Landscape Triennial 2021 - High green, innovating the landscape

Page created by Roberto Soto
Landscape Triennial 2021 - High green, innovating the landscape
[ ! ] Landscape Triennial 2021
      High green, innovating
      the landscape

[*]   It is common knowledge; current         […] Valuable landscapes
      challenges such as climate change,
                                              Curator Marco Vermeulen starts from a positive
      energy transition, urbanisation, new    vantage point: according to him, these challenges
      forms of agriculture and the growth     do not have to be a threat. Instead they can
      of tourism will drastically change      be viewed as a lever, triggering the creation
                                              of landscapes that are both aesthetically and
      our landscapes. But we are a long
                                              economically valuable. This is not a suprising point
      way from reaching consensus about       of view; after all, the Arcadian landscape we now
      how to steer that change in the right   enjoy is the result of economic activities from the
      direction; how to create pleasant       past. Think of the willows in the Biesbosch that
                                              were planted for their reeds, used for making
      landscapes that are fit to live in,     baskets or dyke mats; or the many poplars
      despite the impact of these trends.     between Den Bosch and Eindhoven that were
      The 2021 Landschapstriënnale            originally planted for their wood, used in the clog
                                              industry; and what about all the other small-scale
      (Landscape Triennial) searches for      elements in the landscape? All of them were the
      answers. In April 2021 the landscape remnants of agricultural activities.
      of North Brabant will be transformed
                                              […] Landscape laboratories
      into a large laboratory where
      solutions are explored, challenges      During the triennial’s 10 landscape laboratories
      combined and ideas developed for        we will discover how modern utility functions such
      the design of sustainable landscapes. as logistics centres, windmills, residential areas
                                              and alternative forms of agriculture can result
      As a free space, this fifth Landscape   in landscapes that are economically valuable,
      Triennial is the place to work together but also pleasant and aesthetically pleasing
      to discover how we can best deal        landscapes, like they did in the past.
      with these future transitions and
      the impact they will have on the
      landscape we cherish.
Landscape Triennial 2021 - High green, innovating the landscape
[…]    Coalitions                                      […]    The Landscape’s ‘Speech from
                                                              the Throne’
The question of course is who is responsible for
making decisions and carrying them out. Now            The Landscape Triennial 2021 will retain the
that the government is no longer ‘the boss’, the       triennial’s traditional elements, such as an
rest of us are obliged to rise to the cause. That’s    international conference, and the Troonrede van
why the triennial’s 10 different laboratories are      het Landschap (the Landscape’s Speech from
run by surprising coalitions of government, market     the Throne). The so-called ‘Sterrenregen’ (Falling
players and societal organisations. During the         Stars), offers local initiatives the opportunity to
triennial they will each have one day to share their   take part too. This year’s opening will be on the
discoveries and results with the public in a variety   Oud-Herlaar estate.
of ways, from sharing the pure content (mainly         __
for professionals), to excursions and a cultural
offering of music, theatre and art.

                                                                          Van Gogh National Park impression by West 8

Van Gogh National Park               The Van Gogh National Park has       Netherlands, they are leading
                                     an unusual concept; different        areas of natural beauty that are
The Van Gogh National Park           partners are collaborating to        also attractive for agriculture.
in North Brabant will host the       create the landscape of the          The Van Gogh National Park,
event. A park that will cover        future – including cities, with      which combines a top economy
some 120,000 hectares –              the value added of nature,           with 1.5 million people with the
around one quarter of the            the regional economy and the         tangible heritage of Van Gogh
province of North Brabant,           people who live in the area.         is a unique development in this
with its unique landscape of         These new-style National Parks       contex.
interweaving streams.                are a calling card for the           __
potential offered by new technology. This lab
[*]   The 10 Landscape Laboratories
                                                              will also look at the areas where Brabant holds a
      of the Landscape Triennial 2021                         leading position, such as having the largest forest
                                                              in the Netherlands or the site-oriented approach
                                                              taken by the Duinboeren Foundation.
      […] High Tech – High Green
      High Tech High Green is about landscape as a
      factor in decisions concerning location. A top-         […] Economic Pillars
      class economy cannot exist without a top-class          For centuries, the Dutch landscape has been
      landscape – talented professionals and creative         formed by its inhabitants’ economic activities.
      thinkers value an attractive working and living         Forest building, water mills, brickworks and
      environment. In the area along and around the           monasteries have all contributed to the
      ‘Green Corridor’ between Strijp S and Oirschot,         patchwork landscape of Brabant. But how about
      the municipalities of Eindhoven and Oirschot,           factories, industrial areas, logistics centres and
      together with the Brabants Landschap –                  wind turbines? Do they also contribute to an
      supported by the Vereniging Deltametropool and          environment we love to live in? This lab explores
      experts from the College van Rijksadviseurs – are       the balance between economic development
                                focussing on the question     and the creation of an
                                how landscape can             attractive landscape.
                                support the knowledge         The focus will lie
                                industry and how              on Landschapspark
                                industry can contribute       Pauwels near Tilburg.
                                to the development of         Does the creation of
                                a landscape. The green        landscape parks offer any
                                environment around            perspective? If so, what are the economic pillars?
      the Brainportregio is important for the high-tech
      industry, so why not share the responsibility for the   […] Productive Nature
      landscape between the different players?                How can you optimise the earning power of a
                                                              landscape, create value? Productive Nature
      […] Brabant Streams                                     looks especially at the trees in Brabant (poplar)
      The area knows as the                                                               for an answer to this
      ‘Brabantse Beken’, or                                                               question. The clog
      streams of Brabant, is                                                              industry used to be
      breathtakingly beautiful                                                            the economic pillar
      and many people feel a                                                              of Brabant’s poplar-
      connection to it. Climate                                                           rich landscape; these
      change is forcing us to                                                             days, poplar can be
      learn to live with aridity, heat and flooding. Can we   used as a sustainable building material, with the
      afford to give space to water? The water boards of      additional advantage that it will stabilise CO2
      Brabant, together with the municipality of Meierij-     emissions for a longer period. Bio-based building
      stad, explore what this landscape can tell us about     in the Netherlands could be a game changing
      climate change by listening to people’s stories,        development.
      looking at possible new production and consump-         Other topics that are explored here are tree
      tion cycles, and by translating the significance of     cultivation, food forests and sustainable energy
      this unique landscape into contemporary solutions.      production.

                             […] Rich Soil                    […] Our Energy, Our Landscape
                             Rich Soil (Vitale Bodem)         The Climate Agreement states that 50% of the
                             investigates the future of       energy transition will be executed with, and by, the
                             agriculture as the most                                      community. Our Energy
                             important guardian of                                        Our Landscape looks
                             the landscape. How can                                       at how this participation
                             new forms of agriculture                                     can contribute to an
      strengthen the landscape? Think of the relati-                                      attractive landscape
      onship of agriculture with nature, but also of the                                  in terms of energy
production. Can solar panels and wind parks                       search for a green and living city with room for
act as a lever for landscape development? By                      urban challenges such as accessibility, climate
realising ‘wind forests’ for example, or even by                  adaptation, health, recreation and an attractive
keeping valuable landscape structures using wind                  business climate. The brooks and rivers in the area,
turbines? A coalition between Staatsbosbeheer                     and especially the river ‘Mark’, play an important in
and Ecco will investigate these questions.                        reaching this goal.

[…] Zuiderwaterlinie / Southern water line                        […] Datascapes
It is one of the largest structures in the province               The Climate Agreement states that 50% of the
of Brabant: the Zuiderwaterlinie or Southern                      energy transition will be executed with, and by, the
water line. A system of fortresses and small                                                 community. Our Energy
cities that was build in the 16th century by                                                 Our Landscape looks
Menno van Coehoorn. The location on a border                                                 at how this participation
of clay and sand has created a beautiful aquatic                                             can contribute to an
landscape that offers many possibilities. Purpose                                            attractive landscape
of the Landscape Lab                                                                         in terms of energy
‘Zuiderwaterlinie’ is to                                                                     production. Can
investigate the ‘taste                                            solar panels and wind parks act as a lever for
of the landscape’ of                                              landscape development? By realising ‘wind
the people that live                                              forests’ for example, or even by keeping valuable
and work in the area.                                             landscape structures using wind turbines? A
This means research of                                            coalition between Staatsbosbeheer and Ecco will
the actual food that is                                           investigate these questions.
produced in the region,
but also of the design                                            […] Healing Landscape
of the landscape in                                               The mission of Healing Landscape is to increase
the past, present and                                                                        support in communities
future. The conversation                                                                     for landscape as a
will take place at the ‘Zuiderwaterlinie table’. The                                         healing power that
table is a symbol of the eleven cities that are                                              contributes to the health
situated along the Southern water line.                                                      of both people and
                                                                                             nature. This lab looks
                      […] Groenstad / Green city                                             particularly at the Van
                      The greening of the urban                   Gogh National Park, an area with great potential
                      area is high on the agenda                  for linking landscape and healthcare. The ultimate
                      of Brabantstad. One of the                  aim is to create a grassroots movement that gives
                      challenges for the future is to             voice to the importance of health, in both people
                      create living areas that generate           and nature.
                      value for the landscape. It is a

Regional partners
Provincie Noord-Brabant | Rabobank | ZLTO | BrabantStad | Brabantse Delta | Waterschap De Dommel | Waterschap Aa en Maas |
Brabant Water
National partners
NL Ingenieurs | BNSP | NVTL | Ministerie van BZK | Staatsbosbeheer | Rijksdienst voor het Cultureel Erfgoed | NVTL | CRa
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