SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement

Page created by Daryl Robles
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
December 17, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         1

                                                                    Volume 29, Number 25 December 17, 2020 Delivered to every home between Edgewood, Kaslo & South Slocan. Published bi-weekly.
                                                                    Your independently owned regional community newspaper serving the Arrow Lakes, Slocan & North Kootenay Lake Valleys.

SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
by John Boivin, Local Journalism                       “I’ve had a really amazing career                                         Most recently she guided the district            enrolment is increasing – so we’re in a        career as an educator.
Initiative reporter                               here, where I feel I have been able                                            through the COVID-19 pandemic,                   really good place,” she says. “The hard             “I’m really excited about the future,
     After nearly four decades helping            to contribute what I can to make a                                             shepherding the set-up of remote                 work of everyone in this entire community      not only for the district but for some of the
students in the Arrow Lakes area learn,           difference to kids and the community,                                          learning and other alternative teaching          of learning has got us in a place where it’s   opportunities that are coming my way,”
Terry Taylor is calling it quits.                 which has always been my foremost                                              arrangements for the region’s roughly            okay for me to step away now.”                 she said. “There’s still seven months of
     The School District 10                       driving mission and desire.”                                                   520 students. She also spearheaded the                Still, she says she’s now coming to       work to do to make the district the best it
superintendent announced her retirement                She says there was no specific event                                      successful campaigns to get the Province         terms with her decision.                       can be, and I remain committed to that to
at the board of education meeting on              or decision that made her pull the plug                                        and the Columbia Basin Trust to fund                  “I have never been actually ready to      the very last day.
December 8. Her last day of work will             – just a feeling the work was becoming                                         child care centres at Lucerne School in          retire before this moment,” she says. “I            “It’s also exciting to think about
be July 31, 2021.                                 too much.                                                                      New Denver and at Nakusp Elementary              never really planned it. I kind of knew        having another chapter in my life.”
     “It has been the most incredible                  “The job is an incredibly rewarding                                       School. The New Denver project is                it was going to be in the next few years.           Taylor will be supporting the board in
learning journey and privilege to work            position, but it’s also a position that                                        completed, and the Nakusp project                It just kind of came together, a couple of     its hunt for her replacement in the coming
alongside such inspiring students, teacher        involves long hours. My slow days might                                        should be completed by 2022.                     opportunities presented themselves for         months.
and support staff colleagues, district            be a 12-hour day; 18-hour days are not                                              She says she feels she’s leaving the        the next piece in my life, so I just kind of        She has been superintendent/
leadership teams, the board of education,         uncommon,” she said, adding that her                                           district in good form.                           thought ‘this is the right time.’”             secretary-treasurer of SD 10 since July
parents and community members in the              friends and family are looking forward to                                           “We have amazing teams in the                    But just because she’s leaving the        2013, and has been working for the school
most amazing little school district ever!”        seeing more of her. “So it’s about being                                       district; we have fantastic teachers;            district doesn’t means she’s ending her        district since 1983.
she said at the meeting.                          able to have weekends. To have a more
                                                                                                PHOTO CREDIT: BARBARA CURRY MULCAHY

     The news came as a surprise to many          balanced kind of life. That’s tempting at
people, as Taylor has been a mainstay             this stage in my life.”
in the organization since the 1980s. But               Taylor has served as teacher,
speaking with the Valley Voice a few              counsellor, principal, district principal,
days later, Taylor said she just felt it was      and superintendent/ secretary-treasurer
time to go.                                       of the district in her decades of service.

                                                                                                                                      Santa made an appearance in Slocan and Brandon on December 6! The Slocan Fire Department was only too happy to chauffeur him around
    SD 10 Arrow Lakes superintendent Terry Taylor will retire at the end of this school year.                                                                                        and help spread some holiday cheer.
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
2                                                                                           NEWS                                                                        The Valley Voice December 17, 2020

Zincton proponent reaches out to Kaslo council
by John Boivin, Local Journalism          speaking as a local person trying to   except becoming increasingly               recently released its report on public    close to 90 years before cleanup was
Initiative reporter                       create economic and recreational       commercialized,” he said. “Our             feedback to the preliminary proposal,     ever considered.”
    The developer behind the Zincton      opportunities for the area and its     philosophy is to try to turn to a much     made last spring. It received more             Even after mining closed, the
ski resort proposal between New           youth.                                 quieter, much more rural and much          than 3,000 comments from the public       site that will contain the main village
Denver and Kaslo met with Kaslo               His message throughout the         less urban experience, and try to step     (see story elsewhere in this issue). In   operated as a sawing station for
Village council last week to talk about   15-minute presentation at the          away from the impact, congestion,          his presentation, Harley addressed        local loggers. And he also noted that
the project.                              December 8 council meeting was         exclusion and carbon that comes with       some of the concerns raised in that       logging continues near the property,
    David Harley said he was making       consistent: Zincton will not be a      intensive development.”                    report, including environmental           and would “impact this area far more
a ‘good neighbour’ visit to talk about    business-as-usual ski resort.               Instead, Harley says, Zincton         impact, safety, and freedom of access.    than backcountry skiers ever could.”
Zincton, now in the earliest stages           “The ski industry is an old        is from its bones built with the               Besides green power generation,            Instead, the resort plans to actually
of the approval process. He said          industry, from the 1950s and 1960s,    environment in mind. “The Zincton          he noted that sewage waste was going      keep people away from what remains
his visit was informal, and he was        and it hasn’t changed very much        village footprint is about 70 acres –      to be treated in high tech “modular       of the best wildlife habitat in the area.
                                                                                 1/5 the size of New Denver, 1/10 the       bio-reactors,” claiming Zincton will           “Our summer exclusion
 Sending you all warm wishes of health                                           size of Kaslo,” he said. “It’s tiny, and   have “vastly lower waste impact than      zone removes all Zincton-related
                                                                                 the brand new infrastructure means all     anywhere in BC.”                          commercial activity from huckleberry
 and happiness through the holidays                                              impacts will be exceptionally low.”            For those concerned about             montane zones, alpine meadows, and
 and into the New Year!                                                               In terms of energy use, Harley        humans impacting the ecosystem with       the wildlife corridors area,” he said.
                                Thanks for all your support.                     told council Zincton will be ‘climate      their presence, he noted that Zincton     “Our bike trails will be low-elevation
                                                                                 neutral.’ He noted they have access        was, unlike the doomed Jumbo              rail trail or wagon road links to the
                Closed Dec 25 & 26 and Jan 1                                     to ‘green energy’ in the form of the       project to the east, hardly untouched     villages and surrounding valleys.”
                                                                                 run-of-river hydro plant in Sandon,        wilderness.                                    As for economic impact, he

    Rutabaga’s Whole Foods
                                                                                 and they plan to install solar panels          “Much of this tenure near             reiterated the resort would create
                                                                                 on some buildings.                         Retallack is best described as an         up to 150 jobs for locals during
                                                                                      “Zincton will be powered by           “unremediated mining district” with       construction and many high-paying
                Main Street, New Denver                                          sunshine and gravity, climate neutral      toxic water, open mining shafts, and      ones for skilled operators after it’s
                                                                                 from opening day forward,” he said.        lead/ arsenic contamination,” his         built. Other low-paying jobs would
                                                                                      The provincial government             presentation said. “It was mined for      provide entry-level experience for
                                                                                                                             Thank You!                                    “Roughly half the on-hill jobs
                                                                                                                                                                      will be high-value jobs including
                                                                                                                                to all my customers for               marketing, mountain safety and guides,
                                                                                                                                  another great season.               product design, millwright, heavy
                                                                                                                                                                      equipment operators, maintenance,”
                                                                                                                                                                      he said in the presentation.
                                                                                                                                         Wishing you and                   As for people concerned
                                                                                                                                                                      about losing access to the popular
                                                                                                                                   your families a Merry              backcountry areas that are now free
                                                                                                                               Christmas and a Happy,                 to use, Harley said Zincton will
                                                                                                                                                                      allow local walk-in users in the area
                                                                                                                                       Healthy New Year!              to continue to access the backcountry
                                                                                                                                                                      zone for free. He noted they have even
                                                                                                                                                                      offered ski passes for frequent users.
                                                                                                                                      Your local support                   He countered concerns about
                                                                                                                                           keeps me here!             increased safety pressures on local
                                                                                                                                                                      emergency crews and health facilities.
                                                                                                                                                                           “Zincton will initiate safety
                                                                                                                                          Rob, Charlotte              huts and heli-evac pads, avalanche
                                                                                                                                                                      mitigation, and safety protocols,”
                                                                                                                                                & Drew                his presentation noted. “This area
                                                                                                                                                                      will become a much safer place to
                                                                                                                                                                      backcountry than it ever was before.”
                                                                                                                                                                           Ultimately, it’s about the skiing,
                                                                                                                                                                      and Harley pointed out locals who
                                                                                                                                                                      love the slopes will benefit greatly
                                                                                                                                                                      from Zincton’s presence.
                                                                                                                                                                           “We want to provide opportunities
                                                                                                                                                                      for young local families to enjoy a
                                                                                                                                                                      lifetime of skiing without the four-
                                                                                                                                                                      hour return drive in the dark on winter
                                                                                                                                                                      roads to other regional ski areas,” he
                                                                                                                                                                      told council.
                                                                                                                                                                           “It’s a deliberate attempt to be
                                                                                                                                                                      a departure from the status quo,
                                                                                                                                                                      and it’s something we hope West
                                                                                                                                                                      Kootenayites can be proud of.”
                                                                                                                                                                           Harley didn’t ask council for
                                                                                                                                                                      a letter of support for the project –
                                                                                                                                                                      something the Village declined to
                                                                                                                                                                      do last spring when the project was
                                                                                                                                                                      first unveiled. Council received his
                                                                                                                                                                      materials for information.

                                                                                                                                                                                             May you have peace
                                                                                                                                                                                                      in your heart
                                                                                                                                                                                              this holiday season!
                                                                                                                                                                                                  - Chris and Brian
                                                                                                                                                                      Karibu Park Cottages & Campground, Winlaw
                                                                                                                                                               • 1-888-452-7428
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
December 17, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                      NEWS                                                                                                          3

Feedback shows wide range of concerns about Zincton ski resort proposal
by John Boivin, Local Journalism           non-motorized recreational activities.       should be a part of the planning and       communities and stakeholders to             the peak of Whitewater, with terrain of
Initiative reporter                             Some people were in favour of           permitting process and considered in       understand their interests and how          varying difficulty. The area gets up to
     A proposal to build a ski resort in   more accessibility to the area, noting       decision making,” MRB says in the          they may be impacted by this proposal.      60 feet of snow in winter.
the backcountry between New Denver         that the lift access proposed at Zincton     report.                                        The proponents say they hope                 The project would produce more
and Kaslo has generated more than          would allow more people to enjoy             Next steps                                 to have the project started by 2022,        than 200 local jobs and a $20 million
3,000 comments from the public, a new      backcountry recreation.                           The final decision on Zincton may     building the ski village and associated     annual payroll in the region, according
government report says.                         However, the MRB says “many”            not come for quite some time. MRB          structures over the following eight         to the EOI. Resort users would take a
     The provincial government’s           respondents expressed concern with           will now determine the feasibility of      years.                                      gondola to a mountain village designed
Mountain Resorts Branch (MRB)              the possibility of “losing” access           the project based on all comments          Project summary                             to be walkable and eco-friendly. The
has released its ‘What We Heard’           to land that is currently regarded as        received and through the identification         Built on a bench with 12,000           village will have private cabins, B&Bs
document, summarizing the comments,        an area with easy and free public            of any land use conflicts.                 acres of skiable area, the project is       and bunkhouses – but no hotels or
concerns, questions and suggestions        access to backcountry recreation                  If the Expression of Interest is      bigger than Whistler and Blackcomb          condos. It won’t have a day lodge, but
received on the Zincton Ski Resort         (skiing, mountain biking, hiking,            found to be feasible, the proponent will   combined, the company’s Expression          rather a developed commercial area
project, first announced last spring.      snowmobiling); specifically, for             be invited to submit a formal proposal.    of Interest (EOI) says. It notes a 7,000-   with restaurants, bars, spas, general
     The comments were made during         London and Whitewater Ridge.                 If accepted, the ministry would initiate   foot difference from the parking lot to     store, and other resort-related business.
the month-long public feedback period      Impacts on local                             a more intensive and detailed review
on the ski resort project, and compiled    community and economy                        and planning process.
by the Zincton Project Review Team in
the MRB, a department of the Ministry
                                                The report says MRB heard from
                                           some people that the area and region
                                                                                             MRB says it will continue to
                                                                                        engage with Indigenous peoples,                                                                    Merry
of Forests, Lands, Natural Resource
Operations and Rural Development.
                                           is going through a period of economic
                                                                                          The Valley Voice
                                           and social transition which will see the
     “The input received will ensure       tourism sector play a much larger role
                                                                                           is on holiday.
that all values and expressed interests    in diversifying the region’s economy.                                                                                                             from all of us
are considered in project planning,             Some people felt the Zincton
process review steps and decision-         project could play a beneficial role in                                                                                                         in Three Forks
making,” says a summary from the           this transition, bringing employment            Our next edition comes
MRB.                                       opportunities, new businesses, and                 out January 14
     The department says it received       more visitors to the region.
3,392 letters, emails, and phone calls          However, others felt that only a
during the comment period last May-        few people would benefit financially
                                                                                          Deadline for submissions
June.                                      from the project, while the general                  is January 8
     The comments are wide ranging,        public would get low-wage jobs, and
covering issues such as economic           have to put up with greater strains on            The office will reopen
development, wildlife, water, public       resources.
access to lands, and the dangers
                                                                                                  January 4
                                                “The proposed development will
presented by abandoned mines in the        put additional pressure on already
area.                                      scarce resources and services (e.g. it
     The MRB does not indicate how         will create housing crisis, grocery and
many letters received were for, against,   gas shortages due to influx of visitors),”
or neutral on the project.                 was one comment.
     Some respondents said they regard          Commenters also raised issues
the proposal as balanced, and feel         like the probable increase of human-
the project takes into consideration       wildlife encounters, an increase in
sustainability of the area and             traffic accidents, more work for search
environment while providing the                                                                                                     122 SILVER ST | THREE FORKS | 250.358.2121 |
                                           and rescue and other emergency
opportunity to enhance or improve          services, and protection of drinking
social and economic conditions locally
and in the region.
     However, the MRB said others felt
                                           More study called for                              On behalf of the Board of Directors
                                               The MRB says people wanted
that the “proposed project development
area is too large,” “will result in
                                           environmental concerns addressed
                                           through an environmental assessment,
                                                                                            and all Staff at Arrow and Slocan Lakes
environmental degradation” and asked
questions on the need for the project
and market saturation. “The area should
                                           detailed species surveys, and a wildlife
                                           management plan.                                 Community Services, we would like to
                                               There were also a wide variety of
be left for locals and free of motorized
public access to backcountry,” says one
                                           safety concerns, including the area’s
                                           frequent avalanches, abandoned mine
                                                                                            wish you a very Merry Christmas and a
of the comments in the report.
Public access concerns
                                           shafts, and increased possibility of
                                           human-caused wildfires.                                     Happy New Year!!
    MRB notes in the report that               “We also heard, due to heightened
the area surrounding Highway 31A           tourism sector interests expressed             We would also like to thank those folks who supported us
between New Denver and Kaslo has           through multiple applications for land         throughout this past year. Your love and kindness will never be
been experiencing steady growth in         use in the Highway 31A corridor, that
public and commercial, motorized and       cumulative effects/ land use planning          forgotten. Thank you for teaching us the true meaning of Christmas!
                                                                                          Holiday Schedule:
                                                                                          ASLCS Main Office and the WorkBC office will be open regular
                                                                                          hours Wed. Dec 23rd , and closed Thurs, Dec 24th and Fri, Dec
                                                                                          25th ; re-opening with regular hours Mon, Dec 28th • Also, both
                                                                                          offices will be closed Fri, Jan 01/21.
  Merry Christmas! We wish you
  a Happy, Healthy New Year                                                               Christmas Hampers:
                                                                                          Can be picked up from the Nakusp Arena on Friday, December 18th
  From all of us at Kaslo & New Denver                                                    between 10 am and 12 noon. Christmas Hampers will be delivered
          Community Pharmacy                                                              to the Burton, Fauquier and Edgewood areas by request.
 We close at 3 pm on Christmas Eve and on New Year’s Eve both locations
        We are closed Christmas day and Boxing Day both locations
                We are closed New Year’s Day both locations                                   HAPPY HOLIDAYS
                   We are open regular hours all other times
 403 Front Street, Kaslo: 250-353-2224 • 309 6th Ave, New Denver: 250-359-2500                   TO ALL!!
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
4                                                                                  NEWS                                                                       The Valley Voice December 17, 2020

                                                                        20 good things that happened in 2020
                                                                        by John Boivin, Local Journalism           Library is getting its own home, after   4. Village green
                                                                        Initiative reporter                        a century of operations in borrowed          The West Kootenay took a few
                                                                             Yes, there was a global pandemic      space. This fall the library’s board     steps down the path to making a
                                                                        and sadly, many people got sick and        announced it was working towards         greener human world in 2020.
                                                                        many people died. And yes, it caused       a new $3 million library downtown,           A plan to cut fossil fuel use in
                                                                        an economic and social shutdown,           with the help of a big grant from the    the West Kootenay to zero by 2050
                                                                        the ramifications of which we’re just      Columbia Basin Trust.                    was signed, sealed and delivered this
                                                                        beginning to understand.                       The news came on the eve of the      year. It’s the first of its kind in Canada
                                                                             But even in the darkest of times,     library’s 100th birthday. The new        – a renewable energy transition
                                                                        there’s light.                             library building will be on the corner   plan that includes a regional district
                                                                             And that’s true here in the Slocan/   of 5th Avenue and Front Street,          and small towns, cities, villages
                                                                        Arrow/ Kootenay Lakes region. Here         across from Front Street Park.           and rural communities. The West
                                                                        at the Valley Voice, we’ve gone                The site purchase was made           Kootenay EcoSociety spearheaded
                                                                        through our files and have asked you       possible with a grant from the           the effort, which saw nine villages
                                                                        for ideas, and collected 20 of the best    Columbia Basin Trust. If a federal       and local governments agree to
                                                                        things – big and small – that made         funding application is successful,       explore how the three-decade-long
                                                                        2020 at least a little brighter.           two-thirds of the building costs will    effort might work. Kaslo became
                                                                             So, between the meth alligators,      be covered. The Village has set up       the first community to adopt the plan
                                                                        toilet paper shortages and murder          a reserve fund for donations from        in December. More are expected to
                                                                        hornets, here’s some good news that        community members and can issue          follow.
                                                                        might have gotten lost in the general      tax receipts.                                Our regional government was
                                                                        uproar that was 2020.                      3. New future for Slocan                 also recognized for its work to
                                                                             And here’s wishing you a much             When Springer Creek Forest           reduce its impact on the environment.
                                                                        happier 2021.                              Products in Slocan closed down in        The Regional District of Central
                                                                        1. The Rx for better                       2013, it left behind an environmental    Kootenay was selected as a winner
                                                                        emergency services                         mess, a damaging economic wound          of a 2020 Sustainable Communities
                                                                            After more than a year and             and an empty 8-hectare lot in the        Award for the Accelerate Kootenays
                                  We would like to say thank            nearly $2.1 million in upgrades,           middle of town. But that’s all going     project. The Accelerate Kootenays
                                  you to all of our customers           the ribbon was cut on the new              to change.                               project was the first community-
                                                                        emergency room in Nakusp’s Arrow               The Village took a dramatic step     driven project in Canada to build
                                   for your support this first          Lakes Hospital. The ER area has            in September, buying the 20-acre         a clean transportation network by
                                   year in our new business.            more space for doctors and nurses          property outright for $1.5 million.      installing public EV charging stations
                                                                        to do their work – new exam bays,          It was a huge step, but only the first   throughout the region.
                                         We wish you all the            a triage area, and a multipurpose          one in what will be a massive effort     5. Public housing makes
                                    best and look forward to            room. The $2.1-million project was         to remediate the land and develop        a comeback
                                                                        funded by the Ministry of Health,          plans for it. What happens to the            For decades, senior levels of
                                   working with you again in            regional hospital district, and the        property will unfold over the coming     government ignored the looming
                                                the new year.           hospital auxiliary.                        years. The first step is community       housing crisis, as more and more
                                                                        2. Birthday gift for                       consultation. But citizens will likely   Canadians found it harder to keep
                                                                        bookworms                                  look back at 2020 as the year when       a roof over their heads. That finally
                                                                            The Kaslo and District Public          the town’s fortunes changed.             changed this year, with projects
                                                                                                                                                            to provide affordable housing
                                                                                       Thank you for your support!                                          getting underway or finding funding
                                                                                                                                                            from more favourable federal and
                                                                                                               Joyeux Noël                                  provincial funding agencies.
                                                                                                                                                                In Nakusp, two major housing
                                                                                                                    &                                       projects were constructed. The
                                                                                                                                                            Arrow and Slocan Lakes Community
                                                                                                               Bonne Année                                  Services Society built ‘Arrow
                                                                                                                  2021                                      Heights,’ as the 10-unit project came
                                                                                                                                                            to be known, while the Arrowtarians
                            Nakusp Water Worx                            By appointment only • 203 Fifth Avenue NW, Nakusp                                  built a three-storey, 19-unit senior’s
                            250-916-WORX (9679)                                                          250-265-8888                                       housing complex.
                                                                                                                      In Slocan, the Canada Mortgage
                                                                                                                                                            and Housing Corporation provided
                                                                                                                                                            funding for the Village to begin
                                                                                                                                                            planning an affordable, 6- to 10-unit
                                                                                                                                                            housing project.
                                                                                                                                                                In New Denver, the local housing
                                                                            Best Wishes
       Wishes you the Best of the
                                                                                                                                                            society has had preliminary plans
                                                                                                                                                            done for a 10-unit building and is
                                                                            for a Wonderful                                                                 preparing an application for BC

           Holiday Season                                                   Holiday and a                                                                   Housing funding as we speak.
                                                                                                                                                                Progress is being made in Kaslo,
                                                                            very Happy New                                                                  too. The Kaslo Housing Society has
                                                                                                                                                            received the go-ahead and land from
    Our offices will be closed December 25 - 26 and January 1
                                                                            Year!                                                                           the Village for an 8- to 10-studio
                                                                                                                                                            apartment block on A Avenue. Their
                                                                                                                                                            proposal goes to funders in January.
            Traditional Service In person and Online
                                                                                                                                                            6. Welcome the Koots
                                                                                                                                                                 Walking trails in the Koots got
                                                                            Ken & Darcy Wanstall                                                            a little more whimsical this year. A
                                   Slocan Valley Branch:                    Pacific Inland Pole &                                                           trio of artists from the Argenta area,
                                              3014 Hwy 6, Slocan Park       Piling Co. 2004 Ltd.                                                            the Koots Artist Collective, have
                                                                                                                                                            spent the last few years creating
                                                                                                                                                            ‘Koots,’ oversized forest ‘elementals’
                                                                                                                                                            – creatures that peer out of holes in
                                                                                                                                                            the ground, knots in wood, or hide
                                                                                                                                                            among groves of trees. Two big
     Locally-made leather belts
                                                                                                                                                            installations in 2020 included a series
                                                                                                                                                            on the Kaslo River Trail, and along
                                                                                                                                                                              continued on page 5
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
December 17, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                       NEWS                                             5

20 good things that happened in 2020
continued from page 4                     promise to solve it for another. In             11. Ninja Fairies
the Slocan Valley Rail Trail near         New Denver, the Goat Mountain                       Here’s one of those small stories
Slocan. The artists’ goal is to create    Kids Child Care Centre opened at                that made us smile in 2020.
a world-class outdoor sculpture           the end of November. It will provide                Worried about the impact of
circuit in the Kootenays. Their work      16 full-time spaces for 0- to 5-year            pandemic-mandated isolation on
is getting recognized, too; they won      olds, and 24 additional childcare               her neighbours during the height
the People’s Choice Award for their       spaces for its before- and after-school         of the spring lockdown, a Nakusp
installation ‘Steppin’ Out’ at the 2020   program. In Nakusp, a project to                woman started a kind of Secret Santa
Castlegar Sculpturewalk.                  build a $3-million, 95-space day and            campaign to bring some joy to the
7. Caribou maternity                      after-and-before school program was             village.
ward                                      approved in September. It should be                 “It’s basically somebody
    People worried about the future of    open in May 2022.                                              continued on page 6
the tiny, endangered Selkirk caribou
herd were given a chance to help save     Smokey Creek Salvage
the herd this year. The Arrow Lakes              24 HR TOWING
Caribou Society’s Caribou Maternity
                                             New & Used Auto Parts, Back Hoe Work,
Pen Project was given the go-ahead         Certified Welding & Repairs, Vehicle Removal
in September. About a dozen females        Closed Dec 18 - Jan 5
will be captured and housed in the         Still available for Snow Plowing and Towing

pen in the new year, being built on a      WE BUY CARS &
bench above the Nakusp Hot Springs.
The cows and calves will be cared          359-7815
for and monitored over the spring
by one or two shepherds under the          3453 YEATMAN RD,
direction of vets, and released back       SOUTH SLOCAN
into their natural habitat in July. The
society will work with biologists,
researchers, Indigenous groups and
others to try to improve the animals’
survival and reproduction rates.
8. Future for Winlaw
     Parents in Winlaw shed tears
when the board voted in favour of
the installation of a modular building
on the community’s school property
to house the kindergarten students,
provide space for services such as
speech pathology, and, in time, for
before- and after-school childcare.
There had been talk of reconfiguring
Winlaw down to a K-3 or K-4
school to deal with its ongoing desk
crunch. Stay tuned for news about the
installation in the new year.
9. Paperback writers
(and hardcover too)
     Here are some locals
who published books this year:
Frantisek Strouhal and Chantal
Robert co-wrote Illuminations: Art
Embracing Awareness, Streams of
Consciousness. Dana Rothkop wrote
his first novel, A Village Between, a
work of fiction with elements drawn
from life. Shelley Rollier wrote
Follow Your Heart, a collection of
personal reflection and inspiring
                                                                                                                           Happy Holidays and
thoughts. Revelstoke author Laura
Stovel released Swift River, a history
                                                                                                                       Season’s Greetings from the
of the Columbia River and its people.
Tom Wayman released a new book
of poems, Watching a Man Break a
                                                                                                                        DeVito Family and Team.
Dog’s Back: Poems for a Dark Time.
Elizabeth von Ah released her first
                                                                                                                       Thank you for your support
book, The Park of Gods, a natural
and social examination of Valhalla
Provincial Park. Peter J. Smith
                                                                                                                                 in 2020.
released an encyclopedic Silver Rush:
British Columbia’s Silvery Slocan
1891-1900. Art Joyce published
his eighth book, Dead Crow & the
Spirit Engine, a hybrid of lyric and
epic poetry to tell an apocalyptic
yet deeply personal story. Lucia
Mann’s seventh work, The Little                                                                                                     Holiday Hours
Breadwinner, was published.                                                                                                         Dec 24th 10-2PM
10. Daycare for New
Denver and Nakusp
                                                                                                                                    Closed Dec 25-27
schools                                                                                                                           New Years Eve 9-5PM
   2020 saw an easing of the daycare
crunch in one community and the                                                                                                   Closed New Years Day.
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
6                                                                                           NEWS                                                                     The Valley Voice December 17, 2020

20 good things that happened in 2020
continued from page 5                        Some well-timed renovations        didn’t cost taxpayers a thing – the         sprinkler and fire alarm systems,      13. Locals honoured
who leaves a surprise gift,” says        brought several communities pride      $290,000 project was paid for by            the installation of a new cedar            Several West Kootenay residents
Koda O’Hara of the Ninja Fairies         this year.                             the community-owned NACFOR                  ceiling, upgrades to the heating       were recognized this year for their
movement. Nearly 120 people signed           In Nakusp, the main street         Legacy Fund, the CBT and federal            system and electrical fixtures,        community work locally, regionally,
up to give or receive small gifts from   revitalization project replaced        gas tax funds.                              the resurfacing of the concrete        and beyond.
one another, to show they still care     sidewalks, created seating space,          Also in Nakusp, Mayor Tom               stairs and wall, the installation of       Two Nakusp residents received
about their friends and neighbours       improved accessibility and lighting.   Zeleznik began working on                   Wi-Fi, and the completion of the       honours for their years of caring
during the pandemic.                     The work was finished in late          saving the marina breakwater                restoration and painting of the        for their community. Janis Dahlen
12. Community                            October. The work came in on           – and succeeded. Using some                 exterior of the building. More than    received the Lifetime Achievement
revitalization                           time, on budget, and best of all,      well-timed grants and community             a quarter million dollars was spent    Award for her years of service to
                                                                                reserves, he managed to secure the          on the necessary upgrades.             the community as a foster parent,
                                                                                $320,000 needed for the project.                Residents of Winlaw have a         Village councillor and RDCK rep.
                                                                                The marina’s restoration means one          brand-spanking new boardwalk           Ernie Knecht was the Citizen of
                                                                                of the community’s most important           system along the Slocan River,         the Year, in recognition of his work
                                                                                tourism assets is protected for at          thanks to an $800,000 project          with the Nakusp Secondary School’s
                                                                                least 20 years, quite possibly longer.      to replace and restore the aging       scholarship committee, the Arrow
                                                                                    2020 also saw St. Andrew’s              infrastructure. The Kootenay           Lakes ATV Club, the Arrow Lakes
                                                                                United Church in Kaslo initiate             Adaptive Sport Association oversaw     Caribou Society and more. These
                                                                                an ambitious and much-needed                the project, which provided about      awards are sponsored by the Nakusp
                                                                                restoration project. The goal was           10 jobs and training for a dozen       Rotary Club.
                                                                                to bring the grand, century-old             local workers over the summer.             Carol Koenig was named Kaslo’s
                                                                                building up to modern fire and                  And the first phase of a           2020 Citizen of the Year. When
                                                                                safety standards.                           waterfront project to transform        presenting Koenig with the award,
                                                                                    In November, the church                 Slocan’s breakwater and former         Mayor Suzan Hewat noted her many
                                                                                celebrated the installation of              beach parking lot was completed        years of contribution to seniors’
                                                                                                                            in May.                                groups, the Legion, Red Cross, the
                                                                                  MOUNTAIN GOAT MATING                          “I’m overjoyed with the            hospital auxiliary thrift shop, and
                                                                                  ’Tis the season of mountain goat          outcome of this project,” said         many other community organizations
                                                                                  mating (late Nov./early Dec.), when       Mayor Jessica Lunn, “and filled        and activities.
                                                                                  billies and nannies do the dance          with joy to see the community              Slocan Valley artists Barbara
                                                                                  of pre-mating behaviours: ritual lip      able to enjoy and take pride in this
                                                                                  curling, nuzzling, low stretches and                                             Brown and Frantisek Strouhal were
                                                                                  kicks. Come late May or early June,
                                                                                                                            beautiful public space.”               juried into the Healing Power of Arts
                                                                                  nannies retreat to isolated, steep            The project cost a little over     and Artists (HPAA) exhibition from
                                                                                  ledges to give birth to a single 3-kg     $400,000, with support from the        Manhattan Arts International and
                                                                                  kid (rarely twins). Within a few hours,   Columbia Basin Trust.                  received Awards of Excellence.
                                                                                  kids start to climb.                          Knox Hall and the Silvery              Kyle Kusch of Nakusp won
                                                                                                                            Slocan Museum building in New          a $500 Lieutenant Governor’s
                                                                                                                            Denver saw substantial renovations,    Historical Writing Award in the
                                                                                                                            as did Silverton Memorial Hall.                        continued on page 7
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
December 17, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                         COMMUNITY                                                                                                                            7
20 good things that happened in 2020
continued from page 6                       individuals but we know that           spring.                              reported revenues greater than      launch; Viva Cacao! based                   local businesses, including those
Community History category                  level of support probably can’t             Skateboarders in Slocan         expected when the pandemic’s        in Lemon Creek rebranded                    online. Use it or lose it,” adds
for Our Coloured Past: The                  be sustained.”                         also got some good news this         spring wave passed and              and expanded online; Tim                    LeBlanc. “Tourism-related
Arrow Lakes in the Age of                   15. Blowing the                        year when Village council            restrictions eased.                 Garton launched Timewarp Tie                businesses and performing
Colour Photography.                         whistle                                supported the WE Graham                   “We initially thought          Dye online; Morgen Bardati’s                artists were probably hit hardest,
    And Kaslo’s Dr. Don Hunt                     Another human story that          Community Service Society’s          tourism would be decimated, but     Handmade Heart online market                while hardware, farm and, I
was selected as one of six                  reminded us the world was good         application to build an extension    it came on strong, even without     launched in December to help                hear, alcohol sales were up.
recipients of the 2020 provincial           was when a piece of Nakusp’s           to the park and pledged a            Jazz Fest, and that really helped   local artisans market their work.                “But the best thing about
Public Safety Lifeline volunteer            history came out of hiding             contribution of $2,800.              local businesses until recently,”       “I can’t stress enough the              2020,” says Leblanc, “is that it’s
awards. “I was just amazed and              this fall. The son of an old-               And residents of the            says Kaslo CAO Ian Dunlop.          notion that we need to support              almost over.”
shocked,” says Hunt. “It was                time memorabilia collector             south Slocan Valley began a               That’s good news for local
very nice to be recognized.”                returned the whistle from the          consultation process on what to      taxpayers, as these facilities
The awards, which are granted                                                      do with the large Campbell Field     generate income for local                                                       Christmas
                                            SS Bonnington, a paddlewheeler
annually, recognize people                  that plied the Arrow Lakes in the      at the junction that was donated     governments to fund their                                                       shopping?
who have made “exceptional                  first half of the last century, to     to the RDCK.                         operations.                                                                     Check out our
contributions to emergency                  the local Rail Society.                18. Tires to Trees                   20. Brave new                                                                   many gift ideas!!
and disaster response” in the                    “My dad was a picker                  A stretch of the Slocan          entrepreneurs
province.                                                                                                                                                        Animal feed for                          • Fence posts
                                            before there were pickers,” says       River got a little cleaner this           Even in the midst of a             chickens, horses,                        • Corral panels
14. Municipal                               Shawn Pollard, the collector’s         summer. The Slocan River             pandemic, some Slocan Valley                                                         • Fencing
                                                                                                                                                                pigs, sheep, dogs,
finances fixed                              son. “He was one of those guys,        Streamkeepers completed a            residents took the leap to start           cats & more
     It was a rollercoaster year            if he’d see an old shed he’d go        massive cleanup along the banks      or expand their businesses.
for the people who manage                   in and see what was in there.”         of the old river with the help       Faced with social distancing,            Flannel mens &
the finances of the villages and                 The whistle was found             of Wildsight’s Youth Climate         cancelled markets, and other          Ladies shirts starting
towns of the West Kootenay.                 in Galena Bay a half-century           Corps. A large pile of tires left    COVID-related restrictions,             at $39.99-$69.99                                 Straw bales
Local governments, although                 ago, and remained in the man’s         near the river by a previous         many went online to sell their           Mens reflective                                     $13.00
feeling the crunch caused by                collection for the rest of his life.   landowner was finally disposed       wares globally.                       safety jackets $99.99
COVID, froze taxes or kept                  But as the end drew near, he           of, and trees were planted in             “The year 2020 was
them low for their residents.               asked his son to bring it back         their place.                         challenging in many ways,
                                                                                                                                                                               Peat Moss - $19.99
     “We adjusted the budget                                                           The landowner passed away                                               Kuradori Christmas sale now on
                                            home, to Nakusp. “It was one of                                             and local businesses certainly
and council approved a                      his last wishes,” recalls Pollard.     before completing his riverbank      felt the pinch,” concedes Ron         Wishing You Happy Holidays from all
zero-net-tax change for the                 16. NACFOR                             stabilization project, leaving the   Leblanc, the Slocan’s economic                  of us @ HOME
Village portion of taxes by                 dividend                               used tires in the floodplain. For    development officer. “Many          We are limiting people to 4 customers in the store at any one time
eliminating travel, reducing                     A decision by Nakusp              years it seemed that nobody          businesses weathered the
reserve transfers, deferring                municipal leaders nearly a             would take responsibility and        storm through the support of          Fir pellets by the pallet or in 1 tonne bulk bags (no delivery of bulk pellets)
some expenses and reducing                  decade ago paid off in spades          dispose of the tires properly,       local residents and an influx        Be winter prepared: snow shovels, safety salt, sandbags, insulation, heat tapes
the revenue outlook,” says                  for the Village of Nakusp when         until the Streamkeepers              of regional visitors during the                            — Bird food & suet —
Ian Dunlop, Kaslo’s chief                   times got tough this year. In          stepped in. With funding from        summer.”                                               Face masks are mandatory
a d m i n i s t r a t i v e o ff i c e r.   November, Nakusp and Area              the RDCK, the slightly-toxic              Here are eight Slocan Valley
“Overall, revenues were                     Community Forest officials             eyesore is now rehabilitated         businesses that took a leap in                                      Open 10-4 daily, including Sunday
around $70,000 less than we                 brought a cheque for $400,000          riparian zone, with planted trees,   2020: I’m Addicted to Craft in
were planning at the beginning              to the Village council. The            shrubs and bird nesting boxes in     Slocan Village; Ice Creek Lodge      Season’s Greetings and Warm
of the year.”                                                                      their place.                         built new accommodation in
     But things were looking a
                                            Village is the sole shareholder
                                            in the corporation, and has            19. Campgrounds                      Slocan Village; a processing co-           Holiday Wishes
lot different by the year’s end.            received more than $1.5 million        boom                                 op for Slocan Valley cannabis                                        from Matt,
     Senior levels of                       in dividends from its operations            Travel restrictions over the    growers is in the works; Raven                                       Fred & Pearl
government have offered                     since 2014. The dividends are          summer could have spelled            Roast did an online product
local governments millions                  put into the NACFOR Legacy             doom for local businesses, as
for infrastructure projects,                Fund and used to benefit               the usual transborder flow of
‘shovel-ready’ as they say, that            local projects in the Village          tourists turned into a trickle.
can begin next year.                        of Nakusp, rural Nakusp and            And by June it was ugly… the
     But civic administrators               RDCK Area K.                           Village of Nakusp reported
got a little more sugar at the              17. Sports                             it was more than $100,000
end of the year – in the form                                                      behind in revenues from its
of a ‘use-as-you-will’ grant
                                                 While many sports and             Village-owned facilities. But
from the Province. Councils                                                        restrictions eased in the summer,
                                            tournaments were cancelled
can use the money to pay for                                                       and the mostly BC residents
                                            this year, it was a rebuilding
everything from plexiglas                                                          who visited the area ended
                                            year, as sports coaches like to
dividers in public spaces to                                                       up salvaging the season for
                                            say. Several communities took
training staff in case of an                                                       many communities. Nakusp’s
                                            the opportunity to improve their
outbreak.                                                                          campground had a $28,000
     And the numbers were                                                          surplus, and Slocan Village’s
                                                 In Nakusp, the Jackie
significant, at least for these                                                    Springer Creek Campground,
                                            James Memorial Park started
tiny municipalities, where a                                                       despite starting six weeks late,
                                            out as a homage to a local
1% property tax hike only                                                          ended the season $5,000 over
                                            sports hero, but over the years
raises a few thousand dollars.                                                     last year. The New Denver
                                            the diamonds had become a
New Denver is getting                                                              and Kaslo campgrounds also
                                            bit of a derelict eyesore. That
$262,000; Silverton $231,000;
                                            ended this summer when
the RDCK, $761,000, among
                                            volunteers from the Nakusp
                                            Recreation Society collected
     All that money will, if not
                                            nearly $100,000 to restore the
solve the long-term impact of
                                            ball park to its former glory.
the pandemic, at least allow
                                            With help from the Columbia
some flexibility few CAOs
                                            Basin Trust, NACFOR, and
thought they would have at
                                            other sources, the volunteers
the outset of the crisis.
                                            set to work rebuilding fences,
     “Overall, [Kaslo] fared
                                            the irrigation system, the infield,
fairly well in 2020, but the
                                            dugouts, and other parts of
long-term impact of what
                                            the old diamonds. Work went
we’re going through is yet to
                                            quickly with all the financial
be realized. Upper levels of
                                            support, and organizers hope
government were generous
                                            ‘Play Ball!’ will be shouted on
with their support to local
                                            the renovated fields by next
governments, businesses and
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
8                                                                                                   OPINION                                                                                                                   The Valley Voice December 17, 2020

Words of                                      program to promote – you lose, but you
                                              win, choose a loser – ‘CHUZALUZA’
wisdom from                                   as it’s to be known. Simply assemble a
                                              dream team of loser lawyers prepared to
local 10-year-old                             shred the rule of law, throw the FBI and
    Life is like a ball. Three quarters       the CIA (as well as the entire electoral
of the ball is red. The other quarter is      system) under the bus, get run out of
blue. You roll the ball. If you see a bit     court and call in the NRA to save the day.
of blue, it basically means that you just          Even better, Trump’s about to
got a job. When you see red, it’s not too     announce that not only is he giving it
good. Even when the worst is coming, try      a run in 2024, but he’s placing his child
and hope for the best. When something         prodigies selected from the very shallow
bad’s coming, think of it as something        end of his moronic gene pool to get onto
good coming.                                  his swim team of bottom feeders.
                      Carmie Restrick              Truly a wonder to behold, this self-
                               Winlaw         proclaimed American Genius, golfing
Kaslo cookbook                                his people through a pandemic, leading
                                              from behind.
recommended                                                                Ken Wyllie
     I’ve just read A Seasonal Plant-                                          Robson
Based Diet, Grown Locally, Sustainably
in the Kootenays, a self-published cook
                                              Response to Catherine
book by Kaslo resident Harue Kanemitsu        McGrath (Spitting
– for sale at Sunnyside Naturals in Kaslo,
and Ellison’s, Pack Rat Annie’s, and          caused heart attack?
Otter Books in Nelson, for about $20.
     According to the introduction,
                                              VV Dec. 3)
                                                  I take issue with Catherine                                                 Our Special “Fall Getaway” deal is on now until Dec 25. Stay in any of our
its purpose is: “ help the reader
                                              McGrath’s letter. Yes, studies have                                             Luxurious rooms for $159 + tax & receive a $40 voucher to use in our Pub.
select which path to take in helping the
                                              shown the effects of wearing masks, such                                                             Rooms are first call first choice.
world by eating healthy, seasonably,
                                              as headaches, and hypoxia. However,
sustainably, with a conscience, and with                                                                                             Call us today 250-353-7714 or book online
                                              they were conducted on surgeons who
                                              were wearing N95 masks for extended                                                The Pub is open 7 days a week serving food from 11:30 am - 9 pm
     Healthy ingredients, attainable
                                              periods. The studies were inconclusive
                                                                                             The Ingrid Rice cartoon is a satirical look at current events in politics and is sponsored by the Kaslo Hotel. The Hotel does not necessarily share the political views of the artist.
locally, are listed according to seasons                                                   euthanasia.” Dr. Blaylock has also been                        at what I saw: the massive industrial                                 According to a recent BBC report, as
                                              as to the actual harm the surgeons
when they are available, and the recipes                                                   promoting the chemtrail conspiracies,                          clearcuts. These terrible practices are now                     many as 129 billion face masks and 65 billion
                                              encountered. None of the studies could
by: liquids, grains, vegetables, sauces and                                                claiming that there are cancer-causing                         lauded as more selective. The truth though                      plastic gloves are used per month with many
                                              come to any conclusions claiming that
spreads, desserts and snacks.                                                              nano particles in airplane exhaust.                            is that industrial logging continues, in fact                   ending up in our oceans. Multiply that amount
                                              there were health risks. I could not
     I like the alphabetical organization                                                      I think that using Dr. Blaylock to                         is accelerating in the race to cut.                             of toxic garbage with all the months we’ve
                                              find any studies done on surgical and
of the recipes, and the author’s simple                                                    back up your belief on the health of mask                           Just because we have the abilities                         already participated in the so-called COVID
                                              cloth masks. We are not told to wear
and useful illustrations. I recommend                                                      wearing doesn’t instill any confidence                         to build roads into pristine mountainous                        battle and add in all the usage in the upcoming
                                              N95 masks, so there is no danger to
this book and plan to try recipes like                                                     in me. Let’s see some legitimate science                       country to extract the last pockets of                          months. How gross.
                                              the general public. Let’s all try and use
Rose Hip Drink, Daal and Winter Salad.                                                     and much more common sense too.                                original giant trees doesn’t mean we                                  Lockdown was a social and economic
                                              some common sense. If you go into a
                            Gail Bauman                                                                              Peter Martyn                         should. And what happens when all these                         disaster and the unnecessary closing of
                                              coffee shop, wearing a mask, you will
                                     Kaslo                                                                                   Nelson                       remaining pockets are gone and all we’re                        schools caused untold harm to single mothers
                                              be able to remove it when your beverage
Truly a wonder                                is delivered, to your socially-distanced
                                                                                           Industrial logging                                             left with are sad pathetic micro remnants                       and low-income families, not to mention the
     Who could have ever imagined             table, in 5 or 10 minutes. Where is the                                                                     such as the Sumallo Grove just west of                          harm to the children.
that ‘Donny the Dumpster Diver,’              risk?                                        continues                                                      Manning Park? Why is industrial logging                               We have weak-kneed, frightened
when successful with his MAGA myth,               McGrath quotes Dr. Russell                     The outrage continues. Week in and                       such as it is being practiced allowed to                        politicians making one bad call after another.
would be having the Republican elite          Blaylock, an American neurosurgeon,          week out, fully loaded logging trucks                          continue like this? Where is the provincial                     Our combined federal and provincial deficit
swimming in the sludge and the slime          who claims masks are a health risk.          rumble past, driving through Kaslo,                            leadership on this file? It is beyond an                        will push a half a trillion dollars this year.
in the bottom of the swamp that he’d          Wikipedia says about Blaylock: “He           from the west and from the north, in                           outrage.                                                        Our prime minister is acting like a child in a
drained.                                      claims that Obama’s health-care              the continuing race to cut down the last                                                  Harel Challmie                       candy store. With all the money we’ve wasted
     But wait, confronting his election       reforms were masterminded by extra-          pockets of old growth left in the area,                                                              Kaslo                     on fighting this so-called war, we could have
                                              governmental groups that wish to impose                                                                                                                                     had free college and free dental for children
loss, Trump now has an even greater
                                                                                           and in the province. Our extraordinary
                                                                                           temperate inland rainforest here in the                        COVID sheep                                                     well into the future.
                                                                                           Kootenay is being rapidly decimated. And                            On November 18, Bonnie Henry, BC                                 Why has Sweden kept their borders
     The Valley Voice welcomes letters to the editor and community news
                                                                                           this certainly isn’t the only area where                       provincial health officer, declared: “Ordering                  open? Why did Sweden choose not to lock
 articles from our readers.
                                                                                           rapine logging is happening in BC. Does                        universal mask use in all situations creates                    down or close schools? Why has Sweden
     Letters and articles should be no longer than 500 words and may be
 edited. We reserve the right to reject any submitted material.                            anyone care that over 90% of the original                      unnecessary challenges with enforcement                         refrained from wearing masks? Why is
     Please mark your letter “LETTER TO THE EDITOR.” Include your                          forests are gone, replaced by denuded and                      and stigmatization.” Two days later, she flip                   Sweden so intent on protecting the freedom
 address and daytime phone number for verification purposes.                               monoculture zones prone to terrible fires                      flops and mandates masks. Consequently, over                    of choice? Bonnie Henry, take note. Why have
     We will not knowingly publish any letter that is defamatory or libelous.              and bug infestation?                                           the next few days, chaos prevailed. What did                    more people died in Quebec than Sweden?
 We will not publish anonymous letters or letters signed with pseudonyms,                        I remember as a young child, the                         you expect? Interestingly, as we follow each                    Quebec mandated masks back in July and has
 except in extraordinary circumstances.                                                    first time my family and I drove through                       province, weeks after mandating masks, we                       a smaller population.
     Opinions expressed in published letters are those of the author and not               Vancouver Island on the road to Long                           see one thing in common: a skyrocketing                               I would be willing to bet a dollar to a
 necessarily those of the Valley Voice.                                                    Beach, being amazed and horrified                              infection rate.                                                 doughnut, if we had just practiced social
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          distancing of one metre, covered when
    The Valley Voice 		                                              Box 70, New Denver, BC V0G 1S0
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          coughing or sneezing and stayed home when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          not feeling well, we would be in the same boat
    Phone: 250-358-7218 Fax: 250-358-7793 E-Mail: Website:                                                                                                                  we are in now except a half a trillion dollars
                                                                                                                                                                                                                          richer... and a lot happier.
    Publisher - Dan Nicholson • Editor - Jan McMurray • Food Editor Emeritus - Andrew Rhodes • Arts & Culture Editor - Art Joyce                                                                                                COVID-19 will go down as the greatest
            Reporters - Art Joyce, Katrine Campbell, Claire Paradis, Barbara Curry Mulcahy, Moe Lyons                                                                                                                     overreaction in the history of the world.
                                                       Published and printed in British Columbia, Canada                                                                                                                        “You measure a democracy by the
        The Valley Voice is distributed throughout the Slocan and Arrow Lake Valleys from South Slocan/Playmor Junction to Edgewood and Kaslo on Kootenay Lake.                                                           freedom it gives its dissidents, not the freedom
     Circulation is 7,600 papers, providing the most complete news and advertising coverage of any single newspaper serving this area.                                                                                    it gives its assimilated conformists.” (Abbie
        SUBSCRIPTIONS: CANADA $54.60, USA $84.00, OVERSEAS $126.00. E-Mail Subscription $22.40 (Prices include GST)
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Bill White
                                 Canada Post Publications Mail Agreement #40021191                                                                                                                                                                               Passmore
SD 10 superintendent Terry Taylor announces her retirement
December 17, 2020 The Valley Voice                                                                            LETTERS                                                                                                                                9

Conroy’s challenge:                             pandemic to hit humans, and those experts
                                                who study these things have learned from       Offended by                                         was apprehensive to go home and be alone.
                                                                                                                                                   So I agreed to spend a couple of weeks in the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       on society, would prevent large numbers of
                                                                                                                                                                                                       deaths. They chose not to examine options
stand up to                                     the past as well as current science. It is a
                                                nasty respiratory virus, so right now you
                                                                                               Catherine                                           Pavilion respite bed.
                                                                                                                                                         Because of COVID, I had to be
                                                                                                                                                                                                       based on less destructive policies nor consider
                                                                                                                                                                                                       whether the harms would be greater than the
corporate control                               wearing a mask and keeping your distance       McGrath’s letter                                    quarantined in the room for 14 days. I was          benefits.
     One notes with a certain irony the         helps keep you from spreading it to me if            I am very offended by the thoughtless,        not allowed any visitors from outside or from             Instead of anticipating extensive
juxtaposition of two articles in the most       you have the virus without knowing it.         unfeeling letter of December 3 to the VV from       any of the people living in the Pavilion. The       lockdown harms, alternatives were ignored,
recent Valley Voice. On the same page           Get vaccinated when you are able as that       Catherine McGrath. She gives lip service to         room was so cold that they may as well have         resulting in the “cure being worse than
are ‘Time to return public forests to           will protect both you and me. And check        the fact that the woman in Nelson, while            booked me into the morgue. I think the service      the disease”: deaths from delayed medical
communities, says Herb Hammond’                 your sources for information – believe the     politely doing her job enforcing provincially       would have been better there. No one checked        treatment, deaths from delayed diagnosis,
above ‘Conroy appointed to ministry key         doctors, not your cousin Moe.                  mandated mask wearing in her workplace,             on me other than to bring meds and meals. I         deaths from suicide, deaths from drug
to local economy: FLNRORD.’                                               Ursula Lowrey        was verbally abused and then spit on by a           could have been dead! There was one day             overdoses and increased poverty. As of
     In the latter it states that Conroy’s                                         Nelson      belligerent customer.                               when the day shift nurse brought me meds            October 29, of BC’s 259 COVID-19 deaths,
mandate is to update and modernize forest
policy and legislation to ensure a future for   We need to learn to                                  The unwarranted verbal abuse is one
                                                                                               thing, but did you give one second to even
                                                                                                                                                   that were meant to be taken in the evening and
                                                                                                                                                   when I told her this, she argued with me and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       two occurred in the Interior Health region
                                                                                                                                                                                                       early in the pandemic. At the same time, 1,068
forest communities, Indigenous peoples,
workers (and companies). The Herb
                                                live within our means                          think about what it would feel like if someone
                                                                                               spit on you, no matter the reason, Catherine?
                                                                                                                                                   then left the room. When I asked for water to
                                                                                                                                                   take with my pills, she said she was too busy
                                                                                                                                                                                                       people died from drug overdoses. Where in
                                                                                                                                                                                                       God’s name are our priorities?
                                                      When I was a young man, I took
Hammond article lays out how forestry           up the bad habit of smoking tobacco. I         Shock would be a natural reaction because           and walked out of the room. No one offered                Nine months and counting into
company profits have been subsidized by         wasn’t an outlier; pretty much everyone I      spitting on each other is not something we do       to help me have a shower or bath during my          COVID-19 lockdown hysteria, the abrogation
the people of BC for decades (e.g. $365         knew smoked. There were no restrictions        to each other. We don’t live in a society where     six-day stay.                                       of our basic civil rights is ripping our lives
million a year for the last 10 years) while     on where you could smoke... inside,            this is an accepted recourse to use when we               I never had my bed changed or made            apart. The virus poses no danger to 90% of
thousands of jobs have been lost as these       outside, driving, flying, in your hospital     have a disagreement. That is one reason that        and no housekeeper came in except to empty          Canadians. Children and younger people are
same companies close mills, mechanize,          bed. It was seen as a human right.             I am horrified by your shallow representation       the trash on two occasions. The bathroom            at almost ZERO risk from COVID-19 with the
consolidate and export raw logs.                Gradually, things changed as people            of the situation. Another reason is that his        wasn’t cleaned. No one mopped the floor             vast majority of ‘cases’ being asymptomatic or
     The job loss created by giving control     came to realize how detrimental smoking        spit, filled with whatever viruses and bacteria     or wiped any surfaces during my entire stay.        mild while recovery is 99%. With even more
to the forestry giants has been the loss of     was, and a lot of people, including me,        he is harbouring, including potentially, the        As someone who cleaned the rooms in the             lockdowns threatened into next spring, we
45,000 jobs since 2000! As Dr. Phil would       decided to try to quit smoking. Having         coronavirus, could be as fatal a weapon as          Pavilion for many years, this is not acceptable.    must ask: What is really going on?
say: and how’s that working out for you,        quit many times and then being lured           a gun in another circumstance. This to me is              I had two good nurses who treated me                Last March, just prior to declaring a
forestry communities?                           back to the addiction, I came to realize       unconscionable.                                     with dignity and respect, but the rest of the       global pandemic, the WHO said that SARS-
     Conroy’s remit includes “create new        that every time I started up again, I would          You then introduce a subject switch           staff were invisible. A couple of times I stood     Cov-2, a respiratory virus, is primarily “age
jobs for workers in BC” and she hauls out       have to smoke just a little more to make       to make a mask the villain in this situation.       with the door ajar waiting for someone to           selective,” affecting “older people with
the tired old NDP tropes of supporting          up for lost time. Eventually, I did quit by    Your argument against masks, that they              come by so I could ask for help. My legs            chronic medical conditions such as diabetes
people, jobs, and families. Yet when in         being deathly afraid to have the first one.    deprive one of oxygen and could therefore           got too tired while I waited. For more than         and heart disease [who] appear to be more at
power, NDP governments have done                      As a human being, I am very grateful     be grounds for the heart attack which this          20 minutes, I never saw a body. I felt like         risk of developing severe symptoms.” This
anything but!                                   to COVID-19. Before this pandemic              woman went on to have, is also absurd,              a prisoner.                                         is always the group most severely affected
     How about it, Katrine Conroy?              came along, the governments had the            unfounded, and cruel. People in certain                   As a prisoner, I would have been fed          by seasonal respiratory viruses and are the
Do you have the jam to stand up to              people convinced that keeping the              fields like medicine have worn masks in the         better. I have been a diabetic for 30 years         first to die.
the corporate old boy’s club? As far as         economy steaming along was the most            line of their work for a very long time. If         with blood sugars always well controlled.                 The implications were clear: protect
achieving your mandate, as Hammond              important thing, and that we had to keep       they were dangerous for the person wearing          The food in the Pavilion is not intended for        the frail elderly, but allow those least likely
says: “It would just take a government          it growing, at all costs. No scientific        the mask, don’t you think this would have           someone with diabetes. I had to have a friend       to suffer serious harm from COVID-19 to
with a little bit of backbone to stand up       evidence, no matter how dire, was              been observed? The last people we want              bring food from home so that I didn’t starve        work, go to school, to university, engage in
to corporate control.”                          important enough to halt the harm we           to have their judgement impaired by a lack          to death. I was never offered any of the snack      select social activities. To do otherwise was
                             Lorna Visser       were imposing on the environment or            of oxygen are our surgeons and physicians           food that gets offered in the afternoon and         to invite catastrophic social and economic
                                       Hills    stop us from looking after the ‘number         who look after us. They perform among the           evening. I spent much of my time worried and        hardship on the majority while affecting the
Open letter to                                  one’ thing: the Economy.                       most delicate, skilled procedures known to
                                                                                               us that we are the grateful beneficiaries of
                                                                                                                                                   concerned about this poor diet. They couldn’t
                                                                                                                                                   even provide me with a bowl to make my own
                                                                                                                                                                                                       poor and marginalized the worst.
                                                                                                                                                                                                             By early summer, deaths dropped off;
                                                      In the year 2020, humankind’s
science deniers and                             carbon emissions went down by a                WEARING A MASK! They do this based                  breakfast, and the fridge in the room was set       the virus had made its way through society to
                                                                                               on millions of collective hours of experience       so that my food from home started to freeze.        a large extent. Tragically, the frail and elderly
conspiracy theorists                            record amount. Governments listened to
                                                scientists in regards to the pandemic, and     of mask wearing which has been proven to be         Because no one ever came into the room, I           were not protected. Many were abandoned
     Just to let you know that your so-                                                        in the best interest of all to keep us as safe as   had to fix the fridge myself.                       in gulag-style care homes, suffering grim
                                                proudly boasted that they were making
called ‘rights and freedoms’ end where                                                         possible from germs that can cause us harm.               Because of all this and the lack of care, I   deaths from abject neglect and isolation from
                                                decisions based on science. They put the
they impact my right to health and life.                                                             This man knew of the mask regulations         decided to ‘escape’ early and I will never go       loved ones.
                                                brakes on the precious economy. If they
To live as a society, we need certain rules                                                    before he even stepped into the coffee shop         back again. I have made a formal complaint to             The Justice Centre reports that as of
                                                can pay attention to scientists to protect
that everyone must follow. For instance,                                                       and he had to know that there would be              Interior Health and am still waiting for some       November 20, “…71 per cent of Canada’s
                                                human health, they can pay attention to
you do not have the freedom to drive on                                                        consequences for defying the regulation.            form of reply.                                      11,344 deaths are over the age of 80. A further
                                                scientists to protect our environment, and
the left side of the road in this country; it                                                  Going into a coffee shop isn’t a necessity, it’s          The nurses and doctors who work out of        18.4 per cent are between 70 and 79, and a
                                                now, everybody knows it.
could cause a head-on collision. You are                                                       a choice. Anyone who thinks it’s dangerous          the ER are very kind, caring people. I feel well    further 7.3 per cent are between 60 and 69
                                                      Problem is, they have now gone
not allowed to shout “Fire!” in a crowded                                                      to their health or their freedom to wear a          looked after by these professionals. They had       years of age. Only 3.3 per cent of deaths are
                                                into so much debt that they plan to go
theatre when there is no fire; people could                                                    mask should avoid situations where they are         no impact on this horrible stay.                    amongst those under 60… “which is 374
                                                into even more debt to get the economy
get injured stampeding to the exits. When                                                      required. That’s how they can defend their                                             Elsie Reder      people in a population of 37.5 million.
                                                steaming along again. Like my smoking,
you wear a mask, you are showing that you                                                      freedom and respect the freedom of others.                                            New Denver              A nightmare has unfolded precipitated
                                                the economy will have to grow to even
respect my right not to get sick.
     We live in a society built on the
                                                greater heights to make up for lost time.            Lastly, I want to thank the woman
                                                                                               employee who suffered a heart attack while
                                                                                                                                                   Flying blind                                        by willful blindness and failure to protect
                                                                                                                                                                                                       Canadians from government overreach
                                                The environment and its trusty scientists                                                                Flying Blind: Governments’ hasty
discoveries of science. If you don’t                                                           still at work following a very upsetting                                                                while unaccountable public health entities
                                                will be told to sit in the back seat again,                                                        decisions to lock down Canadians while
believe in science, then don’t go to                                                           encounter with an abusive customer, for doing                                                           issue decrees with little basis in science or
                                                and the Chamber of Commerce will                                                                   damaging public health and the economy is an
a medical doctor next time you get                                                             her part to keep us all safe. May you have a                                                            ‘evidence-based medicine,’ yet are given
                                                prevail. Governments won’t, or perhaps                                                             informative analysis of Canada’s COVID-19
sick or injured. Don’t use a computer                                                          speedy recovery and know that many besides                                                              unlimited powers such as BC’s Bill-19.
                                                can’t, do anything to change the equation                                                          response measures, recently published by the
or phone. Heck, don’t even read this                                                           me are thankful to you for your responsible                                                                   Why are we submitting to government
                                                – unless the people vote to force them to.                                                         Justice Centre for Constitutional Freedoms
paper, since the technology to create it                                                       action and wish you well.                                                                               policies that endanger our lives in ways
                                                      We need to stop exploiting our                                                               ( It is a MUST
was developed by science. For those                                                                                            Carolyn Parker                                                          grossly magnified beyond any reasonable
                                                beautiful planet and learn to live within                                                          read for all Canadians. “The risks posed
of you who slept through grade school                                                                                             New Denver                                                           risks we make choices about? At age 77,
                                                our means. No more willy-nilly flying,                                                             by COVID-19 have been overestimated
science, the ‘scientific method’ means
that conclusions may change as more
                                                no more cruise ships, no more ridiculous
                                                over production and over consumption.
                                                                                               Bad experience                                      and mischaracterized; speculation and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       I don’t fear COVID-19! But I do fear the
                                                                                                                                                                                                       impact of this madness on the children and
                                                                                                                                                   exaggerated estimates have been used to
knowledge is gained and built on by more
investigation and experiments. We take
                                                It is the only way we survive in the long      at the Pavilion                                     justify the lockdown policy that unjustifiably
                                                                                                                                                                                                       their future. “As of November 30, 2020,
                                                                                                                                                                                                       governments still lack sufficient reliable
                                                run. Most importantly, we need to find a            While I was in the ER in August this year,     infringe the Charter rights and freedoms of
advice from experts because we don’t have                                                                                                                                                              information to justify ongoing violations of the
                                                way to humanely reduce our population,         my doctor and the home care nurse suggested         all Canadians.”
the time or education to figure everything                                                                                                                                                             Charter rights and freedoms of Canadians.”
                                                before Mother Nature does it for us.           that I should stay in the Pavilion for a few              Based on speculation and fatally flawed
out on our own. This terrible disease they                                                                                                                                                                                                  Edda West
                                                                              Rod Retzlaff     days. Before going into the ER, I had a fall at     statistical modelling, governments assumed
have named COVID-19 is not the first                                                                                                                                                                                                           Winlaw
                                                                                     Glade     home, which was quite upsetting to me and I         that extreme measures, never before imposed
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