Les Belles Lettres - BIEF

Les Belles Lettres - BIEF
Translated by: Anna Howell

                                                                                                  * WORLD BOOK FAIRS 2021 • BEIJING • GUADALAJARA • MOSCOW
                                                                                                     NEW DELHI • PRAGUE • SEOUL • TAIPEI • WARSAW
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                                                                                                                                                                                  Les Belles Lettres
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                                                             Greek Polytheism and Herodotus
                                                             Historical Atlas of the Ancient Middle East
                                                             Human Flight in the Middle Ages
                                                             Raiders of the Lost Memory
                                                             The Hungry Angel
                                                             The Syriac World

                                                                                                            Les Belles Lettres
www.lesbelleslettres.com Nicolas Filicic : n.filicic@lesbelleslettres.com

 Les Belles Lettres

Humanities & Essays               Le Polythéisme grec                                            Humanities & Essays                Atlas historique du Proche-Orient ancien
                                  à l'épreuve d'Hérodote

                                GREEK                                                                                             HISTORICAL
                                POLYTHEISM                                                                                        ATLAS OF
                                AND HERODOTUS                                                                                     THE ANCIENT
                                What is the relevance of the terms “religion” and “poly-
                                theism” when applied to ancient Greece? Should we refer
                                                                                                                                  MIDDLE EAST
                                to "Greek religion" in the singular or the plural? Do the gods                                    50 contributors have devised nearly 150 entirely new maps
                                dissolve within the plurality of the worships they are offered                                    that make it possible to follow the cultural and political
                                as to become unrecognizable? Can we speak of "belief"                                             evolution of the Middle East, to discover the plans of capitals
Vinciane Pirenne-Delforge       in this context? Were the variety of sacrificial ceremonies
                                                                                                      Martin Sauvage (dir.)       and smaller cities, to understand the great battles, migra-
                                based on a shared background in all Greek communities?                                            tions, trade routes, and great archaeological discoveries.
 A study on plurality           Taking Herodotus' Histories as a common, underlying               This atlas offers               Each map is accompanied by a short text explaining the
 in the Greek religion.         theme, this book aims to make the fluid plurality of this         a comprehensive panorama        limits of knowledge or the advances in research over the
 Taken from a course taught     complex system easier to understand.                              of the ancient Middle East,     last twenty years. A comprehensive geographical index lists
 by the author at the Collège                                                                     from when the settlement        the modern and ancient names of the sites.
                                9782251451459 | 2020 | 256 pages | 13,5 x 21 cm | 21.50 €
 de France.                                                                                       process began over 20,000
                                                                                                                                  9782251451138 | 2020 | 240 pages | 30 x 38 cm | 55.00 €
                                                                                                  years ago until modern times.

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 Les Belles Lettres

Humanities & Essays              Le Vol dans les airs au Moyen Âge :                            Humanities & Essays            Les Aventuriers de la mémoire perdue :
                                 Essai historique sur une utopie                                                               Léonard, Érasme, Michelet et les autres

                               HUMAN                                                                                         RAIDERS
                               FLIGHT IN THE                                                                                 OF THE LOST
                               MIDDLE AGES                                                                                   MEMORY
                                                                                                                             LEONARDO, ERASMUS,
                               HISTORICAL ESSAY                                                                              MICHELET, AND THE OTHERS
                               ON A SCIENTIFIC UTOPIA                                                                        Our adventurers are humanists. Their quest: to find a lost
    Nicolas Weill-Parot        The question of human flight was truly an intellectual
                                                                                                 Jean-Christophe Saladin     ancient culture. By restoring its memory, they founded —
                               challenge for medieval thought. Whether carried aloft by                                      often at the risk of their very lives— a civilization based on
 How was the possibility       the natural strength of birds, by spirits (departed souls,        The author narrates         free thought: our own. They engaged in all areas of social
 of human flight considered    angels, demons) or by human ingenuity, flight raised many         the adventures of these     life, from painting to the rights of the colonised, including
 in the Middle Ages? How was   complex questions. The aim of this original historical essay      men and women of the        theatre, astronomy, and religion. We have much to learn
                               is to understand the way in which medieval scientists gras-                                   from them, at a time when freedom of expression is once
 this "inaccessible reality"                                                                     Renaissance who drew upon
                               ped the foundations, stakes, and even paradoxes of flight,                                    again being threatened.
 envisioned?                                                                                     the immense hidden riches
                               or in a broader sense, of suspending a heavy object in an         of the past to build
                               environment lighter than itself. We see scholastic science                                    9782251451442 | 2020 | 632 pages | 16 x 24 cm | 29.50 €
                                                                                                 their future.
                               and its proponents coming up against a phenomenon that
                               seems to defy the natural order.

                               9782251451039 | 2020 | 240 pages | 15 x 21,5 cm | 24.50 €

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 Les Belles Lettres

Humanities & Essays               La Civilisation des odeurs :                                   Humanities & Essays                  Durer : Éléments pour la transformation
                                  XVIe - début XIXe siècle                                                                            du système productif

                                SMELLS                                                                                              SUSTAINABILITY
                                A CULTURAL HISTORY OF ODORS                                                                         ELEMENTS FOR
                                IN EARLY MODERN TIMES                                                                               THE TRANSFORMATION
                                Why is so little known about the sense of smell, this pri-                                          OF THE PRODUCTIVE SYSTEM
                                mordial sense that allows us to react to danger and identify
                                the best sexual partner? The historian Robert Muchembled                                            For 50 years, ecology has been on the public policy agenda.
                                explores multiple sources to reveal the history of the                                              What are the results? Are the best intentions good enough?
                                powerful repression which, for half a millennium, has made                                          For the first time since Marx, this book proposes a global
                                us consider the sense of smell as the most despicable of                                            approach to the productive system and describes the ne-
                                the senses. From the miasmas that emanate from bodies                                               cessary tools for its transformation. For in order to build
                                                                                                                                    "sustainable development," people must be able to build
   Robert Muchembled            to floral scents, Robert Muchembled invites his readers                   Pierre Caye               sustainability through their very methods of production!
                                on an extraordinary journey into the civilization of olfactory
                                etiquette.                                                                                          In this way, capital becomes heritage, labor is devoted to
 Robert Muchembled                                                                                Sustainable development           maintenance, and technology serves as our protective
 examines how the sense         RIGHTS SOLD                                                       inevitably requires               envelope. The economy reaches its highest moral and
 of smell in the West           Published in 4 languages:                                         a transformation of               political dimensions, far from the dominant ideologies of
 has changed, from the          English, Russian, complex Chinese, simplified Chinese             the productive system and         innovation, disruption, and creative destruction.
 Renaissance to the beginning                                                                     a redefinition of the essential
                                FIND OUT MORE                                                                                       9782251451404 | 2020 | 374 pages | 14 x 21 cm | 23.50 €
 of the 19th century.                                                                             factors of production:
                                > 5,000 copies sold in France
                                                                                                  capital, labor, and technology.
                                9782251447094 | 2017 | 272 pages | 16 x 24 cm | 25.50 €

                                                                                            3 4 5 6

 Les Belles Lettres

Literature & Fiction              L'Affamé : Les dits de Shams de Tabriz                         Humanities & Essays                 Le Monde syriaque :
                                                                                                                                     Sur les routes d'un christianisme ignoré
                                THE HUNGRY                                                                                         THE SYRIAC
                                ANGEL                                                                                              WORLD
                                THE SAYINGS OF SHAMS OF TABRIZ
                                After years of unsuccessful searching, Shams finds
                                                                                                                                   ON THE ROADS OF
                                Mowlana, a man praised for his teachings and majesty,                                              UNDISCOVERED CHRISTIANITY
                                but a prisoner of his own fame. Shams will become his
                                liberator. After their encounter and subsequent separation,                                        Syriac, a form of Aramaic, was neither the language of
                                Mowlana would go on to become one of the most fasci-                                               a state nor of a particular people, but it underwent an
                                nating poets of world literature, whom we know today as                                            exceptional development with Christianisation. It spread
                                Rumi. In this striking and poetic book, author Nahal Tajadod                                       from the Mediterranean to East Asia, and even today,
       Nahal Tajadod            uses Shams’s own words — drawing from his Maqalat, a                  Françoise Briquel            it is still the classical, literary, and religious language of
                                huge and somewhat chaotic collection of sayings — to offer               Chatonnet                 several Eastern churches. From the very first centuries,
                                unique and vivid insights into the life of a remarkable man.                                       in a symmetrical movement resembling the Greco-Latin
 In the 13th century, as                                                                                Muriel Debié               Christian traditions that spread out towards the west,
 the Mongol invasion ravages    RIGHTS SOLD                                                                                        Syriac Christianity developed eastwards, as far as India
 Persia, the mystic Shams       Published in Persian                                                                               and China. It was also the branch of Christianity that was
                                                                                                  An unprecedented work
 of Tabriz sets off in search                                                                                                      in closest contact with Islam.
                                                                                                  with over 100 illustrations,
 of the man who would           9782251451084 | 2020 | 240 pages | 12,5 x 19 cm | 19.50 €
                                                                                                  11 maps, and numerous            RIGHTS SOLD
 become both his master
                                                                                                  excerpts from translated         Rights sold for 3 langages: English, Russian, Arabic
 and disciple.
                                                                                                  texts that reveal 2000 years
                                                                                                  of Syriac history and culture.   FIND OUT MORE
                                                                                                                                   > 3,000 copies sold in France
                                                                                                                                   > "Grand prix des rendez-vous
                                                                                                                                     de l'histoire du monde arabe" 2018

                                                                                                                                   9782251447155 | 2017 | 272 pages | 15 x 21,5 cm | 25.50 €

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