Jurisdictional comparison The Netherlands - Luxembourg - Cyprus Holding companies - CLIENT - ATTORNEY PRIVILEGED WORK PRODUCT

Page created by Ramon Hunt

      Jurisdictional comparison
The Netherlands – Luxembourg – Cyprus
         Holding companies

Jurisdiction                   Netherlands                            Luxembourg                         Cyprus


Incorporation time and costs   Possible in 3 days                     Less than a week                   Up to 2 weeks
                               app. EUR 2,500                         app. EUR 4,000                     app. EUR 2,000

Share capital                  BV (Besloten vennootschap met          Sarl (Société à responsabilité     Ltd. (a Cyprus limited liability
                               beperkte aansprakelijkheid -           limitée - Luxembourg private       company): no minimum share
                               Dutch private limited liability        limited liability company): EUR    capital, denomination of the
                               company): no minimum share             12,500 minimum share capital,      shares is free.
                               capital, no authorized capital in      denomination of the shares is
                               the articles of association, capital   free.
                               may be denominated in a
                               currency other than Euro,              SA (Société Anonyme -
                               nominal value of shares may be         Luxembourg public limited
                               expressed in more than two digits      liability company): EUR 31,000
                               behind the decimal point.              minimum share capital,
                                                                      denomination of the shares is
                               NV (Naamloze vennootschap –            free.
                               Dutch public limited liability
                               company): minimum share capital        SCA (Société en Commandite par
                               of EUR 45,000.                         Actions – Luxembourg partnership
                                                                      limited by shares): EUR 31,000
                               Coop (Coöperatie met uitgesloten       minimum share capital,
                               aansprakelijkheid – a Dutch            denomination of the shares is
                               cooperative ): no minimum              free.

Registered office              Must be maintained in the              Must be maintained in              Must be maintained in Cyprus.
                               Netherlands .                          Luxembourg .

Jurisdiction              Netherlands                         Luxembourg                           Cyprus

Shareholders/directors    BV/NV: Minimum 1                    Sarl: minimum 1 shareholder/1        Minimum 1 shareholder/1
                          shareholder/1director.              manager.                             director plus company secretary.

                          Coop: minimum 2 members/1           SCA: minimum 2 limited
                          director.                           partners/1 general partner.

                                                              SA: minimum 1 shareholder/3

Shareholders liability    Limited to contribution.            Sarl/SA: Limited to contribution.    Limited to contribution.

                                                              SCA: limited partners – limited to
                                                              contribution, general partner –

Reporting                 Mandatory filing of annual          Mandatory filing of annual           Annual accounts and annual
                          accounts including financial        accounts.                            return must be filed with
                          statements and a management                                              Registrar of Companies.
                          board report.

Accounting requirements   No mandatory audit, unless 2 of     No mandatory independent             Mandatory audit annual accounts.
                          the following 3 criteria are        auditor, unless 2 of the following
                          fulfilled by the company during 2   3 criteria are fulfilled by the
                          successive years:                   company during 2 successive
                          - total assets exceeding EUR 4.4    years:
                          million;                            - total balance sheet exceeding
                          - turnover exceeding EUR 8.8        EUR 3.125 million;
                            million;                          - net turnover: exceeding EUR
                          - a workforce of more than 50       6.25 million;
                            employees.                        - average number of full-time

Jurisdiction                   Netherlands                           Luxembourg                          Cyprus

                                                                     employees: 50.

Confidentiality                The companies register (reveals       The companies register (reveals     The companies register (reveals
                               information concerning the            information concerning the          information concerning the
                               directors, sole shareholder,          directors, shareholders and         directors, shareholders,
                               registered address, incorporation     classes and amounts of shares       registered address, incorporation
                               date) and articles of association     held, registered address,           date, charges and mortgages
                               are publically accessible.            incorporation date), articles of    registered on company assets) is
                                                                     association are publically          publically accessible.

Meetings of shareholders       May be held outside the               May be held outside Luxembourg.     May be held outside Cyprus.
                               Netherlands if the articles of
                               association so provide or             Decisions can be also taken
                               anywhere else if all shareholders     outside a physical meeting by way
                               agree and the                         of a written resolutions of
                               managing/supervisory directors        shareholders.
                               have been given the opportunity
                               to advise on the proposed
                               resolutions beforehand.

                               Decisions can be also taken
                               outside a physical meeting by way
                               of a written resolutions of


Tax on capital contributions   None.                                 None.                               EUR 102 registration fee plus
                                                                                                         capital duty of 0.6% of the
                                                                                                         authorized capital and of any

Jurisdiction                     Netherlands                           Luxembourg                           Cyprus

                                                                                                            subsequent increases in
                                                                                                            authorized capital (contributions
                                                                                                            with regards to merger or
                                                                                                            reorganization are exempt).

Corporate Income tax rate        25% (20% for the first EUR            Effective combined rate of           10% (interest received other than
                                 200,000 of profits).                  29.22%. An annual minimum flat       in, or closely related to the
                                                                       tax of EUR 3,210 is levied on        ordinary course of business is
                                                                       holding companies of which the       subject to 15% special defense
                                                                       assets consist for more than 90%     contribution (“SDC”) tax.
                                                                       of ‘financial assets’. Such tax is
                                                                       creditable against a future tax

Participation exemption regime   Provides full exemption for both       Provides full exemption for         All dividends derived from a
                                 dividends and capital gains.           both dividends and capital          foreign participation are full
                                                                        gains. 1-year holding period        exempt. No minimum
                                 Minimum participation of at least      and minimum participation           participation or holding period
                                 5% and one of the following three      requirements apply. Minimum         requirements apply.
                                 tests is met:                          participation of at least 10% (or
                                                                        acquisition price of EUR 1.2        SDC tax of 20% applies on
                                 (i) The objective with respect to      million for dividends and EUR 6     dividends derived from a non-
                                     the participation is to obtain     million for capital gains),         resident subsidiary that engages
                                     a return that is higher than a     participation is sufficiently       directly or indirectly for more
                                     return that may be expected        taxed (i.e. a tax rate of 10.5%     than 50% in activities which lead
                                     from regular asset                 and a comparable tax base) and      to investment income and the
                                     management (“Purpose               a minimum holding period of         foreign tax is significantly lower
                                     Test”);                            12months applies.                   than the tax rate payable in
                                                                                                            Cyprus (“passive dividends”).
                                 (ii) The direct and indirect assets
                                      of the subsidiary consist for                                         Capital gains realized from the

Jurisdiction                    Netherlands                            Luxembourg                         Cyprus

                                    less than 50% of so-called                                            disposal of securities are exempt.
                                    low-taxed free passive assets                                         Gains from sale of shares of
                                    (“Asset Test”). Generally this                                        unlisted companies owning
                                    Test is easily met by                                                 immovable property in Cyprus are
                                    operating companies with an                                           subject to 20% tax capital gains
                                    ‘active business enterprise’;                                         tax to the extent the gains are
                                                                                                          derived from such property.
                                (iii) The subsidiary is subject to a
                                      genuine tax determined on
                                      Dutch tax standards (i.e. an
                                      effective tax of at least 10%
                                      according to Dutch tax
                                      standards) (“Subject-to-tax

CFC, anti-abuse and interest    Light CFC rules and certain            No CFC rules, but certain anti-    No CFC rules, general anti-
deduction limitations           limitations on the deduction of        abuse provisions and limitations   avoidance provisions including
                                interest may apply (i.e. specially     on interest deductibility may      the disregarding of artificial or
                                on the deduction of interest           apply.                             factious transactions may apply.
                                expenses on debt related to the
                                acquisition of a participation).

Dividend withholding tax
(“WHT”) on outbound dividends

(i) Domestic rate               15%. Subject to certain anti-abuse     15%.                               0%.
                                provision, the Dutch cooperative
                                is fully exempt from withholding
                                tax on distributions and is thus
                                very efficient when dividend
                                distributions are expected.

Jurisdiction                        Netherlands                            Luxembourg                             Cyprus

(ii) WHT on distributions made to   0% if a participation of at least 5%   0% if a participation of at least      0%.
EU corporate shareholders           is held in the holding company.        10% (or EUR 1.2 million
qualifying under the local                                                 acquisition price) is held in the
implementation of the EU                                                   holding company for an
Parent/Subsidiary Directive                                                uninterrupted period of at least
                                                                           12 months.

(iii) WHT on distributions made      15%, which may be reduced to          15%, which may be reduced to 0%        No dividend withholding tax on
to corporate shareholders            0% by means of an applicable          by means of an applicable tax          overseas distributions to non-
abroad the EU                        tax treaty. Subject to certain        treaty. In addition, profit            residents.
                                     anti-abuse provisions, the            participating loans (i.e. CPECS)
                                     Dutch cooperative is fully            and partial redemption of shares
                                     exempt from withholding tax           are commonly used and tax-
                                     on distributions.                     efficient techniques to avoid
                                                                           withholding tax on distributions.

Withholding tax on interest         0%.                                    0% (an exception may apply for         0% on interest paid to non-
payments                                                                   individuals by virtue of the EC        resident recipients.
                                                                           Savings Directive).

Withholding tax on royalty          None.                                  None.                                  None, unless the rights are used
payments                                                                                                          in Cyprus (subject to 10%
                                                                                                                  withholding tax).

Taxation of non-resident            Capital gains and dividends may        Capital gains are only taxed in        Capital gains and dividends
shareholders                        trigger Dutch taxes at the level of    Luxembourg in case of the              derived by non-resident
                                    non-resident shareholders if a         alienation of a substantial interest   shareholders on the participation
                                    substantial interest is held in the    in the holding company (i.e.           in the holding company are fully
                                    holding company (i.e.                  interest of more than 10%) and         exempt from Cyprus tax at the

Jurisdiction                Netherlands                           Luxembourg                          Cyprus

                            participation of at least 5%). Such   such gain is realized within a      level of such shareholders.
                            taxation would not apply if the       period of 6 months following the
                            participation is attributable to a    acquisition of the shares in the
                            business enterprise at the level of   holding company. Dividends are
                            the non-resident shareholder or       not subject to Luxembourg taxes
                            such interest is not held with one    at the level of the non-resident
                            of the main purposes to avoid         shareholder.
                            Dutch personal income tax and/or
                            Dutch dividend withholding tax
                            liability at the level of another
                            person. In practice, it is not
                            difficult to show the presence of
                            an enterprise at the level of non-
                            resident shareholders.

Tax rulings                 Advance tax rulings are granted       Tax rulings are standard practice   Although it is not standard
                            confirming residency of the           in Luxembourg and tax authorities   practice, advance clearances are
                            holding company and in relation       are willing to issue tax rulings    issued by the Cyprus tax
                            to the participation exemption        confirming the taxation of all      authorities and are available upon
                            regime and the position of non-       matters that are of importance      request.
                            resident shareholders.                for a holding company (e.g.
                                                                  participation exemption regime,
                                                                  exemption of distributions – in
                                                                  particular alphabetic shares and
                                                                  CPECS – and also debt-financing

Double Tax Treaty Network

(i) Number of treaties in   96.                                   64.                                 45.

Jurisdiction                           Netherlands                           Luxembourg                           Cyprus

 (ii) Do any of the treaties include   Yes, amongst others: NL-Portugal,     Yes, amongst others, LUX-US.         Yes, The Cyprus-US double tax
“anti-treaties hopping”                NL-US, NL-Malta.                                                           treaty contains ‘limitation of
provisions and/or detailed                                                                                        benefits’ provisions.
“beneficial ownership” tests?

Key items included in the tax
treaty concluded with Russia

Withholding tax rates

(i) Dividends                          5%: if the beneficial owner is a      10% (to be reduced to 5% under       5%: if the beneficial owner has
                                       company – other than a                the New Protocol to the Treaty as    invested at least EUR 100,000 (or
                                       partnership) which holds 25% of       per 2014): if the beneficial owner   the equivalent in other national
                                       the capital of the company paying     holds directly at least 20% of the   currency). 10%: in all other cases.
                                       the dividends and has invested at     company paying the dividends
                                       least EUR 75,000 (or the              and has invested at least EUR
                                       equivalent in other national          75,000 (or the equivalent in other
                                       currency). 15%: in all other cases.   national currency). 15%: in all
                                                                             other cases.

(ii) Interest                          0%.                                   0%.                                  0%.

(iii) Royalties                        0%.                                   0%.                                  0%.

Local taxation of capital gains on

(i) Local taxation of capital gains    No Russian local taxation             No Russian local taxation            No Russian local taxation, unless
on shares                              (depending on local legislation       (depending on local legislation      the local Russian subsidiary
                                       this may be different for             this may be different for            derives more than 50% of its
                                       subsidiaries investing in             subsidiaries investing in            value from immovable property

Jurisdiction                                 Netherlands                                  Luxembourg                                   Cyprus

                                             immovable property).                         immovable property).                         located in Russia).


Annual corporate fees of trust               app. EUR 6,000 – 8,000.                      app. EUR 7,000 – 10,000.                     app. EUR 4.000 – 6.000.
companies for management,
administration and domiciliation

Governmental fees                            None.                                        Annual fee of app. EUR 135 .                 Annual company maintenance fee
                                                                                                                                       EUR 350 payable to Registrar of

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                                                                                               Marcello Distaso
                                                                                               Yana Levin

                                                                                               J.J. Viottastraat 52
                                                                                               1071 JT Amsterdam
                                                                                               The Netherlands

                                                                                               T: +31 20 7601 603
                                                                                               E: marcello.distaso@vancampenliem.com

                       Van Campen Liem is the joint trade name of Liem & Partners N.V. and Van Campen & Partners N.V. Liem & Partners N.V. has its statutory seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands,
and is registered with the Trade Register under number 54787882. Van Campen & Partners N.V. has its statutory seat at Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and is registered with the Trade Register under
                                                                                                                                                                               number 54033500.
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