InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today

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InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
Wednesday, November 3, 2021
at annual
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
Vol. 13 No. 49                                                                              Wednesday, November 3, 2021

   4   Opinion                 Marie
   7   Showcase                Osmond
                              kicks off
                              Holiday                                      IRON
                               Tour at
                                 SUU                                     COUNTY
 SUU at record enrollment of over 13,000
from David Bishop
 SUU Director of Public Rel ations              8.2% growth rate outpacing all other Utah universities
   Southern Utah University’s stu-
dent population now exceeds 13,000,       degree-granting public university in      tegic growth plan,” said SUU interim   To achieve this level of growth is
a new record for the university.          the state.                                president Mindy Benson. “This past     really a testament to our university
According to third-week enrollment           “These growth figures represent        year has been especially challenging   community.”
data released by the Utah System          the hard work of a dedicated team at      because of the on-going impact of         The bulk of SUU’s growth came
of Higher Education (USHE), SUU           SUU. Faculty, staff, administration and   COVID and a housing shortage in
grew at a faster rate than every other    students all have a hand in our stra-     Cedar City and throughout the state.                 see suu growth » 3

            Hallowed Heritage

                                                                Story in life                                                                       corey baumgartner
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
2 Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                                   news                                                             Iron County Today

 Cedar City to celebrate 170th Birthday with special events
from Maria Twitchell
 Historic Preservation Commission

   Mormon pioneers arrived in
Cedar City on November 11, 1851, to
establish an Iron mining community.
The Cedar City Historic Preservation                                 There will
Commission will be celebrating Cedar                               many fun and
City’s 170th birthday with three days                               educational
                                                                 hands-on activities
                                                                  for families to enjoy
                                                                     at the Frontier

                                                                                                                                         Courtesy Historic Preservation Commission

                                                                                             On Friday, November 12th, the      Download the Scavenger Hunt game
                                                                                         Iron Mission Days will kick off        at, or on the Cedar
                                                                                         at the Frontier Homestead State        City Corporation Facebook page,
                                                                                         Peak Museum from 10 am to 4 pm         or pick up at the Cedar City Visitor
                                                                                         with special activities including      Center, located at 581 North Main.
                                                                                         ropemaking, yarn doll making,          Simply solve the 12 clues by visiting
                                                                                         sand casting with paraffin wax and     locations in Cedar City’s downtown
of events and activities to honor the    Dodge, Bill and Loretta Westbrooke,          live heritage demonstrations. Iron        and bring the completed sheet to
occasion.                                Southern Utah Chorale, In Jubilo             Mission Days will go on Friday and        Frontier Homestead State Park on
    On Thursday, November 11th, the      and a special slide show and musical         Saturday and the museum is located        Saturday November 13th between
Orchestra of Southern Utah will be       selection will be played in honor of         at 635 North Main in Cedar City.          10am and 2pm. Each participant
holding their annual Veteran’s Day       Cedar City’s 170 years. Birthday Cake            The Cedar City Birthday               will receive a 170th Birthday gift.
Concert and Cedar City Birthday Bash     will be served to all in attendance.         Scavenger Hunt will also kick off on      Enjoy free entrance to the park
at 7:30 pm at the Heritage Center, 105   The concert is free; however, a ticket       Friday. The Scavenger Hunt encour-        with the completed Scavenger Hunt
N 100 E. in Cedar City. The concert      is required and tickets are available        ages families to explore, discover, and   form. Come join us in his historic
will feature performances by Eric        at                                experience the past of Cedar City.        celebration!
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                                 news   Wednesday, November 3, 2021   3

suu growth                                level to help us achieve this success
                                          under the most challenging of
« Continued from page 1                   circumstances.”
                                              With COVID continuing to impact
from a 42% increase in the univer-        college enrollment across the country,
sity’s online degree program. Online      SUU also faced a housing shortage in
students now represent nearly 6% of       Cedar City. With the challenge, some
SUU’s 13,611 students. The commit-        students opted to move to online
ment to high quality, affordable online   learning while the local community
degrees gives students from across        rallied to provide additional beds for
the world the opportunity to study at     students.
Southern Utah University.                     “I’m proud of our team of amazing
    In 2020, SUU launched the inno-       staff and outstanding student leaders
vative Bachelor of General Studies        who went above and beyond to help
online degree, which costs $9,000         as many students as possible return
from start to finish. The BGS degree      for another school year,” said Dr.

      “SUU strives to provide the best
undergraduate experience in the State. Clearly
 the word is getting out and more and more
 students are wanting the SUU experience.”
         Jared Tippets, SUU vice president for student affairs

                                                                        Courtesy SUU

removes a financial barrier that          Jared Tippets, SUU vice president for
prohibited people from earning an         student affairs. “SUU strives to provide
undergraduate degree.                     the best undergraduate experience in
    “Whether online or on-campus,         the State. Clearly the word is getting
we thank our students, who chose          out and more and more students are
to attend Southern Utah University.       wanting the SUU experience.”
They are the reason we continue              The growth success wasn’t just
to grow,” said Stuart Jones, SUU          limited to SUU. Cedar City-based
vice-president for advancement            Southwest Technical College led all
and enrollment management. “Our           other Utah technical schools with a
enrollment team took it to the next       20.6% enrollment growth.
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
4 Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                                                                 news                                                                                     Iron County Today

To the Editor                                                                                                                                                                                    Thought
                                                                                                                                                                                                 of the week
Trickle down or opened                                                                                                                                                                           "Take chances,
floodgates?                                                                                                                                                                                      make mistakes.
    It's opened floodgates. "Trickle Down" is a                                                                                                                                                  That's how
Democrat negative misnomer. The truth is every                                                                                                                                                   you grow. Pain
time the wealthy buy another mansion or yacht                                                                                                                                                    nourishes your
or an airplane it creates jobs. Banks get involved,
workers build it and companies insure it. All kinds
                                                                                                                                                                                                 courage. You have
of companies and workers are involved. If the rich                                                                                                                                               to fail in order
invest in new development or expand their busi-                                                                                                                                                  to practice being
ness it creates more jobs. Some of those workers                                                                                                                                                 brave."
then save their money and go on to become
business owners themselves and the beat goes on,                                                                                                                                                 Mary Tyler Moor
and on and so on.
    That's why I am not in favor of punishing
the rich with unfair taxation. Even filthy-rich
Democrats like Bill Gates, Mark Zuckerberg, Jack
Dorsey and Jeff Bezos create millions of jobs. I'm
a Republican and I say more power to them for
creating wealth for the whole country. Of course,
I don't like their censoring policies but that's                                  From the Editor
another story.

                                                                                      How much!?
    I want a sales tax and a flat tax that gives us the
money we need to get out of debt, then lower both.
That way everyone pays taxes and no one gets to

    Capitalism is a structured system in place open                                                                    hen I read Edy
to everyone but it doesn't do outreach. People                                                                         Meredith’s
have to be educated, understand how it works and                                                                       column in this
believe in it. The problem is our present national                                                          week’s Faith section,
education system is one of the worst compared                                                               I was taken aback
to even poorer countries. It's not your mom and                                                             momentarily by a ques-
dad's schooling. Too many schools are teaching                                                              tion she asked concern-
capitalism doesn't work, minorities are oppressed                                                          ing how many starving
victims and passing students who have low scores                                          Corey           children throughout the
in the basics. It's Democrat ideology over faith in                                  Baumgartner world could be fed and
American values.                                                                      Managing Editor
                                                                                                         housed using the monies
    PS: I don't mean Utah                                                         spent on famous works of art and literature.
                                                                                      She wrote about the recent auctioning of
                                                                                  11 works by Picasso being sold in Las Vegas for
Joseph Samuel Russo, Cedar City                                                   $110 million dollars. I wasn’t too surprised as
                                                                                  I’ve been commentating on Norman Rockwell
                                                                                  paintings for the past year and one of his paint-
                                                                                  ings, Saying Grace, sold for around $46 million
    Want to submit a                                                              dollars. Then there’s Bill Gates who bought one

   letter to the editor?
                                                                                  of Da Vinci’s notebooks for around $30 million
                                                                                  and the infamous Mona Lisa is valued at $860
                                                                                  million dollars. Oh, remember that one guy that
                                                                                  wrote plays, Shakespeare? His folios are worth
          Submit your letter to the Editor on our website                         millions., or by emailing it to news@ or bring/mail them to 389 N 100                              What’s my point? My point is that Edy then
      W, Cedar City, Utah 84721. All letters must be signed,                      asks, “How are we all using our resources,
     be brief (generally under 300 words in length), list the                     time, and talent to provide for other humans?”
     author’s city and give the writer’s telephone number                         That’s a question worthy of several columns
   (phone number will not be printed). We reserve the right
  to edit all letters for length or content. For letters arriving
                                                                                  and conversations. Do you have stories about
   electronically, we will use the author’s e-mail address in                     hometown heroes using their time, talents and
                        lieu of a signature.                                      treasures to help others? Please share them
                                                                                  with us at

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                        Circulation, cont.
  COUNTY                                    R. Gail Stahle                        Scott Stahle                          Corey Baumgartner                     Devin Christ                         Stormee Anderson
                                            Publisher                             Sales Representative                  Managing Editor                       Creative Director                    N. Cedar City/Enoch
      389 N 100 W, Suite 12                   
     Cedar City, Utah 84721                                                       801.755.5999                          435.867.1865 Ext. 6                                                        435.592.5724
        Ph: 435-867-1865
                                            Elise Obermire                                                                                                    Circulation
                                            Office Manager                        Patti Bostick                         Tom Zulewski                                                               Wendy Hanson
       Fax: 435-867-1866                    officemanager@                        Sales Representative                  Sports reporter                       Stephanie Millett                    Parowan/Paragonah                                       S. Cedar City              
                                                                                  435.592.1030                                                              435.477.9100

  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
Iron County Today                                                                     news                                      Wednesday, November 3, 2021       5

                  May the odds be ever in our favor
Bryan Gray is a syndicated contributor to, not an                                                                pull her weight if the race were limited to Salt
employee of, this newspaper. His opinions are solely his                                                         Lake and Davis counties. But the odds are 100%
own and not of Iron County Today.
                                                             cyclops                                             she would lose among the ultra-conservative

                                                                                                                 convention delegates and she would be a decided
         ou can bet on it…The odds are 100% that                                                                 underdog in a statewide Republican primary
         I’ll never become a convent nun…That I’ll                                                               where women have not fared well.
         never climb Mount Kilimanjaro…That I’ll             Bryan Gray                                              A third candidate, Ally Isom, is little known
never register for an Iron Man competition…And                                  outside of political circles and has already
that I’ll never call Ted Bundy my hero. The odds                                                                 outraged some potential donor by “advertising”
are almost as high (99.99%) that I’ll never eat an                                                               her connection to the Church of Jesus Christ of
eel, wrestle with an alligator, become a coal miner,
eat every meal for a year at McDonald’s, or wear
                                                             “Despite interest from a                            Latter-day Saints. Lee, an elephant, would squash
                                                                                                                 Isom, a political gnat.
Spanx.                                                        number of donors and                                   Honestly, I would vote for any of the three
    Here’s another set of odds: Despite interest
from a number of donors and elected officials,             elected officials, no one will                        challengers. To me, Mike Lee’s comment compar-
                                                                                                                 ing Donald Trump to Captain Moroni was enough
no one will defeat Sen. Mike Lee in next year’s
                                                             defeat Sen. Mike Lee in                             to disqualify him from being a serious human
                                                                                                                 being, let alone his stubbornness in paying the
    There is a rising political chatter. A friend of           next year’s election.”                            country’s legal debts, a move that in 2011 cost
mine is willing to donate “what it takes” to replace                                                             taxpayers an estimated $1.3 billion. His professed
Lee with former presidential candidate Evan                nent Democrats agree with the concept. McMullin       “fiscal restraint” didn’t apply to his inability
McMullin. Another friend has held a neighborhood           ran a strong independent campaign in 2018 but         to make his own house payment and while he
meeting to introduce his friends to announced              was still easily crushed by the Trump voters.         portrays himself as a “constitutionalist” I view
contender Becky Edwards. Several weeks ago, one                Trump will call McMullin a pathetic RINO          him as a partisan “obstructionist” with the cold
of the founders of Mormon Women for Ethical                (Republican in Name Only) and, considering that       demeanor of a granite countertop.
Government urged Utahns to donate to and                   the majority of Utah Republicans still think Biden        But in a very “red” state, close ties with rich
support the Edwards campaign saying we need                is an imposter president, McMullin will be roadkill   right-wing donor PACs, and the obvious hesitancy
“a proven track record as a unifier who would              for an angry GOP.                                     for other Republican officials to criticize their own
best represent the people, interests, and values of            Edwards is smart and likeable. The daughter-      incumbent, you pencil in Mike Lee for another six
Utah.”                                                     in-law of BYU legend LaVell Edwards, she might        years. Bet on it!
    All the noise is great water cooler talk for those
who engage in politics. But the odds of success-
fully unseating Lee are as high as me donating to
the Ku Klux Klan. The challengers are good people,
    McMullin’s chances hang on convincing the
Democratic Party to endorse him on an inde-
pendent ticket and stop any other Utahn from
appearing on the Democrat side of the ballot. That
simply won’t happen, even though many promi-
InsIde... Cedar's heritage Celebrated at annual festival - Wednesday, november 3, 2021 - Iron County Today
6 Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                              news                                                  Iron County Today

                                   2021 Iron County 

    General Election
       Due to our press deadline occuring prior to the final election
     results being released, they will not appear in this edition. In the
                                                                              call and responsibility to serve our citizens. We look forward to
                                                                              working with each of you to help continue making our communi-
     meantime, for current election results please refer to your trusted      ties in Iron County the best places to live, work and play.
     online news sources or visit                            Thank you for your understanding and continual support of the
       We congratulate and welcome all those who have accepted the            Iron County Today.

Below are bookings as reported by the Iron County Sheriff’s
Department and Cedar City Police Department. Those arrested are
innocent until proven guilty.

      OCTOBER 22                      Dylan A Chase
                                      Cedar City, UT
Jennifer L McCraw                     DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia, No
Cedar City, UT                        Proof of Ins.
DV – In Presence of Child, Criminal
                                      Samuel J Hall
                                      Cedar City, UT
Richard T Shepherd                    DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia
Cedar City, UT
DUI w/Prior, Susp/Revoked DL,               OCTOBER 28
Interlock Dev Req.
                                      Rigoberto R Hernandez
      OCTOBER 23                      Morganton, NC
                                      No Valid DL
Damien S Lewis                        Craig McCrarey
Cedar City, UT                        Circleville, UT
DUI w/BAC at/over .08, Open           DUI, Refuse Chem Test
Container in Veh, DRUG – Poss C/S
                                      Rhonda L Espinoza
Dustin C Liske                        Enoch, UT
Cedar City, UT                        DRUG – Dist/Offer/Arrange Dist of
Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct      C/S, Paraphernalia

      OCTOBER 24                      Sandra A Hamel
                                      Enoch, UT
Ryley B Alger                         DRUG – Dist/Offer/Arrange Dist of
Cedar City, UT                        C/S, Paraphernalia
DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia        Silina V Roman
Kataya M Thatcher-Sidwell             Cedar City, UT
Cedar City, UT                        Child Endangerment
Retail Theft, Criminal Trespass       Liberti Sharp
                                      Las Vegas, UT
      OCTOBER 25                      Porb/Parole Violation

David A Martinez                            OCTOBER 29
Cedar City, UT
No Valid DL, Reckless Driving         Kenneth E Elze, Jr
                                      Enoch, UT
Kate M Bess                           DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia,
Parowan, UT
                                      Poss/Purch Tobacco by Minor
Interlock Dev Req, Drive on Susp/
Revoked DL                            Gino A Macchirella
                                      Las Vegas, NV
Bryan J Burkes                        Speed Regulations
Cedar City, UT
Unlawful Purch/Poss/Trans of          Bobby S Perkins
Dangerous Weapon                      Cedar City, UT
                                      Protective Order Violation
Heidi R Fernandez
Chandler, AZ                          Bobbi J Giddens
DUI w/BAC at/over .08, Refuse         Dolan Springs, AZ
Chem Test, Open Container in Veh      Criminal Trespass

Steven D Harris                             OCTOBER 30
Homeless, Cedar City, UT
DRUG – Poss w/Intent to               Amalia, Chan-Pelico
Distribute, Child Endangerment        Newcastle, UT
                                      DV – Presence of Child, Assault
      OCTOBER 26                      Skyler B Campbell
                                      Cedar City, UT
Makoti M Fox                          DRUG – Prod/Manu/Distr C/S,
Spokane, WA
                                      Resist/Interfere w/Arrest
                                      James A Sorah
Daniel J Hernandez                    Cedar City, UT
Las Vegas, NV                         DRUG – Poss/Use C/S, Susp/Rev Lic
Rec/Poss Stolen Property
                                      James A Sorah
Cody A Jacobs                         Cedar City, UT
Parowan, UT                           DRUG – Poss/Use C/S, Susp/
Prob/Parole Violation                 Revoke DL
Esperanza Rodriguez
Cedar City, UT                              OCTOBER 31
DRUG – Poss C/S, Paraphernalia
                                      Dayne A Morris
                                      Lehi, UT
      OCTOBER 27                      Intoxication, Disorderly Conduct
Dylan A Chase                         Robert L Boren
Cedar City, UT                        Cedar City, UT
DRUG – Poss C/S                       DUI
Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                                                                                                                            7

Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

         SUU faculty choreographed dance concert explores

     Wading Below
  by Ashley H. Palmer
                                           Education major states,
                                           “The process of working
                                           with Andrea Vazquez-Aguirre
                                                                                          emotions experienced - in
                                                                                        harmony or conflict - that may
                                                                                    be recognized within a person at
                                                                                                                             offers the audience members a
                                                                                                                             chance to gaze into the abstract
                                                                                                                             expression of those experiences,
      After a long pandemic hiatus         has been one of the most unique,         any given moment. Frische Luft,          the good, the bad, the ugly, and the
  from the stage with a live audience,     beautiful, and illuminating expe-        a new dance work by Alexandra            indifferent.
  SUU’s Dance Program is thrilled          riences. She taught me the depth         Bradshaw-Yerby, draws inspiration            Transfer Dance Education major,
  to premiere Wading Below Dance           of meaningful choreography and           from the German practice of letting      Emilio Noriega, says of his work
  Concert on November 5, 6, 8, and         bringing life into it. It didn't occur   fresh air into one’s home daily          with Sheather, “In this piece we
  12, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. and matinees       to me that the beauty of movement        to sustain happiness and health.         touch on many issues that can be
  on November 6 and 13, 2021 at 2:00       and dance could bring a piece of         Literally and figuratively, this piece   too hard to talk about. We give a
  p.m. in the Randall L. Jones Theatre.    art to life. I really got to explore     is an opportunity for the perform-       visual representation and allow the
      Please note that due to COVID-       my personal movement quality,            ers to take a deep breath, process       viewers to see how they feel based
  19 we will be offering limited           textures, and motives within myself      their ongoing personal experiences       on the experiences they have gone
  seating capacity and masks are           and learn to dance within the same       of the COVID-19 pandemic, and rel-       through. The dance has become a
  expected. It is recommended              energy as others.”                       ish the joy of dancing in wide open      group project and we have all been
  that you purchase your tickets in            Andrea Vazquez-Aguirre, SUU          spaces in front of live audiences.       put on this equivalent standard that
  advance. Tickets are $10 for adults,     Dance’s newest faculty member,               Danielle Lydia Sheather in           is set very high and you can truly
  $8 for alumni with card, and $5 for      choreographed The Creation of            collaboration with the dancers will      see everyone excel. No one is judged
  youth. SUU faculty/staff (and one        the Birds – after a painting by          also present a new work Oflimininal      for any mishaps. To feel everyone
  guest) and students can attend for       Remedios Varo, who meticulously          Noise. The piece plays with ele-         putting in their all, presents a
  free with a valid ID card. Tickets can   painted the unconscious through          ments of German Expressionism,           good energy in the room which is
  be purchased at the America First        symbology that operates as a             Dadaism, and Realistic Surrealism.       something I enjoy quite a bit.”
  Event Center Box Office, at the door     roadmap into a visionary world.          The piece features 25 dance majors           The performance will include a
  the night of the performance, or         Nick Blaylock, in collaboration          all with an individualistic approach     silent auction 30 minutes prior to
  online at              with the performers, will share          towards a communal ideology.
      Summer Halley, freshman Dance        five micro-studies on the various        Steeped in their stories, the work                     see SUU Dance » 8
                                                                                                                                                      photo Courtesy SUU
8   Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                                showcase                                                          Iron County Today

     Talking Strings plays the Language of Music
by Christina Schweiss                                                                                        Keenan
 For Iron Count y Today                                                                                   Webster (Left)
                                                                                                        and Pete Jacobson
    Talking Strings — featuring Keenan Webster                                                           (Right) combine
and Pete Jacobson — performed music for SUU’s                                                           their musical talents
                                                                                                         to create powerful,
APEX event on October 28. Webster and Jacobson                                                             transformative
first started playing together just six months ago.                                                             music.
Jacobson is a Grammy award winner and Webster is
a specialist in West African instruments.
    APEX director, Lynn Vartan, explained in her
introduction that this is, “usually a lecture series with
a lot of words — today is as little words as possible.
We want to talk about the language of music. The
language of sound and music and what the spirit
of music can do to us. Today will be an expansive
exploration of connection in music and the power of
collaboration between sounds.”
    Vartan told the audience to, “Just relax after
midterms. Let this music wash over you. It is
almost trance-like. Let music take you wherever it
is going to take you.”
    Webster played multiple instruments during the
performance, primarily the Kora and Kamele n'goni.
The Kora has 21 strings (11 played by the left hand
and 10 by the right), a large calabash cut in half and
covered with cow skin with a long, hardwood neck.
The Kamele n'goni is a string instrument and the
traditional guitar of Malia which is made from goat
                                                                                                                                                       photos by Joseph Roberts
    The particular Kora which Webster played is one         music [of Raga] is based off of these mystics and       4 in the Hunter Conference center on SUU’s campus.
of the three electric Kora’s in the world. The electric     people who would spend a lifetime learning the          The program will be Science in Action and it will
version is modeled after the electric guitar.               science of these things.”                               begin at 11:30 am. For more information about future
    Playing Indian Raga during the event, Jacobson              The next APEX event will take place on November     APEX programs, visit
expressed, “Raga is that which colors the mind. A
certain feeling that is evoked from a combination
of pitches. It’s a sort of a melodic form as it goes up
and down.”
    Further explaining Raga, Jacobson said that
“A raga is not a scale. A raga has a very definitive
motion between those notes. Raga is a really
nuanced thing and it takes a long time to learn.
Raga is not a written thing. It's an aural tradition. It
is too nuanced to actually write in western nota-
tion. You must learn by the ear.”
    Jacobson continued that the “tradition of the

suu dance
« Continued from page 7

the performances and a Post-Show Talk Back with
the artists after the 7:30pm November 6, 2021, per-
formance. The silent auction features artwork from
last year’s performance of The D.A.W.N Act Suite.
Patrons are encouraged to walk around the lobby
and bid on multiple canvases created by sponta-
neous movement during the pandemic. All proceeds
will go towards Southern Utah University’s Dance
Program events which help to bring guest dance
artists to Southern Utah, provide training equipment
to our students, and enhance the current resources
available. The Post-Show Talk Back will provide the
audience insight into the creation of the works and
a Q&A to follow. Wading Below will also be available
on the Virtual Theatre Page beginning November
13, 2021 through to December 17, 2021. To access the
SUU TDAA Virtual Theatre Page, please visit https://
    Embrace the experience of Wading Below SUU
Faculty Choreographed Dance Concert on November
5, 6, 8, and 12, 2021 at 7:30 p.m. and matinees on
November 6 and 13, 2021 at 2:00 p.m. in the Randall L.
Jones Theatre. For more information about the SUU
Dance program, please visit
Iron County Today                                                               showcase   Wednesday, November 3, 2021   9

 Marie Osmond kicks
off Holiday Tour at SUU
from Ron Cardon                           well as Billboard chart-topping
 SUU Alumni Rel ations Director           singles from her five-decade career.
                                          Osmond will also enchant audi-
    CEDAR CITY — Entertainment            ences with songs off her upcoming
icon Marie Osmond will spread             Unexpected album, which covers a
the holiday spirit as she launches        multitude of styles from opera to
her A Symphonic Christmas tour            Broadway to timeless classics.
at Southern Utah University                   A local twist to the holiday
on Wednesday, December 1, at              concert is the SUU Symphonic
7:30 p.m. inside                                           Orchestra will provide
the America First                                          accompaniment for
Event Center. Her             “We are                      the show. Members
special guests will
include her nephew         thrilled that                   of the orchestra are
                                                           eager for the experi-
David Osmond
and “America’s Got
                             [Marie] is                    ence of learning from
                                                           Osmond, who has
Talent” finalist Daniel
Emmet. Tickets are
                          launching her                    garnered numerous
                                                           Billboard chart-top-
$35 for adults and
$25 for students, and
                          2021 tour right                  ping singles and
can be purchased          here in Cedar                        “This is exciting
at,                                       and an excellent
at the Thunderbird            City and                     opportunity for me
Ticket Office or
by calling (435)          helping us kick                  to grow as a musician
                                                           as well as learn about
    “We are excited to
                          off the holiday                  the music industry
                                                           world,” said flautist
bring Marie Osmond
to Iron County,”
                              season.”                     Stone Ren, a freshman
                                                           music performance
said SUU Interim              Mindy Benson, SUU            major from Las Vegas,
President Mindy                 Interim President          Nevada.
Benson. “Marie has                                             The follow-up
entertained audi-                                          to Osmond's Top
ences throughout the world, and           10 Billboard Country album, Music
of course she is a fan favorite here      is Medicine, Unexpected is ded-
in Utah. We are thrilled that she is      icated to her father George who
launching her 2021 tour right here        encouraged his daughter to follow
in Cedar City and helping us kick off     her passion and sing every style of
the holiday season.”                      music she loved. These recordings
    Fans can look forward to the          are also a permanent tribute and
multiple gold and plati-                          personal thank you from
num-selling artist and                                 Osmond to all of her fans
CMA winner performing                                    who have requested
festive favorites as                                        them over the years.

                                                                Courtesy Marie Osmond
10   Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                                showcase                                                               Iron County Today

       OSU to pay tribute to veterans, local history
from Mary Furse                                                                                                                        and Southern Utah will be coming
 For Iron Count y Today                                                                                                                together, lending their talents to this
                                                                                                                                       tribute. Country artist Eric Dodge will
    Come together for a patriotic cel-                                                                                                 feature in a heartfelt and powerful ren-
ebration as the Orchestra of Southern                                                                                                  dition of “God Bless the U.S.A”. Bill and
Utah joins with Eric Dodge, Bill and                                                                                                   Loretta Westbrook, a favorite local duo
Loretta Westbrook, and local choirs in a                                                                                               will take the stage with their unique
tribute to veterans, those who currently                                                                                               stylistic blend of bluegrass, country,
serve our nation in the military, and                                                                                                  and folk music. Portions of the program
each of their loved ones. This perfor-                                                                                                 have been arranged by local composer
mance is our way of expressing deep                                                                                                    Jacob Lee, whose cinematic orchestral
gratitude for the liberties we have                                                                                                    style evokes a strong sense of story.
and the effort and sacrifice that go                                                                                                   This inspiring tribute concert will
into preserving them. The event will                                                                                                   conclude with “America the Beautiful”.
                                                                                                                        Courtesy OSU
also feature highlights of Cedar City                                                                                                      This event will be free to the public.
history, celebrating those who have        nation will fill the concert hall, a spirit   the orchestra for the upbeat spiritual        Tickets are currently available online
built our community. Carylee Zwang         of perseverance, togetherness, and            inspired “I Hear America Singing”.            for reservations for ages 6 and older.
will conduct the choirs and orchestra.     willingness to serve. Selections will         Children's choirs will join the orchestra     Orchestra of Southern Utah season
Admission is free to the public.           include the Salute to the Armed Forces        for “Thank You Soldiers”.                     ticket holders are provided with
    From patriotic anthems to classic      medley, “Star Spangled Banner”, and the           Musicians hailing from Cedar City         automatic reservations.
Americana music, the spirit of our         nostalgic American Folk Rhapsody No.
                                           2. The Southern Utah Chorale will join

        Want an excellent
      result? That’ll cost ya
by Mary Anne Andersen                      between the pros and us: they under-
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council                  stand that it takes time to achieve

                                           the desired level of excellence.
            e went to see the movie             When I was being taught the
            “Dune”, the latest iteration   art of quilting, my teachers, women
            of the Hugo-award-             of the highest skill and creators of
winning science fiction novel by           award-winning quilts, observed
Frank Herbert, published in 1965.          some of my early efforts. In my own
(Going to a theater was in itself an       mind, I thought I was doing quite
adventure; we’ve been inside a movie       well; my stitches were becoming
theater only twice in two years). We       smaller, I was getting more stitches
had both read the book decades ago,        to the inch, and my following of the
but the thing which got me to the          pattern lines was impeccable. One of
megaplex was an interview I heard          my friends looked over my shoulder
on NPR of the director. He talked          to see my work and said, “We refer
about his obsession with the                     to that as basting.” Ouch. I had
book for decades and his                             to take the stitches out and
desire to put on screen                                replace them with more
the pictures in his head.                                painstaking work, all
Then here is what stood                                   of which took time, of
out to me: It took him                                    course.
months to get the                                             The opposite of that
depiction of the movie’s                                  attitude is the avowed
monster, an enormous                                     leadership style of a
sandworm, just right. He                               well-known CEO of a giant
worked with his artists and                          corporation: “Done is better
tech guys until the desired goal                  than perfect.” I have to say that
of perfection was reached.                 that attitude can be the correct
    It came to me that the price           one. It is not necessary to spend 10
of excellence is time, and perhaps         minutes in front of a mirror trying
nowhere is that more obvious than          to get a magnetic name tag perfectly
in the arts. We at one time, years ago,    aligned on a shirt. And that attitude
attended a master class by a scion of      is definitely the right one when it
a world-class classical-guitar family.     comes to applying eye make-up.
He was working with a student who          It is possible to have a desire for
was having trouble executing a small       excellence tip over into the realm of
musical ornamentation in his current       OCD tyranny.
piece of study. The teacher asked him           But when I ask my students how
how many times he practiced that           long they spend practicing scales
one-second mordent (similar to a           each week, I understand the strug-
short trill) when he practiced each        gles they’re having. Sixty minutes per
day, and the boy proudly said prob-        week spent at the keyboard doesn’t
ably 20 times. The world-renowned          yield the same results as 120 min-
professional said, “I would practice       utes—or more. Sorry, guys; you’ve got
it 500 times.” That is the difference      to pay the excellence price: time.
Iron County Today                                                               showcase                                                 Wednesday, November 3, 2021             11

                                                             An official image from the short-
                                                                film, "Roberta on the Road."
                                                                                                                 Before there was a
                                                                                                                Groovacious Records
                                                                                                                from Lisa Cretsinger
                                                                                                                 For Iron Count y Today

                                                                                                                    Before there was a Groovacious Records, there were
                                                                                                                two people living separate lives in Oregon. Tim was a
                                                                                                                DJ, music promoter and managed DJ Sound City, Tower
                                                                                                                Records and Music Millennium in Portland, Oregon where
                                                                                                                Tim and Lisa met in 1989.
                                                                                                                    Twenty-nine years later, Tim & Lisa Cretsinger are
                                                                                                                celebrating their 29th year in business! Open since 1992
                                                                                                                they are the only full service, independent record store in
                                                                                                                any direction for miles & miles. With over seventy years of
                                                                                                                collective experience in the music business they gener-
                                                                                                                ously stock and will special order, all formats, all genres.
                                                                                                                Shipping is available and easy.
                                                                                                                    Make sure to stop in to help them celebrate this
                                                                                                                business milestone of 29 years in business
                                                                                                                Groovacious Records
                                                                                                                »»195 West 650 South #2
                                                                                                                 Cedar City, Utah 84720
                                                                                                                »»Open Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday 11:00
                                                                                          Bridgette              AM to 6:30 PM
                                                                                        Meinhold and
                                                                                       Claire Wiley get
                                                                                       their pic taken
                                                                                     during a break in the
                                                                                       Film Fest action.

                                                                                         photos Courtesy RRFF

  Annual Red Rock Film                                                                                                                     Groovacious Records

Festival wraps up 15th year
from Matt Marxteyn                                   filmmaker. Also on the panel were UVU stu-
 For Iron Count y Today                              dents Tanner Padbury of Portland, Oregon and
                                                     screenwriter of "Make Me Perfect" along with
     The 15th Annual Red Rock Film Festival          the lead actress Sonja Hugo.
came to a close late Saturday night at the               Nichols said, "It was important we submit
Cedar Fun Center after showcasing 82 films           to the Red Rock Film Festival because so much
from 26 countries over six days. Although most       of Roberta's story has to do with the Southwest,
of the films were from foreign countries with        and Utah specifically. We are honored to play in
travel bans, many filmmakers were on hand            this beautiful state!"
both from Utah and out-of-state for Q&As.                The film had its World Premiere along
     Both Director of "Reverie", Claire Wiley, and   with "Maggie on Stratford Ave." and "Legend's
the film's writer and main character, Bridgette      End: The Loch Ness Monster Story" at the
Meinhold, live in Utah. Because the film is          Festival along with several others having their
centered around connecting with the environ-         World, US or American Premiere. Some of the
ment, they said they love the idea of sharing        highlights included the US Premieres of "Nike's
"Reverie" with other outdoor enthusiasts, and        Big Bet" and "Frank Lloyd Wright - The Phoenix
those who enjoy practicing moving meditation         From The Ashes", North American Premiere
in their home state.                                 of "Remember Me", Utah Premiere of "The
     Albert James May, Director and Marcus           Woman" which received some of the highest
Weatherred, Producer were also present to            scores at the Festival.
screen their BYU film "Maggie on Stratford Ave,"         The second section of the Festival will be
a film about a Utah woman struggling with            held in the winter where it will present the
opioid addiction.                                    winning films from the Red Rock Film Festival.
     May said, "I am grateful for the opportunity    More information will be announced on the
to screen the film to fellow Utahns, surrounded      Festival's Facebook page at https://www.
by the beautiful environment of Cedar City." A mem-
     Livi Nichols of Arizona and director/           bership drive has already started for next year's
producer of "Roberta on the Road" along              edition at https://redrockfilmfestival.eventive.
with the editor/co-producer Jesse Wannagot           org/passes/buy. The Festival will begin taking
participated in a panel discussion on student        entries starting in January.
 12                                                                   Wednesday, November 3, 2021

                                                  Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

 Livestock       &   Heritage       Festival
   honors historic contributions to Cedar City
by Corey Baumgartner
 Iron Count y Today

     The Cedar Livestock Festival returned
to Cedar City with a lineup that included an
Antique Tractor Pull and Draft Horse Pull,
the Dennis Stowell Memorial Ranch Rodeo,
vendors, vintage cars, quilts, delicious lamb
burgers, a Dutch oven cook-off and of
course, lots of sheep.
     The highlight of the Festival was the
annual sheep parade. Though they took a
little longer to meander their way down
Cedar’s Main Street, it was worth the wait
for the woolly guests. A new and exciting
addition to this year’s parade was a herd of
impressive longhorn cattle.
     After the sheep made their exit from their
exodus, the parade-goers made their way to
the Diamond Z Arena to enjoy the many other
fun events of the weekend, which included
Cowboy Church and a special concert by Chris
Petersen that honored the Livestock Festival
Grand Marshall, Brad Schmutz.

                                                                                photos by corey baumgartner
Iron County Today                                                                   life                                                 Wednesday, November 3, 2021          13

Estate planning                                                               The search for self…
when relocating                                               by Michelle Crompton                                        donating to those in need; a jaunt in nature can

 to a new state                                                IFS Studio                                                 also help us get in touch with ourselves and can

                                                                                                                          even help reset our emotions.
                                                                          hen our lives are being controlled by
                                                                          outside forces, it can make us feel out             Self-Reflection
by Jeffery J. McKenna                                                     of control. Why is that? Is it the fear of              Part of discovery is reflection – with more
 For Iron Count y Today                                       the tumultuous future, or anger at the impositions              time spent alone over the past year, there’s been

                                                              put on our already busy lives? Is it job loss or career         ample opportunity to reflect, especially on all the
         elocating to a new state often creates issues        change, loved ones moving away or passing on?                   negative aspects.
         affecting estate planning. Many people                   So much has happened to us in the past year.                    Try not to dwell on just the bad. There are
         wonder if they need a new will or trust when         We’ve collectively shared the experience of the                 plenty of positives to explore! Journaling (on paper,
they move from one state to another. Although a will          turmoil, all of us in our own ways. And through-                computer or just in your headspace) is a great way
or trust validly executed in one state should be valid        out this time, maybe we’ve each discovered a                    to reflect and dig deep into who we are. Ask simple
in a different state, it is a good idea to have the estate    bit more about one another and—more impor-                      questions to start down a path of exploration:
planning documents reviewed. By addressing issues             tantly—about ourselves.
related to relocation, an individual can avoid certain            The self-discovery venture                                                   » What does happiness mean to
problems and maximize possible benefits.                      that many of us have (some                                                           me?
     One problem that can be avoided relates to refer-        of us involuntarily)                                                                     » What would my dream
ences to another state's laws. Often, estate planning                                                                                                    life look like?
                                                              embarked on has been
documents reference a particular state's law as the
                                                              both gratifying and                                                                           » What’s an important
governing law. Many times specific state statutes
                                                              terrifying; the more                                                                            lesson I’ve learned
are referenced. If someone dies in a "new" state, the
                                                              we’ve learned                                                                                     in the past three
references in the estate planning documents to the
“old” state's laws can be problematic. By executing           about ourselves,                                                                                   years?
an amendment to the trust or codicil to the will that         the less we know                                                                                    » When do I feel
changes the state law references to the "new" state's         about everything                                                                                     at peace?
law, one can avoid possible problems.                         else, because                                                                                         » What’s pre-
     Another concern that should be addressed per-            everything                                                                                            venting me from
tains to special health care documents. In a complete         we thought                                                                                            living my best
estate plan, one should have legal documents per-             we knew had                                                                                           life?
taining to medical treatment decisions. These docu-           changed.
ments usually consist of what is commonly referred                If you’re                                                                                             Spend time
to as a "living will" (more formally titled “Directive        feeling over-                                                                                        pondering
to Physicians”) and a durable power of attorney for           whelmed in this                                                                                     without distrac-
medical matters. These documents are very useful if           day and age, please                                                                                tion and discover
an individual becomes incapacitated and unable to             know you’re in an                                                                                far more about your
make his or her own decisions. The documents allow            abundance of fine and                                                                          true self.
one to specify what medical treatment he or she               wonderful company.
desires. Additionally, the living will directs the treating       There’s a lot to unpack                                                               Self-Compassion
doctor or health care facility to allow the termination       when it comes to the                                                                       Life is hard. Sticking to
of life support if the individual is determined to be in      journey of self-discovery, and                                                      routines, goals and expecta-
a vegetative state without possibility of recovery.           if you don’t want to get lost in the                   getty images
                                                                                                                                             tions is even harder. Social media
     Significantly, these documents are created by            wilderness, here are a few ways to stay on                              doesn’t help when they feed you mani-
state law. Many states have special provisions related        the right trail:                                                cured photos of other people’s accomplishments,
to these medical treatment documents. Although a                                                                              vacations or parenting skills.
living will or power of attorney validly executed in          Self-Care                                                           Give yourself grace. Not only do you deserve
one state should be valid in another, the doctors or              The first rule of self-discovery is to take care            forgiveness, but you’ll feel much better about
health care facilities will probably be most familiar         of one’s self. It’s self-preservation so that you can           yourself when you truly follow through with
with the documents used in their state.                       continue the self-discovery journey (and life in                forgiving yourself for being fantastically imper-
     Another issue related to relocating to another           general) without breaking down (physically or                   fect. Once you forgive and accept yourself, then
state that should be addressed in order to maximize           mentally).                                                      everything else can start to flourish.
potential tax benefits pertains to community                      Self-care can happen in many beneficial ways:                   Knowing more about ourselves only benefits us;
property. There are ten community property states             meditation, yoga, exercise and a healthful diet                 knowledge is power, after all. The circumstances
(Arizona, California, Nevada, New Mexico, Idaho,              are some ways to care for one’s self. There are                 at the moment may not be ideal, but the journey
Texas, Washington, Louisiana, Wisconsin, and Alaska           also actions to take to make us feel better on the              of self-discovery can be a beautiful adventure to
– with Alaska recently adopting a form of commu-              inside, such as engaging in volunteer work or                   embark upon—if you choose it to be so.
nity property ownership). Many married couples
have relocated to Southern Utah from community
property states. If a married couple has moved from
a community property state or is planning to move to
a community property state, they should have their
estate plan reviewed.
     The preceding issues are just a few of the estate
planning items that should be considered when
relocating from one state to another.

Jeffery J. McKenna is a local attorney serving clients in
Utah, Nevada, and Arizona. He is a shareholder at the law
firm of Barney McKenna and Olmstead. He is a founding
member and former President of the Southern Utah
Estate Planning Council. Barney McKenna & Olmstead,
P.C., has a satellite office with Burns Law at 415 N. Main
Street, Suite 106 in Cedar City. If you have questions
regarding this article or if you have a topic you wish to
have addressed in this column, you can call 435 628-1711 or
email or visit us at
14   Wednesday, November 3, 2021                                                                 life                                                                                 Iron County Today

  Saturday Book                                                                                                         calendar
  Signing honors                                                  ongoing opportunities
timeless love story                                                        Government
                                                                                                                   ARP—Addiction Recovery
                                                                                                                   1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary building,
                                                                                                                                                                      Cedar Professionals
                                                                                                                                                                      Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill Suites, 1477 S
                                                                                                                   Main & 300 N, Parowan                              Highway 91, Cedar City. Organization of
by Corey Baumgartner                                              Cedar City Council                               Sun 7:30pm • 85 N 600 W, Cedar City, Rm.           business people. Stimulate business through
                                                                  Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City Hall, 10 N.     102 – LDS bldg. Back entrance. 435-218-9578        exchange of ideas, information, referrals.
 Iron Count y Today                                               Main St (435) 586-2950                                                                    
                                                                  Enoch City Council                               1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging Offices,        Color Country Pickleball
    The introduction to Burt and Shirley Swaim’s                  1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall, 900 E                                                              M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar Stake Ctr),
                                                                                                                   585 N Main, Ste. 1, Cedar City
book, Rebirth of the Broken Branches begins, “What                Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                                                                       Paddles & balls supplied. (435) 586-6345
started out as a sweet, innocent beginning ended up                                                                Celebrate Recovery
                                                                  Enoch Planning Commission                        (Christian 12-Step Program) Wed 6:30 pm
                                                                                                                                                                      Color Country Winds
fraught with difficult struggles, perseverance, and               2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall, 900 E       • True Life Center, 2111 N Main, Cedar City.       Wed • Come brush up on your band skills to
incredibly bad timing…eventually lightened with                   Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                    We believe that through Christ we can be           share with the community. Call Debbie at
                                                                                                                                                                      (435) 559-9609 for time and location.
Love, Hope and Spiritual Awakening!”                              Iron County Commission
                                                                                                                   victorious over any hurts, habits, hang-ups
                                                                                                                   (Phil. 4:13) • Jeff J 801-638-1800, Gary D.        Explorer Bible Club
    Rebirth is the story of a marriage 60 years in the            2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am • Commission                 702-303-5662.                                      Wed, 6:30-8 pm • 4yrs. to 6th grade, Valley
making! Burt and Shirley met on a $5 bet in 1958 and              Chambers, 68 S 100 E, Parowan
                                                                                                                                                                      Bible Church (4780 N Hwy 91, Enoch).
thought it was a match made in Heaven. However,                                                                    Helproom
                                                                  Iron County Democrats                            Fri, 2-3 pm • Free online support group for
through some significant challenges and opposition,               3rd Sat, 9-10:30 am • Pastry Pub, 86 W           survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual             Hey Cedars Square Dance
                                                                  Center, Cedar City
Heaven would have to wait during a 56 year sepa-                                                                   Assault. Safe space to communicate, feel           Mon, 6:30-8:30 pm • Cedar City Visitors
                                                                  Iron County Republican Women                     supported and share perspectives on                Center, 581 N Main, Cedar City
ration. Finally, they were reunited and married on                                                                 healing, recovery. Join at:
October 2, 2018.                                                  3rd Wed, 11:30 am. Tickets $20, https://www.     helproom/canyoncreekservices.                      Pickleball Group
    This book is the story of their miraculous                                                                     Multiple Sclerosis
                                                                                                                                                                      Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball Courts.
                                                                  Parowan City Council                                                                                Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2 (indoors) and
marriage and according to Burt, “There’s no Romeo                                                                  3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s Center,        free (outdoors)
                                                                  2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall, 35 E 100 N
and Juliet ending.” Each chapter is full of inspiring             • (435) 477-3331                                 581 N Main. Caregivers and those with MS
                                                                                                                                                                      Rock Club
circumstances that brought them back together and                                                                  Narcotics Anonymous                                1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy, 201
includes, mystery, addiction recovery and spiritual                                                       • (435) 635-9603            W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch. Learn about
strength.                                                                Service groups                            KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar            geology, find gems, fossils and minerals.
                                                                                                                   City) unless otherwise listed                      Learn to cut and polish and make jewelry.
    One reader, Bill Storm, shared, “Who would                    American Legion Auxiliary                                                                 
                                                                                                                   Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm
believe this story? I was shocked with disbelief when             3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar Library, 303 N 100 E,       Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm                         Senior Yoga Classes
Burt told me. This is a story over a half-century in the          Amer. Legion Conf. Room • (435) 704-6654
                                                                                                                   Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm                    Mon, 10-11 am & Wed, 1-2 pm • Cedar City
making and one that everyone should read.”                        Bikers Against Child Abuse                       Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm                      Senior Center (489 E 200 S). Easy to do.
                                                                                                                                                                      Please bring own mat. (435) 586-0832
    Burt and Shirley were able to complete their                  1st Thurs 7 pm • Courtyard Marriott (1294        Candle Light Meeting • Sat, 9:30 pm
                                                                  S Interstate Dr, Cedar City), Cedar Breaks       (Small room)                                       Southern Utah Woodturners
book during the COVID “sheltering in place” and now               Conference Room                                  Women Only • Sun, 11 am                            2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School wood
they want to share their story with you at their book                                                              Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm • The             shop, 703 W 600 S.
signing this Saturday (1-3pm) at Main Street Books,               Elks Lodge #1556
                                                                                                                   Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main St, Cedar (877)
                                                                  111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City, (435)                                                               StrongBoard Classes
25 N Main in Cedar City. You can purchase this book               586-8332
                                                                                                                                                                      M-W-Fri, 9 am • IFS Studio, 2390 UT-56 #9,
there and have Burt and Shirley sign it. If you are               Lion’s Club                                      Pornography Addiction Recovery                     Cedar City. Improve core strength, balance,
unable to make the event you can purchase the book                Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz for
                                                                                                                   for Men                                            stability. All fitness levels welcome. Class
                                                                                                                   Thurs, 7:30pm • Canyon View seminary               size limited to 8. Call (661) 436-0259 to
on Amazon, or by calling Burt at (435) 383-3404.                  mtg. info. Everyone welcome! (435) 590-2896
                                                                                                                   building (54 W 1925 N). North entrance.            register/reserve your spot.
    Come join the Swain’s in celebrating their first              Marine Corps League
book and their amazing adventures during the                                                                       Pregnancy, Infant Loss                             Tae Kwon Do Class
                                                                  Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm                                                                      Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic Center,
                                                                  Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City.             1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families of So.
Rebirth of the Broken Branches.                                                                                    Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste. 6, Cedar •          2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/mo., ages 5+,
                                                                  Rotary Club                                                      any experience level (435) 865-9223. Helps
                                                                                                                                                                      benefit Canyon Creek Crisis Center.
                                                                  Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech, 757 W 800 S,
                                                                  Cedar City • (435) 233-0244                      Senior Blind/Visually                              Tai Chi For Arthritis
                                                                                                                   Impaired                                           Wed & Fri, 9:30-10:30 am • Cedar Senior
                                                                                                                   3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City Library            Center, 489 E 200 S. FREE low-impact, health
                                                                         Support Groups                            Southwest Parkinson’s                              benefitting exercise for Seniors. Helps with
                                                                                                                                                                      coordination, balance, flexibility and more. To
                                                                                                                   Alliance                                           register – contact Maria Bailey (435) 673-3548.
                                                                  AA—Alcoholics Anonymous                          2nd Tues, 1 pm. • Cedar City Senior Center,        Space limited.
                                                                  (435) 635-3603 •                  489 E 200 S • Kristy 435-559-9681.
                                                                  Helpline: John (702) 802-1332, Kara (702)                                                           Take Action for Freedom
                                                                  232-6829                                                                                            Wed, 7 pm • Stahli West 600 N. Airport Road,
                                                                  KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar               Classes/Activities                            Cedar • Help preserve our Constitution,
                                                                  City) unless otherwise listed                                                                       Republic, voting laws, medical freedoms,
                                                                  Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa, Noon           Adult Barre/Modern Dance                           traditional education curriculum, 1st & 2nd
                                                                  Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am                                                                 Amendment Rights, education on CRT &
                                                                                                                   Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness Club, 1615 N      Southern boarder issues/illegal immigration
                                                                  Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6 pm Paiute          Main, Cedar City • All levels, Free to members,
                                                                  Indian Tribe of Utah, 440 N Paiute (435)                                                            & local/county/state Legislature issues
                                                                                                                   or $8 drop-in fee.
                                                                  586-1112 Ext. 307                                                                                   Top Bar Hive Bee Keeping
                                                                  Misfits • M – F, 6 pm                            Arthritis Foundations Exercise                     1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
                                                                  Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm                         Time TBA, Cedar Senior Center                      303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661
                                                                  The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. • True Life         489 E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained
                                                                  Center (TLC) 2111 N. Main. • (702) 802-1332 or   instructors. Range-of-motion exercises,            TOPS – Take Off Pounds
                                                                  (702) 533-7856                                   endurance-building activities, relaxation          Sensibly
                                                                  Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • 685 N 300          techniques, and health education topics.           Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am. Evening
                                                                  E, Parowan • (435) 477-8925                                                                         weigh-in 6:30 pm, mtg 7-8 pm • Cedar City
                                                                  Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am
                                                                                                                   Book Club                                          Library, 303 N 100 E. Lose weight without
                                                                                                                   2nd Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar Library 303 N 100 E.       buying special foods. • 586-3233 (a.m. mtg) or
                                                                  My Story • Sat, 8 pm
                                                                                                                                                                      867-4784 (p.m. mtg)
                                                                  Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual • Sun, 11 am     Cedar Chest Quilters’ Guild
                                                                  What a Way to Start the Day • Su, W, F 7-8       Thurs, 10 am • Cedar City Senior Center, 489       Water Aerobics Class
                                                                  am • All are welcome                             E 200 S. Sewing projects for all abilities.        Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56 N 600 W.,
                                                                                                                   Block of the Month. Make friends, improve          Fun, up-tempo workout to music. Intensive
                                                                  Al-Anon                                          your skills & have fun. Visitors are always        cardio, full body muscle toning. Any fitness
                                                                  KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar          welcome. Info: Ms. Ronnie Badgett. (435)           level. All ages. $3/class, including pool
                                                                  City) unless otherwise listed                    477-2243.              admission. (435) 327-2091 (no text)
                                                                  Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm • Call for
                                                                  info: (435) 704-8984                             Cedar Radio Control Club                           Wellness Place
                                                                  Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm • (435) 559-3333     4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library               583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar City. (435)
                                                                  Hope for Today (Family Groups)                   303 N 100 E.                                       592-5308. Classes:
                                                                  Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333
                                                                                                                   Cedar City Toastmasters
                                                                  Alzheimer's Caregiver                            Thurs, 7 am • The Pastry Pub • 86 W
                                                                  Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm, 4th Mon,      University Blvd. Find your voice & shape your      To add your ongoing opportunity to
                                                                  5:30 pm • RSVP to or (435)      future. Be the leader and speaker you want         our calendar, call 867-1865, ext.6 or
                                Courtesy Burt and Shirley Swaim   238-4998 x8773                                   to be. (603) 731-0116                              email
Iron County Today                                                                                    life                                                   Wednesday, November 3, 2021                    15

          Wed, Nov 3                                Masterworks Series concert 0f 2021. Tickets
                                                    $10 adults, $8 alumni with card, $5 for
                                                                                                         OPEN MIC NIGHT (6-7:30pm) @ Foothills
                                                                                                         Clubhouse in Parowan. Limited seating. Bill                Wed, Nov 10
                                                    youth. SUU faculty/staff (and one guest) and         Smith will recite his poetry with books/CDs for
        STRESS AWARENESS DAY                        students can attend free with valid ID card.         sale. All performers invited.                                FORGET ME NOT DAY
                                                    Tickets purchased at America First Event
CHARACTER SKETCHES “National Book                   Center Box Office, at the door the night of the                                                        CHARACTER SKETCHES “National Book
Award - Celebrates the best literature in                                                                                                                  Award - Celebrates the best literature in
America.” (Wed 6:30-7:30pm) Cedar City Library
                                                    performance, or online at
                                                    The CCCB is always recruiting new members.                     Sun, Nov 7                              America.” (Wed 6:30-7:30pm) Cedar City Library
[303 N 100 E], 435-586-6661. All skill levels       INFO – Steve Shirts: steve39shirts                                                         [303 N 100 E], 435-586-6661. All skill levels welcome.
welcome.                                                                                                        DAYLIGHT SAVINGS ENDS
                                                                                                                                                           PRECEPT UPON PRECEPT BIBLE STUDIES (6:30
SO UTAH WATERCOLOR FALL EXHIBIT (Thru                                                                                                                      to 8:45pm) @ Cedar City Public Library (303 N
Nov 11) @ Kolob Gallery [111 S Main, Cedar
City]. Featuring beautiful artwork from nine
                                                              Sat, Nov 6                                                                                   100 E). Straight-forward investigative approach
                                                                                                                                                           to Bible study. Attendees discover truth by using
local artists. Sandra Anderson, Megumi Dold,                    SAXOPHONE DAY                                                                              three skills; observation, interpretation and
Jan Hansen, Bronson Hardy, Vicki McGalliard,                                                                                                               application. Nondenominational studies consist
Debbie Robb, Teri Rochford, Carol Stenger,          ARCHEO-ASTRONOMY EVENT – Overseer                                                                      of homework, discussion, and DVD lecture by
Mona Woolsey.                                       Swallows the Summer Sun beginning at 7:30                                                              Bible teacher Pete Delaney. Interested students
                                                    am at the Parowan Gap Historic Site (13 miles                                                          call 435-267-2234 or 435-238-3078 for info/
                                                    north of Cedar City off Hwy 130) and includes                                                          register. Visit:
       Thurs, Nov 4                                 interpretive information and 8 am event
                                                    observation. Watch astronomy and nature tell                                                           WONDER WEDNESDAY (4-6pm) @ Cedar
                                                    a story that only happens once a year during                                                           City Library (303 N 100 E). Admission FREE
          COMMON SENSE DAY                          an informal interpretive tour beginning. The                                                           for students K-5. Children, accompanied by
                                                    event is FREE. The weather will be COLD, so                                                            an adult, can join for adventure and fun
SUU APEX EVENT – (11:30am) @ SUU                                                                                                                           make-and-take activities. This week children
Hunter Conference Great Hall (351 W                 please dress accordingly. INFO: (435) 463-3735.      MASTER SINGERS CONCERT – “Salute to
                                                                                                         America (7pm) @ Heritage Center Theater           are invited to come and explore color with art
University Blvd, Cedar City), FREE admission        RENTWAPO-WORKS FARMERS MARKET                                                                          projects and fun experiments!
is FREE. INFO and the Event Stream Link                                                                  (105 N 100 E) Admission FREE. Bring your
                                                    (Saturdays 9-2pm), @ 4871 N Enoch Rd. Eggs,          friends. Masks optional.
visit SPEAKER: Science            pecans, popcorn, hand crafted items, home
Day - Join us for live science in action on
stage! Experiments, animals, and all kinds of
                                                    decor, indestructible dish/pan scrubbers, baby
                                                                                                                                                                  Thurs, Nov 11
magic happening before your eyes by our SUU
faculty and students!
                                                    blanket & booty ensembles, homeopathic items.
                                                    A fun and unique shopping experience for all                  Mon, Nov 8                               CEDAR CITY BIRTHDAY CELEBRATION @
                                                    ages. Turn your passion into profit and have
                                                    your own booth. Info – Linda 435-559-1657.                       KINDNESS WEEK                         Frontier Homestead State Park (635 N
                                                                                                                                                           Main, Cedar City). Join the Historic
           Fri, Nov 5                               FESTIVAL CITY FARMERS MARKET (9am to
                                                    1pm), @ 45 W Center Street. Every Saturday
                                                                                                         SUMA – EXHIBIT: THIS EARTH NOTES
                                                                                                         - OBSERVATIONS (Mon-Sat 11am – 6pm) @
                                                                                                                                                           Preservation Committee for Cedar City’s 170th
                                                                                                                                                           birthday. The three-day celebration will
                                                    rain or shine. Artwork, baked goods, crafts,         SUMA (13 S 300 W, Cedar City). Admission          commemorate the history, struggles, and
               REDHEAD DAY                          custom semi-precious stone, costume jewelry,         FREE. INFO: www.suu.ed/suma. 37 former art-       accomplishments of Cedar City’s residents
                                                    farm fresh produce, homemade brownies &              ists-in-residence at the Montello Foundation      and include food, music, guest lectures,
                                                    candies, home style treats, homemade jams            interpret nature and its meaning.                 entertainment, and special arts and crafts
Hikmet Loe (11am) @ SUU – Hunter
                                                    & jellies, homeopathic items and 100% real                                                             vendors. INFO: (435) 586-9290.
Conference Center – Charles Hunter Room (351                                                             HEY CEDARS SQUARE DANCE CLUB – Two
                                                    honey. Free gift for fathers.
W University Blvd, Cedar City). Join discussion                                                          special dances on Nov 8th and 15th (6:30
about “This Earth”. Participants are encour-        SATURDAY FARMER’S MARKET (9am to                     to 7:30pm) "A Taste of Square Dancing".
aged to visit the exhibition at SUMA prior to       1pm), @ IFA, 905 S Main. Good weather                These dances are open to everyone...couples,
the event to best participate in the conversa-      outside, bad weather inside. Farmers with            singles, and families with children over 8 are
tion. Light refreshments will be served.            vegetables, fruits, eggs, honey, baked goods         welcome. The cost for these two events is
                                                    & breads, meats, tamales, food vendors,              FREE. For more info call Neil (909) 477-9795.
                                                    hand-crafted items including soaps, lotions,
CONCERT (Nov 5, 8, 12, 7:30pm, 6, 13, 2pm) @
                                                    jewelry, clothing, home décor and gifts for all
Randall L. Jones Theatre (35 S 300 W, Cedar
City). Tickets $10 adults, $8 alumni w/card,
and $5 youth. SUU faculty/staff and a guest,
                                                    ages. For booth prices & info: (435) 559-1657.
                                                                                                                 Tues, Nov 9
                                                    STORYBOOK HOLIDAY PARADE (2pm) @
and students free with a valid ID card. Tickets     Cedar City Main Street (200 S to 400 N).                      WORLD FREEDOM DAY
purchased at America First Event Center Box         FREE. Bring chairs, blankets, and bundle up to                                                         PATRIOTIC VETERANS TRIBUTE CONCERT
Office, at the door the night of the performance,   enjoy a ‘Fantastical’ parade for children of         DANCING WITH YOUR COMMUNITY STARS                 (7:30pm) @ Heritage Center Theater (105 N
or online at Due to COVID-19      every age. Dozens of floats, giant helium            – “When you Wish” (7pm) @ Heritage Center         100 E, Cedar City). Free tickets are available at
we will be offering limited seating capacity and    balloons, marching bands, hundreds of                Theater (105 N 100 E, Cedar City), Tickets $15 The concert also celebrates Cedar
masks are expected. Please purchase tickets in      costumed characters, superheroes, storybook          each or $50 for a family of four. Presented by    City’s Birthday and will include Eric Dodge, Bill
advance. INFO: (435) 865-8667.                      celebrities to delight children and families.        the Children’s Justice Center of Iron County.     & Loretta Westbrooke, Southern Utah Chorale
                                                    INFO or to get involved: Laci (435) 590-8392.        INFO and Tickets 435-867-4275. All benefits go    with a BIG Orchestra backing, it’s a night you
FRONTIER HOMESTEAD ART EXHIBITION                                                                        to the Iron County Children’s Justice Center.
“Beauty from Ashes” (5-8pm) @ Frontier                                                                                                                     don’t want to miss! INFO:
Homestead State Park (635 N Main St, Cedar
City), FREE admission. In times of crisis, art in
all its forms can provide healing and a way of                                                                                                                  There is no charge for calendar items.
understanding. We invite all who have been                                                                                                                      Your submissions can be made online
affected by the Iron County floods to create                                                                                                                    at, or emailed to
and share art related to the events.                                                                                                                  or brought
                                                                                                                                                                 to 389 N 100 W, #12, Cedar City, Utah
SUU WIND SYMPHONY FALL CONCERT                                                                                                                                84721. The deadline is Friday at noon. The
(7:30pm) @ Heritage Center Theater (105                                                                                                                       calendar is not to be used for advertising.
N 100 E). The Cedar City Community Band                                                                                                                         Items will be printed at our discretion.
will join the Symphony for its second Music
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