Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club

Page created by Jeffrey Newman
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club
Crossroads                                                                  of the
     The Magazine of the Marines’ Memorial Association & Foundation, San Francisco \ FALL 2019

S.F. FLEET WEEK 2019! Details on page 33 »
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club
Join us as we honor and
serve Gold Star Parents,
whose loss can only be truly
understood by others like

Your generous contribution
directly benefits the families
who come here each year to
find a safe and loving
environment to remember
their fallen hero.

Please give today.

                                                ORIAL F
                                              EM       O



          MEMORIAL                              2 0 15


 GIVE ONLINE at or use the envelope at the
      center of this magazine and designate your donation for Gold Star Parents!
                Donations of $500 or more will be listed in Crossroads.
If your giving is restricted to 501(c)3 organizations, please consider a gift to the Marines’ Memorial Foundation.
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club
                                                                                      FALL 2019 \ VOLUME 85 NUMBER 3
                                                                                                                      of the

                                                                                       4 Correspondence
                                                                                       5 Bits & Pieces: News You Can Use
                                                                                       25 The Club Calendar

609 Sutter St. · San Francisco, CA 94102 · tel (415) 673-6672 · fax (415) 441-3649
                                                                                       EVENTS IN REVIEW
email · website
                                                                                       10 75th Anniversary of D-Day
Room Reservations: 1-800-5-MARINE
Crossroads of the Corps is published quarterly for Members and Supporters of the       13 Meet the Author
Marines’ Memorial Association and Foundation.

                                                                                       THE LIVING MEMORIAL
Chairman Mr. Rick Hartnack, Marine Veteran                                             18 Generous Contributions
Secretary Ms. Susannah R. Stokes, Marine Veteran
                                                                                       28 Scholarship Winners for 2019/20
Mr. Lucas Babbitt, Navy Veteran · LtCol Robert Barrow, USMC (Ret.)
Mr. Carl Eberling, Marine Veteran · Mr. J. Barrie Graham, Marine Veteran               34 Honoring the Legacy with Care
Mr. Tim Hsia, Army Veteran · Mr. Peter Kump, Marine Veteran
Ms. Nicole Nolette, Navy Veteran · Mr. M. K. Palmore, Marine Veteran
Mr. Doug Porter, Navy Veteran · BrigGen Frank Quinlan, USMC (Ret.)
Mr. Robert Shaw, Marine Veteran · LtCol Jeffrey Tice, USAF (Ret.)
                                                                                       YOUR CLUB & ASSOCIATION
Col Charles Dockery, USMC · Col Daniel Kazmier, USMC                                   6 Meet the Members
Col Ricardo Martinez, USMC · Col Ross Parrish, USMC
Col Joseph D. Williams, USMC · SgtMaj Devon Lee, USMC                                  8 Earn a Free Night’s Stay
MARINES’ MEMORIAL FOUNDATION BOARD OF DIRECTORS                                        17 Eagle and Manager of the Year
Chairman Mr. J. Barrie Graham, Marine Veteran
Secretary VADM Jody Breckenridge, USCG (Ret.)                                          24 Meet Your Board Members
Mr. Bradford Davis, Navy Veteran · Mr. Travis Dredd, Marine Veteran
Mr. Rick Hartnack, Marine Veteran · Mr. Christopher Homewood, Marine Veteran           27 Meet the Staff
Mrs. Maureen Logan, Patriot Supporter · Mr. Peter Paffrath, Marine Veteran
Mr. Ian Thomson, Marine Veteran · Mr. Joe Vollono, Navy Veteran                        30 Worldwide Reciprocal Clubs
Lieutenant General Jan Huly, USMC (Ret.)
                                                                                       OF INTEREST
General Manager & Chief Operating Officer                                              11 A Member’s Journey to Normandy
Michael Allen
Chief Financial Officer Ruby Wu
                                                                                       15 Book Review
Director of Membership Mackenzie Jakoubek
                                                                                       33 2019 San Francisco Fleet Week
Director of Living Memorial Col Brendan Kearney, USMC (Ret.)                                                        Schedule
Director of Sales Milen Orendain
Exec. Assistant to the President & CEO Carol Taylor
Director of Information Technology Anne Walker
Director of Development Chelsea Leonard
Director of Human Resources Celeste Repsher         Event photos: Jan Lundberg Photography

MARINES’ MEMORIAL                                       DONATE AT
                                                    MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association            3
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club

Scholarship Awardees Share                                                            ogy with a concentration in Criminol-
Their Gratitude                                                                       ogy. I will also be a cadet in the Army
                                                                                      ROTC program, where I will prepare to
Dear MMA Scholarship Supporters,                                                      commission as a Second Lieutenant in
Thank you so much for the support                                                     the United States Army. My goal is to
and opportunity you have given me                                                     commission as a Military Police Officer
through this scholarship. It is an         Would you like to share a                  and then promote to a Civil Affairs Of-
honor to be recognized by such a           response to what you read here?            ficer. I will also be a part of the Manda-
distinguished organization. With your      A suggestion or opinion about              rin Language Program at the Univer-
help I will be able to finish my degree    your Club experience? Please               sity of Portland, which is a language
in International Studies in Arabic and     address correspondence to                  currently in demand in the Army.
go on to study translation and inter-               Sincerely,
pretation. I hope in the future that I                                                   Natalie Ruben
am able to support students just as
you have supported me.                    MMA Scholarship Program Supporters:
                                                                                      Dear MMA Scholarship Supporters,
   Appreciatively,                        Going to college as a 28-year-old
                                                                                      Thank you for the Marines’ Memorial
   Emily Krupka                           Marine veteran was no easy task. It is
                                                                                      Family Scholarship. As a member of
                                          people such as yourself that make my
                                                                                      a military family, I have experienced
MMA Scholarship Program Supporters:       academic journey a little more stress-
                                                                                      many changes through frequent
                                          free. Upon graduation, I will pursue a
I wish that I could shake each of your                                                relocations, new schools, and new
                                          Master’s in Special Education. I hope
hands and tell you how much this                                                      communities. It means so much to
                                          to teach elementary school, as I feel
means to me.                                                                          me to know that the Marines’ Memo-
                                          that males are underrepresented in
    Eight years ago, you could not have                                               rial is looking out for me and other
                                          both special education and primary
convinced me that the Marine Corps                                                    military families like my own. I cannot
                                          education. Whether in combat, gar-
would have such a profound influence                                                  express enough my gratitude for your
                                          rison, or the classroom, helping those
on who I am as a person. You could                                                    contribution to my goals to become a
                                          in need has always been of the highest
have asked me the significance of an                                                  computer science IT professional and
                                          importance, and education is how I
Ivy League university and I would                                                     to eventually help solve some of our
                                          feel I can continue my calling in life.
have shrugged. For every doubt, there                                                 nation’s technological challenges.
                                              Your donations do not just affect
were people like you who believed that                                                   Shannon Campbell
                                          the recipient of the MMA scholarship,
I could achieve the unimaginable.
                                          but the lives that s/he will change, and
    As a veteran, people often assume                                                 To the donors of the Dr. Nancy M.
                                          for that, I say Thank You.
that my tuition is entirely covered                                                   Schonher scholarship,
                                             All the best, Semper Fi!
by the Post 9/11 G.I. Bill and Yellow
                                             Jorge G. Gonzalez Jr                     I am so honored to have been awarded
Ribbon Program, but that is not the
                                                                                      your scholarship. You have opened the
case. Columbia University is not only
                                                                                      doors wide! In the fall, I plan use the
among the most expensive universi-        Dear MMA Scholarship Supporters,
                                                                                      money for two professional endeavors
ties, but it also happens to be located   I am honored to be selected as a re-        that I otherwise cannot afford. With
in one of the most expensive cities. I    cipient of the Wesley Hammon Leach          your financial assistance, I am confi-
can assure you that your financial con-   Scholarship. My grandparents have           dent that both my future mentees and
tributions are a valuable investment      been members of the Marines’ Memo-          my patients will improve their health
in my education and that every penny      rial for 37 years and I am thankful to      and well-being.
will be spent responsibly.                honor them through this scholarship.
                                                                                         Warm Regards,
   Jacob D. Babcock                           I will be a freshman this fall at the
                                                                                         Adrienne Law, DO
   Sergeant, US Marine Corps              University of Portland studying Sociol-

  4   CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Fall 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club

“The person who says it cannot be                                                      "You don't lead by hitting people
done should not interrupt the person                                                   over the head — that's assault, not
who is doing it.” » Chinese Proverb                                                    leadership." » Dwight D. Eisenhower

Members get more in the                                                                Top MMA Membership Recruiter
Leatherneck Restaurant
                                                                                       Congratulations to LT Woodrow Rob-
                                                                                       ert Park, USN (Ret.) of Pittsburgh, PA!
                                                                                       Though Bob himself just joined this
                                            Are you a member aged 75+?                 past spring, he has already referred
                                                                                       five people for membership. Turn to
                                            We have introduced a new member-
                                                                                       page 8 for help in spreading the word.
                                            ship category to show support for our
                                            loyal members who may be on a fixed        “I am not afraid of an army of lions
                                            income. If you are 75 years of age or      led by a sheep; I am afraid of an army
                                            older, and have been an active Veteran     of sheep led by a lion.”
                                            member for 20 consecutive years or                          » Alexander the Great
                                            25 non-consecutive years, you are eli-
Did you know that, as a member, you         gible to “lock in” the price of member-    Is Marines’ Memorial in your will?
are entitled to a 10% discount in the       ship that is current on your 75th birth-
Leatherneck Restaurant? Benfactor           day. Semper Fidelis members retain all
members save 15%! If you haven't en-        standard member benefits, and your
joyed a meal here lately, you'll find the   contribution remains tax deductible.
food — and the view — as delightful. For    Contact Membership at Member@
dinner reservations, go to Marines to learn more.                    “Opportunity is missed by most
“It is necessary for us to learn from       because it is dressed in overalls and      If you have included, or plan to
others’ mistakes. You will not live long    looks like work.” » Thomas Edison          include, the Marines’ Memorial in
enough to make them all yourself.”                                                     your estate plan, please let us know.
                                            Share your passion for reading
            » ADM Hyman G. Rickover                                                    Contact our Development Director,
                                                                                       Chelsea Leonard, at (415) 658-9210 or
Help us keep you informed
Are you receiving our e-newsletter,                                                    org. No gift is too small — each gift
MarineClub Monthly? If not, please                                                     makes a difference!
let us know right away! It’s the easiest
                                                                                       “The best leader is the one who has
way for members to stay current on
                                                                                       sense enough to pick good men to do
the Club calendar, plus members-only
                                                                                       what he wants done, and the self-
news and special offers. Email us at
                                                                                       restraint to keep from meddling with or log
                                                                                       them while they do it.”
into the member portal at Marines
                                            If you love to read and enjoy writing                        » Theodore Roosevelt and click
                                            as well, consider submitting a book re-
“Member Login.”                                                                        In Memory
                                            view for publication in a future edition
“I cannot think of an historical            of Crossroads. On page 15, you'll find     If you know of a member who has
example in which giving a president         this quarter's recommended reading         passed on, please let us know at
fewer perspectives or fewer options         list, along with a book review by mem- or
was better than giving a president          ber John Davies. Please email submis-      call us at (415) 673-6672.
more perspectives and more options.”        sions (up to 700 words) to Brendan
     » LTG H.R. McMaster, USA (Ret.)

                                   DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association                5
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club

                    Vietnam Era Army       Veterans Home, Gordon has logged 28           bers’ happy hour, but it is the friendship
                    Nurse TAMARA           years flying patrols, rescue, and marine      and affection of our employees that
                    CAGNEY credits her     protection missions for the Coast Guard       they are most grateful for. “In every
                    service with giving    Auxiliary. He also occasionally co-pilots     department, the staff is wonderful,”
                    her the opportunity    missions for Angel Flight. “Plus,” he         Kelly says. On the way to check-in, “we
                    and tools to lead,     says, “there’s the honey-do list.” The        drop our luggage for hugs from Troy.
                    along with a ground-   Vietnam veteran (FAC callsign Hostage         There are more hugs at the front desk,
ing in strength and resiliency. As an      Bear) joined MMA in 2006 when he was          then in the dining room. Everybody is
officer, she supervised nursing care       recruited by a friend who was a Navy          just lovely, so kind and efficient and
providers at Army medical facilities in    Seal. “I think he got me to join as much      welcoming.” Kelly and Carolyn like to
Texas, Louisiana, and California.          for his own benefit, since he got a free      share their home away from home,
Following her separation from the          night at the Club,” says Gordon with a        counting a number of member recruits
Army in 1979, Tamara worked with           laugh. One of his own favorite benefits       among their friends. Surely, there are
veterans with substance use disorders      of Benefactor membership is a suite           enough hugs to go around.
at the Veterans Administration —           upgrade when he and his wife, Jeanne,
“some of the most meaningful work of       stay over following events like Shultz                             JIM AND YVONNE
my career.” Since 2000, she has served     Series lectures and the Salute to Viet-                            HURSON both flew
as an onsite psychologist in the Em-       nam Veterans. “It’s nice to have a place                           during the Vietnam
ployee Assistance Program at Sandia        in the city,” he says. Gordon recently                             War, Jim as an Air
National Laboratories. Tamara’s father,    contributed pieces to the Living Memo-                             Force C141 pilot and
a Naval Academy graduate and retiree       rial from the collection of his late friend                        Yvonne as a Pan Am
from the Silent Service (submarines), is   Drury E. “Mac” McCall. McCall, a                                   Purser flying military
remembered on a plaque on the Club’s       Marine fighter pilot with the Guadalca-       charters transporting servicemen to and
seventh floor. “My first visit to the      nal Cactus Air Force, was a charter           from Vietnam for R&R. Yvonne remem-
Marines Memorial Club,” she recalls,       member of the Marines’ Memorial Club.         bers loving every minute of those
“was as just a tadpole in 1953 when my                                                   flights. Memorable missions for Jim
parents stayed here before shipping out                        Though Navy               included being selected for Operation
to their new duty station in Hawaii.                           veteran and retired       Deep Freeze, flying to Antarctica in
Tamara became a member herself in                              photographer              support of the National Science Founda-
1985 and uses the Club as her home                             KELLY HOPE and            tion, and being assigned to fly support
base in San Francisco. She comes for a                         his “SO” CAROLYN          for President Ford’s visit to the Bay
variety of Club events, from speaker                           CROCKET have              Area. In 2016, the Hursons established
and commemorative programs to the                              been members for          Valiance Wines, whose wines are
Ladies Teas, and also appreciates not      just five years, both have a long associa-    dedicated to service and heroism and
having to make a late drive home after a   tion with the Marines’ Memorial. Kelly        whose profits benefit veterans and their
jazz or symphony concert. “I live in the   is the son of Dolores and Bob Hope,           families. Their current releases com-
Delta and work in Livermore,” she says     who performed on radio broadcasts in          memorate D-Day with two wines
“so having a place in the City where I     the Marines’ Memorial Theatre in its          honoring two 101st Airborne medics
belong has been wonderful.”                early days. Carolyn’s father was a WWI        who cared for the wounded around Utah
                                           Marine who joined when the Club               Beach, and two wines recognizing the
                  In “retirement,”         opened in 1946. The couple really can’t       service of the Merchant Marine and the
                  former Marine pilot      get enough of the Marines’ Memorial           Medical Service Corps. The Hursons
                  GORDON EVANS             Club and the people who make it so            have been Marines’ Memorial members
                  is busier than ever:     special. “We go frequently and stay,”         since 2005. Jim doesn’t track how many
                  maintaining his four     says Carolyn. “We love the Easter and         others they may have influenced to join,
                  Napa Valley acres,       Thanksgiving brunches, and the New            but says, “We’ve given weekends to
                  managing invest-         Year’s Eve party is out of this world!”       friends as gifts. It’s like an island of
ments that remain from a career in         They enjoy the Theatre, too, and raved        cameraderie, where you really under-
commercial real estate, and volunteer-     about the recent Cole Porter show. They       stand that service members are valued.
ing. Alongside support for the Pacific     appreciate every amenity, never               I don’t feel compelled to sell it, I just try
Legal Foundation and Yountville            missing the breakfast buffet or mem-          to share it.”

  6   CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Fall 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club
Marines’ Memorial to Unveil New Displays Honoring
Benefactor, Patriot, and Legacy Supporters

        he fall of 2019 will bring with it some      Additionally, two standalone displays will
        significant changes to our Living            reflect contributions from members of our
        Memorial, as we remove our “old”             major donor club, The Patriots Circle, and
        Benefactor Alcove and replace it with        commitments from members of our legacy
        a significantly upgraded series of dis-      society, The Guard.
plays that will more appropriately recognize            All the displays will be biannually updated
the contributions made by our members and            with required changes, particularly with the ad-
supporters since 1946.                               ditions of new Benefactors, as well as up-to-date
   This effort will bring closure to a planning      acknowledgement of our Patriots Circle and
effort that began in the spring of 2018. There       Guard members.
was a clear consensus with both our Association
and Foundation Boards of Directors, and a num-          If you would like to upgrade to a Benefactor
ber of you, that our current Benefactor display      membership, please contact our Membership
did not adequately represent our appreciation        Department at (415) 673-6672 x223 or
for the generous contributions our members and
donors have made over the past decades.                 If you have designated Marines’ Memorial as
   Located in our Elevator Lobby, we will have       a recipient of a planned gift, please let us know!
two large displays, one depicting Benefactors        Contact Chelsea Leonard, Director of Develop-
from 1946 to 1997 and the other covering 1998        ment, at (415) 658-9210 or ChelseaLeonard@
to the Present, both Individual and Family plans.

                                DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association   7
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club
    Earn one Free
    Accommodations for
    every new member you sign up.

    Spread the word and help others discover the Advantages                                                     of
    Membership in the Marines’ Memorial. Benefits include:
    Access to the Marines’ Memorial Club & Hotel                   Direct support of our mission to Honor the
    in San Francisco, with special member rates and                Legacy of Military Service.
    packages, plus the private club ambience of
    Chesty’s Bar and the Leatherneck Steakhouse.
                                                                   To be eligible for Marines’ Memorial member-
    Over 240 Reciprocal Clubs around the world.
                                                                   ship, candidates must have served honorably
    Eligibility for over $100,000 in College Schol-                or currently serve in any branch of the US
    arships each year.                                             Armed Forces.
    Networking opportunities with Currently
                                                                   Please share the application on the facing
    Serving and Veteran communities, including a
                                                                   page, or refer your friends to MarinesMemorial.
    Members-only Happy Hour Tuesday – Friday.
                                                                   org to join! Make sure they tell us you referred
    Invitations to Special Events, like the annual                 them, so you will be eligible for a “Member Get
    Marine Corps Birthday Ball, George P. Shultz                   a Member” gift certificate. For each new Veteran
    Lecture Series, holiday brunches and more.                     member you refer, you will receive one night’s
    Discounted rates for reunions, celebrations and                accommodations* at the Marines’ Memorial Club
    weddings held in the Club’s Banquet Facilities.                & Hotel.

    *Certificates are for standard room Sunday-Thursday and cannot be combined with other discounts or packages. Referred
    member must be a new Veteran member who has paid the $200 membership contribution. Referrer must be an active member.
    Certificates have no cash value and are not transferable or replaceable. Rewards are sent quarterly.

8    CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Fall 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club
Membership Application
   APPLY ONLINE                             Questions? or (415) 673-6672 x223
   at                   Marines’ Memorial Association, 609 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94102

Membership Categories (All donations are tax-deductible and non-refundable):
h Regular Veteran & Retired, all US Services, including Merchant Marine (wartime): Annual donation $200
h Currently Serving Members of the Armed Forces All Services $35 (Rates remain the same until personnel departs Active/Reserve
  status, then normal member rates apply)
h Benefactor Veteran, Retired, or Currently Serving.
  Benefits include: Engraved name plate, room upgrade at no additional cost (based on availability at check-in), advance special events res-
  ervations, 15% discount in the Leatherneck Steakhouse, 15% discount on Memorabilia.
  h Individual Plan One time donation of $3500 (Includes primary and spouse)
  h Family Plan One time donation of $4500 (Includes primary, spouse and family guest cards at no additional charge)

Membership Information (Please print clearly)
First Name, MI, Last Name: ________________________________________________
Branch of Service: h USMC            h USN       h USA       h USAF       h USCG         h Merchant Marine (wartime)
Military Status: _____________________             Highest/Current Rank: _____________________
Birth Date: ____ /____ /____            Email: ______________________ @ _________________________
Address: ________________________________________________________________
City: ___________________________________ State: _________ Zip: ____________
Home Phone: _________________________ Mobile: _____________________________
I certify that I served on Active Duty in the US Armed Forces from __________ to __________.

How did you hear about us?
h Advertisement or news article (Name of publication or site: _____________________________)
h Visit to the Club or Theatre      h Member/family/friend          h Site presentation      h Other ______________________

Family Members
Your spouse, children over 21 years (who are ineligible for membership by themselves) and non-military parents are eligible for Guest
Cards. Spouse card is complimentary; all others are $50 annually, per Guest Card. Please list names, relations and ages of those for
whom you would like to add a card (use reverse side if necessary). In-laws are ineligible.
First & Last Name         Relationship      Email               Amount        Must be 21 Years+

Processing Your Membership Application
In addition to the completion of this application, please attach the following:
• Photocopy of Official Verification of Honorable Service: DD214 or Retired ID Card; copy of front of Active Duty ID
  Card (Currently Serving only)
• Appropriate Donation (All donations are tax-deductible and non-refundable)

Circle Payment Type:         MC     VISA     AMEX      h Annual Auto-Renewal         |   Personal check or other: _______________

Total Amount Due (membership donation + guest card(s)) $ __________                 h Additional Donation Enclosed $ __________
Credit Card # ____________________________________ Exp. Date ____________
Signature of Applicant ___________________________________ Date ________________
Referred by ___________________________________________ Welcome Aboard!
                            DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association                                    9
Crossroads of the Corps - WE WELCOME OUR VISITING U.S. SERVICE MEMBERS FOR - Marines' Memorial Club
COMMEMORATION » D-Day 75th Anniversary

          he 75th anniversary of the                                                          Together, the two men presented a
          landings on D-Day was                                                           series of stories “…scripted from many
          observed at the Marines’                                                        hours of veterans’ audio and video
          Memorial Club on 6 June.                                                        testimony and hundreds of pages of
          Presenting that evening were                                                    transcripts.” The stories, edited for
Brigadier (Ret) Roderick Macdonald                                                        brevity and clarity, were composites
MBE, Dr. Seth Givens, and Mr. Phil                                                        of many stories. They read inter-
Gioia, each of whom helped bring                                                          viewer and interviewee parts from
new life to an event that changed the                                                     transcribed interviews, and both men
course of history.                                                                        gamely affected the accents of each
    Brigadier (Ret) Macdonald was                                                         participant. Mr. Gioia and Brigadier
made a Member of the Order of the                                                         Macdonald honored the veterans with
British Empire, Military Division in                                                      their own words, bringing the audi-
1983. Dr. Seth Givens is a historian           From left: Brigadier (Ret) Roderick        ence with them through the humor

from the US Marine Corps History Di-           Macdonald, MBE, Mr. Phil Gioia,            and humanity of the interviews.
vision, where he is currently preparing        and Dr. Seth Givens                            The majority of the evening was
the official history of the Marine Corps                                                  devoted to Brigadier Macdonald’s and
in Operation Iraqi Freedom. Phil Gioia         Dr. Givens acknowledged the sub-           Mr. Gioia’s re-enactments. They read
served as an infantry platoon leader       jectivity of history, noting that what he     from the interview of Heinrich Runder,
and company commander during two           would be sharing with the audience in-        interviewed by Dieter Echkhertz, and
Vietnam tours; he has since pursued        cluded his opinions. He discussed the         from the First Wave account of Marvin
business management in the tech-           difficulty of coalition warfare such as       Perrett. Mr. Gioia took the part of Ben-
nology sector, and is a co-founder of      the Allies pursued, saying, “It requires      jamin Alvarado, age nineteen at the
Pathfinder Partners LLC.                   the merging of not just resources             time he landed on Omaha Beach, and
    Colonel Brendan Kearney, USMC          but objectives, and the debate over           Brigadier Macdonald offered numbers
(Ret.), director of our Living Memorial,   these means and ends often becomes            cited in the interviews for context:
opened the program. He acknowledged        acrimonious in alliances.” It is just this,   45,000 Canadians, over 400,000 Amer-
the veterans in the room and gave spe-     he told the audience, that lead him to        icans, and a roughly equal number of
cial thanks given to Jim and Yvonne        believe 6 June at Normandy was not            British had died. That was in addition
Hurson of Valiance Wines for donating      a foregone conclusion, but rather a           to the 24-26 million Russians and five-
wine for the evening, before inviting      chain of events caused by the Allies’         to-eight million Germans who died in
the speakers onto the stage.               choices. After examining several sets         World War II.
    Brigadier Macdonald encouraged         of circumstances, he moved into an                 By the end of the evening, the
the audience to remember D-Day             analysis Eisenhower’s actions as the          three men had told the stories, as best
through the words of all participants.     Commander of Supreme Headquar-                they could, of six men who fought on
He explained, “Understanding of            ters Allied Expeditionary Force. The          D-Day. They gave perspective to the
military history can only occur if we      planned invasion, Givens detailed, was        circumstances leading to the landing,
examine the experiences of those in-       the largest recorded armada ever as-          and humanity to all those who fought.
volved on both sides.” He gave several     sembled at 6,939 vessels, accompanied         Brigadier Macdonald gave the final
examples, including never-before-seen      by the Airborne Division’s 11,590 air-        remarks, speaking to the audience
photographs of Red Cross nurses            craft. All of this, he told the audience,     about where the men are buried, and
and a wealth of lost German journal        came together for the immortalized ac-        all those who visit each year to pay
entries. He then handed the narrative      tion. To pair the staggering statistic he     their respects. He closed by quoting
off to Dr. Givens to give the strategic    presented with a human component,             Eisenhower’s letter to the men who
context by explaining the reasons for      Dr. Givens invited Brigadier Macdon-          fought that day: “The eyes of the world
the where and when of D-Day.               ald and Mr. Gioia back to the stage.          are upon you.”

                                     Would you like to sponsor an event?
      Contact Development Director Chelsea Leonard at to learn more.

 10    CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Fall 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG

NORMANDY, FRANCE: 5–6 JUNE 2019 by Jerry Wilkerson

        ow hanging steel blue clouds           The following day, the actual anni-          The formal ceremony was held at
        pushed inland along the coast      versary of the invasion, morning clouds      COLLEVILLE-SUR-MER, the American
        of Normandy on Wednesday 5         gave way to a mostly sunny sky and           cemetery. Heads of state offered their
        June, as final preparations for    warmer temperatures. Roads through           views of history, honor, duty, and the
        the 75th anniversary of D-Day      small coastal towns, villages, and fields    value of sacrifice. Uniformed service
were underway. As I looked out at the      were jammed with people and vehicles.        members attended to the old veterans.
choppy English Channel in the early        Most folks just parked where they could          The cemetery’s 9,300 iconic white
dawn hours, lights were winking on in      and walked the rest of the way to the        crosses stood in perfect rows, splayed
small towns and villages up and down       cliffs overlooking the landing beaches.      out for acres overlooking the beach and
the coast. It was eerily quiet.            They crossed over the footsteps of re-       bright blue ocean. There were two beau-
    Locals went about their business       treating German soldiers from 75 years       tiful, stately white flag poles on each
as people from around the world            ago, when the war turned and the Nazis       side of the cemetery, the tallest I have
assembled for two days of memori-          were forced back toward Berlin.              ever witnessed, with immense American
als. Old warriors in wheelchairs, with         Observances included a 21-can-           flags casting an ever-loving eye upon
walkers or canes saluted each other        non salute. There were fly-overs with        the lads interred below. They turned the
with gnarled, trembling hands. Tears       antique, vintage and current aircraft,       tide of war, these gallant men.
flowed and they gazed out to sea, re-      some trailing red, white, and blue
calling their experiences in this very     contrails. Parachutists filled the sky       MMA member and Navy veteran Jerry
place so long ago, and realizing they      with splendid round chutes. Flags            Wilkerson has served as press secretary
may never come this way again. It was      from participating countries snapped         to two Members of Congress, CBS news
indeed a legion of honor.                  in the breeze.                               broadcaster, and police commissioner.

                             415.563.5820; Memorial Plaques, Marines’ Memorial Club, 609 Sutter St., San Francisco, CA 94102
                             Name:_ _________________________________________Member number:_________________
                             City, State, Zip:__________________________________________________________________
                                         (     )
                             Plaque Information
                             Seal (circle one): Marine      Navy      Army      Air Force    Coast Guard
                             Line 1: ________________________________________________________________________

                             Line 2: ________________________________________________________________________
                             Line 3: ________________________________________________________________________
         their               Line 4: ________________________________________________________________________

                             Line 5: ________________________________________________________________________
                             Line 6: ________________________________________________________________________
    with a Memorial          Plaque donation: $750. Additional donation:__________________ Total: _ _______________
    or Honor Plaque          Payment method (circle one): Cash Check Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express, Diners)
     at the Marines’         Credit Card number:_ ______________________________________ Exp: _ ________________
     Memorial Club           Signature:________________________________________________ Date:_________________

                                 DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association                  11

        3 Nights /$559 4 Nights /$709 5 Nights /$829
        Your San Francisco getaway includes Single or double occupancy in a standard room
        (Sun-Thurs)* : : Free Business Center and WiFi : : Premium bath amenities : : Local weekday newspaper : :
        Full American Breakfast : : Hosted Happy Hour 4-6pm daily : : Pass to Active Sports Clubs Union Square


*For Members only and subject to availability. Upgrades when available: Deluxe/Corner $20 add’l per night; Suite $100 add’l per night. Up to five
rooms may be booked at this rate for each membership; all rooms must be registered and paid for by the Member. All prices subject to prevail-
ing 12
           occupancy tax. Package must be
                          of the Corps      purchased
                                         \ Fall 2019 \ 7JOIN:
                                                         days inMARINESMEMORIAL.ORG
                                                                 advance and paid at time of reservation. Refund available with 7 days notice.
Not applicable to groups. May not be combined with other Hotel or Club offers. All packages subject to availability. Restrictions may apply.
                                       » GEN Stanley McChrystal, USA
                                           (Ret.) Leaders: Myth and Reality

                                           Soviet intervention in Afghanistan

                                                                                      mythology, not the reality.” One of the
                                           and the Vietnam War, and further to        great myths, he said, is of a checklist:
            n the evening of 20 June,      the birth of nations in the region. The    if you do the right things, or are born
            General Stanley McChrys-       future he sees, he told the audience, is   into the right situation, you will be a
            tal, USA (Ret.) sat down       a tentative but rational peace accord      successful leader. The data show this
            with Jane Wales, CEO of        following the realization that the po-     to not necessarily be true. Another
            World Affairs and Global       tential war is unwinnable. He warned,      myth he debunked was that of attribu-
Philanthropy Forum, to discuss his         “People up close, some are going to        tion, the idea that the leader’s orders
34 years in the Army and his latest        lose land, some will lose power, some      define the success of the endeavor; in
book, Leaders: Myth and Reality. In        will lose other things, and so you’ll      reality, the final outcome often rests
his time with the US Army, General         have a lot of players trying to knock      on the context and the unit. Finally, he
McChrystal rose from a second lieu-        the legs out from under it.”               explained, we often do not support the
tenant in the 82nd Airborne Division           Ms. Wales noted the inevitabil-        right types of leaders, resulting in a
to a four-star general in command of       ity with which the conversation            lack of desirable effects.
all American and coalition forces in       returned to leadership, asking General         General McChrystal then trans-
Afghanistan. He currently serves as        McChrystal about the evolution of his      lated these leadership principles into
co-founder and partner of McChrystal       views on the matter, in the context        the language of politics. He analyzed
Group, an advisory services and lead-      of his book. His understanding of          candidates’ bids to lead and the his-
ership development firm. The book,         leadership, he responded, began with       tory of political leadership roles. New
a profile of thirteen of history’s great   his mother’s interest in Greek mythol-     media rules are making the situation
leaders, was available at the event.       ogy. He went on to explain how these       more confusing than ever for politi-
    They began with a brief discussion     myths led to the lionization of he-        cal candidates, he told the audience,
of the escalating situation in Iran and    roes, saying, “We have been devotees       and our outward desire for stability is
the priorities of the players. General     to the great woman and great man           not reflected in our choices of leaders.
McChrystal expressed the belief that       theory of history and we still can’t       When politicians promise effective
Iran is seeking to become a regional       let it go.” His life was influenced by a   leadership, he continued, “…the power
power, to have a presence in the           series of champions who were proof         to influence how people think is many
Persian Gulf commensurate to their         that anyone could be a leader. Upon        times more dangerous than we realize.”
population and resources. He moved         leaving the service and writing his            The General concluded his
into an analysis of US goals, explain-     memoir, however, he found that the         thoughts on leadership with a recap of
ing to Ms. Wales, “During most of my       actions of leadership he had attrib-       the topics covered. He touched on
career, our objectives could really be     uted to himself were, in fact, carried     Afghanistan and US priorities, and
boiled down to the free flow of oil.”      out by hundreds of people “behind the      looked forward at the importance of
Things are no longer that simple; the      scenes” that were a greater influence      service in the development of leader-
current situation, he cautioned, is        on the outcomes.                           ship. General McChrystal and Ms.
far more complex and delicate than             These revelations set him on a         Wales gave the audience a lot to con-
these priorities suggested. He went        quest to redefine leadership. “What        sider long after the program had ended.
on to express disapproval of the war       we understand about leadership,”
in Yemen.                                  General McChrystal continued, “is the
    General McChrystal gave the audi-
ence more background to the current
conflicts, going as far back as the 1979   View Meet the Author events at

                                 DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association               13
                                                           »Lynn Vincent and
                                                           Sarah Vladic Indianapolis

                                                          became fascinated with       and repair, through an in-depth look
                                                          the story of the USS         at its transport of the uranium core of

                                                          Indianapolis and is now      the bomb, to the final sinking in the
             n 9 July 2019, the Marines’   one of the world’s leading experts.         Philippine Sea. They discussed the
             Memorial hosted an eve-           Ms. Vladic interviewed 108              youth of the recruits and the actions of
             ning with Lynn Vincent        survivors over eleven years. Initially      Captain Charles McVeigh. They laid
             and Sarah Vladic, authors     intending to write a screenplay, she        out the events of the night the
             of Indianapolis. The book     chose instead to write a book and           Indianapolis sank and the aftermath in
tells the story of the USS Indianapolis,   reached out for help.                       stark detail, followed by the eventual
sunk just after midnight on 30 July            Lynn Vincent had been looking for       rescue of the survivors. The presenta-
1945, and of the 316 men who man-          years to write a World War II story.        tion ended with a brief discussion of
aged to survive.                           Though Vladic had asked only for            the court martial of the captain, before
    Lynn Vincent, a US Navy veteran,       assistance, Vincent was determined to       moving on audience questions.
is the author and coauthor of eleven       join the writing process.                       The harrowing tale was presented
nonfiction books. A long-time jour-            The authors told the story of the       with grace and compassion.
nalist, her investigative pieces have      ship, seeking to bring back the voices
been cited before Congress and the         of the 819 men lost at sea. Trading off
US Supreme Court. Sara Vladic is a         the narrative, Vincent and Vladic
documentary filmmaker and National         gave the audience a timeline for the
Geographic historian. As a child, she      Indianapolis, from the initial attack

                                           »Dale Brown The Kremlin Strike

                                                     he beautiful San Francisco Saturday afternoon of 10 August saw the
                                                     Marines’ Memorial hosting Dale Brown to discuss both his books and
                                                     his experiences as an author. The moderator for this event was Lieuten-
                                                     ant Colonel Jeff Tice, USAF (Ret.), who serves on the Board of Directors
                                                     of our Association.
                                               To an audience of 25, Dale described both his early career as a navigator in
                                           the US Air Force flying in B-52s and F-111s during the Cold War, and his early
                                           desire to apply some of his experiences in writing non-fiction. Overcoming early
                                           rejection and working with a literary agent eventually led to a string of successes
                                           for his now 30+ books, including over a dozen best sellers. A full-time writer,
                                           Dale shared advice on manuscript production, along with the particular lessons
                                           learned that he applies to his disciplined approach to writing. His most recent
                                           book, The Kremlin Strike, is available on Amazon.

 14   CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Fall 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG


            ne of the most forgotten                                         the technical details of the air war, including
            stories of “The Forgotten                                        descriptions of both the B-29 and MIG-15, and
            War” in Korea is that of                                         how their performance compared during the
            its greatest aerial battle.                                      air offensive. And for the first time, the massive
            On 23 October 1951, a for-                                       clandestine deployment of Soviet troops in Man-
mation of nine B-29s from the 307th                                          churia and North Korea is revealed. Among the
Bombardment Wing took off from                                               Red Army formations sent there were radar early
Okinawa on a daylight mission to                                             warning units and electronic warfare special-
strike a newly constructed North Ko-                                         ists, as well as numerous anti-aircraft batteries.
rean airfield near the town of Namsi.                                        The broader perspective of the air war is also
The air battle which followed ended                                          covered, especially concerning the frustration
with six bombers being shot down or                                          that the B-29 crews and MIG pilots felt about the
severely damaged by Soviet-piloted                                           chafing restrictions that were in effect on both
MIG-15 jet fighters. What transpired                                         sides throughout the the air war.
can best be described as a disaster of                                           This volume fills a void that has long been
such catastrophic proportions that                                           neglected in the history of the Korean Conflict.
the story was deliberately down-                                             Overall, the account is quite readable, well-ref-
played by the Air Force and other authorities. Indeed,   erenced, and illustrated with many rare photographs. Its greatest
this important event is still mentioned only in pass-    strength comes from the book’s author’s own personal narrative.
ing by official histories of the period.                 As someone who was himself a Korean War B-29 pilot, Colonel
    After many years of diligent research, retired Air   McGill is able to bring the reader closer to the actual experience of
Force Lieutenant Colonel Earl J. McGill has pieced       flying these most perilous combat missions.
together the true story of what has been called the          It has been said that the best histories are those that, from many
“Black Tuesday” of the Korean air war. This contro-      sources, capture the shadow of the real truth of what happened.
versial action experienced the highest loss rate of          Black Tuesday Over Namsi definitely qualifies as one of these.
any bombing mission in US history. It also irrevo-
cably affected the entire Korean air war, forcing the    Reviewed by John F. Davies, 1st Lieutenant, USMC 1977-1985
cessation of daylight B-29 missions and making
them operate exclusively at night. The mission itself
is uniquely and refreshingly recounted from the
point of view of both the American bomber crews                         READ THIS!
and the Russian fighter pilots who flew against them.
    Shockingly, the Korean War B-29 effort was in
                                                                        BOOKS WE RECOMMEND
many respects a “poor man’s” aerial campaign. Air-
crews had to deal not just with enemy flak and fight-         Leaders: Myth and Reality by GEN Stanley McChrystal
ers, but with chronic aircraft malfunctions as well.          Indianapolis by Lynn Vincent and Sarah Vladic
Many of the B-29s had recently been reactivated from
aircraft boneyards, and suffered from many unexpect-          The First Conspiracy: The Secret Plot to Kill George
ed defects. Essential equipment such as flight suits          Washington by Brad Meltzer and Josh Mensch
were often in short supply, and living conditions at
                                                              The Mueller Report published by The Washington Post
bases on Okinawa and elsewhere were quite Spartan.
Even flight lunches would sometimes consist of ined-          The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better
ible C-Rations left over from World War II.                   Angels by Jon Meacham
    Colonel McGill puts great effort into discussing

                                DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association                  15
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            Dress code: Business Casual. Gentlemen are to remove their covers.

                                                          Leatherneck     LOUNGE

                                                     members only happy hour
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      CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Summer 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG
Outstanding Employees Receive Recognition

               e are proud to present the Marines’
               Memorial’s Eagle of the Quarter (4th                   Kudos to these employees,
               Quarter 2018/19), Eagles of the Year and
                                                                      our newest Soaring Eagles.
               STAR Manager of the Year. Each of these
               employees goes above and beyond every
                                                                       Marina Benedith (Housekeeping)
day to support their departments, their fellow employees
                                                                        Odyli Benedith (Housekeeping)
throughout the Club, and, of course, our members. Their
                                                                     Vilma Ferrer Nangca (Housekeeping)
dedication and hard work are very much appreciated!
                                                                          Andy Suyatno (Restaurant)
                                                                        Myrna Villarin (Housekeeping)

EAGLE OF THE QUARTER                                                                                     M
                                                                                                               ORIAL F



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                                                                   ATTENTION MMA MEMBERS AND
                                                                   PATRIOT SUPPORTERS: You can now
                                                                   donate to Marines’ Memorial Foundation
                                                                   through the Combined Federal Campaign!
                                                                   Our designation code is 96408. Thank you
          STAR MANAGER
                                                                   for helping us honor the legacy of military
            OF THE YEAR
   Leatherneck Restaurant

                             DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association                              17
         YOUR SUPPORT!
MARINES’ MEMORIAL ASSOCIATION                                          Mr. Don Reid
                                                                       Mr. Frederick Smith
         501(c)(19) and MARINES’                                       LtGen Jan & Mrs. Patti Huly, USMC (Ret)
MEMORIAL FOUNDATION 501(c)(3)                                          CDR Richard Rosenberg, USN (Ret)
                                                      CIRCLE           Mr. Peter Kump
   acknowledge these individuals,
                                                                       MCPO William Moss, USN (Ret)
 foundations and corporations for                                      Mr. David Schricker
                                                                       Mr. Ronald Tipps
their generous donations between                 Welcomes              Col Frank C. Koranda, USAF (Ret)
  1 August 2018 and 1 August 2019.                these                Mrs. Donice Pancost
   Donations of $500 or more are                 members               Mrs. Rafael Kastl
                                                                       Mr. Paul “Lew” Davies, III
listed, but our thanks extend to all
                                                                       Dr. Richard & Mrs. Susan Braun
  of those who made a gift of any                                      Mr. & Mrs. J. Barrie & Julianna Graham
                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. James & Linda Hammer
    amount, as every gift makes a
                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Richard & Dail Hartnack
     difference! We apologize for                                      LtCol Michael & Mrs. Donna Houston, USAF (Ret)
  any errors or omissions we have                                      Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Bonnie Leach
                                                                       Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Maureen Logan
made. Please email corrections to                                      1stLt John W. Keker, USMC (Ret)

  THREE STAR CONTRIBUTORS \ $25,000+       ONE STAR CONTRIBUTORS \ $5,000+          COL Frederick T. Barrett, USA (Ret.)
  Mr. & Mrs. James & Linda Hammer          Col & Mrs. Ralph & Catherine Anthe-      Mrs. Marie C. Beauchamp
  Mr. Peter E. Kump                        nien, USAF (Ret)                         1LT Robert B. Beim, USA (Ret.)
  Land of the Free Foundation              Mr. Henry C. Baker                       Col Paul A. Bergerot, USAF (Ret)
  Mr. Frederick W. Smith                   Blue Star Moms, East Bay Chapter #101    Mr. Richard Bertea
  Mrs. Geraldine J. Yorkis                 Mr. Michael Clarke                       CAPT William E. Best, USNR (Ret.)
                                           George & Germaine Fusenot                Hon. Victor Bianchini
  TWO STAR CONTRIBUTORS \ $10,000+           Charity Foundation                     RADM Roger E. Box, USN (Ret.)
  Bellevue Foundation                      John & Linda MacDonald Foundation        Col John V. Brennan, USMC (Ret)
  Dr. Richard & Mrs. Susan Braun           Col Frank C. Koranda, USAF (Ret)         CAPT Robert O Brockmeier, USN (Ret.)
  Mr. Paul L. Davies, III                  Mrs. Colleen Cottrell-Lawrence           SGM & Mrs. David & Liz Budek, USA
  LtCol Rosemarie Grablewski, USAF (Ret)   Mr. & Mrs. Walter & Bonnie Leach         Mr. Thomas W. Callinan
  Mr. J. Barrie & Mrs. Julianna Graham     LtCol David D Lindsey, USAF (Ret)        COL Ann M. Campbell, USA (Ret.)
  Mr. Richard C. Hartnack                  BrigGen & Mrs. Michael & Jan Neil,       1stLt David O. Carter, USMC (Ret)
  LtCol Michael H. Houston, USAF (Ret)       USMC (Ret)                             LtCol William F. Cashel, USAF (Ret)
  LtGen & Mrs. Jan & Patricia Huly,        Mr. Daniel R. O’Connor                   LtCol Joseph M. Cavanagh, USMC (Ret)
    USMC (Ret)                             Gen Peter Pace, USMC (Ret)               Ms. Helen H. Chandler
  Mrs. Rafael J. Kastl                     Mr. Douglas C. Porter                    CWO William M. Chionsini, USMC (Ret)
  1stLt John W. Keker, USMC (Ret)          Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & JoAnn Prescott       Mr. Roy B. Christensen
  Capt Arthur K. Lund, USMC (Ret)          Mr. Richard L. Russell                   Mr. Ted A. Class
  Mr. George A. Mealey                     Sentinels of Freedom Scholarship         LtCol John Clatworthy, USMC (Ret)
  MCPO William E. Moss, USN (Ret.)           Foundation                             Mr. & Mrs. Russell & Pat Clough
  Mrs. Donice B. Pancost                   Mr. Sumter L. Travers, Jr.               Col Howell D. Cobb, USAF (Ret)
  COL & Mrs. Merlyn & Gail Pugh,           Mr. Edmund L. Vollmer                    CAPT Robert J. Cole, USN (Ret.)
    USA (Ret)                              Mr. Norman Walker                        Mr. Stephen P. Columbia
  Mr. Don F. Reid                                                                   Mr. Charles A. Compton
  Mr. Dennis W. Robbins                    GRAND CONTRIBUTORS \ $1,000+             Mr. Richard L. Conniff
  CDR Richard M. Rosenberg, USN (Ret.)     Maj Robert L. Altick, USMC (Ret)         Col Winchell M. Craig, Jr., USMC (Ret)
  Mr. & Mrs. Dave & Jeri Schricker         Mr. Joseph T. Arton                      Dr. Francis M. Crnkovich
  Sing for America Foundation              Mr. & Mrs. John J. & Merritt S. Atwood   CWO Merlin W. Davis, USCG (Ret.)
  Mr. Stephen R. Stepler &                 Mr. Omar Aviles                          Col Stephen M. Day, USMC (Ret)
    Mrs. Susan M. Scarritt                 CDR Ronald L. Barela, USCG (Ret.)
  Mr. & Mrs. Ronald & Julie Tipps          Maj Ed D. Baker, USMC (Ret)                           continues on page 20

    18   CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Fall 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG
                                                    One-time cash gifts are just one
                                                    way to support Marines’ Memorial.

  PLANNED GIVING                           RECURRING                         WORKPLACE

The decisions you make               A monthly commitment,              Many employers will
for the future profoundly            no matter the size, is             match their employees'
impact the services we               about carrying on a legacy         contributions to Marines’
provide, ensuring the                of honor and courage.              Memorial Foundation. To
sacrifices of our country’s                                             find out if your company
bravest are not forgotten.                                              has a matching gift policy,
No gift is too small; each           STOCKS/SECURITIES                  contact your Human
gift makes a difference.                                                Resources Department.
                                     Stocks, bonds, and other
                                     securities are a great
    CORPORATE                        alternative to traditional           DONOR ADVISED
   SPONSORSHIPS                      charitable contributions.               FUNDS

Corporate partners of all                                               A donor-advised fund
sizes enjoy a unique op-                  QUALIFIED                     allows you to combine
portunity to support our                 CHARITABLE                     the most favorable tax
mission. We tailor giving               DISTRIBUTIONS                   benefits with the flexibility
programs that achieve                                                   to support the causes you
your philanthropic goals,            This tax-savvy strategy            care about. Ask your
promote a positive                   allows you to transfer up          financial advisor about
corporate image, build               to $100,000 per year from          granting funds from your
employee morale, and                 your IRA to a qualified            DAF to the Marines’
engage consumers in a                charity like the Marines’          Memorial Foundation
cause they care about.               Memorial.                          over time.

                              Living Memorial Displays throughout Marines’ Memorial Club |
 COMMEMORATE                  Commemorative Events honoring veterans of military campaigns from
                              WWII to the present | Memorial Day and Veterans Day Programs

                              George P. Shultz Lecture Series | Meet the Author | Leadership Les-
     EDUCATE                  sons Learned | Speaker Events covering topics of current, historical,
                              military, and national security interest

                              Annual Gold Star Parents Honor and Remembrance Event | College
       SERVE                  Scholarship Program | Free Membership and Subsidized Room Rates
                              for Active Duty | Care Packages

                      DONATE: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG/WAYS-TO-GIVE \ Marines’ Memorial Association          19
CAPT Dwight E. Denson, USN (Ret.)          Dr. Peter C. Kelly                      Mr. James R. O’Brien
Mr. Jon A. Dickson                         Mrs. Virginia Kennedy                   Mr. Kevin O’Brien
Mrs. Victoria E. Donald                    CAPT Adrian R. King                     LCDR Joel R. O’Driscoll, USN
Mr. John M. Doordan                        Mr. Morton Kirsch                       Maj Edward M O’Shaughnessy, Jr.,
Mr. Robert M. Dowd                         Mrs. Sandra Klemmer                       USMC (Ret)
Mr. Joseph F. Dox                          Dr. William Koenig                      Mr. & Mrs. Don & Kathryn Ozenbaugh
Mr. Joseph L. Driscoll                     Mrs. Deborah W. La Gorce                Mr. & Mrs. Peter & Lynda Paffrath
Col Margo L. Duckett, USAF (Ret)           Mrs. Anne L. Lantry                     Mr. & Mrs. Charles & Diane Paskerian
VADM Michael J. Dumont, USN                Mrs. Michelle R. Lavigne                Mrs. Dianne C. Paulson
Mr. Robert J. Edwards                      Mr. David Tapp Le Fevre                 Col Daniel P. Pender, USMC (Ret)
Mr. & Mrs. George & Bobbie Farinsky        Mr. & Mrs. John & Linda Leach           Mr. Raymond F. Pentz
LtCol Oliver C. Field, USAF (Ret)          Mr. & Mrs. Russell & Linda Leach        LtCol Marshall L. Phillips, USMC (Ret)
Mr. & Mrs. Alan & Susan Fishleder          CPT Lesley R. Lederer, USA (Ret.)       MSgt Herbert L. Plannette, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Frank M. Fischer                       Mr. Robert L. Lockwood                  Mrs. Glenda J. Policastro
Mr. Charles T. Fitch                       Mr. & Mrs. Mark & Maureen Logan         Dr. Michael Pollay
Col & Mrs. Ray & Julia Fitch, USAF (Ret)   Mr. & Mrs. Michael & Mary Lubin         Mr. & Mrs. David & Emily Pottruck
Mr. Richard L. Fraioli                     Dr. Jason P. Lujan                      Mrs. Sherry L. Raffanti
Mrs. Anne W. Franklin                      MajGen Bertie D. Lynch, USMC (Ret)      Col Albert J. Ransom, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Joseph S. Franzia                      Mr. Patrick P. Lynch                    COL Frederick S. Regel, USA
Capt John K. French, USMC (Ret)            Mr. John T. Lyons                       CAPT Boyd F. Repsher, USN (Ret.)
Mr. Jordan French                          SgtMaj Douglas C. Lyvere, USMC (Ret)    Dr. Leonard M. Riggs
Col Jack T. Garcia, USMC (Ret)             Mr. Robert M. Mahr                      Mr. Kenneth L. Riner
Mrs. Grace Glasgow                         CAPT Elgene G. Mainous, USN (Ret.)      Mrs. Sally O. Rix
Mr. & Mrs. Louis & Madeleine Gonzalez      LT Ron E. Marquart, USN (Ret.)          Maj Charles E. Roell, USMC (Ret)
Mr. Kevin Graves                           GEN Stanley A. McChrystal, USA (Ret.)   Mr. James W. Roth
Mrs. Evelyn B. Gray                        Mr. David M. Mc Donald                  Mr. & Mrs. Steven & Ella Fritz Ruud
Mr. Cyrus R. Griffin                       Mr. Timothy B. McGrath                  SAME - San Francisco Post
CAPT Michael D. Grulli, USN (Ret.)         Col John C. & Mrs. Margo McKay,         CAPT John B. Sandknop, USN (Ret.)
Col David R. Hafermann, USAF (Ret)           USMC (Ret)                            Mr. Robert A. Scheel
Col Lee V. Heldt, USAF (Ret)               Sgt Robert F. McKeon, USMC (Ret.)       Col Byron T. Schenn, USMC (Ret)
Ms. Linda Hibbs                            CAPT Michael P. McMahon, USN (Ret.)     Ms. Mary L. Schleicher
LTC Frank J. Hill, USA (Ret.)              Mr. & Mrs. Samuel & Pamela McReynolds   Ms. Delia W. Schmedding
Maj John R. Hazlett, USAF (Ret)            Mr. Jesse D. Medlen                     Col Ronald W. Schmid, USMC (Ret)
Mrs. Jean W. Horan                         CAPT Charles L. Meylan, CEC,            Mr. Mahlon C. Schneider
CAPT James D. Huck, USN (Ret.)               USN (Ret.)                            Mrs. Kathleen Schoening
LT Eric P. Imhof, USCG (Ret.)              Dr. Gregory N. Miller                   LtCol Norman L. Schoening, USAF (Ret)
Mr. Kelly K. Jay                           Mr. Samuel V. Miller                    Mr. Robert W. Shaw II
LtGen Robert B. Johnston, USMC (Ret)       Mr. Mal Mixon                           Hon. George P. Shultz
Mr. Robert E. Joyce, Jr.                   Mr. & Mrs. Clint & Gail Moffitt         Mr. Rodney K. Smallwood
Maj Neil R. Justice, USMC (Ret)            Mr. Earl D. Moor                        Ms. Debra A. Smith
Sgt Edward E. Kallgren, USMC (Ret)         Capt Jess Moore, USMC (Ret)             Some Gave All, The Joey Graves
Mr. Robert M. Kanze                        LtCol R. R. Mulder, USAF (Ret)            Foundation
CAPT Marjorie Katin, USN (Ret.)            Mr. Roberto Mustacchi                   Dr. William D. Steeves, Jr.,
Mr. Steven L. Kaverman                     Nexus Direct                              Capt USMC (Ret.)
COL Richard A. Keller, USA (Ret.)          Mr. John P. Nora                        Dr. Michael D. Stenberg
Mr. Jay Kelly                              Col Laurance S Nowak, USMC (Ret)        The Steve Synder & Faye Orton Sny-
                                                                                   der Charitable Fund
                                                                                   MajGen John T. Stihl, USAF (Ret)
                                                                                   Capt Arch Y. Stokes, USMC (Ret)
                                                                                   CAPT John P. Strebel, USNR (Ret.)
                                                                                   Mr. & Mrs. Gerald & Judith Sullivan
                                       Mr. Walter & Mrs. Bonnie Leach              Chaplain John A. Swanson, USCG
                                       MSgt Lloyd E. Smith, USAF (Ret)             Ms. Shirley Swanson
                                       CAPT Leslie Dunlap, USN                     Ms. Roberta Taylor
                                                                                   Mr. & Mrs. Thomas & Dayna Taylor
                                       LtCol William Cashel, USAF (Ret)            The Villicana Foundation
                                       Mr. Michael Allen                           Theatrical Stage Employees,
                                       Mr. J. Barrie & Mrs. Julianna Graham          Union Local 16
       Legacy Giving                                                               LtCol & Mrs. Jeff & Rose Tice,
                                       Mr. Don Reid
          Society                                                                    USAF (Ret)
                                                                                   Mrs. Caroline A. Timlin
                                                                                   Mr. John L. Tormey

  20   CROSSROADS of the Corps \ Fall 2019 \ JOIN: MARINESMEMORIAL.ORG
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