Kansas Register Vol. 40, No. 52 December 30, 2021

Kansas Register
Vol. 40, No. 52   December 30, 2021   Pages 1769-1804
1770                                                                                                                                                     Table of Contents
                                                                                Kansas Register
In this issue …                                                                                                                Page           The Kansas Register (USPS 0662-
                                                                                                                                              190) is an official publication of the
Legislative Branch                                                                                                                            state of Kansas, published by au-
   Legislative Administrative Services                                                                                                        thority of K.S.A. 75-430. The Kansas
                                                                                                                                              Register is published weekly and a
     Interim Committee Schedule................................................................................................1771           cumulative index is published an-
                                                                                                                                              nually by the Kansas Secretary of
Rates                                                                                                                                         State. One-year subscriptions are
                                                                                                                                              $80 (Kansas residents must include
   Pooled Money Investment Board
                                                                                                                                              applicable state and local sales tax).
     Notice of Investment Rates...................................................................................................1771        Single copies, if available, may be
                                                                                                                                              purchased for $2. Periodicals post-
Notices                                                                                                                                       age paid at Topeka, Kansas.
   South Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad                                                                                                         POSTMASTER: Send change of ad-
     Request for Proposals for Cornell Shop Track and Crossing                                                                                dress form to Kansas Register, Sec-
      Rehabilitation Project.........................................................................................................1771     retary of State, 1st Floor, Memorial
   Watco/Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad                                                                                                           Hall, 120 SW 10th Ave., Topeka, KS
     Request for Proposals for Bartlett Track Expansion.........................................................1772
   Kansas Public Employees Retirement System                                                                                                  © Kansas Secretary of State 2020.
     Request for Proposals for Securities Litigation Counsel..................................................1774                            Reproduction of the publication in
                                                                                                                                              its entirety or for commercial pur-
   Kansas Department for Aging and Disability Services                                                                                        poses is prohibited without prior
     Request for Grant Applications for Psychiatric Residential Treatment                                                                     permission. Official enactments of
      Facility Capacity in Western Kansas................................................................................1774                 the Kansas Legislature and pro-
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Procurement and Contracts                                                                  posed and adopted administrative
                                                                                                                                              regulations of state agencies may
     Notice to Bidders for State Purchase...................................................................................1777              be reproduced in any form without
   Kansas Department of Administration – Office of Facilities and Property Management                                                         permission.
     Notice of Requested “On-Call” Architectural Programming Services..........................1778
                                                                                                                                              Hard copy subscription informa-
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment                                                                                                tion and current and back issues of
     Notice Concerning Proposed Air Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal.............1778                                                 the Kansas Register (PDF Format)
     Notice Concerning Water Pollution Control Permits and Applications........................1779                                           can be found at the following link:
     Notice of Intent to Issue a Permit for Proposed Construction and Demolition                                                              http://www.sos.ks.gov/publications/
      Waste Processing Facility...................................................................................................1782        kansas-register.html.
     Notice of Intent to Issue a Permit for Proposed E-Waste Reclamation and
      Recycling Center.................................................................................................................1782
     Notice of Hearing for 2022 Intended Use Plan Amendments to the Kansas
      Public Water Supply Loan Fund and Kansas Water Pollution Control                                                                               Register Office:
      Revolving Fund...................................................................................................................1783     1st Floor, Memorial Hall
   Kansas Department of Transportation                                                                                                                785-368-8095
     Notices to Consulting Firms for Construction Inspection Projects...................... 1783-1793                                            kansasregister@ks.gov
Executive Branch
   Office of the Governor
     Executive Directive No. 21-547, Authorizing Personnel Transactions...........................1794
   Attorney General
     Notice of 2021 Update to Guidelines for Evaluating Proposed Governmental
       Actions to Identify Potential Takings of Private Property............................................1794

   Kansas Development Finance Authority
    Notice of Hearing on Proposed Agricultural Development Revenue Bonds...............1795

   Kansas State Board of Nursing
                                                                                                                                                      Published by
    Notice of Hearing on Proposed Administrative Regulations..........................................1795
                                                                                                                                                      Scott Schwab
   Kansas Department of Health and Environment                                                                                                      Secretary of State
    Permanent Administrative Regulations.............................................................................1797                       1st Floor, Memorial Hall
   Kansas Lottery                                                                                                                                   120 SW 10th Ave.
    Temporary Administrative Regulations.............................................................................1798                        Topeka, KS 66612-1594
Index to administrative regulations............................................................................1800                                 www.sos.ks.gov
Cover Artwork: Bald Eagles, Wabaunsee County
Photo by Todd Caywood

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                                Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021
Legislative Branch/Rates/Notices                                                                                                           1771
                                                                   Kansas Register
State of Kansas
                                                  Legislative Administrative Services
                                                           Interim Committee Schedule
   The Legislative Research Department gives notice that the following legislative committees plan to meet on the dates
listed below based on current information and subject to change. Requests for accommodation to participate in commit-
tee meetings should be made at least two working days in advance of the meeting by contacting Legislative Administra-
tive Services at 785-296-2391 or TTY 711, or email legserv@las.ks.gov.

Date              Room               Time                Committee                           Agenda
Jan. 5            582-N              10:30 a.m.          Joint Committee on Administrative   Proposed rules and regulations of the Kansas
                                                         Rules and Regulations               Department of Health and Environment

                                                                                                                   Tom Day, Director
                                                                                                    Legislative Administrative Services
Doc. No. 049682

State of Kansas                                                                • Road closure is required prior to work beginning
          Pooled Money Investment Board                                        • All OTM/materials removed from this portion of
                                                                                 this project shall be disposed of in accordance with
                  Notice of Investment Rates                                     all local, state, and federal regulations
                                                                               • In accordance with AREMA standards, ballast
  The following rates are published in accordance with                           shoulders are to be dressed at the end of each work-
K.S.A. 75-4210. These rates and their uses are defined in                        day to prevent thermal deviation in track due to dis-
K.S.A. 12-1675(b)(c)(d) and K.S.A. 12-1675a(g).                                  turbed roadbed
              Effective 12-27-21 through 1-2-22                                • Additional details concerning the scope of work as-
             Term                          Rate                                  sociated with the project will be addressed in the
          1-89 days                       0.08%                                  pre-proposal meeting
           3 months                       0.03%                              Minimum Requirements
           6 months                       0.13%
          12 months                       0.33%                              MSA and Roadway Worker Protection
          18 months                       0.53%                                Contractors must complete, and have on file, a current
            2 years                       0.69%                              Master Services Agreement with SKOL Railroad prior to
                                                                             any work being completed. Prior to submitting a proposal:
                                                        Scott Miller
                                                                               • Contractors shall comply with all parts of 49 CFR
                                           Director of Investments
Doc. No. 049669
                                                                                 Part 214 and 219 regarding FRA Roadway Worker
                                                                                 Safety at all times. Men and equipment shall remain
           (Published in the Kansas Register December 30, 2021.)
                                                                                 clear of the track unless they have gained Roadway
                                                                                 Worker Protection from a qualified person.
       South Kansas and Oklahoma Railroad                                      • Contractor, contractor employees, agents and/or
                                                                                 subcontractors must be enrolled and comply with
                      Request for Proposals                                      the FRA 219 approved drug testing program.
  Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal to                       • Any subcontracted work will need to be approved
remove and install new ties and rehabilitate a crossing                          by the SKOL Railroad prior to any work starting.
for the proposed South Kansas and Oklahoma (SKOL)                              • As of January 1, 2021, all contractors will be re-
Railroad project.                                                                quired to complete WATCO Contractor Orienta-
                                                                                 tion at https://watcocontractor.com/. Any contrac-
Scope of Work                                                                    tor who was previously enrolled in e-SHORTLINE
  Tie Replacement (MP 353.00 – 355.20 Cornell Car                                with Watco in the past, will be required to complete
Shop Lead), and crossing rehabilitation between Pitts-                           the WATCO Contractor Orientation.
burg, Kansas and Cornell Mechanical Shop. Provide all
necessary labor, equipment, and logistical services to                       Work Windows
supply/install all materials called for to complete this                       Impact to current railroad/mechanical shop oper-
project.                                                                     ations must be kept to a minimum. When work must
                                                                             take place that causes an active track to be taken out of
  • Remove and install 1,211 new, 7x9x8.6” (Grade                            service for the purposes of performing work that per-
    80/20) ties                                                              tains to the project, the contractor must pre-arrange a
  • Remove and install all needed OTM – plates, spikes,                      defined work window with the railroad. Contractor can
    and anchors                                                              anticipate a minimum work window of ten hours with
  • Remove and install new crossing material for 33’                         no more than one schedule of interruption in that time
    crossing per Watco specifications                                                                                               (continued)

                                                   Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021                               © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
1772                                                                                                                        Notices
                                                 Kansas Register
frame between the hours of 07:00 and 17:00. For work         Pre-Proposal Meeting
windows extending more than ten hours, a minimum                The SKOL Railroad shall hold a pre-proposal meeting
of 72 hours of notification is required to the railroad to   at 10:00 a.m. (CST) Thursday, January 13, 2022, at the
arrange this window. Work windows may be arranged            Watco Mechanical Shop (Cornell) five miles NE of Pitts-
seven days a week, if desired. Current plant operations      burg, Kansas. Please contact Cameron Ginther for addi-
consist of at least one train per week through the work      tional details.
area. This train operates in the evening hours; howev-       Project Completion
er, this schedule is subject to change at any time. This       It is expected the contractor must start work no later
topic will be further discussed during the pre-proposal      than 30 days after being awarded the bid and complete
meeting.                                                     the project within 90 days of being awarded the bid. Pri-
Standards                                                    or to the completion of the project, there will be a final in-
   All standards referenced by the project plans and spec-   spection. If there are any issues with the quality of work,
ifications, as well as all applicable AREMA standards        the contractor will be responsible for fixing any issues
must be upheld during all phases of the project work,        found.
unless certain standards are excluded from the project       Submission of a Proposal
with written approval by the SKOL Railroad.                    All proposals must be submitted no later than 4:00 p.m.
Submittals                                                   (CST) Thursday, January 27, 2022, to Cameron Ginther
  The following documents shall be submitted by the          at cameron.ginther@watco.com. All submitted proposals
contractor as part of the project, at the times listed:      shall be reviewed by the SKOL Railroad. Please ensure
                                                             your proposal includes all required information. All late
   • Schedule of Work – Submitted with proposal
                                                             or incomplete proposals shall be rejected. Further infor-
   • Certificate of Insurance – Submitted prior to con-      mation or questions regarding the request for proposals
     struction                                               can be directed to Cameron Ginter at 785-513-6049 or
   • Safety Plan – Submitted prior to construction           cameron.ginther@watco.com. The structure of your pro-
   • Proof of Roadway Worker Training – Submitted            posal must be able to be clearly understood, all proposals
     prior to construction                                   shall provide the following line items and provide costs
Other Responsibilities                                       as required below:
 • Permits – Contractor is responsible for all federal,        • Provide a total sum for Tie Installation and the
    state, and local permits required for the work               Crossing Rehab proposal
 • Utilities – Contractor is responsible to locate and         • Mobilization and demobilization – lump sum
    protect site utilities                                     • Taxes (all applicable)
 • Site Clean-up – Contractor is responsible for prop-
    er site restoration and proper disposal of materials     Work Reporting
    removed in accordance with all local, state, and fed-      Daily work reports must be filled out and submitted
    eral laws                                                to Cameron Ginther – Project Manager, email cameron.
                                                             ginther@watco.com; and James Herman – Plant Manager,
Insurance                                                    email james.herman@watco.com. Weekly reports should
  Contractor shall purchase required coverage and sub-       include updates to project schedules or any delays. A de-
mit for verification a Certificate of Insurance.             tailed summary report must be submitted upon the com-
Materials                                                    pletion of the project.
   All materials shall meet the requirements found in                                                            Cameron Ginther
the project plans and/or specifications as well as appli-                                                                 Watco
cable AREMA requirements. Material storage is granted        Doc. No. 049657
on railroad right of way to the contractor. However, no
materials shall be stored closer than 15’ from the center-              (Published in the Kansas Register December 30, 2021.)
line of any active track, at any time. Material and equip-
ment laydown areas and reclaimed materials stockpiling                             Watco
locations shall be discussed and further clarified at the                Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad
pre-proposal meeting. All removed materials remain
property of the SKOL Railroad, to be stockpiled as di-                             Request for Proposals
rected by a railroad representative.                           Interested parties are invited to submit a proposal to
Non-Project Areas                                            build subgrade and install track at the Bartlett facility in
  The SKOL Railroad has secured access to the project        Great Bend, Kansas.
through the railroad right of way. Other access may be       Scope of Work
obtained by the contractor if he so chooses. All areas         Project is in Great Bend, Kansas on proposed track
(public, private, and railroad right of way) that are used   expansion at the existing Bartlett Site. This proposal re-
for access to the project, including parts of the railroad   quests the contractor provide all necessary labor, equip-
right of way which have no proposed work, shall be           ment, and logistical services for installation of a rail spur
maintained and/or remediated, incidental to the project,     including grading, subballast, drainage, erosion control,
by the contractor to the satisfaction of the property own-   complete all rehab and track construction work, ties, bal-
er if any damage to these areas occurs.                      last, etc. The scope is further described as follows:

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021       Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                  1773
                                                Kansas Register
  • Grading site including clearing, stripping, excava-     the Contractor must pre-arrange a defined work window
    tion, embankment, subballast installation (owner        with Watco/Kansas & Oklahoma Railroad. Contractor
    supplied material) and earthen bumpers. 12,797.64       can anticipate a minimum work window of eight hours
    Tons of subballast to be installed per KSDOT spec-      with no more than one schedule of interruption in that
    ifications.                                             time frame. Between the hours of 07:00 and 17:00. This
  • Obtain, manage and closeout SWPPP for project           topic will be further discussed and clarified during the
    including install of erosion control measures – silt    pre-proposal meeting.
    fence and check dams per plan. Drainage to be           Standards
    maintained at all times during construction activ-         All standards referenced by the project plans and spec-
    ities.                                                  ifications, as well as all applicable AREMA standards
  • Construction surveying to include final as-built        must be upheld during all phases of the project work,
    survey.                                                 unless certain standards are excluded from the project
  • Install only pricing for approximately 10,596 Track     with written approval. All rail shall be replaced at stan-
    Feet of 115# jointed relay rail on new 7x9x8.6’ wood    dard gauge of 56-1/2.”
  • Install only pricing for 8 each owner supplied ARE-     Submittals
    MA industrial Turn Out to be built using 115# rail,       The following documents shall be submitted by the
    Sampson Points, Solid Manganese Self-Guarded            Contractor as part of the project, at the times listed:
    Frog, Wood Ties, and OTM – plates, spikes, an-            • Schedule of Work – Submitted with proposal
    chors, bolt/washer/nut assemblies.                        • Certificate of Insurance – Submitted prior to con-
  • (2) 36” Culverts, contractor supplied, to be extend-        struction
    ed 10 LF Each. Flared end sections to be removed          • Safety Plan – Submitted prior to construction
    and reinstalled. Contractor to take care in handling      • Proof of Roadway Worker Training – Submitted
    so as not to damage the existing pipe or flared end         prior to construction
    sections. Any damage to pipe or flared end section        • Rail Testing (If AREMA #1 Relay Rail is used) – Sub-
    is to be repaired by contractor at their expense. Ex-       mitted prior to construction
    isting drainage conditions to be maintained during        • Rail Weld UT Test Requirements (all rail comp
    installation. All pipe installations must be bedded         welds) – Submitted with billing
    based on plan specifications.
                                                            Other Responsibilities:
  • (1) 24” CMP and (1) 18” CMP, contractor supplied,
                                                             • Permits – Contractor is responsible for all federal,
    to be installed per plan. All pipe installations must
                                                                state and local permits required for the work
    be bedded based on plan specifications.
                                                             • Utilities – Contractor is responsible to locate and
  • Install owner provided 10,403 tons of ballast, tamp-
                                                                protect site utilities
    ing, and regulating.
                                                             • Site Clean-up – Contractor is responsible for prop-
  • Any pre-existing rail, ties, or OTM that is removed
                                                                er site restoration and proper disposal of materials
    when installing switch components, must be re-
                                                                removed in accordance with all local, state, and fed-
    moved and disposed of according to all local, state,
                                                                eral laws
    and federal regulations.
  • Additional details concerning the scope of work         Insurance
    needing to be done with each portion of the project,      Contractor shall purchase required coverage and sub-
    will be addressed at the pre-bid meeting.               mit for verification a Certificate of Insurance.
Minimum Requirements                                        Materials
                                                              All non-owner supplied materials shall meet the re-
MSA and Roadway Worker Protection
                                                            quirements found in the project plans and/or specifi-
  Contractors must complete, and have on file, a current
                                                            cations as well as applicable AREMA requirements.
Master Services Agreement with Watco Prior to submit-
ting a proposal.                                            Material storage is granted on railroad right of way to
                                                            the contractor. However, no materials shall be stored
  • Contractors shall comply with all parts of 49 CFR       closer than 25’ from the centerline of any active track, at
    Part 214 and 219 regarding FRA Roadway Worker           any time. Material and equipment laydown areas and
    Safety at all times. Men and equipment shall remain     reclaimed materials stockpiling locations shall be dis-
    clear of the track unless they have gained Roadway      cussed and further clarified at the pre-proposal meeting.
    Worker Protection from a qualified person.              All removed materials remain property of the Kansas &
  • Contractor, contractor employees, agents and/or         Oklahoma Railroad, to be stockpiled as directed by a rep-
    subcontractors must be enrolled and comply with         resentative.
    the FRA 219 approved drug testing program.
  • Any subcontracted work will need to be approved         Non-Project Areas
    prior to any work starting.                               Watco has secured access to the project through Bart-
                                                            lett property right of way. Other access may be obtained
Work Windows                                                by the contractor if they so choose. All areas (public, pri-
  Impact to current railroad and site operations must       vate, and railroad right of way) that are used for access
be kept to a minimum. When work must take place that        to the project, including parts of the railroad right of way
causes an active track to be taken out of service for the   which have no proposed work, shall be maintained and/
purposes of performing work that pertains to the project,                                                         (continued)

                                      Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021                          © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
1774                                                                                                                  Notices
                                                  Kansas Register
or remediated, incidental to the project, by the contractor   Leonards, Watco VP Construction at pleonards@watco.
to the satisfaction of the property owner if any damage       com, phone 601-506-1800; and Bryan Waldon, Senior
to these areas occurs.                                        Project Manager for Watco. Weekly Reports should in-
Pre-Proposal Meeting                                          clude updates to project schedules, any delays or any
  Watco shall hold a pre-proposal meeting at the proj-        change in the scope of work. A detailed summary report
ect site as indicated by the project manager. The meeting     must be submitted at the completion of the project. Daily
shall be held at the Bartlett property in Great Bend, Kan-    Reporting shall consist of daily progress reports in for-
sas at 10:00 a.m. (CST) January 12, 2022. Contractors are     mat to be provided at award.
required to be present at this meeting to submit a propos-                                                        Drew White
al or their proposal can be rejected.                                                                 Director of Engineering
Project Completion
                                                              Doc. No. 049659
   In service date for this project is expected to be June
1, 2022. Contractor is to build schedule to meet this date
                                                              State of Kansas
and include track tie-in outages during the time period
of April 1 to May 1. All work pertaining to this project            Public Employees Retirement System
shall be completed as indicated on the contractor sup-
plied schedule. Failure to complete work by the sched-                              Request for Proposals
uled date may result in the contractor’s removal from            The Kansas Public Employees Retirement System
the property or charges of $1500/day until completed to       (KPERS) seeks competitive proposals from qualifying
satisfaction.                                                 law firms with an interest in assisting the Retirement Sys-
Submission of a Proposal                                      tem with securities class action monitoring and litigation.
  All proposals must be submitted no later than January       The request for proposals (RFP) provides information on
25, 2022. All submitted proposals shall be reviewed by        KPERS’ securities litigation class action claims process,
Watco Purchasing Department. Please ensure your pro-          monitoring KPERS’ losses, and establishes the specifica-
posal includes all required information. All incomplete       tions and requirements for submitting proposals.
proposals shall be rejected. Contractors who wish to sub-        Details are available in the RFP documents on KPERS’
mit a proposal must attend the pre-proposal meeting.          website at http://www.kpers.org. Proposals must be sent
Proposals will be submitted to Amie Proudfit at amie.         electronically to Laurie McKinnon, General Counsel, at
proudfit@watco.com. The structure of your proposal            lmckinnon@kpers.org and must be received by 3:00 p.m.
must be able to be clearly understood, all proposals shall    (CST) February 14, 2022. Please email Ms. McKinnon di-
provide the following line items and provide costs as re-     rectly for more information.
quired below:                                                                                                 Alan D. Conroy
   • Provide a total sum of all line items on the proposal                                                  Executive Director
                                                              Doc. No. 049678
     1. Mobilization and Demobilization – lump sum
     2. Clearing and Grubbing – 5.64 acres
                                                              State of Kansas
     3. Excavation – 11,103 CY (in place measure)
     4. Embankment – 353 CY (in place measure)                Department for Aging and Disability Services
     5. Erosion Control – Silt Fence – 5374 linear feet
     6. Erosion Control – Ditch Checks – 22 each                                Request for Grant Applications
     7. Culvert Installations and Extensions as specified     I. Background
         in plans                                                A. The State of Kansas invites you to submit a grant
     8. Flared End Sections – 2 each                                proposal focused on the increasing and maintaining
     9. Track Removal – 457 TF                                      access to Psychiatric Residential Treatment Facility
     10. Contractor Surveying – lump sum                            (PRTF) beds in Western Kansas. The Kansas Depart-
     11. Earthen Bumpers – 6 each                                   ment for Aging and Disability Services (KDADS) be-
     12. SWPPP – lump sum                                           lieves access to PRTF care when needed is vital to the
     13. Subballast Install – Owner Supplied – 12,798 tons          stabilization of children and communities. Psychiat-
     14. Install approximately 10,596 track feet of new             ric treatment needs to be as close to home as possi-
         rail built with 115# RE rail on wood cross ties as         ble to allow for family involvement in treatment and
         shown in plans                                             therapy. This is essential to the stability of the child
     15. Distribute approximately 10,403 tons ballast               and family. The goal of the grant is to increase or
     16. Tamp and regulate                                          maintain capacity in Western Kansas for PRTF care.
     17. Install 8 Each #10 Turn Out (AREMA Industrial              The goal is to provide an environment that promotes
         115# RE rail, Rail Self-Guarded Manganese Frog,            security, dignity and independence while ensuring
         Hardwood Switch Ties and HSS Switch Stand)                 family participation in the treatment process without
     18. Clean up work site to completion                           placing an undue hardship on the child and family.
Work Reporting                                                  B. Request for Application Timeline
  Contractors will be required to complete Bartlett Con-            Announcement release                              12/30/2021
tractor Safety Handbook and Bartlett Entry Forms. Daily             Written questions from potential applicants due   01/07/2021
work reports must be filled out and submitted to Paul               by 5:00 p.m.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021        Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                     1775
                                                   Kansas Register
     Q & As emailed and posted by KDADS            01/14/2021        chiatric care and medication management to in-
     Applications due by 5:00 p.m.                 01/21/2021        clude the qualifications of all staff providing care.
     Grant start-up                                03/01/2021
                                                                  E. Applicant will demonstrate how they will provide
II. Eligibility                                                      individual, family, and group therapy sessions in-
  A. Applicants may be private hospitals, public hospi-              cluding trauma-informed, best practices, or evi-
      tals, current acute psychiatric providers, and com-            dence-based therapies.
      munity mental health agencies. Partners should be           F. Applicant will demonstrate how they will engage
      adaptable, an advocate for change, outcomes-fo-                families during therapy.
      cused, accountable, willing to engage in progres-
                                                                  G. Applicant will demonstrate how case coordination
      sive thinking, and be committed to continuous ca-
                                                                     with local mental health resources throughout Kan-
      pacity-building to achieve community-level change
                                                                     sas will be accomplished.
      for mental health services for youth and families.
      Applicants who demonstrate the ability to collabo-          H. Applicant will outline plan to provide 24/7 support
      rate with community partners to enhance commu-                 and supervision to PRTF staff.
      nity-based services which support the behavioral            I. Applicant will outline the treatment and education
      health needs of children and families in Western               to teach youth about their illness, the treatment and
      Kansas are encouraged to apply.                                education to learn and utilize coping skills and reg-
  B. Providers shall follow all state laws, regulations and          ulate their emotions including trauma-informed,
     licensing requirements for a Psychiatric Residential            best practices, or evidence-based therapies.
     Treatment Facility (PRTF).                                   J. Applicant will demonstrate and provide examples
III. Outcomes/Goal(s)                                                of discharge planning and coordination with the
   Applicant will provide a thorough plan for address-               child’s local mental health agencies.
ing PRTF capacity in Western Kansas as indicated in the           K. Applicant will demonstrate how they will coordi-
Scope of grant proposal detailed below. This plan shall              nate and provide educational services to support
include ability to provide rural access to intensive psy-            children during PRTF stay.
chiatric care and medication management, individual,
                                                                  L. Applicant will demonstrate how they will imple-
family, and group therapy sessions, case coordination,
                                                                     ment and support the System of Care Principles
24/7 support and supervision from skilled professional
                                                                     which include Family-Driven, Youth-Guided,
staff, treatment and education to teach youth and fam-
                                                                     Trauma-Informed, Culturally and Linguistically
ilies about their illness, treatment and education about
                                                                     Competent, Community-Based and Best-Practice
regulating their emotions and utilizing coping skills, and           Guided.
providing discharge planning and coordination of fol-
low-up care with the local mental health provider in the        IV. Deliverables and Reporting
child’s home community.                                           A. Financial Report: By the 20th of each month the
   Applicant will include timeline outlining detailed ob-            grantee shall submit a monthly financial report and
jectives and milestones as described in the plan.                    itemized budget transaction reports for payment in
   Applicant will include a budget proposal for each                 a format provided by KDADS. Amounts requested
year to include personnel, fringe benefits, startup cost,            shall be in accordance with the budget submitted
supplies, subcontracts, and other operating expenses.                with the grant application. Any deviation from the
Additional fields may be added as needed. The budget                 approved budget shall require submittal of a re-
should be accompanied by a narrative describing each                 vised budget and an amendment to the grant.
budget line item. Note that grant funds provided under            B. Monthly Program Report: Grantees shall submit
this agreement may not be used for the purchase of an                a monthly status program report in a format pro-
existing building or construction of a new building.                 vided by KDADS. Monthly status program reports
   The proposal shall include an accelerated implementa-             shall be submitted within (10) days following the
tion for addressing rural PRTF capacity.                             end of each month.
   Selected applications in partnership with the state and      V. Proposal Process
other stakeholders will create and finalize plans and             A. KDADS will accept questions until 5:00 p.m. Janu-
timelines to guide the implementation of the plan articu-            ary 7, 2021 at 5:00 p.m. Questions must be emailed
lated in the scope of the proposal.                                  to Gary Henault at Gary.Henault@ks.gov. KDADS
   Scope requirements to be included in the grant proposal:          will return answers to the questions by 5:00 p.m.
  A. Applicant will provide a timeline and associated                January 14, 2021 to all applicants via email.
     budget proposal.                                             B. How to Apply
  B. Applicant will submit a plan of how PRTF services               1. To be considered for funding, an emailed copy
     will be provided at the completion of the project.                 of the application in a combined pdf format (one
  C. Applicant will demonstrate how they will comply                    complete document) must be received by 5:00
     with all federal and state rules, regulations, statutes,           p.m. January 21, 2021. The applications are to
     and guidelines.                                                    be submitted by email to Gary Henault at Gary.
  D. Applicant shall outline how they will provide psy-                                                              (continued)

                                          Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021                         © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
1776                                                                                                          Notices
                                                     Kansas Register
        2. Applications will not be accepted via fax. Late        considered in peer review and in final award deci-
           applications will not be accepted.                     sions. Please number pages “1 of XX”, “2 of XX”, etc.
VI. Review and Selection Process
                                                                  The following sections should be included as part of
What an Application Should Include:                               the Program Narrative:
   Applications must include all the components de-
                                                                  • Statement of the Problem (10 out of 40 points) –
scribed in this section. Failure to submit an application
                                                                    Identify and describe the challenges or needs the
that contains all the specified information may negative-
                                                                    program will address with the target popula-
ly affect the review of the application, preclude access to
                                                                    tion in the geographic area to be served. Provide
or use of award funds pending satisfaction of the condi-
                                                                    data to show the nature and scope of the need,
tions and/or prevent the application from proceeding to
                                                                    citing data references (three-year trend data is
the Grant Peer Review Panel for further consideration.
                                                                    preferred). Explain previous or current efforts
Applications are evaluated on a scale of 100 total points.
                                                                    to address the problem, including an analysis of
   A. Table of Contents                                             the outcome of these efforts. Provide a clear and
      A Table of Contents must be included as part of the           concise Statement of the purpose or goal of the
      grant application. Include page numbers for each of           program and how the program will address the
      the major sections and for each attachment.                   needs identified.
   B. Grant Application Information Sheet (15 out of 100          • Project Design (10 out of 40 points) – Describe the
      points)                                                       services to be provided, and the specific strat-
      Complete the Grant Application Information Sheet              egies that substantiate the project as a com-
      (Attachment A). This document must be signed by               prehensive program. Identify the geographic
      the Authorizing Official for the applicant agency             boundaries of the proposed program, as well as
      (an individual in a decision-making capacity at the           the target population to be served. Describe out-
      agency, typically the top-level individual). Please           reach, mobile response and referral strategies to
      include the following:                                        ensure access to the target population. Describe
                                                                    how your program will ensure cultural compe-
                                                                    tence, as well as program and physical accessi-
        Address, City, State, Zip:
                                                                    bility for people with disabilities. Describe any
                                                                    potential barriers to implementing the project
        Valid business E-mail Address for questions:
                                                                    and strategies to overcome them. Describe the
        Facebook address and/or website address:
                                                                    evidence based practices with fidelity that will
        Employer Identification Number:
                                                                    be implemented. Describe what services will be
        Dun & Bradstreet Number (DUNS number):
                                                                    provided as part of the grant funding that will be
        Name and Title of Contact Person:
                                                                    utilized to stabilize the population.
        Telephone of Contact Person:
                                                                  • Implementation Plan (10 out of 40 points) – Pro-
        Please list name and provide signatures of all who          vide a realistic and detailed Implementation
        participated in the process of developing the proposal.     Plan, with a timeline that indicates significant
   C. Program Abstract (25 out of 100 points)                       milestones in the project. The timeline should in-
      The Program Abstract should be no more than one               clude each Project Goal, its related Project Activ-
      (1) double-spaced page, using Times New Roman                 ities and Performance Measures, their expected
      12-point font, with no less than one-inch margins,            completion date(s) and the responsible person or
      and should include the following:                             organization. Performance Measures should be
        • Identify the type of applicant agency (non-profit,        S.M.A.R.T. (specific, measurable, action-orient-
          faith-based, university, etc.).                           ed, realistic and time-bound). Outline the spe-
                                                                    cific Program Outcomes of the project and how
        • Describe the proposed program for which fund-             they will address the problem. Describe how the
          ing is being requested, including the purpose             project will address the allowable uses of funds
          and program outcomes, the geographic area to              and priority consideration(s). Applicants should
          be served, a description of the target population,        identify who will collect data, who will be re-
          the estimated number of clients to be served and          sponsible for performance measures and how
          the services to be provided.                              this information will be used to evaluate and
   D. Program Narrative (40 out of 100 points)                      guide the program.
      The Program Narrative must include five sec-                • Management Structure (5 out of 40 points) – De-
      tions–Statement of the Problem, Project Design,               scribe the experience and capability of the appli-
      Implementation Plan, Management Structure, and                cant agency, its staff and its contractors. Identify
      Sustainability Plan–in the order listed below. The            the agency that will serve as the grantee and fiscal
      Program Narrative should be double-spaced, using              agency responsible for the grant’s administration.
      Times New Roman 12-point font, with no less than              Identify the staff team supporting the project,
      one-inch margins, and should not exceed 50 pages.             including the name, title and affiliation of each
      If the Program Narrative fails to comply with these           member, as well as a Delegation of Authority
      length-related restrictions, non-compliance may be            from the Board of Directors for the organization.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021           Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                     1777
                                                   Kansas Register
        Include information on any staff training that is         The application must be arranged in the order indicat-
        to occur as part of the project. Provide documen-      ed in the “Application Checklist.”
        tation of any collaboration that has or is occurring      Applicants must include all of the components de-
        on the initiative. Provide resumes or qualification    scribed in this section. Failure to submit an application
        standards for staff, as well as position descrip-      that contains all of the specified information may nega-
        tions for key positions within the facility.           tively affect the scoring of the application.
     • Sustainability Plan (5 out of 40 points) – Applicants   Application Checklist
       should describe how the long-term financial sus-          The following sections must be submitted in this order
       tainability of the project will be funded in the        in a combined pdf format (one complete document):
       future, including strategies to cultivate alternate       ___ Information Sheet
       funding and community collaboration. Provide a            ___ Program Abstract
       clear explanation if the project will not continue        ___ Program Narrative
       after the grant. Provide Letters of Support from          ___ Grant Budget Request (blank form can be found at):
       all key partners or other community groups, de-               https://www.kdads.ks.gov/provider-home/
       tailing their commitment to work with partners                providers/bhs-funding-opportunities
       to promote the mission of the project. Include in         ___ Required Grant Application, Grant Abstract,
       this plan how local match will increase to replace            Grant Narrative and Grant Budget
       grant funding in the future.                              ___ Tax Clearance Certificate
  E. Grant Budget Request, Budget Narrative/Justifica-           ___ 501(c 3) documentation
     tion, and Cost Allocation Plan (20 out of 100 points)     VII. Detailed Application/Proposal
     Applicants must submit a Grant Budget Request                Please provide detailed information about your orga-
     (Attachment B), a Budget Narrative/Justification,         nization’s proposed capacity building project. Applica-
     and a Cost Allocation Plan. The Budget Narrative/         tions must be typed or word processed; no handwritten
     Justification may be submitted as part of the Grant       applications will be accepted. Complete the following
     Budget Request (in the Comments sections) or as a         information (using additional paper if necessary) using
     separate document. The Cost Allocation Plan may           a 12-point standard font (Arial, Times New Roman, or
     be submitted as part of the Budget Narrative/Justifi-     Verdana), on white paper, with black ink and 1-inch
     cation or as a separate document.                         margins on all sides. Please include a header or footer
                                                               on each page with the name of your organization and
     The Budget Narrative/Justification must outline           the page number.
     how grant funds will be used to support and im-              You must provide required information in each sec-
     plement the program and should thoroughly and             tion. Some information provided may take more space
     clearly describe every category of expense listed in      than others in the section. You may adjust space as need-
     the Grant Budget Request. It should be mathemat-          ed for each response, but please retain all headings and
     ically sound and correspond with the information          questions in the document.
     and figures provided in the Grant Budget Request.                                                       Laura Howard
     It should explain how all costs were estimated and                                                           Secretary
     calculated and how they are relevant to the com-          Doc. No. 049671
     pletion of the proposed project. It may include ta-
     bles for clarification purposes but need not be in a      State of Kansas
     spreadsheet format.
                                                                        Department of Administration
     The Cost Allocation Plan must summarize how the                  Office of Procurement and Contracts
     applicant agency will allocate its costs to its various
     funding sources. The plan should also include de-                             Notice to Bidders
     tailed financial information related to the match.           Sealed bids for items listed will be received by the Of-
                                                               fice of Procurement and Contracts until 2:00 p.m. on the
     Indirect Costs should not exceed 10% of the Grant         date indicated. For more information, call 785-296-2376.
     Budget Request.                                              All bids are to be submitted via email only to
Selection Criteria                                             procurement@ks.gov. For more information, please visit
  The Peer Review process uses a scoring guide when re-        https://admin.ks.gov/docs/default-source/ofpm/procure-
viewing proposals. The scoring guide has 100 points to-        ment-contracts/bid-submission-via-email-12-7-2020.pdf.
tal scoring system. The Scoring Guide scores as follows:       01/13/2022 EVT0008347    Physical Cellhouse Locks – Topeka
Scoring of RFP                                                 01/21/2022 EVT0008348    Unit 39 Mined Land Reclamation –
Application Components                     Points Possible     		                       Cherokee County
Grant Information Sheet                           15           01/27/2022 EVT0008346    Assistive Technology Goods and
Section 1 Program Abstract                        25           		                       Services
Section 2 Program Narrative                       40
                                                                 The above referenced bid documents can be down-
Section 3 Grant Budget Request                    20
                                                               loaded at the following website:
TOTAL                                            100                                                                 (continued)

                                        Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021                           © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
1778                                                                                                                     Notices
                                                            Kansas Register
https://supplier.sok.ks.gov/psc/sokfsprdsup/SUPPLIER/                      Proposals should be sent to professional.qualifications@
ERP/c/SCP_PUBLIC_MENU_FL.SCP_PUB_BID_CMP_                               ks.gov. Proposals received after the date and time noted
                         FL.GBL                                         below will not be forwarded to the State Building Advi-
   Additional files may be located at the following web-                sory Commission for review. If you have questions, call
site (please monitor this website on a regular basis for                785-296-0749. The PDF proposal submissions shall be de-
any changes/addenda):                                                   livered to the attention of Randy Riveland by 2:00 p.m. on
                                                                        or before January 14, 2022.
http://admin.ks.gov/offices/procurement-and-contracts/                     The State of Kansas, as a matter of public policy, en-
          additional-files-for-bid-solicitations                        courages anyone doing business with the State of Kansas
                                                                        to take steps to discourage human trafficking. If prospec-
                  There are No Bids Under this
                                                                        tive bidders/vendors/contractors have any policies or
                Website Closing in this Week’s Ad
                                                                        participate in any initiatives that discourage human traf-
  Information regarding prequalification, projects, and                 ficking, then the prospective bidder/vendor/contractor is
bid documents can be obtained at 785-296-8899 or http://                encouraged to submit same as part of their bid response.
admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc.                                                                               Frank Burnam, Director
                                            Richard Beattie, Director                 Office of Facilities and Property Management
                               Office of Procurement and Contracts      Doc. No. 049679
Doc. No. 049683
                                                                        State of Kansas
State of Kansas
                                                                            Department of Health and Environment
        Department of Administration
Office of Facilities and Property Management                                     Notice Concerning Proposed Kansas Air
                                                                                Quality Class I Operating Permit Renewal
                 Notice of Requested Architectural                         Notice is hereby given that the Kansas Department of
                      Programming Services                              Health and Environment (KDHE) is soliciting comments
   Notice is hereby given of the commencement of the                    regarding a proposed air quality operating permit.
selection process for architectural programming ser-                    Wamego Municipal Power Plant has applied for a Class
vices for Kansas State University. The firm will assist                 I operating permit renewal in accordance with the pro-
the university in the development of programming                        visions of K.A.R. 28-19-510 et al. The purpose of a Class
for capital and small projects. These projects may in-                  I permit is to identify the sources and types of regulated
clude buildings, utilities, infrastructure, site work/                  air pollutants emitted from the facility; the emission lim-
landscaping, etc. Minimum requirements for programs                     itations, standards, and requirements applicable to each
include background and justification, project budgets,                  source; and the monitoring, record keeping, and report-
and project schedules. For new buildings construction                   ing requirements applicable to each source as of the ef-
or major renovations to buildings, the programs must                    fective date of permit issuance.
also include space projections, space summaries, space                     Wamego Municipal Power Plant, PO Box 86, Wamego,
descriptions, a discussion of the impact the additional                 KS 66547, owns and operates a fossil fuel powered elec-
space will have on overall campus space and new build-                  trical power plant located at 1001 3rd St., Wamego, Pot-
ing operating costs and the proposed source of fund-                    tawatomi County, KS 66547.
ing for such operating costs (or a statement that such                     A copy of the proposed permit, permit application,
will not be requested). Additional information that the                 all supporting documentation, and all information re-
university deems necessary may also be requested. The                   lied upon during the permit application review process
contract will be for three years.                                       are available for public review during normal business
   For more information, contact Rosanna Carvalho at                    hours of 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. at the KDHE, Bureau of
rcarvalho@ksu.edu phone 785-532-1732.                                   Air (BOA), 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-
   To be considered, one (1) PDF file of the following                  1366 and at the Northeast District Office, 800 W. 24th St.,
should be provided: State of Kansas Professional Quali-                 Lawrence, KS 66046. To obtain or review the proposed
fications DCC Forms 051-054, inclusive, and information                 permit and supporting documentation, contact Colin
regarding similar projects. These forms may be found at                 Crewe, 785-296-1691, at the central office of the KDHE
http://admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc/f-and-d. State of                  or Jaime Wilson, 785-842-4600 at the Northeast District
Kansas Professional Qualifications DCC Form 050 for                     Office. The standard departmental cost will be assessed
each firm and consultant should be provided at the end                  for any copies requested. The proposed permit, accom-
of each proposal. Please include your firm name, agen-                  panied with supporting information, is available, free of
cy abbreviation, and an abbreviated project name in                     charge, at the KDHE BOA Public Notice website at http://
the title of the PDF document. Proposals should be less                 www.kdheks.gov/bar/publicnotice.html.
than 5 Mb and follow the current State Building Advi-                      Please direct written comments or questions regarding
sory Commission guidelines which can be found in Part                   the proposed permit to Colin Crewe, KDHE, BOA, 1000
B – Chapter 2 of the Building Design and Construction                   SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS 66612-1366. In order
Manual at http://www.admin.ks.gov/offices/ofpm/dcc/                     to be considered in formulating a final permit decision,
bdcm. Paper copies and flash drives containing copies of                written comments must be received no later than 12:00
the proposals are not required.                                         p.m. Monday, January 31, 2022.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                  Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021
Notices                                                                                                                               1779
                                                  Kansas Register
  A person may request a public hearing be held on             Name and Address          Legal Description        Receiving Water
the proposed permit. The request for a public hearing          of Applicant
shall be in writing and set forth the basis for the request.   3D Cattle Co.             SW/4 of Section 27       Smoky Hill River
The written request must be submitted to Colin Crewe,          Douglas M. Dolechek       T16S, R14W               Basin
KDHE BOA, 1000 SW Jackson, Suite 310, Topeka, KS               NW 180 Rd.                Barton County
66612-1366, no later than 12:00 p.m. Monday, January 31,       Hoisington, KS 67544
2022, in order for the Secretary of Health and Environ-        Kansas Permit No. A-SHBT-B001
ment to consider the request.                                  The proposed action is to issue a new state permit for a facility for 999
  The U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has a           head (999 animal units) of cattle weighing greater than 700 pounds.
45-day review period, which will start concurrently with         The facility will consist of 5.2 acres of open pens and a waste man-
                                                                 agement system consisting of a drainage collection channel and an
the public comment period, within which to object to the         earthen wastewater retention structure. This facility has an approved
proposed permit. If the EPA has not objected in writing          Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
to the issuance of the permit within the 45-day review         Name and Address          Legal Description        Receiving Water
period, any person may petition the administrator of the       of Applicant
EPA to review the permit. The 60-day public petition pe-       Sperfslage Dairy          NW/4 of Section 14       Missouri River Basin
riod will directly follow the EPA’s 45-day review period.      Eugene Sperfslage         T03S, R13E
Interested parties may contact KDHE to determine if the        1672 Q Rd.                Nemaha County
EPA’s 45-day review period has been waived.                    Seneca, KS 66538
  Any such petition shall be based only on objections to       Kansas Permit No. A-MONM-M022
the permit that were raised with reasonable specificity        This permit is being modified for an existing facility. The maximum ca-
during the public comment period provided for in this            pacity for the dairy facility is 210 head (294 animal units) of mature
notice, unless the petitioner demonstrates that it was im-       dairy cattle, 28 head (28 animal units) of cattle weighing greater than
practicable to raise such objections within such period,         700 pounds, 37 head (18.5 animal units) of cattle weighing 700 pounds
                                                                 or less, 223 head (89.2 animal units) of swine weighing greater than
or unless the grounds for such objection arose after such        55 pounds, and 151 head (15.1 animal units) of swine weighing 55
period. Contact Keith Johnson, U.S. EPA, Region 7, Air           pounds or less for a total of 444.8 animal units. Modifications include
Permitting and Compliance Branch, 11201 Renner Blvd.,            the establishment of grass buffers for the swine and heifer pens, and
Lenexa, KS 66219, 913-551-7960, to determine when the            farrowing huts rather than a barn. Animal unit changes include the
                                                                 addition of 38 head (19 animal units) of cattle weighing less than 700
45-day EPA review period ends and the 60-day petition            pounds for a total of 75 head (37.5 animal units) of cattle weighing less
period commences.                                                than 700 pounds. There are no changes to other animal units.
                                              Janet Stanek     Name and Address          Legal Description        Receiving Water
                                          Acting Secretary     of Applicant
Doc. No. 049673                                                Decatur County Beef,      SE/4 and W/2 of          Upper Republican
                                                                 LLC                     Section 01 &             River Basin
State of Kansas                                                Scott Foote               N/2 of Section 12
                                                               2361 US-83 Hwy.           T02S, R29W
    Department of Health and Environment                       Oberlin, KS 67749         Decatur County
                                                               Kansas Permit No. A-URDC-C002
        Notice Concerning Kansas/Federal Water                 Federal Permit No. KS0115690
       Pollution Control Permits and Applications              The proposed action is to modify the current NPDES permit for an ex-
   In accordance with Kansas Administrative Regula-              isting facility. Modifications to the permit includes: the addition of
                                                                 a detailed description of the existing facility an adjustment to the
tions 28-16-57a through 63, 28-18-1 through 17, 28-18a-1         operating levels according to as-built information. There are no other
through 31 and 33, 28-16-150 through 154, 28-46-7, and           changes to the permit. Only the portions of the permit being modi-
the authority vested with the state by the administrator         fied are subject to comment. This facility has an approved Nutrient
of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, various             Management Plan on file with KDHE.
draft water pollution control documents (permits, notic-       Name and Address          Legal Description        Receiving Water
es to revoke and reissue, notices to terminate) have been      of Applicant
prepared and/or permit applications have been received         Spring Lake Farms         SE/4 of Section 20       Little Arkansas
for discharges to waters of the United States and the state    Solomon Unruh             T23S, R02W               River Basin
of Kansas for the class of discharges described below.         913 S. Spring Lake Rd.    Harvey County
                                                               Halstead, KS 67056
   The proposed actions concerning the draft documents
are based on staff review, applying the appropriate stan-      Kansas Permit No. A-LAHV-S034
dards, regulations, and effluent limitations of the state      The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
of Kansas and the Environmental Protection Agency.               facility for 1,500 head (600 animal units) of swine weighing more
                                                                 than 55 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permit-
The final action will result in a Federal National Pollut-       ted number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility
ant Discharge Elimination System Authorization and/or            has an approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
a Kansas Water Pollution Control permit being issued,          Name and Address          Legal Description        Receiving Water
subject to certain conditions, revocation, and reissuance      of Applicant
of the designated permit or termination of the designat-
                                                               Wells M-M Dairy           E/2 of Section 32        Lower Arkansas
ed permit.                                                     Mark G. Wells             T28S, R04W               River Basin
                                                               7051 S. 375th West        Sedgwick County
            Public Notice No. KS-AG-21-387/400                 Cheney, KS 67025
    Pending Permits for Confined Feeding Facilities                                                                            (continued)

                                        Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021                                     © Kansas Secretary of State 2021
1780                                                                                                                                      Notices
                                                               Kansas Register
Kansas Permit No. A-ARSG-M025                                                The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
                                                                               facility for 1,350 head (540 animal units) of swine weighing greater
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-
                                                                               than 55 pounds, and 1,760 head (176 animal units) of swine weighing
  ing facility for 175 head (245 animal units) of mature dairy cattle,
                                                                               55 pounds or less, for a total of 716 animal units. There will be no
  75 head (75 animal units) of dairy heifers, and 75 head (37.5 animal
                                                                               change in the operation or permitted number of animal units from
  units) of dairy calves, for a total of 357.5 animal units. There will
                                                                               the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste Manage-
  be no change in the operation or permitted number of animal units
                                                                               ment Plan on file with KDHE.
  from the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste Man-
  agement Plan on file with KDHE.                                            Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
                                                                             of Applicant
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water
of Applicant                                                                 Lee Springer - Elk       SW/4 of Section 16       Verdigris River Basin
                                                                               City Facility          T32S, R14E
Rickey and Ronda               NE/4 of Section 23   Upper Arkansas
                                                                             4848 CR 1900             Montgomery County
  Blattner                     T26S, R28W           River Basin
                                                                             Elk City, KS 67344
17803 P Rd.                    Gray County
Cimarron, KS 67835                                                           Kansas Permit No. A-VEMG-S037
Kansas Permit No. A-UAGY-B004                                                The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an ex-
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-       isting facility for 2,122 head (848.8 animal units) of swine weighing
  ing facility for 599 head (299.5 animal units) of cattle weighing 700        more than 55 pounds and 1,494 head (149.4 animal units) of swine
  pounds or less. There will be no change in the operation or permitted        weighing 55 pounds or less, for a total of 998.2 animal units. There
  number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an        will be no change in the operation or permitted number of animal
  approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.                            units from the previous permit. This facility has an approved Waste
                                                                               Management Plan on file with KDHE.
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Wate
of Applicant                                                                 Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
                                                                             of Applicant
Luke J. Hoeme                  W/2 of Section 05    Lower Arkansas
50144 NE 100th Ave.            T27S, R11W           River Basin              Billie M. Thompson       SW/4 of Section 21       Upper Arkansas
Preston, KS 67583              Pratt County                                    Revocable Trust        T21S, R20W               River Basin
                                                                             Brock Miller             Pawnee County
Kansas Permit No. A-ARPR-B009                                                156 NE 20th Ave.
                                                                             Great Bend, KS 67530
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
  facility for 999 head (999 animal units) of cattle weighing more than      Kansas Permit No. A-UAPN-B001
  700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permitted
  number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an      The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
  approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.                            facility for 600 head (600 animal units) of cattle weighing more than
                                                                               700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permitted
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water            number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an
of Applicant                                                                   approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
Plus Z Farms                   E/2 of Section 14    Kansas – Republican      Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
Charles M. Zeller              T09S, R06E           River Basin              of Applicant
5776 W. 76th Ave.              Riley County
Manhattan, KS 66503                                                          Jeff Unger Livestock     SW/4 of Section 10       Upper Republican
                                                                                Facility              T05S, R31W               River Basin
Kansas Permit No. A-KSRL-B002                                                26498 Cheney Rd.         Rawlins County
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-     Rexford, KS 67753
  ing facility for 999 head (999 animal units) of cattle more than 700       Kansas Permit No. A-URRA-B011
  pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permitted num-
  ber of animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an         The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an exist-
  approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.                            ing facility for 999 head (999 animal units) of cattle weighing greater
                                                                               than 700 pounds. There will be no change in the operation or permit-
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water            ted number of animal units from the previous permit. This facility
of Applicant                                                                   has an approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
Ingram Farms                   NW/4 of              Upper Republican         Name and Address         Legal Description        Receiving Water
  Feedyard                     Section 13 &         River Basin              of Applicant
Craig Ingram                   NE/4 of Section 14
220 W. 1100 Rd.                T01S, R20W                                    Pine Lane Dairy          N/2 of Section 34        Neosho River Basin
Long Island, KS 67647          Phillips County                               Jonas Franzt             T17S, R02E
                                                                             1025 320th Rd.           Marion County
Kansas Permit No. A-URPL-B003                                                Tampa, KS 67483
The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
                                                                             Kansas Permit No. A-NEMN-M017
  facility for 990 head (495 animal units) of cattle 700 pounds or less.
  There will be no change in the operation or permitted number of            The proposed action is to reissue an existing state permit for an existing
  animal units from the previous permit. This facility has an approved         facility for 50 head (70 animal units) of mature dairy cows. Facility
  Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.                                     is currently unpopulated. There will be no change in the operation
                                                                               or permitted number of animal units from the previous permit. This
Name and Address               Legal Description    Receiving Water
                                                                               facility has an approved Waste Management Plan on file with KDHE.
of Applicant
Lee Springer – #2 Sow          SE/4 of Section 21   Verdigris River Basin
  Farm                         T31S, R15E                                                 Public Notice No. KS-Q-21-132/134
3175 CR 5800                   Montgomery County                               The requirements of the draft permit public noticed
KS 67301                                                                     below are pursuant to the Kansas Surface Water Quali-
                                                                             ty Standards, K.A.R. 28-16-28(b-g), and Federal Surface
Kansas Permit No. A-VEMG-S040
                                                                             Water Criteria.

© Kansas Secretary of State 2021                    Vol. 40, No. 52, December 30, 2021
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