UHK Annually - University of Hradec Králové A Reliable Partner in Crisis

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UHK Annually - University of Hradec Králové A Reliable Partner in Crisis
UHK Annually

       University of
     Hradec Králové
       A Reliable Partner
                  in Crisis
UHK Annually - University of Hradec Králové A Reliable Partner in Crisis
CONTENT                                                                                                                                                                                                                 UHK ANNUALLY 2020

3   The University of Hradec Králové
    lends a helping hand. The Rector
    commended volunteers
                                          34 Faculty of Education students
                                              majoring in Czech Studies moved
                                              three tonnes of stone
                                                                                 Life at UHK

                                                                                 63 Rector Kamil Kuča honoured 8 outstand-
                                                                                                                                  The University of Hradec Králové
9   “It was an exceptional opportunity
    and I learned much from it,” Anna
                                          35 Unique research on reed galls
                                              and solitary bees has provided
                                                                                     ing individuals from the University of
                                                                                     Hradec Králové on the occasion of the
                                                                                     Velvet Revolution of 1989. Great thanks
                                                                                                                                  lends a helping hand. The Rector
                                                                                                                                  commended volunteers
    Macáková recalls here compulsory          many answers, but even more            will also be bestowed on everyone who
    service at a nursing home                 questions                              fought the COVID-19 pandemic

10 Klára Rybenská received an award       37 The immortal Remoska has daz-       67 Alžběta Dvořáková was awarded the
    from the Minister of Education for        zled people for over 60 years          2019 Mayor’s Student Award for Creative      JAKUB NOVÁK UHK SPOKESMAN
    coordinating the manufacture of                                                  Achievement
    face shields                          38 Hradec Days of Social Work                                                           KRISTÝNA VÁVROVÁ DEAN’S OFFICE, FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UHK
                                              organised online for the first     68 The Elixir for Schools DIGI Centre
Science                                       time in history                        educates teachers and students alike
                                                                                     in digital technologies at the Faculty of    The new coronavirus pandemic brought the entire world to a standstill at the start
12 Stanford University Survey: Top        39 University galleries stand for          Science                                      of the year. After it had claimed its first dozens, hundreds and then even thousands
    2 % ranking for UHK researchers           tradition, exhibition practice
                                              and educational potential          69 We only had 24 hours to create a winning      of victims, it became painfully obvious that governments were not prepared to
14 UHK Scientists shoot lasers at ap-                                                project. The first signs of fatigue didn’t   face the challenge. The mantle was taken up by volunteers. In the Czech Republic,
    ple trees to help orchard keepers     40 Vivat academia, Vivant profes-          appear until around six in the morning
                                              sores! – Welcome, new profes-                                                       universities stood at the forefront of the effort to stop the disease from spreading.
15 The Faculty of Informatics and             sors and associate professors      71 Philosophical faculties decided to fight      The University of Hradec Králové (UHK) was no exception.
    Management can identify poten-                                                   against traditional myths
    tially malicious websites             Foreign affairs
                                                                                 72 The University strives to be quality          Taking care of medical workers’ children                  of hospitals and other medical facilities, which
16 The legacy of J. A. Comenius –         46 Twenty-one million Czech crowns         certified. The prestigious HR Excellence     and sewing face masks.                                    were looking for volunteers who would help take
    with respect and admiration               go toward international student        in Research Award is granted by the
                                              and employee mobility. The             European Commission                                                                                    care of the children of doctors and other medi-
18 Naturalised inferentialism:                University of Hradec Králové yet                                                    Rector Kamil Kuča describes the first wave                cal workers. We spread the news across all our
    standards, meanings and reasons           again receives a bumper crop of    75 Swimming across the Chanel is like
    in the natural world – the project        funds                                  climbing Mount Everest. Along with all       of UHK students volunteering in the spring:               communication channels, and I am proud to
    continues                                                                        the magic and misery you can imagine         “When we realised how critical the situation was,         say that our students stood up to the challenge.
                                          48 The first UHK double degree                                                          we immediately responded to the desperate calls           More than sixty volunteers offered to help without
19 EEA and Norway grants go                   programme agreement has been       77 “My university teachers’ supporting my
    towards UHK. The University will          signed                                 writing was of vital importance to me,”
    open a new study course on the                                                   says writer and UHK graduate, Jakuba
    transfer of technologies and stu-     49 Two new lichen species have             Katalpa
    dents can look forward to a unique        been discovered in South Korea
    summer school                                                                79 UNIVERSITY – a new application for
                                          51 Student exchange during Corona          university students is here
21 Research by Associate Professor            times. Is there a silver lining?
    Šilhán reveals that tree rings pre-                                          80 Lenka Novotná won the main prize at the
    dict rockslides years in advance      52 “Friendships from Taiwan have           2019 Graphics National Competition for
                                              opened the door to the entire          her book Kroj
22 Nominations and evaluations                world for me,” says student
    of selected results according             Markéta Jindráková                 81 The University of Hradec Králové organ-
    to the M1 Module on behalf of                                                    ised a one-week IT Day Camp
    the Faculty of Informatics and        55 “There were a lot of guests at
    Management, UHK                           Harvard, but we all felt very      83 The Philosophical Faculty of the
                                              welcome,” says Fulbright Scholar       University of Hradec Králové got the
24 The uncertain realities of Jaroslava       Program scholarship holder             green light, and it can start renovating
    Severová                                  Lukáš Vízek                            its building on Svoboda Square. The esti-
                                                                                     mated cost is about CZK 200 million
26 A Czech historical atlas won three     57 The Faculty welcomed 20 interna-
    prestigious awards                        tional students, notwithstanding   84 Researchers’ Night in Hradec Králové:
                                              the COVID-19 pandemic                  Robots in research and in practice
28 The Department of Chemistry pub-
    lished in prestigious journals        58 A semester in Canada during the     86 Let’s be objective about Europe. The
                                              COVID-19 pandemic                      EUforka project busts myths about the
30 A team from FIM is the only Czech                                                 EU
    participant in an international       60 The FF UHK eLearning
    competition. It is designing a            programme                          87 The University of Hradec Králové is
    robot called FIM Bot                                                             proud to join a project that supports top
                                          61 We have established a new part-         notch athletes
32 “The goal of the project ‘1620 –           nership with Uzhhorod National
    Road to Defeat’ was to commemo-           University                         88 Once again, students and companies met
    rate the key events of the quadri-                                               at the JobStart trade fair. UHK graduates
    centennial anniversary of the end     62 FF UHK will participate in              are an inspiration
    of the Bohemian Revolt,” explains         SensiClass, an international
    archaeologist Ladislav Rytíř              strategic partnership              90 UHK Annually in a nutshell

                                                                                                                                                                                                                 UHK ANNUALLY 2020          3
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a moment of hesitation.” But this was not all that   Institute of Social Work at the Philosophical         start a new teaching job, but classes were can-    3D printing. “The University of Hradec Králové
the University did. Don’t forget that medicine       Faculty, the compulsory labour order also             celled, and I was rather unhappy that I wouldn’t   adopted a very proactive approach from the very
related courses are also taught at UHK and           applies to special education students at the          get the opportunity to teach. When a notice was    onset, especially by engaging our student volun-
so, in addition to helping medical staff at the      Faculty of Education majoring in social policy        put up on the University website that volunteers   teers. The manufacture of face shields was one of
University Hospital in Hradec Králové, UHK           and social work. The compulsory labour order          were needed and after we learned more about the    those efforts through which we could help in our
students also started to assist medical workers      that was enacted in the spring of 2020 also           volunteer work from our tutor Irena Kapustová,     region and of which I can be proud,” Rector Kamil
directly in their homes – they took care of their    applies to Veronika Obrovská, a sophomore             I didn’t think twice and signed up right away.     Kuča describes the University’s involvement.
children in their home environment, especial-        in the masters’ Social Work programme at the          I started to help the very next day,” says the     UHK was one of the initiators of the FB group
ly when the kids had special needs. Students         Institute of Social Work of the Philosophical         leader of a local Boy Scout’s organisation and     3D Print Against Covid-19. In cooperation with
did their best to help out not only in Hradec        Faculty UHK. “I have not been designated to any       a student of the Faculty of Education, UHK.        other volunteers, the University immediately
Králové. They also helped out in other towns         particular job so far, but I am ready. I think that   Lenka Haklová, a student at the Institute of       started coordinating the manufacture of face
                                                                                                           Social Work (Philosophical Faculty), worked
                                                                                                           at a nursing home for the elderly. Cheerful
                                                                                                           and a dog lover, she joined the nursing home
                                                                                                           in Lampertice in the Trutnov district. “In the
                                                                                                           end, I am glad that I got the opportunity and
                                                                                                           the experience, even if it would have been much
                                                                                                           better to try out this job as part of our normal
                                                                                                           training in our second year of study,” Lenka ex-
                                                                                                           plains with a smile.

                                                                                                           Tens of Thousands of UHK Shields at the
                                                                                                           Frontline and the Minister’s Award for
                                                                                                           Exceptional Contribution

                                                                                                           The shortage of protection gear for medical
                                                                                                           practitioners during the coronavirus pandem-       protection shields. “Even though the 3D printed
                                                                                                           ics raised a wave of solidarity, as many people    shields are just a quick fix, we still believe that they
                                                                                                           started to sew facemasks at home. In Hradec        will be useful in the current situation. They are cer-
                                                                                                           Králové, five different organisations decided      tainly in high demand by the University Hospital
and cities such as Pardubice, Náchod, Jaroměř,       the students’ involvement is a good step, which       to cooperate in the manufacture of face shields    in Hradec Králové and many other institutions,”
Humpolec, Třebíč, and even Pilsen, depending         could help social services in our region during       for doctors, medical staff and social workers.     the Vice-Rector for Strategy and Development,
on the students’ own home address. Students          this state of emergency. As social work students,     At first, the components were manufactured by      Pavlína Springerová, commented at the end of
also joined local community projects under           we are being led to show solidarity and empathy,
which they made and distributed hundreds of          and to help others. Now we have a chance to put
handmade face masks. “Our teachers also did          those values into practice and lend a much-needed
their best to help, like former Vice-Rector Zdeněk   helping hand,” Veronika comments. In addition
Beran and his family personally made hundreds        to being enrolled in a full-time study program,
of face masks for the Rector’s Office and other      she also works in the Civic Advisory Centre in
University departments.”                             Hradec Králové.

Compulsory labour and the UHK                        The autumn wave of the pandemic was witness
                                                     to several dozens of compulsory labour orders
On Friday, 13 March 2020, the Czech                  for students in both the Hradec Kralové region,
Government enacted Decree No. 207 on the             and in other regions of the Czech Republic.
provision of care in social service facilities for   UHK students most frequently help in social
the duration of the state of emergency, which        facilities such as nursing homes for the elderly
allowed the Government to order students from        but also in other facilities, including hospitals.
several study programmes to take up designat-        Martin Řehák joined the efforts as a volunteer.
ed jobs. In addition to UHK’s students from the      “I enjoy working with children and I planned to

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March of 2020. The manufacture was co-organ-           manufacture of a disinfectant. We also lent                                                                needed.” In the first stage, the University gave
ised by the University, the Technology Centre          our RT-PCR machine to the District Hospital                                                                away 40 computers that were no longer used
in Hradec Králové and the companies Trilab,            in Trutnov, when it became a testing centre                                                                by the Faculty of Informatics and Management
Deeplab and Industra. “We used twenty-five 3D          for Covid-19 patients,” explains Jan Kříž, the                                                             and the Faculty of Science. “The Philosophical
printers to produce brackets for the shields, which    Dean of the Faculty of Science. Cooperation                                                                Faculty also decided to donate some of its note-
were manufactured from PETG (polyethylene              with the Trutnov Hospital did not end there.                                                               books, but in the end it opted to give them to chil-
terephthalate glycol), material known for its re-      The Faculty also organised a training course                                                               dren’s homes rather than families,” the Dean of
sistance and durability. Volunteers from UHK took      for the hospital’s medical staff on how to                                                                 the Philosophical Faculty Jan Prouza joins the
care of both the printing process and the assembly.    use personal protective gear. The course was                                                               debate. “We wanted to help overcome the increas-
The print alone takes about two hours, so there        overseen by Dr. Alena Myslivcová Fučíková. “It                                                             ingly broader gap in access to education created by
was time enough to prepare other parts in the          soon became apparent that the medical work-                                                                the social and economic inequality in our society,
meantime, such as the harnesses, and to complete       ers were well trained for the situation. We only                                                           especially now – during the coronavirus pandem-
the final assembly. In the end, we worked 24/7 in      taught them a few tricks how to stay comfortable                                                           ics. In addition to donating the computers, we
three shifts with the help of additional volunteers    while working. We also lent them our filtration                                                            also asked our students to help to the best of their
and printers from UHK,” recalls Dr. Richard            and ventilation unit, which we use in our course                                                           abilities,” Rector Kuča acknowledges the effort.
Cimler, the founder of Deeplab and a lecturer at       on the use of hazardous agents that we teach
the Faculty of Science (UHK). The regional gov-        together with Dr. Klára Kubelková from the                                                                 Algorithms to predict how the disease
ernment of the Hradec Králové Region also got          Faculty of Military Health Sciences (University                                                            will progress in COVID-19 stricken
involved, and once the manufacturing process           of Defence, Brno), here at our Faculty of Science                                                          patients
had been certified, production was handed over         (UHK),” Dr. Myslivcová Fučíková described the
to Gifty, which managed to make the entire             training workshop.                                                                                         The most recent contribution UHK researchers
process more effective. “The volunteers man-                                                                                                                      have made in the area of pandemics man-
aged to manufacture and distribute over 30,000         Donated computers helped with                                                                              agement is the development of a contactless
protective face shields during the first wave of the   distance learning                                                                                          monitoring system to aid the understanding of
pandemics, mostly to nursing homes for the elder-                                                                                                                 how COVID-19 progresses in patients afflicted
ly, to schools, to emergency and rescue workers,       The autumn wave of the Covid-19 pandemics             to donate some of our spare computers to families    by the disease. “First of all, we have to design
to local authorities and to medical offices,” the      reminded everyone that distance learning is           in need. The donation was arranged by a local as-    a system based on sensors that will monitor the
Vice-Rector Springerová sums up the effort.            a major challenge for many families. “Many            sociation called Let’s Talk to Each Other to whom    patients,” Richard Cimler, Head of the Centre
                                                       families, and single parent families in particular,   we initially and formally donated the computers to   for Advanced Technologies of the Faculty of
Klára Rybenská, a then postgraduate student            found it very difficult to finance the equipment      it. The association then assembled the computers     Science, outlines the project that received
at the Faculty of Education (UHK), was one             needed to arrange distance learning for their         and distributed them to where they were most         a CZK 2.5 million grant from the Technology
of the most active members of the production           children. We took it upon ourselves to help them
team and chief coordinator of shield distribu-         as much as we could,” Pavlina Springerová, Vice-
tion. She was nominated for the Minister of            Rector for Strategy and Development (UHK),
Education, Youth and Sports Award. It is given         described another aspect of the University’s
to students and graduates who excel in their           involvement in the combat against the pan-
field of study and for extraordinary student           demics, and she adds “In November, we decided
contribution. Dr. Rybenská received the award
from the then Minister Plaga after graduating.

Respirator testing and medical worker

“To help test filters and materials, we lent our
electron microscope to the volunteer initiative
COVID19CZ, which developed a new type of respi-
rator together with the Czech Technical University
in Prague. The Department of Chemistry offered
their stock of chemical substances, which were
in shortage on the market at that time, for the

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                                                                                                             “It was an exceptional opportunity
                                                                                                             and I learned much from it,” Anna
                                                                                                             Macáková recalls her compulsory
                                                                                                             service at a nursing home
                                                                                                             TOMÁŠ VODIČKA DEAN’S OFFICE, PHILOSOPHICAL FACULTY, UHK

                                                                                                             Anna Macáková, a second-year student majoring in social work, was one of the
                                                                                                             students conscripted by the Hradec Králové region to assist social services during
                                                                                                             the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemics. She helped in the Private Nursing Home
                                                                                                             in Nechanice.

                                                                                                             How did you get the job?                              observe, and ask questions, because it certain-
Agency of the Czech Republic. “Nonetheless,            publication, help still continues. “I there-          It all started when I got a call from the regional    ly was not easy.
the most important part of the project is to           fore decided to acknowledge every student who         authorities. A rather pleasant-sounding lady
develop advance algorithms that will allow us          selflessly and unpretentiously participated in the    offered me a job at a nursing home. I was then        What was your service like? What
to monitor the progression of the disease and to       effort during the first wave, whether by taking       interviewed by the nursing home director, also        did you do?
conduct an ongoing evaluation of the patients’         care of the children of frontline medical workers,    by telephone. We agreed on the starting date          We started the day off by helping our clients
condition,” explains Dr. Filip Studnička from          or by helping the elderly in nursing homes, or by     and she gave me some details on my new job.           with their morning routine. My colleague and
the Department of Physics of the Faculty of            manufacturing face shields. I would like to extend                                                          I were assigned to the first floor. It took about
Science. “This will allow doctors to intervene         my thanks and gratitude to all of them. I will                                                              an hour to change their clothes and nappies
before the patient’s condition starts to visibly de-   present the Rector’s Medal as a special reward to                                                           and to change their bed linen. I ­accompanied
teriorate, or to relocate patients, whose condition    our students’ representatives. I am sure we should                                                          the clients who were able to walk to their break-
is improving, to a different ward and in so doing      be able to find a convenient and dignified space                                                            fast room and helped the rest to eat in their
distribute available resources, such as ventilators,   at the University where we will be able to exhibit                                                          rooms. After that, we changed their nappies and
more efficiently.” UHK researchers are currently       the medal to remind future generations of the re-                                                           gave them their drinks. This was followed by
installing the sensors in hospitals in Trutnov         sponsible and beneficial role our University played                                                         lunch and a nap, during which we reposition­ed
and Chrudim and plan to extend the research            in these difficult times,” Rector Kamil Kuča                                                                bedridden clients and washed them. We took
programme to other hospitals as well.                  concludes gratefully. •                                                                                     them out for a walk ­whenever the weather was
                                                                                                                                                                   okay. When the weather was bad, I helped them
Rector’s Award goes to UHK volunteers                                                                                                                              out during their indoor exercises. I helped
                                                                                                                                                                   distribute their medication and measured and
The list of activities pursued by UHK teachers                                                                                                                     recorded their body tempera­ture. After after-
and students to help combat the pandemics                                                                                                                          noon snacks, we again changed their nappies.
would be rather extensive. At the date of this                                                                                                                     Dinner was served at 5 pm and we then helped
                                                                                                                                                                   them to their beds and with their evening
                                                                                                                                                                   ­routine. Before the end of the day, we prepared
                                                                                                                                                                    the laundry and other things needed for the
                                                                                                                                                                    next day. My shift ended at 7 pm.

                                                                                                             So, what was your first day like?                     Did you know that students may be “con-
                                                                                                             My first day at work was very hard, especially        scripted” under Czech laws in a state of
                                                                                                             mentally. I did not really know what to ex-           emergency?
                                                                                                             pect. So, I was mostly just trying to get a grip,     No, not at all. I didn’t have the slightest idea
                                                                                                                                                                   until they called me. It was quite a surprise.

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And to tell you the truth, I really didn’t feel up    The Hradec Králové Regional Authori-              distribute almost 30,000 face shields all across
to it at the time. But looking back, it has been a    ty commended you on your efforts. Tell            the Czech Republic. In the end, some forty
great experience, not only in terms of my stud-       us about it.                                      students participated in the endeavour over
ies, as I am studying towards becoming a social       The Regional Authority paid my wages into         a period of two months.
worker, but also in terms of my private life.         my bank account rather promptly; within
I dote on all the good memories. And I have           two or three months. And I was pleasantly         It was Klára Rybenská who organised and
become rather attached to many of our clients.        surprised by the amount, it was more than         coordinated the entire face shield project on
                                                      I had expected. •                                 behalf of UHK. Without her every day relentless
                                                                                                        efforts, weekends included, the University of
                                                                                                        Hradec Králové would never have been able to
Klára Rybenská received an award                                                                        produce and distribute 30,000 shields dur-
                                                                                                        ing the first wave of the pandemics to protect

from the Minister of Education                                                                          doctors, dentists, social workers and other
                                                                                                        frontline workers at a time when protective

for coordinating the manufacture                                                                        gear was most needed.

                                                                                                        Klára Rybenská modestly adds that “it would
of face shields                                                                                         not have been possible to coordinate the large
                                                                                                        number of orders, invoices and material supplies
PETRA KUBAŘOVÁ DEAN’S OFFICE, FACULTY OF EDUCATION, UHK                                                 and keep the distribution network going without
                                                                                                        the help of our students. They came to work and
Klára Rybenská received an award from the Minister of Education, Youth and Sports                       helped every day in spite of all their other study du-   “It was a fairly intense period,
for exceptional student contribution in the year 2020. Robert Plaga, Minister of                        ties. I would therefore like to thank everyone who       but I am very grateful for the
Education, bestowed the award in recognition of students who volunteered to help                        supported us in any way they could, specifically the     opportunity, because it taught
manage the first wave of the Covid-19 pandemics, who cared for others without any                       UHK management board, all my colleagues, the             me a lot. The experience certainly
regard for their own comfort, and whose stories were inspirational.                                     officials from the regional authorities, as well as      made me richer in many ways. I
                                                                                                        everyone who brought us food and drink and face          volunteered, it was my decision

K    lára Rybenská, a student at the Faculty
     of Education (UHK), coordinated the
activities of the university community related
                                                      The printing process started in mid-March.
                                                      A total of thirty 3D printers were operated by
                                                      twenty-five university students; coordinat-
                                                                                                        masks. It was a collective effort.”

                                                                                                        She definitely appreciates her experience with
                                                                                                                                                                 to spend all that time and
                                                                                                                                                                 energy, and I would certainly do
                                                                                                                                                                 it again, if I could,” Ms Rybenská
to the manufacture of 3D printed headbands            ed, organised in shifts and trained by Klára      the production of UHK face shields.                      sums up with a smile. •
and the assembly of face shields for the Hradec       Rybenská herself. She also coordinated the
Králové Region with extraordinary resolve             procurement of materials, the distribution of
and diligence.                                        finished face shields and communication with
                                                      DIY printers. During the first couple of weeks,
Ms Rybenská got a PhD in Information and              this little workshop managed to distribute over
Communication Technologies in Education               4,500 face shields free of charge.
at the Faculty of Education in September. By
that time she had already been working as             At the start of April, production was handed
a secretary at the Department of Auxiliary            over to the University of Hradec Králové, which
Sciences of History and Archival Studies              replaced the 3D printing process with a much
(Philosophical Faculty). UHK’s Vice-Rector            more efficient injection moulding process.
Pavlína Springerová contacted her as to wheth-        Throughout this period, Klára Rybenská con-
er the Faculty could lend the University any 3D       tinued to manage the entire manufacture, and
printers. Klára is in charge of the 3D printers       managed to raise the daily production capacity
and she immediately organised the 3D printing         to match the promptly increasing demand.
of headbands. “I just decided to go for it, there     Ms Rybenská tirelessly coordinated all the
was no time to waste. I felt that it was the best     orders, invoices, material supply and distribu-
I could do at that time,” Ms Rybenská recalls.        tion. By 17 May, Klára Rybenská and her team
                                                      had managed to manufacture, assemble and

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SCIENCE                                                                                                                                                                                                     SCIENCE

Stanford University Survey:                                                                                Kuča, who has been featured in both catego-
                                                                                                           ries, and Associate Professor Blanka Klímová.
                                                                                                                                                                  we are so delighted about the success,” the Vice-
                                                                                                                                                                  Rector for International Affairs Leona Stašová

Top 2 % ranking for UHK researchers                                                                        Their research and articles are widely cited
                                                                                                           worldwide. Vice-Rector Krejcar does not spare
                                                                                                                                                                  enthuses, and adds: “The THE Young University
                                                                                                                                                                  Rankings 2020 use 13 different selection crite-
                                                                                                           praise for his colleague: “Unlike my other             ria, such as teaching and learning environment,
                                                                                                           esteemed co-workers who managed to get to the          knowledge transfer, research influence and inter-
Stanford University, one of the most prestigious universities in the world,                                top of the rankings, Associate Professor Klímová is    national outlook.”
employs some of the best researchers. In their most recent research conducted
in cooperation with Elsevier’s SCOPE, they published the article titled Updated
science-wide author databases of standardized citation indicators, which contains
an appendix listing the most successful scientists in the world. The top 2% ranking
featured no less than 6 researchers from UHK.

“I   t is a very extensive list, or rather a d
                                             ­ atabase
     based on a very lucid and transparent method­
ology. The scientists are classified in two catego-
                                                         who ranked in the top of their field in the
                                                         Career category, in addition to Kamil Kuča, the
                                                         university Rector and a renowned toxicologist,
ries – Career and Single 2019. The Career category       and associate professor Jiří Bajgar from the
covers their citation contribution throughout their      Faculty of Science.
career until the end of the year 2019, while the
Single category reflects their citation index over       The top two percent of the most frequently
the past year,” explains Ondřej Krejcar, the Vice-       cited scientists in the year 2019 in the Single
Rector for Science and Creative Activities. He           category also include Dr. Eugenie Nepovimová,
happens to be one of the three UHK scientists            Professor Kamil Musílek and Professor Kamil

                                                                                                           neither a medicinal nor a bio-molecular chemist,       The Times Higher Education Emerging
                                                                                                           she is a social scientist. In her field, she managed   Economies University Rankings and the
                                                                                                           to rank among the top one hundred scientists in        Nature Index
                                                                                                           the Czech Republic.”
                                                                                                                                                                  UHK’s placement in The Times Higher
                                                                                                           UHK ranked among the Top Five                          Education Emerging Economies University
                                                                                                           “Young” Universities                                   Rankings 2020 and its placement in the
                                                                                                                                                                  internationally recognized World University
                                                                                                           The increasing quality and international recog-        Rankings is great news and notably a mark of
                                                                                                           nition of the University of Hradec Králové has         appreciation for UHK’s efforts. UHK’s placing
                                                                                                           been confirmed by the University’s premium             in the THE Young University Ranking is not
                                                                                                           position in one of the rankings published by           the only first in the year 2020 nor is it its first
                                                                                                           the Times Higher Education (THE) magazine              taste of international success. For the first time
                                                                                                           in 2020, which focused on so-called young              in history, the University of Hradec Králové
                                                                                                           universities. “Although the roots of our University    managed to place in the Nature Index thanks
                                                                                                           date back to the year 1959, as do the beginnings       to researchers from the Faculty of Sciences.
                                                                                                           of the tertiary education of teachers at the then      The Nature Index is a database that monitors
                                                                                                           Institute of Education in Hradec Králové, the          premium publication outputs in natural scienc-
                                                                                                           University of Hradec Králové as an official institu-   es. “We attribute our success to our physicists
                                                                                                           tion classifies as a young university. The inter-      Janusz Gluza and Jiří Lipovský and the work they
                                                                                                           national competition among new research and            did from June 2019 to May 2020,” comments Jan
                                                                                                           educational institutions is enormous, which is why     Kříž, the Dean of the Faculty of Sciences. •

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UHK Scientists shoot lasers at apple                                                                            The Faculty of Informatics and
trees to help orchard keepers                                                                                   Management can identify potentially
                                                                                                                malicious websites
UHK scientists use flying drones, multispectral cameras and lasers to develop                                   ZUZANA DOSTÁLOVÁ DEAN’S OFFICE, FACULTY OF INFORMATICS AND MANAGEMENT, UHK
a method that will aid horticulturists and viticulturalists in their plant care and
cultivation. The Zeta Programme project for young researchers under 35 succeeded                                Detection software has been developed to home in on malicious software.
in the call for innovations published by the Technology Agency of the Czech                                     A web browser plug-in is the key. The software monitors any potentially malicious
Republic (TA CR) and placed 13th and 14th out of 400 applications.                                              websites that an internet user might be visiting at any time.

“O     ur aim is to be able to promptly and
       efficiently identify trees that are ex-
posed to nitrogen stress, i.e. nitrogen shortage
                                                          Researchers will then review the recorded
                                                          images separately and develop algorithms to
                                                          assess the condition of the trees from the re-        D    r. Daniela Ponce from the Department of
                                                                                                                     Information Technologies initiated the
or excess, which hinders their growth and the             cordings made by the various cameras. The data        project and student developers Ondřej Caha
maturing of fruit, over large surface areas,” the         may also be used to monitor the yield and the         and Patrik Štípek co-authored it. They started
lead researcher, Associate Professor Jan Šlégr,           development of fruit and plant hydration.             working on the project during the winter term
outlines the project.                                                                                           of the year 2019. The application has passed
                                                          Researchers must also come up with novel              initial functionality testing and appears to be
To this end, they will analyse pictures taken by          ideas on how to mount lasers and cameras on           running just fine.
a broad variety of cameras, both multi-spectral           the drones. “We are currently at the prototyping
and mono-spectral, or photodiodes attached                stage. So far, we keep rather close to the ground,    “The app is based around the current list of
to flying drones. “We will shoot laser beams at           forgive the pun – before drone-testing apple trees,   malicious websites published online by the Czech
tree leaves, record the wave lengths reflected back       we will take them down to the strawberry fields,      Trade Inspection Authority. It downloads and
at drone sensors and then analyse the images,”            where there is nothing to get hung about,” Jan        stores the database. If the user attempts to visit
Professor Šlégr continues.                                Šlégr concludes.                                      any of the malicious sites listed, the app redirects
                                                                                                                them to a warning page, which displays the cause
                                                          The TA CZ Zeta project called Design of Non-          for redirecting the user and explains why the site
                                                          Destructive Methods for Analysing Nitrogen            has been listed as potentially malicious,” Ondřej
                                                          Stress in Fruit Farming stands for a collabo-         Caha explains.
                                                          ration of experts from the Faculty of Science
                                                          (UHK) and the Pomology Research Institute             The application is installed by way of a brows-        pertaining to the COVID-19 pandemic have
                                                          in Holovousy, and a follow-up of their joint          er plug-in. After user testing, the app will           resulted in development being halted just before
                                                          success in previous projects. Under- and              be uploaded to Google Chrome, Firefox and              the user testing stage, which is the last milestone
                                                          post-graduate students from the FS UHK will           Microsoft Edge app stores. A single button             we need to pass before we launch the application,”
                                                          also partake in the project. •                        click is all it takes to install the application.      Dr. Ponce comments on the current state of
                                                                                                                                                                       development. •
                                                                                                                “The software is intended for older and less experi-
                                                                                                                enced users who frequently become victim to mali-
                                                                                                                cious websites. Regrettably, current circumstances

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                                                                                                          The analysis of the possibilities
                                                                                                          and limits of the Comenius
                                                                                                          project for the improvement
                                                                                                          of all things human has been
                                                                                                          subject to a detailed review by
                                                                                                          thirteen contemporary thinkers,
                                                                                                          published by Jan Hábl under the
                                                                                                          title Utopianism or Realism of
The legacy of J. A. Comenius –                                                                            Comenius’ General Consultation
                                                                                                          on an Improvement of All Things

with respect and admiration
                                                                                                          Human? The Czech and foreign
                                                                                                          contributors to the collection
                                                                                                          investigate Comenius’ treatise
PETRA KUBAŘOVÁ DEAN’S OFFICE, FACULTY OF EDUCATION, UHK                                                   from four principal perspectives:
                                                                                                          historical, pedagogical and
                                                                                                          psychological, philosophical, and
                                                                                                          theological. Historians explored
Various unique events have been organised for the period from 2020 to 2022                                the historical circumstances that formed the      the co-authors created a text that reviews the
to commemorate the 430th anniversary of the birth and the 350th anniversary of                            creation of the General Consultations, its        span of Comenius’ combat for humanity in an
the demise of the father of education science John Amos Comenius. The UHK’s                               sources and inspirations, and the Comenius’       unprecedented depth and breadth.
Faculty of Education, whose own logo has been inspired by Comenius, has joined                            concept of humanity and its improvement.
the celebrations.                                                                                         Education scholars and psychologists ana-         In the upcoming years, not only the Faculty of
                                                                                                          lysed the educational aspects of the work – are   Education will strive to do more than just com-

I  n an inaugural event, organised slightly in
   advance of the anniversary, we commemorat­
ed Comenius, the Teacher of Nations, by
                                                      broader public. Together with his colleagues,
                                                      he has devised for the Comenius 2020 project
                                                      an interactive presentation about the life and
                                                                                                          the educational plans proposed by Comenius
                                                                                                          realistic or utopian? Philosophers and theo-
                                                                                                          logians delved into the conceptual framework
                                                                                                                                                            memorate what Comenius left us. We feel that
                                                                                                                                                            we should all endeavour to mend the human
                                                                                                                                                            condition, today and in the future, and that
a ­public reading from his most extensive             the ideas of the prodigious Czech philosopher,      and backdrop of De Rerum Humanarum                we should stop and think about what can be
but sadly never completed work De Rerum               pedagogue and theologian. Although aimed            Emendatione, that is the philosophical,           done to make things better. How different our
Humanarum Emendatione, considered by                  principally at the younger generation, the          anthropological and theological sources of        prospects would be, if the improvement of all
Comenius himself to be his most important             project also strives to stimulate a more general    the Comenius’ emendation vision. Together,        things human were to continue. •
philosophical contribution. The artistic              public discussion about the spiritual inherit­
interpretation of the selected segments of the        ance of our nation. Comenius’ timeless ideas
1600-page treatise was rendered by František          continue to appeal to students of all ages, as it
Staněk, an actor from The Klicpera Theatre.           expands their horizons and helps them to learn
                                                      to cooperate in the improvement of all things
In an effort to outline the most significant          human, not just in theory but also in practice.
concepts from the treatise, Jan Hábl from
the Department of Pedagogy and Psychology             More than half a dozen events devoted to
(Faculty of Education, UHK) cooperated with           the inheritance and work of J. A. Comenius
David Loula to prepare a selection of cita-           were planned to take place as part of the
tions for publication – The Best of De Rerum          Educational Days event, which should have
Humanarum Emendatione by J. A. Comenius.              taken place in March. Although the event had
The selection is based on a three-volume critical     to be cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic,
edition of the work published by the Svoboda          we hope that it will be possible to host it next
Publishing House in 1992. The selection was           year, together with the Comenius Association
published with the consent of the translators         conference, which is also planned for next
and copyright holders of the critical edition.        year. The Comenius Association is a network
                                                      of 31 university institutions from 18 European
Comenius scholar Jan Hábl also strives to pres-       countries specialised in teacher training and
ent the work of the Teacher of Nations to the         social education.

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Naturalised inferentialism: standards,
meanings and reasons in the natural
world – the project continues

In October 2019, Professor Jaroslav Peregrin and his fellow scholars from the
Department of Philosophy and Social Sciences of the Philosophical Faculty of the
University of Hradec Králové accomplished a major breakthrough when the project
                                                                                                         EEA and Norway grants go towards
Naturalised Inferentialism: standards, meanings and reasons in the natural world
was selected to be one of the top 20 elite grant projects of excellence in basic
                                                                                                         UHK. The University will open a
­research (EXPRO) by the Czech Science Foundation.
                                                                                                         new study course on the transfer of
The project Naturalised inferentialism: stan-
dards, meanings and reasons in the natural
                                                      marvels of contemporary technologies. And
                                                      we wish to continue in our scholarship, and        technologies and students can look
                                                                                                         forward to a unique summer school
world has been in progress for about a year.          in presenting our ideas and thought processes
How is it going?                                      to the international scientific and philosoph-
As you would expect, the project has been             ical community.
affected by the current pandemic. Fortunately,
pure scholarship makes up the                                       What is the overall objective of
core of the project and we may                                      the project?
                                                                                                         JAKUB NOVÁK UHK SPOKESMAN
still engage in it even in these                                     Put simply, we would like
troubled times. The project has al-                                  to contribute to the current
                                                                                                         The University of Hradec Králové has managed to establish a promising cooperation
ready produced its first fruit. Two                                  knowledge and understanding
                                                                                                         with one of the largest universities in Norway – the Oslo Metropolitan University
of our papers have been accepted                                     of the functioning of the human
in leading journals (Philosophy                                      language, and in more general
                                                                                                         (OsloMet). The two universities will focus on the transfer of technologies, the
and Phenomenological Research                                        terms, human social practices.
                                                                                                         protection of intellectual property rights and the creation of spin-offs. UHK can
and Mind and Language – out                                          In philosophy, a rather distinct­   draw up to EUR 132,000 from the EEA and Norway grants to subsidise the project,
of 651 journals recorded in the                                      ive approach to these problems      which is to start in August this year.
Scimago database, they rank                                          has evolved in recent times,
10th and 20th respectively in the
subject matter of philosophy), and two of our
articles were included in a collection published
                                                                     which has become to be known
                                                      as inferentialism. It is currently represented
                                                      by Professor Brandom as its principal propo-
                                                                                                         “I   t’s a great step forward in the area of tech-
                                                                                                              nology transfer, a field of study on which the
                                                                                                         University of Hradec Králové wants to focus in
                                                                                                                                                               The partnership, which has recently been
                                                                                                                                                               forged based on the call for the Institutional
                                                                                                                                                               Cooperation Project, is very ambitious. Thanks
by Routledge, a major publishing house.               nent. Bob Brandom himself has so far worked        the upcoming years. I am quite positive that the      to the project, a unique summer school is soon
                                                      at a purely philosophical, speculative level.      sharing of best practices and a cooperation with      to be set up as the first of its kind in the Czech
What do you plan to accomplish in the upco-           We argue that science has inundated us with        the Oslo Metropolitan University will push us for-    Republic. “The transfer of technologies is closely
ming stage of the project?                            a cornucopia of tangible results that may be       wards,” Leona Stašová, Vice-Rector for Creative       linked to the protection of intellectual property
Next year we plan to organise a large confer-         brought in evidence for the concepts intro-        Activities, praises the new development. In           rights. No summer school has been organised on
ence devoted to the phenomenon of argu-               duced by inferentialism, and which, as we hope     practical terms, the sharing of best practices        this topic in the Czech Republic, especially not
mentation. Leading philosophers such as               to establish, appear to support its conclusions.   will be implemented via a new course to be            one that would be taught by such an experienced
Bob Brandom, Bahak Köymen, Josef Perner               We therefore seek to find a path that would        taught by lecturers from OsloMet at UHK. They         international partner, and we expect that the
and Hilary Kornblit have already responded            connect philosophical speculation with the         are experts in the field of technology transfer. A    methodology of the contemplated summer school
to our call for papers. This should be a rath-        relevant outcomes of empirical science. We         course syllabus is currently being drafted, while     will be shared with other universities in both part-
er extraordinary event. Naturally, we may be          are convinced that this confrontation should       the course itself is scheduled for the academic       ner countries,” Vice-Rector Stašová explains the
compelled by circumstances to conduct it over         produce a truly fresh and fecund perspective of    year 2021/2022.                                       international reach of the project.
the internet, which would a pity – a face-to-face     the human language and cast new light on us
debate is still indispensable, irrespective of the    humans in general. •

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The project should facilitate and develop entre-
preneurship and it should support the creation
of spin-offs. This will in turn create a more sta-
ble economic environment that will be able to
show for a more flexible approach to employ-
ment needs on both a local and a global scale.

“We support all projects that aim
to form a business environment
                                                                                                        Research by Associate Professor
that is based on the outcomes of
research and development, and
science in general. This particular                  The Oslo Metropolitan University has four
                                                                                                        Šilhán reveals that tree rings predict
cooperation will help reinforce the
students’ economic and business skills
                                                     faculties, just like the University of Hradec
                                                     Králové, and it is attended by about 20,000 stu-   rockslides years in advance
and build and support community                      dents. Despite being one of the youngest uni-
engagement,” UHK Rector Kamil Kuča                   versities in Norway (it was established as late    KRISTÝNA VÁVROVÁ DEAN’S OFFICE, FACULTY OF SCIENCE, UHK
comments, adding that the growing                    as in 2018), it is a new institutional partner
community of start-up businesses                     that has been attested by an extensive network
has a direct positive impact on the                  of international contacts and the establishment
development of the entire region.                    of two prestigious scientific centres. •           Associate Professor Karel Šilhán from the Department of Biology of the Faculty
                                                                                                        of Science, University of Hradec Králové, analysed the growth rings of over 150
                                                                                                        conifers in the Outer Western Carpathians, a region that has witnessed extensive
EEA and Norway Grants generally aim to con-                                                             rockslides over the past 20 years. His research managed to identify a method to
tribute to a more equal Europe, both socially                                                           predict the movement of rock formations years before they break lose.
and economically, and to develop the bilateral
relations between the Czech Republic, Norway,
Iceland and Liechtenstein. For the upcoming
project, the University of Hradec Králové may
                                                                                                        “I   n our initial investigation, we tried to estab-
                                                                                                             lish whether we could identify any signs in the
                                                                                                        surviving trees that would indicate how rockslides
                                                                                                                                                                  of so-called reaction wood. “We observe this as
                                                                                                                                                                  an abrupt attenuation on one side of the rings and
                                                                                                                                                                  as complementary thickening of the rings on the
draw a grant of up to EUR 132,000.                                                                      behave before they slide,” Associate Professor            other. This allows us to reconstruct the frequency
                                                                                                        Šilhán explains. “We know from previous research          of the creeping movement of the underlying rock
                                                                                                        that rocks move or rather “creep” at a very slow,         structure,” Karel Šilhán says. All of the samples
                                                                                                        virtually imperceptible pace for up to several dec-       had to be compared with trees situated outside
                                                                                                        ades before disaster strikes. The surface detritus        the area affected by the rockslide, because the
                                                                                                        creeps by millimetres over time, unbeknownst to           change in the tree rings may also be attribut­
                                                                                                        anyone, but then comes a single bout of heavy rain        ed to other causes, such as snow pressure.
                                                                                                        and the entire area ruptures and slides down.”            Associate Professor Šilhán’s team therefore
                                                                                                                                                                  had to compare samples growing even a mere
                                                                                                        Tree rings reveal even subtle shifts                      ten meters apart.
UHK as a proud partner
                                                                                                        Research shows that rock movements are                    “Using these observations, we managed to identify
                                                                                                        recorded in the rings of the surrounding pino-            3 basic creeping mechanisms. The first type is
                                                                                                        phyta. Trees respond to changes in weather                characterised by an increasing frequency, when the
                                                                                                        and local climate, and therefore trees from               rocks move just a little bit but at regular intervals.
magazine for universities                                                                               one area should exhibit similar annual growth             The second type involves an increasing size of
 Universitas is an independent online magazine about science,                                           depending on warmth or precipitation. The                 the movements, without a change in frequency.
 education, research and higher education. Twenty-two Czech                                             slow creeping of the underlying rock may                  The third type sees rock movements clumped into
 universities, including the UHK, are involved in the project.                                          damage tree roots or even bend trunks. Trees              a single focal point, from which the rockslide is
 More information at www.universitas.cz.                                                                correspond by growing asymmetrically, which               ultimately triggered,” Associate Professor Šilhán
                                                                                                        shows up in the tree ring structure in the form           outlines the research.

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Can we predict catastrophic rockslides?                                                                       performance, social relevance, viability, and      “We were excited to learn that the Faculty of
                                                                                                              strategy and policies. The relative significance   Informatics and Management had so many
This begs the question whether we could                                                                       of the different modules depends on the status     excellent research results. At the same time,
actually “predict” future rockslides and thus                                                                 and the position of the research organisation in   it made it particularly difficult to choose and
avoid their disastrous consequences. “We may                                                                  the overarching R&D system. Another impor-         nominate just some of the best,” Hana Mohelská,
certainly develop this line of research much further.                                                         tant change is the evaluation of the quality       FIM’s Vice-Dean for Science and Research
The mechanisms that we have managed to de-                                                                    of international cooperation of individual re-     explained. In the end, the Faculty selected
scribe will allow us to reconstruct other rockslides,                                                         search organisations. Based on the experience      and nominated the following authors and
even going up to millennia in the past and in                                                                 gained in the first years of implementation,       their work: Dalibor Cimr – Computer Aided
areas that are today covered by trees or buildings.                                                           Module 1 now also includes evaluation in the       Detection for Fibrillations and Flutters Using
Samples from local trees should also be able to                                                               area of applied social sciences and humanities.    Deep Convolutional Neural Network, Pavel Čech
tell us whether the location is under the threat                                                              Consequently, remote reviews were added to         – Matching UML Class Models Using Graph
of catastrophic reactivation. But rather than                                                                 evaluate those disciplines in which bibliomet-     Edit Distance, Marek Franěk; Jan Petružálek;
giving a simple prediction, we will only be able to                                                           rics do not provide relevant evaluation data in    Denis Šefara – Eye Movements in Viewing Urban
express the degree of instability and potential for     Old rockslides: truly inactive. The outcomes          the year 2020 within Module 1.                     Images and Natural Images in Diverse Vegetation
the reactivation of the rockslides. We still do not     were published in the Landslides journal (im-                                                            Periods, Martin Gavalec – Strong Tolerance of
have enough data for a more accurate prediction,”       pact factor 4.7), which is ranked number one          Evaluation will be based only on results pub-      Interval Eigenvectors in Fuzzy Algebra and José
Associate Professor Karel Šilhán concludes.             in the Engineering-Geological category on the         lished in RIV (Information Register of R&D         Luis Salmerón Silvera – Uncertainty Propagation
                                                        Web of Science. •                                     Results), where each outcome is further evalu-     in Fuzzy Grey Cognitive Maps With Hebbian-Like
The research was conducted as part of a project                                                               ated based on additional criteria.                 Learning Algorithms.
run by the Czech Science Foundation and titled
                                                                                                              The faculties of the University of Hradec          Chaired by Professor Krejcar, the committee
                                                                                                              Králové nominated their outcomes based on          ultimately selected just two authors and their
Nominations and evaluations of                                                                                quotas set by the Rector’s Office. The results
                                                                                                              were then evaluated by a committee chaired by
                                                                                                                                                                 work, specifically Dalibor Cimr and José Luis
                                                                                                                                                                 Salmerón Silvera. Their work will be submit-

selected results according to the M1                                                                          Ondřej Krejcar, the Vice-Rector for Science and
                                                                                                              Creative Activities.
                                                                                                                                                                 ted to Module I and will be evaluated by the
                                                                                                                                                                 RDIC committee. •

Module on behalf of the Faculty of
Informatics and Management, UHK

The Research, Development and Innovation Council conducts assessments at
a nation-wide level in accordance with Government-approved Methodology for
Evaluating Research Organisations and R&D Purpose-tied Aid Programmes.

A    t its 107th meeting of 8 February 2017, the
     Czech Government approved new rules
for evaluating research organisations, which
                                                        The basic principles of the new system, which
                                                        follows prevailing international standards,
                                                        involve conducting the evaluation at three
substantially modified the existing system. The         different levels – at the national (central) level,
new evaluation scheme has been implemented              at the provider level and at the level of individ-
step by step. Ever since 2017, research organ-          ual research organisations. Research organ-
isations have been monitored and evaluated              isations themselves are classified into three
every year based on a comprehensive evalu-              segments, that is into universities, institutes
ation scheme. Starting from the year 2020,              of the Czech Academy of Sciences and depart-
evaluation is now conducted in five-year cycles.        mental and industry research organisations.
                                                        Quality is now evaluated based on five basic
                                                        modules – quality of selected results, research

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The uncertain realities
of Jaroslava Severová

                                                                                                             and deservedly so. She has been a pioneer and a       Associate Profession Jaroslava Severová is
                                                                                                             major contributor to the development of com-          an academic painter, and she teaches at the
The work of Jaroslava Severová (Faculty of Education, UHK) sets itself apart in the                          puter graphic art in the Czech Republic and she       Department of Art, Visual Culture and Textile
context of Czech visual culture, as most recently manifested at her 2020 exhibition                          has managed to fill this new form with a deeply       Studies of the Faculty of Education, University
in the Central Bohemian Gallery in Kutná Hora, which revealed the diversity and                              authentic humanistic content. When she was            of Hradec Králové. She studied with Professor
intensity of her art.                                                                                        presented with the prestigious Vladimir Boudník       Jiří Horník and Professor Vojtěch Tittelbach
                                                                                                             Award in 2005, it proved to be clear confirmation     at the Academy of Fine Arts in Prague. She is

T   he exhibition showed her striking,
    ­characteristically multi-layered prints,
objects d’art and installations.
                                                      of the sublimation of human consciousness
                                                      (Two 2016; Six and Seven, 2018; It 5, 2019;
                                                      Movement, 2020).
                                                                                                             of the fact that the artist who started her career
                                                                                                             with an exhibition in Nîmes in 1968 continues to
                                                                                                             focus with the same intensity on finding clear out-
                                                                                                                                                                   a creator of prints, drawings and paintings.
                                                                                                                                                                   She creates original spatial installations and
                                                                                                                                                                   illumination art. Since the 1990s, she has
                                                                                                             lines in our often obscure or uncertain realities.”   been a major contributor to computer graph-
Titled Uncertain Realities, in addition to her        Exhibition curator, Richard Drury, explains:                                                                 ic art. Her art and installations have been
“fly-by walk-through” prints and graphic designs      “In her work, Jaroslava Severová strives to make                                                             exhibited in many galleries both in the Czech
from the period 1965 to 1971, and her objects         sense of the essence of things. To what extent the                                                           Republic and abroad. •
Aeon (2002–2019), Inside (2002–2019) and              essence consists in an artifice of immutable rules,
The Curve (2004), the exhibition displayed a          to what extent it consists in a liquid, coincidental
cross-section selection of her computer prints        or unpredictable matter; whether it separates
from 2016–2020. Her most recent digital               us from some hidden meaning or whether it is a
work illustrates Jaroslava’s gradual shift            mere veil of nothingness. The artist’s reflections
from the letteristic rechiselling of meaning          and deliberations are principally embedded in
(X 30b, 2016; EL 40A and EL 4D, 2017; Three           her vigilant perception of the most intimate
B’s, Discovery 10i and Discovery 10f, 2018;           aspects of the human condition. It is that distinct
Circle 3b, Three A’s and Memento mori 2, 2019)        humanistic headspring that feeds and waters
through her lexically-conceptual approach             the resurrective power which makes the audience
(Nothing, 2018) and malleable (if not outright        perceive her work as the “image first seen”. As an
baroguise) dynamics (Space S 10 and Space             artist, and later as a teacher, Jaroslava Severová
133 A, 2016; Space Yi, 2018) to the abstract,         has managed to win a rather unique place in
velvety-black structures that evoke visions           the Czech visual culture over the past fifty years,

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