Page created by Reginald Kim
Inside out

WELCOME                    BULLYING,
TO                       DEPRESSION,
CUPW                             AND
SERIES                               you are
                                   not alone
                                      in this

               February 2021 // Inside out   1
InsideOut is the monthly publication of the
Edmonton Local of CUPW.
                                              Empower organize resist      address
                                                                        18121 107 Avenue NW
                                                                           Edmonton, AB
                                                                              T5S 1K4
                                                                                                    Monday to Friday
                                                                                                     7 a.m. to 5 p.m.
                                                                                                    Closed weekends
                                                                                                                        Office: (780) 423-9000
                                                                                                                          1 (877) 423-CUPW
                                                                                                                         Fax: (780) 423-2883
This newsletter aspires to educate and inform
members and affiliates about our union’s activities,
opportunities, and challenges, as well as to raise
awareness regarding all things labour.                                    February 2021 // CONTENTS
Opinions expressed are those of the author and not
necessarily the official views of the Local.
                                                                        4 // bring on the new year! - CUPW730 Executive
The Communications Committee (responsible for
                                                                        5 // BUILDING POWER TO WIN: ROADMAP TO
this publication) is always interested in
                                                                             NEGOTIATIONS 2022 - Devon Rundvall + Roland Schmidt
submissions of original articles, photographs, or
illustrations. Prospective material must always                         7 // grievances: the more you know - Elizabeth Tjosheim
concern CUPW or the labour movement, but
submissions of general interest to the membership                       8 // cupw vs. The epoch times: Responsibility in
will also be considered.                                                     the Age of Conspiracy and Disinformation
                                                                            - Satchel O’Letterson
We will also publish Letters to the Editor should you
feel an issue requires further discussion. All                          14 // bullying, depression, and fighting back
submissions are subject to editing for brevity,                             - Anonymous
clarity, etc.
                                                                        16 // TAKE CARE OF YOURSELF IN UNPRECEDENTED
To make a submission, or to get involved, contact                             TIMES: A HEALTH AND SAFETY UPDATE
the Communications Committee at                                             - Rashpal Sehmby
                                                                        17 // welcome to cupw webinar series
Communications Committee members:
                                                                        19 // stick your union on your fridge
Natasha Fryzuk
Kyle Turner
Wendy Crispin
Chris Pilgrim
Kristine Bowman

  2     Inside out // February 2021

      President              Secretary-Treasurer                Grievance                 Health & Safety
     Roland Schmidt                 Karry Biri              Elizabeth Tjostheim            Rashpal Sehmby

                        LOCAL EXECUTIVE TABLE OFFICERS

             1st Vice-President          2nd Vice-President          3rd Vice-President
                 Organizing                     EMPP                    Collections
                 Devon Rundvall               Cheryl Chow               Kristine Bowman

  Communications              Education Officer          Recording Secretary            Route Verification
      officer                     James Ball               Kathleen Mpulubusi               Jenn Reimer
    Natasha Fryzuk                              

                Chief Steward               Chief Steward                Chief Steward
                    RSMC                 Affiliates & Wickets            Maintenance
                    Vacant                    Carl Hentzelt                Todd Vipond

                                                                                  February 2021 // Inside out      3
Comrades & Friends,

           ver the past ten months we have faced down a generational crisis together. When our bosses and
           governments lost direction at the beginning of this pandemic, our members were the ones that took the wheel
           and charted the course. No matter how big the storm, the Canadian Union of Postal Workers steadied the ship
    to keep safely providing a lifeline to the public when they needed it most. The mail must go through.

    There have been setbacks, incredible stress, and some truly scary moments. As our co-workers got sick, and our
    facilities shut down for decontamination, volunteers were always there to grind out the perpetual overtime to try to get
    us caught up. As volumes overwhelmed other processing hubs and shipping companies, our members were the ones
    to shoulder that load. The mail must go through.

    Those that have never done the job cannot understand just how daunting our task has grown during this nightmare.
    We want to acknowledge and celebrate the incredible labour provided by all of our members and express our deepest
    appreciation. Thank you for all the long, back-breaking, hours. Thank you for your impossible resilience. Thank you for
    your ability to always adapt with courage. Without your brain and muscle not a single wheel can turn. Because of you,
    the mail will get through!

    With Warm Solidarity,

    The CUPW 730 Local Executive

4     Inside out // February 2021
Roadmap To Negotiations 2022
NATIONAL IS forming A                      and has pushed, whenever possible,         worth their time and leads to
                                           for National leadership to adopt any       improving their working lives. Before
STARTEGY TO PREPARE                        aspects of the grassroots strategy that    the pandemic, our local took excellent
FOR ACTION, BUILD OUR                      has revitalized our local. Regardless      steps in winning back the trust of our
WORKFLOOR POWER,                           how a plan like this was finally adopted   membership through countless
AND NOT LET THE                            by National, we are whole-heartedly in     workfloor meetings and education
ARBITRATION DISASTERS                      support of it. As refined as our           opportunities directly encouraging
HAPPEN AGAIN. BUT WE                       procedural work (i.e. grievances,          involvement and building workfloor
WILL NEED YOUR HELP                        consults, arbitration work, etc) is,
                                           individual, technical skills can never
                                                                                      empowerment. This work will be our
                                                                                      foundation in the ‘Building Power To
TO GET THERE                               begin to match the power of collective     Win’ campaign developed by our
By Devon Rundvall, First Vice              mobilization, but this mobilization        National organizing representative,
President - Organizing and Roland          must be deliberately organized.            Aaron Spires.
Schmidt, President
                                                                                      This campaign is designed specifically
                                           Our Union Needs Us All

  t is with great excitement that, for                                                to give locals that have no previous
  the first time in at least 20 years, a   Most of us understand that any union       experience with organizing workfloors
  National strategy is being               is only as strong as their membership      the tools and training to take those first
implemented to meaningfully engage,        are involved. Without workfloor            steps in mapping support on
prepare, and organize our                  pressure, our organization becomes a       workfloors, and how to have those
membership leading up to                   toothless, paper-shuffling, husk that      successful conversations that lead to
negotiations! Over the past two years,     CPC doesn’t consider a threat. Our         winning over new volunteers. Meeting
our local leadership has been very         biggest challenge is always how to         most locals where they are at is
openly critical of the ongoing lack of a   convince a critical mass of our
tangible, nationwide organizing plan,                                                                 (continued on next page)
                                           members that their involvement is

                                                                                       February 2021 // Inside out                 5
Building power                             specifically be targeting these areas
                                               currently lacking an activist presence
                                                                                           meeting for Wednesday, January 27,
                                                                                           7pm inviting all those willing to help
    to win                                     so that our entire local can be a part of   support or lead on this campaign to
    (continued from previous page)             this important initiative.                  learn more and sign-up for training .
                                                                                           From there, the training is held through
    necessary if our goal is to develop        At this stage of Phase One, call-outs       National, and we move towards
    capacity beyond the locals with the                                                    engaging all of our members on what
    organizing infrastructure already                                                      bargaining demands should be
    developed. Building Power has a one-        Without workfloor                          developed leading up to March where
    year timeline with four distinct phases         pressure, our                          our local has scheduled two GMMs to
    taking us from initial engagement, to                                                  debate and ratify our negotiation
    testing our levels of support, to                                                      proposals.
    community networking, to flexing our       becomes a toothless,
    power on workfloors closer to, and            paper-shuffling,                         Back Into Action
    during, negotiations.This bulletin will        husk that CPC
    focus on the first phase and what we                                                   After stumbling through a lethargic
                                                 doesn’t consider a                        peak-season, where one grey overtime
    need from our local to support this
    nationwide initiative to build the
                                                threat. Our biggest                        opportunity bled into the next, blurring
    organizing capacity and solidarity         challenge is always                         the distinction between days, our local
    necessary to create enough leverage          how to convince a                         is primed to offer a torrent of activity.
    to actually enforce our demands.                                                       Between webinars, reading clubs, and
                                               critical mass of our
    Future bulletins will clearly detail our                                               coordinating our activist base, there
    campaign progress as we move
                                               members that their                          will be countless quality opportunities
    through it.                                    involvement is                          to get involved. Each set of hands
                                               worth their time and                        helping us makes the work that much
                                                leads to improving                         easier, and the likelihood of achieving
    Phase One: Building Capacity &
                                                                                           our goal that much greater. Whether
    Drafting Demands                           their working lives.                        you believe in defying back-to-work
    The campaign calls for every local to                                                  legislation, intimidating the
    recruit one activist for every 100                                                     government against using legislation,
    members, proportionally drawn from         will be made to our entire activist base,   or winning enough public support to
    each major facility. These volunteers      and anyone interested in getting more       bully Canada Post into rolling over at
    will receive training on how to            involved: if you are frustrated by the      the bargaining table--all roads start
    coordinate and win workfloor support       previous lack of leadership from            here, with deliberately building up and
    for campaign participation which           National, or how we were dragged            being a part of this vital campaign!
    builds our strength leading up to          through our last arbitration, this is the
    negotiations. Because of all the           single greatest opportunity to get          Never forget: no struggle, no victory!
    previous work our local has done with      involved and actually contribute to
    our mass steward and organizer             making a powerful difference!
    training, Edmonton easily eclipses this
    total number needed but we do have         Our local Organizing Committee is
    gaps in some facilities. We will           holding an open (video conference)

6      Inside out // February 2021
a worker’s right to                                                                     It is essential for
                                                                                        a successful
grieve mismanagement                        High Risk Leave and Your Vacation Time      grievance that
is a necessary part of                                                                  you supply the necessary supporting
our struggle for                            If someone is off on high risk leave        documentation. For example, if it’s a
                                                                                        pay issue, you will need to provide pay
fairness. The process is                    (which is common during COVID-19),
                                            CPC requires them to use their booked       stubs. Bypasses will need copies of the
straightforward and                         vacation because article 19.05              appropriate lists. Discipline grievances
when in doubt, it’s                         contains no language for cancelling         need the 24-hour notice of
                                                                                        investigation, notes from the
always better to grieve                     your vacation when on high risk. CUPW
                                                                                        investigation meeting, and follow-up
                                            National sent out a bulletin saying
than not to grieve.                         workers on high-risk leave will be          disciplinary letter. If you are missing
                                            required to use their booked vacation,      anything, you will be contacted by the
Elizabeth Tjosheim, Grievance Officer                                                   Local office.
                                            but not their personal days.
                                                                                        Any grievance on behalf of one person
A grievance, according to our               Quarantine Leave, CPC, and Canada           must be filed within 25-working days
Collective Agreement, is simply “a          LIfe                                        after the day you first became aware
complaint in writing presented by the       Canada Post pays your full wage for         that you had a grievance (Article 9.10).
union”. 2020 offered members many           Urban and base wage for RSMCs while         Group (or “Et. Al”) grievances have up
opportunities to push back against          on Quarantine Leave, but Canada Life        to 60-working days from the day the
unjust CPC practices, and 2021 shows        handles the approval process for said       first person was aware there was a
no promise of slowing down on this          leave. Members enduring mandatory           grievance (Article 9.11 (c)).
front. Grievances offer a paper trail       COVID quarantine are finding that
and resistance against the employer’s                                                   After your grievance is filed and
                                            Canada Life and CPC don’t
potentially job-threatening disciplinary                                                received, the Corporation must reply to
                                            communicate, which inevitably causes
actions. Stay current by knowing your                                                   your grievance within 20 working days.
                                            members undue financial hardship.
local’s most popular grievances and                                                     Your grievance will be addressed for
                                            CPC has denied some members
how to file one of your very own!                                                       the first time at a First Level Grievance
                                            return to work requests because they
                                                                                        Hearing, where management meets
                                            haven’t been cleared by Canada Life.
                                                                                        with a union representative and that
Grievances                                  When that happens, the member
                                            often gets put on STDP - or in some
                                                                                        representative argues on your behalf --
Du Jour                                     cases Leave Without Pay - while they
                                                                                        this is why it’s so important to have all
                                                                                        the proper documentation.
                                            wait for Canada Life to clear their
Bypasses                                    return. STDP pays 70% of your base          Whether your grievance is settled or
                                            wage and can take at least a week to        denied at this first level, you will receive
A bypass happens when someone               kick in.                                    a Grievance Reply in the mail. Many
with a higher opportunity than you,                                                     grievances are denied by the
based on the equal opportunity list,        How do I File a Grievance and What          Corporation at the first level, but this
gets offered overtime before you. The       Happens When I do?                          doesn’t mean the grievance is closed.
rule is that the person with the lower                                                  These denied grievances are then sent
number of opportunities gets offered        There should be grievance forms in          to our Regional office, where they will
first (Article 15). Be on the lookout for   your depot, but if you can’t find one,      decide if it will be referred for
this issue especially if you are on union   there is a version available on our         arbitration.
leave. Some supervisors will offer you      website ( Find a Shop
your opportunity for OT if you are on a     Steward and get them to help you fill       For assistance with your grievance,
union bookoff, while others will not.       out the form. There should also be          contact the Local Union office at 780-
Similarly, sometimes a bypass               postage paid envelopes at your depot        423-9000 and leave a message if you
grievance of this nature is won and         that are already addressed to the           don’t get through immediately. Digital
sometimes it is not - either way it's       Union office. If you use the online form,   grievance forms can be found on the
always worth grieving.                      follow the guidelines and send it as an     Resource page of our website,
                                            e-mail attachment.                

                                                                                         February 2021 // Inside out                   7
What responsibilities do
                                   we have as postal
                                   workers? What about
                                   when doing our job
                                   requires us to knowingly
                                   distribute disinformation
                                   and conspiracy theories
                                   masquerading as a
                                   newspaper? Outcry from
                                   the public and our co-
                                   workers regarding the
                                   Epoch Times shows that
                                   we have an opportunity
                                   for action -- but will we
                                   seize it?
                                   By Satchel O’Letterson

                                               hen a sample issue of the
                                               Epoch Times began arriving
                                               as a flyer in early 2020, postal
                                   workers immediately began discussing
                                   refusing to deliver it. Members of the
                                   public who received it as a flyer were also
                                      upset. The problematic headline that
                                                  got under people's skin
                                                  suggested that the Chinese
                                                 Communist Party (the CCP)
                                                endangered the world with
                                               COVID-19. The fear was that
                                              this headline might encourage
                                             people to direct their anger at
                                            Chinese-Canadians or the Asian
                                           community more broadly.

                                           Scarborough Local Vice-President
Resp                                      Derek Richmond reached out to
    onsi                                 Public Services Minister Anita Anand

  of Co bility i                        to bring up these concerns. The

       nspi      n the                 response from the federal
                                   government was that the Epoch Times
   Disin    r          A
         formacy and ge
                                   did not meet the criteria under the
                                   Criminal Code of Canada to be
              atio                 considered wilful promotion of hatred.
                    n              Carl Giourard, CUPW's National
                                   Grievance Officer, responded by saying
                                   that CUPW considers this material
                                   inflammatory, objects to members
                                   having to deliver it, and that they would
                                   continue to monitor the situation.

 8   Inside out // February 2021
In the Fall, the Epoch Times returned        start with Falun Gong. Falun Gong          that Li can walk through walls, levitate,
again. In Winnipeg, carriers refused to       emerged under the leadership of Li         and that he is the saviour of mankind;
deliver it. A member reached out to a         Hongzhi in China in 1992. This was         and also the belief that illnesses can
local anti-racism project to bring in         part of a nationwide trend that started    be cured with 'magical power.' For the
materials for its national campaign to        in the 1980s that saw people               CCP, this represents a disruption of
get essential workers to speak out            returning to the ancient Chinese           public order, stability, and social ethics.
against racism. Masks containing the          practices of qigong, which focus on        Falun Gong's anti-scientific beliefs,
messages 'Speak Out' and                      deep breathing, exercise, and              says the CCP, will hinder China's
'' were given to              meditations. It is believed that these     economic development.
workers and posters were provided for         practices help promote physical,
the bulletin board. Unfortunately,            mental, and spiritual well-being by        The CCP, however, has been found to
newer temporary employees were still          enhancing the flow of vital energy to      have committed crimes against Falun
tasked with delivering the flyer.             the practitioner's body. Falun Gong        Gong. Since Falun Gong was first
                                              also draws on ideas from Buddhism          banned in 1999, tens of thousands of
Not everyone is on the same page, of          and Daoism.                                practitioners have been detained and
course. An opinion piece in the Toronto                                                  thousands have been sentenced to
Sun claimed the CBC's initial report          Falun Gong has a deliberate policy of      labour in re-education camps. In 2019,
that people were upset with receiving                                                    the China Tribunal, which was setup by
the Epoch Times was a result of the                                                      the International Coalition to End
CBC targeting Chinese dissidents for              The CCP had a                          Transplant Abuse, reported that there
not being pro-CCP. Some of our co-               general policy of                       was clear evidence that the CCP was
workers make similar arguments,                  tolerating Falun                        harvesting organs from imprisoned
saying that carriers who don't want to                                                   members of Falun Gong. The CCP has
deliver the Epoch Times are trying to
                                                 Gong, but [they]                        objected to these findings and claimed
censor the mail over a mere difference         became more hostile                       that it stopped using organs from
of opinion, that it's just another flyer        and cracked down                         executed prisoners in 2015 and that
like an ad for pizza or real estate. It’s a     on [them, and] any                       now organs must be freely given.
slippery slope -- what’s next? (The
                                                  other activities
answer to that is whatever you can
                                               perceived as a threat                     The Epoch Times, Social Media, and
organize around.)                                                                        Donald Trump
                                                    to the CCP.
In the following, I argue that the Epoch
                                                                                         i. Origins of the Epoch Times
Times is not just another flyer and that
it is irresponsible for us to continue        peaceful protest against the CCP. In       This section will cover the origin of the
delivering it as such. I argue this across    1999, thousands of Li's followers          Epoch Times, its connection to Falun
three sections. First by covering the         gathered in front of President Jiang       Gong, how it grew its reach through
origins of Falun Gong and its conflict        Zemin's compound to protest against        social media and by embracing the
with the CCP. Second, the origins of the      the arrest of several Falun Gong           campaign and presidency of Trump,
Epoch Times, its growth, and its              members. Up until this point, the CCP      and the criticisms the Epoch Times
embrace of Donald Trump and                   had a general policy of tolerating Falun   has received for promoting conspiracy
conspiracy theories. Finally, I discuss       Gong, but after this the CCP became        theories. The paper itself was started
the evidence that hate crimes have            more hostile and cracked down on           in 2000 by John Tang, a graduate
increased since Trump became                  Falun Gong, as well as any other           student and a Falun Gong practitioner
President in 2016 and since COVID-19          activities perceived as a threat to the    living in the United States. Initially given
became a pandemic in 2020.                    CCP.                                       out for free on street corners, the aim
                                                                                         of the Epoch Times was to “provide
                                              According to the CCP, this crackdown
Falun Gong and the Conflict with the                                                     information to Chinese communities to
                                              happened because Falun Gong is a
CCP                                                                                      help immigrants assimilate into
                                              cult. The CCP provides a number of         American Society.”
To understand the Epoch Times and             reasons for this classification. This
the origins of its antagonistic               includes 'cultic doctrines,' such as a
relationship with the CCP, we must            hierarchical structure and the belief                        (continued on next page)

                                                                                          February 2021 // Inside out                   9
Cupw vs. The                                 appeared and began spreading more         because YouTube has failed to keep
     epoch times                                  conspiracy theories and disinformation
                                                  aimed at keeping Trump in office.
                                                                                            operations like the Epoch Times in
                                                                                            check. Donovan says that what we
     (continued from previous page)               Across these channels, reporters          have here is dark propaganda that
                                                  found misinformation about election       obscures its origins: “If people believe
     To this day in its About section, the        fraud, voting technology companies,       they are viewing news when they paid
     Epoch Times claims it “stay[s] outside       votes being flipped from Trump to         to click links over and over again.
     of political interests and the pursuit of    Biden, disappearing USB drives,
     profit” and that the “starting point and     suspicious servers, and the Christmas     According to journalist Kevin Roose,
     goal is to serve the public benefit and      Day bombing in Nashville. These           pages filled with feel-good videos and
     be truly responsible to society.” The        YouTube channel hosts are current or      click-bait popped up and were used to
     About section also makes it clear that       former contributors to the Epoch          direct users toward the Epoch Times'
     the publication is explicitly anti-          Times, but this is not information they   news coverage and sell subscriptions,
     communist: “We stand against the             disclose – with the exception of          doubling its revenue. The Epoch Times
     destruction wrought by communism,            Roman Balmakov, who appears in ads        also embraced Trump in its fight
     including the harm done to cultures          for the Epoch Times.                      against communism, viewing him as a
     around the world.”                                                                     key ally and, in some cases, as having
                                                  On January 6th, 2021, when the US         been sent from heaven.
     The Epoch Times makes no mention
     of Falun Gong. Li has also objected to                                                 This new source of revenue also
                                                                                            allowed the Epoch Times to become
     any suggestion that there is a                 The Epoch Times
     connection between Falun Gong and                                                      the second largest advocate of the
                                                     also embraced                          Trump campaign – second only to the
     the Epoch Times. However, the Epoch
     Times is a part of a larger media              Trump in its fight                      Trump campaign itself – spending
     network that includes the New Tang           against communism,                        $1.5-million on pro-Trump ads in 2019.
     Dynasty (NTD) television station. Li has     viewing him as a key                      Editors of the Epoch Times also began
     been documented as referring to this                                                   removing any criticism of Trump from
                                                    ally and, in some                       articles. Trump and his family also
     network as “our media.”
                                                    cases, as having                        began to share links to Epoch Times
     ii. Social Media and Donald Trump               been sent from                         content on their personal social media
                                                         heaven.                            pages, providing the Epoch Times with
     In 2016, the Epoch Times embraced                                                      an even larger platform.
     both Facebook and Donald Trump,
     gaining one of the largest social media                                                iii. Criticism and Conspiracy
     followings of any news outlet. In            Congress was working on certifying the
                                                                                             Alongside embracing social media, it
     Vietnam, the Epoch Times used bots           results of the 2020 Presidential
                                                                                            seems the Epoch Times also began to
     to generate likes and shares for its         Election, there was a march and rally
                                                                                            embrace conspiracy theories. Some of
     pages, though it denies it did the same      at The Whitehouse that some have
                                                                                            the conspiracy theories of note include
     in North America. Renee Diresta, a           been calling an insurrection and
                                                                                            'Spygate,' which believes that Barack
     disinformation researcher with the           attempted coup d'etat. Eye Opener
                                                                                            Obama was illegally spying on the
     Stanford Internet Observatory, says          with Michael Lewis, one of the
                                                                                            Trump campaign in 2016; Q Anon,
     that the Epoch Times' dozens of              YouTube channels connected to the
                                                                                            which posits Trump as the hero trying
     affiliated pages gained thousands of         Epoch Times, blamed this on
                                                                                            to bring to justice a vast network of
     likes and shares over night. However,        communists, despite the evidence that
                                                                                            blood-drinking, pedophile elites; and
     Diresta says, there were no comments,        these people were spurred on by
                                                                                            that COVID-19 was either a synthetic
     which is a typical sign of a “click farm,”   Trump and his claims of election fraud
                                                                                            bioweapon created or at least
     where people are paid to click links         since the election.
                                                                                            harnessed by the CCP, or that the CCP
     over and over again.
                                                  Joan Donovan, research director of the    was lying to cover up how devastating
     After Trump lost the 2020 Presidential       Sherenstein Center on Media, Politics,    COVID-19 is. These pages have also
     Election, a pro-Trump YouTube network        and Public Policy at Harvard, says that   shared misinformation about Black
     that is connected to the Epoch Times         this sort of thing is not surprising      Lives Matter and about Joe Biden's

10       Inside out // February 2021
2020 presidential victory being a          actually asserted that these experts       they are viewing news when they are
result of voter fraud.                     think lockdowns shouldn't be the           really seeing dark propaganda, what
                                           primary method to stop the pandemic.       responsibility does YouTube have to
Ben Hurley, a former practitioner of       “Calgary Mayor, Other Officials Target     limit or label this content?”
Falun Gong who helped create               of Chinese Regime Influence: Leaked
Australia's English version of the Epoch   Document,” discussed how some              Increase in Hate Crimes
Times, says that Falun Gong                names, such as Calgary Mayor
practitioners began seeing                                                            i. Trump's Presidency
                                           Naheed Nenshi’s, appeared in a
communists everywhere: Hillary             document that makes no mention of          This final section covers the anti-
Clinton, Jackie Chan, and former           what its plans were or how it would        worker outcomes from Trump's
Secretary-General of the United            carry them out. Finally, and perhaps       presidency and the documented
Nations Kofi Annan were all seen as        most indicative of a broader trend, was    increase in hate crimes. I didn't want to
having sold out to the CCP. Epoch          the headline “Communist China's            talk about Trump in any detail. Trump
                                                                                      is a divisive politician and I believe that
                                                                                      the nature of the harm his presidency
                                                                                      did will be debated for many years. I
                                                                                      also don't think we can blame Trump
                                                                                      solely. He is a symptom, not the cause.
                                                                                      But he also knew his audience and his
                                                                                      class interests, and we have data and
                                                                                      policies that illustrate what that

                                                                                      Trump's presidential campaign and his
                                                                                      presidency were based on targeting
                                                                                      minorities and immigrants. His
                                                                                      campaign promise was to get Mexico
                                                                                      to pay for a wall along the US-Mexico
                                                                                      border to keep out 'illegal immigrants'.
                                                                                      Trump's presidency started with a ban
                                                                                      on travel from seven predominantly
                                                                                      Muslim countries and the refusal to
                                                                                      accept refugees from Syria. During this
                                                                                      time, the Epoch Times writers
                                                                                      focussed their articles on illegal
                 Before and After: Conservatives delete webpage                       immigration and Islamic terrorism.
                    accusing Trudeau of rigging the election.                         When it came to COVID-19, Trump
                                                                                      consistently used language that
Times editor John Nania was involved       Silent War Against the West,” which        targeted Asians and blamed China.
with the creation of America Daily,        claimed the CCP has infiltrated every
which has published articles about Bill    aspect of our lives, right down to the     During a 2020 presidential debate,
Gates directing the pandemic as well       app TikTok.                                Trump was asked to denounce a white
as suggesting that there is a “Jewish                                                 nationalist hate group - instead he told
mob” controlling the world. The Epoch      Joan Donovan, research director of the     them to “stand back and stand by.”
Times, however, denies it has any          Sherenstein Center on Media, Politics,     Trump and his team later claimed he
relationship with America Daily.           and Public Policy at Harvard, says that    misspoke and had no idea who the
                                           this sort of thing is not surprising       group was, though the group in
The November sample issue of The           because YouTube has failed to keep         question was already selling
Epoch Times we delivered contained a       operations like the Epoch Times in         merchandise with references to this
number of misleading headlines.            check. Donovan says that what we           quotation. During protests in support
“Opposition to Virus Lockdowns             have here is dark propaganda that
Mounts Among Health Experts,”              obscures its origins: “If people believe                    (continued on next page)

                                                                                       February 2021 // Inside out                  11
Cupw vs. The                               workers and causes neurological           and these reports have been
     epoch times                                damage to children.                       consistent with reports from police.

                                                ii. Hate Crimes                           Justin Hong, Executive Director for the
     (continued from previous page)
                                                                                          Chinese Canadian National Council
     of Trump following his 2020 election       According to the FBI, personal attacks    Toronto Chapter, says that these
     loss, members of this group destroyed      motivated by bias or prejudice – hate     attacks stem not only from historical
     and burned Black Lives Matter signs at     crimes – reached a 16-year high in        anti-Asian racism in Canada but also
     historic Black churches in Washington,     2018. This saw a marked increase in       how COVID-19 was racialized. Hong
     DC. These actions are currently being                                                also states that the same thing
                                                violence against Latinx people. As of
     investigated as hate crimes.                                                         happened with the Severe Acute
                                                2020, the FBI reports that there has
                                                                                          Respiratory Syndrome (SARS)
                                                been close to a 20% surge in hate
     One of the criticisms the Epoch Times                                                outbreak in the early 2000s, so they
                                                crimes during the Trump presidency.
     levied against the CCP was that it lied                                              saw it coming and decided to start
     about and mishandled COVID-19.             Hate-motivated murders, generally         collecting data.
     However, Trump intentionally
     downplayed the seriousness of the                                                    Conclusion
     pandemic, stating in a recording that        This is all happening
                                                                                          If we wish to refuse to deliver the
     he knew it was worse than the flu but          in an environment
                                                                                          Epoch Times, we must avoid the trap
     he didn't want to create a panic. At the      that has a history of                  that suggests criticism of the Epoch
     same time, Trump publically pushed
                                                    anti-Asian racism                     Times is censorship or pro-CCP. We
     the false cure of hydroxychloroquine
     and even platformed a doctor who               and an increase in                    need to focus our argument. Calling it
                                                     present-day hate                     racist against Chinese people or the
     believes that having sex with demons
                                                                                          Asian community will be a tough sell
     causes illness. Videos of this doctor's        crimes. It would be                   because the publication was started
     speech were quickly banned from
                                                     misleading to say                    by Chinese immigrants who have a
     various social media platforms for
     misinformation. As of this writing, the      that the Epoch Times                    very real conflict with the CCP.
     US has had over 330,000 deaths due               and Trump are
                                                                                          What we see here is that the Epoch
     to COVID-19.                                  responsible for this,                  Times has embraced conspiracy
     When it comes to our class interests
                                                   but they know their                    theories and dishonesty in order to
     as workers, there is a long list of          audience, they know                     push its message. It also hitched its
                                                                                          wagon to the Trump administration,
     policies that show Trump is not our           what sells, and they
                                                                                          which has shown itself to be all too
     friend. Trump rolled back overtime                are not doing                      willing to use conspiracy theories to
     protection and erased a rule that
                                                    anything to stop it.                  bolster its platform and try to stay in
     extended OT pay to millions, making
                                                                                          office all while attacking workers and
     workers lose thousands of dollars.
                                                                                          people of colour.
     Trump also made it easier to award
     federal contracts to companies that        committed by white supremacists,
                                                have seen their highest numbers in        Cindy Gu, Epoch Times editor, does
     repeatedly violated wage laws, sexual
                                                28-years.                                 stress that the Epoch Times makes it
     harassment laws, racial discrimination                                               clear they are targeting the CCP, but
     laws, and laws protecting unionization
                                                The COVID-19 pandemic also saw an         we're not operating with a blank slate
     rights. Trump's administration also
                                                increase in hate. Data compiled by the    here. This is all happening in an
     urged the Supreme Court to rule that
                                                Chinese Canadian National Council         environment that has a history of anti-
     the federal anti-discrimination laws do
                                                Toronto Chapter, Project 1907,            Asian racism and an increase in
     not apply to gay, lesbian, and bi-sexual
                                                Vancouver Asian Film Festival, and the    present-day hate crimes. It would be
     workers. Trump's policies also
                                                Chinese Canadian Council for Social       misleading to say that the Epoch
     weakened federal employee unions,
                                                Justice shows that since the pandemic     Times and Trump are responsible for
     relaxed requirements for reporting
                                                began, there have been more than          this, but they know their audience, they
     workplace injuries, and reversed a ban
                                                600 incidents of hate targeting Asians.   know what sells, and they are not
     on a toxic pesticide that hurts farm
                                                One-third of these have been assaults,    doing anything to stop it.

12       Inside out // February 2021
Those of us in Canada are not immune
to propaganda. On a fundraiser page,
the Conservative Party argued that
Trudeau was currently working to rig the
next election. After the riot in DC and
subsequent criticism, the page was
removed – but it lives on through the
Internet Archive. We also have the
aforementioned Epoch Times report
about Calgary Mayor Nenshi being
targeted by the CCP.

The Epoch Times has arrived in the
depots again. Postal workers in
Winnipeg and Regina have refused to
deliver it. People who have received it
as a flyer in Nova Scotia have expressed
concern that this publication is
appearing in their mailboxes
unsolicited. We often hesitate to act,
claiming that we don’t have public
support, especially when it comes to
going on strike. The public is making it
clear what their position is. What will we
do with that?

Maybe you think it’s not our
responsibility. That’s fine, you can think
that. I think the history of our union
shows us otherwise, but I can handle a
difference of opinion.

For those of us who feel we have a
responsibility to our co-workers and our
communities more broadly, what are we
to do? If we wish to stop the spread of
conspiracy and misinformation, we
can't wait for Canada Post or the
government to make that call. It is clear
that a strongly worded letter and asking
nicely have not been enough, but as the
Epoch Times keeps coming and
customers keep disagreeing with
receiving it, we haven’t lost our

If we wish to stop delivering
misinformation masquerading as a
newspaper, we must act together.
Solidarity and collective action are our
only way out.

                                             February 2021 // Inside out   13
            And fighting back
     Anonymous                                   year-old miniature pinscher in the         I said, “I'm not being cheeky or smart,
                                                 passenger seat. Just as my car was         but can I ask why? Can you show me
     Feeling the weight of harassment and        loaded and I was ready to leave, the       where that rule is written?” Nobody,
     intimidation from management, a             supervisor phoned me and told me not       neither the superintendent or the other
     worker is pushed to the brink of self-      to leave the premises until I spoke with   two supervisors, could show me the
     destruction. This is all too common at      him.                                       proof of their claim. The
     Canada Post and not everyone                                                           superintendent said it was a liability
     manages to make it through. In this         Then another supervisor came out to        because the dog could bite somebody.
     case, the worker found the strength to      the parking lot and said that I couldn't   “Through the window?” I asked. This
     fight back and is working on having                                                    ended the conversation.
     their dog designated as an emotional
     support service animal. Navigating the                                                 Maxie and I went home for the day. I
     system to do this turns out to be a whole                                              filed a grievance against the
     new struggle. (Pet names are changed                                                   supervisor over the harassment and
     for privacy. -Ed.)                                                                     bullying I was subject to. Just over a
                                                                                            month later, Maxie passed away in her
                                                                                            sleep unexpectedly. The next day, my
     Content Warning:                                                                       boyfriend brought me “Minnie, “an 8-
     Suicide mention                                                                        week-old fluffy terrier – who now
                                                                                            weighs 5 lbs, fully grown.
     If you are having suicidal thoughts or
     contemplating suicide, please contact                                                  On July 30th, I unexpectedly received
     the Canada Suicide Prevention Line:                                                    an emergency suspension for safe-
     833-456-4566 or Alberta Access                                                         dropping a parcel. At no point was a
     24/7: 780-424-2424.                                                                    24-hour notice of investigation issued.
                                                                                            Instead, as I was about to leave to
     Management's Insidious Ways
                                                 leave. Either the mail went or the dog     deliver, my supervisor asked me to
                                                 went, but I couldn't have a person in      come inside and speak with the

         n May 2020, I was being harassed
         by a supervisor over numerous           the car while it contained Canada Post     superintendent. At her office I was
         issues. The incident that set off the   property. I pointed out that it was a      served with an emergency suspension
     following story was the supervisor          dog. The supervisor reiterated that it     that was effective immediately and
     telling me I couldn't have my dog,          was against CPC policy to have             without a return to work date.
     “Maxie”, in my vehicle. At the time, I      another person in the vehicle when it
                                                                                            I immediately phoned Elizabeth in the
     had just left my husband of 20-years        contained CPC property. Again, I
                                                                                            Grievance Office to begin the
     and I was living on my own. I couldn't      pointed out that it was a dog, not a
                                                                                            grievance process over harassment
     leave my dog in the apartment by            person, but I made the decision to
                                                                                            and unfair treatment by management.
     herself.                                    unload the mail and keep my dog.
                                                                                            She told me that an emergency
     Initially, the supervisor wanted to         Next, with the assistance of a Shop        suspension should only be issued if a
     inspect my vehicle to ensure it met size    Steward, I spoke with the                  person is an immediate threat to the
     requirements because on this day            superintendent and explained my            depot or another co-worker.
     there was a parcel that wouldn't fit        situation and why I needed the dog in
                                                                                            On August 4th, Elizabeth and I had a
     unless I left a window down. It is a        the car. The superintendent said she
                                                                                            meeting with the supervisors. They
     security issue if a window can't be         understood but that it was still against
                                                                                            offered me a letter of condition which
     safely sealed. When the supervisor          the rules to have both a dog and CPC
                                                                                            Elizabeth and I both agreed I should
     went to my vehicle, he saw my red, 5-       property in the vehicle.

14       Inside out // February 2021
not sign. Ultimately, I received a five-    Minnie truly saved my life and she            and that there was nothing else that
day suspension and won back three of        means everything to me because of it.         they could do – thank you, have a nice
those days through our Union.                                                             day. When I requested that the
                                            A Reason to Fight                             insurance company put their decision
                                                                                          in writing, they said that no firm
Descent into Darkness                       This is the reason I am now fighting to
                                                                                          decision had been made and that CPC
                                            have Minnie in my work vehicle as a
On August 5th, my doctor put me on                                                        was reassessing their position.
                                            support animal, and I will take this
stress leave. I hand delivered the          fight all the way up the chain.               This brings us to today. I've requested
paperwork to the depot and 4-hours          Meanwhile, as I pursue this struggle,         updates and any available information.
later I got a call from staffing asking     the insurance company contacts me             Essentially, Morneau Shepell is
me if I could help them out by              regularly with silly, irrelevant questions.   insisting I register the dog in the very
delivering a route. I was blown away        They require regular updates from the         expensive and drawn out support
and at this point the endless stress I      doctors who – overburdened even               animal government program. I'm not
was feeling from work aggravated my         outside our current pandemic – have           asking to bring the dog into the depot,
pre-existing depression and anxiety.        to regularly fill out document after          apartments, or outside at CMBs. She
                                            document.                                     is small and I just want her to be in my
Starting this leave gave me time to do
a lot of thinking, and that thinking                                                      vehicle with me.
turned into a really dark depression –
                                                                                          CPC plays games with us workers. In
to the point of suicidal thoughts. I was      ...when I saw Minnie                        bed with the insurance companies,
anxious about finances, my boyfriend
                                            sitting alone on the bed,                     they drag things on forever and forgo
had to buy my groceries, at one point I
                                              I thought about how                         human decency while countless
lost power to my apartment... And bad
                                                                                          among us suffer quietly with our
things just kept happening one after            much she relies on
                                                                                          private struggles. If you are
another. Out of the blue I received a            me....What would                         experiencing harassment and bullying,
call from a bailiff, telling me he was
                                             Minnie do? I could not                       reach out to a Shop Steward or call the
downstairs at my van – which I use for
work – and to come clear it out because      do that to her. Minnie                       Union office directly. If you are
                                                                                          experiencing personal issues, CUPW
the payments were in arrears and he         truly saved my life and
                                                                                          has a network of trained Social
was seizing it. That was a dark day.         she means everything                         Stewards who are there to listen and
                                                to me because of it.                      offer resources while maintaining full
Over the next little while, I was so
afraid I would lose everything that my
substance abuse took over. The van                                                        The struggle continues, but we don't
was gone. I wasn't able to eat. I was       Two weeks ago the insurance                   have to go it alone.
behind on rent. I was tired of fighting –   company told me they can't help me
something I had been doing my whole         with my work to get approval for a
life. I was tired of being strong.          support dog and that their
                                            understanding is that Canada Post
Being harassed and targeted by my           has a 'no dogs' policy. They said I
supervisors at work had taken my            would have to go to CUPW in order to
fight. On my darkest day, I was             make that policy change, which made
planning to follow through on my            no sense to me. I had already asked
suicidal thoughts but when I saw            about the no dog policy and no one
Minnie sitting alone on the bed, I          could provide an answer.
thought about how much she relies on
me. I realized that nobody I knew had       As it turns out, our benefits company,
keys to my apartment and that nobody        Morneau Shepell, classified my vehicle
would question not hearing from me          as a workplace and CPC has a no dogs
for a couple of days. What would            in the workplace policy. They said I
Minnie do? I could not do that to her.      couldn't have a dog in the workplace

                                                                                           February 2021 // Inside out               15
Take Care of Yourself in
             UnprecedentEd Times:
          A Health and Safety Update

     Rashpal Sehmby, Health and                Meanwhile, many other confused                shift you into a high-risk COVID-19
     Safety Officer                            members were calling because CPC              category, let the Health and Safety
                                               told them that if they contracted Covid-      office know immediately as we can
                                               19 they would have to utilize the Short-      help you navigate the corporation’s

             s we leave behind 2020 and
                                               Term Disability Plan instead of using         complicated HRL forms and
             enter into the year 2021,
                                               Quarantine/Special Leave. The                 processes.
             things have been extremely
                                               membership’s confusion and
     busy at the Health & Safety office of                                                   Just a reminder: if you are injured at
                                               frustration during the beginning of the
     our local. When COVID-19 hit the world                                                  work, please report your injuries to the
                                               pandemic was palpable.
     stage there was no clear                                                                employer as soon as possible. Quite
     understanding of how workers across       Since then, the local has worked hard         often we hear of injuries not being
     the world could properly mitigate the                                                   reported immediately which inevitably
     risks associated with this new              It is vital that we all                     causes delays in receiving proper
     dilemma.                                                                                treatments and coverage by the
                                                continue to adhere to
                                                                                             Worker’s Compensation Board. If in
     As CUPW members, we immediately           the safety protocols to                       doubt regarding proper paperwork
     noted a lack of hand sanitizers, masks,   help minimize any risk                        protocol, please give us a call.
     and other PPE required to keep
     ourselves safe on our workfloors. With
                                               to ourselves or others.
                                                                                             Finally, with increased uncertainty that
     this added panic arose the need for                                                     accompanies leave due to health
                                               to make sure protocols are in place to
     workers deemed high-risk to                                                             issues, we see an increased need in
                                               mitigate risk within our various
     immediately receive approval for High                                                   members to utilize mental health and
                                               facilities and that members are
     Risk Leave (HRL) from CPC. The phone                                                    addiction supports. If you are suffering,
                                               supported as they navigate various
     calls to our office from concerned                                                      please reach out:
                                               confusing leave processes laid out by
     members wondering if they needed to
                                               CPC and the insurance companies.
     apply for HRL were seemingly endless.                                                   24 Hour Line for Addictions:
                                               Even though Covid-19 has not left us,
     Then, in the midst of this, CPC                                                         1-866-332-2322
                                               things are starting to improve. It is vital
     confusingly released a new HRL form.
                                               that we all continue to adhere to the         24 Hour Mental Health Line:
     Getting a hold of this new form proved
                                               safety protocols to help minimize any         1-877-303-2642
     almost impossible. This level of
                                               risk to ourselves or others.
     uncertainty kept our members
                                                                                             Addictions and Mental Health
     confused and caused unneeded              If you experience sudden or age-              Access 24/7: 780-424-2424
     anxiety and stress along the way.         related changes to your health that

16       Inside out // February 2021
Welcome A
               s a new (or new to caring) CUPW member, it is vital
               that you learn the many ways to contribute to worker
               power within your union’s structure and have a
       basic understanding of what it means to be a part of our

to cupw
       Union. It is also necessary that you prepare yourself to
       effectively push back against CPC’s inevitable negligence
       and power abuses.

       Recently, our National union office announced a bold plan
       to train workers across the country in direct action tools to
       prepare us for our upcoming contract negotiations. We
       need you with us and ready!

 seriesThis three part webinar introducing you to CUPW will be
       hosted by two Local 730 officers and happen over the
       course of three consecutive Sundays in February as follows:

         Sunday, February 7th, 10am - 12pm
        Sunday, February 14th, 10am - 12pm
        Sunday, February 21st, 10am - 12pm

       The webinar is open to all CUPW members and
       affiliates across Canada.
       The registration deadline is midnight on Wednesday,
       February 3rd, 2021.
       Please pre-register via the link in the president’s
       weekly update, our website (, Facebook,
       or Twitter.

                                    February 2021 // Inside out        17
CUPW VS. THE EPOCH TIMES: Responsibility in the Age of Conspiracy and Disinformation
     Works cited

     Bellemare, Andrea, Jason Ho, and Katie Nicholson. CBC. “Some Canadians who received unsolicited copy of Epoch Times upset by claim that China was behind
     the virus.” ( Apr. 29, 2020/Dec. 26, 2020.

     Bellemare, Andrea, Katie Nicholson, and Jason Ho. CBC. “Federal government says Canada Post must deliver Epoch Times despite union objection.” (https:// May 1, 2020/Dec. 16, 2020.

     Elks, Sonia. Reuters. “China is harvesting organs from Falun Gong members, finds expert panel.” (
     idUSKCN1TI236). Jun. 27, 2019/Dec. 16, 2020.

     Elliot, Josh K. Global News. “Trump backs doctor who believes in COVID-19 cure and 'demon sperm'.” (
     sperm-doctor-trump/). Jul. 30, 2020/Jan. 1, 2021.

     Furey, Anthony. Toronto Sun. “FUREY: Chinese Canadian dissidents are under attack, and the CBC has joined the pile-on.” (
     columnists/furey-chinese-canadian-dissidents-are-under-attack-and-the-cbc-has-joined-the-pile-on). Apr. 30, 2020/Dec. 20, 2020.

     Greenhouse, Steven. The American Prospect. “The Worker's Friend? Here's How Trump Has Waged His War on Workers.” (
     friend-trump-waged-war-workers/). Aug. 30, 2019/Dec. 26, 2020.

     Harris, Sherina. Huffington Post. “Reported Anti-Asian Hate Crimes Up 878% in Vancouver: Police.” (
     2020_ca_5f9c3403c5b61b5109e705a6). Oct. 30, 2020/Dec. 19, 2020.

     Hassan, Adeel. The New York Times. “Hate-Crime Violence Hits 16-Year High, F.B.I. Reports.” (
     report.html). Nov. 12, 2019/Dec. 19, 2020.

     Levy, Rachael. The Wall Street Journal. “Who Are the Proud Boys? The Group Trump Told to 'Stand Back and Stand By'.” (
     proud-boys-11601485755). Nov. 6, 2020/Dec. 27, 2020.

     Roose, Kevin. The New York Times. “How the Epoch Times Created a Giant Influence Machine.” (
     times-influence-falun-gong.html). Oct. 24, 2020/Dec. 16, 2020.

     Silverman, Craig. BuzzFeed News. “This Pro-Trump YouTube Network Sprang Up Just After He Lost.” (
     epoch-times-trump-you-tube). Jan. 8, 2021/Jan. 10, 2021.

     Stelloh, Tim. NBC. “Black Lives Matter signs burned at D.C. Churches; police investigate as possible hate crimes.” (
     ncna1251050). Dec. 13, 2020/Dec. 27, 2020.

     Villarreal, Daniel. Newsweek. “Hate Crimes Under Trump Surged Nearly 20 Percent Says FBI Report.” (
     surged-nearly-20-percent-says-fbi-report-1547870). Nov. 16, 2020/Dec. 19, 2020.

     Xu, Xiao. The Globe and Mail. “Data shows an increase in anti-Asian hate incidents in Canada since onset of pandemic.” (
     canada/british-columbia/article-data-shows-an-increase-in-anti-asian-hate-incidents-in-canada-since/). Sept. 13, 2020/Dec. 19, 2020.

     Zadrozny, Brandy and Ben Collins. NBC. “Trump, QAnon and an impending judgment day: Behind the Facebook-fueled rise of the Epoch Times.” (https:// Aug. 20, 2019/Dec. 16, 2020.

     Epoch Times. Nov. 11-17, 2020, p. A2.

     Human Rights Watch. “Summary and Recommendations.” ( Dec. 16, 2002.

     NPR. “Trump Tells Woodward He Deliberately Downplayed Coronavirus Threat.” (
     deliberately-downplayed-coronavirus-threat). Sept. 10, 2020/Dec. 26, 2020.

18        Inside out // February 2021
Stick your
On your fridge
The Local 730 Communications Committee has designed a magnet that will be freely distributed to our
members to help promote staying informed and connected.
Since COVID-19 restrictions prevent regular workfloor visits, we are putting considerable effort toward building
our website (CUPW730.CA) into an information hub, and valuable resource, for our members. There, you can
find regular updates from the local office, contact info for all your Executive representatives, full digital copies of
our newsletter, bylaws, national constitution and Collective Agreements, as well as links to our social media
pages, and more. Upcoming updates will include membership polls, an events page, and a merch section.
Until we can gather in person, let’s continue to protect each other, stay safe, and stay connected.
The struggle continues! (But holding up your shopping list...that battle is won!)

                                                                                    February 2021 // Inside out       19

20   Inside out // February 2021
You can also read