-                                 (499%)          competing bids with all tenderers when
                            struction UK JV                                                      announcing the winning bids.
                                                                                                    In particular, Bechtel’s claim centres
       Tottenham Court      Laing O’Rourke Con-                                  £184M           around a question about how BBVS will
                                                   £98M           £282M                          structure its organisation to manage and
       Road station         struction                                            (188%)
                                                                                                 deliver the Old Oak Common contract.
                                                                                                    Bidders were required to provide
       Liverpool Street     Laing O’Rourke Con-                                  £227M           organisation charts to demonstrate
                                                   £147M          £374M
       Station              struction                                            (154%)           management capability; and to give
                                                                                                 assurance on delivery, as well as provide
                                                                                 £164M           a completed management resource plan.
       Woolwich Station     Balfour Beatty         £70M           £234M                             In bid evaluation feedback forms –
                                                                                                 quoted in Bechtel’s claim – HS2 Ltd

12      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER     |   JUNE 2019

                                                                                         for six months, Flo had to come up with
                                                                             Old Oak     an alternative design for building the
                                                                             Common      shaft. This involved inserting a sprayed
                                                                                         concrete lined secant piled wall to a
                                                                                         depth of 25m.
                                                                                            Sneesby said this means that pilling
                                                                                         can be carried out from riverbed level
                                                                                         and therefore the cofferdam no longer
                                                                                         has to be backfilled.
                                                                                            But the delay caused by the redesign
                                                                                         means that the shaft cannot be built
                                                                                         before the tunnel boring machine (TBM)
                                                                                         has tunnelled its way to the Blackfriars
                                                                                         site. This means the planned inspection
                                                                                         and maintenance of the TBM will not be
                                                                                         as simple as originally planned.
                                                                                            To mitigate this, a jet grouted
                                                                                         canopy above the point where the TBM
                                                                                         will enter the shaft has been created.
                                                                                         With stable ground above the TBM,
                                                                                         it will be possible to access and main-
                                                                                         tain the cutting heads from within the
expressed “low confidence in the                                                         machine without compressed air, before
tenderer’s [BBVS’s] proposal to manage,     T I D E WAY                                  it begins the next stage of its drive.
deliver and assure the works”. HS2 Ltd’s
feedback forms also raise “concerns in
                                            Changes trigger cost rise                       At the King Edward Memorial site,
                                                                                         another cofferdam was to be backfilled
relation to level of resource proposed”                                                  to create a working platform. But as the
and conclude that “the [BBVS] consor-                                                    backfilling was taking place sheet pile
tium will be unable to effectively manage   Two London sites run into                    walls deflected more than expected.
the works as a united team”.                unforeseen problems                          The cause was found to be thicker, soft
   This, Bechtel claims, proves that BBVS                                                alluvium layers than the design allowed
“would not be able to perform the [Old                                                   for which meant that the ground had to
                                            B Y K AT H E R I N E S M A L E

Oak Common] contract ‘according to the                                                   be strengthened for the temporary and
conditions offered’”. Bechtel believes            xtensive design changes at two         permanent work.
that “were it not for the breaches iden-          Tideway sites are to blame for a          To strengthen the temporary works,
tified” then it “would have had a real            cost increase of £280M on London’s     150, 25m deep CFA piles were installed
chance of being awarded” the contract.      super sewer, the company’s chief operat-     along the bottom perimeter of the
   HS2 Ltd’s official defence document      ing officer has told New Civil Engineer.     cofferdam with a beam and slab being
submitted to the court denies “each            The challenges at Blackfriars in          constructed at the top to support the
and every allegation” in Bechtel’s claim.   central London and the King Edward           sheet piles. Once the ground strength-
It adds that while Bechtel’s bid scored     Memorial site in east London were            ening is complete, the shaft will then
higher than BBVS in terms of quality, it    announced in November last year,             be constructed using a diaphragm wall
“scored significantly lower on price”.      and the resulting cost hike has been         technique.
   Consequently, it added that “had         confirmed.                                      Again, the shaft will not be ready
[Bechtel’s] bid been ranked first after        At Blackfriars the original plan was to   before the TBM arrives due to the addi-
the scoring […] it is highly likely that    build an access shaft by constructing a      tional work being carried out. However,
either [Bechtel’s] bid would have been      cofferdam in the river and then backfill     as no TBM maintenance is planned at
declared unacceptable and disqualified      it to ground level to create a working       the site, the tunnel alignment is being
[…] or a further round of bidding would     platform from which a diaphragm walled       changed to skirt round the shaft with
have been required.”                        shaft could be constructed.                  a small connection tunnel between the
                                               However, Tideway chief operating          main tunnel and the shaft.
                                            officer Mark Sneesby said that when de-         Sneesby estimated that the redesign
                                            tailed design of the diaphragm wall took     work for both sites will have cost the
                                            place, contractor joint venture Ferrovial    project over £100M each but said the
                                            Laing O’Rourke (Flo) found the action of     additional cost is still within the base-
  £1bn                                      backfilling and movement caused by the
                                            diaphragm wall construction would cause
                                                                                         line amount of £4bn set aside for the
                                                                                         project. On top of these additional costs,
  High Speed 2 Old Oak                      two Victorian gas mains, embedded 5m         Sneesby said more has been spent
  Common contract                           away in the river wall, to rupture.          because of Tideway’s decision to
                                               As diverting the gas mains would have     transport more materials by river than
                                            required the adjacent road to be closed      by road, as originally planned.

                                                                                              J U N E 2 01 9   | NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   13
Inside Track
                                                                                                     Xxxxx xxxx xxxxx

                                                                      evolving skyline    Heathrow expansion
                                                                                          programme survives
                                                                                          legal challenge

                                                                                          Judges reject 26 challenges paving
                                                                                          way for procurement to start

                                                                                          BY SAM SHOLLI

                                                                                                  eathrow Airport Limited’s (HAL)
                                                                                                  expansion plans are marching
                                                                                                  on after surviving five simultane-
                                                                                          ous legal challenges at the High Court
                                                                                          mounted by rival bidders, environmen-
STRUCTURES                                                                                talists, London mayor Sadiq Khan and
                                                                                          local councils.
New York City bans tall steel and glass buildings                                           In the end it was less of a survival

as London presses ahead with new skyscrapers                                              and more of a trouncing as judges ruled
                                                                                          against 26 grounds for challenge, with
                                                                                          21 not even held to be arguable.
                                                                                            Despite the ruling, it has not all been
                                                                                          plain sailing for Heathrow’s operator.
                                                                                          Rival expansion bidder Arora Group
“Inefficient” structures fall short of efficiency standards says US mayor                 has launched the first stage of a consul-
                                                                                          tation on its proposals to expand the
                                                                                          airport, after raising concerns about
                                              cle” at 22 Bishopsgate Street has finally   HAL’s existing “monopoly position in

                                              been topped out, creating the highest       relation to the provision of airport
        ew York City mayor Bill de Blasio     habitable floor in London.                  operation services and related services
        has announced that the city made         “The Cheesegrater” also saw an end       at Heathrow Airport”. Meanwhile,
        famous by the likes of the Empire     to a five year legal battle after bolts     Greater Manchester mayor Andy
State building and Chrysler building is to    fell from the structure less than a year    Burnham called for the third runway
ban the construction of energy-sapping        after its construction was completed.       plans to be halted and be replaced by
skyscrapers.                                  Hydrogen embrittlement was found to         expansions at Manchester and Birming-
  Blasio slammed tall glass and steel         be the cause, with structural steelwork     ham airports, with the case for High
structures as “inherently very ineffi-        subcontractor Severfield agreeing a final   Speed 2 rebuilt around this proposal.
cient” and said existing buildings will       settlement and writing off £6M from its       HAL will begin procuring construction
face hefty fines unless they conform to       books.                                      partners at the end of this year while
strict efficiency guidelines.                    In Stratford, plans for a 120m, 21,500   construction of the third runway is
  Landlords will have until 2030 to cut       capacity entertainment dome covered in      scheduled to begin in 2021. Contractors
their emissions by 40% with those failing     LED panels were revealed by American        will be sought for a range of disciplines
to comply facing fines of $1M (£770,000)      venues operator Madison Square Garden       including demolition, site clearance and
every year.                                   Company. If completed, the venue would      utility diversions.
  Closer to home, the market for tall         rival the O2 in Greenwich.                    Speaking to New Civil Engineer,
structures continues to grow. In London,         Outside London, construction on          Heathrow expansion programme direc-
new additions to the London skyline           Birmingham’s tallest residential tow-       tor Phil Wilbraham said: “Initially we
including the controversial “Tulip            er “The Mercian” has begun, with the        will be starting with demolition, site
Tower” observation platform in the City       42-storey glass fronted structure due to    clearance and utility diversions. Then
and the “Cucumber” residential tower in       be completed in 2022.                       we will go into a major civil engineering
Paddington have been given the                   On the Continent Danish clothing         project which will be around things like
go-ahead by planning bosses and now           brand Bestseller has had plans to build     earthworks. We have got a lot of earth
await a final sign-off from the mayor         a 320m skyscraper in rural Denmark          to move around underneath the runway.
Sadiq Khan.                                   approved. It will become the tallest sky-   We will be moving roads like the M25,
  Elsewhere in the City of London, the        scraper in Western Europe, beating the      the A4 and the A304. We are moving
project to redevelop the former “Pinna-       Shard by 10m.                               some rivers as well.”

14   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER    |   M AY 2 0 1 9
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Rob Brighouse
The Interview                                                    BY KATHERINE SMALE

                                      Bringing customer
                                         focus to the
                                      East-West Railway

                                    ob Brighouse is                                                      ferently which underpin the project,

                                    returning to finish off                                              he says.
                                    the job.                                                                “We are a single focus company,”
                                       As managing                                                       he says. “The reason why [transport
                                    director of Chiltern                                                 secretary Chris] Grayling asked us
                   Railways from 2011 to December                                                        to do this is two-fold: one is to bring
                   2015, he was in charge of the first                                                   that absolute focus to get this built
                   phase of what will become the new                                                     and the other is to look at innova-
                   railway line between Oxford and                                                       tive and new ways of getting things
                   Cambridge, which runs between                                                         built in the UK.
                   Oxford and Bicester Village.                                                             “He has asked us to challenge the
                      Now he back as chair of the gov-                                                   industry norms in terms of financ-
                   ernment backed, arms-length body                                                      ing, maintenance, construction and
                   tasked with overseeing construction                                                   operations and look at what is the
                   of the second and third phases and                                                    most appropriate degree of vertical
                   delivering the new, multi-billion          upgrade of the Kowloon-Canton              integration, but all with the objec-
                   pound project, known as the Varsity        Railway in Hong Kong, where he             tive of delivering the best possible
                   Line, in its totality.                     says the successful use of track pos-      customer service.”
                      As a founding member of the East        sessions of no more than four hours           Being an arms-length body, he
                   West Railway Company, Brighouse            made him believe UK rail projects          says, gives the East West Railway
                   has wasted no time setting out its         could be more efficient. In the UK, a      Company the autonomy to do
                   vision: “big bureaucratic, stuffy          possession is typically eight hours,       things differently. It allows the
                   organisations” are out, being “bold,       with half of that time for setting up      organisation to set up its own
                   open and trustworthy” is in.               at the beginning and clearing up af-       processes and take procurement
                      These traits, he says, will allow       ter a job was complete. The second         decisions based on what is best for
                   the East West Railway Company              experience was working on the first        customers. To capitalise on this,
                   to make difficult decisions, let it        phase of the Oxford to Cambridge           he wants to see the supply chain
                   “share hard truths” with govern-           line where engineers prioritised           coming forward with ideas for more
                   ment officials and have a culture of       minimal customer disruption.               efficient delivery with minimal cus-

                   openness and dialogue.                        It is a laser focus and thinking dif-   tomer impact during the work.
                      “To my mind, that’s key to                                                            “One of the challenges we face
                   running successful projects,” says                                                    is breaking with tradition and
                      This ethos comes from decades
                                                                      One of the                         getting the market to think in a dif-
                                                                                                         ferent way, not being hide bound or
                   of applying his infectious, enthusi-
                   asm to make a difference to the rail
                                                                      challenges we                      constrained in the normal way,”
                                                                                                         he says.
                   industry. He says two experiences          face is breaking with                         “I want the market to come to me
                   in particular stand out. The first was                                                and say: ‘this is what stops me from
                   being project director of a £100M          tradition                                  doing a good efficient and quick

16   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   |   JUNE   2019
The line will
  run from Oxford
  to Cambridge
  via Bicester

   This includes its approach to                                  What I’m                            property]”, to try to find a structure
                                                                                                      which will work for the supply chain.
                                           KEY FACTS
technology. Brighouse wants to fall
inline with the digital railway agenda.
                                                                  saying to the                       Again, because of its autonomy and
                                                                                                      distance from government policy, he
He also sees the line as something of
a guinea pig for the recommendations         £2bn to      market is come and talk                     believes this is possible.
                                                                                                         “What I’m saying to the market is
that will likley come out of the current     £3.4bn       to us about anything                        come and talk to us about anything
Williams rail review. This is aimed at                                                                that is constraining from putting
prioritising passengers’ needs and                        that is constraining                        forward your ideas because I want to
financial stability while minimising        cost of the                                               find a mechanism to embrace what
disruption.                                   central     from putting forward                        you want to bring without giving away
   The project is split into two sec-
tions: western (Oxford to Bedford)            section     your ideas                                  your IP, and it’s challenging it really
                                                                                                      is,” he says.
and central (Bedford to Cambridge).          between                                                     If it is privately funded, it will
The western section is being con-                                                                     also look at the right time to bring
                                           Bedford and
structed in two phases, one of which                      says this will shape the remit for a de-    contractors on board. Too soon and
has already been completed. The            Cambridge      velopment partner to take the project       they have to inherit planning risk and
second phase is being built by a joint                    forward.                                    so the project doesn’t get an optimum
venture of Network Rail, Atkins, Laing                       “I see no reason why this can’t be       solution, he says.
O’Rourke and Volker Rail. This work is                    privately financed, but should the               If they are brought on too
being funded by Network Rail.                             government choose to finance it in a        late when everything has been
    The initial remit of the East West                    traditional way then that’s fine too,”      “nailed down”, he says innovation
Railway Company was to build and                          he says. “That will affect the structur-    will be stifled. “As a company, one of
maintain the central section, but                         ing of a development partner, as if we      our biggest challenges is to engage
in a bid to tie the line together, it is                  are looking for a development partner       the private sector to bring their inno-
now overseeing construction of the                        to help us with private finance, that       vation to a point where government
western section as well. The extent                       will be a very different development        risk has been minimised, and I ques-
of the body’s management of the line                      partner from the one if it’s govern-        tion whether the current market-led
post-delivery has yet to be decided.                      ment funded.”                               proposals are achieving that balance.”
Cost estimates for this construction                         However, ripples of discontent              The next steps for phase three
phase vary from £2bn to £3.4bn de-                        about the government’s efforts to           will involve bringing on an engineer-
pending on the final route. It could be                   bring private sector funding into the       ing partner to help with selecting
partially or fully funded by the private                  railway have appeared across the            the preferred route option from the
sector.                                                   supply chain.                               five which were published earlier
   A decision on funding is expected                         To reassure third parties looking to     this year.
to be announced in the chancellor’s                       invest, Brighouse says he is looking           A Development Consent Order
Comprehensive Spending Review this                        at the blockers, one of which he de-        (DCO) will then follow in 2021 with
Autumn. If the chancellor chooses                         scribes as an “understandable resis-        the aim of starting construction in
the private finance option, Brighouse                     tance to sharing good IP [intellectual      early to mid 2020s.

                                                                                                     J U N E 2 01 9   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER    17
Inquiry into local roads funding and

               Your View
                                                                                                               Once again, there is little or no
                                                                                                             reference to consideration of the
                                                                                                             problems and lack of durability/
                                                                                                             performance of the newer forms of
                                                                                                             surfacing materials that have been
                                                                                                             used to a large extent over the last
                                                                                                             15 years or so on the local roads
                                         LET TERS TO THE EDITOR                                              network.
                                         AND COMMENTS ONLINE                                                   The use of these materials on
                                                                                                             local roads was brought about with
                                                                                                             their use on motorways and trunk
                                                                                                             roads and the removal of traditional
     STRUCTURES                                                    RAIL                                      materials from the Highways Agency
                                                                   NEW STREET’S
     LIVERPOOL FAILURES                                                                                      Specification, on which most local
                                                                                                             highway authorities’ specifications
     HIGHLIGHT LACK OF                                             SUPERFICIAL                               were based.
     INTEGRITY TESTING                                             TRANSFORMATION                              The Highway’s Agency’s IAN
                                                                                                             157/11 should have provided
     The decision in 2019 by Liverpool                             Your “Changing Interchanges”              enough information to persuade
     City Council to demolish two post-                            article in the May 2019 issue says        local highway authorities that such
     tensioned in situ concrete viaducts                           that the reshaped Birmingham New          materials were unlikely to perform
     (New Civil Engineer, April 2019)                              St Station “...has reconnected two
     that have been “slowly decaying for                           divided parts of the city....”. Hoorah.
     years” since the 1960s, shows the                             Such a result, if true, may well be
     importance of thorough integrity                              beneficial to those not concerned
     testing of any transportation                                 with travelling by train, but for the
     structure just after completion of                            station’s primary function the vast
     construction, to provide an essential                         expense poured into the project
     benchmark for all subsequent                                  has delivered precious little by way
     management of the asset’s life.                               of improvement – some much-
        The article indicates that this was                        needed additional escalators and a
     not done with these two bridges.                              rather larger, although somewhat
        Therefore the initial pattern of                           confusing, fragmented and
     condition and “condition direction”                           disjointed concourse.
     of the structures, established at the                            Platform level still resembles
     start, were not known adequately.                             a dingy cellar with diesel fumes
        They could have been.                                      noticeable at times and noise from
        In most cases in civil engineering                         idling diesel engines drowning out
     we do not carry out integrity testing                         public address announcements.
     enough. Asset management must                                    The quality and clarity of signage
     start with a reliable transparent                             at concourse level is appalling           Local roads: Imposed materials
     picture of the state of the asset                             and at the London end of the
     and its estimated decay, to know                              station changing platforms often          well on the large majority of their
     its reliability and asset life. Large                         involves going through two sets of        network. The reduction in the use
     concrete elements can contain many                            ticket barriers.                          of surface dressing as a low-cost
     hidden defects that take time to                                 Regrettably we will now probably       effective maintenance treatment by
     reveal themselves.                                            have to wait another generation           many highway authorities has also
        Hammersmith Flyover had similar                            for a further go at upgrading the         played a major part.
     degrees of decay but an essential                             passenger experience to even match           The demise of the County
     difference was that the concrete                              that of the present day retail punter.    Surveyor’s Society and its work
     was precast, with no doubt better                             So sad.                                   carried out on research and
     quality management. This enabled                              Alan Fell (M),                            published technical guidance was
     the concrete to be saved, albeit with                                  brought about with the widespread
     significant and costly changes in the                                                                   externalisation of consultant and
     prestressing tendons, and the asset life    The Editor,       ROADS                                     contractor roles and the often-
     and value of the flyover was extended.      New Civil         MATCHING SUITABLE                         resulting loss of such an intelligent
        This also shows the importance           Engineer,                                                   client.
     of the integrity of the dominant                              MATERIALS TO ROADS                           Despite being one of the lowest
     compressive elements of                                                                                 funded Counties, Leicestershire’s
     any structure – essential for                                 Much of the content by the                road conditions are assessed as
     strengthening to be feasible,               69-77 Paul        contributors to the Future of             being some of the best, due largely
     therefore sadly not feasible in the         Street, London,   Highways Maintenance report (New          to having continued with the use of
     Liverpool case.                             EC2A 4NQ          Civil Engineer, April 2019) has also      traditional surfacing materials and
     Peter Sparkes (M),                          Email: nceedit@   been expressed to the ongoing             surface dressing.                     Parliamentary transport committee            The benefits of individual

18      NEW CIVIL ENGINEER       |   JUNE 2019

                          GETTING ROAD REPAIRS RIGHT
                                                  YOUR VIEWS AND OPINIONS

  Responding to Mario Donnetti’s suggestion that repairing            is sound. The cutting back should expose the different
  potholes is not rocket science (Your View, last month), I would     construction layers (if there are any) so that the edges are
  suggest that there are some fundamentals missing.                   stepped to accommodate layers of reconstruction.
     The cause of road failure resulting in potholes is                    Material quality should be such as to avoid segregated
  down to inadequacy in road foundation, materials                           materials to achieve adequate compaction especially
  quality and, lastly, methodology in effective                                 around the edges, each edge having a bitumen
  repair.                                                                         seal as suggested. Compaction using just plate
      No matter how effective the removal                                           compactors and rollers should be supplemented
  of loose material in a hole and correct                                            with pneumatic hand tampers to achieve
  placement and compaction of material                                               compaction into the corners and edges.
  as replacement, the repair material will                                              I am also frustrated at the futile wasted efforts
   just rattle around in the surrounding                                             by local councils on such repairs and hope that
  ground if the foundations are inadequate                                           my added pennyworth goes some way to better
  and the surrounding material is defective.                                        understanding and quality control.
  This is particularly the case where heavy                                        Peter Nicholson (M),
  lorry wheel loads can just destroy any quick
  fix repair.                                                                      A small additional bullet point might be added in
     Any repair methodology should assess the reasons                       Mario Donnetti’s list concerning potholes. This relates to
  for failure and involve the removal of any defective                the various metal works (gullies, inspection covers etcetera)
  foundation material. This assessment should extend to the           located in road surfaces. While these may be placed correctly
  adjacent area which will also show signs of distress.               initially, overlays are often added while the metal work is not
     I agree wholly that the existing road construction material      raised and a pothole develops
  should be cut back but to the extent that the adjacent material     Martin Gillham (F),

authorities being able to deal with                         highway maintenance it represents         sparsely populated rural land, is
local conditions, interact with local                       counter-excellence.                       not a good solution for the UK.
communities, and innovate through                           Frank Bedford MBE (M Retd),               Here our overriding need is for
excellence will be lost if there is                         former Leicestershire divisional sur-     more capacity. Our cities are much
a move away from local highway                              veyor,         closer together than the French
authorities as intelligent clients. If                      John Trinick (M Retd), former             ones which means that there are
there is a weakness in the current                          Leicestershire assistant director         only relatively short lengths on
arrangements it can be remedied                             (highway maintenance) and former          which the maximum speed can
by industry-wide training that                              head of highway management Scott          be achieved. Much more of the
recognises that the client role needs                       Wilson,            journey will be under acceleration
developed skills equal to those                                                                       or braking than in France. The
in the consultant and contractor                            HIGH SPEED 2                              countryside between the cities is
sectors, but focused on excellence                          DOES HIGH SPEED                           also much more densely populated
and economy of outcomes though                                                                        than in France making high speed
procurement and supervision.                                2 HAVE TO BE LIKE                         alignments very intrusive on many
   The current obsession with very                          FRANCE’S TGV LINES?                       more people than a lower design
large contracts and few major                                                                         speed with its tighter minimum
contractors with subcontractors                             I agree with Alistair Muir about          curve radiuses.
in a supply chain is not serving                            the inappropriate choice of design           The design should have started
the highway maintenance industry                            speed for High Speed 2 (Your View,        with an analysis of what would be
well. Supply chains have additional                         last month). He is right in that          the most appropriate design speed
margins applied at each level in                            the only reason there can be for          for this railway. I am certain that
the chain. It should be recognised                          choosing the current design speed         this would have come up with a
that highway maintenance is not                             is because it is what the French          much lower design speed than that
something that lends itself to                              have used.                                used by the French. It would also
massive management and over                                    However what is a good solution        have probably provided a much less
complex procurement. It is also a                           for the French, who needed to             expensive solution.
local activity, not a national one. Size                    join their widely spaced cities           Roger Curtis (M retd),
is not a measure of excellence; for                         separated by great expanses of  

                                                                                                    J U N E 2 019   |   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER   19
Awards NCE100 Companies of the Year

The NCE100
celebrates the best
civil engineering
firms in the UK. So
what do the entries –
including the results
of an extensive staff
survey – tell us about
what these firms do
well? Emily Ashwell

      nnovative, impactful, diverse and
      technically brilliant: these are
      all key attributes of a successful
      engineering company in 2019.
         And it was these attributes
      which the winning firms
– including Morgan Sindall
Infrastructure which was crowned
the NCE100 Company of the Year –
demonstrated in spades.
   At the NCE100 awards
ceremony at The Brewery in
London, attended by approximately
500 guests and industry leaders,
the industry celebrated the 10 best
civil engineering companies in the

UK, as well as the best projects
and initiatives covering 15 awards
categories. Hewson Consulting
Engineers was crowned the best SME
in the NCE100 Trending20 award.
   Behind the projects and initiatives
pitched to the NCE100’s 50 judges,
a survey of nearly 7,000 employees
provided the backbone to the

“                                             THE BEST
        More than 80%
        of respondents
felt their firm’s digital
strategy has had a
positive impact on the
way they work
20   NEW CIVIL ENGINEER       |   JUNE 2019
                                                                     NEWCIVILENGINEER.COM/THE MAGAZINE

Newtecnic’s Central
Bank of Iraq                                                      NCE100 TOP TEN
project highlighted
the firm’s use
of algorithms
                                           The NCE100 is the most comprehensive
to minimise air                        assessment of civil engineering firms, and making
conditioning use                           the top 10 is an outstanding achievement

                        1     MORGAN SINDALL                                  6       SWECO
                              INFRASTRUCTURE                                          With the environment increasingly on
                      NCE100 company of the year Morgan Sindall              the agenda, it is fitting that Sweco has retained
                      Infrastructure puts innovation at the heart of its     its place in the NCE100 top 10. This year it
                      business, disrupting the way it works internally       won the Low Carbon Leader category and was
                      and the way it carries out projects. It won the        shortlisted in the Design Innovator, Innovative
                      Innovation in Project Management, Diversity            Operator, and Impact in Energy categories.
                      Leader of the Year, and Impact in Water
                      categories. It was also highly commended in the          7     SKANSKA UK
                      Construction Innovator category.                               Skanska is determined to reduce its
                                                                             carbon footprint and is the first contractor
                        2     ARUP                                           to achieve PAS2080 – the world’s first
                              Whether improving its carbon                   standard for managing infrastructure carbon.
                      management or rolling out new technologies,            The company is also committed to tackling
                      Arup has proved itself to be ahead of the              the industry’s mental health problem and in
                      curve. This year it won the Impact in Urban Living     2018 launched a new Wellbeing initiative. It
                      award and was shortlisted in the Innovation in         was shortlisted in the Low Carbon Leader and
                      Project Initiation, Low Carbon Leader, Diversity       Health & Wellbeing Leader categories.
                      Leader of the Year and Impact in Transport
                      catergories.                                             8      RAMBOLL UK
                                                                                      Ramboll’s work with Transport for
                        3      NEWTECNIC                                     London’s Northern line has harnessed the
                               A true disruptor to traditional               potential to drive the industry forward, including
                      civil engineering, Newtecnic prides itself on          exploring the potential for building above a
                      being at the forefront of technology and uses          busy, live station. Ramboll was shortlisted for
                      innovation to drive efficiency. This year it was       the Innovation in Project Initiation, Diversity
                      shortlisted for the Impact in Energy award.            Leader of the Year, Impact in Energy, and Design
                                                                             Innovator categories.
                        4     WSP
                              Demonstrating meticulous                         9     ROYAL HASKONINGDHV
                      attention to detail across the board, WSP                      Netherlands-based, Royal
                      is maximising housing space in London                  HaskoningDHV has brought Dutch-style flood
                      and driving savings in the water sector.               defences to the low-lying fens of Norfolk,
                      This year it was shortlisted for the Innovation        applying an innovative, sustainable approach to
                      in Project Initiation, Skills Leader of the Year,      plans for 12,000 new homes in Wisbech Garden
                      Health & Wellbeing Leader of the Year, and             Town. It won the Innovation in Project Initiation
                      Impact in Water categories.                            category and was shortlisted in Impact in Water
                                                                             and Impact in Climate Resilience categories.
                        5      ARCADIS
                               Whether delivering a world class               10     BUROHAPPOLD ENGINEERING
                      Formula One track in Australia, working                        BuroHappold Engineering is a firm
                      on a high-speed rail line in California                with a solid conscience and a strong desire
                      or assisting Thames Water draw up its business         to improve the planet. It is helping 10, C40
                      plans, Arcadis is as diverse as it is far-reaching.    member cities assess air quality-related benefits
                      Last year it was NCE100 company of the                 of climate actions. The firm won the Impact in
                       year. This year it was shortlisted for the            Climate Resilience category and was shortlisted
                      Innovative Operator, Low Carbon Leader,                for Leader in Collaboration, Innovation in
                      Leader in Collaboration, and Impact in                 Project Management, Innovative Operator, and
                      Transport categories.                                  Low Carbon Leader.

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