Page created by Earl Gonzalez

                                                                            SUMMER 2019
 Ordo Franciscanus Saecularis                          Published by CIOFS


                   VOX Franciscana • 1 • SUMMER 2019
CIOFS Presidency
        Segreteria CIOFS,
    Via Vittorio Putti, 4, Int. 6,
        00152 Rome, Italia
      Tel. 0039 06 45471722
      Fax. 0039 06 45473094
     E-mail: ciofs@ciofs.org

      Tibor Kauser, OFS
 Maria Consuelo de Nuñez, OFS                                                                 REFLECTIONS ON
          Venezuela                                                                           FRANCIS AND
 PRESIDENCY COUNCILORS                                                                         THE SULTAN
        Ana Fruk, OFS                                                                            Pages 16-19
  Ana Maria Raffo Laos, OFS          Celebrating the Rule                                      OFS ACTION
              Peru                   Secular Franciscans and friars from several coun-        AROUND GLOBE
    Jenny Harrington, OFS            tries gathered at the Seraphicum in Rome for a
          South Africa               CIOFS-sponsored celebration of the 40th anniversa-
                                     ry of the Rule. PAGES 9-11. Photos by Robert Stronach.    AND MORE
       Silvia Diana, OFS                                                                         Pages 20-23
   Attilio Galimberti, OFS                                                                    ‘WELL4AFRICA’
                                                                                               FRESH WATER
Augustine Young Hak Yoon, OFS
                                                                                                   Page 24
      Michel Janian, OFS
    FRANCISCAN YOUTH                                                                              COVER
         COUNCILOR                                                                                 Presidency
   Andrea Odak Karlović, OFS                                                                     Councilor Ana
    Bosnia and Herzegovina                                                                       Fruk, OFS, and
                                                                                                Franciscan Youth
       GENERAL SPIRITUAL                                                                      Coordinator Andrea
            ASSISTANTS                                                                        Odak Karlović, OFS,
  Fr. Amando Trujillo-Cano, TOR                                                               mirror the youthful
        Fr. Pedro Zitha, OFM                                                                     exuberance at
Fr. Francis Bongajum Dor, OFM Cap                                                               World Youth Day
Fr. Alfred Parambakathu, OFM Conv                                                                  in Panama.
     COMMUNICATIONS                                                                               INSET: YouFra
    Ana Fruk, Michel Janian,                                                                       leaders join
   Fr. Francis Bongajum Dor,         X Latin America Congress                                   Minister General
  Xavi Ramos, Robert Stronach.       Secular Franciscans, Franciscan youth, and spiritual      Tibor Kauser, OFS,
                                     assistants converged on Guatemala in January for          posing among the
           EDITOR                                                                              large letters of the
      Robert Stronach, OFS           the X Latin America Congress. Here a wall-mounted
                                                                                                  Panama sign.
              USA                    congress emblem welcomed participants. PAGE 14-
                                                                                                 Pages 12-13
                                     15. Photo by Silvia Diana/Ana Maria Raffo.
                                        VOX Franciscana • 2 • SUMMER 2019
The CIOFS Presidency meets in
                                                    the home town of St. Padre Pio

CIOFS: a meeting and a pilgrimage
Story and photos by ROBERT STRONACH, OFS

  The spring meeting of         Chapter, and getting up-         dining room for the week-      pilgrims, the couple found
the CIOFS Presidency            dates from the formation,        long, roundtable meeting.      themselves with some
became a pilgrimage.            finance, juridical, JPIC and     (The Presidency brought its    funds from an inheritance,
Members gathered in             communications com-              own wireless headphones        bought the property and
Rome at the Seraphicum          missions. They also were         and transmitters for inter-    built the hotel. Padre Pio
(Pontifical University of St.   immersed in the spiritual        preters and members to use     said to call it “Pace,” Maria
Bonaventure) and boarded        impact of St. Padre Pio.         to communicate in English,     Pia noted.
a bus to head 180 miles            In fact, one could not        Italian and Spanish).            Stories like that abound
east through the Apennine       escape the Capuchin saint’s        Maria Pia Vinelli, whose     in the town where the
Mountains to San Giovanni       influence. His image and         family operates the hotel,     saint ministered and is
Rotondo in Puglia (prov-        likeness were everywhere:        recounted how her parents,     now entombed. It is a site
ince of Foggia and region       on the facades of buildings,     Irma and Giuseppe Vi-          of spiritual nourishment,
of Apulia), not far from the    on billboards, and in stores     nelli, had been caretakers     but it is also a place where
Adriatic Sea.                   and restaurants and hotels.      for a house on the land        lodging, restaurant and
  As usual, they conducted         A life-size statue of Padre   for a family from Rome.        tourist businesses sprang
the business of the order       Pio greeted Presidency           Padre Pio was her moth-        up to welcome an estimat-
– reporting on visits to        members upon arrival at          er’s confessor, and after he   ed seven million visitors
national fraternities, plan-    Hotel Pace, which had sec-       encouraged her to find a       each year.
ning for the 2020 General       tioned off a portion of its      way to provide lodging for     Continued on page 5.

                                             VOX Franciscana • 3 • SUMMER 2019
CIOFS Presidency

CIOFS Presidency councilors reported on visits to National Fraternities, Emerging Fraternities and the Latin American Congress.
                                  JPIC Commission reported
                                  on progress of drilling water
                                  wells in Africa, and presented a
                                  showing of “The Saint and the
                                  Sultan” movie for Presidency
                                  LEFT: ATTILIO GALIMBERTI, OFS,
                                  COUNCILOR AND JPIC CHAIR.

                                  RIGHT: Tibor Kauser, OFS, minis-
                                  ter general, and Maria Consue-
                                  lo de Nuñez, OFS, vice minister
                                  general, led discussions on the
                                  2020 General Chapter.

Presidency members on the Africa Project Team huddled to discuss            Franciscan Youth Councilor Andrea Odak Karlović,
plans for another formation workshop. Having conducted work-                OFS, reported on the international YouFra gathering at
shops in English and French, this third one would be aimed at Por-          World Youth Day in Panama, and on hopes for another
tuguese-speakng countries on the continent. CLOCKWISE FROM LEFT:            OFS-YouFra European Congress, this time in Spain, and
Jenny Harrington; Michel Janian; Pedro Zitha, OFM, and Silvia Diana.        for a 3rd International YouFra Assembly in Mexico.
                                                VOX Franciscana • 4 • SUMMER 2019
CIOFS Presidency                           continued from page 3

                                         A short walk up the      left is the newer Padre Pio    of glass. It can seat 6,500
                                       street (Viale Cappuc-      Pilgrimage Church. A vast      for indoor services, with
                                       cini) from the hotel is    sloping plaza draws visitors   the plaza capable of holding
                                       the Santa Maria delle      to the newer structure,        30,000 people facing the
                                       Grazie Church, and         with its impressive curves,    church’s outdoor altar.
                                       just beyond to the         elongated arches and wall      Continued on next page.

                                                                                          Santa Maria delle Grazie Church

Statue of Padre Pio inside the
Pilgrimage Church.

                                 Padre Pio Pilgrimage Church
                                 also known as the Sanctuary of St. Pio of Pietrelcina

                                               VOX Franciscana • 5 • SUMMER 2019
CIOFS Presidency                           continued from previous page

  During the Presidency meeting                                               Body of Padre Pio in the crypt of Santa
(March 16-23), the body of Padre                                              Maria delle Grazie Church.
Pio was on display in the crypt
under the older church. His body                                              BELOW: General Spiritual Assistants concele-
                                                                              brate Mass near the tomb of Padre Pio. FROM
rested at eye level, encased in glass,                                        LEFT: Fr. Amando Trujillo-Cano, TOR, Fr. Pedro
in the center of the room. Visitors                                           Zitha, OFM, Fr. Alfred Parambakathu, OFM
could kneel, pray and meditate on                                             Conv, and Fr. Francis Bongajum Dor, OFM Cap.
all four sides of the tomb. The four
general spiritual assistants assigned
to CIOFS were able to concelebrate
early morning mass right next to
the tomb, with Presidency members
participating along with some reli-
gious sisters, friars and lay people.
  One evening Presidency members
took a stroll in the other direction,
down the street from the hotel, then
down a flight of stairs to a lower
street to the Church of St. Francis of
Assisi, home to San Giovanni Ro-
tondo OFS and YouFra fraternities.
The fraternities, along with Puglia
OFS Regional Council, national
OFS representatives and Puglia Re-
gional Commission for Franciscan
Children, welcomed their CIOFS
brothers and sisters to an evening of
joyful bonding. It began with hand-
shakes, hugs and welcome speech-
es. Next was a spiritual lecture in
the church by university professor
Michele Illiceto, followed by pizza,
pastries, wine and soda in the parish
center. It began with handshakes,        ABOVE AND BELOW: OFS members of Puglia and San Giovanni Rotondo welcome the CIOFS
                                         Presidency at St. Francis of Assisi Church in San Giovanni Rotondo.
hugs and welcome speeches. Next
was a spiritual lecture in the church
by a university professor, followed
by pizza, pastries, wine and soda in
the parish center. OFS and YouFra
members and friars shared stories,
were prone to burst out in laughter,
and repeatedly posed for photo-
graphs with one another.
Continued on next page.
                                              VOX Franciscana • 6 • SUMMER 2019
CIOFS Presidency                         continued from previous page
   The CIOFS Presidency con-
ducted business from morning
to night. The day began early
with morning prayer and Mass,
and ended with evening prayer.
During a break, the members
were blessed by a visit to Monte
Sant’ Angelo, which houses the
underground Sanctuary of St.
Michael the Archangel, and to the
tomb of former Minister General
Emmanuela de Nunzio, OFS, in
Rodi Garganico.
   The sanctuary is one of seven
related to Archangel Michael that
form a straight line from Ireland      Entrance (above) to the underground Sanctuary of Michael the Archangel (above right & below).
to Israel. This “sacred line” is of-
ten referred to as Michael’s sword.
   The general spiritual assistants
concelebrated Mass in the sanctu-
ary, built inside a grotto or cave.
   Several Presidency members
who had met Emmanuela were
particularly inspired to visit her
resting place in a mausoleum.
She was the second minister
general of the reorganized world-
wide Secular Franciscan Order.
Minister General Tibor Kauser,
OFS, recalled meeting her for the
first time at the newly organized
National Hungarian Fraterni-
ty in the early 1990s, and then
working with her on the Juridical
Commission during the admin-
istration of Encarnación del Pozo
                                        Minister General
Martínez, OFS. “I learned a lot
                                        Tibor Kauser, OFS,
from her,” he said, noting that         at Emmanuela de
Emmanuela had been a lawyer             Nunzio’s mausole-
who worked tirelessly for unifica-      um.
tion of the order.
Continued on next page.
                                             VOX Franciscana • 7 • SUMMER 2019
CIOFS Presidency                          continued from previous page

  Members of the CIOFS
Presidency were looking
down at their cell phones
and mobile devices during
prayers and Mass. They were
not being distracted. In fact,
they were attentive to the
spiritual moment. It was a
sign of the digital age – of
going paperless (thus helping
the environment and saving
money from printing).                                                                                          The CIOFS
  The liturgy of the hours                                                                                     Presidency
and the prayers and read-                                                                                      saved paper
ings of the Mass were put                                                                                      costs by
                                                                                                               praying the
in e-book form and down-                                                                                       Liturgy of
loaded to their devices. Even                                                                                  the Hours
some of the friars were using                                                                                  together
their devices to concelebrate                                                                                  on mobile
Mass.                                                                                                          devices.
  On the final day in San
Giovanni Rotondo, Fr.
Amando Trujillo Cano, TOR,
                                                                                                 Fr. Amando during
celebrated his last Mass as a
                                                                                                 his last Mass for
member of the Conference                                                                         the Presidency.
of General Assistants, hav-
ing served 12 years with the
Presidency. It was an emo-
tional liturgy. Even though
he was the celebrant, he was
compelled to pick up his gui-
tar and sing along with the
Presidency members. In fact,
his face lit up with tearful joy
as the members performed a         most beautiful passages       God’s generosity of love,      He closed with the words
special rendition of a song he     in the Bible” -- the Prod-    the father welcomed him        of Pope Francis: “There is
had written (“Isabel, En-          igal Son’s return. The son    back. “Each one of us is the   no saint without a past and
séñanos a Amar”).                  told his father that he did   prodigal son without merit     no sinner without a future.”
  Fr. Amando’s parting ser-        not deserve to be called      before God…but it is im-                   •••
mon focused on “one of the         his son… but, just like       portant to go back to God.”    Continued on next page.

                                              VOX Franciscana • 8 • SUMMER 2019
CIOFS Presidency: celebrating the Rule                                                continued from previous page

  The spring meeting cul-                                                                  Benedetto Lino, OFS, (the
                                Cardinal                                                   history of the rule) and
minated in a return trip to
                                João Braz de Aviz
Rome to celebrate the 40th                                                                 Michèle Altmeyer, OFS
anniversary of the OFS Rule                                                                (spiritual elements of the
with Mass and a series of                                                                  rule).
lectures at the Seraphicum.                                                                  But before the stand-
  The celebration attracted                                                                ing-room-only crowd could
dignitaries and friars and                                                                 exit the chapel and head
Secular Franciscans from                                                                   to the lecture hall, Cardi-
several countries. Among                                                                   nal Aviz praised the youth
them was Cardinal João                                                                     choir, Schola Cantorum Di-
Braz de Aviz, prefect of                                                                   ocesana Corodia (who also
the Vatican’s Congregation    build our relationship with   can preaching and our role     had performed at the 2017
for Institutes of Conse-      God. “Feel this love of God   as penitents.)                 General Chapter), and then
crated Life and Societies     and serve this love with        The lectures highlighted     invited Secular Franciscans
of Apostolic Life. He         your life,” he said.          the history and aspects of     to join him in the sanctuary
presided at Mass, along          Also participating was     the Rule. The other speak-     for a photo op.
with the secretary of the     papal household preacher      ers were former Minister         Joining the cardinal and
congregation, Archbishop      Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa,     General Encarnación del        archbishop on the altar
José Rodríguez Carballo,      OFM Cap., who joined          Pozo Martínez, OFS (who        during mass were Deacon
OFM. Referring to the 40th    several Secular Franciscan    spoke of how the rule is       Giancarlo Carletti, OFS, and
Anniversary, Aviz remind-     presenters for the lecture    arranged and the present       General Spiritual Assistant
ed the OFS present that       series. (His topic was: The   challenges) and former         Amando Trujillo Cano,
this moment is meant to       living memory of Francis-     Presidency Councilors          TOR.

    Photo op with Cardinal João Braz de Aviz during the celebration of the 40th anniversary of the Rule.

                                           VOX Franciscana • 9 • SUMMER 2019
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Rule

A crowd of Secular Franciscans and friars from several countries converged on the Seraphicum on March 24 to celebrate the
40th anniversary of the Rule. At right is Minister General Tibor Kauser, OFS.

“   We must remember that 40 years ago we re-
    ceived a gift – not only a text, but a confirma-
    tion of being part of a family, an organic union
    and a way of life: a life that is lived in fraternity,
    a reciprocal life with the members of the Order
    and the Franciscan Family…Every celebration
    has its fruits. If a celebration doesn’t bring
    fruits, it is not a true celebration. One fruit is
    the growth of our gratitude toward God. We
    must always be mindful that all good comes
    from God and we must thank God. If gratitude
    does not grow in our hearts, we have not under-

    stood that God is the source of all goodness.
             Tibor Kauser, OFS, Minister General

                                            VOX Franciscana • 10 • SUMMER 2019
Celebrating the 40th anniversary of the Rule

                    “    Secular Franciscans are the vast majority of Franciscans.
                         They live immersed in the things of the world, and without
                         their contribution, it is not possible to convert and restore
                         the world to Christ, in its most intimate and vital ways. The
                         laity and seculars are therefore essential. For this reason, the
                         First, Second and Third Orders of St. Francis must rediscov-
                         er the meaning of the common mission, each coordinating
                         with the other two Franciscan Orders. It is an essential mis-

                         sion in God’s plan for Franciscans.
                                                  Benedetto Lino, OFS

                    “    I firmly believe that, based on the experience of these first 40
                         years, the future of formation in the Order must be oriented to-
                         wards being. By only doing, without being, the Order will not

                         mature, and gradually regress to a simple and tired routine.
                                                Encarnación del Pozo, OFS

                     “    All this, that is written in the Rule we professed, is a de-
                          manding journey, a response to the crucified love of Je-
                          sus. We cannot stop only at an intellectual adherence to
                          the contents of the Rule, we must move on to its concrete
                          implementation. From the Gospel, it means from Christ,
                          to life, and from life to the Gospel. Here the authenticity of

                          our vocation and our commitment is played out.
                                                  Michèle Altmeyer, OFS

                     “    What does the famous word metanoia mean? What is true
                          repentance and true contrition? Literally, the word means a
                          change of thought, of the way of seeing and judging things,
                          a mental revolution. But it is not a question of abandoning a
                          previous way of thinking … to form a somewhat more spiri-
                          tual and evangelical one. True metanoia is abandoning one’s
                          way of thinking and marrying our way of thinking to that of

                          God -- seeing oneself and one’s life as God sees them.
                                           Fr. Raniero Cantalamessa, OFM Cap.
                     VOX Franciscana • 11 • SUMMER 2019
YouFra at World Youth Day
120 Franciscan Youth gather in Panama


  The YouFra International        Eucharistic presiders were      Vidales, OFS, internation-     YouFra around the world.
Gathering took place on           the Panama Archbish-            al counselor for YouFra        During one led by Félix
January 17-21, 2019, the          op José Domingo Ulloa,          Mexico, Central America        Chocojay, OFS, of Guate-
days prior to World Youth         and the general spiritual       and the Caribbean, entitled    mala, we discussed the use
Day in Panama. The motto          assistants for the Secular      “Inspired in St. Francis and   of social networks to spread
for the gathering was, “We        Franciscan Order.               with Him, We Are Called        the Good News. Francisco
are brothers and sisters            During the formation          to Rebuild the Church.”        Loaiza, OFS, of Costa Rica
following the Teacher, as         moments, various topics         The main presentation was      described how they built a
Mary did.” (cf. Mt 23:8).         were presented. Andrea          by Tibor Kauser, minister      good relationship with the
  This fraternal gathering        Karlović, OFS, YouFra           general of the OFS. Tibor      OFS. And all the way from
consisted of 120 brothers         international coordinator,      reflected on the “Seven        Vietnam, Jerome Nguy-
and sisters from around           gave a talk entitled, “Seven-   Moments of Mary’s Life         en elaborated on how his
the world. They came from         ty Years of Commitment to       Found in Sacred Scrip-         fraternity faces the chal-
Vietnam, Europe, North            the Kingdom of God,” the        ture” -- which provided        lenges they encounter while
America, as well as from          journey made by Francis-        seven principles to guide      fulfilling their Franciscan
Latin America. We shared          can youth throughout the        our lives as Christians and    vocation in the Church and
moments of prayer, forma-         years. For another topic        Franciscans.                   in the world.
tion, spirituality, reflection,   we formed work groups             During roundtable dis-         The Feast of the Nations
fellowship and, of course,        and elaborated on the talk      cussions, we learned about     provided moments of joy,
the Holy Eucharist. The           given by Judith del Rocio       different experiences of         Continued on next page.
                                              VOX Franciscana • 12 • SUMMER 2019
YouFra at World Youth Day                        continued from previous page

wherein each country had
an opportunity to share
something representative
of its culture. Also, during
the Ecological March of
Laudato Si, the Interna-
tional Fraternity went on
pilgrimage to the parish
of St. Anthony of Padua.
There we sought to spread
the joy of living the Gospel,
while also creating a con-
sciousness in those around
us to live Laudato Si.
  The YouFra International
gathering closed with the
sharing of Holy Eucharist.      TOR, we concluded this        the International Frater-    all over the globe at World
The celebrant, Fr. Ignacio      event with hearts full of     nity entered into dialogue   Youth Day. Under the guid-
Ceja, OFM, a member of          renewed conviction to live    concerning ways to achieve   ance of Pope Francis, we
the general government of       the Gospel in our youth.      a more effective and pro-    meditated specially on the
the Order of Friars Minor,        At World Youth Day,         found experience of living   Blessed Virgin Mary’s “Yes”,
accompanied us on behalf        with representatives of the   Laudato Si in our everyday   and our role in the world
of Fr. Michael Perry, OFM,      general ministers of some     environment.                 as agents of change—topics
minister general. With fri-     of the Franciscan Orders        Franciscan Youth were      that were discussed at dif-
ars from different branches     and other young people        part of approximately        ferent moments of fraternal
of the First Orders and         from around the world,        400,000 young people from    encounter and prayer.

                                            VOX Franciscana • 13 • SUMMER 2019
X Latin America Congress
OFS, YouFra from 13 Nations Participate
  The National Fraternity
of Guatemala hosted the X
Latin-America Congress
from Jan. 28 to Feb. 1,
  Secular Franciscans and
Franciscan Youth also
came from Argentina,
Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia,
Nicaragua, El Salvador,
Costa Rica, Honduras,
Mexico, Cuba, Uruguay,
and Paraguay.
  In addition to those 50
participants, there were
ten from Guatemala in
charge of the congress,      Participants display their nations’ flags. Photos by Ana Maria Raffo, OFS, & Silvia Noemi Diana, OFS.
along with the National
Council, reported CIOFS      Spain) and Silvia Noemi    Also participating were                   Amando Trujillo Cano,
Presidency Councilors        Diana, OFS, (Latin Amer- Minister General Tibor                      TOR, and Fr. Pedro Zitha,
Ana Maria Raffo, OFS,        ican South and Portu-    Kauser, OFS; General                        OFM; Emanuelson Matías
(Latin American and          guese).                  Spiritual Assistants Fr.                    Continued on next page.

                                          VOX Franciscana • 14 • SUMMER 2019
A couple of participants play to the camera during one of the Latin America Congress sessions.

Fr. Pedro Zitha, OFM, takes a selfie while oth-
ers (at right) pose for a group photo during the
pilgrmage walk.

Continued from previous page.• “Challenges of Latin            Matías De Lima, with pre-     Chacón, OFS ( Costa
De Lima, internatioal You- American Youth”.                    senters Gustavo Benitez,      Rica).
Fra councilor for South      Workshops covered the             OFS (Paraguay), Ailén Na-       The congress featured
America, and Francisco     following topics:                   tali, YouFra (Argentina),     a pilgrimage, following
Loaiza Mena, substitute      • OFS: Conclusions of             Felix Chojonay (Guate-        the steps of Saint Brother
international YouFra       the 2017 General Chapter.           mala), and Gloria Ribero,     Pedro in Antigua, guided
councilor for Central        • YOUFRA: the youth               OFS (Colombia).               by the provincial minister
America and the Carib-     synod and its application             • FAMILY: “The Gospel       of the friars minor.
bean.                      today (latin american you-          of the Family: Joy for the      Another meaningful
  The Congress focused     fra counselors).                    World”. Coordinator Silvia    aspect of the congress
on several themes:           • Spiritual assistants            Diana, with presenters        was that each participant
  • The OFS Rule “40       (general assistants).               Fabrizio Martínez, OFS        brought baby clothes to
years of life.”              Panels included:                  (Uruguay), Washington         be delivered to vulnerable
  • “... Become witnesses    • JPIC: “Citizen com-             Lima, YouFra ( Brasil),       families in Guatemala.
and instruments of your    mitment, life experiences”.         Irene Chacón, YouFra
mission ...”               Coordinator Emanuelson              (Costa Rica), and Luis
                                              VOX Franciscana • 15 • SUMMER 2019
Francis and Damietta
 ‘The Sultan and the Saint’
  After hearing the minister general recount
 his participation at celebrations of the 800th
  anniversary of the meeting of Francis and
   the Sultan at Damietta, CIOFS Presidency
   members attended an evening screening
  of the film, “The Sultan and the Saint.” The
 film was produced in 2016 by UPF, a Muslim
   association whose purpose is to promote
  dialogue between the Islam and Christian
  world. That evening spurred this reflection.

                                                      Celebrating 800th anniversary
St. Francis of Assisi before Sultan Malik al-Kamil. Painting by unknown artist of 20th century was photographed in
the church of Convento de Capuchinos, Cordoba, Spain. iStock/Getty Images.


   When we speak of the        the Church of that time, at    speak of the problem of        that was a coveted model.
Crucifix of San Damiano        least regarding temporal       violence, which was very         Any dispute or conflict
and of the mandate that        power and those who ad-        strong in the Middle Ages      found its solution, not in
Christ entrusts to Francis,    ministered it, lived in lux-   and involved all strata of     dialogue or agreement,
“go and repair my house        ury and was certainly not      society and, therefore, also   but in armed confronta-
that is falling into ruin,”    an example of integrity and    the Church. The prevailing     tion that had to end with
it almost always refers, if    consistency with the Word      culture celebrated a way of    the victory of one and the
not always, to the fact that   it proclaimed. We seldom       being, the chivalrous one,     defeat and annihilation of
                                           VOX Franciscana • 16 • SUMMER 2019
the other. It was almost       and that recognizes equal     “Quia Maior”, the bull with brotherhood of Francis
expected that, whoever         dignity for all creatures as which Innocent III calls for and his presence among
had the chance, would arm      the work of the Creator,      the Fifth Crusade, the one the crusaders in Dami-
himself and learn the use      and comes with universal      during which Francis goes etta is inserted, and that
of weapons and the chival-     kinship as a direct result.   to Damietta, promises the the film The Sultan and
rous etiquette                    And if we are all broth-   cross of glories and eter-       the Saint analyzes with a
associated with it. Fran-      ers, all God’s creatures and nal salvation to those who “modern” perspective, dig-
cis himself, in his youth,     his gift – let us remember    will fight and kill unfaith-     ging among the psychol-
dreamed of becoming a          what he writes in his tes-    ful enemies, and eternal         ogies of the various char-
knight and being glorious      tament: the Lord gave me      damnation to those who           acters, and also analyzing
in combat.                     Brothers -- then it must be refuse to do so. The battle        their journey to get to what
  In his encounter with        the law of love that should becomes the test of one’s          was a fundamental episode
harsh reality in the battle    rule the world, and not one faith. The bull expands a          in his journey of faith. That
of Collestrada, the roman-     of violence and of weapons. lot on other similar moti-         journey was misunder-
tic aspect was shattered       Francis, a very practical     vations in favor of its own stood for many years -- a
and, and instead, Francis      man, carries out this model thesis, defining instead the point we are increasingly
experienced the crudeness      in the Fraternity he pro-     Evil, the enemy camp, and discovering by studying the
of body-to-body combat,        poses and lives.              the Good, the crusade.           documents of the time and
of the need to kill in order      But, as we said, this was    The culture and institu-       not just stopping at hagiog-
not to be killed, of terri-    a very violent period and     tions of the time are deci-      raphies of Francis.
ble imprisonment during        it was also the period that sively completely opposed             Also in Damietta, in the
which time, an endless         the Church and the Catho- to what Francis writes in            Crusaders’ camp, Francis
year, he could reflect on      lic world were fully com-     the Canticle of the Crea-        decisively rejects violence
the fact that his friends      mitted to the Crusades;       tures. And it is in this         and invites the
and companions had been        wars unleashed against                         situation       soldiers
killed while he, because he    the Muslims and which,                           that the      not to
was rich, had been spared      under the motivation of                           message      fight and,
because his parents would      the reconquest of the Holy                        of           on the
be able to pay a ransom.       Land, also hid goals of                                        other
  All this affected Francis    territorial expansion,                                         side,
deeply and was the start-      of domination of the                                           Sultan
ing point for conversion,      seas and of great eco-
which provided new and         nomic profits.
profound meaning for the          The language
encounter with the lep-        that was used to                                Continued on
                                                                                  next page.
er and the episode at the      motivate people to
Crucifix.                      adhere to the call
  And it is precisely be-      is one of incredi-
cause of these episodes that   ble violence and
he embraces Lady Poverty,      harshness, and is
a poverty that is under-       exactly the op-
stood as a quest and as a      posite of what
proposal of a new model        Jesus propos-
for society that rejects       es in the holy
money, which is used by        Gospel and lives
the powerful as a means        in his death on “Path of Peace” sculpture of Francis and the Sultan by Mujana Darian, OFS. it
of oppression and power,       the cross. The resides in the Monastery of the Poor Clares in Oakville, Missouri, USA. Photo
                                                 by Howard Schroeder, OFS.
                                           VOX Franciscana • 17 • SUMMER 2019
Francis and the Sultan

  Celebrate a great gift

    This year we joyfully celebrate 800 years of the        Assisi, we are also foreigners in these lands. The Lord
  encounter between St. Francis of Assisi and the Sultan    has given us his love, planted it in our hearts, called
  of Egypt Malek al-Kamil, but besides the celebration      us to this beautiful vocation. He made us followers of
  of this memorable encounter, we are reminded of           Saint Francis of Assisi. He has called us to build peace
  the great love and mercy that the Lord has for us. He     and to make known his infinite love and mercy. We
  inspired, he sowed in the hearts of these two great and   are called to unite and to build. We come to serve him
  noble men his feeling and the desire for peace that led   with love, humility and availability.
  them to build it. Two men coming from two cultures,         With this memorable Encounter, let us also cele-
  two realities, but with the same feeling and desire --    brate the great gift of vocation. As Secular Franciscan
  love and peace.                                           Brothers and Sisters all over the world, the Lord has
    We also come from different realities, from differ-     sown the love in our hearts, His love and His desire
  ent continents, with different needs, from different      for peace. Let us build it day by day, live it faithfully
  origins, speaking different languages. Like Francis of    and fulfill our mission in the world.

The Sultan and the Saint
Continued from previous page. they are stuck in a flood-     of faith, of listening, of     Guardian, or in the Praises
Malek al-Kamil would also ed swamp in which they             mutual respect, a model        of God Most High, would
like to avoid bloodshed,       have no way of defending for us on how to behave             not have been possible
proposing a peace where        themselves and they could when we meet other cul-            without this meeting and
he concedes Jerusalem          therefore be exterminated. tures and religions.              dialogue.
and the holy places to the But, they receive bread,            To repeat, listening and       These are just ideas to
Christian army. However, water and fodder for the            dialogue are fundamen-         help us reflect and deepen
because of commercial          animals   from those, whom    tal. All scholars agree in     our understanding, but
interests, the pontifical leg- the aforementioned bull       affirming that Francis’        above all this is an invita-
ate, commander-in-chief        called “beasts, devils and    spirituality and faith were    tion to continue to live the
of the expedition, rejects     despicable beings.” This      strengthened and complet-      message that Francis left
the proposal but then          was  provided  to them  until ed because of this meeting.    us in an article of the Early
is defeated when, with         they are able to resume         What he wrote when he        Rule: …do not argue or
Damietta conquered, his        their journey and they        returned from Damietta is      have disputes but be subject
army heads for Cairo. But retreat.                           significant in this regard.    to every human creature for
the defeat for the Chris-        This  scenario is the       The statements we find         the love of God and Confess
tians is made even more        backdrop for the encoun- in the Early Rule, in the           to be Christians...
psychologically dramatic       ter between Francis and       letter to the Leaders of the     May the Lord give you
when they realize that         Malek al-Kamil, a meeting People or in the letter to a       his peace.
                                          VOX Franciscana • 18 • SUMMER 2019
Francis and the Sultan

  Another Crusade was
launched to reclaim the
                                Path of Peace
Holy Land and Francis
could not help but think
of launching a crusade of
his own. “What if the Holy
Land was in our hearts,
and each sacred site was
fought over in the inner
room of our soul?”
  Francis and his compan-
ion Illuminato braved not
only many real dangers in
seeking an audience with
the Sultan Malik al-Kamil,
but also had to climb over
a mountain of mispercep-
tions, ignorance, cliches,
prejudices and, of course,
  Upon arriving and
meeting the Sultan, the
exchange in their eyes
was immediate; this
would not be a meeting
                              Path of Peace © Howard Schroeder, OFS / paintedpsalms.com
comparing mere words,
for they both came from
different books. Francis      sacrificed himself to save    Deep was the light in his    braced the Living Word,
could not help but marvel     us.                           eyes that stirred the Sul-   the talk of peace would
at the sincere submission       Is there room in the        tan’s soul.                  remain the talk of peace
and piety of the Saracens,    human heart for mystery?        There was something left   instead of living in peace.
sometimes to the shame        When the written word         whispering in the Sul-         The Sultan sent Francis
of Christians, yet could      stops and the Living Word     tan’s heart that could not   on his way with the great-
the Sultan grasp an even      begins, so does under-        be denied, that the true     est regard and insisted he
greater revelation of God?    standing.                     search for peace and holi-   and his band of brothers
Majesty, Honor and Glory        Francis had faith that      ness often exceeded what     would always have access
and yet also there is mer-    the Trinity would reveal      both many Saracens and       to the Holy Land, for
cy, humility and a vastness   all. He held out the living   Christians were prepared     he knew that they both
of Love . . . so much that    flame of the Holy Spirit      to give. Until they moved    caught a glimpse of it as it
He joined Himself to us,      and invited the Sultan to     beyond their clinging to     shimmered in their very
became one of us, and He      enter into the mystery.       the written word and em-     souls.
                                         VOX Franciscana • 19 • SUMMER 2019
OFS action                                                    USA ADOPTS NEW TAU LOGO
                                                               The National Fraternity of United States of Amer-
                                                                                      ica has adopted a new Tau

around the                                                                              logo design for use in
                                                                                          print and on the web.

                                                                                            It boasts a sketchy,
                                                                                         wood, brushstroke ap-
                                                                                 peaerance, and can be used with
                                                                                 or without the words, “Secular
                                                                                  Franciscan Order - USA.” The
                                                                                  logo was designed by Luciano
                                                                                 Craparotta of Italy.

                The 6th Asia-Oceania        to attract more than a        general and vice minis-
              Congress of the OFS and       hundred participants          ter general, roundtable
              YouFra will take place in     from 17 national fra-         discussion on vocation
              Vietnam in 2020, Presi-       ternities. The congress,      development, and group
              dency Councilor Augus-        which will be held May        discussions on spiritual
              tine Yoon reported.           20-26, 2020, in the city of   assistance, JPIC, financ-
                With a theme of “Go         Vung Tau, will feature,       ing, YouFra, membership
              and Repair My Church,”        among other things,           administration and com-
              the congress is expected      talks by the OFS minister     munications.

 Vung Tau, Vietnam

PORTUGAL ELECTS                                                UGANDA MOURNS LOSS OF ROLE MODEL
  The Elective Chapter of the Nation-                            Secular Franciscans in Uganda are mourning the pass-
al Fraternity of Portugal was celebrat-                        ing in April of their long-time role model, Pelagia Mu-
ed from November 16 to 18, 2018 in                             soke, OFS, reports Presidency Councilor Attilio Galim-
the city of Fatima at the Spirituality                         berti, OFS. Professed some 40 years ago, the 86-year-old
House of the OFM Capuchins.                                    Pelagia directed a project to help vulnerable families
  Rui Jorge de Sousa e Silva, OFS,                             with school fees from 1987 to 2005, and then started a
was elected minister and internation-                          cooperative credit society to help empower women fi-
al councilor. Vice Minister is Pedro                           nancially. She started with 10 women; at the time of her
Nuno da Silva Coelho, OFS.              Pelagia Musoke, OFS    death, the credit co-op numbered 360 members.
                                          VOX Franciscana • 20 • SUMMER 2019
  The Secular Francis-
can Order in Vietnam is
showing “signs of healthy
growth,” reports Presiden-
cy Councilor Augustine
Young Hak Yoon, OFS. He
and General Spiritual Assis-
tant Alfred Parambakathu,
OFM Conv, made a frater-
nal and pastoral visit to the
Vietnam National Fraterni-
ty in November 2018.
  With 19 regional frater- Posing for a photo during the visitation to the Vietnam National Fraternity.
nities and 248 canonically
established local frater-     another 1,615 in initial for- fraternities had diocesan       nities were provided with
nities, Vietnam has 5,603     mation or enquirer stage.     priests as spiritual assis-     spiritual assistance mostly
professed members, plus         Augustine said  112 local   tants while  136  local frater- by OFM friars.

ICON ACCOMPANIES                The icon of Our Lady,          Dina arrived with the           Officially constituted in
VISITORS TO                   Queen of the Franciscan        icon, which had complet-       2001, the OFS National Fra-
LITHUANIA                     Family (Regina Familiae        ed its pilgrimage to the       ternity of Lithuania today has
  Meetings with regional      Franciscanae) accompa-         Ukraine, and planned           some 438 permanently pro-
fraternities, national OFS    nied the visitors -- Dina      to hand it over to Latvia      fessed members, seven tem-
and YouFra leaders, and       Francheska Shabalina,          following the visitation.      porally professed, and some
friars at various levels      OFS, of the Ukraine (dele-     The icon was created in the    37 candidates. Twenty-seven
highlighted the fraternal     gated by the OFS minister      run-up to the 3rd European     active local fraternities com-
and pastoral visitation to    general) and Fr. Francis       OFS-YouFra Congress and        prise six regions. There are
Lithuania from 14 to 17       Bongajum Dor, OFM Cap,         started its pilgrimage among   five YouFra local fraternities,
November 2018.                general spiritual assistant.   fraternities in March 2018.    with 56 members.

   Fani Pečar, OFS, was elected national minis-
ter during Slovenia’s elective chapter in No-
vember 2018. Presidency Councilor Ana Fruk,
OFS, presided over the elections, with Fr.
Pedro Zitha, OFM, general spiritual assistant,
serving as pastoral witness.
   Others elected were: Vice Minister Jožef
Kozel, OFS; Secretary Metod Trajbarič, OFS;
Treasurer: Slavko Žižek, OFS; Formator Mirko
Potočnik, OFS; International Councilor Tomaž
Potokar, OFS; Substitute International Council-
or Metod Trajbarič, OFS, and OFS representa-    Presidency Councilor Ana Fruk, OFS, and Fr. Pedro Zitha, OFM,
tive in the YouFra Council: Mojca Špende, OFS. pose with Slovenia National Fraternity leaders.
                                           VOX Franciscana • 21 • SUMMER 2019
   There is a newly forming
fraternity in Kuwait, Pres-
idency Councilor Michel
Janian reported.
   He visited Kuwait in
January, meeting with
members of the group
who had petitioned the          Newly forming fraternity members pose with Bishop Camillo Ballin and Presidency Coun-
                                cilor Michel Janian in Kuwait.
CIOFS Presidency for
support and recogni-            the local prelate, Bishop          Michel appointed the        Pajarillo.
tion. The group has been        Camillo Ballin (apostolic        following provisionary          Michel noted that Br.
meeting for three years,        vicar of Northern Arabia),       council: Minister Lorie       Atanacio Monching, OFM
inspired by a visiting friar,   expressed their support          Pajarillo, Vice minister      Cap, expressed his enthu-
and consists of five people     for the budding fraternity,      Lucie Guiverson, Treasur-     siasm to provide spiritual
from the Philippines who        Michel noted. The meeting        er Edna Aligada, Secretary    assistance and help pre-
live and work in Kuwait.        took place at Holy Family        Catherine Navoa, Forma-       pare them for admission to
The Capuchin custos and         Cathedral.                       tion Coordinator Lorie        the order and profession.

  Newly forming fraternity in Bahrain.

 NEWLY FORMING    cred Heart Catholic Church the vocation and Francis-                         Binoy, Vice Minister
 GROUP IN BAHRAIN in Manama. The group       can charism.This session                          Prakash Corda, Secretary
   Presidency Councilor          consists of people from the     was followed by an open       Nilda S. Aidalgo, Trea-
 Michel Janian visited the       Philippines and India.          forum and then a mass         surer Inna Mascarenhas,
 Kingdom of Bahrain in             “They were very enthu-        celebrated by Fr. Peter,      Formation Coordinator
 January 2019 to meet with a     siastic and thirsty to know     assisted by Fr. Charbel       Matites K. Segubiense.
 group of some 30 aspirants      more about the order,”          Fayad.                          He also noted the
 interested in becoming          noted Michel. He provid-          With Father Peter as        support of the Capuchin
 Secular Franciscans. They       ed a formation session ,        spiritual assistant, Michel   custos and Bishop Camil-
 were recuited by Fr. Peter      explaining the nature of        appointed a provisionary      lo Ballin, apostolic vicar
 Eugenio, OFM Cap., at Sa-       the order, its history, Rule,   council: Minister Joseph      of Northern Arabia.

                                            VOX Franciscana • 22 • SUMMER 2019
   A fraternal and pasto-
ral visit to Slovakia took
place from Nov. 29 to Dec.
2, 2018, reported CIOFS
Presidency Councilor At-
tilio Galimberti, OFS, and
General Spiritual Assistant
Fr. Alfred Parambakathu,
OFM Conv.
   They met with the na-
tional council, delegates
from regional and local
fraternitis, and major
superiors and other friars
from the OFM, OFM
Conv., OFM Cap.                Posing for a photo during the visitation to Slovakian National Fraternity.
   “We are very grateful for
the hospitality“ shown by      Gazdik, OFS International    visitors throughout their       speaking fraternities. The
Fr. Frantisek Olbert, OFM      Councilor Lucia Spondia-     stay.                           professed active members
Provincial, Attilio said.      kova and National Spiri-       The Slovakian National        number 901 with another
He also noted “the frater-     tual Assistant Fr. Robert    Fraternity is divided in five   231 inactive due to age or
nal welcoming“ by OFS          Jozef Chabada, OFM. All      regions: West, Center, Ora-     health.
National Minister Jozef        three accompanied the        va, East and Hungarian

   Living the Gospel through our roles and responsibilities
     As an Order, we are actively integrated in the life    they fulfill all their responsibilities.
   of Christ. We are part of the body of Christ. The          Whether we serve as officers at the local, regional,
   promise we made when we were professed requires          national or international level, we are co-responsi-
   us to be more pro-active, more focused on Christ’s       ble for animating and guiding our fraternities and
   mission on earth.                                        members.
     Further, we have a very specific hierarchical            By properly fulfilling our unique roles on the
   structure centered on having a council at each level     council, we will ensure that the brothers and sisters
   which helps to animate and guide the life of Secular     receive support and guidance to live their Secular
   Franciscan brothers and sisters – to help us live our    Franciscan life as the Rule requires of them. The
   Franciscan charism in family, in fraternity and in       council should be united in vision and ministry –
   society.                                                 especially after actions and plans are voted on.
     Let’s take that concept that we are part of the          One final note: As international, national, region-
   body of Christ a little further. We might consider       al and local fraternities, we are not islands. We are
   the Executive Council at each level as Christ’s heart    intricately woven together as a magnificent tapestry
   – which pumps life-giving blood throughout the           that covers the body of Christ around the world
   Franciscan body. In order to ensure the health of the    – and our councils provide that important thread
   heart, the members of the council must be properly       that ties us together. We are all ultimately united in
   formed (on-going formation) and make certain that        Christ through our love and attention to each other.

                                          VOX Franciscana • 23 • SUMMER 2019
‘Wells for Africa’ project proceeding

  The “Well4Africa” proj-       da. This project involves       chambers. Phase 3 shall          solidarity with the poor,
ect, flowing out of the 3rd     three phases. The first phase   include extension of water       creating “conditions of life
European OFS and YouFra         has been completed, includ-     line from St. Mary’s primary     worthy of people redeemed
Congress in Lithuania last      ing excavation and con-         tank to Katunguru commu-         by Christ“ (Rule 13).
year, is moving ahead in        struction of a shallow well,    nity village, Allied primary       Initially 13 national OFS
various phases in Malawi,       construction of a pump          school, Katunguru com-           fraternities (Belgium, Bos-
Uganda and Zimbabwe.            house, election of solar        munity marketplace, Bright       nia & Herzegovina, Croatia,
  Drilling water wells in       panel stands and installation   Model primary school,            Czech Republic, France,
needed areas was meant          of a water pump, construc-      St. Anne’s staff quarters        Hungary, Italy, Lithuania,
to be a special fruit of the    tion of 50,000-liter capacity   and Kagunga community            Poland, Russia, Slovakia,
congress, with over 38,000      water tank at Kihani parish     village. The total cost of the   Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland,
euros raised at the time.       church, trenching and pipe      project is around 41,420 eu-     United Kingdom and Gibral-
Since then more donations       laying from the well up to      ros (depending on changing       tar) and four national YouFra
brought the total raised so     the church tank and further     rate of Ugandan shilling).       fraternities (Bosnia & Herze-
far to 52,000 euros, with       extended to St. Joseph’s pri-      The third project is aimed    govina, Croatia, Italy, Poland)
work started in two of the      mary school and St. Anne’s      for Nehumambi village in         responded to the call.
countries.                      secondary school. Phase 2       Zimbabwe.                          Anyone may follow the
  A borehole is already         shall involve construction         The National Council          progress of the projects on-
drilled and operating in        of 50,000 liter-water tank at   of Lithuania had launched        line at well4africa.eu.
Namane community, dio-          St. Mary’s primary school,      the “Well4Africa” social           During its fall session
cese of Blantyre, Malawi.       trenching and pipe laying       initiative, together with        CIOFS Presidency endorsed
Total cost of the project was   from the well up to the         components of the Euro-          continuing the “Well4Africa“
of 8150 euros.                  primary tank and extension      pean Franciscan family,          initiative under the responsi-
  A more sophisticated          of water to two community       to respond to the call of        bility of Lithuanian National
water supply system is          villages of Irwaniro and        Pope Francis to ensure the       Council, thus becoming an
underway in Kihani parish,      Kitambeya, construction         human right to drinking          ongoing mission of the Secu-
Mbarara archdiocese, Ugan-      of tap stands and control       water for all and to express     lar Franciscan Order.

ABOVE: Enjoying fresh, clean water in Malawi.
RIGHT: Work progresses on a water tank and pump house
in Uganda.
                                            VOX Franciscana • 24 • SUMMER 2019
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