Libya as a Transatlantic Litmus Test for European Strategic Autonomy

Page created by Judith Schneider
Libya as a Transatlantic Litmus Test
© 2021 IAI

                                            for European Strategic Autonomy
                                            by Silvia Colombo and Dario Cristiani
ISSN 2532-6570

                                            The swearing in of Libya’s Government             scheduled for 24 December 2021 is the
                                            of National Unity (GNU) on 15 March               most important goal (and technically
                                            2021 represented a crucial moment in              the end of the GNU’s mandate); a crucial
                                            the country’s recent history. While a             passage that will define Libya’s destiny
                                            number of formidable challenges loom              for years to come.
                                            on the horizon,1 the emergence of a
                                            new and united government represents              In parallel to reaching that goal, a
                                            a breakthrough whose importance                   number of interlinked challenges also
                                            cannot be underestimated in light of the          need to be overcome, including:
                                            legacy of fragmentation and rivalry that          • Strengthening and overseeing the
                                            has characterised the Libyan transition           implementation of the permanent
                                            since at least 2014. Libya is indeed              ceasefire reached on 23 October 2020,
                                            entering a new phase.                             particularly with regards to the departure
                                                                                              of all foreign fighters and mercenaries
                                            In this context, the priorities of the            that endanger Libya’s sovereignty as

                                            new executive will focus on “providing            well as that of neighbouring countries.
                                            good public services to citizens and              This latter dimension was demonstrated
                                            pav[ing] the way for general elections            recently by the sudden death of Chad’s
                                            and national reconciliation”.2 Indeed,            President, Idriss Déby Itno.3
                                            leading the country to the elections
                                                                                                Idriss Déby Itno was Chad’s President from
                                                                                              1990. Re-elected for a sixth term in the 2021
                                              “Libya Power Brokers Welcome Accord but         presidential elections, he died on 20 April after
                                            Challenges Lie Ahead”, in Reuters, 6 February     being mortally wounded as he visited Chadian
                                            2021,                    troops on the front lines facing the rebel group
                                              “Menfi Says Libya’s GNU Priority Is             Front for Change and Concord in Chad (Front
                                            Reconciliation and Public Services”, in The       pour l’alternance et la concorde au Tchad). The
                                            Libya Observer, 15 March 2021, https://www.       group launched an attack on Chad from Libya,
                                                        where they have been for years as they were part

                                            Silvia Colombo is Senior Fellow in the Mediterranean and Middle East Programme at
                                            the Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI). Dario Cristiani is the IAI/GMF Senior Fellow at the
                                            German Marshall Fund of the United States, based in Washington.
Libya as a Transatlantic Litmus Test for European Strategic Autonomy

                                            • Launching and sustaining the national              for Libya in which European countries
                                            reconciliation process.                              and the EU might have a greater
                                            • Addressing socio-economic problems,                influence, provided they make good use
                                            including the chronic lack of electricity            of the partially new international and
                                            and other primary services.                          regional contexts in which these Libyan
                                            • Facilitating the reunification of Libya’s          dynamics have unfolded.
© 2021 IAI

                                            key economic and financial institutions.
                                                                                                 Libya as a litmus test for transatlantic
                                            Notwithstanding the proactive and                    cooperation
                                            positive role that the United Nations,
                                            in particular the former Acting Special              The new administration in Washington
                                            Representative of the Secretary-General,             has brought about a number of important
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                                            Stephanie Williams, played in seizing                changes in the international context.
                                            the momentum by launching the Libyan                 The United Stated historically displayed
                                            Political Dialogue Forum (LPDF), recent              little interest in engaging Libya.
                                            developments would not have happened                 Washington reluctantly joined the war
                                            without the military defeat of Khalifa               against Qadhafi in 2011.4 The horrible
                                            Haftar. Haftar’s advance on Tripoli                  killing of US Ambassador Christopher
                                            was halted in June 2020 by a Turkish                 Stevens in Benghazi in September
                                            military intervention, which paved the               2012 further reduced Washington’s
                                            way for a ceasefire and generated the                appetite for involvement in the Libyan
                                            needed momentum to push the political                quagmire. The United States has long
                                            dialogue forward.                                    seen the country through the lens of
                                                                                                 counter-terrorism and energy security.
                                            Against this backdrop, European                      More recently, Russia’s mounting
                                            countries and the European Union                     influence also represented a concern,
                                            only played a marginal role given                    but not to the extent to trigger a direct
                                            their inability, or unwillingness, to                intervention.
                                            intervene in a context in which military
                                            means mattered more than diplomatic                  In recent months, President Biden made

                                            negotiations and where other countries               clear that his priorities lie elsewhere.
                                            – Turkey, but also Russia and the United             As such, it is unlikely that the United
                                            Arab Emirates (UAE) – were calling the               States will devote significant energies
                                            shots. However, the Turkish military                 and resources to take a lead role on this
                                            intervention and the recently installed              dossier. Still, the mere shift in attitude
                                            GNU have now opened a new chapter                    concerning the US presence in the
                                                                                                 world, epitomised by the President’s
                                            of the mercenaries fighting alongside Khalifa        mantra “America is Back. Diplomacy
                                            Haftar. Mathieu Olivier and Vincent Duhem,           is back”, might be enough for a partial
                                            “Tchad: les dernières heures du président            change.
                                            Idriss Déby”, in Jeune Afrique, 20 April 2021,
                                            exclusif-idriss-deby-itno-les-dernieres-heures-du-     Ben Fishman, “United States: Reluctant
                                            president-marechal-tchadien; Edward Mcallister       Engagement”, in Karim Mezran and Arturo
                                            and David Lewis, “Explainer: Who Are the             Varvelli (eds), Foreign Actors in Libya’s Crisis,
                                            Rebels Threatening to Take Chad’s Capital?”, in      Milan, Ledizioni, 2017, p. 91-109, https://www.
                                            Reuters, 21 April 2021,

Libya as a Transatlantic Litmus Test for European Strategic Autonomy

                                                                                             seven years7 – should not be missed
                                            Concretely, the new administration has           by the Europeans as an opportunity to
                                            hit the reset button in Libya and, while         carve out a more robust role.
                                            Washington has no intention to lead
                                            the diplomatic game, it is nevertheless          All this points to the fact that Libya might
                                            keener on consistently supporting                be the context in which Europeans can
© 2021 IAI

                                            negotiated solutions acceptable to               start putting their strategic autonomy
                                            Libyans.5    Against    this    backdrop,        ambition to a test and, if successful,
                                            Washington would have a formidable               send a powerful message to Washington
                                            interest in not only supporting the              too: a stronger and more autonomous
                                            ongoing     political   transition,   but        EU should be seen as an opportunity,
                                            also in seeing more active European              not as a potential problem, by the US
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                                            engagement.                                      administration.

                                            Actors with a stake in Libya recognise           A new European approach to Libya:
                                            that the GNU represents a step in the            From words to action?
                                            right direction, in spite of the significant
                                            challenges ahead. While the GNU might            The ball is now in Europe’s court and
                                            not have the legitimacy and the capacity         the opportunity should not be missed.
                                            to push foreign actors into a corner,            To dispel any doubts, it is clear that
                                            let alone ensure the withdrawal of all           European foreign policy suffers from
                                            foreign fighters or to deal with the issues      a number of shortcomings mostly
                                            related to the militias, it is still regarded    related to the lack of cohesion and
                                            as the only game in town by Turkey,              coherence. Often, member states
                                            Egypt, Russia, the UAE and all the other         conduct their own independent foreign
                                            potential spoilers of the process.6              policies and pursue their parochial
                                                                                             interests with little or no coordination
                                            While in the past months their growing           and     consistency,     notwithstanding
                                            influence in Libya represented, at the           the empty and recursive statements
                                            same time, a defeat and a wake-up                of common approaches. For example,

                                            call for Europeans, the extent to which          major disagreements and also open
                                            Ankara, Cairo, Moscow and Abu Dhabi              competition have been prevalent
                                            are now displaying “strategic patience”          between France and Italy – epitomised
                                            – with rumours of a growing potential            by the mutual attempts to exclude one
                                            rapprochement between Turkey and                 another in the Paris Libya Conference of
                                            Egypt after a standoff that lasted for over      2017 and the Palermo Libya Conference
                                                                                             of 2018 –, with Germany ultimately
                                                                                             trying its own way by convening the
                                                                                             Berlin Conference in January 2020.
                                              Karim Mezran, “The Biden Administration
                                            May Have Hit the Reset Button in Libya”, in
                                            MENASource, 18 February 2021, https://www.
                                            6                                                7
                                              Karim Mezran and Tahani Elmogrbi, “The End       H.A. Hellyer and Ziya Meral, “Will the Page
                                            of Libya’s Nightmare or the Beginning of a New   Turn on Turkish-Egyptian Relations?”, in
                                            One?”, in MENASource, 2 April 2021, https://     Carnegie Commentaries, 21 March 2021, https://

Libya as a Transatlantic Litmus Test for European Strategic Autonomy

                                            However, on closer inspection, divisions             But this is not enough. The next months
                                            have not been the major problem lately.              will be crucial as no similar opportunity
                                            On the contrary, the challenge rests with            will be offered again – to Libya as well
                                            a certain European unity in inaction.8               as to the international community –
                                            European foreign policy making on                    if the GNU fails. Thus, it is of utmost
                                            Libya, by the member states as well as by            importance that European leaders also
© 2021 IAI

                                            the EU, has been too cautious, passive               turn a page in Libya – as the United
                                            and erratic. On the one hand, Europeans              States has done – and start being more
                                            have taken a backseat while others, i.e.             concrete, constructive and, above all,
                                            Turkey and Russia, have stepped up                   proactive before it is too late.
                                            their involvement, thus further reducing
                                            Paris, Rome or Berlin’s leverage. On                 This should happen even before the
ISSN 2532-6570

                                            the other, they have mulled the self-                European common house, also in
                                            indulgent thought that they have played              foreign policy terms, is put in order.
                                            a meaningful role in breaking the                    The cost of not doing this is too high
                                            prolonged impasse in the negotiations                as pitfalls and obstacles to a successful
                                            that led to the ceasefire and the present            political transition in Libya – not to
                                            GNU.9 This approach contrasts strikingly             mention the economic challenges – are
                                            with the actual evolution of reality on              still daunting.11 It is thus really not the
                                            the ground.                                          moment to “sit back and relax”, thinking
                                                                                                 that the birth of the GNU is enough.
                                            Europe’s poor record on Libya is
                                            contrasted with the stream of visits,                On the contrary, Europeans should keep
                                            declarations     of     support,     photo           up – or even increase – the pressure
                                            opportunities,      pledges     (financial,          over the new authorities so that they
                                            political and institutional, such as the             remain committed to the tasks they
                                            one concerning the return of the EU                  have set to accomplish the transition
                                            Ambassador to the Libyan capital at the              goals. In parallel, full support should be
                                            end of April), investment plans (some of             provided first and foremost in the form
                                            which have been taken off the shelves                of technical expertise, training and the

                                            after more than a decade) that have                  sharing of best practices with regard
                                            brought European leaders, policy makers              to the sequencing of the constitutional
                                            and private sector representatives to                process and the elections, and their
                                            Libya since 15 March 2021.10                         implementation according to the
                                                                                                 original timetable and roadmap on the
                                               Nathalie Tocci et al., “From Tectonic Shifts to
                                                                                                 basis of consensual electoral procedures,
                                            Winds of Change in North Africa and the Middle       as the EU has already done in the case
                                            East: Europe’s Role”, in IAI Papers, No. 21|12       of other countries in the region, e.g.,
                                            (March 2021),
                                               Dario Cristiani and Karim Mezran, “Europe
                                            Should Not Delude Itself on Libya”, in
                                            EUobserver, 1 April 2021, https://euobserver.
                                            com/opinion/151417.                                  elections-ec9730f5695db79c3fc038a74c53a213.
                                            10                                                   11
                                               Noha Elhennawy, “EU Top Diplomats in Libya           Tarek Megerisi, “Libya Crisis: The Unity
                                            to Support Interim Authorities”, in AP News,         Government’s Success Hides Serious Dangers
                                            25 March 2021,           Ahead”, in Middle East Eye, 13 April 2021, https://

Libya as a Transatlantic Litmus Test for European Strategic Autonomy

                                            Secondly, Europeans should be aware           tough monitoring on the crucial issues
                                            that sustaining the ceasefire is the pre-     of political, economic and institutional
                                            condition for political transition. In this   transition, as well as the security and
                                            regard, they should work together with        migration domains.
                                            the 5+5 Military Committee to monitor
                                            the security situation and come up with       In conclusion, European credibility
© 2021 IAI

                                            a realistic schedule and plan as far as       and leverage in foreign policy would
                                            the disarmament, demobilisation, and          suffer a tremendous blow, were words
                                            reintegration of militias is concerned,       not followed by meaningful action. If
                                            which does not appear as a feasible           Europeans start playing seriously on
                                            immediate goal. On this dossier, there        Libya, they could score important points
                                            is now the possibility and the need to        in three interlinked matches. Firstly, they
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                                            re-engage Egypt pragmatically, while          would boost their strategic autonomy
                                            still keeping key principles and values at    also in foreign policy, thus providing
                                            the forefront of the bilateral cooperation    more coherence and consistency to
                                            with Cairo.                                   their common external action than it is
                                                                                          the case today.
                                            Thirdly, migration is another dossier that
                                            deserves to be actively pursued in this       Secondly, they would strengthen
                                            renewed European focus. It is a poisoning     transatlantic ties by showing that the
                                            issue. European leaders continue to           US can safely leave the ball in the EU’s
                                            close both eyes, beyond its securitised       court, provided Brussels does not
                                            and dysfunctional management, but it          let others steal it as has happened in
                                            is something that stands very acutely         the recent past. Thirdly, they would
                                            on the list of priorities of the new          send a strong message about the real
                                            Libyan leadership, particularly when it       intentions of the EU’s Mediterranean
                                            comes to the country’s porous southern        engagement to those countries that
                                            border. Stepping up the EU Border             are creating troubles trying to foment
                                            Assistance Mission (EUBAM) in Libya,          internal divisions (Turkey, Russia); are
                                            while starting to discuss incentives,         backsliding on political opening and

                                            opportunities and channels for regular,       human rights despite European support
                                            circular mobility between Libya and           (Morocco) or feel abandoned by the EU
                                            Europe would be important actions to          (Tunisia).
                                            pursue and a tangible sign of the new
                                            approach offered to Libyans.                  Only by taking some risks and acting on
                                                                                          Libya will Europeans be able to capitalise
                                            It is high time for the EU and the            on the partially new international and
                                            member states to demonstrate they             regional contexts and safely navigate
                                            can do more than simply cherishing            the winds of change that are blowing
                                            the creation of the new government            across the Mediterranean.
                                            and seeking “a place in the sun” by
                                            engaging in the display of optimism,
                                            good intensions and generous pledges.                                      28 April 2021
                                            The new European approach should
                                            instead consist of concrete actions and

Libya as a Transatlantic Litmus Test for European Strategic Autonomy

                                            Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI)
                                            The Istituto Affari Internazionali (IAI) is a private, independent non-profit think tank,
                                            founded in 1965 on the initiative of Altiero Spinelli. IAI seeks to promote awareness of
                                            international politics and to contribute to the advancement of European integration and
                                            multilateral cooperation. Its focus embraces topics of strategic relevance such as European
© 2021 IAI

                                            integration, security and defence, international economics and global governance, energy,
                                            climate and Italian foreign policy; as well as the dynamics of cooperation and conflict in key
                                            geographical regions such as the Mediterranean and Middle East, Asia, Eurasia, Africa and
                                            the Americas. IAI publishes an English-language quarterly (The International Spectator),
                                            an online webzine (Affarinternazionali), three book series (Global Politics and Security,
                                            Quaderni IAI and IAI Research Studies) and some papers’ series related to IAI research
                                            projects (Documenti IAI, IAI Papers, etc.).
ISSN 2532-6570

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