StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE

Page created by Tyrone Walters
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE
Hea th
staff magazine of the IRISH HEALTH SERVICE                 vol. 14 | issue 17 | spring 2019                                       Steps to
Invaluable advice
for parents                                            HSE staff put their
                                                        best foot forward
                                                            for challenge

  features                 general news      you section                     lifestyle
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE
Welcome tO the                                           Contents                                                               

latest edition of                                    You Section                              FEATURE
Health Matters                                       6     Steps to Health                    22
                                                           Join the challenge                      Website and booklets unveiled
This edition we meet Mairead Logue (43) who
                                                     7     Cardiac arrest                     25   HPV vaccine
suffered a cardiac arrest while on holiday. Her
                                                           Maureen’s story                         Protect our future
husband sprang into action, performing CPR
                                                     8     I will survive                     26   Education programme
until the emergency services arrived. Little did
                                                           Amanda’s quit success                   Dementia
she know when she signed husband Paul up
                                                     9     Park Run                           28   Scally Report
for CPR classes the previous year that the first
                                                           World Cancer Day                        Implementation overview
person he would have to use his new skill on
                                                     10    Nurse-led initiative               30   Women’s Day
would be her, saving her life in the process.
                                                           ANP role in Drogheda                    OCIO and HBS mark occasion
   It is an amazing story and certainly highlights
                                                     12    Dementia champions                 32   Neuro-rehabilitation
the value of the learning CPR as an important
                                                           Understand together                     Framework outlined
life skill.
                                                     14    Liam bids farewell                 32   Plain English Champion
   Mairead is now well on the road to recovery
                                                           Mental Health Engagement                Norma honoured
and herself, Paul and their three children were
                                                     15    Colombia trip                      33   Intercultural Health Strategy
guests of the National Ambulance Service as
                                                           Volunteering role                       New launch
they met the NAS staff who worked on her case.
                                                     16    Values in Action                   34   Nurse and midwife boost
   We also travel to Drogheda to meet the team
                                                           Meets Slaintecare                       Professional development
behind a unique nurse-led initiative that has
                                                     18    Outstanding                        35   My Options
been helping to eliminate lengthy delays for
                                                           Health Service Excellence Awards        Unplanned pregnancy support
many patients waiting on medical assessment
                                                     20    Change management                  36   Innovative solutions
and treatment.
                                                           Best practice                           Enterprise Ireland link-up
   The Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU)
                                                     20    Know your numbers                  37   Sharing data
in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital has introduced
                                                           HI initiative                           Ecosystem event
a service led by Registered Advance Nursing
                                                     21    Joe Davey                          38   E-rostering
Practitioner Karen Carragher. The aim of this
                                                           Colleagues remember him                 Technology bringing efficiencies
service is to divert patients with lower acuity
medical illnesses from the queue waiting on
medical assessment and to expedite unwell
medical patient’s to first line interventions on
the busy emergency floor.
   And we speak to Cian Mooney about the
dementia education course that he attended
with his dad Noel at Loughlinstown Hospital.
Noel was diagnosed with dementia three years
ago. The psycho-educational programmes are
rolled out for the person living with dementia
and their families/ carers to provide education
on topics related to dementia, teach skills
to enhance coping and resilience, as well as
providing a forum for informal support from
other people with similar concerns.
   It’s also almost time for the annual HSE
staff Steps to Health challenge. It kicks off on
Monday, May 13th and runs for five weeks. So
start thinking about getting together with a
group of colleagues to join this year’s challenge.

Joanne Weston
Joanne Weston,

This magazine is produced by the
HSE Communications Division
Publishers: Celtic Media Group

Feedback: Send your feedback to

                          spring 2019
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE
HEALTH MATTERS   spring 2019

39   immunisation week
     Get the vaccine
40   Staff engagement
     New toolkit
42   Drug safety
     Warnings for students
43   Mealtimes Matter
     Supporting patients
44   Superbugs
     Threat to Irish hospitals
46   Mental health unit
     Campus goes smoke-free
47   Payslips online
     Change on the way
48   Electronic records
     St James
49   Take five

     Alcohol Bill
50   National Service Plan
     2019 outlined
52   Under the Weather
     Simple illnesses taken care of at home
53   Houses into homes
     Estates at work

                                                   25                   64

                      23                                           62
                                                        2019 spring health matters   
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE

                                 54   10 years on
                                      Smoke-free playgrounds
                                 54   Nenagh hospital
                                      Cataract surgery
                                 55   Toolkit
                                      Plain English help for staff
                                 56   Bereaved families
                                 57   CADS
                                      New campus
                                 58   St Luke’s
                                      Staff awards
                                 59   Islands report
                                      Primary care
                                 60   Robotic surgery
                                      Galway hospital
                                 60   Global health                       65   Conference
                                      Training workshop                        Perinatal mental health
                                 61   Cancer patients                     66   SAP centre of excellence
                                      Family room                              HBS success
                                 62   Respiratory team                    67   CF trial
                                      Care close to patients’ homes            Significant advances
                                 63   Mental Health                       68   Viewing room
                                      World OT Day                             Peace and dignity
                                 63   Happy Heart                         69   Hybrid operating theatre
                                      Workplace awards                         Better outcomes
                                 64   Golden Hip award                    70   New curriculum
                                      UHL wins                                 Making Every Contact Count
                                 64   Prostate cancer                     71   Obesity in childhood
                                      New treatment                            Start the conversation


    72                                36
   health matters spring 2019
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE
HEALTH MATTERS   spring 2019   online

                                                            Sites we like


72   Energy-saving champion
     Hospitals honoured
     Health awareness festival
76   MindOut Programme
     Social and emotional skills
77   Inspiring conversations
     Staff care
78   Going for gold
     NAS staff get active



                                                                      2019 spring health matters   
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE

HSE sta ff get mov ing
Step up to the challenge
                 he 2019 HSE staff Steps to                                                                                                               Each team nominates a team co-ordinator

                 Health Challenge kicks off on                                                                                                           who registers the team and links in with our
                 Monday May 13th and runs for                                                                                                           national project team as needed.
                 five weeks. Registration will open                                                                                                       We have a number of step counters available
                 on Tuesday, March 19th. The last                                                                                                       for teams to count the steps as you move!!
                                                                      5 Week Staff Challen
two years have been a great success and we
                                                                Starts: Monday
                                                                                                                                    ge                  You can also use your own wearables, such as
                                                                                    13th May
hope that this year will be even better.                                                            Finishes: Sunday
                                                                                                                          16th June 2019               Fitbits and mobile phone apps.  You may even
  So start thinking about getting together with a                                                                                                      knock the dust off last year’s step counter and
group of colleagues to join this year’s challenge.                                                                                                     reuse it!
Take to the stairs, corridors, footpaths and parks                                                                                                       There will be weekly competitions with prizes
this year with your work colleagues, family and                                                                                                       galore for best photos, team names, inspiring
                                                              Set up your team (colle
friends. If you are new to walking, start off with                                                                                                    team co-ordinators, etc.
                                                                                      agues and service users
                                                              Register your team at                             ). Nominate a co-ordinato

10 minutes at a time and the aim is to reach              l Get active
                                                                        by stepping daily with
                                                                                                your workplace team.

10,000 steps a day over five weeks. Build it up
                                                          l Measure and
                                                                           record your daily steps
                                                                                                   at work and at home.
                                                             Use a step counter, fitbit,
                                                                                         smart watch or a free
                                                                                                               app you
every day at your own pace to reach as many
                                                             can download for your
                                                         l Enjoy, have
                                                                        fun and boost your steps
as you can.                                                 local parkrun on a Satur
                                                                                                   by walking or running
                                                                                     day. Find one near you
                                                                                                                                                        FURTHER INFORMATION
  If you have maintained the good habits started         Further details at
                                                                                       psch         allenge
                                                        Prizes: weekly draws
                                                                            , best                                                                     More information and resources are available
as part of the challenge last year – you can still

                                                                                                                     “Steps to Health” on Yamm
                                                                                                                                                 er    on the Steps to Health website
join in. Aim to increase the distance, frequency      Share your steps photos
                                                                                @HSEsteps #hsestepsc
or speed of your daily walk. Or just use it as an                                                                                                      Also make sure to follow Steps to Health on
opportunity to connect with colleagues.                                                                                                                Twitter (@hsesteps) incorporating the hashtag
                                                                                                                                                       #HSEStepsChallenge and join the Steps to
  As in previous years, each team consists of                                                                                                          Health Challenge Yammer page.
between two and 30 people, and you can have                                                                                                            So get prepared to join the challenge.
more than one team in a workplace or location.

     health matters spring 2019
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE
Am bu la nce servi ce prai ses Pa ul
Husband’s new CPR skills
save Mairead’s life
                 hen Mairead Logue signed her

                 husband up for a CPR class,
                 she never thought that the first
                 person he would have to use
                 his new skill on would be her,
saving her life in the process.
  Mairead, husband Paul, and three young
children were on holiday in Bundoran during
the October Bank Holiday when Mairead (43)
suffered a cardiac arrest.
  “I had a bit of a headache on the Saturday
but we had a normal Sunday. The morning
of the bank holiday Monday, Paul had called
into me in bed to see if I wanted my breakfast
brought in. I answered no. Shortly afterwards,
he came into the room and noticed I was
making a funny noise. He knew instantly that
something was wrong,” she said.
  He worked on Mairead for 17 minutes before
the paramedics arrived and took over.
  But for his wife, a dental nurse from
Newcastle West in Limerick, he would not
have been trained up in CPR.
  “I do a course in CPR every so often to keep
my skills up. About a year and a half ago,
I saw there was one coming up locally so I
signed Paul up for it. When I took the cardiac
arrest, it was actually the first time that he
did it for real,” she explained.
  “He said he froze for a few seconds when he
saw me just lying there but then he burst into
action and started working on me. He shouted
in to Paul to call 999 and tell them what was
happening to me.”
  Emergency Call Taker Louise McDevitt was
the person who answered that phonecall that
day and Mairead was full of praise for her.
  “Louise was amazing at the other end of the
phone. She was a great comfort to both Pauls
and kept them calm throughout,” she said.
                                                            When I took the                             The National Ambulance Service (NAS)
                                                                                                      were delighted to welcome the Logue
  She explained that her mum passed away                    cardiac arrest, it                        family to their headquarters. She met first
suddenly some time before and, since then,
10-year-old Paul was aware of how to handle
                                                    was actually the first time                       responders Patricia Corr and Shane O’Neill
                                                                                                      and some of the other NAS staff involved in
an emergency situation.                             that he did it for real                           her treatment.
  “He was so good. We had spoken to him                                                                 “We had a great chat with Louise. I haven’t
about what to do if you need to call an                                                               met Ken who was the paramedic who
ambulance and explained that he needed                                                                worked on me but, by coincidence, his wife
to give our Eircode to help them find us. He                                                          is from nine miles up the road from us so we
stayed calm and was a great help.”                    “It was a bit scary being told that there was   are all going to meet up when he is next in
  First on the scene were Donegal Bay               no real cause but it was reassuring to learn
Community First Responders who took over            that there is no long-term damage to my heart.    Pictured are the Logue family with Pat McCreanor,
the CPR until the paramedics arrived. Mairead       I am physically fit and very active so it was     Deputy Director of the National Ambulance
was airlifted to Sligo hospital for treatment       certainly a shock that it happened. I am slowly   Service; Shane O’Neill and Patricia Corr from
                                                                                                      Donegal Bay Community First Responders; Louise
but she quickly recovered. The fit 43-year-old      getting back to myself. I am still off work but
                                                                                                      McDevitt, Emergency Call Taker NEOC; Sean
was told that there was no known cause for          I want to make sure that I don’t rush back and    Brady, Manager of NEOC; and Mark Callanan, NAS
her cardiac arrest.                                 compromise my recovery,” said Mairead.            Community Engagement Officer.

                                                                                                                 2019 spring health matters         
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE

QUIT TV sta r
Amanda shows
she can survive
without the cigs
                 manda White from Nenagh,               my breath and hold notes that I never could           When asked what advice she has for people

                 Tipperary is one of the stars of the   before. Quitting has been great for my overall      who are trying to quit this year, Amanda said,
                 HSE’s QUIT TV ad. She stopped          health – I eat much better than I did before        “the best advice I have is not to go it alone.
                 smoking three years ago this           and exercise is easier.”                            Quitting can seem overwhelming but take it one
                 January and hasn’t looked back.          While things are going great for Amanda           day at a time and call the QUIT Team or sign up
  “It’s three years since I made my final quit          now, she remembers that quitting was hard at        for a QUIT plan at They will help
attempt and I feel like I never smoked. I consider      the start.                                          you break things down into easy steps and help
myself a non-smoker which is amazing as                   “Quitting is one of my biggest achievements       you through the journey day by day.”
quitting for good used to seem like an impossible       but I couldn’t have done it on my own. The            Amanda remembers finding cravings hard to
achievement,” said Amanda.                              support I got from the HSE’s QUIT team              deal in the early stages and has some advice for
  “Like most people I started smoking when I            helped me break my habit,” she said.                people in the same boat.
was a teenager because I thought it was cool.  I          “The QUIT team rang me every single week for        “Cravings don’t last for forever but it can feel
thought that quitting would be an impossible            the first four weeks, and every morning I woke      that way at the start. I wrote out four steps – the
task but three years ago I managed to kick my           up to a text, which was brilliant because it was    four Ds – delay, distract, deeply breathe and
20 year habit for good.”                                really motivational – they were there for me.       drink water and stuck the notes in places where
  She explained that she saw the New Year as              “I knew that at any point I could pick up the     I would normally smoke. I found drinking lots of
a fresh start and a chance for a new beginning.         phone and ring them if I felt like I was going to   water helped me at the start and it’s a habit I’ve
She wanted to go through the whole of 2016 as           relapse and that they would not judge me. I live    kept up.
a non-smoker.                                           alone so there wasn’t always someone there            “There were ups and downs at the beginning
  “I knew that there would be difficult times during    to encourage me but knowing that I could call       but once you understand you’ll have those
the year like my Dad’s anniversary in April and         the QUIT team when I needed encouragement           challenges and that you can get through them
other life events that might cause stress or upset,     really helped.                                      you can keep going,” she added.
where I might be tempted to turn to smoking and           “The QUIT team gave me the support I needed
I wanted to make sure that I could get through          to finally stop smoking. My advice to anyone
                                                                                                               FURTHER INFORMATION
those times without cigarettes,” said Amanda.           who is thinking about quitting is to get in touch
  “Since quitting, my breathing has become              with the QUIT team today. You don’t have to do        For help to quit, visit or call 1800 201 203
so much better. I like to sing and I can keep           this on your own.”

      health matters spring 2019
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE
Ca ncer su rv iv or prai ses ‘d omin o effect’
Parkrunners out in force
for World Cancer Day 2019
                ean Kelly was just one of the                                                             physical activity can reduce your risk of

                thousands of parkrunners who                                                              cancer and improve quality of life for people
                took part in parkrun on World                                                             living with and beyond cancer.”
                Cancer Day to raise awareness of                                                            World Cancer Day also marked the launch
                the importance of physical activity                                                       of the Irish Cancer Prevention Network, which
in preventing cancer and improving quality of life                                                        brings together The HSE National Cancer
for people living with and beyond cancer.                                                                 Control Programme (NCCP), The Marie
  Kildare man Sean has done more than                                                                     Keating Foundation, Breakthrough Cancer
80 parkruns in the past two years, and the                                                                Research and The Irish Cancer Society to
camaraderie at his local parkrun in Naas has                                                              collaborate on cancer prevention initiatives in
had a huge impact on his wellbeing during                                                                 Ireland. The Irish Cancer Prevention Network
and after his cancer treatment.                                                                           is being established to bring those specifically
  “We have built such a lovely community at                                                               working in cancer prevention together to
Naas parkrun, we look out for each other and                                                              agree consistent evidence-based cancer
we help each other along. It’s amazing how                                                                prevention public awareness messages and
when one area of your life improves, it has a                                                             cancer prevention initiatives in Ireland. Other
domino effect on the rest of your physical and        biggest cause of cancer (after smoking).            interested parties are welcome to link with
mental health. I plan my Saturdays around             Physical activity protects against cancers of       the Network.
parkrun now, I wouldn’t miss it,” he said.            the bowel, breast and womb. It can reduce             Helen Forristal, Director of Nursing at the
  The HSE and the Irish Cancer Prevention             your risk of cancer through a number of ways        Marie Keating Foundation, said, “It is fitting
Network teamed up with parkrun again this             such as reducing oestrogen levels, helping          that the new Irish Cancer Prevention Network
year for World Cancer Day. It was one of the          the body to use insulin more effectively and        was launched in tandem with the parkrun
biggest parkruns to date with over 10,000             reducing inflammation – all of which have           activities for World Cancer Day. There is
runners taking part.                                  been linked to cancer developing.                   an increasing focus on the importance of
  More people are living with and beyond                Dr Abigail Collins, Public Health Consultant,     physical activity and exercise in reducing
cancer than ever before in part due to earlier        HSE National Cancer Control Programme               our risk of cancer and improving our overall
detection and better treatments for several           said, “the serious impact of cancer on the          health. Parkrun is a fun way of getting your
cancers. Exercise during and after cancer             lives of thousands of Irish men and women           exercise in, so join in every Saturday morning
treatment has been shown to be safe,                  means we must identify opportunities to             and start making those small changes that
improve quality of life, muscular and aerobic         reduce the risk of the disease and support          can have a big difference to your overall
fitness and cancer related fatigue.                   those affected by cancer. Partnering with           health and wellbeing.”
  Being overweight and not doing enough               parkrun on this initiative was a great                Find more information and a full list of
exercise is quickly becoming the second               opportunity to spread the message that              parkrun locations at

ABOVE: From left to right, Dr Triona McCarthy, National Cancer Control Programme; Mary Egan; Eoghan O’Sullivan, Breakthrough Cancer Research; Kevin
O’Hagan, Cancer Prevention Manager, Irish Cancer Society; Áine Lyng, Cancer Prevention Officer, National Cancer Control Programme; Helen Forristal, Director
of Nursing Services, Marie Keating Foundation; Liz Yeates, CEO, Marie Keating Foundation; Ed McGrane, parkrun; and Maeve Kelly at Porterstown park run
to mark World Cancer Day. TOP OF PAGE: In attendance at the Porterstown Parkrun in Dublin are cancer survivors Mary Egan, left, and Maeve Kelly. Photo by
Ramsey Cardy/Sportsfile.

                                                                                                                      2019 spring health matters          
StepS to health launches - Invaluable advice for parents - HSE

Sh orter wa it times fo r pa tients
Nursing team leads from
Advanced Nurse
Practitioner (ANP) role
enhancing patient care
                nurse-led initiative has been

                helping to eliminate lengthy
                delays for many patients waiting
                on medical assessment and
  The Acute Medical Assessment Unit (AMAU)
in Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital, Drogheda has
introduced a service led by Registered Advance
Nursing Practitioner Karen Carragher. The aim
of this service is to divert patients with lower
acuity medical illnesses from the queue waiting      on assessment by the medical colleagues. This         provide an appropriate management plan to
on medical assessment and to expedite unwell         improves efficiency for the more acutely unwell       meet the long-term health needs for patients.
medical patients to first line interventions         service users.”                                       This patient’s journey would most definitely
on the busy emergency floor. Karen and two              Karen said that the patient experience times are   have involved a lengthy wait behind the more
Advanced Nurse Practitioner Candidates, Mary         averaging between three-and-a-half to four-and-       acuity unwell if presenting at the Emergency
Savage and Anthony Dillon, with the support of       a-half hours between check-in and discharge.          Department. “Patients with lower acuity needs
an on-site medical team and consultants, can         On average 85-89pc of patients managed by the         after triage can often face long waits in the ED
triage, diagnose and come up with a treatment        ANP team are discharged home on the same day.         because they would often be at the back of the
plan towards hospital discharge or admission for     She explained how the organisation and delivery       queue while more serious cases are seen first,”
those less critical patients in a timely fashion.    of the AMAU services allows for such quick            said Karen.
  “This is a new approach to service delivery        assessment and treatment.                               Karen has 20 years’ nursing experience in a
within the specialty of Acute Medicine which            I clinically manage each patient’s assessment/     variety of nursing roles and grades, spending
is nurse-driven and nurse-led. It demonstrates       diagnostic journey and discharge/admission            the last 9 years working in the Acute Medical
that the nursing profession can provide the          plans. As a Registered Nurse Prescriber               Assessment Unit, Our Lady of Lourdes Hospital.
frontline leadership required to enhance and         I can prescribe and administer treatment                “I had a line manager who had the vision for
improve service delivery to meet the needs of        interventions as required. The ANP Acute              the implementation of this role within our AMAU
the increased demand on healthcare services,”        Medicine role and service is supported by the         and she encouraged me to go down an education
explained Karen.                                     consultancy and medical team here in keeping          pathway towards advanced practice. I completed
  Karen is one of four Registered Advanced           with the recommendations from the National            the Masters in Advanced Practice in 2017 and
Nurse Practitioners (RANP) in Acute Medicine         Acute Medicine program. The consultant team           I have a diploma in prescribing of medications
operating around the country. The three others       are a constant supportive structure within our        and radiation and there is a lot of continuous
are based in Dublin and 21 ANP candidates are        AMAU and have provided endless supports               professional development attached to this role; I
presently undergoing training in the specialty of    during the developmental stages of this ANP           am delighted to be operating in this new type of
Acute Medicine.                                      service,” she said.                                   role,” she said.
  Advanced nursing and midwifery practitioner           “Many patients like the reassurance of knowing
roles are developed around the country as a          that their case has been looked over by a
direct response to population health needs and       consultant so it is a major bonus to have them as
organisational requirements.                         a constant resource here on site.”
  “While this service is clinically managed by a        The ANP Acute Medicine service deals largely
RANP in Acute Medicine since July 2018, the          with lower acuity patients with less complex
developmental journey evolved in 2014 just four      medical conditions or medical history.
years after the unit first opened. Over this four-      “For example, I assessed a lady this morning
year period, the ANP Acute Medicine service was      and she was discharged in a couple of hours
shaped to streamline the journeys for certain        having seen a medical consultant with a
patient cohorts, allowing for expedited patient      provisional new diagnosis of asthma. This
experience times, expedited and improved access      lady had bloods taken, had a chest x-ray,
to certain diagnostics and overall improving         full respiratory assessment, was educated
patient flow within the AMAU,” she explained.        in the correct use of inhaler technique, was
  “This service has improved the overall             commenced on a new medicine and was
efficiency of assessment for all service users.      referred to the ANP lead respiratory clinic for
By streaming the lower acuity presentations          follow up Pulmonary Function Testing. This is a
to the ANP service a reduced queue is waiting        good example of how the service can efficiently

 10 health matters spring 2019
the front
         By streaming
         the lower acuity
 presentations to the
 ANP service a reduced
 queue is waiting on
 assessment by the
 medical colleagues.                                to six hours, the patient would usually have all      approximately 600 presentations a year. They
 This improves efficiency                           their tests done and reported on. Phlebotomy is       are generally a lower acuity patient group and
                                                    also done here by our nursing team so the patient     ideal for being seen by an ANP. These patients
 for the more acutely                               doesn’t have to leave the department to get their     are followed-up by us in our virtual clinic. It is a
 unwell service users                               bloods taken and we have an interdisciplinary         hospital admission avoidance strategy and it is
                                                    approach to care. These are all quality initiatives   working very well.”
   A further two ANP candidates in Acute            to enhance the patient journey.                         Lorraine Gray, CNM2, AMAU, highlighted the
 Medicine are currently undertaking the training       “I believe the AMAU services can help              value of the service.
 process. The implementation of these posts         eliminate the revolving ED door scenario for a          “This service provides a holistic rapid access
 will further enhance service delivery with the     cohort of medical patients living with chronic        service for patients presenting with suspected
 expansion of the RANP Acute Medicine services      long term illness and this is generally the frail     DVT and frees up doctor time to see the more
 in the Drogheda AMAU.                              elderly population. We want to get these patients     acutely unwell patients,” she said.
   Access to the AMAU is through a referral from    on the right path immediately, and empower              Dr Mustafa Salem, the lead consultant physician
 your GP or a referral from the ED. We also see     people to manage their own health and put a           in the AMAU, praised Karen and her team for “an
 patients referred from outpatients who require     long-term plan in place to keep them healthy          incredible contribution to the service.”
 urgent medical assessment and management.          and out of hospital.”                                   One service user was moved to write a letter
 The AMAU Team could see up to 50 patients            As well as managing acute patient                   to Karen and her team, praising them as “a great
 on a busy day, averaging between 20 to 40          presentations to the AMAU, the ANP Acute              example of professionalism, excellence, kindness
 assessments daily in the 12-bed unit.              Medicine service is also managing the                 and an empathy with the patient that could not
    “When a patient presents, they are triaged      DVT (deep vein thrombosis) VTE (venous                be surpassed”.
 within minutes by the AMAU nursing team who        thromboembolism) ambulatory care pathway                “I count myself privileged to have been treated
 identify if they are to be seen by the ANP or a    and providing virtual clinic follow-up services.      by a team of such wonderful, caring, kind and
 higher risk patient to be seen by the medical        “These strategies are providing improved            efficient people,” she wrote.
 service. In the rapid assessment room, a plan      efficiency, avoidance attendance to outpatient
 is put in place early by our skilled and highly    clinics, enhancing patient safety through virtual
 competent nursing team to expedite the journey     clinic reviews and telephone communication and        CLOCKWISE: The consultants, from left to right: Dr
 for the patient,” explained Karen.                 preventing hospital admissions. These services        Justin Low; Dr Mustafa Salem, Clinical Lead, AMAU;
                                                                                                          Dr Carlos Baeta; and Dr Ricardo Bagina.
   “We have access to same-day diagnostics          are enhancing quality for patients and are still in
                                                                                                          The Multidisciplinary Team AMAU.
 such as ultrasounds and CTs, as well as some       the early stages of development,” said Karen.         The ANPs, from left to right: Karen Carragher,
 cardiology investigative procedures. Within four     “The DVT VTE service would have                     Anthony Dillon and Mary Savage.

                                                                                                                      2019 spring health matters         11

Sm all thi ngs can
make a big difference to
those living with dementia
                was diagnosed with dementia

                in the early 80s. I was quite
                young and neither I, nor I think
                anybody else at the time had
                a good understanding of what
dementia was.
  “I received the diagnosis late, after having
lived through years with what I now know
are symptoms of forms of dementia, such
as forgetfulness, depression, confusion,
difficulties gathering my thoughts. When I
couldn’t remember things that once were
familiar to me, it seemed like I was losing my
mind. I didn’t voice this to anyone. How could
I ask for understanding, if I didn’t understand
it myself?”
  The lives of approximately 500.000 people
in Ireland have been affected by dementia,
and though we have a better understanding
of what dementia is and how it can affect the
person, many people with dementia still feel
stigmatised, isolated and lonely. Dementia
represents many challenges: it interferes with
cognitive function and performing activities of
daily living. This may cause individuals to feel
a sense of loss in terms of their independence,     often beyond their control, with the words     involves individuals, businesses and service
a disruption to their sense of self and a fear to   “The world shrinks”.                           providers, voluntary groups, healthcare
engage with others.                                   Dementia: Understand Together aims           professionals, local councils to have an
  There are a number of known risk factors          to tackle stigma and isolation by raising      understanding of dementia and to take steps
for dementia, but evidence shows that social        awareness for dementia and by creating a       to support people to stay engaged within their
isolation is linked to increased risk and the       social movement where people all around the    communities if they choose to do so.
lack of social integration may contribute to        country are inspired to take actions to make     Essentially, people in communities make
cognitive decline in older age. In addition         their communities dementia-inclusive.          a promise through words and actions to
caregivers have described their experience of         Building a dementia-inclusive community      understand, respect and support people with
loneliness caused by a range of circumstances       takes commitment, collaboration and time. It   dementia and their families.

          Ask how you                                    See the person,                                           Stay in
            can help                                    not the dementia                                           touch

 12 health matters spring 2019
The best way to                                  Local Community Champions in action
understand and                                   Over 70 Community Champions from 20
to know which                                    different counties came together in October to
actions will make a                              explore actions they could take. Many of them
difference is to listen                          have already got started and are making changes
                                                 in their local communities and linking with
to the words of a                                businesses, services and community groups.
person with dementia                              Ursula Paine, former Nurse Manager of
                                                 CAMEO CARE and Hospital of the Assumption,
          A good thing that actually             shares her experience of getting started.
          happened one Sunday, I went             “On our journey home from the Community
down to my local pub to watch a hurling          Champion event, my colleagues Jennifer,
match and one of the lads in the pub - I         Margaret and I made a plan. We decided to start
just know him in passing - but he just           a monthly Memory Café to raise awareness and
came over and he said to me, he put his          give people with dementia, families and carers
two hands up on my two hands, and he             a setting where they can get advice, chat and
said “Are you okay?” and I said, “I am           have fun together. So far we have had lots of
having a bit of a rough morning,” He said,       attention and interest. We chose a relaxed and    a note in her file, so that everyone is aware and
“Do you want to go home?” I said, “Look.         lovely setting in the ‘Bookworm’ which makes      can assist her when needed,” said Helen.
I will finish my pint and we will see.” That     a big difference. The owner John is a great        Teacher Roisin said, “In just four months, our
for me is savage comfort. You see, when          supporter too”.                                   transition year students have taken a concept
people that know you and know what’s              Robert, whose father has dementia, explained     and run with it. Fundraising for MP3 players
wrong with you are around you, then you          the value of community involvement.               and creating personalised playlists for elders
are never alone. Being alone is the               “The many postmasters and mistresses who         living with dementia in our community has
problem.”                                        are at the heart of the community know their      taught the students compassion, empathy
  - Kevin                                        customers well. For some people, their cheerful   and the gift of giving. We are blessed
                                                 greeting may be the only contact they have        with fantastic, inspiring dedicated and
          I lost a few friends when I got        on a given day, and the routine call-ins mean     compassionate young men and these students
          diagnosed. It’s quite common that.     more than can be expressed. For example, my       are literally changing lives in all they do.”
I don’t know whether it’s fear or because        father’s postman Mark knows that my dad has        These are just some of the many stories
they don’t know how to speak to you. They        dementia and because of this, always keeps an     and acts of kindness happening around the
would have a normal conversation with me         extra eye out for him. He knows how important     country. If we can inspire everyone in our
before they knew, and then they found out        his letters and parcels are for him and makes     community to have a better understanding
and avoided me like the plague. But when         sure that they are given to him personally, so    of dementia and take one small step to be
I told my best friend, she was really upset      that he is aware of their arrival.”               supportive and inclusive, we will have gone a
for me and she thought to herself ‘what           Librarian Helen shared a simple but              big step forward together.
can I do for Pam?’ And she just thought,         important example of how being aware and           For more information about the Dementia:
well I’ll just be a friend, just like I always   looking at how you can support someone            Understand Together campaign visit
am. And that’s all I want. Just to be the        makes all the difference                
same as she’s always been with me.  And           “One of our library clients came up to me and     If you are interested in getting involved and
she’s great, she just makes you                  told me that she had dementia and sometimes       joining the community of champions, contact
laugh, she’s really funny.                       had difficulty remembering things. We looked at   Fiona Foley, National Coordinator, at Fiona.
   - Pamela                                      how we could support her and decided to make or 086-7714892

                                                     Make sure your                                   Support the person
           Talk about
                                                     service or space                                 to keep up hobbies
           dementia                                   is easy to use                                     and interests
                                                                                                               2019 spring health matters 13

Men ta l Heal th Engage ment
Liam leaves role after
three productive years
                ental Health Engagement             either personal or family member experience of reaches a readership of about 5,000,” said Liam.

                is about giving a real voice to     mental health difficulties. I was very fortunate        “And our efforts so far have been recognised
                service users and their families    and privileged – as a long term service user – to at the Health Excellence Award where Mental
                and carers in how our mental        be appointed to that post,” said Liam.                Health Engagement grabbed a Certificate of
                health services are designed,         “In my work, I have always tried to apply           Appreciation!  It’s always nice to get a gong
delivered, monitored and evaluated.                 the principles of kindness, fair and respectful       for its symbolic value as it means a lot to
  That’s the verdict of the HSE’s first ever Head   dealing, teamwork and a good dose of humour.          those involved.”
of Mental Health Engagement Liam Hennessy,          I hope I have managed to achieve that in Mental         The outgoing Head said it was important to be
who is retiring after three years.                  Health Engagement.”                                   open about the fact there were challenges and
  “Its purpose is to ensure that the voice is not     The recommendations also proposed the               that there was a lot of learning by doing.
only heard but listened to and acted on – a two-    setting up of local forums for Mental Health            “There were two big challenges that we had
way dialogue, if you like, much more than just      Engagement in all the HSE’s Community                 to deal with. First, there was the capacity of
consultation,” said Liam.                           Healthcare Organisations (CHOs) with                  service users and their supporters to make
  He explained that Mental Health Engagement        direct links to local mental health services          the forums work – especially in some parts of
evolved from a report prepared for the HSE          management to relay their concerns and ideas          the country where there had been no previous
Mental Health Services by a group of service        and have them responded to. The development           work of this kind done. Second, some local
users and their families and carers on how          of these forums has been led by nine Area             management teams might have found it difficult
the views of those who use the services and         Leads for Mental Health Engagement, all of            to buy into the process, at least at first.  Happily,
their supporters could be taken into account to     whom have lived experience of mental health           these challenges have been overcome as
improve the services. Significantly, that report    difficulties, either personally or in their families, time goes on. For example, we have now put
was called Partnership for Change and was           and there are now 35 forums in place.                 in place a training programme about Mental
accepted in full by the HSE.                          “Clearly, the fact that we now have 35 forums Health Engagement for service users, family
  Mental Health Engagement has been putting         in place has to be seen as a success in itself.       members, supporters and service providers and
the main recommendations into place across          And as time elapses, these are growing in             managers,” said Liam.
the country since early 2016.                       confidence and developing their capacity to             He said he remains positive about the future
  “One of those recommendations was that the        engage with local management about issues             of the role.
National Office for Mental Health Engagement        of concern to them about local services. And            “You won’t be surprised to hear me say that
should be led by a Head who had to have had         local management are responding too - in some I believe it will go from strength to strength,
                                                    cases formally consulting with the Forums             particularly now that my successor will
                                                    about proposed service development, a real            have responsibility for both Mental Health
        In my work,                                 example of partnership,” he said.                     Engagement and Recovery. This amalgamation
        I have always                                 At the national level too, as a result of the       of the two initiatives was probably long overdue
                                                    work of Mental Health Engagement, things have and I have no doubt that the synergies which
tried to apply the                                  been moving ahead, Liam noted.                        will come from this will be to the benefit of both
principles of kindness,                               “We had a very successful national Mental
                                                    Health Engagement Day for service users,
                                                                                                          strands as they are essentially two sides of the
                                                                                                          same coin,” he added.
fair and respectful                                 families, carers and service providers and where
dealing, teamwork and                               we launched our Mental Health Services: Family,
                                                    Carer and Supporter Guide. And we now have            TOP OF PAGE: Liam Hennessy with his team and
a good dose of humour                               our quarterly eNewsletter, Caidreamh, which           Area Leads for Mental Health Engagement.

 14 health matters spring 2019
Ti ppera ry OT head s to Colom bia
Volunteer trip helps
Geraldine explore new skills
                 olunteering in Columbia

                 proved a humbling experience
                 for one Irish healthcare
                 worker who gave her time
                 and medical expertise to help
many of the marginalised people of the
South American country.
  Geraldine Shiels has been working as a
paediatric occupational therapist since 2015,
having graduated with a Masters from the
University of Limerick. It was during her
studies that she decided that she wanted to
volunteer abroad.
  “During one of my occupational therapy            Geraldine, third from the left, with the Abuelitas, staff and volunteers.
college placements, I worked with various
community populations in a non-traditional          governments, crime syndicates, armed forces              are affectionately called ‘Abuelitas’
occupational therapy setting which allowed          and illegal drugs trade which began in the               (grandmothers), do not have a family or have
me experience a broader approach to                 mid-1960s.This conflict has caused the                   been left by their families who cannot afford to
occupational therapy practice. This experience,     internal displacement of families throughout             look after them anymore.
along with my aspirations from my teenage           the country.                                                “As a paediatric occupational therapist,
years to volunteer abroad, motivated me               “During my placement, I stayed in                      working with an older population challenged
to seek a volunteering role. My aim was to          accommodation in the south district of Bogotá            me to adapt my skills, for example grading
experience a different culture, to work with        with approximately 12 other volunteers from              activities such as salsa dancing lessons so that
people living in marginalised conditions, to        various countries. Emerging Voices provides              those with medical conditions and reduced
explore how occupational therapy could be           placements for their volunteers with various             mobility could participate. I spent the majority
implemented within a wider context, and             local organisations in Bogotá. The projects run          of my time volunteering with the Abuelitas
challenge myself to develop and learn new           by these organisations aim to help to the poor           which enabled me to learn about their lives,
skills,” Geraldine explained.                       and assist vulnerable groups,” said Geraldine.           their transition to Santa Rosa, and their
  She began the process by registering with           She volunteered at an orphanage, which                 current participation within the community.
International Volunteer HQ (IVHQ) agency. IVHQ      provides a home and childcare to over 100                Their stories provide an insight into how they
works with independent local organisations          orphan babies, toddlers, children and preteens;          overcame occupational deprivation which
to receive volunteers, facilitate project           at two homes for boys aged between six and 17            challenged their physical and mental health to
placements, and provide accommodation               who would otherwise be living on the streets;            regain the capacity to construct new lives for
throughout the duration of the programmes.          and, finally, at a home for elderly ladies.              themselves,” said Geraldine.
  “I chose to volunteer in Colombia as it             “In the orphanage, education programmes                   She said the whole experience was extremely
provided a range of placements which                and learning through play and activities                 positive for her.
interested me. In addition, I have a number         are provided to support the learning and                    “It provided me with a wonderful opportunity
of South American friends living in Ireland.        development of each child. In addition,                  to travel and meet many people, to challenge
Their insights into South American social,          the children have access to healthcare                   myself to communicate with limited Spanish,
cultural, economic and political aspects of life    services such as medical, nursing, dietetics,            and draw on my occupation therapy skills in
piqued my interest in pursuing a volunteering       physiotherapy, and psychology. There I                   different contexts working with a range of
placement there. My application was                 volunteered in one of the toddler rooms                  people from toddlers, teenagers and older
successful and I was approved to volunteer          facilitating play, education, and feeding                people. Each volunteer was made to feel
with Emerging Voices, a non-profit organisation     activities,” she said.                                   welcomed by staff and service users on a daily
founded in 2007 and based in Bogotá,” she said.       She explained that in the boys’ homes, many            basis,” she said.
  “The planning and preparation work from           have experienced family home breakdown,                     “It was enlightening to see the
my volunteering trip took approximately three       desertion by caregivers, homelessness,                   resourcefulness of the Abuelitas in making
months. I fundraised through coffee mornings,       substance abuse, physical abuse and self-                their home in Santa Rosa, and forging new
raffles, Irish traditional music sessions, and      harm. They are given access to a range of                connections through meaningful work and
sponsorships from local businesses. In addition,    healthcare services such as psychology,                  leisure roles and participating in community
travelling to South America required me to be       social work, and dietetics in addition to                life. The dignity of the Abuelitas and their
immunised against a range of diseases and           attending education programmes. She                      gratefulness to each volunteer for spending
complete online IVHQ training. I undertook to       facilitated educational programmes through               time with them, and completing activities
learn basic Spanish to help me communicate.”        English and leisure activities with teenage              of daily living and leisure activities, struck a
  Colombia today is trying to rid itself from its   boys in the two homes.                                   chord with me. It was a humbling experience to
troubled history of internal conflicts between        Many of the elderly ladies, who                        receive their heartfelt thanks and good wishes.”

                                                                                                                          2019 spring health matters 15

Leading the ch ange
Values in Action meets
                alues in Action closed                                                                      Values in Action Mid West
                                                              Change will not
                2018 with a gathering of                                                                    It’s awards season in the film industry and
                Values in Action project team                 happen without the                            also in UL Hospitals Group. Staff are our
                members and friends from
                UL Hospitals Group, HSE Mid
                                                      engagement of clinicians,                             greatest asset and the UL Hospital’s Group
                                                                                                            Staff Recognition Awards took place in
West Community Healthcare,  Community                 the wider health workforce,                           early February. Each nomination provided
Healthcare Organisation Dublin North City &
County, the Centre and Sláintecare.
                                                      service users, service                                evidence or examples of living the Values in
                                                                                                            Action behaviours.
   Sláintecare is a 10-year programme to              providers, the people of                                Ann O’Reilly, a Values in Action Champion,
transform our health and social care services.
It’s about working together and our shared
                                                      Ireland and everyone else                             was nominated for the Unsung Hero this
                                                                                                            year. Ann embodies the spirit of the Values
commitment to the best healthcare we can              who engages with our health                           in Action.
provide for the Irish people.  Sláintecare is a
large-scale programme of reform which will
                                                      and social care services
require a coalition across the health sector to
succeed. Change will not happen without the           She emphasised that the changes that were
engagement of clinicians, the wider health            necessary to build a better health service for
workforce, service users, service providers, the      us all could only be delivered through and with
people of Ireland and everyone else who engages       the people who lead our services on a day to
with our health and social care services.             day basis. Sláintecare and Values in Action are
   Values in Action is mobilising staff and           committed to fostering a  culture in the Health
empowering them to lead the changes that              service that is supported by a platform of local
we need to truly build a better health service,       leaders who shape and guide the future of our
and to develop a culture where our values are         health services through the behaviours they
a way of life for us all, and a visible part of our   demonstrate and the values they uphold.
everyday actions.                                       Minister for Health Simon Harris endorsed
   Laura Magahy, Executive Director of                the work of Values in Action, and outlined how
Sláintecare, acknowledged the enormous                engagement and communication with the public
progress made by Values in Action in a short          and health sector workers will be embedded in
space of time. She highlighted the need for           Sláintecare. This will ensure that the voice of our
other strategies and plans to address the many        stakeholders is always to the fore and informs        Colette Cowan, CEO, ULHG, and Ann O’Reilly at
challenges we face in the Health Service.             everything we do.                                     the ULHG Staff Recognition Awards last month.

Mid West Values in Action Project Team members: Breda Duggan; Laura Magahy, Executive Director, Slaintecare; Michelle Ryan and Elaine Connolly.

 16 health matters spring 2019
 Community Healthcare                                      Mobiliser Day
 Organisation Dublin North                                 Community Healthcare Organisation
 City & County 2019 Intentions                             Dublin North City & County ran their
 Did you make a New                                        3rd Mobiliser Day on January, 31st.
 Year’s resolution?                                        The mobilisers support groups of
 Values in Action in                                       Champions’. The energy and vibe in the
 Dublin North City and                                     room created a great atmosphere. Mary
 County Community                                          Walshe the Chief Officer popped in to say
 Health Organisation took                                  hello and congratulated the mobilisers
 a different approach.                                     on the worthwhile work they are doing to
 They asked Champions’          Dr Michael Drumm.          build a better culture.
 to share their intentions
 for 2019.  The result? A video featuring
 Champions’ stories and intentions for 2019.
   Oonagh Conlon talked about an increase
 in staff morale on her ward after Values in
 Action had been introduced. Esther Irwin                     FURTHER INFORMATION
 described how her colleagues are now putting
 themselves in other people shoes.  Marie
 O’Sullivan’s intention for 2019 is to encourage             #weareourvalues
 her HR colleagues to challenge toxic attitudes    
 and behaviours.

 Values in Action in St Ita’s Hospital, Dublin
 St Ita’s Hospital, Portrane, Co Dublin has approximately 1,000 staff working on the campus. That’s
 about one third of the staff population of Community Healthcare Organisation Dublin North City &
 County. Champions’ ran two Values in Action information sessions for their colleagues.
  It was standing room only. There is a Bootcamp coming up in April and we hope to see some new
 Values in Action Champions’ from St Ita’s Hospital.

 St Ita’s Hospital Staff

   Am I putting myself in other people’s shoes?
   Just a little thank you note to the staff of St.        the meeting on my personal phone.
    Joseph’s, Mulgrave Street, Limerick.                    In the midst of my distress, I met two HSE staff
      I work in an outside organisation and I arrived in   members who couldn’t have been more helpful.
    St. Josephs for a meeting last Tuesday.                They helped me contact attendees at the meeting
      I was running late and then realised that I had      and one went above and beyond and even offered
    forgotten that the meeting had been moved to           to drive me to Catherine Street for my meeting.
    Catherine Street. At this stage I was really late,     It’s lovely to meet warm and helpful people. It
    feeling stressed, my work phone was dead  and I        made my stressful mistake easier to accept.
    didn’t have a contact number for anyone attending       Thank you.

                                                                                                               2019 spring health matters 17

Heal th Servi ce Excellence Aw ards
Innovative projects
highlight efforts of staff
               total of 322 projects from all

               over the country entered the
               2018 Health Service Excellence
               Awards, which are open to all
               staff working in the publicly
funded health system. Six innovative projects
got through to the final shortlist after a rigorous
selection process. These projects highlight how
many HSE staff are working to deliver better
health services with easier access and higher-
quality care for patients.
  The winners were announced at an awards
ceremony at Farmleigh in Dublin’s Phoenix Park,
last December.
  “The awards aim to highlight the many
achievements that take place across a range of
staff groups and teams, services and locations,
so that we can celebrate success and promote
shared learning for the benefit of other services,”
                                                                The awards aim
said Rosarii Mannion, National Director, HR.                    to highlight the
Verotoxigenic E.coli (VTEC) is a bacteria that
                                                        many achievements
can cause potentially life threatening illness. It is   that take place across
transmitted through contaminated food or water,
contact with infected animals, from contaminated
                                                        a range of staff groups
environments or from person to person.                  and teams, services
  New cutting-edge technology introduced in
2018 into the VTEC reference laboratory at the
                                                        and locations
Public Health Laboratory (PHL), Cherry Orchard
Hospital, has significantly improved its capacity
to identify potential disease outbreaks and
resulted in substantial cost savings.                   In less than two years, the PHNs in                   stepped-care, low intensity interventions in a
  The PHL introduced whole genome sequencing            Waterford referred 315 pre-school children            primary care setting for adults with mild-to-
(WGS) to its National Reference Laboratory              to the dental service.                                moderate mental health presentations.
(NRL) service to protect the public from illness           The goal of this project is to improve the           Building upon a three-year pilot of a
caused by VTEC. WGS improves outbreak                   dental health of young children and reduce            predominantly one-to-one Cognitive Behaviour
investigation which contributes significantly to        the demand for dental extractions under               Therapy-based service, APSI was launched in
risk reduction strategies for this pathogen by          general anaesthesia.                                  October 2012 as a fully-funded HSE primary
facilitating early detection of potential outbreaks,       This involves a multidisciplinary approach.        care service.
and allowing faster public health interventions.        The Public Health Nurse department and                  Since then, APSI has provided evidence-
                                                        dental services of Waterford have worked              based psychological treatments to the adults
The National Sepsis Programme succeeded in              collaboratively on this project since 2016            in Co Roscommon. With six bases throughout
reducing sepsis mortality by 22.2pc over a four            This early intervention initiative can produce     the county, the service is highly accessible
year period and there was a 28pc decrease in the        lifelong benefit to clients and significant savings   accepting professional and self-referrals.
average length of stay for patients.                    for the HSE. As such early intervention offers
  Sepsis is a potentially life-threatening condition    the potential to improve children’s oral and          Homeless people are among the most
triggered by infection that affects the function        general health, their quality of life and wellbeing   marginalised in society and they have among
of the organs. It is treated most effectively if        and reduce the burden on the health services.         the highest health care needs. The Safetynet
recognised early.                                          This is an additional service to pre-school        Homeless Primary Care Team is funded by
  The sepsis programme is the implementation            children only in the Waterford Community              HSE Social Inclusion. Safetynet Primary Care
arm of National Clinical Guideline No 6: Sepsis         Services area. Tooth decay is a major public          is a medical charity.
Management.  The aims of the programme are              health problem for children and it is the most          Nine fully equipped GP and nurse clinics
to decrease mortality, acuity and length of stay        common chronic disease of childhood.                  are provided weekly in homeless hostels and
in patients with sepsis.                                                                                      services providing care to approximately 500
  Sepsis recognition improved by 67pc between           Based in Co Roscommon, Access to                      homeless people monthly. Health problems
2015 and 2016 and by a further 15pc by 2017.            Psychology Services Ireland (APSI) provides           encountered frequently include respiratory

 18 health matters spring 2019
difficulties, mental illness, addiction and
chronic and acute illness. The model includes
open access clinics for others stigmatised in
society without access to health care including
drug users and migrants without means.
  St James Hospital, the Mater Misericordiae
University Hospital, HSE mental health teams,
and homeless charities meet weekly with
the Safetynet Homeless Primary Care team
to coordinate care for people experiencing

Ireland East Hospital Group (IEHG)
facilitated, promoted and supported the           CLOCKWISE: Excellence in Quality Care Award went to ‘The Sepsis Programme – a quality improvement
Regional Hospital Mullingar to introduce a        initiative’. Supporting a Healthy Community Award went to ‘Inclusion Health – A Primary Care Team
Frailty Intervention Team (MFIT) for patients     with a difference’. The Innovation in Services Delivery Award went to ‘A new national Laboratory Service,
                                                  introduced in 2018, dramatically improves outbreak investigation and Public Health outcomes’.
aged over 75 years attending their Emergency      Championing Mental Health across our Health Services Award went to ‘Access to Psychological Services
Department.                                       Ireland (APSI)’. Improving our Childrens’ Health Award went to ‘Public Health Nurse Oral Health Early
  At triage patients are screened for frailty     Intervention Initiative’
and if found to be frail a Comprehensive
Geriatric Assessment (CGA) is completed           before and after the introduction of MFIT has         across the IEHG.
and appropriate priority referrals are made to    enabled the team to design a programme to               Congratulations to the six overall winners in
Health and Social Care Professionals in the       meet the needs of their frail older patients          their categories.
hospital and in the community.                    attending the Regional Hospital Mullingar. The          Full details of the shortlisted projects can be
  Feedback from patients and staff both           programme has supported shared learning               found at:

                                                                                                                     2019 spring health matters 19
You can also read