Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

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Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
September Issue 2020

Accountancy Plus
The Official Journal of CPA Ireland


                                                              g S ls

                                                                 k il
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                                                                                    Strategy &
                                                       o u n ti n                   Leadership


    Facing the
     Future of
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
Glass ceilings
Are there to be broken.
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

Editorial                      President’s Message

                                                                                                                                         PRESIDENT’S MESSAGE
Accountancy Plus               Welcome to the September 2020
September 2020                 edition of Accountancy Plus.

                               It is a great honour to be writing my first           The staff at CPA Ireland have adapted smoothly
CPA Ireland                    president’s message for Accountancy Plus and          to virtual operations, with all of the challenges
                               I look forward to meeting (virtually!) and            of balancing life and work and have continued
                               working with many members over the coming             to deliver real and impressive change.
17 Harcourt Street,            months.
Dublin 2, D02 W963                                                                   As I step into the office of President and look
                               There are a number of core issues that I would        to the future there is one initiative that I wish
T: 01 425 1000                 like to highlight during my term of office as         to single out, and that is the launch of our
                               President of CPA Ireland, whilst also building on     new syllabus: “Ready to Face the Future of
F: 01 425 1001
                               the excellent work that Gearóid O’Driscoll and        Accounting”.
                               the many Presidents before him have done.
Unit 3,                                                                              Through this new syllabus, we will be preparing
The Old Gasworks,              When speaking at the AGM on 26th June,                the next generation of CPAs who will be:
Kilmorey Street,               I highlighted the impact that this global
                               pandemic has had and how it has dramatically          • Ethical and trusted professionals;
Newry, BT34 2DH
                               changed so many things which we previously            • Highly educated and trained;
                               took for granted, such as the freedom to travel,
T: +44 (0) 28 3025 2771                                                              • Digital natives, comfortable with data and
                               to associate and to communicate face to face.
W:                                                                   technology;
                               I myself had booked my flights from the UK to
E:           attend the AGM, and yet, I ended up attending         • Lifelong learners;
                               the AGM whilst sitting in my home in Milton           • Creative problem solvers with that whole
Editor                         Keynes. The pandemic has thrown up many                 of business acumen capable of leading and
Patricia O’Neill               obstacles and so much has changed for how               thinking strategically;
                               businesses now operate, including CPA Ireland.        • Focused on sustainability and reporting on
                               CPA Ireland has responded with speed, adapted,          more than just numbers;
Chief Executive                innovated and faced these challenges head on.
Eamonn Siggins                                                                       • Communicating decision driving insights;
                               During my term as President, I will continue            and;
Editorial Adviser              to work to support entrepreneurs and SMEs,            • Adding value in an environment characterised
Róisín McEntee                 who are so important in creating wealth and             by ambiguity and uncertainty.
                               employment in Ireland. The indigenous industry
                               in every economy is now more important than           We are creating the platform for CPAs of the
Technical Adviser              ever and I believe that we can all take inspiration   future to literally “go anywhere with CPA” and
Alan Bailie                    from the adaptability and the innovation shown        take themselves to the forefront of advising and
                               by those small business owners who have,              leading businesses throughout the 21st century.
Advertising                    almost overnight, changed aspects of their
                               business model to continue to trade.                  I am looking forward to my term of office and
Ciara Durham
                                                                                     to being a digital President of a community of
T: 086 852 3463                                                                      CPAs who can add value in a digital world. My
                               Their “can do” attitude is commendable and is
E:   supported in equal measure by a community             first mentor in the profession, Tom O’Gorman,
                               of CPAs that possess the “whole of business”          Past President of CPA Ireland, inspired me to
Published by                   acumen to advise on all aspects of the business       see accountancy differently, to see the benefits
Nine Rivers Media Ltd.         and not just on the financials.                       that CPAs could bring as advisers, and to see
                                                                                     the constant requirement for us as professionals
T: 01 667 5900
                               It is important to remember that the global           to learn, un-learn and re-learn.
                               pandemic is not the only challenge we face. As
                               an Irish qualified accountant based in the UK         Since the AGM on 26th June, I have received
Printed by                     and as a director of a company with business          numerous messages of congratulations from
Persona                        in both regions, Brexit is ever present. The          members of CPA, Institutes from around the
                               adaptability and “can do” attitude are essential to   world and from colleagues and friends. I would
                               our ability to navigate these challenges.             like to extend my thanks for all these messages
                                                                                     of goodwill that I have received.
Lettershop Services Ltd.
                               Over the past number of years, CPA Ireland has
                               adopted a strategy that is agile, high level, and     I look forward to representing CPA Ireland
                               principled, offering the tactical agility to adapt    and to working with the team in CPA Ireland,
                               to changes in the external environment and this       Council and Members over the coming months.
                               approach has served us extremely well through
                               this pandemic.

                                                                                     John Devaney
                                                                                     President CPA Ireland

                                                                                          Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland


Contents                                                                                                                                     Cover Image:

                                                                                                       g S ls

                                                                                                          k il
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                                                                                                                                Strategy &

                                                                                                                                             New CPA Ireland
                                                                                                o u n ti n                      Leadership

                                                                                                                                             Syllabus – Ready to
                                                                                                                                             Face the Future of

Institute                       Law & Regulation                                                                             Taxation
President’s Message        01   Law & Regulation News      13                                                                Tax News                        36

                                What’s next for Irish                                                                        Focus on Hive Outs for
Institute News             71
                                businesses and their                                                                         Tax Efficient Corporate
                                                           14                                                                                                38
                                employees?                                                                                   Reconstructions
Publication Notices        80
                                Derek McKay                                                                                  Mairéad Hennessy

                                                                                                                             To Appeal or to Judicially
CPA Profile                     Finance & Management
                                                                                                                             Review                          41
                                                                                                                             James Burke
Mary Considine             06   Finance & Management
Henry Duggan               08
                                Leadership Insight:
                                                                                                                             In Practice
                                Pat McCann
                                                                                                                             In Practice News                44
                                Leadership Insight:
                                                           21                                                                Digitising your Practice
News & Events              74   Niall Gibbons                                                                                                                46
                                                                                                                             Paul Redmond

                                The Entrepreneur                                                                             Advising & Managing
Student                         Lifecycle – Part II:                                                                         Clients through Covid-19        49
                                Financing Growth and                                                                         Cormac Fitzgerald
Student News               77                              25
                                                                                                                             The Future of Audit
                                Nora Cosgrove &                                                                                                              52
                                                                                                                             Niall Gleeson
                                Jonathan Ginnelly
                                                                                                                             Potential Impact of
                                Enhancing Learning and                                                                       Covid-19 on Auditor
The Exponential Future                                                                                                                                       55
                                Development in your                                                                          Reporting
of Accounting              03                              28
                                Organisation                                                                                 Colm Divilly
by Matthew Griffin
                                Cyril Kirwan

                                Managing your Personal                                                                       Personal Development
Financial Reporting             Finances through
                                Covid-19                                                                                     The Perfect time for
Financial Reporting News   10   Brenda Clerkin                                                                               Creativity                      58
                                                                                                                             Alan Nelson
Accounting in the Future        What does Sustainability
Joseph Masterson                Mean?                      33                                                                The Decade Long
                                Yvonne Holmes                                                                                Accountancy Skills Gap          61
                                                                                                                             Chantal Haynes Curley

                                                                                                                             Nonverbal Communication
                                                                                                                             Saoirse O’Brien
Game Changers and No
Brainers                   67
Rois Ni Thuama
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland

The Exponential Future of Accounting

                                                                                                                                 The Exponential Future of Accounting by Matthew Griffin
by Matthew Griffin

The future is fluid, and the fact that the rate of change is accelerating today is lost on very few
people. In fact, when you consider the amount of progress that humanity has made, technologically
speaking at least, just within the last five decades, let alone in just the past decade, it’s easy to see that
today we are entering a new era unlike anything that any of us have ever seen before.

 An era where an individual can            sponsored disinformation campaigns        • From agrochemical businesses to
publish an idea, or an entrepreneur        that leverage technologies such as          newer companies that can, literally,
can create a product, and either can       bots, DeepFakes, and Digital Humans,        feed the entire planet using just
change the world at a speed that           but they also have to try to find           one single feather from a single
even our parents would have thought        new ways to regulate and limit the          chicken. And that company, in case
unimaginable, and that’s just one of       power of so called Virtual Nations.         you were wondering whether this
the implications of us all being just      These are powerful autonomous               Futurist is smoking something, is
a single button press from over 3.5        online communities of hundreds of           called Just.
billion other connected people.            millions, or even billions of people,
                                           on platforms such as Facebook             So, as you can, see when it comes
Fast forward another ten years and         whose unelected leaders now in            to technology’s disruptive power
the rate of change will be even faster.    many ways have as much power as           nothing is immune.
But as the world speeds up and             the governments who are trying to
accelerates around us, as humans our       control them.                             No matter where you look change is
ability to envision and predict these                                                there
changes becomes more difficult, and        A prime example is with Libra,
                                                                                     • automation and bots in the
more importantly the time we have          Facebook’s cryptocurrency. A It sent
                                                                                       workplace now commonly come
to react to them and get our heads         central banks and governments
                                                                                       up in conversations about the
around their implications shortens.        around the world, from China to the
                                                                                       future, along with conversations
                                           USA, into a panic when they realised
                                                                                       around the pros and perils of Robo-
As I travel the world, increasingly        it could be a material threat not only
these facts are why more of the            to the global financial system but also
people I meet feel the future is           their own fiat currencies and central     • Science fiction like advances in
something that is being done to them,      banks. And this is just one glimpse of      the healthcare sector are making
not something that’s under their           the world we live in today …                it increasingly likely that in the next
control, and that sometimes makes                                                      decade we’ll be pushing average
people feel uncomfortable. However,        At a more micro level many of the           life expectancies closer to 100
even though the future is now faster       same trends and technologies that           years.
paced than it was that doesn’t mean        are helping shake up the world at
                                                                                     • Disruption, in one form or another,
we can’t still see it coming or get a      large are also impacting industries
                                                                                       is changing the dynamic of every
point of view on it, and with the right    and companies, albeit in slightly
                                                                                       industry and impacting every
data points and insights you can           different ways.
                                                                                       corner of society.
re-gain some clarity and re-gain that
                                           • Bots being run by quants cause
control.                                                                             The culmination of all these
                                             dramatic swings in the stock
                                                                                     changes, and others like them, of
                                             markets as they analyse then react
As with any new technological                                                        course, means that the accountancy
                                             to dubious bot generated social
shift there are both threats and                                                     profession is now faced with an
                                             network sentiments,
opportunities for incumbents and                                                     increasing tsunami of change, which
start-ups alike, and so it is with the     • Events on the news wires in real        impacts everything from our working
accountancy profession.                      time,                                   practises and how we operate our
                                                                                     businesses, to how we view and
                                           • Industry disruption that’s
At a macro level the world is, arguably,                                             embrace new opportunities, right
                                             prompting portfolio managers to
a much more politically volatile                                                     through to the data sources we use
                                             dump one portfolio for another, for
place than it was just a few years                                                   and the advice we give and how we
                                             example as the result of the world’s
ago. Not only do governments today                                                   give it.
                                             move away from fossil fuels to
have to figure out how to contend
                                             greener, more sustainable solutions,
with increasingly sophisticated state

                                                                                     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
     After all, increasingly complex          Then, flipping to the other side of    by newer future fit upstarts and
     markets aside, when you can 3D print     the coin, what happens to wealth       disruptors.
     human organs on demand, create           management advice and planning
     designer children who are immune         when entire industries along           With disruption happening at all levels
     to disease, cure cancer with a           with their previously unassailable     of the market there are opportunities
     genetically engineered “vaccine,” and    incumbents are disrupted and torn      for all. At the lower ends of the
     use in vivo gene editing to eliminate    down by new business models and        market, the high-volume low profit
     inherited genetic diseases, all of       new market entrants in the space of    segments, there’s the opportunity
     which we’ve successfully done in the     years not decades as was the norm      today to use a mix of automation
     last couple of years, and as we really   previously?                            and RPA technologies to create
     start to push the limits of human life                                          either semi-autonomous or even fully
     extension, what happens to estate         It’s no coincidence that since        autonomous companies, as we’ve
     planning when their children and         the year 2000 over 52 percent of       already seen emerge in Hong Kong
     great grandchildren no longer have       companies in the Fortune 500 have      and New York. Then, at the top of the
     life expectancies of 84 but of 154,      either gone bankrupt, been acquired    market all this change, and all of this
     or above? Let alone the impact on        or ceased to exist, and while you      volatility, means that now more than
     society itself and the impact it will    might be able to blame some of this    ever clients need people they can
     have on social care, people’s savings    on failures at the top almost all of   trust to help them understand and
     habits, and pension plans.               these companies have been replaced     navigate the impact of these changes
                                                                                     on their companies, their assets, and
                                                                                     their portfolios.

                                                                                     Try to automate these kinds of
                                                                                     services as they might, it’s still
                                                                                     an uphill struggle to replace the
                                                                                     familiarity of a real face, and try as
                                                                                     companies might, there are still no
                                                                                     machines in existence today that
                                                                                     can get their silicon circuits around
                                                                                     all of this complexity – although
                                                                                     companies, from quants and VC’s
                                                                                     through to governments, are trying.

                                                                                     The accountancy world also has
                                                                                     another rather unexpected but
                                                                                     nevertheless incredibly crucial role
                                                                                     of actually helping to shape the
                                                                                     future. After all, money talks, and this
                                                                                     is something that even though we
                                                                                     remember we sometimes forget.

                                                                                     Take, for example, the company who
                                                                                      wants to develop hunter killer robots,
                                                                                      and yes unfortunately that is a thing
                                                                                      today thanks to the combination of AI,
                                                                                      machine vision, and robotics. On the
                                                                                      one hand you have “the machines
                                                                                      against man,” but on the other as
                                                                                      accountants, armed with our own
                                                                                      machines calculators - there are
                                                                                      multiple ways to convince companies
                                                                                      to make different investment choices
                                                                                     – machines against man versus man,
                                                                                      and woman, against machines. It’s
                                                                                      quite ironic, but it’s also an irony that
                                                                                      shouldn’t be lost on us. It also shows
                                                                                      us the power that the profession has
                                                                                      to help steer companies along the
                                                                                      right tracks, whether it’s diversity and
                                                                                      inclusion, environment, sustainability,
                                                                                      and governance (ESG), or many other

     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
tracks, many of which are even more       future the better able you are to help
profitable and prosperous than the        your staff navigate it and mitigate its

                                                                                                                                The Exponential Future of Accounting by Matthew Griffin
traditional alternatives.                 effects on your workforce.

So, as we start to close out, where       And then, finally, from a client’s
does this leave companies? What are       perspective the services you build
the next steps you can, dare we say,      and develop, and the type of
should, take?                             customer experience you provide,
                                          whether it’s fully or semi-automated,
Well, it’s no secret that many smaller    or human and intensely personal, as
companies, to one degree or another,      always depends on your clients and
are fearful about the future. This        the customer segments you’re trying
could be because there are multiple       to serve.
unknowns or because the word
automation is mentioned in almost         Navigating the future isn’t rocket
every breath nowadays. Solving the        science, it’s research, and embracing
former problem means getting a            opportunities isn’t a dark art, it’s
point of view on it, quantifying that     vision and execution, and you do all
view, and developing a future fit         of those day in day out. Or at least      Matthew Griffin,
vision or strategy.                       I hope you do. The power, as they
                                          say, is in your hands whether you         Matthew Griffin, described as
                                                                                    “The Adviser behind the Advisers” and
Solving the latter is a training and      know it or not, and as I mentioned
                                                                                    a “Young Kurzweil,” is the founder and
recruitment issue. In the cases           at the very beginning when the sun
                                                                                    CEO of the World Futures Forum and the
where the automation of jobs and          rises tomorrow the future can be          311 Institute, a global Futures and Deep
employee mobility does become an          something that is done to you, or it is   Futures consultancy working between the
issue, especially from an employee’s      something you can envision, create,       dates of 2020 to 2070, and is an award
perspective as they try to move           and control – the choice is yours but     winning futurist, and author of “Codex of
between different career paths, the       either way it’s important you make        the Future” series.
more clarity you have about the           that choice and make it now.


 Irish Capital
 Gains Tax 2020
 Tom Maguire
 This annual title provides in-depth analysis and interpretation of
 the law as it is applied to Capital Gains Tax by the Irish and UK
 courts as well as in Appeal Commissioners’ decisions. It includes
 commentary on Revenue guidance, administration of capital gains
 tax, computational rules and key reliefs and allowances.
 This new edition has been updated to take account of the
 Finance Act 2019, which includes significant amendments in
 relation to the Tax Consolidation Act 1997 including exit tax,
 transfer pricing, and hybrid entities and instruments.

 Pub Date: Sep 2020
 ISBN: 9781526513755


                                                                                    Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
                                                                                                    Title: CEO
     CPA Profile                                                                                    Shannon Group

     Mary Considine

     What made you decide to start             manage not only the airport but also      balanced regional development
     out on a career in accountancy?           the significant property portfolio of     by investing €115 million across
                                               Shannon Commercial Properties,            the Group. We have upgraded our
     I was always interested in a career
                                               the portfolio of Heritage attractions     core airport infrastructure and built
     in business. I enjoyed accountancy
                                               managed by Shannon Heritage and           world-class property solutions that
     and maths in school and wanted to
                                               established the international aviation    have attracted FDI and indigenous
     work in a profession where I could
                                               services centre, a cluster of now         companies to locate here and
     use my problem-solving skills and
                                               more than 80 aviation companies           create jobs. Occupancy rates at the
     help businesses to achieve their
                                               based at Shannon. I served in the role    Shannon Free Zone have grown
     goals. I was also interested in the
                                               of Company Secretary and then CFO/        from 40% to over 90%, while visitor
     opportunity to develop many skills
                                               Deputy CEO before taking on the           numbers to our Shannon Heritage
     including leadership, team building
                                               role of acting CEO in June 2019 and       sites have almost doubled, growing
     and communications skills, all of
                                               was appointed CEO of the Group in         from over 520,000 in 2014 to almost
     which are solid skills that you need in
                                               October 2019.                             one million in 2019.
     a business career.
                                               How have you got to where you
     Why did you choose CPA Ireland
                                               are now and how has your CPA
     as your qualification route?
                                               qualification contributed to such
     I wanted a qualification that I could     a fascinating career?
     be proud of and that was industry
                                               The qualification is a really important
     recognised. I researched and was
                                               first step, and after that it is hard
     pleased to learn that several well-
                                               work and determination that gets
     established practices in the region
                                               you further along your career path.
     were affiliated with CPA Ireland. I
                                               Studying for my CPA qualification
     found it very beneficial in providing
                                               taught me the importance of focus,
     me with the building blocks to
                                               hard work and discipline in achieving
     progress my career.

     Please provide a brief history of
                                               I have carried these with me
     your career.
                                               throughout my career and hopefully
     I have gained incredible experience       have instilled them in other people I
     throughout my career working with         have met along the way.
     amazing people. I started my career
     in a local accountancy practice,          What has been your biggest
     J.W. Williams & Co. and from there        career achievement?
     I went to work in Aer Rianta based
                                               Seeing Shannon Group have a real
     in Shannon. There my career path
                                               impact on the lives of the people in
     gave me great experience in a
                                               our region. Since our establishment
     broad range of areas within the
                                               in 2014, the Group has played a vital
     company from finance to aviation
                                               role in promoting the economic
     route development and marketing,
                                               wellbeing of our region and our
     commercial and corporate affairs.
                                               activities across the Group support
                                               a significant number of jobs. At          Who has inspired you most in
     I was appointed Managing Director
                                               Shannon Airport we have grown             your career?
     of Shannon Airport in 2010, and in
                                               passenger numbers by 23%.
     2012 lead the separation of Shannon                                                 I don’t think I could name one
     Airport from the daa taking the first                                               person as I have been inspired by a
                                               I am proud of what Shannon Group
     step in setting up a new commercial                                                 range of people throughout my life.
                                               has achieved. We have demonstrated
     semi state body, Shannon Group.                                                     People I have met in a work capacity
                                               our commitment to our region and
     Shannon Group was established to

     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
and people I’ve met in my own              When the shutdown happened in               Like other airports, we have engaged
community. What I’ve learnt is that        March, literally overnight, our entire      with our employees on a number

                                                                                                                                 Mary Considine
                                                                                                                                                  CPA PROFILE
inspirational people come from all         visitor attraction business closed in       of measures to reduce payroll
walks of life. For me it’s their energy,   line with public health measures. The       costs while we recover from this
drive to succeed and positive attitude     business suffered a total collapse in       crisis; temporary and permanent
that sets them apart.                      visitors and revenue. Our Heritage          reduction in working hours; career
                                           business is heavily dependent on            breaks; temporary layoffs; temporary
In a business environment it is leaders    international tourists, which at sites      reduction in pay and a voluntary
who look to inspire others and             like Bunratty Castle & Folk Park and        severance scheme.
mentor them in their career path. It is    King John’s Castle account for over
those leaders who look at the impact       70% of its visitor numbers.                 On 1st July the airport reopened
they can have not only on their own                                                    to scheduled passenger traffic with
careers, but on leading others and         Like airports globally, Shannon has         the recommencement of 16 routes
providing opportunities and creating       witnessed an almost total collapse          with Ryanair. Given the Government
employment.                                of airport traffic, connectivity and        advice for essential travel only,
                                           revenues. The imposition of the travel      passenger numbers have been
If you were advising someone               restrictions in March particularly in the   extremely low.
just starting out with their CPA           US, a key market, wiped out business
                                                                                       To coincide with the restoration of
qualification, what tip would              from there, then very quickly all of
                                                                                       scheduled services, we launched
you give them that would make              Europe started to shut down. Airport
                                                                                       a Covid Customer Safety Charter
their journey smoother?                    passenger numbers at Shannon
                                                                                       and introduced rigorous new public
                                           reduced to a trickle.
My advice would be to keep your                                                        health measures to protect the health
eyes on the stars but your feet firmly                                                 and safety of staff and passengers,
                                           Throughout this crisis we have
on the ground. Have a clear vision                                                     and to instill confidence in everyone
                                           endeavoured to maintain a level
for where you want to go and what                                                      coming to our airport.
                                           of service at our airport to allow
you want to achieve in both your           repatriation flights, essential cargo       The Covid-19 pandemic has caused
professional and personal life, work       movements, provide emergency                massive disruption. It has changed
life balance is key to success.            cover and facilitate hangar                 how we live and work. Until there’s a
                                           operations, and I am proud of the role      vaccine – there will be many issues
Set goals and remember that your           our employees played throughout             which have to be managed.
professional skills are important,         in ensuring these services were
but it is equally important to             available. In June, we welcomed             We have taken many short-term
develop social skills to be an             the Antonov-225, the world’s largest        difficult decisions in Shannon Group
effective communicator. A rounded          aircraft as it carried the single largest   to deal with Covid-19 in order to
development is key.                        consignment of Personal Protective          preserve our businesses for the
                                           Equipment (PPE), bringing almost            future, but we are resilient. Recovery
Take every opportunity life presents       one million surgical gowns for Irish        will be slow, but we will prevail.
and be willing to learn from others.       hospitals.
Don’t be afraid to look for a mentor,                                                  Have you managed to take time
someone you admire to help you             We took decisive action to preserve         away from work to unwind?
along your path.                           our businesses and protect jobs in
                                                                                       I enjoy nothing more than spending
                                           the long-term. This required us taking
Since the onset of the Covid-19                                                        time with my family, my husband
                                           difficult but necessary short-term
pandemic, airports have seen                                                           Éibhear and my children Aron, Áine
                                           measures to preserve the business
a huge drop in passenger                                                               and Colin. I love going out for long
                                           for the future and allow us to recover
numbers. How is Shannon                                                                walks and I am very fortunate to live
                                           and rebuild from this crisis.
airport addressing the impact                                                          in a very beautiful part of County
                                                                                       Clare. If I feel like venturing further
this pandemic is having on the             We implemented temporary layoffs
                                                                                       afield, the Wild Atlantic Way is on my
aviation and tourism sector?               and reduced working hours across
                                                                                       doorstep which is wonderful.
                                           the Group and will continue to do
The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic
                                           so in line with business activity. We
has been catastrophic. It has sent                                                     I believe that it is important to give
                                           availed of the wage subsidy scheme
shock waves through the aviation                                                       back to your community and I have
                                           to support our employees at our
and tourism sectors which will be                                                      been involved with many local
                                           sites and across the Group. We also
felt for many years to come. Two                                                       community initiatives over the years.
                                           targeted all discretionary spending
of the three businesses we own                                                         I am a past President of the Shannon
                                           across the Group reducing our
and operate, Shannon Airport and                                                       Chamber of Commerce, and current
                                           operating costs as much as possible.
Shannon Heritage, have been                                                            Director of Mary Immaculate College
devastated by this pandemic.                                                           and LIT in Limerick and serve on the
                                                                                       VHI Members Advisory Council.

                                                                                       Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
Accountancy Plus - Facing the Future of Accounting - The Official Journal of CPA Ireland
                                                                                                     Title: Dr Henry Duggan
     CPA Profile                                                                                     Managing Director
                                                                                                     at FTI Consulting

     Henry Duggan                                                                                    Qualifications:
                                                                                                     PhD, Certified Public
                                                                                                     Chartered Accountant

     What made you decide to start                As such I had the opportunity to        This, in addition to being involved in
     out on a career in accountancy?             interview many parties involved in       many high-profile money laundering
                                                 such activities, ranging from law        investigations, has helped me
     When I was in secondary school,
                                                 enforcement agents to actual money       to develop deep subject matter
     I always had a deep interest in
                                                 launderers. Following the completion     expertise, which I have used to assist
     law, mathematics, economics and
                                                 of my studies, I had the privilege of    clients in very sensitive engagements.
     business. A career in accountancy
                                                 working as a financial investigator/
     therefore seemed to be the natural
                                                 senior officer with the UK National      Who has inspired you most in
     career route for me. I was specifically
                                                 Crime Squad (“NCS”), Serious             your career?
     interested in a career in investigations,
                                                 Organised Crime Agency (“SOCA”)
     therefore accountancy seemed to be                                                   I was extremely fortunate to have
                                                 and then as a Special Officer with
     the right option.                                                                    been trained by a number of very
                                                 the National Crime Agency (“NCA”).
                                                                                          experienced detectives and law
                                                 After I left law enforcement, I worked
     Why did you choose CPA Ireland                                                       enforcement agents at the early
                                                 in the private sector for a number of
     as your qualification route?                                                         stages of my career. I was also
                                                 organisations conducting financial
                                                                                          privileged to have trained with the US
     I initially qualified as a Chartered        crime investigations across the globe.
                                                                                          Department of Homeland Security
     Accountant with Chartered
                                                                                          Federal Law Enforcement Training
     Accountants Ireland. Following my           I spent many years working across
                                                                                          Centre and many other government
     qualification as an ACA, I embarked         Central and Eastern Europe, South
                                                                                          agencies. There are many individuals
     on doctoral studies at Dublin City          America, Mexico and the Middle East
                                                                                          who have not only inspired me,
     University (“DCU”). During the course       on many interesting investigations.
                                                                                          but actively helped me to “make a
     of my work at DCU, I became a               I have recently relocated back to
     member of the ICPAI Financial               the UK from the Middle East where I
     Reporting Sub-Committee and                 led FTI Consulting’s Financial Crime
                                                                                          If you were advising someone
     subsequently decided to become a            Investigations team across the region.
                                                 In my experience, a professional         just starting out with their CPA
     CPA. The CPA brand is recognised
                                                 accountancy qualification is             qualification, what tip would
     across the world as a premier
                                                 invaluable in an investigative career    you give them that would make
     accounting qualification and this is
     what attracted me to become a CPA.          and I would encourage any aspiring       their journey smoother?
                                                 investigators to gain the CPA            My initial advice would be to identify
     Your career to date has                     qualification as a solid base for such   what route you want to take in your
     taken you from working on                   a career.                                career. If you can decide what path
     specialist assignments with                                                          you want to take, then you can
     law enforcement agencies to                 What has been the one                    decide what experience and post
     now working as a Managing                   assignment/investigation you             graduate qualifications you need to
     Director at FTI Consulting. How             have worked on that you found            take. It is extremely important to have
     have you got to where you are               most interesting/learned the             direction in your career and this can
     now and how has your CPA                    most from?                               the help you decide on how to reach
     qualification contributed to such                                                    your goals.
                                                 The nature of my work is extremely
     a fascinating career?                       sensitive and as such I’m afraid I
                                                 cannot refer to any one specific
                                                                                          With the emergence of Covid-19
     My strong interest in forensic                                                       over the previous few months,
     accounting and investigations led           assignment. I can say, however, that
                                                 the time I spent in law enforcement      have you seen many new
     to my PhD studies at Dublin City
                                                 was invaluable in developing my          financial threats and risks, and if
     University (focusing on money
                                                 career. I had the privilege of being     so, what advice would you give
     laundering and terrorist financing).
                                                 trained by many very experienced         to people to mitigate against
     My research combined quantitative
                                                 detectives and law enforcement           these?
     and qualitative research
     methodologies.                              agents in the early part of my career.   This is an extremely important area
                                                                                          which I have recently published

     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
on1 and highlighted that the                       It is also interesting to note that the            This will ensure that information on
emergence of Covid-19 in recent                    Financial Action Task Force (“FATF”),              new financial crime techniques can

                                                                                                                                                       Henry Duggan
                                                                                                                                                                      CPA PROFILE
months has brought the world into                  whilst reiterating many of the same                be used to turn the tide on the battle
an unprecedented situation. Self-                  concerns, also warned that criminals               against fraudsters, organised crime
isolation and remote working have                  and terrorists may seek to exploit                 and terrorism.
become the norm as businesses                      weakness in national AML and CFT
adapt to weather the economic                      systems, while they assume that                    How do you unwind?
consequences of the pandemic.                      resources are diverted elsewhere to
                                                                                                      With six-year-old twin daughters, my
However, this economic uncertainty                 deal with the current pandemic5.
                                                                                                      spare time is spent focusing on them.
can provide a breeding ground for
                                                                                                      I am currently enjoying teaching them
fraud and financial crime.                         Whilst the current pandemic has
                                                                                                      to ride bicycles. Additionally, I enjoy
                                                   presented many new risks and
                                                                                                      keeping abreast of academic research
The Head of the UK National                        challenges for the banking sector,
                                                                                                      on financial crime and actively try
Fraud Intelligence Bureau recently                 it also provides an opportunity to
                                                                                                      to make time to read the latest peer
reiterated such sentiments when                    embrace new ways of working and
                                                                                                      reviewed papers and government/
he stated “Fraudsters will use any                 mitigate the associated risks.
                                                                                                      NGO research papers.
opportunity they can to take money
from innocent people. This includes                However, in order to be successful
exploiting tragedies and global                    this will require everyone to
emergencies2”.                                     collaborate, share knowledge and
                                                   work together. It is also crucial
Similarly, Europol also highlighted                that financial institutions work
how criminals are exploiting the                   collaboratively with Financial
Covid-19 outbreak3, whilst the UK                  Intelligence Units (“FIU”), law
National Crime Agency (“NCA”)                      enforcement and other relevant
warned that organised crime groups                 stakeholders to share relevant
are trying to exploit the Coronavirus              information on new and emerging
outbreak in order to target the UK4.               trends.

1 Duggan, H. and Gales, M. (2020) Financial Crime Increases in a Global Crisis, Malta: Times of Malta.

                                                                                                     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020

     Financial Reporting News

       IASB – amendment to IFRS 16                                    Company reporting since
                                                                      the onset of Covid-19
       The International Accounting Standards Board (IASB)
       has issued an amendment to IFRS 16 Leases to                   The Financial Reporting Council (FRC)
       make it easier for lessees to account for covid-19-            has completed its first thematic review of
                                                                      company reporting since the onset of the
       related rent concessions such as rent holidays and
                                                                      Covid-19 pandemic.
       temporary rent reductions.
                                                                      The review found that although companies
       The amendment exempts lessees from having to
                                                                      provided sufficient information to enable a
       consider individual lease contracts to determine
                                                                      user to understand the impact Covid-19 had
       whether rent concessions occurring as a direct                 on their performance, position and future
       consequence of the covid-19 pandemic are lease                 prospects, some - particularly interim reports
       modifications and allows lessees to account for                - would have benefited from more extensive
       such rent concessions as if they were not lease                disclosure.
       modifications. It applies to covid-19-related rent
                                                                      This review of a sample of March interim
       concessions that reduce lease payments due on or
                                                                      and annual reports and accounts includes
       before 30 June 2021.                                           guidance and best practice examples from
       The amendment is effective 1 June 2020 but, to                 companies currently preparing their annual
       ensure the relief is available when needed most,               and interim accounts. A copy of the review
                                                                      can be found at
       lessees can apply the amendment immediately in
       any financial statements—interim or annual—not yet
       authorised for issue.
       Source:                                           Source:

     FRC proposes amendments to                               FRED 76 proposes explicit requirements for accounting
                                                              for temporary rent concessions for operating leases
     accounting standards in the                              occurring as a direct consequence of the Covid-19
     UK and Ireland                                           pandemic, and within a limited timeframe. The
                                                              proposed amendments would result in temporary rent
     The Financial Reporting Council (FRC) has recently       concessions being recognised over the period the
     published two exposure drafts proposing amendments       concession is intended to compensate.
     to accounting standards in the UK and Ireland;
                                                              FRED 75 proposes to clarify the requirement to assess
     • FRED 75 Draft amendments to FRS 104 – Going            the going concern basis of accounting and require
       Concern; and                                           disclosure of any related material uncertainties, when
     • FRED 76 Draft amendments to FRS 102 and FRS 105        preparing interim financial statements in accordance
       – Covid-19 related rent concessions                    with FRS 104.

     Many lessees have been granted rent concessions as a     The proposals in FRED 75 are expected to apply to
     result of the Covid-19 pandemic will have. FRS 102 The   interim periods beginning on or after 1 January 2021,
     Financial Reporting Standard Applicable in the UK and    and the proposals in FRED 76 are expected to apply
     Republic of Ireland does not explicitly specify how to   to accounting periods beginning on or after 1 January
     account for changes in lease payments that result from   2020. In both cases early application will be permitted.
     rent concessions.                                        Source:

     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020

Accounting in the Future

                                                                                                                                           Accounting in the Future by Joseph Masterson
                                                                                                                                                                                          FINANCIAL REPORTING
by Joseph Masterson

No one could have foreseen how exactly the first year of the new decade would start and there is
always an inherent level of uncertainty when discussing things to do with the future. For businesses
and professionals, uncertainty leads to risk, Accountancy as an industry by its very nature, is
exceptionally risk averse. Uncertainty makes it difficult to chart a course for businesses and
professionals and that is why it is so disliked. No truly successful business is built on consistently
being on the back foot and reacting to change instead of being the ones to drive it.

What we might expect                              Though that is not to say these                predicted to lead to a reduction in
                                                  developments will be dramatic and              the number of graduate recruits for
It is impossible to discuss any level
                                                  immediately impactful. Rather a                accounting firms by 2020, this has
of changes that may be anticipated
                                                  gradual development.                           not proven to be the case though the
in the coming decade without
                                                                                                 initial steps towards it’s integration
mentioning the most significant of                Several predictions have already
                                                                                                 may be attempted within the decade
them all, technology. It is an ever-              been made regarding accountancy
                                                                                                 they are equally unlikely to reduce the
growing part of our everyday lives                in the coming decade. These include
                                                                                                 level of graduates amongst firms.
and this is even truer for businesses             predictions such as increased use of
where it provides a competitive edge              smart technologies replacing more              Furthermore, 5G and Wi-Fi 6
for companies. Even those thought of              traditional means of work and cloud            networks are both anticipated within
as more traditional goods and service             software, further supporting the trend         the next 2 years and are expected to
providers have felt its impact on                 of outsourcing services. Increased             enable RPA’s adaption. 5G technology
their way of doing business, further              intergovernmental tax action on                allows data transfer up to 100 times
heightened by Covid-19 implications.              regulations and disclosure rules and           faster than current 4G with little to
                                                  a focus on standardising accounting            no lag time, allowing for real-time
Though there has always been
                                                  practises internationally are also             data transfer. Wi-Fi 6 allows for
much speculation around the extent
                                                  predicted. A shift in stakeholder              data transfer three times faster than
that technology would impact
                                                  focus regarding corporate social               current Wi-Fi 5 and for more devices
accounting it would be foolish not
                                                  responsibility (CSR) in businesses             to be connected to a single network.
to acknowledge that the changes
                                                  so that they will be considered                Given the significantly increased level
in the coming decade will be more
                                                  alongside general economic issues in           of data transfer these technologies
significant than those in the last. If
                                                  importance is also anticipated.                can enable. This in turn helps
technological developments were
                                                                                                 power deep learning for AI bots to
graphed, the line it would trace                  In a recent Journal of Accountancy1
                                                                                                 automate large amounts of repetitive
would be curved upwards rather                    article from December 1st 2019,
                                                                                                 accounting work, thus free more time
than a straight line, meaning that the            the possibility of robotic process
                                                                                                 for accountants to focus on their
more advances we make the faster                  automation (RPA) becoming
                                                                                                 advisory role to clients.
technology develops and this will                 increasingly integrated in the
certainly apply to its implementations            profession is discussed. RPA’s, are            Impact on Key Service Lines
in the workplace. If this is still                a form of AI/smart technology that
                                                                                                 Auditing service line
somewhat unclear, then think of it                contrast to traditional workflow
this way.                                         automation tools in that they do not           Technology, such as computer
                                                  run off a set script that a programmer         assisted auditing technologies (CAATs)
For the majority of human history
                                                  has given them to perform tasks                have streamlined many of the more
before 1886, when the first modern
                                                  but rather learn from watching the             routine tasks for auditors and will
car was invented, horses and carts
                                                  user perform the task on their user            continue to do so into the coming
were the primary means of transport
                                                  interface and are capable of using             decade. For auditors, this means they
up to that point and yet 80 years later
                                                  multiple applications in repeating a           may begin to see the implementation
it was possible to land on the moon.
                                                  process.                                       of RPA’s taking over from CAAT’s, as
It is likely however, that despite the
                                                                                                 a means to this end. With CAAT’s,
many changes we saw in the previous               The use of AI in accounting has
                                                                                                 part of an auditor’s job changed to
decade regarding technology and the               been something widely speculated
                                                                                                 monitoring such systems, alongside
accountant, these will lead to even               for many years. In a 2016, further
                                                                                                 more hands-on auditing work carried
more in the coming decade.                        developments in the field of AI were
                                                                                                 out in person. As technology


                                                                                                 Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
     develops further and with additional     It has also streamlined the recording      Such systems however will change
     strides being made with use of RPA’s,    of this information, thereby making        how the information used in forming
     the number of auditing tasks that        it easier to trace through the             the basis of their advice is received
     become fully automated will similarly    various books and ledgers. Future          and facilitate the ability to offer
     grow. Auditors may find themselves       developments may allow entirely            real-time, rapid responses to client’s
     working alongside such software,         automated production of financial          needs as they emerge.
     where they are implemented, in a         statements and movement towards
     co-worker capacity when performing       a global accounting standard will
     tasks rather than monitoring them.       facilitate this. The work of a financial   The coming decade will see the
                                              accountant will adapt towards              continued fruition of changes that
     With technology enabling increasingly
                                              offering external checks on financial      have already taken root reach their
     more remote communication,
                                              statements, ensuring presented             full potential and predictions on
     auditors may find their level of
                                              statements include the correct             future changes will show their initial
     interaction with clients declining,
                                              checks, balances and formatting            signs of emerging and becoming
     though not outright disappearing,
                                              before presentation to auditors.           part of the fabric of the profession.
     thereby enabling auditors to work
                                                                                         Technology will continue to be a
     with clients from an even larger         This frees up accountants to expand
                                                                                         growing factor to consider, playing
     geographical base. However certain       into advisory roles for those clients
                                                                                         an increasingly significant part in the
     audit tasks simply require direct        for whom they worked on financial
                                                                                         work of accountants. Developments
     interactions, such as obtaining          statements. Many accountants
                                                                                         will predominantly focus on the
     reasonable assurance over client         currently find themselves already
                                                                                         automation of simpler and more
     assertions where data from auditing      fulfilling this role and it will see
                                                                                         repetitive tasks initially before
     systems may contradict such.             the largest growth as a service
                                                                                         expanding into increasingly more
                                              in the coming decade. Advisory
     Financial Accounting service line                                                   complex and advanced roles. This
                                              services are the least impacted by
                                                                                         thereby frees time for accountants
     Technology has played a significant      technological developments, relying
                                                                                         to focus on developing their roles
     role in changing the work of financial   predominantly upon an accountants’
                                                                                         as trusted business advisors. Within
     accountants. It is now quicker for       own competencies and financial
                                                                                         this role, accountants will have to go
     clients to produce information           knowledge to provide advice, rather
                                                                                         from tech competent to tech savvy
     required to create financial             than what data an automated system
                                                                                         as clients become increasingly reliant
     statements.                              produces.
                                                                                         on smart technology, functioning
                                                                                         as both financial and business tech

                                                                                         Client engagements will focus
                                                                                         further on building lasting business
                                                                                         relationships, akin to partnerships,
                                                                                         in a path towards becoming trusted
                                                                                         advisors. This will become the unique
                                                                                         selling point for many firms. Overall,
                                                                                         it is clear that whatever changes
                                                                                         emerge, accountants must remain
                                                                                         committed to being adaptable,
                                                                                         flexible, open and pro-active to

                                                                                         Joseph Masterson
                                                                                         Financial Accounting and Advisory
                                                                                         Services (FAAS), Grant Thornton Ireland

     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020

                                                                  Companies Registration Office
Law & Regulation News

                                                                                                                                    Law & Regulation News
                                                                                                                                                            LAW & REGULATION
                                                                  (CRO) – Filing of Annual Returns
                                                                  The Registrar of Companies previously announced
                                                                  in March 2020 that all annual returns due to be filed
                                                                  by any company between 18th March 2020 and
Companies (Miscellaneous                                          30th June 2020 would be deemed to have been
Provisions) (Covid-19) Act 2020                                   filed on time if all elements of the annual return were
                                                                  completed and filed by 30th June. Following a review,
The Companies (Miscellaneous Provisions) (Covid-19) Act           and in light of the ingoing impact of the Covid-19
2020 was signed into law 1st August 2020. The legislation         pandemic, the Registrar has decided to extend this
was introduced to address issues arising, as a result of the      arrangement for a further period until 31st October
Covid-19 pandemic, in relation to the operation of certain        2020.
provisions of the Companies Act 2014 and the Industrial
and Provident Societies Act 1893.                                 The Registrar has also decided to extend the
                                                                  arrangement in relation to entities (industrial and
                                                                  provident societies, friendly societies and trade unions)
The changes will apply until 31 December 2020 (Interim
                                                                  that are required to file with the Registry of Friendly
period) but the Government may, at the request of the
                                                                  Societies until 31st December 2020.
Minister for Business Enterprise and Innovation, extend the
period if doing so would be in the public interest having         Filing obligations will be deemed to have been met
regard to the impact of Covid-19. Key changes include             provided that all elements of the relevant returns
                                                                  have been submitted by the aforementioned dates.
• Measures to address practical issues arising in relation to     However, entities are encouraged to file as normal
  the sealing of instruments during the interim period;           during this period if in a position to do so.

• Companies will have until the end of 2020 to hold their         source:
  Annual General Meeting (AGM) irrespective of the usual
  deadlines that would apply under the Companies Act
                                                                IAASA publishes its 2019 Annual Audit
                                                                Programme and Activity Report
• Measures to facilitate companies hold general meetings
  through electronic means, including Extraordinary             IAASA has recently published its 2019 Annual Audit
  General Meetings (EGMs) and the AGM;                          Programme and Activity Report. The report provides a
                                                                summary of the activities performed by IAASA during 2019
• The minimum debt threshold, for one or more creditors         to oversee the audit profession in Ireland. In particular, it
  to petition the court for the winding up of a company will    outlines the outcome of its quality assurance review of
  be increased to €50,000. This is an increase on current       auditors of public–interest entities as well as its oversight of
  levels of €10,000 for a single creditor and €20,000 where     the recognised accountancy bodies who supervise auditors of
  two or more creditors are acting together;                    other Irish entities.

                                                                Key outcomes of the Authority’s work on the public oversight
• For companies in examinership, the court will have
                                                                of statutory auditors in 2019 include:
  discretion, where exceptional circumstances exist in
  respect of a relevant company, to extend the period in        • completion of the second round inspection of eight PIE
  which the company benefits from court protection from           firms by the audit quality unit, reviewing 24 audits and four
  creditors to up to 150 days (currently 100 days); and           internal control areas;

• Measures to facilitate the holding of creditor’s meetings     • publication of a Guide to IAASA’s Reports on the Quality
  through electronic means                                        Assurance Reviews of PIE Firms;

                                                                • initiation of a statutory investigation into poor quality audit
Similar amendments are made to the Industrial and                 work identified on two audits by the audit quality unit; and
Provident Societies Act 1893 allowing Co-Operative
societies to hold general meetings through electronic           • completion of on-site work on three supervisory visits to the
means and providing additional time in which to hold their        RABs and the issue of a thematic report to them setting out
                                                                  supervisory expectations in respect of their regulation and
Annual General Meeting in 2020.
                                                                  oversight of continuing professional development.

A copy of the Act can be found at https://data.oireachtas.      A copy of the report can be found at
ie/ie/oireachtas/act/2020/9/eng/enacted/a0920.pdf               getmedia/88a6fe98-0ab2-4c79-8bc0-4d9690bc30ce/2019-

                                                                                    Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020

     What’s next for Irish
     businesses and their
     by Derek McKay

     As the risk of a second wave of Covid-19 continues to be a real
     threat, businesses have remained vigilant trying to plan and
     prepare for the various scenarios we may be facing.

     The Government’s decision to pause         office until 2021.                         As per the Terms of Employment
     Phase 4 of its plan again gives a clear                                               (Information) Act 1994, any changes
                                                Needless to say, every sector is
     indication that we are still very much                                                to the working arrangements with
                                                different, but for businesses with
     in the midst of this pandemic and the                                                 employees must be incorporated
                                                employees working from home
     health and safety of the population is                                                into the terms and conditions of
                                                there should be clear guidelines,
     being put ahead of economics.                                                         employment and shared within one
                                                expectations and performance
                                                                                           month of the new arrangements.
     While many will argue that a lot of        management processes all now in
     the businesses that are being forced       place. Employers, at this point in time,   Our advice to businesses looking to
     to stay shut may never reopen, there       should have the necessary policies         make these types of changes is to
     is a clear message being sent out;         and procedures implemented,                pilot any new arrangements for a
     every business should be prepared for      including health and safety, to protect    defined period to see if there are any
     the potential reversal of some of the      themselves and their employees from        issues, such as drop in productivity,
     Phases already introduced.                 future issues.                             missed deadlines or unavailability
                                                                                           during agreed core working
     The idea that the country may be put       Employees should be reminded of
                                                                                           hours. Ultimately, it is the right of
     into reverse should not come as any        their contractual obligations in terms
                                                                                           employers to revert back to previous
     surprise and businesses that have not      of being present in the office or
                                                                                           arrangements if the business needs
     planned effectively for this scenario      place of work if their job requires it
                                                                                           require it.
     will find themselves in some difficulty.   or if working from home, the core
     The notion of “emergency urgencies”        working hours they are expected            Capturing working hours
     is gone and what was acceptable            to be available. Employees cannot
                                                                                           It is an employer’s obligation to
     from an employment and employees’          make the decision themselves to
                                                                                           outline the “normal” working day to
     perspective in March and April is no       continue to work from home. Equally,
                                                                                           all employees including the agreed
     longer acceptable. Employers and           an employer cannot make the
                                                                                           starting and finishing times, rest
     businesses have now had the time           unilateral decision that employees
                                                                                           breaks, weekly breaks and holiday
     and supports to put more medium            must work from home, if it is not
                                                                                           allowance, all of which must be
     term, robust plans and policies in         in the terms and conditions of the
                                                                                           recorded by an employer in line with
     place.                                     employment contract. Given that one
                                                                                           the Organisation of Working Time
                                                size does not fit all, businesses may
     Remote working                             have different requirements and/or
                                                                                           Act, 1997. This stands even when
                                                                                           employees are working remotely. If
     My previous article in the June            different physical spaces available to
                                                                                           employees are working from home,
     issue - The benefits, challenges           them, whilst employees may be in
                                                                                           it is not unreasonable to expect them
     and unintended consequences of             good health or unfortunately have
                                                                                           to assist in capturing this information
     remote working – provided a detailed       an underlying health condition that
                                                                                           – in fact, as the employer is required
     overview of the pros and cons              places them in a highly vulnerable
                                                                                           to keep records under the Working
     of working from home as well as            category.
                                                                                           Time legislation, it should be an
     some potential ‘watch-out’ areas for
                                                From a HR perspective, through             expectation that employees will
                                                effective communication and                capture this information.
     Given the fragility of the health crisis   engagement, agreement with your
                                                                                           Employers and managers must also
     and the lack of a vaccine, one can         employees on working arrangements,
                                                                                           remember that employees have the
     expect that many employees will            office/blended/remote, even on a
                                                                                           right to switch off. While technology
     be working remotely for months to          further temporary or trial basis, is
                                                                                           has enabled people to work from
     come, with the large tech companies        where you wish to get to.
                                                                                           pretty much anywhere and at any
     announcing staff won’t be back in the

     Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
time, that does not mean that they are “always
on”. Employees should not feel pressured in

                                                                                                                     What’s next for Irish businesses and their employees? by Derek McKay
                                                                                                                                                                                            LAW & REGULATION
answering emails or calls outside of their agreed
working day unless absolutely necessary. In May,
research by LinkedIn found that Irish workers
working from home were putting in an additional
38 hours each month, which is effectively an extra
week each month.

If there is a systemic issue with out of hours
contacts from managers and colleagues, the
employer runs the risk of breaching the maximum
working hours and not adhering to the weekly rest
periods outlined in the Act.

Health & safety of employees
Under the Health, Safety and Welfare Act 2005,
an employer has a duty of care to provide a safe
workspace for their employees and ensure that
they prevent any improper behaviours that would
put the health, safety or welfare of employees
at risk regardless of where the employee is
working. For obvious reasons, this is much easier
to manage in an office environment. However,
employees working from home are still covered
by the same duty of care, so arguably an
                                                        for Accountants
employer with employees working in the office
and remotely has two workplaces to manage in            For a busy accounting firm, collaborating with
terms of health and safety.
                                                        a back office accounting service provider like
While it was not possible to carry out risk             GroForth can be an excellent way to build capacity
assessments for all employees in the weeks              without incurring recruitment costs.
following the initial restrictions in March, there is
no excuse for not having assessments completed          Our mission is to give accountancy practices back
at this stage. This does not mean an employer           time to grow their own business and improve their
is responsible for carrying out a risk assessment
                                                        service offering rather than being bogged down for
of the home, just of the immediate working
                                                        2-5 days at a time reconciling accounts and chasing
                                                        missing receipts!
It is the employee’s responsibility to take
reasonable care for their own safety, including         We offer everything from basic bookkeeping,
reporting any incidents or accidents to their
                                                        payroll, and management accounting support to
                                                        more strategic analysis and reporting services.
Resource planning
                                                           Read more here
The biggest issue I believe will impact businesses,
particularly SMEs, is right-sizing their business and
ensuring adequate resourcing.
                                                          Contact us for details on our
According to the latest CSO figures, the                   specialist support services
unemployment rate for July in Ireland was                    for accounting firms.
16.7%, down from 23.1% in June. Government
is expecting this figure to drop further with
an unemployment rate between 14% and 15%                Email:
towards the end of the year.
                                                        Phone: +353 1 9059436
While the numbers are going in the right direction,
there is a trend that needs to be watched carefully.
Figures released earlier this month (August)
show that 12,300 people came off the Pandemic
Unemployment Payment (PUP), indicating that                           We would be
they are returning to work. However, the number
of people who returned to work with employers                       delighted to help.

                                                                             Accountancy Plus September Issue 2020
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