Page created by Zachary Chambers


            £130 | €149
Welcome                    05

Paperless Ticketing        06
Outing the Touting         12
The Innovators             16

Argentina                  26
Australia                  27
Austria                    29
The Baltics                30
Belgium                    31
Brazil                     32
Bulgaria                   33
Canada                     34
Chile                      35
China                      36
Czech Republic             38
Denmark                    39
Finland                    40
France                     41
Germany                    43
Greece                     45
Hong Kong                  46
Hungary                    47
India                      48
Ireland                    49                                          31
Israel                     50
Italy                      51
Japan                      52
Luxembourg                 53
Mexico                     54
The Netherlands            55
New Zealand                56
Norway                     57   12                                     58
Poland                     58
Portugal                   59
Romania                    59
Russia                     60
Singapore                  61
Slovakia                   62
South Africa               63
Spain                      64
Sweden                     65
Switzerland                66
Turkey                     67
United Arab Emirates       68
United Kingdom             69
United States of America   76

ITY Partners               79                                          16
Company listings           80

                                     INTERNATIONAL TICKETING YEARBOOK 2018 • 3
Denmark’s leading
                                        ticketing solutions provider




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DEAR READER                                                                     PWC’S TOP 20
                       Welcome to the International Ticketing Yearbook 2018 –                          MARKETS, 2018, BY
                        the fourth time we have put the global ticketing business                      LIVE MUSIC TICKET
                        under the microscope, with the following pages placing                         SALES (US$MILLIONS)
                        the details of no fewer than 44 countries at your fingertips.
                            This year’s edition also contains three specialist                           1    USA                 8,246
                        features: Outing the Touting (page 12) examines how                              2    Germany              1,717
                        three specific acts have devised strategies to prevent
                                                                                                         3    Japan                1,610
their tickets appearing on secondary ticketing markets; Paperless Ticketing
(page 6) speaks for itself; while The Innovators (page 16) identifies some of the                        4    UK                   1,465

companies that are developing new and interesting systems, products and                                  5    France                875
platforms to improve the existing ticketing business.                                                    6=   Canada                589
    Reading through this year’s country profiles, there are two main trends
                                                                                                         6=   Italy                 589
that seem to occur again and again – consolidation and fragmentation.
    Consolidation: the big aggregators are getting bigger (Live Nation                                   8    Netherlands           523
Entertainment, CTS Eventim, TEG Live, BookMyShow), and new private equity                                9    Australia             502
entrants are taking notice of the ticketing business like never before, perhaps
                                                                                                         10   Russia                463
because continuing mergers and acquisitions offer them guaranteed returns.
    Fragmentation: as always in ITY, there are numerous newbies aiming to                                11   Sweden                394
disrupt the business with new technologies and services. In the USA, biometrics                          12   Switzerland           366
and ID-ticketing are a major topic of debate, while direct-to-fan solutions;
                                                                                                         13   Spain                 336
dynamic pricing; mobile-only; ticket bundling and packaging; ticket exchange
and resale; and white-label B2B systems not only dominate ticketing                                      14   Norway                296

conferences, but increasingly make up the majority of the trade stands, too.                             15   Belgium               254
    As the reach of advance ticket retail spreads internationally and across genre                       16   Austria               253
– cinema, music, performing arts, sports, theatre – the strategic importance of
                                                                                                         17   Denmark                   187
ticketing to live entertainment continues to be of primary importance and focus.
    But, as our executive editor Tim Chambers warns, no organisation should                              18   China                     179
neglect the end-consumer – a lesson that many organisations in the ticketing                             19   Mexico                    174
industry appear to have missed.
                                                                                                         20   Ireland                   154
    Talking of Mr Chambers, this publication would be nothing without him,
so thanks, as always, go to our ticketing guru for taking the time out from his
numerous consultancies to lend his brain to us over the past year. Thanks also
to all of the people named in the masthead below for their hard work in
tracking the various developments around the world. Last, but definitely not
least, humble thanks, of course, to all of the companies and organisations that
participated in this year’s ITY – we hope you find it helpful over the coming year.
Gordon Masson, Editor

                      INTERNATIONAL           PUBLISHER                                   MARKETING & ADVERTISING
                      TICKETING               ILMC & Suspicious Marketing                 Terry McNally |
                      YEARBOOK 2018
                                                                                          Archie Carmichael |
                      IQ Magazine             EDITOR
                      Unit 31 Tileyard Road   Gordon Masson |
                      King’s Cross
                                              EXECUTIVE EDITOR                            Chris Austin, Lars Brandle, Ben Cardew,
                                              Tim Chambers |        Caroline Chia, Eamonn Forde, Karl-Hermann
                      N7 9AH
                                              DESIGN                                      Lipp, Steve McLean, Christine Payne, Justin
                                              Philip Millard |       Sweeting, Adam Woods

                                              SUB EDITOR
                                              Michael Muldoon |

                                                                                      INTERNATIONAL TICKETING YEARBOOK 2018 • 5
                                                    PAPERLESS TICKETING

Eamonn Forde talks to some of the entrepreneurs
and developers who are creating a paper-free future
(and present) for the international ticketing industry.

                    ven as little as two decades ago,   live industry to fully embrace it. “Your face is your
                    buying concert tickets may          ID,” is how she puts it. “As long as you are you, then
                    have involved queuing up at the     we can still let you into the event.”
                    venue box office. If it sold out,        Fake tickets were also the trigger for the
                    a fan took their chances with       establishment of Dublin-based Tixserve. But MD
                    the touts outside in the hours      Patrick Kirby also wanted to push the ticketing
                    before the show. Things have,       industry out of what he saw as a “dependence
                    for the most part, improved         on paper.” Fraud and scams were part of this but
dramatically for the customer, where they can           he also felt that paper tickets, ironically, did not
easily and quickly buy online or via mobile. Of         leave a paper trail around the customer.
course, the touting market has given way to                  “We noticed that once a rights owner sells
the secondary market and that comes with its            a ticket, they lose control,” he said. “There is no
own problems, but at least no one has to camp           audit trail. One of the symptoms of that loss of
overnight outside a venue for tickets today.            control is the secondary market. [What we have
     In recent years, a new wave of start-ups and       built] addresses the security and loss of control
entrants has raised the bar for digital innovation      issues through track and trace technology. The
with regard to ticketing. Digital is no longer just a   lack of data is addressed by the fact that every
payment and distribution system – it is pushing         ticket has to have a name on it; every person on
the ticketing market into whole new areas,              the system has to register their name and their
unlocking new opportunities, and trying to solve        mobile number. You always will have visibility
some of the problems that were unfortunate by-          on who is sitting in the stadium – be that a
products of the first big digital push at the turn      sports event or a concert. And being digital, the
of the millennium.                                      costs of distribution are extremely attractive.”
     An increasingly common and enraging issue               Using dynamic QR codes that are only
for the sector is fans being sold duds or duplicates    activated at a certain time before the doors open
of tickets by unscrupulous online vendors. When         or if the user gets within a certain distance of the
tickets are sent to the original purchaser as a PDF,    venue, this can cut down on fraud dramatically.
they can be sold on to multiple unsuspecting            Plus, as tickets are tied to mobile devices, the
individuals – but only the first one to get to the      device itself can become a way to alert customers
venue will be successfully scanned in.                  to important information about the venue, but
     Marie Goldman, a former management                 also sits as a sales driver for promotions around
consultant, saw this exact scenario play out            refreshments or merchandise.
around six years ago when buying her parents                 Based in Edinburgh, Citizen Ticket is also
tickets to a show from a secondary site. It planted     using technology to permit the exchange of
a seed in her mind that, if technology was the          tickets among friends (rather than for a vastly
problem here, then technology could also be the         inflated profit); but it is using identity profiles
solution. This resulted in her setting up Piktical a    rather than facial recognition as a solution here.
few years later.                                             “You can pass tickets on and that is fine with
     “The idea we come up with was a centralised        us – but in order to do so, you have to give us
database,” she says. “We don’t sell or resell           more information on your identity,” explains
tickets – but we act as a delivery system and           co-founder Harry Boisseau. “If you wanted to buy
a verification process for tickets. It’s like a         one ticket, you could just give us an email address
clearinghouse for tickets. But you have to do it in     and that is fine. But if you wanted to buy ten
a way that works for the industry as a whole, and       tickets and transfer those to your friends, which
all the stakeholders – including the fans.”             could be legitimate, you just have to build up
     The system runs on facial recognition – so         your identity profile with us to the point where
users need to register for an account and, as part      we are happy you are not a bot or a ticket tout.”
of the registration process, upload a selfie. “Five          Data, of course, is key to the modern music
years ago, this technology wasn’t quite there –         industry – variously described as the new oil, the
but it is absolutely good enough to do this now,”       new gold or the new soil – and for the
she argues. “It’s good enough now that we can do        live industry it takes on a particular new
this from mobile phones.”                               resonance around audience safety in the
     Under certain conditions, tickets bought           wake of the terrorist attacks in Paris, Manchester
this way can be passed onto family and friends,         and Las Vegas.
and the company is also working with ethical                 “Data security is one of the big issues,” says
secondary sites to allow customers to sell on           Maureen Andersen, president and CEO of North
tickets if they genuinely cannot attend the event.      American trade body INTIX, about what issues are
With facial recognition technology commonplace          foremost in her members’ minds. “The concept
at airports, Goldman feels the time is right for the    of who owns the data has never gone away; if

                                                  INTERNATIONAL TICKETING YEARBOOK 2018 • 7


anything it has become more potent. Venue
security and all the technology that goes with
that [is key]. Data security is something that is
incredibly important to everyone.”
    Related to the growing importance of data is
the impact of social media and how this can be
harnessed to track the rise of acts, and also help
accelerate their market impact while also selling
                                                                                                                                         Oxynade provides
tickets. Founded in Slovenia, Viberate began in                                                                                          ticketing services
the dance music sector as a way to measure the                                                                                                 for Positivus
social media popularity of DJs, crowd sourcing                                                                                            Festival in Latvia
information around them, and getting to 30,000
tracked profiles within a year and a half. It has
expanded into other genres and its database now        about, while others are keen to puncture the         blockchain component of the way we work is just
has over 300,000 musician profiles.                    hype around it all. It is still a divisive topic     a part of the infrastructure. It’s comparable to the
    “We are doing for the music industry what          across the industry, and seen as either a saviour    Internet; most people don’t know how it works
IMDb is doing for the movie industry,” says Vasja      or a damp squib depending on what side of the        exactly – and don’t really care. They just want it to
Veber, the company’s co-founder and COO. “We           debate you fall.                                     work and make their lives better. Which it does.”
are a database of music stakeholders.” For them,            “The beauty of the blockchain is that you            Blockchain solutions are also seen as
social engagement is the most important metric.        can control the entire lifecycle of the ticket –     bringing a new type of transparency to the live
“From those measurements we could determine            from the beginning right to the end,” proposes       music industry in the way it is starting to do
who is popular and who is not,” he explains. “We       Katerina Kirillova, co-founder of Tickets Cloud.     for recorded and publishing rights. “You are
are measuring popularity on Facebook, Twitter,         “As an event organiser or a distributor, you can     able to trace on a transparent and public ledger
Instagram, YouTube and Spotify.”                       set the terms around how the tickets can be          under whose account those tickets are held,”
    It lists upcoming gigs for acts on its database    resold or refunded. Our Smart Tickets [issued on     suggests Cédric Cobban, president and founder
and links this to the 90,000 venues globally it has    the blockchain] are guaranteed to be unique and      of PeerTracks. “As far as the chain goes, you can
on its system, partnering with ticketing companies     protected against fraud. The history of the ticket   issue your ticket on the chain. That means you
such as Ticketmaster and Eventbrite to sell tickets.   is going to be transparent.”                         could effectively tokenise all ticket purchases,
Veber argues that affiliate revenues from ticket            While the notion of the blockchain might        and once they are sold to an account name then
sales here is not where his business needs to be,      be seen as (for now) confusing to a mainstream       only that account name can use them.”
and the long game is to parlay into offering a         audience who are not necessarily au fait with             He is especially excited about the effect that
blockchain-based ticketing solution. “This is not      cryptocurrencies, its supporters argue it can        blockchain could have on the DIY and indie sectors,
intended to compete with the bigger ticketing          still run under the bonnet and will eventually       giving players here new powers. “I think blockchain
providers, as we know they have established            become normalised.                                   will definitely put it on steroids and speed things
businesses and huge venues that are always using            “Even though there is a somewhat complex        up,” he says of how he sees its long-term impact.
their services,” he says. “We are aimed at smaller     technical aspect to the blockchain element of             Against all this elation, however, there are
venues that don’t want to deal with ticket providers   our system, the everyday user would never notice     some who feel the hyperbole is writing cheques
but who want to have their own ticketing solution.     this,” argues Olivier Biggs, community manager       for the technology that it cannot (yet) cash. They
Blockchain is an ideal tool to do that.”               at GUTS Tickets. “We realise most people just want   feel a more circumspect approach is preferable.
    The mere mention of blockchain is still            to buy a ticket with the money in their wallet,           Evopass was set-up in late 2016 in order to try
something its evangelists get hugely excited           receive their ticket and enjoy the show. The         and use the blockchain to eliminate fraud from

Talking Heads

Adam Levine                Cédric Cobban               Hans Nissens              Harry Boisseau             Jake MccGwire               Katerina Kirillova
Tokenly                    PeerTracks                  Oxynade                   Citizen Ticket             Evopass                     Tickets Cloud


                                                                                                            blockchain has the chance to come of age for the
                                                                                                            ticketing sector in North America. “We will get
                                                                                                            there but I don’t think it is going to be in 18 months.
                                                                                                            I think it is going to be more in the three-year
                                                                                                            range – because of the safety of it and the volatility
                                                                                                            of it right now […] The US only adopted chip-and-
                                                                                                            pin 18 months ago. So going into blockchain and
                                                                                                            bitcoin is not going to be a fast process.”
                                                                                                                  Adam Levine, CEO of Tokenly, however, feels
                                                                                                            that things are starting to align here and a
                                                                                                            further technological push will help recalibrate
                                                                                                            things in the technology’s favour. “There are so
                                                                                                            many problems with the existing [blockchain]
                                                                                                            system right now because it is created out of
                                                                                                            a hodgepodge of technology and regulation
                                                                                                            that was never really up to the task that it was
                                                                                                            being asked to perform,” he argues. “That is
                                                                                                            the opportunity that I see here. There is now
                                                                                                            a protocol, and there are multiple ways to do
                                                                                                            it using this sort of technology where you can
                                                                                                            create a neutral playing field.”
   Eventbrite has
                                                                                                                  As wave after wave of new ticket-selling
   developed RFID
   technology as part                                                                                       platforms race into this evolving market, there
   of its paperless                                                                                         is also a concurrent rise in opportunities for
   ticketing solution                                                                                       white-label services, something Oxynade spotted,
                                                                                                            and that saw it move out of the primary market
                                                                                                            in Belgium.
“WE ARE DOING FOR THE                                is not today. “The latency of blockchain is not              “Two years ago we did a U-turn and took a
MUSIC INDUSTRY WHAT                                  suitable for an online and real-time application       new approach,” says Hans Nissens, the company’s
IMDB IS DOING FOR THE MOVIE                          such as live event ticketing,” he argues. “What we     CEO. “We started focusing on ETaaS [e-Ticketing as
INDUSTRY. WE ARE A DATABASE                          have done is noted that blockchain may evolve          a Service, similar to SaaS – Software as a Service].
OF MUSIC STAKEHOLDERS.”                              and we are not saying that it can’t be used in the     This allows us to take an international approach.
VASJA VEBER, CO-FOUNDER                              future; but in its current application it is not the   We are a software partner for ticketing agencies
& COO, VIBERATE                                      right option for us.”                                  and distributors who need a very solid and full-
                                                          Alan Gelfand, CEO and founder of Fair Ticket      featured ticketing software […] As is typical with
a retail perspective – but moved away from that      Solutions, also feels mobile is a solid solution for   a SaaS solution, you don’t need any large upfront
as existing, and mainstream, technology was          many of the issues but takes a much harder line        investment. We have an onboarding road-map so
something they saw as capable of solving these       here on blockchain’s viability.                        it can all be set-up pretty quickly. It is something
problems.                                                 “Everybody is talking about blockchain            that we can offer not only to corporate ticketing
     “We realised it wasn’t necessary for what we    right now – but I am going to make a very strong       agencies but we also support some start-ups.”
were trying to achieve,” says Jake MccGwire, the     statement here,” he says. “There is no value to              Partly out of necessity at the start of the
company’s CEO and co-founder. “We could quite        blockchain if you can get everyone on mobile.          2000s, it was labels and retailers really driving
easily do it with mobile ticketing and some clever   Once you have got everyone on mobile, what             the digital changes in the music industry. But in
algorithms. What we developed was an algorithm       do you need blockchain for? Blockchain tracks          recent years, it is live, and especially ticketing,
that caused the QR code to constantly regenerate.    every transaction; but so does mobile. One of the      that is pushing digital innovation. The jury may
That means you cannot screenshot your ticket,        advantages of blockchain is cryptocurrency and         still be out – for now – on blockchain as the
and it enables us to have control over the ticket    how that will tie in in the future; but that is five   ultimate solution, but that does not mean the
at all times.”                                       or ten years away at best.”                            ticketing business is easing into digital apathy.
     Kirby also feels blockchain’s moment is              Andersen feels that, while not ruling it out      As the range of companies active here proves, the
possibly in the future but, from his perspective,    completely, there will be a waiting game before        exact opposite is the case.

Talking Heads

Marie Goldman             Olivier Biggs              Patrick Kirby              Vasja Veber                 Maureen Andersen
Piktical                  GUTS Tickets               Tixserve                   Viberate                    INTIX

From secure mobile apps to unique ticket numbers, there are many ways to
   fight industrial-scale online ticket touting. Chris Austin examines three
   hugely successful approaches being employed by three different bands to
                       keep tickets in the hands of fans.

                                                         makes it clear in their T&Cs, then resellers now             “We respond to messages very quickly and
                                                         have a duty to provide this information to a buyer.     have made sure people at the venue, See Tickets,
                                                              “We were the first people to use it. We wanted     and the promoter, are all well versed as to what
                                                         to show support for the fact the Government             we are doing and why. There is a consistent
                                                         is trying to do something about the issue               messaging across the board,” says Jones.
Richard Jones at Key Music Management has                legislatively,” he says.                                     Each night, a team of people will be present
overseen a strategy that made sure that tickets to            Purchasers were limited to four tickets and        at the Roundhouse door to handle any issues that
the Pixies 2018 London shows can only be resold          were told they must arrive at the venue with            come up at the last minute. “We will have to see
at face value on fan-to-fan service Twickets.            their whole group and bring photo ID, such as a         how it goes. There will be some problems I’m sure
      To celebrate the 30th anniversary of the           passport or driving licence, to gain entry.             but we have trained people well and there is a
band’s debut album Surfer Rosa, the Boston alt-               In order to facilitate fans unable to attend       system in place to deal with any issues that arise.
rockers will play five consecutive nights at the         the concerts due to unforeseen circumstances,           These are the hoops you have to jump through
Roundhouse in London, commencing 30 October.             the terms and conditions state that tickets can be      in order to protect fans from being ripped off,”
The shows will see the band perform both the             resold but only via Twickets and at face value.         he says.
1987 eight-track mini-LP Come On Pilgrim and                  Jones is far from a fan of pre-sale initiatives,        All the shows have sold out and, despite a few
1988’s debut full-length album Surfer Rosa, from         and another key step was not announcing the             dubious listings on Viagogo, no tickets have been
start to finish.                                         shows in advance of the on-sale.                        resold outside Twickets. “No one is sure whether
      “Obviously, we knew it would be a ridiculously          “We sent an email to everyone on the database      Viagogo have the tickets or not. They had tickets
hot ticket, and they would be the kind of shows          announcing that the tickets had gone on sale.           on sale immediately after the on-sale, so there
that would usually provide a field day for ticket        Nothing was spent on advertising. The reason            is no way they are legitimate, but we will have to
touts and scalpers. We had to come up with               we did that is because all pre-sales do is alert        wait to see on the day,” says Jones.
something that would prevent that happening,”            professional ticket buyers about what you are                The Pixies’ manager is delighted that the
says Jones.                                              doing. It simply enables the best people at buying      initiative has not only successfully frustrated
      The result was a multifaceted strategy that        tickets to have the best chance to buy your best        scalpers but also won strong support from fans.
saw the dates sell out swiftly without a single          tickets. It is completely self-defeating,” he says.     Says Jones, “It has been incredible. We have not had
penny being spent on marketing or advertising.                The email included clear and concise               a single negative comment from fans. Everyone
      The first step was to minimise the number          ticketing T&Cs, and an explanation that they were       sees it as a really good thing to be doing. At the
of outlets able to sell the tickets. Jones decided       being implemented to protect fans from being            end of the day, it has meant a lot of extra work
to limit ticket availability to See Tickets and the      exploited. Interaction with fans is ongoing.            but it has been well worth it.”
Roundhouse box office. The aim was to create
clarity around pricing, so an all-in ticket price of
£50 (€56) was set with no additional charges.
      “It meant everyone could understand easily
that they were buying an official ticket from an
official seller at the official price. We feel there
is a lot of confusion surrounding the purchase
of tickets. People don’t always understand when
they are buying a secondary ticket at an inflated
price – with all the additional fees that are
added, no one is clear exactly what the tickets are
supposed to cost,” he says.
      To ensure that the ticket purchaser is the
one that actually attends the concert, Key Music
Management insisted that the tickets were
personalised with the name of the principle
      Jones says he also wanted to create
another level of security, and to support the UK
Government’s decision to update the Consumer
Rights Act 2015 in April with its legislation relating
to unique ticket numbers (UTNs). If an event
organiser marks their tickets with a UTN and

                                                                                                                OUTING THE TOUTING

                                                                                                                                                       Iron Maiden
                                                                                                                                                    played Tallinn’s
                                                                                                                                                    Saku Suurhall in
                                                                                                                                                          May 2018

                                                       sold around 250,000 tickets for about 20 sold-out         out and what it involved.
                                                       shows, all of which were at face value,” he says.              The management team also partnered
                                                            Iron Maiden’s manager has railed against             with Ticketmaster to produce a light-hearted video

                                                       secondary ticket operators for the best part of           entitled, How Paperless Works, to clearly explain
                                                       a decade, having been first approached by a               the venue entry process. The animation has been
                                                       Viagogo representative back in 2009 and offered           viewed nearly 50,000 times on YouTube.
                                                       a cut of profits. “We realised pretty quickly that             Tickets were made available nine months
                                                       they were ripping off the fans,” he says. As a result,    before the shows, and during the period between
Phantom Music Management CEO Rod                       Smallwood introduced paperless tickets for Iron           on-sale to the night of the shows, Phantom and
Smallwood and his team virtually stamped out           Maiden’s 2010 US tour. He tried the same move             Ticketmaster continued to communicate with the
secondary ticket sales for Iron Maiden’s The Book of   with the band’s UK dates the following year, but          fan base. They not only answered queries about
Souls 12-date UK tour last year, and have maintained   with venues asking for huge sums to cover costs,          the availability of tickets and official purchasing
the same level of success for this year’s dates.       it became unfeasible. “I was really annoyed, all          channels but also handled T&C enquiries, and
     Thanks to the management team’s impressive        these fans were being ripped off by people who            authorised ticket transfers and refunds when
antitout initiative, listings on secondary sites       add nothing to the equation,” he says.                    necessary.
were down 97% on the previous Maiden UK tour in              For the 2017 shows, GetMeIn!, Seatwave and               As well as the band’s official website, social
2011 when 6,294 tickets were found to be available     StubHub were informed about the paperless                 media channels played a major role in keeping
across multiple resale sites after the on-sale.        initiative and agreed not to list the tickets. “We        fans informed. Smallwood says that it didn’t take
     For the run of dates in May 2017, Phantom         were pretty hard line on that. I got together with        long before the band’s fans began to offer each
adopted a paperless ticketing policy wherever          Reg Walker at The Iridium Consultancy and we              other advice about the new entry process and the
possible, and where physical tickets were              planned out how to go about it. We were able to get       reasoning behind it.
unavoidable they carried the name of the               the message across to a lot of the power brokers               To make sure any last-minute queries were
purchaser. In order to gain entry to the gigs, fans    that if they resold tickets for Iron Maiden, their        handled with a human touch, an Iron Maiden
had to present government-issued photo ID and          management would go through hell and high                 representative was present at the venue box office
the relevant payment card.                             water to come after you,” says Smallwood.                 on the day of each show. “It was a final line of
     For the May 2017 shows, more than 100,000              The veteran manager is quick to praise               defence. If the box office is being awkward then
tickets were sold on the first day on sale, all at     Ticketmaster, who he says played a huge role in           he is there to state that Iron Maiden approve of
the intended price. On the Monday after, only          the success of the paperless initiative. “As soon         the person being let it. It is a useful safety net for
207 tickets could be found available for resale, all   as we said we wanted to go paperless they were            us,” says Phantom Music Management’s head of
on Viagogo. Smallwood says it is highly unlikely       supportive,” says Smallwood. Phantom worked               digital Sarah Philp.
those tickets were authentic.                          closely with the Live Nation-owned operation to                Ticketmaster also had a team on hand at
     “We don’t think they existed. The day before      maximise the paperless inventory. Ticketmaster’s          every show to handle issues, but overall less than
we went on sale they had tickets listed and said       Captcha software was used to distinguish bots             2% of fans required any kind of customer service.
the tour had already sold out. Viagogo is a highly     from humans, transactions were limited to four                 Says Smallwood, “We have sold 250,000
dubious operation. We had to write to their senior     tickets, and IP addresses were monitored in order         tickets at face value, over two years, without any
management asking them to please stop selling          to prevent repeat purchasing.                             complaints or anyone being turned away. If more
tickets for an Iron Maiden show in Chile that didn’t        A key aspect of the initiative’s success was the     bands did it the public would be more educated
exist. Viagogo didn’t respond,” says Smallwood.        way in which Smallwood’s team engaged with fans.          about how paperless works.
     The paperless approach was so successful          Warnings were issued stating that tickets would                “It takes a bit more effort to keep the tickets
that it was again adopted for Iron Maiden’s UK         not be made available via GetMeIn!, Seatwave and          off secondary platforms, but it does work and
summer tour this year. Smallwood is delighted          StubHub, and at the point of purchase fans were           the money saved by fans could well end up being
with the results. “Over the two tours, we have         made aware of why the initiative was being carried        spent on other shows.”

                                                                                                         INTERNATIONAL TICKETING YEARBOOK 2018 • 13

   FANFAIR                                                                                                      4
                                                        enforcement of the Consumer Rights Act 2015,                   PROVIDE A RESALE SERVICE
                                                        which makes mandatory requirements on                          Sometimes, ticket buyers, for genuine
                                                        secondary sites and sellers to provide detailed                reasons, will be unable to attend a

   ALLIANCE:                                            information to buyers – terms and conditions
                                                        can be genuinely disruptive to dedicated touts.
                                                        In effect, artists and event owners have been
                                                                                                                show. If you do not provide them with a
                                                                                                                resale or reallocation mechanism it will
                                                                                                                likely have three consequences: (i) it will piss

   FIVE TOP TIPS TO                                     empowered.
                                                            Make it crystal clear in your primary T&Cs
                                                                                                                off your customer; (ii) your T&Cs could be
                                                                                                                considered “unfair” and incur the wrath of the
   TOPPLE TOUTING                                       that your tickets are not a “commodity” but a
                                                        personal revocable licence (or words to that
                                                                                                                CMA; and (iii) it might unwittingly push fans
                                                                                                                towards Viagogo, who can be relied upon to
                                                        effect) and are for consumer purchase only.              list any ticket regardless of T&Cs.
   In conjunction with the FanFair Alliance, a          Tickets purchased by businesses or traders will               None of these outcomes are desirable,
   growing number of artists and their managers         be cancelled, and they will be invalidated if           so make resale easy, make it fair, and make it
   are finding fresh and effective ways of ensuring       they are offered for resale at a profit.                  transparent.
   that fans are not ripped off by unscrupulous              Consider printing the lead booker’s name

   resale merchants. Here, FanFair Alliance             on tickets, with ID required to gain entry. Or                 LINK TO FANFAIR
   campaign manager Adam Webb offers a                   employ a digital ticketing solution.                           ALLIANCE GUIDANCE
   five-point plan to limit the impact of scalpers.                                                                     We have produced two practical

                                                                GET RID OF THE SMALL PRINT                      consumer guides that are available for

         COMMUNICATE                                            T&Cs are important. So turn your small          free online at
         Tell customers in advance where and                    print into LARGE PRINT. Insist that the             The first offers ten tips for ticket
         when your tickets will be going on primary     rules of sale and resale are prominently                buyers, such as, do not trust search engines
   sale: from which agents and at what time –           displayed across all your ticketing partners.           and check the artist website for reliable
   including pre-sales. Tell them which sites not to    Include them in all relevant artist                     ticketing information. The second is a
   buy from. If the culture minister can warn           communications, including social media. Ideally,        Victim of Viagogo self-help PDF for
   people against Viagogo, then so can you.             consumers should understand the rules of                chargebacks and refunds. By using this
                                                        engagement before they actually purchase a              advice, hundreds of thousands of pounds

         HARNESS THE POWER OF T&CS                      ticket. It won’t hurt to remind them afterwards         have been refunded to fans that were
         As a result of recent legislative and          either. Or to email/text them another reminder          ripped off when buying tickets on the
         regulatory changes – and particularly the      just before show time.                                  secondary market.

                                                                                                                 Charlatans’ fans were left to attend the shows in the
                                                                                                                 normal way, all they needed to do was show their
                                                                                                                 phone at the venue door to gain entry.
                                                                                                                      “Because the tickets were locked into mobile
                                                                                                                 devices, we did not have to bombard fans with
                                                            When Tim Burgess of The Charlatans, and the          complicated ticket terms and conditions. We were
                                                       band’s promoter approached him about working              not asking them to do anything extra, or unusual.
                                                       with them to keep tickets for four homecoming             We just make sure tickets are in the hands of fans
                                                       shows off the secondary market, Tannen knew it            and stay there. It is not about making things
                                                       was a perfect fit.                                        more complex by making restrictions around the
                                                            The string of shows in May saw the Northwich         purchase,” says Tannen.
                                                       band play four nights at the Cheshire market town’s            The Charlatans’ ticketing initiative was a
                                                       500-capacity Memorial Court. With the gigs being          great success, and not one ticket for the Northwich
                                                       underplayed and featuring special guests and              shows was listed for sale on any of the secondary
                                                       related events, demand for tickets was always going       ticketing sites, including Viagogo. However, while
                                                       to outstrip supply.                                       monitoring Twitter, the Dice team did come across
                                                            Says Tannen, “They were really keen to make          some individuals bragging that they had tickets
                                                       sure the tickets went to fans, and were looking for       they wanted to sell for the gigs.
                                                       a solution that was going to prevent the tickets               “You never know to what lengths people will go
                                                       ending up on secondary sites. They didn’t know,           to resell tickets. Perhaps they were offering to meet
                                                       going into it, how much of a foolproof solution we        people and walk them in. We contacted the relevant
                                                       had already.”                                             individuals via social media and if we felt there was
                                                            An iOS and Android compatible app, Dice              any likelihood of suspicious activity we removed
                                                       enables tickets to be securely stored on a purchaser’s    the tickets from their account and then reallocated
                                                       phone from which transfer can be prevented.               them to people on a waiting list,” says Tannen.
                                                            Explains Tannen, “The aim from the outset                 The Dice MD believes that one of the key
Since it launched in 2014, mobile ticketing            was that Dice would be completely mobile, and             contributing factors to the initiative’s success was
app Dice has carved out a niche in the highly          tickets would be locked into the app, so there is         the hands-on approach of the band, with Burgess
competitive UK ticketing market by tying               no paper involved or e-ticket emailed, and there          responding online to messages from fans about the
tickets to the mobile devices from which they          is nothing that can be moved to an Apple Wallet.          app, tickets and the entry process.
were bought, making unauthorised resale                We developed security features that mean a ticket              “In Northwich, we did not have a huge user base
impossible.                                            doesn’t become active until an hour before the            prior to the shows, so lots of people were using it
    “Our background was in artist management           doors open, it is an animated ticket that moves           for the first time and there were many questions
and one of the main things that we wanted to fix       on screen, you cannot screen grab it, the ticket is       about it, but when they understood what it was
with ticketing was the problem of the secondary        completely locked to the device.”                         and why the band were using it, the fans were very
market,” says Dice managing director Russ Tannen.           With the app doing all the hard work, The            supportive,” says Tannen.

One undeniable sign that the live music industry is in good health is the
growing number of technology specialists that are developing products
and solutions to improve event ticketing. Gordon Masson talks to a dozen
companies who are focussing on ways to simplify ticketing, while generating
additional revenues for professionals working in the live entertainment sector.

TICKETHING                                              while festival partners include Sziget, Balaton           KEYPZ
Tickething had two main goals when it                   Sound and Volt.                                           Keypz is a UK-based start-up that is developing a
launched: to give fans a transparent and safe                Among the safety features Tickething has             platform to reinvent how ticket sellers manage
marketplace where they can securely buy and sell        developed are 100% money back guarantees and              fan verification with a data-driven platform-as-
tickets between each other; and to allow event          showing fans as much information about the                a-service designed around the consumer.
organisers and primary ticketing platforms to           seller as possible, such as profile pictures, numbers          “There has never been more pressure from
control the resale of their tickets.                    of successful previous transactions, face value           the media, fans and artists to prevent tickets from
    “We have developed a resale ecosystem that offers   of the listed tickets, etc. The company verifies          reaching the hands of touts,” says Steve Simpson, co-
everything that blockchain secondary ticketing          sellers’ phone numbers, social media accounts and         founder and commercial director of Keypz. “We are
solutions offer, but without having to switch           email addresses, and ensures that businesses and          building a simple but smart solution that’s fairer
from current ticketing technologies and industry        professional touts are prevented from trading on          for fans and dramatically reduces costs for ticket
standards,” explains Tickething CEO Bence Töreky.       the Tickething platform.                                  sellers. A win-win!”
    Partners joining Tickething’s free API can set           “We use AI technology to keep fraudsters                  Fans register once with Keypz to access tickets
their own resale rules – personalised tickets, price    away from the platform,” states Töreky. “This allows      from multiple partners and will already be verified
capping, quantity limitations or whatever they          us to detect fraudulent transactions, whether it is a     by the time they get to the seller’s website, meaning
believe to benefit their visitors and events. The       ticket seller or a ticket buyer, before the transaction   faster ticket sales. The service prevents duplicate
company’s first API partner was TIXA Hungary,           goes through.”                                            and false registrations, has a simple API to securely


                                                                                                                                                SeatGeek's ability
                                                                                                                                                to allow fans to
                                                                                                                                                upgrade their seats
                                                                                                                                                when they are at an
                                                                                                                                                event is generating
                                                                                                                                                new revenue

                                                                                                                 booking to aftersales, is automated, gives Stager
                                                                                                                 its competitive advantage – a plus-point that has
                                                                                                                 attracted venues, theatres, festivals and nightclubs
                                                                                                                 throughout the Netherlands. “They receive more
                                                                                                                 revenue and spend less time to get a show on the
                                                                                                                 road. This brings us to the ultimate goal we are
                                                                                                                 striving for with Stager: more entertainment on
                                                                                                                 this planet,” says Stager founding director, Mike
                                                                                                                 van Gaasbeek.
                                                                                                                      Stager’s event-production planning tools
                                                                                                                 include a fully customisable, mobile first ticketing
                                                                                                                 system that allows the organiser to set their own
                                                                                                                 kickback to cover Stager’s handling fee. However,
                                                                                                                 the system claims to replace personnel planning
                                                                                                                 systems, production planning systems, website
                                                                                                                 content management systems, customer relation
                                                                                                                 management tools and loyalty/membership/
                                                                                                                 guest list management systems by integrating
                                                                                                                 everything in one place.
                                                                                                                      “Bundling all this functionality into one
                                                                                                                 integrated system brings many added benefits. To
connect fans to sellers and uses proprietary            technology and 100% of its resources are dedicated to    paraphrase Aristotle: ‘The whole is greater than the
algorithms to prevent abuse by would-be touts,          this purpose. The company’s growth shows a year-on-      sum of its parts.’ Another positive side effect is a
making for programmes that are repeatable, faster       year 20% increment and in 2017, the 55 employees of      vendor lock-in. The only way to go after using Stager,
to set up and require less management, greatly          Onebox were responsible for selling 7 million tickets,   is back to the horror of having different systems
reducing per-event costs for presales.                  across more than 50 channels internationally,            tied together,” adds Van Gaasbeek.
     “We want our innovation to be widely useful        thanks to its open API. Those channels included
today, so we have been working closely with a           Atrapalo, Ticketmaster, Ticketea and       WEEZEVENT
handful of very experienced ticket industry                  Depending on the venue, Onebox offers a             Weezevent helps more than 150,000 event
insiders and established ticket sellers to ensure our   number of solutions for clients – a white-label sales    organisers and venues with a full white-
service will work for the fans, the artists and the     web channel, multichannel distribution based on          label ticketing solution, access control with
industry itself,” adds Simpson.                         a centralised capacity system, physical box office,      professional devices, and cashless technology.
     Although the future of the technology has          B2B sales channel for resellers, access control, and     From 2008, Weezevent has sold more than 50
many more possible applications, the initial            an open API that allows users to create their own        million tickets for all kinds of events: festivals,
focus will be music and sport ticketing and, with       online sales funnel.                                     conferences, parties, concerts, fairs and huge
trials targeted for early 2019, fans and potential           Among the company’s biggest clients are             sports events like Formula 1.
partners are encouraged to register interest via the    Athletico Madrid, FC Barcelona and the Spanish                By equipping 200 festivals, including Hellfest,
company’s website (                          National soccer team, while in the music realm           Lollapalooza and Vieilles Charrues; professional
                                                        it services venues such as Palau Sant Jordi, Estadi      football teams such as Paris Saint Germain and the
ONEBOX                                                  Olímpic Barcelona and Madrid’s Wizink Center.            UEFA European Championship; and numerous Red
Founded in 2010, Onebox is a Spanish ticketing                                                                   Bull events, Weezevent has proven how robust and
company based in Barcelona. The company                 STAGER                                                   high performing its cashless technology is.
claims to have developed the first global system        Stager says it is on a mission to liberate “event             Expanding in Europe, Weezevent is hungry and
of ticketing sales and distribution, connecting         organisers all over the world from the daily             ambitious, still with the same mind-set: we take care
event organisers and sales channels in a                hassle that comes with staging events and                of the tech, you take care of the planning. Organisers
centralised sales system. Onebox technology             selling tickets.” It claims that money-hungry            own their own data and have access to all the tools
allows event organisers to have complete control        intermediaries and overheads evaporate when              they need to manage ticketing, accreditation,
and autonomy of their events through powerful           organisers use the Stager platform and therefore         memberships, access control, payments, and soon
sales and analytics tools.                              take control of their events.                            their CRM strategy. This new solution will provide
     The core business of Onebox is the ticketing            The fact that complete event production, from       live and complete access to customers’ data collected

                                                                                                          INTERNATIONAL TICKETING YEARBOOK 2018 • 17

                                                                     over the years to organisers, providing them with
                                                                     a solution to promote their ticketing and implement
                                                                     a real marketing strategy throughout the year.
                                                                          Weezevent co-founder and CEO, Pierre-Henri
                                                                     Deballon, notes the evolving nature of live
                                                                     entertainment and states that the company’s
                                                                     future plan is to disrupt seated events with
                                                                     an easy and powerful solution. “With this new
                                                                     application, we’re catering to a need that is growing
                                                                     and fundamental to organisers nowadays. It is
                                                                     completely in our core strategy and philosophy to
                                                                     provide to seated events the same ability to manage
                                                                     and market their events,” he says.

                                                                     Ticketlight is Ticketline’s self-service ticketing
                                                                     system and allows complete end-to-end
                                                                     management and control of events for
                                                                     promoters, festivals, venues and more.
                                                                          Built on the company’s 30 years of expertise
                                                                     in ticketing and working in conjunction with its
                                                                     clients, Ticketlight offers a full, real-time reporting
                                                                     suite and provides clear and concise insight to help
                                                                     manage, promote and deliver events all in one place.
                                                                     “We have included many features to support ticketing
                                                                     for all event types, with a three-step event creation
                                                Weezevent’s RFID     tool, an expansive, customised venue seat map tool,
                                              passes can be easily   comprehensive reporting, and real-time scanning,”
                                             scanned and checked     explains Ticketline head of marketing, James Lee.
                                                                          “Our real-time scanning features detailed

     P E R I O R
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DIGIT            T
             m a r k et w ith no cape
For speed t     a  t in fo @
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                                                                                                     Sell tickets,
                                                                                                     Online easy.

Talking Heads

Ben Bray                    David De Wever              Katie McPhee                Mike van Gaasbeek              Patrick Kirby                Pierre-Henri Deballon
TicketPlan                  PlayPass                    Eventbrite                  Stager                         Tixserve                     Weezevent

live reports and you can scan tickets using the         Ticketlight allows the full end-to-end management               The company announced in January 2018
Ticketlight Barcode Scanning app available on iOS       of ticket sales 24/7, even on the move.                    that it had partnered with global insurance giant
platforms. You can additionally produce white-               “Ticketlight is currently available in the UK, with   APRIL in order to bring its market-leading ticket
label ticketing pages for an event’s website; branded   opportunities being investigated for it to be deployed     insurance solutions to North America.
e-tickets and confirmation emails; market your          in other international territories,” adds Lee.                  “We carry out an enormous amount of work
events easily, with integration to Mailchimp; and                                                                  when entering new markets to ensure that our
manage your event data to target your customers.”       TICKETPLAN                                                 facilities meet all of the necessary local regulatory
     Whilst the system enables clients to have their    It’s been another busy year of growth and                  requirements,” explains group development
own integrated white-label solution, Ticketlight        innovation for leading ticket insurance and                manager, Ben Bray.
users are also able to extend their marketing and       protection firm TicketPlan, who provide                         “We know from our experience of working
sales reach by placing their event on sale on the       refunds to ticket buyers if they are unable to             across numerous countries internationally
independent marketplace. Available     attend events due to a variety of unforeseen               that there is no one-size-fits-all solution within
on traditional desktop, mobile and tablet devices,      circumstances.                                             the ticket insurance and protection sector as

each country has its own laws, regulations and
interpretations. In the US, it’s even more complex as
these regulatory requirements can vary from state
to state. In partnering with APRIL USA, we are able to
                                                                        Talking Heads
offer our market-leading ticket insurance solutions
across all 50 states – within a regulatory model that
is robust and compliant.”
     In yet another innovative development,
TicketPlan has also unveiled a new GDPR-friendly, API-
based integration solution. “We always try to make the
implementation of our facilities as simple as possible,”
says Bray. “We had carefully monitored the evolving
situation in relation to GDPR prior to finalising
our integrated solution, but having gained a better                     Russ D’Souza                Steve Simpson             James Lee
understanding of the impact of the new regulations                      SeatGeek                    Keypz                     Ticketline
we were able to finalise our proposition. We are
now delighted to be able to offer both integrated
and non-integrated implementation models to                     The industry really took notice of SeatGeek’s   open approach, not just with our partner venues
our partner ticketing companies and prospective            momentum in April, when the company                  and teams, but also in how much their fans have
clients – whichever best suits their needs.”               announced it would take over as the ticketing        enjoyed the increased access.”
                                                           provider for AT&T Stadium and the NFL’s Dallas           Based in New York, SeatGeek now has offices
SEATGEEK                                                   Cowboys – the most valuable sports franchise         across Europe, and recently hired an international
Originally founded as a secondary marketplace,             in the world. The Cowboys joined the NFL’s New       general manager as the company puts more
over the past two years SeatGeek has upended               Orleans Saints, NBA’s New Orleans Pelicans, and      attention on growing globally. The company has an
the United States’ primary ticketing market with           a handful of Major League Soccer clubs that had      increasing number of clients in Europe, including a
SeatGeek Open. SeatGeek’s approach to primary              already signed on with SeatGeek.                     number of Premier League football clubs in England.
ticketing focuses on the open distribution of                   “For too long, artists, venues and teams have       “We are excited to see the industry moving
tickets through APIs, allowing artists, venues             been very limited in how they can reach fans to      in an open direction because it improves the fan
and sports teams to sell tickets directly to fans in       sell them tickets,” said SeatGeek co-founder Russ    experience while at the same time growing the
places like Facebook, Snapchat and Airbnb.                 D’Souza. “We’ve seen great momentum around our       business for artists, venues and team,” says D’Souza.

                                                          the ticketing sector to grow their business        ticketing providers worldwide, is a global
                                                               and reach possibilities that were out of      ticketing and event technology platform,
                                                              scope before.                                  which powered millions of events in more
                                                                  Having a white-label solution at its       than 170 countries in 2017.
                                                            core, where the Oxynade solution can be               Since inception, the company has processed
                                                           customised as part of the clients’ own brand,     more than $10billion (€8.7bn) in gross ticket sales,
                                                          turned out to be a real hit with clients. With     providing creators of all shapes and sizes with
                                                         new players like artists, promoters and even tour   tools and resources to seamlessly plan, promote,
                                                        operators getting involved in ticketing, white-      and produce live events around the world. Current
                                                       label solutions are becoming more and more            customers include elrow, MJR, WOMAD, Tribeca
                                                     popular and Oxynade aims to exploit this demand.        Film Festival, Newport Folk and Jazz Festivals, Latin
                                                          Since Oxynade’s eTicketing as a Service (eTaaS)    Village, and Vrienden van Amstel Live!.
                                                    solution launched at the beginning of 2017, the               Eventbrite has acquired nine companies,
                                                    company has expanded its portfolio with a slew           including music ticketing powerhouses Ticketfly and
                                                    of new clients, while the Netherlands, Germany,          Ticketscript, to further solidify its commitment to the
                                                    the Baltics, Hungary, Czech Republic and even            independent live music scene, and in September 2018,
                                                    South Africa are just a few of the countries where       it held an IPO, raising more than $200million (€175m)
                                                    the technology has been adopted.                         on the New York Stock Exchange.
                        Stager’s app is becoming         In September 2018, Oxynade held its first                Katie McPhee, head of marketing for Eventbrite
                            increasingly popular    eTaaS Summit, hosting close to 50 delegates from         in the UK and Ireland, comments, “We were among
                                                    14 different countries at its client Phantasialand’s     the very first providers to introduce one-click event
                                                    amusement park near Cologne in Germany. The              publishing to Facebook, mobile apps for keeping
OXYNADE                                             company reports, “Our goal was to give our attendees     and scanning digital tickets, and a browser-based,
Oxynade, a 100% white-label ticketing partner,      an inspirational experience and let them meet            self-service, drag-and-drop reserved seating system.
offers an all-round ticketing system that is        international like-minded ticketing individuals.         More recently we have built an advanced RFID access
based on current top-notch technologies such        From our point of view, we believe it was a success.”    solution with a cashless payments option, which is
as GraphQL, Node JS and React. Including a fully                                                             fully integrated with the Eventbrite platform.”
equipped back-office, box office and specialised    EVENTBRITE                                                    The company’s partnership directory, Eventbrite
features, the platform can cover the needs of a     Eventbrite, which launched operations in San             Spectrum, now lists more than 100 useful API
broad range of verticals. This allows partners in   Francisco in 2006 as one of the first online             integrations, including with Salesforce, Mailchimp,

and SurveyMonkey, and the company is continuously        for fans. That allows us to                                  Tixserve has worked in
adding partners to its distribution network,             communicate directly with                                    partnership with
                                                                                                                      for Irish rugby matches
which already includes Facebook, Instagram,              fans, as well as tap into a lot of
Bandsintown, Spotify, SeatGeek, and others.              data to help optimise the fan
                                                         experience in the stadium.”                                       operate large sporting venues. One of its
PLAYPASS                                                      With PlayPass implementations                                 first ticket agent clients,, found
Headquartered in Antwerp, Belgium, PlayPass              now spread across 20 countries, De                                   that some 50% of rugby fans opted to
has developed a suite of RFID solutions that can         Wever is confident that the venue                                     receive a Tixserve-powered digital
provide clients with invaluable insight into the         and sports club sectors can help the                                    ticket instead of a print-at-home
operational flow of their events. In addition             company grow rapidly outside of the                                      paper version. Fans now have the
to improving event access and facilitating               music festival market.                                                    convenience of doing app-to-app
cashless transactions, PlayPass technology tracks             “We’re going to concentrate on how                                  ticket transfers within the secure
and displays the number of visitors onsite in            we can help our partners increase revenues                             track-and-trace Tixserve ecosystem.
real time, and can identify which brands and             and improve fan engagement before, during                         Tixserve has also developed a new
activations are of interest to each visitor, as well     and after an event,” he says. “Our focus will be in   solution for distributing ticket allocations for high-
as what they purchase and consume.                       markets that we think will become key for PlayPass,   demand games to clubs and other stakeholders.
    The RFID specialist lists Ticketmaster, Dice, Live   like the UK, where we intend to enlarge our team      Its newly developed ‘light touch’ batch delivery
Nation and AEG among its client list but a contract      and find more partners in the festival, stadium and   solution means that ticket sellers can now trial and
with Belgian football club R.S.C. Anderlecht is          venue markets.”                                       roll-out the Tixserve-powered digital ticket without
driving new expansion plans for the company,                                                                   the need to do a technical API integration with the
which recently secured €1.9million in new funding        TIXSERVE                                              Tixserve platform.
from Amsterdam-based Newion Investments.                 Tixserve operates a white-label, self-service              Tixserve co-founder and MD, Pat Kirby, says,
    PlayPass co-founder and CEO David De Wever           technology platform that enables existing             “The inevitable switch from paper to digital
reveals that the company supplies Anderlecht fans        ticket sellers for sport, music and other live        ticketing is gathering momentum, and existing
with season tickets that also let them purchase          events to replace paper tickets with secure and       ticket sellers must decide whether to ‘build or buy’
merchandise, food and beverages utilising the            interactive digital tickets delivered direct to the   a digital ticket fulfilment capability.” Kirby invites
cashless technology. “Our goal now is to go after        smartphones of fans and patrons.                      International Ticketing Yearbook readers to avail
other stadium clients,” De Wever tells ITY. “What’s          Since its entry last year into the UK and Irish   of a free, simple-to-do, trial of the Tixserve digital
nice about our Anderlecht contract is that we’re         markets, Tixserve has focused on validating its       ticketing solution. Contact for
part of a full platform with a dedicated app built-in    solution with high-profile clients who own and        more info.
You can also read