Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut

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Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
10                                   14                               20                               28
100 years of women students at AUB   A professor explains Lebanon’s   A milestone for the University   AUBMC’s massive vaccination program
                                     currency crisis                  Scholarship Program

                                      Fall 2021, Vol. XIX, No. 2

                                     Learn. Live. Hope.
                                     A year like no other.
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
                                                                                        Firas Hatoum was raised in Aley, where he attended the
                                                                                        Universal College of Aley. The son of AUB alumni who met
                                                                                        at AUB, Firas grew up hearing stories about student life on
                                                                                        campus and always knew that he wanted to attend AUB.
                                                                                        He also grew up hearing about the Civic Welfare League,
                                                                                        a student club that he now leads as club president.
                                                                                        Firas especially enjoys “meeting other students from
                                                                                        different cultural backgrounds.” He also values the education
                                                                                        he is receiving and the opportunities that AUB provides for
                                                                                        personal growth and development. A third-year student
                                                                                        who is working toward a degree in medical laboratory
                                                                                        sciences, Firas is planning to apply to medical school after
                                                                                        he graduates—moving one step closer to his dream of
                                                                                        becoming a cardiothoracic surgeon. Another dream of his is
                                                                                        “to give back to the community a little of what I was lucky
                                                                                        to get as a recipient of AUB financial aid.”
                                                                                        Firas has received generous support from several
                                                                                        donor‑funded scholarships: the Adib Kouteili Scholarship,
                                                                                        the WAAAUB–Abu Dhabi Chapter Endowed Scholarship,
                                                                                        and the Aziz Stephan Scholarship.

To speak to someone about supporting financial aid, contact us at giving@aub.edu.lb or make a gift at give.aub.edu.lb
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
MainGate Fall 2021
                            Contents                   Vol. XIX, No. 2

                                2     Views from Campus
                                      Letter from the President

Inspiration & Discovery        4-26
                                      AUB people, student life, the liberal arts,
                                      and research

                                      Back to school with fresh and familiar faces; AUB’s first
                                      female Vice President of Administration and Chief
                                      of Staff; Women making history at AUB; Making sense
                                      of a currency in crisis; The rich legacy of Lebanon’s cedar
                                      trees; Changing lives with scholarships and financial aid;
                                      Arabic calligraphy in design

                                      Health and medicine
   Health and Wellness        27-32   AUB fights COVID-19 one shot at a time; What to do
                                      about sudden cardiac arrest; Developing medicine for
                                      genetic disease

               Community       33     Featured alumni, class notes

           In Memoriam         42
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
Letter from the president                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               2 3

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                8                                       18                                        22                                  42
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Volunteers step in with everything      The handling of Phoenician glass          Restoring and rebuilding Beirut’s   The psychological complications
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               from a broom to engineering expertise   shattered by the Beirut Port blast        unique cultural heritage            of post-traumatic stress

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        Fall 2021/Winter 2022, Vol. XIX, No. 1

                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       Learn. Live. Hope.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       A year like no other.

                                                                                                                                                                            Dear MainGate readers,
                                                                                                                                                                            We’re delighted to present this fall issue of The MainGate—a reflection on the many facets
                                                                                                                                                                            of the AUB community. As befits these straitened times, we are publishing in a smaller
                                                                                                                                                                            more economical format for this and near-future editions, but we hope our far-flung readers

 Views from Campus
                                                                                                                                                                            will also find their way to the digital edition of MainGate when we launch our new platform                                                      Gathering for postponed
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Commencement Exercises
                                                                                                                                                                            in the spring.                                                                                                                                   on the Green Field track;
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             September 2021
                                                                                                                                                                            In reading these pages about the complexity of AUB life, you will find both the difficult and                                                    Photo by Martin Asser
                                                                                                                                                                            the sublime, a deep dive into the Lebanese currency crisis and the exuberant opening days
                                                                                                                                                                            on campus with students once again filling the pathways and robed graduates celebrating
                                                                                                                                                                            their delayed and much yearned for commencements. You’ll go back in time with the
                     Dear readers,                               and we must strive to live up to that,       our friends across the globe.                                 Lebanese cedars and Arabic calligraphy as well as see the recent appointment of AUB’s
                                                                 including doing everything possible          The dangerous games played by                                 first female vice president for administration and the herculean effort that has brought the
                     You can be assured that throughout the
                                                                 to return our students stranded in           political actors in Lebanon and abroad                        COVID-19 vaccine to almost 100 percent of the community.
                     crises of the past three years, the board
                                                                 Afghanistan, to serve our diverse            must not be allowed to impair the
                     of trustees, university leadership, and I                                                                                                              With this issue we say goodbye to executive editor, Martin Asser, who was first introduced
                                                                 learning community during the                continuity of AUB’s teaching and
                     have listened, debated, and deliberated                                                                                                                to the magazine after seeing it on his in-laws’ coffee table in London many years ago, and
                                                                 Lebanese crisis so that it continues         healing missions. The severe economic
   This letter is    how to forge a path forward for this                                                                                                                   who went on to oversee its publication from 2015-2021. We will miss his gift for storytelling
  excerpted from                                                 its journey of discovery, all while          collapse has left more than 74 percent of
                     most precious of universities, one whose                                                                                                               and his delight over unearthing a particularly rich aspect of university life, and we thank
 Dr. Fadlo Khuri’s                                               continuously improving our educational       Lebanese below the poverty line; they                                                                                                                                                                          Back Cover
 opening remarks     existence provides diversity, hope,                                                                                                                    him for his elegance in editing.                                                                                                                 Nicely Hall
                                                                 standards. We will reinvigorate the          are no longer able to pay full tuition for
     at AUB on       opportunity, purpose, and, indeed, life
September 6, 2021.                                               experience of our students through an        their children. We must all shoulder                          At this time, what MainGate reflects most is endurance and hope, the very fiber of AUB.
                     to its community.
                                                                 enriched curriculum where experiential       additional responsibilities so those                                                                                                                                                                           Executive Editor
                                                                 learning links with the liberal arts         outstanding students who are capable                          With gratitude,                                                                                                                                  Martin Asser
                     Our path forward starts with careful,
                                                                 and scientific education that AUB            and suited to attend AUB, but whose
                     critical self-examination and a                                                                                                                        The editors                                                                                                                                      Features Editors
                                                                 is rightfully renowned for. Armed            parents or guardians live in Lebanon,                                                                                                                                                                          Alison Freeland
                     realistic appraisal of our mission.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Jennifer Muller
                                                                 with an AUB education, our students          can attend for an affordable price, while
                     How does one reaffirm purpose to an                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Alumni Editor
                                                                 will be prepared and predisposed to          those whose parents live and work
                     enduringly valuable university in a                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     Susanne Lane
                                                                 serve the beleaguered societies of the       abroad render their tuition in a more
                     time of shifting alliances, malleable                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Design Coordinator
                                                                 world, societies challenged by war,          stable currency.                                                                                                                                                                                               Oumama El-Chab
                     perceptions, and alternative facts?
                                                                 unemployment, an absence of social                                                                                                                                                                                                                          Features Coordinator
                     What lessons has history taught us
                                                                 freedoms, a lack of participation in         “In the depths of winter, I finally                                                                                                                                                                            Leen Baassiri
                     pertaining to the preservation of that
                                                                 the governance of their nations and,         learned that within me there lay an                                                                                                                                                                            Associate Dir. of Communications
                     which is most precious in our society?                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Najib Chowdhury
                                                                 most damning of all, a loss of hope for      invincible summer,” wrote Albert                              AUB                         FAFS                         HSON                         MSFEA                        UAE
                     And how do we apply these lessons to                                                                                                                   American University of      Faculty of Agricultural      Rafic Hariri School          Maroun Semaan Faculty        United Arab Emirates          Copyeditor
                                                                 a better tomorrow. These societies can       Camus. In novels, plays, and essays,
                     our essential university and the fragile                                                                                                               Beirut                      and Food Sciences            of Nursing                   of Engineering and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Adriana Smith
                                                                 be transformed by individuals who are        the Nobel laureate explored the depths,       Abbr.                                                                                                 Architecture
                     nation in which it resides?                                                                                                                            AUBMC                       FAS                          IFI                                                       United Nations                Staff Writers
                                                                 privileged to attend our great university,   heights, and wonders of our existence.                        American University of      Faculty of Arts              Issam Fares Institute        OSB
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Eric Eyges
                                                                                                                                                                            Beirut Medical Center       and Sciences                 for Public Policy and        Suliman S. Olayan
                                                                 such that they too “may have life and        This quote was penned in a series of                                                                                                                                             Worldwide Alumni
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Barbara Rosica
                     I have borne many withering critiques                                                                                                                  CCECS                       FHS
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                     International Affairs        School of Business
                                                                 have it more abundantly.”                    essays in which Camus urged humanity         Common
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Association of AUB            Art Direction and Design
                     and much unsought advice from                                                                                                                          Center for Civic            Faculty of                   KSA                          REP                                                        AUB Communications
                                                                                                              to persevere through adversity, timely       abbreviations    Engagement and              Health Sciences              Kingdom of Saudi Arabia      Regional                                                   Carla Korkmaz, Dir. Creative Services
                     speculators and politicians alike. But I                                                                                              found in         Community Service                                                                     External Programs
                                                                 Almost one quarter of our students           advice for us today. This lies at the        MainGate (MG):                               FM                           LAU                                                                                     Amal Sabsabi, graphic designer
                     have also received support, guidance,                                                                                                                                              Faculty of Medicine          Lebanese American            SPC                                                        Sarah Alameddine, graphic designer
                                                                 hold non-Lebanese passports, making          core of why we at AUB must more fully
                     criticism, and contemplation from                                                                                                                                                                               University                   Syrian Protestant College                                  Original design
                                                                 AUB the second most diverse university       embrace and indeed exemplify our
                     trustees, alumni, faculty, students, and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                Communication Design, SAL
                                                                 by percentage of non-Lebanese and            purpose. In the depths of each of our
                     staff, from colleagues in the field, and,                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               Photography
                                                                 by far the most diverse university by        winters there lies an invincible summer.                                                                                                                                                                       Hassan Nisr
                     of course, from my own family. One
For current news                                                 nationality across the MENA region. We       Though never easy, we must pursue                                                                                                                                                                              Abbas Salman
                     inspiration is the constant example of                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Martin Asser
summaries, read                                                  are deeply acculturated in our home. We      excellence for the greater good and save                                                                                                                                                                       University Libraries, Archives and
e-newsletters:       our AUBMC physicians, nurses, and
                                                                 are the American University OF Beirut,       lives whose values are immeasurable,                                                                                                                                                                           Special Collections
President’s          staff, who have fought for our patients,                                                                                                               The pages of MainGate are printed on 100 percent postconsumer fiber paper and the cover is 30 percent. It is printed using web offset
Perspective                                                      not simply the American University           all while empowering great minds,                                                                                                                                                                              Printing
                     values, and community. They have led                                                                                                                   process with attention to clean-air operations. Lane Press gets 98 percent of its electricity from sources other than greenhouse gas-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             Lane Press, USA
www.aub.edu.lb/                                                  IN Beirut. We serve the peoples of           whose futures portend a better, fairer,                       producing carbon fuel. Inks are bio-derived and low in volatile organic compounds.
                     in the battle against the pandemic and                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  American University of Beirut
President/Presi                                                  Lebanon and the region, and no set of        more inclusive world. Now more than                           Please recycle this magazine. If you prefer to subscribe to the online version of MainGate, please email maingate@aub.edu.lb
dentsperspective/    the near collapse of Lebanon’s health                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   Office of Communications
                                                                 circumstances, no threat or harm will        ever, as Camus also reflected, we must                        AUB is committed to the principle of equal opportunity and does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, religion, age, national or
Pages                system despite both overwhelming odds                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   PO Box 11–0236
                                                                 force us to abandon our sacred charge.       mend what we can, band together, and                          ethnic identity, sex, gender or gender identity, marital status, disability, genetic predisposition or carrier status, alienage or citizenship   Riad El Solh 1107 2020
                     and the all-too-human temptation to                                                                                                                    status, political affiliation, or any legally protected characteristic, in its programs and activities to the fullest extent permitted by
AUB@Work                                                                                                      pledge ourselves to causes far greater                                                                                                                                                                         Beirut, Lebanon
                     leave for greener climes.                                                                                                                              Lebanese law. This includes prohibition against sexual harassment and sexual violence as mandated by Title IX of the U.S. Education              Tel: 961-1-353228
www.aub.edu.lb/                                                  As we affirm what has made us great          than ourselves.                                               Amendments of 1972. Inquiries or complaints may be addressed to the Title IX Coordinator at integrityofficer@aub.edu.lb, the Dean of
communications/                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                              New York Office, Debs Center
                     Our students, faculty, and staff expect     and transform to meet the current                                                                          Student Affairs at sao@aub.edu.lb, or the Office of the President, College Hall, Beirut, Lebanon, +961-1-350000. For AUB’s full policies,
                                                                                                                                                                            visit www.aub.edu.lb/titleix.                                                                                                                    3 Dag Hammarskjold
                     a great deal from this university,          challenges, we count on the support of       Fadlo R. Khuri                                                                                                                                                                                                 Plaza, 8th Floor
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                             New York, NY 10017–2303
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
Inspiration & Discoveries                                      4 5

AUB’s 156th
Opening Day,
September 6, 2021

                                  The American University
                               of Beirut must fundamentally
                               transform if it is to continue
                               to persist and thrive.
                               And persist and thrive we
                               must. The stakes are simply
                               too high, and this university
                               is too important for us to fail.
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
Inspiration & Discoveries                 6 7

The COVID-19 pandemic turned the world upside down
in many ways. That is certainly true for the Class of
2020, whose graduation was postponed over one year.
In a strange twist of events, AUB’s 151st Commencement
Exercises for the Class of 2020 actually took place a whole
month after AUB held its 152nd Commencement Exercises
for the Class of 2021.

But the Class of 2020 did--finally--have their moment,
with an in-person ceremony on the Green Field held on
October 8, and a virtual ceremony held online a week later
for those who could not attend in person.

For more on student speakers
and commencement please
see MainGate Digital.

   Tonight, with your
friends by your side, in this
incredible campus, think
of all that you’ve done and
accomplished these past
few years. Tonight, even if
the electricity cuts, our cars
are empty, our wallets light,
if nothing else, tonight is all
we need to remember to keep
moving forward.
-Kamel Wehbe (BA ’21, Political Studies)
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                                                                                                   8 9

Makhlouf Haddadin                                                                                                               Mary Jaber Nachar
                                                                                                                                An AUB stalwart takes a seat in the C-Suite
  Can a true Renaissance man retire?       years almost all his Colorado Boulder     Dr. Haddadin followed up with the
  After nearly six decades, a much         colleagues needed.                        the Davis-Beirut Reaction in 2005
  honored and highly revered teacher and                                             with his colleague at UC Davis,             Appointed in September 2020 as Vice          challenges—an attitude that serves her
                                                                                                                                 President for Administration, Mary Jaber     well in her new role.
  scholar steps away from his day job.    A promising career beckoned, which         Dr. Mark Kurth and both mechanisms          Nachar is the first female to serve the
                                          Dr. Haddadin began at Harvard for          continue to provide new and vital           university in this role. The challenges     Women leaders often face gender bias
  AUB has impacted the lives of so        two years under Dr. Louis Fieser (the      applications.                               she faces are among the most onerous        in the form of additional scrutiny and
  many students it can be difficult       inventor of napalm), before being                                                      in the university’s 155-year history, but   criticism. Perhaps AUB’s longstanding
                                                                                                                                 Jaber is the rare individual who can        commitment to female empowerment, in
  (and perhaps not that useful) to        recruited back to AUB in 1964 by           Generations of AUB chemists have            integrate multiple conflicting views and    combination with Lebanon’s complex
  identify the quintessential story of    Dr. Issidorides. He was promoted to        benefited from Dr. Haddadin’s               synthesize them into an harmonious          cultural landscape have given Jaber
  transformation. But one, that began     tenured associate professor in 1969        inspiring teaching—with not                 whole. As the first woman to serve in the   some important tools for negotiating
  with the arrival in 1953 of a slight,   and full professor in 1975. But it         only chemistry but Arabic                  “C-suite”, and the first person to serve as  bias. As a pioneering woman in senior
                                                                                                                                 chief of staff, she champions the value     administration, Mary realizes the
  quietly spoken student on a full        was in 1965 that he and his mentor         poetry frequently discussed in              of a woman’s voice, but insists that each   impact of her actions and decisions
  Jordanian government scholarship,       made the landmark contribution             the classroom, and he served in             employee be judged on merit.                and describes herself as a student of
  is surely a candidate.Born in 1935      of the Beirut Reaction, a novel use        numerous leadership roles, including                                                    institutional organization, someone
  in Ma’in, a rural community south-      of heterocyclic chemistry (using           acting university president in              Growing up in Hamra within walking          familiar with the challenges of being a
                                                                                                                                 distance of AUB, Jaber says, “We played     staff member, and an executive not afraid
  east of Madaba, Makhlouf Haddadin       ring-shaped compounds) to make             1998–99 and 2015. As he retires after       in the Green Oval and the Green Field. For of juggling multiple responsibilities.
  proved to be an outstanding             new organic compounds. It was              57 years’ service, Dr. Haddadin puts        our mother, there was only one choice
  chemistry student under Dr. Costas      simple, scientifically significant,        his longevity to a formula as simple        for the future―to attend AUB,” and Mary AUB President Fadlo Khuri notes:
  Issidorides and gained his BS (1957)    and extremely useful in industry.          as the Beirut Reaction. “I love the         and her sister set it as their goal.       “Mary has a collaborative leadership
                                                                                                                                                                             style, based on different approaches she
  and MS (1959) before heading to         Colleagues at Pfizer told Drs.             place. I was made offers elsewhere          Later, Jaber had what she calls the full    learned from different leaders. She is an
  University of Colorado, Boulder for his Haddadin and Issidorides they had          but I always preferred AUB, even in        “AUB Experience.” She looks back on her excellent listener, naturally empathic,
  PhD. He was so well prepared at AUB wiped out 10 years of R&D work                 its worst days.”                            student years with fondness and a desire and develops and implements plans
  it took only three years to complete    at the pharmaceutical giant when                                                       for others to experience what she did.      which put people first. I am reminded
                                                                                                                                “I was immersed in campus life,” she         of F. Scott Fitzgerald’s observation:
  his doctorate, compared with the five they announced their discovery.                                                          says. Jaber was one of the founders of     ‘The test of a first-rate intelligence is the
                                                                                                                                 the entrepreneurship club, was active in ability to hold two opposing ideas in
                                                                                                                                 the environmental club, and recalls the     mind at the same time and still retain
                                                                                                                                 Outdoors experience with a smile.           the ability to function.’”
                                                                                                                                When Jaber received her business              Jaber’s work portfolio includes eight

Taking the Helm at OSB
                                                                                                                                administration degree in 1999, she            departments, among them HR and
                                                                                                                                had big dreams to join a multinational        benefits, facilities and physical
                                                                                                                                company, travel, and see the world. She       plant, Title IX, strategic planning and
                                                                                                                                was slated as a finalist for just such an     process improvement, protection, and
                                                                                                                                opportunity when her father became            communications. Jaber says with
                                                                                                                                seriously ill. “I had to make a choice        a laugh, “Of course, I would have
                                                                                                                                between my parents and my dreams. I           preferred to serve and to lead during
This September, Dr. Yusuf Sidani was     Sidani has authored a number of            my future action to be truly committed      thought--my dreams can wait. I will stay      better times. However, I am well-trained
appointed to the position of dean of the books, including Business Ethics in the    to our mission of enabling world-class      in Lebanon.”                                  in crisis situations, having participated
Suliman S. Olayan School of Business     Middle East (Routledge, 2018) filling an   business research, learning, and                                                          in the 2006 evacuations and emergency
                                                                                                                                Deciding to work and study further at         response.” That said, she looks forward
(OSB); he has been serving as interim    important gap in the teaching literature   knowledge transfer. First, is the ability   AUB, Jaber earned her MBA in 2001. She        to the time when she will focus more
dean of OSB since October 2020. His      connecting global ethical standards        to provide world-class instruction          started her journey in the internal audit     fully on the aspirational aspects of the
selection comes after an extensive       and local contexts. In 2015, Dr. Sidani    and student experience in the most          department before moving to the office        university, rather than the operational
international search.                    received the Abdul Hameed Shoman           challenging of situations. Second,          of the VP for administration. There she       details of day-to-day survival.
                                                                                                                                was tasked with special projects, and
                                         Award for Arab Researchers in the          is to position OSB and AUB as the           her attachment to AUB grew by the day.        Jaber points to the support of her family
After earning his BBA from AUB in        category of values and professional        destination of choice for established                                                     as critical to her success. She holds
1985, Sidani went on to pursue graduate ethics in the arts, humanities, social      and emerging scholars to whom               Mentors played a large role in Jaber’s        dear her father’s words after the family
                                                                                                                                life, and she credits them for showing        was displaced during the war: “They
studies at Indiana University (MBA ’87) sciences, and education. He also            teaching is a calling and research is a     her the value of “knowledge transfer”         can take away your home and your
and University of Mississippi (PhD ’93). collaborated with Edraak (an initiative    passion. Third, to make the OSB culture     and guiding her through periods               belongings, but nobody can take away
He has extensive teaching and course     of the Queen Rania Foundation, Jordan)     the finest for all its constituencies:      of both crises and growth. “All the           your education and what you hold in
development experience in business       to deliver several popular online          students, staff, and faculty. These are     exposure I had was a blessing,” she           your mind. That is yours to keep.” It
ethics, leadership, fraud prevention     courses (MOOCs) in leadership and          indeed hard times, but together we          says. “I volunteered for committees and       warms her heart when she sees staff
                                                                                                                                taskforces and moved from department          and their children studying and getting
and control, strategic analysis and      business.                                  will be able to reach new heights not       to department. I have worked with many        a degree - an AUB education that both
control, and organizational behavior,                                               constrained by all the noise that is        different leaders, learning from their        Mary and her husband Pierre hope that
while his research focus also includes   Asked about his priorities, Dr. Sidani     happening around us.”                       different approaches and experiences.”        their two children, Selena and Mark,
gender and diversity in organizations.   stated: “Three things will be driving                                                  More than twenty years later, Jaber           will be able to fully experience as well.
                                                                                                                                still relishes being presented with new
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                                                                                        10 11

Ahead of the Curve                                                                                                                                      Sara Levy (BS, Pharmacy ’25).
                                                                                                                                                        First female graduate.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Zaha Hadid (student, 1968–70).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Innovative architect.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hadid’s pioneering work reimagined
                                                                                                                                                                                                                architecture for the twenty-first century. Made
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Dame Commander of the Order of the British

One hundred years of coeducation at AUB                                                                                                                                                                         Empire in 2012, Hadid was the first woman
                                                                                                                                                                                                                to win the Pritzker Architecture Prize (2004).
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Hadid designed AUB’s Issam Fares Institute for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                Public Policy and International Affairs building
                                                                                                                                                        Edma Abu-Chedid (BA ’26, MD ’31).                       in 2014.
                        One hundred years ago, acting              girls’ schools were flourishing. With       while carving out a bold new future.     One of the first women to graduate with a
                        president Edward F. Nickoley reported,     higher education degrees, women could       Progress is rarely a straight line:      bachelor’s degree from FAS, and the first
                        “Beginning this year, women are            aspire to jobs as engineers, architects,    the disciplines and year levels open     female FM graduate.
                        admitted as follows: 1) in the Schools     scientists, doctors, and diplomats.         to women changed throughout the          Abu-Chedid championed women’s reproductive
                        of Medicine, Pharmacy, and Dentistry;                                                  1920s; it was not until the 1940s that   rights and health and established free clinics          Reem Acra (BBA ’82).
References:             2) in the sophomore class of the School    Unlike some of its peer institutions,       President Bayard Dodge reported          throughout Lebanon.                                     Internationally recognized high fashion designer.
El Cheikh, Nadia,       of Arts and Sciences, preparatory to       which were wrestling with the               that men and women could be                                                                      Acra’s gowns and ready-to-wear designs have
Lina Choueiri, Bilal
Orfali, eds. One
                        entrance to medicine; 3) as special        question of coeducation, AUB never          seated alphabetically in Assembly                                                                been worn by celebrities and dignitaries
Hundred and Fifty.      students above the freshman year           made the spurious argument that             Hall and in the classrooms without                                                               around the globe. She won the Building
Beirut: American        in the School of Arts and Sciences.”       women were not suited for or capable        embarrassment; and it was not until                                                              Bridges Award in 2014 and has been a
University of
                        It was not until 1969—nearly a half        of high-level learning. Women               1967 that women were admitted to         Angela Jurdak Khoury (BA ’37, MA ’38).                  member of the Dubai Design and Fashion
Beirut Press, 2016.
                        century after AUB—that Harvard,            were expected to meet the same              the engineering school. The starting     Scholar, diplomat.                                      Council since its inception. Acra dreamed of
Anderson, Betty         Princeton, and Yale admitted women.        standards as men, and there were            point for these milestones occurred in   AUB’s first female instructor and Lebanon’s first       being a fashion designer after putting on a
The American            As Elsa Kerr, adviser to women             no courses developed specifically           1921, when a handful of courageous       female diplomat. Khoury was secretary-general           fashion show at AUB Outdoors in 1982.
University of
                        students, noted in 1947, “This was         for female students, such as hygiene        young women faced life on campus         of Lebanon’s delegation to the UN Conference
Beirut: Arab
Nationalism and         indeed a radical step, for in the Arab     or home economics. Working with             as a highly visible student minority.    on International Organization in San Francisco
Liberal Education.      countries, coeducation above the           the Presbyterian Board of Foreign           In recent years, women are in the        in 1945 and Lebanon’s representative to the UN
Austin: University of
                        primary schools had never existed.”        Missions in 1926–27, AUB’s board            majority at AUB, representing just       Commission on the Status of Women.
Texas Press, 2011.
                                                                   and the American School for Girls           over 50 percent of student enrollment.                                                           Mariam Dabboussi (BEN ’18).
                        Following World War I, the end of          established a junior college for women      While women around the globe                                                                     Linguist, software developer, and social activist.
Penrose, Stephen B.
L., Jr. That They May   the Ottoman Empire, and influential        to provide living accommodations            continue to struggle for equality, AUB                                                           Dabboussi helped to bring Google Assistant’s
Have Life: The Story
                        new laws related to the emancipation       for its female students and to better       continues to challenge the status quo                                                            services in Arabic to life via laptops, mobile
of the American                                                                                                                                         Mamdouha El Sayed Bobst (BA ’47).
                        of women in Turkey, there were new         educate freshmen and sophomores.            on issues of gender bias, promoting                                                              phones, smart watches, and home speakers.
University of                                                                                                                                           Women’s health care advocate and
Beirut, 1866–1941.      opportunities for educated women           That junior college evolved into the        female empowerment in the Arab                                                                   As a student, she led a team of 30 students
Princeton, NJ:
                        to work as nurses, teachers, clerical      Beirut College for Women, then became       world and beyond.                                                                                in developing 16 solar-powered lamp posts
Princeton University
                        workers, and support staff. AUB,           Beirut University College after accepting                                            Bobst raised public awareness of women’s                and 10 solar kits in El Mejdel in northern
Press, 1941.
                                                                                                                                                        health issues and helped break the taboo                Lebanon, as part of the student initiative
                        originally known as the Syrian             men in 1973. Today it is known as the         AUB continues to                       of cancer throughout the Middle East. She               “Light Up a Village.”
                        Protestant College, had already            Lebanese American University.
                        answered the call for more trained
                                                                                                               challenge the status                     launched the first healthcare system in Libya,
                        nurses by establishing the region’s        AUB introduced mixed-sex higher             quo on issues of gender                  opened its first hospital, and trained its first
                                                                                                               bias, promoting female                   nurses. Bobst established AUBMC’s Mamdouha

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Some of AUB’s
                        first nursing school in 1905. Female       education to the region in a move
                                                                                                                                                        El Sayed Bobst Breast Unit, the first dedicated
                        empowerment was on the rise,               that took vision and a willingness          empowerment in the Arab                  breast unit in Lebanon and the Middle East.
                        especially in Beirut, where secondary      to adjust to present-day exigencies
                                                                                                               world and beyond.

                                                                                                                                                                                                            notable alumnae
                                                                                                                                                                                                            throughout the
                                                                                                                                                        Huda Zurayk (BA ’65).
                                                                                                                                                        First female academic dean (1998–2008).
                             Double-veiled and accompanied by her husband,
                             Ihsan Shakir (BA ’29) came to campus from Egypt in
                                                                                                                                Empowering              Zurayk is an internationally recognized

                                                                                                                                                                                                            decades . . .

                                                                                                                                                        scholar on reproductive health and Arab
                             1924 as the first Muslim woman to enroll at AUB. She                                               Women                   world health issues.
                             expressed a belief that continues to resonate today:
                             “The natural contacts that grow out of university life                                             Since 1921
                             . . . [promote] greater understanding, mutual self-
    Ihsan Shakir with        respect, and more wholesome relationships.”
    her husband,
    Ahmad, 1927.                                                                        COEDUCATION AT AUB
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                             12 13

                                                                                                                        AUB’s vice president for advancement     The fundraising successes that
                                                                                                                        and business development, Dr. Imad       Khuri is referring to have been part
                                                                                                                        B. Baalbaki, was selected to receive     of BOLDLY AUB: The Campaign
                                                                                                                        the prestigious 2020 CASE Asia-          to Lead, Innovate, and Serve–the
                                                                                                                        Pacific Distinguished Service            $650 million fundraising campaign
                                                                                                                        Award, which is given annually           that the university will successfully
                                                                                                                        and “honors individuals whose            conclude in January 2022. The impact
                                                                                                                        professional accomplishments have        of the campaign can be seen in the
                                                                                                                        made a significant and lasting impact    record number of AUB students who
                                                                                                                        on institutional advancement, and        are receiving financial support, in

                                                        The Council for                                                 whose life and character have earned
                                                                                                                        the respect and admiration of fellow
                                                                                                                                                                 the growth of AUB’s endowment,
                                                                                                                                                                 in renovated classrooms and
                                                                                                                        colleagues.”                             laboratories, in expanded research
                                                        Advancement and                                                 Baalbaki is no stranger to our
                                                                                                                                                                 funds, at the medical center, and in
                                                                                                                                                                 numerous outreach initiatives that are

                                                        Support of Education                                            worldwide community of alumni
                                                                                                                        and friends. A proud AUB alumnus
                                                                                                                                                                 improving the lives of the people of
                                                                                                                                                                 Lebanon and the region.
                                                                                                                        (BBA ’85, MBA ’87), he has worked
                                                        Recognizes                                                      at his alma mater since he returned
                                                                                                                        to Lebanon after earning a PhD in
                                                                                                                                                                 AUB trustee emeritus Alexander
                                                                                                                                                                 T. Ercklentz, who also supported

                                                        VP Imad Baalbaki for                                            marketing at the Georgia Institute of
                                                                                                                        Technology. He has been a member of
                                                                                                                                                                 Baalbaki’s nomination, noted that
                                                                                                                                                                 AUB is respected in Lebanon and the
                                                                                                                        the faculty at AUB’s Suliman S. Olayan   region “not just because it stands for
                                                        Distinguished Service                                           School of Business since 1993 and was
                                                                                                                        director of the business school from
                                                                                                                                                                 freedom of thought and expression,
                                                                                                                                                                 tolerance, and respect for diversity
                                                                                                                        1997 to 2000. Baalbaki joined AUB’s      and dialogue but also because of its
                                                                                                                        Office of Advancement in 2001 and        professionalism. This is especially true
                                                                                                                        has led the Offices of Advancement       when it comes to advancement. People
                                                                                                                        in Beirut and North America since        throughout the region look to AUB for
                                                                                                                        July 2016. “This is not a job for me,”   guidance on ‘best practices.’”
                                                                                                                        Baalbaki explains, “but an integral
                                                                                                                        part of who I am.”                       “Our university, which I am so proud
                                                        During the extreme challenges of 2020,                                                                   to serve, attracts extraordinary
                                                        CASE also recognized AUB with three                             In a letter he wrote supporting          support from its worldwide
                                                        Circle of Excellence Awards:                                    Baalbaki’s nomination for the            community of alumni, from friends
                                                                                                                        CASE award, President Fadlo              who appreciate the singular role that
                                                           AUB4Beirut Disaster Response                                 Khuri commented, “Since Imad’s           AUB plays as an American institution
                                                           AUB4BeirutDisasterResponse.aspx                              appointment as vice president, our       in the Arab world, and—most
                                                                                                                        advancement team has achieved            importantly—from a truly remarkable
                                                                                                                        enormous success – record-breaking       group of trustees,” said Baalbaki. He
                                                           Nemr’s star-studded online fundraising event #AUBNecessary   fundraising years, building alumni       credits President Khuri in particular
                                                                                                                        engagement, pioneering new               for his inspiring leadership and
                                                                                                                        initiatives, and expanding the           tireless dedication. “I cannot imagine
                                                           The AUB Halloween mask awareness video                       prospect pool . . . The fundraising      anyone better to steer the university
                                                           www.facebook.com/watch/?v=1152054448524512                   successes of the advancement team in     through these most challenging of
                                                                                                                        recent years have been extraordinary.”   times. It is a privilege to work with
                                                                                                                                                                 him and with so many dedicated
                                                                                                                                                                 colleagues on behalf of our AUB.”

Faculty of Medicine Graduation Ceremony. June 4, 2021
Learn. Live. Hope. A year like no other - American University of Beirut
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                                                                                                                                   14 15

the Currency Crisis                                                                                                                                                     digital money, that is USD deposited
                                                                                                                                                                        in banks. People are trading bank
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        I’ve heard that the urban areas are
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        suffering more than rural ones. Is
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               be restructured away from services
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                               toward something more balanced.
                                                                                                                                                                        checks. I give you a $100,000 check,            that true? If so, could you elaborate? In my opinion, our salvation lies
                                                                                                                                                                        you give me around $20,000 in fresh             It’s true. While rural areas have      in completing land and sea border
                                                                                                                                                                        USD banknotes, or even less than that.          always been neglected, they are more   negotiations with Israel-Palestine and
                                                                                                                                                                        It’s essentially exchanging “lollars,”          self-sufficient in terms of agricultureSyria, and producing oil and gas.
                     What is the true value of the LBP?         Lebanon doesn’t have enough land          year ago, the pound crashed. No one                           the USD banks claim to hold, for                products, which have become            I am confident that many international
                     And what keeps driving the price           to support much agriculture. Mostly       wanted to bring any more dollars into                         actual, physical, unrestricted USD.             expensive. So overall, people in       investors would be willing to advance
                     down?                                      we rely on services and tourism for       Lebanon. Now foreign exporters want                           Finally, people are turning to buy gold         rural areas have fared relatively well Lebanon sizable hard currencies in
                     First, no model can accurately             generating much of our national           advance payment from Lebanese                                 and probably smuggling their holdings           compared to those in urban areas.      seven-or eight-year loans, which is
                     determine the intrinsic value of the       income. More political instability        importers for all goods and services,                         outside the country. There are no                                                      the time it would take to produce and
Dr. Said Elfakhani   LBP, or any currency. Hence, the true      means less tourism. We used to receive    from basic necessities to luxury                              figures given as to the volume of this.         What’s the solution? What can be       sell oil and gas. Other steps include
AUB professor                                                   a lot of Gulf Arab tourists. That’s       items. Meanwhile, importers have a
                     value or price floor is not currently                                                                                                                                                              done to halt the crash right now?      developing an independent judiciary
of finance,
accounting,          known, but it is certainly not 1,500       all dried up. Foreign aid too is very     hard time paying at all because of                                                                            Money or capital is cowardly, as they  and finding a solution for Syrian
and managerial
                     to the USD. There is no factual            limited because of political issues. So
                                                                where will the cash come from?
                                                                                                          the financial controls in place. They
                                                                                                          need to have a foreign bank account
                                                                                                                                                                          Faith must be                                 say. Faith must be restored in the     refugee, and eventually Palestinian
                     data that can justify a particular
                                                                                                                                                                        restored in the
has tracked the                                                                                                                                                                                                         Lebanese economy to attract cash.      refugee, issues. This is the way
fall of the LBP      value, generally, and even less so                                                   or to smuggle the money out in bags.                                                                          But international agencies such as the to recovery. Otherwise, the local
since it unhinged
from the pegged
                     for Lebanon. Currencies are usually
                     valued in proportion to one another,
                                                                If I’m an importer and I want wheat
                                                                sold on the international market in
                                                                                                          On the other hand, they will have to
                                                                                                          demand dollars for their local sales.
                                                                                                                                                                        Lebanese economy                                International Monetary Fund will not productive economy remains weak.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                        jump in without a clear reform plan.   It is easy to destroy, but it is much
dollar rate in
October 2019. He     like the LBP to the dollar. Supply         dollars, I and all the other wheat        Hence, more downward pressure on                              to attract cash                                 In the long term, the economy must     harder to rebuild.
spoke to us about    and demand determine price and is          importers will be on the hunt for         the Lebanese pound.
the mysterious       dictated by many factors, like the ratio   dollars. We’ll crowd around the                                                          LBP
plateaus and
lurches downward     of one country’s inflation rate and        exchange office. The money changer,       And who should bear the losses? It           20,000
that have            average per capita income to another,      who has a limited amount of dollars,      must be the banks and the government,
confounded and       government fiscal and monetary policy,     will auction what he has. The             not the Lebanese depositors. The banks       18,000                                                                                                                                 210%
so many.             balance of payment and trade, public       importers, and anyone else chasing        lent to the government, which defaulted
                     confidence in the future, respective       dollars to buy paint, oil, or food from   on the banks, who then defaulted on
                     interest rates, and the respective         abroad, will bid up the price. The        depositors. The government is a bad          16,000
                     reliability of banking systems.            money changer will sell his or her        debtor. It has run a budget deficit for
                                                                dollars to the highest bidder, thus the   the past 30 years. And it’s been printing
                     The Lebanese Central Bank had              new lower price of the Lebanese pound.    money to pay its debt, meaning, again,
                     been trying to defend the 1,500                                                      downward pressure on the pound.
                     rate by balancing the amount of            How can you explain the volatility?                                                    12,000
                     dollars entering Lebanon against           Why the plateaus, the sudden              How are people adapting to
                     those leaving the country (incoming        downward lurches, the rebounds?           the crisis? How do they
                     dollars represent demand for LPB,          There are all kinds of signals that       circumvent the financial controls            10,000
                     whereas outgoing dollars represent         those importers and others standing in    and protect themselves against
                     the contrary). In 2019, Lebanon            lines at the money changer are paying     the exchange rate?
                                                                                                                                                        8,000                                                                                                                         36%
                     imported $20 billion worth of goods        attention to. When rumors circulate       People are converting their LBP only
                     and services, but exported $3 billion.     that there aren’t enough dollars, the     if absolutely necessary, so they can                                                  3%
                                                                                                                                                                               -7%                                           1%                         2%          3%
                     This trade balance deficit would, by       price of dollars goes up. When the        avoid the punishing exchange rates.           6,000
                                                                                                                                                                                                                -6%                        -5%
                     itself, kill the value of any currency.    media announces that there’s still no     Sellers only accept LBP at whatever the
                     But remittances and money attracted        government—and by extension no            daily market rate is, while some don’t
                     by high interest rates made up the         rescue plan—the price goes up. But        accept LBP at all, just to avoid disputes,    4,000
                     shortfall. Eventually, those cash          when Hariri visited Aoun, the price       given the fluctuations. Some have
                     inflows dried up and exposed the           fell from 15,000 to 10,500 in an hour     invested in real estate with their frozen
                     economy’s hollow foundation.               on the assumption that government         funds, paying via check. Owners were
                     We don’t produce enough locally to         formation is imminent. What’s the         accepting those checks to pay down
                     satisfy local demand, so we need           correct USD price? It could be            outstanding bank debt, but that’s all            0
                     to keep importing, but we can’t            LBP10,000. It could be 100,000.           but dried up now.                                     2012           2013             2014             2015        2016          2017          2018        2019             2020               2021
                     import as much as before because
                     of the devaluation; that’s lowered         When the government defaulted on          On the other hand, believe it or not,                 PRICE O F 5 SE RVINGS O F FATTO UCH ( FAMILY O F 5)                                                         Lebanon Crisis Observatory at AUB
                     living standards.                          its foreign debt, now more than a         there is a big emerging market for                    RAMADAN YE AR
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                                                                         16 17

                                                                      2. Salma N. Talhouk    So begins the fifth tablet of the Epic       the building of a temple in Jerusalem.  explains: “Ancient civilizations were
                                                                      et al, Trees of
                                                                      Lebanon: A Labor of
                                                                                             of Gilgamesh, the world’s oldest major       And again in Isaiah 2:13, there is      primarily after cedar and other cone-
                                                                      Love (Beirut: Nature   work of literature. Gilgamesh, the           mention of the cedars as beings of      producing trees such as fir, pine, and
                                                                      Conservation Center    poem’s hero, stands in awe before            great stature that must nevertheless    juniper because these species produce
                                                                      at AUB, 2014).
                                                                                             the cedar forests on land that would         submit to God’s will.                   resins that protect the wood from
                                                                      3. Trees of Lebanon.
                                                                                             4,000 years later form part of modern                                                decay. Tar and resins were also in high
                                                                                             Lebanon. As he enters the forest, he         Around the time of the Old Testament’s demand, as they were necessary for

Ecology of Cedars
                                                                                             notices the “luxurious foliage” and the      writing, Wenamun, an envoy of the       the maintenance and protection of the
                                                                                             shade, which is “good and extremely          20th Egyptian dynasty, traveled to      ships and for coating ship equipment
                                                                                             pleasant.” It is a place so hallowed and     Lebanon to gather cedar wood for the    and food storage utensils. Essential
                                                                                             beautiful that the gods themselves           construction of a sacred vessel for     oils derived from these trees were used
                                                                                             have made it their home. Sacred and          Amon-Re, the sun god. King Zakarbaal to prepare religious and medicinal

A very Long Relationship                                                                     protected by the demon Humbaba,
                                                                                             the trees are a precious currency, and
                                                                                             for Gilgamesh, the keys to fame and
                                                                                                                                          of Byblos refused to give up the wood, ointments.”3
                                                                                                                                          asking Wenamon: “On what business
                                                                                                                                          have you come here?” Wenamon
                                                                                             fortune. Hence, he has come to chop          replied: “I have come after the timber.
                                                                                             them down and bring them back as             Your father gave it, your grandfather
                                                                                             bounty to his kingdom.                       gave it, and you shall also give it.”2
1. Wolf Carnahan,
“The Epic of
                               They stood at the forest’s edge,                              Fast forward over a thousand years           It was from cedar that the Phoenicians
Gilgamesh: Tablet
V,” The Epic
                            gazing at the top of the Cedar Tree,                             and we find mention of the cedars in         built their merchant ships to
of Gilgamesh,
accessed August 9,          gazing at the entrance to the forest.                            the Old Testament. In I Kings 5:10: “So
                                                                                             Hiram gave Solomon cedar trees and
                                                                                                                                          trade with the rulers of Egypt and
                                                                                                                                          Mesopotamia. A passage from the
2021, http://www.
ancienttexts.               Where Humbaba would walk there was                               fir trees according to all his desire” for   AUB publication The Trees of Lebanon
mesopotamian/               a trail, the roads led straight on, the
htm.                        path was excellent. Then they saw the
                            Cedar Mountain, the Dwelling of the
                            Gods, the throne dais of Imini.1
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                                                                                                           18 19

4. Trees of Lebanon.   The cedar found its way to the heart       “The cedars stand in a valley, and not   It is unsurprising, given its              symbol of Lebanon, an image that is         In addition to The Trees of Lebanon,     Talhouk is also an ardent supporter of
                       of the many civilizations that lived in    on top of the mountain, and they are     physiognomy, that Cedrus libani            thought to bridge internal divides. It is   Talhouk and her colleagues at AUB        a conservation strategy that promotes
5. Pierre Belon, De
Arboribus Coniferis
                       its orbit, and like so many passionate     supposed to amount to 28 in number,      has evoked a sense of majesty and          the silhouette at the center of the flag,   have published numerous articles         biodiversity. A policy of single-species
(Paris: Guillaume      loves, it was relentlessly consumed        though it is difficult to count them,    the divine in such a diversity of          the tattoo on the cab driver’s arm, the     chronicling environmental degradation    focus, she says, whether on the
Cavellat, 1553),       such that “by the first century AD         they being distant from each other a     civilizations, each of which has           relief on the coin, and the namesake of     in Lebanon, including within cedar       cedar or any other species, leads to
4, quoted in J. C.
Loudon, Arboretum
                       Lebanon’s forests had already become       few paces. These the Archbishop of       praised the tree, then chopped it          a 2005 political uprising. The cedar’s      groves, and critiquing a Lebanese        unsustainable, antiseptic ecosystems:
and Fruticetum,        scarce.” The Roman expansion into          Damascus has endeavored to prove         down. “Lebanon’s cedar forests once        charisma has even brought global            and international conservation policy    “a dead forest.” She notes, with a bit
vol. 4 (London,        Phoenicia and Syria, and the building      to be the same that Solomon planted      covered all the western slopes of          media attention from publications           that has historically been centered on   of cold realism, that the cedars may
1844), 2409.
                       of ships and fortifications, drove the     with his own hands in the quincunx       Mount Lebanon at altitudes between         like the Guardian and the New York          top‑down management from afar.           not survive climate change and that
6. Anne Barnard
                       demand for cedar to such a point           manner as they now stand.”5              800 and 2,200 meters. The remaining        Times, which ran a front-page story                                                  promoting a panoply of species may
and Josh Haner,        that a supply bottleneck led to one                                                 groves are protected and cover a total     on climate-change threat to cedars in       Talhouk believes that the key            be the best hedge against the wider
“Climate Change Is     of the earliest recorded attempts at       The cedars of today are the cedars of    of 3 percent of the nation’s area,” says   2018: “Climate change could wipe out        to protecting the cedars lies in         destruction of Lebanon’s natural
Killing the Cedars
of Lebanon,” New
                       environmental conservation. Emperor        history. Since the great bulk of the     Alain Daou, director of AUB’s Nature       most of the country’s remaining cedar       incentivizing and empowering the         world.
York Times, July       Hadrian “set aside the remaining           cedar’s growth occurs before the age     Conservation Center (NCC). These           forests by the end of the century”6 as      local communities living alongside
19, 2018, https://     forests of North Lebanon as his private    of 70 and the tree’s lifespan is over    groves appear like ink blotches on         rising temperatures push the cedars         them. This means providing green         Science tells us that to some degree it
                       hunting grounds; he had inscriptions       a thousand years, we can assume          a map within the bounds of nature          farther up the mountains in search of       jobs to locals, rather than urban        is already too late. The rising global
tive/2018/07/18/       engraved on large rocks to mark the        that many of the trees standing today    reserves like Barouk, Maaser El Shouf,     ecological comfort.                         commuters, and making sure               temperatures driving the cedars
climate/               limits of his forest property. Today,      appear just as they did when Belon       Niha, Ehden, and Tannourine.                                                           ecotourism income supports local         further up the mountains are a
                       the local community of Ehmej is            came upon them. They stand, on                                                      Much of the most incisive scholarship       communities.                             foregone conclusion; it only remains to
vironment-cedars.      proud to show visitors these historical    average, between 40 and 60 feet high.    “The cedar is a charismatic species        and progressive activism around                                                      be seen just how far up they will have
html.                  landmarks that are found on several        Their trunks can reach more than         in Lebanon, so it will make a lot of       the cedar has come out of AUB.                                                       to go and whether there will be any
                       large stones scattered around the          nine feet in diameter. Their bark,       noise if anything happens to it,”                                                                                               room left at the summit. Preventing
                       village lands.”4                           sometimes moss covered, is a mosaic      says Salma Talhouk, former NCC                                                                                                  their total destruction will require
                                                                  of wood flakes stained with white        director and head of the Department                                                                                             unprecedented national and global
                       Fast forward another 1,300 years and       resin; their branches, like massive      of Landscape Design and Ecosystem                                                                                               coordination. So that the cedar may
                       we come across the first early modern      arms spread wide, beseech the            Management. It is also the national                                                                                             find its way into new literature and
                       reference to the cedar in a text written   heavens.                                                                                                                                                                 weave its way into the heart of future
                       by French naturalist Pierre Belon:                                                                                                                                                                                  civilizations who might find new
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           ways to celebrate it and tell the story
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           of its grandeur, it might be best for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           humanity to treat Cedrus libani not as
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           a passionate love, but rather as a long-
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           term partner, a companion with whom
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                           we can live in harmony.
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                                                                                                      20 21

                                                                                                                                                                 and board, meals, stipend, and                graduate, volunteered with the Red
                                                                                                                                                                 laptop are all paid for in US dollars         Cross: “We went to orphanages,
                                                                                                                                                                 distributed at regular intervals by           hospitals, underdeveloped areas. We
                                                                                                                                                                 the US government to protected bank           had political discussions. We played
                                                                                                                                                                 accounts, helping to insulate them            cards. It humbles you.”
                                                                                                                                                                 from Lebanon’s financial crisis.

The University
                                                                                                                                                                                                               Reem would go on to become
                                                                                                                                                                 Once they arrive on campus, many              valedictorian of her class and serve
                                                                                                                                                                 USP scholars sense a cultural gulf            on the University Student Faculty
                                                                                                                                                                 between themselves and other                  Committee. “I can’t sum up what I got
                                                                                                                                                                 students. “It can be a challenge to           out of [the USP program] in words.

Scholarship Program
                                                                                                                                                                 integrate students into a very modern,        We had both academic and social or
                                                                                                                                                                 westernized campus. Many of these             behavioral expectations. We had to
                                                                                                                                                                 students have never been out of their         plan ahead of time. I learned time
                                                                                                                                                                 villages. When they come for a site visit,    management, interviewing skills,

Celebrates its
                                                                                                                                                                 it’s maybe the first time they’ve come to     writing skills. I had a support network.
                                                                                                                                                                 Beirut in their lives,” said Harkouss.        USP made sure I had a well-rounded
                                                                                                                               Duaa Kallam (BSN Expected ’23),                                                 university experience.”
                                                                                                                                                                 Duaa Kallam (BSN Expected ’23), a
                                                                                                                                                                 scholar from Tyre studying nursing            After graduation, Reem traveled to

10 Anniversary
  th                                                                                                                                                             under a new USP sister program for            Dubai, joining Deloitte as a forensic
                                                                                                                                                                 refugees, remembers her surprise upon         technologist. She was fast-tracked for
                                                                                                                                                                 arrival: “It was a whole new mood.            promotion, became a champion for
                                                                                                                                                                 In Tyre, it’s one color. You don’t meet       corporate social responsibility in the
                                                                                                                                                                 people from different backgrounds. It         region, and continued to volunteer,
                                                                                                                                                                 was like, okay, let’s keep silent. I wanted   teaching financial literacy to nearby
                                                                                                                                                                 to understand how [people at AUB]             high school students. She was selected
During California’s COVID-induced          Eventually, by dint of hard work and      the financially strained. “The public-                                      think. I was just observing.”                 as one of 50 delegates to represent
lockdown, Khaled Al Kurdi (BS ’16) did     opportunity provided by AUB’s USAID-      school requirement somehow struck                                                                                         Deloitte at One Young World. Now she
much of his work as a chemist from         funded University Scholarship Program     a chord for me for me because my                                            Al Kurdi recalled a similar feeling,          works for the United Nations, using
his home office in a luxury high-rise in   (USP), Al Kurdi would enter that world    father was a public school principal                                        heightened by an instinct to conceal          a suite of enterprise software tools to
downtown San Jose, his desk beneath        and succeed, later earning his PhD        in Lebanon,” said Tabbal. “Public                                           his background. “I never introduced           sift through data and documents for
a shelf of hanging plants, abutting a      at Georgia Institute of Technology,       school students have always been very                                       myself as a scholarship student. I            evidence of war crimes.
window that looks out on a pool and        before joining Frore Systems, a Silicon   rare on AUB’s campus.” Since 2018,                                          didn’t want to lead with that. But over
lounge area. In the mornings, he’d         Valley electronics firm. He is one of     however, the program was expanded                                           time, I let the walls drop. The students      “My dad now has lost his job for two
meet virtually with his colleagues to      336 students who found in the USP         to include refugees and students from                                       I met weren’t the entitled people I           years, but thanks to my career, I can
discuss progress and next steps on the     program the means to leap several         private schools.                                                            thought they were,” he said.                  provide for my family as the sole
development of a product meant to cool     rungs up the socioeconomic ladder.                                                                                                                                  provider. I’m paying my brother’s
electronic devices—computers, TVs,                                                   Though AUB provides generous                  Khaled Al Kurdi (BS ’16)      Scholars spend the bulk of their first        college tuition, and I’ll probably
phones—more efficiently by an order of     The USP program, now known as the         financial aid to the majority of its                                        year on campus in Reynolds Hall,              have to pay for my sister’s too. I can’t
magnitude. He practices mindfulness        Higher Education Scholarship (HES)        students, most do not receive full                                          working through the University                imagine what the situation would be if
and prefers to live in the present, but    program, was born 10 years ago from a     scholarships; thus, students are still                                      Preparatory Program. “This is to              I didn’t have the job and income I do.
memories of a very different past life     grant application. It has morphed into    expected to cover some tuition costs.                                       bring them up to speed, improve their         And that’s thanks to USP.”
are not far below the surface.             a powerful engine of opportunity in       For USP scholars, paying even a                                             English and study skills,” explained
                                           Lebanon under the leadership of Samar     portion of these costs is not possible.                                     Harkouss. Indeed, many USP students           Eventually, she hopes to return to
As a child in Tarik El Jdideh, he          Harkouss, USP director and head of                                                                                    tout the soft-skills training and             Lebanon and enter politics. “I’d like to
shared a makeshift bedroom with            the University Preparatory Program,       The USP scholarship brings                                                  mandatory volunteer experience                start small, maybe at the municipality
his siblings in a top-floor apartment.     and Malek Tabbal, professor of physics    “a different kind of student to AUB,                                        that forms a central part of the USP          level. That’s where there is real need
The roof leaked in the winter when         and Provost Designee in USP/HES.          students that couldn’t pay even 10                                          program as crucial to their success           right now. Everyone like me takes the
it rained. During the neighborhood’s       The pair applied for and were awarded     percent of the tuition,” explained                                          both at AUB and in the workplace.             easy way out just to make ends meet.
frequent blackouts, he would study         the seminal grant in 2011. They have      Tabbal. “We often have to pay for                                                                                         But I’d like to go back and work to
by battery lamp, and by candlelight        since worked to build up the necessary    their transportation just to come here                                      “Volunteering has changed my                  make it so that people don’t feel they
when the batteries ran out. His father     infrastructure for recruiting promising   for the application interview. It is a                                      life,” said Kallam, speaking of her           have to leave to survive.”
had a shop around the corner that sold     scholars from across Lebanon to the       completely different scale in terms of                                      experience at the Children’s Cancer
lamps, cords, wires, and plugs. On         USP program.                              financial need.”                                                            Center of Lebanon. “I just played               My dad now has lost
occasion, as a teenager, he would jog                                                                                                                            with [the children there].” She also          his job for two years, but
through Ras Beirut, past AUB’s Main        In the beginning, Lebanese scholars       Given their disadvantaged                                                   distributed food to families in need
Gate. “I would peak through. It was a      were drawn exclusively from the           backgrounds, USP scholars are                                               as a volunteer with Italian NGO Sante
                                                                                                                                                                                                               thanks to my career, I can
glamorous world to me.”                    country’s public school system, which     among the most financially protected                                        Gidio. Reem Abou Ibrahim (BS ’16),            provide for my family as
                                           centered the applicant pool among         students at AUB. Their tuition, room        Reem Abou Ibrahim (BS ’16)      a USP scholar and computer science            the sole provider.
Inspiration & Discoveries                                                                                                                                                                                      22 23

                                                                                                                                                          Kufi script
                                                                                                                                                          Kufi script was one of the earliest calligraphic scripts to gain prominence in the late
                                                                                                                                                          7th century through the Qu’ran. It was also used to adorn portable works of art.

                                                                                                                                                          Thuluth script
                                                                                                                                                          In the 10th to 13th centuries, calligraphy artists moved away from straight, angular lines
                                                                                                                                                          to explore curved and oblique lines. From this evolution came the Thuluth script, which
                                                                                                                                                          was used heavily in architectural facades during this period.

                                                                                                                                                          Nasta’liq script
                                                                                                                                                          Nasta’liq is a flowing script originating from Iran and Central Asia during the 14th century
                                                                                                                                                          and popularized in poetry writings. Unlike other calligraphic scripts, Nasta’liq is not
                                                                                                                                                          used in architecture, the Qu’ran, or portable works of art. It is predominantly used in
                                                                                                                                                          writing narratives due to its pleasing, flowing lines.

The Cultural Weight                                                                                                                                       Diwani script
                                                                                                                                                          Designed solely for use by the Ottoman Empire in the 16th and 17th centuries, Diwani is

of Arabic Calligraphy
                                                                                                                                                          a calligraphic script that appears on official Ottoman documents and is characterized
                                                                                                                                                          by legibility and its complexity of lines within the letters.

                                                                                                                                                          To watch the CAH video series on Arabic calligraphy, visit AUB’s YouTube page:
Photo courtesy of Iyad Naja                                                                                                                               www.youtube.com/c/AUBatLebanon.

                       Arabic calligraphy was born in              innovative use of Arabic calligraphy         “The idea was to promote arts that
                       reverence to writing the Qu’ran but has     in his pieces, making him uniquely           are indigenous to the Arab region
                       grown in its life outside the holy text.    positioned to discuss the topic. In the      and culture.” This is how Professor
                       It exists beyond the page and is found      video series, Iyad walks us through          Abdulrahim Abu-Husayn, director
                       on the domes of mosques, the gates          the various forms of Arabic calligraphy      of CAH, describes the conception of
                       of cities, and even in the carvings of      and their unique cultural histories          this video series. Arabic calligraphy
                       furniture. It is more than just a script:   and demonstrates how calligraphy             continues to be a form of indigenous
                       it is a tool of design. In a five-part      expresses a desired intention to the         art that has thrived for over a
                       video series done in partnership with the   audience. His in-depth knowledge             millennium. CAH, thanks to a grant
                       American University of Beirut’s Center      shows how Arabic calligraphy is “a           by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation,
                       for Arts and Humanities (CAH) and           form of art and beauty, and more than        is working to highlight and preserve
                       renowned product designer Iyad Naja,        just a form of legible script, with so       the unique art of the Arab community.
                       the history of Arabic calligraphy and       much wealth of knowledge that it can’t       In a region undergoing radical
                       its union with design are explored to       be settled down into something just to       transformation, sustaining and
                       showcase its incomparable legacy.           read.” Arabic calligraphy aims to be         expanding the commitment to the
                                                                   pleasing to the eye, but it also carries a   arts and humanities is more essential
                       Iyad Naja is a Lebanese                     cultural and historical weight. Its form     than ever. As cultural legacies and
                       multidisciplinary artist who has            has evolved from its original state,         traditions are at risk of being eroded,
                       worked in academic spaces, the              when it lay solely on the pages of the       there is a desperate need for spaces
                       marketing industry, and as a product        Qu’ran, and has survived because of          and works created in the Arab world.
                       design artist. He is known for his          its transformations by artisans.
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