Substitute Teacher Handbook 2021-2022 - SAU#88

Page created by Frederick Phillips
Substitute Teacher Handbook 2021-2022 - SAU#88

                                  Teacher Handbook


Revised June 2021 for Fall 2021

Substitute Teacher Handbook 2021-2022 - SAU#88

  Each school will have its own set of COVID protocols, specific safety
  information will be provided to you at the building level.

  Adjustments have been made in each of the classroom to promote social

                       Please follow these guidelines:

  1. Arrive at school with Mask on

  2. You must check in with the Sub Secretary when you first arrive

Substitute Teacher Handbook 2021-2022 - SAU#88

COVID Related Information ……………………………Page 2
Index……………………………………………………...Page 3
Mission Statement & About District………………            Page 4
Sub Coordinator Letter & Administration Listing…    Page 5
Schools Listing &Aesop Number …………………               Page 6
AESOP Calling System, AESOP Info. & Work Day.… Page 7
AESOP Quick Start Guide………………………..                  Page 8-9
Pay Schedule……………………………………….                        Page 10
Job Description………… ……………………………….Page 11-12
Substitute Responsibilities…………………………               Page 13
Professional Ethics & Helpful Hints………………           Page 14
Classroom Management, Basic Management Strategies...Page 15-16
Special Situations…………………………………                     Page 17-21
Emergency Management………………………….                     Page 22-23
Technology……………………………………….                          Page 24-25
Discipline Procedures by School…………………...           Page 26-31
Policy GBEBB – Staff Conduct with Students……        Page 32
Substitute Questionnaire…………………………                  Page 33-35

Substitute Teacher Handbook 2021-2022 - SAU#88
Lebanon School District Mission Statement
The Lebanon School District, in partnership with the community, is
commit- ted to providing a challenging, positive and safe learning
environment that CARES:
Cultivates curiosity and collaboration
Achieves academic excellence
Respects and values diversity
Encourages responsible citizenship
Supports the needs of every learner

                        About Lebanon School District

Substitute Teacher Handbook 2021-2022 - SAU#88

Welcome to the Lebanon School District!

We are pleased that you have joined our staff as a substitute. Your willingness to assist us in
providing a quality educational experience for our students in the absence of their regular
teachers and paraprofessionals is very much appreciated.

This handbook has been prepared in the hope that it will aid you in the performance of a very
important job, substitute teaching. The role of “stand-in” for the classroom teacher is a challenging
and difficult task.

One small handbook cannot possibly give all the answers. We hope that this handbook will
provide you with the most common requested information with the hope that it will help to make
your day run smoothly. You may have further questions, so please feel free to speak to any
administrator or staff member. The office secretaries are always especially helpful. Please read the
manual before reporting for duty, and study the relevant portions. You are also invited to visit any
of our schools to become better acquainted.

You are very important to our team. Although you may not have your name on the mailbox or
appear in the faculty listings, we could not function smoothly without your assistance and
expertise. Thank you for being there when we need you.

Best wishes for a successful, rewarding year.

Dianne Estes, Director of School and Community Relations
Telephone: 603-790-8500 x 1114

                               , 603-790-8500

Dr. Joanne Roberts           Superintendent of Schools
Lisa Scolaro                 Director of Curriculum, Instruction & Assessment
Karen Woolsey                Director of Student Services
Tim Ball                     Business Administrator
Dianne Estes                 Director of School & Comm. Relations
A. Dana Arey                 Director of Facilities
Peter B. Merritt             Director of Technology
Paula Harthan                Transportation Coordinator
Lorie Morgan                 Ex. Assistant to Superintendent

Lebanon School District
                            SCHOOL INFORMATION

Mount Lebanon Elementary School                    Grades PK-4
5 White Ave.
West Lebanon NH, 03784

Gino LoRicco, Principal                             Faculty Hours: 7:45 AM-3:15 PM
Katie Roach, Assistant Principal                    Student Hours: 8:00 AM-3:05 PM
Vicky Moran, Sub Secretary

Hanover Street School                              Grades K-4
193 Hanover Street
Lebanon, NH 03766

Jack Finley, Principal                              Faculty Hours: 7:45 AM-3:15 PM
Geoff Tomlinson, Assistant Principal                Student Hours: 8:00 AM-3:05 PM
Jodi Spaulding, Sub Secretary

Lebanon Middle School                              Grades 5-8
3 Moulton Ave.
Lebanon, NH 03766
603-448-3056, x3013

Dr. John D’Entremont, Principal                     Faculty Hours: 7:20AM-2:50 PM
Kim Ezen, Assistant Principal                       Student Hours: 7:22 AM – 2:35PM
Leslie Achmoody, Sub Secretary
Ruth Keane, Principal Secretary

Lebanon High School                                Grades 9-12
195 Hanover Street
Lebanon, NH 03766
603-448-2055, x2001

Ian Smith, Principal                                Faculty Hours: 7:15 AM-2:45 PM
Kieth Matte, Associate Principal                    Student Hours: 7:30 AM-2:15 PM
Sheena Youngman, Sub Secretary

Frontline/Aesop Sub Calling System - 1-800-942-3767
Deb Girdwood – Aesop Systems – or 603-398-9511
PLEASE NOTE: Snow or Emergency Days your assignment will be canceled.
Communication: Emergency school closings are posted on the district website at,
and are announced on several radio stations and TV channels starting by 6:00 AM. Subs contracted
to work, do not work on remote/snow/emergency closure days. You will not receive a phone call
announcing closures. Please be sure to check the website or WMUR for announcements if you feel
the weather is inclement. Subs are not normally included in the School Messenger notification,
however if you want to be included in messaging please inform Dianne.

Aesop/Frontline Automated Calling System:

Your availability is entered into the Aesop contact system. You may make adjustments to this by
entering Non-work Days, and Schools you prefer to work at. You can search for and accept available
jobs, change personal settings, update your calendar, and personalize your available call times by
visiting Frontline on the internet at If the employee has
uploaded lesson plans, you will be able to view them online once you take the job!

The sub system calls/and or emails you between 4:30 p.m. and 9 p.m. or 5:30 am and noon. The
system will tell you who you are replacing, which building, what grade level or subject, any unusual
circumstances such as a field trip, special duties, etc. Lesson plans may even be available for you
to take to the classroom.
For staff absences that can be anticipated, the system will contact you in advance. If a teacher
asks you to sub, please suggest they put you in as a “preference” in Aesop.

*******If you get sick or have an emergency, you should call the Aesop system by 6 am.
If you know in advance that you can’t make a commitment, call the system directly.

                               Aesop Sub Calling System

Your work day: You are expected to stay in the building and be available throughout the school
day. Exceptions are made when you’ve worked out a special arrangement. Subs are expected to
fulfill all duties of the person which they were hired to cover.
Lebanon High School dismissal is 2:15 pm; Lebanon Middle School is 2:35; and the Elementary
Schools are at 3:05 p.m.
You are responsible for your class until each student is accounted for—walking, picked up by bus
or parent, at an after-school activity, or entrusted to another staff member. Do not leave children
unattended and don’t assume that they are “okay.” It is your job to make sure that they are okay.
Occasionally, you may have bus duty at the end of the day, if your teacher happens to have been
assigned this. This would require a few extra minutes with students before you go home.

Leave a note for the teacher or fill out a substitute teacher report. Tell what you covered in
the plans and any additional instruction or activities you did. Comment on student behavior
if necessary. Note messages or special information sent to the teacher during the absence.
Once the students are gone and you have straightened up the classroom and done any further
assigned duty, you should check out at the office to finalize your timesheet.

Your check will be deposited into your Direct Deposit bank you have on file with the Payroll office if you
have chosen this option.
We ask you to keep track of your own hours on the daily substitute timesheet provided in the
schools, superintendent’s office and on the district website at http://>Payroll. Return the forms to the school secretary at the end of each the

                                 SUBSTITUTE RATE SHEET

Effective December 14th, 2020

All Lebanon School District Substitutes will be paid in accordance with School Board Policy GCEB.

Rate for teacher $105 per day or $14 per hour (full day is 7.5 hours)
Rate for paraprofessionals $12 per hour (full day is 7 hours)
Rate for nurse substitutes: $175 per day
Rate for secretaries & administrative assistant substitutes: $12 per hour

Substitute Teacher Job Description

1. Reports to the Principal

2. Job Goal: To enable each child to pursue his/her education as smoothly as possible and with
   continuity in the absence of his/her regular teacher.

3. Performance Responsibilities:

4. Reports to the principal/secretary upon arrival according to faculty hours for each building.

5. Maintains, as fully as possible, the established routines and procedures of the school and classroom
   to which he/she is assigned.

6. Teaches the lessons outlined and described in the lesson plans provided by the absent teacher.

7. Assumes responsibility for overseeing pupil behavior in class and during lunch and recess periods.

8. Follows all policies, rules and procedures to which regular teachers are subject and which good
   teaching practice dictates.

9. Remains in the assigned classroom until the end of faculty hours for each building.

10. Assumes absent teacher’s duties during each teaching day such as bus duty, recess duty, study hall,

11. Leaves a daily summary for the classroom teacher, including information about lessons completed,
    student absence, behavior problems, incidents requiring follow- up, etc. (see attached form to be

12. Reports to the building principal/secretary at the conclusion of the teaching day, and verifies hours
    on timesheet.

13. Notifies the Director of School & Community Relations when he/she is no longer available to
    substitute for the District. (603-790-8500 x1114)

Paraeducator Job Description:

The role of a paraeducator is to assist teachers to help students carry out tasks that are asked of
them. Paraeducators should circle around the classroom, answer questions, redirect students to
the task, engage them in their learning, and provide prompts to begin, continue, and/or
complete work. In addition, a paraeducator may have duties such as hall monitor, lunch, recess,
or bus supervision.

When students are out of the classroom and in the halls, you should be at your classroom
door to help provide supervision (both in the corridor and in your room, if necessary).
You are responsible for students in your charge at all times. Do not allow students to leave the
room unless it is really necessary. Follow the teacher’s routine for passes to bathroom, nurse,
library, office, etc. Allow only one student to leave at a time. NEVER LEAVE YOUR CLASS
If you need assistance, use your intercom, classroom phone, or send one reliable student to get
the teacher next door or help from the office.

Successful substitutes exhibit a genuine interest in and concern for the welfare of students. Positive
interaction between the substitute and the students is an integral part of the job. With that
prerequisite firmly in mind, the substitute must carry out the following responsibilities relating to
effective classroom management. A concerned, interested substitute should:
  Arrive 15-20 minutes before school day begins in order to get organized. 

    Check the regular classroom teacher’s mailbox and the teacher bulletin board for
     announcements, messages and materials.

    Review school policies regarding discipline, attendance, medication, leaving the school
     grounds and so forth. (All school policies and regulations can be found in the teacher’s
     handbook and online at

    Review the classroom teachers’ daily schedule, specific duty assignments, lesson plans,
     seating charts and record books. (All of this information and more is found in the teacher’s
     substitute folder.)

    Follow the lesson plans as stated. Leave notes to the teacher about work completed or not
     completed, as well as any other information that would be helpful to the classroom teacher.

    Greet the students as they enter the classroom. Interact with them in a friendly but firm way.

    Record classroom attendance according to school policy.

    Never leave the classroom unattended. Ask a neighboring teacher, or call the office to
     oversee the class if an emergency arises.

    Supervise the movement of students in the halls and corridors and cover all assigned duties.

    Maintain proper discipline and classroom order. Report any disciplinary problems
     to the administration.

    Substitute teachers should not meet alone with a student in or out of school for any reason.

    Any tutoring or one on one work with students should be done in the library, study hall or other
     public place.

    Substitute teachers should not transport students.

    Do not receive money from students, unless instructed to do so. If money is collected, deposit with the
     main office personnel at the first opportunity. DO NOT LEAVE MONEY or PERSONAL

    Do not leave the building during the school day without permission from the administration.

    Do not read a book or work on an activity or craft while on duty in the classroom. Give the students
     your full attention.

    Return all materials and equipment to their proper places at the end of the day.

    Check in with the administration or secretary at the end of the day to express how your day went and
     to sign your timesheet.

    The substitute teacher, like the regular classroom teacher, has the following obligations:

           The first obligation of the classroom teacher and his/her substitute is to the student. The
            school exists to meet the educational needs of the students.
           The substitute teacher should be conscientious in the professional performance of the
            classroom teacher’s responsibilities.
           The substitute teacher should cooperate with associates and respect the authority of those
            in administrative positions.
           Under no circumstances should a substitute teacher criticize a regular classroom teacher,
            administrator or student in the presence of other teachers or students.
           The substitute teacher should observe the same rule of confidentiality that all school
            personnel must observe: SCHOOL PERSONNEL DO NOT DISCUSS STUDENT
            SCHOOL DISTRICT.


       The most frequent concern about substitutes from the regular teacher is, “My substitute didn’t
        follow my lesson plans.” Good substitutes make every effort to follow the teacher’s lesson
        plans and to leave a note explaining the day’s events.
       Substitutes should not criticize or allow criticism of any student, teacher or administrator.
       Substitutes should not rely on the principal for every discipline concern. Sending students to
        the office loses its effectiveness when overused. Constant circulation and monitoring of the
        classroom will prevent many discipline problems.
       Using the students’ names when speaking to them helps to gain and maintain their attention.
       Screaming, sarcasm and ridicule are not allowed and are an ineffective means of classroom
       Disciplining or saying something that embarrasses a student in front of the class is a poor
        practice and should be avoided if possible. Disciplining the entire class for the actions of a
        few is ineffective.
       A disruptive student can be isolated within the classroom but not in a corner or in a way that
        is humiliating. Do not put students out of the room without first contacting the office.
       Experienced teachers are the best source of advice.
       Appropriate dress often commands authority. Please do not substitute in jeans or shorts
        unless Principal has ok’d it.
       Substitutes should respect the student’s opinions and not talk down to them. Teachers who
        show respect to their students have fewer discipline problems.
                                 

Effective Teachers - Effective Teaching

                        General Comments on Classroom Management

                          Effective teachers have well-organized and well-managed classrooms.
                          Students know what is expected, what they are supposed to do, and
                          what equipment, if any, they will need. Transitions from one activity
                          to another are accomplished quickly and with a minimum of teacher
                          direction. Students are active participants in the learning process.
                          They watch, listen to, think about and respond to teacher and student
                          presentations. Activities move at a brisk pace. Students, when
                          required to work on their own or in small groups, know what to do
                          and go about the work in a business-like way. Students know how to
transfer knowledge and skills into new situations. They also know what behavior is permissible
in the classroom and the school.

The effective teacher knows what is going on in all parts of the classroom. An orderly
atmosphere is maintained. Effective classroom managers prevent problems from happening
through good preparation. Good classroom management is important because it allows the
teacher to spend more time helping students learn. Effective teachers do a great deal of planning
to establish conditions that are conducive to effective learning.

You, as substitute teachers, will benefit from this advance work that is done by all of the
teachers in the Lebanon School District. You will find classrooms that have been organized for
maximum student benefit and you will find lesson plans that will help you make the day a
strong educational experience for each student in your care. Classrooms will have a daily
routine that puts the students at ease and one that will make your job rewarding and pleasant for
you, as well as your students.

You can take advantage of the teacher’s planning by arriving early. Check with the office to
find out about special events or last minute instructions from the teacher. Look over the lesson
plans, locate the manuals, supplies and materials you’ll need, check the emergency information
provided, find out how to use the intercom (if there is one), and ask another teacher if you need
help understanding the plans or finding materials. Check plans for names of students with
special learning needs and familiarize yourself with the accommodations you’ll need to make
for any particular student. If there’s a classroom discipline plan,
familiarize yourself with it. If not, be ready to explain your own basic
rules and expectations. A few minutes of preparation can be a big help
throughout your day.

before moving on.
                                                 Model the product students are to produce or
                       Basic                     the process they are to follow. Use words,
                       Management                visuals, and actions to communicate Provide
                       Strategies                guided practice of new skills or content.
                                                 Monitor and give feedback as needed.
Take charge of the classroom from the start:
Stand near the door, greet students, smile,
and watch as they find their seats and get       Circulate around the room, showing you
settled.                                         are aware of what is going on.

Require student attention before you begin.      Conclude lessons with a quick review of the
Wait, if necessary.                              important learning. Explain and assign
                                                 homework. Make clear what is due and
Introduce yourself. Take attendance at           when.
once. Make eye contact with each
student. If you’re unsure of                     Prepare students for transitions, warn them
pronunciation, ask students to pronounce         that one is coming and remind them of what
their own names.                                 is to be done.

Make clear the rules, consequences
                                                     Keep the focus on learning. Minimize the
and procedures--then adhere to
                                                     time spent on housekeeping details. Expect
these rules consistently throughout
                                                     everyone to participate. Provide feedback on
your day.
                                                     how students are doing. Provide closure,
Tell students what’s happening next and              reminding students of assignments and
engage students in an activity as soon as            complimenting them if appropriate.
possible. Making name tags or name cards is
                                                     Prevent problems. Use eye contact, move
a good idea.
                                                     closer to the student, call on the student to
Give clear, concise directions. Be specific          regain attention, or use a quiet gesture to
about what you want students to do and               remind a student of the rules. Reinforce
how they should do it.                               students who are doing what you expect. This
You will always have lesson plans to follow.         will remind others of your expectations.
Introduce the lesson by telling students what        Reprimand privately when necessary.
they will learn. Review previous learning or         Firmly remind the student of the rule and
correct homework to assess readiness and             what you expect the student to be doing.
adapt the lesson if necessary. Motivate              Punishment of all to get to a few should not
students by explaining the relevance of the          be used.
learning and relating it to students’
                                                     Seek advice or assistance before problems get out
experiences.                                         of hand. Ask questions if you are unsure about
Explain new material step by step, giving            policy or procedure. Review the discipline
examples and checking understanding                  procedures following in this handbook.

Generic Rules
   •Follow directions the first time they are given.
   •Raise your hand for permission to speak.
   •Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.
   •Always walk in the classroom and in the halls.

Special Situations
  Accidents will surely occur from time to time, but preventive measures should keep them to a
  minimum. Exercise good judgment and care at all times. Look ahead to the possible dangerous
  consequences, especially in areas such as gym, locker rooms, playground, labs, cooking rooms
  and shops.
  In case of accident, call for the nurse or administrator immediately. If fire is involved, pull the
  alarm. The principal and the nurse must be notified of all serious accidents and accident forms
  must be completed. When in doubt, notify the principal anyway.

Child Abuse/Neglect
  Under New Hampshire law, any school employee having reason to suspect that a child has
  been abused or neglected shall report the same to the appropriate authorities. As a sub, you
  should speak directly to the building principal or designee in his/her absence. You should not
  speak to anyone else. The child and the family have a right to confidentiality and privacy as
  well as protection. Do not attempt to counsel the student or investigate further.

Confidentiality (Policy JO)
  Information about students is confidential. You should only discuss a student by name with
  others in the school with a “need to know” such as principal, nurse, special educator or
  Confidentiality includes all students, regular and special education. If you know many Lebanon
  students and their families, you risk slipping from “substitute” to “neighbor” role without
  realizing it. Your rule of thumb should be, “Never discuss specifics of your substitute work
  outside of school.” If you have a concern about any aspect of the school program, you should
  take it up directly with the principal.
  You will be asked to sign a Confidentiality form at your Orientation

  Corporal Punishment
  Physical force is not an acceptable means of correction and is against School Board policy.
  Physical restraint is authorized only when needed to protect the safety of the individual
  student and/ or other students and employees.

  Fire Drills
  Be familiar with fire drill instructions which are posted near the classroom door. The fire
  signal is a continuous loud tone. The recall to reenter the building is one ring from the regular
  bell system.
  During fire drills, teachers stay with their groups. Take your class roll book or attendance

 Supervise and maintain order. A fire drill will take place sometime during the first two weeks
 of school and then monthly during moderate weather.
 Remind students where to meet outside
 Assist any student who needs help
 Close but do not lock classroom door
 Take attendance outside & notify principal or secretary of anyone missing.

Handling Bodily Fluids
  When possible, direct skin contact with body fluids should be avoided. Disposable gloves are
  available and should be used when direct hand contact is anticipated. Dispose of used gloves in a
  plastic bag or lined trash can. Wash hands thoroughly after any contact with body fluids and before
  contact with others. Call the custodian to clean-up.
  If blood or other potentially infectious materials have contact with broken skin, mucous membrane
  or by a bite or needle stick, wash or irrigate the area immediately and report to the school nurse.
  You will fill out an Exposure Incident Form and will be released to seek immediate medical
  attention at no cost to you.
  All medications are kept in the health room and administered by the nurse or designee under the
  direction of the prescribing physician and at the request of the parent. Any student who brings
  medication to the classroom should be sent to the nurse immediately. The daily plans should
  include names of students who receive medication and when they should go to the health room.

Sexual Harassment & Sexual Violence (Policy ACAB/JBAA/GBAA)
  The School District prohibits any form of sexual harassment and sexual violence toward students
  or employees by students or employees. Sexual harassment consists of unwelcome sexual
  advances, requests for sexual favors, sexually motivated physical conduct or other verbal or
  physical conduct or communication of a sexual nature. You should report any instance of
  harassment or violence to the principal for investigation according to district policy.

Bullying (Policy JICK)
  All LSD staff and Substitutes are required to complete Bullying Awareness/Prevention training
  annually, subs must complete training before you sub for the first time. This is available at no
  Bullying is a form of student harassment which is prohibited by School Board policy and will not
  be tolerated. Bullying is defined as a pattern of conduct which subjects a student to insults, taunts,
  or challenges, whether verbal or physical in nature, which is likely to intimidate or provoke a
  violent or disorderly response from the student treated in this manner. Bullying includes three
       repetitive, negative actions aimed at a specific victim or series of victims,
       an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim, and
       injury that is inflicted on the victim’s body, property, self-esteem, or group acceptance as
        a result of the actions
  Anyone who has observed or has reliable information that a student has been bullied on
  school property or at a school-sponsored event should report the incident to the principal.
Suicide Prevention and Response (JLDBB)
       All LSD staff and Substitutes are required to complete Suicide Prevention and Response
  training annually, subs must complete a two hour training in suicide awareness and prevention
  before you sub for the first time. Such training may include such matters as youth suicide risk
  factors, warning signs, protective factors, intervention, response procedures, referrals, and
postvention and local resources. This is available at no charge.
  The School Board is committed to protecting the health, safety and welfare of its students and
  school community. This policy supports federal, state and local efforts to provide education on
  youth suicide awareness and prevention; to establish methods of prevention, intervention, and
  response to suicide or suicide attempt (“postvention”); and to promote access to suicide awareness,
  prevention and postvention resources.
Both Bullying Awareness and Youth Suicide Awareness training is available free to you online
at SafeSchool. You will be sent login information once your Substitute application has been
Smoking & Substance Abuse (Policy ADC)
  No smoking is permitted in any school building or on school grounds at any time. The possession,
  use or distribution of alcohol and drugs in school or on school property is strictly prohibited. Any
  student violation should be reported to the principal at once. If you observe any student who
  appears to have a substance abuse problem, or if you are alerted by a concerned informant or
  friend, you should refer the situation to the building principal. While it is human nature to try to
  help and express your concern, just as in child abuse/neglect situations, trained professionals must
  be the ones to deal with the situation.

Weapons and/or Fireworks (Policy JICI)
  In conformance with federal and state law, possession of firearms, fireworks, or other weapons is strictly
  prohibited. Any student violation should be reported to the principal.
  Teachers will be called from class only for emergencies. Messages will be placed in staff
  mailboxes. Please do not use your cell phone while you are in class.

Computer Use
  Checking your email or surfing the internet is entirely inappropriate while you are in class, even
  while your students are occupied with a work- sheet, movie, or other activity. There may be time
  to check email during your lunch break when you are not supervising students.

 Use of Social Networking Websites (GBRBD)
 The School Board does not allow school district staff to socialize with students outside of school
 on social networking websites, including but not limited to Twitter and Facebook. No school
 district data, documents, photographs may be posted. Use of Educational sites, solely for
 educational purposes is permitted. Access of social networking web- sites for individual use
 during school hours is prohibited.

 Child Abuse Reporting (Policy JHG)
 If an employee suspects that a child is being abused or neglected, that information should be
 reported to the school principal or designee. A report may also be made directly to DCYF (Division
 for Children, Youth and Families) by phone at 448-2918. If the report is made in good faith, the
 reporter is immune from any civil or criminal liability.

 Staff Ethics/Conduct (Policy GBEA, GBEB)
 All employees of the District are expected to maintain high standards in their conduct both on and

off duty. District employees are responsible for providing leadership in the school and community.
 This responsibility requires the employee to maintain standards of exemplary conduct.
 All employees have the responsibility to be familiar with, and abide by, the laws of the State of
 New Hampshire as they affect their work, the policies and decisions of the Board, and the
 administrative regulations designed to implement them.

 The school or district often takes photo and video- tapes of school and classroom activities. It is
 possible that as a staff member you may appear in a photo used in a district publication, website,
 news- paper, TV broadcast or classroom videotape.

Reproduction of Copyrighted Materials/ Copy- right and Fair Use Law (Policy EGAD)
 Substitutes should not duplicate any copyrighted print or non-print materials unless such
reproduction meets “fair use” standards or unless written permission from the copyright holder
has been received.

Drug-Free Workplace (Policy ADB)
 The manufacture, distribution, dispensation, possession or use of illicit drugs and alcohol is
 prohibited in the workplace, including any official school functions no matter where they take
 place. Violation of this policy could result in suspension, termination of employment or required
 satisfactory participation in a drug abuse resistance or rehabilitation program.

Nondiscrimination (Policy AC/ACE)
 Lebanon School District does not discriminate in its education programs, activities or
 employment practices on the basis of race, color, national origin, religion, age, sex, marital status,
 sexual orientation or disability. Questions and complaints may be made to the Superintendent of

Finding School Board Set Policies
All School Board adopted policies may be found online at>School Board>
School Board Policies. Please see this area for the most current version of any School Board
policy. Online policies supersede any policies printed in this handbook

Presence of Asbestos Notice
In accordance of EPA regulation, each school has been inspected for asbestos containing building
materials (ACBM). ACBM may cause health problems. ACBM may be present in any facility
within Lebanon School District.

A record of the inspection, a diagram of the location( s) of ACBMs, and a copy of relevant EPA
regulations are available in the main office of each school building as well as the SAU 88 office
at 20 Seminary Hill, in West Lebanon, New Hamp- shire.

For additional information, contact the designated person (s) below @ 790-8500:
Dana Arey, SAU 88, Director of Facilities or Tim Ball, SAU #88 Business Administrator.

                                       Emergency Management Plan
Each school has a Crisis Plan to cover emergency situations. If you sub frequently in one
school, you could ask to review the crisis plans.
 Bomb Threat/Evacuation
  Much like a fire drill; there will be a PA announcement of “Evacuation Drill” and pertinent
  information such as taking coats or following a special route out of the building. Take
  attendance book or class list to account for all students. As you leave look around for any
  unusual object, package, etc. and report any to the principal once you are outside. Your
  responsibility is to stay with/keep track of your students, including if you are evacuated to
  another site. If there’s an early dismissal, you will log out any students picked up—students’
  names, who picked them up, time. Buddy up with another class so that teacher can advise you.
  All visitors are to report to the office and wear ID. At elementary schools, most or all doors
  except the main entrance are locked. All staff should report any threatening person to the
  office. If there is a dangerous intruder in the building, you might be directed to:
  Shelter in Place. This means keep all students in the room, shut classroom windows, draw shades, turn
   off lights, shut door (lock if possible). Direct students to take cover away from windows, doors and
   open areas. Wait quietly for further instructions. If you’re outside and there’s shooting, have students
   drop flat and get them under cover or inside ASAP.
  Evacuate. This means get out of the building. You might receive special directions on the route to
   follow to avoid a dangerous situation, but the same bomb threat/evacuation procedures apply once
   you’re outside.

Critical Illness/Injury/Possible Death in School
  Call 911 if phone is available or call for emergency help (nurse, principal, etc.) from the office.
  Tell them to call 911. Render aid until help arrives. If an area is unsafe to be in, clear the
  students from that area immediately. Otherwise remove students from the area when help
  arrives. A Crisis Team will take over in supporting students and processing what’s happened. If
  the incident has occurred elsewhere in school, you will be personally notified and, if
  appropriate, assisted with telling students and processing what’s happened. Note any student
  who seems unusually upset and call for counselor to assist the student.
Operational Crisis—Power, Water, Heat, Chemical Spill
 If one of the utilities goes off or there’s another hazard, you will be advised by the office to:
 wait in classroom for further update; move to another area; Shelter in Place; or Evacuate
 depending upon the nature of the crisis. Evacuation might be necessary if there’s a chemical
 spill. Early dismissal or evacuations to an offsite location are possible if one of the utilities is
 to be off for a significant period of time.
 In all situations the first priority is to protect students and
 staff from injury. It is assumed that all employees will use
 good judgment and common sense, depending upon the
 specific situation. You are not expected to put yourself at
 unusual risk.

Technology (Acceptable Use Policy– Appendix A of the LSD Technology Plan)
The purpose of technology access and support is to conduct school business. Staff members are
advised that E-Mail and/or Internet correspondence is not privileged or confidential. From time to
time, communications may be monitored by the administration to assure that Internet use is in
support of school district goals.
While exercising their privileges to use the Internet as a resource, staff members shall also monitor
and accept the responsibility for all material received. Staff members have the responsibility of
keeping all pornographic material, inappropriate text files, or files dangerous to the integrity of the
network from entering the school via the Internet, and to report all violations. Only curriculum-
related materials are allowed to be downloaded. Staff members are responsible for maintaining the
integrity of the electronic mail system, to be responsible for all mail received, to not knowingly
receive electronic mail containing pornographic material, inappropriate information, or text-
encoded files that are potentially dangerous to the integrity of the hardware on school premises,
and to report all inappropriate materials (solicited or unsolicited) to the technology department.
Staff members may create a personal web page. Material placed on this web page must be related
to the individual’s school, curriculum, or career preparation activities; it is the responsibility of the
staff member to keep this web page current. All files and programs on the computer belong to
someone. Users may not erase, modify, rename, or make unusable anyone else’s files or programs,
nor copy, change, or transfer any software provided by the school or other staff members without
permission from the originator. Users may not copy copyrighted software, as it is illegal to copy
any software which has a copyright without the express permission of the author of the soft- ware.
Users may not intentionally introduce a computer virus. Users may not deliberately use the
computer to annoy or harass others or intentionally damage the system, damage information not
belonging to you, misuse system sources, or allow others to misuse system sources. Hacking is not
allowed. Users may not use the network for financial or commercial gain.

 Electronic Mail -E-mail (Policy GBEF)
All employees with a need for e-mail for school business will be provided with an account upon
employment. It is the district expectation that these employees will check their school e-mail
daily. E-mail equipment and messages are school district property. All emails are archived for 7
years in accordance with NH Law. Messages that are created, sent, or received using the school
district e-mail system are the property of the school district. The school district reserves the right
to access and disclose the contents of all messages created, sent, or received using its e-mail
system. All e-mail communication must be handled in the same manner as a letter, fax, memo, or
other written communication. E-mail messages must not contain content that may be considered
offensive or disruptive. Offensive content includes but is not limited to obscene or harassing
language or images, racial, ethnic, sexual, or gender specific comments or images or other
comments or images that would offend someone on the basis of their religious or political beliefs,
sexual orientation, national origin, or age. E-mail messages are considered public records and so
must protect the privacy rights of children and families. For protection from viruses, e- mail from
an unknown sender should not be opened, nor should chain letters or warnings of viruses be
forwarded within the district system. Photographs of students may be used only with written

guardian permission. Students may not be identified. Incidental and occasional personal use of
e-mail is permitted. Such messages become the property of the school district and are subject to
the same conditions as business e-mail.

Technology Equipment and Software
All employees with a need for technology equipment for school business will be provided with access
to such equipment upon employment. To be issued a district computer, including laptops, is an
employee privilege and not a right. All technology equipment (including laptops) and software used on
this equipment are school district property. Only district owned programs are to be loaded onto any
district computer, including laptops. Any technology equipment or software used in the schools that are
NOT district property may not have any connectivity to the district server and will receive no district
technology support. The school district reserves the right to deny service to any technology equipment
or software that is NOT district property. All software installed will have the prior approval of the
school and/or the district technology committees. The school district reserves the right to monitor any
and all programs installed on computers. Software is not to be downloaded from any website. (Programs
downloaded from the w.w.w. are prime sources of virus infections.) Regular and periodic storage of
back-up data is the responsibility of the user. The district assumes the responsibility for the installation
and maintenance of virus protection. Virus protection must not be removed or disabled. Incidental and
occasional personal use of computers, including laptops, is permitted. Such usage is limited ONLY to
that of the faculty member responsible for the laptop. Family members or friends of employees are not
to use district computers. Any damage to a laptop that occurs during non-business use is the employee’s
liability. The District makes no guarantee that the functions or services provided by or through the
District system will be error-free or without defect. The District will not be responsible for any damage
any user may suffer, including but not limited to the loss of data or interruptions of service. The District
is not responsible for the accuracy or quality of information obtained through or stored on the system.
The district will not be responsible for financial obligations arising through an unauthorized use of the
system. A staff member may be financially responsible for any harm to the sys- tem as a result of
intentional misuse by the staff member. Violation of this policy may expose an employee to discipline
in accordance with the master contract, up to and including immediate termination.

 Employee Use of Social Networking Websites (Policy GBEBD)
The School Board does not allow school district staff to socialize with students outside of school on
social networking websites, including but not limited to Twitter and Facebook. No school district data,
documents, photographs may be posted. Use of Educational sites, solely for educational purposes is
permitted. Access of social networking web sites for individual use during school hours is prohibited.
The Superintendent has authority to approve/disapprove use of social networking sites.

Discipline Procedures
                                     Lebanon High School
Ian Smith, Principal
Kieth Matte, Assistant Principal

 Who is responsible for discipline?
   Kieth Matte, Assistant Principal for all grades is responsible for handling discipline that cannot be
        handled by the substitute in the classroom for their respective grades. Their offices are located
        in the main office.

   Please remember that a respectful response to student behavior is a top priority here at Lebanon High

 What specific rules and consequences should a substitute be aware of?
       ·      If a student leaves the classroom without permission, the office (*102) should be notified.

       ·       If a student directs abusive or profane language at the substitute, a faculty member, or
       another student, or is openly insubordinate or confrontational, the student should be sent to the

       ·    If the student refuses to leave the classroom, contact the office (*102) and request an
       administrator to come to the room.

       ·     The substitute should review our student handbook prior to substituting at Lebanon High
       School to have a complete understanding of the rules and policies of Lebanon High School and
       the Lebanon School District.

       If a substitute suspects a student is under the influence of something they should call or email
       Deb Movizzo, and Kieth Matte, briefly explain the
       situation. Deb will notify Mr. Matte if he is not at his desk.

 What should the substitute do if a student cannot remain in the classroom?
       ·       If a student must be sent out of class, s/he should be sent to the main office. Say, “Go to
       the office please", if asked why, "Please just go we will discuss later" The substitute should use
       the classroom telephone to notify the office that the student has been sent. (*102)
       ·      There is no special pass. If the substitute believes that the student’s behavior has been such
       that there is no way that the student can return to class, the student should be told to bring his/her
       materials with him/her. The substitute should use the classroom telephone to notify the office
       that the student has been sent. (*102)

 What happens after a student has been sent to the office?
       · Kieth Matte will speak with the substitute directly after the class; the student will stay in the
       office for at least the rest of the period.
       ·      Substitutes are not expected to provide make-up work unless the substitute knows/has
       the assignment for that day for the class the student missed.

Discipline Procedures
                                       Lebanon Middle School
Dr. John D’Entremont, Principal

Kim Ezen, Assistant Principal

It is the intent of LMS to provide an education within the framework of a safe, secure, and productive
educational environment. A large majority of students are responsible with their rights and are consistently
demonstrating the following rules:
              Be Respectful to yourself
              Be Respectful to others
              Be Respectful of the expectations
              Be Respectful of property

 Common Classroom Expectations (May vary and be provided by teacher)

               Students will do assignments well, completely and on time.
               Students will do their own work.
               Students will cooperate.
               Students will keep their hands to themselves.
               Students will refrain from throwing snowballs, pencils, or objects which could hurt others.
               Students will refrain from taking others’ possessions.
               Students will use school-appropriate language.
               Students will follow the school’s dress code. (no hats, etc.)
               Students will not have their cell phones out.
               Students will not possess, use, distribute or sell illegal or dangerous substances or items such as
                knives, tobacco, matches, alcoholic beverages, fireworks, and drugs.

Discipline Charts (Will be provided by the teacher)

There are times when students do not demonstrate expected behaviors and need immediate, fair, and
consistent responses to re-teach and possibly consequence their actions.In order to determine the appropriate
consequence, the following considerations are factored in:
                    The amount of time the student thought about their choices/actions
                    To what extent did this or was it meant to hurt others
                    To what extent this did or could have disrupted the safety of the school
                    The amount of time since the student's previous misbehaviors
                    The developmental age level of the student (5th, 6th, 7th, 8th)

These charts can be used as a resource to show how to address a variety of behaviors. It is meant to help the
adult and student process the behavior in an objective manner.

Discipline Process

Substitutes can follow our discipline charts and use the various steps of discipline which include, tab in, tab out, SRA
break, SRA removal, SRA Action and Office Referral. They may also immediately call the office with any questions
or concerns with behaviors.

When sending students to SRA, the substitute can either use the passes provided or call the 3227.

If the substitute needs to use a disciplinary referral for the more serious infractions, they may send the student to the
office or call the office for a removal. When calling the office, if possible, please explain the situation in private.

Types of Disciplinary Actions

Take a Break (TAB in)
Using the philosophy and strategies from Classroom Discipline by Linda Crawford and Christopher Hagedorn,
teachers primarily for 5th and 6th graders will utilize this intervention in the classroom. In order to prevent behaviors
from escalating, teachers will initiate TAB in and the following steps will occur:
             Students will relocate to a designated area in the room.
             Students will regain their focus.
             Students will complete a form that helps them identify the problem and the solution.
             Students will then return to their seat and notice the changes they have made to manage themselves.
             Teacher will recognize the positive change in behavior when it occurs.

Tab Out (TAB out)
Using the philosophy and strategies from Classroom Discipline by Linda Crawford and Christopher Hagedorn,
teachers primarily for 5th and 6th graders will utilize this intervention in the classroom. If behaviors are becoming
more of a disruption to others, teachers will initiate TAB out and the following will occur:
             Students are sent to the designated buddy classroom.
             Students get focused.
             Students complete a form that helps them identify the problem and the solution
             The buddy teacher touches base with the student and sends them back to their classroom when they
                are ready to return.
             Student returns to class and waits by the door with their completed form.
             The student waits until the teacher is able to review the plan for success.
             Students will then return to their seat and notice the changes they have made to manage themselves.
             Teacher will recognize the positive change in behavior when it occurs.

Student Recovery Area (SRA)
The SRA is a resource for those who have not been successful meeting expectations in a variety of settings. Whenever
personal choices create disruptions to the safety and success of the school community, staff members will send
students to SRA. As part of the school discipline process, students may be sent to the SRA room for the following
              Break: Up to a 15 min timeout that allows the student to refocus and get back on track in order to
                rejoin the class/event successfully. Students may be required to call their parents to explain what
                happened. Students will process behavior with SRA monitor.
              Classroom Removal: Spends the remainder of the block/event in SRA. They process the situation
                with the SRA monitor. The monitor calls and speaks to the parent. The student will meet with that
                teacher during 9th period or before re-entering the class. They will also receive a team lunch/recess
                detention for the next day. Other consequences may include office lunch detention and recess
                detentions. Students may also be referred to guidance.
              SRA Action (Non Classroom Removal): Spends the remainder of the block/event in SRA. They
                process the situation with the SRA monitor. The monitor calls and speaks to the parent and sets up an
                Office lunch and/or recess detention or writes a Discipline Referral.

Office Detention
The principal or assistant principal issue office detentions. Parents will be notified by

   Office detentions are served on Monday through Friday. Parents/guardians must make
                   transportation arrangements.
                  Office detentions are either 30 minutes (2:45-3:15), 45 minutes (2:45-3:30) or an hour (2:45-3:45).
                  If a student is late to or misbehaves during an office detention, additional consequences may be
                  A student absent from school on the day an office detention is scheduled must serve the detention
                   on the next day office detentions are scheduled.
                  Athletic competition or after-school activities do not excuse the student from attending an office
                  Students are expected to report to the office immediately after dismissal. If a student is unable to
                   attend an office detention arrangements must be made with an administrator.
                  Students are encouraged to bring school work or appropriate materials to read.
                  Failure to attend an office detention will result in further disciplinary action.

In-School (ISS) and Out-of-School Suspension (OSS)
When all other methods of discipline have failed to bring about the desired change, or in cases of extreme
misbehavior or flagrant disrespect, the student may be assigned an in-school or out-of-school suspension.
We prefer to always have our students in school. However, there are situations where an OSS is a more
appropriate consequence. Under normal circumstances, a student will be suspended for one day for a first
offense and two or more for a second offense. Repeat offenses could result in expulsion.

In all cases, for re-admittance to school, at the termination of the out-of-school suspension period, the parent
or guardian and the student will meet with an administrator. Students are responsible for making up missed
school work during the time of their out-of-school suspension. The length of the third or subsequent
suspensions will be determined by the middle school administration. In a serious case, even for a first
suspension, a student may be suspended for up to ten days and/or referred to the superintendent’s office.

If, in the judgment of the administrator, a student is to be suspended from school, every attempt will be made
to notify the parents by phone and a notice will be sent home indicating the definite duration of the time the
student will be suspended. During the suspension, students are not allowed to be on school grounds or
participate in school events. A suspension is considered in effect until the morning of the return date to school
upon formal re-admittance. Exceptions may be made at the discretion of the administrator involved. Parents
and the student may be requested to meet with the administrator, in order for re-admittance to school.

Matters involving violations of the law shall immediately be referred to the appropriate police
authorities. The administration will cooperate fully in providing information necessary for a proper police

Discipline Procedures

                                  Hanover Street School
Principal, Jack Finley
Assistant Principal, Geoff Tomlinson

 Who is Responsible for Discipline?
 Classroom management is an obligation of the classroom teacher. If management issues are present, an on-going
 dialogue should exist between the classroom teacher and the principal. As a last resort a child should be sent to the
 student supports room or the principal. This is a clear statement to any child that the classroom teacher can’t handle
 the student and therefore needs to be sent out. A teacher should never make statements or threats that he/she is not
 prepared to enforce or is able to fulfill. Teachers are encouraged and supported to use the Responsive Classroom
 model that defines the rules and has logical consequences.

 What Procedures Should the Substitute Follow in the Classroom?
 In cases of misbehavior substitutes are encouraged to ask students:
        “What are you doing?”
        “What should you be doing?”
        “Did you make a good choice?”
        “How are you going to fix it?”
 If something is broken or destroyed, students must “fix” the situation—a letter of apology, replacing the object
 destroyed, etc.

What Should the Substitute do if a Student Cannot Remain in the Room?
 Substitutes are encouraged to utilize all of their skills in classroom management. When, however, all has been tried,
 the substitute should contact the office. Instructions for calling the office and other staff are posted by each
 classroom phone.

    The child should not be sent to the office or student supports room unescorted. If a classroom assistant is present,
        she can be used in this capacity. If the principal is not in the building, the secretary will contact the, Assistant
        Principal. If the child needs materials to work on while out of the room, further contact will be made with the
        substitute. When and if a child returns to the classroom, he or she will be escorted by the principal, student
        supports person, or assistant principal.
    In any case, as a substitute, if in doubt, first attempt to employ all of your skills in classroom management
        regardless if they conform to the current expectation. There must be control. The adult is in charge. If
        assistance is needed, seek it either from a near-by classroom teacher, teaching assistant, or the principal.

What Specific Rules and Consequences Should a Substitute be Aware of?
    All children are expected to be polite and to follow the building and classroom rules. There are rules of conduct
    and there are logical consequences for having the knowledge and not making good choices. The substitute should
    make sure to write an anecdotal account of the events and leave that information for the classroom teacher.

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