Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -

Page created by April Manning
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
Improve your
journey through
Jira Service Desk

Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
About Deviniti

                                    is an IT company based
                                    in Wroclaw, Poland.

     Established in 2004, we continuously develop
     our business and build expertise to provide
     state of the art software services.

     More than 5000 companies in 103 countries
     have trusted our resolutions and implemented
     them successfully for ~5 million end users.

     We became an Atlassian Solution Partner
     of Platinum and Enterprise status, as well
     as a Gold Top Vendor in the Ecosystem.
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
We like to compare our Jira Service Desk apps to Venus. Just like Venus
is sometimes referred to as the Earth’s twin, Jira Service Desk is called
a twin of Jira Software.

The size, mass and composition of both planets is very similar, so is the
importance of our apps for both Atlassian products. Venus is the hottest
planet in our solar system, and the heat is often on at support. Venus
is known for its yellowish clouds so the main color of our Service Desk
apps is yellow. Also, Venus represents femininity which brings to mind
warmth, care and support.

                                               ― 1
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -

Our experience in ITSM consists of implementing:

•     IT service desks,
•     ITIL processes for managing incidents, changes, access, etc.,
•     asset management,
•     configuration management databases,
•     knowledge bases,
•     self-service processes for external and internal customers,
•     approval processes.

We also implement service desks for departments offering strictly
business-related services, e.g., human resources, accounting, legal,
compliance, finance, collections, etc.

    Consulting              Custom development                  License Management

    At Deviniti, we have    We have been customizing            We will optimize your
    lots of experience      and extending Atlassian             license costs considering
    in implementing         products for more than 10           the expiring period of sup-
    complex IT solu-        years to implement your             port, synchronization
    tions in organi-        bespoke requirements                of expiration dates of all
    zations of various      that are not met by Atlas-          your licenses and support
    sizes and industries.   sian off-the-shelf solutions.       you with budget planning.

         2 ―
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
Application Integration

Facilitate the flow of information between different applications in your
company through integration services. We provide you with automated
data and process exchange by attaching isolated applications or
data sources to already existing environments. That includes custom
solutions and products with all services required for successful

Asset Management

Deviniti supports organizations to manage all sorts of assets.
Examples include:
•     Hardware and Software - servers, computers, phones, routers,
      etc. as well as hundreds of installed software programs that
      could be scanned automatically,
•     CRM - customers, individual contacts, agreements,
•     HR - employees, contracts, on-boarding, off-boarding, leave,
      access rights, etc.

    Training                      SDLC                        Support

    Our experience enables        Deviniti helps com-         Deviniti provides support
    us to share knowledge         panies to implement         service that will help you
    to Atlassian software         and run the Software        with all your needs, ques-
    users and administra-         Development Life            tions or doubts. This will
    tors - online and offline,    Cycle (SDLC) to meet        ensure that you and your
    worldwide including           their requirements          team to keep the highest
    onsite in your company.       and needs.                  level of work efficiency.

                                                 ― 3
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
Customer’s journey

To better our customers’ journey through Jira
Service Desk, we need to understand what they
have to deal with.

   Help Center
   On the Help Center, your clients
   can see all the Customer Portals
   which they have permission to
   send requests to. Each Customer
   Portal is dedicated to a separate
   Service Desk project.

               Agents View
               On the agent’s view, the support
               team groups, sorts and prioritizes
               the requests they are working on.

       4 ―
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
Request Form
This screen opens after choosing
a request type on the Customer
Portal. There your customers fill
out the information and send
it over to the support team.

              Request Detail View
              After raising a request, your
              clients are directed to this
              view. There they see all the
              information they provided
              on the previous step.

My Requests
The last screen is a list
of all requests raised by the
customers or their Organization.

        ― 5
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
Theme Extension
for Jira Service Desk

Create a Customer Portal out of this world

Theme Extension for Jira Service Desk brings the default customization options for
Jira Service Desk user interface a step further and allows you to design a unique portal
for your customers. Inspired by the entire space of possibilities we can create, we’ve
introduced the first theme based on 6 types of cards, which you can choose from
to suit your taste and brand style.

              •    The design shows it all,                 •   Simple configuration
                   making it easier to find                 •   Easy to achieve out-of-the-box
                   whatever is needed                           design unavailable natively

               •   Provide customers with consistent experience across all
                   your web properties
               •   Increase customer satisfaction with the support process
               •   Make your Customer Portal consistent with your brand

       As usual, BRILLIANT :)

       6 ―
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
Theme Extension for Jira Service Desk

Service Desk creation

Step 1 – Select a card style.

             astronauts                                                                   Introduce

                                                                                          an expedition

         Add astronauts to our
              company.                                                                    If you prepared a plan of

                                                                                          future expedition, introduce

                                                                                          it to the committee.                                                   Order gear
                                                                                                                                                                 If you need new gear, make sure to notify us.

             expedition                                                                  Order


      In case a planned expedition
      wasn't approved, let us know.                                                      Request new

                                                                                         equipment.                                                                                     Plan training

                                                                                                                                                                          Schedule training sessions for the

                                                                                                                                                                       upcoming expeditions or new recruits.

Step 2 – On the live preview, customize the elements you want from header and logo
through search and navigation bar to background images and cards. Add a custom
cards with external links, too!

                                      Astronauts Service Desk

Step 3 –                                                                                       Welcome to the Astronauts Service Desk

Publish it and                                                                 Find help and services in space

make it a sight
to behold!
                                                 Expeditions                     Training                           Gear                                Spacecrafts and shuttles                                 Other

                                                                                                                          Register                                                   Cancel
                                                                Introduce                                                astronauts                                                e}pedition
                                                                an e}pedition
                                                                                                                     Add astronauts to our                                  In case a planned expedition
                                                                If you prepared a plan of                                 company.                                          wasn't approved, let us know.
                                                                future expedition, introduce
                                                                it to the committee.

                                                                Request new
                                                                equipment.                                                                                                         Plan training
                                                                                                        Order gear
                                                                                                                                                                           Schedule training sessions for the
                                                                                                        If you need new gear, make sure to notify us.
                                                                                                                                                                         upcoming expeditions or new recruits.

                                                                                                                            ― 7
Improve your customer's journey through Jira Service Desk -
Theme Extension for Jira Service Desk

Use examples

    8 ―
Theme Extension for Jira Service Desk

                       ― 9
for Jira Service Desk

Extend possibilities of Jira Service Desk
Extension for Jira Service Desk provides a bundle of features that focus on flexible
customization of Jira Service Desk to take customer experience to the next level.

              •       Gain valuable insight                   •   Per project configuration
                      into what’s going on with                   enables customization
                      their request                               fitting the specific project
              •       Gradually fill in the fields            •   Detailed information
                      that are required and                       on the request view
                      related to their query                      prevents customers’
                                                                  dissatisfaction and irritation

                  •   Show your business as one that cares for customer’s
                      time and provides them with all information necessary
                      to highest-quality support

       This has been my go-to add-on for any Service Desk implementation.
       Our users love the added benefit of customizing their forms dynamically, and
       performing actions within their Customer Portal. Thanks, Deviniti for this app!
       Keep up the awesome work.

       10 ―
Extension for Jira Service Desk

Intuitive Customer Portal

Help center & customer portal
Make life easy for your customers:

•   Visibility: customer portals, request types
•   Links on the header bar
•   Split columns

Request form
Take full control over the form:

•   Bundled fields
•   Dynamic forms
•   Hide “None” option
•   Visibility: fields, options
•   Links on the header bar

Request detail view
Show more information:

•   Assignee on the requests with
    specific statuses
•   Panel with attachments
•   Dates of request creation, last
    update and resolution
•   Issues linked to the request
•   SLA

                                         ― 11
Extension for Jira Service Desk

Advanced permissions

Show only relevant requests to your customers

The app gives us more flexibility in managing permissions. We can
define which user groups have access to the Customer Portal, and
determine for which user groups a certain request type is visible.

        Group: astronauts
     Expeditions       Enter for clearance
                       Go through the last stage ;efore
     Training          the expedition.
                                                  Group: management
     Gear              Enter your nomination
                       Declare your interest in upcoming        Introduce an expedition
     Spacecrafts       expeditions.                             If you prepared a plan of future
     and shuttles                                               expedition, introduce it to the
                       Order gear
     Other             If you need new gear, make sure
                       to notify us.                            Register astronauts

                                                                Add astronauts to our company.
                       Order equipment         Spacecrafts

                       Request new equipment.and shuttles       Plan training

                                                                Schedule training sessions for the
                       Sign up for qualificationOther
                                                                upcoming expeditions or new recruits.
                       Without qualification exams, you can't
                       join the expedition. Sign up now.        Cancel expedition

                                                                In case a planned expedition

                                                                wasn't approved, let us know.

                                                                Order gear

                                                                If you need new gear, make sure to

                                                                notify us.

                                                                Order e¨uipment

                                                                Re¨uest new e¨uipment.

       12 ―
Extension for Jira Service Desk

External links

Display external documentation and content

Add external links or groups of additional sources to the Customer
Portal and present them on the header bar. Define if the links will
be displayed globally, in every service desk project or in current project
by choosing the link scope.

      History of space exploration   Must-haves in space   Knowledge base   Requests   41

      Brief history
      Short documentary

                                                            ― 13
Extension for Jira Service Desk


More flexibility in managing permissions

Make the request form more easy on the eye by restricting visibility
of fields or options to particular Jira user groups.

         Group: astronauts

         What equipment do you want to order?
                                                    Group: management
            Pistol-grip tool`
            Safety tethers
                                                    What equipment do you want to order?
                                                       Pistol-grip toolK
                                                       Robot crane
         What type o) sa)ety tethers do you need?
                                                       Trace gas analyzer
            Momentum exchange tethers
            Shyhook                                    Safety tethers

            Electrodynamics                            Other
            Formation flying
            Universal orbital support system
                                                    What type oD =aDety tether= do you need?
                                                       Momentum exchange tethers
         Create   Cancel                               Formation flying
                                                       Universal orbital support system

                                                    Create   Cancel

       14 ―
Extension for Jira Service Desk

Dynamic Forms

Show up fields depending on the previous selection

Define which options from such custom fields as Radio Buttons, Single
Selects, and Checkboxes display other fields with additional questions.
Also, decide which fields are required.

                                                              Space Želp Center / ˆxpeditions

                                                              Introduce an expedition

   Target of expedition                             Please fill out the form below to register a space expedition.

   Radio buttons

                                                    Name of expedition

                                                     Mars expedition ˜—¢—

   Option                    Related filed

     The Solar System                               Target of expedition

                             The Solar System expedition to
                                                       The Solar System

                             Conducted by
                                                       Asteroids and Commets

                                                       Deep space
     Asteroids and commets

                             Asteroids and commets expedition to
                                                    The solar system expedition to

                             Conducted by

                                                       The Sun
                             Taroet location

     Deep Space

                             Asteroids and commets expedition
                                                      The Moonto

                             Conducted by              Mars






                                                     Create      Cancel

                                                                 ― 15
Extension for Jira Service Desk

Bundled Fields

Multiple pieces of information in a single custom field

Add a section with multiple fields to the request form and compress it into one custom
field. This way the query your agent receives isn’t overloaded with fields, because the
Bundled Field is displayed as one field on the view. You can use four types of custom
fields: Text (single and multi-line), Selects, Date Pickers and Checkboxes.

                New Employees / NE-3

                Tools for new Mission’s Budget Analysts Team

     Edit             Comment       Assign        More     Start Progress    Done      Admin


    Type:                              Task                            Status:           TO DO   (View Workflow)

    Priority:                          High                            Resolution:      Unresolved

    Labels:                          Equipment

    Tools for new team:
                                       Name               Laptop                 Software                   Small electronic devices   Other office supplies

                                       Evelyn Moon        MacBook Pro   15       MS Office, Mission         headphones, keyboard,      laptop cooling pad,

                                                                                 Operations 4.0, Mission    mouse                      footrest

                                                                                 Budget Management 2.8

                                       Jason Fening       MacBook Pro   14       MS Office, Mission         headphones                 small

                                                                                 Operations 4.0, Mission                               locker

                                                                                 Budget Management 2.8

                                       Eva Bill           MacBook Pro   15       MS Office, Mission         headphones                 laptop cooling pad,

                                                                                 Operations 4.0, Mission                               document tray

                                                                                 Budget Management 2.8


                  ’             I
    New team s manager: ris Shang
    Team s location: Mission        Operations Dept., room 20, 4th floor, building C

            16 ―
Extension for Jira Service Desk

Display additional information

Detailed request information

Give your customer more information about their request by displaying
assignee, attachments, issue dates, SLAs and issue links on the request
detail view.

                  Help Center / SPACE / SP-2
                  Mars expedition 2030                          open

            Comment on this request...                                                   Share


      Activity                                                                      Shared with

            Venus Ceres 23 minutes ago               latest                                Venus Ceres
            Launch check list.pdf    (122 kb)

            List of eÀuipment.pdf    (45 kb)                                        SLAs

                                                                                                          Time to first response
            List of astronauts.pdf   (31 kb)                                               3:00           within 4h

                                                                                                          Time to resolution
                                                                                           7:58           within 8h
            Details 23 minutes ago
                                                                                    Attachments                          Download All
            Target of expedition
                                                                                         List of astronauts.pdf
            The Solar System                                                             23 minutes ago                             31 kb
            The Solar System expedition to
                                                                                         List of eÀuipment.pdf
            Mars                                                                         23 minutes ago                            45 kb

            Conducted by                                                                   Launch check list.pdf
                                                                                         23 minutes ago                            122 kb
            Human spacefight
            # of astronauts                                                         Dates

            5                                                                       Created                            23 minutes ago
                                                                                    Updated                              1 minute ago
                Name            Surname         Date of birth   Address             Issue links
                Andy            Sullivan        12.07.1975      300 E Street               Relates to
                                                                Southwest, Suite
                                                                5R30, Washington,       SP-4 Equipment for Mars expedition 2030
                                                                DC 20546, United    DONE
                                                                                        SP-3 Clerance for Mars expedition 2030

                Jason           Fening          10.09.1968      1330 Maryland       open
                                                                Avenue, SW,
                                                                Washington DC,
                                                                DC 20024-2100

                                                                           ― 17
My Requests Extension
for Jira Service Desk

List all the Requests
My Requests Extension for Jira Service Desk gives customers control
over their request list, enabling them to configure it as they see fit.

             •   Save their search configuration as filters
             •   Access to more information on the list and the possibility to export it
             •   Sort by columns, i.e. SLA

             •   Configuration kept to the minimum
             •   Define which fields will be displayed by default and which
                 ones customers can add to their request list
             •   Limit columns visibility to user groups and organizations

             •   Close a big gap in Jira Service Desk
             •   Give both your customers and administrators the possibility
                 to customize the request list
             •   Have a full control over requests and monitor the work in progress

       Awesome! Many customers ask for this feature. The UI is also very friendly.

      18 ―
My Requests Extension for Jira Service Desk

Customizable view

Enable customers filter their requests

Choose which fields customers can add as columns, and which of them will
be displayed by default, and globally limit their visibility for selected user groups
and organizations. Thanks to this, the customers will be able to customize their
request list and save them as filters for selected user groups and organizations.

  Requests                   All requests
                             Columns            Type      Summary         Project       Status     Time to resolution
  All requests
                               Expeditionsî Vra...      Introduce an...       Organization: all      Plannedî In pr...                                 Search

  Future expeditions         1-21 of 21

  Waiting for clearance
                             Type        Summary                                                  Project                  Status                 Time to resolution
  Waiting for approFal
  Training                               Mars Expedition 2030                                     Expeditions              PLANNED                              5:25
  Gear to order
  Spacecrafts and shuttles               New Astronaut                                            Expeditions              registered

  New Astronauts
                                         Cancel shuttle launch                                    Expeditions              In progress                           3:12
  Ordered Gear
  Qualification exams                    Enter qualification exams                                Expeditions              Entered

                                         Start training for zars €xpedition pono                  Trainin‚                 waiting for approval

                                         Schedule qualification exams for Mars Expedition         Training                 PLANNED                              10:15

                                         Clearance for expedition                                 Expeditions              waiting for approval                 13:ââ

                                         Prepare gear                                             Expeditions              In progress

                                         New training sessions                                    Trainin‚                 P—A˜˜E•                              11:08

                                         Training for zaª pop¦ expedition                         Trainin‚                 In progress                          50:13

                                         Qualification exams for May 2021 expedition              Training                 scheduled

                                                                                                                ― 19
for Jira Service Desk

Extended self-service and automation
Actions for Jira Service Desk enables customers to interact with and
transition their requests, as well as adds to the native Jira Service Desk
automation possibilities.

               •   Edit their request if there’s a mistake without a need
                   to contact an assigned agent
               •   Their ticket is assigned to the right person
               •   Focus on solving the query rather than asking questions
               •   Greater sense of control

               •   Simple configuration
               •   Use Jira workflow transitions, Jira fields and custom fields
               •   Extended native automation configured in the project settings

               •   Enable your customers to edit their request and send you feedback
                   instantly after their ticket is solved
               •   Provide your customer with the highest-quality support by allowing
                   them to transition the requests with filled additional required fields

       Very good add-on for the price. We primarily use it for updating issue fields
       in the JSD portal. It’s easy to create a loopback transition that permits update
       of specific fields in the request. (...) you should check out Deviniti’s add-ons
       as they have excellent tools for creating richer functionality in the JSD portal.

       20 ―
Actions for Jira Service Desk

Automated Service Desk

Extended automation possibilities

The app adds two more conditions and a couple of actions to the default
automation rules. These enable us to, among a few other things, auto-
assign agents to the created issues based on the reporter’s language
or what the reporter’s email contains.

   Reporter Language

   When an issue is created, this rule automatically assigns defined user based on reporter

     Tips for customizing this rule

             WHEN                                                    IB                                                         then

        Issue created                                          Reporter Language                                          Assign User to Issue
                                                               de                                                         klaus.augen

                                                                     IB                                                         then

                                                               Reporter Language                                          Assign User to Issue
                                              WHEN             es                             IF                          pablo.armero         THEN

                                              Comment added                                   Issue matches                                      Add comment

                                              Comment edited                                  Comment visibility                                 Transition issue

                                              Issue created                                   User type                                          Alert use8

                                              Issue resolution changed                        Comment contains                                   Edit request type

                                              Status changed                                  Comment is primary actioS                          Autoapprovedecline

                                              A linked issue is transitioned                  Reporter Email Contains                            Webhook

                                              Participant added                               Reporter Aanguage                                  Send email

                                              Organizations added to issue                    Customervisible status changed                    Assign User to Issue

                                              Approval required                               Link type matches                                  Set Priority to Issue

                                              SLA time remaining                              Linked issue matches                               A lae

                                                                                                                                                 A reuest parti ipants

                                                                                                                                                 A organi*ations

                                                                                                               ― 21
Actions for Jira Service Desk

Self-service possibilities

More involved customers

Don’t limit your customers to commenting on their requests every time
they need to change something, and enable them to edit it themselves.

    E it
     Type of spaceship    Shuttle                                        Venus Ceres
                Launch    12/Mar/2030
                                                                      From:   planning
   Expedition timescale   250 days                                    To:     planning
  Number of astronauts    5

                          First Name*   Last Name*   Date of birth*
                           Jason        Fenin0        12/Jul/1975

                          First Name*   Last Name*   Date of birth*
                           Eris         Mercury       29/Nov/1967

                                                                              E it Cancel

       22 ―
Actions for Jira Service Desk

Customer surveys

Detailed feedback about the support process

Extend the customer surveys with additional questions and
let your customers access them directly from the request.


                                                                                       Venus Ceres
                   Spaceship    Good

                       Tools    EDcellent

                                                                                 Fro„:     booked

  Contact with control center   Good
                                                                                 To:       Feedback

      What could be better?     Equipment storage wasn't visible or clear
                                enough. Sometimes, it was hard to organize the
                                                                                 Please tell us what you think

                                gear, because the wraps didn't want to stick.
                                                                                 about the EDpedition.

        What did go wrong?      There were some gaps in our training - we

                                didn't know how to do some actions properly

                                and we had to figure it out on our own or read

                                the manuals.

                                                                                   Fee©§¨c¤           Cancel

                                                                        ― 23
for Jira Service Desk

Your way to international
customer support
Translation for Jira Service Desk provides
you with the means to make your Customer
Portal a global platform.

              •   Switch to their mother tongue easily by clicking the user avatar
                  and selecting the right language in the dropdown menu
              •   Everything’s clear and understandable, making it easier to find
                  the right requests

              •   Add any number of languages supported by Jira to the switcher
                  in the app’s global configuration
              •   Easy project configuration enables the translation of various
                  service desk projects for a specific user group’s mother tongues

              •   Positive brand image as an international company who cares
                  for its customers and provides the highest quality of support
                  and customer experience

       24 ―
Translation for Jira Service Desk

Multilingual customer portal

Translate what you want

Choose the language you want to translate into, rewrite the specific text
from Customer Portal, provide the translation, and apply it to all service
desk projects if needed.

                                                                                                       Add new translation

  Language        Key                                                                    Value

  Polish          Expeditions                                                            Wyprawy kosmiczne

  Polish          Training                                                               Szkolenia

  Polish          Gear                                                                   Sprz/t

  Polish          Spacecrafts and shuttles

  German          Enter for clearance               Language switcher configuration:

  German          Enter your nomination
                                                    Language to seect                   Language switcher

  Polish          Order gear                        Português (Brasil)                   English (Gnited States)

  Polish          Order euipment
                                                    Eesti (Eesti)                        Polski (Polska)

                                                    Svenska (Sverige)                    Deutsch (Deutschland)

  Polish          Sign up for ualification exams

                                                            Change language

                                                               English (United States)

                                                               English (United States)

                                                               Polski (Polska)

                                                               Deutsch (Deutschland)

                                                                ― 25
for Jira Service Desk

Take care of your support team
Queues for Jira Service Desk app strongly improves usability
with a couple of features, such as advanced JQL filtering
to create cross-project queues. It also allows to use queues
for projects of Software or Business types.

                •   Have control over their work with queues stored and sorted
                    in one place
                •   Sort queues by any column to set priority and order the requests
                •   Hide the unused queues and reduce the page load time

                •   Manage visibility of the queues depending on groups
                •   Create cross-project queues
                •   Possibility to create a tree structure of folders with queues

                •   Save your team’s time by storing cross-project queues in one place
                •   Ensure that no request will go amiss
                •   Improve the quality of customer support

       It’s a great app, which extends Jira with a very good queues function of Service
       Desk to the complete Jira system and even across several projects.

       26 ―
Queues for Jira Service Desk

Work on the right requests at the right time

Structure your work with queues

Create group-based permissions to display only relevant queues to the
specific team members. Also, group queues to give them some structure
and hide the unnecessary ones to improve performance and stability
of the system.

    Queues                                    New queue


                                               Astronaut's qualification exams

       Planned expeditions
                                              Issues to show

       Astronaut's qualification exams
                                                     project in ('Expeditions service   desk', 'Training service desk'

                                                Priority          Key    Summary           Time to resolution        Name of expedition

                                              Add to folder
             Part 1                  1293

                                               Qualification exams and trainings
             To order

             New gear               3400


             Gear 2020                    1

                                               List of qualification exams for Astronauts to schedul

             PrGFeCt 2                   12
                                              Visible to groups

             PrGFeCt \                   …      mission-support         training-support           Astronauts-support

             Old gear
                                                        Cžunt issues in the ¦ueue žn pa±elžad It ma¢ slžw džwn ¢žur ira instance

        Common Tests
                                                                                                                               Save       Cancel
        Regression Tests

                                                                                ― 27
the rest of Deviniti’s galaxy

                Issue Templates for Jira

                Default templates for request types
                Spend less time and effort on filling in the forms

                Choose the request types which you’d like to help your
                customers create by applying a templated script.

                Active Directory Attributes Sync for Jira

                User’s attributes
                Present synchronized data

                Grab the assignee’s contact details from your LDAP server
                and show them in a custom field displayed in the side column
                of the request to enable customers easy contact with an agent.

  28 ―
Astronauts Service Desk

                                                         Welcome to the Astronauts Service Desk

                                         Find help and services in space

           Expeditions                     Training                           Gear                                S
                                                                                                                  pacecrafts and shuttle
s                                 O h
                                                                                                                                                                            t er

                                                                                     Register                                                   Cancel
                          Introduce                                                astronauts                                                eOpedition
                          an eOpedition
                                                                               Add astronauts to our                                  In case a planned expedition
                          If you prepared a plan of                                 company.                                          wasn't approved, let us know.
                          future expedition, introduce
                          it to the committee.


                          Request new
                          equipment.                                                                                                         Plan training
                                                                  Order gear
                                                                                                                                     Schedule training sessions for the
                                                                  If you need new gear, make sure to notify us.
                                                                                                                                   upcoming expeditions or new recruits.
Get in touch with us
to take full advantage
of Atlassian products

1. Find our apps
   on the Atlassian Marketplace

2. Try our apps in
   a free 30-day trial

3. Book a demo session

Deviniti Sp. z o.o.     
2019 All Rights Reserved 
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