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                                   JULY/AUGUST 2004 JUILLET/AOÛT - VOL. 55 • NO.4

                  Journal of The ROYAL PHILATELIC SOCIETY OF CANADA
                                                                                                             Journal of The
                                                                                                         ROYAL PHILATELIC
                                                                                                       SOCIETY OF CANADA

                                                                                                              Revue de La
                                                                                                       SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DE
                                                                                                   PHILATÉLIE DU CANADA
                                                  Volume 55, No. 4 • Number / Numéro 323

                             FEATURE ARTICLES /
Table des

                             ARTICLES DE FOND
                            Home Hardware Stamp Launch
                            By Tony Shaman...............................................198        Home Hardware – Page 198

                            Imperforate 2¢ Map Stamps
                            By Richard Lamb, FRPSC...................................202
                            Outer to Inner Space
                            By Joseph Monteiro..........................................208
                            Transcribing Sounds
                            By Michael Madesker, FRPSC, RDP ...................214                 Outer to Inner Space– Page 208

                            A New Policy for Austria Post
                            By Alf Brooks ...................................................216
                            Registered Domestic Post Cards
                            By George B. Arfken
                            and Horace W. Harrison ...................................218
                                                                                                      Austria Post – Page 216
                            In Search of El Dorado
                            By Raymond W. Ireson .....................................221
                            ROYAL *2004* ROYALE
                            By Michael Peach and Carmichael Wallace .......226
                            From Port Arthur to Brussels
                            By Ken Lewis....................................................231
                                                                                                       El Dorado – Page 221
Table of

                            ORAPEX 2004 Revisited
                            By Doug Lingard ...............................................234
                            By "Napoleon".................................................237
                            APS Summer Session
                            By Peter Butler..................................................250
                                                                                                   ROYAL *2004* ROYALE– Page 226

    196                                       July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
DEPARTMENTS / SERVICES                                                                                                                                                    THE ROYAL PHILATELIC
The Lighter Side of Philatelic Writing ......................................200                                                                                           SOCIETY OF CANADA
Quick Licks..................................................................................200                                                                          LA SOCIÉTÉ ROYALE DE
Book Review / Ouvrages parus .........................................230, 236                                                                                            PHILATÉLIE DU CANADA
                                                                                                                                                                        Patron Her Excellency The Right Honourable Adrienne Clarkson
News, Views, & Happenings /                                                                                                                                                     C.C., C.M.M., C.D., Governor General of Canada
Nouvelles, opinions et événements..........................................238                                                                                    Présidente d'honneur Son Excellence la très honorable Adrienne Clarkson,
                                                                                                                                                                             C.C., C.M.M., C.D., Gouverneure générale du Canada
President’s Page / La page du président ..................................240
Membership Reports / Rapports des membres........................241                                                                                                                    2004-2005
Coming Events / Calendrier.......................................................243                                                                                     BOARD OF DIRECTORS –
Chapter Meetings / Réunions des clubs membres...................244                                                                                                    CONSEIL D’ADMINISTRATION
                                                                                                                                                                                 EXECUTIVE - L’EXÉCUTIF
Illegal Issue Alert! - Benin .........................................................246
Letters / Lettres ..........................................................................248                                                            President – Président:
                                                                                                                                                             Charles J. G. Verge, FRPSC
Exchanges / Demandes d’échange .........................................249                                                                                  Box 2788, Station D, Ottawa, ON K1P 5W8
One Last Word / Un dernier mot ..............................................252                                                                   
Classifieds / Annonces classées..................................................254                                                                       1st Vice President – 1er Vice-Président:
Departments and Committees / Services et comités ...............255                                                                                          J. Edward "Ted" Nixon, FRPSC
                                                                                                                                                             255 Cortleigh Blvd Toronto, ON M5N 1P8
Alphabetical List of Advertisers / Liste des annonceurs ..........255                                                                              
                                                                                                                                                           2nd Vice President –
                                                                                                                                                           2ième Vice-Président:
THE COVER / PAGE                                                                   COUVERTURE:
                                                                                                                                                             Rick Penko
                                                                                                                                                             Box 1425, Winnipeg, MB R3C 2Z1
There still exists a great deal of postal history, preserved on
covers and correspondence hidden away in attics and dealer                                                                                                 Treasurer – Trésorier:
boxes, that remains enigmatic and needs to be unravelled. One                                                                                                John Keenlyside, FRPSC
such small cache of covers and letters originating in the high                                                                                               622 - 470 Granville St, Vancouver, BC V6C 1V5
Andes of Colombia provided the inspiration for the story in this                                                                                           Secretary – Secrétaire
issue by Raymond W. Ireson entitled “In Search of El Dorado”,                                                                                                Harry Sutherland, RDP, FRPSC
beginning on page 221.                                                                                                                                       10 Summerhill Ave, Toronto, ON M4T 1A8
Une énigme doit être résolue: celle de tranches complètes de
                                                                                                                                                           Past President – Président Sortant:
l’histoire postale préservée sous forme d’enveloppes et de                                                                                                   Keith Spencer, FRPSC
correspondance cachées dans des greniers et dans les cartons des                                                                                             5005 Whitemud Rd, Edmonton, AB T6H 5L2
marchands. C’est d’une telle cachette, abritant des plis et des                                                                                    
lettres en provenance des hautes Andes de Colombie, que
                                                                                                                                                                               Directors – Les Directeurs
Raymond Ireson a puisé l’inspiration pour son récit intitulé « In                                                                                            Frank Alusio, FRPSC, Etobicoke, ON
Search of Eldorado » (À la recherche de l’Eldorado) que nous                                                                                                 Peter Butler,
pourrons lire à partir de la page 221.                                                                                                                       François Brisse, Beaconsfield, QC
                                                                                                                                                             Raymond Ireson, Roxboro, QC
                                                                                                                                                             Kenneth Magee, Clinton, ON
We acknowledge the financial support of the Government of Canada through the                                                                                 J. Graham McCleave, FRPSC, Fredericton, NB
Publication Assistance Program (PAP) toward our mailing costs.                                                                                            
Nous remercions le gouvernement du Canada pour son appui financier pour nos frais                                                                            R. F Narbonne, Carleton Place, ON
de poste par l’entremise du Programme d’assistance aux publications (PAP).                                                                                   George Pepall, Kitchener, ON
                                                                                                                                                             John M. Powell, FRPSC, Edmonton, AB
The Canadian Philatelist (lSSN 00-45-5253) published bimonthly by Philaprint Inc. 10 Summerhill Avenue, Toronto, Ont., M4T 1A8. Printed                   
and produced in Canada by Trajan Publishing Corporation. ©Philaprint Inc. 2004. Opinions expressed herein are those of individual au-                        William G. Robinson, FRPSC, Vancouver, BC
thors only and neither the Publisher nor The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada accepts responsibility for them. Manuscripts should be type-                 Elizabeth Sodero, FRPSC, Halifax, NS
written or submitted on computer disk. Only original articles wiII be considered. Books and Literature for review should be submitted to the
editor. None of the editor, the Society, the publisher nor any officer or director either incurs any liability for any article or manuscript or any item  
accompanying such article for photography, all of which are at the sole risk of the person submitting same. Indexed in the Canadian Maga-                    Ann Triggle, Clarence, NY (USA)
zine Index and available on-line in the Canadian Business and Current Affairs Database. The Publisher reserves the right to decline any ad-
vertising and acceptance does not imply endorsement of the product or service.                                                                                                          Editor – Éditeur
Subscription price for members of The Royal Philatelic Society of Canada $25.00 per year. This amount is included in membership fees and the
                                                                                                                                                             Tony Shaman, FRPSC
members automatically receive the journal. Non-members $30.00 per year. Changes of address, undeliverable copies and orders for subscriptions                P.O. Box 43103, Eastwood Square, Kitchener, ON N2H 6S9
should be sent to PO Box 929, Station Q, Toronto, Ont., M4T 2P1. Return postage guaranteed. Publications Mail Registration No. 09828.                     
Le philatéliste canadien (ISSN 00-45-5253), bimensuel publié par Philaprint Inc., 10 Summerhill Avenue, Toronto, Ont., M4T 1A8. Fait et                                Associate Editor – Éditeur Associé
imprimé au Canada par Trajan Publishing Corporation. ©Philaprint Inc. 2004. Les opinions émises sont celles des auteurs seulement et ni
l’éditeur, ni La Société royale de philatélie du Canada n’accepte leur responsabilité. Les manuscrits doivent être écrits à la machine ou soumis
                                                                                                                                                             Grégoire Teyssier, Trois Rivières Ouest, QC,
sur disquette d’ordinateur. Seuls les articles originaux seront pris en considération. Les livres et articles à examiner doivent être soumis au          
rédacteur en chef. Aucune responsabilité n’est acceptée par le rédacteur, la Société, l’éditeur ou tout membre du bureau ou du comité directeur,
pour tout article, manuscrit ou tout autre document, comme des photographies, accompagnant ledit article ou manuscrit. La personne                                     National Office – Bureau National
soumettant l’article sera seule responsable. Figure à l’Index des magazines canadiens et est disponible sur Internet sous les bases de données               Andrew D. Parr, Executive Director / Directeur exécutif
de la Canadian Business and Current Affairs. L’éditeur se réserve le droit de refuser toute publicité; l’acceptation n’implique en rien une                  P.O. Box / C.P. 929, Station, Succ Q, Toronto, ON M4T 2P1
recommandation du produit ou du service.                                                                                                                     Tel/Tél: (416) 979-8874
Le prix de l’abonnement est de 25 $ par an pour les membres de La Société royale de philatélie du Canada. Ce montant est inclus dans la                      Toll Free / Sans frais: 1-888-285-4143
cotisation et les membres reçoivent automatiquement le magazine. L’abonnement pour les non-membres est de 30 $ par an. Les changements
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                                                                                                                                                             Fax/Télécpr: (416) 979-1144
Le port de retour est garanti. Le numéro d’enregistrement des éditions est : 09828.                                                                

                                                                                              July -August / Juillet - Août 2004                                                                                               197
St. Jacobs Hosts Stamp Launch
                                                                                           By Tony Shaman

  The heavy downpour shortly
before the scheduled unveiling                              Grades 4 and 5 pupils from St. Jacobs Public School
of the Home Hardware 40th-                                  helped kick off the stamp unveiling ceremonies
anniversary stamp and the still-                            with their melodic rendition of O Canada.
threatening clouds hanging over
St. Jacobs did not dampen the
party atmosphere. Only the odd
umbrella was in evidence as the
crowd, estimated at about 700
including a number of Home
Hardware dealers in town for
their   semi-annual      Market,
assembled for the festivities.
  Albert Street, several doors
down from the downtown post
office, was cordoned off for the
April 19, 2004 official ceremony.
Across the street, the caterer was
                                       voices of St. Jacobs Public School       National companies have the
already busy firing up his grills
                                       Grades 4 and 5 students with           resources to do things in grand
to barbeque several hundred
                                       their rendition of O Canada.           style and Home Hardware
hamburgers and hot dogs. A
                                       Local dignitaries, company             organizers left no stone
pair of six-foot, end-to-end
                                       officials, politicians, and area       unturned for their stamp launch
tables was needed to hold the                                                 bash. To show its support for the
                                       residents also participated in the
two birthday cakes each shaped                                                event, the board of directors of
                                       ceremony. To add a local touch
and decorated to resemble a                                                   the giant hardware chain
                                       of the village’s unique appeal,
stamped, addressed envelope.                                                  showed up in their signature red
                                       organizers arranged for a horse-
  Kicking off the unveiling            drawn buggy to provide a visual        blazers. While the village may
ceremony were the melodic              backdrop to the proceedings.           not have been the “sea of red”
                                                                              that stamp designer Ron
                                                                              Mugford alluded to in his
  Two table-size 40th-anniversary cakes, shaped and                           address to the assembled
  decorated to resemble a cover, added to the                                 gathering, the red shirts and
  celebratory mood throughout the village of St. Jacobs
                                                                              jackets     worn     by   Home
  for the April 19, 2004 Home Hardware stamp launch.
                                                                              Hardware dealers, company
                                                                              officials, staff, and employees
                                                                              did outnumber the non-red
                                                                              apparel seen around town.
                                                                                Company President Walter
                                                                              Hachborn personally signed
                                                                              5,000 first-day covers for
                                                                              presentation     to   visitors
                                                                              attending the unveiling. Also
                                                                              available to autograph covers
                                                                              was Home Hardware’s Creative
                                                                              Director Ron Mugford, who
                                                                              designed the stamp.

198                                    July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
Pictured on the Home Hardware First-Day-of-Issue cover are depictions of company co-founders Walter Hachborn
(right) and Henry Sittler. Hachborn personally autographed 5,000 covers for presentation to guests attending the
stamp unveiling.

  Collectors availed themselves        crowd began to line up for              all but dissipated and made
of the special hammers at the          hamburgers, hot dogs, soft              way for a perfect ending to a
nearby post office to cancel           drinks,   and     scrumptious           stamp launch that will long be
their first-day covers.                birthday cake, the clouds had           remembered in St. Jacobs. 
  The      village’s    pictorial
canceller depicts a typical
Home Hardware 18-wheel
tractor-trailer used by the
company to keep its more-than
1,000 coast-to-coast stores
supplied. A second hammer,
featuring a large numeral 40 in
bold print along with the
company logo, was especially
designed for the stamp launch.
Post office staff were kept busy
from early morning and
throughout most of the day
serving customers eager to
purchase the 10-stamp panel
prestige pack, first-day covers,
and sample strikes of the two
special cancellers.                    Assisting at the stamp unveiling are left to right: Home Hardware President
                                       Walter Hachborn, MP for Waterloo-Wellington Lynn Myers, Canada Post
  By the time that the official
                                       Vice-President of Business Transformation and Sourcing Management Louis
ceremonies were over and the           O’Brien, and stamp designer Ron Mugford.

                                        July -August / Juillet - Août 2004                                    199
C.R. MCGUIRE                         CONVENTION
                                     WINS PRATT                           CHAIRMAN REPORT:
      By Steve Thompson
                                     AWARD                                  Due to unforeseen circumstances,
                                                                          St. John’s, NF, will not be hosting
                                       The Collectors Club of             Royal*2006*Royale. This is
     New Way of                      Chicago is pleased to                disappointing to everyone and we
                                     announce that this year's            hope they will be able to host our
 Preventing Forgeries                winner is C.R. McGuire of            convention at some future date.
    Stamp forgeries should be a      Ottawa, Canada. Mr. McGuire            Calgary was able to move from
 thing of the past thanks to         won for his series on the            2009 to 2006 and we are indebted
 noted German stamp collector        Newfoundland Ferry SS                to them for making that change.
 Elsa Schlitztorf. Next year will    Caribou, the stamps depicting
                                                                           Convention Schedule
 see the first stamps ever issued    the steamship and their postal
 with a perfumed scent. “I got       history published in the Postal       2005 - London, May 27-29
 the idea because I was              History Society of Canada             2006 - Calgary, Sept. 29-Oct. 1
 constantly        being      sent   Journal.                              2007 - Toronto
 perfumed paper. One day I                                                 2008 - Quebec City
 thought, ‘Why not on stamps                                               2009 - St. Catharines
                                                                           2010 - open
 too?’ So I wrote the German
                                                                           2011 - Montreal, Lakeshore
 post office about my idea and
 they accepted it. It will be a      SAVE MOZART!
 great way to stop forgeries.
 Someone is bound to be caught         On April 1, 2004, a pictorial      SIR SAMUEL CUNARD
 if they issue a fake stamp with     postmark debuted at the
 an Eau d’Heaven scent when it       Canadian hamlet of Mozart,           SIGNED LETTER
 should have been Chanel             Saskatchewan. Postmaster
 Number 5.”                          Jean Halldorson chose the
                                     date to coincide with the 95th
   Schlitztorf has other motives     anniversary of the settlement’s
 with her revolutionary idea.        founding on April 1, 1909.
 “There are too few women
 collecting stamps. They need          The tiny post office has the
 something more than a piece of      distinction of being the only
 paper to attract them to our        currently existing post office
 hobby. I am confident that this     named for the famous
 idea will prove a breakthrough      composer.
 in       increasing      female       Requests for the pictorial
 membership, especially among        cancel, with remittance of
 young girls.”                       Money Order or International
   One can hardly wait for the       Reply Coupons to cover the
 heavenly scents emitting from       cost of postage, should be sent
 the stamp albums of the future.     to: Mrs. Jean Halldorson,
                                     Postmaster, Mozart, SK S0A 2S0.
                                                                                       Courtesy: Doug Lingard

200                                  July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
July -August / Juillet - Août 2004   201
Imperforate 2¢
  Map Stamps                                                                    By Richard M. Lamb, FRPSC

  Before sharing my personal              The Essays and Proofs of British        Thefts from the archives and
stories and experiences with fel-       North America by Minuse and             gifts to prominent Post Office of-
low members of the Map Stamp            Pratt (1970) relegates the Map im-      ficials supplied the stamp trade
Study Group, I would like to            perforates or Plate Proofs in nor-      from the early 1900’s on. In the
comment on the status of the im-        mal colour on Stamp Paper to            1929 Jarrett Stamps of British North
perforate Map stamps.                   Appendix B values at $40 for            America, Fred priced 2¢ Map im-
                                        pairs, $80 for blocks, all four         perforate pairs, all colours at $50
  For decades Scott catalogues
                                        shades.                                 a pair. Jarrett’s March 1931
have listed #85a and #86a as im-
perforate without gum, and
dealers and auctioneers often de-
scribe them as “without gum as
  The fact is that no Map stamp
in this condition was ever offi-
cially sold to the public to qual-
ify as legitimate errors and thus
join catalogue status.
  With proof collectors in a mi-
nority, catalogue publishers were
always under pressure from the
stamp trade to list imperforate
stamps as legitimate errors
rather than proofs.
  According to Fundamentals of
Philately published by the
American Philatelic Society, the
Essay Proof Society in 1944 de-
fined a proof as follows: “Any
impression from an officially ap-         Robson Lowe’s Encyclopaedia of        B.N.A. Record offered unpicked
proved design die, plate or             British Empire Postage Stamps, Vol-     2¢ Maps at $20 per 1,000 and 200
stone, or a new plate made from         ume 5, North America (1973) on          on cover at $10. Therefore, at that
the approved die in which the           page 289 states that various im-        time an imperforate pair equaled
design is exactly like the stamp        primatur or proof sheets includ-        2,500 stamps or 1,000 covers.
as officially sold to the public, re-   ing 2¢ Maps, were illicitly             Sir William Mulock
gardless of the colour, kind of         removed from the archives of the        Jan. 19, 1844 - Oct. 1, 1944
paper or material on which it is        Canadian Post Office. Some 2¢
printed or any experimental             Map sheets in different colours           William Mulock represented
treatment to which it was sub-          were said to have had original          York North in the House of Com-
jected and not used on stamps           gum. On page 216 the imperfo-           mons as its Liberal member from
sold to the public. Proofs were         rates are stated to total 1,200 or 12   1882 to 1905. Prime Minister Lau-
not sold to the public.”                sheets for the three main shades.       rier appointed him as Postmaster

202                                     July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
General in 1896. He served until                                             In a book on Fred Jarrett, now
1905 and his initials appear on                                            in preparation by Gray Scrim-
die proofs of Jubilee, Leaf, Nu-                                           geour and Merrick Jarrett, Fred’s
meral, Map and Edward issues.                                              notes will express a cautious re-
                                                                           spect for Ritter and will record
  In 1897 he proposed unsuccess-
                                                                           some amazing stories.
fully to the Imperial Postmaster
General that a penny (2¢) postage                                            Ritter attended the first meet-
rate be introduced for Canada                                              ing of the Canadian Stamp Deal-
and within the Empire. Mulock                                              ers’ Association in October, 1942.
then proclaimed that Canada                                                Later after a fire at his Yonge
would adopt a 3¢ rate to Eng-                                              Street Arcade stamp and coin
land. A conference on Imperial                                             shop, Ritter, who was a bachelor,
rates was called in London in                                              ran his business from his home.
1898 and after a bitter debate,                                              In 1952 I was in the Bloor Sub-
Mulock’s 2¢ rate was passed by a                                           way station stamp shop of Neil
one-vote margin.                                                           Carmichael, late father of Vance
  He then was instrumental in                                              Carmichael. Neil purchased a
having the Imperial cable com-                                             collection, made a phone call and
pleted to Australia in 1901. In      Sir William Mulock                    within the hour a stocky figure
1902 he was knighted by King                                               entered the store. He was pro-
Edward VII for those services to     hung in the offices of senior         tected by a heavy coat and a hat
the Empire.                          postal officials or bureaucrats to    which covered all but his eyes.
                                     emphasize the extent of the           He quickly checked the lot, paid
  After the Imperial rate confer-    British Empire. In 1905, when he      cash in large bills and left. I inno-
ence, Mulock had four artists        retired, or earlier, presumably Sir   cently enquired regarding this
work on essays for his proposed      William had the remaining sheets      unusual character and was ad-
2¢ Map and also on a 3¢ design.      shipped to his Toronto residence.     vised in confidence that the visi-
W.L.Green, president of the
                                       On October 1, 1944, the nation      tor was Ritter.
American Bank Note Co., also
submitted an essay which was         mourned the death of Sir William        Later that year I visited Ritter at
more like the approved design.       Mulock, a truly great Canadian.       his three-story red brick house at
The issued stamps appeared in        At his bedside among others, was      124 Isabella Street. The door only
December, 1898, with the Imper-      Colonel the Honorable W.P. Mu-        opened a couple of inches, but
ial 2¢ rate effective on Christmas   lock, Postmaster General of           unlike many other visitors, I
Day.                                 Canada. The Colonel may have          passed scrutiny and was soon
                                     been standing within a few feet       seated at the dining room table.
  Presumably the Post Office         of the mother lode of imperforate
would normally present the Post-     Map stamps. They would have             Ritter enjoyed my reaction to
master General with at least a       made a great addition to the          unpriced items – if I made an
large die proof of the Map stamp.    stamps of the 1920s on sale at the    offer it was always too low. At
However, since Mulock con-           Philatelic Agency in Ottawa. If       this and subsequent visits I made
ceived the idea, proposed and        sold by the Agency; they could        some minor purchases. Eventu-
approved the design, a signifi-      have gained true catalogue sta-       ally Ritter invited me into the li-
cant exception appears to have       tus!                                  brary where he kept his
occurred. I suggest that some-                                             enormous wholesale stock of
                                     Milton Leroy Ritter                   Canada and his better retail items
where in the Postmaster Gen-
eral’s expense accounts is an          In the late 1920s and 1930s,        and collections.
invoice for framing a substantial    Fred Jarrett and Milton Ritter
                                     were among the leading Toronto          He produced an envelope of
number of imperforate sheets of                                            imperforate Maps without gum,
                                     stamp dealers. Both had offices
the Map stamp.                                                             priced to me at $30 a pair or $60
                                     on or near Yonge Street and both
  The framed sheets may have         responded swiftly to advertise-       a block in the two main shades.
been intended to grace the corri-    ments listing collections in the      My hourly wage at Massey Har-
dors of power in Ottawa or to be     Toronto newspapers.                   ris was only $1.19 so I had to sell

                                     July -August / Juillet - Août 2004                                    203
these at local stamp clubs before                                   were or had originally been                                           an inch in thickness by an adhe-
buying others. Demand was low                                       framed for display purposes.                                          sive which defied all efforts to re-
as Ritter had flooded the market                                                                                                          move them. Jim Sissons and
                                                                      Members of the stamp trade
and placed ads in U.S. stamp                                                                                                              others were consulted but experi-
                                                                    claimed that the find consisted of
magazines.                                                                                                                                ments damaged or destroyed
                                                                    between 8 and 16 sheets. It is un-
                                                                                                                                          many copies. Finally, it was
  With my limited means, Ritter                                     clear whether a picker was in-
                                                                                                                                          found that boiling water would
obviously saw no reason to offer                                    volved, if workmen were paid off
                                                                                                                                          do the trick. Bill Maresch clearly
me a complete sheet. However,                                       or Ritter had to borrow a wheel-
                                                                                                                                          recalls soaking off a sheet for a
he did show me an almost per-                                       barrow to haul them home.
                                                                                                                                          customer by this method with al-
fectly centered mint sheet of the                                     What is less clear is why after                                     most perfect results.
50¢ Bluenose which was stored in                                    nearly 50 years this hoard was en
a rolled up newspaper!                                              route to the dump. One would                                            Lot 444 in the Sissons’ Jarrett
                                                                    have thought that someone in the                                      sale May 25 - 26, 1960, was de-
   I had no idea then that these                                                                                                          scribed as #86a imperforate
imperforate Maps were from a                                        family, like the Postmaster Gen-
                                                                    eral himself, would have realized                                     block, red omitted which made
fortunate find made by Ritter a                                                                                                           $170; could this have been too
few years earlier. Apparently                                       the significance of this material.
                                                                                                                                          long in the boil cycle?
some time after Sir William Mu-                                       After 100 years, title to any im-
lock died on October 1, 1944, a                                     perforate map stamps is techni-                                         In the Sissons’ Walter Bayley
pile of household trash was al-                                     cally in doubt. They are probably                                     sale on March 29, 1961, a #86a
legedly spotted by Ritter outside                                   actually still the property, of the                                   centre line block of 10 made $65.
the Mulock mansion at 515 Jarvis                                    government which is not plan-                                         It had faults likely caused by at-
Street, just around the corner                                      ning any action now or ever. Rit-                                     tempts to free it from the mat.
from 124 Isabella. To his surprise                                  ter got the sheets home safely but                                      Ritter was brutally murdered in
it included a number of imperfo-                                    then the fun began. The sheets                                        his home on March 19, 1971. A
rate Map sheets which either                                        were glued to a card mat 3/16 of                                      man living in the next street was

 We Sell                    Henry Gitner Philatelists, Inc                                                                                                               We Buy
           Free Price Lists                         Austrian Black Prints                                United States
      U.S & Trust Territories                       Belguim Imperfs & Proofs                             Free United States Buy List. Ask for our buy list or see
              United Nations                        Birds                                                100’s of stamps listed that we are paying over face that you may be using as
                                                                                                         postage! Quantities of U.S. mint and used always needed. We pay auction
   United Nations Specialized                       Eurpoa
                                                                                                         prices for better sound LH and NH singles and plates. Call, write, fax or email
                      Austria                       French Imperfs                                       with any offers. Top Prices Paid. Call before you sell elsewhere!
                       China                        German Specimen Overprints
                      France                        U.S Photo Essays &
                        FSAT                        Autographed Plate Blocks            BUYING CANADA
                    Germany                         Trains
                                                                                            1935-1993 F-VF+ NH
                     Guyana                         World Wildlife Fund
           Israel & Palestine                       Worldwide Artist Die Proofs                                                                UNITED NATIONS
                Liechtenstein                       Zeppelins & Aerophilately                                                                    Highest prices paid! 1951-date.
                Saudi Arabia                        These lists represent only a
                                                    fraction of our stock. With                                                                   See our buying list online at
         Worldwide Year Sets
                                                    over 20 rooms of stamps, we
                                                    can supply you with U.S and                                                        
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204                                                                  July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
charged with non-capital murder      from at least three other sheets.       After noting up to 10 sheets of
on March 21, 1971. This was front    As plate #s were not indicated,       proofs of some Pence and 1859 is-
page news in the Toronto Star and    they could have been trimmed          sues, a huge lot of 8,095 Numeral
the Globe and Mail with specula-     off to fit the Mulock picture         issue proofs, disappointed 2¢
tion about the number of imper-      frames. Lot 426, the imprint sheet    Map collectors found only 98
forate sheets and the value of his   of 100 of #85a made $4,000            black proofs and 71 black, blue
huge stock of stamps and coins.      against a Scott catalogue value of    and carmine proofs.
Several hundred thousand dol-        $5,500 and lot 431, the similar         At the time, the significance of
lars of old bank notes were found    sheet of #85b with the same Scott     the small number of 2¢ imperfo-
by the Toronto police investigat-    value, realized $4,800.               rate Map proofs offered was not
ing the crime. The suspect was         After the sale approximately 11     connected to the large number of
apparently looking for cash, of      further sheets, not in equal quan-    sheets framed by Mulock and
which Ritter was known to carry      tities of the two colours, were       later salvaged by Ritter.
a large amount.                      sold to the buyer of lots 426 and       The Canadian Post Office is
The H.R. Harmer Ritter Sale          431, who was almost certainly         said to have forced the with-
March 6 - 8, 1973                    Kasimir Bileski of Winnipeg. He       drawal of 186 lots in the sale. It is
 After a couple of years of ru-      could then take over distribution     not clear if they purchased them
mour and speculation, H.R.           previously controlled by Ritter.      or claimed title to them in accor-
Harmer Inc. of New York an-            Taking into account personal        dance with contracts signed with
nounced the Ritter stock had         sales by Ritter, his original find    the printers of the day.

        ...a pile of household trash was allegedly spotted by Ritter outside
    the Mulock mansion... it included a number of imperforate Map sheets
    which either were or had originally been framed for display purposes.

been consigned by Canada Per-
                                     may have been more than 20 im-          Lot 1828, the 2¢ Map produc-
manent Trust, administrator of
                                     perforate sheets, far more than       tion file, estimated at $5,000 -
the estate. Most Toronto dealers
and collectors had hoped that a      previously suggested by writers       $7,500, was hammered down for
Toronto auction house would          on the subject.                       $60,500, including the 10% buy-
handle this important local es-                                            ers’ penalty!
                                       The sales also included about
tate, there being no premium for     200 mint 2¢ Maps and also 6,100         Of all the lots in the sale, this was
U.S. funds at that time.             used examples, including 5,500 in     probably the most historically sig-
  Keith Harmer and Bill Roscher      bundles of 100. However, most         nificant to the people of Canada,
rented a van and picked up the       bundles had been picked over for      stamp collectors in general and 2¢
stock in Toronto. Bernard Harmer     cancellations and then made up        Map collectors in particular. This
assisted them in breaking down       to strength by fortunate collectors   lot should have been repossessed
the huge accumulation into 1,491     who resold them to Ritter.            or purchased for or by the Cana-
lots.                                                                      dian Post Office for display and for
                                     The American Bank Note                researchers to access at the Na-
  Apart from the 1950 Reford         Company Archives Sale,                tional Postal Museum. 
Sales, this may be the only three-   New York
day sale of a Canadian consign-                                              This article appeared in Volume
                                       On September 13, 1990,
ment not auctioned in Toronto.                                             4, Number 3, of The 1898 Christ-
                                     Christies Robson Lowe sold
                                                                           mas Map Stamp Newsletter, the
  I attended the sale with several   B.N.A. material from the ABN
                                                                           official organ of the Map Stamp
other Canadian dealers. There        Co. Archives. 2¢ Map collectors,
                                                                           Study Group of the British North
were approximately 245 imperfo-      noting the 2¢ Map Essay on the
                                                                           America Philatelic Society.
rate 2¢ Maps, including two im-      front cover, eagerly examined the
print sheets of 100 and blocks       2¢ Map section.                         Ed.

                                     July -August / Juillet - Août 2004                                      205
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206                                   July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
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             July -August / Juillet - Août 2004       207
Outer to Inner Space:
Royal Mail Continues its Innovative Program
                                           By Joseph Monteiro

I. Introduction                       subjects ranging from birds, veg-      which means you can combine
   Astronomy, an ancient science,     etables, landscape, transporta-        these stamps with your picture
has been in existence since the       tion, and the Coronation of            or any other picture. These Smil-
dawn of recorded civilization. Its    Queen Elizabeth II to the annual       ers complement others issued for
impact on human progress is           releases such as Christmas and         invitations, birthday greetings
monumental. Uncounted lost            Smilers. Brief technical details, as   and letters. The stamps are avail-
sailors and aviators have been        available, will also be men-           able in sheets of 20.
guided by the stars in the sky.       tioned.                                  3) Occasions (1st x 6 - Febru-
From stamps on outer space to            1) Birds of Prey (1st x 10 - Jan-   ary 4, 2003): Occasions are usu-
the recent issue of stamps on         uary 14, 2003): To pay tribute to      ally on everyone’s calendar. To
inner space, Royal Mail has con-      two birds of prey that have been       remind everyone of this, Royal
tinued to thrill philatelists in      used in heraldry Royal Mail has        Mail issued a set of six stamps
2003. The inner space stamps          released a ten-stamp set. The          on Occasions. This is the third
commemorate the findings of           birds of prey, the barn owl and        set of Occasion stamps and these
Francis Crick on the DNA (de-         kestrel, belong to the nocturnal       stamps give customers a chance
oxyribose nucleic acid) sequence      and diurnal group of birds. Each       to interact on a stamp by making
that makes each person unique.        of these birds, captured on the        their own mark and then send-
In April 1953 he stated, “We          wing and depicted on the ten           ing their own personalized mes-
have discovered the secret of         stamp, was taken by bird pho-          sage on an envelope. The
life” that laid the foundations for   tographer Stephen Dalton. These        messages on these stamps allow
the Human Genome Project.             stamps were designed by John           customers to congratulate, com-
These stamps and several other        Gibbs and printed by Walsall Se-       miserate, express their love, or
issues as described here continue     curity Printers using lithography.     give someone the all-important
to make Royal Mail stamp pro-         The stamps were printed in a           thumbs-up or down. These
gram for 2003 very exciting.          horizontal sheet format of 60 and      stamps were designed by UNA
II. Stamp Programme for 2003          were perforated with a 14x14.5         and printed by the House of
   The leading graphic artists and    perforating gauge. The size of         Questa using lithography. The
stamp designers of these stamps       each stamp is 37mm (wide) x            stamps were printed in a hori-
are: John Gibbs, Stephen Dalton,      35mm (high). The adhesive used         zontal sheet format of 60 and
Enid Marx, Michael C. Farrar          is PVA and the stamps are phos-        were perforated with a 14x14.5
Bell, George Knipe, Mary Ad-          phor coated all over with bird         perforating gauge. The size of
shead, Edmund Dulac, Williams         images reversed out. These             each stamp is 41mm (wide) x
Murray Hamm, Johnson Banks,           stamps do not have the usual           30mm (high). The stamps are
Howard Brown, Kate Stephens,          phosphor bars but instead the          phosphor coated where appro-
UNA and Phelan Barker Design          phosphor is incorporated into          priate. Royal Mail also released a
Consultants. This article de-         the white and black backgrounds        Smilers Occasions 2003 generic
scribes their stamps and pro-         of the stamp.                          sheet consisting of twenty 1st
vides technical details and             2) Smilers (1st x 8 - January 21,    Class stamps on the six Occa-
illustrations where available.        2003): To enable collectors to         sions 2003 stamps. To each
                                      continue to enjoy the British clas-    stamp is attached a label.
  In 2003, 14 commemorative           sic flower garden stamps issued          4) The Secret of Life (2nd x 1,
sets were issued. The commem-         in 1997, these stamps are now          1st x 1, E x 1, 47p x 1 and 68p x 1
orative sets cover a diversity of     being made available as Smilers,       - February 25, 2003): The secret

208                                   July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
of everlasting life has eluded       Kevin Summers. These stamps           were designed by award-win-
every researcher so far. One step    were printed by Walsall Security      ning designer Howard Brown.
nearer to understanding this was     Printers using gravure. The           These stamps were printed by
taken by decoding DNA. To cele-      stamps were printed in a hori-        De La Rue Security Print using
brate 50 years of decoding DNA,      zontal sheet format of 10 and are     gravure. The stamps were
a set of five stamps was issued      die-cut with simulated perfora-       printed in a sheet format of 50
by Royal Mail. The DNA of a          tions. The size of each stamp is      stamps and are perforated with
single person would stretch to       39mm (wide) x 38.5mm (high).          15 x 14.5 gauge. The size of each
the Sun 600 times if spun into a     The adhesive used is PVA and          stamp is 60mm (wide) x 21mm
single thread. The five stamps on    the stamps are completely phos-       (high). The adhesive used is PVA
Genome depict the end of the be-     phor coated.                          and the stamps are phosphor
ginning, comparative genetics,         6) Extreme Endeavours (1st x        coated all over.
cracking the code, genetic engi-     1, 2nd x 1, E x 1, 42p x 1, 47p x 1     7) Coronation (1st x 10 (differ-
neering, and medical futures.        and 68p x 1 - April 29, 2003): To     ent) - June 02, 2003): To commem-
These stamps were designed by        celebrate extreme endeavours          orate the 50th Anniversary of the
Williams Murray Hamm and             across oceans, deserts, polar re-     coronation of Her Majesty Queen
printed by Joh Enschedé Security     gions and the skies, Royal Mail       Elizabeth II, Royal Mail has is-
Print using lithography. The         has issued a set of six stamps.       sued a set of ten 1st stamps. It will
stamps were printed in a hori-       The six stamps depict Conquest        enable one to relive the pageantry
zontal sheet format of 50 and        of Mount Everest (1953), Amy          and enjoyment of June 2, 1953. On
were perforated with a 14x14.5       Johnson-Queen of the Air (1903-       that day fifty years ago, the
perforating gauge. The size of       1941), Freya Stark-Solo Traveller     Queen stated “This, my Corona-
each stamp is 37mm (wide) x          and Writer (1893-1993), Ernest        tion, is a declaration of our hopes
35mm (high). The stamps are          Shackleton-Polar Explorer (1874-      for the future.” It summed up in a
phosphor coated where appro-         1922), Francis Chichester -           sentence the aspirations of a na-
priate.                              Yachtsman (1901-1972), and            tion that was recovering from the
  5) Fun and Fruit Vegetable         Robert Falcon Scott-Polar Ex-         aftermath of the World Word II.
(1st x 10 (different)- March 25,     plorer (1868-1912). The stamps        Five of the stamps capture the
2003): DIY (do-it-yourself)
stamps, consisting of a set of ten
fruit and vegetable stamps, were
issued by Royal Mail. This is an-
other ‘world first’ in the area of
innovative ideas for stamps. DIY
enables the customer to give a
stamp its own personality by
using special stickers. Customers
can then construct their own
weird and wonderful world of
fruit and vegetable characters,
thereby extending the basic de-
sign of the stamps. The stamps
were designed by Johnson Banks
and the photography was by

                                     July -August / Juillet - Août 2004                                    209
pomp and ceremony of the event       each stamp is 35mm x 35mm               11) Pub Signs (1st x 1, 2nd x 1,
in glorious technicolour and the     and the stamps are phosphor           E x 1, 42p x 1, 47p x 1 and 68p x 1
other five stamps are in black and   coated where appropriate. The         - August 12, 2003): In August,
white colours. These stamps were     adhesive used is PVA gum.             Royal Mail issued a set of stamps
designed by Kate Stephens and                                              drawing attention to British
                                       9) Scotland (1st x 1, 2nd x 1, E
printed by De La Rue Security                                              pubs. The stamps on pubs cele-
                                     x 1, 42p x 1, 47p x 1 and 68p x 1 -   brate the heritage of Britain in a
Print using gravure on coated and    July 15, 2003): To depict Scot-
watermarked paper. The stamps                                              unique way. Pub signs tell stories
                                     land’s turbulent history against a    of kings, queens, religion and
were printed in a sheet format of    dramatic, natural background,
60 stamps and are perforated with                                          history marking events and char-
                                     Royal Mail has issued a set of six    acters great and small. The
14.5 x 14 gauge. The size of each    stamps. The stamps depict the
stamp is 35mm (wide) x 36mm                                                stamps depict the following pub
                                     following views of Scotland (cor-     signs: the Station; the Black
(high) and the stamps are phos-      responding to the above values):
phor coated where appropriate.                                             Swan; the Cross Keys; the
                                     Ben More, Isle of Mull; Loch As-      Mayflower; and the Barley
  8) HRH Prince William ( E x 1,     synt,     Sutherland;       Roth-     Sheaf. These stamps were de-
28p x 1, 47p x 1 and 68p x 1 -       iemurchus, Cairngorms; Dalveen        signed by Elmwood and printed
June 17, 2003): To celebrate the     Pass, Lowther Hills; Glenfinnan       by De La Rue Security Print
21st birthday of Prince William,     Viaduct, Lochaber; and Papa Lit-      using gravure. The stamps were
                                                                           printed in a sheet format of 50
                                                                           stamps and are perforated with
                                                                           14 x 15 gauge. The size of each
                                                                           stamp is 30mm (w) x 41mm (h)
                                                                           and the stamps are phosphor
                                                                           coated where appropriate. The
                                                                           adhesive used is PVA gum.
                                                                             12) Transport Toys (1st x 1, E x
                                                                           1, 42p x 1, 47p x 1 and 68p x 1 -
                                                                           September 18, 2003): Royal Mail
                                                                           issued a set of stamps to cele-
                                                                           brate a range of classic toys dat-
                                                                           ing from the 1920s to the 1950s.
                                                                           The stamps depict the following
                                                                           toys: Meccano- constructor bi-
a set of four special stamps fea-    tle, Shetland Islands. These          plane, Wells-Brimtoy- clockwork
turing portraits of Prince William   stamps were designed by Barker        double      decker     omnibus,
was issued. This is the first        Design Consultants and printed        Hornby- M 1 clockwork locomo-
stamp issue where a member of        by De La Rue Security Print           tive and tender, Dinky toys- Ford
the Royal Family has had this        using gravure. The stamps were        Zephyr and Mettoy- friction
milestone celebrated in this par-    printed in a sheet format of 50       drive space ship eagle. These
ticular fashion. Prince William      stamps and are perforated with        stamps were printed by Joh En-
was born on 21st June, 1982 at St.   14.5 x 14.5 gauge. The size of        schedé Security Print using
Mary’s Hospital, Paddington in       each stamp is 35mm x 35mm             gravure. The stamps were
London. He completed school at       and the stamps are phosphor           printed in a sheet format of 50
Eaton College and is going on to     coated where appropriate. The         and were also available as a
study History of Art at St. An-      adhesive used is PVA gum.             miniature sheet with each of the
drews University in Scotland.                                              stamps issued. The stamps were
                                       10) Smilers (1st x 20 - July 29,
                                                                           perforated with a 14x14.5 perfo-
These stamps were designed by        2003): A new Smilers Generic
                                                                           rating gauge. The size of each
Madeleine Bennett and printed        Sheet was made available on 29        stamp is 41mm (wide) x 30mm
by Walsall Security Printers Ltd.    July, 2003. The Cartoons Generic      (high). The stamps are phosphor
using gravure. The stamps were       sheet contains labels alongside       coated where appropriate. The
printed in a sheet format of 50      stamps featuring crossword            adhesive used is PVA gum.
stamps and are perforated with       clues. The stamps are available       Many toys are also sold at Royal
14.5 x 14.5 gauge. The size of       in sheets of 20.                      Mail and thousands of other

210                                  July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
transport toys can be viewed at       Irregular Definitives:              Regular Definitives:
the Cumberland Toy & Model              1) Wilding Definitives (May         1) Machin Head (May 8,
Museum                               20, 2003): Dorothy Wilding, a        2003/July 1, 2003): A new 34p
(               British photographer, was the        Machin Head stamp was issued
  13) British Museum (1st x 1,       first woman to be granted ‘By        on May 6, 2003. The stamp was
2nd x 1, E x 1, 42p x 1, 47p x 1     Appointment’ status to the Royal     printed by De La Rue Security
and 68p x 1 - October 7, 2003):      Family. Dorothy Wilding (1893-       Print using the gravure process.
On October 7, 2003, Royal Mail       1976) designed the first defini-     On May 28, 2003, the Welsh 2nd
issued a set of stamps to cele-      tive series of Her Majesty, Queen    Class definitive stamp was is-
brate 250 years of the British Mu-   Elizabeth II which were released     sued. This stamp was printed by
seum. It houses a vast collection    on December 5, 1952. In Decem-       De La Rue Security Print instead
spanning the millennia and the       ber 2002, a miniature sheet con-     of Walsall Security Print. On July
globe, ranging from the Babylon-     taining nine stamps was issued.      1, 2003, four high value stamps
ian boundary stones to the 20th      This was followed by definitive      (£1.50, £2, £3 and £5) were is-
century credit cards. The stamps                                          sued. The stamp was printed by
                                     stamps issued on May 20, 2003.
depict the following: Alexander                                           De La Rue Security Print using
                                     Michael C. Farrar Bell designed
the Great, Coffin of Denytena-                                            the gravure process rather than
                                     the (4d) 4p, (3d) 8p and (4 1/2)
mun, Sutton Hoo Helmut, Sculp-                                            the intaglio. The size of all the
                                     10p; George T. Knipe designed
ture of Parvati, Mask of                                                  stamps described in this para-
                                     the (6d) 20p and (7d) E; Mary        graph are 24mm x 20mm.
Xiuhtecuhtli,        and       Hoa
Hakananai’a. These stamps were
printed by Walsall Security
Printers Ltd. using gravure in a
sheet format of 50 stamps and
are perforated with a 14 x 15
gauge. The size of each stamp is
31mm (wide) x 41mm (high) and
the stamps are phosphor coated
where appropriate. The adhesive
used is PVA gum.
  14) Christmas (November 03):
Royal Mail issued a set of stamps
to commemorate Christmas.
Christmas stamps have been is-
sued in the UK since 1966. A
number of countries follow this
tradition to provide us with a       Adshead designed the( 9d) 28p,
sign of hope. It took nearly 400                                            2) Definitive Coil Stamps: a)
                                     (10d) 34p, and (11d) 42p; and Ed-    On January 21, 2003 a definitive
years of prayer before Christ was
                                     mund Dulac designed the (1s 6d)      coil of 500 x 1st class stamps NVI
finally born on earth.
                                     68p. The designs are considered      was issued; b) On January 21,
Definitives:                         to be classics. These stamps were    2003 a definitive coil of 500 x 2nd
  In 2003 Royal Mail issued a        printed by De La Rue Security        class stamps NVI was issued;
number of definitive stamps.         Print using gravure on uncoated      and c) On May 28, 2003, the 1st
Collecting definitive stamps of      water-marked paper. The stamps       Gold Definitive Stamp Roll was
the UK is the most challenging       were printed in a sheet format of    issued. This stamp was printed
aspect of modern British philat-     9 stamps and are perforated with     by De La Rue Security Print.
ely. A large number of definitive    14 x 15 gauge. The size of each      Each coil consists of 500 stamps.
stamps has been issued in 2003       stamp is 24mm x 20mm. The            The coils were designed to be
because of two factors: Royal        stamps are phosphor coated as        used in stamp dispensing ma-
Mail has switched printers to De     appropriate. The souvenir sheet      chines in Post Offices™, etc.
La Rue Security Print, which will    was designed by Rose Design
replace Harrison print; and a re-                                          3) Definitive 1st Class Gold:
                                     and the size of each sheet is        On July 1st, 2003, a gummed 1st
issue of the Wilding stamps with     70mm x 123mm.
new values.                                                               Class Gold Definitive stamp was

                                     July -August / Juillet - Août 2004                                 211
made available. The stamp was            itive stamps, plus a label of DNA    the first three of the Secret of Life
printed by De La Rue Security            sequences; 3) Pane 3 - 2x2nd         stamps described in section I.
Print. This is the first gold            class and 2x1st class Secret of         2) Coronation: On June 2 a
gummed definitive stamp is-              Life stamps; and 4) 4xE Secret of    prestige booklet entitled A Per-
sued.                                    Life stamps. The stamps of           fect Coronation was released.
Stamp Booklets:                          Northern Ireland were designed       This booklet contains four
                                         by Rodney Miller Associates and      panes: 1) Pane 1 - 4x1st class
  In 2003, Royal Mail issued two
                                         the genome stamps were de-           and 4x2nd class plus a label; 3)
types of booklets: prestige book-
                                         signed by Williams Murray            Pane 2 - 4x1st class (new com-
lets and regular booklets. The
                                         Hamm. The Secret of Life stamps      memoratives); 3) Pane 3 - 4x1st
prestige booklets provide inter-
                                         were printed by Joh Enschedé         class (new commemoratives); 4)
esting information and photo-
                                         Security Print using lithography;    Pane 4 - 2 x 68p, 2 x 47p and 1 x
graphs and are certainly among
                                         the Northern Ireland stamps          £1. The Coronation stamps were
the best in the world.
                                         were printed using lithography;      designed by Kate Stephens. The
Prestige Stamp Booklets:                 and the Machine stamps were          stamps were printed by Walsall
  1) Microcosmos: A guide to             printed using gravure. The Se-       Security Printers Ltd. using
Inner Space takes you on a jour-         cret of Life stamps were perfo-      gravure. The size of the stamps
ney inside the human body                rated with a 14x14.5 perforating     with the Machine Head and
through cells and chromosomes,           gauge. The size of Secret of Life    Wilding Portrait is 24mm x
and molecules and atoms. It is           stamps is 37mm (wide) x 35mm         20mm with one elliptical perfo-
written by Susan Aldridge. The           (high). The Secret of Life stamps    ration on each vertical side. The
prestige booklet contains four           are phosphor coated where ap-        size of each Coronation stamp is
panes: 1) Pane 1 - 5x2nd Class           propriate and the other defini-      35mm (wide) x 36mm (high).
and 4x1st Class Ireland country          tives have one or two phosphor       The size of the £1 stamp is
definitive stamps; 2) Pane 2 -           bars. It should be noted that the    24mm x 40.5mm. The Machin
4x1st class and E Machine defin-         prestige booklet only contains       stamps were printed on coated

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212                                      July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
paper; the Coronation stamps            III. Other Products Issued in 2003               3) Others: Besides the above
were printed on coated and wa-            In addition to commemorative                 products Royal Mail also issues a
termarked paper; and the Wild-          stamps, definitive stamps and                  number of other products such
ing/Dulac definitive stamps             stamp booklets, Royal Mail has                 as: First Day Covers, Yearbooks,
were printed on uncoated and            also issued various other prod-                Yearpacks, Phone Cards, Albums
watermarked paper. The stamps           ucts in 2003. Those of greater in-             and Gifts and Collectibles. A
have phosphor coating as ap-            terest to philatelists are as                  complete listing can be found in
propriate. The size of the pres-        follows:                                       its Stock List.
tige stamp book is 162mm x
                                          1) Stamp Cards: Several sets of              IV. Concluding Remarks
                                        stamps cards were issued in 2003.                Royal Mail has come up with a
Regular Booklets:                       These are: a) Birds of Prey (10); b)           fascinating philatelic program
  1) On March 4, 2003 Royal             Occasions 2003 (6); c) Secret of               for 2003. This is hardly surpris-
Mail issued a Occasions 2002            Life (5); d) Fun Fruit and Vegeta-             ing for the year in which Her
‘Hello’ retail booklet. This £1.68      bles (10); e) Extreme Endeavours               Majesty Queen Elizabeth II cele-
booklet consists of 4 x 1st NVI         (6); f) Coronation (10); g) Prince             brated the 50th anniversary of
and 2 x 1st NVI Hello stamps.           William (1); h) Scotland (6); i) Pub           her Coronation. Besides com-
This booklet contains self-adhe-        Signs (5); j) Transport Toys; k)               memorative stamps, there were
sive stamps.                            British Museum; and l) Christ-                 also other interesting products
                                        mas. The number after the brack-               such as new definitive stamps
  2) On March 27, 2003, five self-      ets indicates the number of stamp              that added to the many varieties
adhesive stamp retail booklets          cards issued in the set. Generally,            to keep the interest of specialists
were issued. The booklets were:         the number of stamp cards corre-               alive. Then there were the pres-
a) 4 x European 40g (£2.12); b) 4       sponds to the number of stamps                 tige booklets that stand out as
x Worldwide 40g (£4.48); c) 12 x        issued and each is sold for 25p.               carefully researched and printed
1st Gold NVI (£3.36); d) 12 x 2nd         2) Coin/Banknote/Ingot Cov-                  products. In summary, the
NVI (£2.40); and e) 6 x 1st Gold        ers: Several covers with a coin                United Kingdom has always
NVI (£1.68). The booklets noted         or/and banknote or ingot have                  marketed well designed and at-
from c) to e) were printed by           also been issued. In 2003 these                tractively printed stamps to keep
Walsall Security Printers Ltd.          special covers were: a) DNA Dis-               it ahead of nearly every other
  3) In April 2003, Royal Mail is-      coveries Coin cover; b) Pillar to              country in the world. 
sued a Endeavours Retail book-          Post 2nd Class Ingot cover; c)
let. This £1.68 booklet consists of     Pillar to Post 1st Class Ingot
                                        cover; d) Penny Black Stamp                    BIBLIOGRAPHY
4 x 1st NVI and 2 x 1st Extreme
Endeavours Stamps. This book-           Ingot cover; e) Coronation Coin                1.   Stamp Preview, 2003.
                                        cover; f) Coronation Banknote                  2.   Stamp Calendar 2003,
let contains self-adhesive
                                        cover; g) Coronation Ingot cover;                   Your Guide to New Special
                                        h) Coronation Ingot and Crown;                      Stamps, Royal Mail.
  4) On May 28, 2003, three retail      and i) Green Shilling Ingot Pk.
booklets were made available
with visible changes to the book-
let covers. These booklets, printed       GET ANOTHER PERSPECTIVE
by Walsall, reflect a new branding
change of Royal Mail’s logo,              ON CANADIAN PHILATELY
which now has ‘The Real Net-              Nearly half our members come from the other side of the pond.
work’ placed below the cruciform.
                                          They enjoy our quarterly award-winning magazine, Maple Leaves.
The three retail booklets are: a) 6 x
E NVI; b) 6 x 42p; and c) 6 x 68p.        Some of them come to our annual convention

  5) In September 2003 Royal              Are you missing out?
Mail issued a retail booklet con-         For a complimentary copy of Maple Leaves and
taining six 1st stamps. The six           further information write to the Secretary:
                                          John Wright, 12 Milchester House, Staveley Road,
stamps are: 4x1st Machins and             Meads, Eastbourne, East Sussex, BN20 7JX UK
2x1st Transport stamps.
                                          SUBSCRIPTIONS PAYABLE IN CANADA

                                        July -August / Juillet - Août 2004                                              213
Transcribing Sounds
                 By Michael Madesker, RDP, FRPSC

  The author of this study has        of their activity (staking out of
taken many liberties, with apolo-     territories is still the practice of
gies to all concerned, with the       domesticated animals); it may
rules of philatelic composition       have been initiated by an indi-
and the interpretation of some        vidual as social interaction grew
scientific facts to make the narra-   to indicate the dangers or the
tive more interesting. Care, how-     bounty of an area or, perhaps,
ever, was taken in accuracy of        from magic symbols created to
the information provided.             appease a deity or repeal evil
  This article should not be used     spirits.
as an example for the prepara-          As fascinating as the study of
tion of collections for an exhibi-    the development of writing is, it
tion nor be quoted as a scientific                                           Egypt's Golden Goddess
                                      is not the scope or purpose of         of Writing
work. The purpose of this work        this article. The purpose of this
is strictly to furnish some basic     study is to assist the reader in
information and to stimulate fur-                                            pen, chisel or other implement
                                      recognition of the many writing        for the purpose of conveying a
ther studies in the many areas        systems found on stamps and
touched upon here.                                                           message, telling a story or leav-
                                      other philatelic materials. It is      ing a record.
  PREFACE: Human progression          with great reluctance that we
from a gestural to a sound-based      must leave the theories and              WRITING: a group of signs or
language and ability to make          foundations of languages to the        symbols, drawings, etchings or
tools has also increased mobility     scientific community.                  other symbols containing a
of the individual. This generated                                            thought.
                                      DEFINING SOME TERMS
the need for a greater degree of                                               SCRIBE or WRITER: a person
communications. Writing may             SCRIPT: a mark, sign or other        producing a script, symbol,
have developed from the mark-         manual distortion of a surface         drawing, etc. In some cultures a
ings our early gatherer-hunter        such as paper, rock, wood, etc.        scribe was a highly regarded
ancestors left to indicate the area   made by means of a tool be it a        professional charged with record

        Shang Dynasty:            Han Dynasty:                  Ming Dynasty:             Qing Dynasty:
         Tortoise Shell            Wood Slips                    Iron Scrolls               Paper Book
      16-11th Century BCE        3rd Century BCE               14th Century CE          17-20th Century CE
                                Writing surfaces used in China through the ages.

214                                   July -August / Juillet - Août 2004
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