Page created by Jerome Richards

                                         GOOD THINGS
                                        COME IN THREES
                                               JUSTCLEAN’S MANAGEMENT
                                            TALK RUNNING A SCALABLE BUSINESS

                                                                                (AND TIRELESS)
                                                                        CO-FOUNDER ATHBI AL-ENEZI
                                                                            CEO MOHAMMAD JAFFAR
                                                                        CO-FOUNDER NOURI AL-ENEZI
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  Areije Al Shakar at
  the Unbound Bahrain
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  National Theatre in

22                         34                              30                                   42
INNOVATOR:                 INNOVATOR:                      INNOVATOR                            CULTURE
IN THREES                  Abdulwahed Juma,                PERSPECTIVE                          Doubling down
JustClean co-founders      Executive Vice President        Areije Al Shakar of Bahrain          Basel Talal, Radisson Hotel
Athbi Al-Enezi and         of Brand and Corporate          Development Bank -who is             Group’s Regional Director
Nouri Al-Enezi, and CEO    Communications, du,             also the Fund Manager at             for Saudi Arabia, Kuwait,
Mohammad Jaffar talk       on how the telco is             Al Waha Fund of Funds- on            and the Levant, on the
about running a scalable   differentiating itself as       how her country’s initiatives        hospitality company building
business.                  a brand in the UAE.             are enabling not just its            up its presence in the
                                                           own, but the region’s                Kingdom.
                                                           entrepreneurial ecosystem.
                                         80 Lucidya team   60                                   ‘TREPNOMICS
                                                           START IT UP                          PRO
                                                           ECOSYSTEM                            Value proposition
                                                           Redefining perceptions               Massad Fares, Chairman of
                                                           Amal Dokhan, Director of             Legacy Central, and Wael
                                                           Babson Global Center for             El Zein, Chairman and
                                                           Entrepreneurial Leadership           General Manager of Lucid
                                                           in King Abdullah University          Invesetment Bank SAL,
                                                           of Science and Technology            discuss how Legacy One,
                                                           in Saudi Arabia, on the              Lebanon’s first real estate
                                                           Kingdom’s reception to (and          investment vehicle, turned a
                                                           aptitude for) change.                crisis into an opportunity.

                                                                                                  April 2019 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 3
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CONTENTS                                    APRIL 2019

                                                                                  60 Amal Dokhan, Director of Babson Global Center for
                                                                                  Entrepreneurial Leadership in KSA, talks about the Kingdom’s
                                                                                  reception to (and aptitude for) change.

                                                                                     68                                     38
                                                                                     ‘TREPONOMICS                           TECH
                                                                                     SKILLSET                               SHINY
                                                                                     Better together                        #TamTalksTech
                                                                                     The co-founders of Dubai-              Gadgets and doodads that
                                                                                     based startup WakeCap                  you might’ve missed out on,
                                                                                     Hassan Albalawi and Ishita             sourced by a tech aficionado.
                                                                                     Sood talk partnership pros.            Yes, it’s okay to want them
                                                                                                                            all… and no, it’s not our
                                                                                     74                                     fault.
                                                                                     START IT UP
                                                                                     STARTUP FINANCE
                                                                                     We got funded!
                                                                                     The stories behind the
       80                                           71                               recent fundraising wins by
       START IT UP                                  ‘TREPENOMICS                     MENA startups Tarjama and
       Q&A                                          SKILLSET                         Jamalon.
       Watch what they say                          Driven by values
       KSA-based startup                            Blueground’s Amine               20
       Lucidya wants to empower                     Housni shares five factors       IN THE LOOP
       businesses by providing                      needed to deliver a stand-       Reinventing an industry
       real-time analytics for their                out, seamless, mobile-first      Plug and Play debuts travel
       social media platforms with                  experience that adheres to       and hospitality accelerator                                     Fitbit Versa
       its AI-powered tools.                        your business’ values.           program in Abu Dhabi.                                           Lite Edition

           JustClean CEO
           Mohammad Jaffar
           with co-founders
           Athbi Al-Enezi and
           Nouri Al-Enezi

12 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019
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CONTENTS                                    APRIL 2019

                                                                                  78 SHE CAN 2019, a conference dedicated to MENA women
                                                                                  entrepreneurs, hosted its third annual edition in Egypt.

                                                                                      55                                          54
                                                                                      ‘TREPONOMICS                                ‘TREPONOMICS
                                                                                      SKILLSET                                    SKILLSET
                                                                                      Sustaining success                          Make culture a priority
                                                                                      Dawn Metcalfe, founder                      Mike Cook, Chief
                                                                                      of PDSi, delves into how                    Marketing and
                                                                                      culture can help your                       Communications Officer
                                                                                      company get ahead.                          at Creative Zone, lists
                                                                                                                                  the five steps to create
                                                                                                                                  a happy and successful
      58                                            40                                82                                          startup from the outset.
      CULTURE                                       CULTURE                           CULTURE
      LIFE                                          TRAPPINGS                         LIFE                                        78
      Riding the wave                               ‘Trep gear                        The five-year                               IN PICTURES
      When it comes to being                        The executive selection for       entrepreneurial itch                        Sky's the limit
      an entrepreneur, it’s you                     the entrepreneur on your          How do you keep going                       Egypt's SHE CAN 2019
      who’s running the business,                   list that has everything.         when the shine has worn                     focuses on failures
      not the other way around,                     Okay, maybe for a little          off, and your passion                       as stepping stones to
      Osama Romoh writes.                           self-reward as well.              becomes a pain point?                       success.

                                                                                                                                                    The launch event of
                                                                                                                                                     Legacy One, at the
                                                                                                                                                     Beirut International
                                                                                                                                                    Exhibition & Leisure
                                                                                                                                                           Center (BIEL)

14 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019
                                                                                                       Contact to receive
       EDITOR IN CHIEF Aby Sam Thomas                                                Entrepreneur Middle East every issue
       CEO Wissam Younane
       DIRECTOR Rabih Najm
       CREATIVE LEAD Odette Kahwagi
       MANAGING EDITOR Tamara Pupic
       STARTUPS SECTION EDITOR Pamella de Leon                                                                PO Box 502511 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
       GROUP SALES DIRECTOR – B2B GROUP Joaquim D’Costa                                                        P +971 4 4200 506 | F +971 4 4200 196

       COLUMNIST Tamara Clarke                                                                      For all commercial enquiries related to Entrepreneur Middle East
       EVENTS LIAISON Mark Anthony Monzon                                                                         contact

       CONTRIBUTING WRITERS                                                                                                 All rights reserved 2019.
                                                                                                             Opinions expressed are solely those of the contributors.
       Fida Chaaban              Amine Housni             Dawn Metcalfe                                  Entrepreneur Middle East and all subsidiary publications in the
       Mike Cook                 Gautam Kumar             Osama Romoh                                   MENA region are officially licensed exclusively to BNC Publishing
       Richard Dean              Megha Merani             Carla Saliba                                           in the MENA region by Entrepreneur Media Inc.
                                                                                                        No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any
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       Images used in Entrepreneur Middle East are credited when necessary. Attributed use of
       copyrighted images with permission. All images not credited otherwise Shutterstock.                           Printed by United Printing and Publishing

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16 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019
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     W H E N YO U B O O K D I R E C T

       Is there a grownup in the room?
       Someone has got to say something sooner or later

                    ow do you react to bad          the unsavory personalities are
                    behavior from people            the bosses, and therefore, nobody
                    around you? I person-           dares to call them out for it. Or
                    ally prefer to stay away        perhaps it’s because they are the
                    or simply ignore those          top performers in the enterprise,
                    who choose to act in a          and so their poor behaviors are
                    horrible manner, but            given by a free pass by those above
       then again, in my line of work, I            them in the hierarchy. Others just
       can’t seem to avoid seeing or hear-          buy into the reality distortion field
       ing about them on a day-to-day               perpetrated by these individuals,
       basis. As such, one of the things            and thus are dismissive of anything     wrong? How do you respond to
       I’ve begun to notice about these             that challenges that very specific      criticism or complaints- do you
       types of people is how they all              notion. Regardless of the reason        dismiss them blindly or do you
       seem to have taken on an air of              though, it seems pretty apparent        at least give them a (real) listen?
       arrogant smugness in the way they            that the people who fail to act on      When you feel like you’re on
       conduct themselves. They look to             curbing this kind of toxic behavior     morally shaky ground, is there
       be either blithely unaware (and/or)          in those near them are essentially      someone like an accountability
       are completely callous about their           enabling it as well. Doing this in      buddy around you who can
       own failings. It is both strange and         the context of a startup results in     provide you with perspective and
       tragic that they don’t appear to be          the creation of a rather unpleasant     direction? Take the time to find
       able to see past their own inflated          work culture. And this, when            out the answer to questions like
       sense of self. I’m particularly per-         allowed to fester, almost certainly     these for yourself.
       plexed by entrepreneurs who have             leads to unfavorable outcomes for        Being self-aware can only ever do
       this kind of an attitude, as it runs         the organization at large.              you good.
       contrary to pretty much all of the             So, in the work environment,
       principles that govern real suc-             besides not condoning bad
       cess stories in the business world.          behavior in those around you, what
       Simultanously, I can’t help but              can you do to make sure you are
       wonder how they get away with                not behaving badly? I feel like this
       acting like this- shouldn’t there be         should start with a good honest
       someone around them who should               look at yourself, and critically
       be keeping them in check?                    examining how people you interact
          Well, there should be- but, as            with on a regular basis respond to
       far as I can tell, there rarely is           your actions. Do you have someone       Aby Sam Thomas
       someone like that in the proximity           in your team who feels confident        Editor in Chief
       of those who are behaving badly.             and empowered enough to call              @thisisaby
       Maybe it’s because the ones with             you out should you do something

18 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019

                                                                                      "THE UAE HAS COME OF AGE IN TERMS
                                                                                      OF TECH PROWESS"
                                                                                      Muna Al Gurg, the only Emirati investor in
                                                                                      Careem, on the company's acquisition by Uber
                                                                                      “IT’S A BIG WAKE-UP CALL.”          business? “There are many rea-
                                                                                      That’s how Muna Al Gurg char-       sons, but to narrow it down, it
                                                                                      acterizes the impact the US$3.1     was a mixture of a large market
                                                                                      billion acquisition of Careem by    size, and a proven tendency for
                                                                                      Uber will have on the mindsets      repeated use by customers,”
                                                                                      of investors in the UAE and         she replies. “Careem had al-
                                                                                      the wider MENA region. As           ready proven its ability to scale,
       Careem co-founders Magnus Olsson, Mudassir Sheikha and Abdulla Elyas
                                                                                      the only Emirati shareholder        and they had the right team in
                                                                                      in Careem, Al Gurg, who’s the       place to further grow. A lot of
       A MILESTONE FOR THE MENA                                                       Director of Retail at Easa Al
                                                                                      Gurg Group, has been hailed for
                                                                                                                          hesitancy was, and continues
                                                                                                                          to be, around profitability, and
       STARTUP ECOSYSTEM                                                              her role in enabling the creation   what kind of margins such
                                                                                      of the Middle East’s biggest        a business can make as it
       Uber acquires Careem for US$3.1 billion                                        ever tech success story, which      matures.”
                                                                                      is expected to inspire others in      Al Gurg adds that she was

              t’s official: Uber is                 with Careem’s founders, I’m       the UAE to follow her lead in       hopeful for an acquisition
              buying Careem for                     confident we will deliver         the future.                         when it came to the long-term
              US$3.1 billion. The                   exceptional outcomes for                                              prospects of Careem. “An exit
              acquisition of the                    riders, drivers, and cities, in                       Muna Al Gurg    via an acquisition was always
              Dubai-born Careem                     this fast-moving part of the                                          my base case,” she says. “Obvi-
              by the San Francisco-                 world.”                                                               ously, this was always going to
              headquartered Uber is                   Commenting on the acqui-                                            be dependent on the health of
       expected to close in the first               sition, Sheikha said, “Joining                                        the other ride-hailing startups.
       quarter of 2020, with the                    forces with Uber will help us                                         During Uber’s leadership transi-
       transaction consisting of $1.7               accelerate Careem’s purpose                                           tion, I did have some concerns
       billion in convertible notes,                of simplifying and improving                                          about its future trajectory,
       and $1.4 billion in cash.                    the lives of people, and build-                                       and whether it would be a
         The deal will see Careem                   ing an awesome organization                                           possible acquirer. When Dara
       becoming a wholly owned                      that inspires.”                                                       [Khosrowshahi, CEO, Uber] took
       subsidiary of Uber, though                     “The mobility and broader                                           over, his background suggested
       Careem will continue to                      internet opportunity in the                                           M&A was something he was
       operate independently under                  region is massive and un-         Al Gurg, who’s known for            comfortable with.”
       the leadership of the com-                   tapped, and has the potential     being an active proponent of          As for what Careem’s exit
       pany's current CEO and co-                   to leapfrog our region into       the MENA startup ecosystem          means for the MENA startup
       founder, Mudassir Sheikha.                   the digital future,” he added.    through her roles as Board          ecosystem, Al Gurg points
         “This is an important                      “We could not have found          Member at Endeavor UAE and          toward the benefits it will have
       moment for Uber, as we                       a better partner than Uber        Chairwoman of Young Arab            for the region as a whole. “The
       continue to expand the                       under Dara’s leadership to        Leaders (among others), claims      impact is obvious," she says.
       strength of our platform                     realize this opportunity.”        to have been impressed with         "It's proof that large businesses
       around the world,” said Dara                   Uber’s buy-out of Careem is     the way Careem was structured       can be built locally. Proof that
       Khosrowshahi, CEO, Uber, in                  now the largest acquisition of    as a business from its very         foreign companies will invest in
       a statement.                                 a startup seen in the Middle      beginnings. “I’ve always been a     the region, given the right op-
         “With a proven ability to                  East so far, with the deal        massive supporter of Careem’s       portunity. With Souq and now
       develop innovative local so-                 amount surpassing Amazon’s        service,” she says. “Whenever I     Careem both being acquired,
       lutions, Careem has played a                 reported $580 million pur-        heard someone say, ‘Let’s call      the UAE has come of age in
                                                                                                                                                               IMAGES COURTESY CAREEM | MUNA AL GURG

       key role in shaping the future               chase of Souq in 2017.            an Uber,’ I’d quickly chime in      terms of tech prowess. Going
       of urban mobility across the                   Careem, which was               with a suggestion to 'go local      forward, we hope that the
       Middle East, becoming one of                 launched in Dubai in 2012,        and use Careem instead.’”           trickle-down and ripple effects
       the most successful startups                 today operates in 120 cities        But what about Careem made        from the acquisition facilitate
       in the region,” Khosrowshahi                 across 15 countries.              Al Gurg want to invest in the       more innovation.”
       noted. “Working closely            

20 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019

       by ABY SAM THOMAS

                        ere’s something I’ve come to realize in my   JustClean: in the discussion of how we’d position
                        time working at Entrepreneur Middle East:    co-founders (and brothers) Athbi and Nouri Al-Enezi
                        you can tell a lot about entrepreneurs by    and CEO Mohammed Jaffar for a photograph that’d
                        the way they behave in a photoshoot. For     feature all three of them, they made it clear that they
                        instance, the ones who make an awful         didn’t want a picture that showed any of them stand-
                        hassle about how they are snapped are        ing ahead of the others. The reasoning was simple: by
                        often those who have let success go to       having themselves showcased in line with each other,
       their heads- they turn what should have been a rather         the three entrepreneurs wanted to show that they are
       simplistic process into a painful parade of their egotistic   all equal when it comes to their work at JustClean, and
       attitudes and whims. In stark contrast are the humbler        that it is their united front that makes them so impact-
       entrepreneurs, who are always a lot more pleasurable          ful. In this startup, no one is more important than the
       to work with. It’s endearing to see them get embar-           other, but it’s their united front that distinguishes this
       rassed when the spotlight is on them (both literally and      ambitious enterprise keen on making a dent in the busi-
       figuratively), and they are very adamant about sharing        ness realm. Now, given that we work in a region where
       time in the limelight with partners or teams. It’s simple     numbers (arguably) matter more than words, know
       why: they want the focus to be on the business they           that these Kuwaiti innovators are aiming to solve what
                                                                                                                                  IMAGES COURTESY JUSTCLEAN

       run, and not on them per se.                                  they claim to be over a US$2 billion dollar problem in
         It is in this latter category that I put the entrepre-      the GCC- and they are setting themselves up to be the
       neurial trio leading the Kuwait-headquartered startup,        trendsetters in this arena. >>>

22 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019


                                        April 2019 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 23

          JustClean CEO Mohammad Jaffar with co-founders Athbi Al-Enezi and Nouri Al-Enezi

       "TODAY, WE ARE A MARKETPLACE                                                          remember looking over at
                                                                                             my brother, and saying ‘Quit
                                                                                                                             to help your community
                                                                                                                             than solve an inconvenience
       APPLICATION PLUS WE’RE A LOGISTICS                                                    your job. We are starting our   people may and may not be
       BUSINESS AS WELL AS A SAAS (SOFTWARE                                                  own app.’” Nouri’s response?
                                                                                             “I remember staring Athbi
                                                                                                                             aware of. My brother and I
                                                                                                                             knew we wanted to follow
       AS A SERVICE) BUSINESS. WE’RE                                                         dead in the eye, and saying,    the innovators in the market,
                                                                                             ‘We are about to start the      and lead in their steps. We
       CURRENTLY THREE BUSINESSES IN ONE.”                                                   journey of our life.’”          knew we were the youth of
                                                                                               And that was it- the          tomorrow that could take
       JustClean started out with                   thought), I was in a state of            Al-Enezi brothers’              a risk, drop the secure 9-5,
       a different name- the Al-                    panic because my work suits              entrepreneurial careers         and jump into the dynamic
       Enezi brothers launched                      were all at the cleaners, and            began at that moment in the     startup life.” And to their
       the company as Masbagti                      the cleaners had decided to              car. Once Masbagti came         credit, the Al-Enezi brothers
       (meaning “my laundry” in                     close on the day that I was              into being in April 2016, it    moved Masbagti quite
       Arabic) in 2016, billing it as               promised their return. So,               quickly found favor with        quickly along its business
       Kuwait’s first on-demand                     at 10 pm, with no suit to                consumers, who were only        trajectory- besides working
       laundry service marketplace                  wear to work the next day,               too glad to find a faster       on rapidly increasing the
       app. “Our journey started                    I did as any rational person             and more convenient way         number of customers as well
       with a common pain,                          would do: I took the day off.            to get their clothes picked     as the number of laundries
       relatable to many- the                       The subject of my leave was              up, cleaned, and delivered      that were on their platform,
       indefinite woes of doing                     titled ‘personal reasons.’               back to them. Laundry           they also managed to get
       laundry,” Athbi remembers.                   The next day, I drove to the             service providers also came     the startup noticed in the
       “When I returned to Kuwait                   cleaners with my brother                 on board the platform to        entrepreneurial ecosystem.
       after being in the UK for                    in the passenger seat of my              gain access to a potentially    For instance, in October
       several years, I secured a                   car, and we couldn’t help                larger customer base for        2016, the company was
       9-5 job where wearing a                      but notice the amount of                 themselves. “Wherever there     declared the winner in
       suit to work every day was                   laundries that surrounded                is a pain, there should be      the Startup Battle contest
       part of the description. One                 us. Our entrepreneurial                  a solution to fix it,” Nouri    at ArabNet’s inaugural
       unfortunate day (or so I                     eye kicked in, and I vividly             notes. “And what better way     conference in Kuwait.

24 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019

Masbagti continued to
grow- in just a year’s time
the platform had enough
laundry partners on it to
cover the whole of Kuwait.
The co-founders were
validating their enterprise’s
business potential with, as
Athbi put it, “every closed
sale, every order that came
in, and, most importantly,
every frustrating no that
turned into a yes. We tested
our assumptions of the
market through our personal
network. We didn’t approach
any consulting companies
or conduct any formal tests;
our single validation was        A JustClean team meeting
the belief that success came
from the Almighty, and if we
worked hard enough, with        Jaffar. Perhaps best known in   Jaffar says. “I liked their      was this: Faith Capital would
His blessings, we would         the MENA startup ecosystem      honesty, I liked their           acquire Masbagti, and for
succeed.” It was this style     for being the CEO of the        transparency, and I liked        the first few years of the
of thinking by the Al-Enezi     Kuwait-born food delivery       the trust that they gave         business, Jaffar would lead
brothers, along with the        app (which he       me. I liked the challenge as     the enterprise, and in the
staggering growth they had      led to its acquisition by the   well- I liked the problem        process, groom the Al-Enezi
managed to achieve for their    Berlin-headquartered Rocket     they were trying to solve        brothers so that they could
enterprise, of course, that     Internet for $170 million in    with Masbagti.” As a             take lead of it later in the
managed to garner the at-       2015), Jaffar had moved on      potential investor, in order     future. Of course, Jaffar’s
tention of a fellow Kuwaiti     from that role to become the    to understand the potential      track record with Talabat
entrepreneur: Mohammed          Deputy Chairman and CEO         of the business, Jaffar          made him a great candidate
                                of the Kuwait-based venture     engaged one of the Big Four      to take on the mantle of
                                capital fund, Faith Capital.    companies to conduct a           CEO at Masbagti- but were
"WE KNEW WE                     He had been keeping an eye      feasibility study for the        Athbi and Nouri willing
WERE THE YOUTH OF               on the Al-Enezi brothers and    enterprise, and to better        to let someone else other
TOMORROW THAT                   their enterprise- and he had    understand the size of the       than themselves to take the
                                an inkling that the business    problem Masbagti was             lead of the startup they had
COULD TAKE A RISK,              was going to go places.         aiming to solve. As it turned    founded in the first place?
DROP THE SECURE 9-5,              “When I met Athbi and         out, the Al-Enezi brothers         It is here that the brothers
AND JUMP INTO THE               Nouri, I really liked them,     had made inroads into what       showed what I consider to
DYNAMIC STARTUP LIFE.”          right from the first day,”      was found to be over a $2        be some exceptional wisdom
                                                                 billion market- and given       and maturity for people
                                                                 that the laundry service        within the entrepreneurial
                                                                sector was almost completely     realm- Athbi and Nouri
                                                                offline, Masbagti had the        decided that they (and Mas-
                                                                unique opportunity to bring      bagti) would be better off in
                                                                an entire industry online.       the long run with Jaffar as a
                                                                “I shared that information       guide along the way. The Al-
                                                                with both the founders, and I    Enezi brothers believed that
                                                                said, ‘You know, guys, there’s   they would be getting a lot
                                                                a very big problem to solve      more than just investment if
                                                                here,’” Jaffar recalls. “And I   Jaffar and Faith Capital took
                                                                would love to do it with you-    over the enterprise they had
                                                                to do it together with you       founded- and so they de-
                                                                guys.” The proposition Jaffar    cided to move ahead in that
JustClean                                                       gave to the Al-Enezi brothers    particular direction. >>>

                                                                                                     April 2019 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 25

         Athbi Al-Enezi,                                           Nouri Al-Enezi,                                          same time, from my side, I’ve
         co-founder, JustClean                                     co-founder, JustClean                                    given them their space. I am
                                                                                                                            always pushing them to take
                                                                                                                            on more responsibility, and
                                                                                                                            being entrepreneurs, they
                                                                                                                            are always hungry to take
                                                                                                                            on responsibility- and they
                                                                                                                            don’t shy away from it.”
                                                                                                                              Once Faith Capital acquired
                                                                                                                            Masbagti, and Jaffar came
                                                                                                                            on board the company as its
                                                                                                                            CEO, the startup started go-
                                                                                                                            ing through a lot of changes-
                                                                                                                            maybe the most pronounced
                                                                                                                            of which was its rebranding
                                                                                                                            as JustClean, which was a
                                                                                                                            strategic decision for the
                                                                                                                            enterprise that was getting
                                                                                                                            set to grow beyond its home
                                                                                                                            base in Kuwait. But that’s
       "ATHBI AND I SAW A MENTOR IN MOHAMMED JAFFAR.                                                                        just one aspect in which
       WE HAD OBSERVED HIM, ALONGSIDE MANY PIONEERS IN                                                                      the company transformed.
                                                                                                                            “Three years ago the com-
       THE INDUSTRY, COMPLETELY REVOLUTIONIZE THE DYNAMIC                                                                   pany had two founders only,
       BETWEEN E-PLATFORMS AND CONSUMERS."                                                                                  and their office was their
                                                                                                                            car,” Jaffar explains. “Thanks
                                                                                                                            to God, today, we are made
       “Every startup should focus                  We wanted to be one of those           brought us together, not only    up of 91 employees, and we
       on choosing a partner, and                   entrepreneurs, who took                as colleagues, but as broth-     believe by the end of this
       not money,” Nouri says. “It                  the risk of entrepreneurship           ers as well. We each have        year we will be having over
       is crucial that entrepreneurs                headstrong, while maintain-            our own role that completes      110 employees at JustClean.
       select a mentor, and not just                ing a firm belief of our ethics        the others, and we are all       We are, at the moment, in
       someone who will finance                     and morals.”                           integral components in the       three markets -Kuwait, Bah-
       them. This investor should                     “Like my brother said,               decision-making process.”        rain, and the UAE- and we
       understand the business                      before anything, we chose              From his perspective, Jaffar     expect to be covering more
       model, and assess specific                   a mentor, not just an in-              points toward the trust the      of the GCC by the end of this
       gaps that may be lagging the                 vestor,” Athbi adds. “We               three of them have in each       year. God willing, we are
       business, or pulling it down.                wanted more than monetary              other as the integral reason     planning to enter other geo-
       Athbi and I saw a mentor in                  assistance. We wanted                  for why they all came to-        graphical areas in the MENA
       Mohammed Jaffar. We had                      someone who carried the                gether to work on Masbagti-      region as well in 2020. So,
       observed him, alongside                      beliefs that we carried, and           it was a meeting of minds,       the business has grown quite
       many pioneers in the indus-                  would empower us not only              so to speak, and as such,        a lot in the last two years.
       try, completely revolution-                  as entrepreneurs, but in               there was an easy alignment      It’s still small, but it’s grow-
       ize the dynamic between                      our personal lives as well.            of values between him and        ing fast, month on month.
       e-platforms and consumers.                   When you’re searching for              the Al-Enezi brothers. “They     When we as Faith Capital
       Our society had shifted their                an investor, pursue advi-              know the difference between      invested in the business
       behavior from the offline                    sors who share your same               right and wrong,” says           in 2017, the business was
       norm to online. What was                     vision. You want someone               Jaffar. “They’re not money-      a marketplace application.
       once a unicorn thought of                    who is just as excited and             driven… They’re very good        Today, we are a marketplace
       ordering anything online has                 dedicated to your product as           listeners. You know, when        application, plus we’re a lo-
       become a tangible reality.                   you are. Find those advisors           it comes to entrepreneurs,       gistics business, as well as a
       His belief in advancing our                  who bring value- a type of             sometimes, they can become       SaaS (software as a service)
       society to a more modern                     value that is intangible and           very stubborn and they don’t     business. We’re currently
       and capable one that has the                 not monetary. If they share            listen or they think that they   three businesses in one.”
       ability to compete interna-                  the same value as you, the             know it all. But the brothers      JustClean’s accelerated
       tionally on an e-level has                   money will follow. With                trust me very much; they are     growth got a further boost
       inspired us as entrepreneurs.                the Almighty’s plan, He                very good listeners. At the      in February this year when

26 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019

Faith Capital announced           the market, it is better to be     "WE ARE, AT THE          Mohammad Jaffar,
                                                                                              CEO, JustClean
it had closed a $8 million        the leader than the follower,      MOMENT, IN THREE
Series A round of financing       i.e. the trendsetter. This         MARKETS -KUWAIT,
in the startup. That round        way, you control the tides
will enable the enterprise’s      that everyone else rides on.”
                                                                     BAHRAIN, AND
growth across the GCC             Nouri adds, “At JustClean,
                                                                     THE UAE- AND WE
region, while also expanding      we listen to our partners          EXPECT TO BE
the logistics and SaaS arms       and clients and move faster        COVERING MORE OF
of the business. While it may     than the market. We are            THE GCC BY THE END
have started out with a B2C       always quicker to respond to       OF THIS YEAR."
model, JustClean has since        changes and faster at adapt-
decided to invest in its B2B      ing to them. We recognize          super challenging,
outreach as well, by rolling      the value of our users and         because the risk of
out a laundry management          partners all the same. We are      failure is immensely
solution, as well as logistical   not afraid of competition; we      high. And if you fail,
support for the vendors in        embrace it.”                       people will forget
its marketplace. This is one        Jaffar echoes the brothers’      that you did Tala-
of the ways in which Just-        sentiment when I asked him         bat! So, how do you
Clean plans to distinguish        as to what drove him to take       combat the fear of
itself from the competition       on an entrepreneurial role         failure? By praying
it may face in this sphere as     again at JustClean, following      to God, and working very,        always wished well upon
it expands across the region.     the success he had seen in         very hard. God will give you     him. And God blessed him.
“As JustClean, we welcome         that space with Talabat not        success if you do everything     So, for me, I looked up to
healthy competition, as it        too long ago. According to         right.”                          that, and I said to myself,
benefits everyone in the          him, if JustClean were able          This statement by Jaffar is    ‘I will apply myself in the
market,” Athbi says. “With        to move the offline laundry        a testament to the integral      business world the same way
that being said, Sugar Ray        service industry into the          role his Muslim faith plays      my grandfather did.’” That,
Robinson once said, ‘Rhythm       online world that would be         in his personal philosophy as    according to Jaffar, is the
is everything in boxing.          an achievement that would          an entrepreneur. Throughout      primary reason why he has
Every move you make starts        almost certainly rival (if not     the course of our conversa-      been able to find success in
with your heart, and that’s in    surpass as well) what he and       tion, he kept referring to the   the business world, and he
rhythm, or you’re in trouble.’    his team had accomplished          Islamic principles that he       is eager to have the rest of
When you are competing in         in the food delivery space         believes in, and how apply-      the world around him realize
                                  with Talabat. “My target now       ing those in his day-to-day      this as well, which is why
                                  is to do something bigger          life had helped him attain       he continues to espouse the
                                  than I did already,” he says.      success in the entrepreneur-     same values in his work at
                                  “It’s just natural; it’s human     ial realm. It’s a way of life    JustClean as well.
                                  progression. You know, you         that he has learned from his       “One of the things we did
                                  do something, and the next         own family- as an example,       at Faith Capital is that we
                                  time you want to do it more.”      he pointed toward the reli-      have taken out 10% of the
                                  But Jaffar makes it clear that     gious ideals espoused by his     profit, and given that to the
                                  this is not an exercise in self-   late grandfather, Mubarak        team,” Jaffar reveals. “So, if,
                                  aggrandizement either.             Al-Hassawi, a successful         in the future, God willing,
                                  “I truly believe that Talabat’s    Kuwaiti businessman in his       we end up achieving success,
                                  success didn’t come because        own right, whose biography       10% of that success will go
                                  of me- it came because of          refers to him as “a man          to the team. At the same
                                  God’s blessings,” he says.         ahead of his time.” “When        time, we give the chance to
                                  “You just have to do things        he passed away in 2005, he       our team and colleagues: if
                                  right, treat people well, and      was worth over three or four     they would like to invest in
                                  work really well. You have to      billion dollars, and he had      us, be shareholders, they
                                  leave the rest to the Creator.     thousands of people work-        are allowed to. It makes
                                  I truly believe in all this, and   ing for him,” Jaffar recalls     them feel that this is their
                                  that’s what gave me the con-       about his grandfather. “But      business as well; they’re
                                  fidence to start something         the reason why he became         not just employees working
                                  from scratch again. And, re-       successful is because he was     for a salary. We do all
                                  ally, starting something from      a very humble, religious,        these initiatives to make
                                  scratch is super difficult,        kind person, and people          people feel that this is not >>>
JustClean app

                                                                                                            April 2019 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 27

         Faith Capital office

                                                                                                                     are the kind of things that go
       "WE WANTED TO BE ONE OF THOSE ENTREPRENEURS, WHO TOOK                                                         through my mind every day,
       THE RISK OF ENTREPRENEURSHIP HEADSTRONG, WHILE MAINTAINING                                                    and kind of keep pushing me
       A FIRM BELIEF OF OUR ETHICS AND MORALS.”                                                                      forward and forward.” The
                                                                                                                     Al-Enezi brothers echo this
                                                                                                                     sentiment when I ask them
       Mohammed’s company, or                       the trio work, as well as in     promised employees the          about what they hope the
       the brothers’ company- it’s                  the policies they have put       ability to break away from      next few years will look like
       everybody’s company. And                     in place at their enterprise.    conventional chains, be cre-    for JustClean. “There is no
       again, this is part of our                   “Our overall vision at Just-     ative, and challenge them-      end to JustClean, and the
       Islamic values. It’s not about               Clean is to revolutionize the    selves to think outside of      potential that will arise from
       belittling people, or putting                laundry industry by creating     the box. A place where, with    it,” Athbi says. “We will,
       ourselves up on a pedestal-                  products that help all stake-    mistakes, comes progression,    with the blessings of the Al-
       it’s about making them feel                  holders in the process of gar-   not judgment. By the grace of   mighty, be the trendsetters.
       that they’re also part of this               ment care through solutions      God, we are blessed to work     We would like JustClean to
       equation, and give them                      that address the needs and       alongside JustClean champi-     be live all around the GCC,
       chances to benefit as well.”                 wants of the laundries, cus-     ons today.”                     and the leader in the clean-
         This focus on the tenets                   tomers, and market at large,”      It should be rather evident   ing sector for users and busi-
       of Islam can be seen in the                  Athbi says. “In order for us     by now that as ambitious        ness owners.” Nouri feels
       startup’s socially responsible               to accomplish our goals, we      and motivated the entre-        the same way, adding, “With
       initiatives as well- JustClean               invest in our most important     preneurs behind JustClean       the growth of JustClean,
       has a JustGood program that                  asset: manpower.” Nouri          are, they are driven by some    our plan to give back to our
       is centered on making sure                   adds, “When we started our       deeply personal values that     communities will grow as
       the company gives back to                    journey, we wanted to give       is centered on a purpose to     well. Our JustGood program
       the community, be it through                 others the opportunity to        do (and enable) good through    will expand to sponsor more
       its sponsorship of charity                   work in an environment that      their business. “Success for    charities, collaborate with
       events, or collaborations                    was unbiased and humane.         me is to be remembered,”        more organizations, and di-
       and collections to help the                  We wanted to create a            Jaffar says. “How would you     rectly help more people with
       underprivileged on a regular                 culture where individuals        be remembered when you          donations. The more our or-
       basis. The Al-Enezi brothers                 felt appreciated, and their      are no longer here? I think     ders increase, the more users
       stand by Jaffar’s philosophy,                absence would be recog-          about that a lot. What legacy   like you will be contributing
       and this shows in the way                    nized. An organization that      would I leave behind? These     to a person in need.”

28 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019

          Amal Dokhan

                                                                                                 Al Shakar claims that
                                                                                                                          "BAHRAIN HAS A STRONG
                                                                                                  the Al Waha aims to     ANGLE WHEN IT COMES TO
                                                                                               help startups overcome     THE FINANCIAL SERVICES.
                                                                                              barriers to financing and   IT’S A VERY COMPETITIVE
                                                                                              lack of business support    AND CHALLENGING
                                                                                                          and expertise
                                                                                                                          ENVIRONMENT BECAUSE
                                                                                                                          YOU ARE UP AGAINST
                                                                                                                          THE INCUMBENTS AND
                                                                                                                          THE BIGGER FINANCIAL
                                                                                                                          INSTITUTIONS, BUT THERE
                                                                                                                          ARE HUGE OPPORTUNITIES
                                                                                                                          IN THAT SECTOR.”

                                                                                                                          “One thing that we always
                                                                                                                          hear, and something that al-
                                                                                                                          ways comes up for startups, is
                                                                                                                          access to funding,” Al Shakar
                                                                                                                          tells me during our chat at
                                                                                                                          the Unbound Bahrain event at
                                                                                                                          Manama in March. “The fact
                                                                                                                          is that funding exists in the
                                                                                                                          region, but investors also need
                                                                                                                          to be encouraged to support
                                                                                                                          those opportunities. We come
                                                                                                                          from a region where the tradi-

                                                                                                                          tional asset class is investing
                                                                                                                          into things that are real estate
                                                                                                                          -things that you can touch and
                                                                                                                          feel- but with venture capital-
                                                                                                                          ists, it’s all about trust and be-

                                                                                                                          lief, and that whole belief that
                                                                                                                          technology will revolutionize
                                                                                                                          whatever industry you are in-
                                                                                                                          vesting in. Venture capitalists
                                                                                                                          also need that support, they
                                                                                                                          need the ability to breathe.
                                                                                                                          And they need partners.”
       The Senior Vice-President and Head of Development Services at                                                        In June 2018, BDB an-
       Bahrain Development Bank -who is also the Fund Manager at                                                          nounced that the Al Waha
       Al Waha Fund of Funds- on how her country’s initiatives are enabling                                               Fund of Funds had success-
                                                                                                                          fully closed its US$100 million
       not just its own but the region’s entrepreneurial ecosystem                                                        fundraising round, making
       b y TA M A R A P U P I C                                                                                           it the first active venture
                                                                                                                          capital fund of funds in the
                                                                                                                          region. The fund’s purpose is
       “LOOK WHAT BAHRAIN DID-                      country in ten years’ time. It     preme Commander and Chair-         to provide additional capital
       they were able to build a pro-               sounds like an ambitious dream     man of the Bahrain Economic        to innovative and technology-
       gram that was ultimately able                for a country that is often        Development Board (EDB).           driven startups in Bahrain and
       to build the venture capital                 described as the smallest of the   These include a reduction in       across the Middle East through
                                                                                                                                                               IMAGES COURTESY AREIJE AL SHAKAR | UNBOUND BAHRAIN

       capacity in Bahrain, and across              GCC economies; however, in         the minimum capital required       venture capital funds currently
       the region.” That’s Areije Al                recent years, Bahrain’s startup    for starting a business, meas-     established in Bahrain as well
       Shakar, Senior Vice-President                ecosystem has benefitted from      ures to enable onshore crowd-      as by attracting new funds
       and Head of Development                      a number of significant initia-    funding in conventional and        to the region. “I think we are
       Services at Bahrain Develop-                 tives and reforms as part of the   Sharia-compliant finance, and      lucky because we are small
       ment Bank (BDB) and the Fund                 country’s Economic Vision          the introduction of a regulatory   and agile,” says Al Shakar,
       Manager at Al Waha Fund of                   2030 initiated by HRH Prince       sandbox. Nevertheless, until       responding to what armed this
       Funds, imagining how people                  Salman bin Hamad Al Khalifa,       last year, one important part of   small Gulf island to fight for an
       would be talking about her                   the Crown Prince, Deputy Su-       this puzzle was still missing.     asset class that many investors

30 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019

still fear. “Other countries in               for another startup, it might             and Bahrain Development          led to creating ideal economic
the region are doing it as well,              be better to be in Saudi, and             Bank, which serves as the        conditions for technology
but they are larger economies                 ultimately, each person will              general partner managing         innovation and business
with a lot more stakeholders,                 find what they are looking for.           the fund. “All of us came        growth and diversification that
so it might take them a little                What I can say about Bahrain              together, put the $100 million   Silicon Valley is known for
longer. But that doesn’t mean                 is that we are efficient, fast,           together, because ultimately     today. “Our fund does tap into
they aren’t doing it, because                 agile, we have talent, and, at            this is the asset class of the   the emotions of the people, in
right now, we are in discus-                  the same time, we have the                future,” Al Shakar reiterates.   the sense that Silicon Valley
sions to collaborate, as each                 ease of living. Because, some-            “Regardless of whether you       started out with the support of
one of us wants to build the                  times, when a startup comes,              are the big guys, such as        the government. And another
region. If a company in Saudi                 it’s not about just the compa-            the sovereign wealth fund,       beauty of Silicon Valley is that
gets funding and wants to                     ny, but that they are bringing            or you are the smaller one,      they have a local talent mixed
expand into Bahrain, that’s a                 their whole family over here.”            like Bahrain Development         in with foreign talent, so when
success, regardless of whether                  The fund’s limited partners             Bank, the venture world is       we get a question here: ‘Oh,
it’s for Saudi or for Bahrain,                include Bahrain’s sovereign               important. Also, regardless of   but how are you controlling
it’s a success for the region. I              wealth fund Mumtalakat,                   whether you are tapping into     the competition? How are
always say that Bahrain might                 National Bank of Bahrain,                 identifying innovation and       you protecting the locals?,’ I
be great for one startup, but                 Batelco Group, Tamkeen,                   the next in-class products or    always say that it’s not about
                                                                                        services that could disrupt      that, because the best of the
                                                                                        you as an organization or an     best will survive in any type
"REGARDLESS OF WHETHER                                                                  incumbent, it is ultimately      of environment, but it’s about
                                                                                        about diversifying your          creating opportunities [for
YOU ARE TAPPING INTO IDENTIFYING                                                        investment pool.” The idea       everyone], and about the
INNOVATION AND THE NEXT                                                                 has been well tested– decades
                                                                                        before Silicon Valley became
                                                                                                                         fact that in Bahrain, you will
                                                                                                                         always see a Bahraini working
IN-CLASS PRODUCTS OR SERVICES                                                           known as home to the majority    in a team with a non-Bahraini
THAT COULD DISRUPT YOU AS                                                               of the world’s unicorns, the
                                                                                        US government had been one
                                                                                                                         [and vice versa].”
                                                                                                                           The formula for this new ini-
AN ORGANIZATION OR AN INCUMBENT,                                                        of the biggest customers of      tiative is simple: the Al Waha
IT IS ULTIMATELY ABOUT DIVERSIFYING                                                     the research projects carried
                                                                                        by Stanford professors and
                                                                                                                         Fund of Funds will distribute
                                                                                                                         financing to existing global
YOUR INVESTMENT POOL.”                                                                  students which, eventually,      and regional VC funds, which
                                                                                                                         will further allocate funding to
                                                                                                                         startups. The fund has already
                                                                                                                         allocated 45% of its inaugural
                                                                                                                         $100 million to venture capital
                                                                                                                         firms, namely BECO Capital,
                                                                                                                         Middle East Venture Partners,
                                                                                                                         Wamda Capital, 500 Startups,
                                                                                                                         and European fund manager
                                                                                                                         Finch Capital, and aims to de-
                                                                                                                         ploy the remaining part within
                                                                                                                         the next couple of years. “So,
                                                                                                                         with this $100 million, we
                                                                                                                         are saying that it’s not just
                                                                                                                         us investing into a regional
                                                                                                                         venture capital fund, or funds
                                                                                                                         that have a regional angle
                                                                                                                         -although it is true that we
                                                                                                                         are ultimately trying to build
                                                                                                                         the region- but that we can do
                                                                                                                         much more for them [partners
                                                                                                                         from abroad],” Al Shakar says.
                                                                                                                         “When a venture capital firm
                                                                                                                         comes to a country, not only
                                                                                                                         do they want money (because
                                                                                                                         the truth is that there is mon-
                                                                                                                         ey everywhere), but they want >>>
Areije Al Shakar at the Unbound Bahrain held at the Bahrain National Theatre in March

                                                                                                                             April 2019 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 31

       to be helped with the regis-                 of the Bahrain Development        initiatives the country has        them, Al Shakar says, have giv-
       tration, which is the EDB, or                Bank, including Rowad, a pro-     enacted include Flat6Labs          en results. There is no reason,
       with creating and coordinating               gram launched in 2015 to offer    accelerator program, an initia-    she adds, to expect the op-
       their deal flow, identifying                 coaching, training, mentorship,   tive of Bahrain’s employment       posite from the Al Waha Fund
       talent, and so on. Also, we can              incubation, and funding of        fund Tamkeen in partnership        of Funds. "What we are seeing
       give them business partners.                 up to $66,000 (BHD25,000)         with Cairo-headquartered           already is that people want to
       If their portfolio companies                 through its accelerator for       Flat6Labs, or a new national       do this, meaning that fam-
       are looking to expand in the                 early-stage startups Seed Fuel.   bankruptcy law which was           ily offices are creating funds
       region, we have the EDB to                   SeedFuel currently has seven      brought in last year, and all of   which they are calling micro or
       support them straight off the                portfolio companies of which                                         mini VCs to tap into this asset
       bat. It’s kind of becoming a                 three have received follow on                                        class,” she says. “That didn’t
       platform to help venture capi-               rounds of funding with the        "WHAT HAPPENS NEXT                 exist two years ago. Actually,
       talists fund managers not only               support from the BDB Rowad        IS ABOUT THE CULTURE-              now people are quitting their
       to be able to get that fuel, but             team. Furthermore, Rowad          THE BEST VCS WILL STAY             jobs and saying: ‘You know,
       also to scale them up and help               hosts a number of incubators,     ALIVE AND THEY WILL                we want to create our own VC,
       them succeed in building their               including the Bahrain Busi-       CONTINUE, AND THEY                 and come together as broth-
       portfolios.”                                 ness Incubator Centre (BBIC),     WILL ATTRACT THE BEST              ers and sisters to ultimately
         Bahrain’s open arms position               Bahrain Women Incubator           DEAL FLOW. AND THERE               start our fund.’ What happens
       towards startups has been                    Center (Riyadat), and the ICT     WILL BE OTHER ONES                 next is about the culture- the
       shown through many programs                  Incubator Other          WHO WILL DIE OFF. "                best VCs will stay alive and
                                                                                                                         they will continue, and they
                                                                                                                         will attract the best deal flow.
                                                                                                                         And there will be other ones
          Areije Al Shakar, Senior
          Vice-President and Head                                                                                        who will die off. That’s how I
          of Development Services at                                                                                     see it.”
          Bahrain Development Bank                                                                                         The capital deployed by the
          (BDB) and the Fund Manager
          at Al Waha Fund of Funds
                                                                                                                         Al Waha Fund of Funds will be
                                                                                                                         invested across the board, in
                                                                                                                         startups at a seed, Series A, or
                                                                                                                         Series B funding stage; how-
                                                                                                                         ever, the fund might be open
                                                                                                                         to including some later stage
                                                                                                                         investments in the future as
                                                                                                                         well. Al Shakar adds that their
                                                                                                                         primary target are MENA-
                                                                                                                         based startups, although the
                                                                                                                         VCs supported by the fund are
                                                                                                                         not prevented from explor-
                                                                                                                         ing the opportunities abroad.
                                                                                                                         “They are the experts, we are
                                                                                                                         not, but what we want them
                                                                                                                         to do for us is to build the
                                                                                                                         venture capital fund capabili-
                                                                                                                         ties here,” she explains. “They
                                                                                                                         will come and spend time here.
                                                                                                                         Some of them are setting up
                                                                                                                         offices here, and they will hire
                                                                                                                         locally. So, it’s about building
                                                                                                                         that capacity and way of think-
                                                                                                                         ing for those investments,
                                                                                                                         because traditional investing
                                                                                                                         is very different from venture
                                                                                                                         capital investing.”
                                                                                                                           At the same time, Al Shakar
                                                                                                                         is acutely aware of the criti-
                                                                                                                         cism of the region’s nascent
                                                                                                                         startup investment landscape,

32 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019

                     which local entrepreneurs
                     share on social media quite
                     often, such as the complaints
                     that regional investors are too
                     afraid to say ‘no,’ and keep on
                     endlessly dragging the negotia-
                     tions with the funds-seeking
                     founders, or that they are still
                     too risk-averse and wait for
                     an anchor investment before
                     committing funds themselves.
                     When asked about these is-
                     sues, she explains, “Yes, we
                     come from a culture where we
                     don’t want to hurt people’s
                     feelings, and we don’t want
                     to say no to your face, but
                     that is something that will
                     eventually evolve. Today, you
                     will find some venture capital
                     fund managers who will tell
                     you upfront: 'Sorry, this is not
                     what we are looking for.' And
                     we have to look at the positive
                     element coming out of that-
                     the people who are pitching
                     are actually getting feedback.
                     So then, the startups need to                                                                            were able to speak to the head
                     think why the fund is not put-
                                                         THE AL WAHA FUND OF FUNDS WILL                                       of that department on a day-
                     ting money into them because        DISTRIBUTE FINANCING TO EXISTING                                     to-day basis and build a close
                     the ones that are really creat-                                                                          relationship because the regu-
                     ing an opportunity will always      GLOBAL AND REGIONAL VC FUNDS,                                        lators are also on this journey.
                     have investors fight over them.     WHICH WILL FURTHER ALLOCATE                                          So, I do think that Bahrain has
                     Ultimately, it’s how you posi-                                                                           a strong angle when it comes
                     tion yourself.” Furthermore,        FUNDING TO STARTUPS.                                                 to the financial services. It’s a
                     Al Shakar adds that one of the                                                                           very competitive and challeng-
                     reasons behind rejections often     another market, or I don’t have   published framework regula-        ing environment because you
                     is the fact that venture capital-   the expertise, as opposed to      tions on a range of activities     are up against the incumbents
                     ists are ensuring that they         you getting stuck with an in-     relevant to crypto assets, cov-    and the bigger financial in-
                     invest in ideas which they are      vestor who thinks that you are    ering areas from licensing and     stitutions, but there are huge
                     more knowledgeable about and        great, but then doesn’t open      governance to cyber security.      opportunities in that sector.”
                     can help develop. “I respect        any doors for you. Sometimes      Furthermore, Bahrain Fintech         Al Shakar has the dreams
                     fund managers who say sorry,        that can happen. So, I think,     Bay, a public private partner-     and ambitions of a generation
                     we can’t do it,” she says. “And     as much as VCs need to do         ship platform that provides        in her reach, and noting that
                     it’s not because you are not a      due diligence on the startup,     physical space for fintech         privilege and responsibility,
                     good thing, but because I can’t     the startup needs to do due       companies which was estab-         she says, “My message is that
                     help you expand and grow to         diligence on that VC. There       lished last year, has already      no matter how crazy your idea
                                                         are good startups and bad         registered 36 companies from       is, there are so many people
                                                         startups, and there will always   15 different countries. “We        that are here, in Bahrain,
                     "IT’S ABOUT BUILDING                be good investors and bad         have two companies which           such as mentors, coaches,
                     THAT CAPACITY AND                   investors.”                       graduated from the regula-         and venture capitalists who
                     WAY OF THINKING FOR                   Although Bahrain acts as        tory sandbox that were able        are opening their doors and
                     THOSE INVESTMENTS,                  the test bed for innovations      to influence the regulations,”     hosting office hours in Bahrain
                     BECAUSE TRADITIONAL                 in all sectors, at the moment,    she explains. “In cryptocur-       for you to come and talk about
                     INVESTING IS VERY                   Al Shakar specifically advises    rency, there are just few people   your idea. So, I encourage you

                     DIFFERENT FROM                      fintech startups to consider      around the world doing it, but     to explore the opportunities
                     VENTURE CAPITAL                     setting up in the country. The    those startups here had such       that are out there, because we
                     INVESTING.”                         Bahrain Central Bank recently     a strong impact because they       will support you.”

                                                                                                                                   April 2019 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 33

          Amal Dokhan

                                                                                          "AT DU, WE SEE OUR
                                                                                          SUPPORT OF STARTUPS
                                                                                          AS PART OF OUR
                                                                                          PERSONALITIES [...]
                                                                                          WITHIN THE SOCIETY
                                                                                          THAT WE ARE IN. THAT’S
                                                                                          OUR BRAND’S LOOK AND
                                                                                          FEEL, AND THAT’S HOW
                                                                                          WE POSITION OURSELVES
                                                                                          AS A BRAND."

                                                                                          Juma’s comments allude to
                                                                                          the rather entrepreneurial
                                                                                          beginnings of du in the UAE- in
                                                                                          2007, when it launched, the
                                                                                          telecom landscape was, until

                                                                                          that point in time, dominated
                                                                                          by only a single player. In the
                                                                                          years since, du has built itself
                                                                                          up to become a business to
                                                                                          reckon with, offering every-

                                                                                          thing from data packages to
                                                                                          security solutions, (in Febru-
                                                                                          ary this year, the company
                                                                                          reported its revenue in 2018
                                                                                          had risen by 3.2% to $3.65
                                                                                          billion), and enjoying today a

       ABDULWAHED JUMA                                                                    rather enviable brand recall
                                                                                          in the UAE. But the ubiqui-
                                                                                          tous nature of the brand has
       du’s differentiating wins aren’t based on typical telco metrics                    come with trials of its own for
       by ABY SAM THOMAS                                                                  Juma, who was appointed to

                                                                                          his role at du in 2017. “Joining
                                                                                          a company like du, which has
                        bdulwahed Juma has been blessed with the gift of the gab,         seen more than 11 years of suc-
                                                                                          cessful operation, is in itself a
                        and it’s something that definitely works in his favor in his      challenge,” he says. “Because
                        role as the Executive Vice President of Brand and Corporate       when you join a brand that’s
                        Communications at UAE telco du. Not only does he have an          not doing well, it’s easier to fix
                        extremely affable personality, Juma has a remarkable sense        things- no matter where you
                                                                                          put your hand onto, you’ll be
                        of humor (the audio recording of the chat I had with him          aiding it. But when you join
                        has moments that are filled with just my uproarious laughs        a very solid brand, a brand
       at his jokes), which, when combined with his genuine interest in making            that has already made it, then
       conversation, makes this Emirati executive a very easy person to talk and          it’s much more difficult to do
                                                                                          that, as you need to put things
       relate with. As such, it should come as no surprise then that the brand he         in perspective.” It is thus to
       represents espouses these values as well- it’s easy to see that du has taken       Juma’s credit that during his
       on a very humanistic approach to the way it markets itself, and Juma agrees        time at the company, du has,
       that that this is something that has helped the company get to where it is         through its various branding
                                                                                          efforts and initiatives, contin-
       today. “du, as a brand, is a success story,” he says. “It’s rare that you find a   ued to both stick to and build
       local brand start in an overly penetrated market, and in less than 15 years,       on its vision to enhance all as-
       become one of the top brands in the country, valued at US$6.45 billion.            pects of their customer’s lives.
       Besides how we started, how we went about serving our customers, and               For instance, du’s award-win-
                                                                                          ning Post Wisely campaign was
       other such factors, the way we positioned ourselves, as a young, fast, funny,
                                                                                                                                IMAGES COURTESY DU

                                                                                          conceptualized in response to
       and agile brand, has definitely contributed to our success.”                       the digitally active lifestyles >>>

34 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / April 2019
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