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      Getting ready for a post COVID-19 world
                                                                                   REFLECTIONS WHILE
                                                                                              VIEWPOINTS FROM
                                                                                         THE INVESTOR’S SIDE OF
                                                                                          THE MENA ECOSYSTEM

                                                                                         THE TIDE TURNS
                                                                                                  FOR VCS AND
                                                                                             THEIR PORTFOLIOS,
                                                                                            TEAM CULTURE NOW
                                                                                                MATTERS MORE
                                                                                             THAN EVER BEFORE

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The road ahead:
what entrepreneurs need
to keep in mind as they
navigate their startups
through the COVID-19 crisis

           26                              21                              38                           60
           ‘TREPNOMICS                     ‘TREPONOMICS                    MONEY                        START IT UP
           SKILLSET                        SKILLSET                        VC VIEWPOINT                 Q&A
           A COVID-19 survival kit         Rising to the occasion          Reflections while            Rekindling a love for
           for entrepreneurs               When it comes to doing          #StayingHome                 Arabic
           Think about what the world      business during a crisis,       The VentureSouq team         Little Thinking Minds aims
           will look after this is over,   it’s all about taking action.   shares their viewpoints on   to remedy a disconnect
           and the role you would like                                     the COVID-19 crisis from     from the Arabic language
           to play in it.                  22                              the investor’s side of the   among youth from the
                                           START IT UP                     MENA ecosystem.              MENA region.
           44                              ECOSYSTEM
           MONEY                           Come together
           VENTURE CAPITAL                 It’s time we support our
           The tide turns                  communities through
           For VCs and their portfolios,   conscious consumerism
           team culture now matters        and wise investment, says
           more than ever before.          Kawthar Bin Sulaymen.

           31                              33
           ‘TREPONOMICS                    ‘TREPONOMICS
           SKILLSET                        SKILLSET
           A way to cope                   Riding the wave
           As entrepreneurs, it can        Abulla Abu Wasel,
           certainly help to have a        Managing Assosicate
           framework for your business     of Wasel & Wasel, gives
           (and yourselves) to deal with   four tips to align your
                                                                           35 Sony
           the COVID-19 crisis, J.K.       businesses with a post          WH-1000XM3
           Khalil shares a guide.          COVID-19 world.                 headphones                                                    40
                                                                                                                  Rami Shaar and Jad Halaoui,
                                                                                                                       co-founders, Washmen

                                                                                                             May 2020 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 3
      EDITOR IN CHIEF Aby Sam Thomas                                                                SUBSCRIBE
      CEO Wissam Younane                                                     Contact to receive
      DIRECTOR Rabih Najm                                                            Entrepreneur Middle East every issue
      CREATIVE LEAD Odette Kahwagi
      MANAGING EDITOR Tamara Pupic
      COLUMNIST Tamara Clarke                                                                                PO Box 502511 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
      INTERN Aalia Mehreen Ahmed                                                                              P +971 4 4200 506 | F +971 4 4200 196

                                                                                                   For all commercial enquiries related to Entrepreneur Middle East
      CONTRIBUTORS                                                                                               contact
      Abdulla Abu Wasel                   Raffaella Campagnoli             Suneel Gokhale
      Ahmed Al Akber                      Fida Chaaban                     Lachlan Jackson                                 All rights reserved 2020.
      Nabra Al Busaidi                    Tamara Clarke                    Omar Jackson                     Opinions expressed are solely those of the contributors.
                                                                                                        Entrepreneur Middle East and all subsidiary publications in the
      Amna Al Haddad                      Reim El Houni                    J.K. Khalil
                                                                                                       MENA region are officially licensed exclusively to BNC Publishing
      Abdul Wahab Al-Halabi               Mahmoud El Khoja                 Ruchir Punjabi                       in the MENA region by Entrepreneur Media Inc.
      Areije Al Shakar                    Maan Eshgi                       Tammer Qaddumi              No part of this magazine may be reproduced or transmitted in any
      Kawthar Bin Sulayem                 Sonia Gokhale                    Sonia Weymuller            form or by any means without written permission of the publisher.

      Images used in Entrepreneur Middle East are credited when necessary. Attributed use of                        Printed by United Printing and Publishing
      copyrighted images with permission. All images not credited otherwise Shutterstock.                                  

                                                                                               In addition to our print edition, we’re bringing                 EntMagazineME
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      ACCESS FRESH CONTENT DAILY ON OUR WEBSITE!                                               developments as soon as we do. We’re looking
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10 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020
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                                                                                58 Salah El-Din, co-founder and CEO, Vexls

                                                                                30                                      27
                                                                                CULTURE                                 ‘TREPNOMICS
                                                                                LIFE                                    SKILLSET
                                                                                Honor your pace in life                 Getting through
                                                                                Olympic weightlifter and                the COVID-19 crisis
                                                                                writer Amna Al Haddad                   Omar Jackson on having the
                                                                                reminds us to embrace                   right mindset to overcome
                                                                                moments of productivity and             any obstacle.
                                                                                achievements, but to also not
      18                                          24                            feel guilty if you want to take         14
      ‘TREPONOMICS                                ‘TREPONOMICS                  it slow during this period.             EDITOR’S NOTE
      SKILLSET                                    SKILLSET                                                              By Aby Sam Thomas
      Ready for battle                            Walking the talk              46
      Lachlan Jackson on what                     As someone who                ‘TREPONOMICS                            58
      he learned through the                      made his transition to        PRO                                     START IT UP
      2008 global financial crisis,               entrepreneurship in the       Competitive agility                     Q&A
      and the six steps to shield                 middle of the COVID-19        LIRA Strategy Partners                  Design made easy
      your business from the                      crisis, Mahmoud El Khoja      founder Raffaella                       Egypt startup Vexls
      COVID-19 impact.                            shares the seven lessons he   Campagnoli lists winning                develops a platform to
                                                  has learned about running     strategies for the hotel                boost design businesses
      50                                          a business through this       industry.                               for the Arabic-speaking
      CULTURE                                     period.                                                               audience.
      LIFE                                                                      28
      For the love of books                       17                            ‘TREPONOMICS                            62
      At a time when we all need                  ‘TREPONOMICS                  PRO                                     ‘TREPONOMICS
      the solidity and structure                  SKILLSET                      Rewired and ready                       MARKETING
      that books provide, here’s                  The road ahead                Ruchir Punjabi, co-founder              From consumer to creator
      a tribute to a group of                     Nabra Al Busaidi on what      and Chief Digital Officer of            Reim El Houni looks at
      committed professionals                     entrepreneurs need to keep    Distributed Energy, looks               the three reasons why
      who have given us that                      in mind as they navigate      at how your business can                now is the best time to
      much-needed avenue of                       their startups through the    survive the COVID-19 crisis             double down on your video
      escape.                                     COVID-19 crisis.              (and then thrive after it).             marketing plan.

         How the hotel industry can
         win amidst new challenges

12 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020

      Thoughts on the road ahead as a business ecosystem

                                                  our businesses. And this was espe-     for their services. Looking at it
                                                  cially evident for those working in    from a different angle, it’s a basic
                                                  the country’s F&B sector.              call for these entities to be socially
                                                    Restaurants weren’t allowed to       responsible, and to take their fair
                                                  operate, so the sole source of reve-   share in supporting the F&B in-
                                                  nue stemmed from delivery orders       dustry period in these unpredict-
                                                  made by people like you and me,        able and hard times.”
                                                  who, more often than not, used           Al Mheiri’s call found itself
                                                  food delivery aggregator apps like     echoed by several other operators
                                                  Talabat, Deliveroo, Zomato, and        in the UAE’s F&B domain, but the
                                                  others of their ilk, to choose where   response from delivery aggregators
                                                  we got some (or all) of our meals      was largely in the negative. Talabat
                                                  from on a day-to-day basis. The        and Zomato (both are owned by
                                                  online delivery companies work         the same company) said that they
                                                  on a commission-based model,           couldn’t cut commissions -even on
                                                  with their fees reportedly going up    a temporary basis- as that would
                                                  to 35% per order. This was sort        compromise their own survival as
                                                  of accepted as a norm in the days      businesses. After all, they have to
                                                  prior to the COVID-19 crisis, but      take care of expenses of their own,
                                                  Al Mheiri believed that the current    be in terms of employee salaries or
                                                  dynamics of the world did not jus-     infrastructure costs, and, as Tala-

               usually use this space for         tify such rates anymore. After all,    bat CEO Tomaso Rodriguez said in
               my editor’s note, but this         even as these apps were enjoying a     a report on The National, “asking
               time, I’ve decided to put          surge in demand and popularity in      businesses to voluntarily decrease
               together my ruminations            the UAE, the country’s restaurants     their revenues by over 60% in
               on an ongoing issue in the         were struggling to survive on a        support of other businesses in
               UAE business ecosystem-            delivery-only business model.          that supply chain does not make
               after all, the current roil-         That is why Al Mheiri, along with    business sense; it simply shifts the
               ing marketplace has got us         some of her peers in the country’s     problem to a different part of the
               all thinking.                      F&B sector, launched the CAP@10        supply chain.”
        It was in late March when I               campaign, which was essentially          Now, as much as I sympathize
      got introduced to entrepreneur              a plea to delivery aggregators to      with restaurant owners like Al
      Sheikha Al Mheiri, founder of               cap their commissions at 10% for       Mheiri, there is definitely truth to
      Make A Difference (MAD) Invest-             the duration of this crisis. “This     what Rodriguez has stated: deliv-
      ments- it’s a hospitality venture           initiative of CAP@10 is neither        ery aggregators are businesses too.
      based in the UAE that is behind             a permanent campaign, nor an           And as much as it might be easy to
      concepts like Society Café &                absurd attempt to break the bank       portray apps like them as villains
      Lounge and Toplum in Dubai. At              for these delivery aggregators,”       in the current business landscape,
      the time, the pandemic had made             Al Mheiri wrote, in a piece for        they were never here to be the
      its impact severely felt in the    “In essence,         saviors of the F&B sector, and as
      country, with the government-               what they give up in reduced com-      such, one cannot fault them for
      imposed complete lockdown                   mission, they are sure to make it      their efforts to make money. And,
      adversely affecting our lives and           up through a heightened demand         to be fair to them, I’ve had off-the-

14 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020

record conversations about how          "WE ARE ALL BUSINESSES ACTING WITHIN A LARGER
delivery aggregators have, in their
own way, supported F&B busi-            ECOSYSTEM, AND AS SUCH, AN “EVERY MAN FOR
nesses through this crisis- indeed,     HIMSELF” MENTALITY IS CERTAINLY NOT GOING TO
Aegis Hospitality founder Samer         WORK OUT FOR ANY OF US. YES, TIMES ARE TOUGH,
Hamadeh declared on a Twitter
thread that “Deliveroo actually
                                        AND YES, EACH ONE OF US CAN POINT TO SOMEONE
saved us through the shutdown.”         ELSE WHO WE THINK SHOULD BE DOING MORE TO
So, when one takes into consider-       BOLSTER THE BUSINESS LANDSCAPE- BUT HAVE
ation all of these different factors,
it’s hard to paint this whole situ-
                                        WE OURSELVES EXHAUSTED EVERY OPTION IN OUR
ation with a broad brush, and I’ve      ARSENAL TO DO JUST THAT?"
personally found it difficult to side
with one party over the other.          will be humanizing and supporting      is imminent, and F&B outlets will
  Having said that, we are all          each other, rather than seeing it as   definitely unite with supportive
businesses acting within a larger       an opportunity to capitalize on the    stakeholders, who will ensure the
ecosystem, and as such, an “every       misfortune of others. As a delivery    delivery aggregator business model
man for himself” mentality is           aggregator, you have a choice to       becomes quickly extinct.”
certainly not going to work out for     decide how you want to come out          I had stated last month that
any of us. Yes, times are tough, and    of this pandemic at the end- so-       over the course of the coronavirus
yes, each one of us can point to        cially responsible, or marginalized    pandemic, as professionals in the
someone else who we think should        and outdated… I understand and         business domain, all of us need
be doing more to bolster the            appreciate that delivery aggrega-      to remember that our behaviors
business landscape- but have we         tors have costs like any other busi-   today will have ramifications
ourselves exhausted every option        ness, but during the current time,     tomorrow, and if Al Mheiri’s words
in our arsenal to do just that? If      they cannot have usual business        are any indication, then I believe
you can answer “yes” to that, then,     strategies and maintain the same       that remains a critical thing to
great, more power to you, let’s just    margins, while other industry          keep in mind as we move into the
wait for time to be the judge of        players (restaurants) fight for        next stage of this crisis, regardless
your actions in the long run, and       survival.”                             of whether we work in the F&B
my only request to you would be           “There has to be a better balance    domain or not.
to make sure you communicate            between aggregators and brick-           I also welcome the business com-
all of what you are doing to your       and-mortar operators,” Al Mheiri       munity to get in touch with me to
counterparts in the ecosystem.          continued. “In the current sce-        discuss this. Send me an email; I
However, if the aforementioned is       nario, their platform is the main      want to hear your opinions. Sure,
something you cannot confidently        source of income to the operator,      the road ahead remains unclear,
attest to, then I’d suggest working     instead of being an added source.      but I want to make sure that we
on making sure you have put your-       I believe the model between ag-        are all at least taking the right
self on the right side of history       gregators and operators should be      steps forward- that, in effect, is
when this period is recounted in        reviewed and readjusted, where         what is going to keep us going, no
the future.                             aggregators supplement revenue         matter what.
  And this is the sentiment I felt      generation of outlets, rather
from Al Mheiri when I touched           than compete with them on their
base with her recently to hear her      revenue. As the main lifeline for
thoughts on the statements made         many F&B businesses, they need
by delivery aggregators. “As with       to level their advantage to serve
all businesses, no one has had the      the community and ecosystem
privilege of a warning notice of        they operate in. Be open to change
the COVID-19 pandemic and its           and adaptation like all other
resulting impact on revenues,” Al       businesses. Come down from the         Aby Sam Thomas
Mheiri told me via e-mail. “During      position of monopoly, and share        Editor in Chief
these unprecedented times, it’s a       the impact, rather than play the         @thisisaby
question of whether organizations       upper hand. Eventually, disruption

       Getting ready for a post COVID-19 world

16 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020

                                                                                                         2/ Cash-in and survive
                                                                                                         Startups generally disappear because
                                                                                                         they run out of financiers- not ideas.
                                                                                                         With that said, businesses must have
                                                                                                         an aggressive plan in place early on how
                                                                                                         to conserve capital. Even if the crisis is
                                                                                                         resolved, the chaos left in its wake may
                                                                                                         continue. It is time to put aside all the
                                                                                                         plans to scale and rethink all of that,
                                                                                                         as none of this will matter if you don’t
                                                                                                         survive. Have an extensive contingency
                                                                                                         plan around your budget and projec-
                                                                                                         tions- you are now in survival mode.

                                                                                                         3/ Yes, surviving is the most important
                                                                                                         Many startups will have to stick to the
                                                                                                         bare minimum and essentials. Salaries
                                                                                                         may need to be revised for the company
                                                                                                         to survive, and also cut marketing
                                                                                                         and sales spending in half until your
                                                                                                         customers are back at work and able to

The road ahead                                                                                           consume again. Any cuts you make now
                                                                                                         will have a lasting impact on the cash
                                                                                                         balance later.
What entrepreneurs need to keep in mind as they navigate
their startups through the COVID-19 crisis b y N A B R A A L B U S A I D I                               4/ Stay open to new opportunities
                                                                                                         If you can think of ways to shift some
                                                                                                         aspects of your business to contribute
                                                                                                         to combating COVID-19 or even helping

      he COVID-19 pandemic is creating a global economic                                                 people deal with the current situation,
      effect on the financial market, meaning that the human                                             then prepare yourself to do so. Despite
                                                                                                         the crisis, there are still some oppor-
      and societal impact of this outbreak will be extreme,                                              tunities, especially for businesses that
      even though we may still be only at the early stage of                                             sell products and services directly to
this crisis. For startups, this will be a particularly difficult time,                                   consumers. If you are selling something
                                                                                                         that will make their lives easier during
although some say that great companies are often created                                                 this difficult time, then these are new
during market downturns. But of course, this is easier said                                              opportunities for you. Equally, any
than done- here are my thoughts on what entrepreneurs                                                    product or service that makes working
                                                                                                         from home easier will have a ready
need to keep in mind during this period:                                                                 market.

1/ Forget about raising funds                      COVID-19 crisis comes to an end soon,                 5/ Reflect
Angel investors may continue to invest,            startups will still have to add a few                 It is hard to know how the country
but expect this to be done at smaller              months of minimal investments before                  and the market will look like in a few
rounds, lower evaluations, and in start-           they can get back on their feet. I firmly             months, but if you allow your startup to
ups that may not require large amounts             believe that startups must communi-                   remain resilient in such difficult times,
of capital. While venture capitalists              cate with their investors and employees               then there will be great opportunities. It
and angel investors might have the                 and provide transparency about the                    is time to find your silver lining- at the
cash to invest, the crisis will trigger a          true impact on the business. Honesty                  end of the day, you are the most impor-
triage mode where investments will be              will get you the visibility you need to               tant asset you need to readjust and con-
made into selective companies. If the              survive.                                              tinue building your dream business.

            Nabra Al Busaidi is the Executive Director of Young Arab Leaders (YAL). Her professional experience includes working in HSBC as a legal advisor
            to the Board of Directors and Senior Management. Nabra received her bachelor’s degree in Commercial Law and her master’s in Mergers &
            Acquisition from the University of Law London. Nabra is passionate about empowering the youth in the Arab world- she is an active mentor
            to entrepreneurs in MIT, and she’s also a judge in several startup competitions across the GCC and Europe. Nabra believes that YAL is vital for
            educating and empowering the next generation of leaders in the Arab world by turning innovative business ideas into a reality.

                                                                                                                            May 2020 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 17

      Six steps to take when leading your business through a crisis

18 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020

This is war.
Forget 2019. Forget 2018. In         probably forgotten since).
                                                                        into summer, so assume it will
                                                                        be six months before business
                                                                        starts to return to normal. Run
                                                                        the following three forecast
                                                                                                             These plans may involve
                                                                                                             headcount reductions,
                                                                                                             paid/unpaid vacations, or
                                                                                                             implementing pay deferrals- I
fact, forget every leadership        For those of you who haven’t       scenarios on your cashflow.          am an advocate of a deferral
lesson you’ve learned in the         had the pleasure of lead-                                               rather than an outright cut,
past 10 years, because the           ing through a crisis, the tips     Scenario 1 If all your revenue       as it leaves your team with an
person leading the company           below may be of help:              stopped now, and no one paid         element of hope as well as an
then was a different person to                                          you, but you maintained your         opportunity to band together
the one who needs to lead the        1/ ACT NOW                         outgoings, how long can you          to have the opportunity to
company now.                         Regardless of your view of         survive on what’s in the bank        ensure it’s not lost. The point
  The old you was a peacetime        the situation, or how bad          alone?                               here is to plan for the worst,
leader who was encouraged            the impact has been on your                                             so you have a clear plan to
to take a big picture view, to       business so far, unless you’re     Scenario 2 If all your revenue       take immediate action on.
focus on the long-term, to de-       one of the lucky few busi-         stopped now, your receivables        You’ll continually update
velop the team, and to put in        nesses that are thriving off       continued to come in, and you        these models with latest
place systems and processes to       this situation, you can pretty     maintain the same outgoings,         information, but you don’t
ensure the company operates          much guarantee it’s going to       how long can you survive?            need to revisit the decisions
seamlessly. This is great when       be tough. In fact, it’s going to                                        again and again– just the
things are moving along at a         be tougher than you can even       Scenario 3 If all your revenue       timing and severity of them.
consistent pace, and you have        imagine, so don’t hesitate         stopped now, your receivables
an idea about what tomor-            with making decisions to           continued to come in, and you        3/ DISTINGUISH BETWEEN
row holds- but that approach         safeguard your business. Now       reduced your outgoings, how          CASH VERSUS REVENUE
won’t work today.                    is the time to put a freeze on     long can you survive?                Make a clear distinction
  The new you needs to be            all discretionary spending.                                             between actions you need to
a wartime leader, to have a          Speak to your suppliers about      These should lay out some            take to protect your cashflow,
sense of urgency, and to be          discounts or payment defer-        fairly bleak base level sce-         which is the lifeblood of the
able to make decisions quickly       rals. Review your marketing        narios for you to help guide         company, and actions you take
and decisively. At the same          and research and develop-          decisions. Then, you can             to generate revenue. Yes, your
time, you need to be adaptable       ment spend. I don’t agree with     move onto revenue forecasts.         core focus is to ensure the
to a constantly changing sce-        cutting or reducing the latter     Assume the revenue you’re            company lives to fight another
nario, and be willing to change      “strategic” spend for many         bringing in now is what you          day, but if the moves you make
direction should new informa-        businesses as this is an invest-   can expect for the next six          put you out of the game from
tion come in.                        ment, but it is worth seeing if    months, or even that it will         the start, and kill your reve-
  Today, it is all about survival,   some elements can be deferred      decline further. How does this       nue-generating capacity, you
and to survive, you need to          so long as they don’t impact       change your scenarios? Then,         may as well pack it up now.
know your business inside and        your revenue-generating capa-      create a plan for each sce-            Likewise, if you start aggres-
out. If you’ve built a strong        bilities. The actions you take     nario for how aggressively you       sively discounting and extend-
team and culture, and built          here are the easy low-hanging      should respond to each, and          ing credit to drive revenue,
systems and processes inside         fruit, so to speak, but if you     create set trigger levels to pull    you may well accelerate your
the company during the good          cut your unnecessary expenses      the lever for each scenario.         demise. Whilst revenue is >>>
times, then you’ll be happily        now, you won’t regret it later.
reaping the rewards now. If
you haven’t, then it doesn’t
matter, because it’s too late to
                                     2/ MAKE FORECASTS,
                                     NOT PREDICTIONS
                                                                        DON’T HESITATE WITH MAKING DECISIONS
worry about it now.                  No one knows how bad or how        TO SAFEGUARD YOUR BUSINESS. NOW
  If you were fortunate (or          long this will last, and you       IS THE TIME TO PUT A FREEZE ON ALL
unfortunate) enough to have          need to be at one with this un-
been leading your company            certainty. That doesn’t mean
                                                                        DISCRETIONARY SPENDING. SPEAK TO
through the 2008/2009 global         you should be indecisive. You      YOUR SUPPLIERS ABOUT DISCOUNTS
financial crisis, then now is
time to dust off your play-
                                     should plan for the worst, and
                                     hope for the best. Plan on this
                                                                        OR PAYMENT DEFERRALS. REVIEW
book, and consider what you          crisis to last for a minimum of    YOUR MARKETING AND RESEARCH AND
learned back then (and have          three months, but then rolling     DEVELOPMENT SPEND.

                                                                                                                  May 2020 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 19

      IT’S EASY TO LEAD IN THE GOOD TIMES; IT’S                                           5/ REMEMBER YOUR                          help and respect during this
                                                                                          BUSINESS IS STILL ALL ABOUT               time will be the ones that help
      MUCH HARDER TO LEAD IN THE BAD TIMES.                                               YOUR CUSTOMERS, NOT YOU                   you come out of this on top.
      BUT IT’S MOST CERTAINLY MORE REWARDING,                                             Many companies are focused
      AND IT WILL BUILD GREATER CHARACTER AND                                             on sending or posting generic             6/ LOOK TO THE FUTURE
      RESILIENCE THAN YOU EVER KNEW YOU HAD.                                              messages that are essentially             This crisis will pass, and
                                                                                          no more than a company policy             the companies that survive
                                                                                          on how they’re handling the               will come out the other side
       important, cash is even more               breeds uncertainty, so don’t            crisis. Or they’re beating                stronger, leaner, and more
       important, so look at your                 let them fill the void with             on the same door, with the                efficient than they were going
       operations, in particular, your            guesses– keep the informa-              same products, in the same                into it. In every crisis, there’s
       balance sheet, and try to find             tion flow coming, even if it’s          way they have always done.                opportunity, and if you’ve got
       hidden sources of cash that                just to provide assurance that          Before going down the path of             on top of the aforementioned
       might be locked up in inven-               you’re not sticking your head           yet another generic mail that             five areas, now, you can take
       tory or assets that can be                 in the sand. They’re all look-          isn’t particularly relevant to            a moment to step back from
       freed up to keep the company               ing to you for guidance and             anyone, or another sales call             the battlefield, and look for
       running. Do you have surplus               assurance, and now is when              to chase down revenue, put                opportunities. Are there op-
       stock that you’ve sat on for               you need to be out the front            yourself in the customer’s                portunities to gain market
       years? Now might be the time               with your team. This is hard            shoes. Why would they care                share, or take out a competitor
       to liquidate it, because that              enough when you’re physically           about your call? What are they            who runs less efficiently than
       cash is worth more than hav-               there, but much harder when             going through? How can you                you? Is there a new busi-
       ing a warehouse full of unsold             you’re all working from home.           help them through this now,               ness model that you can turn
       goods. What other levers can               Get on Zoom calls weekly, if            or when things open back up               towards- new product lines, or
       you pull to ensure you win the             not daily, with your team, and          again? What makes your com-               sources of revenue to diver-
       biggest share of a smaller pie?            make sure they’re okay and              munication any different from             sify? If you’ve taken the steps
                                                  focused. If you follow agile/           the hundreds of others they’re            to protect the downside, you
       4/ WORK ON YOUR INTERNAL                   scrum methodologies, your               receiving? Put yourself in their          may have a war chest that can
       COMMUNICATIONS                             daily huddle with the team              shoes, understand what they               be deployed to acquire strug-
       Communicate confidently and                will help maintain focus and            need, and how you can support             gling businesses coming out
       frequently. Your team is wor-              velocity within the team,               them, regardless of whether               the back of this. Remember, in
       ried, for their health, for their          even if you’re not physically           there is any immediate finan-             all wars, there’s profit.
       jobs, for their families. Silence          together.                               cial benefit. The customers you             Above all, through this pe-
                                                                                                                                    riod, maintain your positivity,
                                                                                                                                    and treat this as an opportu-
                                                                                                                                    nity to prove to yourself what
                                                                                                                                    you can achieve. It’s easy to
                                                                                                                                    lead in the good times; it’s
                                                                                                                                    much harder to lead in the bad
                                                                                                                                    times. But it’s most certainly
                                                                                                                                    more rewarding, and it will
                                                                                                                                    build greater character and
                                                                                                                                    resilience than you ever knew
                                                                                                                                    you had. And when things do
                                                                                                                                    turn around, and business re-
                                                                                                                                    turns –whenever that is– any
                                                                                                                                    future crisis will pale in com-
                                                                                                                                    parison. So, when the good
                                                                                                                                    times return and you have to
                                                                                                                                    swap your battle helmet for
                                                                                                                                    your baseball cap again, don’t
                                                                                                                                    forget to file your notes from
                                                                                                                                    this current period- after all,
                                                                                                                                    remember that the wartime
          Lachlan Jackso,                                                                                                           leader can well be called on
          co-founder and Director,
                                                                                                                                    again in the future, and when
                                                                                                                                    they do, you’ll be ready.

       Lachlan Jackson is the co-founder and Director at Ecocoast, a company that develops solutions for sustainable coastal and marine development.
       He is an active member of the UAE Chapter of Entrepreneurs Organization.

20 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020


               s it so happens,       Perhaps I’ve been watching              pandemic was getting, we got             metro on the way to work. As
               I’ve been hun-         way too much news, or per-              our core team members to-                such, we engaged with the op-
               kered down in my       haps I’m feeling what most              gether to assess the severity            erations staff, and asked them
               own extreme form       entrepreneurs have been feel-           of the situation, and what it            if they would be willing to re-
               of mental self-        ing lately. Luckily, some of the        could mean to them and the               locate to a building next door
               isolation. This        time I spent in worry has paid          business. We had very few an-            to our site. The landlord of the
               version involves       off in the form of execution.           swers, but once we got talking,          building offered a good deal
a world of uncertainty and              When it comes to a crisis,            we started identifying risks             as we were renting a bunch of
anxiety. What if one of my staff      speed and tactics matter more           and developing ideas on how              apartments from him in a sin-
catch the virus and dies? What        than anything. When the rug             to get things done quickly.              gle exchange.
if I catch it? What if roads are      gets pulled under your feet,              For example, much of our                 100% of my operations staff
closed and my logistics pro-          reaction times can spell the            operations staff was living in           accepted, and they were re-
vider can’t deliver anymore?          difference between a bruised            various parts of Dubai, and we           located within a week. With
What if my key suppliers can’t        elbow and a concussion.                 saw the potential risk of catch-         work now being a five-minute
fulfil our orders?                    Once we knew how big this               ing the virus on a bus or the            walk from home, staff get to >>>

            Ahmed Al Akber is the co-founder and CEO of Hello Chef, a meal delivery service that provides recipes and ingredients and makes it easy
            for people to cook their own delicious meals at home.

                                                                                                                            May 2020 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 21

                                                                                                     With the crisis still not at its apex, it’s
                                                                                                     safe to say that the definition of risk is
                                                                                                     a moving target. We may have surprises
                                                                                                     around the corner. But taking action has
                                                                                                     helped ease much of the stress.
                                                                                                       Processes that once worked fine have
                                                                                                     been broken down and completely rebuilt
                                                                                                     to thwart the invisible enemy. People have
                                                                                                     needed to be trained and retrained. In
                                                                                                     some ways, we’ve blown money by over-
       pocket their transportation allowance,         terly meeting, usually a day-long retreat at   investing in things we probably won’t need
       which they appreciated. I also inadvert-       a decent hotel with a group of staff, had to   once the worst is behind us.
       ently solved a bunch of staff logistical is-   be adapted to be done over video calls.          To some level, doing all this has been
       sues that used to slow us down.                  Our customers also expected us to act        painful, but there is a silver lining: this
         Our office staff had to make changes too.    fast too. They wanted to know what we          pandemic has given me a crash course on
       By working from home on a moment’s             were doing to mitigate their risk, and         risk mitigation. And that’s something that
       notice, we had to quickly figure out the       rightly so.                                    will stay with me for the rest of my career.
       efficacy of each communication channel           Once the plans were laid out, we started
       relative to the urgency of each message.       communicating with customers about             ONE THING WE WERE PROUD OF
       We reviewed all medical insurance poli-        what we were getting done, ensuring            WAS THE QUICK IMPLEMENTATION
       cies and re-communicated what to do            we followed through on every step. One         OF NO-CONTACT DELIVERY, A
       should someone have symptoms.                  thing we were proud of was the quick           METHOD WHICH INVOLVES NO
         We spoke to staff who were juggling          implementation of no-contact delivery, a       DIRECT FORMS OF PHYSICAL
       working from home with homeschooling           method which involves no direct forms of       CONTACT BETWEEN OUR
       their kids to see how we could accommo-        physical contact between our customers         CUSTOMERS AND THE DELIVERY
       date work hours around that. Our quar-         and the delivery drivers.                      DRIVERS.

      Come together
                                                                                                     forget those who need us the most, our
                                                                                                     essential workers and high-risk individu-
                                                                                                     als such as the elderly, the homeless, those
                                                                                                     with pre-existing conditions, and low-
       It’s time we support our communities                                                          income households.
                                                                                                       However, sometimes in rare cases such
       through conscious consumerism and wise                                                        as these, the only power we’re left with is
       investment b y K AW T H A R B I N S U L AY E M                                                our consumer power. We can still dictate
                                                                                                     the market and help shape the economic
                                                                                                     landscape of our local economy. We can
                                                                                                     pull together and assist those that may

                       s we find ourselves in the     self-reflect and evaluate what we can do to    be economically vulnerable. Small busi-
                       midst of the COVID-19          not only improve our personal situation,       ness owners, startups, tradespeople, and
                       pandemic, many of us           but also how we can help strengthen our        professionals in specialist sectors can lose
                       are in situations -social,     community during these difficult times.        everything in a short period of time. Small
                       mental, physical, or fi-         It’s abundantly clear that this pandemic     businesses may not be the first thing to
                       nancial- that we’ve never      has severely impacted global economies,        spring to mind when evaluating vulner-
                       experienced before. It can     adding financial stress to most everyone’s     ability, but in the current economic cli-
                       be daunting, especially        lives. Fiscal policies and government aid      mate, they certainly are.
       if we find ourselves in a situation where      alone cannot give us back everything we’ve       Collectively, our consumerism holds
       individuals are only committed to helping      lost, or relieve us from this stress. As an    so much power that when we cannot
       themselves, which is only human nature,        owner of several small businesses, I have      spend, these businesses cannot survive.
       but rather unfortunate as well.                a serious responsibility to not only do my     With these economic implications, it’s
         However, even during such troublesome        part to support the local economy, but         extremely important that we support lo-
       times, we have the ability to work collec-     also support my team and their family          cal businesses. It’s also very important in
       tively together to negate the possibilities    members. In times like these, we need to       times like these to learn how to trust our
       of our fellow community members becom-         pull together as a community and do the        SME sector. After all, look at the SMEs
       ing vulnerable. We now have the time to        utmost for those in need. We must not          that are currently working extra hours to

22 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020

keep their business afloat and
alive- they cannot afford to
just stop working and wait the
situation out like larger organi-
zations can.
  We need to appreciate the
integral role that SMEs play,
both socially and economically.
They are part of the fabric of
our society that contributes
towards our thriving economic
ecosystem and they help to
-especially in these times-
provide a sense of community.
Even now there are many ex-
amples of small businesses,
whether they be cafes, restau-
rants, or any other essential
business, offering special
discounts and free-items to
our medical personnel and es-
sential workers.
  This is a stark reminder that
we cannot afford to not be
conscious consumers. Now is
the time to act strategically
with your economic influence.
Ensure your essential items
are bought with thought. This        NOW IS THE TIME TO ACT                  ter how enormous and strong        tively battling this virus.
is also the time for local and       STRATEGICALLY WITH YOUR                 your economy is, or what the         Furthermore, the UAE has
federal government entities          ECONOMIC INFLUENCE.                     politics of your nation is, in     exampled how this global
to increase their support and        ENSURE YOUR ESSENTIAL                   real times of need, we will be     pandemic should be combat-
collaboration with the SME           ITEMS ARE BOUGHT WITH                   reliant on how much emphasis       ted on all fronts of the globe;
                                     THOUGHT. THIS IS ALSO THE
sector.                                                                      was put into the strengthening     that means supporting other
                                     TIME FOR LOCAL AND FEDERAL
  Another element we must            GOVERNMENT ENTITIES TO                  of our healthcare systems.         nations to help eliminate the
consider when trying to pro-         INCREASE THEIR SUPPORT                    For example, in the UAE,         worldwide threat. There’s no
vide support for our most vul-       AND COLLABORATION WITH                  the utmost has been done to        benefit to isolated efforts and
nerable people is wise invest-       THE SME SECTOR.                         ensure that the most vulner-       keeping the hardship internal.
ment into our most important                                                 able people have access to         With this as their ethos, the
asset, the healthcare sector.        been managed in a balance               tests, supplies, and essential     UAE has sent supplies to over
The COVID-19 pandemic has            between the private and public          medical treatment. But this        20 different countries so far,
shown that sometimes unfore-         sector, can be one of the most          has only been possible due to      with the objective of reducing
seen and unpredictable ele-          efficient ways to look after all        the long-term investment of        the threat of the virus globally,
ments can heavily impact our         communities, and in fact, stops         healthcare in the country. As      and not just putting all the fo-
day-to-day lives. This doesn’t       potentially vulnerable people           per the UAE National Agenda,       cus on themselves.
only mean investing only in the      from becoming vulnerable.               the country has been collabo-        If a nation is in the position
existing healthcare require-           When a society has read-              ratively working with stake-       to optimally manage their
ments, but all the new innova-       ily available healthcare and a          holders all over the world to      resources, they can show true
tive and technological medical       system in place where it can            make sure that our healthcare      leadership by sharing their
solutions that are being devel-      serve people in need, it truly          sector is as strong as any other   experiences, knowledge, and
oped, or in the process of de-       protects people more than               thriving sector. Collaboration     resources with other nations.
velopment, by our local SMEs         any service. It’s clear that the        and transparency between the       This isn’t just an act of noble
and inventors.                       most important thing that               government, healthcare profes-     humanitarian action, but a
  I believe that a healthcare        shapes economics and politics,          sionals, and the community         great example of real diplo-
system that has been suffi-          especially in these times, is           itself is what has created the     macy and investments between
ciently invested into, and has       healthcare. It doesn’t mat-             infrastructure needed for effec-   nations.

            Kawthar Bin Sulayem is a strategical advisor, entrepreneur, and CEO of KBS Communications.

                                                                                                                     May 2020 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 23

       Seven lessons learned while transitioning into entrepreneurship
       in the middle of the COVID-19 crisis b y M A H M O U D E L K H O J A

              few months ago, I decided to quit my cushy job in a multinational
              corporation and take destiny into my own hands, leaving petty
              office politics behind. I went from having someone to answer to,
              to being someone to answer to. I chose to live a life of financial
       uncertainties and become an entrepreneur. But on top of all the stressful
       collateral in which this life-changing decision entails, the COVID-19 virus
       decided to make its entry to the world stage at almost the same time.

24 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020

The crisis the coronavirus               3/ Have a flexible business              LISTEN TO YOUR TEAM, BE PRESENT,
pandemic created naturally               model, and pivot without
flattened all the assumptions            regret                                   EVEN REMOTELY. EMPOWER THEM
and inputs I had in my model.            While it largely depends on              TO SUGGEST SOLUTIONS TO CRISIS-
While we are still at an early           the level of maturity of your
stage in the fight against               business, having several ver-            INDUCED PROBLEMS.
this disease (and in my new              ticals in non-correlated mar-
journey), I was still able to            kets is a great risk-reducing            over which you should lose               customer service is essential,
unearth a few principles that            strategy. I joined as Managing           sleep. It’s imperative to listen         excellent employee service is
are keeping me and my sanity             Partner in one of my ventures            to your customers. They will             just as important. There is no
going. I didn’t plan them, and           which happened to have a B2B             always remember what you                 better way to improve loyalty
some of them came with luck,             arm ( and             did for them in bad times, and           and motivation than to show
but who knows, they might                a B2C arm ( in the             they will thank you for it. Bo-          your worth as a leader during
benefit some of you in these             process of launch. While the             nus point: you don’t need to             times of crisis. It’s the most
challenging times:                       B2B was the cash cow of the              be the absolute best- you just           intelligent investment of your
                                         business, it came to a sudden            have to be better than your              time and energy. Listen to
1/ Make sure your personal               halt in the early days of the            competition.                             your team, be present, even
life is in order                         COVID-19 crisis. Corporate                                                        remotely. Be aware of their
If you’re an early-stage en-             clients started to advise their          5/ Take care of your cash                personal problems, whether
trepreneur, it’s very hard to            teams to work remotely. We               While common sense dic-                  financial or otherwise. Em-
separate your business from              immediately shifted all of               tates to preserve the little             power them to suggest solu-
your personal life. But this             our human and financial re-              cash you have to weather the             tions to crisis-induced prob-
is exactly what you have to              sources towards accelerating             storm, a period of crisis is, for        lems.
be thinking about early on,              the launch of our B2C brand              me, a good time to invest in
otherwise your mind will                 to serve individuals staying at          long-term opportunities. Be              7/ Fall in love with what
always be distracted by the              home. In situations like these,          it increasing your marketing             you do
well-being of your family. Cre-          a strong leader knows how                budget intelligently (as we              I’m not talking about your
ate a comfortable cushion to             to pivot the whole organiza-             did), hiring your next super-            business idea, because I sure
fall back on. Try not to put             tion, and take strategic deci-           star, or optimizing your opera-          hope you’re already in love
your own money into all your             sions quickly and decisively.            tions. Now the question is,              with that, but I’m talking
ventures. Think: if everything           The faster you fail, the faster          where do you get the cash flow           about the process. The re-
fails right now, will my family          you’ll start to succeed.                 in times of decreasing sales?            ally annoying minutia and
be ok? And for how long?                                                          There are ways to give a life-           random uninteresting steps
                                         4/ Don’t be a perfectionist-             line to your working capital.            you have to go through to
2/ Diversify early on                    except in one thing                      Just last week, I was able to            reach execution excellence.
While planning my move to                We all know the different                obtain a grace period for my             Fall in love with that. It will
entrepreneurship, I decided              stages of bringing a new prod-           mortgages and car loans, and             save your life. How to do it?
to invest in my education.               uct to market. You go from               I came to an agreement with              Become a student of life, give
I wanted to learn as many                a prototype to a minimum                 some of my suppliers to delay            yourself challenges to learn
things about as many indus-              viable product, and so on,               a few payments. What most                all the tools that you need. Be
tries as possible. I’m also a big        and you test like crazy. This            people fail to understand is             proud of the excel model you
proponent of the old adage,              requires flexibility, and a              that you mostly get what you             built, even if you didn’t use it
“Don’t put all your eggs in              fierce lack of perfectionism.            want by just asking. I’m a big           as much as you thought you
one basket.” This is why I got           In a time of a crisis, it has            fan of asking stupid questions           would.Be interested in the
involved, either as an investor          never been more literal, as              with near-zero probability of a          details of your supply chain to
or in a more operational role,           you have to navigate stormy              positive answer. You’d be sur-           find that “eureka” moment to
in several unrelated projects            seas infested with sharks with           prised of the outcome!                   optimize it. Or take on an ac-
and companies from the very              only one objective: survival.                                                     countant hat and find a better
beginning. This diversification          There’s one topic though                 6/ Take care of your team                way to manage your invoices-
turned out to be a strong as-            where perfectionism is es-               Your team is your most im-               even if, and especially be-
set to tackle the crisis we are          sential: customer service. It’s          portant asset, right? But are            cause, it’s not your strength.
in now.                                  your holy grail, the only thing          you walking the talk? Just as            Love the process.

                Mahmoud El Khoja, an active member of Young Arab Leaders, co-founded and is currently leading several new companies such as BioBox, an
                online healthy-only groceries platform; MyHealthyOffice, a pantry management and office wellness outfit both in the UAE; Frost, a quality frozen
                food retail chain in Egypt, and ELK Phoenicia Group, a family partnership with diverse interests. He is also the volunteer CFO and Strategy Lead
                of Cura, an international medical NGO based in Oklahoma. His previous 15 years were spent in eight countries and various regional roles with
multinationals like Schneider Electric, L’Oréal and Bain & Company. His functional experience spans marketing, strategy and digital transformation. Mahmoud
holds an MBA from INSEAD and a B.A. in Economics from the American University of Beirut. He currently resides in Dubai with his family.

                                                                                                                                 May 2020 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 25

                                                                                                                     1/ CASH
                                                                                                                     As soon as you are in a zero-revenue
                                                                                                                     situation, then it is all about looking at
                                                                                                                     how much cash you have in the bank, and
                                                                                                                     thinking about how long you can last with
                                                                                                                     it. If you take the decision not to fold your
                                                                                                                     business, then you have to develop several
                                                                                                                     scenarios of how long the shutdown will
                                                                                                                     be for, and what the ramp up will look
                                                                                                                     like afterwards. In our case, we did just
                                                                                                                     that, and we also had a very brutal look
                                                                                                                     at our costs. We stopped all payments
                                                                                                                     while we did this, and then had very hard
                                                                                                                     conversations with all of our landlords,
                                                                                                                     suppliers, and creditors. It’s good to see
                                                                                                                     that the government has been extremely
                                                                                                                     supportive, and that has been shown in
                                                                                                                     the attitudes of lenders. However, in our
                                                                                                                     industry, leverage isn’t common, and we
                                                                                                                     do have debt. But, at the end of the day,
                                                                                                                     the primary objective of this exercise
                                                                                                                     was to figure out how we could be still
                                                                                                                     standing on our feet when the fog lifts.

                                                                                                                     2/ PEOPLE
                                                                                                                     Consumer-facing businesses like ours
                                                                                                                     employ a lot of people, mostly lower paid,
                                                                                                                     and with slim management overhead.
                                                                                                                     Retaining talent is important; however,
                                                                                                                     when you are in as hard a situation as we
                                                                                                                     are now, that has to be ranked alongside
                                                                                                                     the overall business’ survival. The key
                                                                                                                     elements we took into account here were
      A COVID-19 survival kit                                                                                        in the following order of priority:

      for entrepreneurs                                                                                              > Consider humanitarian issues Many of
                                                                                                                     our employees could not go back home,
                                                                                                                     and we could not afford to keep them.
       Think about what the world will look like after this                                                          Ensuring their physical wellbeing is the
                                                                                                                     first priority, regardless of what happens
       is over, and what role you would like to play in it                                                           to the business.
       b y A B D U L WA H A B A L- H A L A B I
                                                                                                                     > Look into repatriation Many employees
                                                                                                                     come from environments where the cost
                                                                                                                     of living at home is a lot cheaper than the

                         y involvement in entre-                money to generating almost zero revenue,             UAE, and therefore, a strong effort has
                         preneurial businesses                  across the board, in a matter of weeks.              been taken to repatriate team members
                         in the UAE has been in                  It is one thing to deal with challenging            back and attempting to allow them
                         the consumer-facing                    business environments, but it’s a totally            to subsist, at least until the situation
                         sector, in industries                  different discussion to have when you are            improves and they can be flown back.
                         like leisure, F&B and                  no longer able to operate your enterprise
                         fitness. As everyone                   at all. As such, these are some of the key           > Take a very cold look at corporate costs
                         knows, ever since the                  thoughts and decisions that have been                We have had to look at our talented
       coronavirus pandemic hit us, most of                     on my mind with respect to my entrepre-              management teams, and consider, on a
       these businesses have gone from making                   neurial ventures:                                    case by case basis, who we could retain.

                          Abdul Wahab Al-Halabi is the Partner at Decker & Halabi, and an owner and investor in several consumer-facing businesses.

26 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020

We did this because we were
clear that the bulk of salary
                                        GETTING THROUGH THE COVID-19 CRISIS
cost is often in this layer, and        Tips from one young entrepreneur to another b y O M A R J A C K S O N
that needs to be trimmed to an

absolute minimum.
                                                     s we wake up to daily
3/ BUSINESS MODELS                                   developments, a continued
It is sometimes hard to look                         lockdown, and economic
at an industry and think what                        uncertainty amid the corona-
you can do with it differently                       virus pandemic, many young
when you are not even allowed           entrepreneurs and business leaders are
to operate. However, we looked          feeling a sense of unease, and a loss of
harder, and we have found that,         direction.
bizarrely, a lot of creativity             These unprecedented times are creat-
comes out of need. We have              ing trials for many, but however testing
been able to keep one business          they may seem, with those challenges,               3. KEEP GROWING This is an ideal time to
alive in the fitness industry           come opportunities. As an entrepreneur              tackle those things you’ve not had time for. It
by completely changing what             myself, I’ve experienced many situations            could be revisiting systems and processes,
it does and how it does it, to          like these, and I’ve always found myself            or learning something new. Set up online
actually generate income to             having to dig deep and push through.                training sessions for your team, either as a
keep the business alive.                   Here are some tips that can guide you            refresher, or to learn and develop new skills.
                                        through this time we find ourselves in,             Review how your brand is being presented in
4/ MOTIVATION                           and to help put you in the right mindset            your company collateral; perhaps revise your
It is easy to roll over, and            as well:                                            website, and update it, or plan some engaging
simply wait for the storm                                                                   social media content. Whatever you do, don’t
to pass. But by nature,                 1. WORK HARD, AND PLAN TO REBOUND                   stagnate- turn some of this negative into a
entrepreneurs like us just              Regardless of what your current days                positive.
don’t know how to do that.              under COVID-19 look like, you need to
However, there are many dark            keep driving forward with your entrepre-            4. FUEL YOUR PASSION Many entrepreneurs
moments, and it is important            neurial spirit. Even though you may have            have started a business based on something
to keep focused, no matter              experienced a temporary reduction in                they really care about, and have a passion
what the other side looks like.         business, you need to continue to work              for. This is a core element to success. Aside
After all, we exist not just for        hard, and think smart. We don’t know                from my businesses, I have other passions.
ourselves, but a whole array            when we will go back to normal, or even             This provides me with a real love for life, and
of stakeholders, including              what the new normal will look like, but             in times like this, it gives me something other
partners, team members,                 what we do know is that this will pass-             than work to positively focus on. One of my
investors, and others, and we           so, are you prepared? Analyze each                  main missions is to inspire people to find their
need to keep up the good fight.         scenario now, and plan your rebound                 passion, so if you feel you’ve not found yours,
All of us have read many books          strategy to ensure you’re ready to go.              now is the time to think about what it is, or
written on grit and resilience,                                                             invest time into it, and I promise you it will help
and now is the time to put all of       2. ENSURE EFFECTIVE COMMUNICATION                   your mindset. Use this time to slow down, sit
that learning into practice.            WITH STAKEHOLDERS Make sure that                    back, reflect and re-focus, get our priorities
  So, what’s the future going           you are keeping your staff, clients, and            straight, and realize what is important to
to look like? I predict that            other key stakeholders updated with                 you and how you really want to live your life.
many business models will               the developments of your business.                  Rarely do we get this kind of opportunity, and
change, and entire sectors in           It’s important to be transparent as the             this amount of time, which is our most pre-
some industries will not exist          situation progresses and changes. A                 cious commodity.
when this is all over. Further,         positive, resilient voice needs to be heard
the ramp up following the end           to inspire confidence, so make sure that            5. DON’T QUIT Whatever you do, don’t quit.
of this crisis, and people’s            comes from you through all channels,                Yes, it’s difficult, and yes, you may feel like
behavior after this period, will        whether that be a phone call, e-mail, or            there’s no way through, but this will pass. You
be very different. This will            social media. People need to be com-                will need to dig deep, and do things differ-
create numerous opportunities           forted by others, so lead from the front,           ently. Make tough decisions to survive, but
for investors, and I’m spending         and show strength.                                  ultimately believe in yourself against all odds.
most of my time now thinking                                                                Work hard, learn always, never quit!
about what the world will look
like after this is over, and what
                                                      Omar Jackson is the founder of OJ Lifestyle and a Partner at Berkeley Assets.
role I would like to play in it.             |

                                                                                                                    May 2020 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / 27

                                                                                                                      PRIMARILY, THERE
                                                                                                                      ARE THREE LEVELS
                                                                                                                      OF INNOVATION:
                                                                                                                      SUSTAINING, AND
                                                                                                                      FUNDAMENTALLY, THE
                                                                                                                      CHANGE IS ABOUT
                                                                                                                      DELIVERING VALUE.

                                                                                                                     spending. Once we have
                                                                                                                     optimized the expenses and
                                                                                                                     on top of our cash position,
                                                                                                                     we have decided to limit
                                                                                                                     our spending to what will
                                                                                                                     generate revenue– now or
                                                                                                                     in the future.
                                                                                                                       In the now, revenue is
                                                                                                                     about generating leads
                                                                                                                     and retaining clients. To
                                                                                                                     do both, a company needs
                                                                                                                     a customer relationship
                                                                                                                     management (CRM) plat-
                                                                                                                     form. If you don’t have one,
                                                                                                                     spend the time to set one
                                                                                                                     up cheap, and load it with all

      Rewired and ready
                                                                                                                     your customer information.
                                                                                                                     If you don’t have visibility
                                                                                                                     of your pipeline of clients,
                                                                                                                     you are operating blindly.
      How your business can survive the COVID-19 crisis                                                              Pipeline, ultimately, makes
                                                                                                                     every business thrive.
      (and then thrive after it) b y R U C H I R P U N J A B I                                                         Once a CRM is set up, first
                                                                                                                     think about how your cus-
                                                                                                                     tomers are doing. Empathy

               here is a popular                  analyze, plan, and get on top    CASH IS EVERYTHING                for your customers right now
               meme circulating                   of this, we need to ensure       For entrepreneurs, cash is        will go a long way. Help them
               these days that asks:              that we are healthy, safe,       everything right now, and         with a service or product
               “Who is responsible                and in a good mind space.        there are seven places where      that they need, regardless
               for your company’s                 Establish routines, talk to as   you can look for cash in your     of whether you will make
       digital transformation?”                   many people as possible, and     business: price, volume,          money or not. Your support
       A. CTO                                     make the most of the current     cost of goods sold (COGS),        in these difficult times will
       B. CEO                                     situation. Most importantly,     overheads, accounts receiv-       go a long way in retaining
       C. COVID-19                                focus on things you can          able, inventory, and accounts     them for life. Engaging
        As this joke shows, most                  control.                         payable. It is crucial that you   clients through knowledge
       entrepreneurs and busi-                      Empathy and decisiveness       work out -given your current      sharing, thoughtful ideas,
       nesses are struggling in the               are the two key qualities that   revenue and funding (equity       and proactive support will
       current environment, but                   a crisis like the COVID-19       + debt) availability- your        build a strong, long-lasting
       every crisis offers oppor-                 outbreak needs. Your ability     scenarios, and establish a        relationship.
       tunities, and this one is no               to empathize with people in      path forward to optimizing
       different.                                 your business and your key       cash. Without knowing your        FOCUS ON GROWTH AND
        Before I go into consid-                  relationships will ensure        runway, the rest of what I am     INNOVATION
       erations for surviving the                 support and loyalty. Deci-       about to say falls flat.          The other aspect of the
       current situation, I want to               siveness towards survival,        I’m involved with a few          pipeline is growth. Can you
       talk about self-care. We all               and later investing, will        boards where we have taken        increase customer lifetime
       know what the issues are. To               move the needle forward.         a position of revenue-centric     value (LTV)- meaning, can

28 / E N T R E P R E N E U R . C O M / May 2020
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