Page created by Lillian Gregory
December 2018

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       2019 CONSTRUCTION

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                                                                              CONSTRUCTION EXECUTIVE
                                                                              DECEMBER 2018

                                                                              4         Industry Insider
                                                                              6         In Brief
                                                                              8         Construction Markets
                                                                              14        Safety
                                                                              16        Technology
                                                                              76        Workforce
                                                                              78        Legal
                                                                              80        Sustainability
                                                                              82        Community Outreach
                                                                              84        Equipment
                                                                              88        Viewpoints

                                                                              A Tower of Voices in a
                                                                              Field of Honor
COVER STORY                                                                   Building the Flight 93 National Memorial
                                                                              in Shanksville, Pennsylvania.

20            2019 CONSTRUCTION
Contractors should be quite busy next year, but beyond that the
                                                                              Special Section:
                                                                              Hot Products
                                                                              The premier showcase for construction’s
economic outlook is decidedly murky.                                          top industry innovations.

                                                                              Construction Executive (ISSN 1544-3620, Vol. 27, No. 10) is published
                                                                              10 times a year by Associated Builders and Contractors Services Corp.
                                                                              U.S. subscription rates: $15/yr. for members of Associated Builders and
                                                                              Contractors; $65/yr. for non-members. © 2018 by Associated Builders
CE.MAGAZINEXPERTS.COM/MEDIAKIT                                                and Contractors Services Corp. All rights reserved. Periodicals postage
                                                                              paid at Washington, D.C., and additional mailing offices.
Everything you need to know about editorial coverage planned for 2019, plus   Postmaster:
print and digital advertising opportunities.                                  Send address changes to:
                                                                              Construction Executive, ABC Services Corp.
                                                                              440 First St. NW, Suite 200
                                                                              Washington, D.C. 20001


                                                                                                                    CE This Week
                                                   TOP STORIES                                                      Sign up for our digital newsletter and
                                                                                                                    customize the type of content you want
                                                   •   Tips to Prevent and Detect Bid Rigging
                                                                                                                    to receive each week.
                                                   •   Mobile, Connected and Data Driven:
                                                       Are Heavy Construction Contractors Missing Out?
                                                   •   The Importance of Understanding Dispute
                                                       Resolution Options
                                                   •   No End in Sight for Current Economic Expansion
                                                   •   Construction Contract Payment Terms Aren’t Worth the
                                                       Paper They’re Printed On
                                                   •   Six Tax and Surety Considerations for the New Lease          App
                                                       Accounting Standard                                          Read every issue on your Apple, Android
                                                   •   Develop a Culture of Mental Resiliency to Improve            or Kindle device. Scan the QR code or
                                                       Employee Health                                              search for “Construction Executive Mag”
                                                                                                                    in your app store.
                                                   •   The Importance of Choosing Application-specific Tire
                                                       Tread Patterns
                                                   •   Modern Technology Is Influencing Construction Safety         Digital Edition
                                                   •   Partner With Higher Education Facilities to Build a Robust
                                                                                                                    Flip through this month’s issue and find
                                                       Pipeline of Craft Workers
                                                                                                                    direct links to surveys, organizations,
                                                   •   Building Codes Evolve With High Wind Events                  companies and advertisers.
                                                   •   Technology’s Role in Industrialized Construction
                                                   •   Protect Employees From Electrocution

                                                        CE’s 2019 CONSTRUCTION                                      Media Kit


                                                        FORECAST                                                    Social Media
                                                                                                                     @ConstructionMag
                                                            Dec. 12 | 2 P.M. ET                                     
                                                               WITH ABC CHIEF ECONOMIST         SPONSORED BY           construction-executive
                                                               Anirban Basu

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                                                    Predicting the Future and                                                         THE MAGAZINE FOR THE
                                                                                                                                      BUSINESS OF CONSTRUCTION

                                                    Honoring the Past                                                                 EDITORIAL
                                                                                                                                      Associated Builders and Contractors
                                                                                                                                      Michael D. Bellaman, Publisher and
                                                        t has been a remarkable economic year for the construc-

                                                                                                                                      ABC President/CEO
                                                        tion industry.                                                                Lauren Pinch, Editor-in-Chief
                                                                                                                                      Joanna Masterson, Senior Editor
                                                           The ABC Construction Backlog Indicator hit a new                           Maggie Murphy, Digital Editor
                                                        high in the second quarter, expanding to a record 9.9
                                                        months—a 12.2 percent increase from the first quarter                         DESIGN AND PRODUCTION
                                                                                                                                      The YGS Group
                                                        and 14 percent higher than the same time last year.                           (717) 505-9701
                                                       The industry has added nearly 300,000 net new jobs                             Mike Vucic, Senior Art Director
                                                    since August 2017, and the construction unemployment
                                                    rate (3.6 percent) is at its lowest level in 18 years.                            MagazineXperts LLC
                                                       As a result, more than three out of four construction firms expect that        (973) 383-0888
                                                    sales will continue to rise during the next six months, while three in five
                                                                                                                                      Donald R. Berry, National Sales Manager
                                                    expect higher profit margins, according to the latest ABC Construction
                                                    Confidence Index.                                                                 REPRINTS
                                                       ABC Chief Economist Anirban Basu always keeps a close eye on financial
                                                    indicators, and this month turns his attention to predict what affect they will   SUBSCRIBE
                                                    have on the construction industry in 2019. Check out page 20 for Basu’s full
                                                    forecast, and stay tuned for weekly video insights from him in the coming
                                                                                                                                      EDITORIAL ADVISORY BOARD
                                                                                                                                      Carole Bionda, Nova Group, Inc.
                                                       Inextricably linked to the industry’s future success is the workforce short-   Ann Finley, Viewpoint Construction Software
                                                    age. With existing leadership and staff pressured to perform and produce so       Tony Joyce, AvalonBay
                                                    much, it’s easy to let stress take over. But eschewing work-life balance comes    Tony Rader, Schwob Companies
                                                    with real risks: burnout, turnover, health problems and an increase in work-      Eric Regelin, Granix, LLC
                                                    place accidents. Read more about how to shift from work mode to home              Ed Rojeck, Tradesmen International
                                                    mode on page 76.                                                                  Michael Stilley, S&B Engineers & Constructors
                                                                                                                                      Tim Walton, Walton External Affairs
                                                       Amid the scarcity of skilled workers, the AEC industry is adopting tech-
                                                    nology at an incredible clip. The technology column on page 16 offers five
                                                    keys to driving digital transformation, and the Hot Products special section

                                                    on page 35 showcases innovative construction-specific software on the
                                                       While our final issue of 2018 is predominantly focused on the future,
                                                    I’m grateful for the work of one ABC member company in honoring the
                                                    past. I urge you to read the story on page 30 about the role Leonard S. Fiore
                                                    played in building the Tower of Voices at the Flight 93 National Memorial
                                                    in Pennsylvania. What a privilege to work in an industry that’s literally
                                                    changing the nation’s landscape, and in this case honoring the fallen heroes
                                                    of Sept. 11.

                                                                                                           Michael D. Bellaman

Long Beach, Calif.

      ABC Convention 2018
started a merit shop movement to

                                   “   The experience far and away
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      Collaborate.                     individual…this is a movement…
                                       somewhere people’s lives
                                       are changed significantly. The
       Connect.                        event was well-planned and

                                       organized and unreal.
Secure your spot at ABC                                  —Richard Brown,

Convention 2019 today.                              2018 Craft Professional
                                                of the Year, Gaylor Electric

                     Register today.
                                                                                                                                          Global Hotel
                                                                                                                                          Construction Hits
                                                                                                                                          All-time High
                                                                                                                                          A BIANNUAL REPORT from
                                                                                                                                          Lodging Econometrics states the total
                                                                                                                                          global hotel construction pipeline has
                                                                                                                                          hit a record-setting 12,839 projects
                                                                                                                                          worldwide (2,158,422 rooms)—
                                                                                                                                          an 86 percent increase compared
                                                                                                                                          to the cyclical low established
                                                                                                                                          in 2011.
                                                                                                                                             Nearly 6,000 of those projects
                                                                                                                                          are currently under construction and
                                                                                                                                          another 3,900 are scheduled to begin
                                                                                                                                          within 12 months.
                                                                                                                                             The United States has the most hotel
                                                                                                                                          projects, accounting for 41 percent of
                                                                                                                                          the global pipeline, followed by China at
                                                                                                                                          20 percent.
                                                                                                                                             According to the report, new hotel
                                                                                                                                          openings could reach 3,000 in 2020,
                                                                                                                                          with approximately 1,250 of them
                                                                                                                                          located in America. The U.S. cities with
                                          Fall Protection Tops OSHA’s 2018 List of                                                        the most pipeline activity are New York,
                                                                                                                                          Dallas and Houston.
                                          Most Frequent Safety Violations
                                          FOR THE EIGHTH year in a row, fall protection was the leading workplace safety
                                          violation cited by OSHA in 2018. More than 7,200 violations were recorded through
                                          Sept. 30.
                                                                                                                                          Work Resumes
                                             And for he first time, eye and face protection joined the list in the 10th spot, with        on $25 Billion
                                          1,536 violations in fiscal year 2018.
                                             The remainder of the top 10 list includes hazard communication, scaffolding, respira-
                                                                                                                                          Nuclear Project in
                                          tory protection, lockout/tagout, ladders, powered industrial trucks, fall protection training   Georgia
                                          requirements and machine guarding.                                                              FOLLOWING QUESTIONS
                                                                                                                                          ABOUT whether to continue building
                                                                                                                                          the Vogtle 3 & 4 nuclear units near
                                                                                                                                          Waynesboro, Georgia, in light of $2.3
                                          NLRB Proposes Revision to Joint                                                                 billion in extra costs, all four of the
                                          Employer Standard                                                                               project co-owners—Georgia Power,

                                                                                                                                          Oglethorpe Power, MEAG Power and
                                          THE NATIONAL LABOR Relations                        Under the updated proposal, an              Dalton Utilities—voted to move forward
                                          Board is reviewing public comments sub-          employer may be found to be a joint            and agreed to finalize definitive agree-
                                          mitted on a proposed standard that aims          employer only if it possesses and              ments that shift some of the project’s
                                          to foster predictability, consistency and        exercises substantial, direct and              financial risk.
                                          stability for determining joint employer         immediate control over the essential               The new units, projected to
                                          liability under the National Labor               terms and conditions of employment             come online in November 2021 and
                                          Relations Act. The action is a response to       and has done so in a manner that is            November 2022, are the first to be
                                          an Aug. 27, 2015, decision in Browning-          not limited and routine.                       built in the United States in more
                                          Ferris Industries that uprooted more                The “essential terms and conditions         than 30 years. They are expected
                                          than 30 years of precedent and greatly           of employment” that establish a joint          to generate enough emission-free
                                          expanded joint employer liability under          employer relationship include the ability      electricity to power approximately
                                          the NLRA—imposing burdens on con-                to hire, fire, discipline, supervise and       500,000 homes and businesses.
                                          tractor and subcontractor relationships          direct employees of a second employer,         Bechtel is the $25 billion project’s
                                          throughout the construction industry.            according to legal analysis.                   construction manager.

Facility Executives                                                                                      INDUSTRY EVENTS
Note Disconnect in                                                                                          CALENDAR
Building Connectivity
BUILDING CONNECTIVITY IS expected                  Structural Steel
to increase more than 410 percent by 2020,
yet few energy and facilities executives have      Market to Hit                                                  Jan. 22-25
                                                                                                                  World of Concrete
documented strategies for utilizing smart          $420 Billion in                                                     Las Vegas
building technology, according to Veolia’s 2018
Facility Management Benchmark Survey.              Next Five Years
   Nearly 90 percent of respondents have           A RECENT RESEARCH report by Global
deployed energy sub-meters and sensors             Market Insights determined the structural steel
across multiple facilities; 63 percent have        market is set to surpass $420 billion by 2024,                   Feb. 4-7
advanced lighting controls installed at some       with demand being driven by awareness of                   Association of Equipment
sites; and nearly two-thirds are using mature      steel’s design flexibility, high strength, speed of          Distributors Summit
solutions such as Computerized Maintenance         erection, energy efficiency and seismic resis-                   Orlando, Florida
Management System software across some             tance. An increasing number of infrastructure
or all relevant sites, while more than half use    development projects in China, Japan, South
HVAC FDD software. Yet, 70 percent of facilities   Korea and India are likely to stimulate product
departments feel they have not fully realized      demand as well.                                                 March 5-8
value from their investment in technology.            The U.S. structural steel market for com-                   Work Truck Show
                                                   mercial applications will experience gains                         Indianapolis
                                                   exceeding 5 percent, while industrial appli-
                                                   cations may reach up to 125 million tons
                                                   in the next five years. Rising nonresidential
                                                   applications include health care buildings, data
                                                   centers, airports, offices and stadiums.                      March 24-28
                                                      Per the report, global steelmakers are                       ABC Convention
                                                   offering tailored solutions that enable energy-               Long Beach, California
                                                   efficient and carbon-neutral buildings, as well
 of facilities departments haven’t fully           as offer an extended life expectancy through
realized value from their IT investments           design for reuse and disassembly.
                                                                                                                   April 8-10
                                                                                                            Design-Build in Transportation
                                                   Pennsylvania                                                     Conference
                                                                                                                    Portland, Oregon
St. Louis County                                   Modernizes State
Council Eliminates                                 Building Code
Apprenticeship                                     THE PENNSYLVANIA                                               April 10-12
Requirements                                       INDEPENDENT Regulatory Review
                                                   Commission has updated the state’s Uniform
                                                                                                          Design-Build for Water/Wastewater
IN A 5-2 vote, the St. Louis County Council        Construction Code to align with the 2015                            Cincinnati
overrode County Executive Steve Stenger’s          International Codes—a family of comprehen-
veto of legislation that changes the way           sive and coordinated building codes used in all
contracts are awarded—namely removing              50 states that are updated regularly and take
the requirement that bidders on construction       into account the latest health and safety tech-
projects have DOL-approved apprenticeship          nology and building science advancements.
programs. Groups such as Associated Builders           The change, which took effect Oct. 1,
and Contractors’ Heart of America Chapter          marks the Keystone state’s first residential and
supported the measure as a way to include          commercial construction building code update
more women and minority contractors in the         in nearly a decade.
procurement process and recognize non-                At the city level, in October Philadelphia
apprenticeship training conducted in vocational    adopted the 2018 International Building Code
schools and in-house by employers.                 into law for commercial construction.                       visit
Methuen Construction

                                                  Water/Wastewater Sector Keeps                                                             Methuen Construction is the
                                                                                                                                            general contractor for the $70
                                                                                                                                            million complex upgrade and
                                                  Contractors Busy and Seeking to Hire                                                      expansion of the Peirce Island
                                                                                                                                            Wastewater Treatment Plant in
                                                  BY LAUREN PINCH                                                                           Portsmouth, New Hampshire.

                                                          ontractors are meeting a high   to Dodge Data & Analytics’ 2019         creative to install process tanking,

                                                          backlog of water and waste-     Construction Outlook.                   piping and treatment equipment—
                                                          water work from both federal       To put it simply: “Everybody         plus support buildings—about
                                                          and private clients as funds    is really busy right now,” says Joe     three stories above grade, when
                                                          trickle toward long overdue     Barbone, president of Methuen           typically these systems would exist
                                                          projects, which range from      Construction, Plaistow, New             below or at grade.
                                                  small upgrades to large-scale system    Hampshire, a self-perform general          The completed project will
                                                  overhauls and new facilities for        contractor that has been in the heavy   include a new filter building with
                                                  expanding communities. Contractors      utility and municipal contracting       a biologically aerated/anoxic filter;
                                                  are having to pace themselves—and       business for more than 50 years.        a new headworks building with a
                                                  their workforce—to bid on and              Methuen is more than halfway         garage, electrical room, IT room

                                                  execute a wide variety of jobs.         complete on one of its most com-        and control room; and a new solids
                                                     According to the American            plex jobs to date—the $75 million       building so the existing one can
                                                  Water Works Association, $1             wastewater treatment expansion          be re-purposed as a laboratory. All
                                                  trillion is necessary to maintain       and upgrade of the Peirce Island        construction occurred while the
                                                  and expand service to meet U.S.         Wastewater Treatment Plant for          plant remained operational.
                                                  water demands during the next 25        the city of Portsmouth, New                Aging infrastructure abounds in
                                                  years. While that level of funding      Hampshire, which will dramatically      Massachusetts, providing a seemingly
                                                  is unlikely to get released in the      increase the peak capacity of that      endless stream of opportunities (and
                                                  near future, economic investment        plant to 22 million gallons per day     challenges). Methuen has ongoing
                                                  in the environmental public works       (gpd). It is the largest public works   work at the city of Haverhill’s water
                                                  sector continues to trend upward.       project in the city’s history.          treatment plant, where it’s install-
                                                  Construction spending rose 7               Because of the limited geographic    ing new chemical feed systems, a
                                                  percent in 2018 and is expected         footprint of the island, Methuen’s      dissolved air floatation clarification
                                                  to jump another 6 percent to            specialists, together with AECOM’s      system, and sand and carbon filters
                                                  $41.7 billion in 2019, according        engineering team, needed to get         with automatic backwash systems.

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Methuen Construction

                                                                                                                                                                                effluent pumping station, with
                                                                                                                                                                                teams working double shifts to stay
                                                                                                                                                                                ahead of schedule.
                                                                                                                                                                                   “It’s in a state of disrepair. It’s
                                                                                                                                                                                probably 40 to 50 years old,”
                                                                                                                                                                                says Executive Vice President Joe
                                                                                                                                                                                Godin, who has been with ACE
                                                                                                                                                                                since its very beginning in 2003
                                                                                                                                                                                and has helped the company grow
                                                                                                                                                                                into a specialized firm that focuses
                                                                                                                                                                                almost exclusively on this sector.
                                                                                                                                                                                   “We basically have to bypass
                                                                                                                                                                                pump 45 million gallons of water a
                                                                                                                                                                                day. While we’re doing that, we are
                                                                                                                                                                                rehabilitating the effluent pumping
                                                                                                                                                                                station, and then we will do a com-
                                                                                                                                                                                plete gut and replacement of all the
                                                                                                                                                                                equipment, piping and everything
                                                                                                                                                                                in the influent pumping station to
                                                                                                                                                                                bring it up to date.”
                                                                         Methuen Construction completes its fourth organics-to-energy anaerobic digester at the Greater            ACE has a reputation for being a
                                                                         Lawrence Sanitary District wastewater treatment facility in North Andover, Massachusetts, which will
                                                                         process approximately 92,000 gallons of organics per day when complete.
                                                                                                                                                                                key player on jobs that require some
                                                                                                                                                                                creative problem-solving, as exem-
                                                                                                                                                                                plified in its work at DC Water’s
                                                                         It’s also constructing a fourth anaero-                  “I’m seeing more folks moving                 massive Blue Plains Water Treatment
                                                                         bic digester at the Greater Lawrence                  out of urban areas and commuting                 Facility. The contractor works for
                                                                         Sanitary District facility in North                   into the cities, and as they do that,            the owner’s “High Priority Group,”
                                                                         Andover along with upgrades to the                    some of those more rural areas                   meaning it handled critical repairs
                                                                         primary water pumps, which, when                      are increasing their population                  and difficult work assignments—
                                                                         completed, will increase overall peak                 and need to upgrade and expand                   three lump sum mini-projects with
                                                                         capacity to 165 million gpd and pro-                  their infrastructure to handle the               105 separate task orders—during
                                                                         cess approximately 92,000 gallons of                  additional building and influx of                the project’s four-year Phase 3
                       CONSTRUCTION EXECUTIVE | DECEMBER 2018

                                                                         organics per day to heat and power                    people,” Barbone says.                           Upgrade.
                                                                         the wastewater treatment facility.                       American Contracting &                           Many of the tasks required
                                                                             In new construction, Methuen is                   Environmental Service, Inc.,                     design-build construction when a
                                                                         currently building a pump station for                 Columbia, Maryland, can attest.                  design solution was not already in
                                                                         the city of Worcester that can handle                 ACE is handling a heavy load of                  place to handle unknowns.
                                                                         peak flows of up to 5.7 million gpd;                  projects for the greater Washington,                In addition, ACE is currently
                                                                         plus, it built the Long Pond Water                    D.C., area, where a backlog of work              in the preconstruction phase for
                                                                         Treatment Plant in Falmouth that                      results from aging infrastructure.               Eastern Correctional Institution’s
                                                                         handles 8.4 million gpd.                                 One of those projects is a $15.6              wastewater treatment plant
                                                                                                                               million closed loop system of                    upgrade in Somerset County. The
                                                                         Suburbs and Exerbs                                    improvements for the Mattawoman                  $17 million project for Maryland
                                                                         These projects have one thing in                      Wastewater Treatment Plant in                    Environmental Service will increase
                                                                         common: increasing residential                        Charles County, Maryland, where                  the plant’s flow to .9 mgd and
                                                                         development that expands in a radius                  ACE is performing a complete                     improve the effluent to virtually
                                                                         from city centers, such as Boston.                    rehab of the combined influent/                  drinking water quality.

OC TOB ER 12TH , 10:15 P.M .


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                                                     “We are working with the engi-

                                                                                           American Contracting & Environmental Service, Inc.
                                                  neering consultant KCI and the
                                                  owner to come up with a guaranteed
                                                  max price for the project,” Godin
                                                  says. “As our first major construction
                                                  manager at-risk project, it’s really
                                                  gone well, with a collaborative and
                                                  cooperative environment among all
                                                  the stakeholders, which is going to
                                                  result in a really successful job.”
                                                     The company is also knee
                                                  deep into the Annapolis WRF
                                                  Dewatering Facilities project for
                                                  Anne Arundel County, Maryland,
                                                  which requires a complete rehabil-
                                                  itation of the existing dewatering
                                                  building, a new truck load facility
                                                  and a new gravity thickener. All
                                                  work has been completed while
                                                  maintaining uniterrupted operations                                                           American Contracting & Environmental Service, Inc. handled three lump sum mini-projects with 105
                                                  of the existing dewatering operation.                                                         separate task orders for DC Water’s four-year upgrade of the Blue Plains Water Treatment Facility.

                                                  Workforce and Technology
                                                  Finding the workers to keep up                                                                management training program that                     showing them that general contract-
                                                  with the large backlog of work is                                                             prepares less experienced engineers to               ing is a good career, that you can
                                                  the No. 1 challenge contractors are                                                           take on increased roles and responsi-                make some good money, and that
                                                  facing in this sector.                                                                        bilities in the office and the field.                you can be just as successful as the
                                                     “It’s in crisis mode. The entire                                                               With 150 employees, ACE has                      other trades.”
                                                  construction industry is reeling                                                              a full-time talent director that                        Keeping up with technology
                                                  from the lack of skilled workers, or                                                          works constantly to recruit and                      helps, especially for contractors
                                                  lack of any workers for that matter.                                                          educate future leaders, and it                       such as ACE that take on more
                                                  It’s a huge challenge right now,”                                                             partners with Associated Builders                    design control.

                                                  Barbone says.                                                                                 and Contractors’ Baltimore Metro                        For example, ACE has used BIM
                                                     “We’re pulling out all of the stops                                                        Chapter on a work-to-hire program                    and LiDAR scans for at least five
                                                  in terms of recruiting and training.                                                          that attracts high school students to                projects—tools that are especially
                                                  We have given up on trying to                                                                 pique their interest in construction                 valuable to ensure the drawings
                                                  find ‘skilled’ workers; we just want                                                          (specifically water and wastewater)                  match up with reality in plants
                                                  workers with good work ethics and                                                             before they’ve committed to another                  that have been rehabbed by various
                                                  good attitudes to work coopera-                                                               career. One student from the pro-                    stakeholders over the years. It’s also
                                                  tively in a team environment and                                                              gram recently joined the ACE team                    incorporating ground penetrating
                                                  communicate effectively. We will                                                              full time after graduation.                          radar to help model underground
                                                  train them with the skills that we                                                                “When you come to work here,                     conditions.
                                                  need,” he says.                                                                               it’s not just for one job experience;                   “With these models, you get the
                                                     Methuen has an in-house                                                                    it’s for the duration of a career,”                  real nitty gritty of what is actually
                                                  apprenticeship program, a leader-                                                             Godin says. “It’s about identifying                  out there,” Godin says. “We mainly
                                                  ship development program and its                                                              young adults early before they’ve                    use it for clash coordination among
                                                  own “Methuen U,” a formalized                                                                 made that career decision and                        the trades to ensure the MEP trades

American Contracting & Environmental Service, Inc.
  Long Overdue Projects Compete for Funding

  C    ontractors can expect to see more work ahead as approvals for low-interest,
       long-term federal funding arrive to cities and municipalities through the EPA’s
  Water Infrastructure Finance and Innovation Act program, which received a $63
  million boost from Congress this year to fund 11 projects. The WIFIA funding is
  supporting up to $5.5 billion in loans that, together with private capital and other
  funding, can be leveraged to support up to $11 billion in infrastructure work and
  create 170,000 jobs, according to the EPA.
     The EPA received 62 letters of interest by the July deadline. To date, the EPA
  has approved funding for several WIFIA projects to update aging infrastructure and
  reduce exposure to lead and other contaminants for the City of Omaha, Nebraska;
  King County, Washington; the Orange County Water District, California; and the
  San Francisco Public Utilities Commission.
     On Oct. 24, President Trump signed America’s Water Infrastructure Act of 2018,
  a bipartisan measure that authorizes the EPA’s Water Sense program, reauthorizes
  the WIFIA program and supports $6.1 billion in U.S. Army Corps of Engineers stud-
  ies and projects, including water navigation, flood control, hydropower, recreation,
  ports, harbors, inland waterways, water supply and emergency management.
     The bill includes $4.4 billion for the Drinking Water State Revolving Fund program,
  which provides monies to states and utilities to improve drinking water infrastructure.

are coordinated with the structural                But by being a trusted partner
components. It helps us solve                   and breaking out of silos to solve
problems ahead of time before they              problems, these challenges can be
become major issues, and then we                overcome.
can safely hand off the models to                  “With rehabs and retrofits of
our field people for their visualiza-           existing plants, we try to build a                                                               American Contracting & Environmental Service, Inc. completed a
                                                                                                                                                 phased equipment replacement in the basement and wet wells of the
tion efforts.”                                  strong relationship and work very                                                                Potomac Pumping Station, a massive 460 mgd station that includes
   Contractors in a traditional                 closely with the owner and in                                                                    eight 54-inch diameter cast iron motor-operated gate valves, four
design-bid-build environment often              particular, the plant operators. They                                                            mechanical bar screens, 14 sluice gates and supporting electrical
face the challenge of incomplete                know the inner workings of that                                                                  and control equipment. With no crane access to the work areas, all
or inadequate drawings before the               plant better than anybody,” Barbone                                                              hoisting had to be custom-engineered and constructed in place.
project even gets in their hands.               continues. “Working together, we
   “Typically, if you are competing             are able to recommend or propose                                                                    “By getting innovative with
for work strictly on a price basis,             changes in sequencing or bring in                                                                re-sequencing the work, we look
you have to build what’s on the                 temporary treatment systems to                                                                   for ways to shorten the duration of

drawings. And if the drawings aren’t            allow us to expedite construction                                                                the project, which saves everybody
complete or don’t take into account             in certain areas of the plant sooner,                                                            money.”
all of the design challenges, those             rather than waiting for other systems
issues have to be wrestled to the               to go online before we move to                                                                   Lauren Pinch is editor-in-chief of
ground during the construction                  another part of the facility and start                                                           Construction Executive. For more
phase, and you have to resolve                  construction there.”                                                                             information, email,
them without changing the end                      And of course, it’s always import-                                                            visit or follow
date,” Barbone says.                            ant to stay on time and on budget.                                                               @ConstructionMag.

Milwaukee Tool

                                                  How the New Dropped Object
                                                  Standard Is Changing Jobsite Safety
                                                  BY DEREK ROSE

                                                                                             ANSI/ISEA 121-2018 establishes the requirements tethering systems must meet to prevent drops.

                                                      n the United States, a dropped        heights and that employers work to               aims to reduce jobsite accidents,

                                                      object injures a worker every 11      provide jobsites free of hazards—for             injuries and deaths associated with
                                                      minutes—equating to nearly            most situations, it has been up to               falling objects by defining mini-
                                                      50,000 cases every year. For          users to determine the best solution             mum design, performance, testing
                                                      those who seek medical treat-         for effective drop protection on                 and labeling requirements for solu-
                                                      ment for these types of injuries,     their jobsite.                                   tions such as anchor attachments,
                                                  it can cost an average of $42,000.          Until this year, there were no                 tool attachments, tool tethers and
                                                  In fact, 5 percent of all fatalities on   industry standards covering perfor-              containers.

                                                  jobsites are due to falling objects,      mance of tool lanyards that users                   While most jobsites have relied
                                                  according to the Bureau of Labor          and safety managers could reference              on PPE such as hard hats and
                                                  Statistics.                               to help prevent dropped object                   barricades to prevent injuries from
                                                     These statistics highlight the         injuries.                                        dropped objects, tool lanyards
                                                  overwhelming importance of                  In July 2018, the American                     take safety to the next level by
                                                  dropped object prevention. OSHA           National Standards Institute and                 preventing an object from falling
                                                  already identifies dropped object         the International Safety Equipment               in the first place. What makes this
                                                  incidents under the category of           Association approved a new stan-                 standard groundbreaking is that
                                                  “Struck by Object” in its widely          dard that defines the design and                 it officially establishes the design,
                                                  recognized “Fatal Four” list of the       performance requirements for                     performance and labeling require-
                                                  four leading causes of fatalities in      products to effectively prevent                  ments tethering systems must meet
                                                  the construction industry.                dropped object incidents.                        to effectively prevent drops.
                                                     While OSHA did set up two                The American National Standard                    According to the new standard,
                                                  general guidelines—that tools and         for Dropped Object Prevention                    tool tethers must meet the follow-
                                                  materials should be secured at            Solutions (ANSI/ISEA 121-2018)                   ing requirements.

5% of all

                                                                                                                         Milwaukee Tool
fatalities on
jobsites are due
to falling objects

 • Design: Carabiner or
   snaphook-type connectors,
   when used with tool tethers,
   shall have locking gates and
   captive eyes.
 • Performance: Each product
   needs to be dynamically tested.
   This testing involves dropping
   a tethered object up to two          carabiners to locking versions), or      not only comply with the standard,
   times the rated lanyard weight       to simply sell something that does       but include additional features
   multiple times. The devices also     not meet the standard.                   that improve performance and
   must go through environmental          Moving forward, all tethering          productivity. Examples of potential
   conditioning to ensure that          system manufacturers will need to        features include:
   moisture, cold and heat do not       consider the specific requirements        • high levels of shock absorption
   negatively impact performance.       detailed in this standard to ensure          to gently slow tools if dropped;
 • Labeling: Each unit needs to be      their solutions provide high levels       • integrated swivels for reduced
   marked to indicate compliance.       of drop safety. Users will demand it.        twisting;
   The marking must include                                                       • color coding for easy
   the name and trademark of            What This Means for Contractors              identification;
   the manufacturer, product            and Safety Managers                       • quick change systems for fast
   ID, published capacity, ANSI         With this new standard in place,             tool swaps; and
   standard number and maximum          contractors and safety managers not       • extended lengths for longer
   tether length.                       only need to integrate drop preven-          reach.
                                        tion into their fall protection plans,   Tool lanyards and tethering systems
What This Means for                     but they also need to select ANSI/       should not only improve safety,
Manufacturers                           ISEA 121-compliant products.             but also overall productivity on the
Although ISEA/ANSI 121 is a             Users should perform due diligence       jobsite.
new standard, some manufacturers        to ensure their chosen manufactur-          With the new standard in place,

proactively tested their lanyards and   ers can provide proof of consistent      manufacturers and contractors have
accessories before its publication      testing behind their claims of           an excellent place to start working
to ensure their products meet or        compliance.                              toward a jobsite united in drop
exceed the applicable requirements.        This standard ultimately will         prevention.
Other manufacturers now must            help users discern which tethering
decide to either invest in research     systems meet their performance           Derek Rose is group product manager
and development to update               requirements. Many users will            for Milwaukee Tool. For more
their product (such as upgrading        benefit from selecting lanyards that     information, visit


                                                   Five Keys to Driving
                                                   Digital Transformation in
                                                   Engineering and Construction
                                                   BY ROB PHILLPOT

                                                       ngineering and construction         Not surprisingly, the benefits of   eliminating project management

                                                       companies increasingly find      digitization across the E&C indus-     headaches that lead to delays,
                                                       themselves navigating an         try appear significant. In the next    budget overruns and customer
                                                       era of disruptive and trans-     10 years, Boston Consulting Group      dissatisfaction. By integrating key
                                                       formative change driven by       estimates annual global cost savings   processes and asset management

                                                       technology. And with the         will reach up to $1.2 trillion for     into centralized, cloud-based
                                                 industry going strong and con-         nonresidential projects alone.         systems, companies can capture
                                                 struction employment recently             To build the worksites of the       incremental productivity and
                                                 reaching a 10-year high, more          future, E&C companies must over-       profitability gains vital for success
                                                 companies recognize that it is time    come a few hurdles. Here are five of   today, as well as drive continuous
                                                 to embrace the efficiencies digital    the most pressing challenges, and      improvement.
                                                 transformation brings, in large        some guidance on how they can be          Software as a Service or cloud-
                                                 part to protect or enhance their       surmounted.                            based tools can enable collaboration
                                                 competitive position.                                                         across a project regardless of where
                                                    A report from the Global            1. Integrating Digital Ecosystems      the project team is—be it the office,
                                                 Industry Council notes that            Implications of the digital trans-     field or in transit.
                                                 modern technology is moving            formation on the industry are             The creation of a common data
                                                 to the strategic center of E&C         profound.                              environment with BIM solutions
                                                 business models as part of an evolu-      Centralized company data can be     provides the capability for all teams
                                                 tionary process.                       seen and controlled from anywhere,     on a project to interact, as well as

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                                                 capture and store information in a         Technology will continue to be            Organizations can accelerate
                                                 single place while being accessible     critical in the next wave of growth      adoption by simplifying the pro-
                                                 from any internet-connected             in the industry.                         cess and helping all stakeholders
                                                 device.                                    Employees in the industry             understand the long-term value of
                                                    This, in turn, provides a single     will need to be upskilled to help        new systems. This can be achieved
                                                 version of the truth to aid trans-      manage and implement digital             by investing time and resources in
                                                 parency and manage conflict             transformation, and organizations        an adaptable readiness and change
                                                 resolution.                             must attract talent eager to harness     management plan that addresses
                                                    Overall, whatever technology is      the power of technology.                 all business functions and units, as
                                                 adopted by construction businesses,        Organizations rely on a com-          well as builds in robust training for
                                                 it must be collaborative, easy to       petitive edge in an industry driven      all internal and external parties.
                                                 implement, secure, flexible, con-       by productivity gains. Technology            Senior-level support and com-
                                                 nected and able to provide value.       helps empower productivity               munication is crucial to help define
                                                                                         gains by creating a better flow          the digital strategy, explain why
                                                 2. Embracing Standards                  of information across the supply         it’s a priority and how it fits the
                                                 With so much legacy technology          chain, improved efficiency through       company’s core objectives, and
                                                 infrastructure in place, it’s often     standardization, reduced costs and       demonstrate a measurable return
                                                 easier said than done to advise         efficient project delivery.              on investment.
                                                 companies to implement standards           Organizations must invest and
                                                 across the enterprise. But that’s       nurture the existing workforce’s         5. Establishing Value and ROI
                                                 what needs to happen.                   skill set and eagerness to innovate,      Executive sponsorship is essential
                                                    As the Global Industry Council       while recruiters need to evalu-          for developing agreement on metrics
                                                 report notes, the construction          ate tech savviness in their hiring       before projects launch. Established
                                                 industry has much to gain from          criterion.                               baselines will ensure faster commu-
                                                 implementing standards, whether            Digital transformation is a cul-      nication of results when available,
                                                 in processes, data management or        ture shift that will impact the entire   with clear proof points that rein-
                                                 methodology.                            organization, changing the tradi-        force the strategic purpose and help
                                                    Companies going digital should       tional ways of working and requiring     employees and partners understand
                                                 consider system and software            everyone’s support and commitment,       the business impact.
                                                 standardization to help minimize        from executive staff to new hires.          A strategic plan that incorpo-
                                                 costs, reduce the need for special-                                              rates the five areas outlined above
                                                 ized expertise for supporting diverse   4. Securing Adoption                     will help companies navigate the

                                                 tools, consolidate vendor manage-       The introduction of new tech-            challenges of rapid digital change.
                                                 ment, reduce incompatibility and        nology—and related changes to            By harnessing technology, they
                                                 streamline enterprise infrastructure.   processes and business models—isn’t      can make important strides toward
                                                                                         always met with open arms by all         digitally transforming their opera-
                                                 3. Building Digital Talent              parts of the enterprise. Frustration     tions through increased efficiency,
                                                 Technology has moved beyond             can quickly arise if new systems can’t   lower costs and unlocked hidden
                                                 simply changing processes and how       talk to each other.                      value.
                                                 things are managed.                        Additionally, employees and
                                                    Digital transformation has           industry partners can have appre-        Rob Phillpot is global vice president
                                                 spearheaded roles that never existed    hension or revert to old systems if      of product strategy at Oracle
                                                 before in engineering and construc-     they are unclear about the benefits      Construction and Engineering.
                                                 tion, including the BIM manager,        of new technology or believe it may      For more information,
                                                 chief innovation officer and digital    increase their workload rather than      visit
                                                 delivery officer.                       reduce it.                               construction-engineering.


Momentum Will Persist
For Several More Quarters
Contractors Should Stay Vigilant as
Longer-term Inflationary Pressures Build
                                                            .S. economic performance has been
                                                            brilliant of late. Sure, a considerable      Despite a narrative
                                                            volume of negativity has surrounded
                                                            issues such as the propriety of tariffs      fixated on tariffs and
                                                            and shifting immigration policy, but
                                                            the headline statistics make it clear that   trade wars, global
                                         domestic economic performance is solid.
                                            Nowhere is this more evident than in the U.S. labor          economic performance
                                         market. As of July, there were 6.94 million available jobs in
                                         America, an all-time high, and recent months have shown         remains decent.
                                         11 job openings for every 10 unemployed Americans.
                                            Theoretically, there is a job for everyone, though job
                                         growth has been far more rapid in the West and South
                                         than elsewhere. Among the 25 largest metropolitan
                                         areas, the fastest year-over-year job growth (August            and higher interest rates are often bad for stock prices,
                                         2017 to August 2018) was recorded in Orlando, Florida           bonds and real estate valuations.
                                         (4.1 percent).                                                     The Conference Board’s Leading Economic Index
                                            Other communities registering profound rates                 continues to march higher, implying economic
                                         of employment expansion include Seattle (3.9 per-               momentum will persist for at least another two to three
                                         cent); Houston (3.7 percent); Phoenix (3.6 percent);            quarters. Historically, when the values of variables
                                         Riverside, California (3.5 percent); Dallas (3.2 percent);      embodied within the index shift unfavorably, the econ-
                                         Denver (2.8 percent); Charlotte, North Carolina (2.7            omy is set to experience a downturn. This is precisely
                                         percent); and Portland, Oregon, and Tampa, Florida              the signal the LEI sent in August 2007, when it turned
                                         (both 2.5 percent).                                             negative four months prior to the Great Recession’s
                                            The slowest growing major metropolitan areas are             onset. While there have been instances in which the LEI
                                         Detroit (0.9 percent), Chicago (0.8 percent) and St.            predicted a recession that did not transpire, its accuracy
                                         Louis (0.8 percent). Still, employment growth is appar-         has been fairly on point during the past 50 years.
                                         ent in virtually all significant cities.                           The LEI, which was indexed to 100 in 2016, stood at
                                            In September, the nation added another 134,000               111.8 in August, meaning that the latest reading is 11.8
                                         net new jobs. That number came in a bit soft, prob-             percent higher than two years ago.
                                         ably because of storms impacting the Carolinas. The                Other leading indicators, such as the Architecture
                                         official rate of unemployment dipped to 3.7 percent             Billings Index, paint a similarly upbeat picture. Like
                                         in September (and remained at that level in October),           many diffusion indicators, any reading above 50 indi-
                                         the lowest rate since December 1969, when the United            cates that architects are busier in a given month than
                                         States was entering an 11-month recession.                      they were during the prior month.
                                            As of now, few signs indicate a looming recession,              The latest readings have been above 50 without

                                         though financial market volatility has returned. On             exception. The index is thought to lead relevant con-
                                         Oct. 10, the NASDAQ Composite slipped by more                   struction activity by nine to 12 months, which implies
                                         than 4 percent, the S&P 500 was off by roughly 3.3.             that contractors will continue to encounter many bid-
                                         percent and the Dow was down nearly 3.2 percent.                ding opportunities during the months ahead.
                                         Technical fundamentals (e.g., the 200-day moving                   Similarly, Associated Builders and Contractors’
                                         average) suggested more selling pressure.                       Construction Backlog Indicator suggests that the amount
                                            But these losses should be juxtaposed against prior          of work under contract, but that has yet to be completed,
                                         gains. Don’t expect equity prices to rise indefinitely          is on the rise. In many categories and geographies, backlog
                                         without interruption. Despite the October loss, the             established an all-time high during the second quarter.
                                         NASDAQ remained at levels observed in late May.                    Apart from leading indicators, several common-sense
                                            Moreover, recent market turbulence hasn’t been               reasons suggest that the U.S. economic expansion will
                                         motivated by bad news, but rather by good news. The             continue for several more quarters. At the top of the list
                                         notion is that ongoing economic growth will create              is the fact that tax reform is still less than a year old. In
                                         more inflationary pressures, which will translate into          other words, the impacts of tax cuts are just now being
                                         higher interest rates. Some of that already has occurred,       felt in the economy.

The Conference Board’s Leading Economic Index
 Indicator                                                                                      February 2018    August 2018   % Change

 Average weekly hours, manufacturing                                                            42.3             42.2          -0.2% (bad)

 Average weekly initial claims for unemployment insurance                                       224.9            210.1         -6.6% (good)

 Manufacturers’ new orders, consumer goods and materials                                        133,875          135,392       1.1% (good)

 ISM® Index of New Orders                                                                       64.2             65.1          1.4% (good)

 Manufacturers’ new orders, non-defense capital goods (excluding aircraft orders)               39,063           40,053        2.5% (good)

 Building permits, new private housing units                                                    1,323            1,229         -7.1% (bad)

 S&P 500 stock index                                                                            2,705.16         2,857.82      5.6% (good)

 Leading Credit Index™                                                                          0.02             -1.62         NA

 Interest rate spread, 10-year Treasury bonds (less federal funds)                              1.44             0.98          -31.9% (bad)

 Average consumer expectations for business conditions                                          0.83             0.61          -26.5% (bad)

 LEI composite index                                                                            108.5            111.2         2.5% (good)

   The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act, passed in December                                       What’s more, despite a narrative fixated on tariffs
2017, restructured income brackets, reduced personal                                and trade wars, global economic performance remains
income taxes for many Americans, shrank the C cor-                                  decent, which, all things being equal, is supportive of
poration tax rate to 21 percent and made it easier to                               U.S. economic growth. The most recent forecast from
repatriate profits earned abroad. Much of the coverage                              the International Monetary Fund indicates that global
focused on changes to corporate filers or impacts on                                economic growth in 2018 will be 3.7 percent, about the
state and local tax deductions, overlooking some of the                             same as last year. While there are signs of growing stress
less flashy changes in the tax code.                                                in countries such as Argentina and Turkey, nations such
   For example, the new law increased from $500,000                                 as Canada, India, Australia and Germany continue to
to $1 million the amount a company can immediately                                  report acceptable economic performances.
expense for certain types of purchases. These changes                                  Earlier this year, it looked like America versus the
provide more flexibility and resources for contrac-                                 world. But since that time, trade agreements have
tors when it comes to purchasing new equipment.                                     been signed with Mexico, South Korea and Canada.
Contractors that buy midsize and full-size pickup trucks                            Discussions with the European Union are ongoing. The
for their businesses can write off the entire purchase as a                         situation with China remains unsettled, but at least
result of the changes in the tax code.                                              fears of a global trade war have abated.
   The law also expanded the definition of section 179
property. Qualified improvements, such as the renova-                               INDUSTRIAL PRODUCTION SURGES
tion and improvement of a building’s exterior, would be                             Prior to 2014, a considerable amount of business invest-
grouped under a Section 179 property.                                               ment was traceable to the oil and natural gas industry.
   While it still might be too early to see the impact                              But when those and other commodity prices slid lower

of the tax law in any data released by official govern-                             in 2014, high-flying economies in North Dakota,
ment agencies, other sources provide some insight. For                              Oklahoma and Louisiana took a step back. Through
example, as of this writing, year-to-date sales of Ford’s                           2015, industrial production slid even in the midst of a
F-series of trucks, commonly used in the construction                               broader U.S. and global economic recovery.
industry, were higher in 2018 compared to the same                                    But since early 2017, industrial production has more
time period in 2017. This likely is a result of the overall                         than bounced back. When asked what constrains them
strength of the economy coupled with advantageous                                   most, businesses in recent years have indicated that it’s
changes built into the new tax code.                                                regulations, not taxes. While many regulations remain in

place, the way they are enforced has changed markedly,         These surpluses have caused some states to reinvest in
                                         and this may have helped bolster industrial production.      their own roads and highways. For example, last year,
                                            However, there’s more to it than that. Oil prices stand   North Carolina awarded $7 million in matching grants
                                         at approximately $70/barrel in North America. Natural        to help fund 14 short line railway projects, and the
                                         gas prices now easily exceed $3/million Btu. All of this     Maryland Transit Administration already has commit-
                                         has translated into a resurgence in energy-related invest-   ted to spending $900 million during the next several
                                         ment and production.                                         years on its public transportation.
                                                                                                        Rising property values, ongoing rapid job creation
                                         INFRASTRUCTURE SPENDING CLIMBS                               and confident consumers translate into rising real estate
                                         Another set of public policies are helping strengthen        values, as well as income and retail sales tax collections,
                                         construction activity and the broader economy: public        which in turn creates additional resources to invest
                                         works. It used to be that the country’s infrastructure       in infrastructure. That helps explain the chunky year-
                                         largely depended on what spending bills came out of          over-year spending increases in a number of primarily
                                         Washington, D.C., but that’s no longer the case. While       publicly financed categories: water supply (up 37
                                         a much-discussed federal infrastructure package has          percent in August year over year), conservation and
                                         taken a legislative backseat, the recent economic expan-     development (up 34 percent), transportation (up 23
                                         sion has helped pad state coffers.                           percent) and highway/street (up 14 percent).
                                            According to the Pew Research Center, 34 states are
                                         taking in more tax revenue than they were prior to the       INFLATION AND INTEREST RATES ON
                                         Great Recession, even after accounting for inflation. For    THE RISE
                                         example, West Virginia closed the last fiscal year with      In economics, situations are seldom purely blissful.
                                         a $36 million budget surplus, the first time in eight        Economists have a unique ability to perceive good news
                                         years (not counting surpluses created via budget cuts).      amidst misery. Stronger economic growth has placed
                                         Maryland, which experienced moderate job growth              more pressure on input prices, including the cost of
                                         for much of 2018, ended the fiscal year with a surplus       deploying human capital.
                                         exceeding $500 million. Similarly, North Carolina ran a        The ongoing growth in demand for construction
                                         $440 million surplus.                                        workers is rendered apparent in data characterizing

                                                                       ABC Construction Backlog Indicator
                                                                                      Q2 2017 vs. Q2 2018

                                                                                     Middle States

                                                                                     Q2 2017: 7.91 months
                                                                                     Q2 2018: 7.23 months
                                                   Q2 2017: 6.82 months
                                                   Q2 2018: 10.69 months                  –0.68 months                                        Northeast
                                                                                                                                              Q2 2017: 9.7 months
                                                                                                                                              Q2 2018: 10.4 months
                                                            3.87 months                                                                        0.7 months

                                                                                   South                    2.17 months
                                                                                   Q2 2017: 9.01 months
                                             * Includes Alaska and Hawaii.         Q2 2018: 11.18 months

                                                                                                                                     Source: Associated Builders and Contractors

Number of Job Openings in U.S. Construction
                                                                       July 2008 – July 2018























                                                                                                                                        Source: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics

      industry job openings. According to the Bureau of                                    materials. According to the most current data available,
      Labor Statistics, a decade ago, the number of job                                    construction materials prices rose 7.4 percent on a year-
      openings for construction workers was roughly a third                                ago basis in September.
      of what it is today. With the construction industry                                     Shrinking materials prices were common two to three
      unemployment rate standing at just 3.6 percent (as of                                years ago, but that has changed. Between September
      October), contractors are scrambling for workers. A                                  2017 and September 2018, crude petroleum prices
      year ago, the construction industry unemployment rate                                rose by more than 47 percent, steel mill products by 18
      was 4.7 percent. Nine years ago, it stood at 17.1 percent                            percent, and prepared asphalt, tar roofing and siding
      and then rose to 27.1 percent by February 2010.                                      products by more than 9 percent.
        Back then, there were far more construction workers                                   The combination of rising human capital and materi-
      available then there were positions. Today, a precisely                              als costs is rendering the delivery of construction services
      inverted set of circumstances characterizes the economy.                             more expensive. This is occurring at a time when devel-
      Associated Builders and Contractors cites an estimated                               opers and other purchasers of construction services are
      500,000 open construction positions in the United                                    encountering higher interest rates. Should these dynam-
      States. There is only one thing that can happen when an                              ics persist, and they are poised to, the level of demand
      abundance of job openings meets an inadequate supply                                 for construction services will decline as prospective pur-
      of workers: Compensation costs must rise, and they are                               chasers no longer find the value proposition appealing.
      doing just that.                                                                        Perhaps there are already indications that this is

        Amazon’s announcement that it would raise its mini-                                occurring. The global engineering and construction
      mum wage to $15 an hour illustrates that even the most                               firm Fluor recently saw its stock price decline nearly 12
      powerful enterprises are having to work harder to attract                            percent on a single day, in part because of downgraded
      and retain talent.                                                                   revenue expectations.
        But wages are where cost pressures begin, not where
      they end. Other sources of inflation include fuel                                    LOOKING AHEAD
      prices, borrowing costs, health care, tuition, apartment                             Despite an uncomfortable level of stock market volatility
      rents, home prices, food and, of course, construction                                beginning in October 2018, the U.S. economic outlook

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