LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur

Page created by Valerie Bailey
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
Burke Road Bulletin
DOCUMENT SECTION NAME                                  1

                                             Volume 26


                        Sacré Cœur
                        Sacré Cœur Women Shape the World

Burke Road                                                                                     Living Through                                                                                   For Your
Bulletin                                                                                       History                                                                                          Archives
                                                                                               Without a doubt, we are living through         messages of hope. These moments
Contact                                                                                        one of the 21st century’s greatest             are being captured as a record of life            In 2020 we began the rollout of the
172 Burke Road,                                                                                historical events.                             at Sacré Cœur during the pandemic of              digital edition of the Burke Road
Glen Iris Victoria 3146                                                                                                                       2020. How have you recorded your family           Bulletin in our commitment to
                                                                                               There are reminders far and wide that          stories?                                          lessen the environmental footprint
ABN 75 465 146 609                                                                             what is going on around us is significant,
                                                                                                                                                                                                of Sacré Cœur. As this edition of
                                                                                               with every day bringing new challenges         Years from now, you may want to share
p. 03 9835 2700                                                                                                                                                                                 the Burke Road Bulletin captures
                                                                                               as well as stories of courage, resilience,     memories and stories of 2020 with
e. reception@sac.vic.edu.au                                                                                                                                                                     the living history of our community,
                                                                                               inspiration and hope.                          children and grandchildren who won’t
w. sac.vic.edu.au                                                                                                                                                                               we are delighted to provide each
                                                                                                                                              remember or weren’t here during this
                                                                                               In this special issue of the Burke Road        significant time.                                 current school family with a printed
Chapel and Facility                                                                            Bulletin we bring you a snapshot of life                                                         edition of Burke Road Bulletin for
Hire Enquiries                                                                                 at Sacré Cœur during this momentous            We hope you will treasure this issue for          your own family archives. Should
Marian Andrews                                                                                 period as well as scenes from the              future generations.                               each daughter in your family like
p. 03 9835 8776                                                                                beginning of the year. We celebrate our                                                          their own copy, additional copies
                                                                                               community; our connectedness during            Barbara Kowalski
e. marian.andrews@sac.vic.edu.au                                                                                                                                                                are available from reception.
                                                                                               social isolation; our spirit and resilience.   Archivist
                                                                                               We commend Sacré Cœur students for
Editor                                                                                                                                                                                          In 2021 we will resume with the
                                                                                               eagerly embracing a new way of learning

Fiona Douglas                                                                                                                                                                                   rollout of the digital edition. If you
                                                                                               and our teachers for developing new
fiona.douglas@sac.vic.edu.au                                                                                                                                                                    would like to receive future editions
                                                                                               ways of teaching.
                                                                                                                                                                                                of the Burke Road Bulletin digitally,
DESIGN                                                                                         At Sacré Cœur Archives we have been                                                              simply visit www.sac.vic.edu.au/
                                                                                               documenting the changes at school,                                                               publications and complete the
Anna Cahill                                       From the Board			                     04
JDdesign                                                                                       not only the obvious official notices and                                                        form, or return the accompanying
                                                  From the Principal 		                 05     papers. We cherish the stories, videos                                                           flysheet.
                                                  Faith				06                                  and photos of us all working or studying
Cover                                                                                          at home, of pets joining online meetings
Sophie Russell                                    LEARNING TOGETHER WHILE APART
                                                                                               and the family cooking together, of
Year 9 Graphic Design                             Joigny Remote Learning		              08     exercising while social distancing, your
Let’s Stay Home, 2020                             Senior School Remote Learning         12
Digital Illustration
                                                  Learning and Teaching		               15
My aim was to create a design that
                                                  Creative Arts 			                     18

                                                                                                                                                              Em po we rin g y ou ng wo me n =
effectively communicates the message
of staying home in quarantine during the          Performing Arts			20
COVID-19 pandemic this year. The Design

                                                                                                                                                                         t h e Sa cr é Cœ u r w ay
                                                  Music				22
Brief was to create a typographic poster
implementing a positive outlook over the          From the Archives		                   24
tough lockdown we were encountering in
                                                  Alumnae				25
Melbourne. I used the design process to
research, generate a range of ideas, develop      Timeline of a Pandemic		              26
my concept and refine for final presentation.                                                                                                                At Sacré Cœur we believe that a commitment to academic endeavour
                                                  COVID-19 Bursary Appeal		             28
I was introduced to the Adobe Illustrator                                                                                                                    and a strong sense of self leads to student excellence. Which is why
app and utilised a range of tools to illustrate   TOGETHER AS A COMMUNITY
and design my poster. Creating a design                                                                                                                      we are pleased to offer our 2022 scholarships. There is a variety of
that tested my creativity and resilience,
                                                  Joigny Leadership		                   30                                                                   scholarships available and applications close 5 February 2021. Visit
whilst also learning and expanding on new         Science, Technology, Arts                                                                                  sac.vic.edu.au/scholarships today to find out more.
skills and techniques, was ultimately very
enjoyable to produce during remote learning.
                                                  and Resource Centre		                 32

                                                  Sophie’s Farm			34
                                                  India Immersion			36
                                                                                                                                                             Apply today for 2022 scholarships
Follow us on Facebook and Instagram               Community Connections		               38                                                                   General Excellence Scholarships: Year 5 and Years 7–11
@SacreCoeurGlenIris                               Alumnae				40                                                                                              Academic Scholarships: Year 7 Music Scholarships: Years 7–10
                                                  Advancement and Foundation
                                                                   Kiara Holbery, Year 6 49
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
FROM OF THE BOARD                                                                                                                     4   FROM THE PRINCIPAL                                                                                                                      5

In Times of Crisis                                                                                                                        Courage
We Need to Lead                                                                                                                           and Kindness
With Humanity                                                                                                                             in a Time of
Our world has changed forever; the           and decision-making that the external        presented many opportunities for the            Mother Janet Erskine Stuart’s prayer
COVID-19 pandemic has acted as a             environment denies us.                       whole education system to change for            “Loving God, unseen Companion
somatic marker for our brains and                                                         the better; we are ready to advocate            of our life, give us faith and eager
is likely to change how we will make         We know that in times of crisis we need      for change and to adapt and support a           expectancy as we begin this fresh
decisions for the rest of our lives. The     to lead with humanity.                       “future-ready” model for our children.          stage of our journey. Take from us all
lived experience has been so terribly        For all of us, this means, at a minimum,                                                     fear of the unknown and teach us to
challenging. It has been up to all of                                                     The pandemic has called upon us all             wrest treasures from darkness and
                                             slowing down, being flexible, and            to take stock of what is truly important
us, not only to cope with the stress,        giving everyone leeway to deal with                                                          difficulties. As the days come and go,
upheaval and anxiety, but to adapt.                                                       and to reflect more deeply on our               may we find that each one is laden
                                             these new challenges. It means taking        world and its future. There are so many
                                             care of those who are less fortunate                                                         with happy opportunities and enriching
The reality of this COVID world and the                                                   wonderful opportunities presented by            experiences; and when the year reaches       Cœur master chefs, dance competitions,        the generous response to the COVID
consequences of the pandemic and the         and exercising gratitude for our many        this challenge and its major ‘pattern           its completion, may our hope be more         yoga and fitness sessions, dramatic           Hardship Appeal.
long-term changes it has wrought are         blessings. It also means an opportunity      interruption’ of the world as we knew it.       than ever filled” echoes Sophie’s call to    monologues, inspirational music, virtual
beyond our imagination. We live in times     to connect more deeply, to open our                                                                                                                                                     I know that the love of the Heart of
                                                                                                                                          action, “Courage et compassion”.             debating and silly theme days lighten
where we may feel overwhelmed with           perspective to embrace others’ reality       We are confident and excited about                                                                                                         Jesus, as lived through the Holy Spirit,
                                                                                                                                                                                       the isolation felt by many as repeated
propositions, speculation and opinions,      and to exercise patience, compassion,        the possibilities and know that there is        Sophie’s call colours all that we do as                                                    helped ensure that our Focus Goal for
                                                                                                                                                                                       lockdowns are endured.
where nothing feels certain. So, we must     kindness and love.                           much to look forward to in the midst            the Sacré Cœur community learns to                                                         this year was Personal Growth in an
learn to adapt, to react confidently and                                                  of all the uncertainty. We look to our          live with a wicked virus. Our children,      So much innovation and adaptation             Atmosphere of Wise Freedom. How apt
                                             The Board is proud of the work done by       students to help shape that future and
with speed, and to be agile and flexible.                                                                                                 young women, staff, parents, alumnae,        was occurring as students, staff and          for a community that has been forced to
                                             all Sacré Cœur staff and leadership team     bring about the creation of a better, more
The uncertainty looks set to continue                                                                                                     leaders and friends continue to “wrest       families negotiated the demands of            face such challenging and demanding
                                             in addressing the demands of COVID-19.       equitable world order.
for the immediate future, although early                                                                                                  treasures from darkness and difficulties”    remote learning, on-site flexible learning,   times. Through the support of our loving
                                             There are many unsung heroes amongst
shoots of stability and recovery are                                                                                                      as the COVID-19 pandemic impacts             face-to-face learning or a selection of       God, our unseen Companion, we are
                                             the staff across all levels. We recognise    In the immediate term, we continue to
emerging in our communities and city. A                                                                                                   on the lives of all. This courageous         all of the modes of learning at the same      strengthened by the knowledge that
                                             the long hours worked and the deep           place the well-being of our students and
shared optimism is growing every day.                                                                                                     determination is intimately linked to the    time. We have all emerged as expert           as we navigate these times, we are
                                             commitment offered to every student.         staff and their families at the forefront
                                                                                                                                          adaptability, resilience, good humour,       users of technology to interact and stay      enfolded in unconditional love. This
Leadership of the School has never           We are grateful to our staff for their       of all that we do. We hope and pray that
                                                                                                                                          patience and kindness that is being          connected. We are also becoming wiser         enables us to discern, as individuals
been more complex than over the past         energy and resilience.                       everyone in our community stays safe
                                                                                                                                          shown by so many.                            about the need for screen-free time and       and as a community, how to adapt and
months. The Board continues to provide                                                    and well and enjoys a happy Christmas
                                             We recognise our students and are                                                                                                         fresh air! I am immensely proud of the        respond to our here and now.
direction, guidance, and reassurance                                                      and restful summer break.                       Our social media is filled with messages
                                             filled with inspiration by the attitude                                                                                                   quality and consistency of the learning
while also acknowledging on many                                                                                                          of gratitude and love. Little gestures of    and teaching experienced by our               When we get to the end of this
                                             displayed by all our girls and their         As a Board we also look to the future,
fronts that the path ahead isn’t certain.                                                                                                 care and connection, day in and day out,     wonderful, agile Sacré Cœur students.         pandemic, we will have achieved much,
                                             positive response to the difficulties and    to securing the stability and capacity
The extended lockdown in Victoria was                                                                                                     help so many cope with the challenges        This is a constant in a time when so          including, I suspect, a great depth of
                                             hardships of the pandemic.                   of the School to meet the many
particularly difficult but was also a                                                                                                     our times are offering us. These qualities   much is shifting and changing.                wisdom. We certainly will never be the
                                                                                          headwinds confronting us in this new
fabulous example of the commitment           We are deeply mindful of the challenges                                                      are evident in the cards, messages,                                                        same, nor will our world. What that will
                                                                                          world order, and to ensuring that we can
of the whole State to protect lives and      and stress that remote learning has                                                          smiles, emails, books, articles, cakes,      I am also proud of the care and concern       look like is unknowable but I trust, as
                                                                                          take advantage of all the opportunities
support our frontline health workers.        caused for our parent cohort and are                                                         prayers, poems, pithy videos and funny       for the wellbeing of all that I observe       Janet Erskine Stuart did, that our hopes
                                                                                          created and available to us in the
                                             filled with admiration for their strength,                                                   memes that are being shared and given        in our community; from our dedicated          will be more than ever filled, just not in
It is at times like these that the spirit,                                                coming months and years.
                                             patience and their loving support of their                                                   to others.                                   Board Directors to the precious kindness      the ways we might have expected.
values and cultural ethos of Sacré Cœur      daughters.                                   Joan Fitzpatrick                                                                             shown by our Prep students. I see it
come to the fore and provide us with                                                                                                      Creativity is bubbling to the                in the wellbeing meetings where staff         Cor unum.
a guiding light for every decision we        We are uncertain for how long the            Sacré Cœur Board                                fore to sustain our community.               collaborate so thoughtfully to support        Anna Masters
make. The philosophy of St Madeline          pandemic will continue. We have already                                                      Transformational art competitions, an        those in their care. This global outlook      Principal, 2018–2020
Sophie Barat and our belief in the           developed new ways of learning and                                                           on-line Annual Media, Art and Design         and awareness of the needs of others,
Sacred Heart of Jesus provide us with a      adapted assessment and evaluation                                                            (MAD) Show, community assemblies             so characteristic of the Children of
degree of certainty in our discernment       of students’ knowledge. The crisis has                                                       and prayer services, cooking with Sacré      the Sacred Heart, was also shown by
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
FAITH                                                                                                                                 6          FAITH                   7

Sophie’s Fire — Courage
and Confidence                                                                                                                                     Learning Toget her,
                                                                                                                                                   While Apart

COVID-19 has and will continue                 We also can be inspired by the story         history. She experienced a multitude
to challenge all of us. Given these            and words of our foundress,                  of spot fires along the way — political
uncertain times, the disturbance of            St Madeleine Sophie Barat. Sophie was        interference, internal squabbling,
social distancing and the ever changing,       born during the French revolution, a time    financial and personnel pressures,
new reality of living, as members of the       when people were accustomed to the           numerous attempts by well-intentioned
Sacré Cœur community, we are invited           destructive burning of loyalist houses.      people to take over the Society. Yet over
to respond as one acting in hope.              Even though fire was such a normal part      time, amid many successes and failures,
                                               of everyday life in Joigny, the trauma of    she became a great leader and educator.
Our collective response can draw
                                               a burning building next door induced
inspiration from this year’s Sacred                                                         One understanding that sustained
                                               Sophie’s mother to give birth to her
Heart Education Focus Goal of Personal                                                      Sophie was her belief that it is the
                                               two months early.
Growth in an Atmosphere of Wise                                                             relationships we build, maintain and
Freedom. The Focus Goal prayer, written        Fire is what brought Sophie into this        cultivate, that support us through
at the start of the year, is a source of       world 240 years ago. For the rest of her     moments of joy and moments of
encouragement:                                 life she never ceased to play with the       great challenge.
                                               flames of fire in her heart. For instance,
God of Love                                                                                 When Sophie discovered that a
                                               when contemporary French society told
                                               her that as a girl she doesn’t deserve       community was experiencing difficulties,
We ask that you be by our side as we
                                               an education — what did she do? She          doubts and uncertainty, a recurring
venture into 2020.
                                               studied. Studied hard!                       theme in her letters and personal
Support us as we face new challenges,                                                       communications, was to have hope and
celebrate with us our achievements             When Sophie was 18, she dreamt of            remain optimistic — proclaiming the
and share our joys. As we live the 2020        becoming a Carmelite nun. To do this         mantra “Courage and confidence. I can
Focus Goal: Personal Growth in An              she travelled 140km, for two days,           not repeat this call too often. We should
Atmosphere of Wise Freedom, inspire            from her little home town of Joigny all      make it always our support in our lives.”
us to:                                         the way to Paris, only to find out when
                                               she arrived that the Order had been          Sophie calls us to carry on our journey
• use our gifts and talents to their fullest
                                               abolished. This disappointment didn’t        with hope and optimism, nurturing
• be resilient when things do not go                                                        relationships as a core concern while
                                               dampen the flame.
  to plan                                                                                   embracing a positive mindset enflamed
• appreciate the benefits of freedom of        No, in fact, at the age of twenty one, the   with courage and confidence.
  choice, while taking responsibility for      fire was stirred, as she simply started
                                               her own religious Order — The Society        Courage and confidence!
  our actions.
We offer this prayer through the loving        of the Sacred Heart.
                                                                                            Mark Oski
Sacred Heart of your Son, Jesus Christ.                                                     Director of Mission
                                               Sophie’s life was a journey experienced
Amen                                           during a complex, volatile moment in

                                                                                                                                          Saba Sachdeva, Year 1
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
JOIGNY REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                             8   JOIGNY REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                                      9

Learning In Extraordinary Times
                                                                                                                                       Our Year 6 Cor Unum Leaders share               our reading and writing tasks so we              1.30pm. After lunch, we go back to
                                                                                                                                       insight into how their school day               can check in about our work, and ask             work and finish off anything we didn’t
                                                                                                                                       changed and some of the lessons                 questions or get feedback on the work            complete from the morning. Some of the
                                                                                                                                       learnt through the experience of remote         we’ve done so far.                               girls in the class have a private music
                                                                                                                                       learning.                                                                                        lesson or a small group lesson which
                                                                                                                                                                                       9.40am. It’s time for a little break to just     happen via Google Meet just like our
                                                                                                                                                                                       clear our heads for a while and take a
                                                                                                                                       A Day in the Life of Remote                     break from the screen. We get up and
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        whole class sessions.
                                                                                                                                       Learning for Year 6                             stretch, get something to eat and move           2.15pm. Time for a Music lesson with our
                                                                                                                                                                                       around a bit.                                    Music teacher, Ms O’Grady. She tells us
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        what music tasks we can do for this week
                                                                                                                                                                                       9.50am. We finish all our Literacy tasks         and we have a chat. When it hits 3pm we
                                                                                                                                                                                       and submit them to our teacher.                  say bye to our Music Teacher and leave
                                                                                                                                                                                       10.35am . It’s time for a morning tea            the call.
                                                                                                                                                                                       break, a snack for some energy and time          3pm. We are finished for the day and
The first Google Meet for Year 1                                                                                                                                                       to get moving. Some of us do the daily           head outside to do something active or
                                                                                                                                                                                       physical challenge at this time and try          stay inside to choose something fun like
It was whilst Isaac Newton was confined      how buddies could connect and with           I pay tribute to our Joigny parents and                                                      to build up as many House points as we           painting or drawing.
to his home, unable to attend his            messages for the newsletter. There were      our teachers who worked selflessly                                                           can to contribute to the House Remote
Cambridge University classes during the      even a few who emailed just to check         and tirelessly to reimagine and                                                              Activity Cup.                                    Sasha Mansfield
Bubonic Plague in 1665, when he began        in and ask after my wellbeing. Despite       recreate how work could be done and                                                                                                           Cor Unum Leader
the work that led to his momentous           silent school corridors, classrooms and      learning sustained in such foreign                                                           11am. At 11am we have a Google Meet
discoveries in science and mathematics.      playgrounds, student voice was stronger      circumstances. Your creativity, earnest                                                      for Art. We do Art for 45 minutes with Mrs
Well over three hundred years later,         than ever. Similarly so was the girls’       endeavours, patience, toil and teamwork                                                      Blamey. When we finish Art we then go
confinement again proved to be a             sense of agency.                             provided extraordinary support to our                                                        onto our Number Google Meet for Maths.
catalyst for invention, as teachers and                                                   young people at a time of much need for
                                             As many emails as I received from the                                                     8.45am. My remote learning day begins           11.45am. In our Number Google Meet,
students discovered new ways to teach                                                     them, and when much was being asked
                                             students, I suspect Loretta Williams,                                                     each day with a morning Google Meet             our teacher explains the work we have to
and learn whilst physically remote from                                                   of you.
                                             our Joigny Student Wellbeing Leader,                                                      with my class when we pray and Mrs              do and answers any question we have.
one another.                                                                                                                           Aldcroft marks the roll. We then have a         After we finish our Number Google Meet,
                                             received ten-fold as they emailed to         To capture this moment in time, the
There were many firsts over the weeks        her submissions of artwork, recipes,         name of each parent and staff member         little chat as a class and Mrs Aldcroft tells   we then work independently to finish off
that turned into months of remote            jokes, learning challenges, stories and      who contributed to the Joigny girls’         us about the tasks on our checklist for         the work.
learning. Amongst the many new               reports for Joigny News Online. Loretta’s    wellbeing and learning over the past         the day.
                                                                                                                                                                                       12.30pm. It’s lunch time. At home, the
activities, a Joigny community news          vision and dedication to providing this      six months of this year is recorded
                                                                                                                                       9am. We usually start with Literacy each        lunch menu has more options! I have
platform was launched, with students         social connection platform ensured           on these pages. Whilst the font may
                                                                                                                                       morning and today is a usual day. We            something tasty to eat that I make
taking on the roles of reporter, social      there were opportunities for the girls       be small, the number of contributors
                                                                                                                                       stay on the Google Meet until we finish         myself.
commentator, food blogger, playground        to feel an ongoing sense of connection       and the ways you assisted are indeed
designer and art critic, just to name a      to their school community, something         great. I have no doubt that we shall
few. Our Prep to Year 2 students took        that played a key role in supporting         look back upon 2020 as a testing time.

                                                                                                                                            Thank You
to their new learning platform, Seesaw,      wellbeing.                                   Along with many others, I remain in                                                          Adrian R                         Angela & Anthony H            Cameron M
                                                                                          awe of the responsiveness and agility                                                        Adrian S                         Angelika & Cameron N          Candice W
like ducks to water. Within only days,
                                             I firmly believe that the greatest lessons   demonstrated, and am tremendously
                                                                                                                                                                                       Adriana Z & Anthony G            Anita C & Paul F              Carla & Pete C
they were photographing and recording
                                             of the remote learning experience are                                                                                                     Adrianne & James M               Anita D’O                     Cath & Justin C
their learning tasks, submitting their                                                    thankful for health, wellbeing,                                                              Aileen G & Duncan M              Anna & David R                Cathy E & Nick P
                                             not found in discrete subject areas, but     community and the liberties we are
work with the ‘let me do it’ attitude that                                                                                                                                             Alison & Jonathon McC            Anna & Michael D              Cecilia M
                                             in the interdisciplinary domains that        blessed to enjoy in the ordinary
can only be associated with curiosity,                                                                                                                                                 Alison L                         Anna & Samuel G               Chantelle & Steve M
                                             map personal and social capabilities         and everyday.                                                                                Alison T                         April Y & Jason L             Chantelle G
confidence and feeling in-charge.
                                             as well as critical and creative thinking                                                                                                 Allis & Kon S                    Arpita & Kalpesh P            Christelle H & Steven P
I don’t think I have ever received as        skills. It is what formed in each of our     To all who make up the Joigny                                                                Amali & Rohitha F                Arthur L                      Christine & Aaron M
                                             students as agents of kindness, masters      community, thank you.                                                                        Amanda & Joseph M                Avanti RS & Nitin S           Cindy & Sean H
many emails as I did in Terms 2 and
                                                                                                                                                                                       Amaryll & Anthony P              Bec & Marcus D                Dani & Chris K
3. The increased volume came not             of their learning and in their value for,
                                                                                          Janine Hogan                                                                                 Ana & Luis C                     Bhavika & Ryan R              Danielle B
so much from staff and parents, but          and appreciation of, others that needs                                                                                                    Andrea & Peter H                 Brigit K                      Danny & Richard E
from the students. Many as young             to be noticed and celebrated. No written     Head of Joigny
                                                                                                                                                                                       Andrea C                         Calvin T                      David B
as Years 2 and 3 were emailing ideas         test or assessment can adequately
on new designs for House mascots,            measure this.
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
JOIGNY REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                      10   JOIGNY REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                               11

Our Learning Experiences
Something I learnt when I was                    When learning remotely, I found that the                                                                                     A highlight of Remote                         creatively with the songs our chosen
learning remotely, that I may                    screen time was much more than what                                                                                          Learning for me                               singer has produced. For example, we
not have learnt onsite at school                 I was used to. Each day, we had Google                                                                                                                                     could mix two of their songs using the
                                                 Meet lessons and submitted our work                                                                                                                                        app, Garageband, or we could perform
                                                 using Google, we checked our emails                                                                                                                                        a song of theirs to the class. Another
                                                 and Google calendars to see what was                                                                                                                                       of my favourite Music activities was
                                                 on for the day. As the days on screen                                                                                                                                      making up short songs using body
                                                 turned into weeks, I started struggling                                                                                                                                    percussion.
                                                 to concentrate and keep motivated. I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            Music has been a blast and I am so
                                                 came to the conclusion that it was the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            grateful to have been a part of this
                                                 screen time that was affecting how I
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            special opportunity to experience Music
                                                 was feeling. So, I knew I needed to make
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            via remote learning. Not many other
                                                 some changes. When school ended at
                                                                                                                                                                                                                            generations can say, “I did school from
                                                 3pm, I put down my electronics and
                                                 did something outside, read a book,
                                                 exercised, drew or did something crafty.                                                                                                                                   Caty Haines
                                                 I made a choice to stay away from                                                                                                                                          Cor Unum Leader
                                                 screens and this really helped me to get
                                                 back on track with my learning.                                                                                              Surprisingly, my favourite activity during
During remote learning, something                                                                                                                                             remote learning was Music. This was
                                                 I am proud that I was independent in
that I noticed I developed was greater                                                                                                                                        a surprise to me as this is not how I
                                                 working out what I needed to do to keep
independence and responsibility for                                                                                                                                           usually feel about Music at school. Who
                                                 my spirits up, and that I changed my
my day.                                                                                                                                                                       would have thought?
                                                 routine myself to be healthier, which in
Usually, at school, our day feels directed       turn made me happier. I think this was                                                                                       Even though Music was challenging for
by the timetable, bells and teachers             a really valuable lesson to learn. I know                                                                                    me, it became one of the most enjoyable
letting us know what we need and what            myself better for it and feel confident                                                                                      times of the week. Whilst we couldn’t
to do. We also have many others around           that I can make choices that help my                                                                                         quite play instruments in Music Google
us to ask questions about our work and           learning and my happiness.                                                                                                   Meets, there were other things we did
learning and check in. I missed this when                                                                                                                                     over the screen that were different and
                                                 Isobel Talbot
we were learning remotely, but there was                                                                                                                                      fun. One of my favourite activities was
                                                 Cor Unum Leader
something that I gained instead.                                                                                                                                              to find out interesting facts about a
                                                                                                                                                                              famous singer. Do you know Ava Max
                                                                                                                                                                              loves chocolate cake? We also worked

David W                    Erin F                      Jayne G                     Karman C & Binh T    Leisel K                 Maria & Peter C        Melissa Tu                  Nina K & Philip W          Sally & Hubert W           Suzie & Saire B
Deirdre O’G                Fiona & Jon S               Jenny & John I              Kate & Brook L       Lina & Phil B            Marita H               Meri & Andrew S             Nuala M                    Samantha & Tim R           Sylvia & Paul B
Di & Glen O                Fiona & Matt W              Jenny A                     Kate & Michael F     Linda T & Chris H        Marlyn & Bassem A      Michael M                   Pette L                    Samantha T                 Tanija & John V
Diana & Bob H              Fiona L & Leo H             Jenny DP                    Kate M & Cameron F   Lisa & Daniel W          Mary & Michael DC      Michelle L                  Rachael W & Kevin Z        Sandy L                    Thérèse & Frank J
Diane & Isaac G            Fiorina R                   Jessica L                   Katherine A          Lisa & Paul M            Mary M & Alan X        Minako M & Simon L          Rachel & Michael G         Sarah & Sean Y             Thérèse J
Diane & Phil B             George F                    Jill & Chad C               Kathryn S            Lisa L & Bin Q           Mary N & Albert DS     Nancy & Can L               Rachita & Nishan W         Shannon B                  Tim S
Dominique A & Daniel H     Glenn F                     Joan & Arwyn D              Katie S              Liz & Paul A             Mary-Ann & Manesh S    Nara & Matt C               Rani & Nicky N             Sharni F                   Tim S
Effie & Gabriel KV         Golda & Paul T              Joanne & Jamie M            Katrina & Tom B      Liz & Todd A             Megan C & Tim S        Natalie & Daniel V          Raphael W                  Sharon HR & Cedric R       Tom C
Elena P & Nadim T          Helen & Matthew R           John B                      Kelly F              Loretta W                Mei Law & Clarence S   Natalie & Simon T           Rebecca L                  Shawna L                   Toni & Terry K
Eliana & Rob D             Indika T                    Judith & Adrian L           Kerrie M & Adam W    Louisa S                 Mel P                  Natasha & Steve S           Rob T                      Sia H & George Z           Toni Pl
Emily & Simon B            Jac MS & Chris S            Julia L & Ming W            Kim & Stephen L      Louise B                 Melissa & Stephen S    Nicole & David M            Robyn & Marcus M           Simon T                    Vanessa & Nick B
Emma B                     Jacinta S & David T         Justine & John P            Kim A & Arthur O     Lyn O’B                  Melissa & Steve Z      Nicole & Mark T             Robyn B                    Sonia J & Thomas           Venita D
Emma C                     Jade & Damien R             Jyana & Daniel L            Krista DS & Nick M   Mandy & Adam S           Melissa B              Nicole M & Julian V         Rommy F                    Sue L & Jeremy B           Yasmin & Liam O
Emma Fay & John C          Janet C                     Kanchana & Emmanuel K       Kristy & Conrad F    Mandy & Angelo P         Melissa M              Niki & Jack C               Rosa H & Tony C            Sue S & Michael L          Yi Zhao & Daqun G
Emmy C                     Janine H                    Karman C & Binh T           Lee & Sharmy F       Maria & Kon A            Melissa Ti             Nilindra & Shehan P         Ruskshan DA                Susan N
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
SENIOR SCHOOL REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                         12   SENIOR SCHOOL REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                                 13

Creating New Futures
Through the Experience of
the COVID-19 Pandemic

                                                                                                                                             Isabella Ronchi, Year 9                                                                              Maya Jorgensen, Year 7

                                                                                                                                             Year 12 students on their first day back, Term 4     Alana Crawford, Year 7              Sophie Ganeson, Year 12

                                                                                                                                           necessitating rolling restrictions, the              these pertinent skills and attributes,            it has been lonely and very tough at
                                                                                                                                           opportunities for individual growth                  which will certainly equip them for their         times, it has also taught me resilience
                                                                                                                                           have been prolific. Through remote                   future:                                           and focus. A rewarding experiences was
                                                                                                                                           learning and hybrid models of learning,                                                                my community service. I wrote letters to
                                                                                                                                           our dedicated and talented staff                     “In a completely different environment            my grandparents and baked cookies for
  Year 8 French Cooking Class
                                                                                                                                           have afforded our students very real                 than usual, Notre Monde has posed                 people in our street.” Belle Hynes
                                                                                                                                           experiences aimed at fostering critical              multiple challenges this semester.
                                                                                                                                                                                                However, by demonstrating persistence             Notre Monde has made me a better
“I am sure that you will never forget        Fast forward to just over one hundred        courage and through people genuinely             21st century skills and attributes.
                                                                                                                                                                                                and resilience, I have been able to               person…without Notre Monde, I admit,
this period in your lives — constantly       years and, again, we find ourselves living   pulling together.”                               Along with the different forms of
                                                                                                                                                                                                overcome these obstacles and engage               I wouldn’t be thinking about doing a
being described, especially in the           through a time which is quite surreal as                                                      communication and the extensive
                                                                                          This formed part of the message                                                                       fully in new and different experiences.           community service and thinking about
media, as unprecedented, extraordinary,      we navigate a life clouded by yet another                                                     opportunities for collaboration, actively
                                                                                          which I shared with our girls in our first                                                            This program has increased my                     helping people in my street. This is an
challenging, unparalleled and rivalled       pandemic; namely, the COVID-19                                                                reflected through our students’ learning
                                                                                          livestreamed School Assembly on April                                                                 capabilities as a creative thinker,               example of how my knowledge of other
only by the1918 Spanish Influenza            pandemic. This time will, no doubt,                                                           was also much evidence of critical
                                                                                          14, marking the commencement of Term                                                                                                                    — separate from academic learning
pandemic. Here, at Sacré Cœur, we            form part of the narrative of your lives;                                                     thinking, creativity and character; with             leader and member of a team. I have
                                                                                          2 — a term, which we would purportedly                                                                                                                  — was enhanced because of using a
know that due to the Spanish flu, the        the experiences will shape you in both                                                        all of this contributing to the overall              strengthened my ability to collaborate
school year commenced quite late, on         tangible and intangible ways, and, may       be undertaking exclusively remotely. The                                                                                                                creative mind.” Roxanne Bergstrom
                                                                                                                                           wellbeing of our students.                           with others and contributed to building
March 25 in 1919. The students had to        indeed make greater sense to you at          second part of my message centred on                                                                  a sense of unity in our year level during         “I have been challenged over the past
gargle every day (not quite sure as to the   some point beyond this year. No matter       the many and varied opportunities for            I was delighted to read the mature                   the remote learning period. Throughout            two terms to think creatively and outside
nature of the liquid they may have been      what form your life narrative takes, I       genuine formative experiences which              and engaging reflections of our Year                 the semester, I have learnt to approach           the box. This style of learning has been
gargling, but some interesting remedies      hope that it will be punctuated by a         would optimise the learning experiences          9 Notre Monde students, which the                    tasks with an open mind and give my full          particularly beneficial to me, especially
abounded) and use a solution of              strong feeling of hope — a hope borne        of all in our community.                         students wrote as part of their Semester             effort, even though they may be outside           because it is not general classroom
methylated spirits and camphor on their      out of a deep sense of togetherness                                                           1 Self-Reflection Report; what was
                                                                                                                                                                                                my comfort zone.” Isablla Ronchi                  learning.” Mia Lucarelli
handkerchiefs. Every class, weather-         that can actually be achieved through        And, certainly, despite living in a state        quite evident was how their schooling
permitting, was held outdoors. All going     isolation; a hope borne out of the many      of flux brought about the continuously           experience during COVID-19 had                       “Notre Monde in isolation has been a              “I learnt many skills needed in life to
out was prohibited as far as possible.       stories of authentic acts of kindness and    moving COVID-19 landscape,                       facilitated the further development of               once in a lifetime experience. Although,          become a leader. I have become resilient
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
SENIOR SCHOOL REMOTE LEARNING                                                                                                  14    LEARNING AND TEACHING                                                                                                                15

                                                                                                                                          Classrooms                                  The changes to the delivery and
                                                                                                                                                                                      assessment of VCE were quickly
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  curriculum and problem solved by
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  sending things such as Art packages

                                                                                                                                          of Change
                                                                                                                                                                                      adopted by teachers and students            to students’ homes.
                                                                                                                                                                                      from Years 7–12. Classroom delivery
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  A highlight of these changes was
                                                                                                                                                                                      during remote learning was largely
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  the staff’s willingness to share and
                                                                                                                                                                                      dependent on Google Meet that
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  help each other in terms of using
                                                                                                                                          Teachers like to be organised and           allowed teachers and students to
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  technology within the classroom.
                                                                                                                                          in control. But 2020 made teachers          retain face-to-face contact at the
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Staff meetings became a place to
                                                                                                                                          rethink and reimagine everything they       beginning of each lesson. This ability
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  demonstrate what individual teachers
                                                                                                                                          had previously done.                        to communicate was essential for
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  and learning areas were doing.
                                                                                                                                                                                      student wellbeing and accountability,
                                                                                                                                          Equipped with laptops, our first priority
                                                                                                                                                                                      with the catch-cry of “You are on           This ability to adapt to this remote
                                                                                                                                          was to make sure that students’
                                                                                                                                                                                      mute!” quickly becoming part of the         setting was also evident in things
                                                                                                                                          learning was not compromised. This
                                                                                                                                                                                      school day.                                 such as the subject selection process.
                                                                                                                                          was especially true for VCE students
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Unable to meet with teachers to
                                                                                                                                          where teachers were determined to           There was no option but for teachers
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  discuss subjects, films replaced
                                                                                                                                          not only keep up with the respective        to upskill in a very short time, using
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  meetings and an afternoon of Google
                                                                                                                                          study designs but also find a way           technology in each and every lesson.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  Meets allowed students to ‘drop in’ on
                                                                                                                                          for students to continue to complete        The delivery included the filming of
  House Dance Competition                                                                                                                                                                                                         different subjects to ask questions.
                                                                                                                                          School Assessed Coursework (SAC)            content in subjects such as Science
                                                                                                                                          at home in line with authentication         and Mathematics. Languages                  There was hardly an event on
and positive through adapting to every      to the student led Voices Against            this challenging time, too, will pass and                                                    employed tools with audio content
                                                                                                                                          procedures and the VCAA guidelines.                                                     the school calendar that was not
situation and challenge and doing it        Racism initiative, aimed at galvanizing      that we will emerge having developed
                                                                                                                                                                                      and Google slides allowed for the           reimagined and reinvented in 2020.
with a smile on my face. Throughout         our school community around the issue        greater adaptability, agility, tenacity          This resulted in a much greater
                                                                                                                                                                                      organisation of lessons for subjects        The professional development of
these strange times, I have learnt to       of systemic racism. Student voice at         and opportunities for innovativeness.            emphasis on skills rather than content,
                                                                                                                                                                                      such as English and Humanities.             teachers in terms of using technology
collaborate with people even when it is     Sacré Cœur is strongly underscored           We shall also take away the strength             along with an unprecedented reliance
                                                                                                                                                                                      Break out rooms provided students an        will continue to have benefits in the
through a screen.” Ella Collison            by courage and kindness, and driven          of our Sacré Cœur community, and we              on technology. There was little time
                                            by a compulsion to make a discernible        shall absolutely move forward, urged                                                         opportunity to collaborate in groups        future and the classroom will remain
“Due to isolation, I have been able to                                                                                                    available to make these changes and
                                            difference through actively contributing     on by the words of our foundress                                                             in subjects such as Drama. This use         forever changed by COVID-19.
develop in my ability to think on my feet                                                                                                 teachers needed to adapt to these
                                            to the creation of a just society. Through   Madeleine Sophie Barat, who herself                                                          of technology also resulted in a record
and create solutions for any problems                                                                                                     changes almost immediately. Our                                                         Caroline Brown
                                            word and action, as captured by the          had lived through several epidemics                                                          of every lesson that meant students
I have endured. I have worked in many                                                                                                     success in this area was measured                                                       Director of Learning and Teaching
                                            many images and much of the writing          and other grave diseases: “Courage and                                                       could revisit lessons to clarify content.
small groups and made new friendships.      in our Burke Road Bulletin, our young        confidence! I cannot repeat this war-cry         when the Year 12 students returned
                                                                                                                                                                                      Despite the practical subjects such as      Megan Marshall
I have become more confident in myself      women, during these uncertain times,         too often. We should make it our support         to school at the end of each lockdown
                                                                                                                                                                                      Creative Arts being more difficult to       Curriculum Leader 7–12
and been able to express my opinions.       have reflected aspirations such as those     in our life”.                                    without the pressure of having a lot of
                                                                                                                                                                                      teach from home, teachers rearranged
Throughout challenges, I persevered and     expressed by M. Le Bas from the Asia                                                          SACs to complete.
developed leadership….Notre Monde has       Education Foundation at The University       Adelina Melia-Douvos
made me smile and laugh even through        of Melbourne:                                Deputy Principal: Head of Senior School
the time at home.” Zoe Zavitsanos                                                        (Current: Acting Principal)

                                                                                                                                     The Cooking Collective
                                            “When people are living in uncertain
This time has also created for our young    times, racism and prejudice [can] rear
women the ability to incorporate the very   their ugly heads and undermine human
tenets of citizenship into their thinking   potential … we are all living through a
and learning, as they have been invited     global crisis, but there is a real chance                                                When the Year 8s were not able to return to onsite learning in Term 2, we worked
to look beyond their own immediate          to develop empathy for our fellow
experience, to develop intercultural                                                                                                 hard to find new ways for students to continue to come together and feel united as
                                            [local] and global citizens, to learn from
understanding based on an appreciation                                                                                               a Year Level during their Pastoral lessons. With many students expressing their
                                            and to respect each other’s cultures
of diverse values and world views.                                                                                                   new found love of cooking during lockdown, we decided to ask students to share
                                            — to resolve our differences to make a
Opportunities have been wide ranging,                                                                                                their favourite recipe to get them through lockdown. The Year 8 students were
from participation in webinars, such as                                                                                              encouraged to enter their favourite recipes online and it was then published into a
the leadership webinar which brought        So what can we take away from this                                                       book. We hope that this cookbook will remain a wonderful artefact of the unique
students from Australia, New Zealand        time? The knowledge that just as the                                                     experience of learning at home that took place in Term 2.
and Zimbabwe together to discuss the        Spanish Influenza Pandemic ended
pandemic across different perspectives,     after many long-drawn out months,                                                        Sharleen Stone
                                                                                                                                     Year 8 Co-ordinator
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
LEARNING AND TEACHING                                                          16   LEARNING AND TEACHING                                                                                                                         17

                                                                                    Learning at a Distance
Measuring Remote Learning
Terms 2 and 3
                                                                                                                                                                                        is now what is allowing teachers to
                                                                                                                                                                                        deliver great lessons.

                    Number of                        Total number                                                                                                                       For example, it became clear early on
                    Google Meets                     of Firefly tasks                                                                                                                   that some traditional, in-person teaching
                                                                                                                                                                                        methods were not really working online.
                    8,929                            1,660                                                                                                                              Teachers used to commanding a
                                                                                                                                                                                        class’ attention were suddenly flailing.
                                                                                                                                                                                        The classes felt flat. The girls were
                    Number of                        Total number
                                                                                                                                                                                        So, teachers young and old began
                    Participants in                  of Responses                                                                                                                       imagining new ways to connect with
                    Google Meets                     to tasks                                                                                                                           their students. Many reached out to

                                                                                                                                                                                        digital experts like Jade for tips on how
                    90,167                                                                                                                                                              to take their lessons to the next level.
                                                                                    Getting ready for remote learning. Practicing a remote drama lesson
                                                                                                                                                                                        “I’ve taught so many people how to edit
                                                                                                                                                                                        video,” she said. “It’s like ’20 minutes,
                                                                                    As the world scrambled to adjust to                    Because the School was already using         half an hour, I’ll quickly show you’ and
                    Google Meet                      Total Parent                   the rise of COVID-19 early this year,                  Google’s apps for word processing,           then I’ve used Google Meet and screen
                    Quality Tool User                Visits to Firefly              education became one of the most                       spreadsheets and slides, ICT Manager         sharing to train them.”
                                                                                    disrupted sectors of society.
                    Feedback Score                   16,845
                                                                                                                                           Kate Knight says integrating Google
                                                                                                                                                                                        “People are editing their own
                                                                                                                                           Meet was relatively painless from a
                    5/5                                                             Among the most challenging elements
                                                                                    of our new lockdown life was the shift
                                                                                                                                           technical point of view. Then, adding in
                                                                                                                                           further productivity tools, like Google
                                                                                                                                                                                        instructional videos and things like that,
                                                                                                                                                                                        creating interactives that they didn’t
                                                                                    to remote learning. In the short weeks                                                              have to do before, because they could
                                                                                                                                           Calendar, streamlined processes further.
                    Total                            Total Staff and
                                                                                    leading up to the start of Term 2, anxious                                                          just do what they’d always done.”
                                                                                    teachers and staff at schools like Sacré               Prior to lockdown, many teachers were
                    Seesaw posts                     Student Visits                 Cœur had to figure out how to go 100                   still using paper calendars.                 As students now return to face-to-face

                    17,857                           to Firefly                     per cent online.
                                                                                                                                           “We support staff to develop at their
                                                                                                                                                                                        learning, Jade hopes the lessons of
                                                                                                                                                                                        lockdown won’t soon be forgotten.

                                                     213,548                        As daunting as the project was, many
                                                                                    teachers, like Digital Learning and
                                                                                                                                           own pace and we don’t mandate many
                                                                                                                                           things,” said Kate. “But this has provided   “We’ve questioned everything,” she said.
                                                                                    Innovation Leader Jade Jackson, were                   a real opportunity for people to upskill.”   “We’ve put it on the table. Is this the best
                    Total Comments                                                  up for the challenge.                                                                               way to do it? Is this new way a better
                    on Seesaw work                                                                                                         “And it’s been in a completely different     way? What do we keep? What do we
                                                                                    “Disruption is great, because I think we               mindset from ‘this is something I have       change?”
                    15,746              Google Meet. Used across all Year
                                                                                    went through this really good period of
                                                                                    questioning everything.”
                                                                                                                                           to learn to improve my practice’. It has
                                                                                                                                                                                        “It could be the best of both
                                                                                                                                           been ‘this is something I need to learn in
                                         Levels, Teachers and Administration                                                               order to survive.’”                          worlds really.”
                                                                                    Every aspect of school life was analysed,
                                         teams                                                                                                                                          Tim Young
                                                                                    from morning homeroom to sport, from                   Remote learning has also prompted
                    Total number of     Seesaw. Used to deliver Remote              drama to music. How can we do this                     Sacré Cœur to making better use of           Communications Officer
                    helpdesk tickets    Learning in Prep–Year 2                     remotely?                                              its Learning Management Systems.

                                                                                                                                           The universal adoption of Seesaw at
                                        Firefly. Our Learning Management            At the heart of Sacré Cœur’s shift online
                                                                                                                                           Junior School, Joigny, has reinvigorated
                                        System and Parent Portal                    was a dramatic ramping up of video
                                                                                                                                           teachers and allowed them to use
                                                                                    conferencing. Some teachers had barely
                                                                                                                                           technology in more consistent ways.
                                                                                    an hour’s training on Google Meet before
                                                                                    lockdown, but had no choice but to make                Across the board, Kate says there has
                                                                                    it work and soon found themselves in                   been a massive shift in staff attitudes
                                                                                    front of a virtual classroom.                          towards technology, because technology
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
CREATIVE ARTS                                                                                                                                     18      CREATIVE ARTS                                                                                                                       19

MAD Show                                                                                                                                                  continually supported and encouraged
                                                                                                                                                          us to adapt to online learning... and
                                                                                                                                                                                                       strong creative art education. That’s
                                                                                                                                                                                                       why I’m very excited to be opening this
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       What role does arts education play when
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       our assumptive world has been turned

2020 — Virtual
                                                                                                                                                          the creative VCE class of 2020. None         exhibition. I was really impressed by           upside-down? Our students stepped up,
                                                                                                                                                          of us could have possibly prepared           the quality of the work and also the            as we knew they would, to illustrate the
                                                                                                                                                          for the challenges we faced, but when        innovative way in which the exhibition          importance of arts studies in processing

Edition                                                                                                                                                   we did, one thing brought us a sense
                                                                                                                                                          of comfort. We were not alone. Our
                                                                                                                                                                                                       has been shown and the way that it can
                                                                                                                                                                                                       be viewed online. In particular the fact
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       challenging and difficult times. I believe
                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       that their lived experience has shaped
                                                                                                                                                          cohort of future artists, designers,         that this work has been made during             works that will become a time-capsule
                                                                                                                                                          photographers and journalists, I know,       COVID-19, and during lockdown as well.          of inspiration, a creative legacy that can
The Annual Media, Art and Design (MAD)                                                                                                                    will be unstoppable, due to our ability      There’s a long history of arts practice         point to authentic ways of expressing
Show was innovated this year, the first                                                                                                                   to adapt to unique situations and our        and creativity being able to think about        who we are, as individuals and in
ever Virtual Edition. It wasn’t the same                                                                                                                  incredible skills of collaboration and       things as they are happening, process           community.
buzz and vitality of the usual exhibition                                                                                                                 cohesion which provided support to           things as they are happening, both
                                                                                                                                                          each of us throughout this insane year.                                                      Nhariah Tran
in the Florence Buckley Hall, but the                                                                                                                                                                  abstractly and literally … the student
                                                                                                                                                          The friendships made throughout our                                                          Creative Arts Learning Leader
Creative Arts team designed an equally                                                                                                                                                                 works in this particular exhibition will be
spectacular and unique experience that                                                                                                                    journey at ‘Sac’ is something I will never   a fantastic record of this time.”
honored the creative journey of our                                                                                                                       forget — I am so indebted to you all.
                                                                                                                                                          Ms Adelina Melia-Douvos, Acting
Following a special lunch and soft                                                                                                                        Principal expressed our joint pride in our
launch of the exhibition with the                                                                                Website: www.MADsacrecoeur.com           students:
                                                                                                                      Instagram: @MADsacrecoeur
Year 12 MAD girls in our Art studios,
                                                                                                                                                          “Girls, we are the richer for what you
an evening Zoom event saw panelists
                                                                                                                                                          have courageously created and what you
broadcasting from home to guests from
                                                                                                                                                          have been open to sharing with us. You
all around Australia and internationally
                                                                                                                                                          have worked with zeal, passion, valor
to celebrate to celebrate the students’
                                                                                                                                                          and resolve during a year which, had you
talents and achievements in 2020.
                                                                                                                                                          allowed it to do so, might have hindered
Creative Arts Prefect, Lucy Gallen                                                                                                                        your artistic pursuits... I am partial to
won our enduring respect for her                                                                                                                          the works of the Dutch Masters but I
compassionate and thoughtful                                                                                                                              am absolutely taken by our Sacré Cœur
leadership. Her reflection on ‘The                                                                                                                        Masters — whose works are compelling
Year from Student Perspectives’ also                                                                                                                      and evocative.”
embraced the whole Sacré Cœur
                                                                                                                                                          Guest speaker, Ian Strange (Acclaimed
                                                                                                                                                          New-York based Australian Artist)
                                              Lucy Gallen Self Portrait                                                                                                                                  Year 12 works displayed in the arts studios
Not only have we all been challenged                                                                                                                      applauded the girls for the impressive
in unthinkable ways, we have shown                                                                                                                        works created during a pandemic year:
incredible resilience and persistence.
                                                                                                                                                          “I’ve been very lucky to have a strong
Trying to imagine how we were going
                                                                                                                                                          foundation in creative practice and a
to complete our works at home was an
extremely daunting thought ... many
of us raided the art rooms before we
headed home with as many materials
as we could carry. It was our incredible
art teachers who supported and guided
us through these times of uncertainty.
Through a screen Google Meet or in the
art rooms, our art teachers were there.

I want to thank, on behalf of us all:
our incredible Sacré Cœur community
for amazing resources and an
encouraging environment where we                                                                   The website also features a collection of Years 7–11
                                                                                                   Creative Arts works and a Virtual Gallery Tour made
could constantly express our ideas...;                                                             by the Year 9 Digital Technologies class
the amazing families who we may be          The website features Year 12 MAD student works
                                            and folios. Indiana RIckard Smith’s illustrated book                                                                  Gift box for Year 12 MAD girls         Luncheon with MAD Class of 2020
a bit sick of at the moment, but who        “Seventeen films to watch before you’re seventeen”
                                            won the People’s Choice Awards
LET'S STAY HOME - Burke Road Bulletin Volume 26 - Sacré Coeur - Sacre Coeur
PERFORMING ARTS                                                                                                                   20    PERFORMING ARTS                                                                                                 21

Teaching Drama                                                                                                                          Mis-en-Scene Description —

Remotely                                                                                                                                I will use a greenscreen and a picture of
                                                                                                                                        a forest as my backdrop to show that
                                                                                                                                        Little Red Riding Hood is in the forest.
                                                                                                                                        I will be wearing a black t-shirt, black
                                                                                                                                        jeans, brown boots, red flannel and
                                                                                                                                        black hooded cape. My hair will be in
                                                                                                                                        two plaits. My makeup will be minimal,
                                                                                                                                        just foundation, mascara and some
                                                                                                                                        eyeshadow to make my face more
                                                                                                                                        noticeable. My main costume item and
                                                                                                                                        property will be the cape. At the end of
                                                                                                                                        the scene I will take it off and hand it to   Sarah Gilmour, Year 8
                                                                                                                                        the Baker as thanks for saving Little Red
                                                                                                                                        Riding Hood and her Granny.
                                                                                                                                        Sarah Gilmour, Year 8

                                                                                                                                                                                                                Polly Hara, Year 9

                                                                    Dragon Theatre Sculptures
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Evaluation of the Process of
One of the questions that we have been      The Year 9 Drama class watched a                                                                                                                                  Performing a Play Online —
                                                                                           Witch’s Character Profile —
constantly asked over the two periods       hilarious streamed performance of One
                                                                                           Extract                                                                                                            Extract
of remote learning was ‘how do you          Man, Two Guvnors. The students really
manage to teach a practical subject         enjoyed working creatively on their            I live in a tower which has no doors. A
                                                                                                                                                                                                              The concept of using filming online
such as Drama online?’ Luckily this         acting, direction and stagecraft choices       security measure to keep out others.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              enhanced the alienating effect
was a question that we had already          for their monologue performances which         It is tall and grey with one singular
brainstormed in March, and we found         were filmed at home. The students also                                                                                                                            throughout each of the three scenes. Not
                                                                                           large window and that is how I get up                                                      Polly Hara, Year 9
that the solutions were there if you were   cast and blocked their mini-production                                                                                                                            only are we not in a theatre watching a
                                                                                           into my house. If I, the Witch, were an
prepared to think outside the box. The      Servant of Two Masters and concluded           animal, I would be a Black mamba. Black                                                                            play but we are watching and performing
main objectives we had were to try to       their remote learning by designing             mambas are a species of large, extremely                                                                           the play on our computers. This makes
                                                                                                                                          Stephanie Dimos-Foundas, Year 8
keep Drama fun and engaging whilst          their character’s Commedia Dell’Arte           venomous snakes. I would be feared by all                                                                          the audience remember that they are
also trying to get the students working     costume.                                       and they would do as I say. I prefer gowns                                                                         at home doing online schooling. This
creatively off their computers.                                                            in the colour of midnight blue. It gives a                                                                         takes the audience out of their trance
                                            The “Page to Stage” Drama class                                                             Mis-en-Scene Description —
                                                                                           mysterious effect and the moon blends                                                                              and makes them remember what is
The Year 7 Drama creativity unit involved   embarked on a dramatised reading of                                                         Extract
                                                                                           in with the blue of the gown to hide me in                                                                         going on in the world at the moment.
a variety of fun exercises to develop       The ThreePenny Opera. Over several
                                                                                           the darkness.                                Since the setting is in the woods, outside                            It does not only alienate the situation
skills in aspects of creative thinking,     weeks they rehearsed in breakout rooms
such as fluency, flexibility, variation     on Google Meets and then recorded their                                                     Granny’s house, I will be in my backyard,                             for the audience, but also for the actors
                                                                                           Molly Houghton, Year 8
and association. One activity involved      final performance with either costume,                                                      positioning the camera so it can see part                             as it is very daunting and strange to
creating a dragon theatre sculpture from    set or lighting as their stagecraft                                                         of the back shed, which will symbolise                                be performing to a single computer in
household objects — with the condition      element.                                                                                    Granny’s house and mostly the back
                                                                                                                                                                                                              the comfort of your own home, rather
that all objects had to be returned to                                                                                                  garden, which will symbolise the woods.
                                                                                                                                                                                                              than to many people in a theatre. This
normal afterwards.                          Kate Dillon                                                                                 I will include a bunch of flowers, as a
                                                                                                                                                                                                              was Brecht’s aim and although using
                                            Dramatic Arts Learning Leader                                                               property and my gestures will indicate
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Google Meet or Zoom was a technique
All of the Year 8 Drama classes began                                                                                                   that my character is proud and sassy.
the Musical Theatre unit by watching        Diane Gavelis                                                                               I will begin out of camera and come                                   we had to use, I think he would definitely
                                                                                                                                                                                      Ella Buxton, Year 8
Into the Woods. The students then           Drama Teacher                                                                               into frame skipping, to demonstrate her                               approve that it only added to the theme
acted, directed and designed the mise-                                                                                                  bubbly and energetic personality.                                     of alienation.
en-scene for their filmed monologue                                                                                                     Stephanie Dimos-Foundas, Year 8                                       Olivia Rodrigues, Year 9
performances. They concluded their
remote learning time by designing
original sets and costume designs.
MUSIC                                                                                                                        22   MUSIC                                                                                                                              23

Keeping Music Alive
in Time of Pandemic

Once upon a time, way back in February      Australia during remote learning,
2020, in the magical land of Sacré          were overcome with inventiveness
Cœur, the beautiful heritage building       and humour.
Brynmawr was alive with the sounds of
music. The excitement of the girls as       “Somet imes i t would be a
they headed towards their instrumental
lessons, came away from an exhilarating     bi t hard to concentrate on                                                           Year 9 Music Class
ensemble rehearsal, or willingly gave
up every spare hour in preparation for
                                            pract ice when my li t t le
the much-anticipated annual House           ki t ten came and sat on
                                                                                                                                        Eurovision: What’s The Fuss?
Arts Festival was a noisy but enjoyable
constant throughout the day.                my lap, but I would try to
But alas, as March arrived, so did          play a concert for him”.
the wicked Coronavirus. Suddenly,
                                                             Saskia Palacios-Banay, Year 9
sadly, Brynmawr fell strangely silent.
Bravely, and determined to continue                                                                                                     Eurovision: What’s The Fuss?’ (Full      being our intent. The unit included       we have in store for the girls in
                                            The Music Department can’t wait until
their connection with music, the staff                                                                                                  title: ‘Eurovision: What’s The Fuss If   diverting anecdotes about history,        Year 7 music. Sometimes too
                                            we can say goodbye to COVID-19
and students, just like all the best                                                         Alexandra Lunardella Zertuche              Some People Like Too Much Sauce          geography, languages, politics and        much is never enough.”
                                            and once again, be able to produce
superheroes, went into action, armed                                                                                                    On Their Pudding?’) was designed as      encompassed a torrent of completely
                                            wonderful music in Brynmawr. However,                                                                                                                                          “My Eurovision experience was
with the latest technology which was                                                                                                    a thank you gift for our sensational     kooky music clips. We analysed
                                            we acknowledge that this new way of                                                                                                                                            incredibly fun and was so interesting.
to become their best friend (….most of                                                                                                  Year 7s during remote learning.          Australia’s involvement in the
                                            experiencing music has given our                                                                                                                                               The unit was engaging and upbeat.
the time!)                                                                                                                                                                       contest, we had a section on why
                                            Sacré Cœur musicians, staff and                                                             In each and every music class, the                                                 We watched some amazing
The Sacré Cœur students, with their                                                                                                                                              Sweden are consistently amazing,
                                            students alike, the opportunity to                                                          Year 7 girls motivated and energised                                               performances and some funny ones
usual verve, dedication and initiative,                                                                                                                                          we celebrated in the euphoria of the
                                            explore and develop new methods of                                                          us through their sheer goodwill.                                                   too. We had brilliant conversations
turned their bedrooms, studies, lounges,                                                                                                                                         music and generally had a lot of fun.
                                            learning and teaching.                                                                      After numerous theory worksheets                                                   about the tunes, outfits, stage props,
and even their gardens into music
                                                                                                                                        had been duly submitted I thought,       The entire Year 7 cohort are now          decorations and the scoring. We
studios; set up their music equipment       We are looking forward to being able
and technology and continued, hardly                                                                                                    ‘Enough’s enough, let’s have some        accomplices and officially in-the-        learnt that Australia, although being a
                                            to share, in person, the rewarding and
                                                                                             Eleni Dimos-Foundas
missing a beat, with their musical                                                                                                      fun’. Sadly, there was no Eurovision     know Eurotragics. It is also hoped        new addition and not being European,
                                            joyful times of making Brynmawr once
education. AMEB exams that had to                                                                                                       song contest held this year owing        that they are now set up for a lifetime   have been incredibly successful and
                                            again come alive with the sounds of
be cancelled were instead submitted                                                                                                     to the state of the world. Luckily,      love of the contest. It would be a        their performances were amazing. I
electronically and assessed by music                                                                                                    this provided us with the perfect        complete understatement to say            just can’t wait to see what Eurovision
staff permitting the students to progress   Wendy Rechenberg                                                                            opportunity to have our own              that this experience has been a           will bring next year!” Alice Hanna
to the next grade. Many ensembles still     Music Teacher                                                                               commemoration entirely devoted           monumental reminder to me of just
met up virtually weekly. Cantabile,                                                                                                                                                                                        Adrian Russell
                                                                                                                                        to Eurovision.                           how much I love my job.
Sacré Cœur’s newest vocal ensemble,                                                                                                                                                                                        Music Teacher
learnt, and recorded, a stunning version                                                                                                We covered almost every learning         “Without giving anything away, I
of Over the Rainbow.                                                                                                                    domain in the book without that          simply cannot wait to unveil what

All other inevitable issues that arose,                                                      Celine Assad
common in many houses throughout
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