Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc

Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc
Ivan Banov
       Dongping Zheng
University of Hawai‘i at Mānoa
Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc
How do educational enskillment, event, and ecology
converge to sustain human and community becoming?
Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc
What is Reddit?
Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc
What is Reddit?
™ Reddit is a “social bookmarking website”
   1. Find content on the internet
   2. Post and share it on reddit
   3. Others can see it
      •   Upvote
      •   Downvote
      •   Comment
Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc
What is Reddit?
™ Reddit is a “social bookmarking website”
   1. Find content on the internet
   2. Post and share it on reddit
   3. Others can see it
      •   Upvote
      •   Downvote
      •   Comment
™ Is currently the 5th most visited website in the US and the 8th most visited
  website in the world (Alexa, 2018)
   – Over 330 M registered users from 217 countries
   – 14 B page views per month
Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc
What is Reddit?
™ Reddit is composed of many different topics
   –   Subreddits
   –   853,824 alive subreddits as of this morning
   –   ≈138,000 active subreddits
   –   News, Funny, Videos, Aww, TIL, WritingPrompt
   –   Invisible Bicycles, Jellybean Toes, Children’s Pictures of Dinosaurs, Home Servers,
       Crocheting, TOEFL, ESL, GetStudying, ChineseLanguage
Ivan Banov Dongping Zheng University of Hawai'i at Mānoa - nflrc
Examples of Reddit
Examples of Reddit
Examples of Reddit
Examples of Reddit
Examples of Reddit
Examples of Reddit
™ As I used Reddit, my attitudes and language began to change.
™ What influences the way we write in online settings?
™ Does this influence work the same in language learners?
™ Can social media have a positive impact on language learning? If so, how?
Theoretical Background
™ Distributed Language Theory
   – Language goes beyond individual brains to co-construction via dialogue,
     manipulating objects, gesture, body movement (Järvilehto, 2009).
   – Language is a heterogeneous phenomenon, spread across diverse spatiotemporal
     and sociocultural scales, and requires complex interactions between phenomena in
     these scales (Thibault, 2011).
Theoretical Background
™ Ecological Linguistics
   – Language is a meaning-making activity that takes place in a complex network of
     complex systems that are interwoven amongst themselves as well as with all
     aspects of physical, social, and symbolic worlds (van Lier, 2004, p. 60, italics added).
   – Language is constrained by ecosystemic values (Hodges, 2007, 2009) and both
     virtual and historical structures (Steffensen, 2011).
   – It is co-authored through dialogue with others—animate agents, inanimate objects,
     and abstract concepts (Linell, 2009).
Theoretical Background
™ Affinity Spaces (Gee, 2005)
   –   Communities built around content or common interest
   –   Emergent external grammar
   –   Emergent internal grammar
   –   Portals
Theoretical Background
™ Affinity Spaces (Gee, 2005)
   –   Communities built around content or common interest
   –   Emergent external grammar
   –   Emergent internal grammar
   –   Portals
Theoretical Background
™ Affinity Spaces (Gee, 2005)
   –   Communities built around content or common interest
   –   Emergent external grammar
   –   Emergent internal grammar
   –   Portals

™ External grammar impacts internal grammar and vice versa. Neither one of the
  two systems is independent of the other.
Research Questions
1.   What changes in internal grammar do language learners show after
   participating on Reddit for an extended period of time?
2. What changes in external grammar do language learners show after
   participating on Reddit for an extended period of time?
3. How does the interplay between Reddit’s internal and external grammars
   connect to human and community becoming?
Study Design

™ Eight English Language Learners
   – Learners of English
   – Lived abroad
   – Actively posted on Reddit for at least six months
                                   Country of    Age    Months as Registered
Participant    Gender   L1         Residence    Range      Reddit User
AwesomeFly     Female   German     Germany      35–40           57
JimZoo         Male     Arabic     Egypt        18–25           41
LeopardMan     Male     Polish     Germany      20–25            9
RealAero       N/A      Spanish    Spain        25–30           10
Southern       Male     Georgian   Georgia      20–25           13
SwissKicks     Male     Mandarin   China        20–25           22
TibrinCarlac   Male     Russian    Russia        N/A            32
ZhiWeiGao      N/A      Mandarin   China         N/A            14
™ External Grammar
  – Semi-structured interviews conducted through the Reddit interface
  – Public data on each profile gathered from the Reddit API
™ External Grammar
  – Semi-structured interviews conducted through the Reddit interface
  – Public data on each profile gathered from the Reddit API
™ Internal Grammar
  – All comments and posts made on Reddit (N = 3,197)
  – Public data on each profile gathered from the Reddit API
Posting Behavior
(Previous Study)
Coordinating External Grammar
SwissKicks Interview:
   If I learned anything, I'd say it's more of a western cultural thing I grew more
   familiar with through [being an active member on Reddit].
   However it's still undeniable that my English is far from perfect and I have
   learned something from this habit, and that is the way native English speakers
   comment on different things such as comedy posts and general suggestions or
   complaints. I have studied the word choices native speakers would use when
   making comments or composing threads to improve my ability to speak
   English the way a native speaker would rather than as a non-native learner.
Coordinating External Grammar
SwissKicks Interview:
   With the number of [upvotes and downvotes] visually displayed it was hard
   for me to not want to choose my words carefully in order to not make an
   unimpressive or even embarrassing comment. This led me to refrain from
   posting very often at the beginning due to how unfamiliar I was with western
   online communities, and I tried to study what kind of content is most welcome
   by reading a lot of reddit. So… I had been reading posts made by others for
   quite some time before feeling comfortable enough to make my own.
Coordinating External Grammar
TibrinCarlac, February 12, 2017:
    Maybe we can help.
    [link to a person’s GoFundMe website]
    Sorry if I broke the rules of the sub. I don't even know her but I feel bad for her.
    I saw this request for help in the Stephen C. Smith's twitter. I'm also not so
    good with English and worried a little now, so please don't judge hard.
Coordinating External Grammar
JimZoo, May 11, 2017:
   Start small maybe? Don't ask yourself for too much cause you'll eventually get
   disappointed, for example do 4 pomos reward yourself with a movie or
   something and after a week or so you'll develop the discipline , maybe study
   with a friend or join the study hall so that you waste less time on the Internet
   too..sorry if this is too generic :D
External Grammar Influence
RealAero, March 27, 2017:
   Im a bit disappointed with monero. First I was like, wow, its the definitive
   cryptocoin, etc... However after some day of thinking, I think i was wrong
   investing 1000USD.
   We are in an altocin bubble (including monero), relative to that bitcoin "fork",
   i think nothing strange will happen with bitcoin, and after all the panic,
   everybody will return to bitcoin, leaving monero and all the other altcoins
   totally unworthy.
External Grammar Influence
RealAero, April 28, 2017:
   So any idea of the motives behind yesterdays pump? Be aware that we havent
   even reached our max price yet. I think we still have good place to grow. In my
   opinion yesterday a whale with inside information bought to be prepared for
   the future that is coming. My guess? 30USD 20-30 May
External Grammar Influence
RealAero, June 26, 2017:
   Mcap falling to 60-80B levels IMO.
   That means 50% drops ore more.
   After that a huge bull will come, 10 times bigger than the last one.
   XMR will pump a lot, it has a lot of whales behind, the price is being
   manipulated (botnets) and doesnt let it pump properly.
   Just look longterm.... dont worry guys
External Grammar Influence
SwissKicks, June 26, 2017:
   A more specific example (maybe) would be the thread I started 3 months ago
   in which I analyzed a glaring issue with the game design in an online game I
   play, and received lots of praises from the community. Though not the first
   time I've created something that went viral in online communities, it was the
   first time I did so fully in English, and I think that's all thanks to the time I
   spent on Reddit which has improved my writing skills in terms of the ability to
   make analysis and summaries, as well as the ability to utilize the western style
   of humor to blend in with western communities better, in real life even.
Internal Grammar
AwesomeFly Interview:
  Mostly I learnt very informal English, i. e. slang and swearwords, and "meme-
  English" (Ermagerd, Doge-speak, silly puns etc.) My favourite is most likely
  "cropdusting". …
  Funny enough, some of my "higher register" DID come from Reddit. I learnt
  that one "keeps their composure", not "contenance". I also learnt a few
  technical terms on DIY and Artisanvideos: Caulking. Deburr. Chuck and lathe.
  Also many "SJW" terms: Mansplaining, ableism etc.
Internal Grammar
AwesomeFly Interview:
  It's quite unusual to learn "good" English in online communities, but the
  exception are many of the more specialized subreddits about art(isan) and
  scientific subjects, such as DIY, artisanvideos, science, and subreddits where
  people don't just comment for ze lulz, but explain more or less complex things
  to their fellow redditors or have discussions with a spoonful of depth. The odd
  askreddit post with a SERIOUS tag can be quite fruitful, too.
Internal Grammar
Leonard Interview:
   I learned many vocabularies, watched videos posted here and my listening
   comprehension improved a lot. I feel more confident it talking in English.
Internal Grammar
Southern Interview:
   I sometimes mess phrases and idioms up, such as "killing two rabbits with one
   stone" instead of "killing two birds with one stone" (the first thing I got off the
   top of my head, and another example would be the correct usage of "off the
   top of my head" itself, which I had to Google. At first, I wrote it as "on top of
   my head"), and, if I can't find anything on this on the web, I ask on Reddit.
   There are other questions that are too specific to find on Google (at least, for
   me), such as usage of commas and/or "had" in certain sentences (or the
   "a"/"the" articles, for instance, and so on), and that, too, I like to ask on
Internal Grammar
™ The internal grammar of social media users changes over time to approximate
  or imitate the internal grammar found within the affinity space.
™ In the case of language learners, gains can be seen in the word, phrase, and
  discourse levels of the L2.
External Grammar
™ One key part of lurking, or legitimate peripheral participation (Lave & Wenger,
  1999), is to align or coordinate external grammars.
™ The external grammar guiding any subreddit is shaped by previously
  encountered user posts, upvotes and downvotes, and community reactions
  (Linell, 2009).
™ This emergent external grammar then guides and constrains future action (i.e.,
  composing future posts).
™ Organisms, societies, and ecosystems limit activities to uphold a sound and
  healthy existence for both human and non-human life on species, group, and
  population levels (Steffensen & Fill, 2014).
™ Language form (e.g., grammar, vocab, etc.) is inseparable from the external
  grammar that constrains it.
   –   Cultural norms
   –   Situational constraints
   –   Previously established practices
   –   Ways of perceiving and understanding the world
™ Given that external grammar influences internal grammar (and vice versa), it is
  important for teachers to provide students both the opportunity and the
  freedom to experiment with the language.
™ Personal experience has a strong influence on external grammar, so encourage
  your students to try, possibly fail, and then try again (Zheng, Bischoff, &
  Gilliland, 2015).
Alexa Information. (2018). Reddit.com site overview. Retrieved July 26, 2018 from
Järvilehto, T. (2009). The theory of the organism-environment system as a basis of experimental work in
     psychology. Ecological Psychology, 21(2), 112–120.
Hodges, B. H. (2007). Values define fields: The intentional dynamics of driving, carrying, leading,
   negotiating, and conversing. Ecological Psychology, 19, 153–178.
Hodges, B. H. (2009). Ecological pragmatics: Values, dialogical arrays, complexity, and caring.
   Pragmatics & Cognition, 17, 628–652.
Linell, P. (2009). Rethinking language, mind, and world dialogically. Charlotte, NC: Information Age
Smith, C. (2018). By the numbers: 50+ amazing Reddit statistics. Retrieved from
Steffensen, S. V. (2011). Beyond mind: An extended ecology of languaging. In S. J. Cowley (Ed.),
     Distributed language (pp. 185–210). Amsterdam, Netherlands: John Benjamins.
Steffensen, S. V., & Fill, A. (2014). Ecolinguistics: The state of the art and future horizons. Language
     Sciences, 41, 6–25.
Thibault, P. J. (2011). First-order languaging dynamics and second-order language: the distributed
    language view. Ecological Psychology, 23(3), 210–245.
van Lier, L. (2004). The ecology and semiotics of language learning: A sociocultural perspective. Boston,
     MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers.
Zheng, D., Bischoff, M., & Gilliland, B. (2015). Vocabulary learning in massively multiplayer online
    games: Context and action before words. Educational Technology Research and
    Development, 63(5), 771–790.
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