Page created by Roy Hines
ASA                                                                FEBRUARY 2016


                                                           AN HOUR WITH

                                                 S H A B E E R
                                                      K H A N
                                                            CFO OF THE DTI

                                                           FIVEAREAS TO
   A GLIMPSE OF NEW YORK                                   WATCH IN 2016
                                                                              Gerinda Jooste
                                                                              Art Director
                                                                           Ashley van der Merwe

                                                                        Editorial Administrator
                                                                               Lynn Grala
                                                                       Publications Administrator
                                                                             Palesa Khobane
                                                                              Copy Editor
                                                                              Sarie Moolman

DEVELOP                                    LEAD                                 Willi Coates
4 Updates                                  57 Motoring Report                   17 Fricker Rd,
Keeping you informed of business           The hot hatch battle            Illovo, Sandton, 2196

today                                      60 Travel                                 Tel
                                           New York, New York            Local 08610 SAICA (72422)
8 Markets                                                              International +27 11 621 6660
Market commentary December 2015            62 Recruitment
10 Viewpoint                                                                 +27 11 622 3321
Everything you need to know about                                                 Email
issues that matter to you the most
16 Analysis                                                                  Advertising
                                                                            Sales Manager
Auditing disclosures: Weighing our words                                      Katie Bowden
18 Analysis                                                                       Cell
Auditor focus on ‘other information’                                         +27 82 723 3777
21 Analysis                                                                      Email
IASB releases long-awaited leasing                               

standard                                                                   Advertising Sales
24 Analysis                                                                  Michelle Baker
Five areas to watch in 2016                                                       Cell
                                                                             +27 73 137 1231


27 Special Feature: Cover Story                                         Annual Subscriptions

The CFO                                                                         RSA - R530

47 Special Report                                                         Students/LSM - R420

Africa                                                                   Southern Africa - R640
                                                                        Foreign Rates (airmail) -

                                                                                                        CREDITS | Photography: Shabeer Khan's Photos by Patrick Furter for CFO South Africa
                                                                           R1 640 VAT included

                                   24                             47

                                                                                   FEBRUARY 2016 | 1

                                                                                                            Some are resigned to being just a number.
                                             WHO WE ARE                                                     You wrestle with them.
                     EDITOR’S letter                                                                        INTRODUCING PRIVATE BANKING FOR PROFESSIONALS.

                                                                made many (if not most) of us wonder:
                                                                do these comments and views still
                                                                have a place in our country? And will
                                                                there ever be a day that we can all live
                                                                together as one nation, not divided by
                                                                race or colour?
                                                                    I saw a video by Prince Ea (@
                                                                PrinceEA) on YouTube where he talks
                                                                about the labels we give each other. We
                                                                weren’t born black or white or Indian –
                                                                that is a label we were given by society
                                                                and we choose to wear it.
                                                                    Isn’t who we really are deeper than
                                                                skin deep? Who we truly are, can
                                                                be found inside us. So he asks the
                                                                question: if society didn’t label you –
                                                                who would you be? (Follow this link to
                                                                watch the video:
                                                                    As humans, we are meant to
                                                                connect with and to care for each other.
                                                                And maybe that should be our goal in
                                                                2016 … Let’s remove the labels that
                                                                society gives us and make an effort to
                                                                see others for who they really are – and
                                                                not who we think they are.
                                                                    At Accountancy SA we are also
                                                                embarking on exciting new ventures
                                                                this year. We will be launching a SAICA
                                                                blog in the next few weeks (www.
                                                       where you can expect

                                                                daily content updates, video interviews,
                                                                podcasts, and much more. It will also
                    hat a year has 2016 already                 be your platform for interacting directly
                    turned out to be! Not only are    with us. We would like to invite you to write and
                    we wondering what happened        submit articles for publishing. When the blog is
                    to the first few weeks of the     up and running we will bring you content and
                    year, our pockets are also much   updates in the form of a digital app. Please watch
emptier and we are re-thinking that trip to Europe    your mailbox for more news about these exciting       You’re a successful registered professional, under the age of 35 and
we planned …                                          developments.                                         earning more than R750 000 a year. RMB Private Bank isn’t waiting for
   With only four weeks of 2016 gone, this                                                                  you to get to the top, because we believe you’re already there. You’re
promises to be an eventful year. We face many                                                               young, inspired and involved. That isn’t a motto to live by but it definitely
                                                                                                            says a lot about you and your future aspirations. You are exactly the type
challenges like further interest rate hikes,                                                                of professional that RMB Private Bank is built for. It’s built to enable your
economic turmoil, and higher food prices.                                                                   passion for success – now, and in the future.
   The year also unfortunately also started with      GERINDA JOOSTE
social media storms around racism … and it            EDITOR                                                Visit or call our 24/7 Service Suite on
                                                                                                            087 575 9411 for more information.

2 | FEBRUARY 2016
                                                                                                            RMB Private Bank, a division of FirstRand Bank Limited. An Authorised Financial Services and Credit Provider. NCRCP20.
DEVELOP UPDATES                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            UPDATES DEVELOP

                                 KEEPING YOU INFORMED OF BUSINESS TODAY
                                                                                                                                                                                       SOUTH AFRICA’S
                                               UPdates                                                                                            INDEBTEDNESS STATISTICS
                                                                                                                                                  South Africans were the biggest borrowers in the world in 2014, according to a report issued by the World Bank.
   CALCULATE YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT                                                                                                                Mining was one of the hardest hit sectors for debt in the last few years, with strikes driving the miners into further
                                                                                                                                                            debt. Anglo American is one of the mining companies looking to mitigate these statistics.
    Every time you switch on a light, drive your car,                       to global warming; a process that scientists say
    run water, or put out your rubbish you’re making                        has led to a rise in global average temperatures by
    a decision that affects the environment. Natural                        over half a degree Celsius over the past 30 years                                                           South Africa’s GDP net debt growth
    resources – water, coal, oil, land and fresh air –                      and could raise the earth’s temperatures by 1,4–
    will run out if we use them up at a rate faster than                    5,8oC by the end of the century. Installing an 11-watt                 2008/09                                                          2014/15
    they can replenish themselves. There are many
    indications that this is already happening. Each
    person living day to day on earth has a carbon
                                                                            compact fluorescent light (CFL) in place of a 60-watt
                                                                            incandescent light bulb will save about 570 kWh
                                                                            over the life of the compact fluorescent – saving
                                                                                                                                                   21,8%                                                            40,8%
    footprint, producing carbon emissions directly or                       more than 570 kg of CO2.                                                                       South Africa’s debt to financial institutions – R1,63 trillion
    indirectly, which have a combined negative long-
    term effect on the environment.                                         Go to Nedbank’s carbon footprint calculator and

    The good news is that you can make a difference.
                                                                            start calculating:
                                                                                                                                                   23,37 MILLION CREDIT-ACTIVE CONSUMERS
    Every kilowatt-hour (kWh) of electricity you avoid
    using saves over a kilogram of carbon dioxide that
    would otherwise be released into the atmosphere.
                                                                            Source: City of Cape Town, Environmental Resource Management,
                                                                            Carbon Footprint Calculator, 9 November 2015
                                                                                                                                                              12,8 MILLION                                              10,5 MILLION
    Carbon dioxide (CO2) is the number one contributor                                                                                                             are in good standing                                     have impaired records

                                                                                                                                                   More than 11 million South African people are described as over-indebted (it was 5 million in 2013)

              DID YOU KNOW?
                                                                                         thinking and                                                          86%                       of South Africans borrowed money
                                                                                                                                                                                              between 2013 and 2014
                                                                                                                                                          ONE OF THE HARDEST HIT AND OVER-INDEBTED INDUSTRIES IS MINING
                                                                                                                                                                22%                  of mine-workers
                                                                                                                                                                                                           75%                  of their net salaries on

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Source: Shocker! South Africa's debt stats, News24, 19 January 2016
                                                                                       approach are the                                                                              spend more than                            debt instalments

                                                                                        most important                                                                                    73%         of miners were overdue on one account or more

    One ton of CO2 emissions occupies 556 m of space at      3
                                                                                        attributes for a                                                                                  After the 2014 mine-workers’ strike, this percentage rose to
                                                                                                                                                                                          62% of the average miner’s accounts were considered bad
                                                                                        CFO, say 49%
    25oC at standard pressure. An Olympic size swimming
    pool is 2 500 m3. The average South African household
    produces 12,81 tons of CO2 per year. This can fill almost                                                                                     98% of Anglo American platinum employees have been introduced to their indebtedness programme
    three Olympic-size swimming pools!
    Source: City of Cape Town, Environmental Resource Management, Carbon Footprint
                                                                                           of CEOs.'                                                                  for the mining sector, reducing debt commitments from
                                                                                                                                                                                                    53% to 27%
    Calculator, 9 November 2015                                                            Source: Kasia Moreno, The Future of the CFO, Forbes,              R3 million has been saved or refunded to Anglo American employees since 2011.
                                                                                                            5 January 2015                                      On payroll deductions, R2 million has been saved with debt relief solutions.

4 | FEBRUARY 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            FEBRUARY 2016 | 5
DEVELOP UPDATES                                                                                                                                                                                                                 UPDATES DEVELOP

                                             ACCOUNTING                                                                                                                       TAX
   IFRS for SMEs training module on Other Financial              The deadline to submit comments to the IASB is 26
   Instruments Issues                                            February 2016.
   This module covers Section 12 of the IFRS for SMEs
   which specifies the accounting for more complex               The exposure draft, IASB Snapshot and the IASB press
   financial instruments and transactions. Access it via         release can be downloaded from the SAICA website.
   e-IFRS on the SAICA website.
                                                                 Three IFRSs to be amended
   Accounting for investment properties under                    The IASB is proposing to amend IFRS 1, First-
   development or construction                                   time Adoption of International Financial Reporting
   The IASB proposes to amend IAS 40 – Investment                Standards; IFRS 12, Disclosure of Interests in Other
   Property, to clarify the guidance on transfers to, or from,   Entities; and IAS 28, Investments in Associates and
   investment properties.                                        Joint Ventures, under its Annual Improvements project.

   The deadline to submit comments to the IASB is 18             The deadline to submit comments to the IASB is 17
   March 2016. ED 366, Transfers of Investment Property:         February 2016. ED 367, Annual Improvements to IFRSs
   Proposed Amendment to IAS 40, and the IASB press              2014 – 2016 Cycle, and the IASB press release can be
   release can be downloaded from the SAICA website.             downloaded from the SAICA website.

   Draft Guidance to assist management in applying the
   concept of materiality
   This draft non-mandatory guidance in the form of a
   draft Practice Statement on Application of Materiality to
   Financial Statements is intended to assist management
   in the following three main areas:
   •	Understanding the characteristics of materiality
   •	How to apply the concept of materiality when                                                                        Retirement reform – with effect from 1 March 2016             behalf of members, will be taxable in the hands of
       making decisions about presenting and disclosing                                                                   Due to disparity in the treatment of retirement funds         the member.
       information in the financial statements, and                                                                       – in terms of tax deductibility of contributions, fringe   •	The tax deduction per annum will be available in
   •	How to assess whether omissions and misstatements                                                                   benefits tax on employer contributions, and the form          respect of contributions to all retirement funds,
       of information are material to the financial statements                                                            of payment on retirement – a decision was made to             limited to the lesser of 27,5% of the greater of
                                                                                                                          reform the retirement industry to achieve better parity       taxable income or remuneration, or R350 000.
                                                                                                                          and fairness and to encourage savings. Historically,       •	Compelled annuitisation for retirement funds
                                                                                                                          provident fund members were able to withdraw all              exceeding R247 500.
                                               ASSURANCE                                                                  their savings on retirement, whereas pension and
                                                                                                                          retirement annuity fund members were entitled to only      To address the fact that provident fund members are
                                                                                                                          a portion of their savings as a lump sum, with the rest    the most impacted by the compelled annuitisation, the
  IRBA adopts Revised ISAs                                                                                                being paid in annuities.                                   following concessions apply:
  The IRBA board has approved for                                                                                                                                                    •	Members who are 55 years and older on 1 March
  adoption, issue and prescription                                                                                        There has been much uncertainty since the initial             2016 will be able to withdraw all their savings as a
  by registered auditors, Addressing                                                                                      proposals were made. After numerous changes in the            lump sum on retirement.
  Disclosures in the Audit of                                                                                             effective date, consultation with Nedlac, industry         •	For members under 55 years on 1 March 2016, all
  Financial Statements ‒ Revised                                                                                          bodies and professional organisations, final agreement        retirement savings accumulated as at that date may
  ISAs and Related Conforming                                                                                             appears to have been reached with the legislation             be withdrawn as a lump sum on retirement. With
  Amendments. These standards are                                                                                         having been made effective from 1 March 2016.                 respect to contributions made after 1 March 2016,
  effective for audits of financial                                                                                                                                                     these members will only be required to annuitise if
  statements for periods ending on                                                                                        From a tax perspective, the reforms propose the               the total of the accumulated savings relating to the
  or after 15 December 2016. Visit                                                                                        following:                                                    post 1 March 2016 contributions are R247 500 or
  the IRBA website for more details.                                                                                      •	All employer contributions to retirement funds, on         less on retirement.

6 | FEBRUARY 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                 FEBRUARY 2016 | 7
DEVELOP MARKETS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         MARKETS DEVELOP

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              as 7% intra-month; however, this          COMMODITIES                                The Swap curve widened an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              was prior to a late 1% drop in US         The continued prospect of a             average of 150 bps; ZAR-basis
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              markets.                                  slowdown in China and increased         narrowed an average of 11 bps.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Closing prices for December            US rates continue to make               Bond yields widened an average of
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              were: JSE ALSI 50,693 (–1.8%);            commodities wholly unattractive to      170 bps.

                                        DECEMBER 2015                                                                                                                                                                                         EUROSTOXX 3,279 (–6.5%);
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              S&P500 2,063 (–1.2%); FTSE 6,263
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Oil plummeted to record lows
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        on the back of Opec failing to reach
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        agreement on a production cap.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Inflation bonds widened an
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                average of 30 bps.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              RATES                                          Closing prices for December        MARKET COMMENTARY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              The uncertainty created by the            were: Gold $1,062 (+0.4%), retaining    January has been a bloodbath
    This market commentary is intended to provide readers with insight into what happened                                                                                                                                                     change of Finance Minister                its value despite being at multi-year   in the markets, both locally and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              effectively raised RSA debt-servicing     lows. Brent crude 36.72 (–13.0%).       internationally, as crude oil trades at
     over the period of review, even though the data may be somewhat dated owing to the                                                                                                                                                       costs by between R1.5 billion and R2                                              a 13-year low. By 20 January when
                   timeframe of the publishing process. By Garth Saunders                                                                                                                                                                     billion a year, as bond prices tumbled    ANNUAL ASSET RETURNS                    we went to print, the equity markets
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              the most on record before staging a       FOR 2015                                were breaking below August 2015
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              mild recovery into the end of the year.                                           lows (MTD: S&P –10%, JSE ALSI

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        To put 2015 in context, the various
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   The Swap curve widened 100           currencies/indices had the following    –8%) and EM and commodity
              he South African                                                                                                                                                                                                                bps on average across all tenors;         full-year percentage movements:         currencies were under severe
              economy was riled
                                                       Weekly US D ZA R closing rate                                                               JS E A ll S hare Index Closing Price                                                       basis narrowed 7 bps on average           USDZAR +35%; EURUSD –10.1%;             pressure (MTD vs USD: ZAR –9%,
                                                                                                                                 £ GBP m                                                   A L SI
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              across all tenors; government bond
                                                                                                                                                           NA C, Fees & Comms                         Carry, Market Based, Other

              by the unexpected          16.00
                                                                                USD ZA R
                                                                                                                                                           Δ MT D Budget                              Budget                                                                            GBPUSD –4.9%; ALSI +1.85; S&P           CAD –5.75%, AUD –5.8%).
              decision by President                                                                                        51,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              yields widened strongly, 116 bps on       –0.8%; FTSE –4.6%; Gold –10.4%;
              Jacob Zuma to
                                                                                                                           50,000                                                                                                             average across all issuances.             Crude oil –30%.                         AUTHOR | Garth Saunders, CA(SA), CFA
change the Finance Minister twice.
                                         15.00                                                                                  2
As a result, the rand weakened           14.50                                                                             48,000

dramatically, losing as much as          14.00
                                                                                                                                                 D ec-14               Jan-15                       Feb-15                  Mar-15

10% to the US dollar and 14% to          13.50

the euro, as investor confidence fell                                                                                              3

through the floor. At its December
                                                           Government Bonds Yields                                                          Government Index Linked Bond Yields
meeting, the European Central                         30/ 11/ 2015          11/ 12/ 2015              31/ 12/ 2015                                 30/ 11/ 2015                  11/ 12/ 2015                   31/ 12/ 2015
                                           %                                                                                  %
Bank (ECB) underwhelmed the                3                                                                                 3

global market by announcing easing       2.5                                                                               2.5

measures that were considerably            2

below expectations. As a result, the     1.5

euro rallied strongly. The US hiked        1

rates at its December meeting, as        0.5

was widely anticipated. The glut in                                                                                          0
the commodity markets and weak
Chinese trade data continued to
                                                                 FRA / Swap curve                                                                                  US D|ZA R Basis
pressure commodity currencies                           30/ 11/ 2015              11/ 12/ 2015           31/ 12/ 2015
(AUD, CAD, ZAR).                           %
                                                                                                                                                       30/ 11/ 2015                    11/ 12/ 2015                    31/ 12/ 2015

                                          9.50                                                                             0.80
The lack of a significant change in                                                                                        0.30

the ECB’s easing measures resulted        7.50                                                                             -0.20

in a sharp euro rally against the                                                                                          -0.70
majors. The USD remained mixed
after the widely anticipated rate         5.50                                                                             -1.20













hike. Locally, the fallout from the
unexpected changes in the Finance
                                         All prices/rates shown are indicative and not necessarily where the market was trading
Minister led to a collapse in the ZAR
which touched 16.08 against the
USD on the day.
    Closing rates for December          EQUITIES                                                                              failed to deliver any significant
were: EURZAR R17.06 (+12.1%);           Global equity markets sold off                                                        changes in easing measures as the
USDZAR R15.62 (+8.5%); GBPZAR           strongly on negative investor                                                         Fed raised rates. In South Africa,
R23.16 (+7.1%); EURUSD $1.09            sentiment and weak growth                                                             equities recovered towards the end
(+3,3%); GBPUSD $1.48 (–1.3%).          indicators. Both the ECB and Japan                                                    of the month after falling as much

8 | FEBRUARY 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2016 | 9
DEVELOP VIEWPOINT                                                                                                                                                                                                        VIEWPOINT DEVELOP

                            BUSINESS ADVISOR               WEALTH ADVISOR                                                                      LEADERSHIP ADVISOR                   Designed to optimise
                             Kevin Phillips CA(SA) is
                               Managing Director
                                 of idu Software
                                                            Mike Lledo CA(SA) is
                                                           the CEO at Consolidated
                                                                                                                                                   Brett Tromp CA(SA) is
                                                                                                                                                           CFO of
                                                                                                                                                      Discovery Health
                                                                                                                                                                                    the Practice Ecosystem
                                                              Financial Planning
                                                                                                                                                                                    We work hard at understanding how you
                       GOING MOBILE                                          PHASING                                                          MANAGE

                                                                                                                                                                                    work, so we can build in efficiencies for

T                                                       R
                     A TREND TAKEN FLIGHT                                RIGHT OR WRONG?                                          AS YOU’D LIKE TO BE MANAGED
                                                                                                                                                                                    every step, in every process
                here are so many benefits to                          arely does a topic create as much                               veryone has heard the saying, ‘People
                having your financial information                     controversy for asset managers and                              don’t leave jobs; they leave managers.’
                and reports on hand whenever                          planners as ‘phasing’. If one has a lump                        But knowing the saying doesn’t always
                they are needed, that this shift has                  sum, should one invest it at once or                            mean that we respond appropriately to its     TOUCH ONCE.
                been inevitable.                                      phase it in over 3 –12 months?                                  implications.                                 Drives efficiencies by giving
    Taking your business mobile is no longer                The answer depends largely on market volatility and            To draw an analogy, we were once all learner drivers.    you the functionality to touch             CLIENTS
just a trend; it is more efficient and more             pricing. A study by US asset manager Vanguard shows           But it’s amazing how quickly after we obtain our driver’s     any piece of work only once
effective; in much the same way that you                that in 66% of the ten-year rolling periods during 1926 -–    licence that we forget the insecurity, the hesitance, the
choose to fly rather than drive to Joburg.              2011, lump sum investing produced better returns than         panicked fumbling and stress we ourselves experienced
    In a world where time is our greatest               phasing. Similar local research by Glacier produced a         when first learning to drive. So soon afterwards we
commodity, not having access to whatever                75% positive result.                                          become impatient, ungracious and easily exasperated
you need, when you need it, seems incredibly                This means that phasing was successful 25–33%             on the road, despite honest mistakes and an
wasteful.                                               of the time. Phasing takes the emotion out of investing:      understandable lack of experience in others. Deliberately
    There is a reason the mobile device industry        otherwise, when the bulls are running, investors can’t        remembering what it feels like to be a learner driver every
has exploded – we want everything on hand, we           invest fast enough; and when markets are collapsing           time we see a large red L pasted on a car in front of us
want it now, and, to coin Billy Connolly, ‘we want      they can’t get out fast enough.                               should evoke in us patience and empathy.
even more tomorrow!’                                        This applies not just to investment markets but                Similarly, every manager has been through a series of
    Having your secure real-time reports                currency markets and offshore investing as well. Many         other managers to get to their position. Hopefully, each                                                     TIME AND
available, easily accessible and easy to                South Africans will painfully recall moving money             experience taught us either a good example to adopt                                                           BILLING
understand, allows decision-makers to review            offshore at the nadir of rand weakness and the peak of        or, at least, what not to do. A person’s relationship with
whatever they need to from wherever they are            the offshore equity bull market, thereafter to wallow for     their direct manager is often a telling indicator of their
and make quick, properly informed decisions.            ten years while the rand appreciated back to R6/USD.          job performance and success. In cases where there is
    As a business owner or senior management,           Portfolios were literally halved.                             a strained or superficial relationship, many employees          MONTHLY
having access to your financial information at all                                                                    are not motivated to perform, no matter how good a             MANAGEMENT
times also allows you remain in the know and in         TO PHASE OR NOT?                                              company’s other perks or benefits may be.                        REPORTS
control; you are more likely to spot something          The above research studies indicate that except for                But there’s also a positive side to that coin. I know
that’s amiss and be able to head it off before it       times of extreme market volatility, even in expensive         of someone who just turned down a bigger package to
gets out of hand.                                       markets lump sum investments will generally outperform        another department – not because they were incapable
    As human beings, we are constantly                  phasing. Equity markets generally rise in tandem with         of it, but because they wanted to remain under their
developing the way we do things to allow us to          improving company profit, provide a better return than        current manager who they knew and trusted to develop                                                            3rd PARTIES
be better and faster and more efficient.                cash and make it an expensive decision to be out the          them even further. This can seem counterintuitive, but                                                        e.g. AUDITORS
                                                                                                                                                                                    REGULATORS                                         & BANKS
    Just as transport evolved and opened the            market.                                                       many employees stay loyal to good managers, not for a                                OPERATIONAL
                                                                                                                                                                                      e.g. SARS
world up to us, so technology keeps evolving,               The real issue is often an emotional one whereby          want of choice, but because they believe these managers
                                                                                                                                                                                       & CIPC              EFFECTIVENESS.
allowing us to take the world with us wherever          investors accept the price of lower returns so as to          have their back and act in their interests.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           Makes sure you spend the
we go.                                                  sleep better at night. In addition, most financial advisers        Great managers know their direct reports well.
                                                                                                                                                                                                           right time, on the right things
    Mobile devices have made working                    suggest when investing in equities that one adopt a           They set clear goals, encourage them, have their back,
wherever you are simple.                                time horizon of at least five years – a factor which then     upskill them, motivate them and use their strengths. All
    If you choose financial software that is            completely obviates the discussion around short-term          of this brings personal fulfilment and satisfaction to an       TAKES CARE OF THE
designed to scale with your business and                volatility and phasing. Multi-asset class funds also          employee in a way that can never be fully met through           NON-NEGOTIABLES.
adjust to ever-changing technologies, you will          provide comfort, where professional managers optimise         a salary or other company perks. The choice we daily            With built-in validation at every step, we don’t
be able to take advantage of deeper business            tactical asset allocation between cash, bonds, property       make as managers is how to create and sustain the kind          compromise on quality and compliance
capabilities and insights.                              and equity. Finally, country and currency risks are           of relationship with our team members that engenders
    Don’t let those brave enough to take a              increasingly hedged by offshore fund managers.                accountability, loyalty and that brings out the best in
plane leave you in their shadow as they soar
                                                            There’s rarely a right or wrong decision. Rather, one
                                                        needs to understand the decision being taken.
                                                                                                                      people. Remember – manage others as you would like to
                                                                                                                      be managed.                                                        Contact us today!
10 | FEBRUARY 2016                                                                                                                                                                | 011 FEBRUARY
                                                                                                                                                                                                                    507 0000 2016 | 11

                            BUSINESS ADVISOR                       PUBLIC SPEAKING                                                                               TAX SPECIALIST
                            Stanford Payne CA(SA) is
                                                                      TRAINER                                                                                Muneer Hassan CA(SA) is a
                            an ICF-accredited executive        Dineshrie Pillay CA(SA) is a business                                                         Tax Consultant and a Senior
                                and business coach                owner and public speaker trainer                                                            Lecturer in Taxation at UJ

                     MY PERFECT STORM                                              MOVIE MAGIC                                                OFFICE OF THE TAX OMBUD

2                                                               A                                                                  P
                     BE PREPARED FOR 2016                          IMPROMPTU SPEAKING WITH A STRUCTURE                               INFLUENCE MUST BE FURTHER STRENGTHENED

            016 has certainly started with a huge bang:                       s leaders in business, whether you need to                         rior to the enactment of the constitution, SARS
            our currency hitting records lows, political                      deliver a mini-speech or respond to someone                        had wide and far-reaching powers in terms
            uncertainty, terror attacks and serious conflict                  on the cuff in the passageway, your ability to                     of the Income Tax Act (ITA). The constitution
            among the beautiful people of our homeland.                       communicate on demand will set you apart                           resulted in significant changes to the ITA to
                 Forecasts worldwide are pointing towards                     from others. Most people shy away from on-                         align SARS powers with taxpayer’s rights. A
a very challenging 2016. What does it mean for you              the-spot speeches. This is where we can learn something            taxpayer’s charter was published for the first time in 1997.
personally? In what way will it affect your career? What        from the movie industry to deliver our movie magic moment.         The SARS Service Monitoring Office (SSMO) was launched
impact will it have on your business?                                                                                              in 2002 to deal with complaints of an administrative nature
     This reminds me of the Wolfgang Petersen movie             THE OPENING SCENE                                                  encountered by taxpayers (the SSMO has been replaced by
The Perfect Storm starring George Clooney, which is             Every movie follows the same plot. The first 10–20 minutes is      the SARS Complaints Management Office). During 2005 the
based on true events. In short, a commercial fishing            dedicated to setting the opening scene. During this time we        SARS Service Charter was released (currently not available
boat from Gloucester, Massachusetts, working the                are introduced to the key characters of the movie, the place,      on SARS website). The Tax Administration Act (TAA) took
waters of the North Atlantic, returns home after a bad          timing and context in which the story will develop. Whether        effect on 1 October 2012. One of the objectives of the TAA
catch. Distressed about survival, their captain convinces
all crew to head out and make up for their loss before
                                                                your unprepared speech is 5 minutes or 20 minutes,
                                                                ensure that you spend around 20% of the total time on
                                                                                                                                   was to promote a better balance between the powers and
                                                                                                                                   duties of SARS and the rights and obligations of taxpayers           BUSINESS Cortell  works with your
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 finance team to automate
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 and streamline the systems
                                                                                                                                                                                                    PERFORMANCE and
season closes.                                                  contextualising the topic of your speech.                          to make this relationship more transparent. The Office of the
     They decide to fish further than usual, as fishing is                                                                         Tax Ombud was officially launched in 2014.                                         processes for planning,
poor. Unfortunately their ice machine breaks and they           THE PROBLEM                                                             In the context of the historical developments, we have                   budgeting and forecasting.
are forced to head home to sell what they have. But a
monster of a storm is building. The crew decides to face
                                                                Every movie transitions into a secondary phase that presents
                                                                a challenge to the leading characters. Therefore, for your
                                                                                                                                   therefore come a long way in terms of taxpayer rights.
                                                                                                                                        The objective of the Tax Ombud is to review and
                                                                                                                                                                                                    MANAGEMENT predictive
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 Scenario management and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                             analytics may be
the storm. After continuous warnings from other ships,
they loose their antenna and all communication is lost.
No one survives.
                                                                impromptu speech, spend about 30% of your time allocation
                                                                to define the problem. Use facts, statistics, examples,
                                                                stories, demonstrations, props or physical evidence like
                                                                                                                                   address complaints by taxpayers regarding service,
                                                                                                                                   procedural or administrative issues relating to their dealings
                                                                                                                                   with SARS. Although the Tax Ombud’s recommendations
                                                                                                                                                                                                       PARTNERS of rolling forecasts.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 used to improve the reliability

     One can only imagine how hard this must have been          photographs, spreadsheets and documentation to clarify             are not binding on taxpayers or SARS, it is evident that         Cortell uses purpose built software which incorporates
as a crew member. First there is the fact that without          why the challenge or obstacle exists. You must elaborate           SARS takes these recommendations seriously.                      workflow management to allow your team to focus on the
facing the ocean for another catch, they might not              on the impact of the problem and the need to resolving the              The influence of the office will, however, be further       content rather than managing, collating and aggregating all
survive the winter. Then they have to face new waters           situation sooner rather than later.                                strengthened if a numbers of issues can be addressed.            contributions - taking most of their time ensuring the
with new challenges. Then comes the tough decision to                                                                              •	 Independence of the office: Currently the office is          accuracy of the data rather than participating in the
head home through the storm. Then all communication             THE RESOLUTION                                                         funded by SARS and the staff are appointed in terms of       management of performance of the business.
is lost.                                                        All movies move on to the third phase that is all about finding        the SARS Act and seconded at the request of the Tax
     What might have happened with the crew had they            a solution to the problem. Just as a movie would do, in                Ombud in consultation with the SARS Commissioner.            All in much less time than the traditional methods used for
had more information about the storm? What if they had          your mini-speech you should spend the bulk of your time                For taxpayers to have full confidence in the system, it      this important function!
continuous communication with a rescue ship?                    allocation – around 45% – to expand on what is being done              would be best if the Office of the Tax Ombud is to be
     Lots of ifs with no real answers ever, but if you were     to pacify the situation. In this phase, present an option or           totally independent of SARS.                                 At Cortell we recruit and develop finance professionals who
to view 2016 with all the unknown challenges that are           2–3 options if relevant, and justify your option/s with relevant   •	 Broadening of powers of the Tax Ombud’s office: The          are skilled in the deployment of relevant technology to
guaranteed to come your way in the same way – what              facts, statistics, third-party endorsements, testimonials and          Tax Ombud should have the power to award costs to            improve business processes and solve business problems.
would you be doing right now to be best prepared for            feedback that could include quotations and cited reference             taxpayers. Further, the office should have the power
this storm?                                                     material.                                                              to suspend SARS’ actions while complaints are
     Think about your business? Your career? Your                                                                                      investigated.
personal finances, maybe?                                       THE MORAL OF THE STORY                                             •	 Annual reporting process: Although the Tax Ombud’s
     There is an old saying that goes ‘prevention is better     A movie ends with any of the following outcomes: it will make          annual report must be tabled in Parliament, there is no
than cure’. Be prepared for 2016 and the challenges that        you think differently about a subject matter; it will make you         clarity as to the process of considering the report. The
are heading your way and don’t find yourself needing to         feel emotional; or it will inspire you to take action. Your last       Standing Committee on Finance should consider the
cure whilst in your storm. Be your own storm-owner and          5% of time allocated needs to be dedicated to what you want            report, as it does with the National Treasury and SARS
sail your ocean!                                                your audience to think, feel, or take action on.                       annual reports.

12 | FEBRUARY 2016
DEVELOP VIEWPOINT                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            VIEWPOINT DEVELOP

                             B-BBEE SPECIALIST                PERSONAL FINANCE ADVISOR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     MANAGEMENT ADVISOR                      RETIREMENT ADVISOR
                                Anton de Wet CA(SA)           Gizelle Willows CA(SA) MCom Finance                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Gugu Mtetwa CA(SA)                Tiffany Boesch CA(SA) is
                                is Managing Director of       is Senior Lecturer in Financial Reporting                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         is a Non-executive Director               Group Financial
                                   Net Value Holdings              at the University of Cape Town                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             (former Audit Partner at PwC)                Director of PPS

           LAST-MINUTE CONTRIBUTIONS                                  NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          EXPOSURE IS KEY                                             UNDERSTANDING

T                                                             A                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      I                                                             S
                     DON’T BURN YOUR FINGERS                           LET’S KEEP TO THEM THIS YEAR                                                                                                                                                                                                                                         GAINING A WIDE RANGE OF EXPERIENCE                               TAX-FREE SAVINGS PRODUCTS

               housands of companies will be making                             ccording to the Gregorian calendar, 1                                                                                                                                                                                                                          once read a quote that ‘if experience is the                     ince the introduction of tax-free savings
               empowerment contributions before                                 January is the official start of the new                                                                                                                                                                                                                       teacher, then exposure is the classroom’. As                     account (TFSA) legislation in 2015, many

                                                                                                                            Please note that the author of this article (Gizelle Willows CA(SA)) of this article is not a certified financial advisor in terms of the Financial Advisory and Intermediary Services Act 37 of 2002.
               the end of February 2016 if this is their                        year. January is named after the Roman                                                                                                                                                                                                                         a young professional it is key to not only do                    products have been launched by different
               financial year-end. This is because                              god Janus. He is the god of gates and                                                                                                                                                                                                                          your work well, but to not do the same work                      service providers. A TSFA is a long-term

                                                                                                                            Accountancy SA and the author cannot be held liable for any loss (including indirect and consequential loss) arising from your reliance on the opinions given in this article. Should you
               contributions will only qualify if they fall                     doors, beginnings and endings, and as                                                                                                                                                                                                                          repeatedly without gaining new skills.                           investment vehicle with a significant tax

                                                                                                                            nevertheless elect to rely on this article, you do so at your own risk and agree to indemnify Accountancy SA and the author from any loss or damage that you may suffer as a result.
within the measurement year which is the financial year       a result of this, he is represented with a double-faced                                                                                                                                                                                                                    Once you have mastered a skill, learn other new           advantage.
of the company.                                               head, each looking in an opposite direction. He looks                                                                                                                                                                                                                  skills.                                                           The TFSA regulations are part of a broader
     What ‘emergency’ measures can still be taken             simultaneously to the past and the future.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 When you start your career it is easy to follow the       government policy to encourage South Africans to save
under each scorecard element before 28 February                    This is something we to seem to do as the old year                                                                                                                                                                                                                path most people have taken and to continue to do the         and to help investors receive maximum benefit from their
2016 that will qualify in terms of the amended codes?         draws to an end and the new year is upon us. And with                                                                                                                                                                                                                  same work you did the year before.                            savings.
     Black Equity Ownership will only be measured at          that backward and forward looking, comes those all too                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Assess what your medium- to long-term career                  A TFSA allows the investor to contribute a maximum
date of verification, so there is possibly still some time    presumptuous new year’s resolutions. Generally, they                                                                                                                                                                                                                   goals are and the skills you will need. Then try and          amount without being charged capital gains tax (CGT)
to implement a transaction that makes commercial              involve an improvement of our health, either physically,                                                                                                                                                                                                               obtain the skills through different types of experiences.     when accessing these savings or switching funds,
sense. Management Control will also only be measured          emotionally or financially.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Acquiring skills comes with experience, not age. It is        dividend tax when receiving dividends, or income tax on
at date of verification. The three remaining elements will         Look up any list of ‘most popular new year’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                      important to distinguish between the two. If you do not       interest earned on these contribution amounts. All the
be verified based on what was done during the 2016            resolutions’ and you’re bound to find somewhere in the                                                                                                                                                                                                                 feel anxious now and again about a new experience             proceeds are tax-free.
financial year.                                               top three: ‘spend less, save more’ or ‘get out of debt                                                                                                                                                                                                                 then you are not learning.                                        These maximum amounts are R30 000 per tax year
     Training under the Skills Development element can        and save money’. So instead of ensuring that these also                                                                                                                                                                                                                    It is not about doing something once and assuming         or a total of R500 000 over the investor’s lifetime. This
still be booked and paid for before 28 February. Ensure       make the list of ‘most commonly broken new year’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                      you’ve acquired the skill. It is about building on the        translates into a maximum recurring payment of R2 500
that the training programme itself is properly accredited     resolutions’, let’s rather get it right in 2016.                                                                                                                                                                                                                       skills you acquire each time. Top performers are not          per month. Hefty penalties are payable to SARS should
and NQF aligned to avoid the spend being capped at                 Do this first! Figure out exactly how much it is that                                                                                                                                                                                                             only comfortable with discomfort, they actively seek          these contribution limits be breached. Withdrawals from
15% of actual spend.                                          you need to be putting away each month to get out of                                                                                                                                                                                                                   discomfort. They are actively looking for ways to grow        the account will also impact the investor’s maximum
     For Enterprise and Supplier Development,                 debt or to save that targeted amount. That should be the                                                                                                                                                                                                               and improve themselves.                                       annual and lifetime contributions.
qualifying contributions are listed in the codes.             very first thing we do after pay day. Pay off our debt or                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                If the investor intends to use the TFSA for short-term
Ensure that the beneficiary actually qualifies and            invest our savings.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                    GETTING EXPOSURE                                              goals they could compromise the favourable taxation
that it can be proven that the contribution reached                You might have heard Julie on Bruce Whitfield’s                                                                                                                                                                                                                   As a manager, try to expose yourself to different             and miss out on tax-free capital growth. This type of
the end-beneficiary. Beware of some so-called                 Money Show talk about ‘paying yourself first’. That                                                                                                                                                                                                                    experiences. Expand your worldview. Limited                   savings vehicle can be a beneficial addition to investors’
‘third-party facilitators’ that claim that they will do       couldn’t be more correct.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              experiences can lead to a limited worldview. Broad            long-term savings plan if it is used optimally.
ED ‘on your behalf’ but that are then unable to later              What’s left after you’ve paid yourself is what you                                                                                                                                                                                                                exposure allows you to see the world beyond your                  Consumers looking to invest in a TFSA should have a
provide evidence that the funds flowed to a qualifying        have for the month. If you were suddenly retrenched,                                                                                                                                                                                                                   immediate surroundings.                                       conversation with a financial planner to discuss taxes and
beneficiary.                                                  you’d make a plan. If you work on a commission basis                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Remember you do not need to know it all on your           to determine how this product would fit into the investor’s
     For Socio-Economic Development it is always a            and you have a bad month, you’ll make plan. In the                                                                                                                                                                                                                     own. A skill great leaders acquire is that of being able      overall financial plan, to take full advantage of its tax
good idea to simply donate the target amount to a NPO         same light – you’ll make a plan after you pay yourself                                                                                                                                                                                                                 to put together great teams. It’s about having the best       concessions. It is vital that investors ensure that their
or PBO that can prove that it benefits at least 75% black     first.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 people in your team and getting the best out of them so       annual contribution total of R30 000 is made before the
people.                                                            As an incentive, think of how rewarding it’s going                                                                                                                                                                                                                that their talents are utilised. The book Good to Great by    end of each tax year in February.
     Both the requirements of the Amended Codes and           to be when you’re finally debt free or when you’re                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jim Collins highlights what great companies did to be             Investors should also be wary of questionable
the onus placed on verification professionals are now         rewarding yourself with whatever it was that you were                                                                                                                                                                                                                  great.                                                        high fee structures that seem inexpensive at first. High
much stricter. Quick decisions can often go wrong and         saving for. Put a picture in your wallet that encapsulates                                                                                                                                                                                                                 One of the principles highlighted is ‘getting the right   fee costs can easily erode the tax benefit of a TFSA
lead to money wasted. I have often seen this to be the        that so you see it every time you open your wallet to                                                                                                                                                                                                                  people on the bus’. This principle is about building          contribution over a normal discretionary savings
case with last-minute contributions to beneficiaries          take out your credit card. Perhaps put that picture                                                                                                                                                                                                                    great teams. Rely on your team’s skills.                      contribution.
chosen at the last minute. Either the amount                  somewhere that triggers that emotion before you even                                                                                                                                                                                                                       In summary, seek to expose yourself where there               TFSA products can be highly beneficial for investors
contributed where insufficient or the contribution            get to your wallet (in my case, next to my computer, so                                                                                                                                                                                                                are opportunities, feel comfortable with discomfort, do a     due to the significant tax advantages. However, it is vital
itself or beneficiary did not qualify in terms of the very    I see it every time I get those Yuppiechef emails). If it’s                                                                                                                                                                                                            skills audit of yourself often, and don’t be complacent.      that investors conduct proper research before investing
specific requirements in the codes. It is worth obtaining     your new year’s resolution – surprise yourself – and                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Your career is your own private company. Manage it        to ensure that they invest in a fairly priced, high-calibre
some advice here.                                             keep to it!                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                            as such.                                                      TFSA.

14 | FEBRUARY 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             FEBRUARY 2016 | 15
DEVELOP ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                                          ANALYSIS DEVELOP

                                                                                                                            The auditor’s consideration should       that those same assertions may be           required to reconcile the information

                                                                                                                            include areas where there have been      used to evaluate the risks related          in the financial statements not only to
                                                                                                                            changes in the environment and           to disclosures that are not directly        the general and subsidiary ledgers,
                                                                                                                            areas over which it has been difficult   related to classes of transactions          but also to any other sources from
                                                                                                                            to obtain sufficient appropriate         or account balances (that is, other         which the information contained in
                                                                                                                            audit evidence in the past. Auditors     disclosures), for example the risk          the disclosures is drawn. Further,

                               WEIGHING OUR WORDS                                                                           are reminded that disclosures may
                                                                                                                            come from information systems
                                                                                                                            outside the general and subsidiary
                                                                                                                            ledgers. Useful examples help
                                                                                                                                                                     management disclosures.
                                                                                                                                                                         Auditors are comfortable in
                                                                                                                                                                     applying the concept of quantitative
                                                                                                                                                                     materiality to the audit of accounts
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 procedures around assessing the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 adequacy of presentation of the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 financial statements require the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 auditor to assess and respond to
                                                                                                                            the auditor understand other             and disclosures in the financial            the classification and presentation
              Financial statement disclosures continue to expand and are increasingly                                       possible sources of disclosures          statements. The application of              assertions for the financial
           qualitative and subjective. We examine the IAASB’s recent amendments to the                                      and highlight the importance of          judgement in determining qualitative        statements.
                                                                                                                            judgement in determining the level of    materiality is decidedly trickier. The
           International Auditing Standards (ISAs), which are intended to support a more                                    understanding required over these        amendments to ISA 320, Materiality in       CONSIDERATIONS WHEN
              robust, consistent process of auditing disclosures. By Lindsay Croeser                                        additional information systems.          Planning and Performing an Audit, as        FORMING AN OPINION AND
                                                                                                                                 Most importantly, the               well as changes to ISA 315, provide         REPORTING ON THE FINANCIAL

                                                                                                                            amendments have introduced a new         guidance on the application of              STATEMENTS
                                                                                                                            assertion for classes of transactions    materiality to qualitative disclosures      Finally, the new requirements in ISA
         n order to drive improved         AUDITOR CONSIDERATIONS                 required disclosures. ISA 240             and events, and related disclosures,     to determine whether they are of            700 (Revised), Forming an Opinion
         focus on disclosures              WHEN COMMENCING THE                    highlights that the audit team’s          named ‘presentation’. In addition to     such importance to the users as             and Reporting on the Financial
         throughout the audit process      ENGAGEMENT                             discussion of the susceptibility of       the existing assertions of occurrence,   to potentially affect their decisions       Statements, include evaluating
         and to clarify the audit work     ISA 210, Agreeing the Terms of Audit   the entity’s financial statements to      completeness, accuracy, cut-off          taken on the basis of the financial         whether the financial statements
         effort required on disclosures,   Engagements, recommends that the       material misstatement due to fraud        and classification, the auditor must     statements as a whole. For example,         appropriately disclose the significant
the IAASB undertook a specific             engagement agreement requests that     needs to include assessment of this       consider whether ‘transactions and       qualitative disclosures regarding           accounting policies selected and
project to update the ISAs to enhance      management provides the financial      risk in relation to disclosures.          events are appropriately aggregated      liquidity or debt covenants, events         applied and whether they have been
the requirements for auditors. The         statement information early in the          ISA 300, Planning an Audit of        or disaggregated and clearly             that lead to impairment losses or key       presented in an understandable
more significant new and amended           audit process, including information   Financial Statements, focuses auditor     described, and related disclosures       sources of estimation uncertainty           manner. The new requirements also
requirements for auditors, and related     that is obtained from outside the      attention on the need for the timely      are relevant and understandable’.        if misstated or omitted may paint           require that the auditor evaluate
guidance, are summarised below.            general and subsidiary ledgers.        consideration of disclosures in           When expressed in relation to            a fundamentally different picture           whether the information presented
    The definition of ‘financial               ISA 260 (Revised),                 developing the overall audit strategy.    account balances and related             of the entity. Amendments to ISA            in the financial statements is
statements’ in ISA 200, Overall            Communication with Those Charged       Given the wide range of information       disclosures, the presentation            450, Evaluation of Misstatements            relevant, reliable, comparable and
Objectives of the Independent              with Governance, focuses auditor       and the level of detail that may be       assertion describes how ‘assets,         Identified during the Audit, explain        understandable.
Auditor, and the Conduct of an Audit       attention on communicating an          encompassed in management’s               liabilities and equity interests         that each misstatement of a                     The effect of these changes will be
in Accordance with International           overview of the planned scope and      disclosures, determining the nature,      are appropriately aggregated or          qualitative disclosure, other than          most keenly felt in entities where the
Standards on Auditing says that            timing of the audit. This may also     timing and extent of planned risk         disaggregated and clearly described,     those that are clearly trivial, should be   disclosure process is onerous and
financial statements are a ‘structured     include addressing the implications    assessment and audit procedures           and related disclosures are relevant     accumulated and evaluated. The new          where historically this process has
representation of historical financial     on disclosures of any significant      as they relate to disclosures is an       and understandable’. Auditors and        application guidance also reminds           not been prioritised early on in the
information, including disclosures’.       changes within the applicable          important consideration at the start of   preparers must ensure that their         us that misleading disclosures              financial statement closing process.
This definition has been expanded          financial reporting framework, or in   the audit. Early consideration assists    processes specifically address the       resulting from management bias or           Preparers and auditors will need
through addition of the following          the entity’s environment, financial    the auditor in planning adequate          new presentation assertion. This will    extensive duplication or uninformative      to engage, from an early stage, in
clarification relating to disclosures:     condition or activities.               time for addressing disclosures           establish a more consistent work         disclosures that may obscure a              effective dialogue around disclosures
’Disclosures comprise explanatory                                                 in the same way as for classes of         effort for auditing disclosures.         proper understanding of matters             throughout the audit process. Users
or descriptive information, set out        CONSIDERATIONS WHEN                    transactions and events, and account           The existing assertions on          may also be considered a material           of the financial statements ought to
as required, expressly permitted or        PERFORMING THE AUDIT RISK              balances.                                 both classes of transactions and         misstatement.                               rest assured knowing that not only
otherwise allowed by the applicable        ASSESSMENT AND PLANNING                     ISA 315, Identifying and Assessing   account balances have also been                                                      the numbers, but also the words have
financial reporting framework, on          THE AUDIT                              the Risks of Material Misstatement        modified to make more specific           CONSIDERATIONS FOR                          been appropriately weighed.
the face of a financial statement, or      ISA 240, The Auditor’s                 through Understanding the Entity and      reference to the disclosure aspect       RESPONDING TO THE
in the notes, or incorporated therein      Responsibilities Relating to Fraud     its Environment, includes some of         of each assertion. For example, the      ASSESSED AUDIT RISKS
by cross-reference.’ This serves           in an Audit of Financial Statements,   the more fundamental changes. As          completeness assertion now contains      ISA 330, The Auditor’s Responses to
to highlight that disclosures are          draws the auditor’s attention to the   part of understanding the business,       ‘all related disclosures that should     Assessed Risks, contains expanded
an important element of financial          possibility of fraudulent financial    the auditor is required to reflect on     have been included in the financial      requirements for substantive                AUTHOR |Lindsay Croeser CA(SA) is
reporting, whether presented within        reporting through intentionally        those disclosures where the risk          statements have been included’. The      procedures on the financial statement       Senior Manager – Africa Assurance
the financial statements or otherwise.     omitting, obscuring or misstating      of material misstatement is high.         application guidance also highlights     closing process. The auditor is             Enablement at Ernst & Young

16 | FEBRUARY 2016                                                                                                                                                                                                                         FEBRUARY 2016 | 17
DEVELOP ANALYSIS                                                                                                                                                                                                                   ANALYSIS DEVELOP

                                                                                                                    WHAT IS THE SCOPE OF ISA                     with information on the entity’s               the amounts or other items to
                                                                                                                    720 (REVISED)?                               operations, financial results and              compare)

                                                                                                                    The introduction to the standard             financial position as set out in the        o	Remain alert for indications that
                                                                                                                    asserts that the standard is written         financial statements. An annual                the other information not related
                                                                                                                    in the context of an audit of financial      report contains or accompanies                 to the financial statements or the
                                                                                                                    statements by an independent                 the financial statements and                   auditor’s knowledge obtained
                                                                                                                    auditor. The auditor’s opinion on the        the auditor’s report and usually               in the audit appears to be
                                                                                                                    financial statements does not cover          includes information about the                 materially misstated

                                                                                                                    the other information, nor does this         entity’s developments; its outlook,      •	Introducing documentation
                                                                                                                    ISA require the auditor to obtain            risks and uncertainties; a statement        requirements in terms of which
                                                                                                                    audit evidence beyond that required          by the entity’s governing body;             the auditor includes in the audit
                                                                                                                    to form an opinion on the financial          and reports covering governance             documentation:
                                                                                                                    statements.                                  matters.                                    o	The procedures performed

                                                                                                                                                              { }
                                                                                                                        The auditor needs to read                                                               under this ISA, and
                                                                                                                    and consider other information                                                           o	The final version of the other
Ashika Mohan gives an overview of the auditor’s revised responsibilities under                                      for material inconsistency with
                                                                                                                                                                        THE STANDARD
                                                                                                                                                                                                                information on which the
                                                                                                                    the financial statements or the                                                             auditor has performed the work
international standards to read and report on other information included in an                                      auditor’s knowledge obtained
                                                                                                                                                                    DOES NOT CONSTITUTE                         required under this ISA
entity’s annual report, focusing on the continued importance of the auditor’s                                       during the audit. Any material
                                                                                                                                                                        AN ASSURANCE                      •	Providing transparency by
                                                                                                                                                                   ENGAGEMENT ON OTHER                       requiring reporting on the auditor’s
responsibilities in this area and the main changes                                                                  inconsistency may either indicate
                                                                                                                                                                   INFORMATION, NOR DOES                     work relating to other information
                                                                                                                    a material misstatement of the
                                                                                                                    financial statements or of the other           IT REQUIRE THE AUDITOR                    Importantly, the IAASB has retained
                                                                                                                    information, either of which may                TO OBTAIN ASSURANCE                      the concept that the standard
                                                                                                                                                                       ABOUT THE OTHER

                                                                                                                    undermine the credibility of the                                                         does not constitute an assurance
                                                                                                                    financial statements and the auditor’s               INFORMATION                         engagement on other information
                                             he International Standard on Auditing (ISA) 720 (Revised), The         report.                                                                                  nor does it require the auditor to
                                             Auditor’s Responsibilities Relating to Other Information, was              The revised standard assists the                                                     obtain assurance about the other
                                             issued by the International Auditing and Assurance Standards           auditor in avoiding being knowingly       •	Enhancing and explaining the                information.
                                             Board (IAASB) in April 2015 and is effective for audits of financial   associated with information the              auditor’s work effort with respect
                                             statements for periods ending on or after 15 December 2016             auditor believes contains materially         to other information. The auditor is     WHAT WAS THE IAASB
                               (early adoption is allowed).                                                         false or misleading statements.              required to:                             TRYING TO ACHIEVE
                                                                                                                        ISA 720 (Revised) does not apply         o	Obtain in a timely manner and, if     IN UNDERTAKING THIS
                               WHAT IS ‘OTHER INFORMATION’ IN THE CONTEXT OF ISA 720                                to preliminary announcements of                 possible, prior to the date of the    PROJECT?
                               (REVISED)?                                                                           financial information or securities             auditor’s report, the final version   As the range of other information
                               ‘Other information’ is financial or non-financial information other than             offering documents, including                   of the other information (that is,    has diversified, the IAASB aims to
                               financial statements and the auditor’s report thereon included in an entity’s        prospectuses.                                   the document(s) comprising the        improve audit quality by broadening
                               annual report.                                                                                                                       annual report)                        and clarifying the scope of other
                                   In recent years the amount of detail included in entities’ annual reports,       WHAT ARE THE MAIN                            o	Read the other information and        information, in addition to enhancing
                               and other corporate and external reports, besides the audited financial              CHANGES IN RELATION TO                          consider whether a material           and explaining the auditor’s work
                               statements and the auditor’s report, has changed significantly.                      THE SCOPE AND AUDITOR’S                         inconsistency exists between          effort. This will help bring greater
                                   Annual reports now include more narrative and qualitative information,           WORK EFFORT?                                    the other information and the         consistency around the world
                               such as descriptions of the entity’s business model and integrated reports.          The main changes to the ISA are:                financial statements, and the         regarding auditors’ consideration of
                               Users have been attaching more importance to such information and                    •	Broadening and clarifying the                auditor’s knowledge obtained          other information.
                               disclosures, using these to analyse the risks of the business and for decision-         scope of other information by                in the audit. As the basis for             The intentions are to increase the
                               making purposes. There has also been a movement towards exploring ways                  relating it to the concept of an             this consideration the auditor        value of the audit, without changing
                               in which to better integrate information in financial statements with other parts       ‘annual report’. In the ISA an               is also required to compare           its scope, in a cost beneficial manner,
                               of an entity’s public reporting package.                                                annual report is defined as a                selected amounts or other             through enhancing the auditor’s
                                                                                                                       document, or combination of                  items in the other information        responsibilities with respect to
                               WHY WAS EXTANT ISA 720 REVISED?                                                         documents, prepared typically on             with such amounts or other            other information, and improve
                               The IAASB’s revised extant ISA 720 to ensure that the ISA continues to                  an annual basis by management or             items in the financial statements     transparency by requiring auditors
                               enhance the credibility of financial statements through specifying appropriate          those charged with governance in             (paragraph A27 in the revised         to articulate in their reports their
                               responsibilities of the auditor relating to the range of other information in           accordance with law, regulation or           standard provides additional          responsibilities under ISA 720
                               documents containing audited financial statements, taking into account how              custom, the purpose of which is to           guidance with respect to              (Revised) and the outcome of their
                               such information is distributed.                                                        provide owners (or stakeholders)             factors to consider in selecting      work relative to the other information.

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