Page created by Alan Butler
Wednesday, January 19, 2022
Q & A with
Harris               COUNTY
Vol. 14 No. 8                                                                         Wednesday, January 19, 2022

  4   Opinion
 11   Showcase
                          Birds down
                          in home

           V irt ua l v ista s
                                                     more in showcase                                                                            brad holt

   Town Hall Meeting to be held for proposed
      Iron County Correctional Facility
from Commissioner Paul Cozzens         Meeting will take place to give Iron      The agenda will include sharing   forward. Also being discussed will
For Iron Count y Today                 County citizens an opportunity to      information about the need for a     be the pros and cons of the four
                                       learn about and contribute input       new facility along with a panel to   potential locations: Landfill Site,
   On Tuesday, February 8th, (@        to the proposed new Iron County        answer submitted questions and
6-7:30pm) a special Town Hall          Correctional Facility.                 to discuss the process moving                          see facility » 3
2 Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                              news                                                                       Iron County Today

 Lt. Governor presents award at Farm and Food Conference
by Laney Onarheim                                               and Il Posto Rosso in Moab), was the chef for the                        ated to recognize each year: one person, business,
 For Iron Count y Today                                         evening's meal. Replicating the food he recently                         community leader, chef, farmer, or producer who is
                                                                prepared on-site in Patagonia, Chile using beef                          an ardent supporter and believer in the mission of
   January 13 marked the 6th annual Utah Farm                   provided by Sunnyside Up Pastures in Centerfield                         Red Acre Center.
and Food Conference hosted by Red Acre Center in                and vegetables from Red Acre Farm in Cedar City.                             For the 2022 award, Lieutenant Governor
Cedar City. As the only gathering of its kind in Utah,          He prepared and served hallulas (Chilean biscuits),                      Deidre M. Henderson attended the evening to make
the conference is an important event for farmers,               salad greens with grapefruit and carrots, la plancha                     the presentation and address the audience about
gardeners, artisan producers, homesteaders, chefs,              style root crops, smoked mar'kan rubbed chuck                            the role of the state government in supporting
and foodies to "Gather, Learn, and Grow."                       roast and kuchen toast with jam and cream tart for                       small agriculture and local food businesses in
   The three-day event includes hands-on                        dessert.                                                                 order to build a strong food supply chain in Utah.
workshops, a farm tour, a mixer, keynote addresses,                 This year, Red Acre Center, a nonprofit that                         She described the behind-the-scenes efforts
early morning yoga, a seed exchange, a Farmer's                 protects and promotes small agriculture and local                        and struggles of this year's award recipient as he
Market; with vendors from across the state and                  food economies in Utah, introduced the Clinton                           worked to bring about significant changes to the
kicking off the event a farm-to-fork dinner.                    Ray Miller Legacy Food and Agriculture Award. The                        laws regarding food and farming in our state over
   Chef Shon, a board member of Red Acre Center                 award is named after the late Clinton Ray Miller                         the past six years.
and proprietor of three Utah restaurants (Sego                  who dedicated decades of his life as a lobbyist and                          Marc K. Roberts, a former member of the
Restaurant in Kanab, Wood Ash Rye in St George,                 activist for food and nutrition. The award was cre-                      House of Representatives from 2012-2020 and
                                                                                                                                         current member of the Red Acre Center board
                                                                                                                                         of directors, was surprised to hear that he was
                                                                                                                                         selected as the person honored by the award
                                                                                                                                         he had helped to define. Roberts has worked
                                                                                                                                         tirelessly to make significant changes in Utah laws
                                                                                                                                         that impact farmers and producers. Lt Governor
                                                                                                                                         Henderson told about Robert's first bill to impact
                                                                                                                                         food freedom in Utah, commonly known as the
                                                                                                                                         "Raw Milk" bill. Due to Robert's efforts and despite
                                                                                                                                         the heavy opposition from a few other entities, it
                                                                                                                                         passed against all odds and was signed into law
                                                                                                                                         in 2015. Since that time he has also been instru-
                                                                                                                                         mental in creating and supporting the passing of
                                                                                                                                         12 other bills into law. These new laws have served
                                                                                                                                         small producers and farmers and have paved
                                                                                                                                         a way for better local food economies in our
                                                                                                                                             The Utah Farm and Food Conference brought
                                                                                                                                         in over 30 presenters and 150 farmers, ranchers,
                                                                                                                                         gardeners, homesteaders, producers, chefs, and
                                                                                                                                         foodies to learn best practices and be inspired to
                                                                                                                                         be a part of the vital work to improve food health
                                                                                                                                         and availability for individuals and families in our
                                                                                                                                             To learn more about the conference visit
                                                                                                Red Acre Center Photographer Jim Speth or like and follow Red Acre
   (L to R) Lieutenant Governor Deidre Henderson. Former House of Representatives, Marc K Roberts. Stephen Lisonbee,                     Center on social media. The next conference will be
                                Senior Advisor for rural affairs. Symbria and Sara Patterson.                                            January 12, 13, 14, 2023.

Principles of Vision 2050: Designate Growth Areas
by Sophie Kronick                              of economic success—bringing new                    community in the Vision 2050 survey,               the community character of Iron
 Project Coordinator                           dollars and jobs into the region.                   many residents noted that they value               County. Responses demonstrated that,
                                               Communities need to keep sufficient                 a multifaceted community, however                  despite consistent values that include
Iron County Vision 2050 is a long-term         areas reserved for basic industry                   there was specific attention paid to               agriculture, education, and healthy
strategic planning effort with the goal of     accessible to regional transportation               agriculture. Community members                     communities, community members
protecting and promoting the quality of        and to distribution centers.                        are concerned about development                    feel that “the area lacks a consistent
life for all residents in the county. Every        The Vision 2050 survey emphasized               on and near agricultural lands, as it              look and feel.”
other week, we will explain one of the 12      that area residents support a diverse               presents the possibility of losing this                Tune in next time to read about
Key Focal Points to give a better sense        array of industries in the county,                  local heritage.                                    Vision 2050’s plan to bring neighboring
of Vision 2050’s long-term goals. These        such as tourism, technology, and                        Residents would like to see agricul-           communities together to help nurture
12 points summarize public preferences         manufacturing. Port 15 is an exciting               ture included in Vision 2050 priorities            positive community identity in the face
from the Vision 2050 public survey and         economic development in Iron County                 as we plan for the future. Making sure             of growth.
are used to guide and measure Vision           that combines manufacturing with                    sufficient land and critical resources,
2050’s work.                                   transportation and storage. Further,                such as water and energy, are available
                                               there are incredible educational                    and sustainable is important to agri-              For more information and a full list of
    This week, we will discuss another         programs in Iron County that work to                business, our heritage, and our future             the 12 Key Focal Points, visit the Vision
key focal point: Designating areas for         match training with job opportunities.              well-being. We can’t ignore the fact               2050 Facebook page at
industrial growth and agriculture.             Vision 2050 seeks to support projects               that water is a major concern; Vision              icvision2050. Want to stay in the loop?
    Retail provides immediate gains            like these that help shape a sustainable            2050 aims to join community voices to              Join the Vision 2050 network! Contact
for communities. It adds shopping              and balanced economic sector in Iron                determine how to maintain this asset     
opportunities that are desirable and           County.                                             in a smart manner.                                 or (435) 586-4484 with your name
helps municipal budgets. However,                  Agriculture has been the foun-                      The Vision 2050 survey also                    and email address to be added to our
over the long-term, employment-ori-            dation of Iron County since its very                revealed that as we plan for economic              mailing list. We invite you to join us on
ented businesses will be the drivers           founding. In describing their ideal                 growth, residents hope to maintain                 this exciting journey!
Iron County Today                                     news                        Wednesday, January 19, 2022          3

                                                                               An artist's rendering of
                                                                               what new correctional
                                                                               facility may look like.
                                                                               (Below) The four current
                                                                               potential location sites.

                                                                                    Enoch Site

« Continued from page 1
                                                                                       Automall Site
Smead Site, Automall Site and the Enoch Site.
Questions or Comments?
                                                      Landfill Site
   Please submit your questions and comments via                                               Existing
email to before January
28th (@ 4pm) to give the panel time to answer as
many questions as possible during the meeting.                        Smead Site
See you there and be sure to bring your friends and

                                                                                                           Courtesy Photos
4 Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                                                 news                                                                                     Iron County Today

From the Editor                                                                                                                                                                              Thought
                                                                                                                                                                                             of the week
  They said                                                                                                                                                                                  "Packaged inside
                                                                                                                                                                                             of every mistake
   what!?                                                                                                                                                                                    there lays a great
                                                                                                                                                                                             lesson. And while I

D         id I get your attention? Good.                                                                                                                                                     don’t want to take
          Though, for those of you                                                                                                                                                           the mistake into
          expecting to read some juicy                                                                                                                                                       the New Year (or
gossip, I apologize. However, that’s
what I’m writing about this week—
                                                                                                                                                                                             a new day), I most
and not just here in this letter, but                                                                                                                                                        certainly want
in my other columns as well. So, for                                                                                                                                                         to take the lesson
anyone expecting to hear hearsay and                                                                                                                                                         that’s packaged
heresy, I’m here to say, please knock it
off. We’re each fighting enough battles                                                                                                                                                      inside of it."
on our own and don’t need anymore                                                                                                                                                            Craig D. Lounsbrough
criticism or cynicism, especially when
such things are aimed in your or my
direction, right?
     Paraphrasing a quote from Rebecca
Pidgeon to illuminate the dangers of
gossip and rumor-mongering; take

                                                             What locals want…
a feather-pillow to the top of Cedar                                                                                                                                                  A final important finding of the
Mountain, cut it open and let the wind                                                                                                                                            Citizen’s Community Survey was that
whisk every feather down upon our                                                                                                                                                 a factor considered to have significant
town. Then, try to pick up every single                                                                                                                                           positive impact on the quality of life
feather and stuff it                                         by Arlene Braithwaite                                     other areas came in dead last. It was                      in Cedar, was the cost of living. As
back in the pillow.                                           For Iron Count y Today
                                                                                                                       ranked lower than reduce water use,                        the migration of the wealthy out of

Good luck.                                                                                                             invest in water reuse, encourage                           cities continues, rural communities
     While this                                                   n 2020, Cedar City published                         agricultural use to utilize water                          are becoming priority destinations.
newspaper                                                         its “Vision 2050 Community                           reduction systems, pursue new water                        St. George is currently booming but
also has its                                                      Survey” which reported                               storage facilities and invest in water                     the median cost of a home is now
own cha-                                                     resident’s opinions and concerns                          recharge projects. The Iron County                         $500,000, making home ownership
os-causing                                                   regarding the future of Cedar as                          Water Conservancy District is now                          an impossibility for most families. It
critics, we                                                  it moves toward 2050 when the                             moving ahead with plans for a pipeline                     would have been interesting to see
are grateful                Corey                            current population is of 53,000 is                        to Pine Valley and Wah Wah Valleys in                      what the answer would have been if
                       Baumgartner                                                                                     Beaver County they estimate will cost
to each of our                                               expected to grow to 78,000.                                                                                          the survey asked Cedar residents if
                        Managing Editor
readers and our                                                  One of the greatest challenges                        $446 million, with 40 years of interest.                   they would prefer to live in St. George
advertisers who know better and                              citizens felt the community would                         This makes the citizen’s least desirable                   or Cedar City.
know us better than to listen to or try                      have to face was the question of                          option also the costliest.                                     Growth is no longer the unques-
to catch every feathery falsehood. You                       having enough water, a recognition                             It’s time to ask, what if Iron County                 tioned be all and end all goal of com-
know the heart of our newspaper is                           that our day of reckoning with                                  chose to restrict its water use                      munities. One of the most important
dedicated to the betterment of (albeit
imperfectly at times) our community
                                                             water limitations is now. Our
                                                             region is in a historic 22-year                  op/               to a sustainable amount? It
                                                                                                                                 wouldn’t be easy but it could be
                                                                                                                                                                                  takeaways from Cedar’s Community
                                                                                                                                                                                  Survey was what respondents listed
and citizens.
     Thus, while we wish the best for
any bullies, critics and naysayers out
                                                             drought. Lake Powell is cur-
                                                             rently below 1/3 its capacity
                                                             and Hoover Dam is generating
                                                                                                              Ed                 accomplished with increased
                                                                                                                                 conservation, the inevitable
                                                                                                                                transition of farmlands into
                                                                                                                                                                                  as the most positive characteristics
                                                                                                                                                                                  of Cedar City. The top five were:
                                                                                                                                                                                  the beauty of the area, the values
there, it is imperative that we each                         only 64% of the energy it was                                  homes, and a cultural acceptance                      and ethics of the citizens, outdoor
strive to protect our own integrity                          designed to produce due to a dra-                         of living within our water means.                          recreational opportunities, safe
from being infected by those who                             matically low water level. Along with                          This is what is currently being done                  neighborhoods and a family friendly
choose to disagree to a spiteful and                         shrinking mountain snowpacks and                          in Las Vegas. When its plan to draw                        environment, qualities not enhanced
cruel degree. Because that’s the                             steadily increasing temperatures, the                     water from Utah and northern Nevada                        by size increase.
ultimate effect of gossip—cruelty and                        reality of living in the desert is actually               valleys was halted Las Vega was forced                         Community leaders should listen
destruction. It has no value or virtue                       becoming starker.                                         to live within its water means, which                      to citizens regarding what they value
and I would argue the value and virtue                           Surveyed citizens were given                          it is now doing. In hindsight this                         about their community and seek their
of anyone who thinks it’s alright to                         seven options of how best to secure                       prevented Las Vegas from building the                      input before committing to costly
participate in and propagate. You and I                      water for Cedar’s future populations.                     costly stop gap measure of siphoning                       water projects that will indebt citizens
are much better than that.                                   Importing water via pipeline from                         water outside water basins.                                for decades.

                                            Administration                        Advertising                           Editorial                             Layout/Design                        Circulation, cont.
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  Iron County Today is distributed free of charge, thanks to our advertisers. It is hand-delivered to over 14,000 households in Cedar City, Enoch and Parowan and is available in several rack locations in Iron and Beaver Counties.
Iron County Today                                                                 news                              Wednesday, January 19, 2022   5

                  Who let the dogs in?
Bryan Gray is a syndicated contributor to and not an       divorce cases. In recent years, however, the law has
employee of this newspaper. His opinions are solely his    allowed judges to determine cases based on “the best
own and not those of Iron County Today.                    interest of the animal.”

                                                               In other words, is the Golden Retriever more like a
     n the 36 years of writing this weekly column, I       bookshelf or a human being? If a child’s interests are
     have learned there are two things a columnist         central to custody cases, why not the most suitable
     should never criticize. One is a high school          home for a low-shedding Westie?
athlete. Write, “The junior quarterback’s plays were as        It’s not an easy decision and it can be costly. The
exciting as a casket-bearing at Forest Lawn” and the       magazine noted a San Diego woman who spent close
columnist will definitely be besieged by angry letters     to $150,000 on a video entitled “A Day in the Life of
and offended e-mails. The other, “How dare you?” is        Gigi” as part of a bonding study on who would keep
besmirching someone’s pet animal.                          a greyhound-pointer mix. The woman won, and I
                                                           wouldn’t be surprised if the insulted husband’s first
                                                           visit after the courtroom verdict was to an animal

                                                               I have no dog in this fight; I have no dog. My
                                                           lifestyle and the lack of a backyard would not be fair
                                                           to the dog. I would rather let sleeping dogs lie than
                                                           walking one of its “morning constitutional” in frigid
  Bryan Gray                                               winter weather. Furthermore, dogs should be chasing                                  squirrels and digging holes in gardens, not resting on
                                                           Lazy-Boy recliners watching the nightly news with
                                                           his master.
    This is especially true of dogs. My wife’s nephew          Not all pets are equal. Few would contest a
is typical of many dog owners. The tiny animal turns       divorce over a goldfish or a pet lizard, and I’ve never
up his pampered nose at regular dog food. No Alpo          seen a Reward poster for a missing hamster. But dogs
for that precious pooch; instead the young man treats      are different, even those that snarl at the postman or
him to soft flour tacos at Taco Bell. When asked if he     refuse to share a bowl with the family cat.
would trade little Pip for a million dollars, the nephew       Now a cat…Okay, I’m not going there. Save your
acted as if he were being held hostage by a drunk          angry letters and e-mails for someone else!
Taliban recruit. “Of course not” he said. “Pip is more
than a furry friend; he’s family.”
    He is not alone. A New York State survey found
that a majority of dog owners would reject the
million dollar check. You don’t mess with Lassie! The
same survey found that 76% feel guilt when leaving

   “If a child’s interests are
central to custody cases, why
  not the most suitable home
 for a low-shedding Westie?”
their pets at home, 41% take their dogs on vacation
with them, and 38% telephone their pets so the
critters can hear their human voice.
    A friend of mine was contemplating a divorce
when it occurred to him that his wife would ask for
custody of their Doodle. “I’d give her the Utah Jazz
season tickets and the bulk of the bank accounts,” he
said, “but I’d never consent to her getting the dog.”
    A New Yorker magazine article threw light on the
judicial question. States like New York and California
used to see pets as property to be distributed in

Word of the week
Friendly; Generous; Helpful.
I don’t need to use this word in a sentence to
help better understand its meaning. Because
this word has already been used many times
in many ways—not spoken but in action—by
the benevolent community members in Iron
County that continue to step up and help each
other in times of need, no matter what.
6 Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                    news                                                               Iron County Today

Looking Back // more top stories of 2021
The previous 'Top Stories of 2021' can be               to.” Guests were also able to tie a ribbon to the          the prizes, awards and medals, but the true mettle
found in last week's (Jan. 12, 2022) issue              Remembrance Tree in honor of the reason they               and courage that these women show in not only
                                                        were walking that day. For more information and            battling and surviving breast cancer, but helping
                                                        resources to get help please visit: If   inspire others to keep believing and fighting their
                                                        you or someone you know needs help now, please             own battles, because Pink Power is for everyone. No
              September                                 call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline: 1-800-273-8255       matter your battle, you are not alone.
                                                        or visit


                                                        Two-Vehicle Accident Claims
                                                        Lives West of Cedar City
                                                            On September 28, 2021, officers from the Cedar
                                                        City Police Department were summoned to the
                                                        intersection of Highway 56 and Iron Springs Road
                                                        in reference to a two-vehicle collision. It was
                                                        determined that a cement truck collided with a
                                                        white Ford Explorer. The Ford Explorer had five
                                                        occupants and the cement truck had only the driver
                                                        inside. Law Enforcement, Fire and EMS arrived on
                                                        the scene and began evaluating multiple patients
                                                        with injuries. The cause of the accident is still under
                                                        investigation. Our thoughts and prayers are with all
                                                        of those affected by this tragic incident.
Cedar Holds 3rd Annual Walk                                                                                        Falcons Football Makes
to End Alzheimer’s Event                                                                                           History with 3A Playoff Win
    Cedar City Motor Company hosted and spon-                                                                          After 21 years of waiting, the Falcons made the
sored the third annual Alzheimer’s Walk in Cedar                                                                   necessary stands on defense and gave the fans
City. The dealership featured a Promise Garden                                                                     reasons to celebrate and let it be heard all over
highlighting information regarding Alzheimer’s                                                                     town. Traie Buhler caught a 6-yard touchdown pass
disease, musical entertainment, and food. The                                                                      from Andrew Barnes, and Canyon View held on
Promise Garden offered walkers the ability to                                                                      when it counted for a thrilling 34-28 victory over
choose a flower color to personalize their reason for                                                              the Richfield Wildcats in double overtime Oct. 22
walking. Orange; I support the cause and a vision                                                                  to advance in the 3A playoffs for the first time since
of a world without Alzheimer’s. Yellow; I support or                                                               the 2000 season. It was CV’s fourth straight win,
care for someone with Alzheimer’s. Purple; I have                                                                  and they evened their overall record at 5-5.
lost someone to Alzheimer’s disease, and Blue; I am
living with Alzheimer’s or another type of dementia.    Warriors in Pink Join to Take
For more information about Alzheimer’s and what
you can do to get support and to raise awareness,       Stand Against Breast Cancer                                               November
visit:                                Pink Warriors joined forces in a combined
                                                        chorus to tell breast cancer that its days are
                                                        numbered. This year’s Power-In-Pink Iron County
                                                        Walk and 5K was the 9th annual event and it gets
                                                        more popular and powerful each year. While the
                                                        event is a fun and energetic way to support these
                                                        brave, battling women in person, it also helps raise
                                                        funds to support them financially. Of course, it’s not

Annual Walk to End Suicide                                                                                         Livestock & Heritage Festival
Raises Awareness in Cedar                                                                                          Honors Historic Contributions
                                                                                                                       The Cedar Livestock Festival returned to Cedar
    Cedar City’s chapter of The Association for                                                                    City with a lineup that included an Antique Tractor
Suicide Prevention (AFSP) held their fourth Annual                                                                 Pull and Draft Horse Pull, the Dennis Stowell
Walk to End Suicide on September 18th, 2021.                                                                       Memorial Ranch Rodeo, vendors, vintage cars, quilts,
Brianna Sherratt with Cedar City’s chapter of the                                                                  delicious lamb burgers, a Dutch oven cook-off and
AFSP stated, “We have this walk to raise awareness                                                                 of course, lots of sheep. The highlight of the Festival
about suicide, this is the fourth year we’ve had                                                                   was the annual sheep parade. Other fun events
this walk. The entire goal of this event is to raise                                                               included Cowboy Church and a special concert by
awareness about suicide and destigmatize suicide.                                                                  Chris Petersen that honored the Livestock Festival
We don’t talk about it a lot, but we really need                                                                   Grand Marshall, Brad Schmutz.
Iron County Today                                                         news                                                Wednesday, January 19, 2022           7

Looking Back // more top stories of 2021
Iron County Artists Donate                                       December                                  Veterans Honored with
Funds to Zion Forever Project                                                                              Beautiful Wreath Ceremonies
    With construction of the new Visitor                                                                       Each year, the Wreaths Across America orga-
Contact Station at Cedar Breaks National                                                                   nization does something very unique and sacred
Monument well underway, the local community                                                                to remember and honor each Veteran buried in
continues to raise funds in support of the                                                                 cemeteries across the nation. We each know that
initiative and future educational programming.                                                             each Veteran has a special place in the hearts of Iron
Local artist Arlene Braithwaite coordinated                                                                County citizens. We’ve heard the stories of heroes
with other artists in the Iron county commu-                                                               and felt the heartbreak of loss. And each year the
nity to raise funds through the sale of their                                                              mission of the WAA organization is to Remember,
paintings and other works including glass                                                                  Honor and Teach our current and future genera-
sculptures, wood carvings, and decorative                                                                  tions about the sacrifice of each man and woman
quilts and printmaking. Their combined efforts                                                             who gave their lives to protect the “Home of the
raised $7,000 to be donated for educational                                                                brave and land of the free” so we can continue to
programs to the Zion Forever Project, the                                                                  live ours. Thank you to everyone who participated
official non-profit partner of Cedar Breaks.                                                               in any way during this special day. We hope to see
                                                                                                           you all again next year. To learn more about sup-
                                                                                                           porting the WAA organization, please visit: https://

                                                  Governor, Flyover Launch
                                                  Business & Innovation Center
                                                      Cedar City’s new Business and Innovation
                                                  Center celebrated its opening. The new Center,
                                                  located at 510 West 800 South, is the result of
                                                  months of planning with a goal to meaningfully and
                                                  effectively support business startup and develop-
                                                  ment in Iron County and the surrounding areas.
                                                  The center’s services include a business launch
Cedar City “Old Hospital”                         program, professional mentorship, scholarship and
                                                  seed-funding opportunities, and networking and

Becomes Part of SUU Campus                        business competition events. Program facilities
                                                  include everything needed for business startups,
                                                  including high-speed wireless internet, a clean
                                                                                                           Area Fire Departments Get
    On a snowy Thanksgiving weekend in 1983,
Leavitt Group employees began moving from         makerspace, computer/training labs, a conference
                                                  room, and co-working office spaces.
                                                                                                           Real World Training
their two offices on Main Street into the newly                                                                Last Tuesday night, the Cedar City Fire
remodeled “Old Hospital” in Cedar City, Utah.                                                              Department, under the direction of Fire Chief
This was the official, new location for Leavitt                                                            Mike Phillips, held live-training for firefighters
Group’s corporate office. Now, 38 years later,                                                             from Cedar City and Kanarraville. Several partic-
a change is on the horizon. In November 2021,                                                              ipants mentioned how training with controlled
the Old Hospital became part of the campus                                                                 fires is invaluable in preparing our first respond-
at Southern Utah University (SUU). Leavitt                                                                 ers for real-life emergencies. In addition to
Group’s headquarters will move from the Old                                                                full-time and volunteer firefighters, Mayor Maile
Hospital to what is known by many in Cedar                                                                 Wilson and several members of Cedar City PD
City as the “Old Library” or the Cedar City                                                                were also in attendance. For more information on
Memorial Library – located at 136 West Center                                                              how to protect yourself and your loved ones from
Street in Cedar City.                                                                                      fire visit

                                                  SUU Kicks Off Holiday Season
                                                  with Marie Osmond Concert
                                                       On December 1, SUU hosted Marie Osmond
                                                  with her concert to kick off the holiday season and
                                                  her new tour. Osmond joined special guests David
                                                  Osmond and Daniel Emmet and they were accom-
                                                  panied by a 60-piece orchestra of all SUU students
                                                  and faculty. Osmond dazzled the crowd in sparkles
                                                  from head to toe as she sang Christmas songs and
                                                  songs from her new album, Unexpected. “I am so
                                                  blessed. I have the best people around me. I really
                                                  do love you all. There is no way I would be able to do
                                                  all the things I have done if you haven’t supported
                                                  me throughout the years.”
8 Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                   news                                                                  Iron County Today

Romney: “Health officials are                                                                        Iron County
 scientists, not politicians”
    WASHINGTON — During a               rapid-tests. Omicron came along,
                                                                                           Water Stewards
                                                                               from Ashley Langston                             to Iron County, which would have cost
Health Committee hearing last           caught people by surprise and we                                                        $39,654 per acre-foot in today’s dollars, or
                                                                                for iron county today
week, U.S. Senator Mitt Romney          were obviously badly mistaken.                                                          a turf rebate program, which would cost
(R-UT) highlighted the important
role scientists play in the fight
                                        The Administration was, and
                                        we're suffering in part because        Q & A with David Harris                          between $18,933 and $56,800 per acre-foot,
                                                                                                                                assuming the going rates in other areas of
against COVID, pressed health offi-     of that. Let me ask with regard        Enoch City Council, District Board Member        $1 to $3 per square foot of lawn.
cials on the Administration’s failure   to Paxlovid. Ms. O'Connell, is that                                                         The District and its partners are
to build testing capacity, and          being subject to Warp Speed? My        Get to Know Your H2O: Central Iron County
                                                                               Water Conservancy District appreciates           determined to make the Pine Valley Water
requested data-driven guidance          understanding is that Paxlovid is                                                       Supply Project as affordable as possible
for the American people on when         far superior to other oral antivi-     questions submitted by community members
                                                                               about the Pine Valley Water Supply Project       and find the best way to do it. We feel it
they should be getting tested.          rals. Should we not be much more                                                        will be an important project to help secure
    The following is Senator            aggressively producing that and        and local water needs. As part of its role as
                                                                               steward of water in Cedar Valley, the District   Iron County’s water future.
Romney’s exchange with Dr.              getting that out, such that it can                                                              Several special interest groups have
Fauci (NIH), Dr. Walensky (CDC),        be prescribed?                         is working with a group of experts,
                                                                               community members and elected                             recently moved their focus to the
and HHS Assistant Secretary for              Ms. O’Connell: Thank you,                                                                      Cedar Valley, and have been
Preparedness and Response Ms.           Senator Romney. We're in active        officials to help prepare viable
                                                                               solutions for the future and to                               spreading misinformation. The
Dawn O'Connell.                         conversations with Pfizer about                                                                       Central Iron County Water
    Senator Romney: I want to           how to increase their time             respond to community questions
                                                                               and concerns about emergent                                    Conservancy District was
point out how much I person-            limits. My understanding, and the                                                                     created by a vote of Cedar
ally—and I believe the great            scientists on the panel can feel       water issues.
                                                                                                                                             Valley residents more than two
majority of the people in our           free to jump in, is that the process                                                                decades ago. It has consistently
country—respect you individually        required in order to generate this         This week’s question from
                                                                               the community is answered by                              been dedicated to developing and
and professionally for the work         particular antiviral is months long.                                                         stabilizing the valley’s water supply
that you do. You are scientists, not    It’s a chemical process; it’s one      David Harris, who serves on the Central
                                                                               Iron County Water Conservancy District           through conservation, recharge, reuse,
politicians. Nevertheless, you are      that is very, very hard to acceler-                                                     and importing of water for the benefit
being made subject to the political     ate. What we have been able to         Board and the Enoch City Council, and is a
                                                                               financial advisor by profession.                 of all current and future water users in
whims of various political individ-     do, is to find additional doses, to                                                     the region. All the District’s efforts utilize
uals and that comes at a high cost,     work with Pfizer to try to unlock      Q: What is the cost of the Pine                  scientists, experts and professionals to
                                        additional capacity where they                                                          understand the valley’s underground
                                                                               Valley Water Supply Project? If
 “Omicron came                          can find it, and we're continuing to
                                        do that actively.                      the community decides it needs the               aquifer and to determine responsible
                                                                                                                                solutions for the community as it strives
  along, caught                              Senator Romney: Thank you.        project, how will it be funded?
                                                                                                                                to meet local water challenges. For reliable
                                        Dr. Walensky, good to see you
people by surprise                      again, and I appreciate the chance     A:andThe projected cost of the Pine Valley
                                                                                    Water Supply Project is $260 million
                                                                                                                                information on the Pine Valley Water
                                                                                                                                Supply Project specifically and the Cedar
  and we were                           we had to speak last week. As
                                        I've looked on the CDC’s COVID
                                                                                     the District is working with local
                                                                               municipalities to create a feasible financial
                                                                                                                                Valley’s water situation in general, please
 obviously badly                        tracker report, I note the data
                                        goes through November 20th. I
                                                                               plan. The District is working to find all
   mistaken.”                           remember my days in business,
                                                                               available funding methods in order to
                                                                               make the project as affordable as possible       The Iron County Water Stewards program
                                        and if we didn't have daily infor-     and have the smallest possible impact on         recognizes community members for
  Sen. Mitt Romney (R-UT)               mation, we couldn't make good          residents.                                       contributing to the effort to optimize every
                                        decisions. I wonder, do we need to         It is expected to be funded through a        drop of water in Cedar Valley. The Central Iron
which unfortunately, I fear, will       invest in either developing a new      combination of grants, loans, impact fees,       County Water Conservancy District is actively
lead some to not want to partic-        sub-agency or a task force to get      user fees and property taxes. With the fed-      engaged in education, conservation, reuse and
ipate in helping our government         basically immediate data, daily        eral government’s recent commitment to           import projects to meet the growing demands
make scientific choices. But I very     data so we know what's going           infrastructure, I believe the project would      on local water supply. For every effort you
deeply appreciate your commit-          on? And that's not just for the                                                         make to conserve, we consider you a water
                                                                               be a very good candidate for assistance          steward, too. To Get to Know Your H2O, visit
ment to the American people and         public, that’s for those of you who    from other governmental organizations.
your desire to do things as well        are making those decisions. Do                                                
                                                                                   Additionally, the District has the
as we possibly know how to do.          we need to do a much better job        opportunity for financing with extremely
That doesn't mean they'll be done       moving faster and getting data?        low interest rates, and I feel that with a
perfectly. That doesn't mean you             Dr. Walensky: Senator, first      collaborative effort between the District,
won't make mistakes. That doesn’t       of all let me thank you for your       municipalities, and other organizations,
mean there won't be changes from        earlier comments, but also to          we will be able to minimize the project’s
time to time. Sometimes it’s that       comment on our COVID data              financial impact while delivering the
data comes in that is different         tracker. I think you're speaking to    needed water to our area.
than you had anticipated, and           the 27 jurisdictions that we now           I feel confident that we can manage
sometimes it's because you were         compile data that allows those         this so we will still have some of the most
wrong. It’s the nature of being a       jurisdictions to report together       affordable and best water in the west.
human being, that's where we are.       their testing data, their cases            It is important though, to be prepared
    I think, unfortunately, the         data, their immunizations data,        for the worst-case scenario. If the project
Administration was wrong in             their age data, as well as their       was paid back exclusively by the current
not building testing capacity at a      death data. It's over two-thirds of    water users in the valley, users could
time when we all thought COVID          the country that we do, and we         expect to see approximately $45 to $60
was going away. I remember              update that about once a month         added to their monthly bill. Population
the summer and the fall, going          and it's about three or four weeks     growth will also spread out the cost.
into a drugstore and seeing two         in arrears, so mid-January we will         The cost estimates for the Pine
rapid-tests on the shelf, and those     be having data through the end         Valley Water Supply Project
things stayed there for days. No        of December. It simply does take       average out to $17,333 per
one was interested in buying a          that long for our jurisdictions to     acre-foot. Other projects that
rapid-test, and apparently the          compile those data. And of course      have been discussed in the past
Administration didn't think it                                                 include the Lake Powell Pipeline
should be aggressively building                         see romney » 9                                                                                         photo Courtesy
                                                                                                                                                                Courtesy David CICWCD
Iron County Today                                                                                 news                                                      Wednesday, January 19, 2022    9

  Below are bookings as reported by the Iron
                                                                                     Southern Utah University
                                                           First female distinguished lecturer
  County Sheriff’s Department and Cedar City
  Police Department. Those arrested are innocent
  until proven guilty.

                                                               kicks off APEX 2022 season
    JAN 10           DUI-21 w/Pass      Paraphernalia
                     Under 18
  John M                                Javier Parra
  Cumley             Angel R            Cedar City,
  Cedar City,        Mendoza            UT
  UT                 South Gate,        Veh w/o
  Child Abuse/       CA                 Interlock
  Neglect            DRUG – Poss w/
                     Intent to Dist,
                                                           by Christina Schweiss                                                                              During a time when women
    JAN 11           Paraphernalia,       JAN 15            For Iron Count y Today                                                                        couldn’t do much, Maxwell made a
                     Drive w/o Ins
                                        Jonathan E                                                                                                        name for herself. McCown said that
  Kathleen A         Kevin J
  Heun               Noyes              Nelson                 On January 13, SUU’s APEX event                                                            she was “acutely aware of how she
  City, UT
                     Enoch, UT          West Hills,
                                        CA                 series kicked off 2022 with a faculty                                                          would be a role model for women.”
  DUI, DRUG          Violation
                                        DRUG – Poss        presenter, Julie McCown, sponsored                                                                 When APEX director, Lynn Vartan,
  – Poss C/S,
  Paraphernalia      Donald E           Paraphernalia      by the Tanner Center.                                                                          asked McCown in the Q and A what
  Jeffrey T
                     Stables                                   Kyle Bishop, SUU’s English depart-                                                         inspired and continues to inspire
                     New                  JAN 16           ment chair and professor, introduced                                                           her, she expressed “pursuing things
  Cedar City,
                     DRUG – Poss
                                        Ashley A
                                                           McCown. McCown is an assistant                                                                 that get me jazzed and excited and
  Prob/Parole        C/S,               Las Vegas,         English professor at SUU. She has                                                              interested — not just pursuing the
  Violation          Paraphernalia,
                     Rev/Susp Lic
                                        Assault, Poss
                                                           been with the school since 2017. She                                                           research topics that I thought would
  Travis M
  Rowley                                Stolen CC          teaches early American Literature                                                              be ‘studious’ or ‘academic.’”
  Cedar City,          JAN 14           Janely Y           and Animal Studies — which tied                                                                    Leaving the audience with some
  UT                                    Lopez
  Child Abuse        Shane M
                                        Whittier,          in perfectly with the topic of her                                                             words or wisdom, McCown declared
  – Criminal         Godwin
  Negligence         Cedar City,
                                        CA                 lecture.                                                                                       that you need to “find that thing or
                                        DRUG – Poss C/S
                     Intoxication,      w/Intent to Dist       McCown just published and                                                                  that item that you are passionate
    JAN 12           Disorderly         Robert C           released the critical edition of Mary                                                          about — or that gets you really
                     Conduct            Wilson
  Bobby S
                                        Beryl, UT
                                                           Dartt’s book titled, “On the Plains,                                                           excited or gets you nerdy and geeky
  Perkins            Marlena K                                                                                                                            — and pursue that.”
  Cedar City,        Kanosh             DRUG – Poss        and Among the Peaks, Or, How Mrs.
  UT                 Cedar City,        C/S, Parapher-
                                        nalia, No Proof
                                                           Maxwell Made Her Natural History                                                                   Tomorrow’s APEX event (Jan.
  Protective Order   UT
  Violation          DUI, Susp/Rev      of Ins             Collection.” This book is the story                                            Katie Englert
                                                                                                                                                          20) speaker will be Kevin Gannon.
                     Lic, Alcohol                          of the famous naturalist and taxi-             Julie McCown speaks about Martha                Tune in to the KSUU Thunder 91
    JAN 13           Restr.               JAN 17
                                                           dermist, Martha Maxwell. Maxwell is            Maxwell and the art of taxidermy to kick        radio station every Thursday at 3
  Christopher        Michael L          Douglas K
  L Coulter          Burton             Borden             also known as the ‘Rocky Mountain                   off SUU’s APEX series for 2022.            pm to hear the APEX speakers. For
                     Cedar City,        Beryl, UT          Huntress’.                                                                                     more information, visit www.suu.
  Cedar City,        UT                 DRUG – Poss                                                     things done, one must “get your hands
                     Burglary,                                 After explaining the history of                                                            edu/apex.
  Theft, DRUG –
                     Assault, Resist/
                                        C/S,                                                            dirty to get into that messy work.”
  Poss C/S
                     Interfere w/
                                        Paraphernalia      Maxwell and taxidermy, McCown
  Jason              Arrest             Gordon             explained that “the ultimate purpose
  Garcia                                Nelson
  Cedar City,
                     Mickayla A         Tonalea, AZ        of these animals was to serve as raw
  Operate            Cedar City,
                                        Puch/Poss/Con-     materials for Maxwell's taxidermies.”
                                        sume by Miner,
  TAXI w/o
                     DRUG – Poss        Measurable             Leading by Maxwell’s example,
                     C/S,               Amounts            McCown expressed that in order to get

romney                                                     tested? I wanted to ask that of Dr. Fauci,
                                                           I can't do that given my time, but those
« Continued from page 8                                    are topics I’d love to have elaborated
                                                           on. Thank you.
our death data are generally lagging,                          Dr. Fauci: Well, the CDC guidelines
and it takes a while for those to get                      make that very clear, and it is if you are
reported and adjudicated. So we're now                     exposed to an individual with known—
updating those, and they are about six                     if you are in a period of 15 minutes at
weeks in arrears and we're working                         a time, or a total of 15 minutes over a
hard to keep those in real time.                           24-hour period, in a situation where
    Senator Romney: I note retailers,                      you come into close contact. Perhaps
like Zara for instance, apparently get                     Dr. Walensky could expand on that, but
data and correlate it daily, so I'd hope                   that's the fundamental core of the CDC
we could find a way to increase the                        guidelines.
speed with which we get that data. I                           Dr. Walensky: That's exactly right,
know my time is up, but I'm just going                     in terms of the definition of exposure.
to make a comment, and that is that                        In terms of who should get tested. You
I think it would be helpful if people                      should get tested if you have symptoms
knew when they should get tested,                          of COVID-19. If you do a rapid at-home
when it's called for. Because I think                      test and you continue to have symp-
a lot of individuals, myself included,                     toms and that test is negative, you
get tested when there's no indication                      should do another test or get a PCR.
that I need to get tested, other than to                   You should get tested within five days
just want to make sure I’m not sick.                       of your exposure, or after five days of
There's huge demand for tests which                        your exposure, with the definition Dr.
are in short supply, in part because of                    Fauci mentioned. We're testing through
that. And number two, when you say,                        tests-to-stay and other mechanisms as
“When people have been exposed,”                           well. So, many reasons to test, but really
please let us know what it means to                        most importantly if you are exposed, if
be exposed. We’re in a room right now,                     you have symptoms, and also if you're
I'm sure someone here has Omicron.                         going into a setting where you might
Are we all exposed, and therefore need                     be seeing an immunocompromised
to get tested? What does it mean to be                     person, somebody who is vulnerable,
‘exposed,’ and when do we need to get                      and not able to take a vaccine.
10 Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                news                                                              Iron County Today

                                                             public & health
Utah State Tax Commission                                Utah State Tax Commission. “Always be suspicious
                                                         of unsolicited attachments or links asking for your
                                                                                                               contact your local law enforcement agency. In
                                                                                                               addition, you can report cybercrimes to the
warns of fraud email                                     personal information.”                                FBI’s Internet Crime Complaint Center (IC3).
schemes seeking taxpayer                                     Utah state government entities do not require
                                                         validation of vaccination status. Some private
                                                                                                               Cybercrime often crosses state or international
                                                                                                               borders. Trained analysts review and research the
personal info                                            sector businesses may ask for proof of vaccination
                                                         by showing a physical or digital vaccine record.
                                                                                                               complaints and disseminate them to the proper
                                                                                                               federal, state, local, or international law enforce-
     Salt Lake City — As the new year and                    We recommend that anyone who filled out the       ment agencies.
tax filing season begins, the Utah State Tax             scam form take precautions to monitor for identity        For more information on cybercrimes,
Commission has recently identified a surge of            theft. Scammers launched a similar fraudulent text    visit:
fraudulent emails appearing to be sent from Tax          message in July 2021. That message pretended to
Commission addresses, but these emails are not           come from the Utah Department of Transportation       how-recognize-and-report-spam-text-messages.
actually sent by the Tax Commission. The emails          and asked people to verify their driver license
are designed to trick taxpayers into thinking            information.                                          Jason M. Gardner,
these are official communications from the Tax               If you are the victim of a cybercrime, please     Director of Legislative Affairs
Commission so that the taxpayer will reveal
personal information.
     These schemes can ask taxpayers about a wide
range of topics, including; payments, refunds,
filing status, confirming personal information,
and ordering transcripts. These emails may also
contain fraudulent links to other websites. When
people click on these links, they are taken to
sites designed to imitate an official-looking Tax
Commission website, such as
The site then asks for Social Security numbers,
login information, or other personal information.
The sites may carry malware, which can infect
people's computers and allow criminals to access
your files or track your keystrokes to gain more
     “If you receive an unsolicited email that appears
to be from the Utah Tax Commission, do not click
on links or provide personal information. While the
Tax Commission may send an email in response to
a request initiated by a taxpayer, such as a pass-
word reset, the Tax Commission generally does not
initiate contact with taxpayers by email to request
personal or financial information,” said Executive
Director Scott Smith.
     If a taxpayer is ever in doubt regarding the
legitimacy of an email they have received from the
Tax Commission, they should call Customer Service
at 801-297-2200.

Utah Tax Commission

Utah Division of Motor
Vehicles Warn Utahns
about new phishing scam
    Utah Division of Motor Vehicles (DMV),
Utah Department of Public Safety (DPS), Utah
Department of Health (UDOH), and the Weber-
Morgan Health Department, are warning the
public about a new phishing scam targeting
    Scammers sent a fake text message, from what
claims to be the “UTAH COVID-19 Vaccine Status
Validation,” that asks recipients to validate their
vaccination status on an embedded form on a
website. The website then falsely claims the CDC
and Utah DMV require this “Waiver Validation
Update,” which is not a process that exists. The
text asks for personal information such as a name,
date of birth, Social Security number, driver license
number, weight, and ZIP Code, and doesn’t ask
anything about COVID-19. This is a scam and no
response should be given.
    The scam appears to have targeted people in
Weber and Morgan counties, who reported it to
the Weber-Morgan Health Department. “The DMV
does not ask for this type of information,” said
Jason Gardner, Public Information Officer for the
 Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                                                                                                       11

  Arts + Entertainment in Iron County

     digital delight
                                                                                                                                           image courtesy Steve Yates

 Visit the beautiful Cedar City Art Collection online
from Cedar City Arts Council          without leaving the comfort of your      treasures from Cedar City. Pieces will   here,
 For Iron Count y Today               home? Local artist and owner of          be added to the gallery as quality       cedar-city-library/7370ab. And be sure
                                      Artisans Art Gallery, Steve Yates, has   photos of individual pieces become       to visit the “Artisans Gallery” page on
   Want to view some of the most      put together this fantastic collection   available.                               Facebook, or stop by the gallery, 94 W
inspiring and intriguing art pieces   of nearly 100 high-resolution artistic       You can view the virtual gallery     Center St, Cedar City.
12   Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                  showcase                                                            Iron County Today

I’m ready to serve as your New-Year’s-Resolution counselor
by Mary Anne Andersen
 Cedar Cit y Arts Council
                                              In other words, his parents placed as
                                              high a value on the life skill of musical
                                                                                          “Kids who are willing to spend hours each day
                                                                                          on their sport of choice must buy that fun with
                                              literacy as they did on sports. Lucky for
         ou will all be happy to know         us—because we have lots more need
         that now that I have mastered        for his musical accomplishments now           time spent on their instrument each day”
         the fine art of new year’s reso-     than we do for his baseball experience.
lutions—knowing what to resolve, and          So, may I suggest that as a family hop-     on your list of daily tasks. (Oh, wait:     did. Gasp. Please, dear parents, resolve
never failing to meet my intentions one       ing to help your children acquire useful    maybe you ought to resolve to make a        to make reading a priority in your
hundred percent of the time—I am                 musical skills, you resolve to place     daily things-to-do list first.)             family this year. There is no greater gift
making myself available to be                          music on a par with sports in           My heart felt a twinge one Sunday      you could give a child than access to
your new year’s resolutions                               your list of priorities. Kids   in church as I was talking to the young     the magic found in books.
counselor. I have great                                     who are willing to spend      people in my class. It was the Sunday           Finally, to you fathers: will you
advice for you and yours,                                    hours each day on their      before Christmas and I had brought          PLEASE resolve to sing in church?! I
especially as it might                                        sport of choice must buy    one of our family’s dearest Christmas       often view the congregation and it
relate to the arts.                                           that fun with time spent    stories, “The Littlest Angel”, to read to   saddens me to see fathers who don’t
     There is a friend of                                    on their instrument each     them as a special holiday treat. I began    sing sitting with their sons who aren’t
mine who plays the organ                                     day.                         by saying that I hoped they weren’t         singing either. Surprise! That is about
in church, a male member                                        And to my university      tired of it, as I assumed that they had     participatory worship, a life-long
of a rather large family where                            students struggling to learn    all read it before. None had, and one       spiritual blessing you could offer your
all the (now adult) children                          their piano scales—a skill          girl said she hated to read and never       family.
play the piano or organ to one degree           required for their progress through
or another. I asked him one time              their music major—talk to your
how his mother was so successful at           classmate who said to me, “You know,
getting her children, especially her          you were right. I do a lot better with
sons, to learn to play well enough to         these scales when I practice them daily,
be of service later in life. He said it was   even for fifteen minutes.” Duh. So may
simple: he loved baseball, and if he          I suggest to you, dear student, that you
didn’t practice piano, he didn’t play ball.   resolve to put practicing the piano high

         visit us online at
Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                                                                                                   13

Community + Personal Interest in Iron County

   Clothing with Kindness

        Knights of Columbus grateful after successful 'Coats for Kids' campaign

                                                                                                                                                (L to R) David,
                                                                                                                                                Hugh, Randy,
                                                                                                                                                Helen, Connie,
                                                                                                                                               Howard and Sam

                                                                                                                           corey baumgartner

  by Corey Baumgartner               were crocheted by local Catholic        How do all of these items       The Knights of Columbus would like to
                                     women’s council. Several wards      find their way to welcoming         thank everyone who donated apparel and
   Iron Count y Today
                                     from the Church of Jesus Christ     owners? The Knights join forces     funds to the 2021 Coats for Kids event and
      Iron County is full of stories of Latter-day Saints and the        with the local Care and Share,      also the following businesses for allowing
  that warm the heart, especially    Presbyterian Church were also       Canyon Creek Services and           coin-collection cans and/or coat-collection
  when the weather outside is        instrumental in the process.        even schools to help everyone       boxes at their business:
  frightful. This story comes to         Also, of note, while Utah is    they can in the community.
  us courtesy of the Knights of      the #1 state for collecting Coats   The Knights’ also have a secret     Ace Hardware             Linsk’s
  Columbus and                                                                           weapon of           All American Diner       Lupita’s
  the 'Coats for                                                                         service found in    Amber Kay Café           MCO Tire Service
  Kids' event
  held each year
                         “It reminds us that all the other                               Connie Sowards
                                                                                         and the Family
                                                                                                             Bulloch Drug (+ Ice      Center

  (8 years and           stressful work is worth it to put                               Support Center
                                                                                                             Cream Parlor)
                                                                                                             Cal Ranch
                                                                                                                                      Papa Johns
                                                                                                                                      Rolling Rubber
  running!) to help                                                                      in Cedar City
  anyone is need            warm coats on these kids.”                                   (535 S Main,        Cedar Ridge Golf
                                                                                                                                      Sizzler Steakhouse
  of a little extra                                                                      435-586-0791).                               State Bank of
  warmth during                   Connie Sowards, Family Support Center                  Speaking of the     Cedar Yoga Space         Southern Utah
  the winter                                                                             “lucky” experi-     Christ the King          The Depot
  season.                              for Kids, Cedar City collects     ence, Sowards shared how great      Catholic Church          The Grind Coffee
      The specific numbers don’t       more items per capita than any    the reward is to see the relief     Christensen’s            House
  do justice to the joy that was       other location. And this year was on a parent’s face that their
                                                                                                             Desert Industries        The Tire Company
  shared during the collection         the first year that the Knights   child has warmer clothes, or
  and distribution of the winter       collected over 1000 items. The    the sense of hope on one’s face     Foster’s Market          Tink’s Superior
  apparel items throughout Iron        also collected $600 in funds      when they realize someone does      Great Harvest            Auto Parts
  County. Among the 1268 items         that will be used to purchase     care enough about them to help.     Bread Co.                Walmart
  donated were hats, gloves,           coats for next year at Ye Ole     “It reminds us that all the other   IFA                      Ye Ole Catholic
  scarves, sweatshirts, gloves and     Catholic Thrift Shop and Deseret stressful work is worth it to put    Jiffy Lube               Thrift Shop
  857 coats. Many of the items         Industries in Cedar City.         warm coats on these kids.”                                   Zions Bank
                                                                                                             Jones Paint and
14   Wednesday, January 19, 2022                                                          life                                                                                   Iron County Today

 Freezin’ for a                                                                                                   calendar
Reason with the                                           ongoing opportunities
  Utah Special                                                      Government
                                                                                                             1st Tues, Noon • Five County Aging Offices,
                                                                                                             585 N Main, Ste. 1, Cedar City
                                                                                                                                                                Highway 91, Cedar City. Organization of
                                                                                                                                                                business people. Stimulate business through
                                                                                                                                                                exchange of ideas, information, referrals.

Olympics Jan. 29
                                                          Cedar City Council                                                                          
                                                          Wed (except 5th), 5:30 pm • City Hall, 10 N.       Celebrate Recovery
                                                          Main St (435) 586-2950                             (Christian 12-Step Program) Wed 6:30 pm            Cedar Radio Control Club
                                                                                                             • True Life Center, 2111 N Main, Cedar City.       4th Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
                                                          Enoch City Council                                 We believe that through Christ we can be           303 N 100 E.
                                                          1st & 3rd Wed, 6 pm • City Hall, 900 E             victorious over any hurts, habits, hang-ups
                                                          Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                      (Phil. 4:13) • Jeff J 801-638-1800, Gary D.        Color Country Pickleball
from Jay Dee Nielsen & Haley Nall                                                                            702-303-5662.                                      M-F, 7-10 am • 155 E 400 S (Cedar Stake Ctr),
                                                          Enoch Planning Commission                                                                             Paddles & balls supplied. (435) 586-6345
 Special Olympics Utah                                                                                       Helproom
                                                          2nd & 4th Tues, 5:30 pm • City Hall, 900 E                                                            Color Country Winds
                                                          Midvalley Rd • (435) 586-1119                      Fri, 2-3 pm • Free online support group for
   The famous “Polar Plunge” returns to Cedar                                                                survivors of Domestic Violence, Sexual             Wed • Come brush up on your band skills to
                                                          Iron County Commission                             Assault. Safe space to communicate, feel           share with the community. Call Debbie at
City next Saturday, January 29th. Get your                                                                   supported and share perspectives on                (435) 559-9609 for time and location.
                                                          2nd & 4th Mon, 9 am • Commission
teams together and join the Cedar City Police             Chambers, 68 S 100 E, Parowan                      healing, recovery. Join at:
                                                                                                             helproom/canyoncreekservices.                      Cub Scout Pack 1848
Department as they “Take the Plunge” for Special          Iron County Democrats                                                                                 K-5th • Thurs, 5 pm • Old School Library,
Olympics Utah (SOUT) at the Lake at the Hills             3rd Sat, 9-10:30 am • Pastry Pub, 86 W             Multiple Sclerosis                                 upstairs, west side door, next to Enoch City
(2090 W Royal Hunt Dr, Cedar City).                       Center, Cedar City                                 3rd Thurs, 6-8 pm • Cedar Visitor’s Center,        Business office. Text LaRee Kurtz 435-559-211.
                                                                                                             581 N Main. Caregivers and those with MS
   This year’s Cedar City Polar Plunge offers a           Iron County Republican Women                                                                          Explorer Bible Club
fun, team-building way for individual, families,          3rd Wed, 11:30 am. Tickets $20, https://www.       Narcotics Anonymous                                Wed, 6:30-8 pm • 4yrs. to 6th grade, Valley
                                                             • (435) 635-9603            Bible Church (4780 N Hwy 91, Enoch).
organizations, and businesses to raise funds to                                                              KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar            435-586-0253
support SOUT by plunging into cold water for a            Parowan City Council                               City) unless otherwise listed
                                                                                                                                                                Hey Cedars Square Dance Club
good cause! Don’t want to get wet, or risk getting        2nd & 4th Thurs, 6 pm • City Hall, 35 E 100 N      Basic Text Study • Mon, 8 pm
                                                          • (435) 477-3331                                                                                      Mon, 6:30-8:30 pm • Cedar City Visitors
                                                                                                             Just for Today • Wed, 8 pm
hypothermia? No worries! The SOUT needs as                                                                   Hope Without Dope • Thurs, 8 pm
                                                                                                                                                                Center, 581 N Main, Cedar City. Beginners
                                                                                                                                                                Class starts Jan 3, 2022. Open to all. $4.00 per
                                                                                                             Live and Let Live • Fri, 8 pm                      person. Neil (909) 477-9795.
                                                                 Service groups                              Candle Light Meeting • Sat, 9:30 pm
                                                                                                             (Small room)                                       Pickleball Group
                                                          American Legion Auxiliary                          Women Only • Sun, 11 am                            Weekdays, 7 am • SUU Pickleball Courts.
                                                          3rd Wed, 6 pm, Cedar Library, 303 N 100 E,                                                            Anyone is welcome. Fee is $2 (indoors) and
                                                                                                             Dopeless Hope Fiends • Sun, 8 pm • The             free (outdoors)
                                                          Amer. Legion Conf. Room • (435) 704-6654           Meeting Hall, 1067 S Main St, Cedar (877)
                                                                                                             865-5890.                                          Rock Club
                                                          Bikers Against Child Abuse
                                                          1st Thurs 7 pm • Courtyard Marriott (1294          Pornography Addiction Recovery                     1st Thurs, 6 pm • Gateway Academy, 201
                                                          S Interstate Dr, Cedar City), Cedar Breaks         for Men                                            W Thoroughbred Way, Enoch. Learn about
                                                          Conference Room                                                                                       geology, find gems, fossils and minerals.
                                                                                                             Thurs, 7:30pm • Canyon View seminary               Learn to cut and polish and make jewelry.
                                                                                                             building (54 W 1925 N). North entrance.  
                                                          Elks Lodge #1556
                                                          111 E Freedom Blvd. Cedar City, (435) 586-8332     Pregnancy, Infant Loss                             Senior Yoga Classes
                                                                                                             1st Wed, 7:30 pm • Share Families of So.           Mon, 10-11 am & Wed, 1-2 pm • Cedar City
                                                          Lion’s Club                                        Utah • 565 N Main Street, Ste. 6, Cedar •
                                                          Tues, 12 pm • Call Pres. Roger Shurtz for                                                             Senior Center (489 E 200 S). Easy to do.
                                                                                                                             Please bring own mat. (435) 586-0832
                                                          mtg. info. Everyone welcome! (435) 590-2896
                                                                                                             Senior Blind/Visually Impaired                     Southern Utah Woodturners
                                                          Marine Corps League                                3rd Thurs, 1:30 pm • Cedar City Library
                                                          Detachment 1315, 2nd Wed, 6 pm                                                                        2nd Sat, 9 am, Cedar High School wood
                                                          Elks Lodge, 111 E 200 N, Cedar City.               Southwest Parkinson’s Alliance                     shop, 703 W 600 S.
                                                                                                             2nd Tues, 1 pm. • Cedar City Senior Center,        StrongBoard Classes
                                                          Rotary Club                                        489 E 200 S • Kristy 435-559-9681.
                                                          Tues, 12:15 • Southwest Tech, 757 W 800 S,                                                            M-W-Fri, 9 am • IFS Studio, 2390 UT-56 #9,
                                                          Cedar City • (435) 233-0244                        Widows Support Group                               Cedar City. Improve core strength, balance,
                                                                                                                                                                stability. All fitness levels welcome. Class
                                                                                                             2nd Sat, 11-1pm • Sonrise Church. These Free       size limited to 8. Call (661) 436-0259 to
                                                                                                             meetings begin January 8th. Questions?             register/reserve your spot.
                                                                 Support Groups                              435-586-3640 or
                                                                                                                                                                Tae Kwon Do Class
                                                          AA—Alcoholics Anonymous                                                                               Wed, 7-8:30 pm • Cedar City Aquatic Center,
                                                          (435) 635-3603 • Helpline:
                                                                                                                  Classes/Activities                            2090 W Royal Hunte Dr. $25/mo., ages 5+,
                                                                                                                                                                any experience level (435) 865-9223. Helps
                                                          John (702) 802-1332, Kara (702) 232-6829                                                              benefit Canyon Creek Crisis Center.
                                                          KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar            Adult Barre/Modern Dance
                                                          City) unless otherwise listed                      Wed, 11 am-noon, Spirit Wellness Club, 1615 N      Tai Chi For Health
                                                          Speaking From The Heart • M – Sa, Noon             Main, Cedar City • All levels, Free to members,
                                                                                                             or $8 drop-in fee.                                 Wed & Fri, 9:30-10:30 am • Cedar Senior
                                                          Steps and Traditions • M – Su, 7 am                                                                   Center, 489 E 200 S. FREE low-impact, health
                                                          Red Road to Sobriety • Mon, 6 pm Paiute            Arthritis Foundations Exercise                     benefitting exercise for Seniors. Helps
                                                          Indian Tribe of Utah, 440 N Paiute (435)           Time TBA, Cedar Senior Center                      with coordination, balance, flexibility and
                                                          586-1112 Ext. 307                                  489 E 200 S • 435-586-0832. FREE. Trained          more. INFO: Maria Bailey, 435-673-3548 x103.
                                                          Misfits • M – F, 6 pm                              instructors. Range-of-motion exercises,            Preregistration not required. Space limited.
                                                          Cedar Group • Tues, 8 pm                           endurance-building activities, relaxation          Take Action for Freedom
                                                          The Great Fact • T, F, Noon. True Life Center      techniques, and health education topics.
                                                                                                                                                                Wed, 7 pm • Stahli West 600 N. Airport Road,
                                                          2111 N. Main. • (702) 802-1332 or (702) 533-7856                                                      Cedar • Help preserve our Constitution,
                                                          Red Creek Group • Wed, 7 pm • 685 N 300
                                                                                                             Book Club
                                                                                                             2nd Thurs, 7 pm • Cedar Library 303 N 100 E.       Republic, voting laws, medical freedoms,
                                                          E, Parowan • (435) 477-8925                                                                           traditional education curriculum, 1st & 2nd
                                                          Women’s Meeting • Sat, 10:30 am                    Boy Scout Troop 1848                               Amendment Rights, education on CRT &
                                                          My Story • Sat, 8 pm                               5th–17 yrs • Thurs 6:30 pm • Old School Library,   Southern boarder issues/illegal immigration
                                      corey baumgartner   Thank God it’s Sunday Spiritual • Sun, 11 am       upstairs, west door, next to Enoch City            & local/county/state Legislature issues
                                                          What a Way to Start the Day • Su, W, F 7-8         Business office. Text Bryan Fanton 435-327-1214    Top Bar Hive Bee Keeping
many warm and caring souls out of the water as            am • All are welcome
                                                                                                             Cedar Chest Quilters’ Guild                        1st Tues, 7 pm • Cedar City Library
we do the brave ones plunging into it.                    Al-Anon                                            Thurs, 10 am • Cedar City Senior Center, 489       303 N 100 E. (435) 586-6661
    Prior to the plunge, each brave plunger com-          KKCB Club (203 E. Cobblecreek Dr, Cedar            E 200 S. Sewing projects for all abilities.        TOPS – Take Off Pounds Sensibly
                                                          City) unless otherwise listed                      Block of the Month. Make friends, improve
mits to raise a minimum of $10, with all proceeds         Al-Anon • 1st, 3rd Tues, 7-8 pm • Call for         your skills & have fun. Visitors are always        Wed • Weigh-in 9 am, mtg 9:30 am. Evening
                                                                                                                                                                weigh-in 6:30 pm, mtg 7-8 pm • Cedar City
directly supporting the local athletes of the             info: (435) 704-8984                               welcome. Info: Ms. Ronnie Badgett. (435)
                                                                                                                                                                Library, 303 N 100 E. Lose weight without
                                                          Easy Does It • Tues, 7-8 pm • (435) 559-3333       477-2243.
SOUT. The funds help provide athletic training,                                                                                                                 buying special foods. • 586-3233 (a.m. mtg) or
                                                          Hope for Today (Family Groups)                     Cedar City ESL                                     867-4784 (p.m. mtg)
competition, and other great programs through-            Thurs, 6 pm • (435) 559-3333                       Wed, 7 pm • Free tutoring for English as 2nd       Water Aerobics Class
out the year. As plungers raise money, they also                                                             Language. Cedar City Library (303 N 100 E).
qualify to win awesome incentive prizes!                  Alzheimer's Caregiver                                                                                 Tues, Thurs, 9 am • SUU pool, 2-56 N 600 W.,
                                                          Online Meetings: 2nd Fri, 5:30 pm, 4th Mon,        Cedar City Toastmasters                            Fun, up-tempo workout to music. Intensive
    The freezin’ fun begins at 9am and goes until         5:30 pm • RSVP to or (435)        Thurs, 7 am • The Pastry Pub • 86 W                cardio, full body muscle toning. Any fitness
Noon. Visit to register. Registration      238-4998 x8773                                     University Blvd. Find your voice & shape your      level. All ages. $3/class, including pool
                                                                                                             future. Be the leader and speaker you want         admission. (435) 327-2091 (no text)
is $10 ($5 for students with code: STUDENT). For          ARP—Addiction Recovery                             to be. (603) 731-0116
more information, including sponsorship info,             1st Wed, 7 pm • Parowan Seminary building,                                                            Wellness Place
                                                          Main & 300 N, Parowan                              Cedar Professionals                                583 S Main Suite #5, Cedar City. (435)
please email Haley Nall:                  Sun 7:30pm • 85 N 600 W, Cedar City, Rm.           Tues, 7:30 am • Springhill Suites, 1477 S          592-5308. Classes:
                                                          102 – LDS bldg. Back entrance. 435-218-9578                                                           upcoming-classes
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