LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Taroona Vacation Care Program - Taroona Primary School

Page created by Tammy Davidson
LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Taroona Vacation Care Program - Taroona Primary School
   Taroona Vacation Care Program
LADY GOWRIE TASMANIA Taroona Vacation Care Program - Taroona Primary School

October 2020
MONDAY 28/09/20       TUESDAY 29/09/20       WEDNESDAY 30/09/20      THURSDAY 01/10/20        FRIDAY 02/10/20


Make your very own Let’s plant and grow      Let’s make some cloud   Create a piece of        We will have some
bath bombs to take  some bean sprouts.       dough to take home.     art or image made        fun creating drip
home and pop in the                                                  from small pieces of     painting art.
bath.               HAMA BEADS               HOMEMADE TINY           coloured paper.
                                             TEDDIES AND HOT                                  MANDALAS
LIP BALM              Design your own        CHOCOLATE               SCAVENGER HUNT
                      hama bead creations.                                                    Let’s relax and enjoy
Make your very own                           Let’s make and enjoy    Have some fun in         colouring in assorted
lip balm to take      PHOTO FRAMES           some tiny teddies and   small groups while       mandalas.
home.                                        hot chocolate for       you hunt around
                      Using paddle pop       afternoon tea.          the school grounds       ORIGAMI FUN
MASKS AND FINGER      sticks, create your                            looking for the items
PUPPETS               very own photo         SEWING CUSHIONS         on your list.            Get creative with
                      frame.                 AND TEDDY BEARS                                  some origami fun.
Have fun creating                                                    WOOD WORKING
your very own mask                           Have lots of fun        INCURSION                GAMES ON THE
and finger puppets                           participating in sewing                          SCHOOL OVAL
using assorted                               activities.             During this two hour
materials.                                                           workshop we will be      Let’s have some fun
                                                                     provided with all the    playing:
SAND SLIME                                                           tools and materials
Let’s have some fun                                                  required for you          •   Soccer
making and playing                                                   to build your own         •   Football
with sand slime.                                                     creations using rustic    •   Hopscotch
                                                                     timber.                   •   Marbles

                                                                     This session will
                                                                     run from 1:30pm to
                                                                     3:30pm. $12 incur-
                                                                     sion fee will be
                                                                     added to your

October 2020
MONDAY 05/10/20           TUESDAY 06/10/20         WEDNESDAY 07/10/20      THURSDAY 08/10/20        FRIDAY 09/10/20

CREATIONS                 PUZZLE MORNING           WORKSHOP                INCURSION                DAY
We will make some         Let’s put our                                    Michelle from            Feel free to bring
modelling clay and        thinking caps on         Miss Val will engage    Plastermaniacs will      along your bike or
then use it to make       while enjoying some      us in a fun workshop    visit us today to        scooter. Helmets are
modelling clay            board games, card        of rolling, tumbling,   provide us with lots     essential.
creations.                games, puzzles, brain    cartwheeling and lots   of exciting plaster
                          teasers,                 more.                   resources to             No Helmet –
COLOURED SALT             crosswords and word                              decorate.                No Riding!
JARS                      search puzzles.          This session will run
                                                   from 10.00am to          This session will run   COOKING
Let’s make some           WALK TO TAROONA          11.00am.                 from 10.00am to         CHOCOLATE
coloured salt jars to     BEACH                                             12.00pm. $7             CRACKLES AND
take home.                                         $5 incursion fee will be incursion fee will      FUDGE IN A BAG
                          This afternoon we        added to your account. be added to your
TIE DYING                 will walk down to                                 account.                Let’s make and enjoy
                          Taroona Beach to         SCIENCE AFTERNOON                                chocolate crackles
Let’s tie dye a pair of   explore.                                          CHARCOAL ART            and fudge in a bag
socks for you to take                              Lots of fun science                              as a special treat for
home and wear.            Activities include       experiments will be on Let’s experiment          the last day of school
                          finding crabs,           offer including:         with charcoal to        holidays.
                          building sand castles                             create some art.
                          and collecting shells.    • Making bouncy                                 MOVIE AND
                                                       balls                JEWELLERY MAKING        ELECTRONIC
                          Departing the             • Sherbet making                                AFTERNOON
                          program at 2.30pm         • Making lava lamps Using assorted
                          and returning at          • Making crystals       materials, you can      Let’s have a nice
                          4.00pm.                   • And lots, lots        design your very own    relaxing afternoon
                                                       more!                piece of jewellery.     watching a movie or
                                                                                                    playing on your own
                                                                                                    electronic device.

Additional Information
                                                                CANCELLATIONS AND BOOKINGS
Please note that this program can fill up quickly, especially
                                                                All bookings will be confirmed by email as soon as
on excursion days, so we recommend booking as soon as
                                                                 possible. Children are unable to attend the program until
possible. To make a booking please read the Lady Gowrie
                                                                parents/ guardians have received written confirmation.
Tasmania OSHC Additional Information below and return
                                                                Bookings received after the closing date will be
the attached booking form with your specified days to
                                                                considered only after all other booking confirmations
Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s Head Office. To book into this
                                                                have been made. If your child is absent on their booked
program, families must have completed a 2020 Enrolment
                                                                day, please let the OSHC Managers know by phoning
Form and the Written Arrangement, any allergy or asthma
                                                                6230 6806. Normal absences are charged unless two
form (if necessary) and Debit Success forms. For further
                                                                weeks’ notice is provided. Under national law, if your child
information about the program or to request the forms
                                                                is absent on the first or last day of a booking the Child
above please email or
                                                                Care Subsidy cannot be provided and therefore full fees
phone the Outside School Hours Care Managers on
                                                                will apply.
6230 6806.
                                                                SIGNING CHILDREN IN AND OUT
                                                                 Children must be signed in and out each day by a parent/
Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s Taroona Vacation Care is located
                                                                guardian or authorised person over the age of 18. If your
at Taroona Primary School, Channel Highway, Taroona.
                                                                child/ren are absent you will be asked to sign for that day
The program operates from the school hall and the best
                                                                to acknowledge they were absent. This is a legal
entrance to use is from the netball court near the carpark.
                                                                requirement and stipulation for you to receive your Child
                                                                Care Subsidy entitlements.
The program is open from 8.00am to 6.00pm. We cater for
                                                                WHAT TO BRING
children from 4 to 12 years of age. 4 year old children must
                                                                We provide nutritious snacks for morning tea and
be enrolled to commence Kindergarten in 2020 to use this
                                                                afternoon tea and the daily menu is on display at the
                                                                service. Families will need to provide a healthy lunch and
                                                                drink bottle (water only) for their children. Please do not
                                                                send any food which requires reheating or refrigeration.
For daily fees please refer to the current Fee Schedule
                                                                Foods containing sugary, salty or fatty foods are
displayed at the service. The Child Care Subsidy is available
                                                                discouraged. We are an allergy aware service so please
for all eligible families by contacting the Department of
                                                                ensure your child/ren do not bring any foods containing
Human Services on 136 150. Families will be emailed an
                                                                nuts. Please cater for all weather possibilities and provide
invoice from Lady Gowrie Tasmania each fortnight.
                                                                sensible footwear and clothing. Lady Gowrie Tasmania’s
Payments can only be made by using the Debit Success
                                                                Sun Safe Policy applies from September to April each year
system which automatically deducts all monies owing on a
                                                                so during these months please provide sun safe clothing
set Friday on a fortnightly basis from your nominated bank
                                                                including a broad brimmed or legionnaire style hat for
account or credit card. Debit Success charges a $14.95
                                                                your child/ren. Please note that we do not accept any
overdue fee for all overdue accounts. The daily session
                                                                responsibility for personal belongings children might bring
fee may vary as indicated on the program and will still be
                                                                to the service, including electronic devices. We limit the
charged if your child is absent from the program. A late
                                                                use of electronic items to one hour per day and children
collection fee of $20 per 10 minutes or part thereof will be
                                                                must not have internet access on these devices. Excursion
charged for children who are not collected at 6.00pm
                                                                costs are covered by the excursion fees (listed in the
                                                                attached program) so we ask that children do not bring
                                                                any additional money to the service on excursion days.

October Booking Form
Please note that the closing date for all bookings is 11 September 2020. To secure your child/ren’s place in the
program, particularly on excursion days, please return this form as soon as possible.

Child/ren’s Name/s:

Contact Name:

Contact Phone Number:                                     Contact Email Address:


MONDAY 28/09/20       TUESDAY 29/09/20        WEDNESDAY 30/09/20       THURSDAY 01/10/20         FRIDAY 02/10/20

MONDAY 05/10/20        TUESDAY 06/10/20       WEDNESDAY 07/10/20        THURSDAY 08/10/20        FRIDAY 09/10/20

•   I hereby give permission for my child/ren to attend this Lady Gowrie Tasmania Vacation Care Program on the
    days depicted by parent/guardian on the booking form and participate in the programs scheduled excursions/
•   I am aware that excursion/incursion fees (as indicated in the program) will be added to my account.
•   I confirm that my child’s emergency contact numbers, medical details and Health Management Plans, if
    applicable, are up to date.

Parent/ Guardian Name:

Signed:                                                                                  Date:       /     /

ADDITIONAL INFORMATION                                                   HEAD OFFICE DETAILS
On excursions, we expect an average of 25 children to attend             346 Macquarie Street, South Hobart, 7004
with a ratio of 1:15 educators to children (for children aged 4 to       PO Box 422, South Hobart, TAS, 7004
12 years) and a ratio of 1:15 educators to children (for children
aged 3 to 4 years of age). Lady Gowrie Tasmania Managers have
conducted a risk assessment for each excursion site which is             Phone: 6230 6806
available upon request. The coach company we use is an
accredited bus service, however not all the vehicles contain

Vacation Care Program Non-Routine Excursion
Consent Form
I give permission for my child/ren                                                                  (Child/ren Names)
to participate in the excursions detailed below and consent to my child/ren travelling by bus or walking to the
excursion. I understand that a risk assessment has been conducted and is available to view at the service upon request.


 DATE         TIMES       DESTINATION                                        TRANSPORT            CONSENT

 06/10/2020   Depart:     TAROONA BEACH                                      WALK TO         Yes           No
              2:30 pm     Walking to and from Taroona Beach.                 TAROONA BEACH
                                                                             AND BACK TO THE
              Return:                                                        PROGRAM.
              4:00 pm

Parent/ Guardian Name:

Signed:                                                                                   Date:     /     /
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