Investment statement Dated 17 September 2013

Page created by Jamie Ortiz
Dated 17 September 2013

Investment Statement
Date 17 September 2013

 IMPORTANT INFORMATION                              Choosing an investment
 (The information in this section is                When deciding whether to invest,
 required under the Securities Act 1978.)           consider carefully the answers to
 Investment decisions are very
                                                    the following questions that can be
 important. They often have long-term               found on the pages noted below:
 consequences. Read all documents                   What sort of investment is this?.............. 10
 carefully. Ask questions. Seek advice
 before committing yourself.                        Who is involved in providing it for me?.... 17
                                                    How much do I pay?................................. 20
                                                    What are the charges?............................. 26
                                                    What returns will I get?........................... 29
                                                    What are my risks?.................................. 33
                                                    Can the investment be altered?............... 40
                                                    How do I cash in my investment?............ 43
                                                    Who do I contact with inquiries about
                                                    my investment?........................................ 48
                                                    Is there anyone to whom I can complain
                                                    if I have problems with the investment?.. 49
                                                    What other information can I obtain
                                                    about this investment?............................ 50
                                                    In addition to the information in this
                                                    document, important information can be
                                                    found in the current registered Prospectus
                                                    for the investment. You are entitled to
                                                    a copy of that Prospectus on request.

                                                                              Investment Statement
                                  Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

The Financial Markets                         A financial adviser who provides you with
                                              personalised financial adviser services
Authority regulates conduct
                                              may be required to give you a disclosure
in financial markets                          statement covering these and other
The Financial Markets Authority               matters. You should ask your adviser
regulates conduct in New Zealand’s            about how he or she is paid and any
financial markets. The Financial              conflicts of interest he or she may have.
Markets Authority’s main objective            Financial advisers must have a complaints
is to promote and facilitate the              process in place and they, or the financial
development of fair, efficient, and           service provider they work for, must
transparent financial markets.                belong to a dispute resolution scheme
For more information about investing,         if they provide services to retail clients.
go to                  So if there is a dispute over an investment,
                                              you can ask someone independent to
                                              resolve it.
Financial advisers can help you
make investment decisions                     Most financial advisers, or the financial
                                              service provider they work for, must also
Using a financial adviser cannot              be registered on the financial service
prevent you from losing money, but it         providers register. You can search for
should be able to help you make better        information about registered financial
investment decisions.                         service providers at
Financial advisers are regulated by the       You can also complain to the Financial
Financial Markets Authority to varying        Markets Authority if you have concerns
levels, depending on the type of adviser      about the behaviour of a financial adviser.
and the nature of the services they
provide. Some financial advisers are
only allowed to provide advice on a
                                              This investment is
limited range of products.                    not guaranteed
When seeking or receiving financial           Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Limited
advice, you should check:                     (GMKL), the manager of the Gareth
                                              Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme (GMK and
  the type of adviser you are dealing with:   also referred to as we, us or our), is a
  the services the adviser can provide        related company of Kiwibank Limited
  you with:                                   (Kiwibank). Investments made in GMK
                                              do not represent bank deposits or other
  the products the adviser can advise         liabilities of Kiwibank, New Zealand Post
  you on.                                     Limited (NZ Post) or any other member
                                              of the NZ Post Group. (From time to time
                                              GMK may invest in securities issued by
                                              these related entities). Investments made
                                              in GMK are subject to investment and

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

other risks, including possible delays
in payment of withdrawal amounts in
some circumstances, and loss of
investment value. No person, including
Kiwibank, NZ Post or any other member
of the NZ Post Group, GMKL, Gareth
Morgan Investments Limited Partnership
(GMILP), Public Trust as the trustee of
GMK, or any of their respective directors,
or the New Zealand Government
guarantees the repayment of members’
interests in GMK or the payment of any
earnings or returns on investment in GMK.
All capitalised terms used in this
Investment Statement are defined in the
glossary at the back of this document,
unless the context otherwise requires.
This document is an Investment
Statement for the purposes of the
Securities Act 1978. A registered
Prospectus containing the offer of
securities to which this Investment
Statement relates is available free
of charge on request and from our
The purpose of this Investment
Statement is to provide key information
to help you decide whether or not to
become a member of GMK. This
Investment Statement is not meant to
disclose every detail about KiwiSaver or
GMK. More detailed information is publicly
available, free of charge, in the GMK
Prospectus and Trust Deed, on our
website and from Inland Revenue.
Throughout this Investment Statement,
we will tell you where to get more
detailed information if you want it.

                                                                             Investment Statement
                                 Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

About KiwiSaver and Gmk

Key Information
This section gives an overview of KiwiSaver and GMK. It is important that you read the
whole Investment Statement before deciding to invest.

                        Summary information                                                         Get the
                                                                                                   details on
 What is KiwiSaver?     KiwiSaver is a voluntary savings initiative designed to encourage          Page 10
                        New Zealanders to save for retirement.
 Who can join?          Most Kiwis can join and benefit from KiwiSaver. You don’t need             Page 8
                        to be working to join, but you do need to be:
                        	under 65 years old;
                        	a New Zealand citizen or entitled to live in New Zealand
                          permanently; and
                        	living, or normally living, in New Zealand. If you’re working
                          overseas for a Kiwi company or the NZ Government, you might
                          still be able to join.
 What are the           There are a range of benefits which may apply to you:                      Page 20
 benefits of joining?
                        Benefits                  Employees      Self         Not          Under
                                                               employed     working         18s
                        $1,000 Government
                                                     yes           yes          yes         yes
                        3% compulsory
                                                     yes           no           no          no
                        employer contribution
                        Up to $521.43 per year
                                                     yes           yes          yes         no
                        Member Tax Credit
                        Up to $5,000 Housing
                        New Zealand first            yes           yes          yes         no
                        home subsidy
                        You might be able to
                        transfer money from
                        a UK Pension scheme,
                        an Australian complying
                                                     yes           yes          yes         n/a
                        scheme or another
                        NZ Complying
                        Fund to your KiwiSaver

                        The benefits shown in this table are current at the date of this
                        Investment Statement, but they could change in the future.
                        See for current information. Conditions
                        apply to some benefits and not all members will qualify.

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

What are the risks?   It’s important that you invest with realistic expectations                        Page 33
                      – knowing the potential upside, and the potential downside.
                      All investments have risks. There is a risk that at any time the
                      balance of your member account could be less than the amount
                      you, the Government and your employer (if any) have contributed.
                      It is also possible you may not receive the returns you expect.
                      There are risks associated with GMK that could affect your ability
                      to recover the amount of your contributions or impact on the returns
                      payable from GMK as described in this Investment Statement.
                      The principal risks applying to GMK that could affect returns are:
                      1.	The risks associated with the assets in the Investment Portfolios;
                      2.	The risks associated with active investment management;
                      3.	The risk that the Investment Portfolio you choose may be too
                         risky or too cautious; and
                      4.	The risk that the rules about KiwiSaver itself might change.
How much do I         If you are an employee you can contribute through your job:                       Page 20
need to contribute?
                      	you can choose to contribute 3%, 4% or 8% of your gross wage
                        or salary each pay period;
                      	you can also make additional, voluntary contributions; and
                      	after you have been in KiwiSaver for 12 months you can apply to
                        Inland Revenue to take a contributions holiday. A contributions
                        holiday allows you to stop making employee contributions for
                        between 3 months and 5 years.
                      If you are not an employee, you can make voluntary contributions.
                      Voluntary contributions are treated differently by different KiwiSaver
                      providers. As a GMK member:
                      	you can choose how much and how often you contribute, but the
                        minimum voluntary contribution is $20 (New Zealand dollars). If
                        you are entitled to it, and if $20 is paid weekly for the whole year,
                        you would qualify for the full Member Tax Credit; or
                      	you don’t have to make any contributions at all.
When can I get        Generally, you will not be able to withdraw your KiwiSaver savings                Page 43
my money out?         until you reach the age of eligibility for New Zealand Superannuation.
                      At the date of this Investment Statement the age is 65, but it could be
                      changed by law.
                      You can get your money out of KiwiSaver when you are 65, as long as
                      you’ve been a member of a KiwiSaver scheme or a Complying
                      Superannuation Fund for at least five years. So if you join KiwiSaver
                      when you are 63, you can withdraw five years later, at age 68.
                      You might be able to withdraw some or all of your savings earlier if:
                      	you are buying your first home (see section ‘Eligibility for First
                        Home Withdrawal’ on page 47 for more details); or
                      	you meet early withdrawal criteria for serious illness, significant
                        financial hardship, or permanent emigration (see section ‘How do
                        I cash in my investment’ on page 43 for more details).
                                                                                              continued over page

                                                                                  Investment Statement
                                      Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

                     Summary information                                                        Get the
                                                                                               details on
Who provides         GMK’s full name is the Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme.                    Page 17
the scheme?          GMK was established on 2 April 2007 and registered as a KiwiSaver
                     scheme under the KiwiSaver Act on 24 April 2007.
                     Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Limited (GMKL) is the manager and
                     promoter of GMK.
                     GMKL has delegated the investment management of GMK’s assets
                     to Gareth Morgan Investments Limited Partnership (GMILP).
                     We may also rely on GMILP to provide other services on our behalf.
                     GMKL is owned by GMILP. GMILP is owned by Kiwi Wealth
                     Management Limited. Kiwi Wealth Management Limited is a wholly
                     owned subsidiary of Kiwi Group Holdings Limited (the ultimate
                     holding company of which is NZ Post). Kiwi Group Holdings Limited
                     also owns Kiwibank.
                     GMILP and GMKL are therefore related parties to Kiwibank,
                     NZ Post and their associated entities.
                     GMKL is 100% Kiwi owned and operated.
Where will the       At the date of this Investment Statement we offer five different          Page 12
money be invested?   Investment Portfolios, listed from lowest risk to highest risk.
                     Cash: 100% cash.
                     CashPlus: Up to 60% in fixed interest assets, the balance in cash.
                     No shares.
                     Conservative: Up to 20% in shares, the balance in cash and fixed
                     interest assets.
                     Balanced: Up to 70% in shares, the balance in cash and fixed
                     interest assets.
                     Growth: Up to 100% in shares, but will usually have some invested
                     in cash and fixed interest assets.
                     You can pick one or a combination of these Investment Portfolios,
                     to suit your own timeframe, goals and attitude to risk. This is called
                     your Investment Direction.
                     If you don’t give us a valid Investment Direction, all of the
                     contributions in your member account or any unallocated percentage
                     (if your instruction adds up to less than 100%) will be invested in the
                     default Investment Portfolio, which as at the date of this Investment
                     Statement is the Balanced Investment Portfolio.
                     You can change your Investment Direction by contacting us or by
                     logging on through

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

What are the fees?    The annual member fee is up to 1% of your member account                          Page 26
                      balance, subject to a minimum of $50 per year.
                      The annual member fee covers the regular ongoing costs, charges
                      and expenses of running GMK, such as trustee, custodian,
                      administration, and investment management services, registry costs,
                      marketing, auditing, legal fees, printing and postage, and transaction
                      fees paid to NZ Post for processing applications.
                      The annual member fee does not cover the following additional costs
                      and expenses: the costs of investing, such as brokerage costs
                      and fees charged by funds or unit trusts we invest in, costs
                      reasonably incurred by GMK or the trustee or custodian that are
                      unrelated to the regular and ongoing costs listed above.
                      The annual member fee is deducted from your member
                      account monthly.
What information      You will get secure, online access to your GMK account information,               Page 50
will I get about      whenever you want. With our online reports you can:
my investment?
                      	see all the contributions going into your account. Every cent,
                        every day. Where the contributions came from and when.
                      	see where your money is invested. Whether it’s shares, managed
                        funds, fixed interest or cash, the reports show exact quantities,
                        valued every month.
                      	see the fee we charge you.
                      	see how your savings are performing every month.
                      You can also choose to receive your balance by text every month.
                      If you are a Kiwibank customer you can access your GMK reports
                      through Kiwibank’s internet banking service.
                      You will also get an annual statement and our annual report.
Does anyone           No.                                                                               Page 2
guarantee the
What if I belong to   You can still join GMK. You can only be a member of one KiwiSaver                 Page 8
another KiwiSaver     scheme at a time, so once you join GMK, we will contact your current
scheme?               KiwiSaver scheme provider to transfer your account balance to us.
Who can I             We believe the best customer service is based on direct                           Page 50
contact for more      communication.
                      	We personally answer your phone calls and emails.
                      	We communicate with you every month by email, with news
                        and information about your GMK member account and the
                        investment markets.
                      	You can opt in to receiving monthly account balance updates
                        by text.
                      Call us on 0800 427 384 or email us at with
                      any questions.

                                                                                  Investment Statement
                                      Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

Joining KiwiSaver

Employees can join KiwiSaver through          Leave the rest to us
their employer, or by signing up with
a KiwiSaver provider.                         If we require any more information to
                                              process your application, for instance to
People who are self-employed or not           verify your identity, then we will contact
employed can join by signing up with          you directly. We may refuse to accept any
a KiwiSaver provider.                         application without giving a reason.
The parents or legal guardians of an          We will notify Inland Revenue that
under-18-year-old can sign them up with       you have joined or transferred your
a KiwiSaver provider. Children must be        membership to GMK.
joined under their own IRD number, not a
parent’s IRD number. Only the children’s      We will send you confirmation
parents or legal guardian(s) can sign them    of your membership.
up, and if they are between 16 and 18, they   If you are transferring from another
must co-sign the application form with        provider, we will contact them and
one of their legal guardians.                 arrange the transfer of your money.
                                              We will send you confirmation when
How to join or transfer to GMK                the transfer is finalised which should
                                              be within 35 days.
It is easy to join GMK or to transfer to
us from another KiwiSaver scheme.             There is no charge from us for joining
                                              or transferring from another provider
Step 1 Read this Investment Statement
                                              to GMK.
and decide if you want to join GMK.
                                              You may have been automatically
Step 2 Complete the GMK
application form:
                                              If you start a new job and you’re not
	online at; or
                                              already a KiwiSaver member, you will be
	use the form and instructions at the        automatically enrolled. If you have been
  back of this Investment Statement; or       automatically enrolled in GMK, this is
	phone the Kiwibank contact centre           because your new employer has chosen
  on 0800 11 33 55; or                        us as their preferred KiwiSaver provider.
	through Kiwibank internet banking           If you’ve been automatically enrolled, you
  (if you are a Kiwibank customer) at         can either stay in KiwiSaver, or you can                      opt out by completing an opt-out request
                                              form. You have 55 days after the date you
                                              start your new job to opt out.
                                              If you are automatically enrolled, you can
                                              still choose your own KiwiSaver provider.
                                              But if you don’t make a choice, you will

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

become a member of a scheme your                   If we consider that you have not provided
employer has picked, or a Government               all required information, or we have not
default scheme.                                    been able to verify it to our satisfaction,
                                                   subject to the KiwiSaver Act you may not
Joining GMK through Kiwibank
                                                   be able to make a withdrawal from your
Kiwibank is a distributor of GMK, under            member account until such information
a distribution arrangement with us.                has been provided by you.

You can apply to join GMK through                  Use of your personal information
Kiwibank by completing the application
                                                   We will use all personal information
form at the back of this Investment
                                                   you provide during the course of your
Statement and dropping it into your
                                                   membership in GMK to administer GMK
local Kiwibank, or by calling the Kiwibank
                                                   and your membership of GMK. We may
contact centre on 0800 11 33 55 or
                                                   also use your information to provide you
by visiting the Kiwibank website at
                                                   with information about accounts, products
                                                   and services that might be of interest
If you join GMK through Kiwibank you will          to you.
already have access to Kiwibank services,
                                                   We may disclose your personal
such as internet banking, and will be
                                                   information to:
bound by Kiwibank’s General Terms
and Conditions which are available on               	the Trustee;
Kiwibank’s website at            	our related entities (including,
or at your local Kiwibank.                            but not limited to, members of the
Verification of your identity                         NZ Post Group, including GMILP and
                                                      members of the Kiwibank group);
Under the Anti-Money Laundering and
                                                    	third parties that provide services
Financing of Terrorism Act 2009 (AML/CFT
                                                      to us, the Trustee, or our related
Act) we are required to verify the identity
                                                      entities (including those providing
and address of all members. Depending
                                                      services to assist with the compliance
on the way you become a member, this
                                                      of relevant legislation);
may happen before or after, you become
a member. We may contact you to request             	organisations conducting market
more information after you have joined, or            research, data processing and statistical
we may require it before you are able to              analysis for us;
make a withdrawal. Regardless of whether            	anyone that we need to contact in order
you provide all required information when             to carry out your instructions; or
becoming a member, we may also request              	any other person in order to comply
updated information under the AML/CFT                 with relevant legislation.
Act after you become a member.
                                                   You have the right to access and
                                                   correct your personal information by
                                                   contacting us.

                                                                             Investment Statement
                                 Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

What sort of investment is this?

The offer is for membership in GMK.             You don’t need to report or pay that tax
GMK is a registered KiwiSaver retirement        yourself as GMK is a final tax PIE. But you
savings scheme. We manage and invest            do need to tell us your correct tax rate.
members’ savings, which are available           If you incorrectly give us a lower tax rate
to members when they are eligible to            you may become liable to pay more tax to
withdraw them.                                  Inland Revenue. If you incorrectly give us
                                                too high a tax rate you will pay too much
Your KiwiSaver savings are locked in:
                                                tax and will not be able to claim
KiwiSaver is designed to help you save for
                                                it back.
retirement. Apart from a few exceptions,
your money is currently locked in until you     All investments have some level of risk:
are at least 65. Withdrawing from               At the date of this Investment Statement,
KiwiSaver is tied to the age you can get        we offer five Investment Portfolios for
New Zealand Superannuation. At the date         members to choose from: Cash (lower
of this Investment Statement it is 65, but it   risk), CashPlus, Conservative, Balanced
could be changed by law. You cannot             and Growth (higher risk). Depending on
join KiwiSaver after you turn 65.               which you choose, your money can be
                                                invested in the following asset classes
KiwiSaver savings are not guaranteed:
                                                listed from lower to higher risk: cash,
The Government does not guarantee any
                                                fixed interest or shares.
KiwiSaver scheme or their investment
products. None of GMK, the Manager,
the Trustee, or anyone else guarantees           More information on these asset
your savings.                                    classes can be found on page 34.

This is a defined contribution scheme:
This means that the amount you get              Here’s how membership
when you are eligible to withdraw is            of GMK works
not known in advance. It will depend on
                                                When you join GMK, we open a
the contributions paid to your member
                                                member account for you. Your
account, the money deducted from your
                                                KiwiSaver contributions go into your
member account (for example fees and
                                                member account.
taxes), the Investment Portfolios you
choose, and any investment gains                We invest the contributions according to
or losses.                                      the Investment Portfolios you choose
                                                (Cash, CashPlus, Conservative, Balanced,
GMK is a Portfolio Investment Entity:
                                                Growth). The timing of investing is
GMK is a Portfolio Investment Entity (PIE).
                                                dependent on our Investment Cycle.
PIE status relates to tax. The taxable
income earned by GMK is shared between
                                                 See section ‘We operate on a monthly
members based on their interests in GMK.
                                                 investment cycle’ on page 14 for more
We calculate the tax you owe on this
investment and pay it to Inland Revenue
on your behalf based on your tax rate.

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

You can choose a combination of                     Here’s what investments
Investment Portfolios in your Investment
                                                    can be included in the different
Direction. You need to state on your
application form what percentage of                 asset classes
your contributions you want to invest in              Asset group          Assets that can be included in
each Investment Portfolio in multiples of                                  the asset group
5%, and your total Investment Direction
                                                      Cash                    on call bank deposits;
must add up to 100%.
                                                                              bank certificates of deposit
If you don’t give us a valid Investment                                       with 6 months or less
                                                                              to maturity;
Direction, your contributions (or any
percentage of them that has not been                                          domestic fixed rate bonds
                                                                              with 6 months or less
allocated to an Investment Portfolio)                                         to maturity;
will be invested in the default Investment                                    global bonds with 6 months
Portfolio which, at the date of this                                          or less to maturity;
Investment Statement, is the Balanced                                         bank bills; and
Investment Portfolio.                                                         floating rate notes.

The assets in the Investment Portfolios,              Fixed Interest          bank certificates of deposit
as well as contributions not yet invested,                                    with 6 months or more
                                                                              to maturity;
are collectively called GMK’s assets.
                                                                              domestic or global fixed
As a member of GMK, you have an interest                                      rate bonds with 6 months
                                                                              or more to maturity;
in GMK’s assets. The size and value of
                                                                              interests in listed or
your interest depends on things like: the                                     unlisted trusts or funds
amount of money paid in to your member                                        where the underlying
account, the charges such as fees and                                         assets are fixed interest
taxes that are deducted or have been                                          investments; and
accrued but not yet deducted, the                                             derivatives such as interest
                                                                              rate swaps and forward
Investment Portfolios you choose, and                                         foreign exchange contracts.
any investment gains or losses.
                                                      Shares                  equity securities;
We provide monthly reports which show                                         interests in listed or
all the money going in to your member                                         unlisted unit trusts or
account, the deductions going out, and the                                    investment funds;
size and value of your interest in GMK’s                                      exchange traded funds,
                                                                              where the underlying assets
assets from month to month.                                                   are predominantly equity
                                                                              securities or commodities;
We do not assign units like many other                                        and
KiwiSaver providers do. Instead your                                          derivatives such as forward
reports show you the shares, fixed interest                                   foreign exchange contracts
and cash assets that make up your                                             and currency options.
interest in GMK.

                                                                              Investment Statement
                                  Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

Derivatives are financial instruments that    Restrictions: The Cash Investment
may be used to manage risk, or as a type      Portfolio must only invest in cash; it is not
of investment instead of investing in         permitted to invest in shares, unit trusts
physical assets. A derivative is a contract   or funds.
with a return that is dependent on or
derived from one or more underlying
assets, events or conditions.                 The CashPlus Investment Portfolio has up
                                              to 60% in fixed interest assets, and the
  For more information about derivatives      balance in cash.
  and how they can be used please see
                                              Investor attitude to risk: CashPlus is
  the Prospectus.
                                              generally suitable for people with a
                                              short investment timeframe – less than
Here’s an overview of the GMK                 three years – or people who have low
Investment Portfolios                         tolerance for declines in the value of their
                                              member account.
At the date of this Investment Statement,
we offer five different Investment            Objective: To exceed the returns you
Portfolios with the following                 would receive from investing 75% of your
characteristics. You can pick one or a        funds in New Zealand cash and 25% in
combination of them, to suit your own         New Zealand fixed interest assets.
timeframe, goals and attitude to risk.
                                              Restrictions: The CashPlus Investment
If you do not give us a valid Investment
                                              Portfolio’s exposure to fixed interest must
Direction, your contributions (or any
                                              not exceed 60%; it is not permitted to
percentage of them that has not been
                                              invest in shares.
allocated to an Investment Portfolio)
will be invested in the default Investment    Conservative
Portfolio which, as at the date of
                                              The Conservative Investment Portfolio has
this Investment Statement, is the
                                              up to 20% in shares with the balance
Balanced Investment Portfolio.
                                              invested in cash and fixed interest assets.
                                              Investor attitude to risk: Conservative is
The Cash Investment Portfolio is              generally suitable for people with a
100% cash.                                    short-term investment timeframe – one to
                                              five years – or those who are risk averse
Investor attitude to risk: It is generally
                                              but can tolerate the occasional decline in
suitable for people with an investment
                                              the value of their member account.
timeframe of up to 12 months, or who
have no tolerance for risk or declines        Objective: To exceed the returns you would
in the value of their member account.         receive from investing 85% of your funds
                                              in New Zealand fixed interest assets and
Objective: To exceed the returns you would
                                              15% in shares.
receive from investing 100% of your funds
in New Zealand cash.

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

Restrictions: The Conservative Investment           Objective: To exceed the returns you
Portfolio’s exposure to shares must not             would receive from investing 85% of
exceed 20%.                                         your funds in shares and 15% of your
                                                    funds in New Zealand fixed interest
                                                    assets and cash.
The Balanced Investment Portfolio has up
                                                    Restrictions: None.
to 70% in shares, with the balance in cash
and fixed interest assets.
                                                    The investment strategy team
Investor attitude to risk: Balanced is
generally suitable for investors with a
                                                    and how they work
medium-term investment timeframe                    GMKL has delegated the investment
– five to ten years – or those who have             management functions (i.e. managing
a moderate appetite for risk and                    GMK’s assets) to the investment strategy
tolerance for declines in the value of              team at GMILP. They are a mixed
their member account.                               discipline team, with senior level
                                                    experience in both economics and
Objective: To exceed the returns you would
                                                    asset management, including research,
receive from investing 45% of your funds
                                                    analysis, selection and monitoring of
in New Zealand fixed interest assets and
                                                    equities and fixed interest portfolios
55% in shares.
                                                    both in New Zealand and overseas.
Restrictions: The Balanced Investment               For more information about the members
Portfolio’s exposure to shares must not             of the investment strategy team please
exceed 70%.                                         see the Prospectus or our website:
At the date of this Investment Statement,
the Balanced Investment Portfolio is the            They are governed by the guidelines set
default Investment Portfolio.                       out in the Statement of Investment Policy
                                                    and Objectives (SIPO) and detailed in the
Growth                                              Prospectus, and their activities and
The Growth Investment Portfolio has                 performance are overseen by the
up to 100% in shares, but will usually have         Investment Governance Committee,
some invested in fixed interest and cash            which is appointed by the GMILP Board.
assets.                                             Detailed information about GMK’s
                                                    investment policy and objectives is
Investor attitude to risk: The Growth               included in the Prospectus.
Investment Portfolio is generally suitable
for investors with a long investment
timeframe – more than ten years – and
who have a greater tolerance for declines
in the value of their member account.

                                                                              Investment Statement
                                  Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

Managing risk appropriately is the            We operate on a monthly
Investment Manager’s priority                 investment cycle
This means they take into account your        Contributions received during the month
Investment Direction and focus on:            are put into GMK’s trust account and
                                              linked to your member account where they
  Diversification – investing your savings
                                              earn interest. At the end of each month
  across a large number of assets,
                                              money held in your member account is
  sectors, countries and industries,
                                              transferred to the Investment Portfolios
  so if one fails, you lose a button,
                                              you chose so we can buy investment
  not your shirt;
                                              assets with them. Some cash is kept in
  Liquidity – being able to sell              your member account to pay your fees and
  investments in a timely manner              taxes. Your contributions are normally
  without adversely affecting their           invested within two weeks – by mid-month
  prices; and                                 – but we may decide to vary this timing
                                              and increase the proportion of your
  Investing for the long term – no big        contributions that are retained in GMK’s
  punts or concentrated bets, and no          trust account. For this reason, it is
  chasing investment fads.                    possible that contributions we receive on
Active management style                       the first day of one month might not be
                                              fully invested for up to four to six weeks.
The investment strategy team has an
active management style. This means
they adjust the asset allocation of the
Investment Portfolios, within the allowable
limits, according to their view of what’s
happening in markets. They also evaluate
investments to add quality assets at the
right price to each of the Investment
Portfolios through active stock selection.
Global investment focus
We favour global markets over local
markets because most New Zealanders
already have most of their wealth invested
in New Zealand – through their homes and
jobs. We believe investments in global
markets can help spread your investment
risk and provide good liquidity.

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

Choosing your Investment Direction

Your Investment Direction is your choice            If you are planning to withdraw
of the GMK Investment Portfolio(s) that
best suits your financial goals, timeframe,
                                                    your KiwiSaver money to buy
and your attitude to risk. You can choose           your first home
from Cash, CashPlus, Conservative,                  Select an Investment Direction with the
Balanced or Growth – either one, or a               timing of your home purchase in mind.
combination of them.
                                                    When do you expect to buy your house?
It’s important to remember that all
investments have some degree of risk.                                               Investment Portfolio
                                                       As soon as I can:                                 Cash
 You can find information about the
                                                       In about a year:                             CashPlus
 risks associated with investing in GMK
 in the section ‘What are my risks’ on                 In about 3 years:                        Conservative
 page 33.                                              Longer than                       Use the following
                                                         three years?                             questions
Don’t forget this questionnaire is just a
guide; it doesn’t take into account your            If you’re using KiwiSaver to save
personal circumstances. The information
contained in this questionnaire is based
                                                    for retirement
on pre-defined characteristics (e.g. years          Ask yourself the following questions,
to retirement at age 65 and attitude to             then add up the points to see what
risk). Read the descriptions of all the             Investment Portfolio matches your total.
Investment Portfolios on pages 12 to 13             There are no right or wrong answers;
and see which sounds most like you, or              it’s what best suits you.
whether a combination of the Investment
Portfolios might suit you better. You               How long until you plan to withdraw
may also want to consider any other                 your money?
investments you have outside KiwiSaver
                                                       Less than 12 months                            0 points
and how these might affect the Investment
Direction you choose. If you need more                 1-2 years                                      2 points
help to determine your Investment
                                                       3-10 years                                     5 points
Direction you should contact an authorised
financial adviser.                                     10 years plus                                  7 points

                                                    If your answer is less than 3 years you
                                                    may wish to refer to the previous table
                                                    regarding first home withdrawal rather
                                                    than continue on with the questionnaire.

                                                                              Investment Statement
                                  Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

Which statement best describes how you                     Range of investment returns for a single year
feel about your KiwiSaver account as an
investment for retirement?                                 30%
  I’m less concerned with how much           0 points    20%
    my savings grow; just don’t lose the
    money I’ve put in.                                     15%

  I accept that my account may drop in        1 point    10%
    value on the odd occasion but would                     5%
    expect it to grow slowly and steadily.
  I am more concerned with growing           2 points
    my savings and I can accept monthly                    -5%
    gains and losses in my account value                  -10%
    but I would feel very uneasy if I didn’t
    recover any significant losses within                 -15%
    a couple of years.                                               Option 1

                                                                                             Option 2

                                                                                                                 Option 3

                                                                                                                                   Option 4
  I want to maximise my savings.             3 points
    I accept that my account may have
    significant losses, that may take
    many years to recover.                                  Option 1 - Return ranging                                           0 points
                                                              from 2% to 5%
Which range of returns would you feel
most comfortable with?                                      Option 2 - Return ranging                                            1 point
                                                              from -5% to 14%
Different Investment Portfolios will have
                                                            Option 3 - Return ranging                                           2 points
different levels of risk, and as a result,                    from -10% to 21%
varying expected returns. Low levels
of uncertainty (low-risk) are associated                    Option 4 - Return ranging                                           3 points
                                                              from -15% to 28%
with lower and more consistent expected
returns, while high levels of uncertainty
(high-risk) are associated with higher and                 Add up your points to see which Investment
more variable expected returns.                            Portfolio matches your total:
                                                            0    1   2          3   4   5       6       7   8   9       10   11   12          13
If you are looking for a higher expected
return, you need to be prepared for a wide                  Cash          CashPlus          Conservative        Balanced          Growth

range of returns in any single year.
                                                          Don’t forget this questionnaire is just
Considering this, here are some examples
                                                          a guide!
of how much returns on a hypothetical
investment could vary (rise or fall) over a
single year. Which range of returns would
you feel most comfortable with?

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

Who is involved in providing it for me?

GMK’s full name is the Gareth Morgan               GMKL is owned by GMILP. GMILP is owned
KiwiSaver Scheme. GMK was registered               by Kiwi Wealth Management Limited. Kiwi
as a KiwiSaver scheme under the                    Wealth Management Limited is a wholly
KiwiSaver Act on 24 April 2007.                    owned subsidiary of Kiwi Group Holdings
                                                   Limited (the ultimate holding company of
Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver                            which is NZ Post). Kiwi Group Holdings
                                                   Limited also owns Kiwibank.
Limited (GMKL) is the manager
and promoter of GMK                                GMILP and GMKL are therefore related
                                                   parties to Kiwibank, NZ Post and their
GMKL is responsible for offering                   associated entities.
membership in GMK, accepting
applications and allocating interests in           GMILP may invest GMK’s assets with a
GMK to members, managing GMK’s assets              related party, provided that the transaction
and administering GMK.                             is conducted on commercial arm’s length
                                                   terms and subject to the usual principles
GMKL has delegated the investment                  of prudence, liquidity and diversification.
management functions (i.e. managing                Details of GMK’s related party holdings
GMK’s assets) to GMILP. We may also                are set out in the Prospectus.
rely on GMILP to provide other services
on our behalf.

Ownership structure

                               New Zealand Post Limited

                              Kiwi Group Holdings Limited

                  Kiwi Wealth                                 Kiwibank Limited
               Management Limited

            Gareth Morgan Investments
               Limited Partnership

                  Gareth Morgan
                 KiwiSaver Limited

                                                                             Investment Statement
                                 Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

At the date of this Investment Statement,   Public Trust is the trustee
the Directors of GMKL are:
                                            of GMK
  Paul Robert Brock, Wellington;
                                            The Trustee is responsible for the custody
  Brian Joseph Roche, Wellington.           of GMK’s assets, and supervising the
                                            performance of our functions under the
You can get a brief summary of the          Trust Deed and all relevant law.
Directors’ relevant qualifications and
professional history in the Prospectus.     At the date of this Investment Statement,
                                            Public Trust has nominated JBWere (NZ)
 At the date of this Investment             Nominees Limited as the custodian to
 Statement, up to two more directors        hold GMK’s assets. Public Trust retains
 for GMKL are being selected for            primary responsibility for the custody of
 possible appointment.                      GMK’s assets.
                                            On 17 September 2012, the Trustee was
Director details may change at any time.    granted a licence pursuant to the
For up-to-date information call GMK         Securities Trustees and Statutory
Member Services, 0800 427 384 or email      Supervisors Act 2011. Full details and                        conditions which apply in respect of the
At the date of this Investment Statement,   licence can be found on the Trustee’s
the address for GMKL                        website,
and where you can contact the               trustee-services/who-are-we
GMKL Directors is:                          At the date of this Investment Statement,
Postal address:                             the address of the Trustee is:
Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Limited             Postal address:
Freepost 210729                             Public Trust
PO Box 10068                                PO Box 5067
Wellington 6143                             Wellington 6145
Street address:                             Street address:
Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Limited             Public Trust
Level 10, 109 Featherston Street            Level 10, 141 Willis Street
Wellington 6011                             Wellington 6011
Address details may change at any time.     Address details may change at any time.
For up-to-date contact information call     For up-to-date contact information call
GMK Member Services, 0800 427 384 or        GMK Member Services, 0800 427 384 or
email                  email

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

Responsible Investment Policy
Responsible investment, including
environmental, social and governance
considerations, is taken into account
in the investment policies and procedures
of the scheme, as at the date of this
Investment Statement. You can obtain
an explanation of the extent to which
responsible investment is taken into
account in those policies and procedures
on our website: which is
publicly accessible at all reasonable
times; and from us, free of charge,
upon request.

                                                                            Investment Statement
                                Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

How much do I pay?

The payments you make to GMK are            Taking a contributions holiday
called contributions. How much you
                                            You don’t have to make employee
pay depends on whether you make
                                            contributions if you are taking a
contributions through your job or make
                                            contributions holiday granted by
your own contributions. Contributions
                                            Inland Revenue.
may also be made by the Government,
and by your employer if you have one.
                                              See the section ‘Can the investment
                                              be altered?’ on page 40 for more
Making contributions through                  information on contributions holidays.
a job
If you are an employee you contribute       Making voluntary contributions
either 3%, 4% or 8% of your pre-tax
                                            If you are self-employed, not working,
(gross) salary or wages. These are called
                                            or under 18 you can make your own
employee contributions. You are an
                                            contributions. These are called voluntary
employee if PAYE is deducted from your
                                            contributions, and you can make them
salary or wages.
                                            through GMK, Inland Revenue, or
You tell your employer what contribution    Kiwibank if you are a Kiwibank customer.
rate you want. If you don’t tell your       You can make regular contributions
employer, you’ll pay the lowest rate –      or lump sum contributions whenever
which at the date of this Investment        you want to.
Statement is 3%.
                                            Employees can also make voluntary
Your employer takes your contributions      contributions at any time if they want to.
from your after-tax salary or wages each
                                            Voluntary contributions made directly to
pay period, and pays them to Inland
                                            GMK or through Kiwibank must be at least
Revenue, who then pass them on to us.
                                            $20 (New Zealand dollars only). If you are
Your gross salary or wages includes         entitled to it, and if $20 is paid weekly for
overtime and bonuses but doesn’t include    the full year, this would qualify you for
ACC and weekly compensation payments,       the full Member Tax Credit. There is no
paid parental leave payments and            maximum; you can contribute as much
redundancy payments.                        as you want.
Contribution rates are set by legislation
                                              See the section ‘What the Government
so the Government could change them
                                              pays’ on page 23 for more information
at any time.
                                              about the Member Tax Credit.
You can change your contribution rate by
telling your employer what rate you want
                                            GMK does not require members to make
to change to. You can’t make more than
                                            any voluntary contributions.
one change every three months, unless
your employer agrees.

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

Making voluntary contributions through              Making voluntary contributions
Inland Revenue                                      through Kiwibank
Contributions through Inland Revenue                If you join GMK through Kiwibank or
can be made in the following ways:                  are a Kiwibank customer you will be able
                                                    to make voluntary contributions to GMK
  using the “Pay Tax” option on your
                                                    in the following ways:
  bank’s internet banking facility;
                                                        by deposit at your local Kiwibank; or
  sending a cheque to Inland Revenue
  made out to the Inland Revenue                        through Kiwibank internet banking.
  Department; or
                                                    Contributions by deposit must be at least
  paying over the counter at a Westpac              $20 (New Zealand dollars only) and must
  Bank branch.                                      be accompanied by your Kiwibank Access
                                                    Number (a unique Kiwibank customer
Your contribution must be accompanied
                                                    number) otherwise Kiwibank may not be
by your name, address, tax file number
                                                    able to accept your contribution and pass
(IRD number), using the tax type reference
                                                    it to GMK.
KSS and any other information that Inland
Revenue requires.                                   These services are automatically
                                                    available to members who sign up
Making voluntary contributions directly
                                                    to GMK via Kiwibank.
to GMK
                                                    If you are a member who did not join
Contributions can be made directly to GMK
                                                    through Kiwibank and are a Kiwibank
in the following ways, by:
                                                    customer, you can choose to use
  direct debit payment to GMK’s bank                Kiwibank’s internet banking services.
  account; or                                       To arrange this you can contact Kiwibank
                                                    or GMK’s Member Services team. If you
  lump sum contribution by cheque.                  choose to use Kiwibank’s internet banking
Your contributions must be at least                 services, you will be bound by Kiwibank’s
$20 (New Zealand dollars only) and                  General Terms and Conditions which are
accompanied by your IRD number. If you              available on Kiwibank’s website
do not include your IRD number, we may    
not be able to process your payment and             If you make contributions through
credit your member account.                         Kiwibank, Kiwibank will reconcile them
We may increase or reduce minimum                   before passing them on to us. Until those
contribution amounts (which, at the date            contributions are passed on to us,
of this Investment Statement, is $20), and          Kiwibank will hold them in a non-interest
will notify you of any such change at least         bearing account and so you will not earn
one month before the new minimum                    interest on them. In normal circumstances,
contribution amount becomes effective.              Kiwibank will transfer your contribution to
                                                    us within two business days of receiving it.

                                                                              Investment Statement
                                  Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

You should note that any contributions      paid parental leave payments and
made through Kiwibank that are not paid     redundancy payments.
to GMK by 30 June in each year may not
                                            Your employer can contribute at a higher
count towards your eligibility for Member
                                            rate if they wish.
Tax Credits. If you have any concerns
about contributions being made close        Employer contributions are subject to
to the end of June please contact us        employer superannuation contribution
about making the contribution directly      tax (ESCT). This means you won’t get
to us instead.                              the full amount of the contribution in
                                            your account.
In our distribution arrangement with
Kiwibank we have agreed the levels of
service that Kiwibank must provide,          See the section on tax in the
including agreed processes for receiving     Prospectus for more information.
and collating contributions for GMK.
                                            If you are over 65 or under 18
What happens if I don’t
                                            If you are over 65 and eligible to withdraw,
pay anything?                               or if you are under 18, your employer
If you are not an employee, or if you are   doesn’t have to make contributions to
on a contributions holiday, you don’t       your KiwiSaver account – but they can
have to make any contributions to GMK.      if they wish.
But you will stop being a member of GMK
                                            If you are on a contributions holiday
if your member account balance is zero
or negative.                                If you have chosen to go on a contributions
                                            holiday then your employer will also
Do I have to make a payment                 cease to make contributions to your
                                            KiwiSaver account.
to open an account?
                                            If you are a member of another
No, you do not need to make a payment
                                            superannuation scheme
to open a member account with GMK.
                                            If your employer makes contributions
What your employer pays                     to another Complying Superannuation
                                            Fund that you belong to, those
Your employer must make contributions       contributions may count towards the
to your KiwiSaver scheme, except as         compulsory employer contributions
detailed below. As at the date of this      required for GMK. See the Prospectus
Investment Statement the compulsory         for further details.
employer contribution rate is 3% of
your gross salary or wages. Your gross
salary or wages includes overtime
and bonuses but doesn’t include ACC
and weekly compensation payments,

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

What the Government pays                            Transferring from an Australian
                                                    complying superannuation scheme
If GMK is the first KiwiSaver scheme you            to GMK
join, the New Zealand Government will, as
at the date of this Investment Statement,           If you have contributed to any Australian
pay a contribution of $1,000 which we will          complying superannuation schemes, and
credit to your member account. This is              now live permanently in New Zealand, you
called a kick-start. This contribution will         can transfer your Australian
be made about three months after Inland             superannuation savings to your GMK
Revenue receives your first contribution            member account.
or receives notice of your membership               Generally the rules for KiwiSaver schemes
of GMK.                                             will apply to money transferred from
The Government will also pay a Member               Australia, with the following differences:
Tax Credit of up to a maximum of $521.43                You cannot use money transferred from
per year (the equivalent of approximately               Australia for a first home purchase.
$10 per week) if you are over 18, living in
New Zealand, and you have not yet                       You may be able to withdraw money
reached your KiwiSaver End Payment                      transferred from Australia at age 60,
Date. This is paid at 50 cents for each                 rather than 65.
dollar you contribute, up to a maximum of
                                                        You can’t transfer the money moved
$521.43 per year. This means you need to
                                                        from Australia to a third country.
contribute $1,042 per year (the equivalent
of $20 per week) to receive the maximum
                                                       More information about Trans Tasman
Member Tax Credit. In the first year of
                                                       Portability is set out on page 25 of this
membership, or the year you turn 18,
                                                       Investment Statement.
or the year you reach your KiwiSaver End
Payment Date the amount of Member Tax
Credit paid will be in proportion to how            Transferring from a KiwiSaver scheme
much of the year you were eligible to               or a New Zealand superannuation
receive a Member Tax Credit.                        scheme to GMK

Government contributions are set                    You can transfer any amount from another
by legislation and could be changed                 KiwiSaver scheme to GMK by filling in an
or suspended at any time. See the                   application to join GMK. We will contact
Prospectus for further details.                     Inland Revenue and your old provider to
                                                    arrange a transfer of funds. We will let
                                                    you know when the transfer has been
Other ways to contribute                            completed. We do not charge a fee for
You might be able to transfer money from            transfers.
a UK Pension plan, an Australian
complying superannuation scheme or
another NZ superannuation scheme to
your KiwiSaver account.

                                                                              Investment Statement
                                  Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

You may also be able to transfer            If you make a UK Transfer you will only
funds from other New Zealand                be able to access those funds by making
superannuation schemes to your GMK          a permitted withdrawal under the
account. Please contact us on 0800 427      KiwiSaver Act.
384 or with details
                                            Transferring your UK Pension plan
about the other superannuation scheme,
                                            funds to GMK is an important decision.
and we will advise you if a transfer is
                                            It is recommended that you discuss
possible, and if so, how to arrange it.
                                            proposed transfers with your UK and
A transfer from another superannuation
                                            New Zealand tax advisers as well as your
scheme will be subject to the other
                                            UK pension provider.
scheme’s approval.
                                            We may impose conditions on acceptance
Transferring UK Pension plan funds
                                            of any UK Transfers, subject to compliance
to GMK
                                            with legislation and the Trust Deed. We do
This summary of the implications of         not guarantee that GMK will retain QROPS
transferring your UK Pension plan funds     status at all times. If the QROPS status of
to GMK is based on our understanding of     GMK is lost, your UK tax implications may
UK Pension rules as at the date of this     change in relation to transfers into GMK.
Investment Statement. Future changes
                                            Neither we, nor the Trustee nor any other
to those rules could adversely affect the
                                            person involved in providing GMK to you
treatment of UK Pension plan transfers
                                            takes any responsibility for any HMRC tax
to GMK and payments from GMK.
                                            charges that arise as a result of you
GMK is a Qualifying Recognised Overseas     making a UK Transfer, or of GMK losing its
Pension Scheme (QROPS), accepted by         QROPS status.
Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs
(HMRC) as such. This means that
transfers from a UK Pension plan to
GMK (UK Transfers) will not incur HMRC
tax charges if the amount transferred
is within your remaining UK ‘lifetime
allowance’. The total UK lifetime
allowance is £1.25 million for the
2013/2014 tax year.
If your UK Pension plan contains any
guaranteed minimum benefits such
as those contained in a defined benefit
scheme or a final salary scheme,
such guarantees will not apply to any
UK Transfers.

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme

Moving retirement savings between New Zealand
and Australia

The New Zealand and Australian                      Neither we, nor the Trustee nor any
Governments have agreed that KiwiSaver              other person involved in providing GMK
and Australian complying superannuation             to you take any responsibility for any
scheme savings can be moved between the             tax charges that may arise as a result
two countries in certain circumstances.             of you transferring your Australian
This is called the Trans Tasman Portability         superannuation savings to your GMK
of retirement savings.                              member account.

You can transfer savings                            You can transfer savings
from an Australian complying                        from your GMK member
superannuation scheme to your                       account to Australia
GMK member account                                  You can only transfer your member
                                                    account if you have permanently emigrated
If you have contributed to any Australian
                                                    to Australia.
complying superannuation schemes,
and now live permanently in New Zealand,            Once a transfer is approved by us, all the
you can transfer your Australian                    money in your member account including
superannuation savings to your GMK                  the Government kick-start and any Member
member account.                                     Tax Credits will be transferred, and your
Generally the rules for KiwiSaver schemes           KiwiSaver account will be closed.
will apply to money transferred from                You can only transfer to an Australian
Australia, with the following differences:
                                                    complying superannuation scheme.
  You cannot use money transferred from
                                                    Transferring is voluntary. You can keep
  Australia for a first home purchase.
                                                    your savings in your KiwiSaver account
  You may be able to withdraw money                 if you want to.
  transferred from Australia at age 60,
  rather than 65.                                   Generally, the rules of the scheme you
                                                    transfer to will apply, but there are some
  You can’t transfer the money moved from           differences to be aware of:
  Australia to a third country.
                                                        The age of eligibility for New Zealand
You can get more details about Trans                    Superannuation applies to withdrawals
Tasman Portability of retirement savings in             of KiwiSaver transfers. At the date of this
the Prospectus and on the GMK website:                  Investment Statement it is 65.
                                                        You can’t use your KiwiSaver savings
Transferring your savings from your
                                                        to purchase a first home in Australia.
Australian complying superannuation
scheme to your GMK member account                       You can’t transfer your KiwiSaver savings
is an important decision. We recommend                  to a third country.
that you discuss proposed transfers
with your Australian and New Zealand
tax advisers as well as your Australian
complying superannuation scheme provider.

                                                                              Investment Statement
                                  Questions about this information? Call 0800 427 384 or email

What are the charges?

Member fee                                     The annual member fee covers the regular
                                               and ongoing costs of running GMK which
As a member of GMK, you pay an annual          includes trustee services, custodian
member fee that covers the regular             services, administration services,
ongoing costs and expenses of the              investment management services, registry
management and administration of GMK.          costs, marketing, auditing, legal fees,
At the date of this Investment Statement,      printing and postage and transaction
this fee is up to 1% per year of your          fees paid to NZ Post for processing
member account balance, subject to a           applications.
minimum fee of $50 per year. We calculate
and deduct this fee from your member           The annual member fee does not cover
account each month.                            the costs of investing, such as brokerage
                                               costs for buying and selling shares, and
The amount of the annual member fee you        any fees charged by funds or unit trusts
pay may vary (subject to the minimum of        we invest in, and costs reasonably
$50 per annum) depending on the                incurred by GMK or the trustee or
Investment Portfolio you choose in your        custodian that are not related to the
Investment Direction and your member           regular and ongoing costs listed above.
account balance. We show the exact
amount of the annual member fee you pay
                                                See the section ‘Additional costs,
on your monthly reports and on your
                                                charges and expenses’ on the next
annual statement.
                                                page for more information.
The annual member fee for each
Investment Portfolio as at the date of this    GST
Investment Statement is:
                                               All fees are stated on a GST exclusive
 Investment Portfolio   Fee charged per year   basis.
                        (% of member account
                        balance)               Some fees are wholly or partially exempt
                                               from GST. For instance there is no GST
 Cash                   0.45%
                                               payable on the annual member fee. If GST
 CashPlus               0.7%                   is payable on any fee then the GST is
 Conservative           1.0%
                                               payable in addition to the fee stated.
                                               However, we have agreed with the Trustee
 Balanced               1.0%                   that, until further notice, we will pay any
 Growth                 1.0%                   required GST on your behalf from the
                                               annual member fee, and not charge it as
                                               an additional cost to you.

Gareth Morgan KiwiSaver Scheme
You can also read