Is nature out to get you? - An allergy survival guide for dealing with triggers and symptoms - Doctor Care Anywhere

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Is nature out to get you? - An allergy survival guide for dealing with triggers and symptoms - Doctor Care Anywhere
Is nature out
to get you?
An allergy survival guide for dealing
with triggers and symptoms.
Is nature out to get you? - An allergy survival guide for dealing with triggers and symptoms - Doctor Care Anywhere
Why do you get
                                                                     allergic reactions?
                                                                     If you an allergy sufferer, you aren’t          Allergic reactions happen because the
                                                                     alone. In fact, allergies affect more           immune system mistakes something that
                                                                     than a quarter of people in the UK at           is actually harmless for an unwanted
                                                                                                                     foreign body. The immune system
                                                                     some point in their lives. No wonder
                                                                                                                     overreacts and produces a chemical called
                                                                     so many of us are coughing, sneezing            histamine to fight it.
                                                                     and nose trumpeting into a Kleenex.
                                                                                                                     Histamines act like bouncers outside a
                                                                     First off, let’s look at what causes an         night club. Their job is to get rid of the
                                                                     allergic reaction.                              allergy trigger – such as dust, mould or
                                                                     The answer involves your immune                 pollen particles that have entered the
                                                                     system – your body’s natural defence            body through the mouth, nose, skin or
                                                                     system against infection. Under normal          eyes – as swiftly as possible. And they’ll
                                                                     circumstances your immune system                do whatever it takes to get the job done,
                                                                     produces antibodies that go to war against      making you itch, swell up, cough and
                                                                     foreign bodies such as bacteria and             sneeze. Gesundheit!
                                                                     viruses. But when it comes to allergies, it’s
                                                                     a case of mistaken identity.

Stop allergies from ruining your life
Hachoo! Oh no, the weather’s changing and now your
allergies are flaring up. Don’t worry, we’ve written this                         You’ve probably heard of antihistamines.
helpful guide for people just like you.                                           They’re an over-the-counter medicine that can alleviate
                                                                                  allergy symptoms. There are many different types so you
So, put away your pocket tissues and check out our best advice for
coping with your triggers and symptoms. It’s time to stop allowing                may want to ask a doctor about which one is right for you.
dust, mould, pets and pollen from making you miserable.

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Is nature out to get you? - An allergy survival guide for dealing with triggers and symptoms - Doctor Care Anywhere
All about
 Substances that cause an allergic          There’s an almost endless list of substances that can become an allergen,
 reaction are called allergens.             but here are a few of the most common offenders. Mother nature can be cruel.
 Some people are lucky enough
 to go through life without any
 sensitivity. If you aren’t one of
 them, you know all too well what
 it feels like when your body reacts
                                             Pollen                    Mould                   Food                      Animals
 to an allergen. Your symptoms
                                             Flowers, grass,           Spores or particles     Many people are           Fur, saliva or dead
 may range from mildly annoying              trees and weeds           released into the air   allergic to nuts,         skin cells from pets
 to life-flashing-before-your-               release microscopic       can cause breathing     shellfish, dairy,         can be the cause of
                                             particles into the air,   problems.               tomatoes, wheat or        allergic reactions.
 eyes serious.                               causing hay fever.                                eggs.
 Most allergens are part of a family.
 If you’re sensitive to one type of
 allergen, you’ll probably react to other
 members of the same family. For
 example, if you’re allergic to peanuts,
 you probably can’t eat other tree nuts,
 such as almond, cashew or pine nuts.
                                             Fruit                     Insects                 Medicine                  Chemicals
                                             Latex allergy             Some people are         Painkillers and           Laundry detergents,
                                             sufferers may also        allergic to venom       antibiotics are the       household cleaners
                                             be allergic to fruits     from insects such       most common types         and cosmetics can
Do you have any of these symptoms?           like bananas, which       as bees and wasps,      of medicines that         make people break
                                             are technically part      often with severe       cause allergies.          out in hives.
Runny nose             Wheezing              of the latex family.      reactions.

Rash                   Coughing
Itchy eyes             Nosebleeds
Nausea                 Asthma
Stomach problems

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Is nature out to get you? - An allergy survival guide for dealing with triggers and symptoms - Doctor Care Anywhere
Hating hay fever:
the scourge of Britain

While the list of possible allergens is     What is hay fever?                           Your hay fever symptom checklist       The pain of pollen
as long as your arm, the number one         No bales of hay where you live? It doesn’t     Runny or blocked nose                Interestingly, the time of year when your
troublemaker is pollen. If you paid         mean you can’t get hay fever. As you may
                                                                                                                                symptoms flare up can help explain which
attention in Mrs Smythe’s year four         already know, hay fever is an allergic                                              type of pollen allergy you have. Tree
                                            reaction to tiny particles in the air such     Itchy, watery or swollen eyes        pollen, for example, usually starts in early
class, you’ll remember that pollen is a
                                            as those from plants, mites, fungal spores     Rash or itchy skin                   spring, followed by grass pollen (which is
fine powder released by plants as part
                                            and pets.                                                                           the most common type of pollen allergen)
of their reproductive cycle.                                                               Itchy throat or roof of your mouth   in the early summer and weed pollen in
                                            As explained earlier, your body mistakes
As the dreary winter months make way        these harmless particles for a bacteria        Itchy or sore ears                   early autumn.
for spring and summer, one in five people   or virus invader – and your immune             Wheezing and coughing
in the UK begin to suffer from allergic     system goes on the warpath. A chemical
rhinitis, called hay fever.                 called histamine is released into your         Sinus pain
                                                                                                                                    The pollen seasons
Cue millions of people with blocked noses   bloodstream, causing you to have hay           Headache                                 The time of year when you suffer
who speak like they have a cork stuck up    fever symptoms.
                                                                                           Post-nasal drip, caused by excess        from hay fever may explain which
each nostril.                               It feels just like having a cold. You may      mucus from your nose running down        type of pollen allergy you have.
                                            have a runny nose, repeated sneezing,          the back of your throat.
                                            itchy eyes and sinus pressure. It can even                                              Tree – late March to mid-May
                                            inflame the airways and set off an asthma                                               Grass – mid-May to July
                                                                                                                                    Weed – June to September

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How to make                                                                                   Doctor Care
a comeback                                                                                    Anywhere is
                                                                                              here to help
Sorry to break it to you but there’s no          If you speak to a GP through Doctor Care     Whether you’re suffering from hay
cure for allergies. But you can fight            Anywhere or at your local practice, he or    fever or another allergy, you can            You should book a
back by managing your symptoms.                  she may prescribe medicines including
                                                                                              call our doctors any time of the day         Doctor Care Anywhere
                                                 antihistamines, decongestants, inhalers,
The best way to cope with your                                                                throughout the year. As a Doctor Care
allergy is to stay away from your
                                                 eye drops or nasal sprays.
                                                                                              Anywhere member, there’s no extra
                                                                                                                                           appointment if your
                                                 If the above treatments don’t help, your
triggers. No surprises there.                                                                 cost to you.
                                                 doctor may suggest immunotherapy
But what if you can’t stay away from             treatment, administered as injections. All   During your appointment, your GP will         medicine doesn’t help
them? Pollen, dust or other environmental        the above medicines are designed to help     ask you a series of questions about your
allergens are always difficult to avoid.         desensitise you to your allergy triggers.    symptoms and general health. This             Medication causes
This is where your doctor can make all                                                        is usually all that’s needed to reach a       side effects
the difference.                                                                               diagnosis.                                    Symptoms are severe
                                                                                              In most instances, your doctor will           Hay fever causes breathing
                                                                                              prescribe the most appropriate over-          difficulty
                                                                                              the-counter medicine to deal with your
                                                                                              allergies. But if your symptoms are more
              When it’s really serious                                                        serious, your doctor may refer you to a
              The most severe allergic reaction is called anaphylaxis and it can be           clinic to have a blood or skin prick test.
              deadly. If you or someone you know has an anaphylactic reaction, you
              must get help right away and call 999. In some cases, the sick person will
              need a shot of adrenalin called epinephrine as soon as possible.
                                                                                              For more information about Doctor Care Anywhere, please visit
                                                                                              our website:

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